NORWICH BULLETIN- MONDAY, MAT 14, 1917 We Want You To Investigate This Wonderful Ofler We are saving you the difference from paying $50.00 to $100.00 elsewhere. OUR DE LUXE OUTFIT FOUR ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED Convenient Payments- $2.50 Weekly CeteT.lbit LAHN FURNITURE CO. LAHN- SEARS LAHN 74 MAIN STREET, - - NORWICH, CONN. TRAVELERS' DIRECTORY $1.25 To New York $1.25 CHELSEA LINE TO NEW YORK FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN NORWICH AND NEW YORK From Norwich Tuesdays. Thurs days, Sundays at 5 p. m. New York. Brooklyn Bridge, Pier. East River, toot Roosevelt Street. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri days at a p. m. Effective Oct. 15th. 1916. $1.25 F. V. KNOUSE, Agent $1.25 PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Robert J. Cochran? GAS FITTING, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING Washington Sq, Washington Building Norwich, Conn. Agent for N. B. O. Sheet Packing Phon MODERN PLUMBING ia as essential in modern house as electricty is to lighting. We guaran tee the very best PLUMBING WORK by expert workmen at the fairest us for plans and prices. J. F. TOMPKINS 67 West Main Street L F. BURNS Heatmg and Plumbing 92 Franklin Street IROFJ CASTS TJ OS FURNISHED PROMPTLY BY THE VAUGHN FOUNDRY CO No. 11 to 25 Ferry Street MEN! HAVE YOU SEEN ThePennSafeiy THE RAZOR WITH PERFECT BLADES Every one guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded Price $1.00 JOHN & GEO. H. BLISS THERE Is no advertising medium In Eastern Connecticut equal to The Bul letin for business resuns. Don't You Want Good Teeth? Case tha dread of tna dental chair causa you to ncgieet them? You aad have no feara. By our method you can have your teeth filled, trtwned or extracted ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN. CCTSIDER THESE OTHER FEATURES TRICTLY SANITARY OFFICE STERILIZED IN STR U IV. 2N TS CLEAN LINEN ASEPTIC DRINKING CUPS LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WITH BEST WORK If thaaa appeal to you. call for examination and estimate. N CRaaetja for conoultation. OR. F. C JACKSON i. J. CO VLB DENTISTS (Successor to ths King Dental Co.) 133 MAIN ST. A. M. to Lady Aalstant MOOSUP High School Seniors Give Varied and Pleasing Program Dance of Jolly Four Stars Win in Wauregan Game. An entertainment and social was given in the town hall. Central Vil lage, Friday evening, under the aus pices of the Senior class of Plainfleld Higs School, before a large audience whose appreciation was avvidenced by the generous applause. The farce. Double Crossed, was pre sented by the following, in a. most pleasolng manner: Irene Xightingale, Beatrice Lafrance, Eunice Xovak, Lawrence Burby and Roper Salisbury. A duet was finely rendered by Helen Gallup and Augus ta Krauss. The concluding portion of the entertainment. Living Songs in Living Pictures, was very tastefully arrang-ed and given. The songs and par's were as follows: Helen Phillips as Alice Ben Bolt; Arline Potvin as Raby Stuart; Miss ( nderdor.k as Mother Machree. The song was beautifully sung by Miss Bea trice Seguin. Cecile Ouinette as Age of Innocense. Miss Lafrance as the Rosary and sung by Miss Seguin. Miss H. Burby ?s the Camp Fire Girl: Ruth Potvin at Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose, sung by Mi.s Sesruin. Eunice Cook as Oli vine, Miss Willias as America, sung by all. The entire performance won many compliments for the work of all who took part and for Miss Bartlett who had charge of the coaching. Dance Well Attended. The dance given in Milner hall Sat urday evening under he auspices o! the Jolly Four, was a big success. Mu sic was furnished by the Ideal Sing ing orchestra of Webster. During the short intermission ice cream and soda was sold. A number of out of town people attended this dance. Defeated Wauregan. The Moosup Stars base ball team met the Wauregan nine on the 1atter"s grounds Saturday afternoon. Waure gan has a good team but failed to linndle the heavy hitting made by the Moosup boys. Because of the rainy weather the umpire shortened the game to six innings, the score being 16 to 5 in the Stars' favor. Brevities. Rev. W. C. Darby was in Boston on Saturday. Mrs. Pauline Chase and son. Ken neth, were in Norwich Saturday. John Sullivan was a Danielson call er Saturday afternoon. Miss Xettie Hall remains critical ill at her home on the Moosup Lake road. Teacher and Sunday School Class Hang May Basket at Methodist Par sonageRev. J. B. Lee, D. D to Ad dress Men's Club Birthday Surprise Party. