Newspaper Page Text
'i&r It. WIIIT. Pabltaber. J. T. HILDRgTH. D. !*. HHARIMON. uvriciAt. rarea or HaSy, Tn-Wcl:t. »4W— Wi-etty. •'ITI or BJIVIAPOKT. Twtd«|i laralne Vrulml. HR I'liHSMiKM. JAMES BUCHANAN, t! |'IASMI\AM\ KOK tn: JOHN €. BRKfKINRUMtE, k I' N Al I.' I, J'i.i ft l#rxta ui« C'-i.w'i' i.t i- u n iht Union t»e n b-a p'Hirtii —ori«- mi All KS fi'ni an.| from AI»IOAI1 inv ,ifd U\ or n« w »th thH» jir^^ric" tod rl« %u*'ur«nn By r-l«r «i| Uit CUMMim.k ARKAN*K MRNT0 VOI I'IICAI. RMAf^lNU. If we were to put any c»ntidcncc in the brazen *wertiont- of the Fremont presai s, we nhoiild give up the coutcvt and deapair of prccorvHig the Constitu tion by electing a national man to the I'rcMdi ncy. (iieeley is» only outdone by thi- VKKAI t'nro- Berylaai, w' THK ritr. ot ,8-^ fc" *. JBtmocrmiie Jlfominmiian*. i.ircur*. i IIAI.I.ami JAVfcS CHANT. i- /».« A it I'AI.MKH, W tENERtl. M.IM VIKKimS. 0HAKDMAI.MK»0» THE DEMW Htl V W »M. t« ti'i! 11 r* i .i,.« i mi t. !,* Adlrr.-e Wilt flMlvrf»H f*f ||fin Hail, i.« nf th? State Eivinrv and «th I- »h r v f'lil.rvnr* CiTT, K'et»*M V M'A'I INK 71 h. UMUK\1I,|.|. lA,.pr«H*0 i 4KI l|th 4 KKO£A gl i»«.' Hi SliKJ! KNKY Ki Ifctt.. IOWA Tin* Oct 2id itlM-r m^ni'KC a iiniKi ainn iii *a» fc* tadMlrtte tall*' yU«i» At »nl»nr« suntf urn-* at»d|.ia" it U nrflpntiy r« minemliii thai out |Hi'-ctatl Inanda 'i«*r ximiUr in*-* lint in rr«-i h i* I: t||«- Hl«t th *|ti rfie.i 11v«• mrid fV» ». l«v it. th* M-rp* ivMrKiwl u rt. 11 .r.-l at,f MASS MEETING! 'pMMtti w,.. ».• h4, hti in 1 TU'K ft. V i .»* in Hi* loilU-niK'tt iii asM-rting that Fremont will carry every north ern State by a moat overwhelming ma jority. Those who have watched the oiirw of thc«" same journals in pa» rreiidential Elections, will remark 'hut what they now write i.-, only a repetition of what they said and pub Imbed when Gen. Scott was their can didate fm the Presidency. They bragged in the MUIIC the Maine Election an follows. Sept ••'o. I Mr,3 It i* *afe to srt .town the Main. Election as a Whig Triumph, and an tanest of her intentions next Novem ber. 1'|k»II tbet 'ongressional vote the Whig* of the State have about 1 ,•»"» majority. TIh-v stinel Utt« than they did In^t v, i.r.'' 1 Knell \n»s the lliliguage of the Whig papers atter the Main Eleetion took They (.ragged and swaggered, and l»et, and appeared a* confident of the election officii. Scott then, as thev now do of the election of Fremont. They took those Stntcs ait a type of all the remaining State*, and like a hen with only two kernels of corn in her crop, who imagine* thnt her crop i« fill 1. so do the Abolitionifti imagine that because in the local elections thev have carried Maine, Vermont and Iowa, they ha\e a fiill and complete triumph in a.l the northern States. i\or deluded mortals If thev arc content to |ise«l on hope with these three States and brag until thev are hoarse u\er Maine, we have no objec tion, only we don't delight in the sud den and terrible disappointment of iee to aay eandidate for President, la the Whip have been tiokllni their adveraarlea with a preeeat of balf A 4oaaa Old Fogies, and for every one of the* we shall add at least a hundred to Beotl'e majority. And so New York bas lew talkeAff as a doubtful Slate, whioh lo Ibser humbug. Unlsse Pennsylvania •at doe* all aapeeiatioas, Nov York will |i«0 the largest majority foe toot! of aay Stale la the Union. Bat It la aot oaly in tbs Whig States «. this ohea(a is manifsoted. If tbe ftoowl tide sweeps sa Pieroe will hardly Kit* Vty vatee. Vriwde at Qea Seott, we know where* wo lira whea we aasare yoa that all a,. j|M wall. Wo are ao prophet, aad oan fe WM My what tka fature has la store, bul ^(I1|»*«a7 the preeilge of ia ^rtlM eUa, aad every ladleatloa pertiadi Oh aeeew %aao tW, Md tbe aaaie phnuaa, the wotda «ad MBte&ces, with a iittla jjJmaHftii *N ao* smplojred by the |H»oTrilraao lohoabug the people, ^4 wan 1 Wiof that Fremont ii re itroi| goadkUu. Ws oAndidly •Iii an tlal vi Uro am four of Fill* TATE nFMOPR 4T We an-afraid he will cam New Vork, ing cooeh. nd ceag bt a I moot tbe iael At Usleebur*, Pwh, gUocrngtoe *«. jcfMfT. i„,:i t^,W. i r"-.f ".«• »g that Mr Fillmore «m bit nrtt obotaa for |mr «st aii »o»' •otbututlic a^etiat* ever Jv ,,o! ,lnnk lllHl bragging, wftli a littlo alteration, that at, tb I'HKSIDKM IIO dissolving the I 'nion, they find their ownpaiu li««so!\.-.j, in 1852. HI.SKIIM II HMI4I-TI. Tin: |ooi rU ot luisia have just beheld the glitt-r. pomp, and blazonry of the most magnificent array ol gold and cnnnfon, diamonds and rubies, silks, velvet anti turs,e\er brought to' gether at the ancient capital of the Em pire, where Napoleon firnt saw tin star ut liia glory to diiii in the ocean "t lire which enveloped the burning city. Yes, 80 millious of human beings who call oue man muatsr with pow er to take their live*, at any moment without form of trial —have witnessed the miserable display of the gorgeous ceremony of crowning Alexander. Em peror of all the Hubsias, by the grace of Uol. Te I'cuius were sung in al' the .hurdles that huge leviathan of oppression the aruiv- defiled be fore the man who employ* them a.- so many hirelings t«. protect his throne, and assist him in crushing out the li berties ol the honest laborer in Russia, tbe necessity of eierting ite etrength to 1 men It is apt to be fatal. Only once hear what the Tribune said in Septem ber, 1852. aWnit the Maine Electiou, and the certainty of Scott's triumph fro: i that fact. Bragging was as strong then as now, and will have at, little ef feet to deceive now as then. Fremont Is bound to be a worse beat man than Scott was, if the signs of the times do not mislead us. But hear what the Tribvnt said in 1862 From Maine to Iowa, from Buffalo to Orleans tbs rally for Soott is spontane ous and univsraal—Tbe obange witbin fortnight can bardij be realised except 'bt those who are in nonatant receipt of •4»ioee from all parte of the country.