Newspaper Page Text
i'La Jwpuu.wijipij i nfjjiiuin i. 1*1 *1 i 7 .-ij&lry A SOB, i,.r. k Wat I-ict. lutiuak»B A Bra, 1 lAKfWPBl b. ntfuxtrr gmmttrrr tHH fiRFBHTEl, -«a e-ao »»iiw« iML i' I#- tWA ffsi f,' PkSZiiT Bit* ipttmbr*, ttmd «j Hraud't MHSW I^r W'" MM V*** ')•*.!, ... -4 A sa. a^s, o*a^raa ,. tSH****** "»*A 14 *»•.•# fiWv- .nt^w-aairiw* tyCm •..! .. 11 i »«n.s wa.twta ig tli iJttf* (~TtK:iou wlli t* Mt Kimiji 4it u or »a*l**rt4a# *idi i nS iui-'rUoo,.. »«r-s *r -.t ci..n:}« Hit. Kail Cw '.imo, ch* I r*l v»•- Itcvtiot aw H, «r» W i» -h* Ute. ... -a *!tfc *r-: «rr ll44U[Wtri- OB| SO ..Ml ..A uu ...»oOJ -SUM ::SS eu oir ^trjj4kvt »Ci,QaM« «:.}(«•. «&!} Or*fc—• BAMi-KHS: LAND a^SKTS, AU .OH* iuawii. NALBWIM AN* NM& BANKERS^ .AMB AU Hs IN GlCiSAlVttE coir* ii, * s, pOJUi-EUTiONS v mi:4*J at CuiTfc WUatVrt^ I MW®r rant fetd Uocurrsor Mon»y bosi^bt arid aoki. La»& W-naata bought indaotd, aMlaa-, (o«daataf of An«rtcu. ieotal (Ue««« tared en time oac^ oaBroad waj oppoaita Patlmar' latarrat ^aid oa Spatial Dcpoaita. Moeey Luaaed oa r»aiMt«t« ami peraoc ai iKuritv. Coru'spancienta nay rely upon prompt ntaa, feJehty a ad ptraoaal attention to tbai uit»r«i*t8 in th' tra::aa-tioo if any boaiMM whicb ibay ba eotrustad to u. iereieiKcat .Aatfiuau Exchaaga Bask, N. Y. City, J. Tbompsosi. Bask of Iliioti, Iliioa, Baak of Cuopftratown. Cooperate*#, N Y. Darkt« A Buiicck. Baak?ra, St. Louia. Onotida^a Oaantv Bar,k, Sjratusi?. N Y. Warren fki:.k. S- nib Da uvers, Maaa. j. Stereaa A Co, Baakera, Dea Moiaaa "Slrry FrAt^uu"., Pr«*id«r.t C. A R. I. Chicago, m. J. B. H-f4r, Sup-t M. A R. E., D*T t: sort, lows WatUra Marin* A Fira Inaaraoaa Ob., Omaha Ci^f, N. T. La Roy Tattie. Ou.aha City. Jaa. C. Mitobeli, Esq., Ftorcaaa, N. T. X. Judd, E«q., Chicago. Merchant*\ Saving*, Loan aad Traat Company, Obicago. Corwe, 6oqwdea A Corae, Alexaadria, Virgiaia. J. B. Bersneat, Agent iEtaa Insurance Co., Ciacinaati, Ohio. Jaa. HarUu, U. S, S., Mt. Pleaaaet, la Hon. S- R. Curtis, 31. P., Keokuk,, la. Cootbangb A Brooki, Bank -rs. Burling loa^Iowa. [ju!y21-57tl «EO- 9 EAYBE St CO., REAL ESTATE BBOKEBS, GEltERtl, I,*\D At,»tT« mnari, i«*M. *md Pi*ntnmmtk, AMfmbi. [rILLprump'.iy attaud to L*bJ Ageaciea. making couec:io..s. inveatiug trioaey, s..".aui« ar.d selling lat.d «ariaittas paying :ax*s. buyim: and atlliag crynr.Jpety. and aii other business pertaing to their profess ion in Western Iowa and Nebraska. §y Letters of iaqairy promjkly awwer sd. w Befereaecs: k. fcmi, Cooaol BtaSk, taasa. r«B«, i Dc'Jfbtv h. Cn jiw. Weatt tim, Ft. Ae* Mmuas, ir—o* A. W'ir., KtpHj,, l.mjLit-A (iW«e,.... S W rfcva«» A Oa. Cttttbaati, OS .viaceiivma, irtyaiA, ft. Dt«: 25 1856. m. r. ai.rt»r c. s MOORE A. CLArP, N K E li S A HP ESTATE BROKERS, ir w real and personal »*cu- •ife •i western lova am! id p*-ntaitty remiue»l hr*m-K lanyp fd States, at tbe cur at rtfs of exchanrs. i jUiu-i VVarr.i j'.s hwidt' ami ««id. and lo- month* or over, at the rate of tea fit to this city. per annnm Ii 11 i-' fci K KN (.' Ksi. rMi* c«4x a co is a 2i cinrMn«^...V.Jf. lino iaaa A Spfiiwr. t'Uca Was ,i OtAaru. Bsak of BlashamlM, M*a fcatnti.o S Vtiiijja, Pr-?'i SitKpa baana Valif-y Baafc, Sic^baAb^i i_ SUon*. P' i -e Cuuatr lut.ii il 11 *Ti li. rt Dan*! S Ii t:a«o, lasvtxiar a Broa, i .'.' ..ytt, a iinatiamtoa, ,:ifcrn IdniqDe,.. IrwaOUr,. Jfc'rtaoo a »«. W J. N»!erTy( roar24-57 TMOIUI orricu. m, rctaTt AUorary at Ism. OiWiM a rVDEV, REAL ESTATE BROKEBS, *WD I1SALEM fK IKM WARRANTS UCHANfii. W o.uirrii bi l'fts, i.'Wa ILL attead to th* aal-rcnoa and iocs- i AIAUI .tior of lands i: W stem Iowa aad ATTORNEY.v A Nebraska»t^o taxes on lands of aoa-residenti. and the collection aad re mittance of claims. E E E N E S Bank of Pittsburgh. Exchange Baak, M-ssrs. Kramer A Rabm,Messrs.N.fioiass* A ions, WHlis Boothe, Esq., Wm. Pu s?v. Pittsburgh. ^iofioagaheia Bank of BrownavOls, Fraalt- Bacea. I/oker Renick A Co., E, R. Violett A Co., Mes*re. Bryan A Bro 8L Louis Cook Sargent A Downey. Henn, Wil- Jl.. «8r oViU ,*W IMS *»9* », ft.--,-«f, VSe ffl .4 fa? f-r1,.**** 4* ~f*'— Oilier, at or®*'iu4 Mb.i,Pe*rl»trfet,ap peMU Facile Hu««u |u»3'56yl W.C hcoso- *M.ii m. Hi iMOi Joa^ A1* TO.UMiV!s A 1 i-A W. A^D GENERAL LAND AQCNT8, 101! CITt, IOWA. .'!S Jo'4 W Lt, its. lawa aai NatetasWk# uUlij m4 jj, ui.ij4.-k 4:..«uti »H kji-i bu«a.'ie» i Mtrustwi to tntii ew- Al»v. kxat* Land WwoHrt*,fay Kmi KtiM, »ty Ta*»«, «»4 pm.