Newspaper Page Text
NORWICH KULLtTTMn TUESDAT JAM U ART 1920 iffi nim n un nrrmnrc m nncT wmi 1IU UUILUtUU TLN.HId M rttOI HLUVnV v - te Jianii? afternoon bo applica tive f'r building permits had been received by Fire Marshal H. I Stan ton during the past week- In fact comparatively few permit applications h,ve been received this month which is the slowest month in building lines Since last summer. The continued cold 'weather with almost daily -snow anf sleet storms has practically put a stop to 4J building operations. Local contractors report little or nothing in the way of new building. There are, however, a few . indoor contracts, such as the remodelling of the former Mabrey building on 13road way, interior changes at the Commu nity Bouse (Old Second Congrega tional ehurch building)- on Church street and window changes at the Shanon building. Main street . side. The latter work is being done in a section of the Shannon building which was intended for the use of the new National Drug Store, but has since beea taken over by other interests NEW LONDON. WofiC is progressing rapidly on the house which is being erected on Krout street for Gordon Dietria and it is now ready for plastering. It will be of framo construction, 24x32. with six rooms and all improvements, including steam beat, and it will cost about 00. - ' C. C. Green will .erect a bungalow r himself on Sherman street It will bo IiSS,. of wood, containing five rooms, wits improvements. It will cost in the neighborhood of $3,000. Contractors Peek McWilliams 'of Verwieh have been awarded the con tract for buiMing an elevator shaft fer 'he Babcock Printing Press company "f New London. It will cost about 33.800. Effort are now being "made te raise funds for the purpose of erecting a new building for the Solvation Army on the site on Main street recently nurrhased by the organization. I The !w yrojeet will involve in expend tore cf approximately $23,000." Building Permits. Mari-m " V. Starr, frame addition Mountain avenue. COsf $3,000. Katherjne L. Shea, frame hoijse Montauk avenue. Cost $S,000. Mrs. I. M. Thompson, frama garage Crystal avenue. Cost J206. Total number of permits for . the week. S; estimated cost of building. CONNECTICUT BUILDING v AND BUSINESS The clearings of the Hartford. New Havtn and Springfield banks for the week show extraordinary gains over the corresponding week of last year, the increcses beirt 2.3. 22.3 and 46.9 per cent, in the respective cities. As compared with previous years tlie bankruptcy report for the week makes a very satisfactory she-Ring. Four pe titions in bankruptcy were filed in the state during the wetk with liabilities of $17,824 and afseta of $5,065. For Children terjf Tie Siai Ton IIaT5 Always Bought, and wMch has teea la ties for cyst tatty ycers, tas borne the signature of and tas beea nada under feis per- " ?v 5C2al supervisiQa Einca its infaacr. " -vSiV a 'CuCcX!ti Jlgu7 no one to deceive you in tills. II Ceurjtsrfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good " are but : Ziperiai;nts tict triHa xrita and endanger tie health of Infants and Children Ilxperieace against EsperiraeEt, 'What Is CASTOR I A Csstoris is a harmless cubstittite for Castor Oil, Paregorie Drops and Soothing JDyraps. It is plsasaat. It . contains neither Opi'aa, Korphiae fwt ether narcotic substance. Its ' ege is its guarantee. Fcr core than thirty years it has been in constant uza for the relief cf Constipation, Flatulency, ' "Wind Colic end Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arishj therefrom, and ty regulating the Stomach and I&wels, aids the assimilation cf Pood; giving healthy and natoial sleep. It? Chiidrea'a Comfort The Hcther's Friead, getiuiiis CASTOR! A' always Bears the In Us For 0?et 30 tears The K.!nd You Have