Newspaper Page Text
imp €i isK''k faon? MHt^ KH m" j. •. swte, JjKMeS7 Bf9Ck.: It %&9 b««ii u in s**r slr««ts Umm tfae xnm biab a& tiv ^m*s at BzotAms and M«ia wm mt to be ooMpi«t«Et thu ftdL Sack we aodsrttaMrfi U cat tfe« owe, ob the 3ot.trurv the work in w Kmniatea*. Baaiaaaa of every aaaa aad natal* seema to bare reached a fraab iapatea, sTidently 0 from the basy appearance of our »tre«te. Broadway is thronged wearing wheals tbat can ha chartered, is oeeapied in hauling mwehandise from the iaadiag. saJ xeturoiug with abtp •aaata of oax hozae products, for the fcQiitheraaad Kastern markata. laiMiai. W» notiea timt uur friaitd BaaaeU ia tr«ctiag a ftae large briek dwelling en Madison Street which is being rapid ly pushed forward, and will be ready for occupancy, ia a diort time. BOB. has thaved. tbe peoplo of this community, for acme time pas:-, aad is now exibiung his earnings to a&ra the city, a* well a* fbrkia o#n mat or —Skate mwtj Bon. «Vm. Tesierday .icold raw day, and tbe first we have had that smack't of wlater, uur climax u suliject to (sudden chaises, and therefore to much care eanaot be obaerred ia twsl-ing oar clothes to tb* wentber at nil tiswi. Arrival. There waS awreaty three airiraia fro® ue ast and Wast jpeaterdaj at the Pa~ tific Mouse. T* fi»l»*tri%«ra» We tappose ttitktir neigbboes in tbia section of the country, who lake tbe nmspapers, know that so, the fall of Uio year a hmtj oasis advance oa stock aad freight*, bate to be paid tn order to get a wititer's supply before tbe closing up of navigation, and that the Editor*, Compositors, aad the D*vU here tacb got to have their weekly dues to meet their curraat expenses, and coase quels liy unleu wo have mum-j we cannot farnisb papers, therefore it befaooree oar subscribers to walk-up aad pay-up. We want cash immediately, and shall cut down our subscription list materially, unless tbe ready pay is soon forthcoming. ®v* &«gi.*ra«d „i~-.^iafe« aad a»b- •cripftio* A#re«t. St. Laaa. Mn k®*- st his AivfcrtiiMiJf So- M, North Sees**-. »fer*«« wiii tea*i«dte» g^ag -»f»«rfff-ig cattttt tie mm! m«»c« imtMiurt* wt tkmMO. iumt imi *wKb*v« tbef&< It a*fa»a farw«.ra wiifa all dUpttoh Mi{ laMr v The 8«» 4h« H«f F«ia«r's TMaadaj tvaai&g, was ftilogwtliM- a T«rj plaMft&t a&ur.—We thiak, k» vibuMi &mi piu*ucip«6« soe s,. lowly Mi ther«f *'ttrtb n wbuA, ,e b,4M^ 4ha«Mte tbi, to^attaa. TowasMf PUa are kept B«n»% lfiiifrf. W* wadaiMa&d UwU Mr. W. F. Kiter u abou'. 'o aauhUt.h hiaweif in Kmpii1# Bl^ck, 'n the Book Binding bwi St. Hstrra m. Marys arritrad ai o«t landing Oet. lit, with a heavy lead of freight and passenger*—13 1-2 day* inmiiu Looin. Arrival. K. M. Rylead mxMn^tetftvwet landing Oet. 3d, 12 days oat from S*ul Louis. 8be dicharged a large amount of freight aad paawngar# for this «ty, aad departed or Sto&s Citj witb ooa mdenkdefreifit far that poiaU Bftrar law—f *«tg»tjhi^ fTalMa. Workmen ar engaged in tbe coartraa t*on of permanent briek aide walks op posite the i acifec Hoaae. This we are truly s,Uui u +x, ae it is a much needed improremept. ret we fensrtbat the walks uc BrcxMtwoy will be ideated antil aa other year and pao^e will have to piodl krM(i hhnA taa^r «*kle-4e«^ anotite i! aat( *jmg- a saying of briek wo f«et w:4g eoaia t«K had in the otf 0e walk oa either side of troadway, it uoald nwwwwr fnr «ao^a rmry fmrpetm, and tbc briot would aol of at a! injured far future t^urpoeea. i^jxu. Use board of Aider men are ouipabi tor aot poebing the l|i^ ffl* Ailment of ctfev oontt«eta. •& «w St«c it. t'MtJ.: reegjv«d. byftaB.M. i 4 tons of §&t wm/set am? I os Wt.ah 0* sxpeet vc dto iotat1 ht»g*! bafort it is used ap Wf ahul, run shyrt ,f .a^jgg inJnr*apriafr «»*i*wew id debate r^n ...» »«. V. uie a: Wen «^iMWW stieeeiJelkW*ktosaMta6d«tul»8Mli^ m«ui'!'.s.r qmimm, tv awseatiss ts ainM,Tr ^sficusn# «f $ 8tot«,, Ail iB «lm«t6^T&e bi* p«ri«d #f t*o 3rwwf*~ Tk« •&&*&& rmxtf.• f*rt^ h&«i, tk« All candid Republicans, wboae jadg meants are not carped, or their words with vehicles, proaatng under tbe weight ^aped ia r^cordaaee witb tbe deapentu, ofmark^ab^prudnow.wb.leererytbingl^ortof a ,^atb itmggle, coaaeje U» election of tbe Democratic ticket in ad vance, and we abouid not be surprised to see oar nominees elected by a major ity even greater than that by which the State was carried for Frame at Last fall. We confidently erpect to secure a Dem ocratic majority in the popular branch of the tieaerai Assembly, aad aiao on joint ballot, if not a majority in both branches aad that in spite of the iniq u 1 ious gerrymandering of tbe la*t Repub lican