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STATE democrat. •M. ft. WB*T, UMlito. Alter fcVraSKBb*,! Mmn. oppiciai. rim or cirr u»b. as^a-Tn-w*hir, a«M_w„kl,, gt.oc ously triumphed. Our eagle* glitter cf* HMmrvitT. Wwralag, tt. wiiNi^ram, To tfw geauiae American citizen, tha mention of the name of W amino tow calls Into life a variety of emotions, whiah the nine of no other mere mor tal haa the power to create. It no on# qtulity of hi* character that tranacendently distinguishes him from w'tly beaten it is annihilated. The other man but a combination of ex- presidential election haa settled many cellaociet, which taken together, like a i l^e cluster of stars, radiate an effulgcnce unmatched by any single instance of individnal renown. He had not the m tellectnal endowments of a Webster, eloquence like an Otis or a Clay, or generalship like a Wellington or a Bo "parte, but all (he faculties of his sul were of such an e^ual growth, Uiat each attained an ejual activity him) strength, and gave to his mind it«-h solidity and balance, that everv con caption which it entertained and every plan which it produced had all the ex cellence of perfection, and therefore of success in every undertaking of hi* life. It is olien the oaue with men ol fame, that their glory has U-i-n arhieicd through the unnatural development of Particular faculty of mind which •earned to absorb every other in the progress of its devolopment. i'hiiu, some have been great general*, states- •M, orators, poets, and heroes, from I (h# extraordinary growth of some par ticular trait of character. But Wash ington was none of these. If w l,.„k at him as general wv find n«e» but we look in vain for the whu combining all these qualities of charac ter in the same harmony and pcrfec (ion as exhibited in Washing,,,. Some 7 admire him as a general, SO terofthis Western Empire, surrounded '*r •n'1 with officers and so'dicrs who adored him, no thought of personal ambition crossed his mind, and he submissively surrendered to Congress all his power and authority with the same meekness with which he had received tlieui. This conduct covered him with a lus e n o o u n in Napoleon, in Casar, 1 or any other famous general under aim' i,w0 ilar circumstances. When he had sub dued the enemies of his country he did not seek to subdue his country to even on saeh a party. We eopj the fol his own aggrandizement. He was lowing description by Mr. Webster:— above temptation, for his aims were Bostoa Post. •«We. Happy shall we be as a |eople ho long-.genuine reverence and love country as k* 0 *. ..d k. Osgood. I WHAT THE rmUIHKTULILH lil| (ffl fcwfci—I, wMdhls alBiaa. Tie* hmicttlmk Froa thai liaa «U1 diaear he to to hia in tlte bright Itum of the »un and our llagt proudly wave, with never a star struck from their folds. The Fnl on is still a thiug of life. It is wt only perpetuated in marble, u» brass, and in |oetry, hut is a living principle, a binding obligation, held to be sacred ly imposed upon tbu entire nation.— The sectional party which rallied un der the name of "republican," is no nM»t important principles since the government was formed. It has consolidated and eternized the L' mon of the State. It has crushed out for ever all secret political societies It haa spoken peace to the adopted citizen and words of welcome to the unfriended but meritorious immigrant. It has tiiuudered forth to the ears of spiritual tyrants our glorious creed of religious liberty. It has again rebuked the political prii-sthuo-i of the country, and trampl ed into the dust the new attempt at union of church and State. It bas hurled from the lap of the na tion the rubbish of sumptuary legisla tion, prescribing what we shall eat, what we »hall drink, and where wit hall we shall be clothed. It hn» enunciated in the most sl- t'""' na"»cT .the doctrine of self guv- ern,m:Ilt as applicable to State* and i Territories. It has spurned the treason and trai tors of I lll( It has consigned the Wilsons and the Bankscs and Hales and Wades, to an infamous notoriety. .rjt prudwee, skill and bravery and not thoae splendid characteristics which i covered Napoleon with glory, if It has strengthened the handsoftbe friends of freedom wherever its spirit is felt or its desired. I It bus enhanced the glory and pios perity of tl e nation almost beyond conception. W( Wk at him as a statesman we find »u Adam., and a Jefferson, who were his superiors in both the science of gOV- i •rnment and the construction of hvi (*»s perfectly adapted to the wants of civilized men. If We view ,„m as a patriot or a christian, we find his e^ual every village of the thirteen me a •tatesman, and some as a christian It bas given importance to ever iu- 1 dividual in the republic, bursas*- he is uow looked upon as a citizen of the great country and not of a fragment of the I nion. co|„. PKKSIDKNTIAL ELKCTIOM. Official Jtmult in ttyht Htutrt. 1 ptt Hut more admire him for the principles which he represented in his person and character, and to secure the adoption of which he spent the 1 greater portion of his Hfe. i was a republican in principle, and a patriot at heart, /,nd his chief ambition was to secure to his country i independence and a republican gov i eminent. While a conqueror and cov ered with imperishable glorv, he seemed all unconscious ofhis glorv or his pow er, and thought only of his country, i When flnshed with victory, and mas- I Frf iiiimt. Fillmore. Hueli'n. 39,963 Verrnont, ('••ninrticut, Ktio ie Island, Nf* York, N't'W Jrr»»y, Prnnsylvauia. Urlawnre. Maryland, 4^6 ,1 hn It is not Washington, therefore, Mr. Jefferson ia aow betwaea eighty whom we ao much admire, as it is the principle of action of which he was the perfect representative. The Goddess of Liberty selected his brow whereon shoulders aad his neok being long, tbers to place the diadem of Patriotism, and ^'bTual protr'.bn of* Itu'sVill well oovered with hair, whiob, having been onos red, and now turning gray, is of an indistinot sandy color he wore it royally. Henceforth, forever, will the name of Washington be the watchword of the patriot, and his chief pride consist in emulating the example of the Fa thar of his Country. ioB of loved it, no dangers can Ter7 ., ie uinarj aixo. ma waii ia out prwsiao ana harm it If we merge pereonal ambi- -,41^,, l»h MfiJi te have oywwd swsss diuis after drava of ihsnweadtsg tbeir way ewtswa,l6rwwh8|i* foh*Bg*M Taylor l«t- conuin n,0M ^e real life of this great man than anything that has appeared. These volumes are edited by hia son Fletcher Webster:— Among tbs oontents is a description of Ex-Praaident Jefferson, as he appear ed in 1824. Mr Webster visited him this year, being "ne of a party of sminent Bostooians who were several days iu tbe "ioinit»Mon ioello. It was within ja"M of hi# WM Dsoember, 1824. oue and eighty-two, above sis fset high, of an ample long frame, rather thin and spars. His head, wbiob is not peeulisr in its shape, is set rather forward on his bot tioil la th* nobler ambition ot' |irtnno- 'toopa a little, cot so ssuob from age as ting the good and glorv of our country. [tom "'«al formatioo. What, sitting, J* ioog mod ^•r£s*5XVS,jr^: struggles (says the Belfast Fret Press) roartMa ailae. Dints al fow, Mum ever witnessed by the cmliiwi world, «0 th. drswiog rooa at six, *!