Newspaper Page Text
NORWICH BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY H, 1S2D WESTERh ; -. ' ' . t Just Received ONE CAR ID AL VEIL" . FLOUI One Car KING VICTOR One Car NATIONAL PRIDE No Better Flour Ever Came to Norwich. Call On Us Before You Buy. Charles Slosberg 3-13 COVE STREET & Son social worker; ' Mrs. L.. K. BurdickJ chorister; - Alberti R. Stillman, audi tor. - -Rev. --Frederick A'. MacOonald has delivered a to the pastorate of the Meridian .Heights Presbyterian church Indianapolis. He has be! the pastor of the Pawcatuck Congrega tional church -five years, and has de cided to remain With that church. ' . ; , . Local Laconics. tee ten inches in thickness is be ing harvested from No Bottom Pond, off the Watch Hill road. William A. Wilcox and George L. Stillman will have exhibits at the Madison Garden Poultry show next week. Jiidge Nathan B. Lewis hag the en dorsement of the Washington county bar for reelection as judge of the Second district court. . Representative Samuel ' H. Davis of Westerly has been in Washington, T. C, in the Interest of the Anti-Saloon league. Many Westerly young people at tended the Christian Endeavor meet ing, in Hopkinton Seventh Day Baptist cnurcn Tuesday evening. JJr. frank C. Pagan is gradually re NOANK GALES FERRY Err. Alien Shaw Bush conducted ifrw in the M. E, churcli Sunday morning taking as his theme, The Natural Man and The Spiritual Man, rmm I. Corinthians. t:14 Rev. Mr. Bush also presided at the Sunday whool session in the absence of botti Superintendent Courtland E. Culver and the assistant superintendent Dud ley C. Perkins, the former being out of town and the latter ill. The Sunday evening service Mrs. J, W. Carter, leader bad to be omit ted on a account of the stormy weather. Billinsrs F. G. Crandall of Channel farm at Stoddard Wharf has been harvesting his ice supply from the pnod on his farm, known- a9 the Hibbard Stoddard place. Rav. William H. Bath, district sup erintendent and Mrs. Bath, of Norwich were caliers Monday on Rev. O. E. Krwton and Mrs Newton at the par son ee. At the heme of Mrs. Harmon L. Perkins in the village there is in full flower a species of Johnsonian lily, the color of the blossom being a bright flame with markings of . light green through the center ot each petal. The plant is much admired. Edward Fltimaurlce of Providence, a student of Columbia university, was a caller in this place. Sunday. Mr. Fitamaurice with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Fitzmaurice, used to spend the summer at" their cottage, The Pioneer on the Bluff. Mr. Emma Bennett and grand daughter, Em Beth. Bennett were vis itors Saturday at the home of their aunt,, Mrs. BKzabeta Davis In Nor wich. . ' Rev. Allen Shaw Bush attended a meeting of the executive committee of the New London county Sunday school association in New London Monday. Rev. William Crawford, pastor of the M. E. church at Norwich Town, was a caller on Rev. Oliver ,E New ton at the parson-age Monday morning. Children Cry FCR FIETCHEP'S CASTORIA SOUTH GRISWOLD Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Greene re cently entertained the former's sister, Mrs. Ella ' Salisbury and son Wallace Salisbury, from New Britain, who made the trip by automobile. Several from this place attended the auction at Halter L. . Burdick . on Monday. Mr. Burdick has sold the farm aand will move- to Plainfield. IS YOUR BLOOD -.HUNGRY FOR IRON? The Tired Nerron Hons wif Modern Methods of Cooking and Living Have Made An Alarming Increase fa Iron Deficiency in Blood of AmcricaaJen and Women NUXATED IRON Helps Make Red Blood The End That Puts Roses Into the Cheek of Women and Force Strcr.zth and Courage Into Veins efllen. is yocr llori stirrlr,? for vr.: ej ir:n? Iron is red Mood foi If yoa were to ro without f yao became weak, tam '.! emaciated, you could n! co a ore tsrions barm to ysrnrself than vrLea ?tx ! ronr blood literalir go hnagry for ww: of ban iron that (i7es it strength n p-wer to change food ints living tissue," ar Or. iaaes r'rancij SailiTan, formerly ahrucjan it Bellerar Hospital '(Outdoor fx., rTew York, and the Westchester Cjrtrrjr liaerital "X-xkm cieihods wf eook-rg ar 4 tie tstl pier at which people of tnis errantry -'e itas r-;oe such an aiarniing in "aM tsrfciency in the hiocd cf .rtjecrican taen ar.d a-omra that T have oiten . tnarrrirt a: tee lanrr ruraher of & erTe who liik iron in the b'M f - mam ntntx suspect the cause ef -;. 