Newspaper Page Text
CLOOTY RAJN OR 8NOW TO DAY FAIR, TOMORROW FULL ASSOCIATED . PRESS DESPATCHES NORWIC.TT CONN., THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 1920 A Bulletin Want Advertisement Will Get It WANTED Mala WA JTTEfD Young man. Co., Chestnut St. : Bard Union dec31d W1KTED Boy to work in dru tore. Inquire this ofce. dec29d WANTED First class Journeyman barber for steady job at good pay in rood shop. Apply to Louis league, Danielson, Conn. dec27d ""WANTED One or two choppers for tutting cordwood; all winter job. O. H. Main. dec3d WANTED Shipping Clerk Conscientious, ambitious young man, wha wants steady position in mill, and doesn't mind hard work. Good position for right party. Writs Box 50, this office. WANTED The names of boys who are willing to get up in the morn ing and earn some money carrying papers. , Frequently there are good routes. Get your names on file and be ready for the first vacancy. Call at the Bulletin Office. LOST AND FOUND " l i rftittf ui h rjcudra car, in cluding gear separator P. 3976. Owner can have same by calling at 364 West M:i:n Kt til .lrmm i 1, QKnn tnu PAFTCTk II . -. r n 1 1 - LOST A brown ticked fox hour; owner's name and tag on collar, b ind er please notify -W. H. Cantwell, Plain tie'ld. Conn. janld rOlKD Saturday evening, on Broadway' hilL one auto rug. Owner please describe and piv charges. Wil liam B. Birge, 2 Huntington Place. dec31d MST Monday, on the car that left Danielson at 3.45 p. m.. a pocketbook with sum of money. Finder notify W. Mason, Moosup. decSld FOR SALE Horses FOR SALE Blooded Morgan mare, good age. weight SOO, fearless all ob jects, nice driver, perfectly gentle, an hs'.ruefses fit her, no reasonable offer refused: also two top Concords. Ev erett Whipple, Voluntown. janld SES Fifteen head of good second hand Jlorses that must be sold before the first of the year, to make, room for a ioad of Iowa Horses that will arrive be first week in January. These sec ond hand Horses I will sell regardless of cost, and every Horse sold must be is represented or money refunded. Six set of new team harness, 12 set of second hand team harness, 6 set of new business, harness.- collars, halters, whips. If in riee of anything in the Horse 'line, see me. L j. HAMILTON v 371. ST3. 37.-, Main St.. Tel. Residence 1212, Stable 653 SALE HORSES I have' a few good Horses that are suitable for- all kinds of work, and I want to dispose of them right away. Some are second hand, and all are ac climated. Prices right. Come and see taem. ELMER R. PIERSON. TeL 530-1. seplOd MUSIC GEORGE TOURTELLOn Teacher of Violin Studio, 21 Cliff Street FRANK G. BENSON Teacher of Violin ORCHESTRA For Dances, Wedding Aid Receptions. (2 Fifth Street. Phene 1251-13 Ernest E. Buliard TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN PHONE 127-4 BLISS PLACE I HAVE A FEW OUTFITS TO LEND DANCING. H. H. LEVY. Instructor. Chamber of Commerce Hai;: private lessons dally: evening classes Mondays and Thurs days. 8 p. m. Phone 174? or 424-5. novlgd , DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED DEAD HORSES and COWS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Call Tel. 1863, New London . WE8T SIDE HIDE CO. CASTINGS IRON CASTINGS FURNISHED' PROMPTLY BY THE VAUGHN FOUNDRY CO. Nos. 11 t 25 Fairy S treat 1 A Bulletin Want Advertisement Will Get It WANTED Female HT1KIHI7TI A nmfufnt TTIfllfi ffT general housework. Apply between 7 and