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NORWICH BULLETIN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10rl920 13 NEW LONDON HEARS CALL FOR ECONOMY (Special to The Bulletin.) -.- 1 Xew London. "Jan 9. Thfe iSergeant llaomon. chapter Vtri -th jioiice his Rrv of New Ivondori waaf elosed bx the aetlon of the court--of common council in the approvaf of the action of the, committee in suspending him from work without' pay -for 30 days, and by . then reducing bun to the ranks. So if -Mr. Hammond desires, to remain on the force he must take his trick at . regular patrol duty: This he" will . probably do. His punishment is re markably liht lor the serious offenses he committed, when compared with the offense of : Patrolman Cavanaugh, ! and for whicti the police committee and the mayor make such persistent and determined effort to fire him from - the force, but without arafl. It all seems to depend: upon just what of ficer on the fprce charges are-, pre ferred. . .. Still the Hammond punishment wafi even more severe than that meted out to Policeman Randall who -was caught in the act of drinking booze In a a loon whi'e on duy. Randall had been on the force for a long time, but did nothing to distinguish' him as even-4. competent officer, He . was placed on the retired list to draw half pay the rest of his natural' life. The change -as beneficial to Mr; Ra-ndaU.-as ever since-his retirement he has-. had a soft snap at the plant of the New London Ship and Engine - company, and at pry goo4 pay.- The coin-he-gets from the city is -ell-relvetUo him. He re ceived a dose of very, agreeable pun ishment.' ' ' Sergeant Hammond was a. very effl rient officer and by reason "of ' his ability-was long engaged as .a detec tive in plain clothes, and lie did some remarkably good work. It is said of Mm that he never dropped a case as fjicrned to, him until it was finished to the satisfaction of himself and his sur iorinrs. However, he was accused, of drinkinr' to excess, and thereby his pood Qualities as a police officer were rnore thap counterbalanced by that which cheers and makes a good man Sometimes lose his good judgment. However, with prohibition in force, and the. temptation' removed; Ham rroml may.' in due time, show genuin reform and he placed back in the posi tion from, which he was demoted. In the meantime even disinterested citi-T.r-fn 'or wonring 'when Policeman .fnhn rrv:naii!rh will be restored to M potion '--on; tFn-7 detective hranr-h of the service, in which, hie mr.d uood. - f The scheme of widening" Bradley street" came very hear being killed in its infancy-at. the meeting .of the 4-m:rt of coHimon council when the committee made report and presented r-oeompanyr;' 're-Solution 'instriicting I'm- 0'immittep to proceed to have a rirvcy made and" estimate damages ):nd benefits. The resolution prevailed -ny a majority of just one..- Even Al dTnisn Harry, r. rhannell. who usu ni!v doubles-up with the mayor on " matters, is not in favor of- the project it i-4 Yoa can almost Leaf on ben Bay. ing to another . That's it! That' the secret of laying to capacity! MEAT SCRAPS , ."' tnciessed lay neans mciease3 iccome. ?- ---. FEED EM - , resoaritv Brand :. . Royal Worcester 1 Meat Scraps THE SAFE SCRAP TP FEED gEEF Scrap almost exclusively. jhe one way recognized to get "WORE egg Take advantage of today's market when eggs are about $1.00 per. dozen and get your share of the profit. Order how. Write for our free 24 page memo booklet, a.. -,' -, , WORCESTER RENDERING CO. - Kfrs., AUBURN, MASS. - NORWICH TALI.OW CO. Norwich, Conn. ,WE BUY RAW FURS jO) and withdrew from - the - committee. The mayor wanted a committee that would join With him In carrying out this pet scheme, and he named Alder man Payne for the committee to succeed Alderman Chappell.. . The mayor said that by the passage of -.the vote "the second legal step had been taken and two more votes that would pome later must be passed by the council Before the real constructive work could go forward. - -- - The was strong talk in opposition to acceptance of the report and Al derman Hollandersky Stated 'that the street was only three blocks in lengti and the cost of 'widening would cost at least three-quarters of a million dol lars, and the alleged improvement, as proposed, would not be worth, the price: die aJded'' that the -next lax rate would bfe 26 or; 27 milts and. that it-was about time to. have Just-a, little bit of economy in' municipal manage ment. When a claim against the city was filed by an attorney for his client who claims damages for Injuries received by falling on a slippery sidewalk in Orchard street the mayor remarked that there, had been complaints