9 i.t.t weit, nervous, rna-dowa nt in ciy cp-.riion, i taakc atrcng. rturdy irren' nd arciata by fr-dint them on Oetaile iron. The old foras atf . atttjulic ircn rout ra thrauga a diicjj-re pro -c is to I transform then) into organic i siaa Jnrratee' Irmi ijt.tere T art to fa; taken np ard S PsmiLites the bcrnan sys-' tat hat fae-n said aad ?" feshi6"tfi' wntrxa ea taa sabect by en-kne-n ph-5icianj. thoo aanda of peoele still insist in i-jrl th-a'!ve5 with mttaIHe irca KSif.r, I larrDtct. because at costs a few fenu less. I atr5r.t:y advtse readers in all cajes to get a ptrraician's pre- Who Should Take Nuxated Iron - i Caw t ' - ; . T " - .if.' ft HA I - That Raai iuwm Boaiaeas Wosaaa I Ashaway Grange officers have been elected as follows: Charles N. Ken yon, master; Alexander W. Kenyon, overseer; Mrs.'Orpha Simpson, lectur er; George O. Johnson, steward; Har ris W. Taylor, assistant; Mrs. Eliza beth B. Clarke, chaplain; Clifford T. Barber, treasurer; Mrs. Joseph L. Collings, secretary; Alfred Partelo, gate keeper; Ceres, Mrs. Minnie Kenyon; Harriet Wells, Ponoma; Mrs. Mary Chaffee, Flora; Mabel Kexroth, lady assistant steward. ..-.-. - Work has been commenced on the temporary addition to the bank build ing of the Washington Trust company that will give more working space and also relieve the congestion of patrons in the heretofore small space allotted them. For the fjrst time within ' the memory of any living man, the drive way between the bank building and the Nash store is closed, and for a first time the tenants of the four buildings in . Main street, all now owned by the trust company, are now deprived of privileges -in the x drive way in receiving and delivering goods from the back doors of the stores. At the annual meeting, Wilfred Ward was elected to succeed Dr. John Champlin on ' the board of directors. J covering from severe illness.- Georae Benjamin Utter, represent ing Westerly, attended the session of the republican state central commit tee, that fixed the dates for the con ventions that will elect Ehode Island delegates to the national convention. The state convention for the selection of four delesates-at-large, and four alternates-at-large, will be held at 10 a. m., April 6, in Infantry hall, Provi-j dence. The three congressional con ventions will be called at 11.30 a. m. and each will elect two delegates and two alternates. Primary meetings will be called for not' later than Wednesday, March 31, to elect delegates lo the conventions. The representation will be twice the number of delegates that the - cities and towns have in the general assem bly. This plars Westerly six del egates to the smte and the represen tative conventions. The Hope Valley Troop of Boy Scouts has elected officers for the en suing year, as follows: Donald E. Marshall, scoutmaster; Hartford Gongaware, scout leader; Kendall Knerr, treasurer; George V. Card, scribe; Henry D. Bailey, Frank E. Nichols, John T. Siswick, scout com mittee. The new town council revised the custom of years ago by appointing three of the members to act as a po lice committee, and replacing the'eus tom of the 'council members acting as a Committee of the whole. There was; no reason for making the change giv en, but it was simnly made. The present committee leaves all the reg ular police duty with Chief Brown and his men and thus far have not in any way directed or interfered with the police work. In the old days, the days of kitchen bar rooms and tne days when booze was -almost openly sold in no-license times, members of the police committee engaged in active police work and actually participated in some of the raids. With no booze in siht, the present police commit tee is inactive, and exists in name only, and the policemen are not re quired to devote all their time to en forcement of the liquor laws. Rebekah Lodge of Odd Feflows of Richmond, at the annual meeting made choice of the following officers: Miss Helen' Cole, noble grand; Lena Potter. 'ice grand; Herbert L. Barber, secretary; Miss Margaret Oatley, .fi nancial secretary; Mrs. Myra Kenyon, treasurer; Mrs. Emma . Holloway, chaplain; Mrs. Cora Mallinson, war den; Miss Gladys Beresford, conduc tor; Miss Bertha Brown, assistant warden; Mrs. Fanny Brown, assistant conductor; Mrs. Nellie MeVay, inside guardian; Mrs. W. J. Tucker, outside guardian; Mrs. Evelyn Barbar, right supporter noble grand: Mrs. Inez Hil ton, left supporter noble grand; Mrs. Eliza Beresford. right supporter vice grand. Miss Nellie Saunders, left sup porter, vice grand. State Treasurer Jennings announces that the state of Rhode Island closed the year 1919 with a balance of J675.