— And everywhere as the Seott ranke are formed, oor frien.ts are astonished at their strength. Here i« Connecticut at our elbow, whioh the Pierce men hare hoped to oarry and where thev will still make an aarneet fitbt, but in whioh they wUI be beaten, (if we are nut groeely de ceived.) ae they bare not been sinoe 1840. Tennesse has been debatable, but not a Boott man in its length and breadth bas longer a doubt of it. Delaware went •CW" two year* a«o but it will now C*e Scott a larger Majority tbaa it ever will tbe Presidency, but if bt could »ot bt g. many I.-, torn! illmorc «1ect*d, h« preferred lo Me lb« Wbiga n vi n_ i j*- i unit» will. I he? hn«» tiiriie.1 over ttt' wt. i. »ud I'ro.luoe.l the MDie «nd moil ••roMtly would I ooMKld tb*m t0 J0aT it in tho olKctiuli tbi-n. 8uch a t:»irr of Ihr I'nr ill* Hmmw 000 oiajority. pile of fictitious straws a» it prexiu'*'*, A t«l»?nrK|»liii. Uis|*al to the Lon for th.- .Irownintf Rftpubhcan» to cat' W'» that the- Emperor of i K i W i a i n a i e i i v i e i n i i e n y i n o o p-.illv Imitrroti*. Smrh «-rwmi»» v. low on tiieiMuh ol August, lilt nioru iog wat, rainy, bul about noon it clo'ircl. i ak-kTif(-i| aii'l faint of comfort to tin* bum mini jng W fault with, for when a party cannot, bi^nal to liug all the bclL in the city, "Died," tkp*ct*d to Mil SA^NM) copiti at apjx-al t.. pairioiisiiii, and present Tia- i andtliey continued pealing until night- I the receat trad* MIm. Tbay mad* out to n aCt. to be so badly leateri, that instead of or but. heriiig patriots upon the plains dcputatioii ot clergy with religiotia of ilungaiv. No doubt, there was such a magnificent display of all the emblems of Royalty as would almost I ed serf, who toil on in ignorance upon him who toil anil suffer like burden. manner then upon the result of the State Elec* lions in Maine and Vermont. The Evening Journal of Albany spoke of the soil of Russia, sees no glory in the Hotter iliun Urnas. display f» him, and the millions like ,\ hint for workmen in poor health, servative element of the people whose beasts of who have lo rise early and to walk any l« ihi' I alon In liiiik j|u. y,,!^ ,,f two eggs (when they This question is sssuniiDi a serious- are cheap) and mill them up into a •Ms whioh was never known before, in troth, with some j»ow«lercd lump sugar the history of this Republic That mn- 1 or or 11 influence is scsroely felt eiocpt in times i ,wi" of mrainent national peril cause,1 by one or the other of the extreme, .« Wl1'' tal»iiii Section nf the Union, by sixteen free States. as sn anti slavery oandidnte. nil constituents are alone in the non Slave holtlin States, liia cabinet ap pointments, foreign embassadors, nevr end army seents, and other officers ap an Arnold. The Republican party have government. They tought to block iti wheel* by withholding tb# Army pay, htla o and they has. .ought a bloodier way by The General sonetUdld Is MS, 3°? Ifcoa iMdlaaaA I1 Is all on pertsadi overwhelming Irlnmph for 014 Chip. Sooh wa the Uagoage of the Tri- ,h® blood.° htU ift tho4 up®0 UDIOO Dcajoral. Tb«M i fall. At 2 P. M. the Imperial procua- Mil ado,all told Tbe Abolition novalba- tional principles lor is,.ue in a national if l, i .. aion »et out from the 1 etro\ sky ral- iinnt baa •riiiantl* coll»p««d, and •'Dred" •.oiitect, thuy are and alaay* dcaervt Jho Emperor wah preceded by ia a tr«adful failur*. Emperor was preceded by guards and Cossacks, also by deputa tions ot the nobility, and by the repre sentatives of the Asiatic nations sub ject to the Czar. The Euiperor him self was ou horseback, and attended by the Ministers of War. The Imperial Priuces followed, also on hoiseback. Then came a long line of carriages containing the Empress, Empress Dow a£e, Grand Duchesses, Piincess of Ol denburg,and attendant tallies. Squad rons ot Cuirassiers closed the proceae ion. Al 4 P. M. a salute of seventy-four guns announced that the Emperor had eutcrcd the city. The Governor of the iinii'iiiug dram or glass of iM'er and it is a cheaper and far better tonic than can be purchased. Engi neer*. on railways agree that coffee is the very best thing to take early in the morning, plumbers and painters save tbe country from the rash sots of fanatics nnd traitors. These disunion leaders disclaim anv intention of dig turbine 'he Constitution, but they are like tbe lunatio who was ridine fwiftly i in bis boat towards the foaming oatar eel of Niagara, and when warned nf his danger, cried out "hs! hs! no dtneer, for, thontrh I go over the Fells, I shslj ride safely anl without hsrm Everv act of the Frsmont psrty leaders and I presses tends hut to one inevitshls re- I i suit, the dissolution of the Union. The I immutable law of oatise and effect most speech by some i:\ injury prior be ignored to think otherwise for one to that period of hei life, could not be i moment. Fremont was nominated hv a ascertained. l»ut it is a fact attested should drink "pure unadulterated" milk. CA*EOI. A J'K A MI Th..—Adelial'er rv, daughter «.t Jh.v Perry, Aldenn, in this county, is a sprightly girl, of lif years of age. When alout 1 months old she was observed to be leaf by her family, that she was a deaf mute from tlu- time »he was a year old tip to the time she \va« operated on by Lr. Turnbtill, oi lititTalo, some iwo weeks ago. She can now hear without nuch difficultv, ami speaks words and seu t.-n.-cs so as to lie easilv understood. pointed hy the Ezeeative must naturally fact, her arliculatioii."iiow clcaj and i be taken from among his adherents in distinct, to an cxtraoidinary degree, tbe North. The South will feel like oon- is rapidlv improving, and there seems quered provinces, Bfteon States of th to be no reason to doubt that she will Onion without a voice in the national be thoroughly cured at an early day. sleotion or Ibe government. The child, a very bright one, with a *fi wa wm 0VUIHVIU urviurva gen gain or anybody but traitor, would gain anything by disunion. Suoh an errat 4 T-7 1 The Sooth will not 1 »*.