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur IT. Withee were given a surprise Friday evening by the members of Mrs. Jabez Brooks' Sunday School class, which is compos ed of young ladies. Finding a large May basket. Mr. Withee put up a chase after the party. The teacher and class were invited into the parson age. Games were played. The young ladies had brought refreshments which were served. In the May basket were fruit, flowers and gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Withee and their infant daughter, Ida. The pastor and his wife were pleased not only with the gift, but al so with the frlendlinness shown them during the short time they have been in Mystic. Will Address Men's Club. Rev. A. F. Earnshaw has secured for the speaker at the annual banquet of the Men's club. Rev. J. Bevereridge Lee, D. D., the new pastor of the Second Congregational church. New London, whose subject will be. How Germany's NORWICH. CONN. 8 P. M. Telephone WESTERLY READY FOR DRAFT Town's Quota Under Probable Conditions State to Change Auto Registration Plates Annually High School Loses to Peace Dale, 7 to 8 John Geary Drowned at Stonington. Under the provisions of the selective draft act approximately 59,599 men residents of Rhode Island, between the ages of 21 to 30, inclusive, will enroll in accordance with the act. In order to simplify the task of the men who are to have charge of the actual en rollment Governor Beeckman will pro claim a school holiday on the day when the - young men must register, and the schoolhouses will be used as centres for the work. A large .per centage of thoso who are enrolled will not be subject to the draft on account of the exemptions for married men, those with dependent families or en gaged in occupations vital to the sus tenance or military efficiency of the army and navy. The details for filling the state's quo ta has not Jeeh worked out, but it is quite probable that each city and town will be called upon for a number equi valent to the percentage that the pop ulation bears to the population of the state, and that Rhode Island's quota will be from 3,000 to 5,000 men. In or der to obtain the percentage the pop ulation of the city or town is divided by the total population of the state which was 595.986 in 1915. -With the percentage fixed It is a comparatively simple matter to figure out the num ber of men from each city or town for any definite quota- Thus, if 3,000 men are called for multiply the percentage by 30 (one per cent, of the total quo ta) to find the number of men to be drafted. If 5,000 men are called mul tiply by 50. Under this plan Westerly with a population of 10,175, would have an enrollment of 1018, and under a 3,000 quota would furnish 51 men, and un der a 5,000 call S5 men. Hopkinton's call would be 12 and 21. Charlestown 4 and 7, Narragansett 7 and 12, North Kingstown 20 and 33, Richmond 7 and 12, South Kingstown 27 and 46. The quota of Providence would be 1250 and 20S9, Pawtucket 276 and 461, Newport 152 and 264, Central Falls US and 197, Cranston 135 and 225, Wonnsocket 200 and 334, West Greenwich 3 and 4. and so on throughout the state on the same basis. After many years Rhode Island is to fall into line and have changed au tomobile registration plates annually and along the progressive lins, the plates bearing the year numerals. Heretofore the plates bore the regis tration number and the initials R. I. and were of the same type year in and out. These new plates will be re quired on and after January 1, 1918. They will be made of open hearth steel and coated with elastic ?ieycle ena mel thoroughly baked. The background will be black with figures and letters white. The plates will be made in four sizes, automobile, truck, dealers and trailer being" 6x12, 6x10 and 6x8 inches, depending upon the number of numer als and letters to be carried. All mo torcycles and motorcycle side-car plates will be 4 1-2x8 inches. The registration numerals and let ters on the plates of 6 -inch height will be 3 1-2 inches high and have a stroke of one-half inch. The "R. I." and nu merals in the year date will be 1 1-4 inches high and will have a stroke of one-quarter inch. The larger numerals and letters on the motorcycle and the side-car .plates will be 2 1-2 inches high and will have a stroke of one-quarter inch. The "R. I." and year numerals will 'be 1 inch high with a one-eighth inch stroke. The pleasure car plates will carry only numerals to designate the regis tration number. Trucks, as at pres ent, will have the prefix "x" as