Newspaper Page Text
l£ABED SPECIAL NOTICES. lapiriMi u Peaaltt -Dr. tHiffiaBB'* Fill*. amb*maHlm9"i Hi pi*. the re«u!t ufa ltf*| ahJ eitei**l%e piaciit* Tteey «r«* aitld tf« tBetr operation. and certain In o.rre ting *11 iiwiicuifci.ii' «. p»iehti ise^ueeliee r«u»vi«« *JI .t»-tr#ta«B*, whadfcef ffwwaaid MotkanrtK, M»W «rhe. pain in th' ik- palpiUt i»n .-f lit* h**art.d|«tuib* ed kpt-p, »hi« aria* fr»»in interrupt i*-n or nature— Tb. i-an Ihj »ux(*K*riiUy nm a« a prevatitlvB Theea 1'illn rdttMild wvrr be tak*ti In prunaniv. aa (bey wonhl turf toOMia mln arrlv WirrmtH part ly vigetabb-, and fr« fi'»m aii/iBing injuil^u* lo U/ i»i hBRhll. Bx^kiK Mr**4l*)«,.wfcih «Jo«M he rv*«l 4'nipen »a I»k l'n" $1 Wir «ak by II* i i K i n U v i i a n I I i i It* *4 Maud nt a»*il k »uolo.»mn $1 l)i C«-r oehiaaL ctn- *'II1.1M, N |fc2 Brwadway, New Turk law 1 in) Ottlftry*a Mltdcll Tata KlIfMlW.-Ttic *»r«t mcl prinipa1 rl,«nn-t*rIMM.KT'ttM A4JIC Al. PAIN KXrHMT*jHn.nM«t lat Of If- II V I falling Mfi't and un» |u»- property uufiM»W^ h» tu ateinal injury, to ib ak bi i^nMlkin irodaiitly, and rapidh to minor it. TbH featur* o.n»t itut« l» great pawi-r loalttiate tl pain "f bumaand arald*, aim! of other palnta* 'u In-.. incr iiM.f ati«9rt a»pa*r oftim* #1 a will appeal :r»ui ll« Urn Kahb«K "f iti-iitiliK l»all«Tr*« Pain Sslraetor b^ uj-.ii ll a HIM Pitt. Kiiirrav"*! Label with the frlgua IDi .„ir V CUf'EKN Kli fc t'O proprletiira, aoJ HKNio n\M-T. fii«nufa«tiir-r. All other» »n •fl-mtoif It prt«e2ft r- nla pi-r bo*. All-trd^t nhouMlf! »'Mn'--pil t« r. V I'llrk rti. ii r,. HnrcUy r»tr*^ i, H« w fork. B»M i»y all Hi thr«*irfb Ut thr t'liltrd HUt» «. w Hm, a. Butrlialor'a Hair Ujr.—No Linnihn bh-»t. fMiir «om|».ini«l M'tilJ tvr ImV- »Hal««eiJ the uuUci.ji Uvor I'c-jrdiil tu tins Dyr, tli' urlftnil n. vrr tailni(t f«».iilf«- Nature n« nn«re true If Mrtf than the bn*«fi or bl»*k p-mltK^tl In tl-e rrd r*t. fiay ^t or iu«i»t fr»wyv hair by it. MaI an-l .^.1, ..I apHiinI B^Ulo-lor't Wi« Part'iiy, (in nine piivali- luMMa) iW ItMNNlwa), N«W York. Will A HatvtaH'" I** l-'* Miv. MMIIutf, u(h-ii»«r« im- ll»t l»i»a. rur^.l AUo'tl Bl Van P.i1t u* a»**pM 't i' i B+4VSt tUiGHl AM'KAi U'KKlH y th. I aK H*H Manufarto Kn.iii'li -ii.-\,i-orm#*tlti« ut Clark, ri.i.a»tu PU UK. HrCKWIIKAT.fIIHN MKAI., IIAM.PAR MKKS OSNAHI UU AND SkiAifLKHS. IttlAIN bAi KA Putni-hd np«Mi the nhort« ».i notice, ainl at tht* I owrat moikf't pri« r« Th*- «l-^t|rri»« lor ttan«lni|f »r«* ipw, orneiimlt aiwl not to I* «urpaaMMt In thl» cuuu «rr jyfttf 116 f«-at lorn utreet, Ontrairo. Hlf U.O BI SINK8S CAKD8 Pl« Til K A4vcfllhl»|t «ml rolh'4-llnff Ageurf al f.t\ tixrt m: k W A K JEHKMtt, SILVER StHHIKM, srE4 TU I.ES, »VAir., asa oxj^tik: sthebt I.. Imll 1h'-V «h*«tuK in tli fuoda aiiil prt Oottf" t.oiier %, Ho*l* Funtit, Ale-PuinpMund Pancy Orucortoa, Ale, V jttiil^ioiii at Brrwir*' tr jfcmaffr'i lyondtt Utn. ttraad Vmrdimi 83* All orl rs put up with carcMd good* war iant4f«l. No.0 EAod*4pU0tr««i( CHICAGO. IHtMiu. WI-AIR'S WEEKLY 0 U N 1 O 0 A K E A Mamiualli Illiikira(r4 Iji.rnry Jeamal, •-.mult In. H'' lar^c i'm*-, alif of Ih 1..union l.lii- tulol Ni V -. :MI'l 1.1 whl »r. W I .||l' I. i»o Biilllaiit K"Im*ik'' l-'lli lhi!tratcd 111 llo liuli rtt «tr ef emrravtog, B1111 i "Thr Vunok' li'ir, ujRlC llT'lery ot lb* -d I.i 'ii." an "t'lrfHw" IMMi .MOrd. Magillnt Eaterprlae. 10.two M'BSCKlBKRfe IN ONE YKAR Nl.iWO TU IIK OUTAINED IN SIX MONtll!!'!! aiOU.iMi TO HB (.n K\ IN i-KKM •80.060TO HE OIVKN IN I V 8 NT I! tak. IImI of ot pth», and kV K ink rlakr an ntraorllnar Utitiiiw M.0U0 Biit*crtl «r» tn .-mx n*f tV mil"* inp''*tr«rrtliiary ui' *n« to arconi- |.|l-!i .i. ry t.AKOKHT mi I BBSTItlus- 1 itlrl .umly I'apvr ul tin. cittolry, aud II It al Itw I.OWK8T pi Ice. •J.I W' »'l. 1 f.v-t' iu of |r'niliiin, tliat NK\KH hx l-'-li Kgl' U.l.i:l) Slid alin.ll l* ,-lli|.v-el ltllll tiaitlt, 1 th- w shall iun w|«wi Utile*)!'.)1 I't -d» "f th i'S|'.-p tnr Mix ni"nth*, vlx (Bfl.llOO. The nie-t uf lilt' 11111 will Imj .t\an lu silver Plate m*tiHti* tur 1 t' tl* N'« Yotk Silver Plat*' Com pany, In Lrl 0* W. rtti from O^IIC DOLLAR to ONB WlftMIBP DOLLARI, or naor**, There will alih) Ih bKUtdvd Mv«r«l O W A E S llMtkly iakllee* 11 Ik lnuk*.*ill'' t" Slve tli.' .t'-tMUn ir tins munllt eriil «»er|.r i. in Ikli ah.'it U rti^m. nt. ^a.l w Itcref-r-' ri-t'-r the reader t" rir ular-, ur la t^" •JOiritNAI. or ROMANCK' it,-li, a i.^.y ,,l »M. mav Ii. I .."I t. WTlltnif to 'J areiBluiiiJul II BUIr, |iH.|Uher o# J.'iiinai uf H-mano-, Cliltaxo, or N V rk "i inn l»r Men at the»aorof name or i*|cr n whUh thi« »d«Mi-tni. at aw»r TKKMM. -forooe *«ar |a,«) 6 nunths, |1I I'.r thrrr m.-iitu, 11^1*. Every -Btwribar »Ul pt ixie uumMlatty, aal perbaiis aiH.thi id th' "iiMilv tl" IHiirthatliin. M. B** mire Id Head loth* offlot lu Chfctfco, tor a •p.-tiini'-n of lb» l^r. October 8-4*m ft WTA'^T SAiaitiiidgr 8afw* a. u. wISli i», Mwl— and Mannfaclareri .if th« BUT Fin fraf laf* la lb* Wtrld! I ll safer to supply the Increasing demand for thetr mU BBNOWMID BAFK, ha v. opened a Branch Pe«e» la €%!