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IWI&H BtjLLETTN' MONDAY, OIOEM1ER 23, 191 1T8 iota Norwich bulletin ami (Tonne s- 123 YEARS OLD SubictlftlM Nm l2o a wank; 5'Jc t month; SS.00 tar. ( Ehtcrad it ih Paatotrioe jt NomtcU. Ocan.. v jacond-daja matlir. Tslcahoat Call. Bulletin Bnafnfaa Office 4S0. BuUetlo ttutortal Booms 35 3. Bulletin Job Office 49-2. trmjniatie Office. JS Spring St., TcltphoM 3M-2 I Norwich, Monday, Dec. 23, 1918. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. rfca Aaaafiaua) Pnw It eluittlj tplitlcd to the uaa (or nibUcatlon of ft) unf& 4aapatcri f rrtdftaal io it of not othrtwUf rTadntu In this paper apd alao tat kical ami published btreln. all rlfbti or rtpulillcatian of ajcil detpaich i herein art also reamed. CIRCULATION Dec. 21, 1918, 10,233 iaed, however that Sir Thomas may have been p-.qinDted tq forward a challenge at this time because of the suddenness with which he recalled the challenge in 1814. He may have de sired to resume the interrupted con test just as soon as possiblei and in order to do so felt the necessity of sending the challenge at this time in order to provide sufficiently in ad vance for a contest which reautres no little preparation. It is entirely possible that every thing win he in shape by 'next sum mer or fall for such a race, but the interim is going to be a busy and un certain time and without being able to foretell the situation Jn th)s re spect it is preferable to take the course that has been followed than to acicept and later on be forced to recall the acceptance. The year following, however, ought to find things in shape for the much sought contest. ACQUIRING THE WIRES. That' Postmaster Genera! Eurleson had been laying his plans to bring about the government ownership of the wire lines of the country has been indicated by the attitude which he has maintained in that respect, but it is more conclusively shown by the letter which fee 'has sent to Chairman Moon of the house postofflee commit tee in which he shows that he has been studying the idea ami figurine hov.- ft 'f put '.hrn-j cgi' !fi T" rnmfiit WOMAN IN LP AND IN THE KITCHEN SUGGESTIONS FOR THE, HOUSEWIFE Save the water in which potatoes have been boiled. It is excellent for sponging soiled silk and ribbems. ' When making a fruit tart, mix a lit tle cornstarch with the sugar before, adding it. This will make the juice thick and prevent it boiling over. To remove stains from the kitchen table, rub with" vinegar, then acrnb ih the usual way. If when boiling milk it should burn pour it into a clean pan and stand the pan in a basin pf cpld tyter till quite cpd. The burned tastp will entirely disappear. When you are peeling onions eee that your head is on a level with the vegetables and your eyes will never water. Tfjis remedy is a sure and well tried one. ' ro'i- ji Wh"t It the people in s"r,v'ce i According to his lf . f the cquntry arc and a half to pish, frtoney invested in telegraph lines. He government oan borro When you have been peeling onions put both the knife and your hands be neath the pqld water tap nd let the water run over them freely for a few seconds. If you toueh them with warrft water first the smell will linger, but cold water takes it right away. Cleaning knives on a knife board or in a machine helps tp pear tiiem out. The best way is to dip a cork in knife powder and rub the knife blade with it, firmly and evenly. If the knives are very stained, rub them first in just the same way with a piece of raw po tato. To make one lemon do the work of h without two, warm it well ff! the oven before He says squeezing it. You will get twice as facings of red or Copenhagen blue with charming effect. There is infinite variety of aprons; they are either of chiffon embroidered like the front of the pqrsage, which cpnfipups "in two points around the waist, or else they are made with a fichu to match, eo as to epHnect'w'th the waist. tft'GH COLLARS. Collars of the autumn, the pretty, bjgh, close-fitting coverings of thl throat, will be worn by, many people- as a matter of fact, have been Wftpi by a large number tor some time air ready. . Women with loyely trjrpats need npf adopt th;em, those to whom a IqSg freedom' from " iRy suyt of restra(g about the neck niakWs them irksogip can go on with the decollate mode