now. Each dealer will have numbers with letter affixes for the drivers. The mo torcycle plate will be distinguished by a prefix "B" and the motorcycle side cars will have the prefix "K." The contract provides that tne sev eral sizes of plates shall be furnished at. the following .prices: 6x12 inches at 10 1-2 cents a plate; 6x10 inches at 10 cents a plate; 6x8 inches at 9 1-2 cents a plate, and the 4 1-2x8 inches at 8.8 cents a plate. Miscelalneous plates, that is, duplicates and extra plates, will cost 50 cents each. The first plates will be furnished to motorists free, but all replacements will be charged for at the rate of 50 cents .per plate. Owing to the increase in the cost of road construction, materials and labor, the state board of public roads for Rhode Island has rejected all bids for reconstruction work, the price of such work having increased $10,000 a mile over last year. The board will main tain the existing system of highways in the best manner possible. General repair work will be carried out dur ing the working season. It is the opinion of the board, that the roads of bituminous macadam construction and the best roads of waterbound ma cadam construction will be preventel from deterioration appreciably during the year. Orders have not been received as yet by the Rhode Island physicans who have received commission in the Unit ed States Medical Reserve Conps to report at the posts designated by the war department two weeks ago. The physicians awaiting orders are Drs. John Champlin of Westerly, Ira Hart Noyes, Harmon P. B. Jordan of Provi dence, Peter L. Keough, Charles U. Holt of Pawtucket and Charles S. Christie of Riverpoint. It Is probable that these physicians will not be or dered into, service until the selective draft is in operation, and it will be several months before they are ordered into actual service. In a baseball game of eleven innings the Westerly High school team was defeated Saturday afternon at Peace Soul Became Sodden, and the World's Crisis. Surprised by D. of H. Friends. Mrs. Emma Zappe of Industrial place was given a surprise party when about twenty-five frien.ds of Myra Douglas lodge, No. 19, D. of H., of Stonington, visited her Friday night, the date be ing her birthday. Games and danc ing and refreshments were enjoyed. Matters of Gossip. Mrs. John M. McGugan of Philadel phia has been at the Mystic Oral school the past week. Invitations are out for the celebra tion of the third birthday of Mys tic Rebekah lodge. No. 56, I. O. O. F., Friday evening. May 18. in Odd Fel lows' hall. Mrs. Hannah Clift is critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George A. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Jennings and two sons, George and Charles, of Nor wich, have been guests of Mrs. Jen nings' sister, Mrs. Justin W. Denison. Miss Lillian Miner of Providence is the gue.t of her parents. Rev. and Mrs. George H. Miner. Mrs. Rice and daughter. Mrs. Rufus Hall and Miss Blunt have returned to New York, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis. Floyd Fuller has left for Manchester, N.' H.. on a short visit. Dale, by the team of the South Kings ton High school, by a score of 8 to 7, the winning run being made by Wright on Tyler's hit to centre. The score: South Kin art oa ab It po Wettsrhr sb h E.Bojrt.Sh 1 5 Millor.lf SOS Wrlnht.e ( 2 CfiBXa 4 13 2 3 Ultort.p 5 2 1 Shaw, as 5 8 9 Oates.rf S 2 Decan.rf 12 Wllewt.s Fen Ion, e Moore. 3b Vj,3b Push, if Zerbarin.Sb 4 5 5 4 3 2 2 a l l l 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 Totals 45 13x32 It. 1 Tntala 41 I SI II T Score by innlnga (x) On out when winning run aoored. Smith Klnsatown 0501t 1 9 WnterlT 01S1 t Two baae bits. Hoyt, Bamea. Three baea hit. L. Bayt- Horn run, Moore. bit. Regan. Struck nut, by L. Host t; by Wilcox . First baae on balls, off Wilcox I. Umpire. Mc Ouinneas. - - - . . - Local Laconics. Mrs. Blandina Babcock, widow of General John H., who died In HopkJn ton, was buried Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Stonington cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. F. R. Sanford. s ' Rev. Clayton A. Burdiek conducted the funeral service ef Amos L. Bur dick at his home In High street Sat urday afternoon. Burial was In Oak Grove cemetery. The bearers were Wiiliam Pashley, Daniel Blake, Tyler Collins and Charles Larkin. John Cleary, of New London, a barge tender, was found drowned at Pendleton wharf, Stonington,, Satur day morning. He fell overboard while attempting to board the barge Jack Pot. He is survived, by