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NORWICH, BULLETIN, . SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 envith bulletin nnil (Courier 123 YEARS OLD SatMriptlM artca 12a a wnk: 5 aioatli; W.80 yemr. Entered it the PostolTlct U Nonllch. Coon., ai MCbod-elan Butter. TtmiiMt ciiii. BullrUa FuJnfw OITlce WO. Bulletin Auditorial Rnoms S5-3. Bulletin lib Office 35-2. (VUliBinllc Offl !3 Church St. TekDbone 105. Norwich, Saturday, May 24, 1919 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, rhe Associated Pros la exclualfelj entitle! to tin uh fcr republication of all news deepr-tch-rs credited lo It or not oUusrwlae credited In tnie paner and also tot local uewa published bereln. AU niMa of rrpubllcatloll of aveclal deapatcb es barrio are al,n -efcerred. spect for the law. This need not mean that punishment will not be meted out as it should be to those who are guilty of heinous crimes but it should mean that it will be legally carried out and the greatest efforts should be devoted to those states where there is today the least respect paid to the law. Such commonwealths are unquestionably in need of an or ganized movement that will remove the blot from their present reputations. CIRCULATION WEEK ENDING MAY 17th 10,056 THE PROTEST OF THE JEWS There can be no wonder that the Jews in many cities of this country are adopting or have adopted resolu tions calling upon this country, the president or the peace delegation at Paris to take steps that will help to put an end to the horrible massa cres of Jews in Europe with partic ular reference to Poland, Russia and Rumania. The frightful treatment which they have suffered in that part of the world is nothing new, but in view ol the efforts to bring about improved conditions, to make the world safe for democracy and to relieve the oppress ed it is certainly time that attention THE MAN WHO TALKS . It is said "Habit 'commences to bind you with a gossamer thread like the silken web of a spider, but when -the job is completed the sinews of habit have turned to steel. Why do you look so lonely ? Why so sad ? Why so worried? Through the mind .Habit has imprinted the sign where all can see it. The heart, which likes to cherish a little song is not guilty" of giving you away. The habit of the mind increases the wrinkles on your brow and removes the light of joy from your eyes. You cannot look right unless you think right. You cannot carry age well if you do not carry life's burdens well. You miss the joys of life by becoming too conr scions of its drawbacks. The elixer of life lies in the heart, not the ima gination. Think right, do right and you'li look right. You may never have thought of yourself as a wizard, but since Na ture is a wizard and you are a child of nature, there must be something of the wizard in every one of us,:of course. And the more we know of Nature and Nature's laws, the more of a wizard we become; and it is through this knowledge that men come to be known as nature-fakirs, or as weather prophets. If it is a law of nature that false thoughts will physically .impair you, it is no THE QUAIL TRAP nr., o aivon in thin ma ttfr Thfi hitzh ideals that have been put forth will I lke th sood thoughts will repair COL. CHARLES W. GALE. Not in a long period of time has .Norwich experienced a loss that has called for such a- widespread expres sion of sincere rrcxet as that caused by the sudden taking away of Colonel 'liarles W. Gale. He was -one of the community's leading citizens, a man highly honored and respected by all classes, and one whose place in the community and in the hearts of the people will he most difficult to fill. To a man that i.- big enough for a community to mourn and remember there are two skip, his public side and his personal side. Tor a .half cen tury Colonel Gale was identified with the financial and business interests of the city and it was the open and con scientious manner in which he ad ministered his duties, the spirit of fairness and right that was always displayed and his cordial and demo cratic nature that won for him the es teem of all-with whom he had deal ings. His enthusiasm in public under takings was inspiring, his efforts re lentless and his leadership the kind that obtains results. He had the God given faculty of being a man among men. And what he was publicly he was likewise personally. Faithful and true to every duty, considerate and broad minded, his was a noble, generouy sympathetic nature that is too well known by those among whom he lived and associated to need dilation here, but all too rarely is a community blessed with such a personality. Norwich has sustained' a loss that will be realized more and more as lime got 8 on but none could