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1519 POPULATION 29,919 NORWICH, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1919 EIGHT P iS 56 COLS. PRICE TWO CENTS VOL. LXI-NO. 130 IMS ft mar VON BROCKDORFF-RANTZAU'S note io mm GOVT! Counter Proposals Declare the Peace Treaty as Framed is "More Than the German People Can Bear" Writes "The More Deeply We Penetrate Into the Spirit of the Treaty, the More Convinced We Are of the Impossibili ty of Carrying It Out" Note Does Not Assert the Ger man Delegation Will Refuse to Sign the Peace Treaty. N.C. Planes Still in Experimental Stag Washington, Juno 1. Germany, al though realizing she must make sacrifices to obtain peace, is con vinced that the executions of the peace treaty as drawn, "are more than the German people can bear." Count Von Brockdorff-Rantzau, head of the German peace delegation, thus sums tin the attitude of the Ger man nation towards the proposed trea ty of peace in a note to the allied and associated powers, outlining various German counter-proposals. The Ger man note, delivered to Fremier Clc memeau, president of the peace con fercwe, last Thursday, was made public tonight by the state depart ment. The German delegation nowhere in its note asserts that it will refuse to sign the prefnt treaty but declares on behalf of the German nation that "even in her need. Justice tor her is too sacred a thing to allow her to stoop to achieve conditions which she cannot undertake to carry out." Exclusion of Germany from the League of Nations the note asserts, mean3 that in signing the peace trea ty Germany would be executing a "de cree for its own proscription, nay, its own death sentence." The German people, the note says, have been disappointed in their "hope lor a peace of justice which had been promised," and stand "aghast" at the demands made upon they by the "vic torious violence of our enemies." Outlining its counter-proposals, the Herman delegation agree tQ reduce of Germany's army and navy on condi tion that Germany be admitted imme diately to the League of Nations: 10 renounce Germany's sovereign rights in Alsace-Lorraine and J'o.'di liut as to all other territories which Germany Is called upon to give up. 'he principle of self-determination, applicable at once, is asked; to subject all German colonies to administration by the League of NationsLeague of Nations but under German mandatory and to amke the indemnity payments as re quired but in amounts that will bur den the German taxpayer no more hca ily than the taxpayer of the most heavily burdened among tho.;e repre sented on the reparations commission. The note declares Germany is will ing to oool her entire merchant ma rine with that of the associated pow ers. Neutral participation in the in ipi.Tc u to responsibility for the war is asked. . .- . Text of the Note in Part. Tlie text of the note follows in part : "Mr. President: I have the honor to tran.-mit. to you herewith the observa tions of the German delegation on the draft treaty of peace. "The more deeply we penetrate Into the spirit of this treaty, the more convincing we become of the impossi bility of carrying it out. The execu tions of this treaty are more than the German people cm bear." At this point the German note enu merates the demands of the allied and associated governments as these per tain to territorial changes, and con tinues: "Although the exaction of the cost of the war has been expressly' re nounced, as yet Germany, thus cut in pieces and weakened, must declare herself ready in principle to bear all the war expenses of her enemies, which would exceed many times over the total amount of German state and private assets. Meanwhile her ene mies demand, in excess of the agreed conditions, reparation for damage suf fered by their civil population and in the connection Germany must also go bail for her allies. " No limit is fix ed save the capacity of the German people for payment, determined not by their standard of life but solelv by their capacity to meet the demands of their enemies. "In spite of the exorbitant demands, the reconstruction of our economic life is at the same time rendered impos sihle. "Even in internal affairs we are to give up the right to self determine lion. The international reparation commission receives dictatorial pow ers over the whole life of our people in economic and cultural matters. -"Germany knows tbj;t sbe must make sacrifices in order to attain peace. Germany knows that she has, by agreement undertaken to make the sacrifices and will go in this matter to the utmost limits of her capacity. "One Germany offers to proceed with her own disarmament in advance of all other peoples, in order to show that she will help to usher in the new era of the peace of justice. "Two in territorial questions Ger many takes up her position unreserv edly on the ground of, the Wilson pro gramme. She renounces her sovereign right in Alsace-Lorraine, but wishes a free plebiscite to take place there. ".She is ready to subject all her col onies to