Always Poushi TMfl eCNTAUR CCMFAHY. NKW YOUK CITV. rord H RADIATOR $20.00 " WE REPAIR AND RECOVER ALL KINDS OF RADIATORS NO JOB TOO LARGER-NO JOB TOO SMALL WE ARE EXPERTS IN RADIATOR REPAIRING The Johnson-Cot;:- 107-109 FRANKLIN STREET RSato? Department NORWICH, CONN, the 19 week of 1919 there were nine petitions with liabilities of $57,764 and assets of $35,953, and in 1915 ten pe titions with liabilities of $61,498 and assets of $51,700. The 18 Jiew incorporations in this state reported for the past week have authorized capital stock of $2,896,700, against five new . companies reported in the like week of 1919 with capital of $175,000, and four in 1918 with capi tal of $2 036,500. . . The volurrro of real estate transac tions still continues to run trenj. In the Connecticut towns reported in the Commercial Record for the past week there were 505 sales by warranty deed with mortgaee loans amounting to $3, "027,284, compared with S07 sales in the like week of the previous year with mortgage loans of $910,607. The record of building permits granted in New Haven, Hartford, Bridereport, Waterbury. Stamford, New London, Now Britain, Bristol, West Haven. Stratford and Springfield dur ing the past week makes an exception ally good showing in- the eeet of the buildings for which permits . were granted, due. largely te permits taken out in Bristol for the new factory con struction there." The 102 permits granted for the week are for buildings costing S1. 714. 404, these figures com paring with SS permits in the Kka week of 1919 for buildings costing $158,957 and 31 permits in 1918 for buildings costing $87,025. REAL, ESTATE SALES - AND MORTGAGE LOANS Norwich had ten sales of real estate last week to four for the seme -week last year. The loans for the respective week's were JS.000 and $2 000.- In New London there were five sales of realty last week to fifteen for the same week in 1S19. The loans were $341,800 and $34,750 for the respective weeks. BUILDING OPERATIONS IN NEW ENQLAND Statistics of building and . engineer ing operations in New England as compiled by the F. W. Dodge company follow: - , Contracts to Jan. 22, 1920,. $13 677,000 Contracts to Jan. 22. Contracts to Jan. 22, Contracts to -Ian. 22 Contracts to Jan. 22, 1919.- 6,369.000 8 287,000 7,307.000 3,ss9 oeo 1918.. 1917.. 1916. . 1915.. 1914.. 1913.. 1912. . 1911.. 1910. . 1909.. 1908. . 1907. . 1908. . 1905., 1904. . 190S. . 1902. . 1901. .- Contracts to Jan. 22, Contraels to Jan. 22, ontracls to Jan. "2. 10.J7S.00fl 8.005 000 5.799.000 3 592.000 6.360.000" 5 605.000 2 923.000 4. 985 000 3,713,000 1,75$ 000 ' S.243.000 4 434.000 5.926.6(10 1.103,000 Contracts to Jan. 22, Contracts to Jan. 22, Contracts to Jan. 22, Contracts to Ian. 22, Contracts to Jan. 22. Contracts to Jan. 22, Contrasts to Jan. 22. Contracts to Jan. 22, Contracts to Jnn. Contracts to Jan. 2, Contracts to Jan. 22, j Contracts to Jan. 22, j "If',' is tiie most unsatisfactory word in tne .ugnsn language. far Fletcher's Signature cf oneycom iw Yeii fw, for Backache, Lumbago .-. Grandmother's old mussy . raustkra plaster 'or poultice generally brought relief allright even in the severest eases, but it Burn ed and blistered like blazes. -., "Heat; eases pain" seduces the inflammation and scatters conges tion but you'll find that while gegy's Mustarme, made of true yeilow mustard and other pain destroyers is Just as hot as the old tasmonea piaster it is muen quicner. cleaner,' and more effective and. can not blister. - It's a great external remedy- -just rub it on, wherever aches, pains, in ftammation, congestion or swelling ex ists and. in a very few minutes the re lief you have, longed for surely arrives beeause ."Heat eases pain." 30 and 60 eents at-druggists or by- mail S. C. Wells & : sCoi, LeRoy, N. , , WINTER