S p. m. Miss uaaaen. S3 xsroau.sst decSld WANTED A nioe middle aged lady who would like a good home and a very small compensation for taking care of an elderly lady. Apply Box 69, this office. dec30d WANTED A saleslady for our Wll limantic store; steady position; a living wage. Inquire by letter only to the Pasnik Co., Norwich. , dec30d W ANTED A competent maid for general housework in family of two. Applv at 55 Williams St.. or Phone 49. dec30d - . : WANTED Capable middle aged wo man for light housework; no washing or laundering; references required. Ad dress X. T. G.. care of Bulletin. dec2d Saleslady Wanted APPLY B. GOTTHELF & CO. WANTED A Girl Over 16 Years of Age, to Do Light Work About a Shop. Address "Shop" Care Bulletin Office. Girls Wanted to Learn Silk Weaving IN OUR LEARNERS' DEPARTMENT, WE PAY YOU WHILE YOU LEARN TO WEAVE UNDER A CAREFUL INSTRUCTOR. A FINE CHANCE TO EARN GOOD WAGES. A FEW EXPERIENCEDWEAVERS ALSO WANTED. . . . THE BRAINERD & ARM STRONG COMPANY SOUTH GOLDEN STREET NORWICH, CONN. NTED - 50 MORE GIRLS Clean work and good pay. ASEPTIC PRODUCTS CO. East Killingly, Conn. HELP WANTED Girls Over 16 Years of Age THE AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY Willimantie Mills, Wiliimar.tic, Conn. WANTED APPLY TO JOSEPH HALL & CO. TRADING COVE MILL . -- Nowich WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Over 16 years of age to oper ate machines. Time work while learning; good wages on piece work basis. AMERICAN THERMOS BOTTLE COMPANY LIBERTY BONDS INSTALLMENT CARDS AND PARTIAL-PAID BOOKS BOUGHT "FOR CASH" OFFICE AT SHU-FIX 256 Main Street, Norwich, Conn. On the Square. On Diamonds, Jew elry, Watches and all Personal prop. . erty at a low rate of interest. Unre deemed pledgee for sale. LIBERAL LOAN CO. Norwich, Conn 63 Franklin Su TRUCKING AND TEAMING TEAMING and moving;; Ions distance trucking a specialty. John H. Ford, 233 Main St Phone 792. .. nov27d C. D. JOSLYN, 2S3 West Main St, successor to John Woodroanee, light and heavy teaming; local and lone dis tance furniture moving a specialty. -. Tel. 857-3. ,. C. B. BR8XLKT Ml. Shetucket St. Phene 33a. LONG DIOTAUCE MOVIii Bbetoeket SL Pione COT. PtAKO AND FDRNTTURB MOVQKL TBAjano Ajra vkdokhio done. Try promptly and at reasonable prices. Sbataetet 8C . Hni 131. WA TO LOAN! A Bulletin Want Advertisement Will Get It WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED A square piano in Rood condition. Tel. liiu or call at 67 cuff St. - - - . . janld WANTED Xou to know Lazarow Bros., 252 Franklin St., will be closed until Monday, Jan. 12, They are away after- styles and cloth. When they re turn, Jan. 12, they will have complete line of new worsted suitings. . janlFMJYF j WANTED Good eight room house, centrally located; state lowest price. Address Box S8. Bulletin Office. janlThSTu WASTED Men's hat renovating; your old hat made like new, at small cost. Peerless Hat Co- Bethel, Conn. Bor 3S3. decSld WANTED Young, reliable all round horse, about 1100. Ionard B. Kinne, Voluntown, Conn. dec31WTuS EXPERT hair coloring, scalp and facial work. Madam Lindgren Beauty Shop.Thayer Bldg.Tel. 572-3. dec30d WANTED Your sewing machine to repair. R. S. Stephenson,. 