hope for a greater monument than that which he. has bullded in the honor and es timation of his feljpwmen. , i yuu. Ant; Hume ,'JC " " "" a fool of you. if reversed may make to sucn treauuuiit ui me ucvvd, ul auj other people. The Jews are asking for no rights that ought not to be accorded to other human beings, but 11" justified in the effort they arc :v. :; to see that the barbarism that has been prac ticed upon the Jews be halted. It is a curious situation when the allied na tions have been fighting to put an end lo such frightfulness as has been practiced to have those who have been helped and released from (bondage turn upon the Jews simply because they are Jews. Because certain Jews may have sided with the bolsheviki or other dangerous elements does not mean that all of them have and the many should not be made to pay the penalty that the few deserve. The Jews are justified in protesting against the treatment they have re ceived and when it comes to getting justice for humanity there is certainly an excellent opportunity for putting forth some timely work in their behalf. THE BUDGET SYSTEM. For a number of years there has been a clamor' for a budget system in lonncction witli the conduct of na tional business. It is a system that has been found ind! it.ensible in town, t ity and state affa;rs and certainly it is as Important, if not more so. that it should be adopted in connection with Hie federal government. In spite of Hie cviiienc-j that has been presented in behalf of such a sys tern and the revelations concerning the manner jr. which the business of the government is being conducted under pi-csant methods, it has never been possiVe to bring it about. It certainly i - a matter which ought not to be made a political football for it is a slep the wisdom of which those of one party can appreciate as well us (host' of the other if attention i but t (t.'iitrated upon the importance of Hiving the government a business like administration, it has certainlv been urged long enough to get the se rious eonsideraiion that it deserves There i:. evidence, however, that some progress Is being made and it will in kept .before congress as one of the necessary acts of this session. Cer tainly when other readjustments are being made it. is time that this mat ter should get the attention that will eliminate a, deplorable, condition, it Is if argument that because the present " wl ''n in effect for so many ear? that there should be no change. jih; -iiniiiv means il:e continuation of what is known to bo unsatisfac tory. With both parties favoring budget, the n imblii ans including it is i heir programme for the session and the president recommending it in his message desired remits ought to be obtained from the filth congress. THE LESSON OF MOBILE. Another southern city, Mobile, has experienced the efforts of a disastrous lire by which 200 buildings were de stroyed, 1GO0 people made homeless and 'property damage of from three quarters to a million dollars caused It was miieh the same kind of a fire that swept through Atlanta a few years ago leaving a great expanse of rain in its wake befpre it could be checked. Mobile's fire swept away the older residence section where there were few modern buildings, but its business and industrial districts were threat ened and it was only by a hard fight that they were saved. This .city, like others that have ex perienced similar trouble, will take advantage without doubt of the op portunity to rebuilt the devastated section on modern lines but it comes at an unfortunate time for such oper ations and what makes it all the worse is that it might have been prevented by the exercise of due care. Thi-j like many other fires started in a pile of rubbish in the rear of a store, - e li ion which, is very apt to exist unless the proper attention is given to e.i.inaaiiii!; such hazards. Where in flammable material is allowed to ac cumulate it offers the best possible makings for a fire. Once it gets start ed with wooden buildings to prey up on and a good wind to fan it it means suffering and hardships if not many deaths. But the fact remains nevertheless that there are many cities no doubt where just such conditions exist, where the danger of such lack of pre caution is realized regarding someone else, but where the lesson is not brought home until something what happened in Mobile occurs. The same law which makes you wise. Nature is called a wizard because she is constantly doing something we do not Understand. By a better knowledge of her laws we do things others do not understand. A great man shows his greatness by his lack of conceit and breadth of human interest and apparent un- consciousness of his power, not by an assumed front