Legislature, adopted by tbe Con stitutional Convention, and in spite too of tbe still greater iniquity cf retaining half theanmbmaf tbe old Senate elect ed under that gerrymandering «y*t«n. To eaeare Otis result and restore bea atfry in oar Legislatore councils, with fi delity to tbe public interest* of the State, we sail upon all bo&est, patriotic xms to eopaeupto the help of the U i«ueroey. I v giving th*ir vote* aad their .nsuenct to UeaM. Hamuais, George GilUapj, and the Democratic aominee* for the seas^ aud Moose of Repre*mtat«w*.. Teiegrapblc Mew a. Pnn»t-ao. Sept mt —AH banks ex "Wpk one have suspaadedj^ai Kill triune when eastern banks do* BaLTtnons, Sept. Vl-—Ho ahnnge in meoey matters—6s oiiiy jedeemed. Pw»w»ascs, Seft. 29,-Tbe Banks ha-. e res-oived to snepend specie pajraaas, yet their UaBirtliee *s«tn3(j 88par cent, of their sapttaL PltLanRmaj Sept. 2&. -^-The Gover nor baa issued a proclamation for as ex tra session of the Legislature to tnh serve tbe tnascial and commercial ia terests of tba State. eaasj ivanta &ank Kxw To«, S^pt. »^--Oiring to ade crease in loans, specie, deposits aad cir culation a meeting' of bank Presidents took place and resolutions passed to ex tend discounts 3 per eent. tbe coming weak, which will make hf aitf sot»eeiipUon um wd j«b awkl O, OA U* w. ft %hb fv «rhar*"*r y the fc&«4raa» f#r hiM#il "i*a*t eat i foe «W front*«, W K«pa*'-^ .**&*«**< aot'-alr K F«8W,^ in wahy- -9i*ad* I tiT."".., u,»«im i* •"'i ""iz *o0 tlie Bt ,»rrS,£ for Subxri?***, A4-! *»4 •»?, «W% «laN fiKfm '-ip«tto* #t k»«»t t«cfa a aoW*, traak, I®56 ,»« «i«r j* *»fi, ftiraiiff Ptnih HiMwte al «|1 «HMii4.ipi» «»r' -u m\$ -a h«Bd» aad fa? s«i« *t u« Baf! .•ypecisi^ «ea" to ii#a." whatmhr* w «m viie to*» Wfe fl«v* tht msott ex tmmrt fMtliticn far jb«g 5*»« i"siaXit% yf mj wtaMUMNtml west -if Okicafo or iturtii^f St, iiitl sc :cit a comas pHP* shart jjtibjic pawOMfef^.^.* u ftxite a» Oie wni«t-w jfo&woai, |^IM» «®-i cBWMtHitaitioaii m*a ^thiUi ^°irl hr« al iaisMi«s»l SofB» «r «ooi. 'f polilie*! d4«»faf8«K. t.«,s4 amri»«i 4. pi^, Ciutf **&***+-*»«« tZZiftom ^!?S^!l!!Tl2i51 ^rt i goardi*s of ta«r aa4 on tiM *«8ps ao»d erf a f**7 raliE^ ctstn of s- cird» »f political teliw gloa*«d afesr Witt 4a« fta«- r»*f a* i t?J JiHJ i?'- Hi. »or, Oma-! Sertp Una WM (Tfesrgwi on tin* O«M» cbawM oojrlit to be *a«et«at w defray T"" k. paW?cgo«l ^80e Ma NW, »aaiy and courteous ou**u hlbg od thoiuaudt to Vtte againtt ow parly wbue at baart ap|«rr«Qf of our pwwapi«i..aN sh •gHu eaaiaw of tt«- State is aroduciag a most happy effect, us gtvi&g mg* iasm*mx *b*9gm udaialha pop«i» v-rittMWBt wbidb sa af 1 ut dUi PreaidaaUai elaaiiaa ce& gajiiiitg »tf«?ng* r4vr Tiwt 1* biurdh a fiuaiiy the city bat ,., prea»d*nii» «1«ubc. aad bs ^oart^ ^*7 ^e'r poraait, I cane aa?e jkimoi workm tbia Une to da.wdj^ ^}Ii!llg tU 0 oompliatod •«cbaiw*»waa*ao goadra* #0D why he will no* be ow-ron villi fca ti.tiaaa. He ply. Oa^vaadata wid ted is vn&ikm aai nTnrij a reply from Tboa* H. BentoOj Jr. to hit frieeda, wboie latter appeared in our yesterday1* paf«r. m»mm •ill. The old boiler at tba iteas «H1 h*» oeen removed for mt of si*e and a new oae of larger duuexottoiu ii being rep lac Mi. The 1rork i* fatag oa rapidly and ihe proprietors will be able to Natuaa Duiineea in a few days. Nwwi*tbe Um« for farm«r8 to bring ia tbatr wheat and urn it into bard ctuh. mMmmm am iii Mi'. iSMuutis ww a/ i/w pmph «o#W# 'f| .^,r ^h ,ver ?tan- »»», aa Mr. Biter is poMMsased of eatoalieolj thouaasda,intmrfoaapoetioaa ^.^,..1 ^l,, •wsood wurkiag faaiutie*, aad withal, aa a«- aiato, who hata bert^ofore rotod "a the Republican tiakat, are now fally eonT!a«*d of tb^ fallacy and danger ol it* gpomao ar®edj and will tbeefally pre tiMir tapport to tba Dacaoeratie nomiseaa, in Mfd«r to reatore that polit ical tranquility whiet ha« b««B so deep ly disturbed, and secure tbe stability of our eoaatry5® institutions, *bich bare been so seriously threatened. At the aame time, tbe people are fally aware that the three year* of aR«pafclican"' as cendancy in tbi» State has resulted in no goad, bat on tbc contrary sn much inju ry t* H* faabBe aUrea*, trtUo greater and more extensive evils are certain to result if the same class and character of politician* are continued in power and hence a very uniTersai desire aad determination exurta among the people for a change in the adminis tration of oar Slate gOTOrameat. in the aggregate ver $3,000^00. St. Lee», Sept- 2®.