- 429.45 to its credit. The total receipts for the year were $5,321,723.43, with the balance of the previous year S496.- 240.41. The expenditures were $5,142.- 533.39. The balance on hand for pub lic improvements in 1919 will be more than absorbed for improvements pro vided for - by ';he legislature a year ago, under contingent; appropriations available in 1920. The greater portion of this fund will be devoted to the state highways. ..,'. At the annual meeting of the Sab bath school of the Pawcatuck -Seventh uay Baptist church, .officers were elected as l'ollows: Edwin E. Whit- ford, superintendent; Ea Verne n Langworthy, assistant; Miss Hilda ipung, secretary; Harris Browning, treasurer; Mrs. Albert H. Langwor tny, superintendent primary depart ment; Mrs. La Verne D. Lancworthv assistant; Mrs. William Grant, home cepartment; Jttisa Emma Eangworthy, 3: Tfea Exhausted that such products are afl entirely different thing lrom Muxated Iron." If you are not strong er well yon owe it to yonrself tomate the toll owing test: See how long yoa can wnrk or bow far yna can walk without Becoming tired. .Not take lor orzame iron nxated Iran ma fMm:n t i. ,i , JL!f r'- I? 1 ? V5 tr?ublt! Iron t P day ftermeaH frn ten purchase oaiy J. mated Iron ra its weeks. Then test yoarTtrena Zn jwannal fackage. and that this particnla, arc how much -t ffl Tof same rV.oa.od 1 -on) appear, on the pack- Berroos, run-dWople whe wefeltae H you hare taken prepamioa, ea all the while have fereased theWrCTjS . rodea and tued a get results, xemeaAcr talons jro.;o the proper-form.. " .-! old la this city "by Chaa. Osgood Co, Lee & Osgood, and all good draggfets. CEENKUTTER AXES . f AND TOOLS OF A SPECIAL LIGHT HANDLE AXE, $1.75 The Household EULLfTIN BUILDING 74 FRANKLIN STREET TELEPHONE i531-4 Miss Florence Clifford, .bookkeeper at the local branch of the Rossie Vel vet Co., since the opening of the mill, has resigned and a farewell surprise party was given in her honor Friday evening by the young women employ es of the mill at the home of Miss Grace Knapp, where Miss Clifford has lived while in the village. As already noted in the Mystic news Miss Clifford was presented a gold signet ring by her friends. Miss Clifford will return to her home in Auburn. N. T. She is succeeded at the mill by Mrs. Chas. Jensen. - M. M. Jewett, senior inspector for the United States Shipping Board at the local plant of .the Groton Iron works for the past three years, has heen transferred to the plant of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co., ' of Brooklyn, N. T. Mr. Jewett will be assisted in his new duties by J. How ard Riffenberg, who was assistant here until a short time ago. Mrs. Lellian Smith of Peabody, Mass., is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Eldredge. Dr. E. P. Fitch recently purchased a new car. Many cellars in the village have been flooded due to the heavy rain fall of - last -week; Augustus Johnson has finished Khingling the Palmer house on. Pearl street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Park entertain ed guests from Providence Sunday. Franklin Rathbun has entered the emnloy of -the Noank branch of the Rossie Velvet company. Robert Rathbun has hauled his boat up on the Meister railways for re modeling. G. HTuntoone of Alexandria, Va, was a caller, here Sunday. Mrs., Alfred Fitch, who is spending the winter' with her daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Blackman, in Ridgefield Park, N. J., is reported seriously iL MYSTIC Benjamin L Holmes, administrator to the -estate of the I. D. Holmes Co. transferred to Clarence E. Barton of New Haven the deeds of the business Saturday.. Mr. Barton will take pos session at once. The business was es tablished in 1847 by the late I. D. Holmes. In 1&99. Benjamin L. Holmes assumed' control. Mr. Holmes has earned a rest, after being connected with the- business aO years xoseph Newbury i3 ill at his home. Mrs. Charles W. Foote is ill at her home on Denison avenua Mrs..