Newspaper Page Text
NORWICH ' BULLETIN FRIDAY JANUARY 9, 1920 Vfc-a it.y..hi .iUi GAS IN THESTOrCH DANGEROUS 'Rrrommentls Daily I se of M ait Benin to Onmnr Trouble Canned by Ker .. mcntiBff Food .and Aeid Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stcimach accom panied by that full, bloated feeling a,f . ter eating are almost certain evUenoK of the presence of excessive lf'ro chloric acid in the, stomach, creUtig: -called "acid Indigestion." Acid stomacns are dangerous bftcVijse'' too much acid irritates the delicatft Ha ley of the stomaeh. often leadin-'-.Tav gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food fermentSj and sours, creating the distressing, gas which distends the stomach and jiam pers the normal functions of the Vital internal organs, often affecting?;:the heart. It la the worst of folly to n3Ieet sach a serious condition or to,ft-eat with ordinary digestive aids Tithich stomach acids. Instead get frorib 'inyj druggist a few ounces of BisilraHdi! quarter glass of water right after eafe ins. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten tn stomach, neutralize the excess acid and prevent Its formation, and there Is no sourness or pain. Bisurated Mag nesia tin powder or tabl.t form never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and ' the best form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. F. H. & F. W. TILLINGHAST r- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Central Village, Conn. AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT Courtesy. Efficiency, Satisfaction Telephone Connection. Mooaun Oiv. LOUIS E. KENNEDY DANIELSON Undertaker and Embalmet toeciaJ Attention to Ever DotaO. CENTRAL VILLAGE llifiS Dorothea Gardner left Monday for Norwich to enter the nurses' train ir.g class at Backus hospital. Miss Emma Oreenluilgh, who has been spending the vacation at her home, has returned to Heading, Mass.. where she is a commercial teacher In the high school. ' Mr. and Mrs. Narcisss Caplette and Mis Blanche Caplette of Worcester, former residents here, were guests at L. Howard Cross' Wednesday. Frederick Eaton of Providence has iieen visiting his mother, Mrs. Henrv Krink. Many local youn? people were in Mvnp New Year's niyht to attend ti." fjirls' rlub dance. Miss Theima Wuierhouse is recover ing from injuries received while coasting last Monday. Hiss Rosella Lafrauce. who attends school in Canada, has been spending the vacation with her parents, Com-mis--ii)rie and ?.lrs. Vrgele Lafrance. Mrs. Fred Ti'tlirsghast has been the Silent of relatives in Norwich. Master Lester Lcring, who has been ili.-is much better. Miss Miriam Chapman has returned from a visit in Providence. Thomas Carlan has recovered from ! ! : r Alis Alice Eaton has returned from I'roviuVnce. where sheh as been visit ir.s ai ihe home of her father, Fred J. Katun. I''i'.n Moore of Palmer. Mass., lias '?' spending a f,v days here with friends. ibthcols ip2aii Monday rr.orninsr af ter nvo weel;s' vocation. Mr. and Mrs. Amos E. Hall of South Ki'ilir.sly were New Year's call ers here. Mrs. Abby Hopkins, telephone op rrator in Danielsor. has been at her home here. Mrs. William Dean. Miss Phbe J5arher. Miss Elizabeth Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean spent New Tear's in Putnam with relatives. Miss Josephine Armstrong has been rr-eiidirg several days with friends in Worcester. Kllsbcth Potviu and , Margaret Weaver are 11!. Miss Beatrice Segnin sent Wednes- J day with Norwich re-lativcs. I Mrs. Robert T.orinpr. who has been ' at the Memorial hospital in Worcester wreral days on account of the serious illness of her younsrest daughter. Mary, was at her home Sunday. She return ed to Worcester Monday. Miss Rose Seguin has returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she teaches music In th,e conservatory. She spent two weeks' 'vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Seguin. Miss Cora B. Ballard has returned from her home In Fryburg, Me., where she has been spending her vacation. Joseph Faucher' has gone to Maine for- a few days. Miss Ethel Collins left Sunday for. Sunapee, N. H.. where she teaches. She spent two weeks' vacation at her home. North Haven. A meeting of Kew Haven County Pomona grange was held in North Haven, January 8. A programme arranged included "My Funniest Experience During the Past I'ear," short talks by six members. DOUBLE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR 'Danderine' ' creates mass .