WEATHER DOES NOT (HECK 8TQRRVH&N8 Snow and iee and the rest of tfre elements of -an ' old fashioned winter are not holding up the hens at jBtorrs, I the 12 th week of the layjif contest the birds laid a total of 2,292 eggs, or a yield of nearly S3 per cent. This is nearly 40 eggs better than for the pre vious week and 200 eggs more than tho fiv year, average. Gepsranhieally th leading pens for the week were widely distributed, with Connecticut at the top of the ljst. W, H. Bassgtt's pen of White Jloeks fropi Cheshire, Conn., got away with first place with a yield of 48 eggs, or a little mere than aaublo the average for all pens, E. A, Baw lard's White Leghorns from Chestnut Hi, Pa., wsrp seeend best for thf week with a yield et 4 eggs. W. Kd gar Baker's pen of the game, breed from Moriches. L. I., were--in third place with a performance of 43 eggs. Charles ti. llanos Reds from pouthr bora. Mass.. came next with a score of 41 eggs, and Langford Poultry Farm's "Wyandniles from Langfard, D. C, were in fifth place with 40 eggs to their credit. The contest birds are not of course routed. They are pullets that ar not used tor breeders. For those, however, who intend to hatch chicks during the coming season me time has arrived when the birds shoujd be mated. Tt is true that one can sometimes get fer tile egsrs within four or five days after the introduction of the male, but gen erally it is not. aat"n to wait unti tho last minute. It is potter to mate the birds several weeks ahead Pf the tim that the epa-s are to be used for hatch inr. In, thin connection it may be noten that fggs C4P ordinarily be used for incubation for a week or so after The removal of the male from in flpck. On the other hand.. some-fertility will persist for a much longer tiino. In other words, if one wishes te eh$r males in mid-season he must allow at least three weeks to elapse befpre be ing perfectly sure that the oew mal la sire of the chicks. The three best nens in eam of the principal varieties are as follows: Plymouth Rocks. Merritt M. ?lark (Barf edX, Prook held Center Conn ,.. Sll Jijles F. Fronoais (Barred), West Hnmpton Beach L. I. ........ 292 Oncck - Farm (Barred), West Hampton Beach, Jj. I.,,....-..... 2SS Whito Vyanps. ' Langfordi Poultry Farm, Lagford, v b. c, SIS MerrytiiDUght Farm,' Columbia,. Conn, .... ..,.;, .,.',.......,.. MS Herbert L. Warren, St. Lambert, Qie. .', 29S Rhode Island Reds. Pinecrest Orchards. Grotpn, Mass,. 473 Charles H. Lane, goutlrboro. Mass. 420 Jiico'o B, Jansen. Iiorth Haven, conn .-. . . . , . , 315 ' -a.,w. , . Geonje Phillips, Seymour, Conn,. Merrythought i Farm, . Cflludibia, 5S4 uonn, .i Glenhppe Farm, pittsfle!d, Mags, Miscellaneous. H. P. Cloyes (Buff Wyandpttes) Hartford, Gonn. . . . . S76 ?73 A. l. Anderson (Rhode Jeland Whites), Windham, N. H A. E. Hampton (Black Leghorns), ses rjttstown, ?!. J ,, HI SCHOLARSHIPS AVA1UABLE . V FOR E$ERVI6i MEN In eonjunetion with ths , nationr wide programme of the - war work couneil, Y. 11. C. A. edueational ser vice for demobilized men, the county committee of the Young Men's Chris- pan Association ot sew London spunty is . cooperating in making available scholarships for essaryicg men within the courity. The program provides the opportunity for any ex, gervies man tO 'ebtajs fres ' ch(larT ships to any -school ... that is standard work and is available t$ the applicant. Excellent Bourses ar ofr fared thju h eerrespondepee. These are within reach of every pxrgerviee man and are tree to him, Tne fol lowing committee has rcerttly been formed: Harry M. Clark, district man ager of the Connecticut. General Life Insurance Company, of Norjrich, ehairman: rloy Hi. Keller, lormer ex service man, now county secretary of New London county, secretary tq the I'omraittee; Frank Palmer of Palmer Bros. .Mills, Fitehville; Frank E, Jiob- jnson, cashier ot the Jewett Cjty Jriav jugs Bank, q. W. Allyn, merchant, of Groton, Conn.. The eommi.ttee is now in position to '-receive lanBlicants. An impartial and simple examination is BILIOUS! Quick I Get Liver and Bowels Right with . .