*».» Wells »t., where Ibev will kasp aeoMtadl sMp a* lf*w Tork Prices, ad diartr^lM, JwwBfri' jmmi lawiwri lefti, •ads fc eM «i4i pu«dsr ftfH tacks. IV All aa*M by Una warranted Ire* from dsBtpnsw. strnmc H. PIBBMN, ocl W-dtni] Am-ut. W«ll»at., Ohlcano. G. B. BOWEN. •MBfaeMuet aad WkaieaaK D^iar |a B0CK ill FAHff 6L0VE1, WHIPS. LASH18 AND E10ALIA, tsr oaM or saoar Tiio, bac- (MlOAOO. paid far D-«r STATE DEMOCRAT. LO€'*tL ITKJmS. Till BTATI DKHOCRAT. IFB01AL lfOTIOE TO BUBINan m. A-«n »T»rti»uiti |*a(K lk Mmtr Uemorrtt iin V0r»aliv i«far-J^«! a* the^»t«bti«b#Ni m#||iini nt t»u»l •a® k«aai«iiirNif»n t*-1w»-ii u,. I.I J. mnt «T0**ly iwrr«a-iiig iriUialM«iit bvlli at bm«- an akr ^.l, «tft i* a favoraM*- Mpf^.itiinity fur a Jnli nu Ua%«^uat«litfi of caMtiie fas./'it-family, hn.. H' tail l^al^ra. a- wt aa exVtu«iv »T. tril ls- ,S. P..-I U-.thot.i.iala l.punt ai i.. ml. Ren) iitt' iavetit ruind fullv a*ar' that In all awa«»f eateraal injury ft* pain ia pnidtic tli- injured iart» and therefor*- II jr..u re«M»- |h•**•" tli*? eff- ot uiBKt oh^ •1 |l-parlfloettv piopetii't aeatvalta* tBepot* *.« thai ii«»^ iark in th yat' ni, and will when a p(i*-4 «'tli* »(*«, draw iapidijr all lro| tr- matt V, tl nurfart- and It— h«n II.' gnat di-c^.tr. It prodi*r«-« frtfli aorea WM-^oriKl l.v l.nn^ii «b«'ii iiipii'-d to ld ftinl ia»tlTalc torn, Salt ftttwam or o. «rrutan«»un «1|«r®»«*n. HIDDI kion w AHIIAHD miulii, ii i .-ii st i t- t, i i i i A i 1 I s WENTWORTH & FOLSOM, O A N S I V E ... anAm-pix+tW, r. S«Ui*»w*afc4 t'Ui- fii* wiU fltiti |ir uiuuiu» lal to a prtM^ioua fO*bi^t a A VfWI» to TNI Vmk llMil). IriH. N».W IliHK -H M. -ti.l.r k a a 4 U k t.m i:l J» r- ..!( A»iO -S« I I* n fc (iall.tli, f. -V, s, WAMKI). Two Hovm, us A||ir.'titi «t to tli PrintiTip Trnii\ 'Uinst from 14 to Hi yi-jtr* ot atr«- |irrt'i rii'(l. k. o. i O E S O W E N IntiH.i t» rt i Jui.l. DRV MHIIIS. I IMiEE \0TH»\S,Ar, IImi Ukr (up ilalra) klc«|a, HA v k i k l-Kcn 1 1 aii'l Fihi a -v y -l' l-illy a«tn|»t tl tn I'r tin- att« n' l*ii of in k't, uriu^ 11 mono! fail Mtl»r t. Tlie preKc-lit sta^i' of water admit* lopFi. rir puw^r, 01 aa it may be dentin a more Krnrral navigation of boats, dial) '"ateil ti,e tirjt potency. The (ihk^i* ia to haa bi-en experiei.cetl for aonie time. We ''o itmne'l tlimu t) twnitv -nn.e addition" hone to a go il atate of affairs on the Father 01 Water*,fur the benefit of buaineai men. D. S. Brooks, who Iiha liecoliic so popular am'ng our citisem in the produc tion of Confectionary, be* recently rented, ami removed his Store froiu the old place to the new building put up by Meisrs. Wiley k. Muiner, corner of Fourth ami Brady, where ho will 11 ways bj found in readineee to fiipply hit customers, also supper*, par tie«, weilding*, hr., with everythinK 111 hi» ine Herchaiitu and ilealers throughout the State can not do better than to call at this popular establishment for their stock. Tlu: following notire from the Iowa "Statesman" we with pleasure t'ive a plae, ill tile 'Democrat,' at the nimr time KK^liriltg frieml Toinlinsoii that his rem.i.iki are well ni.-riteil liy Mi*5srs. Hi'l'llesnn anil l.y «11 Tli.'ir «tock of*«i, China rnd (jueentware is the largest in the State, and they bold Hiejn'elve* ready duplicate any N. York or Philadelphia Invoice at the pricto named in it. Their retail stock is nf the richest and most varied discription. Give then a cnll- Lvow.— We call attentir n 'he card of the above firm, to be fonnd in to-day's paper. They have but recently !or«':,1.Ml "•^'•r-ort, and are from Pitts- burgh, where they have for years been en (agnd in thet|as* and cl inn ware business. Having eonie right from the el«*" markets sml having two brothers still enuaeed in tbe manufacture of 1,1a**, china and Quens war.\ at Pittsburgh, give* them xuperinr advantage*, and enable^ them to sell ware, in Davenport, at about Pittsburg prices.— Try them." Messrs. F. FT. I5uiii^iuni .V Co. iro now opi-nitig another pew Family Grocery •lid provision Store, m, Brady Otreet. be tween 4th and fifth, on the West *i le Their stock is fresh anil of first (jualilr.— They are new comers, we believe, from Virginia. We welcom-' them to our city, and bespeak for them a successful trade. int* put 1 l»t Ibt-ir 1-z.uitai I K K I TURNER'S GINGER WINE, WacMnry and *Valire "I iik Oi.n La i.v."—- o wish 111 ju nior editor of the Gazette to uiiderstmil tfcat wtn n we apeak of "ftrnndma" we by no mean* iefer to him, for all concede Add to be a gentleman who ha* none of the blahkguardisin of the '-Old Woman." ••Stale."—The (Jnzcttr thinks that the propoied glorification of the democrat* will ''prove stale, flit and unprofitable"— To thr Republican* it ui!l «o appear. We know that while we are rejoicing in a vic tory over fanaticism and disunion, they will be mourning in *ack cloth am', ashes, for a defeat which will postpone their plans of treason, and keep their tirger* out Un tie Sam's money chest for years. Hnr«, Syrups aad t'ordials, I in 1"1 --1 Wliot. nl' .«!• 1 111 runs u IMH. LmiORh arf TOBACCO. Ctf»TH,«»v*t. r-, J**»r«l i»e» UlvtfTs 4 Mill*, al' «l Utt4f F.'i th« Stati Democrat. Prwcreas aad l|aarksry. Tbese day* in which we live are great days, or iu the language of some writers we may term them "fast times-" The times are too fast to indulge the old adage of -'second it.ber thought," and apparent!) the reverse ia now true—first thought is best. Like rudimentary penmanship Hie straight luark should be made with a single stroke, without naodellmg or tepairing. No natter whether the pen contain enough of the black material to leave the trace more than half the desired distance, no at tempt must be made to better the impres sion. Take tbe countiy through and we ahall find evidence to justify such conclu no the above, and particularly abun dant shall we find witnesM* to these fact* in the We*t' The old conservative views of everything seem to have paaaed away, aud that free spirit which adopt* the great**! amount oi' liberty to mankind abi und* We have lib erty of speech, liberty of the press, and liberty to opptesss. We have freedom of *peech, freedom of the press, aud freedom to enslave— all these tunics in a countiy claiming a government which i* not to be equalled on the Globe for ila perfection as a model Kepubltc. Under the influence of su.