if they want tq; but now there is abggr iu'tfily ho reason wny the eye should he'p'flffitided 6y hrQai pesjssing .ito enarm at aji pYer-jr, pv?r-injn, wrinkled, lone: broad and discolored burnt tfeaV broW'ii, yes, ancf In soje cages', nearly black! rtftrpafs belonging tp ejeueatp owners ait tne petter ,or not beipg too underEoddled but vety mijeh the worse fqr Tyholesalp expo sure; throats that this winter will otpr erwise find bare in chilly rooms after a brisk wajk under towering fur col lar's out of doors, Hit oly to cost : iiluc'n n'om , it you do this. not in money, the wire lines Diving seven " l ent. OB thi? telephone ap-3 - that the the money SAVfS PETTICOAT. Add greatly to the life pf siik and other pettieoats by humming a square of narealirie and ticking It to lie napes pn insige, ft saves wear and frequently only the v piece need be ALL THIS WEEK AUDITORIUM IIJ1"!'1 ALL THIS WEEK HERE AT LAST YQUR LP FRIEND TOMMY LEVENE AND Hi Yankee-Doodle Girls'' assisted by FRANK MURRAY rmctf CQMSpm SAME ALLIED DANCING DOLL CHORUS ALL NEW MUSICAL COMEDIES In sugaring stuffed dates a great j washed instead of tha whale petti deal of time can be saved by putting a little sugar ip a jar, adding a cup- of stuffed dates, sealing the jr and shak ing the contents thoroughly. USING PRESERVED EGGS. it would reauire for fo. nd a naff . rBJK"i.2C7T .r pfr cent., and the difference between ppse3 in cooking and for the table. Hie two rate3 would make it postil l -(When an egg preserved in water glass 'o pay for the business in less than 10 coat. VOGUE OF THE ASH- However it is introduced, the sash is a disfjrictive feajture of tiip autumn frock. jven the tailored sefpp. fash ioned , severely, witjh high cgjlar aijd long tight sleeves, bpasts a sash thefi dags af least one chic model dQes, the sash being of the material and F RIGHTFULNESS AT HOME. If anyone thought that the south avould have much more consideration for the Negri, i Uw result of the part phM he has placed in :)v; Har just nded. not much' encouragement is be lli;; received from the reports which tre cominr; from suuthern state's in ll-e last few weeks. It may be that these are cases on which Judgment should not be based but certainly they do not show any Inclinntion to give the colored people the right;; to which tht-y .ire entitled. Ti, latebt instance of lynching does not Invojve any of the Kgro troops liut Mllfilpp) adds to i-H already png list of injustices UlQ murder of two pit-n "d inn women who. though Ikv rpi have been suspected of kjll InR a white m:in. were liot given the :ml;;tnce of i trinl. n chance to show 'heir Innocence pr p r.r'fire BU-h MtHalimerit as 13 pre ri rt by the .1 Vf r-f (he L(Uiiinnnivr.ilt!). jt savored as Mch nf old time ,m"'i n:'e ;)s dd the h Ib of a c )lcred poldlet just 1 frw (In 5-4 Drrvipui n Ktntuekv be-in- of an :iss.i tjlt which was made '.1 M -orpc white men including a lo '..I nfflclal. In (he c;ise of the sold'cr '1 would nnpear tltat h? whs ioubUera :ullty of the asuault but ie commit -t 'l no i rime which called for the tak ;k of hig life. In both instances the acu cannot lie .11 in any other light than mur li ; an I all l.-L'cause the persons whose ' v - were taken were not white. Imi.h Ihnt In no way made them cilier than human beinss. It is such ran)( injustice and such defiance 01 i'ie law which make it rvidpnt that liierc i" frightfulncsj riht here In our country, to say nothing nhoi! i:-.irope. which ourrht no id be tolcr- THE HOG ISLAND YARD. Frpjp tim? to time mucn has been ilj n'.mut t'l.i 1: 0 cvpentjitures which were pein-. made tit the Hog tatyifl .shipbuilding j,! nt. where he tahilfhment of pr f the greatest rtilRkliNiliag yardti counlry was I '..innrd for ba 1 of supplying the vessels needed -r purposes. The critlri -n v.iis prom-iou by the fact that t' ert were -ut'i enormous outlays v. i.boiit cprresponling prog ress m prod. icing ships' or getilng the yard rrady tp turn out ships. The situation there was for .1 lor.g time one of great confusion and even new it is not in fit!! operation. It was this condition which led to the ordering n.r n Investigation o'f the nffaira at that sl.ijnard The investi gators coniii'c! 1 heir work some time ago and sub milled 'heir Snding. I pr some MOspn, whether it was to eep down discussion 'tp;-ing tbe pe riod of the war I- not known, bft re port has been ketit nndr cover for the three months- It ihov.'