administration by the com munity of the league of nations if she is recognized as its mandatory. "Three Germany is prepared to make payments incumbent on her in accordance with the agreed program of peace up to a maximum sum of one hundred billions of gold marks, twenty billions by May first, nineteen twenty six, and the balance (eighty billions) in annual payments without interest. None Has Been Built for a Di rect Flight Across the At lantic Plymouth, June L (By The A. P.) A canvass last night among the crews of all the American navy's N.C-boats regarding the feasibility of a direct Atlantic flight by the N.C-4 developed a wide divergence of opinion. Xo one would say it was impossible or even impracticable but there was general agreement thSt much depended upon the direction of the w-ind and that there was greater prospect of success in flying from Newfoundland to Ire land than the reverse. Lieutenant .13. F. Stone, pilot of the N.C-4. was rjositive no attemnt would be made to fly homo by way of Ire!pd ! keeping opep the question of p Condensed Telegrams BoISheVlK WaitllDS Delivery of the Milwaukee Journal , T attle With British by air to Oshkosh was announced President Wilson "made progress in conference with Premier Orlando in Paris. ' Navy transport Great Northern ar rived t Hoboken with 2,980 men from France. One " person was probably mortally hurt when a grariclstand. in Brooklyn collapsed with a holiday crowd. ..A British legation was established in Finland as the result of the recent recognition of its independence. Reports from Holland indicate roy alists in Germany are still in close touch with Kaiser Wilhelm in Amer ongen. A report at Stockholm dealing with the recent capture of Riga by the Letts says the Bolshevik were completely surprised. Ov.-ing to the shortage of houses in London $7S,50 was paid for a 14 years' lease of a fourth floor apartment in Park Lane, London. American Army authorities are Engagement Lasted Fifty Minutes Russian Ships Then Fled to Kronstadt. . . Helsingfors, Saturday, Hay 31- (By the A. P.). A fifty minute battle oc curred this morning between a Bol shevik fleet comprising the battleship Petropavlovsk (23,307 tons) and three other worships which had been bom barding the coast west of Krasnaia (fifteen miles west of Kronstadt), and seven British warships. The Russians eventually fled to Kronstadt. TWO AVIATORS KILLED NEAR ? (HE YALE BOWL NEW HAVtN "Four Germany is preared to de vote her entire economic strength to the service of reconstruction. "Germany is prepared to make con siderable deliveries of benzol, coal tar and sulphate of ammonia, as well as dyestuffs and medicines. "Five finally Germany offers to put her entire merchant tonnage into pool of the world's shipping, to place at the disnosal ot her enemies -v part of her freight space as part payment of rearation, and to build for them for a series of years in German yards .in amount of tonnage exceeding their de mands. ' Six In order to replace the river boats destroyed in Belgium and north ern France. Germany offers river craft from her own resources. "Seven Germany sees an ap propriate method for the prompt ful fillment of her obligation to make rep arations by conceding participation in industrial enterprises. "Light, Germany, in accordance with the desires of the workers of the whole world, wishes to tee the work ers in all countries free and enjoying equal rights. . . "Nine The German delegation again makes its demand for a neutral in quiry into the responsibility for the and culpable acts of conduct. "Nothing short of confidence that the question of guilt will be examined dispassionately can have the peoples lately at war with each other in the proper frame of mind for the forma tion of the League of Nations. "These are only the most important among the proposals which we havs to make. As regards other great sac rifices and also as regards the details, the delegation refers to the accom panying memorandum and the annex thereto. "The time allowed us for the pre paration of this memorandum was so short that it was impossible to treat. all the questions exhaustively. A fruit ful and illuminating negotiation could only take place by means of oral dis cussion. "Even in her need, justice for her (Germany.) is too sacred a thing to allow her to stoop to achieve condi tions which she cannot undertake to carry out. "We are under no delusions regard ing the strength of the hatred and bit terness which this war has engender ed, and yet the forces which are at work for a union of mankind are stronger now than ever they were be fore. The historic task of the peace conference of Versailles is to bring about this union. "Accept, Mr. President, the expres sion of my distinguished considera tion. (Signed) "EROCKDORFF-RANTZA.U." and Newfoundland. He pointed out that all the N.C. planes are still in an experimental stage and that none of them was built for a direct Atlantic nignt. lie tnougnt the chance ot a favorable wind from this side was too remote to make serious