—Bogy, Miltenber ger 4 Gta, tarJiers, closed doors this a. ja., aseets ample- Backs ia general dis counting liberally. Anderson k Co., and Darby A Bnrksdaie will soon re same. Bank of Nashville, Tana, (will taeniae) BMtk, Elinafcath M- O,, (will reeoawt.) Bank of Commie-, Orertown, D. O., (wilivasame.i. Fnmert* & ^eefasrt9* Bank, Orey town, D. €., (will resame.) B^u-iingtoa, Cambarland It fc- leahaakahanr* aU svpeoded spa»« pajr- S^aTT FatlHsa*«, By oar im* mn«m wa tears thai thrae «iHp i««ding banke of PbtladalplHa th«y ware CoMMehaa and mpant »®*pe»40d« via.* The Oirard, Oom s^swiai sod Pasjayivaaia. the iirard .held tvmooo 3fH»s «atyf»4a •i«poait. while sh* €o»a*r«at a^l Ae FaffltyHrwua had atane ly State fond* on d«^sit. »a faar* «ra «atatainedl, fc^rvoif. aatotheiafa ., at k. iUH *4ar^. 'itfee ansp«nsi..« oaing »»fcraavu»-M»U» of iff **'1® yaw-thta* tbe id. Oarfckf isifte^ c? tha &M*tMwaM» An ynu oopy ai. lA*m iloodfaw- *&«,>, p$jm #f vnrrx%m th* fei* W nrpafiurtty Mr U*y |*"i *f haul- »«h A fndina* Th^-mmrf. w «*ppr*^d F*m i:u«. Jttlj 4101,18ST- we^ of i«] fmnrittii vilb ®**y **r*7 -, 1 sxplani a InOI reinjiiksi. ov ilMuL, h« *u«D««)d««l for tk( Brawn*. 0 f*f,8a Diaiag.ii ««, i« *»j *Tnf^!2 •week, ..s not at til otiieciiaaafcla, Yt* ifee OQMUtuM- »aIs«T '1 *aM* ^5s ia a J?eneraf WTT" f^cu,a«*»«"»*.*«a "1 *r,r"^f" taraww twi. w '.it- *ai of Um 3w *v4dinr s.i«. S4n Sabft' IUP^ ''f *«ad«#j ?, *_ MaMriHle iSoalb OdttAa -oavert loam to wove pcraraabt tecari-1 Qnffia, w aWicgoaday r, axereit" rflis al^csi^fi fr&acllisa wniio w iu ^attrc#) ,li3.' i»«tii*ailU8WBiJj»*iitiwbertiIfltz»ek 4n U. iB^iiag vile poatieai tasuee 0 1 leading aaath irilk a«»* Iftaeo aaiwUe I•*• iSZZti* in tbep«^ ea^t ammimm F~* eaut, to a water bole two witis soaib edf! Poor 5 Imk cheerfully joined me with tjfteen men, and we prtweeded to the place of action, to bary tbt dead and make search for tbe missing man, but no trace of him aoald be found, From tbi« piaee tbe iu diane scattered ta all directions, owing »y small fame and the broken down conditio® of my boraee 1 waa unable to make any farther pursuit. 1 then came .: Camp iiudaOEi, aa-i from there to this fmtf where 1 statu ^snaju a day or two to recruit my men »«d borace, and tim proaaad to Fort Maaca. It is dae my note-e«anuasiffiaod »lws a ad mm one and all to eay that daring tat s«out, .in all their suffering for wa ter, tnay did their duty cheerfally, aad that daring the action, they did all that mm ooald do, accomplishing more than could be expaeted from their number, and the odds agiinst wbifth they had to contend* wt-re taw Sfirganntu t, &i, wry ewitili-tfiTly Ymt obd,'t serv-. .) BOi Tfslimi. IT. Pau-s^ Jfost AdjilUSa-ij Wr-s faxaa. w b*ak •mm «f^ oiato atanes ate fadaaabig presage, whiaft the b&aks is m. hu-^n mil at all a»a» ha £mrn4wmm§'- ra,w wffcrtft Utr tr, ID^ i.Tft.s «t»aa»fe'..i nafttW- ol Indian#, u hw |i& boavy. «r«n .«* 4*ar jpiatitls ««fS«* ta'j *"**& *eeefrtai$ai, faW« f»? dM^af!*^ fatM:4a&an& i ltl*4r *'£lfcAB'iS»*ih.. ., -w, ,. s. ,a. ?LJ saae «tt, •rufe our iii'' saf*»^'»«6' ihb rertiaiitf «mI Jo^ W^rk, at* r*q««ltd to ileal Urn m*y ptmmi tkm i laAtWJS ai»a'. 180. mqoo4 as we 'f«« ginig Itf* itbeir «sjwn- *'4 ri®w mil* party had joined them. Their oaup showed that aome thirty or for^ had camped there. I harried oa although my boraee were very moch wearied and trailed over tbe braSh and nountaijis, down the river, but some three a^ies from it, Late in tiie &(tmdOA ifQ&k extraase thiret ©f my men, I left the trail to go to tbe river a«d eamp. About one milo from the trail I dbseovered, some tvro miles aad a half fro* me, on a ridge some horses and a i&rge whito dag wav ing. I then eroseed over to the ridge, withont water, supponag they were a party of Tonka ways, and as instructions had been received at Fort Mason, that a party of Toakawayt had gone for their families, aad tbe troops on their raising a white flag were to allow (Asm to pass. I cautiotMHi mjf m$u aot t« fixe t^tjj ordered it- My lighting force oooeisting ot scveoteeoaeUi iwiyaactd upon tnem abont an hoar by mh aaderery precaa Ooa ready to fight or talk. They w«e oa a very saaall awuad, hi only some ton Indians sight 1 advanced, and some five of tbem came forward with flag, and when my party were ia sosae thirty paces, they dropped the flag, and sot fire to a lot of rubbish they bad col lected, and about thirty rode ap from among tbe Spanish Bayonets in ten pi cas of us, with a boat twelve rifles, aad tbe reet witb arrows, besides eight to ten attacked us mounted, with laac&g and arrows. 41y men gave one yell and went right into tbeir midst, and fought hand to hand. Tbe Indians, from their heavy Ira baating ae baak a little, until i ral lied »v mtn witb ihfir six shooters.