425 Boswell Ave. Phone 1353-14. dee30d WANTED One furnished room 'and one office room, together. Apply to Boston Cafe, 41 Broadway. ufeoSd LITTLE General cigar, special 6 for 25c; Manila cigar, 6 for 25c: Idle Hour cigarettes, 20 tor 15c; "1S60" Panetella cigar, 5 in a package, 15c; "some pipes," too. 35c, 50c, 75c. Fagan's Smoke Shop. dec29d WANTED Raw furs, every Wednes day, at H. A. Hcebner's, Water St. A. C. Bennett. nov4d WANTED Motorcycle ' and bicycle repairing. We are agents for-Harley-Davidson motorcycles and have a 1920 on display.' Norwich Cycle Co., 44 Water St. .. decsd WANTED: All kinds raw furs, hides I and skins. A. U Mills will be at Nor wich Tallow Co., Talman St., every Saturday till further notice. novld WANTED Farms. We can dispose of. any kind, large and small. Our buyers mean quick business. Have you a farm for sale? YVeislar's Farm Agency, Danielson, Conn. oct25d WANTED Old false teeth. Liberty bonds, diamonds, money loaned on liberal- terms. The Collateral Loan Co.. 154 Water Sr.. (near Shetucket St). sep25d N- WANTED To buy, veai calves, 18c lb. up beef and dairy cattle. Call E. Glaubinger, Colchester. Ct. Tel. 65. uug2d3 1 WANTED To buy second-hand kitchen r.-inges and stoves. Call A.' Bruckner,. 65 Franklin St., Or Tel. 717-3. WASTED Antique furniture, mir rors, colored glass, silver, historical china, old books, and old letters. A Bruckner, 55 Franklin su Tel. 717-3. may26d WANTED Speeder Tenders . ' ' APPLY AMERICAN THREAD CO. - Glasgo, Conn. AUCTIONEER Successor to W. B. WILCOX Phone 405-5 Norwich-or Phone 581-3 Jewett City Post Office, Norwich Town . LOWELL J. WILCOX RAW FURS WASTED, LARGE OR SMAI-1. COLLECTIONS: A. .V. BENNETT. CANTERBURY, CT. PLUMBING AND GASFITTING CALL UP 734 With or Without Gas Attach ments but Always EFFICIENT and ECONOMICAI ODEL RANGES We furnish Repairs for all makes of Ranges A. J. Wholey & Co. 12 FERRY TREET - Phone 581 Modern Plumbing is as essential in modern houses as electricity is to lighting. We guaran tee the. very best PLUMBING WORK by expert workmen at the fairest prices. ' . Ash us for plans and prices. I F. TOMPKINS 67 West Main Street ROBERT J. COCHRANE GAS FITTING " PLUMBING, STEAM HEATING Washington Sq., Washington Building Norwich, Conn. Agent for N. B. O. Sheet Packing. T. F.BURNS Heating and Plumbing 91 FRANKLIN STREET ' DETECTIVES CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES Inves tigated. Write Postoffice Box 472, Nor wich. Conn. octlld DRUGGISTS HOTEL McALPIN CANDIES Lowney's Chocolates, in Fancy Boxes at DUNN'S PHARMACY YOD WANT t 7?ut your bui- rsesa before the pubii, ihere Is no mdtum better than cltroupb the ad TeftlslsaT ooronns 07 Tne Bulletin. A Bulletin For Sale Advertisement Will Sell It FOR SALE FOR SAI.U Fresh cows, some giv ing 2u quarts per day; fine heifer calves soll with the cuws; prices rea sonable. V. M, & O. S. Peck, Norwich Town. Phone 463-14. janld EOr" SALE- -Village f arm775 acres, five min. walk two general stores, American Thread mills, moving Pic tures. Frank D. Kccleston, Glasgo, Conn. . janld FOR SALE Farm, 45 acres, mile from Glasgo village, fiowage rights for private pond or manufacturing. Frank D. liccleston. Glasgo, Conn. janld FOR SALE Red-bone hound "dog, IS mos. old, bred in Tennessee, ready for hunting; price $25 if taken at once. Apply Lagife Barber Shop. Main St, Jewett City. - decSld FOR SALE Cows and heifers, will trade or exchange for poultry or hogs. uarvin, scotianu. conn. aecaid -I FOR SALE-Jtoyal coffee mill, motor driven; has been in use one "week; a bargain, price $S0. Write Merchant, care Bulletin. n Uec3Jd FOR SALE Scotch coiiie dos 1 year old; nice dog for