- Furred Tongue, Bad- Taste, "Indiges tion., Sallow Skin, and Miserable Head-r aches eeme from a torpid liver and sluggish bowels, which cause the stom ach t besoms filled with undigested isoa, wnicn soura ana ferments, term ing acids, ' gases, and poisons. Cas carets tonight will give your bilious liver and constipated bowels a thorpugh cleansing and straighten you out by mprfling. Casearets . never sicken or ihconvenienGe yqu ljke .nasty Caiomel, Salts, Oii, or griping Pilla. They work while you sleep. . ' M A, BARBER fiiichinest end Engineer Steam Engine Repairs assured each ex-service man' apply ing. - . - Any former soldier, sailor op- ma rine who served his country during the "reeenf war is eligible for a sehol iirship. Appl'.cantg who qualify for ttiroevscnoiarsHips may -enrou m either day or n.ght school. A mied number are available in ' technical schools and universities for the four year courses. The approximate vame nf oajfth i taOO ner annum. These ao.- pHcants will pe passed upon Dy tner state educational seryiee ftdmmittee. Ih .other sections of tho country where this service has been offered many men are availing themselves o the opportunity of cOntn,uing their education and thereby improving their wage earning capacity. These schol arships are of necessity limited in number .and can be awarded only within a limited amount lof time. ' It therefore, urgent that every inter ested individual get in touch with Roy E. Keller, ?1? Thayer building, Nor wich, Connecticut, who is secretary of the ppmmjttee, - . . . , GOVERNMENT BUILDING IN PERUN BARRICADE Serlin, ?6 Py the A- .)JWfl heirastrasse tonight is barricaded and under the guard of numerous treopg, A patro Qf-jShtegn armored automo, bilos and a, half -down huge, motor trucks loaded', with armed troons ar rived early in the evening and imm aiately took UP their positions in front of th government building and shut OH a) trams from tne thoroughfare. The precautions taken by Minister of Defense iKoske were itimulatei, in addition fc? the assault upon, Mathiag Erzberger today, by rumors tbat the msnBrehistg mmtf&. attempt an nsurr reetiion pn the eya f the former emr neror's birthdav fwhieh ocfurs tomor row) ano mat tne attack was to be primarily directed against the inde pendent socialists and radicals. While the. government promptly branded tho rumors as ' whollv, nn- I'founded and eyen ridiculed them, the attempt en JfJrjfberger's Jife prompted ftoske to mobilise the troops for the protection ot the government effiees. Today's attack was not the first at tempt made to kU -SJrzberger. Lasi June at Weimar he Jiarelv escancfl capture by a handful of troops who, a.r wi s later proven -oeliherately had Planned to lyneh him. The attack at that time was rommonlv believed tn bavo freen insnired by the eonserva tives and militarists. Erzberger es caped in an aniomwbile and remained in nioing lor several days. - When the present' Helfferich-Etz berger trial bagan tho government as sign4 plainrclothes men to pro teet fcrzoerger; They, aeeomrinirf hira to. court the first dav,. but their prise lie Twa. sijwiu;u 10 oy tne Jiiflre who ordered the detectives out of thr chamber g-nd told tbeta to wsf t out- Slfla. t,prer n-.ioe Bore!7 snv trins s-beiit the city afoot, mostly using hie omcisi ear. pyen cor suen short di- taees- as between -. tho minietry of fjn&pep sii4 fhe -chaffleejlery, which are The "Pan.tJerman' organs are prom inently rHFir.ling reports ef the prewnt ia and aeeampasylng th evidense avifh e- 5triJ somment praisinff nefneruci tor craning loyward an? "exnoslnv the minuter." - . -This mmim's session of the Ent.