-h liberal ideas coniervatUm ha* given aW«y to progress, and piogrta* has run away with one half tbe human tace, rnd while the foimer *tay* to cry "stop llu. f,' the latter is making rapid stride* among the people,cry ing at tbe top ot his voice "catch him." Progress has furnished religion with votaries, who have rendered theinselve* no torious in the announcement of new reve lations, such as Morinoai*ui, Millerisui, Spiritualism, and many other equally ab surd doctrine*, which have their followers who uie led by cunning men to believe ull things pertaining thereto as revealed gospel truth. All mii Two Urir aa4 \itaaM« UbrarlN prviuluma wiilTx-|iv|i!r1 upon tmtnedlatfly on ipt of Bai«*riptlo PutN can »p«ifuty oftl* c| c^ual U ih' fiiiinb th« ir i»u!'-criptkma, a0d without r4 4//rfitrin^t|( will Imrtd up and n( mcui-'haMt, Un-uuh It bo the or ft Thou sand lili»r" He«tie» tht, Kiib'scriWr rom»S In for a he- ..nd Ofconon In Pi ogress has rendered fast Service to tbe l^gal profession iu tbe way of pettifoggers, tnw reformi*l*,and author* of easy practice, whose works, like those of some modern linguists announcing French, German or Spanish tai.gbt ia perfection at six easons, are offered to the people in legal form un der the title of "fcvrry man his own Law yer." Again, progress has contributed to medi cine ita geurous quota of new methods and uew meaty. Tbe rapid progress portion of tbe people have been favored with Thump sonianism, un'il Lobelia and Cayenne has with the steambatb vanished into vapor, •luce which time Hyriropathista have waalied and rendered perviou* the pores of tbouaandi whoa* cuticle had, like Bnci«nt libraries bean covered with the "dust of ages." N*«t in the progressive train we have BalecUciND, which claims (like Many of old) ta fcava Chosen that good part whisk •hall not be taken from tbem. These pan der to tke appetite of those who require •fitting bsh thm vapor «r w«ter, aad e*9 «h—» a» m*m tiaoi "lite* *f w Still one* nor* hu progrtM aftar bar IIHIIMINTU IK COIKtlliCI (AKITATB, given to Ibe world the great remit of such «*prrimri.!i in tb« tlie«iy ot '*UMILIA (IM itiBt s cu»*WTO«"—"like currt like}" but what ectent iln may advance with ber iavrn'ive geuiue we can bardly ima|(in when we are willing tu at kn wlrilgK al that inimite power which Homec|iaii y at cnbeatu her infiuiteimal do««s. Wha'can al viai-, each of equal capacity of the first, anil each containing ninety-nine drops Of spirit* of wine *0 that every fNccmmve vial after tb* firat, being furnished with ORB DBor from the vial or dil-ition immediately preceding (which had just been twick tHAKKN) ia 111 its turn, to he twice shaken, remembering to number the dilution cf each vial upon the cork, as the operation pro: ceeds. These manipulations are to be con. ducted thus through all the vials, from the first to the thirtieth or decillionth develop# nit-lit of power, which is tbe one in mo*t general use." After thus forming the in~ fiiH'tesinal dilutions the same author say* (p. 2'i4,) "The beat mode of aduliuistration is to make use of suiall globule* of augar, lh* -ue of mustard seed one of these glo' bule» liaving imbibed the medicine, and he' ing introduced mlo the vehicle, forms a dose con'ainiug about one three-hundredth I .art of a drop, for three hundred such glo bule* will itnbibe one drop of alcohol by placing one of those on the tongue, and not drinking anything after it, the dose is cin~ sidtrahly dunlin-bed but if the patient is Very sensitive,and it 19 necessary to employ the smallest dote |ms«iM«, and attain at the same time the most speedy lenults. it will be suflcient to let him imkll once."— (p The same author *ay*, "ALL THAI 1* cuBAHLk. bv Hcjmieopathv (V) may with |(l# lnot, cerUil)ty 4ml 14fety cureJ by this mode of receivint the medicine. Of late 1 have been couvn ced of the fact, that smelling unpurts a medicinal influence as energetic and at long continued as wlteu the medicine ij taken iu substance by tbe moutti, and at the sauie time its operation i3 thus more gentle than when administered by the latter mod.:.'' While progress has been doing all these thing* we cannot wonder that the public should, like tin- ancient idoletry, cry "(irrat i-i Diaiia of the Kj lie iins With this state of things is it Grange that quack ery abound-., thrives and retgusV In fact profession^ a few years since reckun.-d hon. orable are f.i-t becoming disgi^ting. loi one can haitlly turn a coruer wrhout com' ing in contact with some repi esenative of piogrelive notoriety, claituing a new way to Heaven, a cheap m-'ttiud uf obtaining justice, or a skill, i*.