his parents, two brothers and two sisters. Harry K. Cook, formerly of Westerly has tendered his resignation as super visor of recreation, in the city of New port. He has been ordered to report at the Reserve, officers' training camp, at Plattsburgh. The board declined to accept the resignation and granted Mr. Cook a furlough, and to keep the position open for him should he return to Newport. Four days after the federal con scription registration, the work of tak ing the military census off Rhode Is land will be commenced. There will be a house to house canvas by women enumerators, under the direction of the Rhode Island Branch of the Na tional League of Woman's Service. The committee appointed for Wash ington county are: Mrs. Thomas Per ry of Westerly, Mrs. Nathaniel R. Greene of Narragansett: Mrs. Charles Schlessinger of Chprlestown; Mrs. William H. Adams of Richmond. BALTIC Birthday Surprise Party and Gift for Lueien Delcour Large First Com munion Class at St. Mary's Church Methodist Church Observes Moth ers' Day. Henry Bellanger who underwent an operation at the Backus hospital, Nor wich, returns to business today (Mon day) greatly improved in health. -Surprised on Birthday. Saturday evening friends and rel atives assembled at the home of Lu eien Delcour and surprised him on his birthday. Mr. Delcour was presented a handsome gold watch and fob, the presentation was made by Fred Tal bot. He also received numerous oth er gifts. Vocal and instrumental so los were rendered during the even ing. Sandwiches, cake, ice cream fruit and coffee were served by Mrs. Notrebeart. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Talbot and daughters. Rose and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Fawe, Amedie Daile, Mr. and Mrs. Victor aDigle, of VVilliamsville, oCnn.; Mrs. Lillian Credit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ben oit and family, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Aime Sylvia, Providence; Mr. and Mrs. F. Larose and family, Woon socket; Mr. and Mrs. E. Daigle, Webster; Mr and Mrs. P. Boivier, Putnam; Emile Sorlin, Pascoag; Miss Geraldine Dillpeck, West Brooklfield; Eva Dugas, Horace Drew. Louis Stev en and Margaret Steven. An enjoy able evening was spent. Whist Nets $62.50. Rev. J. V. E. Bellanger announced Sunday that $62.60 was realized from the recent whist conducted by the Union St. Jean. Timothy Connerton spent the week end at his home in Providence. Alfred Peloquin of Newport is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Peloquin of Main Street. Dance With Novel Features. Sixty couples attended the dance given by the B. P. C. P. in the club house Saturday evening. Prof. Tink ham prompted for the square sets. Paul's orchestra furnished music Re freshments were served during the intermission. A novelty dance was in troduced by a Baltic young lady and a Taftville man. People were present from Norwich, Taftville, Willimantic and Jewett City. Floyd Tiffney passed the week end with friends in East Hampton. First Communion Class. At eight o'clock in St. Mary's church Sunday Rev. J. V. E. Bellanger administered first holy communion to the following: William Arseneault, Laurence Allard, Wilfred Bastien, Joseph Charron, Ernest Douville, Raymond Douville Alonzo Desautelle, Louis Deschamp, Leo Foisy , Walter Hussey, Leon Lessard, Stanislaus La croix, Charles Lay, Frank Miley, Em met Moran, Clayton Rood, Edward Sullivan, Joseph Vian, Henri Vian. Marie Bicknell, Gertrude Blain, Blanche Biamconi, Louise Case, Mary Dolan, Viola Dugas, Leona Harpin, Marie LLemieux,, Beatrice La Liberte, Ada Lacourciere, Verma Laforme, Rochelau, Loretta Stewart, Emelia Jeanette Noel, Stella Ptek, Zelma C. Simoneau, Catherine Talcomini. During the mass Father Bellanger spoke on Holy Communion. At four o'clock in the afternoon the members of the class were enrolled in the Scapular society. The acts of consecration to the Blessed Virgin were read in English by Walter Hus sey and in French by Vivian Des pathy. Vespers were sung by Rev. J. V. E. Bellanger. Four Join Society. Four new members were recently taken into the Children of Mary soci ety. Rev. Father Vital of the As sumption College at Worcester, ad dressed the members. The crowning of the stateue of the Blessed Virgin was by i Mild red Lay. The Crown placed upon a push cushion was car ried by Violet Leith, Amelia Charron, Evelyn Lacroix. In the solemn high vespers Father Vital was celebrant. Rev. J. V. E. Bellanger, deacon; Rev. Thomas Lynch, sub deacon. Mothers' Day Observed. Mothers' day