- pejgerTWfiitfenca trial was the fluiet est sinca -suit started a week aao. f 'Prberger tiad left te court am was seated .In his autoraobilf WiKing ,m ?S . attorney, who .wa ptaiiaiBg on tf running bnxrd pn? hfildin? the tfor, omen. iTadtlte', prept beneath the attprney's arm'anr' was actually in the SHtomobile when ha fired, Jt is sai three "shots were f red". The firat hit- a vest butt-on and glanced off, tho second struck Erzbcr- ' W M NVcftS i, 1,0 .,V ger's watch and was deflected, while! the third bullet entered his shoulder. The bullet had not been extracted at 9 o'clock this evening, but Erzberger was reported to be resting fairly com fortably at his home. ALL RECORDS BROKEN IN SAVINGS; BANKS DEPOSITS Hartford. Conn.. Jan. 26. Bank Commissioner Everett J. gturges made a . statement today showing the in- ; crease for three months ending Jan. 1 j in savings bank deposits as $12,512,- ' izu.41, ana in tne assets ot state DanKs and trust companies $9,093,695.71, This is the largest ratio of increase in bank assets for three months in the history of the state. ". -' ' The total amount of assets of sav ings banks on Jan. 1, 1920, was $431. T?9,000, and Of trust companies and State banks $177,940,000. In a statement received from the foceral authorities in Washington by the bank commissioner today, Con necticut stands tenth among the states of the union in the amount of re sources of its banking institutions un der state -control.. I WOIMAN CHARGED WITH ! EMBEZZLEMENT OF BONDS East Greenwich, ft. I.. Jan. 26.In dietments charging Mary A. Yorston with embezzlement ef Liberty bonds , ... t . - ' Acid-Stomac Millioi 01 The ismoua scientist, Prof. Metchnikoff, de elared that people generally become decrepiW feeble, eged-yeara and years before their "tirse -r-tljat person ought to live well over a hnnr dred years. He proved that tie toxic poisoas which form ta the intestines and cause auto ictosieatioa had more to do with Bhortening life than anything else. Clean out these poisons and. there is no reason why human beings should not live, hale, hearty, strong and vigor ous, hundred yean or more. Such is the doe trine as taught by the noted Metchnikcff. What causes those toxic poisons where do they come (roin-bow do they get into the in testinal tract ? Science gives u an answer ja one wor4 Acid-Stomach. . Acid-Stomach causes food fermentation; . and it is this mass of partially digested, sout, fermenting food passing through-the intestines that creates toxic poisons that sre absorbed into the blood mi carried into every part ef the system, causing a long train of diseases and making millions of men and worsen feeble, haggard and old looking before their time when by right they ehoald be 6trong, healthy, in the prime of life. ', Common sense tells us that in order to stop those toxic poisons forming in the intestines, -yon must get rid of the Acid-Stomach; just M valued at $1,150 from the Union Trust I company here and $2,000 Liberty bonds from the town of Warwick were re turned today in the superigr court, - Miss Tofston, employed as a clerk at the Union Trust 6ompany bank branch here and confidential eiork for f lizard . V. Allen Warwiek town treasurer and manager of the bank disappeared Aug. 5. She went' to Providence, where, it is alleged, she j EOld the bonds, bpuglit an autoracbile, AVTOMOBIUSTS - - - SHOULD TAKE , """l cough DROPS ,isapeJ - Believes the threat '1 I L ' after dusty driving Sflfeir Jlr A -w V and 3u the ounce vT- f 1 i of prevention needr ' . -: MWf li&glS 1 ftS I JJtiXZ. J ed. Wonderful for ' 4553 i V' - throat- dyoess and SSx A! SSH