-. ntly discovered, by wli cll he call Death. Alas I for this progre'sne age. The LT. S. Exjiress I'oiuj.any art) erc'nig a good suhstan»i»l two stoiy brick bo 11 ui 11 on Pcrty -Irert, bttwem Second and Third, winch they will occupy as soon as couipleled as their oflice. Our ft'llow-citizeii, John Forrest, is engaged in erecting a fine block of (tores on the comer of Perry and Fourth streets, which will piobably be ready for occupan cy this winter. The location is an admir able oue for s'ores of any kind, and they will undoubtedly be filled as loon as com* pleted. The new building of Dawson, Grijfgs A Co., on Perry street, has rea. he its hight, and will be finished as soon as possi ble. This house presents a beautiful iron front, and is truly an ornament to our city, as well as an index to the prosperity and enterprise of this firm* From the following extract taken from a B. R. exchange, it would seem that there is a little more blood left in Kansas yet, and that it is to be let out as a "rebuke" of the great body of the nation which these Kansas phlebotomiiers call the'Buchanan Democracy." But you may a* well stop your howling and falnfiying about Kansas matters. The people have convicted you. and your doom is "Salt River" for life un« less relieved by Executive clemency "Many of tbe 'Democratic papers syste matically suppress the accounts of outrage* upon the free settle sofKjn-.i-. They know that it is not safe to allow even their own politic .I friendsto see the fact* in regard to that^Territory on which Bti. baiian Democ racy seeks, at the point of the bayonet and through iufamous outrages to fasten slave ry. And while those pipers suppress the facts they ridicule the suffering* of the free set tlers of Kansas as detailed in morn truthful columns. Will tbe freemen of tbe Union not rebake BiichananDeinoctacy? Since the election the wondm of "lUeeJing l\ansAt" have l»oeii stanched, ami Sumucr's Inain has hardened.— These are the tirst fruits of our tri umph. FINANCIAL. Uabkib* Hocse orTaLLHAB. Powaas k McLbax. i PAVKKPI.RT Novemsls IS, ISM. Wa still notice lb' sane slriiM^acy In thu money market wlikb ha exlstct thr some time past Bum ne.s men wli.i art regular depositors at Banking Hou' se obtain such acoommodatiotM aslheyreqalrsattb. usual rates, hut ..ut"Me ts.rrowers till.) ,t v rydlKi Ht ta procure Wan* upon an fe rms. Bai.kt r.har. eoui parattvsly llltk to lend In ounseiitieni.e of redacrd dr. I pualta and tbe nuu.-roua renewals required ipA uid notes, hut are ieodlug as (ar as Iscooalderedprudent outald uf tbe Bank*. Tiiere is at present uooaaally 1 lluk' money seeking ineestmeot. I Kxcbaats ha. again taken another rise opaards. Land Warrants remain unsaleable, and prlaaa are nooilaat. We oflw tfceat at aae dollar per ears. We qaetr exchanfs as acriaa. Mew Tork Boston, a PbuaMpkla N AallMave .a "W IfPpHHIPip O E I A DAVEirrOBT PBICEt OUBRBHT. Orrtctur 1 al Ihen tluitie.h pnlance. fN-rmit w herr to ijii tc ft ii, Hahnemaiib'i. Worka- In Ilia Or^ai.oi. (p 211, act- 270) tie sayi, "If two lr p* ot a mixture of aq'ul pari* of Alrolml and 'h» recent juice of any medr cin^l (ilant be diluted with iiinety-ei^ht ilropj uf alctiol in a vml capable of contain irie mie hundred anl 'hirly drop*, und the wbolr twice shaken t'^rther e laeiticiue bei-ioa exalted in ein-nry to ttie fn»t de»e- lu»i Iiiili »ritiDiiiocii. trilf A a a a i w a o 1 tUterarain i» nmiing int., nuikri and i, i- until at our q.toiatloBft. Tbr prt-Mai U| Mate luii m«n ii i« »mki i cirred the rura'ire power of iuch medicine piod .o- iu n,ai it when cute* of mot obstinate duraars rre ••ertwl by the *ihjT of air from a phial cuiitaibii|f onr ^lobulr, about the WaM U-u«leiicy. tpno«, a- tbe c| "f muMard un-iln a eit with one UKWS FOR STATE DEM4MRAT. I th ee-huiMlredtb of one drop of a medicine B'-'tll.i- CJIIi't I'f fie u-d l»^fyr -InK Of I^kc aarmaUun »lu kave a» utlwr ctfr i ttian to k—|. tin mt law ll nil bKpr Iban Iv^liif'iitiHittih n.: WutiT Utt ll wr Siiai« Coaa —tth-l|.-d Bar ilin tmui"" Kit.. Kl»uk —Kit,i Suptwrlili. rm* i Men. Ilu Fiaujb Ai.T I.iac Alton (laisT OIL—LanJ JtHrt- •ttrncm HA u sat a Lib' "I uu 4 uu 4019611 1 la. «Mi UlUOB. fbl.. .. Ilbkl.. i (JO a 60 1 1 :ii h-'tlm fiU....... txt I 0U 4frrUI, blear Bad. e e e 1 HlDta— u Sua, 1 4 S lrj IV UAV—rTuiivtny .. IU uu Pairh 6 UU TPBaiWU Ptaa, Miaxiurt 'Vllt.s.... IB fct ¥8 4 Be *-«4 Bank lag and tixchnnge. MACKI.OTT fc( OIIBIN I%.r.Second »ii.l Bradv. NICKOI.I..S. AMPHKU.H O Main. (M)K & SAItliKNT Mini and Sen,ml. Mi .IHKIiUK, I.AW KB & HI.AKKMolth Mini. Ull UB.UKO 1) WIH.IIW A (Jo...('or Mam 'id »t«. TALLMAN, POW'BlUt tL Vcl.KAN above O. Land Agents. A t.l.K V A I. KK if o lliuMlnr, Rra.lvst M( KOI.I.S, ISHKI.I. & CO .!.||»in t At.l.KN tt IKMII.AN' OrrV lluiMmg Brady .t Inaaraace AgeacUa. II. II. IIOKKMAN street. Dry «eeda. ('HAMPTON It SON Cur al. fc llradt Hl». SI TTON fc CO r.»r 'i*i.| and Its'li l»landsta P'*" ..|'l«'sll' lA-Claire H.'tae. (IKO WKAVKR ....MailiVt, u.-art'.«,k k S.„-ent W WAIiSWORTa *d st »i|»ait« 1^4 lair* n .ahe JlinN KNAI'P N„ -J |.,i Lueltow. ...Cornera.) 11 II SMITII. AUAMSONfc HVI'P... W tNXI.KK Mr Blxtiasrr). (I W Kl.l .SkCO Nu. 1 IMJIalre R.. •••1 AI.AMS Near P..-t Oil) Hals ft t'apa. A S ALSTON «i(MI Bradv -I. Wnf..l. A i»ltKI-:N .....I Clan H..*. VKIIUKR CRAIIPTON str t. Hardwnre. W W' I'AKKK K »r..nt Hue K.I. I.ISWSKv s| „r Bt*.*: Wheleaale Urarera KV A N.S, I'll KW O CO ('„r. v,| |t p, III Itlt A SWIFT.. net. I'roiil .1 ntH -.,i, a. Farallare. Maltreaaea aad Uphelstery. M.'NKII. k BliOTneR Wb.