Newspaper Page Text
wv1 iiittnrfi IMMENSE ATTCOTlORn! ,Vir UOOtls •rdmt nnoBivnu 4T Till. METROPOLITAN STUKhl. l- r, i .. M.t MaiWt 11.1 ,v.i...l -tr f, II a SUTTON & CO. pjiVK I,i.. I, ST&ru'AID f&ICY 11Y MIS. UMr r. Ilk.- pi. wh" tb Ib'-y te.B%e to call the SO-! lb* puMu tfrncrait On tf MM ..impel faw »»*td #»»t «t u itv. bo tit ft. I ere tw be fuUJid .Httkt. Bid Voire Antlqu' i'fSllI s( if* tiRiwKRiEA jxshiakce abveriiebents M«»ld ftllks, lid i»n4 plain B' rliio Plaids. Vftl-'tctfiio* M*id, AU w*#el (Maine- -..p-.' -'Use, Bulf W'*»l do. beautiful Btiefc striped end pi*M l.'i"tr- ., Vmiel Nrtni«'itai, Puin MtJ.'aine*, kit., Ac. At. a lafi*' *"d **•Arable at oi* of bt*-»«Ae,| e»d brown Sheeting* and Skirling*, p.aia sod |Utt I' »-h I i i.-. Hie ^•nivt trliaailag*, B"«"*l N»»•' W« would invilf .-special atlent oeUt stuck tf u aft Taiaw, Hrm h" Mantle, lit i. BUrk 1 Blanket Xhwtriu! Pr|al»st«tl prii'*'*. r«*w 6 10 r«nl- ."W':ru' •lyl** »M fa-1 o-i..r» t» U»I0 Oor toriii-. art* Pailtlvtty CaHh, •ml Qttr Cm**!-•iii»*» Will III' I Ml N. ft. All MW -»•.«. .I,* iha ®r» mrfrfi t.. .• |)«v (it#- w i h«*r«* l*» fit tbat w li***' n«« *urh iiit -tii k«n. W»• 11 i our «r« wit) flhil Itaii'l r* \»'4r «••fiH*. *'m1 »'1 Ut anp|»lv lb»ir want- lit- «i" I sirrmN k ru., c«»rn* Ro«4i Man-I »ti»l Hi».-»» l»%VKM*»KT IHU -•pill PILL *M VilSTVM (jOOIIS 11 IK \ew Hal, 4 aimf THK STOICK. U1fR wnuM r« -w«»ruHv -l it- \u»\ v 'f'"1 anl *r- «UHy i in: t» Uo..««|« in our litf. in %u.*\ CLOTH IMI PIJ SII \PS, hav«» al OADIB8 Atpnn* atttl of quajit XJ Xi uud u/guci/ifi'* f'»" yUiiMf. Tbankful for lb-UN r*i psir.-nac in •*»..« hall, bt rrt'ifm**. nv* l«» kl» l' »w' .» V Ibek m*« fTtif-J. trUf »b«« qualili all Mm arc loitfU' iit WMIkKtt A BRAMPTON- Oavouport. lowii. TK.tfti'- T*'*s 1t4 WNI'W. fvttr-f Hi f!'«J *U IS Sbai t» two*#."-"' ^kl Aj«1. *f i "i# C«fc. JO «K Tin I hu*— N f. ti •B-Xoanit M. It!r4 »W--. a» iwt. v lau *i Wi« -1 N'. WtWa- '4M Tub*"*: ttvn il *u.i uad W» h. I- Villi.-. Tu«ctkrr »ftb «r»« .t'l't- -i vkMk w#l vU «a itt.m'V mw, .IMf) VI1.SON k HAKI.KT NEW STORE, NEW GOODS! Juat Arrivr.l rngl ..4rr«tKiiM I. Davei.i.-t All a^i^iultd «-^rtiD'*lit Fmncy Dry fVoorfa, Lare#, Kmhroidn T- iiiuuing*. I..vUc' a id i«nt»' El'RMNHIW tm)D8, Small prrfi iu'-rv (I. h- all of wld.h b. r^d) t.» -.11 al Ka«i' rn j.i i, .•«. tjnlck Returu« and Small I*' lau. 1 .lit) Br«lv-lr CHAKLES PAGE. (L^TI PAUE k THOMPSON Z-MPOnTBH AND iraoMMLK Farelga Ail llunest ir WINES AND LIQUORS, (Igarti aud Tabaew. Oadoa Block, Washington it., m-vr p.-rry anding. R(H k ISLAKU, ILLINOIS. FHKSBT VRIM ERIKS AT [OliBS ALiBI RVAH & WcCAKi, Ke. 3 Fraat st. sa4 Levee, AMM dally r»o«lTlnf frr»h mppli-« „f«®i«. WriM aad »r» makiix arrauf-uieui. ft.r a HEIVY PALL TRIDE, ha^ni ran oua0.taiic. that lfc«y "a»i rapp y tl,.' Mfr caaata au,1 Groc»r'Ui'n Villi all li*' vari. n.. .'tlciM in Un. ou tO. 1* addition to a hea y aud umpleta »t.»ck of Groceries, WlMIMIlh aueutiwii oi and buiMar. WMI aia Maia al NAUt OF ALL SIZES pM Beat Sraaib. ALSO. Mass af all ftoaa—Bsst Oaaiity tf DsaMa aa4 8lB|ls Crawa, «. wilt kMf MaMaatlr kaad aappiy ui EXTtl PAHILY PLOI'R, Pna Um KAQU0UVA Cxion mii.u. which wa WttMlat ta. iMnwt ru* .*M. lat Mlmni to Mtr ea.i«ai.r* Im at ftTAV a II rut: i HH .ttan v\ INSURANCECOMPANY. orril f: Kmm \o. I, Temple Uearborn St., ft% ff WCA CIPITIL STOCK, $ 150,000 n Nwitr a an.n* ui »o n-rt uapba* t,\ uKi.K If I W MIHI KDCAM IKI V RKWKV riUNlA*. T»* OiieiaT. Urt*r»i Awii i iu«m •*rt!snii'il mi tr» I* tfctl itiiiVr IHIM iiI Til -I I tit!.«.(- i bU-lfK* *"II «v-aab|e 4*isp. e*.. Il» e*t.»l f«-l fur* »m ouglil to a »f 'l' CO AM. tM W-U (BaiMt. aw A CBh IM i waAA&acwa tttowuu. |«rl«uf He "11. I|»"V H- 9\f*+ RKFEHKNIK3: l«*af' Si-.U' K W» UnO.U WtMiain* k. An j.Chi' tK' HI.ok k H-- k Hr. th'f, Ir'lli'kMl ti' li.«. S. lluraiM. Pr« »i N"rttirtip Milwauk*^ J. ti. .IIMH K X| fU IIM*. n«ir Karu.t.1, Pre^,l Chuj^fc R. 1 ll»H [l (j.Ul. Ul. Ujllfc. K. ..I.r.l.i SI 1/ Hwi ui»'f 1 lA» vU- .v. and li ililiK*, It1 WnN k »«K»n». I II lltinb k C*hi«MU.» ft«uk. Il il,. n.hii. nhi». M—r.. It. W S./M k f.- .t bi' i*.!.!, Miiilt. l»ralt,lii\.4i, III. Win. HUii'ttanl I ,n|. III. Il.rt- Win, i'l uM, S*' ot !.»«••. W kO. i' -.kk ,R.-i[f-r.! lU. II "Vlirt-i.-r. k S..11, Aui..m, N« ami tV 4\ Km, Kutfalo. N Win li PIIIMIjt, KM,.. if man, Atfcttl «t laV'-l|fc»rU.«'l R»* k I«I.iihI. HKPIf/K, Uavfiipiirt, at th- Hi Air. HlM'.t Hii (Nlo1. IH»*t Bni1«lmf, ttrndv H!»•••••!. lulv *-lf MTI0N\l, l\S| K\\« i: ItniPlM, ./ in- .r. j., Capital $B00(000. II IlKKIl W. U. N, rrt*try. II KIKU), Ag'-nt Mt lavrn|iort »nl R» k lal»nj.** OKFlt^K Davt-n^urt, Mrair lhtMO rat 11« I l* -al IB«- UhII H- i.1, i Mfim ANTII.r: I K i: ON OK CHICAGO. ffioo Iii. tlio State Democrat Otfioe," IMVKNPilKT, IOWA. aiiital, rUNKOOO. "Ffj-KJ v i VKKHI'S UKKHH. |», .1 \MRS PKI'K V I*. THOM AS iUri|MOND,S 'y ui I Tr i I KYMAN. A*TIN«J »IRf:rTOK ANI» MtKfVR ISWPWTnR. 1 f*H.«rHw *im! Pirr ri ba t-ik- n at n- n»l IfttWlf n. PIKI.D, An 1)1. *ti.»fiv Will r. At).! Hiuv.w nntf- l»v Opn^KRi!. AI.PKITD SWOERB U t' V P*** ,1ip ni AlDI i W*ti«uv, ta'y. fmturnnrr (OMfiany. ti.. 1.1 fHI XZomo fmiironrf i ompmy, Oounootlout .WuImoI Life Inmurmnce ('o., Acquxrrit Capital ,,'JOOO.iairi urriiK CHI WE8T BIDE OF MAIN BTRBJBT, S'l*u Kr n' .»,-l s.«md 91. A V O RT IOWA. iM ltlawly] HRN'RT II IIOF^MAN. AP-ni I. S. LIPE INSURINfE, INMITi AND TRIST COMPAXf, OK rilll.ADKI.I'IIM. PRNN. ftriiu. •IIOO^NW rrKPHKX CRA Wh'ORII. Phh. CHARTER O.IN P0RW4«UHW« A IWHIISSMW 21th d*T t«-r from U* »hii tit liai at»'t ,o rtt-w o i»« V,r»nlt" a* ou ilr Urtu aud Mul'k l«e* i» and luMitatio t^HiitHtU''"* till* d«uia«e !y ofl«-rtb»- Ml. KAtPKMAN. l/M.VIi/, f.V 1 MILK and SOFT IM.ITM, IiiMir.i nee 'oni|).iiiv. Offle. M. W.Co ofMainACheshatStrMt ST. LOI 'IS, M(». titplinl, H'M. ll'iKM'll, I'fM'l. AI). AIIKI.Kt, Vi-^ Prcn' 1'IIAH AIIRAMHOS', H,.riUry. II. A ('li..?