-' of thick, gleamy wayes ,4.. -. jFr-vv --. . In a few moments you can trans-j form youif plain, dull, flat hair. Tou can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine- for a few cents. Then moist en a soft cloth with the Danderine and draw this through your hair tak ing one small strand at a time. In btantiy, yes, immediately, yon have doubled the beauty of your hi'ir. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so easy to do up. Ail dust, dirt and excessive oil is removed. Let Danderine put -more life, color, igor.and brightness in your .hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your; scalp, check dendruff and falling hxtr, and help your hair to arrow lone. ' y i'tS thifi - ' - WESTERLY Charles S. Fowler, the active head of the Westerly Textile company, since the temporary! retirement by reason of 111 health of his father. For mer Councilman Frederick E. Fowler, created - a very favorable impression on his appearance before the town council on a matter of great import ance to ..Westerly'- Mr-. Fowler is of the directory ' of - the new Ninigret company, that has taken over the property in . Westerly of the Ninigret MiMfe .company.v.-ownecl by 'the- Fowler interests. . . ;He : was :bef Ore the -council relative to securing the- usual abate ment of taxes for a period of ten year on new construction by new in dustries. He.told-the council in plain clear . .fcerm3 f Just what this new con cern i'diild imeahi to. the future of YTesrerly, and openly declared that the Fiske Rubber company interests held erghty per cent, of the stock of the new concern, and was to engage in. the "manufacture of cord fabric for auto-j ttbile tires. Mi Fowler told the coun- f-cll that the present prbperty of., the Ninigret company, would be utilized to the limit, and "whether the capacity would be more than doubled in West- erly, or operated in Pa'wtucket where the Ninigret company - has another plant, was entirely up to the people of Westerly.- - " -.'-.' Frank Manna, who abandoned his wife and two children and went away with two of 'his children and Mrs. An-; tonio Cappucio and two of her chil dren, Nov. 11," was brought from New York. Thursday-night by Police- Chief Brown who secured him on requisition lapers. Upon arrival: Manna was greeted by many of his fellow coun trymen 3 the railroad station and was showered with confetti. He -was taken to the police station and will be given a hearing in the third- district court this (Friday) morning. Tho Rhode Island house of repre sentatives has passed the soldiers' bonus act which gives $100 each to soldiers,, sailors, marines and nurses. The act- carries a bond issue of $2; 500,000, and an .accompanying resolu tion provides for a special election on February 10, to approve the loan and make the act operative.,. An amend ment to include yeowomen in the bill was defeated by a vote of 2S to 59. Every nisn who had been actually a member of the military or naval forces, regardless of whether or not he. hack ever reached a. cantonment, would be entitled to the bonus. The secretary of the board is to receive a j Congregational church Sunday even salary o $5,900, and Mr. Eaton, the ling next.' Rej. Edwin H. Kellogg of champion of the bill, declared $25.000 1 New London will supply the pulpit foradministrative purposes was not an exorouant cnarge against the ap pi-opriation. A resolution proposing o Sl00,000 bond Issue for the construe tion of bridges on , the state . highway system, will also' be submitted for ap proval at the special election; Judge John W. Sweeney, .of West erly, a justice of the superior court, has befa elected first vice president of the Catholic club, Providence. Governor Beeckman sent to the sen ate . thirty-three; , .apr-oiritmajus, Hie' nominees to succeed themselves. In the batch was. the appointment of Frank G. Ferry, of South Kingstown, as statei sidepath commissioner for Washington county. There were no Westerly