*••. JWfca *a .-O.™, of Aum a~. i S tiriag at that hoar ia so etreag that it bas beoome asseatial to his Matt ami eomfort. dis diet is aimple, bat be seeae resiraiaed aaly ht kii taste, Hia breakfast is tea aad oone, bread always frseh from tbe ovea, of whieh he does not seem afraid, with sometimee a slight assasipsaimsai ef aatd msat lie eajeye bis dianer well) takiag with his msat a large proportiea ef vegatabiea. Ha bas a strong prefereaee for the wiaes of tbe eontiaeot, of wbiob be bee maay eerie of esoeltent qualltj, basing beee aore than eommoaly soeoessful ia bis ssode of importing aad presorting them. Amoag otben we fooad tbe follewia^ wbiob are very rare ia this eoaatry, aad apparently not at all injured by trans portation :—L* Ed nan, Museat, Samlaa, aad Blanebette de Limoax. Diaaer is served in half Virginian half French style, (a good taste aad abaadaaea. So wine is pat en tbe table till tbe eloth is removed. In ooaeersatioa, Mr Jeflisrooa is easy and natural, and appareotly aot ambiti ous it is not load, aa ohalleaging gsas ral attention, bat usually eddreesM to tbe person aext him. The topics, whea not selected to suit tbe ebaraeter aad feeliags of bis aaditor, are tboee sub ieots with which bis miad seems paiiiea lsrlf oeeupied and these, at preeeat, may be said to be science and letters, aad sspeeiallj tbe University of Virgi aia, wbiob is ooming iato exieteaee al most entirety from his exertioas, and will rise, it is to bs hoped, to usefulasee and credit under bis continued eare. When we were with him, bis favorite subjects were Greek and Anglo-Saxon, bistoriesl recollsctions of the times and events of tbe revolution, aad of bis reei denon in France from 1783-4 to 1789. THE aiSBANBEO VOUNVIIK. This somewhat famous character haa again made- his appearance, and ad-! That paper says: Our old and esteemed crony appears in tbe character of a moral and politi cal censor -this week. He is rather more sentencious than usual, but there is a good deal of pith and marrow in his observations. Kead than, for they arc worth reading. Saint Nichalas Uotei,Nov. 14 '56. Eudvu KW OK THE StNLAI TIMLS 1 purxooiu youre dredful glad the long agany is over, and that Fremount and Filmore hev removed wot the French call thar coo iMnjioer. 10/77 3»7« 11.467 2,47 i 1,675 275,4 in 28.361 147 ,MH 306 281 UI.206 '24,115 19.'),314 4«i,9l3 230 WW 9 HI3 6,175 47 16- 546.M4H 28H8M 67l« IS KIIOI I Ht SKRI smsl.x r. u Messrs. Littie, Brown 4 Co. wnl p. b- lish in December the private oorrespon denoe of Daniel Webster. It make* two volumes, snd ia a collection of rare in terest. Many of the lettera are in tho style of the well known The niont vora- that send iouii'I the plates to collek llie sinners w»r for a lite in Kuhmim, kan skarscly be on speekin terms with the 1'rince of I'ea-.-e. My verdiek i« that |Mllyticks orter to be kep out of the church and the church out of pollyticks. The coun tryverses of the papers about Kernil Freemount's relidjin les ben sickenin Wot lies relidjin got to do with the presidency, I want to know The pccpul of the United States hed no more call to meddle with his creed than the Pope of Rome. He is said by sum to be a pius man but supposin he was an infiddle or enny uther viol of rath, wot, I repete, lied the masses to do with his faith hi* vivaoity, the elegance of bis hospitality, and the indescribable charm of hia oon versstion, as to make a deep impression Itho His eyes are very small, very light, aad neither brilliant nor striking. His ebin is rather long, bat not pointed. His nosa small, regular in its outline, and the. nostril, a little elavaied. His mouth is "Republican press to Mr. Buchanan s well formed, and still filled with teeth erly disapintment was ekwilly ondeli-17 it is strongly compressed, hearing an ex- kit Shame on the man who lit the eontent-.nt and beneVolenoe. par^aft hedded "Buck'. Courtship i for the character of W ashmgton influ- fan. I theTorrows of a wounded hart should SMEW rSSS •ace. the conduct of a majority of, ^Hls Lbs a?' i .,n,een American cititotia. If we love our anooattoaljjmg bit band® ao«i feet to »«i*. «db«» wrisU of an utraar- "eny. Say wot vou like about a can- dinarj use. His walk is aot precis, and i dvdate s public relashuns, but let his aasudtr) ,0(1 .w.^ing, •, bs appears short, partly from a rather than may the rtorms of passion rage in lounging habit of setting, an1 partly vain, for the Union will be safe from 'ro® th. disproportionate length of his trea*n and danger. But if we invoke U# dteM| wben in the buu the aaas 01 Washington as authority aurtout ooat, kers.ymers stuff waistooat, far persecuting adopted citicena or re-1 sn undsr oa* faosd with son* ssa 'twwl diagf rsd. His pantaloons lifkHis societies, then do we wrong »ra ,e Tery i( gny i00M ,Bd the memorv of the dead, and prevent oolor *s his eoat. His stockings are for our instruction. His whols dress is wwy as neb nsgleeted, H»a first book placed in the hand bul 001 tll# (ame k„1^.sS5Sfi55,2i"UPi alosenly. He wears a eomiaoa »h. vnnat«» ... round bat. Hi. dreM, wbaa oa hoM* w T® be tbe life b*0k, is a gnty straigbt-ho(H«l 00.t, aad Of WsshiagtoB, that he may be charged a sp«neer of th. .ass. mat.rial, both with the the the TJaioa. Wa have need of hi. ex-! roaad liie throat a halt whit* wo!-' same spirit of patriotism, and i P***1 w. first saw him, be was ndiag and, ia a self sacrificing devotion to addition to theabove srtiolesof apparsl, a. Wa have need of his ex-! roaad hia throat a halt whit* wo I KlkblaaaaaioMiatliae SiT5T^l£ ias of sectional hatreds. All looas. His gMsval appsaraaa. iadiea «*anot ba Washiactoas bat all can be *B sxuaordinary degree of health. ad, fc,tax.'Ujff'.jsiiigt Meaiacs. His lMariH isgsasnlly good, bat a aambsr al TOISSS ta aaissatad ee» msatioa aeafase it. Mr Jifciss risM ia the aetata* as Maa as ha aaa saa th* haads at hisaleek, whUhlsfbeedy ap^aaltahto bad, aS WM IttB febHsa^M kiuaaMalals. WW WOTVVWW SWwVVWWIn single Hem ia catalog. Its jest as m Ksahls a» the Wkijrpeomieeaof eoiitoe •takes aad two doDan a day, bdbw Tippyoanoo aad Tyler too etappad ia ter the Whit* Hoose out of a cidar banal Ef the airy of fteadom enlarged by .the edishia ef Cabjr or amy ewer rtal estate lyia cootagtoua to our anth em coat, it will be don pacifically aad aa to the re-openi* of the slave trade, than about aa much ehance of it aa of Ouvner Wise turain abbyliahiniat, or Mr. Sett's retail Ma •trtahaa fcr ooommon sense. Than not a pis to chose betwaea the ravena of the fcuytii aorth aad south. Tbeyre birds of a father. The main boddy of the paepul look upon em aa aorter down* to the naahunal ring, and oney larf when they cot aa extree kaper. But tho we put up with than in wee, they would mity soon be booted off the stage ef they triad thar hands at tragedy. Setch, at least ia the opinion of Toon, alios, A Dhiivdiii VoLCKraxa. LATEST BIBVra. MSsI Dlapalch u aa!. T. •niH. Wsshiaglaa, Mev. If. cious t-Uvtur kant hardly tell tbe truth,' r»ce^»ise«t 'as belong to Nicaragua, The tilt- hull truth. anJ initliin but the Bnti.h nroteeto.ate over the Indians is i i a dropped, tat with an Uftdrrttandinc thftt th* truthful cloHtc chiivi^, and bein KOO »*Hr, Irwin purnoiuu i:xperi«nflf, liow to itcuri for ihra an equivalent pre* di-'Mistiri hin is to upntt \wW\idvnls »«ctora»« from the ger*ni»#ot of Nicaragua I km itumJtfii. the ware and tore ot Vour tender Konshiusos doorin the late libellious uampain. The Black '-Ilepulili.