- i'. M-jlr, lienry Hl.-rk 0. A. 0. lrt, W.ltn •, II. 3. ?t».tuhborft. I! ARIIN(I, Atf'iit, liiiv«i)|M)rt,t* Tb- n:. i- r-tjriif.l .* *»r ttiin Ot'inpany. which in msnnjrtM |.y «»f the «tatiti»i inn in'»* n-rij ofj*t. L«-ui-, iinl I* I to Hie n*k4'n rat«**. tiot ot«*r!M»kr 1 tbnl tt»i« ta a Wr |miiy. »n4 aboubl In* auMM»rtv«l by nr ill* fth' n 7/.so.r a »#. in «. 01, K S I K «K«I BBS. iiff M«iudl**d ^7 fcu»trru nwi i it 11. li|f wM.'b tlttr^r ar- matijr. tie P. B. IIARIUNO. Hawkevc lii^iirtiuc fompnii}. ». i 'i .rroH r. in ii #. Olf i on llr U'l) »lr.rt, ni, u.-i r.t A llr ••*4* ftttNrr. lMRKCliKis: J- M. 0 w hn- Una'.iu l.-.n-r. l,. I n«^a:n*. V Dm/ ,( Parnr, J. M. Wi:U*rwmM, Alfr^l Ban. frr jam- G*iuM**( Anlfp Mal- OF XVKHY Wimiim .v.r B. II Woci wiRii. 4a- ttftnt ScrretAM. Cma* l.iiilit.T- a-ir»r. INSURANCE. Pin IM-AMI AMI UFK. op!fa'. .fSOiiOOb North'Woatern Inmuranre Company, Of N. rork 'af/ilal $IM0 I.AWHKNCK JOHNSON. WrfPrw., FlIWNT Fisk. S.-ircl.ry ant Treaauri'r. H. MRLD, AMI, Dcnocrnt Offlw, Da\.nv*. l, Iowa. Stat. Mptlt-dU KeyHtotte K I K E i A I N E S A 1 E Of Plilladt-lphia, Penn. irniKiiim CAPITA!., $8INI,IOO. P. M. MamaTT, I'm. ^nhom Orai, Vlee Pre M. THonnnig, 8ec. A. PINTPIKLD, .4gent. Office in Atkinaon*s Building, 9d street, Havener Jowa. octM lyd ijfe Insarnre fompany, Co\ N RCTKX'T flPITAL. HARTFORT. 9200,000 WITH LAR.iK AND I NTH I'ASI N'l4 SURPLUS RR- I'KIITIi. S^urely inv'^t- .l un.l.-i Ihe aatu inn an'l approve of the Comptroller l'rh.i. Account*. Ja» 0. Walker. Pre* j.,hn I.. B:iue, f'iot Prtft Bl« ilill Stcr'y R. Dlrk-rman, O^orral A.ent John A1IT. M. IV Ritamlnrr. Api.:ir*tlon. r.^anedl.v Wllilam Ail.-u. Offlc. In Fo.t Of^o.' BuiKlin^. i J'lWK PAVRSPORT, IOWA. Fire and Marine IIMSURANOE AGAINST LOU Or HamaKr by Fire. rare ur# rrjx I E A A I N E nSVIU.\i COMPANY, OF HARRISfit'RC.H, PENN. ..a »«u. «iu, JMMory. J. P. letaaawae, ftaMwi f^jt.vcjrs wrjrtojy KHIBANrB COMPANY BRADFORD COUNTY, PENN., al, paM ... I aa pmaNd ta tak. lull and iwae PoIMm it n kr riKKt Ki.iot fc m»ke, D.»irwt,i*«i. riHKE ELIOT, lawa ntf. I*wa General Commission and P0KH«KUI!V« MKK( HINTS, PartknUar ati.-i^lon pakl :i pufchMT»n4 Mleof Produt^. tMh r:*\ atlvaocf* tn^tl** on Cniiaignnent* C«-b pa»«i ft.r nil kml. -,f Pr.^i.jce. RKKKRENCEH: At'o, N V (illb^rt A Bfnton: fc *T) «f .|.., P«arln|r,Tbal( ti«r A White R.-ynA Paln.-r, Th.A C",PhU, II a-fl. Itfkaw a /Vd...fc K«», .!» H»i.r irt.Hii., K-»j, 'hit- Jt-«»up a Co, Duliuqur Rj»ruMM..» Wan!. .|... Cook a .'iar^nt, DaT«up% I MJIjr II li ll Kmi ,1. H-f-i 'i't JUt- AV. I4 I-1 M*. 4 Otis f*#«V Jt EaUroarf. I* liti-.-it».. K*jj ('it-v«'UiMl. O. .I.II ti Itn-III., Tr..It ^t*'.C.ilitu»U»» r^niH-ii, K-|. ^jfi»ii:rt tr 111. O O I I 8 I O N —and o W A I N n O S K or H|»riiiKn.»Mf llii W Hi. It Jn«li'« Jiijit• 'xiirt Ob HI. fi.-u 1 miii. Spiintffl-M, l.l. Ki i.aPl Iter-. K-«j..8r |/. i|., Jg... H'llil art* ampl*' for tke ttoraffr of Qratu ash AdvAiicH* uunle on rooalgDtiHMiU *h« -t- -,rwl. S|»«Tia| Htt- iit|..ii paid t» r-CHvlnf kti.l f..rwartluig kcM Railrua«l( Ri er. Cbaatt*"' at «'»iabh^b. il rale*. juufJMljr I Hill., A I n S o N HULL 8L THOMPSON, FOKtt'lKIII.VIa t\l» 0M3IMSI0\ Hprcliaiit«, Flour and Produce Broken, HF.POT IOIIM f'lT ..KSTS i. V. r-l ,i l.' [l.-|.,.vl,, I'i.i. Ki|,r-«« I'm .,. -li I, irl.t. Sail tl. l)\l//li.L K Wlioli ^alc A Retail (rarer*, orvt urtOnic A ••tinMi.mioii ni'rrbaiilt, n.Mlrr- In Salt.Ocin. i.t, ll iir, I'l i-I. r, fills. Nail. NKM ill il'KBIlV S»I- DAt HrttgTluWA n UMTI KK A I PHOLSTERY. Furniture andlhairs It A K n|.«.|M-tl .f. i.M tlonal \V.irt--Ko»un, in the l*lUS :.i 'iuln^' l,i Mi.tip, on the mml liimns ASl STYIX 4' 1 CTtfj, LOOKIM blisses, a- vrrlety Wilting D-aks, A* kc Manufacturer* of lill Frames, srniie 9E8STEAB & Hinnss. v i n i ooRtrcR or skconoaperrt streets. .-i'luUHtrj t.\ VF.S'rtMT, JoWA. Fnrnlture. THK ui..|..r«:rt.Hrf li.T* II HMTI "ToRK, u e e n I u i i u a •\o. «.iH KO 1* RTH STREET, 2 abort Iax^wA^ B\*t 9id*. In cAliiug the Attention of the cittaen* nf St. Lou4 And vicinity, to our ^tablWhment, to induce your pAtroufcg- we prom^e yow Three I'liin^ia, which we will endc tv r, at all times ffclthftilly to per* form •FIRST, We will uae *or beM .nd. ivors to keep constantly on hana HOOD ASt*OKTMPNT, one that ahall not be excelled by Any Pa: n.ii^- House lu the Weat S E O N Our work shall nt*de well, of the bttd maUriai Tuu* we warkant I V/r »lll aell at PRII'KJ" a. LOW, II no. I.MW, than any almllar ratalillnhnivnt In St. Louia. All of which »e W to |»'rf..rni at AV 99 F,'»rtA, ,s* 1/smi*, M j»iiMI*ly BAKKKA THORNIIL'KOII. Bratlon House.~~ E.K Clm&tRE, MOW\S. a. D. fc BROWS, Pr.prl.tor., 'pilISli .u^ h. |iig the ianr-«t. hi—t r. n%enlent A »..| only Tr.l .'la—h. t.'! Ill 1^. Clair, hold., out the itr.'ateat!', m.'ii!. U' :li" travllM. public, and t.i th.iM' who want aqm^t and ''..mfortaU- home. It fum^hM In tli.'t» .t i(.vli'. and Iiw prui* will spared lo satliify III.' waul- of ali (neat.. ty Sond atablln. attached Jrtdawir afe? A txpersonh In-1 ht» wh^ snh^crtber. urto A ». COOKK It CO S. 138 IJkKK RTRICtr /lOIIIOAOO Anions the in w Works are— Law and Practical 1/nlMatUi- A««t'mblle» la the t'nlted States. By Lnth.-i S Cubing. I vol law ih«p, Oa»e* argue.1 and D. t. mm I in the s. guprme Court forlhe Ti rrltorv I Arkansa«, fiom 1M0 to 1860. Alui.lniher S DUtrlct Cuort ft.r the 01, Irlct of Arkanas fr.m 18* to 1US*. With note, .nit ref rence.- By 8»muei ff g,.optt.-ad. LMdln. Ca»« in Criminal Law. with .Vau«.