— Being in fonr or sije pac^s our shots were so heavy we drove them beak. One of my men hang his rifle on tbe cantle of his saddle to use his six shoo tor, and aa Indian took it of. I forced thsam bnek until all the ebote of my rrd«s and six shooters were expended. 1 th^rn fouod that 1 ooald not reload owing to tbeir deadly fire, I fell back a short distance to do so. If I had two six shooters to a man, 1 would have killed and wounded near all of iheza. Tbe Indians were then busy gathering ap th«r dead aad waaod ed, and leaving, wiping aad moaning f*#r tb'-ir loss. ua the engi»gm*a^e I "killed runa and wouadad ten or twelve. I regret to be ooatpelled uj report mj lots, one man kujldj one man missing supposed to be killed, one man danger au^y WfuicaetJ Myself and thr-* men •m erely w .uuded-. On0bone killed and tor- wouaded* Ali#r tho CBgsg^mflot 1 had bet eleven men to protect my wounded men and horses. I then with drew to water winch found about ten o'clock at night, I immediately sent as •express to Lieut. Fink 8th infantry Com manding Camp Hudson, far a wagon to transport my weusdedto his eaatp. 80 soon as my wounded were eared for Lieut. •jee.weity ir. ka«g4*g"&$ W n m^ wwgahautif &-nds*.tod i o & U U (trained sfifc Jm & &t~ 'i!"04' iff tor* v,' am tr *u n«tu 4 Mt jgatusa, fcftat a «ss & pel to 1 v Sue!' o-i th* 44,, |mmiM* ®n*ll,lS P*$ {a»a rs «t^t- d0w l)4ds a«8il,*t o{ 10( ihi* 8uu m& \hm& aH*8t to ill tb* E*«euure diftkr for tta sest w*i4 b*,?*4. Tin: t*mit 1 ^4^^ jaar :w# to® #,• 1-iiiljjf if J. if* Wa^Cf iS *11 »#a»fSS»« i«ei tiiM It will U i .. ®^tiJQf I MbiU gr«»i wa-ui 0# a®?*ay "*®W* viUMr i«|9«a(k ttjm fta wp#^ Oy«l fe* XI |a jj ,,. ifdlMf haada it 1*T8. to ft-- mm* tok MjllflU fan i.. . ^»iB# mm® m®m. ate' *«U turn*. *«rt fam**, XH««4i«K l'/ow «8«iik' i fosuw} i fys peiuK. of tht public welfare. jb^df A. OU» about half "T. 15""7« ffw tiMcmg i Fu Far- «w aoi b« r*s«ed o-a owe mtiewi «re& in th«se iiard time#, ti» are tliai the prumtni auentibfit road stoak wfei»:ft tl,e F««« Dt ia®a'rk$t» anewtafu, I au-} adding «.d .««k wbi«b »(,w -a-jJf.^JSS F^Med from tbc #500^)^)0, wtii safe. «aanljp «P a»»B Coaaia, to Royal] Ore«k!i'ties" Baaka (todka mm* alsa, under -iSth, Alahiao. fi0Qi snct tmi al»9ut Utr«« dav* old I ablifad lo huat apia^liudstcantiea that 1»"-"•. 00 him in earnest.' •I fMi't Uar s*iidj»V» a»id Mias Wm, duMfainfully. 1°, W ocu*'r VaMw^-A civil suit of ratheor a cord r:harsner was triw! before 3m tice Bates ye«terd«y, ui which, as we in ferred from hearing a part of she argu ment on the case by one of the aUorm-v*, that man tud courted a woman, mora cr iiMH, and on sompromis* of affair* ha had gtv«a hi# pmBit»i-»son note ia Iw-u of marrying her, wri'-reupon she pruse ted rum for tu^n-payment of the tot Xhe court took the oaae a&dar oonaidvr*M teiisiand had not rendered jadgenaBtb^t arwang.—Dubvqw MtpubUcmit. 03^"Paa#m^^ *uii»on i... "^gsi. a suit in tba Sopraaf oart ot rmi* sgaiostt-ki^f Justice Lesri»«* 1? a «i*it action tc recovaar Ae «(•*»•. of tfer« hundred posarib, mde ai Aseembh. for the refuaai A i iwef Jnatice to iwm a writ df hac .-i* e«rp«l to relieve WiUia.j»4N3B itvta »n ft wjbW be had boei! «oamr«?rd -1. I for eon tempt af' court in &e master tbe Wheeiar siara «a»«, in tha la« y«ar k-.*-*' •jy i-sKpii Hoi' :sty former if co-jAa*tnr. idf $ if M'wmtp1 sisc#, «f From what ay «md eayc, i suppose 1 af an I ««ai^. avwareCosaneelMWandStpanc. Tbisp«!*'M1 da^.'ograt one was killed There my __uk. .. ^krak^i we awip«tattif «»'V u«fg tuia eMtiwivEi k% tetusd hisi .M rn ^sltyajM, vrfll be thar to ta wssfe. We «am '-ansa^le*' ap TW ifj -.i aufflb^. a#-da^hv«r« ma 'num iunag i3«* .^aa one hietTdml 4» larttaa an, iHaowti^g Whak aat dw* Mk of t»|t j^ymNi» hair {f»abi«»- fcSW j» ".-m -i-i 1, tt A s&ztr €fe&»tt«f £S *r« Fi: presort circum«iaoc», beccmt a drug *9 aubject to deprecuUiaa, ",e""• '•°d*»io"1'1,""" or 1 the head of Sipan Urtek I ikaa fallev #d tbem doe- a«rtb .a^w ^i^froB Ibirtj-ate fo tfty mil®, apart., (thi* liae water boles h«i»g ifeir »ain route fzom vbe .swer to t&a appex oosatn-) and on the aaorniug of the iQtfa, which «u remotely situated,woruj to* thaa $5 per acre a« a permanent in*esi a«atak Ibe preae^ daj—Ibereforat *uy objec tion made to loaning moaej on l^ndtt their pm*nt valaatioa, 0**wu 4 & Jfssasfes, E«ar| fhomm l* -t S»U Ui»*asi«, .Iosbe Da- *., Fre#maa Dtnii AbrsU»«jat aoa- i Otc- ff sad iB Xfcdake, iJiariw. Ieab!