farm. Frank R. Den ison, 5 Central Wharf. decSld '-BAtraHAY''fbrsaie; Wrsehax Timothy' and Red Top, $32 ton; cattle hayt June and other hay mixed, $28 ton; delivered two tons or more to load. Telephone, evening- or raoiriir.g. 167-14, Putnam, Conn., or write Bowue Bros., R. R. 3. Box 4SA., South iv Mass. deoCld FOR SALE One new milch cow, calf by side, milks about IS quarts a day, straight. and right in every vi-ay. P. A. Nawrocki, Yantic. . Oe:::jy.i FOR SALE A new ".milch Holsteih cow, with calf.' I. W. Foote. Phone lS51j-i:: -t . declSd . FOP SALE Barred Rock cocks, cockerels, triovs and pens for show or breeding . .Tames Bishop. Westerly. R. FARMS for ale. Write tor catalogue. F. I. Racine. Danielsrn Crnn. sepl5d. FOR SALE Large Barn, about 30 x.40 ft., could easily be made into a Two-Family House, together with about ah aero of land, f a mile from Franklin Square. Address Box 43, care Bulle tin. . , FOR' $6,600 v.v You may secure a nice 12 room Cottage House with all modern improvements, situated in best location on Williams Street. For further particulars, see A. V. COVELLO, 1S8 Cliff Street, Telephone 683-3. $12,000 WILL BUY $20,000 RESIDENCE Has all improvements and is sit uated on one of the best residential streets of Norwich. Must be sold by January 10, 1920, otherwise own er will not accept less than $15,000. Get 'further particulars f rom ARCHA w. corr Highest Grade Properties Telephone 1334 63 Broadway FOR SALE Good Seven Room Cottage and Shop or Garage, with large lot Price S2200. quire of Laurel Hill. In. THOS. H. BECKLEY 278 Main Street ' Phones FOR SALE A 12-Family Brick Apartment Block with an earning " capacity of . 15 per cent. ' on the cost of the property can be secured on very easy terms. A great opportunity for a" big investment for a small amount of cash. ' Must be sold to close an estate. ', For lull particulars inquire of JOHN A. MORAN . Real Estate Broker.. Franklin Square FOR SALE $2,600 Two Tenement House With Improvements, Always Well Rented and Located I0 Minutes' Walk to Franklin Square. FRANCIS D. DONOHUE Central Building Norwich, Conn. Phone FOR SALE SEASONED HARD WOOD SAWED FOR STOVE OR FURNACE CHEST NUT WOOD FOR KINDLING. - HARRY B. FORD Tel. 792 33 Main Street. FARM, STOCK, CROP AND TOOLS.' One of the best farms in New London county, located in Tattville, known as the foneinah Company farm, owned to day by Victor MarcAureie. This farm comprises 103 acres, 1i acres oi tillable! This tillable land is free trom stone, very heavy, the best of elevation and has been drained. Every inch of it can be worked by machinery. Wall adapted for trucking and gardening. The bal ance is pasture and .woocuand; 2 big appie orchards, and plenty of other fruits; 11-rooin 1 story house, with running water, barn 45x109 ft., tieup lor 40 eattie and 7 horses, capacity for 10 tons of hay, one of the best barns in the county; stock consists of 16 cows, 7 heifers, 1 bull. 4 horses, about 20 pigs, some fowls, exceptionally good machinery, including 2 engines, one 8 h. p. and one 3 h. p., threshing machine, wood sawing outfit reaper and binder, milk separator, a large milk route in the village of Taftville, about tio milk bottles and a milk wagon, barn full of hay, several bushels of good corn, in cluding all of the crop. There is iiotn ing reserved in this salo. l'or price and term inquire of RACIiVE'S F1B1 A (SENG, Fkene, IDS. , Danleleoa, Coaa. A Bulletin For