of lack of sidewalks in that "street for the past decade and just as soon as a new walk is laid in comes a claim for oamases. The mayor is correct. - But there is a little story in' connection with that sidewalk, and the end is not yet. Sack several months,- a short time before the city meeting for action on the an nual budget, curbing was laid in Or chard street. Soon after ,ldads of ashes, . the foundation for concrete walks, were dumped in the gutters of that street. This indicated that im provement was to come, and no oppo sition appeared in city meeting to the budget ifrom residents of that section. After the7 meeting the piles -remained many weeks. Finally when the first real cold snap came the actual work of " laying the isdewalk was commenced and carried to a finish on one side of the street. Naturally as a result of doing , that class of work in freezing weather the surface of the walk is already -scaiing and is in worse condition than if it had been in use for a score of years. To be satisfactory- to the public that walk eight to be relaid in the early spring. .The property owners along the line make no secret of their deter mination not to pay lor the price of a good tvalk when an. inferior walk is furnished by the city. The- proncrty owners are supposed to pay half the cost of the new sidewalks, but Orchard street property owners claim they are entitled to just as good walks as in any other section, and if they dO not get the goods tney ao not propose to pay the price. Mayor Morgan did himself proud In having State street prettily decorated with .greens during the holiday period and. ..the trees and roping -have just been removed. It gave to the city a seasonable appearance and gave strangers a good impression of the cjty.. and the dear public appreciated all that the mayor did.' It was a time ly thought, tvell executed. the way, the mayor, he whs was candemned by-the trolleymen's mnion for his endeavor to settle the strike, is not condemned bv all of organized la bor. In the trolley ease he had the courage of his convictions and his ac lion was commended by all except the Striking trelleymeh. As a matter of fact; the mayor is a friend rather than an opponent of or ganized labor. At the last meeting of the eouhcil a communication was read from the local plumbers' union endorsing his action in supporting their fcbntention in' relation" to the plumbing in the houses built in Jef ferson avenue under the direction of the United States Housing corpora tion: The mayor 'and the union plum bers are of one mind on that matter of ssil'tatioii. - - church, Norwich Town, Tuesday. Dudley C. Perkin9 has been ill at his home in the village since the be ginning, of the New Year.. ; ; J William . A. Gaylord, organist ' and musical director of the Old South church, "Worcester, Mass.,was a vis itor at the home of Noyes B. Allyn last Wednesday, Mr. GSayJofd was asso ciated in the wholesale tea and cof fee ' "business in. Hartford with Mr. Allyn thirty years ' ago, and had not seen him since that time ana . came to renew old friendship. Mr. Gay lord has been successful in banking business during the past : years. j. louis Jennings and waiter .Bax ter, of the Stoddard district,Who have been employed, about hree weeks on the property of Dr. Edmund M. Doug las, at Long Cove, cutting cord 'Wood and trimming underbrush, have com pleted their work. ' Miss Mariorie Gates returned last week after two weeks' visit with her grandparents,- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gates, in. New London. -v.;. 'v... Miss Doris Main, of Norwich,, was a week end guest of her rincie andaunt, Mr. and Mrs: Avery Main .of AUyns Point. Mrs. Lucius Brown of Norwich was a visitor Tuesday at the hoihe of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Brown , and at the home of her uncle, Noyes B. Allyn. COurtland E. Colver -of the ; Navy Sard, went to South "Willington "Wed nesday to superintendent the ice har vesting at the Perry Co. s ponds. Rev. Allen Shaw Bush will conduct the morning service in the M- E. church Sunday, January 11. Mrs. J. W. darter will be the leader at the Epworth. League evening service with a special programme. cises an excellent oyster supper was served.- ;. -. - ' Herbert Tracy and Rlph Brown motored from Storrs to attend the grange meeting' Wednesday evening. MisS Elsie Hawes returned Monday to Boston after spending the vacation at her home. . .' George Fawley is movinsr his fam ily to Putnam where he is manager of the large farm recently sold by Mr. wneaionj or Putnam to other . ; par ties. ; ' :. ':-'''. , - The people -'of this vicinity - were much saddened . to hear of the death of Major Harold S. Hetrick of the U. S. A. A, part of his boyhood was spent -in this town .and " he leaves many relatives ,ahd friends here. His father, Rev, A. J. Hetrick, whose hom is.