«j D*v*-L Mm Dobs::r Tkotjja* g^|l«*j |M 3 i Datiaad, WiU«d. {Voriud. C" S Mil' -iofiB A I li3 oat Andr«w kM '•mtr, nusp^aasvl for Uk prss«Bf. owing lJadie, s.o the iaabiiuj of tfa* eenfMqrto rau« l}aaietM&,Iio«l« 0 i a i k I i w i i w i v TIm* i»o «Md r*a« wfc| s.## ^4.4&O« Krv.u, Jjiii^i jelW||»a. railroad immediately to be pesed a rough them, that will sividc.-.iy en hance their value, and briag4heat y the same meana, into ready market, looks more like universal ignorance thandann- 5 ifc^ua. 2 ctnl nciiey in aoneyed eir«iaa. Husui, Alexander Ja«»Frea«nck»oii. Fred v»rir, ¥r«den» Gag. U 0 tlipsoB, Jm ti' ii., .-slt)u, Mi«# Gi.tehic, Jof«ph (Jb-mUie, Charles (ftitbrie, Jsho 2 •i'-non, Skliaund ••apiMkiiay aiH «»m b« 9h nji, Hail, a ,w»y! in history as one of the most deplorable oata«trophies that ever happened on tbe jdiller, sort ace of the ooean. Tbe Centra Aatr ioa we «aa. by telegraphie advic into It imaedia»aiy raised by the Boston Submarine Amor Company, ebah«mg suuk iu tweaty-foor fathosas of water. EniTonut Oocbtbss- IS Kaaaaa*—The editor of th CwuiittUicnuiMst, pobUsb ed at Dontpban. K. T., pitafcaa into tbe editor of a black republican sheet after the following manner '4TI»« editor of the Chief wldsca u* to bring him mto notice, bat wt do aot wish to pollute our columns with such trath. unk-ss forced to do so. We wo'd gently hint to the cro»e-ey«»d, crank-sid ed, peaked, and long razor noted, blue moathetLnigger-lipped, white-eyed, #oft headrd, long-eared, crane-necked, blob ber-lipped. *queaky-»oiced, mooa-«*yed, ^mpty .beadtid, anaggie-toothed, filthy mouthed, box-unkl«d, pigeon-towi, r«el footed, gojelo-eyed, luiaaiaer-itearted, ea -hi»tame3, homp-sbouldercd, bandy shankad, splaw-footod, ignoble black re publican abolition editor to attend to I own affair*, or we will pitch aatj' f» 'A 'I HMsaeil, N £SJ:its! ^5 s an amu.itn^ iebni:i»n, by lie -'Hyena Gi ib," at liog Uland, near ihut clip Among ih», iomu drank on the oooasioo was tbafoi lowing: ITo sps and the Equator—Cr Lao-/in* n nd tho Equinoctial lias—God blab* *esa. Tne one eadrcies tbe earth, tbe other the heavens!" FixaKCiAi, Irxxs.—From the Tribune of the 23d we take the following Heats it is •iiui-'-i that arrao2«iucr."^i have baen conaumiaated by tbc Marebant** Saviors Bank of Chi»go, connr-cuon with a »i« nn*n Bcnkiftg Hoaaa in New York. to forward one Hundred million bnsheis of wheat in ba^«= to this c.ty, via the Eric Road. Wosicrn Bank ol Ixxiport is thrown A out /'dav by tbe Metri|wUtan and Ex- Wb-uell, A change Buoiu. Walker, W a The Httguenot B«nk, of New PalU, N. Waiter, Mrs Y resumml bu^ineas on the ldth. O W Linnie, 8 O -Mdler, Miler, 3 M^U, O Myers, W Aloore, Msxire, i Morns, W Morris, Morris, MieaM Alo*er, W Martin, Mai one, Morville, Morrison, Mm North, Alva Noy es, I Dgdcn. Mrs A Pave?, Pa'vnc. Mia Parser, Paiiaer, Ji Paridiurtt) SB 1'atton, place, i Ptrrival, S 1 Relchter, Btohardaoa, Uei'ihman, iiood, Baabendail, A R«n'er,B Kobinsoc, Hand, \F Ka»»ey, Mra li«rt».' s. ii Holland, isiauoders ^eh'iiug, SoiMfUn, I iksiu'rer, 0 W SsJh -rer. Skiica, gf '1 WitOi, f,? ¥*S8M Mr». Partingion looked at her over Zolier, A I! her spectacles mildly before she replied Persons caliin^ Mpc any of iha above "Perhaps if tou could yoc would like lett ers, must o^b for ^AdTerieed" let thea better." 1 tort. A. C.UK, P. M. ra a o* the -iaUrs Vvek w:.« c^nTiV -l tw,cK». Toow uhs,« !. tb#, wv™: 1 'iaaaaai Daahijii, 4 DariB BFJM Dwei^ )«ak»u, Kok iti^ide. 8:ia«r Ktgiewoi... W® Fw s. HI Fm ike f« H3d|ard Frtwf ra. Hateaef I¥ii-mr, WO uri Which make our stock tb* largest of aajfWeagfat tl fcr thia ourket, eoosartlfig to part el i Get eh ah, Wm U (iorr. Geergliapid Green, Ahtrline Gardner, Geo (iard, J. rioo, Mrs MaryA^iauOuer, Adoipht "iiig. Chri»tianiaiapbeil Charfea drictu Wm N H^lriakJ? 11 cr, Maliada Asjrner, Uenry II .inmond, 2 i i .ok'-tt, 2 ii:-.lff, F1 Uewett Mrs S Hdwett, B. Hoit, Htr ixa Herft-sri. eo 2 Hubertng ton, W 2 II«idersor), Bobt 2 Hanehett, "HJlman, Mrs Harris, David Hill, VVu Hopkm*. Heaeran, Marnier, Hughsos, Amos 2 Arrival. Un sler, Geo The op river steamers Ben Bolt and i «ir, Uenry Carrier, nad oar lower landing, Bon- Samnel 2 day, M, heavily laden witb freight, aad a goodly number of passengers. p. .... .... m* t* j" j* tttnamer Ce.tral 4««rica. i'ost of our readers hare und mbted- 5 K.ifer Aod(«w ly xead the heart rending ueeouxux of the 1 K..r,g. i lows of tbe ill-fated stoamar Central La vrfnce, E Amer ea, with 529 passengers, and ever ^:nJer f^uOC^xiOO in specie, tbcref«jre we will' LjjmgB not undertake to give the details of this Luaigan, A sad afair, wbioh wist be haade 1 down Joaes, A Johnston, Knight, W Kyg^r. (io» King, 11 Reanard A Bra Kay, Edward consent. WLUSfSi NI GOOWt Stone, Sksiton, Soaker, Shiglsy, $ ManStb!, Stout, Stewart Stewart, SteveosoB, Strtble, Thurumel, Tods, MM v^v* -s TaaawhiU,#-|r» ValiKf, A 41 Slocum, if $ps--trs, W Stai-kJii, btantoa, 0 Tak-ott, S A farbox, ii Taylor. MreC A Tocipkina, A Thomas, I Watts. Sain Wood, Sa« JKf Wid:. 