-au" ministers of tin- i(os|ill, tuu-t f. flkwitc rrii-ated to think iliiti eli.-rk-htne-i-in •.ervi:t-» in iifi longi-r rtkw iivd in the lioust- of ioil. Tlu v lnKiinl ••outimmly, but thin virtuoim «t"i praii a||M'cr.t tu he* ben an*r:.l v ci/ vtray. No speculators for the purchase of Delswarr reserved lands. The sales are to be stopped, should such as* seciatioas sppear Cvrr*»puudtnc» ot ibe N. I. Couiin and Eo^ulr^r FROM WA8HIN0T0N. Wssbiiijtou, Nov Ift Tlia treaty with Great Britain arrived two weeks ~a|(0. It settles sll questions heretofore »*iUing, relative to Central A* merica, and all other disputes between tbe British am.' American governmenta excep ting tbe claim* by tbe Hudion** Bay and Pugei'a Sound arricultural couipaniei, rela tive to allegrd right• under the treaty of '46. Ui»lrr tbe treaty negotiated by Mr Dallas, the Mus)iieto coast, from the line of Hon duras, to tbe Mathern arm ef 8sn Jusn is orfce. of both oy.,nm.Dt7.ball be i Ths Indisns sre to bepiovided for, wlththe consent *of Niearsirua, by s smsll annuity proceeded from the duties collected at 4sa Juan. There sre very few ot these wretch* rd beings, mIio are rapidly disappearing under the etfecla of diieaae and eeneral dee* relation. The treaty brings to a comiuiiaicatiou the |Kitic) of evacuating Central Asserics oa the part Great Britain, ti uitnenerd hy th Clayton Bnlwar treaty. Tin: Nuiu Conoukmh.—Congreaa inuets on Monday nest, and a^journa the 4th of March. Nothing ia expect- dnutthe cousi.feied the waie dtMhl ritt-, anj art- il i'i Hjii-iit i»t g.-ttin wot they h*« I tor owi tli« left, l'rob aljly that liaptisi »hreek«-r in Ohio ed from this Congress but the winding w!io sod Freiiiount was "one ot il.e 1,01.1 s eluc feels r.nther cheep that the peep,,1 hev rejected him. In (,u. jnu. ,|ubiollh up of the Fimjon farce ler' Weth-r ^un ,Mt wa, some sixty days in elecUng miiu of Speaker, was three hundred days in the elefgy is much in the Lord's cou-: session, and then undertook to adjourn lidence as they ?|o-e. siein to tne without passing the auual appropria tl.Ht the Black •'Ilepuolieau" preechers i ,jon bjl folks to hum alone and ef his neerest, and deereet happens to be ded, be per- JJSL tickalerly pertickaler not to take tneir i names of tne gravestuns and put them rp into the noospapers. Seems to me, a jurnalist that dns that is a kinder litte- to shake our fethers and cro. The con9titushin is as safe for the preaent as ef it hed been doctored by Senator Brandeth, and the oney kwestin is, wot will be the corse of the incummin administrashan. The Black "Repub licans" publish the following interest ing programray: uNiggeraggy I Tharll ft ,8 nlis I see by the paper* that a reverend «f ar*.iy. Apjiicau..a b* m4, at**aLU* divine hes ben overhauliu Mr. Buchan-' an's stock of piety, and reporten on its kwantity ami kwality. It seems he sertchea the skiipters daily, but hesent jined the church. Piap1* its bekase he does ncrtch the skripters that he kant make up his mind to iine. Than setch an everlasting difference between skripter presepts and church exaiupul, that I dont blame him a single mite. line cleau agin pursonaltiea of enny kind, in party strugguls. Frinstance. wiU U lhe laktot Fusion C'ongreaa lor the ue* ifitty years years, and we hope forever. So say the people, as witneaa the laat election. Since the adoption of the constitu tion, the people of the south have vol untarily emancipated about two hun dred and fifty thousand slaves, worth at least one hundred and twenty-five mil lions of dollars. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Cud-tr ibla bead a limited annberof apodal aattcaa, will br ln«*rt«d at taa wait* p»r Una aacb t*»~*tkja, oi flftaaantaprr arwb. riAwrsBTi iBwraccnoN By Aba S. 0. WBST. Bnatdaaia. ua ^^1 a s a #. Kourih at iv«t, north aid*, oi 4u»r uf ,h'8l,t" l""HKr" far THE DAILY IOWA STATE DEMOCRAT.—DAVENPORT, IOWA, NOVEMBER 26. 1856 IV tfPU A* A distinguished faactuarjr ef the fovera B«ui luforaiad o-4ay that tbc Report was premature and without foundation thst th» President bad submitted to the goraro at of N«w Oreosda a preposition tor tk cession to lb* United States of municipal control over tbe Panama Railroad route, the cities of Aspinwall and Panama and a strip ef lb* territory) tbsre hse been no formal proposition of aujr kud. snd tbat it is still open aid ui decided wbat course will be pursued bjr tbe administration. It appears by the returns received al the General Land Ofict that the number of bouot lai.n wsrrants located under the act or Much 3, 1855, ia 99,564, covering more than -igtit ami a half milliona ef a eras, I ear ing, on tbe flrst of October, M^OUO under tbe same law, unlocated. The Treasury Deportment will shortly is sue a volume embracing tbe revenwe laws, with additional instructions and esplana' r?f*rd to Sb* ,. The Land and Indian Bureaus have sent dresses himself to tbe Times as usual. wh°l* *"vlTu MOMkT TO LUAN-ll tare* or anal, aw, lor a Iocs or Suit turn a* It may ault ap Lwt Warvaiita bxasbt aad md Itaada, f~r'I*«tr. Ar,. drawn at abort notloo. ftieaai*. Oflkaoftb* uadaraisacd uu Bradj atr*t, aaai Ajot abowP^at Ofllca. urrr Taliaaa. PywraS Mo- Leas'* Banking Boay. auMMdlv W WOODWABD. jmojrmirToiAiAjr. MB* la taa* to salt applicant!. Bnaolr' of TALLMAN APOWBBS, (mapSSdif) Atkaasoa'aBloua. Smbadat. DB. B. CAVAJfAtTOH.—Wa wuald (all pV atuoUaatstbaoardaf tbl* psUaaaa In another anlutnn, a* on* which a*rlia tb* attention of tba aflirt*d. Th«Dr. la an uid aad Iboraagbly the Demycrats hed no call to drag Mrs. I 'd»ca"-J pb»«i«an, aad haa dtww u* Ufa to tb* n *, i .. I apaclal di*ra*ra b» auw adrntlara to traal. RbriUa rremounts name before the public, Hmtui M|iirwumwuiatMtnaitk* dtia*a* of they lied a perfcck rite to give u"" him Jessie. The illusions of the black r»r »ai»'ta uk mt» br c. t. wbbb. )ru Paseo.