|ealo and Retail W. IT U\1DS WO MTU Y I O W A S A K E O A A V E N O I O W A N O V E I K I Kwnluir .Vaxriabrr I*, ot tfc. ru«d- u k*-plii* Isrgi-•iiianul ba k, which VuuUI I otb«r»i-r iiml u» svll ih* 'UUj reipu binw I Tt« loo pMcr«uiiipart with Ui'»i oi ia«t Mr. lu- Who »rr »bl» t.. dmo, I., how t., ib- ir market vu tiki aa up- SB Tlrgtnu Aa ±i4 BB 10a aeeaaeeaaee ^Uai ••Kikiiifl OJif 4 ut iu bulk ItHa 16 vuarae cut. IU l^awiiiK, due cut... SI III full It grtie*. 2 AIN* $ AO OAAC, ee* bil.... IB COKE 16 W'O(li) ss .i c*»rd*. 4 60 Lt'MBCR—l»t Cl»ar 36 UtMJi ft BB 'il Cl^ar at) 0U«ai4l BB Cutnnt '.*» OiWa 35 00 Cull board). e 17 oo Ifo Floor, dear 33 01) Cocntiioti 33 »»'i 15 BO Bcantliuic ee.eeeeeeea In Ull Jol»t iu ou fl*diiiK, ti'-ar e..eeee»eee e i'i uu CtMlimOHeaaa a 18 00 Bhlntjl^n a.eeaeeeeee 2 6 0u«(nr«* 00 Lath 3 (10 IHrrctory. l!7 Fji o Mk pm, W W-IIJSV -*d, *J K V A N k e A N u i o r- s s Dragglsu. W K E U N i n .- I a i w llrai'a Faralahla( Haada. A S AI.HHS .1 i U Ilia-lt .t. t-tuw JllllN KNll'l' |. B,.v VKRUKIt »t KAMI-TON....S .-. .i..| -i eiwl of Brady BmI It Silieea. MOQBK k BROW N K'.t.lybrt 9.1 ft Tabaa ce lr I'ljari. N KL'HNKN M-Iafar Br». v Wni. HRAVKKI Hra-iy near Ki., Maalc k Msilcsl laslraneate. JOSKPHA CRANHALI Nt. i.-Claire lt" Sieves k Tinware. Y A N k K V I Y K n k a u i S S A K V U I I I K I e e S k The lawa Agrlrallaral Dept l. NOUKSS. k Rll.K rur Irutit k tslaBd Leather a).d Saddlery Hard ware. AIOIIT k SKA RS '.'lid st l»-t ltratlv k P- orjratotf If art up ntxl \v,t-, We fcave nH .| It:^rty. .id, .1 al...t. p. rry i...BiiPl. I^CUlie CMfelaa. SAMt-RI. PKRRy Op,, PoMO«.e I. I.OW KNSTI1N (|u. 6 L/^'lalre K .H 1KAKK Bradv, lift Silk 4th nt A. CASTE IX It ()•...........('t.rHdki Bt ad est Dry O U aad ccrira. HKtllKNIIHMKK "ji.,!, „elr Brady -i Watches k J'welrjr. If not'SKI 2 lA-Clane Ru« A C. nil.I ON V, I, Claire R..», 1 NKI.SON Ilti'ty, 4liuve|| Beelta rry Tiie WILL OPKN ON 1 Illc, MONDAY MORNING, His Fall Stock of FI.\E SHAWLS AHD CLOTB iHD VELVET CtOtKS, Wtich will eujbracf some of tbe r|che«t ^rooda ever offered! o th ia place. Flat Thread aid Ma.teae Edg- lafs. WB have by far the Largest and moat pert*,, stock of I~11K8 ever bfougttlo tbla place, ct.mprialiie all widths and prices,of the best and lao.t fkihitiDable makes now In ti*«. Ptean* examine theni at ootis-dtr I TWO HIKDREI) AMl ttfTIf CLOAKS, A N Z i a A N 3 Talmas, fteataet van-'ty'-r tie au»v- x.tod^everbronaht to ttavenport. Kt-n ..lie wMung (ro...|sof this de scription can I'i th -Bi". iv •. fern this large as sortment t^.lle^ .ire invite,I t.. xamlns th'-m. Prices Raage Froai to 1 On Wetlneatlay last tli. Bankers In Chkaflu ralald their •"Ding rata* on New Tor* aad Bintiiil to IK per cot premium, and one of th- piinctpal railroadcotu- rtue- Coal Co«»k Store. WADSWoRTng, Op}Hi*-ite l* Clalrt* Hout*e. LACE CURTAINS. I in'-t exp« n!lv ^HR rlhet, bandmuae gnoda In the plarv. At naperlor In tbe- way of them at uctlS-dtf withIng «oaietliinf ry Fine Curtains, can fltil wadswokth a, Qfp I a Claire Houae, RICH ALL W00r DEL.IIXES AMD VMentim Flmim* Sonofkindsrlshestbegoods the In the place of the above are to found at WADSWOKT'S, OCtll-.ltf Sec. nd -tr.-el, Dollars* 6 ftO WADSWORTH, av|»UM Secdind Pt,upp Ia- Clair* Houac Shawls, Shawls Eight IN ta ia ia I •ui.titia a* MiD.ii.nai and a mseh better article than maay merehantt can pnr'hae* for thr same money. Oar assortment of ,.ani was tomiwiied to pay IH t.r a la Tie anouat. I ttaer shawls Is nnssrpasaed to qasllty. ri. hce» of nane r. here found it n -o.ary ft* their own pro te tii n aUo Ui raise rate, to the saw. point as at Chi cago. Tit -is is little Baching** afertag, and very lit U" aatsrlal of which It can be made. We do not aa ll tpate howt y.r eo large a dssnaud for tbe remain der of the Ul. aadhnpe th. Highest point ia at last reached. Ot.l'.r, and beautiful de-lgns, wLlie ths pries e.ry low. We havo i„nt of the Pfaaat aad Rlebeat Shawla eeer bruoghtto this market, aad can accommodate piirehaasrs with a XiMvii! Prirei. All IB waat ol Shawls will do well to e**nlnstl» WADSWOBTH'S, Seaaod H. oppceite u Clair* hMC. uTLmm tkr Ui. A DWBLUire aot u e»«aiala« aubt MM sad fcr IT „, »ttaaClw Iks "WW Mir iNttrrlMA atrt^a. Ant? tho nf tlu* Stove are very lar.w Wt-can give yutir^elv-t, at th* Haune Fmrmer'H Mlnul Quarter* Iowa Agririiltural Depot, CORN KR OK KiiCK hUMi N I IKuNTSTS. N« l'KSK A: IK1.L. l'rijii'i. tors. ZXavo for snlo Thttrabmf Ma li»ue t.-r 1, n aoti !•«•. iri-t Mil!», P.rtaM«* Saw Mills atid Curti Sln ll f», a«lapt i i H'^r^ Power. Agricultural H»ii« r«, Hiwar Mi Us Cfc^cs* Proaaea, C*.rn Cni»li x- Me.itC'itt- r-, Saustw Si 1 ITt-r-. tfpaUf^ aii'l Furk«, Har and Dun? F-k*. WHf.)nv, ,tr'i' ii HH.I Kviiiro.i 1 \Vh***'lt rrow»t au gem-rail) »lt iinj ^-ni- tit- r-quin-ti bvFartuert*. Ura»!». VfKftal'le .tn«i Fl .wer f^e •dn. E S cci.brHt. .j ii. in. f, a1e tc Jtat. tl-d*wtf NOCK4IA VHLB. N E W O O S JUST KKCKIVKO A I Smith'h Variety Store, 1»\VEMMtlt r. WOOLEN lt A UTM |]JiT, BI.A(*K aixt fancy cul«»r-l fancy »n*i black plan: pnain aud plaid Ca-«Miwp «r*^' (,rt«sinie'*''v. BEAV KK CLOTHS. The fa#hl«'»abl'' arti. i- f-r l«di6a* irip.ik aiel la!mar fanry Atid rol"pd ••la-h-n' fpjth," in all th* defliahl* color jiiJ trimming.