consideration of the project possible. Advocates of the plan contended that if one or two members of the crew were dropped, enabling the plane to carry a greatly increased supply of gasoline, there was an excellent chance of success. They argued that the de stroyers used to aid this flight could be stationed along the direct course to ensure the safety of the crew even if the plane came to grief. Lieutenant David H. McCulloch of the N.C-3 saw no possibility of a re turn trip to New-foundlaiid. calling at tention to the prevalence of fogs and icebergs and adding that only airmen could appreciate the difficulties thus presented. The opinions of the commanders of the three planes were not available as iney nave been ordered to attend a conference at Paris at which it is ex pected the question will be thorough ly discussed. The message of congratulation from King George, forwarded through the American embassy at London, said: "The king wishes to congratulate His Excellency, the American ambas sador, on the safe arrival of the Amer ican seaplane and ask him if he will convey his congratulations to Mr. Daniels and the American navy." The king sent Sir Charles Cust. his equerry, personally to convey this message. It was relayed to President Wilson at Paris. ncnt burial in France of American troops who fell fighting. An extra Traffic Court has been opened in New York to take care of the victims of the new police crusade rainst motor violators. Concession by the Government for construction of a cable between New York and Rio "Janeiro via Cuba is to come before the court again. Joseph Brody, of Dover, N. J., was killed in his bathtub when his electric vibrator was short-circuited and the current passed through his body. Premier Lloyd-George in his speech to the Welsh division at Amiens, de clared the "German delegates will sign ut Versailles, and if not then, at Ber lin." Delegations from Ciscaucasia and Azerbaijan. Eastern Armenia were re ceived by President Wilson. The claims of the countries vfere laid before the president A H. Smith, regional director of the railroads lor the Last resigned, effec tive June 1. He will resume his duties as president of the New York Central Railroad. The foreign office at Buenos Aires publishes a t elegram from the Argen tina consul in Lonuon stating that shipping companies are renewing their sailng to Buenos Ares. Navy recruiting office in New York announced an opportunity for thirty -two musicians to visit most of the chief ports of Europe as bandsmen of the U. S. S. Pittsburgh. Sergeant Alvin C. York, Tennessee mountaineer, hailed as "greatest hero in the war" received his discharge at Chattanooga and will proceed to his home in Pall Mall, Tenn. Toy soldiers, airplanes and subma rines, made by wounded American sol diers out of tin cans, wooden boxes and waste material, are on exhibition at Thirty-fifth street and Fifth ave nue. New York. Landlords in the Brownsville sec tion of Brooklyn said they had receive a bid from a negro organization to lease all property vacated hf tenants who put a boycott in effect to resist increases in rent. litmdon reobrts '1vs Irtitisrt their arrival rushed for the tar that troops stait I ?d in southern Italv had contained Lieutenant Commander A. C. mutinied, 'me Rome report said the! x,eau, wno rou it. uie -na,- "y Canonic-of u,e White Star Line had across the Atlantic, seized him and been requisitioned bv Great Britain to bore him on their shoulders up and send th muUners home. down the platform and then to an au- )(. , 0.., .. tomobile for a parade. ' a"""" tll 94th Pursuit one of the first to reach the N.C-4's ?T o " was commanded by commander after he came from the: T, ,lu Kickenbacrier, will arrive in New train was Harrv G. Hawker, who had! iork on lh steamship Louisville to attempted to shout his congratulations' morrow. The unit had 69 German as Lieutenant Commander Read was Planes and many ballons to its credit, being iostied about on the shoulders Liept. General Robert Bullard, and heads of a score of men. former commander of the Second I American Field Army in France, and now commander of the Southeastern Lieut. Melvin B. Keleher and Corporal Joseph Katzman Lost 1 Their Lives When Their Machine Collided With Another Airplane While Flying at a Height of 1,000 Feet The Other Machine Planed to the Earth', Striking a Baseball Backstop Occupants Were Shaken Up. CREWS OF THREE NAVAL PLANES AT PLYMOUTH London. June 1. The crews of the three American seaplanes which start ed on the memorable trans-Atlantic flight .completed so gallantly by the N.C-4 through her arrival at Plymouth yesterday came to London this after noon and were given a typical Ameri can reception as their train stopped at Paddington station. American sailors and soldiers- who had, bo, wa;inj.for DECLARES THE WINNIPEG STRIKE IS A FAILURE Winnipeg, June 1. Hon. Gideon Robertson, Dominion minister of labor. a statement made today before leaving Ottawa to confer with federal iiutnorities said that the promoters of the. general