*iuzii[ i u«Aa«ct w»y otA« butixseu eoan«ct«i wit* Land AgenrlM. Ktrtk TO W M« asd A. C. FftfOp, Cau*!iii Slutf'a.. i ap-fii-STt? JSTNA tNWftilltB t^MPAHl. ufefc, coim. ,* JOftcrtarMtlf: Th- S*j**t mnd »d* tmH *ts#isa fie iiftW. X. V. B4L0 W1!! na|«ntfottb -t.. v uioiaaow 1 miy ic r?k» jifyiiiptly re- Couacii Bluff*, Iowa, Sep W »36 n27tf Blo$k, COIMOL BLirrS IOWA. TT. HE u«dfraisn«,u hereby certify, tlut Dr. V«A*t A UtcrHti. Dcntiate, ra- eatly exuacud Teeth for uheaa accordiag i A Ci.i, B. Dm Mo oiaiM -'3rd, 15*. P1BL1I ROUE, R. PRENTISS ANNOUNCES toth» pubite, that he hu GEO. PARI M5u9t t. Council Bluffs ma6'56. fcOWW j. IKlnth B£AL tST4ll BK^kER O E N E A A O E N Lower Broadway, opposite Pacific Hoase. eovntiL BL'Ya, sells, rents and exchanges all I kinds of Real Estate, for distant deal era or persons i« tbe city. Loan* money,5 makes colloctioos, pays taxes, and draw*' abstracts of title. Gi\t* reiiabie inixrma-: •.ton respecting tbe price* of re?I eyute.altd execi.tes ail basioessi, connected with a Real i EstT.e A^T' icy. A on all otr Eastern bought d.'ld sold, A Wrse variety of very desirable Real I EsU e for sak'at all times on tbe mou r*o 1 ,JL«hi on tiiu»- .1*4 sold SaJ Idkatci 01. ii- i -i ii,( -ii' FariU'tu.' lan i4 aud Town property bnngfct ,i I eoWi on coiniauwion. Tm«* paid for Dofi-reaidsota. ereat -. en all deposits made for For Sale. 100 good city Lots in ^lie Railrsad addi tion to ihis city. aO tine Lots in Mullen'a aubdtvlaion of this city. 50 i hoice Lota in the Howard addition Several good remdence lots in Hall's ad tiouto ihu city. Several finely situated r*«id**te tot*|a central portion* «rf this city. Several ftsely warred and iinibered lots of land with in an hour's ride of this city. Also, lots aad aiiarea in Juration city, Iowa,afad Beiievue, Xfk iiftiaL Jja*ata, Nebraaka. marft-87 tf Eoaniy L&«d 2 THE subscriber* -.'ffer their services to the old soidies and jihers. to make out tbe r-scesaary paperafor procuring their LAND WAKB,-'-l Tb. Having a apeciai agaat ia Waabingt City, they are pre^a:ed to at tend t\i mtrutted to rhwr. with dis patabtadrettabiftty. CASADY A TEST, Genera! Land Agent*. Council Blufis,apr 1S,/W. [v4a2tf I. r. CASIDT. I. a. rasT. AT LAW, AMD firaeral LumI Afeito, couacii. stfr**, towa. ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, collections. Investing Money, Locat arrants, and all •a* pertaining to thaar ptof saaioa in Weatern Iowa and Nehraek#. feb 23. '56 n40tf W Bank of Waahin^tan. Pa, Commercial if Bank of Baltimore, Baltimore .savdnrs Bank. Messrs. Johnston A Bro., Messrs. "Robert Garret A Sens. Marab Smith Esq., N.itbaa Pusey, Esq., Miles White. Esq Baltimore jno. Thompson Ksq Nrs* York, lax and Selling Lant* other business THE Meer». Oajeb Cope A Co^Fhiiadjlphm., Jno- rcii. A Co-, Bon. Iowa. cf Co., Clark's Ex.Bask, Woe 8- T. Logan, Cob fll*.. SJchard Yates, OA4DI 4iOl 1. ,«u jps new bo.i ii tu.i.1 AMitOS lER^HA^F. M. Ayer* fl *strrA •, an®' iH A BETTI, Surytijors aod i* cm. wa. per' .rial att«»t!dfc to th» wfectfet and eot af Governmeat Landi# W«#» tern aad NorU. urn Iowa. To the ptushaae aadttft of ' and ciiy and .rtv. Land wiTsfits h- ary p«r Bast heptu i tow» pft-p- U md torn REFERENwae: aMW rxftm Kaq... Oaew«PS»i«, & *w rx. T' y*: -........... ...B ?. :j. f,faii. »•«.*. M. teak.- Jiasie* 1 Kj..4C *aa 0. aim of head qu sell cheap *b- the lpl*r¥i Mft c»eefor builtii.igii, »t^k. lie., in I Alao, aavarai fi&etrtcuof unimproved, tbu ci'.v airf tferougfemt tka cortitry, at |a*d ia tb« tann^Uiatc vicwtv jf tiie city. o w A i o o n u s 5S«t-- _«• 1 sm ivsitfttui GA&ds*^ jr. iWfKSir, 3. e TT*T. f£vlf **»3 GEO. W1LU4MS CA»A»V »t ST *tt»t»K* **, *fAL 1-K«, 5'. wHfif amy b*" in ww of il tp All op«raiti«iiii# Tei Ui D'Uad, exifacted and in*trlc*l tp all of th* dissent Btyfrti, yfcts 'llw U*M pfiop, with or wi'iMjut Gutu, mrti4k,i'l3ffcUi| b^K, KlthcoSilBUu-'U Ga», Bb r*«aun4bt« terms, autl aTT operation* S *. #*BKK# J. t.. WHPTS, JLA»» A«BW#,: ... ||AVjfc6 mM? uy J*adds Cfiteicil Om Tla,.: Ac«. riUS'iilDj aWfeatwtu |Mi4^ b«*jtj«§ a 4 ptopeuy e« ea^wMri-ua g!»o, to ttOi-s u»i Lrward-af i'ctt.t taacf UiV narfc et tbc tMor. ETakt^g BL VMC3 or aV kind* ah»ay« unhand. S7 it Sbiri«hiWK! BjuY»io»t A* IWM StoCK MSUJ*h^iATE 4G£^f,t. Wao^r tor a«i«, on reawiaabi* twna*^* Idu Lota in Aailiuad A4iuioity 30 Evarett'aAdlt'.i-.j|»| ., 35 Baliaa' Aidiu.nj ".".JO Howard's Additiorj JO Bora'* Addition Mao, bata ta all parta of tb» citv. Alao, at a pn»at ba.rfain, 200acrta in tac tion 11, town 74, ra.ijps 44, lying 1-2 a mile from U»e city Suwu. 1 BLOOMER 4 K^'XeW, Office iu Empire Biock. tf jBar3- "7 TOWNSHIP FLATH J«at printed aad -r aale at tbia ofle% qu&aUty of blank Tov-.gtup Ptata. LADIES to th« inrtbod atyled tbe Patrdeas jiroctg#" A betn receired atid will be^aold very —Having had »om« experienc* under tbf cbeap Brown Sugar in bbla and bf bbls ordinary mode of extrsctiag Tutk tiey cfariaed. cruabed and pulverized molasses aay,Ujat iJ&c wperauos., aa ptrforajed by NqMMM# Ca iUMlLL B. Baowij JAHn CADK, H. T. Staisekam, O. LANCTAT, M. D. .1 H-tprrr b-.