—Wc would call au-ntloa or tba paMlr ajalaat a fraud dally paactlwd npoa aMuMPctlag la tbe arildr of Dr. bring Mr. Fillmore s family into the unm or iii Whmu, utb, ttii* Wm J. «•«. »«. fc-OB lOAV TO LOAN, ton* aa (JelUMf) K ADS. Land OtDce, aver Tallaaan, Pawara McUan'a Baak. oa Bra.ij *tra*t. nuiMtf w"m.. mat aiBUMton. i *°*A'i| b*bu»»tok ry hyener. ss *ai 4 Rowsever, wots dun kant be unJun, Bnnnna 1 wta wsj and these rank ebbylishuns af party ittaracys al Law, ranker dooriu the conflict must not B4TBMBT,ISVi. prevent good deiumycrats from rejicin °*c"°°r kseeaBdu*.,*PP- over thar victory. Weve got a four Collrctloaa Biad? and preotptly Trained te all parta years leese of the guvermen and a sock- laatern Kxchaa(* sr aal* ta aaaa t« aait apptt. doledging majority in both wings of, the capitul, so I think we ken afford to be annext Cubv, Havty, and Jimmaky to, be seeied tie African slave trade to be vanawad and the hall to konclude with a farrin war, the destruckshun of oar commerce, aad other startling fee nomray.w Thats tba table of contents farniahed by the aiggaroeracy for our next foarypar. hi^orj. Qaaawi gam mon I Tharll ba autoia lika la th* i«ciairaBaaa*. Maaey ta Loaaaa loa. ar bart aaa*. BBBBBBjrCBS: P. Olhaoa. B«|., OaaMet Baak of Balttaior* W. Bawawad, B^-, Chaatarca [W**t Ohllf, Ba. Morrl* A Joae* a Ih,, Phlladqphla Hoop** a TVlBMiawl. da.: P, WaodarardBCu., BaaSaw. Iliaa Darby a Barkadala, Baafcera, SI. Laala. Dr. S. B. Glarfca, lie. Aa, laa. Oa» It Laala 1 B. T. Laaeb a 0*., PMtikanh Day a Matlacfe. ClaatoaaM MoOraaor, U*aa I SUhaBMie, Davtapad HatolaMh, Bai)^ da. •sfct!jraaT_aaa fk*fMa«a%| »aanJ AM SON & RAPP, VMaak Iwlin It in JUirrtiKttfits. uatcuTim Liaasaf aad Maws a^at, oepaaU* Ik* !*Oalr« a«a«. Ms T«h,Qhiaasa. aal Olaalaaatt Dalll«a weliii n rylmr. 9.1. STsaa, 4(Ht •na Caiflai Ms Cbjr, W1"(•ataee at LI CLAIBl HALL, CM flMij, BvcataR. Sw., Mtk 'M Salilaat :-4W World w livo la. MsuiteiMlKii taHttlmaiS wn. Slasli ruaii sssia ,to ba has a Gta^aU'o Maale Slwe, til LaOlsli* Bosoa. Wait«4 asakfeMMt sad a soeS Mamaa SrilmaastiaSlaf wa»t atthw patmasaas or Mapaeary. B* will post aaS »la»a» baeka k» SoaMoaadolBaSxstrr, aaho oat aad aaUoat it •MS, or do oeprlas. 4c., qsuaijr aaS cerrocur— aastna. aaotaats. v BSTlMlf t-.FMtoacs HMX.1 3 fiiBpl"tl aaaertm'M of DBBS9 FBllftiKI. ao I 8attk*i Variety stare, Cmmtrmf keswd AM MUMKAKCB BBOrLATIMO MABEBTS, MABBITIKO Ae B* It aaaatad br tb* Cltf Coanall of tba City Ba vaaport, Batrtoa l. That from aod afiar tb» prupci publt caiwo uf thlaOrdtaaac-. all paraona ar* piohlUird, darlu* Xarfcn Boars," fruB anillas, or *ipo«toS br aal', aor b*of, pork.Twl, naUoa. or other ateat, |B anil rKtS, atr«*t laaa ar aUep la tbn city uf Oat raport, la any aart, waaoa or otbor tamai ahau oarry Um aatna far aale. Sac. t, Imjr paraoo who *ha I brlua Into tbo city of Davaaport aay fraah maal or ns*tabl«« not pro daaad by bis ar bar. (a* c-jotradMlogalahad from bavlaf purrhaaad tbe aaiua.) aad who aball la raid dtj oflbr aucb artlcl* for aal*, or ell the *aa', (ball b» dornaad (allly of a violation of thla ordtoancs i I Provided, that tbe prut laioua of thla a-otloa aball aot b* apptbwbta to af atall* In tbr regalarly *atabti*«d aarfeat howa in *ald city See. S Bn paraoo, al trlng lb* l*-a»~r of a iiali In oac ot tne r-fuiaily ^atabllabad Barb't Buuaoa, aball expose a *#-r for aale In tb* dtp of Dawnport, 1 any rr*^b meat la tea* %aantHlni tUau ai«-«uari*r, aar aball aay poraan ogtr, or rapow for aala «uch total at aay otb»r piac* than *al1markrt*. Sac. 4. Bothia. la thla ardlnanoa «oa»*tnad abaU b'- **trwd ta prevent any p-r»« from aell n( tb« i piudoca ef bM *wa farm la aacb ataanar aad quan Uiy u h' may Jna piopar, ar *ap rwa who fol laaa tba b'jMiKaa ef pw-klag t»rf or pnrb, fraoa -ell a« baaii, baoa. abo dtera aud .Mf* of lldi owa •ariBX, or (par* rib- ui *aaae aaoat In Ibo wlater auatba, or aay pr«uu d-om M'lla^ wild (ante not I otb-rwlac pruiubitad. Sao. A Maifeet hoo:« atiail 'einali. aa hap (ofor* tU'd aad piarMid. Sac. f. No p-ra*B aball .11. utfrr r*pi*m *al" in tb* (tty of Dar-aik'-1 «»y *tk «i 4l»-ae-i: liv an- win lual, uaaaily oab-B r. fo 4 »D'l r-nib. pi:- and wlih the l.*tfa that the earn- .ban u-ed for f.od. kn»win«. bavlna reaioo u. b- ll tb* tame to te I •Ick or 'Ita-a-vd. Skc. T. i paraaa aball aril, ofl-r ur cap- ae tor aal* la tb' city of Davtop n, th S«*b aay d*M aaltaal. which waa »icfc, ji'i-hmtel, or run duwa do«a,ui otlMiwi»e at «f re tb* time tli* *am bav haied or data, »r »b died a aatrral daath or waakiliei accid a caaualtj. or oib mean* tbaa tbo ua^al aaaaaer of .laying aulmala for food nor •ball any p*ist *U, a arfcr for *a|r, Sd putrid blown, etutTad, at uaaaaad airai, g»h, *ggM. poultry, orother article af f»i4, aor ibo S »h of any aolma' aot caaiaoaty d«nn 4 wbol*otaa for food. St3. A Wb*uar-r an, Bitlvk aiaoUunad la tbla OrdiBaac*. and tb* aal* ot which la forhlddm, aball 1 IK ethtbUM a* thaosb the aame were tatrud.d fae aala, wUctb*r *oM or net, «r whether dli*ctl eflkrfd I ter aak ar aet, aacb csblMUan aball ba held to be aa awpaaare of UM taw for aal*, aad an Sac. II Ba It fa'thei «oaeiad, that k -eplas aay hoaaear ahap, wr atall. la aay «tb*r place* la Ih* cliy af Daraaport, thaa la lha regular *tahli*had av k*t baaaaa. lot th* aala af aeat* ar other article* han-la prohibited, aod la which uaata ar athar aril* dkaaerelnprahihit4ar*aap»«'daad abewu '*r *ale aaa*hf.aclarad a aalaaaaa. aad It aball Ik the doty af thaMayvr taaaoae all awh pU.** lo ba aba lad aad laaneed. a* pravMed la aa ardlaanca oaa. anatat ual*aa«*»p*aa*d aad annaH Aasaat isth. IMS. Pa«a*l aad appromd Mev^aaber iSth, a. ISM iOBB POBBBBT. Mayor, pru irm A"e»t Wat BALL.Cl'.k Hoar ar ris'* oal*brat*d ataaiarh Ktm*. Sine* tba a* Bluer* bar* bacaa* *o popular, ottni bavtas baa* JW-B4BBIS0B. Mt Mead D**Smw MM. Cxacaiar's Sale Of Real Istalc at Aaetlaa. BafvlnaaOoante, afaaordw hsaadaat of the Caaat Court lcatt laara, tbe aaderalfoed Executor af th* Batate of Jaaeph •ovan.late of Jaott caaaty. daeeoasd. Win Wwiday, the Stat day of Oeee aha, A. D. ISSS, atl o*d «S. after Boon, at tbe Caart Boil** door, ta tba city of Davaaport, oB' far •aia at PaMte Aoctlaa. tba following parcel of laad, altaal* In aaid cauatv. In wit Twaaty (SB) aera* fraa lb* Sooth atd-1 of th. Ncrrh Ban qoartar of larlli a Plftcaa (IS) la Townahla •vraaty *ihi pn aaeth *f raaf* thret (I) aaat, b« •a. aMrtpoflaadtwnMBfSS) radt in width. Borth aad Smth. 17 ana haadrad aad atatj (ISO) rada cast aad Wa*t. Tertae on* half caab, haHaaae credit uf oaa year, wttb iatarot at taa p*r e«M, aacarad by a aw rut*** oa tba prealaer FAJVCY* DRY GOODS* tmmmmh, MMU. wmb, ft Bftticfl*! BM, fliw I Street, akri Perry,—ap mlr«( (OVER M. K. •PALDISO'S FANCY GOODS STORB City mnd Conn try Merchants SSI isss'iaaUf taae last oar tMMUaa to PAPER, nnn BOLLS or WALL rana or »»ur»ij |UUU aew «trt*s, joat rvtTrf caaaprtalas SUV*, Praack ui ImHcu, nuptfiw AND BORSBRS, Tka aboe* atock ladadn laltatlua Vtlrot and Ta postr paltsrae, MM and OUt Border*. Ac. Ac., at prtaas raasiae freai SO to ti cent' Alan. Chetp Vail Paper, Prom S to IS caatt ftr roll. TbuM abaat to wako tbrlr k«ci coarortabl* fcr Um win tar ars m» tlHilr lavllml to call aad aiam laesarsMk, atKtkM Sradr atrart, uar thtfoM Mar. [tt bkM tf BU ADAMS. wbject. out joint instructions to Kansas to guard against the combinations at FRINGES. laabkeoatils la tba Ka»t tor Trl. Aaow C&UTIOJT: Ytbe OC tloMkwIaaiRiwtUNtMNlnaw' dor tbe Kadovor'4 sued, *t the UCisIp Hail, •o al0t«(Mr. Qua*Uora le^aes^ hod t-tW" tttam In doabto quick time, and mt rspentti. aor ttdtr T. C. BAD'. IfclttM'S Sulla WC. BBBBAS on the lStb dajr at Koto 1SSS.M, C-Ch. M«all*r aMBufbie M«l»r,bla wlr», and H. Moll, avcutod ualo Sanmal Truatat, a oanala dMd or troat. c*n».ylu« iu uM Trnaiaa tbr UihI In Scoit aoiintr. luwa, doaoriVJ at a paint pKdvly cqU- dlataatfroaa it aortb-oaat an aorth-wrst corwr or MSd latoaaU)at ta*aorth^aMaoraer atlaadasw a ft nearly aTJawaa McOalw,—iboaaa waot aluos •oath llaoor *ald alky tblrtraa Mat, tbaaoo «outb •rty-o»T«o (5T) t*r% (banco saM tblrtaoa (ls)fct, mmaarttMi a«wu (ST) fait to plaoo of baalh alar, wbich aald auav^yaaca waa Bade by tba aaid II. G. Cb. MMKr, Supble Mcallrr, aad H. Mall fur tb* psao of itrariaf tbe paraeat or a orrtarn pnaolaaorT aoU aad Ibo latrroat tbcroua, alcned by uld 0. 