and .shiny collar and cuffs. Greatness is ' the reward for having done little things well an' all things creditably. All any of us can attain depends upon our rela tion to the other fellow. No man can become distinguished or great by himself. It is recognition and ap preciation of what we do that gives us place and power. We are indebt ed to the men back of us for twenty centuries, as well as to our personal efforts and our instructors for what we become. No man is born great. Only industry, honesty and honor lead to true greatness. For gracefulness of flight and play, the swallow exceeeds all other New England birds. When they are not hunting ephemera above large maple trees, or over water, they are playing with one another or playing alone. One will fly high with a feather, drop it and dive and catch it before it reaches the earth, being self-entertaining like the person who plays solitaire to take up the time and cultivate his wits. The other morning among a mass of swallows I noticed two that flew side,. hy side like chums for an hour or more, just because they liked to be to "'Thee is no long wait between the flitijig of the winter birds and, .the coming of our summer friends no short songless Eden. The visiting grosbeaks came on Thanksgiving and did not-leave us till the.'first week in April when robins, grackles, blue-. birds and song sparrows were back, in imposing numbers. Before the last bunch of southern juncos had passed by, there were owlet fledglings, early robins and sparrows were building, well-feathered hawks nests held incu bated eggs, starlings were ; feeding young in crevices of our ash trees anil in holes in the peak of the roof in the -old village postoffice and there were young grackles in the rookery on? FremoT'l street, Putnam. From the grosbeaks four months' stay, from their number, their colorful grouping, their cheerful chatter, ' and entire lack of shyness I could almost endorse the expression of a local ob server "I tell you what! These pineys and evenings, beat our. rosybreasts all hollow." ' Well, not quite, you know. But when in spring or summer can you- see a quartette of showy male birds like tanagers or orioles in a vision of four male pine grosbeaks, in nuptial plumage on a flat stone at our very feet, sunning, faintly chirping, and preening each otheis feathers, with no shade of bickering, while in a circle around thern were twenty sobe.r females feeding and watching the mutual admiration of tiieir gaudy lords. If there was a day without the pines,' the evenings would appear," and if neither species was at hand at The Maples, they could be seen at Pigeon Inn farm. Here for many hours I have watched the grosbeaks picking crumbs from the doorsteps and grass seed on the barn floor, but ehieflv eatihtr the 4 I maple seeds, till apparently at a given tt ....... 1,1 1.......V, r.r1 signal Liitrj n uum luocii uunuu rtiitx hurry back to the Maples, their fav orite stopping place. For . eight days I watched the grackle rookery in the tall pine -trees on Fremont street, Putnam larger than last year and a greater scourge to all robins meeting in the vicinity. Yet the bronze males were an attrac tion, stalking on the nearby lawns and scavenging in back yards, while both sexes were busy at all hours of the day feeding their squabs, which surely get a big allowance of insects and mixed food. It was real comfort to sce.bluejays make two raids on ex posed corners of the rookery, and I saw jays drop grackle eggs on the granolithic walk May Sth and 9th. It reminds me of seeing crows raiding jays nests near Norwich city reservoir, There's litle honor among thieves', you know. A bit of difference in the site of this ! crow-blackbird colony and the one in the swamp east of Chunkymount. Fisher's island where 70 pairs of drag the twenty feet of tugging cling ing constrictors from their den. The Townshend boys at their little lake have done well birdwise by killing a lot of black snakes, water adders and garter snakes. -We- have not been able to corner the monstrous blue racer that comes a-frogging in the lily pads from the thick, scrub west of the pond. The usual raids by visiting goshawks are reported, but the three species of buteous now covering their trios of ir cubated eggs have taken no tribute for their services in keeping down red squirrels, chipmunks, meadow mice and moles. . Foxes are often seen,.. and one old vixen with pups killed and partly devoured Mrs. i Rawson's finest laying hen turkey. April 5th was an early record for the three male orioles which came . to gether, fluttering, romping and eating flies and petals of blossoms, in a small; natural fruit apple tree on Fremont Ht.j Futnam. The females appearea as usual a few