was observed by the Congregation and the members of the different societies of the Baltic Meth odist Episcopal church. An eloquent sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Charles Smith. FAINS SHARP AND STABBING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Osrdensburer, Wis. "1 Buffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength so J. bad to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper ation but I would not listen to it. I j thought of what I nao reaa aooui juyoia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and tried it. The first bottle breuarht crest relief and - six bottles bare entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Etta Dorion, Ogdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and eoula do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. STAFFORD SPRINGS Annual Parish Meeting of Grace Epis copal Church Funeral of Mrs. Fan ny O'Neill Rider Fined For Keep ing Motorcycle Muffler Open. The legal voters of Grace church parish have elected the following offi cers: Wardens, R H. Klsk, and Alvan Smith; vestrymen. A. J. Melbourne, Louis Melbourne, J. A. Jubb, Dr. Don ald L. Ross. Philo West. F. S. Gor ham, T. W. Morrall. R. M. Fisk, Charles Jacobsen, Andrew Jacobsen, Dr. F. L. Smith, Willis Wood; clerk, Theodore W. Morrall; treasurer, Ar thur J. Melbourne. FUNERAL. Mrs. Fany O'Neill. The funeral of Mrs. Fanny O'Neill of Stafford Hollow was held at St. Ed ward's church, Saturday morning at nine o'clock. Rev. Felix J. O'Neill sang the requiem high mass. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery. Motorcycle Muffler Open. Dianizi Attilio was fined $5 and costs by Deputy Judge Taft in the borough court Friday morning for vi olating the motor vehicle law. Attilio operates a motorcycle and has been in the habit of running his machine with the muffler wide open. He had been warned several times bv Officer Hayes, but without avail. Thursday night he was again riding the machine down Main street with the muffler nnen and the officer arrested him. There have been a number of viola- tions of the motorcycle law and local officers intend to keep tabs on the drivers hereafter. Dance By Ball Team. There was a large attendance and an enjoyable time at the dance given by the Stafford baseball club in St. Edward's hall, Friday evening. PLAINFIELD Home Team Opens Season by Defeat ing New York Bloomer Girl . 9 to 2. Many assembled in Plainfield to wit ness the ball game between the New York Bloomer Girls and the Plain field team and saw the visitors de feated 9 to 2, in the opening game of he season. The visitors were never dangerous, only scoring their two tal in ViA fVmr-tri iinrl eighth. The home team hammered the ball to all corners of the lot in tne opening ses sion, scoring five runs. Three more were secured in he third and one in the fifth. Enot of the State Hospital struck . out seventeen and the visit ing pitchers fifteen. Batteries, Bush man and Enot; Andres. Kane and Mobus. Opera Pinafore. Thursday and Fri day, 8 p. m. Three local choirs and band. adv. TEN CASES OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES AMONG SOLDIERS In a . Military Isolation Hospital at Bridgeport All Mild. Bridgeport, Conn., May 13. "Ten cases of contagious diseases are in a military isolation hospital established here. Four cases of scarlet fever de veloped in an infantry barracks; three cases of measles came from the quar ters of a coast artillery company, and three cases of measles from a field ar tillery battery. All the cases are said to be mild and the military authorities think they have the diseases under control. No extraordinary restrictions have been placed on any of the soldiers except a few that were directly ex posed to the contagion and are now In a special quarantine. FORMER U. S. TROOPER CONFESSED HOLDUP. Raymond B. Westcott Had Deserted from the Seventh U. S. Cavalry. I5J Paso, Tex... May 13. Trooper Raymond B. Westcott of the Seventh United States cavalry, according to a statement made by County Attorney W. H. Fryer, has confessed to taking part in the holdup of non-commissioned officers at Camp Baker, near here, in which Sergeant Samuel Cooper of the Sixteenth United States infantry, formerly of Springfield, Mass., was killed. In his signed confession West cott implicated two fellow members of his machine gun troop, Walter C. Jen sen and Waller Wehr. The three were arres'.ea together on suspicion in New Mexico after deserting. RUSSIAN AIRPLA'NE FELL GROM HEIGHT OF 9,000 FEET. Five