strike in Winnipeg "now sit in the ashes of their folly"; that "sympatheticstrikes must always fail'', and ti 0 the Winnipeg strike is "the first rci.careal of the play writ ten at Calgary," where the. one big union movement was launched last -March. Mr. Robertson's statement was as follows: "The promoters of the general strike in Winnipeg now sit in the ashes of their folly. Something like 30.000 men and women were called out, professed ly for the purpose of enforcing iVe re cognition of the right of colective bargaining. In responding to the call the majority violated and repudiated their obligation to their own trades unions and their contract with, their employers. Individually and collec tively they wilfully discarded their agreements, indicating that the pos session of what tey are contending for is of little value. 'In a general sympathetic strike the force is directed against the whole community, who are innocent of any responsibility in the offense. Because of te inconvenience, loss and suffering imposed upon innocent people, sympa thetic .strikes must always fail. "Socialism has chosen the one big union idea as a popular primrose path along which to lead the trade unionist urging him to discard his honorable obligations, and join the big show. "In March last at Calgary the play was written. The Winnipeg strike is its first rehearsal, with the main per formance promised at a later date. The Winnipeg rehearsal has cost ap proximately two million dollars in wages lost in w etyern Canada, and has proven the play to have been badly written and unpopular wiii the pub lic and most ot the performers. "Employers must not mistake the outcome of the general sympathetic strike as a defeat of organized labor.' New Haven, Conn.. June 1. Lieuten-, mation as to the cause of the accident ant Melvin Ti. Keleher. 23, and Corporal ior lhp names of the aviators Coronet T u T- . , . . I Eli Mix held an autopsv tonight am: inn at;,i "T" , 21, "T? ? " Houllot declined to attend until a sub from Mineola. L 1 were killed this pocn;l ha( bcc ,S8UP(1. . w).h ? th,e'r ""Pi""0 It was learned tonight that the air- a w3J? , h m", Wlll, f.yln?- 1 1 p,anp whUh collided with - Keleher bow? -ialej machine was piloted by Lieuinan1 ' ,.,,,: ;,,, t- . 1 Howard D. Norris. His mechaniciar the machine in which Keleher andu,.ns Kmii c,,.iMin,. tiw, Katzman were dying , dunged to the! w? if !Lr. ... -.ii" .tlL' l.L: tini in c luiuMuii, uuiAiiiii smasum l int lClr.1,0 two men in the wreckage, and killin them outright. The other airplane managed to get clear and the two men in it planed toward the earth, finallv striking a baseball backstop at Pratt field. Its occupants were shaken up and the wings and propeller of the ma chine were damaged. The two airplanes were in a group of three which were on an aviation ser vice recruiting campaign. They left Mcridcn today after having dropped wreaths on the home in Wallingford of Edward Lufbery, father of Major Kaom Lufbery, American ace. who was killed in France. On Friday one of the three machines was damaged when it fell at Winsted. but it was repaired. 1 ne mrd machine landed here todav, but left later for Mineola. Lieutenant John T. Roullot of San r rancisco was in cnarge ot the air planes. He refused to give any infor- r s brother was lr the plane that collided with him, bu! this was found to be erroneous. WERE RECRUITING FOR THE AVIATION SERVICE Mineola. N. Y.. June 1. Lieutenant Melvin B. Keleher and Corporal Jo seph Katzman, killed today in an accident at New Haven, were driving one of three airplanes which left Huzelhurst Field last Thursday for New England on a recruiting cam paign for the aviation service. Ac cording to Colonel Archie Miller -in command of the field. New Haven was to have been the last point on the itin- ery o: tne two airmen. Lieutenant Keleher was from Frank lin, Tnd., and Katzman, who lived in Broklyn. enlisted a few weeks before the signing of the armistice and was to have been discharged this month. The polls will be open in all four city districts today from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. NATION-WIDE STRIKE OF TELEGRAPHERS THREATENED Atlanta. Ga., June 1. Officials here of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America reiterated tonight their prediction that a nationwide strike of telegraph operators would become ef fectivi tomorrow at 3 p. m. unless the South .