*, apprehensive, mind, is in ecsta- i end ought not to submit lo inch en out- the relief she has obtained, and raaeona usurna'ion nf ita riuht. h. expresses her satisfaction and gratitude language Jerse, wnh a penning jn as .. in a lu-fllr anil nl«.lnAtnnsr. one wel1 ,ur sod our ooaatry'a lame high among th nations ofaths{ earth. If the Union is loat, all is lost. Anarohy first will sn»us ihea despotism. Oh, ay friends, bewsrs beware I Think, pauss aad agaia think, before giving eouaianaaee te iboee whose patriettsm sinhrsees bat a segmsat ef ihs eountry. thai tbnugb we differed en almost ever politieal suuiiaa, I fcsvee ti aentRtiiM in a horse has three wrinkies he twelve inner, but the amount of paper is limited •entatises, in Kansas and throughout ?A We quote 8 per cent tor prime HO to 90 day the country to cause a destruction of tho laBtuaas I|'ih4U' iffour he is thirteen. Add the number I""'*8 P*r.c'#nt A good many eodeavoring to preoipitate oifil war over nine, it if eawly triad. If true, wf Kiil«4 Im a Dial! that ahould begin in Kanaaa and end the hone dentist must gi?» np bi Heaven alone knows where. We oannot trade.—Houthtrn Ploattr. in this oonoeetion do bstter in iliustra tion of our tsat than give th» language i last amO rsaihtrti aaiaftot of that old Nestor ef iba Senate Gansral Casi ir. a rsosnt ipesah at fippeaaqos tUe Eepublicaii pre»s an aaking great Battle Urotiod. ado over a foolish letter of Hon u* nearly aa follows) Treasury under Gen Jackson, whs tjjey tbe North-eatl Oiit ietat Buebaasr.. 1 am an old nan, having paiisd tbe s..y hsi "coins out" fei t'remout, Iagnagi age of three soore yiars and Isa, and I was disatiued by tls Old H*ro from his tell you, repeat it again aad again,, and has since sur.k into obpv tor. that the Union is in dangsr! Let as [, iinipretb*n rwaar* vaaas «inca tbl| war. It.^.su. wssdisonsied from tbs Uegio fathers, shed on this snd on soores of Other battle-fields— by your present proe- ^ati« party. But tbsn, these Ft»«nontsrs parity—by all your hopes for ibe future lugbsm is dec —by all that you hold most taored aad smell straw. dear—bold on lo Ibe Union—hold on lo it in life and almost ia death I It has •tMI ada ui proaperoui and happy, aad pla* a friend cams uassen^et on the cars from Buehauai, We hevs iisrs le-dgt a son ef Henry Otay wao now slssps In hU grave, Tbs •on rsamds as of ais father, my frisad, aad as aohls a palrloi as ever bnatbsd. hoir.pjott.tsu R.«.s- et It It to ae asaeMe of great eeasolatloa, «,. Wed I y a Pre moot Kilmers (ft Ie wsgo, »I.J i' zsss Haas sa, svery dsy Mr. »ailaid, of Ubvlt eouaty, hes tin Land Oflre w Bsbhitt. U BOlitleal aautiaa I haeas a. i^ leppate the vj, alluded to, ie Mr ger, the S^irer replies Just the dif ryiBltlfal ward 'et hl«« He waa m» 'tm* the lata fiea(%r«tls sa^gt- Urease there ti bettpre^ ^e«ei toabsaai MaoTaiMt itMh. utaadoiM* I mUMm e. plw## liUnoit it «oii« for k of monies. Their Majesties afterward it will rebound upon the heads of its an- Walked tj the palace of the Kremlin At its gate they were received by Moscow presented the Emperor with bread and salt. Immediately after- Wlinj 101 dazzle to blindness, asimple republican that their Majesties had entered the of this free land. Hut the poor crush- palace. At night the city was illuini- ^„,ls ^.lt j«. announced jo^KMIMjorUy. 1 1 were ilifioit il« Ml wordt| my friiMt, |^fhf dt-noi-riti of liMlitnipcln in b#( tU( (|ldlaM wl tl„ tor,, ,ofe tot j,an Buchann by 14, It li «'iia»t«d that lotrtm dor ••ad African* have U*i liid#d in Cab* wi'tim tb« Uit right moiiibt a,, rainy, but aboat noon it clc.trud. A Da*Acrt'L Arria.—Th* p«bli*l»*i« hearted, although imaginary, we find ^\t noon a salvo of nine guns gave the of Mr». #tow*'» u«w Abolition ao»al, Ttia Cincinnati Inquirer wakes s» rstimste of the votv of Ohio st tbe coming election. Kr«iuont will receive, It 1,000 Fillmore §0,000 Buchanaa lw,ooo foul, 900,000 A SiaAW.—A ceutlemaa, who caoie in the Allrg'.eiiy Valley lUilrtMU, yester day m«r intc, reports lo us tha U IIOWIIIKas Moscow and staff, the magistrates aud h« r«-,u:i ot s v.te taken ou ibe trsic: Niirhuiisii the nobilitv of the district, received isirmtc i ti e fe« I ii tineuished citiien against whom their l.eti) OD- ,plte wa ime ,i Hi-lory *ill do Preei servances. Hero the Archbishop o' i deiit Pierce justice when tbe tongn. uf alandet is ilent in death. It has done it for Gen. Jackson—it will do it for Presi dent Pierce. CANVASSING—NOT OM great distance before breakfast Into came down to Ottawa from Norway, in tbis lll|{ i tlit: bottom of a tumbler sugar l.astn l'r"w" "Ugar, then fill the tumbler 'MI''irlT "ttee. anil you 1,uv« a "h1e,'"rc hr'-^x k i n a n o n e s e n o w i y o u mj(V wri „.js ti ,r now th. roughlv aroused to o just sppre- ..vervtl,,,,^ withthem, for themselves i oiation ,f the condition of affsirs, and THE CASI.—The Freinonters can generally bea* the Demo crats in votes am ng the merchants, brokers and''looAe gentlemen" generally, that trav el on the cais, ju«t a« Gen. Scot' was always ahead on tt.e c.tre four year* ai o. But when a vote is taken among tbe honest veo inai.rv 'lie r. .uit is different, a* the follow- county on Thursday im-rrinK, it. s buggy, pas'-e.t fcrty-two teaina on the road, con taming ov-r a hundred voters, and to. k the vi te of each of them. He found but 1 w. Fremont m^n in the whole of tbem.--0:» taWa Free Trader. RAILSOAO VOTINO Wr do not attach much important-.' to votes taken in railroad rais and on itrauib.-sts, and have not often pllbll ,^t lhp as hl al)1 th(In ,llth Within :tie last two or lh'"' w-'k f^nilies nd it is better tar than three W'-cUs, w" lia^e observed a decided eliange n Hie cuuiileg.on ot He v«t*s polli«heii in vaiious papeai,. .in addition to tlir »tri" i»t!i of Mi Buchanat. wliic.. Was vei y graliftlno, and wliicb 1. only an index of what i* on i all tlie Suii-v One of our uiei: bant inuD"l from the P..-.I ye-teiila), and tunuthed with a stAte me .I ol the vote taken Oil the Ohio and Ha.hoad tars, shortly after lea ving Vinc-une- lie vouches for :ts correct Tlie Vote -toed: Fo: Buelialtau, Ml Fillmore, Frsmont, 21 Ail-fin vote WB« h* or the North would Y0IU Alabama, who gave us a piece of chivaliy—the youthful statesman and Dt tn illiormiltion iu to u HU seeiing suoh a heart ie little better than the lower lid, and every year thereat- mieBee *e fc.ulsvill.-, from Keokuk, yesteeday, with tte follow inj: i.-u t: K'.i Killmoie, It Huchanan, 40 and dumb, but whether she was born F'emcn', II iii that condition, or lost the powoi of OLT ros FasaoMT.