.-. however, l':at the plant Which it was estimated at the beginning would cost (21 000,000 will at its completion within two months cost over ?. 000.000 and that when finished p. steel cargo shfp a veek can be expected. The establishment of the plant has called for the draining of hundreds ot acres of marsh land, the building up of good sized city, the erection of machine shops and storehouses in ad dition to the buidling of M sbipways The investigators have not been able to find, however, that there has been any graft but they do report ioose business methods and apparently no tffort to spare expense. It is apparently one of those in stances where government money was pubjert to call and the call.1 were many and frequent. With such a. plant prac tically finished it should be of tbe greatest value in the furni.ohlng of the bips of which the country still stands in such great need. years. The rate at which the gov ernment oan borrow the money mny be based upon the way in which the people have come forward and in scribed to the Liberty loans but he should realize that there ii a vast dif ference betyeep ta.king fjupb. bpnds as patriots and buying them as inves tors. But Mr. Burleson's scheme is one of those affairs which looks good 011 paper hut wlilph is so likpiy to resull in failure. Jlpf once it wn? acquirrd in such P Way It would have tp maintained reard'ess of the expense 1? oe oo.iea, a smaii noie snoum ut terminating in a wide bow at the not maao in tne shelj with a pin at tneinl w.stiiri(, irt the l.nek Another arge end before placing it in the water. This is done to allow the air in the egg to escape when heated and prevent crackjng. CORNSTARCH LORE. A pinch of cornstarch in the uss fqr the natertal sash is on the velvet frock, one example being an eld rose velvef gown worn by a youRg girl in one of the new plays. It is a delightfully simple gown, one pipce, medium width skirt and wide girdle salt ; and broad bow of the velvet. A nar- cellar will keep it from getting hard. IW band o Kolinsky outlines tne After the baby's bath dust with'roid neck and edges the modified cornstarch verv refreshing and sooth- kimono sleeves. ing. especially when chafed- The sash, one the order of the sweat- W'hen washing strainers dry in oven ; cr accessory, of madium width and a few seconds. This dries them better : finished with bands and tassels of sill; and prevents rust. Is still in vogue, and U is particularly j uv ciettiims ttdtiew, cii;.. uob , --r coai asnes Willi iv.tin i ciutii. Ljse saint: MQNPAY.TUEaieAY WEijiplflirl mPAf-lKWtoAY "SOME CAMP" 4,MIPNiaHT FROMC" "BEFORE AND AFTER" fmi NfW Mttticil fhj Better Thw Xms Pfm 9mg Shew, Believe Me Hl'Wlaff"aaiWWM'5Wi,!W",WWffl,?alari SPECIAL SC3ENERY Zm CQSTUMEg 1Z PRETTY GIRL EXTRA for MONDAY n,j TUESPAY-BEgtE BARRISCALE in MAP AM WHO to will give perfect re- jiuigipg 11 py tne postoraee uepart-jag 0j.ller SDai)s meni, it is sare tp say mat tne coun try does nqt want it. The country wants elcient service and it is willr ing tp pay for it but it does not want p. wire service In the government bnds whfch it would hnve to ptiy fcr find liaya it inppTjciently 'pr(iucte(I. mi. oui ii-Kuns pusi vmraw mtmcb uui s j rpe pot into cuns, pour some not make him a good advocate of j wafer intp the opff e pot By gpjftf tb i government ownership of '.he wire--, I it will settle all the coffee at the' hot-j even if such actipp was generally tricolette scrim. the trim little gown of the equally supple wqpl suits Whena sweeping a very dusty room, scatter small pieces of damp paper and sweep after a few minutes. By etoing tnis tne oust win not rise, anoirun-y ,tSBOivej also throwing salt on floor prevents ' K'ftr.fl dust from rising. I ' ' ' . . . . . , ... A Before: pouring coffee from the pqf-, iunorj'-ShouM anything LAUNDRY HINTS- Before putting flannels into tpe isn tuo see mat tne soap is tnofT or the Itannels will BREE0 THEATRE .1 ) tl 1 .IJ 1H.