— By •dmnnd Bennett ind frankl fi ««1. I. Manorial, of Hl« Time. Br Ilenry Cnckbura. Vol 1, uo. 419 palp" $1 M. Th« m.ft valuable, a Wftl aa the mm! adable bc-ok I.IHy pabllh«l In thla country, la Lord Corkburn'. Memorial of Bl. Tim. My Cousin Nicholas. A utory. By Thi raaa Incold •hT^aatii r-..t fcw 1*1 v IrweDdfi, **ie Fitry of id. RaCIlah language,* Fnan Chancer to Ban. Wltb H.M« .:« aad hlotraphlol to .11 By Jimei fir tun. author ot 'LlKol Horace OrwKjr.' I w4. la mo MO pa. Prlc. 41 M. flu I .If*. Knplor.lton, and PabUe Her,lea ol John Ob.rMg Fr.nii.nt uidafal rd from Orlt Inai nrawlnga 1 «oi It mo Clnh78ct«. "For Ihutl wer of the Mountalnai they proclalai *"rty IW Oo'npa^lM AvwnowlbyOU. L.T»r Paper tt cer.t The Mo4arn Storj Tener. or Tb. Beat BlurlM of the Btot Aothnrt n.w ftrat cUlectod. Neatly prtntod li mo. doth Mata-puwao cu, A new JT.^el by Fr»l«rlck Mramer.— Aulhoilwd American •nth.- Tr.IMl.lad b, Majy Bcwltt A800,000. pi«t* la one vntna*. tkno. Prior, (I J. OAanau, But*. Hoaao. W[ixi»o*,iV*'i X*"^*r. Pwry'» R«ylitl. to Japae and lb. Ofcuufca.. 1 tu| tfo lUnatraUdwlttlM UUua traUoix, from Ih. drtMbiwrn of th. «B wbloh arla.OMu. iAMB T. HlLBUm, At«il ^*l I *r,t tad Willi Ma of tb. B»» SydMr flallh ..a I *atlcm. (rum hM Wrluag. and PMU*. if ku ut aad aanaaUM^)MIMJa^ba_UiUMdBUM.. art aad Table Talk, with Biographical M^nolr aad kW. By Bvari IKychlaok _chisesu gtd al^ WbaWlHi VW D. B. 000KB kOO. IW Uk« Btreai lL\ril »uar.83Bs« wwRaftSHw RfEMCIL ABIERTlSElEltTS. SOKTII W'KHTBB* in ASH K«K ISKIKMAHT kmi OrtkipflAc las(R«U«Bf ICu. N D*arbum Strrct Chu»«a. IU. tu«, it ui« l4« a*ant r» in HH* itv, J. R. JHt HPHI', Farwardlar and omlsslaa •IMerehant. .* 1 vri: MII' AT AOE.1T. I.-V i in, A :••), .t paka^a*. l..w», TUB»itiUlordiDvy PKOHIA, ILLINOIS. 1.14 Uwtf tOOIIKU H, WHEELER & V IKTI8, Farwardla^ A oMniwiin METlOIIATVrTB. tmrrhm,.. ,.,t. «.„/ DA t.Muhi ioHA ur. Sail Hi. Ill mi.t all K KKS tu IIIAIM if Pann Pn«lt Or i- an.l ali«ntlrl t.. with ll-|.at« ili^ p.lia-e oral.'iif Pr«lu#e in tbii* and otb k«l Oi Ukd pr^liMv. Lib. ial Ca p|. I Bnvljr Htrec-t, where he Is h •a nil who may fuvor him with •d to wuii up DR. tfully inform the publn l-inet Making buiine»!i N'kii a a. H«KRi FURNITURE, MAHRASSES, .Intl t'phoMery Good#, ledkal Card. DRa bl« be WILLI IH VANXANIIT of St OrnlUt id Opt haluilc snriC-oii, Andinc it n^v.^A^*fur Itb, to r*"»ide. dnrinirthe warm aea'.-itP^i a mr- tioitl.ern Mtuati'-n. ha- i-ct*nl aa a Mimtnt resideme the city ..f Ibck I.^Atid, III, where he can he consulted for a'I di*ea»*'- of the eye and opthslmlc op erations fr the flr-t uf July nnn the iA*t of Sep. tember Chronic affections centrally will receive* a portion of hi* att'-niloii. and eye pa»L tit-will ttnd that dnrliig itie wanu vnirni they can It more suc a-asfiiHy treated in a nt«»re northern climate than that 'f J*' I^»»ti" (JunHI) l)R. J. McCORTNEV 0PPKRS THK DAILY IOWA STATE DEMOCRAT,—DAVENPORT, IOWA, NOVEMBER 26, 1S5. FOUNDRIES. MILLS. AC. BIRD WIRE STOVES. Til IS ln«tituti.4i !.«• !.-•» -'l. l-i op»*r»tk4* f.Ji two yr*»» 4unii« whH'b ^^^^uni' ^vfrj v»rl**ty 4l«ra' t»f lb»- KTK O.I KAR. from tbe various p«it» of lb** t, tiavr irta tr*»U-«J wtlb Ik bat4W'»t r«-» Jiurtb W milt*. Kutu**rouH vpfritlon* a«Clfib-Po«t, Wry-N'^k. foiiutnl dr^ruiitk^ uf iIn* bn«ty PIC .h«vt «l«o P»'P* atatM that |«t*^iii Ar«* prutkJ"! i* In ptlvatf Paiuiii'-- »lnl^ •'t tt fVi»..liable rgh irtmfil at Artificial Rr»*« k* I»•****•** A larf a IT ok batd OIARIJU 9 CURTIS. M. D. Proprtrtur. and uorrl reinedj Is by tne of the be«ln iinea In Teyiifare, ^thr hoior ofIbe proprietor.) IftaalMtiprt, aud .Irkanama, Thr pAtlmi it not obtlfvd to awallow, for days aihI wm*Iu, iiAwa^ntlc medtcln^, uor tp^od lArge »uni« of money lu th-ir cunwUiit |»urch*ae. Wli«r«yfr the Eltciro Mictiftic Pfartrr ha* been Introduced it hAa built for ll«Hf Altnovt At oncc, A superior rrpotAtkin, super»aed a4 All otbar rrnedl«i and Drivtn OutntiM from Ut Throne! One Appllcaltn I curea in csaeaout of 10—the Ivth eeaereqtilreetewi i two to four trial*. PRIImm baa yet occurred. Thla |»lAAter does u*/t give lb* iMll pAkii, neither iim*s it Winter or cicoritte the afcio. I TJ.- }n»|irietor haa in hlo pnaAeaafcuD over four tbou- AAIKI certiftcat.'i, home gotten, among which Are gume from M.lifter* of the G.*pel, kulttors, OlHgTIHWlll P, Merchants, PhyHk-iain and Lawyer* of dlatlOCtloB. Ail that i« A^ketl f..r thin remedy la a fklr trUll Atid It will tk for lt»"ir. The ure ir«*cte\i by it la A E A N E N O N fllCI $1^00. Sent by iuai! to ail )»arU of the coun try. A llb^nl dtacount made to trAde. iMe Agencica given. r. M. DfcXIE, Meinphka, Teon. I «e wb«leaAl«ADtl retail Agent fur DAVenport, C. Tt WKBH, Jtecoodst., A few doors eAst of Braidy. •ct^tfdawly TO Orn^hlN A (iDRlryM«rrJuiU. J. II. KEKD & Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 144 & 146 LAKE STREET. hh .iuo .... tn.t.nns. Deal* rain *11 d.^MWi.»i- --f DHl lis. MKIIM INKS, l' II KM I A1 PA INT Oil .S. I.VMPOilS, TANNKRS OII3, VARNIPHKS, PAINTS AND COUR9, HI'RN I N'* KLI'IOS, liLASSWAHK. WINIK)W OI.AS8, HRUttflKH. tiKOi'KltS' DKl Ci5. MAM KAl/TI RRRS (DRUGS, SOli PKA HATI S. UYK STl'PKS. PKKKI ilKUV, TOII.KT OOODS, l»KNTAI. tOlS, Sl'KOIC A I. IN5TKC- MKNTS, Jk. k- All "t wl.Uli we M'b ct pe»tM»nall, (.iir u J. T0MH0N, late of Maaaachuaetts, respect fully Inform* th« oitlaenM of Davenport And vicin ty, he has iocAted in this city as Puftficiau And 9ou*«ua And trusts t^ait by industry And integrity to idc profession to merit and receive a |ahare of their datronAtfe. Ottr« that matkwlthili,patch. Id Atkinson's Block. DENTISTRY. DR.loww,D. VKRg baa removed bia oflce to S«c- uiid treet, et Ween *Rrady and Perry, Daven pi-it a few dor«ea-^t of Smith's store. h»'p» athAt hi-* iajt three yara oonntuut prAC* tu- in ihlatitykas given aucb sAtufActtoo, ua wil iudM. e thorn* wishing the aerykre^ of a Uenllal o I ek hii ue« U^ation. Aa hla Work, auy Attout «f r» f» r*tic» s giVtn tf dtMlrud. rtupt3-d|( 1H.1HLKS ftOODRMt m. Dental Surgeon, 0®ce on Brad. MM, bM«Ma W .Um^U and M, o*«r MHehaU'i .tor., Dana oct16 lariuucw: Uou. John P. Oouk, Jamua ThorteJgtMl, Dr. Barrows, Urs PountAlnA Adler, WitherwAi, Carter, 0'Reardon, R. Cook, Kaq., A. Corhiu, Baq., Col. Rada, 44 Moriarty, bts professional servic to thecltlaens of liAviiport and vicinity. Office tu Wiley fc Muiiir* i*s rKW building, corner of ourth Hrady street«. f- io(» ,.r?e L. Davenport. James W CaaBeld. aeptiT rHOFESSVK HOTT'S IIN gl ARI UOIILKH.) JTKWBM K.fomr TO JVfJJL FJ'ail k e ha and e-t J*e 1t Ine' v?t discovered for and .