-n Hell Tejrphone and Tele graph Company reinstates certain em ployes alleged to h ave been discharg ed for union affiliations. President J. Epps Brown, of the Bell Company sa,id there was no change in the situation and said that he had received no instructions from the wire board in New York. L'nion leaders said that telegraph operators belonging to the union em ployed by press associations or brok erage houses would not be affected by the strike. INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN ORDERED BY BLMLESON Washington, June 1. Investigation of differences between the Southern Bell Telephone Company and its em ployes at Atlanta, Ga., which has led to a threat of a n ationwide strike of telegraph and telephone workers was ordered tonight by Jostmaster General Burleson, who said that information leaching him on the subject was conflicting. PRESIDENT-ELECT OF BRAZIL TO BE GUEST OF KING GEORGE Paris, June 1. Dr. Epitactic Pessoa, the president-elect of Brazil, will leave Bologne Tuesday on a British man-of-war for Dover. He will be King George's guest during the period June 3-6, the king having sent a message through Lord Derby, the British am basador. His visit will be during the celebration of the king's birthday and he will attend the banquet at Buck ingham Palace, the lord mayor's ban quet at Mansion House and the gov ernment banquet at Lancaster House. Dr. Pessoa will leave Portsmouth on a British man-o-war for Lisbon, where he will board the French armor ed cruiser Jeanne d'Arc for the Unit ed States. TO PAINT PORTRAITS OF LEADERS IN LATE WAR New York, June 1. Formation of the National Art Committee, to ar- nge for painting by American art ists of portraits of military, civil and religious leaders in the world war, was announced tonight by Herbert L. Pratt, secretary and treasurer of the organization, of which Henry White, of the American peace missions, is honorary chairman. The American mission has endorsed the project and the portraits, together with a group painting of the peace conference, are to be exhibited in sev eral leading cities, according to the an nouncement. Later they will be plac ed in the care of the Smithsonian In stitution in 'Washington, to be hung eventually in the new national por trait gallery of the building, for which an appropriation of $1,000,000 is now before congress, is authorized. The committee is endeavoring, Mr. Pratt said, to induce John S. SargSnt to paint one or more portraits for the collection, while commissions have been accepted by Cecilia Eeaux, Jo seph Decamp, John C. Johansen, Ed mund C. Tarbell. Douglas Yolk, Irv ing It. Wiles and Charles Hopkin- son. LACKAWANNA TO DISMISS ALL WOMEN GATE TENDERS Einghsmton N. Y., June 1. The l acks wanna. Railroad Company an nounced tonight orders have been put into effect dismissing all women gate lenders employed during t he war to replace mn. It was stated officially that the order.-.- had been issued as the riirct itfuII of a crossing accident which' occurred recently in which one man loft 1s life. ASK OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT IRELAND'S CASE Paris, June 1. Frank P. Walsh and Edwai' F. Dunne, representing Ameri- ican Irish societies, directed a letter to President AVilson yesterday sayin that their instructions provide if rep resentatives of Ireland are not given an opportunity to present Ireland's case to the peace conference that they snould do so. "We therefore petition you." the letter I tid "to use your good offices to secure for us a hearing before theU four great powers, so that we may discharge the duty imposed on us by tne Philadelphia convention. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS FOR HARTFORD MAN Washington. Jun 1. Cenrral Per ching in a cablegram t') the war de partment announced the award of a lii 11 ing ui-:hed service cross to Corporal 1 ornelius T. Glynn, 17 Winter street, J Ian ford. Conn. INVITES INVESTIGATION OF TREATMENT OF JEWS Paris. June 1. (By The A. P.) Ig nace .lan Paderewski, the Polish premier, made it known today that he had decided to ask President Wilson to name a commission of Americans to go to Poland and investigate the charges regarding the -treatment of the Jewish population there. Revival of Agitation in Korea. Seoul, Korea, June 1. (Bv The. A P.t There has been a slight revival of the independence movement agitation in Korea, with Seoul as the center o the demonstration. In this city crowd which gathered was disperse ny troops, i-ive arrests were made. Division will deliver an address to the class of 1919 at West Point on June 11. It is reported in Stockholm that the appointment of an American Ambas sador to Germany after diplomatic relations are restored will be confer red on Ira Nelson Morris, Ambassador to Sweden. Alexander J. Hemphill, vice presi dent of the Guaranty Trust Co., has been decorated with the medal of Bel gian Commander of the Order of the Crown for services on the Belgian re lief committee. He already is Che valier of the French Legion of Honor. MRS. JOHN ASTOR MARRIED TO LORD RIBBLESDALE London, June (By the A. P.). In the column of paid marriage notices in the Times this morning is one saying EXCHANGE SYSTEM WITH NATIONS OF CENTRAL EUROPE Xew Y'ork, June 1. The exchange system recently inaugurated between the United States and the liberated nations of central Europe through the American relief administration is in tended as "merely a stepping stone to establishment of permanent commer cial relations," the "fourth stage" in the intervention of the American gov ernment in Europe, according to a statement issued here tonight by Ed gar Rickard. joint director. Asserting