-.I*), n. Cooacil Bluft aiaaaer. New aud coaveniew a&abUa, v yards and sheds for stock- 4rrOCeriC«! tlrWerif^ No pains or expense will be apared in mHE lar.reat stock ever br.-wfat to Coun maxing both man and baa at comfortable at i 1 MEW L11BER 1VRD, Oa BrMrfte«y, Maw the Ptctjc Neu$t, GF.ORGF. PARKS'. PxoraiEroa. WHO is happy to announce to the ettl zens of Council Bluffs, and tho adjoin lag country, that they can at all times find at nis yard, a full assortment of all kinds of Pine Lumber of a superior quaurv also Doors. SaaL, BUnds. Sbingies, Lath, and everything pertaining t" the lutabtr trade. Tlios» wishing to build, will plessc.-ail and examine bis stock and pries, ami oblige I 1KB faabiocable Satic iiata, at tbi eaabatora. DOUGHTY A Co. Groceries* Tfr) 1*rg* i°' of the following ha«j!Ut a°d the above "arned ger.tlcmor.. ia atteaded cbe«a. aoap.caadlea, Sard, flour, whisk with but comparatively siigbt pajn. 8.. I,. Dovasa*, »yrupa. ricef dried apples aiid p«aches, vujerar, braadya, nea a liquors o all ktjwia KackeraL aaimoti, white iab, bcr r'-ag, £ad«iti«k, and every tking eta« ii~ iht Grocery and Provision Urn*, for aale at wfaole*aie ana retail, at the Ekphai.t Am*. aprS^ TOOTLE i A ('K --.ON. Ciothiog! Uothiiigl tWF. have one of the largest and fin at stocks of Clothing ever brought hia market, tor aale clieap, at Ule El I ep&aat More, No. X, Empire Block, i TOOTLE A JACKSON. DITTS Patexit SeparaUr, for Uuaabiag h'^ni ^t. 1 cleaaing -rain manufactured by he will happy to attend to tbe wants ana r„ aiin„ iihnn-. cuaforta of hia gneata, ia tbe beM fM»a,ble i U"'°a C°' A"°"J a tb« Illinoia Ho«ue. tied do, loaf and pulvefiaeddo ayrup, mo Glenwood, Iowa, Aag. 26, '56. Ii26tf i iasa«a in barrel*, haif barrels awl 10 gallon kegs also, golden syrup, rice, ccffce, dried WEI1VH tGEY & BOR.YBOTEL apples ar.d peaches, macKerel, ccJfiah, via ^t.s»nr»aie u•?*.(• tn egar. brandy, wi-ie, gin, ale and liqqors of n a i k i n s a n a s e e a v a i e y o a n y o Fancy i^rocenos, FruiU,. c-.tes cheap bv liquors, Nata, Sardine. Cigars and T»bacco, I Natth Second street, St. L«u:S, Mo. Octir56 ij mr A«at i & ,t£g SU cb a« brown sugar, cian- 3 s apt TOOTLE A JACKSON, No. 1, Empire Black. Saddlery. •vary d«. n. iksk Martia gaies. baiti. d. ne.u Lc., for saW by i oo i Lb a JACKSON. 0, large stock of bacon, lard, flour, dried -iii fruits,crackers, Ac., fir sale by TOOTLE A JACKSON, No. 1. Empire block. nz buXb* ii*u and caps, all prices and si I (J zes, to suit all. DOUGHTY A CO. I A FIXE FARM FOR SALE! i I have a fine Lvu. for sale, 14 miles from 1 th» city—:«o nr-"» good timber prairie—liX) of which :s under and irood fence—a fine stream ine water rur e luinjediatcly will sell cbeap and make ih» terms\ try ac commodating—lor^fxrtber particulars, ap- i plyto THOS. h: Ft irOOTLK A JACKSON. No. 1, Empire Bkek. 4TZELL A HOUSE, SIGN KHU DECORATIVE P^nSTTEHS. Shop on O A v A Y O O S i i i E ROBINSON HOUSE. 6ILOU6, URAUliie, AIDM- PER HANGING, O E O N S O N O I E in oawAitKK i E E K I K Done with naatsesa and despatch and oo the most reasonaM."1 terms Mav 26 *57-tf RCW AUBOTYFS ROOMS I •flP" Eamptre A TEST, COUNSELLORS B. C.J. Fn'i iia »re. Pictures takau i ail atyii aad all kinds of weather, at reasonable rate*. CLARE A PORTER, Artist*. July 7-57 3m w very large .assortment of rlfcdy aude coats from the coarse blan- A k*t to die broad cloth, at tbe cash DOUGHTY A CO Life Saved at Midoight!! 6BEMR i'»IA ST 1#T( I RE OF V 4IN 1 I -L i-r,:um^dattoa the traveling r.,mm-diiU ar. the public gfasrally. No expense or pains will be ared to make ibis agreeab'e and to ati wim aaay tavor us with a tt Anderson A Co., Messrs. Page A feasant AIL A. HBIRSOH. tv «OIN»! GOLtfa uONEI i n» p. snow N offering this medicine u the pubUc, we hat* no desire to puff it into notice, bat stati reliable tacts thit yoa may depend as it u tbe medicine aod aot the fas «e wish to administer. UpuQ that This medicine will give u&mediate relief, and final care of Boras, Scatds, Chilblains. Wouiids, braises, IrJstmation, Fever and Ague, Cholera Morbus, Bfarrhse, a«4Su® a«r ennpiawis generally, ate* Aatatie ahoiera. The wrapper around evary bottle eoo talns directions for use. It is fart !akinr trie preference over Dt vi*! Fain Eiiier and similar medicina*. 