^gu« Chill fev.i, Ii:mb and all Uiliou^ di-erise*. IM- VAluahir me«liri Dowbouuiteforr lb- public for Veral \ar« bf'tt there cah b» than it* extenniv It putatiofi, and thi of th- IllOot evitbuce owiiiK tb ifol that hit bl-. fr. peun.l m.«t i,jiet iind.-r iii..-i an tren^tli i- Ih. -loinacti, niMgoiate entir.-h pr th- languor Mhd atr. nirtli aIiuIi nti. no, v-.ei an.I A.n all I.III..1.S .liaeaa- it noi o»l.' tr. ak«th« rlli:- and chirk. Ill" r.«cr. hut mill.... Ihi-di-.«» ,,| ilie er arit other organ., on wliah I lie I mil and h'tv-i depend-. Tlit lhon»an.|. who have iimx! iheF.hrl ftige Wine ne.^1 n.. further evldenc of lt« Irtn than It. bain., r--lorative .ffect. It i-Irulv a w.Jiderful niclicin. and operate, on the .jrst- in like a charm Th-Br t..r .Won. Id, .at ,.f F-hrlfu*. Wine t,r"aki the chlll«, all.I If r..ntlni|. acurdlnn to tli .lir.vtl,.|i«, it remove- th.- dlv-ax- mian.ntly fnnii tin- ».tem .nd |. av- 1 he l«ly in a h.-.lthv c.n.liiioi.. Tho-e fr-ooi who are .mi.tod with K.t.t and Auu. „r any dl-.a.. ., are n nmi iid'M to «l»r this valuable medi.'lne a fair trial whl.hl-all lhat ia n« c. a- i'y t. In«un ucor»*. and i n\in.. all ..i it. anp rioi ity ov. »i ry otb n »»r feted the pulill. Certifl.'at'. uf th.- hlull' .t tes|ed.blllly might brpi ..-nt'tl lo .utwtantiate all that .. .Uini'.t In Its behalf but It will be left to ln r«lu. t.eir—i «tanl or rail uim.ii I:- own ni. riu. Caution to the Public.—B-- ,.nr' ihai ih ..all! of thepropri. i„r, Johj All whil.*aale order* miiei he dlret tcl to John ». n r, 61 Maiden Lan. N or to Ha ft B.hlwin, wh..leaal'' dru^uiata Chicago hi wh .laaal. and r--1.1: by H^.r. alvorh a van patten «M-dkwl) U.V. np. It, low Crxlo il A PvWKLI., are qteat«-d to call Aud ttlo !m a\e c«^t. IT. CniLI). Sew axii ixterehtixv so«kR. IMMENSE ATTIUTHM AT TiE Great Carpet Hall, BKECHER, H0LLISTIR 4 WILKINS, 134 aa* 137 l.akaal., afiialra, CHICAGO. sooTooo wobvb or CABPBTIN8B. OIL CLOTBS, CURTAIN OOOOB. BBDourd.a^. *•. THE ONLY HOUSE IN CHICAGO RxdoalT* la the A E 4 E At our • BaU 1Mb.awK laaad aa M. •orloient uf SuaiU ui oar IU. *—~-*Ri, both la Qaallty aai Style, all stksrs la tks City CsaAtasi. W. ar.eoa.UaUy MUuf to srowd. tl BVTIM th.moat auli .nr braacht to th. WnIM MarMt, at Than U U pmirtli tor tap oth.r WaM to ilkrd. Parwa. dwtrtM aap artMM la oar Una ol baMMM ar. mdmM to CALL AUD BIB Oar .latoM Willi wrtWy at Saod^ bMa| tor th, I4101«r MT9CM. ivu nanmn nr oauuao. 0DB lALt AMB DWLAT IMA 1IT laha Street, BagK&ffiA^t HaHvarr ud Slave Store. WWAIlAKOBlfiKT I ha*t» |u«t o|FitH at» i»-u^lv*» frtut k of SU/N't bzkI 8ar4«At^- 1° l,,r OI.O 9TAVP OPH naiTNkro Vmmit fun A Bn4f Xfttli, *'h.-r tb«r# cm br .viHl a tat** aim! ^taiplfie a» a«rtili*-(it «jf HMT mmI ifrwy H«rAror«, S.ll*. !|itk*, (lltM, Cirpukr*. .li'l JulD'i's Till., .lid In IKt -i»iliif» in ib Hardware Unr, whicil I wUI Mil l..r TaaL. rli^ai»-i iliaii «i br bad al any uuUlikimii In tkia ciit onra aa Na. 14 Kwik Mala Ntraci. St. liOms. Mo. WHOLESALE* RETAIL DEALERS IN ThrMhert, Haj and Hrav Caltil., Bum I' wen. 8fl» Mill., aud Out Cruahm, MMn. Ourm Planter., I Corn MirUri n, OMmMH., Koa4 tkrmnr., ta ifllla, llMrm, H.rrowii, CKaroa, HufKMin, Hajr Pnwn, Otlllniun, Mwvda, K»ku, flm, lloa., Axe, Ac, Uari.a, Uraaaiai .th(r*rr4. i "CHEAT WKliTBM[.CUCIXNATI Move store, Tin, Sheet Iron aim# i'opper H^mrt JRtmufmetary. WUOLEHALK IXD RETAIL. rilM-r ha- opened a new Stov* Sure und Manufactory.on Jd lr.-.«t, 4 iltjt.ri eaut i wher. be intend" to k«-«*p "li hand the 'I'llR sub 1 Tin Wai of HarriM.ii Celebrated C'Nnmmt Store. of Cincinnati, wbuh hA* In the u*t tw. ear- Won a nAOie and faoK unparalleled in th« bi»ti«ry of »tt.vea forbaktiiK, roHttuiK and heattntr, »ltliSe-s fo«l than any otbt -top-, and in i« sk tiu»e. The»ub ffC'ltieil having mi|dih*tu iince t!M»y n rut came market Iti Ohio, i« fully prepared to warrant aim! luarantee itf o^ ratlon iu every P-»j*ft, and if not a» wai tan:"! the m«ney will be refunded. Al^okeeps on hand the |jve Oak, which I- a tfo--d tove AK, the Charter Oak w.««i and mul. The City Air Tight noli* Mich prt-nmiin 4Im». i-IeVntd .v. n-, parlt.r « all »rt». -ha|ea and ai?r« I'..a) Wntcbeai, Oloolu, #nrefrir, Silrer-trare and Fancy .Goods, which Is now the Urjrest Atid mod fashionable in the city. We Are contantl in receipt of Good- bv Ki preaa. An will Always have the newest ».tyt« to bt had lu the eastern marketx. Our motto i mall prortt" and quii k re turn-. OVthefrom oft' r» of iw ef on-lAutlv iticr Alng it" having pscfoi mod iii«l a«t!ii~hiiit( ui-a Ben..- purely v.^-t^. ri« u mine al oiik b*- tAk n with the ut. i cufunisiaiice-. It 'b s.T-t And pro»t-At|«n of and Winta la in hi. .un l.aodwrt ling, on the Prouii.Kir Note, which i« alla'''ei to the hit torn of engraved label on Uiu b.,1 9.,ld at 1 etall bj DruKKiKU and Mercliant where. R. 4 J. RK1^H)N. Davenport, IOWA, 0« t. 14 IfifiA—dtf ItoaMsiaes Hirer Laid far sals t^tJTO ItKP^tR TMKJTT. 2h*Moin*$ River Nttvig*Nm ant (b, OTTVUWA, IOWA, THK FEBRIFUGE WINE. DAYBWPOHTIBON WORKS st«.\.•« f..r *h.-p», t'.ie", A' WeaK. uiteiitl k« eplli|r on band a foil a**rtim*ni of Tin Ware, Japann War« ,co|» p"r »Are f.ruaa KetM*^. Rnaineil' do, and In fact everything .lstially k"|»! i»i "Ut an .