appointments. Real estate transfer deeds lately re corded in the office Jf Town Clerk Ev ecett E. Whipple ai": Bridget T. Doo ley to Mary M. Dooley. half interest in house and lot in York avenue; Nini gret Mills company to IviniSTet" com pany, land and buirdings;. Caroline Catto to Angelo Siclliano, house and lot in Hobart street; Samuel Slocum estate to- Horace. EL Burdick, house and lot in Cross street; New England land company to Samuel Slocum, lot in Fairvicw park: James E. Quinlan to Samuel Slocum. lot m Falrvlew park; Harvey Fanington et ux, to Elliot G. Farrington. thirty-six acres In Wells street: Frances- C. Griscom et al. to Helen E. G. Settle, right of way to -Watch Hill. In the same pe riod there have been recorded seven mortgages aggregating $17,400. one chattel mortgage of $220a thpee re leases of mortgages. and : two . leases on the Potter-La nsworthv; bulldinx to Dr. Harold F. Doyl and Westerly Lodge of Elks. " - The Vanderbilt steamer Lexington, Captain George Child, was burned off Eaton's Neck, Long Island sound, on January 13, 1840, eighty years, ago. Of the 122 persons on board only four were saved. Captain Chester Hillard, a native of Norwich,, then twenty-four years of age. was trie only surviving passenger, , the othcrVthree being ; of the crew of the steamer;.' A-lithograph of the burning of the Lexington,-with the statement of Captain Hillard, was on exhibition; Thursday,- in- the- read ing room of the Westerly Public li brary. V -- ' - Just a week!' ago another steamer Lexington went - ashor? at Eaton's Neck, ahd in -the Viimmediate vicinity where Ajanderbilf s Lexington was burned to, the water's edge. Westerly Lodge of Elka was repre sented by- Martrhv H. Spellman, Dr. Michael JV Scanlon, Al.. J. 'Twomey, Andrew j; Martin" -ana Joseph L. Len Sp cial urtiw VICTOR MCTfpS MD TCTQr? RECORDS Main - - I ihan, on the official suite-oi District! Deputy Sullivan, of Newport, in his official visit to Providence Lodge, ob Wednesday night The reception was on an elaborate scale. At the annual meeting of the Wash ington County Medical Society, held Thursday at the ' Colonial club, Dr. John W. Keefe of Providence read an interesting and instructive paper on prostastic diseases. Officers were elected- as follows: Dr. 'Patrick j. Manning, of .Wickford, president;,. Dr. 'H-enry'L. Johnson of Westerly and; Dr. Willia'm T. Veal of Stonington. vice presidents; 'Dr. William A.. Hi! lard, pf Pawcatuck, secretary-treasurer; Dr.. Samuel C. Webster, of Westerly, audi-, tor; Dr. E. E. Kenyon, of TJsquepaugh, censor for three years; Dr. Harold Metcalf, of Wickford, delegate to the state medical society Dr. Frank i. Payne, counsellor to. state medical society for two years. 5 Local; LacsnJcs. . i The temporary addition to be built io the - -Washington Trust company building will be constructed of wood and will be twelve by twenty feet in dimensions. It will be used fofoffrces and the present office space will in crease the size of the lobby. Theodore Bodenwein, of New Lon don, was the guest' of honor at the Colonial club Thursday evening. He gave an interesting talk on what he saw on the battlefields of France dur ing his recent visit abroad. - Polluted politics are profusely play ed preliminary to state appointments for Westerly. The Third district court convenes today (Friday) in Westerly. The degree team of Narragansett Council wiil work the third degree on a large class of candidates for White Cross Council, Knights" of" Columbusj in Norwich, Sunday afternoon. A large delegation' of Knights from Westerly will attend. Repairs to. the boiler have been com pleted and' sessions will be resumed today in the West Broad street school. The Kessler Tailoring company, of Providence, has made assignment for benefit of creditors, to Attorney M. Walter Flynn of Westerly. STONINGTON Rev. Richard Howarth. of Bradford, England, at present residing with bis son-in-law, Arthur E. Tratman, in Westerly, will preach at the Second January 18. The pastor. Rev. Dwight C. Stone is on vacation in the south . Stoningtoh Pointers.' Captain Manuel is substituting at the -Fishers Island Coast Guard sta tion.. The . Stonington board of ,assessors are on the annual tour of inspection of taxable property in the town. Large addition is "to be made to the AUvood plant. Mrs. George "L. Denison entertained the: membera of the Wednesdav Bridge- club. . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Edwards have returned from a fortnight's stay in Boston. Noyes Palmer has purchased the Chesebro ice house, pond and seven acres, located in AYequetequoek, from William A.Wilcox. The property was formerly owned by Beatrice Chesebro. ABINGTON Miss Nellie Furlong, while returning from work, slipped on tile ice and sprained her ankle badly. Sunday. Dec. -28, Ralph Baker and Mrs. Bennett were united in marriage at the home of the. groom. " Mrs. Seaver was called to Water bury to care for her daughter. Mrs. Flags, who is suffering from a fall. Th,e Whist club met Frida evening with Mrs. P. A.- Sharpty Prizes were won by .Mrs. Will Gallup and Arthur Gallup. Miss Em-etta Grosvenor and Paul Whitehouse. The primary room at the Corners school opened Monday for the winter term. The private school did not open i on account of the illness of Mrs. Clara Sharpe. The third and fourth grades have returned to the primary room. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone are visit ing Mrs. Stone's sister, Mrs. Darrow, in Hampton. Nelson Neweomb and "family have moved to the Sam Griggs house. - Rev. Frank A. Fuller, a former pas tor, preached at the Congregational church Sunday. Wolf Den grange, observed . watch night, Dec. 31. Only a few members were present, but t,hese spent a very, enioyable evening. ' '- i Mrs. F. K. Haines is gaining in strength. ... ' The lecturer's committee of .'Wolf Den grange met Mondav evening with the incoming lecturer, Virginia Sharpe. to plan a program for the new year. GURLEYVILLF John Clark has purchased from Ju lius Hauschild the Henry Dunham farm, in Gurleyville. Ralph Sunderland of West Ashford was a recent visitor at Mr. and Mrs. ic Victrola Genuine Mahogany Victrola Outfit OUTFIT CONSISTS Victrola Yl "(Mahogany). ....... . $35.00 Handsome Cabinet to match. . . . $13.50 Three (3) 10-inch Double-faee. Victor Records (85c each) $2.55 TOTAL PRICE $53.00 All you need do is to purchase the Victrola Records in this outfit (or your wn selection to same value? and we -will immediately send ' the entire outfit to .your house. Payment may be made at the rate of only SEVENTEEN CENTS A DAY (payable weekly or monthly 83 ygu. prefer). . We will gladly demonstrate the outfit if you wish. A visit involves no obliga tion to purchase. . .. ... Thg Store of ' Victor Service Supreme St . Norwich, Conr SHOULD MMETt : ; MILLION FOR HIM CINCINNATr MAN DISCOVERS DRUG THAT LOOSENS CORNS SO THEY LIFT OUT. '. MC'St. druggisTs; . are. hayang .tre mendousvcall far freezone,-- the dr-ug which is said to shrivel a corn, -root an 'all, without any pain. A few drops applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the sore aess at once, and shortly the ; entire corn, root and all, lifts right out with the fingers. . This new drug is beins dispensed at small cost 1h . quarter ounce bottles, which is sufficient to take oil every hard or soft corn from one's feet. It is a stidky substance which dries at once and does not inflame or even ir ritate the surrounding tissue or skin. There is no excuse for anyone inviting death 'by infection or lockjaw from cutting their corns now. ... - D. P. Munyan's. " ' The Ladies, Benevolent' 'society is planning to serve- a- baked bean sup per in the conference room. In con nection with the supper there will be a mystery, box sale. Samuel Morse of Rhode Island, and Miss Dorothy Cantor of Wormwood Hill, were recent visiters at Mr. and Mrs. -David Munyan's. CANTERBURy PLAINS ' The' M.,P. SunVlay school held Christmas and New Tear's exercises last Sunday at the church. Supt. A. B. Hicks gave a sled to the child in each class who attended Sunday school the most regularly. Hans Han sen received it in his class. Annie Hansen in her class and Lucy East land in her class. Mr. St. John re membered each'chiid with a token of some kind. Howard Bushnell with his two eld est daughters has been spending the holidays with his parentsV Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bushnell. V Miss Lottie