Newspaper Page Text
IM TATEJF.MK^R-A V: amm. OPFICIAI. rn-W»-kly. r_WM*I» I'M Total, for both mpi'K This estimate wait mad' ... It us-ia Mi'i *wt*len aignol the ong- aTw*sr. r»»" »***:_ NI O*vrPORT. Marfai MstaiNCi Xosmbrr 1 W tbe nav tending Kant Davenport \a Ciairt:, and iu low water it i» inip'»-i tla for any of the firrt rlaa»wMt«:r« ri«ti« to jo over t!iciii.*'l ha river i so shallow in most pla'-™ on th»* upper rapid* thnt in low water, then- ari'. inanx U|M.H tin aaauinption that it would o*t hut per cubi'1 yard t'or thi.- work, whereas io fact, it has twen denionktrated that it will coat throe or four timu- tl »uw to perform the work. Ln uj.« naiit Warren made an e»tiu»*te in I ^."4, and a report to the Se.-rttnry of War, •fan entirely difler!iit 'l)nraeter, I'M aa the pri^e is concerned, vis: For Pe* Moines rapids. For Rock Island *890^30 4&0,1.V> Total at fl 0 par ctlhic yard, $l,S43,tt9H In August 18M, Lieutenant Jann Kcuncy reported that the probahh co*t of excavation* on hoth nipidi, U nearer (6 per cubic yd. hut widely ,-(n •lades that very little pood can resu.^ from the efforts made to clear a ehan nel by blasting rods, and that the on ly safe, atirc. and certain plan is to con fin* the river on the rapids to a chan nal of #00 feet wide, which in the low •at water, will give a depth of water of 4 feet The plan is well coneoncd The coat of suck an enterprise would Mt greatly exceed the estimate otTol. Warren. The rapid* afford nhuiidant material, sueh a? ••tone, rock and {rrav •), and the work, when completed as tt should be, would make the pi River one of the moat splendid navi gable streams in the world, and HO crease it* commerce that for etvrv steamboat that now navigates this liv er, there would bo tweuty. There akwkl he some concert of actiou on tha part of the people oftho river conn ties of Iowa, to carry out the plan of Lieutenant Kearney, in so contininj tke chanhel of the rap:ds bj" lines of •tone embankments, as to raise the water and afford ^n easy transit for veaaels at all season* of the years. The work is worthy of he public attention. How tnany splendid rafts of lumber aad logs are wrecked upon both these rapidsf Not a week parses in whi'-h tha journals do not record Home heavy ioa^ aoiae raft riven to pieces by the rocks, and scattered along the river to the almost total loss of the owner.— •Ot a tummer passe* in which a num ber of steamboats do not end their ca fasr upon these upper and lower rap ids. Insurance on freight and boat* is doable and trebble what it would ba but for tha rapids. Pilots' salaries art enormous to what they would ba but for the dangers of the rapids. Ami we might go on to enumerate a large number of instances of loss to commer oial mas and steamboat patrons if it ware necessary. The uncertainty and danger of freighting goods b\ Bteam boate induce merchants and produce dealer* to send goods and freight by railroad lines when it can lie done.— Nothing has so essentially contributed to turn the channel of trade toward Chicago as the dangers and perils of tha rapids. Iowa has a deep^ntercat iu this ques tion, and har representations ia Con grats ought not to allow auy sppropri- Lat a aiovsasent b« made aad cotitin aad uatil suceass is attained. Who will taks tka laadl •aaraaa *aw CITV IV ,t~m llir IMRrrrnttliil I T« Ik* 0c luocrata *i tfc* I'alltlllalN. r«rt Ibr "«Hn,| Da^s. I fe WnRBfcii. j-in^fi protoco' th«-9tli Ma*. 1850, ti .osl Resident Oomnntte baa been die* maiau.- OWSnri.JitioB that the other Stat' would eintriied wi'b the tijeiity wind tbe bon- also do «». I )ld nliourir **.». HI» **r ui»Lrvcs ut tbe principles eafo.—Oure it» It Would U iwfMMil..,• t..r it* w *:1 „.rondnn .fiffi.-ulti.., triumj.h n*«j»ratc ttu- entire annua! low.- t"1 |i:iX,. r.iuov.-I, and iltu atliiir it bcm i.d.iefed over tbu«e who. iikeour mdiriduaU of r«fi.». a.,4 nrl^tt'. «ill. that po»«-r. It i» ^^"V'oo'o^aJli0 oler iu°w««ieH! tBcrchftodine, utmtt th' or Il««k| r** «tttfd tnat Au«tna will u,.rftof'ire our Hnt«^ooi*t« ba»eoonten TalanH Hnni.U and tlm lower or I»' lr,'u' Moinaa Hapids. llie lowgr ^ni^ont, ii"tormal ^iii\i-iitiu rinft ti^ iurnti o of tho republio. Those V 11 mil«« i" lon^h, *xtetilit*ti from |14(N .-..m lud. .1 nilli tho.-. Staio,, whom wo bate ja«t ?anqvi*bed aough Montroae t» K okuk, Utc wont niip^diniuBt* I^H- tiot) of this nol.h river that xists xhrotiffhont iui whole Ifnptli. Tho uj per rapida ara 14 uiilwi IU i, i i length- II is thought tJiat wheu ail the uth(.'r»ot eriinn'iits shall he in accord tliev will at »ea«t eon«.i*Tit t" jut a -ullieient towaidt U.« eJtpenaa keepn.s.' tp »t'" lighthouse*. lii-MAiiks:—Ttiat the 1'niunl .^tati i^ i-orn-et in refusini to pay trihnte to ativ other I'ovver. uu any pretonee wlmt«^T?r, H"apparent to very impar tiulniinil. We eati tee im more reason IT I nuiark c^actiuu "duef." from out merchant, and ««ther than i»t r-Jt^Iand'H doing the *aine tlun^ a' Oihraiter, or Oover*- "'mime!. vi.iiutii.ti Natiorml S»«v.-i,'ii»iity may Iki i.on-Mlernl »a the relic of at HM'it-nt piati«»l n-i.«n which prevail ed e\t«'ii.«i\e|\ it. til AleditWMMWil ii)iu vr. "i El inland ... fKpr lo ., -i II.' I pl.i-', where a ve»x«l drawwK wid a half feet, could not pawn. Mu«-b mmifj ha* been etpetided npoii thew rapid* ly tbe government of the I nited States, and thry are litti- b-ttrr now than tin wero in 1HU7. In tliat tear !oi. L- aatimated the" roat of flearin^ tin upper and lower rapidi, »t W»i-, an follow,.. The Des Moiiwn rapid-. The Buck Hand .4, •on what may indm e ..tli. mi .-in oi Ku to i»a% Denmark loi ttl h-i-t th Lti SAI-TKK 0 I 111- Ml. II i w 'i riiAt IlviLiicvi ii. II- -i-'jlleni' smash up, whitih iltinoli-liid -evern eai, killeil .me passenger mid Aoiinde. s •.. rai oiliei'. The person kiln i ».i a I- it- s. iid claw, cairiau' 1 bagnajje cur was. turned endwise com plotely ot er, yet the b»i|{^ageuiali, win was ii. u at the time, in:i«. ulousl e- ci»|H uninjured. Tile Ih'fijilU't, t'luo, DeUloriu! a iv s: hi last latiiulm, in .ne of the in Yrtt.kte seiece and skill, NKSHASKA. ••Palawars City is the name of a new BATIOKAL DBMOCBATIC COMBITTIB BOOBS, C'-ivgm --?*.'