8 Walker, A Wakefield. W WaSpool, HIATfi CiH, boots, IBMI. sS laLoTliiWf. t'i 18S8W jFhWbwiabeofcerfst Ghroatly Vaiwa iMl «t«k, andwa^ Row isthetiaeto Can and aifa ot the g«t bargains in aad good* N«. I Htaer THOMPSON & islEOBIST. ^.r"21-57 teb'Sfe tteynoids, "EE MO VAL! rAPPEHHETWrti WioteMife .JHJ sfoaij** A^BBICAN,. ss&lCAif a .M .. •BIRj|pk"PBfDL4 WZ^S»'" W^Mi Zimmtra SALE* B» »tohs of otjf to a» 4treat sd .4ie «f -A* C5rk iha Hi -j^Wtr P-'ts•a'tarc .'. flountv Iowa I S ttflpTOf ei^ t* i sb. Jat-cry !m jrdav !i u^ri hc3^ A D. 1837, ha tamo tit uosn of. to o'clock A. M. sod 4 oaiock M. of tatd day in Bagga Blodk !#"oaaeii Blttfe Citv tbt fat'Iowi^ dts Wl R*«. E» an Wffonsl property ta* Wit: Rmiv i blng. Ciotoeej Ci» las v. Jwwitty. Be* Shoes. Hats Caps, aai Lijjitort aiso Lot »)£& (8} hi Wc'vfe six (is Barg Addition to Genua Bt-.ils €i', aad Jot one haadrtt.i and fortw tie* rff! putt w dty proper ot Una .1' H" €e »n:i. as -be property of Lehman Bf'.»vh«nt, o samsfy an execo^on in fatnr 'd A {Jo, ta ^atfca-t kU, &o® day to d^nitO kposed of. »f SAXER, SAXER. Shertd at PootwwMMa Go. sept.« mr S**.*•»«.£. :...fTt, I sstiftt a iJharaictowtsf.U 'npaif wi. id their entire em- !HkB«o^paay, faliy Hsl »f»wk of fifty fiwisawi dolUra, paidls ta^ are prepared, fraiaa grfef--.: u.o take n •sf- «qa&< "8M ?br if. ,' ».r *..o«so itwgKMi prw»c|«* u|« wnlosl Jseurrtmc ov ildfeli wilt abare iseurr ia ^i" ptr-lit. vf'a- A.^caa i'j.lag th« cpe'tstioft* :b» Comply will be the onLr i.-sbs ».^«e 0«c#. piu« Weft fbe Missojrt. «opan t* ta« ths navn axnov cn to .s TO 9* rH«wrr BLOVX A C?PPS# BMOAOWdT, Council BLUFFS, H*rr& WE weald rwpeetfaily invite the attea ttaa oar patrons aad all others u oar sew aodacet GumfUt* Asssitaiaf ef A I I W i Iowa. fr-aa# ei otf'i Tr»R€iKl fTTT Cooststing is part of Mlien'i &nlwtr| ooMraniKo .%. RjRis, iom, hf««EM.« BKWI. L9C B, tATimjeii, rrc.,i *c.' Carpenter's Tools. i AND CfckiBet Makers Materifti*, FILES, UTTCBKR'ia OTHER# MAI S O A S ™ia Agrlct»liwr«l ItnptetnBiRr, BLACWITBf t00l4 4 hs& a Sugi shack memtSmmv.. IfiONT, CAST STEEL, ©EUas iTB&L, PLOW mB£l: S*te8^fwai 5w2LwE* fw k&wwm mhi i ?.a ',M s I I i E A n n A K 8 YA*«»ji»»*a« u unwins nu r^am. m*.* rn%i *Mt ascsi««-«f »!•.•. 1 Spring A Snmrn^r Stock offiwuJ^ k a a a s a a a a aai U TM W !'*•-. 8 1.1 »SHpt An i««^»nmMi Waalsf I» mm mm, 'asr«».i, Paltfttft Block. 5* Larvey, S LelaiMi, Lyman, Wtn Lyons, Thoa Line. Charlie Lam.Mrs DM Lytle, S Meeks, Mead, ii Medler, Mitchell, Muram, Mercer. Maxe, W Metiagrer, McNilty, A McCormick.BBai Mc€i»aitfa, Mo AMI a, McCiood. A McAipiua, McEray, McDonald, Dr W Newimd, W Kickersoc, U Puinev, Pattoe, Potter, Poyer, Pvne, Mies Pilling, Peoples, PSoaman, Quian, Alafa eid —gatfrwdrtaiiB^ Beadv Wade Clothing, and «crvthin?'n tfc« RryfJ«o^ Uns mi ciroiY mmim huraitiiK, Fiowi, Ste, fte., 1 ...' ir' *»a w. -w*,* a I. POXr HAKDWAliE «l Callen Merhuin' Twls, Mr" l?PriQ2 ofc WHlDlllCr whom I respect^uis segueat a careful amir-jtion of ilii* 8»n**tmr»rt of iay stork, I am also ag.-r.t fc USe cttebrated 831 ielements in great varisty. Be reeant awi aasfui in* comblaln? aU i provemehts. for the saving of a vast amour-1 O I a o o e a n a i a o u n i y o Louis Ctrcuur Mil! and cross-riit Sawe, which are warranted also ha-.e ot, ha.,u 4 Jargs 9sao«ta«ai' of Gsr.s, tti&em acd Pis. tols: Iron. Steel, Naila. Giasa. of tbe best brWMtar-tr. a word, my atoca is very eoatiet». which for its quality and pricea dttcrauUiad to afrit tfiab laducemeot# as Wilt comasand a tib».-al chare of the trade from this ir.i adjoinii counties. No. 3, Empir? Block, Ixwer Broad way, r.ppoeia Paeiic cotrjictL si errs, ••••Iowa. 'W JB«iWer% Huiwarc. A fc*-. vi' Isiu-kAr AKififl part of itim as.d Mortice Lock* ana L«cb es, aluiiag door Lock*, sheaves aod rait, butts, strap Hi ages, hook hiugea. shut ter hinges and faatemugg, gut uwgm bare cs, auger and auger r,ti braaft a* hillo* auij'ra, dr&w ,ti ela,«.iajf*», afK'k". si. ^eafjfts^ sn htm handles, caa. ^trt, raisa. fcc, al so, ck f. t£* -r.ei tr vrels, Sinae &jutwi<jf otsa, screw wreochea InaiJr-V,^ tSWUfeebes, asm acra^ere. sail Claa «ad a varies Of oth^r too ru mere ate ai.w attof-.ii* ber. u-u.ibtv i j, fOQC Bta«duanfeOi% A-tSfcpicU »%jcst A .vils. lows, ty v irons, screw plates sleets, toiig*. rasp*, anivea mUfli" Hani w a si- store of $ti§o, in Tfrrmme Iraa. bare ot. .'iAmiaJarg* Block of ih« above i brands, coiuMstiiig' of tire, 'twad. oval, i-2 oval, rouzwl, square, stake, hoop, ftora# tho« aad dab iron of all sizes aleo aa aaaort i mecst sf PiUsbar^a iron. My stock of «t*«J is fait and complets, oostsur^.