Bushnell returned to her work in New York Monday morning after spending the holidays with her mother here. E. P. Sabins made a business trip to Stonington last week. - Thre Methodist Protestant church received a bequest of $300 from the estate of Helen Breed, who died last February aj the home of E. P. Sa bins. The money is to be put in' the bank and the interest used to defray expenses on the church property. This is the- second bequest the church has received and the members feel very grateful for It. School on the Plains commenced Wednesday morning with Mrs. Henrv Kearns teacher. Fred Sacket? .is mail man for the present. James Lathrop having re signed the first of January. LYME Miss Florence Powers, a nurse, in New York hospital enjoyed a va cation at her home on the Ferry, Wed nesday. Miss Tessie Harding returned " to Glastonbury Sunday last . where she is teaching. The funeral services of Mrs.. AVill iam Uentig was held at her home on, Saturday afternoon. ' Burial was in Hamburg cemetery. Mrs. Norman is spending a short time in New York, on business. Ice is being harvested every day here. The third and fourth degrees were conferred at Lyme grange December 18th. Leon Tiffany returned' Monday to his school in Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Robert Sawyer served at the L. B. S. last week Wednesday. Miss Angie Beckwith, who has "been taken to the New London . hospital siiffaring from, a broken leg, is report ed as doing well and as quite com fortable. ' ' - v Miss Grace Harding returned to her school in Middletown the first of the week. Charles M. Peck is taking the cen sus for the town of Lyme. HANOVER The preacher at the Congregational church next Sunday will be Rev. Thomas Street of Ashland, Mass. ' Mr. Street has just returned from tyo years' service with the Y. M. C. A., in. France,. after having been rejected for active service with the Canadian army. , - j Tuesday evening, Rev. H. D. Roi-: laston and the choir went to Lisbon to assist at one of the special ser- C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears '. the Signature of , Cents a Day OF:, Week 17 One (1) 12-inch Double-face Victor Record $1.35 Ten package needles. .......... . n. One (1) Record Brush 10 ESTABLISHED IS72 "SYRUP OF Fl CHILD'S LAXATIV LOOK AT TONGUE! REMOVE - POISONS FROM STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less laxative pr physic for the little stomach, liver and ; bo'wels. Children love its deuciousy .fruity taste. Full direction for child's dose, on each bot tle. Give' it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." vices for the week of prayer. The sheeting and roll call of the church "is to be held next Wednesday, January -.Hth-'---' Miss Fannie Allen has returned from Washington, D. C, where she has heen visitin gfor several weeks. Ralph Standish has. returned to Brown fop the winter term. STAFFORD VILLE Miss Anna J." Thombspn and George H. Gibson were united in marriage a the home of the bride's parents in Springfield, Mass., New Year's eve at 5.30 o'clock. Rev. J. M. McGann. rec tor of the Episcopal church officiat ed. The bride was a graduate nurse and was. employed in the Johnson Memorial hospital at. Stafford Springs for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will be at home here after February 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phelps" and Benjamin Phelps were called to at tend a funeral of a ecusin' in Wor cester, Mass., Sunday last. Mrs. A. Skinner. Willie Skinner and Vera White of Bolton, .were guests over New Year's of Mrs. J. M Von Deck. Miss Thomas of Boston visited her aunt, Mrs. Vaill, last week. CHESTERFIELD Misses. Rebecca Miller.' Beatrice Miller and Sarah Leveleff of - New York, spent New Tear's and. the week end with their parents. . Miss Etta Kaplan has returned home after spending two weeks with frineds in New York. -Miss Katie Roey returned home re cently -after 'spending her vacation, in New Tori: wiih relatives. Messrs. Moody and Light were re cent school visitors here, after Super visor Smith resigned. . . Jacob Kaplan has returned home from New York where he spent two weeks with relative J. E. Powers filled his ice house on Tuesday and Wednesday with 