-Max Reithel js the guest of her mother, Mrs. Calvin Wilcox on School street. Friday the past grands of Mystic Rebekah Lodge, No. 5G, will entertain the members of Thames Past Grand Association at an all-day session in Odd Fellows' hall. Dinner will be served at noon by the Mystic mem bers, after which the business meeting will be held. There will be roll call and initiation. " Mrs. Pardon- Brown is seriously ill at her home on Church street. ' " Miss Imogene Watrous is at the rest sanatorium in Norwich for treatment. Mrs. William Donsbach is the proud but perplexed possessor of 13 young chicks. She is wondering if she will have to knit them sweaters. They were hatched under a hen last week. Randall Brown has purchased a new limousine. The All Alive class of the E. Sunday school and the teacher.' H. B. MacKenzie are to hold a shoe social In the church parlors this week. The class is to raise one hundred and fifty dollars in the next few days and in order to procure this sum are giving a social. There are twenty-four boys in this class. George Welmer is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Moll, on Holmes street. STONINGTON Malcolm E. Thompson and Miss Ar- lena C. Azamarski were married De cember 27, by Rev. Lucien Drury in North Stonington. After two weeks' etav with her nay. ents, Miss Gladys Dewey has returned to Brooklyn, N. Y. Students of Stonington High" school are m active rehearsal for a minstrel snow. Raymond Sylvia, after examination by two physicians, has been., commit ted to the Norwich State hosnita.1. Women of the Seconod Contrretra- tional church met- at the residence of Mrs. ira II. palmer Monday afternoon and worked on refugee garments., to be distributed by the Red Crosa The employment department of the Atwood plant ie busy, nowadays, and many men are given work. The charter of James W. Harvey post or me American Legion will prooamy oe aeclared closed this Wed nesday evening. . - OHSTIPATiOIL as the big trouble in every aeriouB sickness citwing depression of spirits. Irritability, Dervotanesj, imbeifail vision, lorn of gaemory. Jwr steep, lass of awaetite, etc stay u wrm a regmar coarac m - - HBcam IIISILQ2IJIE Tbarr art nromtrtrr and freelv. but geett-, tbntsNtgnrjr cleansing tho Dowels, esBirnnc ik sioancn, sntna latinc the liTer the atMnrie for indi. geatjon. headache, biHmainf, beart kjm. atulewcT. ranly TgitMa. Plato- or ffagar Ooated. SO rci- oomTinooua nu Dr. J. H. Sciseack k Soa, PiiferkSpM EKONK ttr,rih v X f ' 'lit' i 'fc'lli r Jpl From the filmiest to the most mannish sport blouse ' Every one flaunts gay color 4 kURPLE, turquoise, blue, rose, radiant coral there's not a smart magazine that doesn't flash color from every page. Sport blouses, demure blouses, shimmery, sheer, dressed-utJ ones and those for plain work-a-day, all are set on being sprightly. - The shops can't make or get fast enough, the joyous colors you've7 been reading about and want. It'js sometimes months and months after you first hear of a new shade before you see it in the shops. But now there's . a wonderful new way to get just the smart tur quoise you want for that festive little linen, the. delicate yellow that, your sad white crepe de Chine's been sighing for. You can wash them any blithe, new color you want, - , . This new product just 'washes color in Really and truly just wash it with Twinfc. Twink comes in the merriest, gayest little flakes. They whip into 3 Brilliant lather, you pop your blouse into die shining suds, 'swish it about for a few minutes and all in a twinkling it gets its lovely new hue. And the precious blue "georgette the sun had faded, the yellow voile that was too pale, all are Twinked. back to their fLnt iireshness. Really smart colors and they turn out right Twink comes in the season's most fashionable shades, selected with the help of the country's authorities on' color, and they turn out right every time, with never a streaky or cKngy look. " And so fast are these colors that you can wash your blouse several times' in Lux before it comes back for its next T winking. In all these smart colors Today get two or three boxes of Twink in the colors you've been reading about and want ing. Twink won't harm anything pure water alone will not h'arm. The department stores, your druggist, the five and ten cent stores all have Twink. Lever Bros. Co, Cambridge, Mass. (Makers of Lux.) Flesh Bright Red Navy Blue Dark Green Pink Dark Red Yellow Light jtay- Coral Baby Bine Lavender Taupe Peadk Copenhagen Purple Bisque Old Rosa . Turquoise Light Green Dark Brown You use some of the Twink colors like Lux. Others require boiling water end salt. Read directions both outside and inside the package before using. T-wink if made by t! makers of Lux. It is as vender- f fill for giving colors as Lux is for preserving' them. O f.V V7V H you bx Copyrighted 1920, By Oyer 'Bros. Co. 4 Boston. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Willoughby and daughter, and Mrs. H. W. Clark, were visitors in Norwich last week Wed nesday. ; ' Both, Miss Nettie Watson and Mrs. Susan Willis have had Installed re cently a Delco light system. . - f Mrs. Merle Wf.ldo and daughter, Geraldine, are visiting friends in the west. " The following officers of the Scot land Y. P.