«. I November 5, 1^56. ., Tb« truat uf conducting ihe national 0 „nfM, confiJed to tbe Dinn.cratie Sa wiheri'd ur and the txigeooj of tbat truat alike lo the proposition* -f I,-uniink. at. it d'aianded, and tbe committe baa to unite WObonly OU **ouiaoi 1.1* al^uce tbat ~a*rai.lBt.0M with yoar o«a an- i i tiutinoiitg tbe euopesa of tbe Uemocratio istatiM uf that |«wer dul ,lcket bv a deoided and gratifyiap o»a i tivt uuiu«"ii»rely tin•protocol. It or it,. I h- o w n u i e a s e u a u i a o v e s o i e U n i o n i md©elf th» qiu'ntioti. ,jej township? of thlt couiitv.aclnirch trial i and th« Southern Stut. a were to he re was held, of a 1h U. whos.. oiilv criun i ^uo,.d which were the names of Itin lianaii ami Hreckun id^e. This isatrue *tat' ment, and names can bo given. TIi. most iiitolercnt popery wc ever reail of would be mild to the rule of Mich a minister. We will chronicle the re- Kt-ail what a Londou Journal aav» I!" h/ro net twalhFabraaka, 10 mtioa west Of VaWaMta city. Tha siu is said to U gMl pa i «ad proapacu flattering. i papai* give s list of tf* ia tha election ri •waffaaadaj. Thar* war* four kill a4 AartMa AtaDy «e«adad, and sixty- uTrowl Am woiu*a y a oaw aod Digital i« i„«,vn-« v Wltj,fraternal Piatico ah'l hugiaiid hate given their ,lT of promoting the jrGgr"'i or of io»u- U6t H»tK v till Kncrtaxi, although the ""dtr a -reaolieroua alberence to the ii a i ii r.. form# of the onetttutiuo, 10 rob it of o!itr»rt U'f'i I hi* i iuiM-nt n i v 1 to the Irriited States of America, ll e»j»urD«f* fonbe h'n I:*. »r for ii» tin utin* to jritaDiie praNi, i h.h gating the ht^fli comhui. an urmy. Th pro.'linuied thn ultunai" abolition ot »l«v«r? aa tbe in •i i i ll our govt ii«. ocntiv* o thu fantio- the liivision of the xii" tinn n| thin tiihuti spoilx a- tn reward ui tne meroenarv- •J what il luay. Hiif i|©^« imneiit Ibe proiended invasion ol a sacred ri^ht oonstttuted their appeal t.KN.ii,Hl Uia right to *ail th lough ti v,liter* free of charge, and ptr an n to 11 treaties authorizing it, hut our '.i**«i.« -atsll ouutiiHM- to pay the dues under piote?t until some def inite result shall he attnine.) by diplo tualic r.orrespondeiu'i I to resist, the light ou^ht t-tined at all hariirk l,° •iuA otlYuo wu Uut a\dip% and a**iM plan, a diitnion mast have followed intr iii milking an American (laa on _aci'oinplishment. Southern men Jlie New York Tribune, under t.,e| .ou ua« gone lor Huchaniftu, and bv rrt-atftl oonsiflerable tensatioli ill this „mltiial thy arr liHK product'tl a |anit'. I hi- aristo^ra-! Kioas to U made for the rapids unless as thi. truly ma^mliceut ,•««!. The hu«bi.P, to huv* U ba to confine the water to a nartuw- Mommaf is hut one ot a »ori»*s which mental in prewrving ou. belovad rouatr w chauael. Tkis wonld be a work pt«4a«iag tha most splsndid Msute aag would open to every town along tfctllvwtha moat brilliant prospects, in i-'.ur.|.e that has a vessel that can compete with ht r." tr-v,noial appendage ..f th rol-raJ it-jvornmcot. uch w*« ttie would nly differed as to tbe hour and ui'ido ol a 'I'Mratiuu. Tbe cement whinh hinds I..j fahrio .if tbe Union would b'tve lost its o liieaioii in the fin s I of the c. ndict, anJ tbo majeatic fabric 1 would have crumbled and fallen in ru iop, navi again to be reconstructed. Never was the Kepublio in such peril. Never were tbe friends of the Union, •nit of the trial so soon as the ducisioii frum any suffiaient existing grievance, can be learned." 'eM Pre!'"ed ,d have apprehended aeon- i spiracv mj atr sci ius. But those to whoui 00n,ruf,U«df iiutiiession that Illinois had gone for Tbe lieni- cratic party was, by common acknowledged to be the sole party jl the I'nion, and wan charged th» Black Kupuhlicuu?. that consent, acknowledged to be th® §oIe r, i I. party ut the I'l Ir. I oiitjlsb should resign his seat in wjl|J \U* Ibe Kepuhlic were faithful to iheir trust.— jU ,iefen»e. -Souul and truthful the Senate. Very w«li—it is a bad document*,,adequate to the emergenoy, rule that won't work both WHVB Illi- 1 w,re P" fn!? cirou'at*d tent kQiirceiy lufer.or to tbal of tbt tr* ror§ which (hey wer^ inteoded to ooon* ten thousand niraiiibt Fiemont, and t«ract. Able and eloquent orator# wer« theretore Judife Trumbull should re- i ?rrp—''»t01'he sign his seat in the Senate. What has tbat with which tbeir anoestry had ra the Tribune to sav this? service of the Union. •••«t«« i they responded with an alacrity worthy paired to tbe battle field in the •••sebO' ly cause. Never was there more harmo ny in tb* Demacratio cause. Never did the patriots of every party earn more trua glory than whsn tbey scrolled thta selvee io tha recent eanvase under tbe banner of Demooraoy, and aarohtd lo fight for the salvation of the Union. INK raiKATI KEBHIlfAO. This inaytiificfcnt specimen of Amer ican NAval -Vrchitecture is now in the vicinity of London, and has produced (,uite a teuaaUoii among the Johnny Bulls, who, most unhesitatingly and 'he p'r«»ent, iver. The Democrst.e party is siisln i cor.trol of thejovernueiit. It will generously admit, that this beautiftil be ample opportunity to convince ihos* who vessel is an unequalled specimen My ilow citiiens, the contest is, for (lf have Iu. n misled, that its only objec-1. th« estat.lisl m'nt of -q ial righlt, not the prop o^atioi. uf n -prtional policy, Ii will show wolrlt'i '.V'.". i or Men time is but one ot a sen.--* which mental in preserving om beloved rouatr, Tho New York Ti ibun• says His following gentlemen ars spolraa •tvcr*' follows Sci n tary of State—D. S. Dickinson New Yoit Stcieury of Ttsaniiy i JU a. T. Hunter, Virginia. tuty of War—John ftlidall, Louisiana. The oppoaitian wfil ob^ootof aoofaa, de'ire* pr°®01! the political aiul cummerual piujfiess ot in announcing its arrival at Southamp- this K#at rep'iblic—to advano« the cause of liuiii.iD civilization ami l.b'-rty, not to ac 1 quire tl.a- |.i t»p»rl v of other rations bv foice "Tin* American steam trii£Htc Mer- fr,ljd- 71'1 «tra'- that Demo at a i cratio pruuiplftaie al"iie aa^Qtiitfe !o the off SMithainpton. has eS^cU^, a.tminiatrati u of lh.\„ver„ment, In countn—*( would not lie far wronif cmpeieot insure tiie soccc«i of that Re iu wivintr that in certain uiiartors »he P,lb,lc they hate boen, fully n EwP"* wh,ch our CV Hii'l flunk) y-hood of En^lund had ous anil responsible duties to no conception that the Kt iuiTilip could 1 headi by the confi lence of thr Democratic tun, out ariyU.intr halt so t'ormidalls i P4!'*' w,e 1, the Aiuericaii go\ eminent u now buil- f"m CQuspiraey danKeroas io its peace i ui14j:n Voaoniy Tem ding, and though only a frigate, she is r:JK,r, ^i 'i^yc'0^|..i"ve of ^e^Uli.^ pifopjowte the Post Office, although ainuittud to or a match ior an} of our agcendency of Democratic principltt, aad otvanited but ten montha, bid* fair to *'"P Of the line. There is not a navy .o ..ispiciousjo the jiwawM^rt 'be On Thursday evening, Nor. 20th, aa will b* seen by the reported proceed ings of a deiuocrtic Meeting last nighht it was resolved to celebrate the election of JoiiH'S Buchanan, with appropriate festivities. ot, to fill places in Mr. Buchanan's Cabi- Cmtnitie«s were appointed to Postmaster Goaaral—B. F. Haliott, make necessary arrongements,^ and^ al Masaat liuactts. though the timais short, it is hopad to have a Jubilee worthy of th* grand oe oasion. No (I' mocrat will need an invitation to come up and parti- pat* ia thagan* era! rejoicing ana none would ba aag* laoa at r/T ti »L.n.