-, in Canterbury. was spending the Winter with his son .in New Orleans. CANTERBURY GREEN , Canterbury grange held, installation of offlfcers Wednesday evening with Mrs. Addie Frink of Brooklyn, as in stalline officer, i Mrs. Susie Williams and Mrs. Herr assisted, with Mrs . My- ra Frink at the piano, beveral vis itors were present- from,' neighboring granges. At the close of the exer- PRESTON CITY . . The annual meeting of the Preston City Baptist church was held Wed nesday, January 7th. The-meeting was called to order, by John P. Hollowed Who requested the pastor, Rev. F. W. Tholeh ,to lead the devotion. Matt. 21-:2S-46 was read and Rev. - Frank S. Robbins offered prayer. Henry Frink "was chosen moderator of. -the meeting and Charles Zabriskie church clerk. . The minutes of the last meet ing were read, approved and accepted.' The. treasurer's report showed all bills paid and a balance- of SSS,38 in the treasury. The 'total amount raised for all purposes including benevolence, also money raised in the Sunday school which was $72. and, $14 raised during the year by the Master's Help ers was $1,849. The treasurer's re port was accepted. Mrs. John "O. Peckhani reported $372.44 raised for benevolence out of which $369.94 had been forwarded; this was ,$60.84 more than last year. Before electing the officers for the ensuing year, the pas tor read his resignation which was deferred for action" later, tnd the election of a church nommfttee was proceeded with. Charles H.. Bennett, Henry Frink and John P. Hollowell. tvere elected. Other officers are: Ap- pleton. Main, -treasurer; Charles Za briskie, church clerk;-Lester Main and Charles Zabriskie, collectors;. Roger Robbins, and John P. Hollowell, ush ers;Mrs. John O. Peckham, secretary and treasurer b'f benevolence; joliri F. Richardson and Eckford Pendleton, auditors? V The matter of the pastor's resig nation was then taken tip ana it was voted that the : church committee be instructed to request the pastor . to withdraw his resignation," assuring him a larger salary and the payment of his telephone expenses. The meet ing then adjourned -for dinner which was served by the women of the church. . After dinner ' the, Ladies' so ciety held its annual meeting . arid elected the following officers: Mrs. "W. H. Bennett, president; Mrs. Frank, S. Rabbins, first directress; -Mrs. Will Bennett, second directress: Mrs. W. Service, secretary and Mrs. Eckford Pendleton, treasurer. The society re ported a balance of $34.48 in the treas ury. The Sunday. school has .also a balance of $28.. Rev. . F. W. Tholn has served the, church since May, 19.18; and has heeti: active In all things per taining to church and community wel fare . and his resignation just at this time would be a matter of public re gret. . BOZRAH The beautiful stereopticon views of Palestine were very much appreciat ed last Sunday evening. ' The Won ders of Egypt .will' Be the talk Sun day evening, January 11, its temples, monuments, - River Nile; Assuah dam. Pharels '-'Bad Cheops, Colossal Sphinxs. Garden of Gereh, hall mu seums, Rameses the Great, the most powerful of the Pharoahs. the king who knew not Joseph. Sixty beautiful colored views are to be shown at the church. ' . , E. J. Miner who has Been ill for a few weeks is reported to be very much better. . ' Edfrard Bishop is in Norwich serv ing as juror. -. .. . .. Mrs. Lawrence Abell tpent a few days with her mother in Norwich, re cently. -- , . '.. The cerisiis is being taken in Rjz rah by J. E. Sweeney, ' y The officers of Bozrah grange were installed- Wednesday--evening by Worthy Brother Fred W. . -Taylor and Mrs, Taj'lor .of, Lebanon grange. At the close of the installation an oyster supper was served by the grange. v.John Miner, who has been ill with .bronchitis,' is somewhat better. v -Mr. arid Mr. William Browning of JtehobethA Was., are at Mr. Miner's tor a few, days'., called there by the ilness of Mrs. Browning's father, -Mr.--and Mrs. -Charles Morgan and family are moving on to Bear Hill. A teaehers' -malting of the town teafch&rs was held in Fitehville, On Thursday afternoon. " . VGLUNTOWN Workmen are busy this7, week har vesting the local ice crop:- .The Briggs Mfg-. .Co. has. a large. gang at work on Beachdale - pond - and expects to fill their twd houses witli fine 12 and 13 inch ice.' "v" . Azaric Dayon of Giasgo is ruling the old Sheldon ice house with some good ice. '" "' Allen Sterry of New London; a for mer principal at Mashapaug, has been appointed jjrincipal '. of the Center Grammar .school, ;a place recently left vacant. 