0b. Mailer, datod tbo 18tb day of Novanber, A. I. 1864, aad payablata one rear to tb* order of M. V. Pike, for tbo aaa of Twslv* Haadrad aad Ftfl/ Dol Ian Dated tbe Ittb day of Korvmber, A. D. 18SS. eoTtttda SAMCIL 8TLTBSTBB, Tru.toe Baveitport, Mourn. lacosroaATis Jcsc aoTSSdtf 0AWKP0BT WILLIAM V. BARR, A. 0., Pfutaaor of Tboorstlcal and Practical Baek-E»r«iaa aad Bctlueaa Prnmauablp. S«, ISM Mriuty FACULTY: JOSEPH C. LOPEZ, ESQ., Aaalatast Principal and TVach.-r In Bowk-KaepUia lKpartm-iit. DANIEL L.iiiOREY, Lecturer on Commercul Law GEORGE W. 8CHEIDE, A ProfMaor of Matb*matlca and German Laufuaga L» cUArfra uf Calculation Dvpartnent. Tbe wiat'-r coitrae will o mm-nre an !••. I, id the new apartments a|.pr.,prl»tet eapmaly to thr Col lar* purpose-, on corner of Sd and Perry atrteta. In J*ot'b'a new bnlldlng Tbeamraa alllc»nipr-bead •very branch lauehi at Moil ar Indltutlau*. Ltiln' .tpartaeat. On' room will be ua-d two ur» each day adu- i alvely a* a feaaale d^wrtaent, In which P'nmauahlp and Bo'k-B«*pliHl will bctantbt under ih~Iniai^dl- I ate raiiervWIun eftb-Principal I •vry facility will h. aSordcd muJ at. froi. a .He- 1 uooe lo pr'JCBtlii* aaltable boardln* bona.•-, an llii aoc-'Uipllablns the euur** In tbo ahortwt puaMbl* time. For farther parilculare apply to or addrraa tbe Pilacipal. nnvSOdlui \KW GOODS RECKIVED AT WADS WORTHS IXraiTK Irocrtd* allk*. rAKNOII M^rluvcp White O- litn««v HmOr •Wtrri-dCallirwaii! Bauds, Wb»w, Brown and Pink fta RihUi a, Colored B- rtfti for ^T^nlng dr«-a-. Whit* and r.4«r«l T*rt* (*M. 1 OTt a»rlnr aud Cisbmere V. -ta al WADMWHKTU.S, •pp La-I»lr» Hi uaa. AD1KS* Mt-rln.. and Ca-hmerf V *aa J^thori si»«»a, Pair Havea Oysters, BT tlMMRilv e*a, dos«ncan», or mm, J. W. WILRT, ti atr« B-ock. Apples. Apples! F1VS BoCdBED BBLS, Jeaaltoti and W Pipplua, Jaat received, in finr orlf r, and tor tu xll witaln tba aiaaalas af thla ardlaaaec. Sac. S Aaypmaaa TloUtio( ibl, O-dlatac- or aay pjoeislaa thtnaf •hall ha Uabl* t.i pay a Bo* af aotla*a(haa tea,aor mor* tbaaBfty dollari, for each and every *a*h aB««*, to bo rfoocrtsl before Ihf Mayor af tb* city. BBS*!*. All ordlaaarr*»r part*of ordlaaa*** la coafllat herewith ar* baraby r*p*ald which repral! •hall ua*aSb*twa.-a thla ordinatco twoom a In Ibre* fruafdad, hovavcr lhai any proa-autlnoa which •ball have bcea eaauaanoad at th tiaar thla ardt aaoc* aball laba aBact, aMjrh *arrl«d to Baal jadf maal aad ••"Cauaa wttboat raapaH la tbla ordl» aaca, aad aaa* ahall b« la bj aaaaet aaacted by said BCKROW8 PBSTTTJI AN, Nu. 1 BurruWa' blnak, Prunt at R08ESI ROBESI ROBES! FANCT SO BBS. Wolf, Foi, German Cat, Or!* ley, alack aad laaMta Bar Bob a Buffalo, trlmawd aad untrlmm*d, can b* bad at aovl4dtf A. 8. ALSTON* CKi'S. fvAO pAIBS For OkiTea and Oaantldf, at SJ\t\J LADIES' VMBCN PIMPS. ALSTON'S. ^QQ Pair* Bar Collar* for Ocnta, at ALSTON'S. A2.BS\*'S c»Hr»ud Preoeb Caahtnerrip* iiat.— VJT Soft Bat* In sreat variety at ALSTON'S. |.aUa OAPS, Piu-h Bilk aod itubalr, tar aale at thaLowoat Prloea, at A. S. ALSTON A 10 Bovlt Second at, appiaile L-^lalrf .naa_ Pancy Para can ba foand in *r»at varl «y at ALSTON'S EBATHKK*U TRUNKS. Carpal Bag*, Sauhel, Cm- brellaa, at AIJITON'B. NOTICE. **4*r r» tb" bwia^iB at tb foand a fmk a^urtivat e*Vsr ass4 fcassnahle flaarfs, for O'lill. av-n'a wear, and mad" np to ..rd iu tbe !at-'«t atylea. Wa have on hand a tare" aaaartaaat ef the b*at aada (Mats Faralshtag tua con s lat laa af all varvrtlea of AMi, PadrraMrw, Awawe, Sfee* Tit»,{Vaaafa, Maaa», Betas ea Paraaa atreet, op- epadt' ABtalae LaCUIra, le preporad ta accam laaSataaStwTawa. 0*atfatnan with dap board Ins aatte at hh rnUairi, ar at the aSca af Oaa. L. Waiafla, Mala mm aaSSdlw* OKO, C. DOW, Baeentor af eitat* af Joaepk Kuvaca. aovS5wtildaeSl nSb CA. BBim ieaa**tway iafaraa lb* eltu-o* a 4 Daveapmt thai havmg brae appalntrd aaaai ef tbe Beward Ptre iBenvaao* Oa., .if fhlladHphla, laaaiw prepared la la* a a aaaiaw Ka» ar daaas* by Ira. ea the aaar la*aM atber inaoalhla aSn-. O«oala STATB BUUKBaT OPPICBt whereat eid»r* wBI aaat wttb aiaa» attention. •l raaaif. »wr. BWfl» IO. WASNMim, thm mrmrntl Aw, TBB OVLT BABPWABB aBavaapwt adNaga Mittt, Soct*. &upt»4*i, Brat'caand eve-ylblnf la thla Una, for aale ai a low aa^k. Oiva««acall. a OABTBSIa novlddif OKO. LATTMCft. Hatlee. Ta William Slupaon, Boh»rt Slinpaoti, th.- Miaala •ippfaad Mlatourl BallroadCompany, aul all oth era IMereated In the land herrlaaftar d» acrth"d: Taa ar* hereby BoUS^d that by virtue of ao ordl dluance of the city canocll uf the «lty af Davenport pawad S ptaaher 10th, 1384, entitled "An ordtnanae for the aoBlIaaailoa aad exuaaloB of P. nrth Mreat la the dty of Davenport eaalwardly" a Jury ef lis dlalntei*at*d fraeholdw* of aaid dty will be maa*d '•*•111 11*111 Bow rumlcfc WOODKN I I rrMrate SSSer, »taa l«o(Ui or cay^i'r I paaus sra a|k ao that nfr will out irww atk«D~ WftrnaSd to wo.k wvll fjr gw T'Sr AqoadtiCI lm|.M tc ord-r SIJW B* So IrflM tb« uacsol 0. L. Sbur», or witb lb* fatssnbrnatamamm asse a.®.sa^ ttt"*WodrtwSsep.It. a»'»»|wt, Wo*. davtr W Cut A are's, Bankm, S» Loan. Mack kit te»ttaBM*fT»,BoT«a»on. Crow, McOroeaT A Co, 8t Lmb. 1ton* of rUBtNCI, Geo. a SABasxi, Pree't. 10018 J- B. SMOaxV a a Hi BB\aD, L»»» with not A Co. Ml JatXBlf. tole a Corwo a Co. Mi jrUEMS 9 MVBtMRU, (Bawaaai i to Causa IM t—lssiti i FerwaNlag •e.Mim?«MI t* Csmaiwlal •*,, ST. LOUIS, MO. aaraa to jaas i.utu BoM I atemmbo*! PURNI^BING WIKEROVSK, vROintu asp astAiL X*. te Fearlb Maat, «m MaUdlaga T, A. O. Fod. foUuwa, to wK: lb* oast ball of lot nnaww-r oa« (I) In fracuooal Muck Runbw four (4) la rona»l a PtUuo'a addliloa to tk« rtir Davmport, alaeaaotbsr parcel of land, brlas a part of aam« lot ca* (1) thai bosadnl aad Ilmoribad: ouaaU'SclBI oa tba a^uth linr of the allry la said Mock foar {4i i Tnc And no* aaid aut* ba*la( bacoa* das aad yayabla aad tb* said B. C. Ch Manor havtne failed to par tb* aaai*. 