~ 1 nanimous enough to accord a yet Picktnson, Hallstt, Btiatar, and y,, feast for Lis errant aad pi Siidsll art good aad true aad talaatad} BlaA, Ra|yhli*an Biothai^ Aw Agwfafc LATUM I XfcWK. ArHtal iha licaai Ship New Yoik Nov 13 Tbe St»*ui Skip Europa, with Livanx ol il*te» t" Nov 1st, biriveti hare thi» M. The Art(o trnveu i' 8oathrmpton ot 31 I" Th» Liver[KHl Ameiican chiubtri of roiiiB)'rcf a|iublikbea Thr Neapolitan quettmi. rfmum precise ly where i! iui. tlie only S'titiUoi inci'init henK that the Ucveriiinani ba^i ad lr»»teU a www viKwv* ctTf al*r of ffiO'l' r.te tone to'its HcrVi ifore'our .ictonea bate a-.J Ilia- the naa aent M. JL"Ar ierit,« Frenchmau iti ma confidence to Far» it oi, a aecret luitaioc and was aprirtd tirondount ver the i»tiJ hy the wlnle powur .f repreaentativu influ ence. I' seemed at one nine ala'*t in vain tn pursue with theaniniote tru'.b and reason tbin v-ntiu u* error a* it sp tlirnnr' the cliannela publi'! npinifiiix. Our i iuuii"5 had ch ia- n their ^rouod with hkill, th?y bavc reciuite.i their ranks w all (h«* wL.cb could those with patriotm impui^en, whilst a feigned re gard for tbe I'nion was to secure ibe support or the neutrality all abia material mterr-u were involved in ite duration. These devioee bad originised a lormidabl'' .trray. Mn««ea of bonest and earci'«i UIOD he mail accidei't happened,alx»ut I -j ...cim u. ,,i, the l'«tli itint. to a ya-riigci uaiu on the Mich iijun fi-iitral road, u short ilistaii' this side hiaiamnzoo. Sonie iiifernn were deluded bv tbe teacher- whom tney had rru-ted into tbe belief t.'iitt their government bad betray ed »nd tbeir fellow oitisens lia' oppress ed ttioui. linun» gird'd with tbe sword, and i'i 'theil wiih be authoritt of the 1, prcachfd blot'dy rpnuianoe to the lawa aa the most aooeptahle aervioe to (Jod- Woman quitted ber peaceful sta tion to animate with her apprehensions thOfo :o whom ber wiabe* arc ever a oomm ind and the yuth indoe rinsted by wilv niaiiap^K. r.spondsd with en thua:ik!ni to laii-e app".iin -tddfoved t.t is right their innate and generr.ii* hatred of op miscreant had jd*c«d an iron rail. pre» Politician* »f .dilated philo together with a heavy .taken tie aei— -®.rf"c-il.V "r^ the o.,.ac,f. of .he c,n the tr.e lc. the coii-i ini-nci heiu stituiii'ii flaring inly to know whether its native strength uf Mrvnurr would bear Ui- agitation necessary t,. .secure the aunoesa nf th rei irioii' scheme*. and st l. ieuv« Ii .i^ii ,,| aahilifv to in sure ttu ir rnj .yn.. nt. It w 'in* pun. i cfnte iMiiapira tors to Si oure th vosea»iin of the gov ernut'i.l if it eri«ti'_-d a* u luusl hsve perithe I—in iheir gruap. It was ibeir purpoj to inaui urate ibe N'/rih a* (be domiuint aei-uou. The rule ol eligihil i ity w.i* lo hi- obedience o the sway and oonturuuly to tbe npim of the dom inani at'otion. The suljui aticin if Ir.' land bv torce, division and hribe'v was i to be reproduced upon this continent, -^THE DAILY IOWA STATE DEMOCRAT,—DAVENPORT, IOWA, NOVEMBER 15, 1856- an adire»» lo the Southern chamber, complaininK thef-iN* p*eki.'i(t 4 c""-'n No iiewa wui-tevai fioiu Spuui A d'spa'eh si-.'e», altho.^i: wiibi'ii' lu'horiiy, that to a Frmich _re«j'.i»» tinn t»'j«t the Dai.ubtan Principalt• Th* Au*»rians nave raturned a fal futal Tbis Uiatler ..f tha prii.cipil»ti»a_baa aa' 4'imfU a prominence ver other topic' Th- Koiirb jtovearim'tit jourB^tn a»«it. iort« ii.. iistrian* di'initeely and expicitt), tha' thi pn ILAMAR ILEJ II. ILU all oi its canenoeanamaiiiy. ineprin- ,hl .,rr*,. ,D._ of Iteltfinm pnin and Holland to «v oiplea of the Democratio party bn7iog Bniish'be Black Sea, out that .'hev, hy if it lia1- not, already arrit" 1. t,„lUttle In" "ttntdinhed policy Ol the SJOI'1 rit!W anJ lp»perat" cnulniiiiti id t» o?«r throw it. Ao unnatural aliiancea hetwe. n funaticirs and venality haa engendered a monater whiob tbe Uemocratio party baa with great peril aougbt oat are dia troyed. HUHI Thi niter WB« leotinialiam. The o rcuinit«uo»^ uo ler whioh (ba evil originated were pecuuar. Tbe laod baa been clouded by a oiiaaina error. Tbe belief that one part of the Union bad heen invaded hy the institution* of another, mid that tbo federal government bad lent Ha powet rn pr mote thi* in just.ic-s had upread with eniidemioal ra pidity.— It iK been infeo'ed int- tbe It is ii circulation of popular huupbt with all the force of an unscrupulous formjth tbe An lll i Federal Ciovernun'iit, it to auie nto«|(»- |«.|ve The Knrt'*b jouruala under th* iam-di ate 'inspiration nf the ((ovemment on the contrary that tny aucb 'ten and has been made hj the P'-rte Ttie papers ^t-rfratly. British. French, *i (ieiman, "peak n undiapuifed te.ims '-f ttu ccimplettinn of progiess of an niianc b- iwi'»-n Franci- '. 'id Kuwa It in now slated '.n it I rei» i tli*1 ijii«§tiori* of Ihe B^l^ratie I*1 ('on»t mliiiopU loi The Rii'^ran ttilroaii 25(111 miles, null reqair« 40 trillion* pounds |*repar«li»n- tuhmtatMt, Md tn M»m« ^trrline- Th^ n* rprri0iDQenii DaU" ir.nn Shin ghui to S*| lStli. T' i« «oi 't si p. iv tea wa- *«|iec'. it o ti. illort. Fat: -iicre*»e oi in. |. are i»,wi-.i a4kki.r. W: f- »-aios 3.i i ed V.ia« n»l Hiii u.rhMii.'H We-lri u L«i loi. iimniy m.iik. bail und' uurn chang,—a" active den.and eaistee. New Vluk, NOV I it is said that F. rmm F. rrei lia- bee appointed Mii.itei from Nicaragua to 1 S Col Wheeler, ooi Mn later u Ni«'aia« ii». continues in pi oi he dtb.aii1 is atiout to re turn I. .UK. A pri oUmatini, (.1 p. w,i» looked foi in Nic»|(ua W N o 1 3 A tn ai.oiul cutulo -avjinire ha« en iniir 'ii.ii-i ali the ho'iniy land art- since ls47, up to the 30'h ult., 3s.8i!2,(t"0 acres aid located 32.773,'!00. leavihg siill in th* milket lA,0?0,oUt' .cie. Our (,'ivt iniiient han received fr.'in Mr Dallas the tiea'y reoe' tly n^e.'tiated with E:.g!a..J for settlement "f the Central Am* n.-an liffi" ence. Oes. UARLANU, U. S. A., accompa nied by his aid, arrived in this city a dav or two since, fro.M New Mexico. The Indians of that Territory are, we learn, comparatively juiet, and begin to have a proper appreciation of the car'-iD£• strength of our military force. C»KN. ',lr*^' '•tin.AMI has lieen eiijja^ed in active aervi.x in the military department of New M« xieo for mor° than three years, and has done much towards bringing the Indians to a proper respect for the tt lutes. He is on his way to the east. —Mittt'iin licjiuhhi-HH. IDV EHTIMNI wiH make use of it. We hat e known to be out o the newspapers,where eve-1 h»v fr.mi.ied and ooininitt^d to our care. In closing the performance i the ardu- cagof We need not ask the question v"° r*tU''!,?U1r t.h,, k'toPr#" ADAMSON & RAPP, W Mnalc Dealer* la STviPLE A /V/.W I* OH I* GOODS. TRIMMINGS, SMALL WARES, Vamlaee Notlonaii Toyai «*c. la Oalxfirs Bl«ck, Str««d Slrefl, aboif Prrry.