irritation. Eminent W1Sa, '.JS physicians pro- l ...j i ." '.TK-ir! bounce L. C. "Cough if h , . " u QTTii " " . Props a perfect utrT - 1 " ' remedy for throat . " ( - irritations. - - . . d Before -Their 111 dentist te! ns ka$ we most get r54 f ae?4 mouth t keep the teeth from assaying . Wh ac;4 forms fj? .'the mmiki ft eM ight throngh. the hard enamel of the teeth. Imagine, then, the ill effects of cidrStomaeh to the entire system! A modem wy has been f oaBd of getting rid . of Acidrgtpmach so quietly, Bataraliy, easily, that jt seems almost unbelievable. This remedy is esijed EAf NIC, a com pressed tablei that yon eat lite a bit of candy. EATONIC leave the stomaehjwBet, coot sad strong, aids digestion and assimilation and so helps yop ge fufj strength out of every mouth faj p f pad you fat, fa cases of indigestion, liearthnrn, eat, belebiBg, gassy, sotijr ttw act, foodrrepeaiing and that mieersble puffed up feeling after eating, g ATONIC affords al , most insi-ant relief . Twenty-fiTe tiionsad druggists sell and gHsraate EATOJflC. "if it faii please yon yaur EPpney will be cheerfully refunded. p i) Ut;. FOR whieh she later left in a garage In Jio" t he called for. and then went to Cleveland and Toledo, O. She re turned! home voluntarily and pleaded nolo contendre to warrants charging her witl embezzlement and larceny Norfolk-Mrs, Elizabeth Collins, un til soon after her husband's death a resident of Norfolk, -will succeed Mr. and Mrs. Frederick "Webster as care taker of the town farm in. Winsted. h Makes AaP STOMACH ) POETRY THE'I K. h tt! (",i!ir cost : llvisg iiro M'd'Ti-, j.ftp a ui.ine, - , lit, la iifile iivmn Love imililnd - yheru m wajrniLiii and clir a-Bicnty, I- J.7!fi? 1b taait upon the t.tiif, , ,nd a enrner y hearths. ilu; There he curls, where n-ne may spy Jijst how far the two have traveled U;hn cdt .nifr u,l,U Awn,,, At times the way was weary-.-' ' Twss a thorny road ami ninh But what world wp hearts ein' sm- ' elves love anid faith enough! In fne erjb in yonder corner uove s. most pre.Tious gueraon hm; feavy lnjs wtn slubber laden Hid the laughter in his eyes. en tna gardens ef the wealthy enow a in.rer pioora man Mils? - Can the heart ba starved for flowera tUS-l nas roaspua dps to Kiss? i Kay, we ga, not clad in velvet. And the only gem w own Is the jewel of cantentmentw' A rigut rare ana prccwuw etena! , Having books, who yearns for rublasf j Having music, who needs troid? t Youtlj lacks never feed for laughter; l -Sofaowb shared are soon consoled. ' He who counts the cost too often Plays a eautious, lonely part; May the little homo Lova uiideij ' r bpur tna negiatipg neari: eatrtea garry,'!!? tlia ew Tork -jimes. . STRICTI-V CBRH PRflOF. The Antlseptla J3aby an4 th Frophy- Were playing in the garden when the Bunny gamboled up; fhey looked upon tho Creator Witt a loathing undisguised. It wasn't disinfected and it wasn't etermzsq. Xhey ald it was a Microbe and a. H-atfeod of Disease, They steamed it in a vapor of thou sand odd degrees; 8 They (rose it in a ireezer mat -r a eeid as Banished Hope. And washed !t in perma&ganato wlba , carbatated soap. i ' In Bulplrureted hydrogen they steeped j its wige-iy ears, . .( Thoy trimmed lta frisky frtilskem rit t a pair of hard honied snears; j They d'otined their rubber mittens ana ! And elected it a member of tho Faint ! gated Band. j There's not a Mieroccus la the garden j where they play, !. They swim In tyre iodoform i flosen i timeo a day;. . ,f Asd paoh l"wWhs his raUona from a i Hygienic Cup. . , . The Bunny and the Baby an4 J Prophylactic Pirp.- : Arthur Gnitermaa. HUMOR OF THE DAY Teacher In dramatizing thl story tha hardest part is the ending. - How would you end the play, Robert? Kobert-rd drop tha curtain. Boys' Life. She to dentist-lover). Mother will not believe that I come here ajaaut my teeth so often. IjeI will send her a biU tosjJMT-row.