1, Saaaol Srlveater, Trinfo a aiorrtald, do b*r*bj tie* tail public notice, tbat by etitn* of lb* power whtcb I* In bo fiN br aaid daed of trut, 1 will, on Monday. tboSSdday ^Drtmbc, A. t. I80S, at tb* bour of 1 o'clock la tb* afierauon uf said day, at tb* Ooart Huiw door in tb* city ot l«Tra port. iipue aad «0br tor aale, at yoblk A*o,|oa.tb* paioaiaoflaad abonro ducrlo-d, o mucb thereof aa aball b* suSlctacl to uil*(f and par tbe amoant of aaid note wilb .h" intemt tber^en to ib* day of sale, tofttber witb all tb* coat* and npeoMa attradias aaid »al«, ooats of tbla nolle* aud Truatev't fm. LV ca tba niMiplntlaa of aacb aal- a de«d will b« glvn In aoordaac* with tbe ati|olatlu of aaid dud of um. Clear the Track I OPPOSITION LINK) NEW MARKET OPENED. Th* FtIm Oppostttoa Courted CoMfallllaa defied! ll^B would wvlte tb* cltiuaa af Davenport and Vv vicinity u uar u*w aalea ivvin on Brady at., oppoalte th- Pn*t Oflm, wlere tln ae buying In large or email qoaatlttre will aiwaya Olid a asaoit ment of tbe be»t meat* frotu whlcb lo make Ui'ir a*, lection*,at prtcea that aanuvt fail to flte eatlefa* tiou A K We«4ea Ware. tfur '•tock in roiaplctr ttudvcli BASJTMT8~Gt ktat-,altt md pikm. Noy 4th. M. UALZKI.L Jr 4 iK« CKmaii Chtnall Qmmlll I^iug aud la*t rtoHrsd by W A US WORTH Wa. 8. Hi WEEK. Guns, Fistola and yiwhlna Taoklo /TV: WHOLESALR AND HETAIL. WtnUr Kniai.llabad IESJ, Old -and. No 81 Waaliluit.oti A^• i Hue, b*twc"n Mali) and Pernod int t«. ST. vmevs Ma®ufftriur*r ati'i I^al*r in ftM.».|r at. i "ingit •tlul Uodi, Riflf* and PlMoIa of all d* Kllft n«4e m4 U«rmirtf. Country rrha 't- wbil- it* Lunk •It«4ta*call an1« xamiit* rnv atort.wM h, fvr quali ty wr varti'ty, ta OsX »urp««a*-d in tb*» Wt-M. Orders promptly atttndal to. Kof. 4.—'iatly 9 uio. BURK & SWIPTT °n0AVB»n* tOM«IS8i0N IERCHAKT8, Brad) at Ea* aide, bt Praiat aad Beiawl. DIVEXrORT, low*. 1 i~\i\ bM- Ci tT'*, M!" and Mararailo 1 UU rh«-k^fa Old J«v«j bo«-a groMDd Riu aod Java t6htid« Sugar* 90 bt»t» i fin«1 'itwi ai, cr«ak«41* «vr» f=*ti m* tbia SuKar Uuuti^ S|4a^**a* AO ^ACkag**aGol n Syru|«. wbal«, bait ao4 qU*r iwi 9oO aaltp onif mrt flnof Sfio hags Djilrjr Sitf, 141* Aacka rl^MB "HtfwrJtKr' thla dtf "ulfrtl mto c- I IMcbc^tiltn, Tuiitic partn#rihip |n 0« Mfrchaat Tatkrin* Imslfi^a, rial sod Blacki BMnn A. CASTCKL A CO., and will car- 300 caddt«*a T^as Ywutut 4^aopowl old ataml, wb*r« aay bt rUI and Black, tu t, 4. 10 aod It radu« "f aOK.if-a rii'**W Ot..h*ti and SO iikKa do -moklug tubacru la k 1 at.d a paprra Id. OOOCIgara, vartr«a braada ISO irons clay Pl| too irmii ciay Pipw 50k«-ai aaperlor carDi fist fli«da: t» d-, goOaSalaratu flnad and ot.v r.-dnct .lo: SS bbla Bio 60 hose* Starch, 1M buna Oaadlea, Spara, Staei, SerU« aad Tal low 1,000 gallon* oil, *e*rni, vhale, lard aad a«hu i 3^*115 KK) boaea apio-^, aasortad SO doien papiaraaacr SSdoiea aaateatanp IS 'toaan Pkklea, aaortedl "S bbla Tlnttar, old cider aad puia^ package* No. S ow Mackerel in do No I White Pith S MA a* new Codllab TC '•**Berrtaga No. I. Sou !-a Dnrke^'i, Bekli.g P...1I11 DrM Appl'^. AltO'ijii.. Baliln, rig-, BiiC Brooma. Baaketa, Bopa, Twine, Lamp Win, Wooden Wac, a ateh.-., a ania- and aworu*t th* llayur'* iBee ia aaid City oa th* lat day at Dee»aiber neit (1888) at o'clock A M, lo Mars* and award the damaga aa^ benefit, that aay a-croata tba owner* of the land propoaad ta C.mi.i ty Marchanie and a.nanmera are partKo larty Invitad tu ezaailne our atock bef.,re parcbaaiog. S. B. We will .11 all order* for foode at St Loa* prlcr- freight and inanranae addrd. octSS dkwtf heukeafer tbe ooriltaaatk* and axteaaloa of **M HlTt JfH ktariTfMB ?IUit)lVaRilI atreet (the verdict af the Sretjnry retara-d oa tb* laa v^ry int*re«tina qB»«lk.i, but ba« you baard ITth Inat. bavtag baea by ae fkw aaSdent caine act mmmmm aalde.) Tb* following 1* a deacrlptlonof tba traet of •»*»a«r MadMfafaC&WaP laad propoaad to be Ukaa for «ld ext.n.ioa o, ^l^aJid ?m^fa" "°n' tireet a. abearnhy tbe plat of the aurvey thereof mad* 1TB are glad ia lafara aar frtanda, aad Ibeattl bjr^becilvrafluaer aad«i SleIn the M^r'aa*. JJV ^Br"' to wii A tract BS feet wide from tbe prracat terailnattoB ef Poartb atreet to the river oa Piwit atraet, caataln-It las forty-tbree oaa baadratb* of aa acra ef laad of •aid William aad Buhart Wap*on, aad tweaty-aiae one hnadretba of aa acre af laad of aaid MAM Ball Baad Oomnaay—Boveaher 14th, 186S. OC MITCBBLL, Msyar af *By of Davenpoet. Dallv tin Dec. 1*1. At Prhrata 8ale» rtOB cash ur intKup fcr City Praperty, ar »«d aota*, a aaw S km aai Seat* Carriage, asadhig tap. Will be dMpaaad cBeap tor *a*h,a I large lot of "VCT a a a a i af tba *«ry test aaBeas, wanaatid as *wd Haa liyn aa aay latb* wartd. AleoataraaSkudkaT M»cr Mdsa laami tf lls% IBsastakls. Pisatad aad o' rnrtHat its* I ral 19mo. Clo t. ST. LOLUA. MO. I!faeCTi.taT, Stlwr, Plated, Brlttania, Ptaolelv Japanned and Pain Tlnwar.-, W«d*n and Willow Ware, P-atb*r Duat'r«. Bru^bet, Broom* te toclixtto**v*,y arrlr|*in tb* Hon*.' Pornlablue llnet I would aay to Mercbenta aad Deairr^tmerallr tbronsboat tbe Weet, bavlaf dotermload t, do a tirc tiy caab bavltMaa, aadrarelvlae my roodadtyoct froM •aaafastarers, I MB tnaM^d to o^r n*t*r Indarwnirate tbaa any oOi,r Iowa In ibe Weafra coui7. Country M«rd»ni, wbip-la b» city,ar* r^ia**««tto*all. Onxla pe krd a»d **m ace part of tba eoaatry octMdSmo M. rAassa, Cai. A 0. KE1.I.V. P. s Meal a iia-r-d to our ctutoniara »H bin ea HonaLi. dlatance -f our aiark-'t ace dlf BLATOTEW 'N Tbai—All Black l/mf Hbtwli, Cb«ked and Plain N'alitaooka, Ladl.a* Blatl and white k u. Whli* and i-.f'ored iklit nniiia», OetiU Merqw V. t- and P^tita, Ladle* Fi encb Bteakfaal Bofwa, 1 White Crape, and many other u.l. a. K'^a in arblch w* lnvit» att^mh a. alStf 8SOUND ST., opp. -t'ilatrr Houae. j^ISSRS and B.' Lalte* at nlttr afaas Icaij-flaii Clatkiagt Ouoda whlab ar* naa*- e«p a^y for tkl* marktt, .nd will compara with aay dock la tba dtp far atyle at^ prtc. And a* we a e |a oonatant rwlpi of Saada, we are atria to preeent at all Use* a vary da airahl* *#rtmmt, to which we tovMaespecbal atten tlon. Parsi'blng gooda aaltabK tor tbe .*aaoa, io wbfcb we ar* eaaatantly making addlttane. •0T8' CL0WW. Ban* OmU, BaaadJaBaS^Pata Te^aadSMrta, aad every variety Of loeta Wearte Apparel, eellln# at vrry law prices, ta»ther wftb a larap atock af Traaka, Oaipet Bagh Tallar*. Bob**, SbBwla, Be., Be. W* n*fi ntfally (otlrtt a call, aad ir poa via al«« a* an apportoaJty, v* will ansa yaa a arpaai like |*MH Bill. Ataand aadfaahloaahMiultin Bi| sa aaa, la by Map SaaaWared of aton BaaartaMe w gllttMi.aiaiaslBaaaM^yj^|Jp»|Qa^gyg, Ba«k8, hp«ru4 stsllmrf. IwiLaaUif' REMOVAL. i A LI.KK ESTATE MOKEM, w-riit: iowa booh Hiteaa,'' Tt-e tutHcribrr roi|rOtfu||e inttMiSkSb* ••reef a.t ron* and cu*ti4BT uf Ibo^iaMi biuout. tbat Itias tbl« day miK vaI lh" at k Sr, 'U« Aew MS# Camwedlaat Brick Btets Bettd.4iT, (ontbortlifnid tat wb»rel» hop** DM-ii, by atrkt aul e*rlu«i*r •"•ttlon to the BOOK, PAPSa AKD STATIOKUT Bualix**, a rvntiutun^' ot tl" :u «rat 'opf'" br»i« Sin tsUaSi'l t« tba aM Brat. BU AMAtSB. Xot. lat. 1SSS tif Wldfll lltlcWi NEW COOK-BOOK: "s»ou«ew|f I'rl. e S 1 00 MISS LESLIE'S REfKPTS FWl COMPRISfN'fl all the new .1 afvee^t moihoda •l *«-. Pltro $1 UU j» prt-pa.l"* *11 ktb'%01 I vol ISmo Ckitb i. aa»-' l-y Ki ADAtrt UrttaB rar llMMihcr* A•Q^ LIO t:nd' .1 proprietor* of tbe Bank Plorew*-. NV|raka, ar* by tb pro* By tba autbor of Th« "", Wide World, lalona of lt» Cbartar, tudleiduaUy r^.