9 and 3 a inch ice. William Tinker filled his ice house Saturday with 11 and 12 inche ice. John R. Ka"plan is now filling his See house. . ' . . , Mrs. J. E. i Powers, is . U? with grip. Benjamin Kaplan 'was a caller in New London Sunday. EAST COLCHESTER - M. Goldstein ha: purchased a trac tor arid saw. mill and intends to saw lumber soon, ' X During the .eold weather ice has frozen to a good thickness and farm ers are busy filling tbeir ice houses. - Miss. . Fapn re Lathrop, of Boprah, was a week end guest of friends here. News has been, received rom Mr. EAGLE CLOTHING CO. Has demonstrated to the utmost that the public can appreciate legitimate announcements. The crowds that took advantage of the first few days of our wonderful offerings in - FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN has through satisfaction obtained served to send their friends. This is our aim in making these sacrifice prices in the face of continuous advances now being quoted for future. We have long enjoyed public confidenceand hope to merit a continuance oi.mlplore 'y9 are willing to share any advantages weJ have in owning large stocks at old prices. DONT WAIT!' VISIT THIS SALE TODAY! Outfitters to Men fr i t Jf" 5--,' . --. ' ' f 5 . V ' . .- ' ' - - ' - - ti rill 7 Union Grains Ranks First In:Modoin IN DAIRIES like that of the Hershey Chocolate Company ; where feed is fed not by chance but 'by test of the milk produced per pound of feed, Union Grains ranks first. Pairy records show that Union Grains increases the milk flow to the paying point and keeps it there. . . UNION GRAINS C - I . ' ' is a rich, highly concentrated feed. It contains 24 per cent pro tein, 5 fat, and only 10 fibre. Nutritive ratio 1:2.8. It was the first dairy feed made and has been the standard of quality for 17 years. Measured by the milk pail it is the most economical ration known in dairyland. : $3.90 PER 100 POUNDS SCRATCH FEED $3.95 PER 100 POUNDS 3-13 COVE and Mrs. George Gray since they ar rived in Florida, that Mr. Grays health is much improved. William Avery is attending court in Norwich as juror. WHITE ROCK Miss Idella Lancaster spent the first of the week with Jher sister in Provi dence. -. ; Gladys and Dopald, small children of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Tucker, have scarlet fever. Mrs. John Greenwood is entertain ing her mother and her sisters from Norwich.' ',,. Mrs. Thomas Miller, and two chil dren have been spending the past week with relatives at Albion R. I. Miss Margaret McCracken, of West erly, was a recent guest of her aunt, Miss Sarah Smith. ( Miss Pearl Jones spent Sunday with Mis Effie Crdwthe,r;5in Lower Pawca tuck. -j - 5'i, As usual . the Ladies' Aid society had their Christmas tree , at the January Break a. Gold 1 Iri Few Hours irst dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves all "stuffiness and distress . Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffing! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends all grippe misery. The first dose opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages of head; stops NOW GOING ON AT Clothing and Women X 4 0 iq v urn STREET meeting. A delightful time was en joyed. Mrs. John Greenwood and Miss Pearl Jojes had charge of the social hour. .Mrs. Ceveland Carpenter of Quono contaug spent Tuesday with her grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Nether wood. Misses Sarah 'and Ruth Brooks spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Providence. A large force of men has been har vesting ice at White Reck farm. , .Little Nora Regan is ill. Mrs. Durnwoqd Saunders, was a re cent visitor in Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bennett spent New Year's day with Mrs. Bennett's parents at Apponaug, R. I. Thompsonvllle. E. Stanley Klein, manager of the International Casket Hardware company of Meriden, took, charge of the plant of the Westfield Photo company of Thompsonville, Monday. The Meriden and Thomp sonville Casket companies have been merged. . No quinine! Costs little! nose running; relieves headache, dull ness, feverishness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains f.o quinine. Insist on Pape's! THE 152-154 Main Street