1 Ylasiety reta" bnaon, Couucii Biulfs, io«M. McMii. &Wi Br Hoi-a fi'.liams, Ws ask & triai to satisf v vuurseh's*. S wils attend to any baslness entnwted Fotjale by merchants' sod dragglttsia tuhim with promptneas and dispatch. ilonaijrnmentt sondted- liberal cast, ad- Asaars ip cwoacw. atorrs: ui» aadeoa vnaignateni* N. T. SPOt 'R 4 CO.. ad of Broadway, Bale* 'attaedsd to -a *a county, or E. HON N. on Broadway, few doort below fhe State. Alec, will attend to lobinson House, BOY©, STONE A buying, #eiiu« and leasing real eotate, pay eg taxes, collecting rents, collecting aai emttttkg'money. locating land warrants, teg taxes, rem Ac. ecting rents collecting -um CO Ptwprietors, Maomee 0Ry, &Ho. i flap. 1% 1866 eddei. 4 jrivf aav- k W OTP I ft! in Hagi's 0 w7a u AME% Go. jfe^e NbfAAI JlA TWR—» faff as# stwlr c# trace,.hafter. tee*, ttfth, br«#*t A Kard aad for sale by FOX., \J kM.U ooil eaait LeinsA Adefl&a_,Syj ingfiehl,^^^. 8 1 tF«T priatr «a »-ie en ptfm* ymizi--: WiiHaaitet •i.-wsyiQwwk ti w L^*.^ SffPjgS •yii" '-." 1 »4i «*£w «M vij- {41.1. i. W' ijsf ^din^Gg, IIWaH* CtT*» 'KSWtflk *i»ich we »c:iKMte &>§MtM id «Q ttto Tvw:.#hir.i «?Eibrxiced la Tasi-Tf portion of N»Wa«ka. wear! ptvlpartt to of?er our *ervict* to the "SjuaUrr'» ft tfc»T«TJt«ry.w fw !?nfr D«3»««#ry roen'.a of Intention to Prwawt, »rxtrmf Put Localuig XtDHi W*t i«o(a aiiS Enter! -i Liin.i LA*ND WARE A.N TS BOUGHT ^jJOLO & :aSi,. "4§ y 'fg '/Hi '•rf .*% T. ce*m»4 fai. c, Tsutx Tl.i iit Seal iU/. le Otl'AMA CITY. II. lLL«*t*fia f.-uttef.»*•(• and rnoa^rft-j-te! IftDNESOAT iH tmfttM&fii 'anwetiws ftstiviiftii tlieu* i 'h lefritomi ay Iowa court a. '.• t*e 3..i:cn„M iota am| t«n. fcxe^sfti Bar .•! iT o^ttfa* a'td vct:i~f i '.Mh cc^cUorit. 4c. Jgpf* 24 «ory Her.r\ 4. Boftt a «^r*V«il.fine, Marlr uMh all# (4 aiw,Fai4aB* [fENEttAL LAND A(«EMS, oMADl, NEBRASKA TEHHilORY WILL pruasptiy attend to !.m.d Ac«n* cieaiotaktii^ ooiiectiorm, i.^eatu.p u»«jit-y. sud wi! i rig l.and Warro.Ji, .ityif'.g ™. al i ii« JftU sthcr isiawia j»«r| w ii^tr ^rofojuwaia Waatxra Iowa and Ne br '»k«. 3Z3P Lattera of ioqairy promptly an iwsfe-3, Mi ruuib ». B. «. FSfiRAl Jt CO., A N K E S ASD DEALERS IK EXCH 4HUE coo.*ct:. atorxa, jaiil. i«o1 tf BAXK OF PUKENCE. FLORENCE, N.»T. Oto lAsatn. $'t J. M. fuiti, Cask, THEFlorence, undersigue... proprietors of liie Bank of are. by the prM ii: as «f it* cbarter. wdtviduaily respoustbic all its issues, aud will redeem :he i.atesif s.tidi . stitutlon iii Coin, at its counter, is-, the city ot Florence, and at euhtr of their banking bouses, iu eaatern exchange, at 1 p-r cenL, or in specie ai the same rates as opjer cur rency. Cook A SaaGxiiT. Darenport, Iowa. Cook, SargxkxA Dowjtby,IowaCity," Coox, SargxstA Coox, Ft. des Sfoias, CooK,SAacx.\T APaxxsx, Florttice, N. Florence, N. T., Sept. 2, *56 a26tf D.1. SULLIVAN, U I), PHYSICIAN and Surgeor.. Office Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs. Iowa. st. 15, '56. \y Sacks of Flour, of the b«*t qtw'tv warranted, for aale by TOOTLE a Jackson £lpluu«» S. O. WTATT, ATTORNEY AND COON8KI.LOH1 Pr»P«rty AT LAW, \so am a iur i Real Estate Agent, -..r.o'ia, Harnscn co., Iowa. July 8, 1896. D. H. SOLOMON, aj_end 1 \tr at Lm+,: TTORNCY and Counsellor tv, Practices In all the courts or Wej: :aIo* And Nebraska Iowa. Giecwooti, Mills county, and the Supreme Court of i 6o40tf Baal, Broadway. £jtn i tjfi, GREENE, WKARE A BWfOiT, BANMCBS. ajtd A N A E N S cockcil ,t Of»*ne A Weare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa" Greene, Wear* A Rice, Fort Deimoinc, lo'.va. feT ColiectioM made, taxes paid ami Lands purchased and sotd in any part of I®*4- jam 1, '56 tf A. COCHRAN, i.\ERAL LAND AGKN i totjicii aLVt rs, iowa. to tie location and nd Warrants for non-reai- i d'-.-iisi t!»e ATTORNEYS Furniture. The lit ring uichas'-d a iafg.- lot of P«i iuf *uti common Furniture iu Cincinnati, they ran suit anyone wisL- A 1T0RNEY and Coimsellu. *a solicitor in cbanciy, will mention to all business iuu us.e.1 to his care, in either the 6th or 7th Dis or in the state, ce on Bread Ciuits, Iowa. JOSEPH L. SHARP, A1Glei••w TTOii.NEY ai«d lor at 'mil, Miliacountv. |o-a a. w end to v»i li:«jtte4% li. tls .: J.b Juul^ a) bit* nv: rmrusled to his care b« will ,%l*o »t tend to bt*.