Sale . Advertisement Wili Sell It FOR SALE FOR SALE A good established Grocery and Meat . business, on Main St., Daniel son, Conn. Owner has good reasons for selling. His other business must have his entire attention. Apply to -." JOSEPH BODO & Cot, 25 Carter St., or Poa-tofflce Box 423, Danielson, Conn, JOSEPH B0D0 & CO.' REAL ESTATE, I S3 Carter St., Danlrlson, Conn. . Beautiful 100-acre farm Just 1 1-3 miles from Danielson, Conn., busi ness section. We offer this prop erty for sale on an attractive proposition.- - : - " JOSEPH BODO & CO., Box 42S, Danielson,- Conn. FOR SALE One beautiful cottasre on -South Main St., Brooklyn side. Danielson. Conn., two minutes' . walk from Danielson center; lot 76 feet wide, 28G feet deep. Tour opportunity to secure a nice home. Apply to JOSEPH BODO & CO., 25 Carter St., Danielson, or Box 422, . Danielson, Conn. ; FOR SALE Attractive Eight Room COTTAGE With Large Garage. Immediate Possession. J anies L. Case 40 Shetucket Street (Real Estate Department) COWS FOR SALE ANOTHER- CARLOAD WILL, AR RIVE TODAY, DEC. 27., s .. FRED W.' HOXIE "-'LEBANON. : s Tel. Lebanon 02. Two Good Houses on one lot, just over Preston Bridge, For Sale. : : : ' ' ' ' E. A. PRENTICE Phone 300 ; 86 Cliff .Street $750 Buys a Five-room. Cot'tage all furnish ed. This is a wonderful bargain sit uated as- it, is In a quiet village not oyer a 3 minutes' walk to trolley. The cottage has electric lights and the furnishings are antique. Investigate. A 60 Acre Wood Lot for $600 part cash several hundred cords of wood and some timber. A rare bargain. : Send for Wilcox's Farm Bulletin (Choice of 400) .William A. Wilcox .( FARM SPECIALIST 41 West Broad Street, Westerly, R. I. Rooms 1 and 2. Telephone 2365 j , FOR SALE Good 50-acre farm. well located, pleasant surroundings, S-room house, first class condition., 2 large barns, poultry houses and outbuildings, 20 acres nice, fields, 20 acres pasture, 10 acres woodland, plenty fruit. Only 32,000; SdOO cash required. -: TRYOS'S AGENCY, , , WillUnantlc. Conn. AUTOS TO HIRE - JAMES 'BITS. AND TAXI SERVICE 20-pass. 'bus and Cadillac limousine for hire. Majestic Garage. Tel. 1988 or 1917. -Special rates for Ions distance. , declOd - . ",TAXI : Closed ' car, eight-cylinder, seven-passenger Cadillac. Phone 32-4. T. Ethier. . . ' , decfd If tou want a comfortable I n . inuw uu . iu .iiw iu vau up ouiiii M. PILLAR, 21 Fanning Ave., Norwich; Dodge closed serv ice car. Phone 865-12. . RESTAURANTS WANTED WHEN YOU ARB IN TOWN, TRT THE .VICTORY LUNCH. " ,v' . Mela St. HOTELS American House D. MORRISSEY, Prop. First-class Garage Service Connected, Phone ' v Shetucket Street Del-Hof f Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN HAYES BROS, Props. Telephone 1227 8-28 Broadway A Bulletin To Let Advertisement Will Rent It TO, RENT FOR RENT Upstairs tenement four rooms. Inquire If Carter Ave. decild j- Furnished rooms, with boardu Boswell Ave. dec31WFS TO RENT Desirable furnished room, .centrally located. Tel. 372-5. TO RENT Tenement, five ' rooms, new hardwood floor, steam heat gas, bath, electric light, set tub; also small cottage on Union St. Inquire S:lty.IjV?nch- ' Janld TO RENT Two or three rooms partly furnished: Inquire City Lunch' janld TO RENT Furnished liRht "house keeping rooms. 82 McKinley Ave. Mrs. . aeciiUTuTliS FOR RENTCottage bouse at 69 Church bt; modern improvements. Ap ply at The Plaut-Cadden Co. dec30d STORAGE Household goods stored for Ibng or short term; rates reason able. Fanainc Studio. 