-J .J TOPAY wi4 TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE BILL CONSTANCE TALMADGE Mrs. LeffiEgweli's Boots Mabel Normand BACK TO THE WOODS voca tad- cups, pour some cold ; K ... .1" ""' pijjiije ;l nppieuiuLci .'mo cuiu wump Wiien washing h mdkerchiefs add tptri and nope will slip. into strainer. tatapflPfiflR of carReiiate pt spaa 11 strainer is too coarse tor eortee anu you haven't a finer one on hand, this. try HEALTH AND BEAUTY. When the children returii from chool and complain of .hunger, have prepared 011 the back of the stove a to the rinsing water. prove the color and them. This -will lm- slightly stiffen Any silk pr partly silk materia should be washed in cold or in tepid water and white spip, and never un der any e'onditions should it be boled: To wash chamois skin put it thrqush PROTECTING THE PUBLIC. To anyone who has had any experi ence in beipg fleeced In- the ticket s'alpers and other agencies outside o" the bos offices of big city theaters, there tvtll be no Btirniax that the Urn rm' rlrliij.- either eerenl er ortme artt) S0.1P -Suds, rihse in Several W-irm hoard of aldermen in New York cit-v soup, or hot milk, and let each chi'd 'Filers, draw in through ilje han.d tp has comp in -,-ir need fop ffTS "f m Ilnintv- loeeo che.ilrl Ko n-oefc ief l,v passipg a new ordinance which M SVaalve li $2? ' d Uie &inV waV'if you wouldeep ., uiicndcrl ,0 regulale ths Imsines. JJJ, M ftg l',eir fresh, new look: P.erhap, four Ac-.-qrtling to Jje provisions of i'"" , deep lines to pucker between vour eyes cents worth pf bgnzpline; this spirit ordinance a license of $2j a year is ! Vqu will acquire a habitual "cross ex-ils highly Inflammable, so should be i . iiuii .;d ol all orpkers In theater pression. Is anything more unpleasant HJfP1 awtt ?F.on arfin.cmi iigni or nr? tickets, which rjl course refers to all; than an angry lace with its features plates where theai'-r tickets may Ve tied in' veritable knots obtained outside of the theater box j Fasten a piece of tape or string to cflice:;. It is als 1 r'ip'ulaled that jio the epd of your scrubbing brush, so ticket rap he sold at mprc than 50 lennen in New York citvisoup, or hot milk, and let each chndlpfrWft Wfff tnrougn ti,e pan.q tp 'the conclusion th"t l her - have a cupful. A warm drink is much sqhee?? tK MMff out anS Jiang up to 4 ' Jonlmor e nourishing' than 'bread apd but-; tjull while drying, if you wqu,d I has followed up its ,e.,ter mettts f? .n,e , mo h ents abpve the regular price of the wcliri. t))is being permitted as a rcccmpense for whatever acconirnot'a ijpn is invo'ved therein, and it is fur ijjcjr ordered that there shall be np i eliciting of persons on the streets b person or agency witu tickets to sell. This marks a radical change in re gard to this matter of ticket selling. ft will not proyide any more theatri cal tickets but it wiP make it impos sible for the puWio tp he gouged oyt of their cash py thpse who make it a Practice of holdin-t much sought tick ets at fancy prices. Henceforth the box offices should do a bigger busi ness with the theater patrons them selves. But this wiil of course all de ; end upon hpw well t) ordinance is enforce). Jf ft is s!mpy started off well and then forgotten conditions are not only likply to buf certainly vyill get back just where they were before any ordinance was pnssed. Te Pro tection has long been needed and it should be fully enforced. that when finished with it can be hung up and allowed to drain, instead of the vater goaking into the back and loos ening the bristles and making them soft. Curlers of any description are none too good for the hair, but the kinds Take two basins and info each pin a little qf the henzojine. ' pip the lace in one, douse it up and down, then squeeze gently anjj' dip in the second lot of behiolino"; Sy then all the dirt Will have dropped out. Shake the lace: it will dry in a few minutes, and look like hew. STAIrl REMOVERS Stain removers which are entirely Hearst-Pathe News WITH tE FIRST SHOWING OF THE SURRENDER OF THE GER MAN FLEET TO THE ALLIES N ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE ARMISTICE H W sugar, one teaspoon meilfni larfl, one cup of sr.qw, colder the better, cream ed together. Add one cup sour milk, one teagpopn soda, one-half teispepn pt cream tartar, salt, ana spipe to taste, itix quite hard," roll and fo il! hot lard. Tender and delicious to MON, TUES, AND WEP. MERRY CHRISTMAS , fANNER EJ1LL. SPECIAL FEATURE THE STAR OF STAGE ANQ SCREEN BILLY BURKE IN THE FIVE-PART PARAMOUNT PPMgpV "THE MAKE BELIEVE WIFE" Many an innocent rnn has