- S.- C: E;, were elected on Sunday night: President, Miss- Vir ginia Trleohler; vice president, Helen Maine; secretary nd treasurer, Grace Clark- correspondent secretary, Hen ry Clark. The other members of the committee will be appointed- by the president. SOUTH KILLINGLY Mrs hvere t?!:en by automobile to the Dart ielsca .Congregational Sunday school, ?.' H.- Coffey spent two days ! Sunday. This arrangement will con- lost' week with Mrs. Byron Place of t: foster. ' Mrs. Raymond Gates is suffering'! from a severe' cold. . - ,J Stepnon wa.- a recent tis-' iter with North Sterling friends. Officers of Highland ferange were in stalled Saturday evening. Members of' Killingly grange were present Daniel Tewgood has moved with his family, to East Killingly for the" win ter. . . -'-:'. The youngsters have been -made happy by the snow and are making the most of the coasting on. Spauld ing and other nearby hills. Members of the local Sunday school ius" aUrlng the winter. The preach ing service is held af three o'clock as usua:. .Mrs. Wililam- Barlow is gaining slowly. - - - It is reported that the Fiske ptece has been . sold to people foiri Plain-field. NORTH STERLING Miss Alma Schuman has returned to I Boston where she is attending school. . Mr. and. Mrs. George N. Neweomb of New.Tork aTe spending a few days here at their summer place. ' Mrs. Fred Cole and daughter, Julia, have been visiting relatives In Provi- On account ol the slippery condi tions of the roads there was a small attendance at church Sunday morn ing; a session of Sunday school was held. - - . Warren and Charles Tanner and John E. Tanner attended a meeting of the milk producers in Plainfield faaturaay. . They were addressed- by F.- C. Warner, former agent of New London county farm bureau, now of Providence; ,also by Frank Davis, agent, of the "Windham county farm bureau. Henry Cpnedon has been visitine relatives in Plainfield and Jewett City the past week. " me tree laden with ice. all -dav Saturday, Sunday and Monday, made a beautiful picture, : Benjamin -Hall transacted business in Moosup Wednesday. . , jonn i-niuips and son of Moosun were callers in this section Sunday. wuiiam jams and Harold ' Burk are cutting the timber, on George Tanner's wood lot purchased by' congdon and Gallup. . Alexander Tanner, census enumer ator for Voluntown was making a house to house canvas in this section Tuesday of last week. Warren and Charles Tanner and Walter. Congdon are working for Charles" Hopkins, in Plainfield. - Worthy Master Thomas Brown and Mrs. Brown are attending the state grange meeting in Hartford three days this week, - -- - 1 SCOTLAND : At the meeting of the grange Fri day night, January 2,.the following of ficers were installed by Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Taylor, of Lebanon: Master, Russell Waldo; overseer, Fred Tracy lecturer. Merle Waldo; treasurer, Geo. P11?; secretary, Martha Moffitt; jSvfard, Harry Chesbro; gate keeper, Frank-Wood; assistant steward, Chas. Perry; Jady assistant steward, Susan Sweet; Flora, Helen Maine; . Ceres, Nettie Moseley; Pomona, Grace Clark. After the meeting light refreshments were served. . Many local farmers are filling their roe nouses wun lourteen inch ice. H. 15. Willoughby was a Colchester Visitor last week. Wlnslow Gallup left last week for YouWon't Need Sugar bh your bieakfist cereal if it is Grap$ Niits For this ready-to-eat &od unlike many cer eals, irequiies no add ed siigar to make it pleading. GrapeNutsxontains its own sugar developed fiotii ieatand malted tiiesr Its rich, nutlike flavor pleases. GrapeNuts is economical in more "wys than one. At tocera Wade by Pcstum Cereal Co. Battte Cek.ftichu maim dence. , Byron place has been serving on the jury in Providence. John Piscotti of New York was here last week looking after his farm prop erty. - ' - ' ' A number here have filled their ice nonces the past week. Charles Sahlen and family have all been ill wth grip. t The men put things in order at the church last week by claning out the long lengths of stove pipe. '. Hartford. The annual luncheon of the Hartford Smith College club will be held at 1 o'clock Saturday after noon at the City club. Dean Comstock of Smith college and George B. lie- Callum will be the . guests of honor. ON CHILLY MORNINGS . 4 our gas "CHILL CHASERS" are the solution of the cold room. Supplement your furnace with one and obtain INSTANT HEAT iWHEN and WHERE you want it GAS AND ELECTRIC DEP ARTMENT New Office, Shetucket Street Opposite Laurel Hill Bridge