that many misconcentions had arisen concerning the nature and operation of the exchange system, Mr. Rickard gave the - fundamental rea sons why the administration extended its relief work to include transmission of money. "The intervention of the American government in Europe can be divided into four distinct stages," Mr. Rickard said. "First, armed intervention: second, suggestion of peace terms which final ly led to the - signing of the armistice: third, supply ef relief to the "liberated countries; fourth. . re-establishing of commerce between the liberated na- and the outside world. that, Mrs. John Astor was married to tions Lord Ribblesdale Saturday at St.! "Having drawn upon our stocks of Mary's church, Bryanston square, Lon don. The Daily Express, the only news paper announcing the marriage in its news columns, identifies Mrs. Astor as the first wife of the late John .Jacob Astor of New York. The only Mrs. John Astor known in New 1 ork is Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, food in America and placed these sun plies at the disposal of the liberated countries in order to meet their re-r ciuirements until their own harvest became available, we shall not have fulfilled our full obligations unless we make some effort to re-establish com merce. "Foreigners in America are asked to support this exchange system now as EXERCISES FOR YALE MEN WHO LOST LIVES IN WAR New Haven, Conn., June 1. Com memorative exercises in honor of the 207 Yale men who lost their lives in the war will be an impressive event of Commencement Week at Yale uni versity. They will be held on Sundav afternoon. June 14. it was announced tonight, and a commemorative hymn, written for the occasion bv Professor Horatio Parker and Brian Hooker will be sung for the first time in public President Arth ur T. Hadlev will mnL-o the commemorative address and Bishop Chauncey B. Brewster will of fer prayer. Details of Yale's record in the war also were announced tonight. More than 8,000 Yale men were in the American and Allied service, includ ing almost the entire senior class of 1919. Of the 207 dead, 72 were un dergraduates when they entered the service. , More than 2U0 were lis';ed as wounded, missing or prisoner, and "3-l-men received a total of 273 decora tions. France bestowed HJ0 of ' thee and the United States 65. Yale's -many activities at the uni versity during the war also are enum erated, it being noted that an artil lery training school and a naval train ing unit were established Rt Tale before the United States entered the war. Important work in the chemical warfare service, the signal corps and the medical corps also was carried on at the university. who divorced the late John Jacob Astor; it represents the definite beginning of some years ago. She is the mother of i financial connection between this The polls will be open in all four city districts toc-ay trom 3 a. m. to t p. m. country and the liberated nations. While it is chiefly represented at the present moment in the transactions of food, it w-ill gradually be transformed into transactions covering other com modities and lead to definite trade re lations. It is prohibited by law to send money by any other medium." Vincent Astor, who recently returned from France, where he served during the war in the United States navy as an ensign, and Muirel Astor. Mrs. Astor has long been known as simply Mrs. John Astor, having dropped the "Jacob" from her name after Colonel Astor's . second marriage. Several times since her divorce Mrs. Astor has been reported to be engaged to be PERSHING'S MEMORIAL t I 'T.irftr t.iHai. twti,! DAY ADDRESS AT ROMAGNE baron of that name, w-as born in 1S54 Romagne, France, Friday May 30.- and succeeded to his title in 1876. He, (By the Associated Press.) "Farwell, was married in 1S77 to Charlotte . dear comrades. Here under the clear Monckton, daughter of Sir Charles ' skies on the greei hillsides and amid Tennant, who died m 1911. Three the flowery fields of France, in the daughters were born if the union. Baron Ribblesdale owns a large estate and is a keen sportsman. He has no heir. 15 YEAR OLD TAFT SCHOOLBOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HIMSELF MAIN OFFENSIVE BY AFGHANS IS DEVELOPING London. June 1, via Montreal. The Afghan main offensive against Thal under General Nadir Khan, the amir's commander-in-chief, is developing .' The latest official information from I shows that all attacks on Fort Thal!.d' ifcdlca, Examiner James S. Mar- navt- uL-e, u-i.uu. ue ' '- tin viewed the bodv and said death was quiet hush of peace w e leave you for ever in God s keeping.' With these words General Pershing, commander of the American expedi tionary force, closed his Memorial Day address at Romagne, in the Argonne cemetery , where more than 9 000 barded throughout Wednesday last andi the Afgnans occupied tne looted bazaar outside the fort. Air reconaissance disclosed about 3.00 of the enemy near Thai. Their camps were effectively bombed. . At the caDture of the Afghan fort of