^t.tbli^hmeiit, and i prepared at all times to uuke and pal up •ease Mpasttaf, Roofla^ ami Jek- April 17. I8M. mi lerrtlgmt! hereby gives tiotic, that this Oflb*1 is now open for the nab' of tbe»e valuable art Thev will be M.ld uti Ionic credit, and in lot:* to at tl. nieanc and wihe« of puicbaers. AH)further lnfonnatk»nd« «lred in relation tu thoi*f f» will be furnl -hed on Ap|»licatiui At thi* offr? I mstl or otherwise. OBO PRKKINS, imajrlAdtf) Unj ('omtnisiooer. the sliteenth day of June, next, the office be taV* of the land* of this oosupatn milljor rerivvd lbi» plAte to Port Des Moines. The»« land- will he aoid oO lose credits, mid Is lot' to «ult the m**aus And wishaa of purctia^rs. 010. *. P1RR1NS, |Land Ooainl^sioae otiuiaw. V «a'j U. arT7.1.w» i. B. I ARI.I:TO, WBOLEAALC AMD aCTAILOCALta la BOOTS SHOES AND BROCiANS. \T THK N'RW B4KIT AND SHOK STORK, bao r«*move«l from Maiu to Brady Street, bt tw*«'» 4th and 6th s|n., where he now re •eivina his Spring st«t of Boots And Shoes, which embrace- the uoul variety uf styles for Geuta, Indies. Mis*e* and Cbildreos wear. iBl nti New Magical Wsrk liT ii.P. Rssb ri^lfw^rk iktSerlo lectkm of tnnu^ i esuelletil. Also arrangetl'by hemselees old uo^-, uspsotAliy fir pruyur uad social meeting* »sry. Published In Kew York by Maaou A Br„ mid f-, aole by II A fORTBR A BRO, (auglAtlwl lo l-.|a?tt BOOKS ANB mHONERT. Wholesale and RetaiL Jtombtr Seven MM Clmire JtM», DATBVPOBT, IOWA Our Stock iwaHlN aI BOOKS, BTATIOlfBBT, OOLD PUTS, PAPSS. VIBrnNO OABM. pmnms PAW OoW and Bum luath Ptak*. Via. aad *itWtIOLItALB RITAILI Tanuraaa O II N K V s u o w. Ri «k laixl ai».J hlr»i i [ImI* oj the f^i It lire /cMM/ry,] AI*o Dt.o'1 fii' n*M tb tV." Print «fitl But mr*tu oppotU* U frM ItnMmg. .liSW-wir] W W PARKKH AtiHIirTLTUHAL mertrrn ^f|[] fQL STORE. •PDUll I'l'BS III! mmm .r»i AN EXTERNAL Cl'RE OK CHII US& PKVKK. I *N FOI'R HOURS. H\n. .V, PttAJYT# '0., all ku*U Saw atil Plouiink mill* '*raM»»tal Mouae i^waiiaga. of ai'^'tk and vaned d«^ncn^ Cap?*. HitK Brack eU, Tru*^o» kc of tbe lati^t |*itt«rf)», or Mink to order N Spreia »U«m»h».b |»aM to refMilrlDl wor» Acck.Utit* to Baih»ti«rv r«|mtr'd w-»ih«tit i|»lir Bra*4 ca«t .i. n. (iiibl^ttf) JAM MR DONNKIIV k it* Lumber! Lumber It the Rack Itlaad Saw Mill. JJAVIN« te-MV-l t• I- 1 Ktlt AVISO re* I..:, running our M^i: prepare«i to r»-c'ix»* orde: '.-t ali k aud Pramint l.umt»er, 1.4'li*. Shmi All order* with which ottr l)a i vor o- Will b- e*-ct!ted Witti puu«l Xrilitv and 'li-pjt( I 3WKAI», SMITH k MJMU* a*OC« 1 Aland, Mav*! iH A dtf Ofiiior*' WM, id general, out of gin*.'tin ard,b\ the b*'nt wotkmen all of whi» will l»»* A.m on tbe most r.-a^nable tcrmii cordiAiiy invite the public to *lve uh a call. Remember the plac** 2d ttwf, 4 dour" Rat of Bar flaon, ^AUglidAWlf o. RORNV. HARDWARE STORE. I,H l\CSTl» A LIK VHIHIII y^RR n,.w,,|., niiiu «i Nc Main rfi a ..iupl«ti our tirui being in Mwrkct all the navigation a^ ii,) tlu-n-l'V curm^ St.». k not At the lAw«*«t pOHMible Pricey hut of uniform yvod qiuility. An »'\aintnatioti ofui St^k ind Prlcex Istnvited, Wltli the it| '-l l» rf»^t mtltid. taf in our ability to a|..i iii^iiiiraiti] In' oiitig Kxtractw, and So* H. RKKPkCO. s.t«t:k Superior Hardware. to which we uiMt the atl'-nlioii those u purchaseanvtblua in ..Mijmr Tt.o-e huyii CAn rHy upon tfetlin« a a^i»d aru« if n*t o|, AM such. Confidently believing that by ZiOW XRXOZ» Good Oood-. Jti^t r. prem utation* nii! i^raonal fttenlion. w c-ii and will make it tie- interest of close bnver- t- cive nit a call. CAPS,latest hlngto u of tl» niietHbd We design k» up a full a^tsortoicnt of mechan ics tol! of the vwry les.t quality, which will b«' w.ld at pric** wbl will icive »*li*fa th.n. our iiM.rt* ment of «he1f it nearly full, and wr have in trau-it which add**d to lh«»»e uow rect'lv^l, will make our stock larxe and at (i Active as any to be found in tic LIVINGSTON fc Lot KWooI). IavenpTt. Juh '2M lsAA^lli WITCHES, JEWELRf, Ac. AChAnos for Bazgains. hart oa haad a lam awl niperlor itock (Md aad Km walche., J.walrj, SoM Si Ohalaa, etc., which I wUI for cart at greatly prlcc., ailaa radammy Mock going eaM. P. M. HOD8EL, octla dtf No.« UOIalre Bow. REMOVAL. .WIms'i Jewelry Afore, Brady strrut, Ahwtc Pad Ottr*. WRfui J. Burtli, lba» T. WeW,,tDru(tfl«)MM.r«. II K W WtoMI 1 Francta Jaci hy, do. would tuoder our grAtr. acknowleiUiuent* Andrews A flbulluy the public for their liberal pat Muage since our oomaeno inent in bn^in^»». Havluf reuioved1 into a larger and re comnodioun store, necond tlotir AlKive our fom*'r locating*, wu would ,- icit *n tnapection of our »tock of k a n s o a i o n HI. W. MrLKl* k 10. TmMufMH'tutioH .IgrHts ANI I.INKKAI OnrainiM ami Prodaea M.rehkiiU, No. IK *M»utli Wiil. •!., War- !.,»•• I, nil. rl •.. ||... I.t U V!„.|. k IV •f B'lli lmf tng v r«- .KiS8f£».r I N E S O H. t«rator, Thrf^hltig anM II. p..wer4mai liltson. I^vein«.rt, |. Wa Which la Aakoiiwltx g. lu Ih-tbe t- macbuie foi thr» -huiK, H-i*aratniK and i It-anihc gran nu in u* Our Maohtt).-« an* i:ot up of the bt mateuAl, am by eip»ri«»n'fd Wi ikm- n ll.-i\i:.k U n in the bui- Tl.rougl lie#- for thepa-t I7yar^. I might »ay that I rtmto. cungt upa-K'N-» Tlif^huiii M4» hine ah any idber I Through Tick eatahlithnx-nt in Mr I'ml^l Stat.-» Wr 1U1 mani- procured at th« fACtvre two ati«i four hor*e Powers atMl Threahef, str«*et. opposite Job Work. Iron rnahm«.. ic,d.,n- «t the ^hort.^f i Merclmnt^. I oti'- Older# ha rn.ul or Mcgraph promptly edu. and tetters of inquiry ii^Tfull) answei Drtv-ni^rt, June 4 is56-«lawtf WASH'SCTM au«» NOW. I ktr.) ., tllu A SI, L.ll* U.K. Third St., near R. R. IPepot, A V E N O I O W A iwrw, wvirso.r# mastfactrui ns or THRESHING HAIHIIVES, 8EPERATORS AND HORSEPOWERS. It Seturawr.'i are wariuni'd to thi -h .tnd (l aa wheat lhan any of the ordinary iud iune berft..fiir'• umiI Th«* tuachinv clean on an tntir reu |triii' iple, divptu^mg with Ih*' oidmnry Iim* all d*ll —iiia.\'2^l.tni\\bni) UNION CAR AMI BKIIH.E WORK PofnffDRY, U.NION VII.I.K, Miirir.o, ill. Sills, Bra« krtt, TrosH-», Columns, eU, id the patterns iiiiulv to ord.