been hnged anJ many an innocent hut band has been suspected by hiu yvife but vyhat would you y of the fellow who vyas caught with the goods (silk at that) riftht in,hia ni? A pretty hefty explanation is reeded, huh? By Request the One and Only CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "A DOG'S LIFE" WM. DESMOND In the 5-psrt Triange Oram "WILD LIFE" BURTON HOLMES' TRAVELOGUE FRANKLIN SCHOOL GIVES CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Franklin school in district No. 2, Lebanon road, conducted the following Christmas program on Thursday: Sa lute the Flag, school; song, Christmas Bells, school; recitation, Santa Claiis, Walter Miller; recitation, The Four Winds, Jotip Kahn;' recitation, The Giant Santa Claus, Ruj.h Hansen; song, Sleighing Song, school; recita tion, Mgrry Christmas, James Kahp; recitation, The Very Best Time, Kath erine Miller; song, The Wind, school; song, The Owl," school; recitation, Tinder-the Holly Bough, August Miner: composition. The Joy of Christmas, Ratherine. MiHer; song, The Wood pecker,' school; scene entitled Liberty, school; song, Wfnds of Evening, school; recitation, The Captain of the Sugar Bowl, August Miller; story', DON'T FORGET DANCING AT T. A. B. HALL Christmas Afternoon and Night ROWLANDS JAZZ BAND Jack's Food Helpers, John Kahn; com position, A Red Crpss Christmas, Ruth Hansen; composition, The Red Crpss, the Greatest Mpther on Earth, Kath erlne Miller: soner. O Hemlock Tree. school; The Star Spangled Banher, by audience; ine tiqme jnessage irom Uncle Sam,- read by the teacher; col lection taken for Red Cross'bot; reci tation, Looking for Santa Claus, Ruth Hansen; Santa appears With his ptck. Many visitors were present ana re freshments were served under "direc- SKATING RINK OLYMPIC HALL AFTERNOONS 250 TO 5 EVENINGS g TO 10 P. M. DANCE Christmas Eve. Dee. 31 Phoenix Hail, Danieison Goodyear Singing (Orchestra tipn of Miss Blanche V. Smith, the teacher. Naugatqek About 100 foremen in the Gobdyear plants here will attend a business convention of the iootweiji division of the United States Rubber Co. ih Boston Monday. Dec. 30. A spe cial section will je added to one o? the local train's "foi- thsir nccommoda-. lion. They wilt leave here Sunday. Dec. 29, and return the following Tuesday. int mi' fs I satisfacton for cleaning 'sift of woolen contact with tlie hair itself are ' best. ' materials . cannot always be Used for Then the kid one where no Iron at all I removing -stains from' veggtaMe-fibers is used is betted still. It is claimed that tea boiled Wjth water and strained is a niild astringent lotion for lessening hair falling. To remove tincture of iodine stains from your skin or "clothing strong am monia water is excellent. The tall woman may lessen ber height with tucks, the short Woman rtjay lengthen hers with plaits. THE YACHT RACE. It is not unlikely that the action ot the New York Yacht club upon the challenge of the Royal Ulster Yacht club for a race for America's cup next summer will be a disappointment both !o the club and to Sir Thomas Llpton who h of course back of the challenge and who provides tlt challenging s.-ieht. But be can no doubt fully un derstand the position which has' been taken in this cpuntrj, and Which may have been anticipate-? In advance. The challenge at this time when pace has not been arranged and when l he work of bringing about the read justment which must follow Is going t, occupy the attention of the whple luntry came as somewhat of a sur prise, for while it Is evident that things will be gotten back lo normal Just as rapidly as possible there had hardly been time enough allowed for thoughts to again turn to an iriter uational yacht race. It can be real- EDITGRI AL NOTES. From all reports it Ipoks as if Mr Spojlacy has gotten, tired of Ltickin;? lo his job. Have you mad it a point this sea son to see that all your packages were mailed early'? Henceforth it is to be expected that "up in the air" is going to be the ex cuse for any delay in the dejiyery of mail. Of course thf cx-kaiser UnpwS that going into Holland was not the first time that he went where he was not wanted. The aerial mail service might be r.l.le to get some good points if the heads should have a conference with Santa Claus. Any moving picture that was made pf Frederick William