$s ??«s.he Suprem# Cour'.of tbis rtate and »f the United state#, v 1 n30if OXO. SKVUEIt. JOHH M. SH K UtlOEB fc tHEBMAM ATTORNEYS A N W'lLL COuNStLlORS 4 I I. tW, AMD HOI AIU£ft rtBUCi t. ovkcjl tLorrs.. iowa, practice h'-ir profrissiun tu ail the courU of Iowa and Nu raaka. A!! collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. Espsciai attention givan to baying and »«Uir.g real estate, 2nd omkim nre-emnUon* i in Nebraska. vaders Deeds, mortage# aad other instruments of wriung drawn with dispatch i ackaowi Jdaemer.ts taken Ac., Ac or Orfiff west side of Madiaon street. tust above Braadway jweMPM |f -,,. HElfSY ALLEI, *rR?KY0R A LAND SELECTOR, toL.-ifiL siurrs, t»wa. XarOuod selections alwais ao haoa. u.a^U'56 tf A. ?. LARIMSE, A O N E Y waaerwi Devd*) A A W cockcu- *tcrr», iowa. jyOrricx on Broadwtiy. [\5o82U HE W GOCMDC i. E PHUIPM ft GO, Are opeaing a good aa*ortment of BHOR9 fcEATIfES, FIMXHN68, he, NlfOE they w iilscii !v. Aiioissaie t* tail cn ap for cash yrCasIi paid for Bide*. Coancici Biudh, Sept 4-iSSf in («B0f, BFRBITT It dCr Formerly Ih^*1and A CwUyf i w y o i i i St Urcaij, Me. Man.ifa«tiire sye.AU mvmwM 0| all suet i £kiiler a s 4 n VeA| Saw k Grist -M i.r Parikvi A .. ..'bneoo a A'tntr W»udt( 1#* i Furnace CaaHsga, and It on aad brass e^rk oi ^ry ilame rip tie# ftjpPmm* U*b*aa4 m- ,-dmmi^m required.furaiahed by writia. the ah*v« irn. iisssriiJlT-ml T. W WA o v i i i i $ i i K s ""J .'iLJetrsttg 1 W*t. Ttatk Tiwgt Cnmpt K* Ags BLUfPS. IOWA, WEi)NB«i)A\MOENLNO, OCTOBER 28, 1857. WEEKLY 4Lr»t4 OtT^BKK 2 IABWTT CAMPK^**, cbiit.*» ra'-?s»,. ««t. IM« l»«r u i. m. uin *. c. *. tmu, j. 6|UFriH II CtTTKa i paper h** S» »*r a 3t S*trMk*friTU«.Tr OB(II1ATIO!» Westers CxclMaie Bt.^lu It will k recollected sadtra tint uadar tk# aaptioa Hitik^ v'iujakj A Co., v« tuted tbat, that hrb «. ecutI'd a p9w«r ai mornej u Mrffattle to mortgage all tfeeir property thia Uod diatrjet, to tecara d«poaitc| and bill ike Wij#i-?rr, E Baak it app«a s fr«»i u eiter «d i« wbiok/meopy belov siiat oar Lent ox 111 not doul i iing "rotfc i Dea mark." FAiiruLD, Iowa, Oct. 10j Enrroas Qazmttm liave recently held a meeting and deter- 1 C. E. STONB, Uir AT LAW, Council BlufTs,! cd bv fire on Wednesdav laat, together lashed, and suicides had been so fire- stocks held in Enjlaad w«t iuw- "25'f with four very valuable hum the work of an incendiary. It waa i 5' gentleman of H^ron, Mich., recently bo't a little blue-fyed child from Ucr drunk en pirenta, for $3,000* {jrjjTlion. W. K. Nihlacbe I.- Illi has been nominated for Congress I v the Democrats of tha Kvansviile dis- u some baggage cars. The loss ia extima ted at SHi.UW and not insured. tioo to take 980,000 *took ia the Booh i t*a country u« »um island and Alien R&ilreetd. *hawl-pia. cyThetfro? «'N. Y.I fttdrtt mea-1 v4 with paopifij which readers aur proa pects a littie more favorabic thaa thoy have for some tmo peak. W* have beretefow wry atturally a&tiaipstcd as ttnutsal dull, fall and wiater whi.oh we have hai aati'i late, yet if travel ooa I tiatM» te iacrcaae a* «apidly as it ha* 1 Iter- Bi s,- omms at th* St- #«iM Ai#«», ittt ,a«« AnMh..AiA«riHalt» tag ctjifaa imp^vau Separstor*. potable hcMfa WMii*, iron w ««k piek* 'dung Ak «m|. MIL. rUfc.V3H{ffa-««*a*AiJ *. W«t WsWiK, Mi jfc Ifeig0 M*™. fWlitt mA* foe the fetftfew days, our mfa will kscw hut iitii* how §y Tb* laws of PeaaayivaiuA forfeit tha chaTier of aay baak «Mpaadi^- ape ta 1850^ but the tWCXE BE1--8 «A* Btu w« idB A :4 & *»r K» «n4 .-«.«»—Mtti & *»«tmt fm Se l*ti hi* \xmUns Ml iUt-to Mm b*«Taiiaa •,«•*»«• tif f.J»M gii fit «ti niN iW'Vtr a*rA ft tiaui. fv Milk ib* W««M »r'« JWw» A kit «ii-4 bar /c*^ T»t«a* wuaid ue^irrtMarfetQ to 6W M|la #opr»c»te tfc. Uf*t *te wM bia, M-jaemi mora si Bring* (toad th* iwt*»jr pe»r. OVl B*a' »tf» Ui awrrr ataM. «r*» auJu«K iicr o B^BiatlMH o »iiij cat ,,tU8 ctrt. Tii« rt® »n! Set! tfc« r»» Aud inutile B* im ibotti, s-jitxi it,"-® 1 sjuit ji*B did ay £».t l.-iu'i te*T tim, ssdMowktca^t «A« na bad twa4 fcu tst«M «|t» tkMB. Oia meU $m u Tin? trtuUk, Ah, rwjr wr»ta *h U* B* ute* tie triad H— a A»a if«AC«Rpt lati, haaa ttaaoiliak pe*r tra». Tht: iill# i Ikjp' p"t»4yiaj» H- nrtaw itM mictitv tock, KtB' i w «.* 'S'CK IV to In, R*m to Jaji csica* -»a. vtn yM, aM MM BB •fl.'diofu t« taufik." JLjjfct hnttir taca tk* agfet katW, Tlir i toe* w,iat a^( Ij*" A ad Mt*'i Mt rtm weaU rWM «t ueot. fUteiaest wu i4mtd,! a» b* imatMi sit 1*7 i u.