—Mrs. Nichnls, a prominent advocate of free love, on uttered, and now With the 8re w th** ai v? .« —A lew d*vt atfu we met a gentieman C» Brecker.ridtfe—tha rote of lean old woeVudning the a^e of a horse after he or hw -.„i i. .a. -8" t«v oi in# Trr»i«^»rw6iicnaaf*i Whote ile of th- vv*ill be we are sure, to moat Is. eu. oatactrcphe to aacb passed the ninth year, which wa» uew character laa no blot ind *hoie patrioti.ic HiUi.iata aunnlv hi! r.laea «iih Jim i I0 Cuft .f cum*. vct-.dly of tbe 8lates, aad we feei disgusted with bu n0 *slftsbness~who soucht not the bon- 'b»-jf ^•HiSK^SlLrAKr'iS weighing who will safer,most by disunion horse is nine years old, 4 wrinkle cornea was sufficient to b-ing ot ky acclamation Wm Senefcody, desenbe.g tha absurd 1 and wbo will suffer least. A man po- ou the eyelid at tha upper corner of hia unanimous nominstiou'with spplau^a. appearance of a man dencii 'ht pclka, JOHN there i use.) every effort in the House of Repre- each year oyer nine. It, for instance, jn mercantile piper* Discount rates rathe- •hilling through hn trousers- isn4 ti e each year over nine. It, for instance, mercantile piper* Discount rates rathe' people have home -k.E-U.r„ th.t harieal^, M«,c» THE DAILY IOWA STATE DEMOCRAT—DAVENPORT, IOWA, OCTOI5ER 7,1856. St. Loais, Get. 4. A tatter is Ike Dmmorat, dated Law- tOMO, Sept. Mlfc, says tbe Free Stale ,or tr,UI 1 •I Ike April term ef lbs Lecompton ,|, Coart, for murder Mfroas Topeka eom- FILLMORE CONVENTION. MI Mi. Fillmore, 1 'ays, will lecaive not le»$ than §0,000 voles, and guod judges pUct it it a higher nguie Assuming this 'o be true, «nd the vote lo ba as full as 1802- 1 Buchanan, 4U6 Kieuioiil, i91 Fillmore, Zl Tiit- passengers were aearly ell citizens of Aruijtrotig county, coming to tbe Fair, and the vote may be taken as an indication of what county will do at the election. the cortege at the different jioints in in its passage through the city At the Gates of thekesurrectiou, the Emperor, Empress and other members of tho Imperial Family, dismounted and knelt p,it. Union before the image oi our Ladv ot Iberiu. Thence thev proceeded to the Catht- «TThe New York Joumat or Coo, ii »^a in «p*-akiBkr of the conduct of to* dral ol tin Assumption, and kissed the Hepubln-ans at C« nco d, N H, in relics therein atterwards the\ proceed- lei^tion to the reception of ibe President ed to the Cathedrals of the Archangel there, say Michael ami th.- Annunciation, where ejkib.iic., ..f p»r:y i viiulenc« towards the chief magistrate ot they iertoruieu iiiuilar religious i tht nation uev«i seen or heard of, and Manchester, Oct 4tii n ii Despatches from Cul Wriclit. in com mand of the legimeirt of ..- A v «f the M^rint- Hn and Thomas Bodley pi'al Cincinnati. KnA.t IT BEFORE THE PEOM-e.-COIOIICI Fremont', bill for supplies while be was in Cslifornis. emomited to upwards of twenty dollars per dsy for each man slider hit comf in anu "'Pia Menor. Col. Kreoiont states apon he, honor that the sending men serous ralifornia Bsyf or lift sev^n miles, to captuie tbt* foi of Buena Yerba is worth glO.USl. Tbe military commission aulb"i ite.1 by government to examine 11 (o such account". state upon their honor, it is worth only fifty dollars. Fifty dollars is allowed by U'v- #rnmpn't, will show Mr Geo i. Nichol, who and we hear no more of tin Vhsl are Tlslsaca (.'onsissg s. One ol oui New E. gland cotrmin raejes states, (--ays the Philadelphia Presby terian.) on a late Sabbath ewiiiii, Whilst the pastoi of a certain chuicli was jiie. cn int a hot political serioon, one ot hi- tieer ers, not thinking it lit edilirati'-n, took up his hat an I rose to retire, when tlie conerr* Ration immediately saluted bin. wuh storm of hisses f^^'l'he Richmond, Va., WIjik, notice, the progress of 'lie "addition" to a taill nearly eoiupleied in that city, the founda tion of winch is of stone, sixteen feet thick tile brick wall uVeracei, live leet It. thickness from the foundation. The length of the building is one hundred And ninety five feet. When complete.! i' will be eleven stories high The cost of the aldition with machinery and everything necessary to its operation, will not foil far short of $2U0y 000. Dkath vault Fk.uHT.—We are i.iloiined by li. ^rr^g thai u died Tri'in lh*1 rlft'Cl* or fright last evening in tbe wa addition, it 01 cuued in ihn wiv Tw" l^dir in a were coining iIUAII tlie kill, when lb* hoi sr hecamt'unmani»g» ablf ana iiin agbinst ihe h'u»#», wbicti the woman lay nek. 8be became »o te nli«d t'y tb« Clash thut fthf BiutU- an ellurt !u £el .p. i: York, taken the Hump for Fremont. The Tribune says she hii. been .peukn most effectually for tree Kansas Con necticut. si rl will do so elsewbera if in* vitft. Ma. Rkki KINBIDI.S.— At a late meeting ot the Deii.oi-rei-y at Prattville, New Yolk, the people weie aildrcse.! hy Hon. Colin Ineet§oll,of C'..iinerticiit,in an eloquent .piech IR f.tvor of and Breck ruridge. Of the hitter, he ssi.t he had serv ed with him in Congress for four years,— We quote from his address: "It was theie I 'aw him daily, in Ins seat, quietly Wat chine the ordinary course ol legi'letton, hi-, r.i.hle countenance beam ing with intellifre,,re, or else, with every fare turned towarda him, addresnu the Houset now, with features collected, in each word der, Oct, 4tli. rwlltlcwl Preachers OtrvruusiNG or IHI DBMOCSACY.—One of tbe large*' meetings ever convened in tbis city, was held by the Democracy last evening. Jutt us our paper was going to piess, the piocessic-n, which is torchlight. y—the youthful statesman and Dt RgF Ou.-Ists.t news from ,s rh*t or Ken'ueky-.hiia Whom the lllus- ji^ 1-ss deserts', bis staving buod of Sl'CHAKAN JOHNa, r»i.,.. --'i-1 pna* raW4j^f Wesi-.lreckenrtdge, whose hts**'^' Esrt**"We pVopu.VthatAbo" litiof.iats supply hit r.lace with Jim Grii We can well (pare him —North Wt" v My* defined wrinkle for Wd.mtnd'for'monero'^'ll'b""'I tS i u«Va«."'a money on call, hut not ror ri i, .11 ^1 billf, 84 p^r cent, for prime fourth months. ot wrinkle* to nine, and you will al- 9 p#r aent. fur prime sis months. 10* 12 So &ay» the gentleman, per cent for eecoad rlas anI tinfle natn«». pi outideut it will never liail.