days later and mated at once on their arrival. A hummer ap peared in this tree on the sixth of May and is an early record. There are few tree swallows this year, but more barn swallows. ' There is a most noticeable increase in song sparrows. Flickers cannot breed in the Townshend barti this season as the haymows which shielded their holes have been taken away. But a pair are now drilling a fresh hole in our ash tree below last Sear's now full of starling squabs. There is a continued scarcity of ruff ed grouse, we have not been cheered by a single whistle from Bob White, woodcock are almost extinct, but there is a fair sprinkling of ringneek pheas ants in East and North Woodstock A herd of six deer, now with bleating fawns wintered in the close shrubwest of our neighborhood near the state line. C. Li. R. gether. Swallows usually fly separate like EDITORIAL NOTES. The ambition of the Huns seems to be to 'have, a 'part of that treaty at least made in Germany. grackles nest in the low cedars and ly and confine themselves to individual maPies. lopstermen once toon, two achievements and make few combined trout-creels ol their eggs, and three 3 DAYS 13 rWi , Mon., TueSn YYod, MAY 26, 27, 23 DJ; GRIFFITH'S MAMMOTH SPECTACLE tFEeSirth of a Nation FOUNDED ON, THOMAS DIXON'S PLAY "THE CLANSMAN" .1- IN 12 "WONDERFUL PARTS - , With HENRY WALTHAL, LILLIAN GISH and All Original Cast.' r - SPECIAL ENLARGED ORCHESTRA " NO ADVANCE IN PRICES t, T. -MATINEE DAILY AT 2:15 EVENING AT 7:45 NOTE This picturo was shown here at $1.50 prices, and is being pre- 21 sented again at our raciular Drtces so that vtrvniu mav hava an on v portunity. to see this wonderful production. T3S! Auditorium Theatre TODAY FOUR SHOWS COMPLETE NEW SHOW TODAY JACK.GORBETT and His Dream Girls " PRESENTING MUSICAL COMEDIES . KIN0GRAM NEWEST NEWS REEL I TOM MIX In "TWISTED TRAIL8" CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "BEFORE AND AFTER" HARRY MOREY IN "THE GREEN GOD" - V " - VITAGRAPH SPECIAL movements We are all looking for happiness in life, and may find it not in the attain ment of their desires but by making the most of what they have. Happi ness depends more upon the mind than upon materia possessions. It makes no difference what we succeed in, or how we live, if we do not think we are happy we cannot be. Enjoyment is an emotion never intended to be con tinuous, for it is the stern experiences of life that are necessary to build character, and from character grows contentment, and this is as ne'ar to real happiness as most mortals can hope to get. Happiness is such a good thing it has its counterfeits, and jthe happiness of some people ip the end increases their misery. Real happiness is the result of sane thought properly applied to that which we have and that which we may hope tor. No matter how long he may live, man cannot seem to fully acquaint himself with the full life of a plant or a bird. I do not know whether or not they learn more about us than we do about them. The other day I saw Robin Redbreast modeling her nest and she was patiently beating in the lining with her breast, and dettly moving around in' it every minute to give it the cup-shape until It was tin ished. How they must toil to get the materials together which represent miles of flight. They make long days and sing as though they found joy ot buckets . of night heron's eggs from platforms a little higher up. The whites of the heron's eggs are leathery, boiled or fried, but the blackbirds eggs ae delicious. A populous rookery once existed on the Broad street side of the Slater estate, Norwich, and was not the ax laid to the roots of the fine evergreen circle in the Yantic ceme tery because the grackles robbed every robin's nest on the grounds? The Long Society burying ground harbored a colony of these pests, and the Jen nings' hothouse plant on the East Side another. I have seen grackles rifle the redwings' homes in the swampy fork of the Broad Brook and Volun town turnpike. The spirit of federal and state pro tection laws would not be broken if now and then a boy should be en couraged to "get up a collection" of eggs, provided he orily "collected" eggs of horned owl, cooper and sharpshin ned hawks, crow, grackle, bluejays, starling, cowbird and English spar row." Not single specimens, but en tire sets, side-blown and in a series of a dozen sets of each species. Oo logically not a remarkable lot, but these would be some interesting feat ures. The light blue of the coopers would contrast with the owls, and while in plumage cooper hawks are the exact counterpart of uharpshins, the eggs are widely different and are the chief help in separating the species. Though the sharpshin is the. deadliest their work. And what