|--u,ibl* i I toI U» clttb. prloe S6 for ail It* laaMe, aud wtli raJaaai Ibe k'lfk oi aai'1 I Inatltutiun, at lie cnuntei in the flty uf Pb.r^nr,' 111 K IfBA BAHTLKIT, ooin, and at eubergf IbtlrBaakBM Hotiw,, mta.1- Tink"' Kottutii a»i u'* Kax, l*r4 MX1 KIIADAJI8 M. B'Wly at,, mmr tb- H»tt JalyTtb ISSS-dtf I Bonianll'AJv'ii'urealn NurtfcemM*xii, t/j Oept Mayo* R«Id, Author ol "Rifle Kan«ar»." A Jit Co*/. fJ^HK andt raleuod will Mil tbe ballaaoa ot U Mows EJNBIMMDRRII&, CunaUIIni of Coilmra, Vnder-Sleert* tc, AT NEW YORK COST, to aake room fcea tpleadM Mark of B"llda JOSBPH JOt 7. noetldtf Brady at, b*t dtb and tlii. Oft: UffuilMtf nsntuv* NEVrpKST Hllla ef tbr ibattau, ot prtju itoe aud FanaUcUa, y an Autei lean Ijady of Iowa, 1 vol II «l,». i ut olbef em) l»i»a|a,nt to apade at aaao •arreacy. I'OOB a aABfWMT. llaeenpMrl i OOOK. SABOKKT A DOWNVT. Iowa tty lowe COOK, SABGKNT A COOA.Kurt Oaa .» ea COOK, &AAQENT A PAKE *K. Pturmc* uia oa ln4. It tau.wttbBairavlass, cloth It.OB. IHVISO'S Lirxov OEOROK WAbHI.IQTOV It i lrlnl with Map* and Ponratla. IS mo., doth, price |S 6S Vlic Statra and T"rilIoilei',r i THE URBAT WBST, u.rlodina Obi tii'tlaiia, lltu l-, llia»«arl, Michifaa I Wlasunda, IOWA, Mini is ta. Kaaeaa. I and Nabraaka, (.juii ri.lnp ttflr 0'o«raphy, Rlatoiy, AdvantaVn, B^aour ra a-id Pioeperta al*o Ibelr Local Dla'ory ln-.ttlutlum *i-I L»-»«, T»! ,»a i.t Ptataucr*. Av by J». vb f.rii- 1 vol. I'I mo cioth, Ma| aud lllua ir.ti ua, SI *3. For Mtl« by fji V a i e y S o e CW«H*R Ot WON!) AMU Filth V DTlXllh. Freak fireeerlea, JrvuABa—X o, cioahel, da'lfled, powilered. Uot.AtaB*—All kind' a' .l suml i Corrca—Bio. Java, l.a«nyra. roa.l'il at.d ar nnt *rad*a and P'lc-• ViMaoaa—Pn--cl- d'-r and touimon. 5pkc. p*ip~r. Ind at* aoap-. c^nMli-.. a^la, aaleta'a-. treuiid h- i t, t|i', frulta, nut.,, aiill. ., lal.ina, F.u. :i-l, pi lil.. •auoaa b«rb~, a»'b brick, luatchee, i ru.h' j^arl Ratra Bn* Haxoaa PUnucIa, barl7, 'pllt p.«a, ch. c.^at. horae radiati, hl beaiip, b*-f tunatiea, a, r. bam., eraitterrle*, ln.ik Whfat *l..ti-, ivi.i. f*i*"it, &*• BL1 ADAMS. v«. SS Brady «i, aar fh CM 11 mo i»if mf Betf tMmn- UffU* lap Uaaa'a ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS, Ih ttarah tf Sir John franklin, during fh Talf o the Great Wsaul Mwaai k8 dif nAVKNi-oHTji By Harriet Betcher Stow Fresh Groceries. n. DALZELL, Jr., k ta. AUTHOR «'f "Unfl* Ton» rar »n.' um i Cl- th price. %\,16. RF.TR iBVTiO.V, A Tale ef Paflgiaa* 111 MRS, SOITHWOIIIU, I THOlt .f "The liat U'lieaa,"'I^ ri—•! Wih-,* "Mlaalna Bnd*," Witt i Vlriotj, *i Si. \ol., tl lh, .1 ^5. I l'*l O* Sl .t*' All of Mia. fuutUw..rib'*wn ka on Im.d.) la, Hl» limlij A Oamdan Vlour. A up- rio iriKit L»bl. mid batt M. Crwknt! JiiiM*Ml(a. In *•. Ju' .ftii'ii fi».h u.ii-f. •n«l cruller-. CMftttK—W -t u v« »»t msH. Mack*r«i, Bs'muu, fltL, codOtb aud iiew of ibt alM.\e i fi II* w B-Kika.jt^t iv a: "The Iowa BaoW Koom^," No.'4r Hmd »tr«s, (ir (t« ft* »t »(R .ut (Nov ir I.I VII Leslie's taazctlr of Fashion. 1' *!IH Xov.mi.-I, jt»i rf.'.v d. Alto Haipf-rV |*»jtrani'aa» dtsr.iham'- M«sf»?1ne-. liml't'f JHi* k, ii't"! PUtr» Maiiaziif, Mia« i |». it-r- ».'» N V, Jir Ar Rl APAMs No 64, »t P»»«'OttKe. K*-v ¥th •if NEW MUSIOI NEW MUSIC!! Din nit,"1 Polka Jfiiztirta, by T\f*ty. liobolink, ami ple«-tni( u^k*wer T.J/oU which la a-. Hpralitiy pn-l plea-lna a- Ilr narn^ would inilit^ic. "Prrlly Tanra (aar l.llfle r*lka,'' 14 Iwautlful iti'l"ll*-, y 8 Fo»iaa,arran«tdeapreM Il lor roanspaptla, t.y iaaac* Bi uai ml tleladlra,'' alia irm is of i. A. CBANDALI.'S, liovSrttf No *hrtlou». S, L* (iaire CATALOG li KM aeBt fr.a aa a| |4lcail(« to BAKES, •11CLC A Cv.. Law Bookseller* and PnMlab'r., Nov 4tb dltno So. 144 Nil1*' .1., N Y. e & o n COMMERCIAL C0LLE8E, kl Bn«. llairi, WO bn. Snap: VaaiUy, Chapla'a Braalv and Pancy 30 la,ae, luilan Ca'tile Soap tiatws.K Tubacan, S, S, W and aa. vartoua brands 00 gmaa Aud -r-on'a floe cut ahewiug barx ii iM! \,„»i,i, ,... i ea d. alei. tu r,.^t!.to«rth.*.si ,a'wi.b fuii a\iihoii"r j-*. "To «tant diploawa, award d-gn ea, con tar lioaata, i Jf. ^or tirc'dar*, c^rtaiilflf tuf«»inita{« ta r^Kard to t*rm» "•ura^ of inatrnct|..n, asd all boain*-M cooii^'td w »n th* alnttr, cati call at iha 8 «ih-Xaa« corner of WaabiftftfD a»«'iwy a». Third atroai, or addr *•. JONATHAN JONM- Hf. Mo. CORNBIt OP BTATB AND BAHDtlLPH BTS (Bntranee No. Tl State atre-i rMSTITUTKD Tbe Oollwlate Conrae |a the rnuet *it#o*lv*, coai piet* and thorough ever iatredaeed Iato aay Com mercial College a tbl* ooautry, *Bd aoaprlae* practl- i ral Inatroctioo In sa lore Baaem towartlt tba aaeoapllikaat ef that obi aet than athar aaa .aallBnaliai. J. a. IMUXB a co. Will reaaaa a a short Haa w MaBa Btaaat, a ,iaw door* batawOmb a Baia*a»a Baaklaa Beoaa, ravaMNi JKlla 5? A Y, CTITWWMtTa I MiH MTITB IMWCMMs W eamllu4igeocr. ornci no obbi atntoiNa, DAvnroM li«ipr»fd and L'nunpryod city aad Oaaatry Pee perty.baasbtaad «4dua CmalaiMn Ooesramiat I#»i* wnallysetectodi Lvxi Watraala Masted to older w» on abaraai laaea paid S.r I mvMtod Uan aafoiHtm «iLLui'Baai,Aiil Attorney at Law. CoBaaMaaa aaadeaad pro proanpuy reainied. Onassv*aelaa carefllBf St Itntlfii ia. ••Ql jPar Smt*. Tat'iiMe Buitdine iiu in ttardeeaat'* idMisa mi J. l. Barrawa' iaaidia«e. i t* l» ta »n tbe Bluff, •-•.rni'i ,. (l|Lth aad •irrtls—Sn» aBi batrtxtod Blver r* w ii L-t* it, lire. u'« additli a, IxvadiMIMrt Twenty I .1 rr.4.i ppelt* Clalte Uv «t off**. n Main Uiei, SS *M Sap I."t 4 at- c* SS •-..Tn»r plTth and Warren (tresis Wan half toi t. Blnefc 14. ua 1%IH attest ALSO—Aerial Pattna. and nrltntrvr*d la ted*, la B-vu Cmton and other countiea, and •nana valaaMa Oul-I uta at|*centtu the rlly ol Pav-npurt. "VMS ALUkM A Hw ffdil# or £mn. Iwua N Lute or aubdivlawaia tu suit pmchaaars ar paf» tlul a«y d-*re lo l»*a* Str a terat ef |NA tbe follwwiiispii'iMi iy In ibedtj uf Daarnport, vtt In i lock IS—OSi*«i frmiilii* on 9il atieet, mo pile* THE SDALPdWRTBU. IU uu Weatero AV*te* SS Al at In Mv k II—n»ai tb* Mark't nonae soi.^i ii.iiiiim ,n wcatara aeeaaa eUaaduai ISU ant bach with aa alia each aiiWof tbelut. la Mack IS- SO f"»t froaitliw on kl aln«| IS. Scott In MwCS SO —no Sd at S10 till.i s» Bantu* a see KlUra al Iu Mock St --ISO tlb af. ,#S Wsrieast In Mock SI —ISu Alb *1 IM S tt al n birk sa —3tai Walters aaaaaa ISO atkat. I«0 71b at a tiiuua SS.- -I4U Hiuwn at ISO Tibet. bioU S «6 «ik atraat. *SM» Pi dins back 110 (net. tu -n lliat aitl. ii. lata noli» ri .iMt a Dea n« I aw, or of JAMSB MAY. For Kale «r l/iw. 'I'WKSTT'TUBf IC «H(ib1« Bulldliif LoU, A. jrt HArrt»i|i. Tlnr t,Hi|i|*7 and Un itj. will tr *14 ir Irairt nUnti* yaor* IS&3, '54, 'Ut, Mng a Foraoxusl Marratiww AND containing an ••».nt of lila liupuitant dla rwrVi.thc perttxn* atvemnrea of Ma aarty, an! tbe tbrlillof UiMent. oiin cir] tb*rewiib,ful Ivaii't elaborately Ulvstrstad with .