— p»r cent for call IO«QS. W Taber, Eiq editor of the Charles* ten M*r*urv, waa killed yesterday after noon, In a duel with Edward Magiath, on the third lire. ..... Two Ngw Ux» Ovruaa i« Mivaf g, IOTA -Tbe President has Aged 'he TFRO Par.aiylvanls, iecratary ef tin ^a geutti-weit Dutriet ai cCibwa, sad for jalandtjie uesOak, whisa MM th* BOB. Judft bavise Mew Turk, «4pt|t. ed with Lalayetts to Cbict^a Vaiqrday 'Mt, Oet. lengmi 4th, snd glvs* UI lbs tollowli teeHli ol a vots tshso on the train wbea between W fsjette ami Mi«btgsn City i Tb. Northern Jtauway of Fiance i» ,n «,i ..f »a4 o tbs Charles Carpratier, Loins ffrrlet, Awg' *te all bs auw «a ae Parol an Gucrin.— Mr. •llorruugU'iigaa isrjA| laHlaUrtayHr tbt pablls w applicaiion to the Ceurt for an order f, tag arrest ot Uie da(eii4aiit, who are sharg T«k Dtrvaaaach —The Cieatnusn Os. gelie kavi*d asked what was thediChtsacs hsiweea s peaei-f*' and a |uwk nig. VREAT WESTERN, CIMMSATl Stove Store, Tin, aktH Mrmn mnd Copper TCWarewhenbat Charleston, •apt *, sub^.'slbet a ne« atove atr-rs and Manufactory, .*1 street, 4 door-, east o! Hamas*, be latinde toksepoa haud ihs CMdrsM CHmmtr Si—*, new tuarantss iu -~r- eaesiws^ tflMlta W svei i^egtes. n i .i Land OSseefor MinMsaa (s fpllow«t rrr as wMrsntadtheaMHywUibsrsraaaaA. aiuScsp. ISVofwl.wbwtn JUI ffsuialsbtly taking property he already elabo* rstely given ia oui puiiws itrwi- fbe Jud^e i .. llirrclary. to,k,,. M4rEUm „^IV priaooen kad oa esamiaation before Jus- SICK. u.s amuo.i.i. a»o m»» dj- SHITTT Tbe Fillmore 8tate Cc»iivrnti"i. wai be|«l JI.' l^-i'uc i here yeetarday, and nominalrii a State ami rtothiag. Electoral ticket. »),, P...iolBi Erastus Brooks urtdreaaad a psWir neet I. n.N'sTi:ij N. s tt »i"- h. in« HKAVY the evening. "i-iy Braftr, t-t_ a FAILURE. New Yora, Oct i. The e*teusi*«- proilife h.msr of Nnssen A Cottii.s liled io-dsy They lia.l a l.cavy biuin. «j with ttie West, b« ii«g the l.uijest receivfis of flout mil er.un in the ci'y. Their liahiliiie^ «re ta'd to be upwar t* of $200,1.00. Sew Vork. Oct 4. 1 Tile AmencAtis nt trie thin! Congiessi. n i al District of tlil-c ty haw nominal- i J. VBRPKR a Whtiiag for Mayor of N, Y. a^ MK.«.AK,!S5wKaa^s.:Aa^aK,::,:l.s:ii:m: UH i La^^ls a£P5S5.«r«S -T.j Ike United StatM troope are stationed at i I.i.KN a nooi vn on', BuuHmnnnaj%t thenointe where trouble ie antioipated iB»uraure A«eari« jFO'JB'X* TtlDOBIVBO duria* Ike eleetioa, that aay interfereooe a ushaii »irs«t. witk we legitimate exercise of tbe right U.u «n4«uauafestow. of eaftage may be punished with the ut Ki AUAHS. .. hfdf itwn most severity. Dr* W1 Tke Pro-slavery p«t, run Wh.tfisld ra^rnot a siiN for Delegate te CoagroM. 'C'hmi i,, iacu,,. wa--i« t*s OB E.l VIS ... .IUIU I u'»n '-I. A ••uni.'ui i .... r«m. r«.i »wiai*»r. i Asntai. a co i iais Dr* an4 Qrx-arte*. i St. II HKIIO N HKIMRH'—.. ..f?ii't. Waichn A Jewtli). HI IIOI SKI 41 t. BILI.O.V i.-C a a SKi.soa b- 'j Beeka a llsllnrrr. 9 II Sl'AHK t- II 9 w m.tsaco ...Na IU ADAAIS a co M"u r***- 1 a. 8 .VISION ten Ora,l» '••lo» ".M. 1 A Phi lip Pbenix ttios' or tlie RtM un^res- Hardware. »ii.n il Uis'nct nominal^it SI ef.pard w vr fahKish c..i ».. ui a Uis-t Knapp and of the Kirst OiMrict, bio. klyn, i rowEl.L a CHII.D 2d-t r».i om,,« Edward G, Wood The Reform Committee, by Peter Cooper, have n omit,a ted Jud^e J..mes WASHINGTON NfcWa. Washinvtcn, Oct il The consti uct'on ot tbe MHiiii" Hospitol at Cincinnati, has b°eii awarded W. Hall, of that city. u- 0^n R..» CHAMFTOM teMm- ^ir. Wholesale Grecers BARKI.KY IIIOMI'SON fc CO c..r II U-A1.ZELI. a CO Oil 2l a P»rrj WII.KVa ML'N'iKIl ...•in.l, m» » CXICKtBBOCKItH a BROW'S. Ft.MiI K-rrv ATAN'a McCARN Biirr..»S Muck Drsuiiti. 1 WKtH .S« l» I.'Vlalf Hum Oeal's Funslshlug Gaads. o John I A S ALSTON a CO Hr.Mv.t t-l,,« K.VAPPa REIIMON 1 l,.i. K.m VERIIKK ». CHAM 1*1 ON S.^.u.t Brady 4 1^.,^.,^,. ..l(- (on thors, uiit«ada0 marring th^ reputatioii or di« i,e£'y n0llsr aI,,| post Office at Brw'ol, I, Jt. KCHNKK *i -t s-ai Br^ ommissiooer Hendricks lias returned lo wm A N 'KPI Br..~y iihtFr..m Ins post of duty ill the Gener. I^nd officc, Mealc fc Mnsiral Inttrunirnts. Wardnell bas been a(ipoint'C. Super JOSKPH A CRAM AI.I X. s i c.»««• B»»w iiitendec.t of Construction of the in w Cuj- Slaves* Tinware. RV.A.S a KARt.Y Fi.'i.i ,V Maui SIS TWlTt'llKl.t. a UI1.1.KTT Ilf.i bet a S( The Inwa Ajrlrnllsrst llf|kA. ml'itsK. VKII.K a Co Fr-1.1 a K I Leather and Saddlerr Hardw are. BAl'.ll i' aSK AltS •-•i..1 -t HRIaKJh1*8 —H« \. Mr Panc*«t i'hilait'lphla ronft-r nr*, *ili j.i M- ai tli tf»- ]. K. ritMi- h. lo-ni'-rT.-w ai haif|»a«i a. M. atiJ at *pvti ..'eluilit lath' JI ST KK( KIYKD a Uig of all and rxADiino. Lo.i.r. In t.nis l«- 'Uii K .^uttcflf TALLHAN K PnWKKH. f) A tlrinionN Bk»V. A«iti«l*i. LI'HBEK 1 an a! ... I^tb. Shli •**. Starr- ter. f.r sa low by UtNWK K klfoN ?:4'f Rail Rsnid flop* Aair MtU •lit II. AVAN \I 'leiition fu the IkV. 1 la'svery rtareet, aat if not aiarket ta Obis, 1. full? prepared to warraat and trf ...... bt re Is a nun Chaffer Uehfsai and seat. W»0nrA* Thi Cia.,asb pi lam AiseStevatss «assi patter stc.e, df Ml |art|. ships. aa4 staSsi Oaai gteysi \S I 1 -all ntl-maii II an t) ofth. .tmi'-f'-'l Hi-Pr t •Hliu Atnl |»hytM tNn. aud ba HO.-.IA1 'I i s IU.1 its tti' !tt I- lit hN lAt- hoin it* I c. Xhe Fusion i rioW aie huWllUff over the roakMig prcpamtl- u- t- imii.«t*- It. and in a.iin* «astf ,a i hav« pnrtl.ard«-ld boitlf- aii'l n*»!iiK-d tb»*in. W« fact Ihtt ao niJi.) freuCln i i»re un the T. WKHB. w stumi. f«»i Freaoat. The Ot-mocracy aie bt-dvakr- 'ti- seniuaes«* all «.ver«i enh a u.. t«| lie rap, ain- th iianr ofilt, glorying iu lh- fact thai nut a Bucnanan a n Ml NtHlt We li.»v« i». li.m-is tu» I.iir s an«1 i tin- tun-h-.r-.- i^ilatr- «l'i II ii r. if a) phr»I n On u- tri a' the nsAid'iif **f Jaui-^ t»wi k,-.rrnTnf K ith ami Rlplfv KM', pp» li'-r ur Hu-«. -r-di' RKN'WIlt k. A^^B^KUAt'D W- Wi.:i|«l rail .t'l W ..|i ,,f lh* inb|t ng tin^t a fraud •lath prat tUtri ti.- .i.