—up ulalrn, (OVER M. K SPAt.DlNO'S KA.^fV ti(K»IS STOKE City and Country Ulerchnnts Aw tM»«tnifar «TW*a tt»' at-ih'i !v §mrt up their Stork* mt iaw Pi'Hw wrlMvU SPEC1AI- NOTICES, till. M. A.t tIII 111-•' H'JW' "1- «, /et-t(, .t'*ni hioc* S" ud at. Li Waaa.K ii: J.,u. i-H Ml! I «i.- uu, ..a i"' aa.VU K Ivei'N 11 nn flail Ri*td J'P4 Saw MtU *0.»m r*» |i i-Mtfl *'lUfl oHHlN ti ,crrl ,n,i,,i,| inlerstanding, refuae.f »e L»K II AVU'.M «tH —W UIU olli' hj" pjrUi«cd'4d »hi.™' Kn.l.Jh ali,.s net ... invest. 1 N»p.» "7 leoi. ha- lorliiii.i.'i. tb' iTi-iii: MuIm'* lake ^tiarea. New, from Hoaibay, Uet 3i.*ajrs thee*' I'di'io.. iiifairi-i P^r-is was still i ptej.-.r !i ii "Ut ha" ii"t -tiled. 11. n.u^ ml, I'liol, iH hiv.l lavi.fd tn^ Punjali "il !5. .!• $fu ^Jiiirrli^rirfiits. i 1H I I VIJ S.V :v, ... h. f». K P*^t|Mlirda I 'ir I ,.i, ai U ,!r. •». 1 Corn—6o low«i| il..w ^i 33- 'id line laajls •. Lam--a»h" .it 71-. »ei- ea i• CC'oK s MiOHKr.oit. I \vi a UL VKKMOSK'KLiiT A I'I I It MIS', TAUMAN i'.h A I.EAN. Kl K«i I S \M|»|tF.I I. A fO. It is a difficult task to pursuadt some men of the value of advertising. Although immense fortunes have been mad, by it, both in ihiscountn and i Kurope within the lastcentnrj ,oiirbu"i iic.-i men toil on unknown until they sink ROBES! ROBES! ROBES! into bankruptcy or oblivion. Let any discriminating merchant cast a glance at the iarge «um» paid yearly by E»s Ml 'lilt UK" n*kK«»« ,v o FANi Y KOHK.n. Wn.f, Fi-i Is, blark I ,1 1 tern houses tor advertising in the west. ami then let them look at their stately mansions, around which seems wealth, luxury, and content, and it is evident that his conclusion will Ite, "the effects of advertising.'' Why then, should not every man desire a portion of the proceeds of a judicious svstem of ad-: vertisingi The press is free to all who LVJv*wt*** GKKIN'Bc 010 y a v e i s i n w e e w i o u e a i of the pr^ss nothing could have been i the moment that a house ceases to ad vertise. no matter how large its trade, how high its reputation or standing tuQn as constantly increasing. In addition to its many advantages, there is anoth er of no less usefulness. AJIv rtising agencies, through which a man may make known his business to the pub lic in the shortest, cheapest, and we do not hesitate to say, the most judicious niiinncr. In the ea»t those agencies have long had the support of their bus iness men. Why should such an in stitution not be well patronized in Chi- —for such an institution it supported well, if we may judge from current re ports or the well filled columns of "Chicago Advertisements" which daily eye in our excLantfes. f)| Union. CHA8 JAS. FAULKNER, Chairmsa. D£.HutHATi( JUBILEE. *Hv.l .i)m„k,, n Cat, »i ar Bolx Hnffai' b« t.nd at A' STOV fNi H. X/"W1 PAIRS Far Otivea and Uauiu let-, at OlJVt ALSTON'S. S/Ul Pan-- fr.t Collan for at 0\J\J ALSTON'S. i' hraii.l Fnmb I'a-hm. -tie Hat Sofi Rata In *r«at TaiiMT at ALSTON'S. Fancy Pur -rail b* fonn.l ii, gr. at vari ALSTON'S s n Bank of men who have in this cit\ made large FLORKNCB, 'Vabraaha sums of money during the past year. normc*' ,,R"ENT'Pr^-1 l6l'm' i fbr all It- i*#ues. ani «iii redeem the Not**# of dODe. In»tUati..n, at iu counter In the city uf Florence, tn Some seem contented that as thev ®'n *nd i*AaaER,Cain, chartar. individually irspomiwe •tttero'tkLi- 1 are established ami nave their regular eurr-nc custom, that to advertise would l»e use- H«"kir,(! Uouics, libit ern|Bxrhaugr .p«-|^ mbi- r»ta* uf other iMllr RI., I J- COOK SAROBNT le»s. This is a great mistake tor from coos 8lmr4 .jft'i ri.m. •K i'"//:/» -.a ft.- low I HtM)-IMiOK. JPor 1850*7. \VW ANP i u %r. HUH IIK- AaH o/ 1-iwfc *s u if/tluiirf' MI'' nr* pbi« M4j.. low.*." A' I Vol ia —IK* Payrt—J'H,. .S I rut*. MINNESOTA II\M-B00K, I'or 1BGO-7. HUH A XtU AM' tih.iiE.niAl', jr.tTH* h.ihh t:R. I rol I'.' Ab 'It ran- Pn•' omiMUilt iin i:»r lh« 'iirthl.8 »nd Capitft'Si, mb be as »»-ing th*- Ut«tt cb«-ap tt. Jnd b« si l^ok 'b 'kmd, is%q «*t. per^'Hn T'^ I' repoit'-.l tha' th,- Pre"ideiil haa re o.o»rd Irael Andrews, l.' S Consul General for Canada. HKIIIHK *O kno« a ab' Kih ri. jti'l ieauiiful lot-» whi' stjrb a r%p' H«1 cf e-'uifrr*?Inn n.w tlnd in (b Han UBnoka orrtt uift ruiaM- n i tffc"'-iBrr-."t» tuft vef pan' ui ib may wi-) ('limit Sttsii. g-rtvral hpi aran^ l-afc-», Tlmif-r Land^, Mm -ral rf»-ur«^a. 'lea** ip-i or tfs»* town8 o»ii- »ai!'t"»ils Sfho' «.' •, I -1 P.sMiU'ri. N* T'l'|e,.1with Hu."» C*wtail*!i and/ va-t Jin..ur»t w, -iiiei iefiil an i tt «»Uoginf rnu 'i«»n» riiiiig lb* r»* ul r-tlilv tl«n« 'fi tirtciintj Th ok- -»r« print" 1 auJ U-Mid in t|« t£tni ft.vit iind it* i i!d at ilia low price of 75 Cent* »«oh. tb'i •"••mii.g itb n th- tu^ano of ov« ry ur.« Th"/ wr ij «tiled Hrrd-b-Mk» being of ennvnieni *\tr pork cot. r^rfric if ItooKSKLLKhS AND AlitNTS I w,l' rti.'t tl. -«n.. kav.'r. -sleai 1e, •IK-'.- I ih llfltnii* ran- :l ih ir d^r, ai n 11 0 o |. i On-' .||"-. '.n' r.-t icaa Uu On Itii—1 1 'l'l HFN'KTR r. a IKWKTT, Ii h-r land O. i- vim J. P.Jlniki '.,tiiui T%ankHffirtng Day I'HK Da .!• i tn.le -Ha will ct -sl I.n Tin, i'.'iMh lli-t vlnpn n'A«tir:r fe, iue«l a.rt I Ity J.I..« ^V*veT,'.(rl k DOWNBT low* Ity SARGENTfccoo*,Fort D*« NOTICE. TBS .uh^rlb-r- bav^ 'OtTd into c.. partncahlp la tb* Merchant Tallortna baalu'Sa, und»r lie nam A. rASTKKL S CO., and will car- from that moment it begins to decline. The changes in this country are so rap id and public mind so constantly filled o on tht buiic. at th» oidsu&d, »he« may .i found a frftk ati jrtmrat rf with new applicants for its favors that wat u rybodv seek, for intormation, is to be iat»«t n».. w. h**, ol hand a iar a'tortamt forgotten, The press is daily becom- "*,b*,"'t '"*^r ing more and more a necessity and its Wat# tarBlWiag taOOflS usefulness as an advertising medium is This the larg!Mt of oUr Eastern Ad venising Ag*nci*s. The proprietor*, Mr. C. H. 9criv*n and Mr. John J. Gal lagher, late of the Evtning Journal, are young men who possess energy, indus try, persevsranc* and good business •]ualiBcations, whioh with their prompt action in all matters of business entrus ted to their car* are recommendations enough to gain them the esteem and patronage of all those who may have business to entrust to their care. They also give their attention to th* collec tion of claims, debts, 4c., in this city Mitd tlie entir* North.