*v rsl htaadrad wuhI cuta and *t«l mfravlnn, ludodlnt rortralia JiuHf ami Mr. Griuntll. ot u, i Tb- .H SITE CRI1 1(1' particular at utUn of all want I tlai. Jam-* Itaiullioo, Kau W "f Kaur tb« at«l I lale* by J. !t. Bitl'r, PhllaiWPhtai iiSSUSB Dl IHUPK wnod nsravia«aiiy Van lngrd Sniit'r. ilEl.ts Dli llvliralBj I a v ,., |.S 00 lio'li, 00, libran alylc. ft.llO. lu U. V' r, large aafcori tueiit jitat r»*c»*lv*-* of all a alt'a, kind', audprlc ., at JP S and pala'tri by th*d«tliiau|.li«l ar 'roui aket'fiea ly Or. tor fir* tk«l»r« *#qulin»r OO»rin lltew, or .JwifM!L 4MMHAT lainprovN LaH for Mk. I W« v^nUld 80 cctt Mi for tBt«» btif AbnlM 1 Ktr«r's In Scott woatr Ap&? *rei lo Farai far Malr. -al.n.iidB, w"*' *°l" l"( tat' aad TlnH-r aiiuatad .a a peed r«ad, aud In at' rf th« moat ilellgbtfHi iicigbtwrbMda in th* cuiin'y, and fmir mile* frnai tbaclty. Apply (.citOitlf) T. C. BAOA i LINU rOR 8ALE. I |.*UUA au acre hi*. I tall" north of Fullw aiattaa ua the and Bailruad. reaaaawbla tetwa I. Ala., S40 acrea, oue all* one-half caab, kalaiwe la »na ami two year* A -u l.'O ai'a la Waahiiifftaii .»tinty, 4S atieo Sii» Umber, aad raaalug aafi on a uart. Ttila laad I- only IS aiUra Iron Iowa i'lly, ana IS fna WaA luat .n mi a lliw road froai Odaaibea to BkheeaA— Will Ijr lit |i* ap, and a pari ia Um* *l«. mi 4o a' lola near Iowa Oltp. beaatlfal lainilug land, anal well tatriad Al«(. Ifiv pi.rt. t" l»- "Ml Alao, vBu Ball SiiUbd o ebilck dwilllaa, *tgbt r.uinnslaigu llai. bi-n» and Mahte, haaaltfal altua'i.T. nil.e lit,it frf.m tbe 0. ii alaig. |Mrun of cltj. i bertvau ry eaa ha j, Rork taiaad aad I*H fnsbfti AtHrty tu orMl-d»f BAPW, Splea«lid Farm far Sale. r| Mil.-ttr:,. 1 l«si)~-lOtJ main* T'-O r. •, tmrt-r tultiVft Km a- »it^»r|nv IMJi^ r. f-4l dwytmi, ant fin* t*rn, t*auttril •tream of ru* mnr water that n«-\rr fatW, and dot ot^hard #f«U k»n»'» ot fruit. Ti.atitf ea» tliat alt* th^ flr-t pijfim Um tu, in»y b(« nMde to fifty *teNirrl |Nymenl*.— AMI t« C.EAM. IM Acres la lap raved Laai Thl- la beauillnl land, h»ln* to •ar. 4,T. TP, 4 B, only II mllet fruui tbe 'ity aud mile* ftoai L* Clair* Prl- r* aaonablr and fitna eaay AilSy le 1 .e a T. O. BADS. *li BSI Ala Br irk aa4 Fraac HaascaJ Wftin* the t-at oi#ra, artaned In an eaay aad pleaalog tnann- f..r h"i-ti.nrr., liv Jams* BCLLAa Theaboe* ralMrtina* era aaprclatlt mooiaieBitad to T'acbi ia, and ar« to I., found at Bow. fOLIWlERM. ar» now c.Sbrtn( th* Manila* ma BAB, a l«m- aiil Hoe avaorlm-ut. A W I I O O K wv AND AT Vaar l.ow Paicta. I I. A i«i) Mtwatfd, tr aala «a ua fc»qu!r* f,r f. 0. 8AM. Last Caaacc riaiiKHR »ill be an*mare, ami thalaat, dlilriba 1 Uou of UU hy Hi* t'oloa SeltlaaMBt Caa paay, to uk* pier- ai K Y .rk In a daya, far lata in Otoe City, N.T Any per*mm wHhlng ta pandiaa* an do ao by railing nil SAMI CL CALLBlf, orner af S*eand and Both lalABd at*. E^Pri. a Ms. oat. I taw. Dwelliag PAKT of a n*-w dwalllag boaa* I* he lat, caa aiatingt.f four ro-HB-, a.iaat'd an Stalh atre^v iiciwrta l/lalre an-1 Paraaa* rtreaw. uBca Snil'Ung. Brady air»et, or at tbia OfBee. not l^-li J. F. UOM.YG ir CO. NKAK S DK AaaoaM STaBBI, CiUCAOO, ILL. PNSBAL Wbolaa.le Waatara Aaent»e Tat aar K.N Sociaaan c*M* I '^b-*NVTIV a'w?N KSAKIiiRb •mraiMi a*- aaiw# a/.a. K A aaaae. aea T^atee, Chart. Opttin.eicwhSaJWa^.7t*', lHI kBO »nd "*ercH. an and alngoUr lb-, k-rlyb g-a ^rnmoa ,n i„ I" Oxmin**!'UI !.•»'*. authorised l.jr Uw« id ythar i v.,v a S»at^ -[C*«rfT, Sfc.t. **"-9Qmu A ft:|l contae of io«tr»ictlou, 10 l» t- InaMtutHU, ux» racea luu» |e Kntry, lkwkli«* plot, c.tuut» nlal Cdl-uUt. Cotbtncrctal l««, and P» nmaitftir I utl* n^n i an *-nter for tba uooraa ^^parafaly, and at anv tlm a« in«tru^t oD tt lin|.*it-d litdlvldu aliy, aod not In ciaiwa. and «acb •iapartnrat ta Icde* pt od^i t. and under control of l*t Ff/toaa* or, who al.-m- |a r*-a|Afinlbt« for tb« p*o«r«aa uf hia poifif* rf» Yonng Btcmen to |rc|»*r* ih^r* «rfvei fwr bufincaa iur*iuti« arc -a-i* ctfull.v tovitf-d t. 14:1 dt ri-.g un an xaDiuw tba tuoda liu|*artmf tDvtrTKii.n, tb»-pr«.cr« v^ of tb* pnflla, 4ud ih- ui*rior fkcilttlta *-xt^ftd*-d to dcair'«- I «4utii(yinjt »b»tmeUt-r Ui* pucti--al dttU $ ,,f th* Per*«oa) raf-r-».C' riven Hi atovf t»u bUAdrtu and flf?j (Mt*) practical ac ur* taut*, aov to charm, or tooka in thl* iltj alt uf «t'om have c- mpi «e' tbeir tu«lc»'*«« fd«icatlvt» lit thta lii9titat|4*D. n 1 *ad co»i.i»nl, andV.r th* reet. Wa an bbo»b ti. n*an coaineni, lh „||rW kw J, 1 ««toUalMcl 104O, BIRR0U8 APBETTTVill. WbdlBI* mad B-iall Daalta a itatlfra «ss«r Ooawiflr Orw OmiIs, ami 8ho*M, Bmt* arsaal lN«t rIA, WOIth-ii LI invite the (tteattoa or perrb*a*ia le laig* and van- axartaeat We are n»w opening uur Pall aiel Wiuter atacB. eBitahie tm tba waiit ..t lbl« auiuaniU.y W, do Bol la any »n»r-- ««»at Buak Keeping and ACCuontt, adap ted to every kind or btialnea*, Inclading an elaborate work on BaOmad Boak-keeplag, prepared bp tba Pro vident aspraaly far W* SchaoT, a kn»wl*da* af wbk. la alone worth more to tba Stadaat tbaa tb* tali taa fee* tor the en'lre ooane Ugalbar wlthOcaaaMraial CaknlatloB*, Baataee* Pnmanahlp, aad tb* «ah)*ew of Commercial Law. Albert Kidder, Baa., tba popolar Aaartaaa Card WrBar, whoee «pattawaaaf Priaia.ills raaMvedflla hlghaet pnaahaaa tt Ua great State Pair hatdto **w Tork dtf la ISM, haa baa *agaa*d aa Pradbaaar at Peaiaaaaahlp. Aaatbarwaia*cf fraa yaklli eaveitd «f aaaatadBniiM iMiaa* afi illkaMM. AOk tt prafaaaSa iiu'ier-ell oar vlahbnn, bat «f Mad wad* al W* have aow oa Iwnd a Saaa^ coaeiaUkg af SI Ik a. Hirlwa. ParaaMMaa, T*le*tla*a.| Laatrrs, BrLaiaea, Bra., Bkawl* aad ISaaiUlaa to iraal variety. cie'ba. Oa-almera, V...ta«a Beady Mad* Olethag an W elhiUe^iat all kiada salt able tor tbaau^. Ing.ea'on T*nk^ N'.ii- na Bahbi Ooad*, C«-« r'1 OH Cl 'iba, WniA.w Shadi i,Broo«rl*«. Cr*aa*ry and Hardware. GE0CEEIE8, CRSCHEBI, BIRBWIU, tsi'jMli. OU'Clmttf, Rawer fiaada, Wiudow Sbadea, aiiti Vankoa Notioaa. *4 SKPTBMBBB, ISSI lNCOBPOBA' l|^||l|faafr JVi ted by tbe UBtetaSara of llliael., Pebrnary, I tbo Mlaabflypl la wl'h our retail baalaoa, w have opawra ww S.WWWW.*? MW 1668 Th» eaira.rdtaarv patreaagi- hiaawet apaa thla long «-,tabb*h*d aadpupalar Inatttction aff.rda grat Ifyias evldrsce that the (aperlor advantage* and ft. ~Bltiea It odrra tor the acqDlaltlon of a tboroegh knewledae of the varion* braac'iea of a CooBcaclAt EnvtATina. are favorably appeealaled by a dl*c» ra Ingand Inlelliaenl community, over two haivlrad fnll roiira.1 atudenta have haaa U attndaBe daring I hahsaabt to aa wii*t*fa 4tf the p**t winter, being an aaeont of patroaase nn paralleled In tbl* lunlry. Iu the Sd and storlea ef aar bal'dS*. Bt wBab un ae fund a large gtark of Y O O S aaitaM* tothetiad*. TeMerahaBk «e arMeeii aay u«edla ea aaa for riah or ahort TO FMumau, Wi- are prepared to pay Tba Hlafcaat Wartol Prl»* far all ktoda tt All IB waat ef Bargalaa aall aa BORBOW8 a mrnn, WMO^B^LE ^gp^RTAU. DB4lr ferilfa mnd Aeei««lt« •sfsl vaaa.j ^cue