being chased by women will probably be entitled The Crown Sprint. There pan bp no question but what it will be a helmet rather than a help meet that the American soldier will bring home from Germany. Regardless of what language ts spoken at tbe peape cpnfercnce it such as cotjion or linen. Similarly treatment which will remove sortie steins immediately will cause those of a different nature to "fake firmer hold on the fabric. Ahptljor cardinal principle In fsptjt rrihoVol is j.o work while the stain is fresh, Cold or lukewarm ajei' is usually' tha bpuse'wife's best bet for a rst step, if the nature pf the stain li not kriowti 'and "if fire fabric is net injured" b" water. rlbt water should neve? be used un til it is determined that the staining material is such that it will not he "set" by heat. Stains from meal juice, blood, egg. milk," and 'emateriats containing protein are almost indelibly set by hot water. If stains are of such a nature that they will not yield to lautodcring or sponging with water or with water nr.d soap, It is necessary to s one or rpore of a numbei4 of chemicals. . 6er Sides water and soap the substances named as most useful in removing QUILTED PETTICflXTS REVIVED. I stains are Javelle water, ppiassium Under frocks of black velvet Paquto I t-ertnanganaie solution, oxalic acid sp: is naine- miilteH nftttiivwti 'nf wUH-b I lufion. smfflOllli SWBgr, CttrbOn tp- crepe de chine a' charmingly quaint, I trichloride, Frehch chalk apd crpam MEATLESS MINCE MEAT. Mince meat without meat is good. One cup fine bread crumbs." three cups apple, one Cup raisins, "one-half cup sugar, one cup molasses, one-half cup vinegar or bPi'cd cider, one tpasppoh cassia, one teaspoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon cloves, one-fourth teaspoon allspice, ohe-fourth teaspoon n'utineg, one lemon. Add suet, butter or salt pork or mpre frut if liked. old-fashioned effect, to" be sure. Of course, the velvet skirt is slashed gen erously to reveal the presence of" tlje quilted petticoat, one such Skiff hang ing in loose panels over the white pet ticoat of quilted crepe. Another Cou turier itgps' white satin as a lining for velvet draperies, lopping 'the velvet in such manner that the white shows in glimpses here and there. CHEAP VVASHING FLUID. One can potash, one and a half ounces salts of tartar, one and a half ounces powdered ammon'a, n. quarter pound Korax. Dissolve m one gallon of soft water and keep in bottles stop pered tight; half a cup to a boiler of water. pf tartAr. each of y&'en may be useil successfully, provided the right one la employed at the riffht time upon the right material. KNOTTED CLOTHESLINE. There is npfhing more unpleasant than to have to wrestle with a knotted clothesline. There is a small device, consisting of a pronged knob, which can be nailed to any post, and which safe to say that the fellow whostart EfcttZTEL to talk in German will not get far. knob in jjd out in spell a way that g iiig all that tbe wqr)4 haa been say ing about him there can be no wonder that he is suffering from ear trouble. The man on the corner says: There is no question but what there will be many who will insist upon going over the top in the final Christmas rush. Mr. Burlesgn talk about setting the wire lines Without costing the government a penny is like references which we have heard a-bput becom ing a taxless city ip 19C5. Of course if QefimaRy i going fo ncd a litfle ready money -in which to nay the indemnities which will be imposed it ought to be able to borrow it from Austria, Bulgarip. or Turkey. There are those objecting to the keeping of the German naval vessels because thpy were mads in Germany. I'ut where is it expected Germany will make the money with which to pay the indemnities which are going to be asked ? does not slip off, but stays firmlv knotted. It can be screwed to anv regular laundry post and costs little. DICTATES. OF FASHION. The round neckline with flat collars and other neck deporatipns re being shown in new blouses. The sister tp tij.e lefftp'-mutfon sleeves is introduced partly shirred' at the elbow, fastened over tjght under cuffs, uspd in the npw capes. A straight neckline from shoulder to shoulder is being displayed and it is thqugjtt will be pne of the features in the new season. Body hats are being spoken