-r. Information a* to price*, etc, n::»y be oht.tined At (be office Ol Stoat, IfcM.MKA and liovi»i.ToM, Uuvcn pirt*s block No S, Dtivenpitrt, Iowa. ST0NP, ItOOMKRA ItOl'TON, marcMOdtf PioprKtur-*. liiiiiilier! Liiiiilirr! LITIIS, SIIIM.LES, NTAAES, I'll k E'l'S. Etc. aMl thf Kuih'oad itrpot I saw Mrr.TiW (Tii'M mill al«tv tin'Kailrortil liri.lKf.) i (Mi haud a lat tfe and superior stock CRoIX l.O»S, we .*re pii-|»ured to li §lorimg* IVwfiho, AN»I Boon?*, Shinghhi ffrfcrfw* r#r. All of whb !. w d. ou •-••is. to-elluslow as can be 1iaI at .u --iahlidun- I in li Hfe»t. pm u i' i We wou' '.tit h« .i 11 ii i j. 'ii i»| Buihbi and (dbera In wi.t o| t, tig and Sti ng TimUr to the fail that w have a laige tail of l.on^ PiUh Pine Log«. whi« w« w.ll -an, if required into tnn berti of anyUt.gtb, from 10 to 46 feet It i« n—-d ler«* fur u to tA.uiineiit n|--n the mreiiKth and dura bility of thi* timber, a» il »e|| kiionn .eyery me chanic. K —We hav* a large lot of Clean Sea-on. I s nd '2 inch PlAiik. Mpi-ifMtf CHICAGO IDVERTISEHENTSB 8CRIVEN & GALLAGHER'S, tieseral Adverthlup and CollecliBff AGENCY. 63 DEARBORN ST.. CHK'Ar.O. II.L8. Jewelry! Jewell)! Jewelry! WHOLESALE INO RETAIL! Mississippi & Missouri S. R. ChiCAglllu i And Plated Ware, tob* found iu Chicago, offt at the tn»'^f reasonable rates. Our elry.Sil whi w motto is WillardN GreenleAPs Kvtdence, Taylor's Med. 44 Pmmv •nmop., aad Now hmt to match. Transanal Oartataf, er. Oord.aad*»M.U, TufcUiea wltb Ml artMM amaBr b»pt la Which they will MU CHEAP as ths CHEAPEST I Bookstoiet, rAQQ. X¥WXX1 BI MMlMraltiMd woald aaajMpnUaUy imcm. mead thatr laUUIfMM 0®»t. the paWic with th. that all ordm MimK4 to them wUI ooaataaUy"load Maallau lor MUwr aa). 'w aadH&t Ml baili'M tola Uaa, IMh a. tb «gALrtJ5gr' •tra=*=»-aaiSBBrrai. OaaSvSraSjadBaMt M*. JL*' WawU^MlB^^B«----. Vsass sal Lsaas firlals CIIICAUO, ILL. I w« give our pMIMNlAl Atu ntlon to a«liR»gof Produce And MurchaiulUf I tioii. w. w. Mi l.KAN A CO. will eece k 1n«Hof (iot dn t«» *11 P»rt* of the Mew York and Boston. Simmm TIM). I'l k I A fc. I. SA V »l'. .IVip 1 hfrk ttMtl **4r Wit* (JitUf/r, ihfliNr Tr.icA, A I O A Dunkirk, Hnjfnio. Stagara F*il» or Sus rimiis t«tl»e I «,d-ai.ds» pn*ion Bnkj M4g. R.tihoal I n. u.^ mmiiiK tin Mk-1 AIR-1.INK ROI IK I KlW'EKN i liicuKuautl mi.I.ouifc. rain* leave CAov/^.- j,tr St. ui* auJ inUrtn aitite jifticc*. Aceom.Hkatictt Tram, (Snnday »«-»cepted) 0 "41 K*prtaa Tram, iSatuidny*)) ein ptrd) 11 |f» u Train* Uaet St. ftn CA/« tttfo and inUrmr I diatr I AxainiiiiHiM)on Train, (Sunday's toepled) 7 i ftxpreeti Trnin (Saltirday'M excepted^ i Tian.* run lluougii, *ithout el ig carHOi run thiou^h Jolk-t, ltU» ington, .s'pnii|{fleld, CurlMiv II- ,tn.| Alton. 1 wlTrams run on tht«roa«4 makv diivct conncctl I th J-'M-'t Cot Otf Miid Michigan t'. ntral Kailmadat Jolict, M.ik np tln« th-- «hortc»t, tpilcket, uai moat 1 e liable route lftwe* n St Louis -i ml New York, Boston Philadelphia, and the Fast. With IlLnoia Central K l( al |iioumingtoti,for La 1 8alle, M'-ndota and Cairo. HliOitat W'St. rii of Illinois At Mpringfletl, for O.-catur and N.t) lee. With all |he Railioads diverging from fjblrago uitb daily line of PackeU at louia for Ke.kui», New Orients, and MUttmri Kivcr. Through Tickct« foi ali pUt ennieHlk»ne«l ubovt can be pro, ure| at all the principal ticket "flier* lu the Cnited Slates, *nd at the oflites In bl, £ouis I: Chi »*. Pool of WAsltUiglon Av- 4" i»e ,il...r' Hrei 1, OJ^Mi enue, on Lrvee. I miv r. i'nu.t llouMe. KIOH'U P. MOKUAN. Ja .lupU hio -tnti.ffu.n. Jan. i,1a5A. Chicago A Itork Island itailroad aw Spring «Irrungrmtnl, Of..111••r*cp?.-.i N' and afi M"i.dir Aini li:h l^"-i.% ind unti no«i (. ni w dl i. ive It.- k I-1 .nd dai|\ Snnd.u* N r.'iiov.• 1st mat' ti .»m at w 00 A •id expfe -. slicing onli al,!lie yilnclpal slati- n at 1*1 If. A 3d nlglit xprexs. -U.|)|.iug at all station^ fi.lo I'M 4th ft Ihil*t. wdh '2d i lass« a. at 6 A Ttaui' at fiiH'k ^Utud dally« Suiidny^ cvpted, a lloWs Iht l'i*Ht e4p|. .,„ b.Wl A Al e*pn». topping tidy At prln 1 MAtiuti-4 hi mail tirtin al 10 O^r Quick Sales aad Ssiall Profits, Our atock of Communion Setis, rentiiie, Mosok, 0*ui**o. and tin* (told sets of Pin», Kar- Ring* and Biace|et, Slgneta Aud UiAmond, Coin Silver K«.rk, Spnon-(S^rvtcea aic Ac Cannot be Mirpasetl. Dial rs and purchases are invited to call and examine. OEO. W STKVRNS A CO cor Lake nh) iJearl .trn st*., C?hlCAgo, III. weptl8-d3u» klcaes Siean Dve Wsrks. WKStreet I.AMD DCahARTMET. I lts Mulaca Naviuatiok Co. would r»'i»*cfftdlv inform the l.a l|e of |av nportthat w» have ,stAMM fd at liS Soath Clsrk iM twetn BadW-nsiid Wa-hirigtn sts*. A Fancy Dyelag and Krsarlai KstahllaA* •teat. Rvery dericription of Siik. Satin, and Woolen ShawN aid l)r ,.es are I'yetl, aned tttel R-Mor«d to tin ir Briginai perfection. Craved Sha^l&dytd to ar.y "hade-al^o. I^ire Cut tains rl- aoder bb at h.-d and warrant* 4 t«* l.n.k like new. Ordei* from the country promptly attendee I to. Phillip's. and It 'y Mo Iowa: 1st 1-:euiii and RuiiKrnnt train. At COOK BROTHERS Je|*?tf) \28 Sonth latk hlcaa Chicago Law Book store. D. B. COOKK A CO., Law Book Sellers. 1.W LAKE STREET, C1II0 UO. KEEP OOUWTRT HBBOHAJfTB. Can here find a foo«l aaaortment of «oa«oaable Prime Retmiiing fiooeU, LO W PRICES *h iii anv e«tahll-hmeiit in the [ap!6dfcwtfj at all times a full stock of the verlous Legal Works, etc., for inle nt Eastvrn prices. The profession will find It for their iutersat to write to, or make personal application at this Kstablishmeot rather than to purchase from travelling deAlera, who are constAntly nrowllng al»out. All hooka sold by us are warranted of the latest editions, and perfect coplea and if any error ehoutd occur, It will be promptly rectified. A coiu|4jrt¥ dssscrlptive Law (kitty's A One- i.