—Chieao Jour* al. figakaM faa BaaaMkaiL HIM MWm WCVWTt ,d„tolh, Staff. Millt, Stcto. Stuprndtri, Brae** and er.iytSlaf la tkl. tin*, f. i ma k. Oive as a ratl A.OASTKKL, noWAdlf SBO. ATI MSB. Natiee. Tu Wllllabl stlai--.ll, Bobrt Sllu^-oO, the Mlaal. •IppTaad Ml..0'iri Mallroad Cou.paay, and ail nth. er- int.ri .ii-'l in tlx land h- ri Inafter d' itbfd: Ton are b«rrb tlS- Ibat by virtu- .f an ordi ilInane nf the cliy council of '.he ctt of Davenport patted S pti-mW lOth, 19S4, entitled An ordinance fur tba fr.nilnuaii and «v n-1 n .f V arts sir*ti la tb* city uf DaT. apurt aa^twarUiy" a jury of .lx dldaten tied frcbuldan of .aid ally *111 ba .nn aiooad and .worn at the May.r'. cdlce ir .aid Uly oo tb- l.t i»v of D'Ctnber nail (19S6) at So'clock A M, t. i' a&d award tbt daniajaa .u NneSta tbat may tunu to tb* owutr. ibal.ind i rr.poed to takao for th- onttaaatlon and *xt«a.loa of tald •trMi (thr T.rdu, ..I ta* Br.t Jury r.tara && tba ITtb ln»t. ha.log b*ea by aie for aoSlclaot caue tat aalde.) Th. Mlowlai li a d»*crlptlob of thi trast of land propu.*d V, :'ti --II ill- IO»!. Co»-. ibnot fl on fttmj., fti d.:"g saM or h* Ac TO LCK4JT. j| Ki.i| .i i-af r.,1.1.34 AN iaPOW K»a. -M4, n:«i. i A:.y |.*erso' bv "Ul* iC r»Ur i T. I' ptfXnUM, Lat'. li i i- a i La: 'h u. 'a •».\ritrn*B irr iH.m», i-i -. oiuiui^sioii and Ftn uariHiiu k i lh« i tbl» :'-jvauf* •».* men# :tv au»oii !. am^fd n* i»- »ft1 »fh-M..uin*' ud^non f|« ib cutz* •%t* b«Tn« (Ttu*go Journal M*y T. WKIiH, hi* Ul'l ^11 to VH\\ itut afra Utlv llif anUi' Dr i'otuart But- ru. Iff mOHAJJTB, IV*. IH l.rvi p. aiul 7- o'lim. rt'lal al. ST. LOI'IS. MO. ei-ttlt ri tl••"I--"**1* *a4 ha- W »•!. u. Itir »k« rtih"« to It** II* brlf K W C. ok fc Bi. Bm.V r., St l/ ll Ma-J.I..I It Cm bin. lui.a-1«, Dav-n». r Cru«,Mi-Gi'- ri) kl'o, St l/.uta oiivlMawly r»« n tl "pen J. ||f»TFT 8lDCt hf. tO« tr hfttcbe ... ^optiUrt 1 32 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.! ill- iiRil.n1' ii. IKiHKEm* \3U:hX about ^i* g* •l r, w* 1!| !.d to ise.tily all k»n*i- of fam tijr k. wnnjf It it unlike anl iar -ap n«r to ev-ry other NIATIIIIWR N-IH-.IJ IM., A nutllilu H'l, «1, Lei -till anUfiib PKENCH -are A*"' ilr»tri t*orar ay f.' V .I.MlU|l't. i* lakao for .aid ait- nslou of aald ttrarl a- thewaby ib* plat of tbt iurT*y tb.nafmad. b}- tb'i-itv xalo**r aad ia SI* lt ih* Mav. r'« oAo* to wit: Jrrthi nf an acre of land uf tald MAM Sail Bt ad Comaaxv—Mmrabr IS'b, 1MI. I MITCHKLL, Mayor K -li" Ctrtafgrt. BaUrtUID*. im At Frlrate 8al% Fbote. 1I!W.«]| II IINIUIFIN«IIJFIDP14B.A1.1IP1* «IUI|I,W9IPM^P|PI HI P»Mk H«rk. SKAI-EDKu,»|1!fI-Nov.,,,1-•!•II and A el»»M L'HATI'LV, j.. tb nnmt or ir.a !u'A.o'»^hJ' hb«* l, anl tlierefrtr*- lb* profli- b** wiUi« aU*'" tb ie fr- m. T^k r.tatiU wi..-h will prow- n rAK^'drn t.itli- rMr-tbtt-l«e"» b» tbe -uiijry. 4n invcMifa tlon «f lb -ame r» pectfully n«iklie«l. An Extract from tbt Chicago Dtmocratie Prt**, "We lutv tamn.-"! ttiv aln v lnaohlni carvf'.i: ai)i 9N) v-Mbo'it '•ItJitii.i!, tbat not r» m« tinting ibf whole of •iiiro'HtArirtl car»-» r. ba^!n' •ur 4ti'-ution c^ll- tn ao invention tbat t« ni"t« w«.iib of pnblic |»aironaK« Iban tbl-». «ift»n that U a i u a -l o e e n e a K. JO'I FBL.T-.TN IBI" LAVIW-M mat hf a.aTMr«i by early applicative tu the %nb»» ber. imaiu her* but a few day, dm whb'1' tbn- htr will ih* mHbii t- any who nuy favur hit*i ml. .. hi. rnn«ng in 1/ Hnire Rflg"-'. I*i.- THKHK CUlAB WADUINO-a v,-d- an-m I half at. Ii 'ti tlttrli i tr .iv..l «-:,i|t I, I* UaiiliMl* i1 a ^.-T HI.'I II fpak'' on c., 'juirkh Z.fPcnt ilftit itHie^ i nil-.t a*it wrectl*. V ut oiodciate. A'»«lre«-* post pail. T. )iU\ tf FOR SALE. /h'i I Fine (arriagc llorsf. 1 HOIFLE SINGLE CARRIAGE. I I It I II 1.--..I.U. ilAli.\t.--u,ai.J .. :.'l, A'.,.. lit .f 11.. a months, it'll appti.vr.1 »Ttirliy, ai n-n prr .en! in'erfM i al num. ANTOINE Let LAISIC. Day Hi. rt. Nov. 9, ISM [Gan-tt.- i-.'pv.J II* Ifar he Track Ik" Major'* mtil tl- l«lih at He*, •'•k, V. «r r.i«,« tanux''ig Main atrtet Iron Ilia II lb aid' "Oil 'h- liver, a»l l* a":tiB« tha .it av n and I'ailuK th- aull r-(. p..nli« jf^l. LAHB^IK Dev. op..rt,Tth of Xi'Tawa r. city Kutliiaer. .1 (111 tiov 1$ TO LAVTERs. VV E now (T nnp i '.h MCMSBM of TKB HAV. 1- LAW 11 O tl tk AW VT VBET LOW PIHI 'ATALOCJUE# •ml rr~a M. afiplio.Ui to UN'Kil, aoL'LP A Lam K -.l-allv a:.d t., K vu dill). No. 144 Nl"»» N Ottnn! Ounatl CKmsillI i Hm.S, HAM kl.N. yt nmbtn« Taolalo VHOliALI'. i l-.V. O FA THICK. MOHAN. ^.ut. iVjv- Url KM ilTlilMHU, K-'at AM) HITA1L. •,t. So :v w Ml' ,h .\x ST. UH'IS, .. Mantua, mt'» i a.-t I»-i' in Itj-W. «el *0, Shut Oun» ail' 'iui Pi-tola fa" 1' MUloiia. MMrs male and Warraatai. 0,.«nliv ne r.'li»no «lill. wMtu.sSl U-ul» -t-«•,..• »ll#(t I .i'.ll an i. niv -IO" k.»hitii, f-r »r ty, «d iu I Wi-t. On^«r* u to, Ka. '4 iaS n at Ji-ttrti'-vfoen Tall -t wur«'« will ba |{K K *\VIIT. rtoou R. \D CO.^nilsSIOK HKIM'linTS, ad «t tiit tide. III a*« %#ro«4. «:d .4 Kia 6 b* -•b.»*» .$ b' v- pr AM: 4«' »4.. UlhM !**V •it. lli^U s*. T-N OF NG u :iat«* a^o a!u»« •A d'4ibie r-rti 60 K 140 b..^ «att tn «'an -ucv perform in^r#* Ih'-oj in ng»* mith ibu loatbirie iban tli t'u i!iti hjiKi. It Dili"(x\v refor flndM- way niin iiearlv ry rmiiiv »r. the IVI.rd rt'af-t». enabiit.|t '•vFry-ii win* tmilertak^-ih*»:r«fat a-uk oi futinsh ujrth^ *at-!»in- e*«iu»lvi |v t-- tb»- wltbin tbe 8tai» Conntvwbich be may |ntrib:i»f- tbe r:rl»' nia:i. u* t* 'aifuiat" CV ni.t rjr Mer !iam. and larlf ln i" i t« eiant CIlILUKKN'tllyWOOLEN I' ItfWfRl* S"\. n.'w-tf. A* •If f'oaf. *J*MK aii'i- r« .-..i n il th« luliam -i t. tOUKHOIIlKliirs, i D»1-llri^ CtMai't, H«I(I"Me«I 3fc AT NEW YORK o-1, Td Mks rontn .r a-i ii ti i ai. k It Uia *.-!- JOSKPII Jot V. 1 Will I. »ii» n:. r., ai.•: tin iaal, ll»trllu tlon "f lot- by l.r L'ni'.u S tUerooal f«m T» -jr, t. i^ktf i-i. si N Y'.'k in i» f- -lit? 1. f.#r l» i.- ».iiy N Any p. r-"i.-»Kh *.a..'•» .aill'g'.-. -\MI KI. i*f.ri.rr of s• M.--I R.^ li-,. I'i--. Ultra opi'usi'i i LINK: NEW MARKET OPEMKD. The g*rtct of Bttf Dou-n ON»MltlAi Courted! C^mpetliloB dr/H! lITtaoulJ .ir.M. -t- lti.:* ii- ot m, nil iiMtkai*. waci-tSALS ASS aaTaa '•Hretly Tuuea for Llltle 1*1 ka,''14 i .Vo, It losrlk ttnil. Tn aullSiaga if 1 m-i-ila-, liys FoiTta, arr^n-'1 xnre..- I Ky "show er of Miloillt-a," al- fr .iu 18 the tt m-, *r «n»- n an «a-» anJ pl-aali) aiaiin- I l-itliine:". ty J* 4es HtUAl. Th .v. r-illec I ti- ir- '-|. c'.. r'-i:oiiimt-Q.I«'l to Teacher*, aadatet t- ml ai A. RSNDALI.'S, Mtl« .Va. 4, L-Olair* *«. Notlre. r|^IIK t.ckh' !1« i- ofth- /own Fire «n*i Marin* JL Insurance Cor*pAny at» h-i.'