trials strength they have with the angleworm j f op to th; chicken coops and "most per HOW UllU Uteil. aim Lilt:? j.un mi uo; their wings like tiny motors to in- Thcre arc indications that Germany Is beginning to wake up after its dream of world conquest. It requires fast traveling to keep up with the Smiths. There were 51,000 of them in the army and only 22,500 Joneses. Krom all indications Austria fully appreciates the benefit that is going to be gained by slipping off the Ger man yoke. OUR OWN BARBARITY. from the rreent Conference that was held for the purpose of opening a stronger eampaign. than ever against the practice of lynching la this country, it is to be sincerely hoped that certain forces will be set in motion that will bring about a re alization of the enormity of such crime and send home to those who participate or give passive encour agement to such acts the necessity of uniting their efforts in bringing about its abolition. Hut. if there was reason to bring about increased etTort in this direc tion as the result of the horrible prac tices that have been resorted to in the past it is evident that there is still plenty of evidence furnished almost from day to day to give it such atten tion as never existed before. It is certainly apparent from the reports of the way in which people are taken out and strung up to trees and burned at the stake that all the bar barity is not confined to Germany or other sections of Europe, to Turkey or darkest Africa. We have conditions right here at home which need imme diate and persistent attention. There is need of an aroused public senti ment which will insist upon the re- The man on, the corner says: Straw hats are having an unusually hard struggle trying to break into the un seasonable state of affairs. As long as a watched kettle .never boils it is possible that if everyone had stopped talking about the weather it would have cleared up sooner. Secretary Daniels say: that the Hun ships cannot be uted economi cally by our navy. That may be so, but that is no txcus for sinking them. from the bids which have been re ceived for constructing two big warships, it would be quite a bit more economical if we could .get along without new additions to the navy, Now that Germany has received a week additional in which to think ove the terms of the treaty, it will proba bly be more desirous than ever to open negotiations. When the New London city court fines a man for intoxication after im bibing freely of 2.75 per cent, beer there doesn't appear to be any fur ther need of a beef squad for testing purposes. t The date is' rapidly approaching when the American .orcos will be moved oyt of northern Russia, and there will be no weeping or wailing on the part of the men or those who aro awaiting them. If the Germans think that tWey arc going to frighten fee alliesby refus ing to sign the, trety and threatening to.: resist, -they might as well remem ber that ?hey have been through one sad experience due to bad judgment. How hard it is to suit humanity is pretty well shown by the fact that criticism Is being offered of eight members of the Pennsylvania legisla ture because they didn't introduce a single bill. Considering the troubles of a legislature they ought to be thanked not lound feast wiU. crease their pun, displaying a spirit similar to that of the sailor who cries "Heave ho!" as he pulls. The robin puts art as well as energy into his everyday affairs. It seems strange to hear the Ger mans tell the Entente what they have turned Germany into, when they turned every nation they overrun into a slaughter-house, and manifested a desire to make of every garden spot a desert, and to make of every holy sanctuary a heap of ruins. They find no heart in the world responsive to their appeals because of their own heartlessness. They are now dem onstrating to the nations they plotted to conquer that men who enjoy the self-conceit of power, cringe to its just demands, and seek to be excused for barbarities for which they would excuse no one. Germany cannot make good the lives she has destroyed, but for material damages she should be made to pay to the last farthing. Ger many's deaf ear to all appeals for mercy have made the world deaf to her. Will the world ever know the loss of human life from "war, pestilence and famine" in the past five years? The war EWept off ten million human souls in four and a half years: and the pestilence swept away many more in half a year in 1918. America lost half a million, England a million, Europe four million, India six millions, with Africa and Asia entirely left out of the computation, which may add other millions. Doubtless a million or two have perished from starvation: and it is no