-i"'H lug ii, t! article of TIoSTI T TEK'S vk'braud Stnmarh r.Htere th» Bitters hae hot uit- popular. ther« havlntf bu n ipu.i, artl wai in Nebr^tku city, makr Atwrn yi at Lhw oao^ a 8ec--r.J a-"ixt jv^r 1. pit* nroLui^ that tne Abo Alden's Cl tbii ?twr jyfc» •, r. ?. u a»k wtiHt n. ou by Kit nr.partial Kit wa* the best mi! most l.or eet ••mpnund r«m*-'iv for preserving and *n*aut1fying th« hair,ai-d reuniting •ray ha.r to its original orl r, and tlip locks tkr bald headed, we ihould without hesitation iay^Pro*. 0. J. Wood*s Hair R«itoratlre.--s9T. .tat. aJrertUtrucni In an« ihcr column Kr» iVbnfrtisrmrntB. PI BI If U AIlk Dissolution. t-jjiunj »twfrHiies TtWtcapailr.'.-Gij iif-f-. iU.-olved He looki as though he bed a hole ist»-«r-4-f 1 a, will w o«. .d unrt-r :h-rame A Boci.aatiira, J'bus OCll-dlX 1 *seiaUriav% lbs yafeUo u (tea at a caii arfSN^thSgMetSstrset,ston la.t ut Bar (, ^oaita. w graaled the order, heldiag each oljh# A I I I I I I 0 fetid bats te bsilln the sua. of #600,0001end aa AbULQM lMn.yad ai—m elicar Ps Angelti, who wes deputiaed by MjJnVAbJflasks floarwl gc tbe Sheriff, Teag the aeeusod f?«m theeus- se«a«ee br iaaaa rNaa, Qh lady at the ascend Wsfii police, sn lodied I It.-at ia Bldrldg* llrretfibil, to avail tbs "Vlhpf aS'ien "t 'be Court.-New farfe wi e a .. aarssl of lat.d»b«vtdsriba.t, Wkltaia"i filitetial fraaUan! KKVi. latsi nwU ... AMW ibwh*, i^arSlVW ia4 Aauthl aratb nuw 1« a« uar Masaioei ess est «i Am lb b.*.i a.atth.1.. ro! UK best wat'tisi. ttm by aneriswsg wsilai I it garUit l-^n UI "t liar. h" na JOHN J0HN« DR. J. MeCORTKEV 1 m*n tWeimflKlery. WMIsBSAlaB W RETAIL. i 0TM la* pritfcanuhal servK'.j lu tbadUlMli Dav Dport and TiCiMty. Offl in Winy k, oew bulldiCf,Cgrner or Vuiirtb k Brady •trvttt E-f-r to £*r2« Uav« Dpvrt, Jaajf- W. Canfl ld. »«ptl7 Notices ol riarlaastl. wblth naa tb* last two ytari eon rrtHI L.dits ol Dss p-t \e4 rigtnttj ars rao\Xh«#• iiaav and fMp aaoaraoi^ la tb, bistoo af «tovet I i. & to m^t at tt. C-tg gatfi:»'. cht-rfi. forb afetaf, hsillae, laattlae aad bsatuw. with l.-s rnei tbaa uvslher slen, aad (a Ms Uae. Tbe ,ot. •viae Uwr Int Ir. nd lecurl&it paynitnt of a ratin t. ui c.:«.iiif»r? Mt% ft^aTaUu^ in part of a&d the intereit thareou. iiRiitd by llmrft tlnka /I* »a/l ika Irse 4aW f.l rrh A It ZAI •. 'Ttlll l.S» 'lul aeai vurcsuar isa. naaaasbl. Muht. datft ihs But day of M.-rfc, A r^it ptTalt, a f..!tow, Oct f. t'.rtt li-u. ^.-! 1 tsrs, eSyabls rc v*nr, aftsr dtit. at ihs -ffl o# C»«t k Ssrriat to tktcity olDavtopor-,. with intsi I SSt at tbs rate ot tea par ess: ptr ann ,m ssni.-aBnuai'y Anl tuw, laiJ s: ilHorr uotc fci.-» las bsf iat aus auJ payable aiel tht ist.^ Htor/ In ms rsttsd by ssid Jee» sf »rui'.. »i. w-d BS»-!a tl.t tw,»tv.«»(v I. 1«v OilObsr A I*Ci. ij laiisf' Uf ba.l- lbe|«al IVg»r.. I Mifftt ia* n 4^.s lula fttesablag Jla«b •weri .. lbe|«al Itjfitr.. I ingw 4^s lula tbrssblaaHat isbtl.biiteat la the Pattee ItaWi We alt» Btau bat I a. aay oib^ rastvre tva aad Ssar h«tai. Jab WmHS.trsaflatiblSAeta,ias^ at th* 'baria^r aad Vhrsthw •hart*, SMHM MARklf. PEOPLES YV -.1 Beets a Sbaea. Btn.lJF b* I 2.1 a Mil Brsdjr fc Rtiry tr-op- n. kooRK & IIROWN Washiogtoii T«iritor, bit men in jAmks JORI AK.. good rendition. And prepaiii ir winicr Toba c® fc lgart quarters. 1 HPECIAL NOTICKH.| Uirl'-i tins A unilu-«l(iiintlH*rofHpeiialiioitr -, i ill b»* iiisi-riiil At t»Mt i nt" p- liw -'n*h $ BH.4IP 1* STHKKT» i:a,l »lil». «rieM ss4 Third %la- U'llKM',,, |,KO hvkk.w co...c... ia-ts TALUSAK. w»tu*a r. o, •..••• I »W-»'- -t •I,... c-:i ,e.,I |v w,..l rem »-tfi«s nr«t i»*t »•—»*rr sip* c-nti |»i i'ouna. aii.l ,ilii.g !•'M 'i. I"'*|- Ih-din A. II. KKNT •vi i» .irpm: i.ipi siit C*T|wl liifnin C»rpei-, K\tr» thr«eiMylak^iUi- I WORKED COLLARS &13TTS, Um «vk el Kill*'! s n it% \1 ly ,«l«l ch'-«t| ib in •:. V-1 nu't u. «t iiui-uiin I DAW njHiri. ut s.nirrrs»\miETr store, xi» rtj: i r* i t:.?i O i JI ST .1 SMITH'S UlHr 1, a i Faraitare. Mnllrenei aud LylioUlerr. M. NK1I, aBROTTIKH Wli..l"sste sod Betsil H- lif 11111^! Kr TIN VTOKKKR8 WA\TKI—'T»V re' rtr^t'a'tr Tiniu* u can ilii-l -Ifadjr \%-r I ,?** at SMAKT Bl MU RTrs, tit U'Hdvst.-pp ft Offi'f KHST RATF. TM-RIT U ILL -X liang 1 ft-r Faiunng land vtihln f-.Lr tfc»* «*iiv. i..r rifv Ms. Hi 'hi- rjt' i)|Uirt «t Counting star. D-m -ctai M-pt iftcltf ng Roosi the MOVKV TO UMK linv a .- I I K I .1.1 UI i. I \M W 111*."- ui 1. ui.f ... ,. A|,.. |). .. Smith§\tritfy Start, I" Uitriport. REAL THREAD LACES. Just Ki'crlved |es| in Aid «n( Mi"r- tichl Ivfi.tnllii. lii*- t.t ih io- l' i tr*at W«- Yirlriv u fr..m ill' ilU« u" ssf Chii'dyo Journal J/ay Ut Mgt, »DiB- lidar i s E TS %T SMITH'S VAKIETl STORK. rUHlh ll »-, K«g», Onagri, 1UIU, Ac., Ac. v« .• v wi» si«4 I B. MM- STiM iK OF 1 1 1 O S R.«.-t-ft If SMITH'S t.lKIKTi' N'l'OKK, Oarnipocf. Horhc FwrniMhiM^ IKHHIN. I i .1 .• S.niTMrs 9 IK STUHE. Davenport C^'ttii. ntmtnib-* Fm iilltir# i«". T«i»1» lati«*it. l«*-4 si fin* ilUitk«*t Fl ti ti'-H. he. 4*' K'»r ny II SMITH RE, tiperf. t!o|l»|»|r'' *.4«l! •Jrub)' tb wiyot Kr^ts Prru^li V* I Mwi#- "ii .T Chtui ru si.\ 4t i II H. SMITH liinrhoffV Black Silk* Jasl ttpfucd all MidtliN of Ihi* Ctft tbritfd Make of Dress Silks. COR. SCltlXU VMi UltAOV STS., IIWENPOIM. »hort tim- i i 1 4c(()ttKIN TO jtHKrvr FRENCH WOOLEN PLAIDS. Jt'S'l a I sjturtrs i '.ifii/.Tr srimE. PI UK THREAD Lli'KSs na-'iig tb" ,..44* XI- 1 tiCHIni' i rs. I bny .if •»-Mn n»s^:a- (^r ap- clergyman in th- Una, has ye. been known ^r"Wr,*» to .U-seria high call i ii j.' t. political Siuin|'iug The latter will be sustained ill dourish like a bay tree, hut tne former will be turned out to grass after the November election. Mark that I by Barkl- v. ThMiitpwMn Au-m** A'IH lo till- 14 mill iral4*'. and Ktt»hifii ii'ii r»id*v 0. H. HMITH SKIKTN, Ffl-t r«»:.-l»frt «nl fo: *a|f Ml Smith's tarkl) store, i .i »i..