-t-Boston Transcript, . A?toiat-How far la it to Bopn Oap? MoonUlneep WelL it be up tba roa4 tkar about two wheops, a, boiler and $. oiipd'a bayiCartoens Magar line. ' Crs.wford-How do sou stand we ouestion of government ccniol? seems to have an un i happy faculty of getting the cornmod- j ity in question uiiumr tuuuoi i profiteers Wle. ( Mrs. Doubleyew-riiet's try the Fire- side Cafe- They advertise, it as a nice, j Mr-. Doubleyew-r-Hemelfke? That ! means their cook hag Just left, rase it- up.--HousteH Post. i "The human anatomy is wonder- I ful bit of raeihanism," observed the sage. "Yes," agreed the fool. "Pat a man , oti the back, and you'll maka his hed sweU.''.Cincinnati Enquirer. "Isn't that man rather slamming . your nation and your principles? Why ; don't you talk back to him?" "What's the use? -He's deaf, and even if he could hear, he wouldn't U- ; ten."Pittsburgh Leader. ; ; Then you never felck about house hold espenses?" . i 1 i "jope." ) "How's that?" I "My wife would tell me to Ht ' house.Louisville Courier-rJournaJ. "Competition is the life of trade." j "I suppose so," replied tho weary- i looking woman. "You ought to have ser-n the competition I got ;sto today j for a chance to buy what I wanted at , the bargain eoupter," - Washington Star. , "Where are you going?" asked tho returned hero's mother as be atrode toward the door, a, vicious look on his face." "To And the man who sent msm this letter suggesting that I take a eoorse in physical culture," wa-q. the savago response as the door slahriied,-The Home geetor. 'I'm afraid Wiss Sereledf did hot enjoy the party." V "Indeed T "An old friend ef iiers wa.a among the guests, a. lady who fias three grown children. She kept referring to tha time when she anij 31 -ss ereiear were sfrls together."" Birrainsham AgeBerald. KALEIDOSCOPE i About threerfourths of the pofwla-j Hon of Penmark is engaged ia" tne euitivatios of the soil j Ships huilt of steel are said to bo i able to carry about 29 per cent, more ; cargo than those, made of iron, i The Belgian government once effer- j d a prize for the best picture show- , ing tfte evu en?cis ot urunitennesB. A Scotch scientist has discovered a j new metal pelieved to belong to the platinum $poup which be has named I canadium, " .-...-! It was snnounaed in parliament on : December 6 that the number of stapd- ! ard ships eomfleted or completing to the aeeount of tna British shipping' controller was at which "had ; been delivered to iforeign purehagerB. . j CepsuJ General Bkinner cables from j London under date of Janvary S that I since January five shipm?nte ef su- j gar, aggre!a.t'n?r S,lJ83,?3! pounds, have been forwarded to the United j States, wfth an eggragato value of 1200.000. .. ' : An Amerfean soldier on the Bljina j writes that II will buy 3SS pteins of j regular prewar beer in Germany, j where the American army officials' have fixed the price at it pfennigs per;' stein. The rate for real Pilsener Is 49 j pfennigs, and in Germany an Ameri- j can dollar is npw worth 4,660 pfennigs, j . .The tittle pagodalike structure at: the northwest corner of Irving. Place end yourteenth street," " New York, fronting 9 feet and Inches oa th Street and IS feet and 9 iJSChea on Irv ing PJar-e. which beg been a landmark" for deredes. is'to be razed to allow for rthe extension of thV adjoining kot"' hu'idin? oyer the site. . ' During1 the sugar crop seasni J9J9, 13 sugar-cane factories of Tr' Idad shewed a total production tf, S50 foiiR of sugar. It is estimated these factories, in preparing tnr season of 1920, will altoeethr chase about J250.00ft worth of i machinery and equipment, a : flrcnortim ef guch orders gotse tc United sjtatea.