Baldak. opposite Chaman. Baluchistan, the British took 169 prisoners and kill ed 320 of the enemy. Smart work was displayed in the assault and capture. ine guns maue Dreaciies,in trie waits 80 KILLED IN FIRE PANIC IN FRENCH PICTURE HOUSE Valence sur Rhone. June 1 (Havas). Fire broke out today during the per formance in a moving picture house 1 and the fort was finally reduced by a nere anu a large numDer ot persons ; flanking frontal assault. rue garrison lougnt oraveiy out ior were killed or injured. Early this evening the list of dead had reached SO, the bodies of 53 children and 21 women having been found at that hour. One man succumbed to asphyxiation. The injuries of most of those taken from the building by firemen were slight. There were, about one hundred of these. MEXICO CITY PUBLISHERS DETAINED BY MILITARY Mexico City, June 1. The responsi ble heads of three minor daily news papers in Mexico City and one leading morning daily, tne A. a. c. nave oeen detained by the military authorities in the capital for transportation tinder escort to the northern states for ocular proof that the stories which have been printed by these periodicals regarding the military situation there are with out foundation. The other papers are El Manana, Revolucion nad Omega. DISCUSSED MILITARY OCCUPATION OF THE RHINE Paris, June 1. Marshal Foch and his assitsant. Major General Weygand, conferred twice Saturday with Louis Loucheur. minister of reconstruction General Tasker H. Bliss, 'Major Gen eral Sir Henry H. Wilson, chief of the British staff, and General Diaz, the Italian commander-in-chief, on de tails of the military occupation of the Rhine region after the signing of peace. France to Hold Elctions in July. Paris,- June 1. (Havas). Rumors in the lobby of the chamber of deputies that the' government has decided to hold parliamentary elections during July are reported by Le Journal. the most part were killed or captured. It was the strongest fort in Afghanis tan,- having thick outer walls and bombproof shelters. Its fall has had a good effect in Kandahar and along the Chaman frontier, as showing the effect of hig hexplosive shells HAWKER CONGRATULATES CREW OF SEAPLANE NC-4 London, Saturday, May 31. "It is a jolly fine effort and I am very glad they got across," was the comment of Harry G. Hawker w-hen he learned of the arrival of the NC-4 at Plymouth. "Immediately I learned the news I wired the crew my hearty congratula tions on their splendid achievement. I: was a splendidly organized flight. I am particularly glad it was the NC-4 because she had all the bad luck at the start." caused accidentally by his own band. Blake was a son of T. Whitney Blake, a wealthy manufacturer and president of the Whitney-Blake com pany of New Haven, and a nephew of Dr. Joseph A. Blake," the noted surgeon. Watcrtown, Conn., June 1. William Americans wno leu m tne ngnung are Phipps Blake, 15 years old. was found j ?uned. General 'Regoutte, represent dead with a bullet hole in his head in'inS the trench government, and Mar- snai a oca, tne aiuea commander-in-chief, mentioning all the battles in which the Americans had 'participated and dwelling upon the everlasting memory in which those who had died for the cause of liberty, justice and civilization would be held by all 1' ranee. In the morning on his way to F.o magne, General Pershing visited the American cemetery at Beaumont, where 700 soldiers arc buried and where the graves were decorated by Americans, assisted by French civil ians. Speaking to an assembly of French civilians at the Beaumont cemetery General Pershing said that today was probably the last time that Americans would assemble in detachments on the soil of France to render honors to American soldiers who had died fight ing for freedom. LONDON POLICEMEN DECIDE TO POSTPONE STRIKE London, June 1. London's threat ened police strike, for which the mem bers of the force voted by -a big ma jority, has been called off for the pres ent. At the demonstration in Hyde Park which had been arranged for to day by Die police, it was announced that the executive committee of their organization had decided to postpone the strike until after peace was signed. UNITED STATES AND SWEDEN ARE TO EXCHANGE STUDENTS Xew Y'ork. June 1. For exchange of scientific knowledge and perpetua tion of friendly relations between the United States and Sweden, twenty students will be interchanged between the countries next year, according to an announcement today by the American-Scandinavian Foundation. Ten Americans will go to Sweden and ten Swedish students will study in vari ous American universities. The foun dation will announce June 15 names of the American scholars selected. ALL CLASSES IN IRELAND ARE UNITED FOR FREEDOM New York, June 1. Classes in Ire land which formerly were divded po litically now "are united and determin ed that Ireland shall not be the one black spot in all the world where f ree dom is denied the inhabitants." ac cording to Michael J. Ryan o f Phila delphia, one of the three delegates