* lotiiiUL. A^' b:u:, blaik, irr* y, lnuwi., lia l. SatUi' J-, for ai*l bo^' w ar K- nltirky «o4 I-lU'l- »..nruent ut W ol**n 1! od-* inind fhildren al» riJto »i.d Wmu'ii rinfc OO.UUSTIC UOOBS. Brown an H- of nil m-iths and j»'i wh tc, i-1{, leu- anl a ii vl'»"4 Wo» U*a iUi.u i l"o\n» and eaeli*tl tabk da:n*«ks ahirtnit ai ai}^'! ch'ck-5 ArrTloai) and l-h silk war,- arid S!i *k°! Flar.n I-: 1t-4 and V.M tr--Wo rn-l l»V,iohe.l »hf ff Mugliu- cuttoti an wm-i Klann U Lib?" Ukok»\y shlrttnK pi ini» iom«vtic Giiighatai{ Cii.ico»ii uf all I I N E A E N The Most Fashionable St//e of lhrt*8 Trimmings for tht Season, being i LOSC AND 8QCAR? SHAWLS* w*« bave ttow In atort-a very larpt »—»rt- me&t of ail c. lors, tbat we can uiattli maierl Rt of dre»* Moud he ai*v aU widtba of iUck Mtk Tvlfet ut U ns, ire Auttqui andotbr .1 -iciipiio . og Dre*» TrUiuiin*-, Kelt Rlbbuna. br ».» Rlbtoii Trimmln^!*, r^ncy Velvtt Ribbons, Plt^h Kdgf Triu. nlag. fcc •oslerj Mi Ww« Depart neat. Ladi Mlk n^iribbod andpiain iamb ., u-«,| Caahmerv and Mrrin a', n»"-*ea'aotl child ft ti Hofc b^avr 1 li*»«! 'U- i. Hov tje r. y p-»t?..n Hosi' ry frnta' merino and w., -cn tiai r- Hi- g~a tini a raw i Rvt-rv d«-»o*iptUo of a*lk, me' ln^ ta# ttv, fleecy ll. ned *ilk, ca-hmerp, bcrlin* beav«r and calf r'ky- -,for ladle-, gvhti, and ai.-j Ahxai.d r^ Kid Oiuvea gefit*' and ladU kid-Ilnt-d GI^bv* fltr. LIMBER! LllBERR I VIIK aub»crlbert w^uld ctfully iuforru the 1 ahiW. of leTfnport anil ih.* puMic gto^rftW 1 FIFTY DOLLAR SHAWL, or Jtte st any price aader they wish, la Bay Bute, wat' iloo and Scotch Plaid, leong andRqoari' Shell, we have a large stoek st the that tbe keepoonatantly on ban*' at tbrlr i Mi.i, tn Roca 1 aland, corner of Rock ftlver and Wa^h lnctr.n »ireeU, fteaautied Pl«..-Ui|taad Btdinn autl ktnd-f fliiiahlnK lomher of lb: beet qoailty. tit: ano examtoe out E V I O O O K S O V E is one ot tin-! est J9LTm *VKR »tf«»r«.| mtliis m»rkw. Tli" flut *rc lAi«r ami «»f artt- th« j. rvnrt »t i j»r i a from the ••am" w «:»•»,. .| mt- tl,.-ll.:.-, it!, .-t jififtTHW with th BoilillC or TIaI. i-m**? Ilwic t. n plat'* thi' fiMit tlirfira that ih« fir.- hi. m\ .«»,« ,,, ... ,"577? n alH,re»tovr Ih WAIUMM KI) TO Rli int-| also t,TllV,'s t.. -1\ I'KK! KIT S vnK S( 'IH»\ ,11 W TV I the Bay State, New Empire Slat«-, am v. 4 K I Tmi n,,. n il.« 1. A i IIAKIII. in.) -I st:• i -ati-f:,rti. Ufstiru are warrant .1 I., if.ik» atiMa, n I'-.-ecall a, al ?l,e JVrw i*htng H*arerooma, Second St ret I. Sign or Big Tta Kittle E w i O O K S O V E This is the Stove to whiek was awarded tin /',fv, «w nt th.- lift K.-ott County Pair.hdd S,.|.teoiW, 1856, IIO*. tu Fnrnhhing HarereeniN, Seroiid BB8T 'Ooa.1 Oooli. Btove ate, Sigu 6f tie u 11 in a u's furnishing s o e I• (tt'IIt i iit iiiitili^ t.«n»ls, •t,K H*'" tJi* t? ii i »,) l41* wish pood an1 leiraMv ii.- 4 «i .i,.- i,«,iiitant- iy*in-- tli.- hnt -f uivP'- from ktetw yoiib:. he would- t) fl'iMi' i i!ii..f uj-luTig nmw* and S i s to try Ills! r. rt:-« arrant-tl.etut.. c!t« satMhetloa. tViii ,#.v» ski: II N. BAIiTIN. lira.: Mrs-., ii" itO'.i ll .w Third -r..-t., t.-.'-i-i-r /. iltft.f fKVB, CHINA, qVEESS- TtryK I Coiufe'i- h-M-.' a-u| nt J^hnt i:'I Urav well .-elec- 'i tlUXKHKV LIKE, whichh k In |»art u! IU*1 fMowinjr H"i. l-» ttold Band hhi*. Whit hind China, ICn)riiAh ill, China Be«s OBl'ia Dtnr»er s tt*?. China T"i«- a t.-t^ d., China VaavK. t|o BriHmnla IVVim MRVrts, Toff'tf P.t*. Sp-otn, Lainp* rii-* Stannnrre. WniTE tKlMTE W ARE. Ora<* T»i e: se*t«. ur.iiii:** Piuuc ftett". fi/rt*'. iror» QlaaeJars, Olass Tnmblrs, (lists IJlB.pS, Olaas Pre*-rre •aho Cans, Glass l.aaierBs, Q.a« ttlulK., '.lass Oebict-. mated W*are. ForlUt K Cm&or*> nockiitfpham HMr«. Alsoa :iri:e v, i Oockbetor parnhaalng »l9«h J. A. B1MUON k CO. October BO, 1B0B.—d 1 vear *Vinch Wrtndmw CUmm, EDWARD P. DICKIE, 144 Otaaalen altaat, ifew York. Twedosn west sf BailaaaBiTer laUroad Depot a'PBM U itsalsn aa *mmrnm M* ^i-brat i O K S worth fr Ui tl 2"t |J5 I w t, \nocall the at teotloD Of tl, pu' i:.' ri.y lie: M— tment ef 'J Looking 411 an***) jnat reanved, and for »«ie at i w pti.*, at i vn i Lttko^rapher, En^raver aad Map Fnbllsltfr, il ten ye. S. w V rk. P.* I,.I »a »»•,. sMe kill tw 'I'tutul lu a vlp nnsnrpassedbf sarof th" sh"v natnixl and ..(i ih." ttoil **..ns.l. terms. n=. Checks. Clr^tsrs, Bnlheads, fan ,im. .Ie t'l' -ilsrs, Vi. wa of i'.J:iUa«a, Po-trsit,, g!,.,w .rds, Businefs Ck ds-ko All 0 r» fr.•_» a -istaare poactnally sHendr^ r.e: Sl dtr tsz&x&astfs free ol thkr*s. QU 1 7 N 5 State, and a great Vari*s». S1IITII k RK tl\tT0^. .tialy »«y cannot be excelled for* perfect n "f tli1 in. Please call and exsn lne for Big Tea Keltic, four Doors East of Perry. SMITH A. I{K1IM.T0V. PRW I:SSOK I0TT*S E I U E W I N E •A ia in i I .ITI I'W ftsfOHW Ta u: atie* of th4* i 'h «t bar c\ M*. ff' frtiis j»eimi I' fcl.ASS, WARE. Ihi-ii kfKvn. Heii..: purely v*gfta~ a'» L.^lgn d' i**t' ri. u- mineral oom fnt- Wine t.- i«ii n with tbe ut- o«t -tltt und* aim—' .:iiv uuiitance«. It *tre*Kth'-ti tV 4nacl», mviguiate ib* tyatem, an! i tiling pr-v iitv tb languor and probation i i itr i!tfth tthi ai^aya att*-tula K*\e and Agn, and I nQ toita -liaejia. n. it not only tr« Hka rb t. s roriTEH Healer WhoIt%'ilc fbr \hr rl II.x aud f«-ver I'Ut ienifw» the viim1 the l.iv ai. o« orp.i.-* i.t. wt-. ?i inii ai..! K«*\ dei*end«. Ti e'In.who ti ,\.- ,t*ei! thet-'-bij. fug* wine i»ei*l ru: «vld»" o« iu Virtue than ita hi|'!'V .• e It tr«i!\ a w..nd.-f imiisi-i'M.. and wrat-« nf. the hjnv I|» Iik"-a rhatm I Tli*- ftr»t «l .ae I K-1 Un*{' Wine bit «k« li Kb-Ils* 3ti'if i n'iitti *v rrdlt)B to th- dlf-ctl ,n.». reraovet* th»» dhkaa p"-rm»n«ntJj ffm th" »yttm. raid in a healthy c«.r, 1it»oi-. Tbo« •rtr-ou* wh" arc altUcud with K*-y. i ajil Affn* or am faun 'f Wliow dl-*a«, are rt-cumni^nd-1 •«. ir:» ill'. medi' ne a fai- ml whi« i- al! tha* ia n «*^ary fAh!