| «i.d Brady ut UATNNPtlRI WhWtl-«* 4l" ttk'ieti.Q ds*i Kn»br..ld-rr'd tfkirt wttf-Olf ff aVlTH JI ST ffl fMITII If SMITH'S VARIETV STORE, n.fro'poitr. Ku'ticb I' is. iu esitation say, fro:. Zhrno' JOBSS, REAL WELSH FLANNELS, JI ST RECEIVED tt Salth's Variety Store, Dmrenport, Alexander's Kid loves, fWT ,»C' jTcd a:..! foi tai* ty octA-dtf I.AiilJA^ II LYONESE CLOTH. Jattwp- aaU caa^» r.f r'-aarkatir chsap C^m- Lyonise lotb far Dre^aem Thou II w VP! Bud 1 r.ry r'asat I Csmbrle tstts, ii r. F. A.V.IPP, Merchant Tailor* 1 Tfc i'-day at I j'ciocfc, ror Uv. Slag 'be Viiioi. eo* i nt 3 i "I mSSSBSmfSi. NO. tt I.Ei niRi: ROM. P- t'l i a. i.i .1. rtfOefved FANCY DRESS flOOOS, And VEN'T 31. gaui* Trastee'a Sale, ITF SSOJH, stores Aa. ws aMe lalsad taesiu ea kaal a rut u tor nasal eltle Var^ JsMM^ *ara, Cunv-r Ware grass gstuas, »aa»«hedj.. Sbd hut •vsrjrtbir.y BsaauylMlia sMbaaessabUMeat. and is grs^ar sd al all Umat to asake aad pvt a» ,11*^ ^tMB^BttSastaiM- FsrslokiBg HOST ?ASHJ0B&r Sim. M^stwk ct 3£*t IA U- cl adac Main I Due,kill'. -, Jean., w \iraEabAS sr. the flu ni jr Ha n, a it if** VY Hsotj il-t..,a-l & ilui... i.jwlfs sxe coted aata W U-Su. Doe au at Tr'itits. a csita... dts1 it tr iit. r.I i.itll i!.i th. '.act In S. .j|t u..utir. I w-. '*s»«' fc» .'onow,, ta-wlt. Il.t noith-wssi ^uar-.jr .ft i ath-4.»t isr »r ,( l.. o^ tf lau-J Hot Sio i»e., (S) in Nc it/.ttj-t |fci. '3) a.-rtl) I.oie No thrts. *0.1 tati 61 ill. ulu. pi, Kti.X':,, »Uii'h ia.l .cr.vtra&c, vat »•,.» by Ibt 'aid Hsnr.- Um.. sod wi:-r f. mjt AT", ^tiamjr ritel»s«r«0» •.- U, ".•-•km.. i .ra.abdstlhe i k*-«» aa4 AAAS.- i 0urMfi4Mt* i B!. il, jcb tht'tcf alt ,d pay tbt of .tlo. tl ltr. togiihtr wuh lUw »i..l Aaidt.'d. o-l': t-f t,ntic« .^3 IV-'• tbs ciBipisii-^i oi tBib ,a!e a iitsd wn: be iiv a ii. tiiCMMaafs cub th-' iti^ui't. r, ot sittt Oe*w r-f fruit. ivbTtjits a tul. ami IS'-SSt '.U» 'A Ihe irat' a: lib-' .ft:is tbip' •.'• Uat«4:b~ 1»l '.»• i»'»' A -Ji» Ouui. va s-'il-dlSSt V ban. Ne« •atsie Black ar. i cc.ind Silk, al.d SILK VELlETi, ai.i ifi3*t panares. HpOSf aii o.' wblct wit: U I si ihsiui. fearrityls tt Mil., htvlnr ran.! tr ta 'bt ,ams. I I.-utiss ai afbiasaid. 4-. t.»fb» .'ire 'h.i i aiiMlo uoflce- that ty t:i-.BS "f th- pewer whlih .» Ih* lat IhieihlM k. Sttbstwurol two o'tl^n !a tos *ti»u.oon or .:uti SU no«-wb. war KomeKwer day. At ths i:t: ftmiss .tear tn -h, cit ot Iiaitr-- o?t|. aw:l VtTTVjpn, p,wa e*po». ami oflsi_ tor tale a ao:ioil ths Cut, Made aad TriHHed .-.I tri., ard fuaraaw^ lo tuit. ,i.n el Rtaumtibt* PrlMii will, tb-.r tat teaser. £s*rr. OI NEXT PRESIDKM I I c.rsa #, Ji frlss lifvuf b«.oanab. P*p-. Ci.«fc -,r.|.i. Cl.arl*. fitmi-i I". uoux aroiu 1, f' .UOlftNCd. Ug» i Qltf aUA a-itb' Snuy ail naaiaiUKt mu 0VU lease- w •aisbr. WJR ferTyPf THEmlTRMi* E U K A •OI'UH 4k MVBRN Mtssrre Aim. lMS*e«( UulniiieHl M. Paul Thaaler.| Taesday Krrntaf. On T. ISI^ Wilt N- pr.- Ill*.1 til Tr»ci," Dama..f LWRETt.l BOHGtm OaW' Coattt Onas TIIE LIMERII k BOI. tf I'mgrftwnir. Admission ftii t.ntv (bilUrcu ttb4«rksl yr*f»of •ft »ctjti P«-irrnuUKc it, tuaanicf ai a «u»r C-r lo 8 o'clix k. p. u. I V I O N S I K S A ii v (I o ii e (UMMIM MIKCHANI. o ill Bralv Hlri •*!. umr Pml l»A V EN PORT, IOWA. \!..ClIoN i 4L».S .r Real ^ni« aiank* ll .i. i.i ci, in» uw.a», oi.» Iflu .1 H-.'k- Al«l ^UllU.U-rjf Slid i|«*lCtlMtMlU» fr-i iSlly .MI i« Hio ttiiU, 1tnia-k gwiit-, •VJfi.'II* HTOt'M S.t|e» will l« UAIIuai»bi. Jiurieywi Tailem. i», (ovbom U'asi.uhi IHS6-7. I ILL IHM-7. CAMPAIGN. Al S*s LcClairr Itow, HARju- Mouruing Dress Goods, Staple II ,r -liie-iohl' rs Dry Snlth's Variety store G—4*. PALL AND WIXTCK STOCK. SHAWLS ai /Ch^ abd L»hm I r.y at'U ftoawia, •i*lh» do SUkaol TI0b** 1--. Rav 9'a o «ntl WiterloolAfif aud Square Qc& a Travel ng !•'. Hear, iy th .1) anU kMUma b-l-.:'.y t"*".. ,1..| „br fi.r-tuf ,i :CKtiia-.t u,: io.f Mr I. -k- .:.»l»t» IT wS .at Sttperfin« Cloth*. 8 .• TI--, v- rj' -Ua-t. WOOUEN QOODS, Ca-musrss, Ps-skins. •aiitsti twssd»aaa 4ssas, fMgr sjr« n| M3:»+:. 5 HTx'JVW i:F-i SV?t »e i iiSSciSr Mix IVIU Wllfhl ....Mr Imi Willi wl 0 VSTKKI. a CO m..| an.l Third -tps-l' STII' .i» Kf'd .1 U' «i.t uij jrm n liavoapan^n't "a. Nuliffi rpTTV ..ij.ttithr tM|. i silnjt IWsrtli Kliul, A tint n iMl l'tl.n tlu-M-ltnl i-v i,,uiial enn-vi*t Tin btnliti Ai.l lrm-rill !•, i,.--mah** |m» -ut. ni lint that l.n-' tin HI,* !t\« n|» r||»||.»l» .ii.l hn' h..l n,- i i ffiM' fih- u-niAk« f. f'«i' Salt ut Smith's Variety Store, 6 Dnvonport, FOR TRAIEI.ING IlKESStS. IT'SL N .1 -1 -T.I ... |. ti SlsHl.ll.,I,I T'H* II II SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. *|f ti:iil th1 Rim vUl j-1' ts»f |»rt*t-ril th I' V K npi^wiioU iuK auihori/ct) tti. tL« Mflbirt of tbe Arm. Tin husinc s wilt In- iifinur4 br V Cn*pt» al itw .14 b:AI «l,No. 9 U' ruip E«»» i-s •.*«, 1^56—siprt-ittn TH# HIMtllEil %\l» Kim iLOAKS. A N 8 A N 'Af/MlffN. u lds*vr| blOlllill •'K llil^ l»Ul H,l- llAItU luiim ih Ml Filers Rangi- Froai to 50 DollnrM. r.iKi ib lAIPI Ulll WILLIAM mum »s REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Attd (inml Lud Agtasfe orncA NO. i ORB's at II igi'Ml and \otar) Public. I .Hi Brs.l, la..n. K-l II ai..lSi.,il. .ire- Is. ()F^ ILUINM. DAVBMMIRI lui|.t"V .1 aisl 11 tiifi,i-,• »r,l I'll, and QweeHf ^r. piTlv. h.msbl and l,t n L'umuii* Mii 11 T"fSUI^ si |jii..i-car. rutly »ls-ied, tjind Warrant. loraM I «.I ..1. »lum{ T»». |Mid f..i I»j|.n ktMni* Me II.V iiimtnli Uaa^wsviMlnl. WII.I.IASI aMNM.SK. Aimiiw} al La* Culleclloas nails aad paearsi. proa|U nulled Cn«.jalK-||kf rata/«gy al trndad to. est!. Vilulblr Bulldlns loi. lu Siui "ir l». Buriow rvaldti.'*. Two i«e .iu ii,- BIUU..UIWI ,.i aiohthawiVmaas »ii*s*|.—flu^ ua,.b.iiu. led Rner viee St' ALSO—S .«! »oil Clini.u. an.l Om-Loi- ..i ^•Idld il*»- Ao tkni Sloe, ..i (lie tlw lill.^a. tf, \v lb- A ., IK I* Mi (SKY At'OOMHOUATIIIN ttiMlto .ti «\ti-l*AHT»-nt« ACtlUllly II* st.j dod i.i I vid »r i' taiaHj Km a ilinlit-il i I s*)'1 rflf cl'tl At ptihttc »r i» wal« vulir vil«i» »»f M-r« baii'lu- *wei\ rvnlb«. «tiil Jav 4]- a*, ei 3jfri.. nt ni. aii-I «rvU MR%* o. F. KM-app, ADAM SON & HAPP, AT THt OLD STAND or i*' UOOiS I the pulM.t |„. fo-H.i Mat ton. FUJI I!S» \VINTI:R I OOVS Leip-rU.iui.M i h! l. Ih taji.ig niurfc, an prepared t.f.ilftl the umiract. »i-k of E S S i o o n s C'tlftKt* p.4in Mt: d*- Kmj» P!aW. Thib**'t, Cobu-K" «l »»-:}. I rgriiti i l.aln« (stadt, IrtoUi flingtiniii J«aa« Cambrics. O^alau. T:iu, Pitrfcs* and brown Cottc-n uii-.A. pi- cet ut.b£i Bisect scl at let. I .Bit tnk JftLUOK FANCY DRY GOODS. R:tbct«. H'.«lsr]r, Olove,. I IitttmlLgt. r-ir.fM Btkb.ii. C-*si B'Jte.rl *c he SUItB. EJnanoiDMSRtma Robit a C^ trt n.ui-ti. andCaaibtio do, Laee Kait'tidar »:r. aad Cianb^lc sc* it»«! Ilor.jt •!. .1.., M-ieit:* ind Ckmbrie titidi Dmiitt do Hutlln and Csrr trlc Idglofi a»4 IfirtiLgf. kng:,tfc TKr*«d Va.JtLcisaa#®, »ima otcnt' Lace K !g TnfAfiti' and Htia«» Jntbrr,i Jsi»5 MnJktrcbi'f'.