of for spring. The most suitable- veil for the new leather tqque is plajn and pf 3 dull color, but has a narrow hedged" heni. Ribbons and ribbon hats arc being made up info new models. A beaver strip is being shown as a trim on large body hats. A girl's navjr serge frock, may have CONCERNING WOMEN. Over 1.801) girls are employed in the bis seaplane factory at clip League Is land navy yard. "' ."" Over 2ia,im women are new work ing in the" (extjlo mills in the Unifod States. Mrs. Harold Dodd has the honpr of becoming th'r; first woman radio op erator oi,d inspector of th northeast ern army district. RjCE FQp RUST. Rice yater is said tr be a reroover of rust ffpffi any fabric tpat may be washed. Roil a cupful pf ncg in two 'marts of water for half an hour and strain. Spqk the rusf sfamid faliric in this waJef ani the rust will have dis appeared. WASHING CUT OLA S, Cat glass shpuld always bp washed ip very flpt waiet-, tat no soap is re quired. J at ' jll t)liirFd the g)a.?s should be whitened and polished with a' soft piece pt old rie'wspajipr. PECIPES. Comfits; Beaf twi SfSl one cup of sugar, pne cyip pf swept milk, a pinch of salt, a pjneii of cinna.mon, two tea.sppohs of bajtipi; jowder stjr rrd in titpp cups of foot, lljjat al( 'tp gpfher until jnidpt. Drop tiaif ii' dessert Spoon in hpT"lar'd; rovui iig'htly and tfun thefjj 'f .VlVtly. Kssiess Doiighnuts: ()r-e cjg of GQlfifc CrPW Petter surprtaipgly soon, throat infiaCTraation disap pts,'irntatioii 'i rdlevcd and thrtat tick ling stops, when you use- reliable, time-tested 342 WASHINGTON HER CHRISTMAS CASTOR I A For Infants and Cfcildrea In Use For Over 30 Years BE SURE You are right, then go ahead. Trjis is a WU known adage which U if well tp put into practice. When yqu want Hay, Srain, Oats, Flour or Feed of any kind, come to our store, and you will he right We carry only clean, wholesoine, nutritious feedr stuffs and our prices are al ways right. Cks. S!o$b rgl San 3 Cove Street TeUphpne 760 67 J-afaysttp S, PETER VER STEEG FLORIST Cut Flowers, Funeral Design, Weddino Decorations. st. y D Always pears Signature of A. 6 THOMPSON, F. S, Chiropodist. Fpot Specialist (PROTECT YOU' ET). Mfr. Gummings' Spring ,-irch Support Suite 7-8 Alice Building, 321 Main St Norwich, Conn. Phone 1366-4 OR WHAT DOES A WOMAN WANT? In Five Chapters and a Few Qhservations No, she doesn't yaant a thing that is, if you, take hir word for it. But her feelings would surfer a rude shock if you took her word literally. v CHAPTER I Filling Up the Handkerchief Box Why do I always get handkerchiefs fpr Chr)Sffnas, shp asked? Upcause you always need them, her sister answered. Once in a while she may protest mildly but can you find a woman whose idea qf 'the practical is laid aside, pv'en at tuletide? Of course npt. Here are pretty Imported Handkerchiefs as low as 15c each, and then others at various prices tip to f 1.60. CHAPIIR II The Q$ Napkins Look Old Last year you said, we'll make these do. There are many things to buy. Rut now that victory is here the old table linen locks fqrlorn indeed. i. new dozen fJapkins will 'brush up mother's self-respect con siderably. Herg one can obtain Pure Irish Linen Napkins at SS.T5 and $7.50 the dozen. Mnen Weft Napkins at 6.2s the dozen. CHAPTER III Sister Thinks a Lot of Her Appearance Usually it is the first consideration if she is going- "somewhere," and she thinks how iftuch it would jmprove fbjs coat, if I only had a new collar and cuff set. From New York we have received ome of ths yery newest de signs; in Collar and C'uff Sets, and the prices are 8j. 756, $1.99 and $1.75 CHAPTER V Speaking of Ljng$?ie mpst women like to chpose if and this is an ppportunity for the indulgence pf feminine taste." It njay be 3. garrnept of fine nain sppk, elaborately embroidered Or a very plain camisolg. W have a yery attractiye assortment pf Gaflalsples ranging in pripe from S5c to M:. Envelope Chemises, of shppr nainsoqk, handrmafle and trimmed with smart touches of Philippine embrpapry, HAi. CHAPTER V Who Said Tw4? All the comforts of home naturaily include. 8- gp.4 stqek pf towels it may he a VprltiaU JSatft- Teel pr Liaen Ileaistltcbed Towels. Kimball's Textile SiiflP is noted for both and if some new ones are found, Christmas morning, 8anta Claus will have none his duty. - OOOOOOIOOOiOiO