15y the resignation of Miss Hallen. At a meeting of Court Lberty, 182, F. of A., Mo.nday evening, Louis .H. Ritchotte was appointed, treasurer pro tem, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles A. - Anderson, who has- left town. . Sir. Stone of Nbnwch, supervisor of the local schools, was in town Tues day; Onesime MagTey, who . has enjoyed a .two weeks' "holiday, at the home of Mr. arid .'Mrs; Louis. H, Ritchotte, left for his home in : Midttlebury . Tuesday morning.. Royal Scranton" arid his sister Dor othy spent the. week-end as- guests of Mrs. Mary E. Maine, at Danielson. The deativ-Dec. 29th of-Jared Allen -eveiy worn or it "I know it is, because I have tried it ! "ft you are suffering is t AtA-nlX i skmitrouble IhatitchfcS ahdbarni like triad, and is so nhsigntljr that you dfeid to be sccri ; if you are trying a i Bia trcr.tmcnt after treatment withbtit Kil licip, then you ean imnjihe ribw I felt when Ucsinol gave ne instant relief nd soon healed the eruption completely. My doctor .sfcscnbe'a ttu . . " AYl.y don't you try Res'hdl r "'. . Every firueiSst sells Reiinol bir.lmet tai Wt lMt.J.RiIti. nol Soap. Samples free; writs . re!, iia!tirore, Md. Memamitrt Gtt lor mai sKin trouDte , nil' i ll ll Gallup, 82, removed ahoihefW 'f'el untown's staunch citzfens. , Mr. Gallup was a veteran of the Civil war and a j former representative of the town in i the legislature and was Highly re j spected by all who knew him. ; It is easy to walk the tigfit rdp of society if you have a good bank bal ance. .-, ... . i-. GALES FERRY The January meeting 'of the Wo man's Home Missionary society was held at the home of Mrs.'Fahhay A. Mblthrop, Tuesday afternoon,, with a good attendance. . The vice presi dent. Mrs. R. Irving, Hurl butt, pres sided. The meeting Opened with sing ing Land of Our Love. The devotional exercises, with topic,, The Day. of Pen tecost, were conducted by Miss,.Lau ra. A. Perkins; singing, America, - ana reports of the secretary and treas urere followed. Chapters froni the book. Our Natupski Neighbors. by Edith ilinter, read by Mrs. Car4 W Brown. Home Mission Enigmas wen conducted by Miss Alice Satterlee, whi gave desk calendars for-1920, to eac) person which calendars had been ham decorated by. and were the gift of Mn R. Irving Hiirlbutt. . Each had th person's enigma nurnber engrosses making an attractive souvenir. Tht topic for study was; - Our Spanish Work. Mrs. Henry W. Hurlbutt read chapters from the study course,- Scrap Book, and Mfs. Harmon L. Perkins, cnapters srom cnj-istian American ization. Judge of Probate Samuel E. Hold ridge, of Ledyard, census enumera tor for the town., completed his work in the village Tuesday. Rev. Allen Shaw Bush attended tht County Congregational Ministers' meeting at the First ..-Congregational Buying G - iS ..ifJE'"; ood Furiiitur PUTTING MONEY IN THE BANK - Thrift is a splendid virtue. But the young couple who start housekeeping with good Furniture have something ai important as a savings bank account- The right kind of furniture will pay you big dividends all your lifetime contentment, comfort, rest and pride in your home the kind of dividends that are vital to your health, success and happiness. ' - v j . t lifetime Furniture -the kind tfiat is built to survive the years in style and endurance is the only kind we sell, and our prices are no higher than the commonplace kind costs elsewhere. y . Our helpful charge account plan, too, is at the service of those who desire convenient terms of payment without dub fees, interest charges or red tap of any kind. Z -,5- mmmM ma r t.t - " JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE - . . : :vxo::' 1 Overcoats and Suits- ' An lostant Success ... - t ' . ' ' ' - ' . ;:4' c-yr ' I ItM-I . ..... - V-- .s. - 1 f if v "it t re LiKe uia ..limes ....... fcMpllit 1919 TIk Hcut. a Ku(icmB 24.50 ise races $30.00, $35.00, $38.00 OVERCOATS and SUITS . . . . ; .... gggg $40.00, $45.00, $50.00 OVERCOATS and SUITS . . v. .... ... . . ., . . . . . .... ... : 3 $55.00, $60,00, $65.00 OVERCOATS and SUITS i:. ; .:. , . . . The response to this Sale has been wonderful. It just ftfdves that REAL VALUES are ap predated; --, y Our Entire Stock is included in this reduction Kuppenheimer,,, "Cldthcraft" and other well known makes of Men's and Young Men's Quality Cldthiiig In face of the scarcity and high prices there is tio reason why We should redlice prices this Wa except that hundreds of men are expecting it and that's probably reason enough, BUY NOW THE SAVINGS ARE MOftE THAN WORTH WHILE 4 "The Kuppehheimer Store iri Norwich'' 121425 Main Street sAr sat bai i'ir ihv aai st a ax sa1