* vt round. soakre, octagon sad dat uaat swei. Rnchsr, Miat«r s»e«l. 0«*. man stei- uw-cork ami plow steel of vanaus #u*s^ tlso a stock of aail iod a»d forged fconaatwea, eshich I e§u at tow ,. Hwuiar Sawa, CM* Ai. v *K? i.. uf 8i,3QCJl vTk«Vr 1 ei IteWna waiter and trs mlw seal* beam pctaK balaacea. dial lialaaevs and eteenjaris oi ua»0 and far #ak by Y GOODS! Doom, '£uptm cord, fcc, iu ,: all ot as low ae sb# lowect, oj losses **. OMT|ME«te«% haw a full ««ppjy of b«ncli ai«d mould- •rtnimd «tt4 ibw. a» fcr-pi«a4 h% mm HE *«b» IS -J. 100 barrels £a. do i 2041 sacks Dairy do 'S. ij fi^bar.-i-i* Mol*»»e*fc Ji. ii 20hf io syrup, 100 leads, ail patterns, Baieas, cot boards, tin ulH^ii^lNI g*s matrisse*. stands, at., ac. heattag tte«a,ail patteias and sixes 109 heeaKatie. asMcted. *tsdo«^hS, bliadt, palate all, Ac. O O S A N S E O S We iirtf eSBfSi iii ixifi. pat tarns. Aad every thing aim that may be found iastorss this at da of IU Louis. Oar heavy loei by Sua i-'.d tha iafU»re «f maay busji.e»s huoas tb«»^NMit tbestatos., have shown to us th? of u*Aa§ a pay down ihtimim* w* **v* amab. dwi. means we a«p« tsek -..'iducaaaet* w u«e wi 4am doo« rollers, screws,, door belU. bell 1 we aeS t*** palls, shu.ter lifts and screws, stuoe and it.,.. 1 j- ItLoeetha- wialitona i^wnf*?' t"tt*e-4 •. f' f,:ui" Square tbay drill »ar»ly pur* him. ai' L^Tn **tf ®y 4o,l-h' ,whi«ii win b- #oW not »a*"-«. ava lubj-,. •ioM. bad cieteiand atber °i i losses 'h-."(.ii*f«-jfter FO*. W« do aoipi ay a»BbiwknCtlf and Oaab»Oij? #mc that mm is ru* pha» I to *nas#^aw eswafi.b«t aa4* my «e will .. jpaw age t$t$mt mmMYt lag Plane*, saws ha takers htcl.rts,: ai.yalhsr U«. ef#s afSt.bUM*. hand a»d broad a***, adaee. scares, bew- Csfiaem is»e -~^o trwablnto show •ia, ciuscis. touge#, -4 u !r AgaaMgoods. R#m-)sbar &b« sign at #e Obaap and suffer i .ae«i s, wti, C««: Iftoct ,. s^wocxi Uws. ITW' b«r d* btaet, tark, paltme, wb«t, »si#» Iwtoe, i»ark, s^t,Satie*^ sstpsieae. alantf tU., tc* bighe j«ly 31, iSft ieee. be! nammars &<., aiso C. J. FOX. cm-Mcii. fir.rrrt ft2M.4£.£ Ma-fc M='s -V,. ..t teipai* 0mi /t W»si«r Qaartw .fas i?. The Princijial ua« r*c,*i»at f?oia Uts Sua, p.' Chart® and Giobe, fiut patna will 5s mak? she school worthy be: spatad patxoaag*. V#fiis from abroad wtl'- be as- .. •mutt* n Aaencou borae'aaiu." *r7hf Iwataiia fining apardiar pdacea. A cl*s» C. J. FOX. ot i'o«us M«a will b« nansi aaring the winter Q^ftar. Tvtiio'N «cairT£aor 11 waaas. Wmary,: -BM* *a«, "j-ev? JaniOi Secnk QOd dox Ssah—all ». O fsv aa!* Ww, tl apt® ^'**1 «lM' tbeli Mi&ttmmrmf, p*, enwa-ctft aafl tencr aawt| a M^ge atock oa hand aad for sak C. J. FOX. EUn. A complete stook of Rat da$,BBli saw, square, -ou wo•! files, wood per files ut Butchers and other a» oftrtd at Ac lowest rat*s ©. i. teat: C. J. fox. Whr% fr#«r .CbnsUhles fa* Proof ^i u f»aaa. A stack of th* above aafaa caa be faani at the hardware state aI C, J. FOX. iMtlr Ufamt Cart: s»«t 1 it*--, v, A*d ind*» peneabif ar a«ntr can b* foun,. *. tfit iw,4«#jt of t- OX #tgfig tew&tk& -esspJ*i« atoc}. Ji'1 foi'.ya isg gwodt "ffennd at Fos Sarxiwarfi Star# Ctdfc* poti tee. ra#tors, Enao^ed k«ttk», brasa do Koamied »oe% pane French do 4® Tie da 4t Fryisijt paaa "silia tei atieia tf 3 «sl«« bo%s« .. do sake 0®sb ps^pen yws ? table larks farSttaaa tsa a tab« IIvm do bMiiisa do ,BMatied d»,, do "im 6o*Ms 'cacaa Msoli "W.Ssdaw osapi^aa wmtwidtoaaa fe^eher taiim iMk&A&tg 'da »,ac .12,00 iioo Latia a«4 Gcea*. extra, Frtucb a Drawing, laeidantils- ..... 4iX) K A R. Cmmii 'liuda, ocer5» .. j««t received aad i»are. ro^'LE a jAcaaoK. FlLOW^f Pl,OW* f? E u wirwi at n» «-t#b'a*.e Qrand Detour Ptc-a*. for wiM'-b fe* j,igf. s( pre mhua'd* *hehtste Ftr A^rt .jH I Socle ia of and a :»rnnsic wm awari ed, few sale at" -J ANDRDTi**. cad afid CAknet ra^sjand ta aaies, wbtcii TB rmuc, Tb? qrxiers'gBMl has ioeatfd htsietifts' this City f.-n cha pnry-i* of al .-ring oft thK Ceaennafc hiud»»«» tl tta "aHooe braiv i chea, and .*r •or,.. 4 •. f«R--.rk *t th# fci I tewing .»•s: Tbt uiirai iii fout.d rbe eeaseater w k wiii Juhss si 86 -«st* j#f eaaare yara. C-isten.* «s. dir.,3®#t i^»oar tin r-^ls, 1S&5 »Af built v» j*. 