.y imtiried tbat ten v-r era t-fth capital *t ck I* r.fjuip-d to be |tMitlat h»-ir ofR'** mj or before'b- ITtb inii. fi. C. ft. NPVIIKMa PreaMent. Nov. tj'b. tin no. JT A N K E S rK ali th particular att^niwa of all la waai WK CHEAP BLANKETS, Hi*-* vfry arge Mvortmant Jnit r*ctt\rtu, af all kind" andpnc «. at S a a i a V a i e y S a e K.. S dtf_ DAVKXPORT. Fresh Groceries. 1. DAL2ELL, Jr., k to. conaim r.i di. jNu as& raaav tTatrrt. I^HAKKP' A tract SO h»t wide tmm th' pr*MBt i.rsoii.atloo of Fourth .traet I o tb. Hear aa from itraet, eeatain- HMtH-XO, lag fortr-thr** on* hnadretb. of an arr* of of .aid WUHao. nod Sobart SlaspMc and twrati-nloo et. hur. feed iE catfc vr escbauga br City Fk-F^T, a new 9 Harae aad Heated Carriage, ta.. Una tu^. Will ha iHapeaad of abaap far caife, a tarr= lot or W a o a a i ui th* very beat BakaiS, warraat*d a* (eod Uas k^per* a sn« la the wartd Alaa a laraa Mo«a tl Fadjrcr CMMUM. And au lavalae af naK juidliAa.." BMKlt •'-Vfc,is* i, 1. tr past pauobaLt,we now otfdr to tb' pufcii' at arir a 'b' «-jM-tion cf Frank firaeerlea, uabe-j. clarlded. ira&tUgted and pow:?d MoLAiaaa—A kind* and qualltlei.— Co» rii -a o. Ja- a, La*uyra,' a'.d «r unJ T»Aa—Ali gi-adea aid pikta. Vimoa*—Fun ci tiv: *n'j I' p^pp T. Uidifj. »ta'-h, aoap* ruhdl^. t-la, aalaraiaa. ^avJ ric*s lap' ca, sag'j, fruitu bui» allna. bn^. ah pi-ki-. aa iota h-ib-. Bath Urlck, match«a, brufbet, pfari ba. ley, api:t ptaa, cb"V-latt, bor«« radi*b, whit beaoa, louiut *, ». o Laaa«, »•ranfcarrlee, buck irb' at dour, onrn nwal, 4c. A aoperior artlcU U tM and hair bU. aacka. Crmetmel JflaoMlfa. Isbvta. In stor. Ju.t -col fratb water, nda aad huttrr Tatkara. 0H*a:aa—Waataea raaarea aaS 8amtia.-|h M'lHM. Haabarat,aaUaoa, white a.h,.odSah and a-rrtaf Waadea Ware. Oar stMfeji neeiilet* aadw*ll a JLtjWUt aaataa^Se aaartHt^ BOOKS 1MB 8TATI0FIE1T. R««k», r*ftr a Ml HUtlnrr). K MOVAL. HAkfowu VINO pure! 4 id III#- Mil,' at.trr*. mo -stki Ll'«« BOOK. PAPKR AMI' STATIONERY tUMbw, a .. .11 I iti I.t..-ral -'Import bi'irM axlenil. i (In fl' in KIJ ADAM*. fcV* Kl.ttS iiaftd .« •ft. ITdtf. J. #'. fa'tff.Vfa Jt 10. .NtAH DKAUHOKN IK)KT, HH tl'l, Il.l (-tt-.NKKALWh.le-.)• Wf.i«.o At.-i.'a To Broil.'I.' r»i«fl liiigtr. Ulartl' rrf. i other NA11V K WINKS AN1 HI P.s Itivit- tb* an- nt.»i' of rlt-a. Tu-iier A Brw* Wit.i w**ll knotan t. need comtn* 1 Mil I in N»i»t art^l** «*t »b«- l' e- I.t l'l Kuti calci-ut ona ou-roei tin ti ui ii ao enti and a li... «ad 1 .m y t-. uir -aH- -»m on B^ady-t oup"#lt- th' Pott Oflb', wl.»'te ihbuyn.g In .a g o: amall'iuan:jtlv» win alwa ,» find a^'-l aa^it mciit of ti e be»t meats fn-m which to HMk tl»«-ir »a Kctii' price- 'bat caunwi f.'ip t. -Bt!«fac« tlon A P. A KKI.I T. mm F. S Mea a iiv to .-\ir -nrtobit wit blu a» ,^bte tlManoi »f our maiket i, gjtf NEW MVM StmMntabU Goodt NEW MUSfCii 11 NEW BOOKS Hill* the 'aailenwst II.- 1 Ouns. Pistols and KRMi •AHTLKTT. i' Fr«JatiK« .*'d Fanaii ^nt, I Mi .. I It 11 »'.*i K ALravNTia* R.,lual,ll- IJ'rtlMir. n S* til *eMA., I «pt *.»n B-id. Authm Kin. a*n««r», "Sc I t- IH nfc.. »nli Wiirai tS SI ee. IBVIN(4'S l.irr HP I I n U O tl.r M.«. »u.l -I'.. I THCUBKAT WB*T, I'wi'i n ail o»|-cu. alio iheit t«cal Bl-tury n.Mliuiijiih an.l La*-. Table* ot DMlallC'*, Ik. liyjana 9' rri- II no cloth, Hap ati4 IIMa iratl ^ia. SI sB tor ..*1' Co. JU Jtru.'v t.. 'i'nr Iht fmlUti 11 mo .IS' Mr. liiif't ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS, Speim. Start, and f. i Jx\(. «f ||f 4.1(31 Ihsnal Swiap. |t0tNi gail iii" oil, ap**rtn. wtia*e, lard awl »arblw" UuWitt Httfhvr StOWt. loo 1*.»I -pi. aanf'Ntf.1 SO'li.K-n i Mra.,iKs JJ.ioji ii U'mat'icat-tip tS I '.cn Pirn .-. a-uti«ai •IS bl'l VIIKHA'. t.1.1 i l'lar anl it' SO kaif* N ii''* Marker. 1 SO ,|.i N* 1 Willi' Pi-h 3.1**1».» ni w t'wlrt.h T5i i-It rinn- Ni. 1 too '.I- Dura— '. Baking P-.*d' t». Ill i- 1 Ai'i-I*- Alninnn,. Eal"lii, Broom.. lUskrt,. Hota-. Twin*. iJmp War'. «ai' ti", fc''- Al'THOK am-., iHi i i' f. *l,"S Attoi rim*, an** left. Wuuden •i^ parttco- |, in. C' I lo eiantin. our »t*k lrl..rf piirrhain«r N, W" will HI all or l-i for |.xl* al St Loul prlc•« tr-1elI *i"t ir"'ira"r» add'd octW .Ifcwif TALMAS a J.VQUES—A Miprrbattirtp. iu»* !«rfiv«tlai •Brn itr"e*t t-••twn u Kourtb at *1 Fifth. .r#:H* .iR«rivir. BOOTS AMI SHOKN. mar e-t ,,.n ,K PA I.I. STOCK 1 ot Koodalao®' I IT I *ail. Wehavtra ri if enon^n i -1 i e. I*fc 'itt nil- Umpire Store, hale tl Ici^ l«M|trnli fl'JIE -alt- 'f lot" lhai t.' ia*.' ilio lav in Wi. I la»'lip- rl I- |awo«n '1 It loll- TfloK I "Tlie I.' it tl' l.rsa." 'I' a rl*'I WIS",* "MU»lan, ,'' Wifr a Vu to A"., Ac. I .cl iti, $1 ,tfi. S »!a |ia|ri rutrr Si d" (All ol If r- SolitliWi.rlli'. w .'.-k» on hand.) Iii |,lt of 111.. Il'inr »o:k», A n«v No. :*, Hrody »tr- i, u ll IV«t 1 fl- PA«*-NI'ORT 11 N.".IS'H v FCL I AIM MII. Lettlir's bizrllf «f FiHklui, l"oa Not. nil*.,, ji v in:1 iv d. X7 I'l.lnain .al.dOijIiaiu i Mi|u dj'. Bo k, I nil.d St .Ir- U.ii aziii. 1 I a- y' N Y Na Uavf jou krard Iron PtH^lttalal la a »t .,u 1 1 ha..- )»'i Iward UHiUiT U.litn+ii*rs (f red bv UKAKIIMI. a In* tcf-sttngr ai ti 1 n* U'K UU t.' i uf had callier II.' Thar-day i.. at, lS»h «f FiiVllll tf PI. :l^f I -ai tin- i Blilld. Oti ibi -anif day 1 will «fl. al au' iloii t»- w il «Uuni«il Lot-.on iii'l -1. B"»- iM* Is mind al"-. _R..v S. it. KAIHt l*a*t uairt I A» avl fltrnp^ l, anrt tb*- i*at, wo e ,t #)INO AOU Nov.S ''8in IHKIIUI:. COMMERCIAL COL EG E, .. 1 art): otbtr on th»'n-ral A-"i«-.iuM, Jan»- a y tit -Tom iIt, IS4«, aitb full au1bo: u i«* craiit diph u»4", award «i» S»« couft-i honors, and x« r« !"C mII and »"i|r»ilar tl.« privilege to r'itl U- »mb' ri/e'l bylaw, :o '.Ihci Stat's.' [C**ri+r. Set- '2 1 A f« l' at ji in-r i iloi., Jn tbb lt^Ulotj-i., •iloii, iu thlf v. K k-Ke*llrsr, ia: IJiW dU'l nri f.r tlie courM ».ru- tioti i» inipt rrful Hi.alup. ^parau.lj, l?id|s Idu- ally, ati'l n In U'-fa. aid a -i«pjtti^at I- lud«. j-nd i nn«i under footn I of Ha r-ap»-cilv^ Fiof»*ia oi. mho al"W i- reai.omuM* for tb« P'^iw "fhm puplif. ry» Toi.nn t.riitl tueb Wiahli.g to pi*pax«- tbrlu M-fre- for hatlnea* pur^ul^-. arc «e-p' ilully lovitrd t.jcali 'luitt.f bi'Ura, and-gapntie the mod* lapartiriis In-ti iction, tb*-pn««r»»« of th«* Ftipila, and |h»' -uj-erior fa« Hltiea n«»*d u» thov deatrotia *t qu-iifyiug ili-m»ci\e* fur tt pr« Ual duti*-» tf th- c»iiiitiug-hou- Fer-oual raf**rai»ce R*ven to ahov hundred anI fifty (MO) practical aecvuo* tant». n.H in rbaig* of booka in tb!» ^!ry. all of wL' mlav O'-nipietad tbatr bu«ioea«* •ducat!