misrepresentation to claim above twenty-five million people have died during the worlds war, from causes directly or indirectly chargeable to it. And man goes right on "sacrificing lives to Mammon, The American eim has the merit of being one of the prettiest of trees in form though it is short-lived, for i.t has the graceful lines of a huge bou quet. It takes 60 days for it to cloth itself in living green. The earliest the buds have burst in 17 years was in 1903 on March 15 and the latest April Sd, 1912: and the earliest it has been in blossom was March 28, 1903 and the latest April oth. 1919; and it has been in full bloom but twice in March in the past 17 years, and the buds have burst on the same date but twice, and not once has. the elm been in full leafage on the same date. The earliest this tree has been in full leaf-1 age is May iu, 1910, and the latest June 6, 1917. It is as constant in the development of its foliage as the birds of passage are in their arrival. The average date for the bursting of the elm bud is March 30th and for full leafage May 21st. What is true of the progress of the elm is doubtless true of the growth of other trees. It was Emerson who said: "Nature shows us only surfaces, but she is a million fathoms deep." Some people' see more than we can, because they know more than we do Knowledge is power. Lack of knowl edge kills more people than disease. Those who get the -vision which is equivalent to a blessing are . not es pecially favored with foresight, or a wonderful visions. God's revelations sistent feeder on small birds except the shrike, still its eggs are the . most beautiful of -all our birds of prey. Eleven markings on a green or grey ground would generally be I own in a series of blue jay sets, relieved now and then by a set with a fine choco late ground color like the tint on eggs of the American bittern. The monot ony of English sparrows' eggs is broken by one egg in every set being lighter than the rest of the clutch. Is this the first or last egg laid ? A long series of crows eggs may show a set of six and rarely a blue egg. The dif ference in size of lazybirds' eggs will be noticed und the fact that they look like street sparrows' eggs. Starlings' eggs are a novelty to the old time i ankee collector, but in a series they run pretty true to type. Regarding the ground-breeding birds L. E. Rawson has again been killing the snakes that hibernate in the an cient cellar-hole. By a quick grab he got a good hold of five necks -at once as' they were sticking out for first warm sun, but it took both hands and every ounce of muscle in his arms to sec and ears to hear have ho excuse for not finding evidences of Truth which satisfy and glorify. It has been truly- pointed out to us that "wherever simple folk love, pray and trust, be hold the House of God, the gate of Heaven." Too many people are not using the faculties God has given their, for becoming aware of things which lend assurance to life. ' ". IN THE DAY'S NEWS Lembsrg. "Already bearing the scars of the world war, added to the marks of sieges and captures through the first five centuries of its municipal exist ence, even the armistice has not brought peace to Lemberg, which Ukrainians are reported to have at tacked." says a bulletin - of the Na tional Geographic Society., 'Residents of the city must walk with a grim smile through the battle torn promenades built on the space left free by the demolition of the fortififi calions of the inner city of Lemberg in IS 11, at a time when the citizens of the Galician capital looked confi dently for an era of peace. . I "Lemberg. known as Lwow fn Polish and Leopolis in Latin, was founded- in the thirteenth, -century by a Rutheniari prince. Casimir the Great added it- to his domain in 1340 and bestowed upon the city the charter and" privileges known as the Madgeburg Rights. "When Constantinople fell its trade with the east flourished, but it was all but engulfed in the revolutions and maraudings., .which swept over .the Ukraine and . parts of Poland duinng the last, half of the seventeenth cen turyan earlier manifestation of Bol shevism directed by the Cossack het man, Chmielnicka. . "Charles XII. of Sweden, took Lem. berg, along With other Polish cities when the ill-advised Augustus II was drawn into the . Great Northern war: Upon the first partition of Poland, in 1 1 2, , Lemberg was alotted to Austria "In1 connection with the division of Polish lands, the Empress Maria The desa wrote, prophetically in view o recent events, 'I have yielded, not wishing -to make war, but quite con trary to my convictions. I hape that the monarchy may not feel the ef fects of this after ray death.' "Frederick the Great of Prussia; :who had engineered the partition, did not take the Austrian monarch's qualm's seriously. 