„« \i ia bed ht «m atui bvaUag iUu«a As. and mt gif a tbt setter of ^Ixks, Mhaiams i k Go. a Haee in our paper for in par-! Aqr, r. I Aa4 w«ai! lata tfe«. lava. pose ot correcting any *roag tm|-jsaion Tt a». i«w himwu away, •bi* ou, «aa.k,n »w«i on ike public mind. We wiUKtata, bowaror, that we obt&iced Hie facti Vo» Tflie Weather, which we made oat sUtemast, froafeee The weather, though considered ratfa intimatsty connected with tbe ba4-— er cool by soma, wa think as pleasant, Aa there appears to be quite a desdep- Ji not acre ao, than is generally looked aney between tbeit stateamta amithe for at this aewon of the year. Ilereto statement in the letter of H., W. 4 jo., tore we hare b««n vi«it«d early in the and inaciaacb as they are aU connoted lall, by continued oold raiaa, wbicb is with tbe bank they may arraage ths |at- daeidadiy more disagreeable tiut Um t«r among themaelvaa—Ws will nojde- ciaar cool aigbta aad pleaaaat days es cide between then. We will bowrer joyed here at the present time. It is remark that if the statement of QjW. hoped that tbe "clerk of tbe weather, A Co. is true, aad we do not doul its taay eonunuo to bestow kia favor* truth, that there is something "rotyi in this community as well in the winter aa be has during the fall. 3,1^. Dear Sir.—In tbe Coaacll ffi gle ot the Tib inst. tbe editor of per in commenting ou tbu reausitatin ul iha Weau-rniiiehange B»ak. statajtbat Mr. Tuttle, c.uhrer of the bank, |ios«e«gion a power of att. Henn, Williams 4 Co. to piedgethoir JuSTBta thj pa tat^n u: .. lUt titiia bank, aa it rn«y ft-oa for redemption "of this issues. «e dtsire to say o the laprtveMMl. On taking a stroll to tbe lower end of mr city, we were naturally led to tbe inference that that pars of town was taking th« lead, aad ooaseqaeatiy aot much bailding going oa in other locali tie#. But when we oome to visit tbe np- per portion of our city, the improve, i public, that there is no foundat'nl for meats going oa, give evidence that old The above report probably grw out our city is going an«ad the fastest— our Mr. Henn and Mr. WHiiams autbirixed Mr. Tuttle to sell a few of tbu lok-own ed by tbem in Omaha City, and ga« bim a power of attorney to make deels for A FORD tboae low, specifying the lots by ntsa^er. rrnuvtv' ru. n 1 i Mr. T. baa sold some of the tots, aid has Or I.stixxst TO Port Matrox.—At i.m mm —o„,„, t:i"K*"01 "u"""i'-•-'.»»• P- pcctiully ask you to give it the ry contradiction. Yours, truly W| deem the above statement n^essa-! o®ce, the post master is responsible to I to prevent a further circulation tf the tbe Governineot for them. He says: port above referred to, and would res- Ifxs Wix.1 :aK8 k MEWsTrilABY. it waa shows re more than i n Georgia write. 'One who baa tbe custody of iand and tbe United States were dis ived by tbe traders. Five hundred w. c. amk« {^The brick stables of the Holyoke USt. Hef^a^On wme'SJf'the^uga/ JAMBS. House, At Holvoke, SIA4S., were destroy- tataj thote unfortonatas w^rt crueilj receat article, i. qaent amongst them that a government ttnt of fr^ai «tghty A Geod Joke. Mark M. Pwmaroj, editor of th* Hari* eta Argus, having of coarse, Ota of *ya* about kite, discorered the wife-miiaoner Cole, aa he waa 8«eiog before Wiliiaais bi* porsuer, bad him arrested, and ac cumpaaied him to Chicago, where the iatter ea aped- He bad on, however, 5 gS^The latest advices txom Msxieo stat* Sonora was agaia agitaMd by re ports of another invasion it am San fraa* cisco. The wboie State ha* been call ed to anus. The laov diuafcts oitaeia wa* aot very ciear. {TThe Winchester Chrecueie lean* that the oount x: i/t Ur*mte county ha* ordered ataotien on th* propoei PomeroyJa shawl which had been kindly ioaned aim by the editor, and which wa* held together with a silver ciaap in froot on wbicb was engraved Pom*roy's name. So the murderer is traTelling very warm and comfartabiy as an editor, and no doubt ia getting dead-beaded all over igti INcrkeY Logic, Extravagance in dress finds a power ful argument in its fator in the fellow '.r.z dialogue if ne coula not MMjeTttaWaM. I dress you liaro worn stac* you same to millWlMWW I me— pray bow rnnny do ?ou m?" The recast flooding iato oar little city «Oniy aevea. Mis#, but l'te savia' my of aaa&era aad »o.jthern people ia a eig- wages to buy another." nifkaat fset that the hard timet is dm- ?Setea! What ate are aeren eilk dresjee to you Why, I do not own as many a* that!" bus rj» fkt vj' u«a wa* he i it fpcts i!llwei«. rrtjjjK .