52 Broadway. . decSd - TO RENT 15"! at fi -j bath, gas .and electric lights. Inquire I Ailing Rubber, Co. . .dec3d . ! TO RENT Garage in rear of Ailing a.a.x nnciii uiua. uu rranKiin St.. sift a month. Apply Ailing Rubber Co. nov29d , , ? RENT Basement tenement at .tG School street. 3 rooms. Inquire aj Bulletin Office , Oct.l3d. IO RK.vr furnished rooms; also rooms for light housekeeping. Applv at: iufc fachool St. Phone -1043-2. aug-Sd FOR SALE -Automobiles j FOR (111.1? riT, ifiKi TT.-j . I . . nuuson car tand one 14)14 Page speedster car; thev I iitaij. ximuire or C XX. ' i-aseh, 40 AtcKinley .Ave.. City, janld I FOR SALE 1917 Ford coupe in A-l runninjr order, cheap if taken at once. N. D. 'i'heroux. 32 Franklin St. decSld FOIt SALE Five-passenger Maxwell car model 25, run less than 16.000 miles, in first class condition. For demonstration Ripply to S w Hall care of The Plaut-Cadden Co., Jewelry Dept., Norwich, Conn. . decOOd Fnn 1 site lam TTr., , iw xuiu Louring car I and .1910.. Eord .runabout with truck , - i.f BUdpt, 1UOK and run like new; prices rig-ht as ttiey must be sold at once. Joseph Hoch berg. 1S1 Main St. Phone 991-3 Willi mantie dec27d , iuit Ai.Kr A Kepublic -ton truck hi A-i conauion. rnone 91-2 Williman- tic Div. dec4d KORD OWftEKS Does vour car srnrt hard.' Have you. poor lights? Have your magneto recharged in the car while you wait. Norwich Welding' Co.. Chestnut St. ' oct25d FOR SALE: We can crive fmmedint. delivery on Maxwell Touring Cars at i'J.i-: Chalmers Touring: Cars at J1.600; -Maxwell 1 1-2 Ton Truck at ?1200. These prices are delivered. If you contemplate having a car for next spring Detter older it now as the price nay be higher and delivery delayed. Second hand cars. H. IS. Anderson. Dameison. Conn., Tel. 340, 21 Maple St tfoctlsd. USED REO J916, 6 cyl., 7 pass, overhauled and . in excellent running order. . REQ 1916, 4 cyl., 5 pass, in fine " condition and a bargain at $650. BUICK ,1916, 1 ton truck, electric lights, starter, large body, $500. REPUBLIC ton, good running order, only $375. STEWART ton, Continental mo tor. Simken axles, only $425. . , Time Payments Arranged THE FRISBIE-McCORMICK COMPANY 52 SHETUCKET STREET ' Phone 212 i FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEED. . Insist on getting Duluth Imperial or Hecker-Jones Flour of your grocer. Try our Scratch Feed, and Beef Scraps; will make hens lay. Phone 326-5. GREENE VILLE GRAIN CO.". If you were certain that your hens would lay more eggs, wouldn't you buy PURINA FEEDS? We will refund your money if they don't. YANTIC GRAIN ANti PRODUCTS: CO. Phone 999 PIANO TUNERS GEK, 1 THE PIANO TUNER. 122 Pru.-pjct St- Phone 511. FREDERICK T. BUNCE The Piano Tuner Phone 838-2 22 Clairemont Ave. TUNER BYRON A wightman 11 Alice Street BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDER JOSEPH BRADFORD Blank Books Made -and Ruled to Order 108 Broadway A Biletia To Let Advertisement AUCTION WITTER BEOS. v.... . AuctioneeRI Office and Salesrooms, 42 'Maw St., DanieiSjOn. Conn.. J. C. witTEIt, i N. A. WITT&R, Asst. , Public Auction MONDAV, JAN. 5. Rain or Shine Kooui ittidrr Cever. On the above date I will sell at absolute public sale tiit- the higli aollar all of my persoual. property, it my farm, loeatud 14 ' uuio.. northeast of the depot at Sterling. Conn., and known as th Potter's Factory place, as follow" s.