-cti-.o of pi»iea for i»punlug ainl i«ing ervlctMt, *pTial occaptlrlia, A^r. Also Chants for iacopst iMTVlce, and last but Dot |eA#t, 100 |Htf«-fi evotH t4 instrnciion^ AUd eserclaec, which niAk nvahiablc for the Teacher We Intend at All tun* be auppilfd with tM work by the quantity Order* ftollcltedj C4»t*e sent (p"*ta§e free) oa the receipt of |l (the retail price. TVachera, Cbort»tero and Musi dans are requested to eaamlBe Um work catAloguc will be sent, gratln, on applicition. Order* for any Law 44 RAy on lnsAtiity, Roscoe's Cr 41 Story's i 'onfllct of Laws, Drake ou Attuehment, Pron^nr •ry NoUr., Burrlll on Aaaifrrtmenia. Partner«hi|i., Bed.wlck on Purr!**'-., Ballnienu, Arrlilnjld Cr Plfadlni Afency, Swy'a Rquiiy I'I'i'l n,, Bllla of Bxchanffe,BmlUi'a Mercantile, ^ln|tel A Ameaon Copor'a, W tlker'a American Law, Anreloc Common Oarr'n, V Btatote. at large, Tide Water., Dlfeat, WaterOourac, Ps luu OMo Beporta, Innrance. Mh. BoaTlar'i InetltatM, u Conn. Law DMomhi, tvj. Law I Bq*y Wharton'• Report., tlllaol. IMfWt, NT" B«|i»m, Blaakwell on Taa Tit a*. AddraM D. B. COOKK CO., deoltritf I.aka .treet, Ohlci^. Brass Baid lastruaests. KSMOVAXi. B. K. MOLLD CO., Impuitera aa.lJohb.-rt of ^wac u«4^oi^ a. So HLal. Ifrrrf, under Trmumt Htmtt, CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS T/KSP 01* bAnJ th--' Ui»et a!' he.t .election of Jk. Br.». Band Inurnment.. 1 if New York i. uiaur n.whaiHla being i...w toruiin| in all part. at our Wat tern country, v. an on (i.t of th- In Mrum.nta, With price ,.f « ,«XMi.a»a lb knrai.o, BIO bt. Kb Pnal Burn.. BIS Bb Bopraao* IB" l-jl«-|Hto» Bh Alto, 14 Cyti bai" IB to I# BBBatTn.ur, I SBBatBaa., I flat Alto, I 9 1 Bat Por a Baad of tm aiMabcr., omit on. Boprar.u •..» i MM Alia. For a hand ol Mgfct member., omit oa. MM Alto, aa. Baa. and oa. Contra Ba« Mr. will sJM bear ta Mlad that tbet. m. it fiwca awaufaMare, aad *4 d-wly MriateaM ar. »l th. nSSUmwU!, MrwaeaM ar. af 1 WanaaMd toUtofraM. flsssdsaa Bagi. id Mail Train at 3n Al P'eight Train at A 30 SI 4thNight Kxprep- Train, at 6.30 Trains arrive At Davenport dally, (Buadays eaeep I led) :is follows: I »RoM THE WIIST. 1st Brit Train at 11 Freight Train, at ff a a e Kall« aihI Hn-»p. n»ion Williout Change of 'ara or UtMtKa**. AftrdlAj:attu^ual«'*»iufori, Speed A Safety. Actur«*t1 Jami» W Wititstin, Ii,iv-en|M.rl 'wa Boat mi pujoti^rs tenve New Y«wk dully* at ft WkltsaaN Celebrated Prealiua! X-w Mr..rn 1. m. ACF.fff^TOII W«rM. itiacbine for 1 Sloiiin^fioii, Norwich or Fnll Kivcr TukeU urv good ou either of the almvc ind general informal i« »panv'« Office. No. Ah i.ont'Uouitv.Uuc.-igo. inluce and Httick ai»k 1 att'iid- tl rough -'nirnrU» l.y callmgontht I't'inpany V A|(« nt: od A. II. Prmti*. Ag't, As iK-riilN.m street, Chtfigo H. P. SMITH, den Agent,Cleveland, O. declTdtf A K W A K K A W A E tin- l»uyln^AW«l i-fcvrry d*Kcrlp* (M* 4tb freight. wHb iUcUKtcar.- At S 4h All irnln- ..vr ibis n-ad an lu direct -oi.a -n a' Chicagpwitli traiiixovei both the BH liiKan Soul lei n Atid ntral to and from IKtmil. To ledo. Cleveland, l'oii»uibu«, Cue lonati, PilUhurtfh, Dunkiik. h'lfl.tiv Niagara Pal!^. Aibanv. N v T-rk. PldlAtleiplna, Bailiui'ir at »d Wfdiiimuai Al at I^»8ai:e with I'Aiu ot th« Ill* .op. C« t»tral -id— North t.. and S^Mh to Ml l^ui.- ar..l i^airo, to which places ttrkeiscan b« pr.^ur. dof ». 8 STKPHKNS.Tickei A^nt, R.JVpot R.nk l.-Uod. Fass'iiger# at remiinbd tli- ui'Oi'Mt*t*r Kivinu distinct dimti' Ti" as th' d.- ui.atioti 1 then tmi: ga*e, al«» to procisie cke!h f.,r.* tAkltlK their MTiU in the car*, a* thec..ndu i.*i ct-iie, i tar. .m)v t|oi» oil the line of i he Chn aiSu ARot k I-lan raitro«d 10 on a. 11 16 1& 6 45 r. u Al Kieiuht Truin, at 4th Kxpreps Train at FROM THE CAST. I 1st Xi?ht Kxprr-s Tiain, At I 2\ Day Rxpi e-a T« ain, at 3«1 Pi eight atel Knnfrant train, At I All t, Kin- ont of Davenport will rnak with K»t at in-' and -waCuy. ainiiectionw The P^isenger TrAin c»-nn«rf-t At UAVenport with th. R.Kk Island A Chicago train*. The evening train stops ..lie hi-urin laveti|*tt forpupper. /asacngers are reminded of the necessity of giving itetlnct direction aa to the deutination of their bAg gage, aI»"tprocure tickets before taking heir scatsTn the cars. JOHN B. HKNRT.Supt. A. DAY, Master of Transportation. artt6-dtf COLLINtiWOOB ROLTE. '1'hffwagl. LAKES ll(HltA\ AM) Hl'ROIV TO COM*M.1%i HYWill, ANl THBNCK BV THK Oslarls, SlatM k Haroa Rallwa) TO TORO.YIO Oonnectitig vlth Steamers on Lake Ontario, TO ALL POINTS VAST. 11^||Al ''t'htcago an'1. C-Uit.ffwou.1 Route," f«r»-l 1 labh dl-tl'K'ti Public, a mo^t r.ji Books published Int his country or in Europe,will be prompt* ly attendedt o. New Booka And new Mate Reports are re^ulerly received aud supplied. On hand At aU times, the ftAlowlng Kent's Commeutariea, Wharton's Criminal LAW, 44 Precedents, Smith*i Parsons on Oontrarts, Curtis, Ohltty on I he orth. in coiitin nt. Tlie^ «i'*luxuri'ul) fiirni»l*-d for inghi trav el A'.d by !ailinv rantf* ni^ut- III" daylieht in pUibia. A e S u s a n A i i o i u K U n s I I a u tnd rulln Mddiiceafort^ are avoih^l In To'-l^treM day«of ^uiunier, travelerB nj-y a gntie L»ke br-.-f Uob to Sault Me At Mackinaw, llo.l- Wak Hair,' a!i'l Ij.k B-i' ri-. On arrt.iK'i .t T. rout,,' pa--" ng-r. can f. w honri. th* Ci eat Suspi-n^icti If*id*, aiwl the Falls of Niak-aia, or t-lp it thru#li th^ Thotieaiiil Nianda and tli Rapids of th» Lswr.-t i-e, Roata from rontocrova l.ak- Olltaiiolu tli" ni|ftit to BDPKAIO. ROMlKSltX OSWESill »HK TIX- CEST, (M.UKNSMI Ki.ll, KIMiiTllN ar..1 MONTHKAI. ThenH- ...tiTK-ct wnI. R.iiro..l to AXJLdM JVAI! yoH A'. BUS TVS. flULAUKL- vniA, And all otbe-r Kwtern Cltlea TTte r..ii,.wlrf Bi^nUWotiti-aaiea^er »*laoompr1M IL» lane KKTSTtiNK SrATB, 0*pt. Huhar.U. BCCKFTf STATt, that I. (.hambrrlin NlAftlR*. «"l.r QtJKrKCIT*. tlai.t Wm W.tu. The LonUimnm, Oart DAVRNTOBT rv-i.j run bctwe«t» CUlUigwvd and Otreti Bav, |j.