4 n-?a-' ded, J- Fp fiBet jg av«a rtfffe iSd.'X1 sib*''*! asaa*1 Hiaflag ia ut*. J. a.'ik f^MK, taring and- stone done .food -work maa-likt siAfts-ff, arwes an«wr .* piteatooM i AMKS CEO#IL s Em of B. Raaseiyno Madias© a&m JJi IT. Mm A«.%t 41 Ii8»iin m&umm*. gwrnitwt a* *,*»*» a. For b, .nef the mm GBkcxmm AT TSS LATE rai* aiLii wr, Lome, if* tm St Ias w afcitaMMl .JiMlwMBa .t" tn life' ^ma«u of CSwaefl M. ?M3®Sl V*t u»d to Gr®« g«wra%- -o«smg aa» tf ^KtaciUag &&sk*i irMCj oitf rare -ndu- ^mrnfia to all uaai Crackers Pii®r xtrid. My &m for «-*»uf*€tifj*« *r* e*te»a»e»— 1 ba*»t= •vee* md tw# sips' Mw pews mm to ru® Sfeesc bake 90 Mr ieis rf te.i' '.«to -r»ck«is i* ?waaty-fw bo«i*,r JWfrwjJteatiy I aeB »f arttel* cht*.m-! than Mi fosapn is ke wwa t«m ecAimrjt tmU gmuna&m »& ay hr«ac ayfirn, 8te6! of ate -A ne giitt'Wflt •»«»('.« 1 -*i V •xxm«i a« «acr«» Biuj- uj. h*t KgHkJ, tot4 band flares riMII ajfMjjBwa X-t i*WmBWgW&Mim u t&i i •'VV'"*' «di •»r a#w mwju SIT MS CHEAP flOOSSl atro&OLi«S 00. (Oust* *§MLW£L MSS*." r-«»ater it *»e, l, nm*t- ows.wlisll t&ywll!^!?, ^ my $&am -jmy "»i!5 be •f tbe«fe plows, wftisil »ab«e te* *»m &m t.a.cb* 'i|« 'Ite -wtos-R f»'i A|» rjrf wwi" m-, hm •u*«ti«aof i Mt!U 4iKS 1*%, Mi U* w "aa i*ii |fo#ti a*« «im& feoaee hav# |®«t mud &pm>i»hmw A the 1 wif4 nasi staoii «raj*0 asaortmeM k embrac** a full ami com piste ot am §«km% e« far ttoe www Iowa •meet ot Cabinet a Mouse Build- 1 0» asaortamt of Dry fatoat. Beta or er'sHar aad Mechanics Tools of tv-] Aaer icaa ami foreign fltaaufactare are as try disenption, direct from tbe most ap-1 ceusplate as will be fuiaui iu the mmt*m »ro»"'J manufacturers. Agricultural and ccuatrv Horticultural im angour sjrocerioj* mar ^0 hdd. N- 0. iOtarifceu, & aAiu^ir B„, r. *1* lw aosack Rio Coff«e 2d cheat* Tea, aasofiad, s SMfS! i« er.. 3te wribaw t«Wl & a S Tba «'.-aijr asav the beat &&4 mtm 1 ties n. uv isut^ sai mtfMith&ih* imtm tei o4«, -i %'mSm te Weat«rt lcw.t cn«kca w»l« fteeotd ai tern muz •,»«3i«r' sll matt* i &m thriru., jrm/z I I «r tad««rv 4 I E JMaasm. U*i k%m\ -Alsyfe. ot te SQMM Cl'K Marci, 4, 1884, Jf A Fine Pim Iter 8ml*. Th* fi. ui i ^atad en Hmntv Qvmk- iei teofis 1 ^usii Minsk-, afe acr*s »t', •a* wflg Hsibiari iMi mrw tf getm at is Oder I Hoary :re«k ^»s# ta -•.»&• tie ta. a. it s i-0-.i aad ^-er *u.aptj Jt as^-il water i three g» -a «p-u«*"sej «m *#l!i i E :'":i i t%"0 %, 4 Ii 6 ife 6os«d TW. i 300 Mck* ». A. Saii^ ...» Sii* wo ho«taea mm -.urr -rift f&t ^reetent crop jtu. es£ify to the ta# sail- lite abw u-. K, i bad dbaap. ForfsrU»«t i^artic aa^« t® Tttcsn-As ummluJr yalyaatf Ohea# C#A Qtwum "kmim /umsm |S1.AMM1LUS! THE i»d«HW»«t hew peit^tae*, sad ar«| now_ «rd», the' s Houri ,g aad Saw tas Hiwi. wi'W pi Ifsiw 10 .. Lom km aIk.. batb Merc v grti.wi.^. 3. Mr .i aa «^aal Wii Mljr '.»•« 19*1 Im mSe be i :i|5ter asir* s| •••wt»«.i by ti i ds s »i«6 A«?y •seK-hnr afiattail^ «ed aatis &csd eoar, te 5fe« tamers WmwH'WB fi» wbiei'l Fta^ aa«tf a® liwiliKf d«atr» m'Mkomy mi adtapreiuo, Al» t?m Unp# to mmy of IMS r*w*. sia a «f aclwstr-r ,. *v«* tc obi raw KiikU. attant Umaersd and 'attf' ii. larm, ••ocra.-un« U6 *,er#* Hvj». Creek, ii P-otU &tvtm.) i «i Thete is Is n*. »s ts. .wis^*. saafortaWe c^biaa, and &m as), .4 umtss th«t*oE. Tlbftfafaw atuaVK hr*c» tbe ua «'ag* «sa' Iraae Ceoar.i. &«#« to u .ly. m*i li 1 -a za^iea hvk Of fr.s mas pi*.. A gae4 bsrgaifi sttB b« v*. --.r-r!., ®.uo« b* «4* ismi«Iuw«% aer 9«Bdaa». ASC-glBALIj PATtm jaa a, #a. tf Var«tltt|c A: Cttyl-®** rfAi,E Foa itiott iuana e| Land to th* fallow uxcmti vat Pottawa ia«le«, Taffe ass, U&rrimm, Mmnw, Swrlby wm! BKpksrflafii^Flm Addition t-' Cr see4! tenfUj Lot 4 Bk f-k l&'&Mi cion to Coanc)Ji'•:«&, FatrlWd, Ivwa^ jasis. I WittI 0 WAMUliV., *«.* Warr-«'s. lis saa. *V? .-at- m-w E, liiooit. W Adidcrs t» 9t Joku S. Reb.a«S «ae. Th* iadar of W. th# %i.H abates s at the Conudf apeetoem may gjos «ff As^y I Omfmmm Bsqfa jKa*** OftceBooaa, !?o. ii. Post 'TBce Sulking ST. LOl?i8, Uii. £STh large stock «f Eooimg Material aiwijs oil bewl assi Str with dirH- tioM for u*e. gar* thdsrs fro« th« 'uafrv. for asate nai, wili as**-, wtm n'tMui, Hiw* UsattH b*v« it, .**.*« aba tm to thi.i -s*y t.-- ife« iaat' psara,%i 3 bar r-- g.-.»«r*i sausfactton. W s»ui ..ip-OT-aaartainiMcJi to -h* fxmimmfom aabled aaw i&tr«o I naw oft" tft*» to the p*kMk, i&smi thai f#i dura' ilrty.faeapaeee,asd r»# WmiM mmmm q^mMUm^mr sum pa.«ed *.'if tow ia m. Mmm v tag h# -v rvitadtn cail *s*i m*M. j-b d* hfM IciMiap a^ whtdt wt-! -.: &mx d^-1 u I' '--emm mmm- W0 a prompth s: WlMmtm witb m»t*i ana ha f9 witb out r»a»o "mg tfe« alftMMfc Wlttt aiadlon wa»fa'ft«f Jftc wiMM