* •dJftitiinaB'i —. Plain India Bo-kind Sarlvs Huallni.ttilKd. *eehs« IMVCMpOrt, an.l ipnittd A., plaiosr.-J rh«d|.d C«mf r!ei Tif.rtta I e e A Urn. Ht|r.w a.- ar.t 8liretla|., biea. hsi I.'lca Ci.,ti, Linsr., X.j.kli:,, I) .i.i^atieei i i u t»ir. Drape, ie- Ladiet Lawn «u.t I. r.r. Hani- i k ifl.ltft Get.!.' b..i(Ur t-l a p.^ii. do: tt--sched sad twwu I uh Liien, l)i«[.e--, a. Alla- t)Oa :r j,i •atuis a-3 H. tp*, Istia 'CUB* Valvals. Jflar.Jhti, Jhavtt Irujfilt, CloaJUnpt, Ofey4, PreckMS*-f!tr.n-'it. srbus at.lsiJar.4 aad TrtisiLtni II oaieh. LA1»IE» BO.NNtlh I 01 r«h vtyiss, aad u. fraat-tt I W'.uldluTit it s »tt«oiut. of tbt Ladl.s sattic asfaasat*^ M®"' a*duost f»sbt.taMs I MAXTIIO-AS. A»a TADiib i 01 las stost t.tbini.ol* taano- Card. e'S r* I giiarns we «SaU reiarftt reaySIt-' .'-Sltlati. pi.B3laa.-d yr.r ^te ol tw -swig CI-t y tt.s Sri arm, for tps oi U« i so-. a.asl lsab.»bahis .:JI. vaataull a l.^a.t.1 b* *41 »Mi SI grtaea Aleh I S.I.KitasSatx.a rat. u u.fti ths af sU br'l He eg. tees Hartiaua aid Addliha,. .n ^-o«d aa# tfeliO Twriiiy |i-. in.ul on Maw alieel. e»t Pl. .ir If Otalr- Baaee 1»| 4. Bl.«k U. We,I I,all I,.i .ix-rniii. ...IW.u Hl.«k II n .l i.nim| r. laaes, Hi',, aud MSK .slyal ol Ha,.i.puii. ti fn a pooi.AN IW Um it or I*ol.^ N I., i. uMivlJl.« u. ..uii yiucli. u .lll'llf u. I. .In K J. 4. |,l.frrty III III.-. In I |.«A II- .-JS If I [lolllll.K IftO hi uf d« {irfimpi.jr rjKCo N HI i V N KNTS fU» 1.11 11 K 1^D| I IJ ,.r Im inpor ..II -.'.I •lint, n Wi-l«rn Av St at at ll..l,«. In MtaA It—as» i ii,.. •n r™ i It ni.i.n ,,ii Wrotera a*«UM% *»n nduia iso (.- kaik «uk an ailrf fS'ti i:« i m. ivL. la t'k'.A e,.-- suivri irunllag un at .Ik.i fcuil .1 Id at bh»t»l~W lib 1 •arrl«iD i fci|---j 1 «lh -I Wan.u •. All. .1 Sroll la -il l« in Mo. a st —is in n M.' k sa -at II W»i» II a SIS -I III. .1 Rio*ii .1 7lk al. 111. «ti«*i, si..k as- l| dual Ua.A lttl*.t 1 ti. uolat- i.q'tlrr «. ot al [JBIIHJ I Ml. I e. a vans, tt- a. rsiw Bastaa N-w Orlaaaa i E (A, (Him-. '-SH..!* t,, I li..mpv.iii dc Co.) URIKIIKN, 40NMISMI0!V A FORU IROINU Merchants, efMif Uenrrmt .IgrntBf i'okn'kk riaav AMISKIOSI.HTM.. Duvonport, Iowa, I»tl -(Ua/« Itr Vh Pttrdrr! (in Pander! ..nd. ,»n:iinl i-.i.k ... Laain, SeniS a F.v-|.| arxt a Alsfailn. near ih- itjr w ill ...,H|»III|, ai low S- IMI HI, ..J |. I. T. is K A llh, l,aud ARK .•r 0 I.I eafel. and -I |r»c., .li ttad... i •'..•rt'i HV AKS, I HKW S S"1»' I -Ula/.ti. CO O'.r F,r.» and Saomil Sch nuiry CUv aUHfle, Scott I'MIIJf. «'naiaiitlv V ,,k„„l I. ..I „ll I i.i il.ina ite .J nit Ml- r|. i-bina .1 u 1.1, I ut ,1 A« n ji I a. JT t|ii!K a-i nd'rt l-e. rrnll) «nd proiu|.II' ti i| slmTelitf' will |4es"- .-all i.passiw inaim nritiv tlv hr-4 jml I'.itur. wh I 1 h+y wilt I al l««wl p'l Ihrniiftl HkIi Hf-ltiA •VA**, OMIV ft Car htff «a4 Wtaw4 •ItM- -(§aiH'» o*py) riOO»H I w a o i & RKD1HOM FALL AND WINTER QOODS) ita ten part, fewe i IrrllMR, I Phllfl'lr ,r IMarf (Mks, VaaHs 4* Lalaaa, Alainu Black SUki lilaffhaan, frlaU, Satlaetts, OM-mi Casitawrea, Kratacky ilkf rs l.'ain Jeaai, Llaaoyt, QaUts, ITaalea Vara, and a frt-ai sari. i uf S u W e Yankee Motions 1 sxx la§« alt of which ». will b» bap^j to .how aad will f.. at yricst that isniK-i fad to talt bayeia 1 ktmntrntnAM W ti ahave hrrf Stntmi lues 1 »s lew T~~ nencK, •a boaiaes* sf tbs lata grm e» Rait, Aiiaa*C» bat OU- lag mm traaslsrtetf u. Kn.n Ooel nea, wbattsr a VaaHs, was eth ataunet tba best, asss tt 1 Lair n.w vartbaiwt, sw thsK AM kui. rui bspet Tbs aa4arsign«l aariu aaaasiataS Waw»U b, b. suies. with Mwsri. OMdrteh. WM.|*Taatta. at! b-- leu.1 st Ibt ulkr, vhare he Will sMtls lb, ee K-fsn 0 ih« Ian irati SMI, sllta I Qs, I would ai.r. MII«II A ceatlaaaaat al a, Minaaa oarmKBaii. to liberally be.t»v«l apya faUr lata «ia. JAMB t^ptto-dti La* ai tha Insul^a, 9\M. «MMirOOD| Maoatsnaaeif a A N A S narairyoBv.ioirA- aeSese |.rea|Sir sttsoded te. lyMtlr ValuMc Fro|Krrt) for sak la Eait Havoapart. 1 fk 2®"® auiiLii| Uit. also a two .lory rnss a V Hutite. and twr Wt oeadataiaa tbs Vital, Slptd rlvrr Apply lo Saaiaet U*r. Ut Baal Darn port, or K John a. Oar or Ja. Jordan, la Da* o I fnn YANKEE NOTIONS or sn klo l, I A Ccst.trst.-d lpo.l Tiirsad. iloih*, Ciitiiatrcs, Backikia fil«M aad NlltCMi aoeW-dll TUIM» I|»d,I.avtt.|T«I*bttb* eeu,. ttocs A a" Qe- fwars, eTC. fl Wshk, i Ke. I Ls Ciulrt Bow, sM bevHw e laigs .i^ehee f. *. 7"I alVc.'. '•".st At best sssaslt mt- w-.s HWVJlttVetl aan* Sj'J^a. »ea. ablsh Wtl! hs Has the lOil Oest-h at Vew 0-)asB., sad an It. arttval 'ball have ttt largest ttoeh sv*r la this esaatrr, sas shsli he a»s sartd is do a Jesbtag Viada et at Is* «e iuwer ihea St. t/'Ula prtaea, .hall k ham te bars Ssaairg eaii tag taaaaias BI .-asahaMs garsbt •lot alseeh- rei aad I s.«U bees ear is ihs «M eat JjaiSi. of W-At. ibat i 'aaU be bapi^t.. tr rati ti. staa.1, »b-r» .varyeu 14 to tb*.. waaia l» a.» ga»w 11^ tbs teat fc.r,. to«ti''atsi.a,4 luc T'STbb ssa by ttiM ttttetiaa ie basia^s aw the an o« ib. vbal. *um»uMtr Crvahtry pacbsd by -utrrla. isettaam fu tb «rdep. praawt atteailae iim. fOIIMii 20 Acrea of laaj fkrcc MUN ffoa aavwpavt .... OBABLB 0 U.A .MM. AU4 *1 iu prtesa, r.oai t«w w bi|h. T^cstesi *tth«v»r/ ar tloi» of Ury Oocd. kaaei. t» iba TrtiSs .at of wfaicL! sni euitlaas toogtr at grim that i Vill *sly r. apetltioa. i L. |. MX Aft •AaatA '•V* Wbtuaer A Oeaat's ij|^ A a I Dlntnt Btoaii eifTA raieeCAakh, Sm., |ut.« OOa*s aiaA, DaroaHHi law»^ i' U',(ka 'siasa s su s*siMiabi aau«. e! ft war* terng n» ia the Wti saattbt. gS *pp (tuies'wr tf Kuw a A»asoa Aiwcsre kbatks to tha ^atfSS' tbs v»v Iu|iai .fcppoit taiaaSed u inaan thaw, and b^p-. by .Sart. on b4 pari, ts -haUh^fle ISWIiBI lappi. 0a« .Behss ttivt la future a abais. ihar a pat'^aaae frtis a paAiaiBo fl t-ii.i.i'-a-ia| k l...:. a- «u.ti ay iimet ba*» la I *ria ... aas Satn.« l.ja.t.1 to« *41 »«i SI artsea Ate* MHggl aUheaindaiu u Iwnkat rat. u u.^st ths -..ITA af SU a^'i j^X I gSSZTTS S&^Tbla? iSSr JI wtLooveu w K^dsa Hart aes»a. aad eihsr itonam' is thnr «-aata