|r uh tb# legnlar lit)# lo 1 Back last, 1 Bb BbfltoBB. II Tklv. TruaUum, kc Bb Baa* VT Ba.r. Oruma. Maple Bi OoOtra Bw. It a hell. Bh aad• Oornup* na. 14 htm Baa. DnuM, all ltu. BAMOBin Foa a aara of tw.lvs iwaisi 11 B.t Bop'an I A Bat Baritone, ft:* B«.aff wi: Tjivr Cl.iCa^a, on Tuesday, Thurt lay i ul S o'rbrfk. ubbing at Wausesa:., A^Cosba, Aaciiie, Biiwankie Shet^ygaA, Bamtowtv, T^-. Ulv« r» nud Ma^insi. TJCA'CTV) through, or to au |»..lnt c,(i tho 1 ronte ran be obtairvyf on br ard theB-atf cr at tht Ooa^auy's Ottoe. i*jg South Wat*r Street, Chaeago. lor further lnfsnuatb»n apply -a b^iari nr to dODFRRT BItTANa, Pa«9Cdger Agent, CliCAgo BAB RRBD, Pmpristor. 4* WHITIHER A GRAM, ^TTORJTBra .fT uu*. iroMUa.) lor Mir IMBIBwBR BBB V^^^B BKAiMBBMI^^^L ua Bava r.'iiaared tht ir cua*o u. Kr, 4 llato Btt^at. WatiaM aiTTAKKB fc a BANT kit. fJUitiHn- ah ol Ml IB. Mad tlim ta tht Mat». The, ISlOTftffluB."*1"!»M?fT Commission •IterehaHts* Importer* rriirf iPeafers in incriean, Mii^lihnii«l ((11111111 llnrdwtire,Cutlery Uiiiis. Killcs. I'i^lols. (.un Miilcrinl and ^port iiiu Appai-ntus, MetaU. I'aints. Oils.mid (.lass, »vc now Opculu«E niirl OfTor for ainlo TI! LARGEST AID BEST USStlRTEB STOCK 01 SHUT ill I I A I V I I A i I V V A I I in 01 a W K s 1 I.HN »l tKKKI i 1 I,. ,11 o- Im.- I... u ln.'h Ih. r. I II HI HOI in lli K. I Hatil WIIOIllKILI] IIAKI\VAKK TKAIIfi. IN THE t'lTI OP HEW YORK, wf.Vf# fifl'/.V#.' O I K i O S u o o n s IMrerl froai the I I K I) K S u u u i a A n I I V I I O i n o u o e i i n i o o s i e Afear«* enal4e»l to 1# floods at Sl'i'll PRK'KSio •luce«bi«ii rAllt I'RAI.lNt ,i1(|H.' THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES IJIiniiO aui T. LOI IS NOT EXCEPTED. We *! n nail with Ih- f... Ol- 1.4 ASH and ol lb |Mtt'h A l.ollgb Hit Rav»-i»|«»n. if O K li f1 ft ir JOIIN* K THAI V, Hii|inii.ieiHleul. W n Whitu** A *t S-.p't k I«?a»»d. Ai-ri 7 |dtf] Have beea grlrrN vM great Care, a Ml are Ko C».m a Black Ifa^k for Ot^i Vmk e JU oh f.. al Haitl for foal Swtflsut*-. f« Coal* Pralri Stale, !,,r 0»al A iax, (exl« ide-1 Hie b* x) for «fond A u I id Freight and Kniigrant Train, ut 12 46P 4th KxptfN» Train at 4 16 u Traiti- wiM have DavefeqMrl for Chicago daily Sun day* ex«vpl»d a« f.^b'WIT ltd Day KxpresaTrain. St 10 lu A $tl PrfNitht Train, at II 10 A Abes«tM S 20 A 4 06 U 9.00 w It,.i er&ally (bar Traveling te I a- th»- The entiri-arrAnKoiuifitsfor lo, pleasent Slid p. IHB6 bav Imk-ouiad«' with tbevi*-w lo reinlenrig !hi On-at take Route the n»-tt iHitufoifable pi* asant and -tma! ic in b: «i rang* m«-i.i. tablisbetl In the Union. 44 4 Coke upon LNBctoa, 8tory 44 4- Pt«»ry*s F.»|*ty Jurlsprud'ce, Smith 41 14 It i"« the roi.t* f- IllOllles, M»i and tlr ric^tif" S«-k^r. It abounds hi.Ii tla- wiil* est Ai.d Uiaudest tccte»ry—t'e bautif. I shore* «f Lake Michigan and th*' Met-d kinc the north* n outlet th i la^eit t^lan«i of Ba« kinat tt.e Uadi tiotiai V M^nit- nli). Islantls (tl»r home of tic Indian Spirit Of the tak'-), and the iny.loramiv-like Isle ofiieorizian liay—forms rne- of \bws utmurpavs-'1 ^otA8 *11 wsw ff a w e i A W A E HARDWARE I I K I I S & I I I I I W I K Brady shut I. I :*tnl side um Iftntr abort SVowf. 0 1. al at IOU' IHt'aUX. II u »,.i P. 1. nllwto, 4 auhol PAII. ta i 11 NTHV M*R«'HA.Vnaad NO HOimR in th* A N I I I A U I I W I i.*i ill V v i & Hit mHti li A '6 ijn fjr IAW" CITIZENS OF SCOTT ANIHDJOININi COUNTIES! Y A N & E A K K O I O O I v I i K O V K jwpl. t. (lurk uf Btovw Wide Wotbl for wu«|* Ho'd a Parmer.for wv-od lr,..^ It-.ver, fur woud* i.. f.o mo-^l a.n S ai., f.,i w.-I, i int'iio C-'k Siove^of all sls«« A splendid as^.rtn Moat Cutlora, ^tnrtnvjit of Be At Cutte OCtI3-dlf A I I N K S I O K & A V I S PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 100 Raudslph Street, Chlesgs, llllasis. oi.i'.sa i a i: i i: a i. i: i RYAN A KARLRT. ••n i pont aad Bala, opposli* Pe- y Lending Br AN A RAHLBV. .ner rioi.t and Sate. s PROPRIETARY AND FAMILY MEDICINES. IKH.S, BRt sHEs, ».nns. i.i.rn- « toue ^RTTtC'iMtt WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR B. A. Fahi.»!oi k*. rel.-br»te.l V.rinifuKr, ftliallrtil.-rcpr'n F.vrr and Ai(U. Anltd.t*. Hi.llnv.iv' IMIs ,ii il OihluiPiit, Pnrv Itavi*' Piiiii Killer, M.n li iiit'j (J tyliii Oil. Afi'rN IWfornl .ml Pills. K. in. l)\pry, Blown', J.ifnaini Oinv.rr, Ha I in of a Th hi.uhiiI Fl«w.i~. At..1 all Valua'.lr Meilirinr. or Ih. UW* Which we will Sell at MansfartiirerV Prices, Addlsff Prelffct, ot1-«l6fn-- in ITRI't MEKV, HAIR OILS, IUKS, *u**eNW|BaUU Wboiaaala awl 9anoiB(tiirir ^fgar$ SECOND STREET Oaveoport Preit and Ornaaestal TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, 4*0 PIjANTV, PEORIA HORTICULTURAL Garden and .Yumerie§t At Peoria, Illinois, Or at Ma. 19 Marh.l, Bl. Laal*. Ma. Sale nf 'lie above K«'ftb!i.hfiient B. B. COI.KMA*, wv rOI'IJ) annoaaee tr, hi. U jtOa ATKINS' KOOBBB Dlntnar 1J niitoswi .ad the V\ rn.1 In yan.rallhat h. IIprepared toBIl or* d.-r,rU). '^r.t or Mtoll. .1 either at aJ.rCfcuhb, Him,. ijasjktej PaiMfirt, Iowa, an e o' la.aMal .11 r-rved ,u th. beM BMMUe nn.iK i I khiol k#» a tvjfiAtant supply ef Bbbvs, IMh as PAAlBlBcaiCKBiS, UBOCBA. WlIPP9QKM, hl'b Will ab-rl Uttlloe Al*. .'CNISON aud other .la.ioacM. la tfeatr i OTBTBRa WUI t- reMieed dallr bp Baprr*. fre.h fpjn tb. i*lL BBatM fwl in be iu,«t to .aM the MM at MMMB- the khOT. v—' Baaed pi.'iea. Our Tree.cannot be tarpauM la quality, hMaty I ar UirlftlneM of (TSWUl. Deacrlpure italofue., rcrilalr.lnf price, aul ta tent front either p»M e to all who r».|u«et It by Ivtter Ord.n WUI be promptly ftn.d, n « packed, fceUnatlon marhed aad rurwardMl a. req.i-.te l, MS rrMt. mmMUi aa a aad. tr*. an iifiu PUBLIC WORA. Ill ae reet*W by the a Baitu PHoroaAUB WUI be reet*W ky the Mdr M|prd I B*t B0Uwi af VrMMMMI i until ta*Moct .tiat.ut, l..r Bllla. aud the ietw. Into At IV OMy 0.MMM M14IB*