-.e is-»» Aitojji i* v«alf miBtitM pastfoar uf&tack tin* sRansiai, a tatiisr »cvare Mrib|«aF« *u sp«ri«B^W ia Saiat jdi«."iui*Afsi iA dse iUfrauadtn^ ueiai* tiaa, fat ubbhv an!?# or. thf 111 i^ojaaije. Towardartaudnigbtfif jaater duy a auiatare bacaa to perrade tha at aoapjitfre, acu tuiaH* *omcwiuit of a dew wiur formed. Thm did nut iaoreiisa in oatil about h*lf put 2 o'clock s n tbe otariting, wbu.-ii a fog Uegaa to ill.ur over tbf cuy^k&d juptsratxiad Uia it grew gradual it ticker aud thick 1 about iwtntY maut«a pasifour an i tiii •it, until afoat twenty m^autes pi wfaea it© eiv, the words of Me iMeaos anl a feiluw oAcar wbo was ait~ liag -'U third street, httimam Poplar aad ,! Piufii in a door way,) tiwy heard a iood i rambling noise- Aey jumped up, and' Iriad »ear«ei reaebwi th«r ?a«t b«fore i ibcy were aaatiieu at tbe atuutiac of tba ^ruuud teaaaUi uo«r faei:. *0 taai tbay could acarcely staali. Tbe wind ws oil thebous«son both aides of tbe street clatt«red loadly in their fraj»*«, the bads ikw op«a and eat popped tk* eads A aoorea of paopla is tbair uifbt 4ireasc« who oi:capi«d tbe ioaa«*„ A great numhtsr ran oat of tbe hooaes, aiaruMd at tbf eseiiiatio& of tbe beds, wiadovs sad iujmtauM is tbeir roaau, and tbe cry of an 'earthyoak#1 birokstbe aiienct that «therwi*5 raigsed at tkis f®*5 b°l- ttre g^*By the last ceosas it was shown Lau»dt»g of Slat ea ia Cult*. I jf very c*tai« that there were 2 shocks T, that tnere are more thaa 40^) people The hararma correspondent of th* N. ia who caa aeitber read nor 1 to thc riaaver irui41 Ulie such n statement and further tht we "Hard Ttmee" had not even had a very lucked doors were unlocked and thrown ditlotu a*aiaat tbt Urritorias of Slex tmve redeemed and returned to thiibaak deleterious effect ia that section. Ja open, bricks knocked down, beds and Cosu Rica and N.sraragua so maaifastir iu u.4« p«l«u J, S00^ people are preparing for win- ders to have rockad vary nearly Uks a cotamuuicnite to this Oeparuawst the "J ter, and seem determined to lire com- i cradle, and a large number of tbem earlieat information jounajroowverel* fortable, the "crisis" to Ahe contrary notwithstanding fieada were popped out of the windows,, i aai,a.r, jour servant, public for ta-! king care of ft, cannot get nd of bis re-! whil.- tbe shock is in apoaxbiiiky by abewisg a theft ot ai^aess ao peculiar should accidental loss. Be is an insurer yt its' so soonor has the shock sskfeay against all peril* ef that kind." it ^uictiy disappears, and »e* way to tbem we areaot informed. tbe siivery path of tha moon'a rays. It per. alt' I quern, and carried on in tbe moat ondis- agrThe milkmen of New York CitvifUi,rMl manner. The flags of France, .1. u.u jliolt nnnih/rr of iifca loat. investigation of tbe causes which led to l.^ns of jpoaads sterUng, that is, from i **fl**r" it took place, when a revolting stat* of $400.0#,(H*1 so fS0()!»*.*»,'.00. Tbis iVWm. L. Corey, a benevolent old' management exposed. Poarteen must'be «b errwr •, for, aooordiag to tie 1 Ta* Qenmnt Rem the 18th ult, which uiied forty volaates in which they wqjfe driven off u the triot, lad., to fill thu vacancy occasioned piantatioa*. The eaptaia and crew es by the death Judge Lockhaxt. Tfl Tfae A®«i*a b^k had bean cap mi by a Spaaisb war f^pTb* depot of the Keaaeb** aad cruiser ee a alarer She a-ii S reral Portlind railroad, at Bruiawi«k, Me., bundw#»«frei* aad«eatayi pox oei was destroyed by Are on Monday, iaclu ding a largo quantity of freight, and! sua (A of his good Paas himroawL 1 uoas (he remaiAabU- fact that on W *c°:°r^^rch '^Savannah, mfhtT eouimontcsiria drmak tea g&lloM '01f ®m ***•1B period of of wine, a pint a- cie«e, and the preach -aft, a figure btiow Svs dellara Waa' e* i* tkm ewaar of three siavwa «d hi* ib the d-iur quotatiosa. ®P~fbe Mattoaal iiotei at Waahiag ton is to be r^pessed in a little while, by a ootapaay of four New H*sp*hire men. •"hsy hav«givense-mrityforth# dueper i«a«aiM ,yt their part of agreement,- Tfe«j %ef to hate u reat tsm lax & jgritfL at fmn» __ jc Who would care to live, .ag oat of over crowded citses those who are a©l needed thexe aad much wanted «'Spect not, Mia*." aaid the amiliaf I tried list aataaaxpcnmecii* with ihehoww tttteflA ^caaar* froit St. Lccic darkey, "yoo doecn't need 'ea as mack of tA* inferior *toek. They wareopMiae come to oar landisp loaded with poe eeagera, while r»?galar» aad sitra steps are daily