«':re t«'n and f»nvln« al{ ..f j|. «tip^r|i. itf over ry'»th*T imed« ver i*! I th» pu'-'i". "f th' lilp.ii-! reep.« otlnn efoouo- •. mtprk" '--p'• -i ty -.u'' al: that i«iaiiiy i ueraity tn nnd-rstl. :ie: 'I ,1. .:•• •!'•. a-..l tie- tn« ta tflHtlK. it will l-h to imrnlacr -.fctvl or fal, Ui- i'-own Mi nts Ca itiu'i th" Poh*K—H»* Ibal th" »-*ni !b«* *Wike*. i- In hfi M*n iwrt tln- ir:. h- l'='ia:.«M.rv N..te, wnlch U aita, tn tip4 br tun a of ••a^li rncravfl labi on the bttle, 1 Al: d* ul Ur driitfiaata. Cbica* Fruit ••a.-k't"'. Cn .tb'U, Tpy». tr.,-tr. &,\\ wh..leaal" and retail by AieVonD VAN pArrsw. C30-/Iicw1 DlVRpi rt. In*, ^Cltl v r- Al Hi ROW. J0II\ tiEVUELL, »i, b'taiis. catw OVSTKRandGAME z i o o I BRAJjY STREET, 'pHK subscriber take, pieasar* In iafortulsg the A public be nas made permanent arraoge- a co. ... l:1i lake su t, Chk siru, litis 1*. mem. tob»ce,i„'su,ly in supply of OBSTBM fre'h AVls'O hailtetiy. trspraell.-al eipirl*n*"tn O fro»'.be-r, eas:, wbirh be r«o«lTss bi etpnes every l»T nmS'l" I thst all-. I !i .1 ie hlir. ed uan&ar. 8* will alto t'ap oa hi .d a 'i kilida Game aad Vealaea, WhttR wUIW ^rved th Nvt «trl« oa^aviMa tP*a. \A+ hfT kinds of il..up *ef eet nsllf fill VsloVlj I a libera! patronage wtt h* WMtiy^ajyeseuij^ Oct. IS IS-dlt iAKKINIt IND ElfHAKilKi Hnmkrrti. r. Ua*eiip.»ri HK.*I*K4.I \I A INSUM Hilt. XltltlM A lap-ni ati«» h- 1, v in« It *11 th* tmokp euu»iab. The uihr I II, VI.. ..c H. l. ,-i IN%, PI nr. M.'ltl |a, ?M»K !||.| A tankrrsA :tcalcr ia rxbfaafr. "V, .11. .-I. pi r. »intt. t| H'tN i K\. I ll if. I'l.ltf ltv-» iUall W Bit'* .« "4*1. Mwtcv rwnMtiil i* k%ur |Hi can »h n*ltod In any town in ••f 41 apwarda. '.4. IH.I lisle "KPBB TO I e. M„ I i 4 frv reek I 1 it A C. I1.llr.ltlul.ia. e •. t'tsr. Iloslitii. Ilita I- *i a C. ChVM" i! L-ttgtt ii. .-'«i. ti, OM» astliui ll If? Km, m. •I K *4" 4. hull .14 1-H tu s w 1-4 wlH.ifB w 1-4 I half I e w hair ui »r half IS w I if .if a e 1-4 ill ..fnel4ftl ki .'l-» "file 1-8 I Ml ..fsel-s Ml Tl lan.l. w. re selected tnanr years a(". «h„| -"iii'i of the best land* In Ilciitl ('..11111JT. a TiSV' never 1 •.'I..i• liee' Qere.i i' [ill I Adl COtlK k S A III IK NT. I AND WASKAMTC.—Allanes f.'r aalrhy For Leaaec 1 «»TS 3, d* an| A i Jatut Ttiinlatr«rt nf ParttlMtn Baildiag Lata, €M»K S.IHUKJIT lil H.-}| |V|. •nl'*ratf i I, tli.. tt ii, mi tills aiM.n, Bt uti a I .-.lit .( I. J, ail 3 ?ea»« Banking House. t.P mi uu, iiiio.. hahiiow DnEAI.KKi.IN POKI'lliN AND DOMMiTIO BX- iuanoi:,uolu,i*u.vkr,l'ncubri:nt mom. KV. A N I I I A A N On liarnl an foi lie .r location Office, eorner main and Vtl streets, liaveii|MNrtV oew building* (inrH &*)l*nv«-BB|>arl, law B) Selliag Kate* of Eiefciage* H, I I. tilth. Hrollter. Harreii Vork, t'!.iitilrlpbia. Ht 1 I«iaiat Cinolnnan. Ohleaio, Ktrhaiiffr aa ^eraiaajr. T^UI undersigned are una peeper, to draw k. FMilN l- O U «'kl. r, ri.«i 1 Itiyai Rh liai'i Ivr, JOHN Rolf ALC«Aliari»LA|V s»*« AI.RX H'IMKK, Pr«nifl**i«t. i l,Ataw, Vtr»' Prn MctiKKtiOR, Age lit. N E W Y O K I N S U A N E O CAIITAI., II.HMl.tHKI. Pubbv SMART A GIUETT'N (StTt KHFORS TO TWK'lin I. a 11 I IT' IVIII, 'rilK": jte-t v eliWut vi •-v ltd for: in «i,r I r-f P' v« ifd Con. 'l I, Uuinb Atr», Bil Mil If vaiu tt tjjerii ih- |»»i»:for m-w »al r«ai!». ami Uit«r. v i«r^» nfl«T«d ,»f in- -a.". ..hfl ronaiiiittR (iicra 111.1- ie. owius to itn hiving perform"*: ,K"t wond« r? .1 dud 4-t .rnsihinK curt-a b.m ita ''K1 t*pdiaUoii, Sto»ex, Tin Plate, (upper aad Shfft Iroa at n*H4LlSrli.§: XXdlVATaO ovxue, Tl -ti st store iii tbe *oi|d. sai-- by e i?*i Iktt 'I'MIt Kor—t Osk Cook St.'Ve f. o'.il 1 (»ep«) 8MAR1 A (III.LriT'H ri*HK i i. Ai.-c».kSt 'o t..i -j| by 1 (ep!») BMAHT A tilt LETT. rjtnl Viileae e,.* sluve ll i s.isll'i ae y 1 (-e.wll PMABT k fill PTT. try- fVi)-l dt rrU.! by Dr-!*fti-tj» and i bam mnst be dirorte*! W. N. or to t\ 4k Hiitiwin, lir'sH? 1 *HB H- h' troan enok st* for wmnI for by (sepJH) PMAkT A Gil I BTT I e 11IC H.ack l|nmon.l os% f..r cssi. Irlch s.arded the «-st i.i Biulu k' Iti- Ssiitt Co ak i u ii, ^att is IMS, fcr sale hp •«e CI.IMK»W* C.ok *1. v" hp (T 1 o VBH VOk Kweeted oeea fat sale W s e S A a fORNlNUSTAB, and kiag W sweesi slet' i e n s e W I k K r| 11X WAk's of all kiuts by 1 I s e S k A MB for sal'- W nOOFlK^hae unorder w I IV aapBS BeUe0Q I OPPOSITE P'aBUIB THE POST OFFICE. Mnkm ncaiMuc. BMmkera. Stm .*)'..-t.. •••f.lii»e.t...iig«,aaB*t4«. Htiriil NT (ililK. t- i.«t A«rala. Pi Ilea Mr.insa. •ua»: i him i: TO MCILRK V'tuiblo Farming IN M' u I la i: .N v. .llltt 4 e a. I*" .1 in .ii p. is, ihe Pt II. I...» ,..a i.-ualH'' la-kts U$r*4 ou th* full..* ::ig !i rntiw to «ult pur«*haa»t% I and nohrit iIm* fii-tsun nt all thoar ItaVing biia»a with th'** CHUBB, BRO BARROW A OO Maaaa»i. jTMUelNti Hit i* *1 Ai upw i MI'iiv Hm* H-ne It rotary I*IIMi«* A VI... as, I Mt' i i' i k.-h o at lair it* jo C-VHHINs 4i DillieWil*** WAHHUTt (WMN wain P* Dasonat. low* BBPVR To Me art I'H.nni Jr k Ot. I, I'a-liw. AMI .ot ii r«i,.|t.i lim I li».|t, sntr,M 1MB I'. l.iei An t, |,, Baoa. .