'She is always weeping and always taking,' was his comment. "In the same year Austria came for ward with additional claims on the ground that Prussia and Russia were availing themselves of the opportunity to acquire certain districts for which they had long contended. Therefore, despite her pangs of conscience," the provident empress gained possession cf about 1 .500 square miles of territory to which she gave the tile of the king dom of Galicia and Lodomcria, and made Lemberg the capital. "Twelve years later Joseph II, whose futile ambitions caused his reign to be. compared t to a man who constantly desired to sneeze and could not, es tablished the University of Lemberg" This university became one of the best known Polish institutions of learning. "One of Lemberg's parks bears the name of the Polish patriot, Jan Ki linski, a shoemaker who fought bravely in 1796. He was captured and taken to St. Petersburg. Following his release he returned to his shoe moker's bench and when custom was light he wrote his recollections, which form a valuable record of this period. "Lemberg, nearly as large as Denver, Colo., or Rochester, N ,Y., before, the war began was tl?j fourth city of Aus tria, it is 60 miles east of Przemysl. and more than 450 miles northeast of Vienna. It lies on the banks of th Peletw -river, which flows into '.the Bug. Eighty-seven miles to the-east is Tarnopol, near the Russian, bordfer, among the first points of attack when the Muscovites crossed the Galician frontier. , ... "Scene of a poular uprising in 184S, Lemberg became the seat of the Ga lician diet upon the establishment of that body in 1861. Before 1914 it man ufactured iron ware, machinery matches, candles, liquors, chocolate:, leather bricks and tiles. Its com. merce was largely in linen, wool, oiC flax and- hemp. DANCE -Tonight Sva: b. hall LADIES FEE FOUR 8HOWS TODAY AT 1:30, 3:15; 6:15 and 8:15 KEITH VAUDEVILLE ARCHER and BELFORD COMEDY NOVELTY SKETCH "A Janitor's Troubles" Ladies' and Gents' door prize $2.50 each HELEN HARRINGTON SINGING COMEDIENNE PETTY REAT and BRO. CLASSY MU3ICAL OFFERING FEATURE PICTURE CHARLES RAY In "THE GIRL DODGER" 5Part Paramount Comedy Drama Mack Sennett Comedy CHESTER CONKLIN IN - "FOQLISH AES" 2000 FEET OF LAUGHTER Music by Rowland's - Jazz Band OTHER VIEW POINTS Having caught the bolshevist spirit, the school children will soon rise and demand that no one over twelve years of age be permitted to vote on school questions. Meriden Journal. f The, overseas -adventure has not turned out well-' .The. plaudits of Paris, London and Pome have died away .and have ben succeeded by protests." . At home, the faithful west of 1916 is 1'eporte.d" on no less au thority "than that of . the Honorable Jim Ham Lewis to be "obstinately in arms against the administration. The admiring Springtierd Republican re .gretfully admits that grave dissen t.iorrs "have arisen in the cabinet dur ing "the 'presidential absence. No longer can the' White' House whip be cracked above - a democratic eapitol. Rubber stamps ' are but of fashion. The senate .is preparing to assert the Unitffd- States constitution. M tbgethtfr it Ms an. auspicious time for Mr. Wilson to anounce the more definitely the- befer 'that he cannot consent to prolong his official tenure Beyond" "the-"fourth' of March, 1921. Providnece Jqurnal. REE if THEATRE J FOUR SHOWS TODAY 1:30; 3; 6:15; 8:15 ALICE BRADY -IN- MARIE LTD. A CLEAN, BREEZY AND FAS CINATING STORY IN WHICH MISS BRADY IS THE ESSENCE OF ALL THAT IS LOVELY AND CHARMING. BILLIE RHODES FASCINATING BILLIE OF MUSI CAL COMEDY AND MOTION PICTURE FARCE IN ANOTHER OF HER POPULAR COMEDY DRAMA3. "THE LAMB . AND THE LION" PATHE NEWS BRING YOUR HATS TO BE CLEANED AND BLOCKED TO THE CITY SHOE.. AND HAT CLEANING PARLORS. . ; . , 33 BROADWAY. ! The man who thinks he can make a rfnnrflss nf ant-thinf Vic imflriL-nc i is apt to be an unsuccessful thinker. l "ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR WHO HAS ONE" The Norwich Electric Co. , HOOVER DEALERS A;:LIttle Gash WCS . W IN OUR FURNITURE, STOVE and CARPET DEPARTMENT ; Thrift is fast becoming a national habit. The first step in this direction is to put yourself on a cash basis. That's the secret of our furniture and other departments. We buy for cash we sell for cash or credit.. , We give you all the benefits. A trip through our store will quickly convince you. Before deciding on your new Furniture it will pay you to see our selection of Period styles of Dining Room, Bedroom and Living Room pieces in Mahogany. Jacobean Walnut and Ivory finishes. Our prices will sure ly be interesting. r.iafctfiVAl lAwuii- t'l'hA ShuSh- -xixaim --i:m