-n thi* Institution. N For r^ratUr», contatnlug tufornjaUon ia r*-g*ru t(. t'.-rma lb* "0ttnc 1 Inttrortlwh, all builii"«oonecied wan ibe ibor, eaii call at iba *.u?h-E««t corner JWaablngt-n av- nu- ar» i Tblid ^]Jiiinu," Polka '1'tl^y, JOMX J. LOCfcE. h.,holink th hi Maw, MoM & SUmmbrnrnt ... ..ranhanc wunwraa w and M'loity i tb-« a»t corner of Har L'JtlS. JAM!* BSIIAK. flN'E CITIE**, Sllv-I Klaf J, Bnliaiua, flMllab. Fad, Juannai audFialn Tinwan Woodan and Wllluvt- Wan., K'ather D«»t^r-, aru*ba, oia Ac in"lu'lh!S" vi-iy attui-ir. llftua** Furnt-hJne lift*-! i 1 wouM *ay M*t an'' HH-ai**!! Jtt.t ally throughout tii Weat, -1- -itnli:' i' «Joa»«ri" y aah I i-lne--, and ivibk aoodadl)!^! oui wanuraaturer" 1 am eoat-l t" off* »rei« Indu ercnt-s than any other Hnu»a tn the W**t"n r-ou&tir. cotintiv Meichant*b»i' In the ctty, ar reqaa«ted to call. Ooodn packed aod eaai tn aav fart of the conatry OOBVBB OF ST ATI A.VD BAKDOLPH (Cntraoo* So Tl Siala Str*?t rVSHTUltD IIPTI a BIB, lMt IKOOaPOSA- t*d by th* Lacl.iAtnr* of Iliiaola, Vobraarr. isai. Tb» aairaordlaar. patr-La«* bestowed npua Ibla lor.» tktahlisbed aad popular limitation sflbrds Srat Uylal (Tl lence tbal tho superior adeaatac*. aaS fa |-1,IU» It uflert for tbe acqalaltloa al a tborowb kr.owledg' tb.TarloB. branches of a OMMBaclai. liBtaTioa, are fa»orabi appre«lat*d by a dtaeern- I locaud ooamualty. Owr two buadrad full roura« .tul-ntt bar. bam la sttandaaae durlaf ih- patt ^t|iit* r, ba.rii an aataoal of patrcaas* ua. |tara'.l»l*d In this conatr Tb Co:.a«Ut« O^irae i, tot moat, aoni j.l.ta.i.J tki.iutifl. rrtr lotroduoad Into say Ooaa m. rcial CJiegc In thl» x,initrjr, aadco»p'l«'. pi-aotl- Ictiro. Lion In Book Eeepinf aad aoc..aau, adap let to erv klc-J of bunlneM, lacladlitg aa elaborate w,.rk -I. Ballr. ad Boak-keepliit, prrparsd by tb. Pre .|.i*nt cipr*-'ly for tbl* SdioaT, a knowt»dS« of which I. aloac worth mor* to th*BHadaat tbaa tb* talilna fr- fur tbe *n'lre Oour.i., tacalker with CoAaaerclal alcalatloas, Busloi-ai P^maaaahip, aad th. sohlect. oi Commercial Law Albert Klddrr, Kw,.. the popular Aawriaea Card Writer, whow apaouurasof PfMLtclilp r-ortredtbe hiafaot (I rem la ma at th. gnat BtaU Pair haldla M*w rk city la 1IM, haa twa m|M'l aa fralnwr .-.f Prrimanahlp. Aooiher aoura* af fm pahlte Uttai** *U1 ke d» liT-r-d darias tbe wlnt.r at M*tfn»4itaa Ball hy •ayral of the moat dlatlasahhad atkwi .f Cblear. asfcsiiaanmafwiiaeila*. Oirwriaf* aad Catalaeaw laiaima »alaMeaar Uarru&a atr «t and Third. wtei aoCEHlt.t A ACLI Sa $ DR. W. D. BLAINj I OF NEW YOKK, HAL BM1 AOimm .. ...zl:aa. VIUUIMA AIJ.KNA IMinUK, REAL ESTATE BUOKERS, wt\\ try Dipot. kTtOVU *THfr: IOWA BOOK Ttf• nuf'-crlN 7 ifM« 11 :u ti.i. tin rofttn'r p*l r-'tie. tu! ri I »h» 'tn!*! hmtut. thftt ht lh a .Uy ft- k A- tfc# w and iiiMMadUu* Brick ftion »v»i *uthf ti.rni t*nd whrrr hr bof* lo Onertt. '»y p' ru *tr* hiMVf uf lent tui t«» Aad fieaeral Laad Agtacy. ovni'R NO. I oaa-s SUILDINS, lin|»r».vr,i I'IIIM I U' ""f ir.. 1. It. t" Wbbb Bois"Vm'iii\fc. y ViM-antl Kliiru. £n-i »4i« "f H'» Wfaring Appat* !,a lln.p al sy I w p: |r« 'l: Jl»b a k of Tr'«nk»,, jr Hag-, V alir n. rtbawlttA€.t fc W« rfai^tnuip itt It a a l. ir i-u will gl. U" a'. AppiTftniit, we wtilc««uae \«»u t« appear •Ik- .•-!ti-m i. a #-*i -d f.iablmiaMe «.uilin tbl- l.y inac v coii» «l "f ni"f iup' itaii' 'j- ac mp!i»bm* nt tbat obi 't than n«t\ Quallflrittiat'. fait air*, ttiward- OC CI LIST AND AI'KIST, HAbpTmaticnti) Io«*atei n U atrial Pi»-a.w Via-d I II 1, where I will happy ait i* aflUcted ariibdi* raa-n of tbe Eye ai.-l tr H«%1ng toie*i ral a:-» u thi* «p-«lai branch of hi- prof' «-ior., i not*'hat b* an reli ve want who have 8lv i. up u d*apalr with Att«a ro i tba .. ir. xa' tb-'tr, a* il aa aareial a*W m^Kai pi parattor* for curlug op lly jt tua eor* r." .« f:lu oear thg y«- wltbnut tb* of tb* k&tfi f.oi u.puari"i', in. a deeai* prud-ntta •lat'* i 'mt liar- ra k Fb: ai'-taio a mg a graAa* at vf b" Vnlvet-1 'y ,f V^raient, a!*» of tba K«« Tvrk Optb-« libit. apiul aadbla itxc«*aa aa aa O^e* ii attribnubu tb* p* rfaction to wbirA ha baa ti ught tbe ea tn dlcated rapr- u tb trr*taa*nl 'iif*-a r' of t^,' eye. F. I Dr a. will drYote a ruoi. jt bit iia« ^lA« tMs'-ne-ct of cbro&lc dl«raaa-,eapaelaiiy of tA* ibroat ji «•, tuvtng cured bimaelf ef Oeieag^tiaa al* arge pai of b:a rlgbt laag vaa leet by tlmn, a* wa'l aa aany otbera lo a ItBeoondltiaa. Ottc bc-ura from oiD" %o F»«r H.irk Mand. Kt A liM. 4»U wagaaYor iala. Arisfnuta farm Waf -i. 1 .ale »e ttae tn ocx ll.t T. 0. SAOS Were Smmmir dUIUUti** Itft, A Lwui.1 prloo«r, poot iu .lla of (iaa*, n«aiii'a «C-ci with b-aoty wf-bereft, Nor It. uu no me a.branc- what It waa, But Sowers dlailli' '1, ttocib tlv-j wlvh wlatar th. ir b«*. their snbsunes (Mil Ue*a tmt. OVKR DArnroii BIKI I'i uu|R..T«ti i wmm*« EUY Is TO au^ C««atry Prr 's.uctat UHI--W IS. V-nuBiaawi tt.iv*na»am Laiela orrrally arln-teili LsndWarraMa latalad to orikr or on afcarea Tarn put Im »w-f«M«lai S*. o»T Ui rwlrdi U*u« i^fi.iiaiMl WII.I.MiTwNIUN, SUori.ry at Wa» CoUarttuaw aaada aiul pr«,«a.1, pn ii |.Uj ramliwd '..„»«» nrmg .-uefWij at IW'N I" Mtla litr smU. Vaiuaate atiiiJin* lot. 111 •—1—raWi mm* Mir J.I n. Hut OH-' tevdtiMf U4* JM ib- ui, ti,. Bt«btkan4 —an* an»»b«ii »»«d aivei vir» »al valuable bulldMiM L«*U at*rUvf aiktb *fr«oi n Wi to HrMi AMltk*fii U 4. liBOSUK WAMHIHliTW) IT,- JOHN' JORDUf. ...a'tiat.'d tt,ib«..|- e.i •»"««e IIKla«aMt Ol't' Indiana, lilln.-ls, Mi-i Brl, MMk«Ba »i«J «M AMf as. ...rue, Pirib ami WarraaaKaau W«-t hal» t-l Pl"fk II «I TS|r,l ALSO mai Kainei, tul ..u.i.,| IW Choioii ami. lb. i ...uniia. an.l aooi Oat-Loll a'Uar. nt i„ ih- itv of Oatmis"!. AATIIS ALI.KN a I«SRi«tbat Via.-' Kanna. "«in. loW'A, Mini p« X«Sr^,ka. Citoiprlatt'' tl.*Ii o .:^.}.ic lli-i" ,, vltanuat*, If LoU or anMiri nay 1 (be r«tlluwlng pi ID block It-WIe IMHM.AN For Smlt »r Lrmtm7~ 'Mil It puitbaarra or tn li»,H f„, a X,sm y tn th. city uf Paveepert, vll f"4»iiiig on aireet, t*i Wrs|^Tn 4vrn«H 9i IM» KLI AUAMS. Nnrrnttve, mdii Poraoujal n rll. an .l'r uri hist In l«*nt i, *. ii. Ci«' vi .i-.. :ll'i»i tf 1 rsl i ire«» vvt^icnte aii' «t I ugr^vii w itM *t.,i J' Inn db* a»t* i i t«- 1.1"".. trim ... tt ,'i I'. ... Ii..v. iv a I'.'l 4 Wltll. .till -'.i.:' I'l'. I Ul "fk I Itcadj-Madr lotlitag, i»" wntef Doul" v i,,i ibi# t».-1 •',-u-i wn! •aiai|sa e i«b any et"4*k tbe »«r #iel»» a- pr.- .\»i«l aa a In eon-tat" «»f iiooda, w- it» aMe pn :it at all ru« a trei: d- -»iabi- a*» '.it»»-tii wb" H«\i»* *».p. i'hI gU^n- Mark* Mm* Weaurii -\tMtiting laafrri b«rk «ltb OA I aitie of tbe IM. toblaiAia.