Russian Officers and One Private Lost Their Lives. Petrograd, May 13, via London, 3.35 p. m. (British Admiralty per Wireless Press.) Five Russian officers and one private lost their lives yesterday when a big Russian airplane in which they were flying fell to the ground at Mon asterzyska, northeast of Stanislau, in Galicia, from a height of 9,000 feet, says the official statement Issued today by the Russian war department. Veils are of plain mesh with one huge embroidered motif that is placed to fit amusingly over One ctfeek or eye. V '1:! i if mm m I ad Trolleys Lead To Pretty Tub Dresses Dresses made of fresh percales and ginghams in the most attractive patterns and coloringa make up this first lot. The collars and cuffs are in solid colors to match the pat tern, and every dress ia well-made in every respect. One dollar is a very low price for any one of them. Porch and House Dress Sale BUY YOUR SUMMER DRESSES NO? AND SAVE MONEY MORE'POWER RESTORED. Many Matters That Will Not Require Legislation Action Hereafter. Here is the text of an act passed, by the house. Friday, which is entitled an act concerning powers of towns, cities and boroughs: Section 1. Any town, city or borough may enact by-laws or ordin ances and enact or amend the follow ing charter provisions: Changing the hours during which the polls of such municipality shall be open at elections, changing the fiscal year of such muni cipality or any department thereof: chancing the compensation of any of Its officers; creating or establishing any appointive office, department or com mission; changing the length of the term and defining the duties and au thority of any appointive office; con tracting with an adjoining municipal ity or subdivision thereof for the furn ishing of water, police or fire protec tion; providing for entertainments or concerts: making appropriations for celebrations: establishing playgrounds; making, selling, distributing and sell ing ice; improving water fronts; adopting city plants; pensioning; or giving awards to employes; creating a sinking fund or other special funds; providing for the employment of vis iting nurses; accepting any bequest or devise; establishing free legal aid bu reaus: providing for temporary borrow ing of money; authorizing an issue of municipal bonds to an amount stated for specific purposes, provided the gen eral terms and description of such bonds shall be stated and the totil amount of bonds or other indebtedness of such municipality shall not exceed five per centum of the amount of its grand list; providing for new voting districts or wards, or abolishing vot ing districts or wards or rearranging boundaries thereof, provided no enact ment concerning such districts shall be submitted to the electors within six ty days prior to any election therein and provided that such enacemtn shall state sepecifically the boundaries of such districts or wards. Section 2. A public hearing shall be given by the selectmen of the town, the common council of the city or the warden and burgesses of the borough, as the case may be, upon any such proposed by-law, ordinance or enact ment not more than sixty days after the presentation thereof. Ninety days after the approval of any such by law, ordinance or enactment by the selectmen, common council or warden and burgesses, as the case may be, the same shall become effective, pro vided, upon petition of not less than fiiteen rer centum of the registered voters of such municipality, any such proposed by-law, ordinance or enact ment shall be submitted to the elec tors at the next regular or special election held therein: and, if a major! - tv of those voting at such election vote in favor of Its adoption, the same shall he recorded in the records of cuch municipality and a copy attested by the clerk shall be deposited by the sec retary of the state who shall record the same in a book keep for the pur nose, and such by-law, ordinance or enactment shall thereupon become ef fective. Section 3. The number of polling Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A S T O Rl A An Extraordinary Chance To Secure Your Q Summer Supply of Pretty Wash Dresses At Prices Which Are Rediculously Lw. There Are Several Hundred of Them and They Go On Sale Without Reservation This Morning. THREE SPECIAL $1.59 Tub-proof Gingham Dresses Dainty Dresaes made of gingham which is absolutely tub-proof as well as clever in designs and col orings. Stripes, ehaoks and pfaids make up the list of designs, and there is not a bad coloring in the lot. Some of the dresses