-.-, 'Horses and Cnttle One pair of horses, extra fine and unusually valuable farm ch'lnks, fat and iin the bist of ordei. kind, clever and true (weight 2600 lbs.), 3 '.yoiing cows, now milking a large quantity, 2 high grade Ayrshires : due in March. 1 extra large black Jersey, 5 years old, now springing bag, 1 I .noi;ths old heifer. - .. ..- ' 14 Head of PIb H, Including 1 ?ry larpre fat brood sow vun bred). 10 - handsome 4 months .void pigs, among which are -6 fine fe males, and 3 piss 12 weeks old; .13 hens and 1 rooster. - Wacrons nnil Tools One axle bex body team waon in high class condition. 1 canopy ton two Feated democrat, be'tter thnn- com mon. 1 extra' gocd onen Concrrrrt buggv. S old buggies. 1 nearly-new-two-horse McCormick t mowet, 1 nearly new Peering steel rake, 3 ihw cultivator. 1 or 2 nlowst and harrows. 1 grindstone, 1 hay c'lttor. 1 brooder. 1 crosscut saw takfe lilocks. riiof naeT. 2 rolls'-- fence wire, farks, chnins. hoe? nnd mis cellaneous articles, 1 pair heavy double team harness, as eord as now and only used a part of oiVe year. 1 of seonn hnr- team harnesses. 1 beavv single far"i har ness m nerrect shane. several odd '"'ITS, haaneo, straps, horse blan kets, robes, etc. Honoeold Goods A Fmall lot ef houpeMcVd goft'lf!,. inl"'Hnrr "-v'. Jars, heaters, chairs. hpdstn"! nd other articles f.S bushels potatoV The Real Estate will be placed on sale at 1.30 o'clock p. m.. as de scribed: 190 acres, more or less, of good farm land, with buildings thereon, comprising a f 2" -story house of . 14 rooms Vcow and horse barn, hen house., tool, house ard ig stys. Woodland'' estlmati'l to rut 500 cords wood and .a. pine woodlot estimated 40,000 feet,' The farm 1 veil watered hnvi!r- a li-rr ptram, and two ponds on it, and one other particularly valuable asset is a fine stone quarry. ,'V " TERMS: A mortgage of ' Jl.nnn may remain on this property and the balance to be paid as follows: 10 per cent, at time of sate and the remainder when deeds are drawn. Bear in mind the fact that the personal property advertised above will. be sold regardless of weather (no excuses).t Caterer In attend ance. J CH ARLES OPPERMAXX, "Owner! Sterling, Conn. v AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FOR SALE Detroit weatherproof winter, top for Ford runabout, used only a few months. Burnham's Car Shon. Willimantie. or Tel. 146A-4 Norwich. decJOd SEE OUR WORK FIRST THEN. GET OUR .PRICE FOH PAINTING :Y0UR CAR; MOTOR CAR PAINT SHOP ; 354 West Main Street Phone 73$-23. ' . ; ,', THE EXPENSE . and, delays in securing new parts it) eliminated if you have our kind of WELDING -With our service you keep the truck or car in commission prompt, thor oughly done work at least cost, . - We stand back of all our work ancl guarantee results. ' ? ' NORWICH WELDING iO. 31 Chestnut' Street 1 s - - . i-.. - - Norwich, Conn. , ; 1920 Cheverolet , FOR SALE Brand new touring car - nsn only 300 miles. Chance to save a few dollars if you in tend buying a new car. . , ' Reason for selling, going to buy a Sedan. I 2. : THE 1 J. SHAHAN M Next to PostOffice i . Aeto Radiators t REPAIRED AND RECORED -Thoroughly Tested Under Atr Pressure) ' LAMPS AND MI'D GUARDS Straightened and Repaired i GAS TANKS AND PANS TO CFDER ALL WORK GUARANTEED : WM. E. SHANLEY 499 MAIN STREET, (East Sid) ' ' NORWICH, CONN. - INSURANCE ic Service Cars ' Insured. - J. L. LATKROP & SON ,28 SHETUCKET STREET 1