sent to the peace conference by the friends of Irish freedom, who returned today on La Lorraine. r Middletown The annual commence ment exercises of Berkeley Divinity School will be held Tuesday and Wed nesday. Only one man is in the grad uating class, Umetaro Uda, a Japan ese, who came all the way from .Osa ka, Japan, to take his finishing studies in this city. LOCKOUT OF PRINTERS IN BUENOS AIRES CONTINUES Buenos Aires. June . There were no new developments todav in the lockout of primers by the newspaper publishers. The trouble grew out of the strike of sewing grils, who were joined by the department store em ployes, tne latter charging that the store owners were subjecting the sew ing girls to sweatshop methods. The printers refused to set the ad vertisements of a department store which refused to meet the demand of its striking employes for better work ing conditions, and tlie publishers de clared a lockout. The store, a British concern, was thereupon boycotted by all the trade unions, which charged that, the workers were being exploited by foreign capital. The conflict has renewed the gener al labor nrest, which anparentlv had been quieted. The civilian vigilance committees have been recalled to guard duty, owing to a renewal of rumors of impending disorders. EX-KAISER HAS VISITORS AT AMERONGEN CASTLE Amerongen. .Tune 1 (By the A. P.). Evident excitement was caused today by the arrival of a number of German's at Amerongen castle. The usual re ligious service was abandoned and the former German emperor walked morn ing and afternoon in the garden with three other men. discussing in a loud voice some serious subject. The voices or the men were audible fifty yards away,, but their words could not be understood. One of the former em peror's companions apparently was Dr: Alfred Zimmermann, once German sec retary for foreign affairs. THE RHINE REPUBLIC HAS BEEN PROCLAIMED Mayence, June 1 (Havas). The Rhine republic was proclaimed today in various Rhine cities. The popula tion welcomed the event with satisfac tion and expressed the hope that it would put an end to the painful'uncer tainty prevailing in the Rhine prov inces regarding the allied nations and Germany. The new government is headed by Dr. Dorden. It has been installed pro visionally at Wiesbaden. Dr. Dorden addressed a message to the different governments and to the peace conference. WAGON WENT INTO RIVER: THREE PERSONS DROWNED Waterbury, Conn.. June 1. Two men and a 2 year old boy. riding in a light frame wagon attached to a horse, were drowned here tonight when the horse, frightened by an automobile, plunged the wagon with its three occupants and itself into Lakewood lake. The dead are Antonio Becce, 29, former member of the 102 infantry: Vito Lavango, 24, and Pasquale Becce, 2 years old, nephew of the former. Two bodies were recovered up to midnight. TORONTO STREET RAILWAY MEN VOTE NOT TO STRIKE Toronto, June 1. Employes of the Toronto Street Railway company de cided a.ta meeting early today not to join the sympathetic walkout called to aid striking metal workers here. The vote was 750 opposed to 250 in favor of striking. $5,000 FOREST FIRE IN VICINITY OF WATERBURY Waterbury. Conn., June 1. A forest fire raged for' several hours tonight on the Cables and Missel properties off Watertown avenue, causing $5,000 damage to the woodlands. A lighted cigarette thrown into the brush is said to have been the cause of the blaze. METAL WORKERS IN REGION OF PARIS TO STRIKE TODAY Par;. June 1. '.By the A. P.) The Metal Workers' Union in t he region of Paris has decided to strike Monday morning because of differences with the employers over the m ethod of a p plying the new eight hour law. The Temps estimates that the s trike will affect more than 200 0-00 workers. The secretary of the subway em ployes' union announced today that all the undergrSund lines in Paris will be tied up Tuesday if in the meantime te companies do not grant all the demands of the union. Women are seldom what they seem and they are glad of it. REQUESTS MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON LYNCHING Paris, June 1. William Trotter, "delegate to Paris and secretary of race petitioners to the peace confer ence," has written to President AVil son asking him in the name of the Na tional Equal Rights League, in view of recent lynching in the south, and for the sake of American negroes who gave their lives in the war, to send a message to congress recommending that lynching be made a crime against the federal government. Derby Announcements have hern issued of the marriage of Miss Annette Swift of Ansonia and Judge Alfred Carleton Baldwin of Derby, which took place in New Haven Wednesday aft ernoon. Judge Baldwin has been judge of the Derby court for the past four years and is a member of the reymb- lican state central committee from, this district. Hartford. According to unofficial records at the office of the Hartford War Bureau, about 200 Hartford men died in the service of the United States during the war with Germany.,