-loa. U «i»,, iihu k JoiiaaioM, ChKace. M4r,.iM./ Hi//. .iU:,, ..,,1 UMd ISrods i «ai«Me/ IB 1-ni of It. I'mh'l Mill, al lt\i In,i,ar aa all Ibe PrlaelMl I NKS •Tlbe I allad luira aad l.srsfe mitttiHT SOLI*, Y» tifM 't in mT i in •«ui» Ail upward* Mwl 41 M| lane. IreP tioodnI Kew 4*ooda!l I1IHVIKD AliDKM, Herrk*i T«Uor% AMD .shttttNjili' *a«J letatl Dealer in Mr/nty •Hmtte t'trnthimg, r„a wrriiV, Trimming*, Ht» 1ft. Mroadrlvlh* SS» a»i4n-iui SMI Gruti9 Umdt «nur TuUurt' I...I ,1.1 .,4 I- Baat. with oaealMe i..e-i .1 I a i-Mcd aiecbsef Bas4se*e* ..I, ,|. ii. ii.i- atarket. e*lsun# la part ef me I' .oii.s sill' r- Kngt-h Preach,*, naaa aad A eat I'-jn .ll tie Ma-el quality aad lets** style .if CmMHtmrrr* Kualiati, Krrticb and Atti« rkan. u| r\ varMv of atyk, mluf aM quality. llliNf|. Whiti Mate* iltoa. Matalaue, Whit* Kuti 1 Til •ilk., ..n.t rion si k Vei. i. Paim-v Silk an«I I in. n. Italian Bilk Mmiadme. Bailn lialtan Ci«ih» *i'k Wtuiti unit '«—hiner»'ii in grr«fl VBikrly. Orercoating. I'. s. HIIK and Blown Bmedctetb, Dm ..ii, Wliitney. aiel Pll.t CI. lbs, I Hlue, Mr..*,, .11.1 Mal'wfl ('n-tui Heaver, .'auaata mltal aad Hataraof Ihelalest liapurt* Remtit Made- Ov, Om-i-sack-, BuHouta, a i n a k a 4 i a a an*l l»«. ^. Kr.^k .-at- of all alt iy -ilk. vHv«i IMu»h, O^'Ui.Citaliiiiwie and V «l« n Vr-t-, Uiaiii*'t, ^a'H" I nhfr and tMiat, f«o« y ii plain a..liner* aiet IU akin Paot. I» n'o and Proek*, Wiapix ia and Ovarall* MStmimhing Uood». I|trk"rf A «».. A l% I am real. I I ait o white (dais ItM. e-rte-la -i Pan* bo-'in, fain ro|. oeed Bblrta, with awmnci aad potka wil-tiAiKta. iiiif 0 .e,r rd ed Bvr |k ik, an lap |lar«. Neck Tlee. Bt«*.-k 'All all') piaui Craea'. *rn. t.u k «nd •Colore*! kblt lined baek.cMh, rh*» t»rf|e|«t AbrriWa, Berlin I'tiioi., air' lietiuan and Pur Ueunit' ia, Wtmt in1 rhioand Hm whip amt faiM-t nnen aiel «Uk llatxlk i «hUf», it*'foulrr*-«l lauib'a I, tkbl*« aii-l nii"d laertiH. tan! Wrapp-r- mm!Drawern, W.-»i Mitta. *arf»-. Mulllt it, '4' uu Ht«aw|. ai.4 rtt.awiiM'i. i tuKr-ilr-, Ca iwt and all •*Ii* at' i-1*" uaiiT ke|Hby th tra-l' al' WhM*ti uf fully kiibioiitp^t is tli« -^asMwathiii of coatomere. au will win ire thtft**- ^i«ctii n«. RIlWARU AI.IHN, I o t-t f^ut,'.ppmli- a riwir# n®w, D-taaip- i t. |*iv«. (Rfiween Main anl» i •••jptd-dtf 114#-7. V'AI.L I MA#-7. A A I N O N K N A I AT THi: OI.o hl AND n| K A I K E I I O N It ^ia. II I.H lairr Haa, M«rrn|MN'(i HABiNst lN%nrNHi-c /*.a« NI« •J*. II -IM *Mlr«-K..f, I,.-. w. Jttnli n- r.» voMMrMi'' AI. I.nsi \M E ro.. i»P.«»T M)lrIS Mil '5»p|1at Main Ihironpotl, fam* W liner, riHUH'M* A Ijl'trw, l-ia. Wnlkcr, I, Sturgeon, K Tutt, Roll In Clark. John II Win u kljr, Wm Ottliai.da, Cha-Al! Ps-rk, Hti Iowa I Vi.rk Hetia and whi. I .—«i iuiiI 1-esle leI'd UOOitS eve* O0e .1 til" pu'- I III flat- ro «ite ot fttat 4itl I wtitH l»» i av. t. «a I*, ray mim-ioi. pat* r»i»a th it I »r -ell FALL t*l WINTER (iBBBM dieip i than *v e. whl i aaving im tli, bin I «ni parfM f'.IOi he ia't :'-k *f IIHI.SS VOOilH^tK it •••rt'O-at of ptin and li^ut i utiaii I vik« I*.a|i«e -It t:u,p' u TMi.."-, fidM»r|r tng nia Piai-la H»\t.i,v I'i .••»» iit .1 *^t. I- 4tg?ittiii e. plain a-.*l Mku 1 |e a» al +•».* l.ainm .tion and •:«. .1.. itii d. tiaio n sv of Mourning Dreaa Oooda, Staple Dry liaoda, frli.t.. PaaaaaB, Act'y. M..aaui Pa• sans. PtesL ALII IP. McttREfloR. A (fen.. fel.81 Itaeenporl, Iowa Canibrle*, alsat. JM Qntoiaait heaMas steeea hp ct »p. i iiS'. pr to sere* taem lo bis castoas- AIX aads»ehr peawsl*** wbai i«e theys •KAiiTaaisxartA, ss*M Brady strcst. asaeaMe Poet OfBce rt^Vli BliVut ^auhUaa" saass IM jfc j: tt jitf tii i a 111 a the isibesmgwfer, srwpuut MMMUl ts sail and eani* lat. a a.eaua. aiel brow ii OoUuas, 1rsl.. -,k' places cpoa pieeae and at prtcee salt THR MII.I.IIIN A N Y Y O O S •Itbn. frlmiui' ll.%»ar)r #Iot P'Uigae. VIT a« .tt. na 4* Ikr RlMjaau £.«ffNoi»i:aiAM aaul'en 0.4lar*. Knii.n. d.i^l u.u.. i. skd Caaibrle th. Lace d., Kmbr. iilereri Mnsliu and I ta^rp Sli.' s. I .e aid ll'.i. o.n .1... Mu-li" SfMl Caribrtcl Bsi.d- Km, 1) .1.. Mil ui s it. .. e r/sings and Iaieriings. Bngti.h Thread Vallcuepnaee, hwvma, Oroohei Lace Bd* *. Infant-' W.l-ts arri •mbroldei ed bandkeribieft. Eiul.. witl- e4 Hue tin Bad Oaail rk sstts, k White If RETAIL w i tHcs, ll 4i* and ortatp-ut Pa which i-of Uanipurt The Centurion, flalu India Bo dt av.d :wi«a Meellna, atrip^ Aaeiai aod up- tied 1 am »i '1 he k faml ri a Tl' torla l^ttua Pillow Cav Linen and Bli—tfg-. Wawih* 4. and'."'Wu TaMe Cl th Liner, N*pktn» Ihtii'i'i. (Mrtain lrape ie*. Ladies Lawn at»«t*-» Mai*" kerct^efa, U«m,' k«rdare«t an«l pia ij 4*h ati bruwn Utah Uniii. IMapera SHAWLS. Brof hf and Caahia* rr I. ig and Bqta^- Bhwle B'»lla da Bilk and Thibet do Bar Bta'e and Wat«1ei I «ag aod Bqoai*d, Oento Traveltrig YANKEE KOTIOKS Of sll klrels. I k rolls' reiel rsi Epead TTiresd JH Cletka, nnlairrfs, birkukia Glawen aad llllts^T" WOOLLEN GOODSl (,-aaelincrsa, I NX skins, Bai Inets Tweed, aad Jeaaa, Oev#Sfoyt a. ii Wntr-tii.*, aiaed (,'oatli.a, Ssti. s a'l rtf B,i,i ei.I,-., i*.is Blankett, Btmrrn, buffi is, r/wHh'l$» ftrey's Ps«k lass—Pi.i.a- a, ai.ite i.d i«* d. Trltaw mg t. maatdi ljuhed'Imxets ths latest Pali iys*. si I'•• I lafhli 1 ei.old lav.t. ti^ ill's. ui -l.e I vU i p,i sr.jt.) my err." a.p.,f a MUs^ls MANTI1.I^%S. AMD TALK III Uf the as' fsshi.-aible f.l ait •. ItS, .1at all price* frca lo* high. Tugesbs Ilele of Dry 0««ls kaewn II. all of wbirh I wtu enailaa- w«abr at »ie-, wSl de^r osapetkloB _oms Jean ts tpp. MU—tutUm. B*a QUnmiA wan ef all ktads by •aa SVOPaSaf all Wad* fi •et0* ip besrtef r- lag k let'S. tb* JOB* JO Jali UI, I tnt BUS* II la lb* pri«M.e iMd IbahMlacs*will besusrtlaead abtWIken MBocaaaaB A Maa. JOB* iC.,.1