are made in surplice fashion, and the balance in mere conventional designs with white pique collars. places to be used for any election held pursuant to the provisions of section two of this act, the time the polls shall be opened and closed and whether the vote shall be taken by ballot or by voting machine shall be stated in the warning for such meeting. Section 4. The provisions of thin act, except those applying to voting districts or wards, shall not apply to any municipality which is authorized to amend its charter. NAVAL ATTACK ON GERMAN SUBMARINE BASE. Sixty-three Persons Were Killed and Upwards of a Hundred Injured. Rotterdam, May 18, via London, 10.46 p. m. According to reports received here, the naval attack yesterday on the German eubnrarine base at Zeebmgge, on the BeKgtan coast, was the mos de structive made yet by British war ships. Two submarine shede were blown up. Sixty-three persons were killed and upwards of a hundred others were taken to hospitals. Two Airplanes Shot Down. Berlin, May 13, via London, 18.25 a. m. "Enemy monitors, during foggy weather early Saturday moraine, shell ed Zeebrugge from a great distance," says an official statement Issued" today by the German admiralty. "Our bat teries replied. There was no loss of life. Slight material damage was done. "Two enemy airplanes were shot down." AMERICAN AEROPLANE ALTITUDE RECORD BROKEN. Captain W. A. Robertson, Jr., Reached Height of 16,400 Feet. San THego, Cel., May 13. All Amer ican records for altitude were broken Friday by Captain W. A. Robertson, Jr., Junior military aviator at the North Island training school, who reached a height of about 16.400 feet. The American record, 16,335 feet, had been held by Victor Carlstrom, who Mersick Domestic This is a complete home eleeric pump ing outfit, shaped completely assembl ed as shown and is ready to operate as soon aa connections are made. All that Is necessary is to attach the pipe to the well, and screw the plug into an electric light socket. Furnished with 1-6, 1-4, 1-2 or 3-4 H. P, motors and with tanks with working capacity of 43 or 62 gallons. A very popular outfit for auburban homes where electric service is obtain able, as the cost of operating is very small. NEW HAVEN, CONN. -THE- C. S. MERSICK & CO. The Business Center of Norwich i .T ft. 4 ') 1 0 tJ Dresses Effectively Si;!: The most affective simplicity la shown In thesa dainty Chambfay Dresses which are marks at i-:a low price. Blue, rose and lavondar chambray has been uH, id a good variety of designs is tWr.i, The oollars are a distinctive fator of the dresses white pique wt embroidery and solid colors birj used. was killed in a flight at .'e-;-;.r'. N Va., on Wednesday. Captain Rob:rt5nn hal am jan ger Captain C. K. P.h iiifh'-i r-i '.. Try used a 300 home power ha'i' p ar. Zero temperature prfvs'l.,! si'xv . 16,000 foot level ar.'l botn aviators ir f fered Intensely. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE FOR SALE: Rr nvr.r nf T-r-ahle Court of Probate for mi T -V t of Norwlrh, I will mnll the 1nt.--Mit r Felix C. Garceau, lain of Fr-. -.. It Fald tistrlct, d4ca'1, !n :nr. -t-tain tracts of land, r1tja,f1 In rr lln and Bozrah. on H'ne U.;i (i vu. ed). and which ral itH.t la ful'T 'In scribed in the application to .'n fil in aid Court. For m'r c rt; -'i.a -description, see mSi anrl:'-"-in. ROSANN'A C. OAH'F.AT.-, nvayHa Ad Tiir, : ' rm NOTICE TO tREIIITOHI. AT A COURT OF" PROBATE TTPI r at Norwich, within and for tt.e r of Nonwdch, on the ltn day of Ma, A. E. 1917. Prewpt NElflOM J. ATI.7NO, Jnitr Estate of Edith I.. Burlick. lata -Grlswold, in said District irM Ordered, Tht th ArtminitTtr f' the creditors of eatd dira.d to tr ln their claims rs!nt said ra' within ilx months from 'Va df r posting a notice to that tti.t. t --' with a copy of. thli on th m f post nearest to the place wh--e a rleceaaed last dwelt, aril In the .-, r Town, and by publishing th. snnne r.ri' In a newspaper havina: a rircujaiiri ' said District, and make re: irn t- th Court. NELKOV J. A YT.TNT Jud-. Ths above and ij a tr. cop v of record. Attest: HELEN M. rrRF.STrrt Assistant Cert NOTICE. All crerlito-a of refused are hereby notified to jr - their claims against rtnui e.n t tf rm undersigned at P. O Hot l4. 7r-r City. Conn., within the tiir.e- I rnited It the above and foree-mns- th1 - JOSK1-M IVKAHTOV, mayl4d Administrate" WHEJJ YOU WAST to put your t n Ineaa befora the public, inere '.a r medium better than "iiouitn t-e ad vertising; columns of The fi j'.tis. Water Supply Systems j 1 i -1