—- "UM* f» iiUua it. »i Ikkilt inmrnwk'mwo ad »t uo •tb *t •uu Harrlattf) a* too a»^.y s. laMMca «7—i«t» •tb al 160 Warnti «»t In ai ~ieo Vh .• 160 Hcstti n bto** aa.-»30l fol 1 lao •tt at 160 ?tb «l n Mvca ta.—itu Mt mn ot i«n 1th at. Mocb d6 eih itrtr 9br ding t.^k iMfwait. tt U arll« to'»r% imui •r am or ot fialot) lor Hair «r Uaw, tMj it Oj i)r. fill in if mi Mr. i 'in mil. ft*. tfrawma** and iwtmtiuga y the dUtiitf*n»lie«l ar Jaw ill^uilUor, trcut •keftHK hy Pr. tb %i |«Ut** y N iliifl- t, l'btla'leU*blti 1 ^M'ravtuua Van A i i r*4a., U'.'lo'i., $• |]t ..yie, |bt«m. I Carl'U. a Ova JAMRS MAY CNTT-TllHIr Ml«lblr B'-ll.llliff lot rj^w A or •ni on Barrlaon. Tli.rl.Bi|iy an Blondra** ~.ld i.-a.. 1 on 1. a—nal i" 'ir. tar par. till IBI« .nqillri. il Uukais A Isiw (Muf'lltl AMKSMAt latapretei Ua4 for Male. N TWO "I'l.. Tom's ral.'ii." Two »ul- IliTRIH*TIO.Y, A Tale of Passion. HI IRS. SOITimoRTH, «p|**nlld acre Lola far aal«\ D**ar AbralMa •trar'o In ioit «-onni» Applf i»bU St:4 UL- *. C. BA01 Kara for Half. a Oik *'••. 40 In a h'gh Slat ^'UatUHt, 1 VU W a l.' *M Tun*" 1 -'tu.'.l u a faa«i, an 1 Ui am- t)W moat delightful uetghborbued* la rhe c-'umy. au) fn.ti mlh» ln««u ibarllv AMI) to (^iib'iif) r. lilt LAND FOB SALE* ^I'aaoa r^ I 'll, I I tbf II and all) Ota- cr new ..ta.J "Uf low 1 Rook R««at," ii' Dortbof Fuitao alaitoa Uroad. a renananbie urtof nor ib of WalH»tt i ne ao 1 wo rearg AI*o. lio a»M tn WaablMgMHt .ur»tr 40 a«.rao An** llmli-r, and running wain n pait Tbli laad |acnl 16iuIIIH fr Ion (lit, and IS fi«Wa»A- lafit'O, on a tin*- rttad frtni Coiatntua i* airbBM»d.^ Will «M b* ap* and a pari t*« %m*m llisijiar'a* ii^iU 8 ephewa. AIKO,four 40 atr* Ma near lava CUfi fkrmlng land, and w*tt wat^i^d AU LoU ti. w from atl feet by 'Juu 1 baiaix'*' in on« and tgina Ui 4 2 arif»i a*4d fbr la Iota anJ Io yeara. A", a r* writ »u«atei i- t» in iba «itf '4 Paeaa Furl, anld -n term® Al»Ut n»* wall fliifh'd IH'W brkik dw* lllng, atfbl laige c-ilai. wuod b- uio* and aialiet baautliial ly aiiuai'Jui* tbt but, fiomtb** ubgervalfry can to apti a Urge portWn ©f lb- e|ty, Back Yalaad Homo 1 .'am* wi.t- u» J. HHaKK A CO. Will r«-u. -v- in »b»rt tloic io Street, a.fnv ]'-.r- Imif»wO- k Sarir*tit'* aanki&g H-'iae. »ct 9ft dtf R0CKHILL& SELLERS, ry and ToiUt afrlMrn. S iu- a al. Ht i.l DAVKVFOHT, |(WA. ha U|« FANCY AND TOILET AR1ICLE8 tit -olt jtl'a il Jay Ci4a* icMt.a' pr-'s ripM». and faM* mounded Saving «rintiwv lie warrant Id fftr ng our any ho'i«» All tb*- popu'ar Fa ftaiiti) on ban-i Fh i!y raa-llt in' car« ful tlon* in tbe Ea-t, w «T -»ck at pi .c ID \v tl.i ty Fby inercba'ita partuitiarlr m*l- tad to bxabilna v a Dr. N. 11. Muraella, a regular g.-aluat- ^f it m«ihdriphla CsMiaaae ut I M-dKl'.t md |",rp /, a^d ru. iiy r«»iUabt Fky#. 'i^ tii Fhiiad^ipbla Ho«pita can U unJ at ur «iore. wh u nwt pro^asiaciary angatad. R««id»aee DM. All war try balMe they hay Aleo jPmaey iaajii, FaaiMlaa, Hair OUa, Bala *f Thaaaaad Viewer*, Ic ,bt ,fcr. Mara, araar *t, bet. Sia aaS Ml aad AI baa* i PplTt groaid Apptf I _«• HI 'IN R. a Aim. Splradld Karai far Kale. T(ai a A-'u aui* villiva tlor» -llN a «u:ierior tliiib* r, go dw^Ulaf, om 1 tifri an'i flu* l*nrut b.autiful »tream "f rua« ntn^ at«*r thai ri'v«-i fall*, ani floe or* bard of nil I kiO'is e fruit iu. U'fct «n« tl Ar payawt ibe far«o tnay uiadr p- pay lb* r^l paym»at*.-» Ap,i tt. IA US IN terra alarmd Laad TbU la li«a» ifni Uni inly II imfea *r 111 tin Clair- Prtr jr. In 1 .4,1 Tt, a «a, oiilaa ft am La *a»y Aiai* %o 0. FAP8 Sale af Lata at 1 aetloa* PJ^IIK in..It r.laii' 1 U-anmul Bml'lina l."t too l»t to S a alv.-i. rma lii.rral Il -all at Au. Hon la *ni Da lay K' trtaitor s, 1^4,-oir.t laiiaina In alaa fr. a fcjl II.'I NULM' ga la Mil. will h" T. BAM SIVBMAL an SI. Br irk aad FraaM BoawenB ^lli I. fluiih' aii-i -|tun*' fkir I* M» lufi Kn^iiii-' ^f itJkbll«liMI BIKKOMK A PaETTTIIN, wii.ii. .aii-ai'd ataU Daal'r. la Ariifa and PsaiiiHa eayrfi, *—I. and IHaw, IK. (Oat and fte- o|»en« ii at tb' roni wii-ifg, rb*- i t,ompjr*t. ek DriM^* trr Ni-fore«iir» reu »m the Noitb W»*i, and trnat trl.'i aitantloii tt and a il»urt t" plaaaf, to njfctJt a Oiar»- of put-lK imironaX" Our nt'-k rou siata lu pa: of DKl'GS, CHKMICAI.U, UYK HILFKN. M«l. ma t'MM,('t*(A iNf, (W., WoLLU noil# a* atteaifia »f purvAaeere u. tb' ir large and varM aaaortaant We are penlng our Fail aul Winter aloch, aaltaMe Iar tba «*anu ut tbt* immunity W» 4u u#t prt*faee la uadar-ed oar a lgbbcra but ^f*r oo*4 9ndi af rmtonabU fafea. We bavw o*w band a iaa aa* a-^tin^nt aonaietlng af alike, Kerteaa ParaaaMae, Ttltsileesn, l.eaires, BiLaiae* Ae.. Bkial* mmt MaaiUlae la inai vartelv. I l«ilit, aa.liu*'**, Vf«,ln*. Baady Mad* Caaai aad w .oil u ttooaa of ai. kiad. .ultaSM N» laft.aiou Taak.r Koi:..u. Babti.t a».ds, 0a» in, Oil Cleib., Window 8aa4e.,OKieerlee,Owaer. aad Rardwara. GB0CEEIE8, fKOcusi, aiuwiaa CaiyHi, Otl'datta, BaMor Oaada, Window Bhailea, and Yankw Notioaa. A »orageae al »rl-i I any att^r** the with our retail bu»t» io a I- au i. o IUl-, v ol |«da la oat to i Miaala*l^t. Ia eai 9* baea ot«H tt ..... a- aympt-.m*'of mblth ar»* weakn^aa of *^rht. imaginary •*er.»a af aw aaia^Je ia wfcftA oh11• floatlok b»-f'»re tb' »Ti t-bj^cta appear ob* Whoiettmle Rmmm* a tb id an Sfiator!*a ef aw lag, la elM an b** found a larf*- aiecft of r"*" acurt by i'ioini oi h^M'ie^a. fla- b^" "f light -nlarg*-. UKta of i» ^v.i il. At C-tta?ati li hi* th»'len* tnrii *h»t»-« »r*-« smiabla to tb* trad %. nt^ thr ra of imiit pa-ajig throL, u a. Optbalna tnflaiL tri-n, K*ar-igbt, W.akiK- of viMon,atra- form*. Havlr,. ir from Fj 1- .. «r. 1 r iui )pibalnj.»vi p*. with whjcb ara et aUri to I- k ib d'pib- A tA- e^ and*t^ *ba Interior aa cj«*ily ut£ide, aad tb'r-by aao ali. iha I act fctate tn*- -ptk orv. and retina !u Aoiaura*la» rhe iec-.n ln ipl nt cararact. A'io Sp cv uui 1 ft»'iad^ajarf^eteca^of Y O O S To M9n**uU wU* Al*miiM 814Minting, a* well aa Deafr' *aln it* varlnua for caeb ur *h irt tlate an4^»r« tb y .n h* ^au|bt in any Waatrrn oMy. TO ramMMMM, We ar* preperaa to pay lb. Mlahaei Waifest tb* l.iu&ilaated 1 MM Sse *B reedaee. All la waat of aa'faiu* **l. on BIBBOWK a PBSITiaAl, WMOI.fALE AND ggTAIL DIAL* Ea« Iff Far«l#N awd aaaiislta won jmncT^(S(««iMiai r« i ee* Praat *•»-*. OAVaMPOM. IOWA uan-itf HiaaOWS APBK1TTMII, Farwardlaf aad f—I—tea •arabaata. paffprff jaA*eaajUb Aad WbetoMla aaS Betali *«k"la Hstim Sftr I'ltoreal faahlobabie SxtreaW St c-jot. per bottle. Sample holtle. ape* Sir FaUk laapactlaa aad iioaiar atleatfaa ta a«es|etm, Biiriag aa* »»*S^ las aay Sa*4a aMMlsa^S le ear eai*. C—a yaldalrfHi 4. amale rata rer .laseai, vesaaBMrsa^ Vreat Stmt, pAVaVfOW, MVA Bavaafart ui aaaatwiiift^ Sp taa* I fnayhgi