ratting is from the east, ioad from d-, common rnggers Tkc Faaic 0f 1SS1. Vha tact puat kasua^ai revuimes tHsgun ii. isST.. with the augMnaiOii of Ui(* Vtated State* Baak and ail th- itat« beaks, aad aeded is tb® Ytrty one that bejgaa the wa*. Witkia thoae year* 30^)00 het»e* broke, aad took the heae- ... it of the bsikrupt law of iML Tkedr to ?.,mpathi** with tfaoe* tl ." tkeii asroad, wao are daily boeisag about the w almo*t aothiof dait&®» ai the time*. Peer, the wheeibewow mm th* oth« atfkt ib Leo^ villc caul: «l» tid IfceaMei i feesii gs*M«H 1 fey g«* rhaaqeact »2« ei« payment*, charteredi ia bHUhoWm kate ao Parity, there he law tb*t *i»tr e^mp^ltag tt*' aaat I matft my «, «tlt b«aAsmuv* Mt. imad. im mm wrmi, A,L g4'jl» Mjpf We ua trai America, extended iUail aa near to and coud.roa «fth« bfivck* iaOaaadaa* St. Louie as New Madrid, where tb* miaorai.L in the cctreme. Then are property was all destroyed, aad a large prsa »a!Jj from Canada West *ohio and Ificbigaii are iikeiv to bare .argo ^8?? v. s. stock* Abasii. *^u*wurce, The London TIa.c»f ia lie coarse of af* thousand eight hundred and niaoty-one. I .j, Mary report for 1»56, the total ^^ipt-on of a new siuip.aater Asiatics had boon set ashore during the amooat of Am*ricaa stock held ly for- J®*4 '.eaued ia that city. It says: "They year up to the 23d alt.. aSd 'wj tasiii-' cigaes*, to tmt th« return* war» t»* ico thre* hundred and four .iAsw had cetved, atMuoted to $305,932,937. lied on the passage. A effgo of Afri Cfinswas landed at tb- P*at« Caaie oa Tbuss U. 8- Stocky RT2,7^) 265,773 It is right to add that ait. the retains liberai aiiowaoc,a A Ptoiaaiso Yocxo MAX.—T%e Pe tersburg correepoadaa* of the Birhavond Dispatch sayt: A highly respectable? young citiaen iu led off a day or two since o the woods ,iianoaor7" la friii. A Snraeus FACT. Faxctt.- -OuZtr, Kt. -A as I does. see yoc quality white and transnnUcd light ao iaor-- thaa luf folk* everybody kaowa is aaaHty, but fals hora. He then testad the bones by bcttermos'. kmd of aulPd 'ati pawoaa. f*'*?? fotied the ihoreu^-hred hy4 'AmmtUnwv ha* to dre*s aaart to 'stiagiuah ootclvw fa* the heavier, showiu their scrperier' fiys'each he"twor itt*ii' witk I a o i i i i y e y w a a and deaae a* &» *»«. •-"ttoSK? Mmm vi. Hcrin 1— WlM. At amuaiag race t^oiusiace at &o«h **t«r ob ThartMiay. f%« 'wi«hr»t«d' tr@ttiag mtm Frank ftay#, «ad ib« well k*cwmuladt horse Turk, were to trot thm1 mi*eawfcue H* Ckarlca Curtit, the *aa to walk na At 4 they etarted the hone intm «ot»o.a,: wd tim aaaa madii^g at th* sec?«, word ww *itm- Away dheir went, m*» ha»-1 tf the J»#W- Fraak Uaj^a tretuu^ h irst tw-J oitea-'-tic if at ta 3^1 mile sn 2,40. Tb« black horse u,ad« a&hm !#i *orft Fra?Sf !lay'»' zt she tw« mum- ao« m»- .-ewaaaiwe w#eew8%, AlHWilite ^iwwAC^BI, roe PNimni^ 'l cut, I'm i.*?t wtte» |M» «i»wrr»kft» i air Sm* !s«»t & bw'v* «^a v. "IT? 'tW! Wlot-r'i 4«y .|j|4 ,i¥ is M'Jta II Ifp| IH) j. i'ffhtin **r«tr h*s ftl 'k Ki*as »te: «i.n»c ..-jS mm Mr. w* «*jr 1-^.A aasr* OuMii 1 to a mm rata# f:' J«uw 'U« a..'i sa* war Hn-*» *»%. I'm k'W *h*a I 4 .aS aMQr Mattel i MMW. -j.:. tseoftrf US^. -ja tls. t%e I a .v-aaan aSfc aatslaa— Irs. .am1** f« u« 1 tHtr* «a tax !*W* t mt -M- UK *-U«. »». VfclU, -4 f'm Uw j"M»s tauita 11*^1 Am -mm *•*.• trow -it .•fH, a at srrBke-— sm .ttwii-,-1. I-M... Is irtaiji»«« .i»d la tiiy em, I'm *«i»r »ht* a®, A-. «a*a aMfa.p4MN» a rwt, l«. a uaa^r ft uid prijr— Ws A- s(u«t ml Wut- k«M »n /s* sra 't- uUSSf iw* J'~- S»t &3ml, Via i la.-«r*? A ifetarty mt« »'.!»«*»•» Aad I n Trt kf. 4 rairth/ai 3im$ M»kr tad a j.bxni aat4'* oa]rani. C4.1 I'® »bcc 1 |L AJxl imtty aliTe war. li( tiKalar BeAattrc Flllibuteri. 11m following tsaakaauakatien item the Secretary ot M*t« a»* utaesaaittad to the Cnitad States Marabais aad tha Caited StaUe District Auornsja oa tke $tb %lt uay tea ear!y hour of the m-rau»£ State that tbe eridencw juj! narra were experience bv people ai" over tbe *ity. :'poa«ampanag ail tba acoooata togetb« t, it is apparent that the aboek proceedwl from the southwest aad so travded along. Parties d^scnbe it as •ouuag up nomine river west, from which point it u aa felt moat severe- At Merraaiac and all points below tbe river in settiu^ oa fu«t, aad preparing tbe it was acutely felt. Persona coming is I means ff-r military expeditions, to be from there state that at tbe time of the carried on agaiost the territories ofMex sbock tbe noue resembled at one mo- ieo, Ntcara^raa and Costa Ktea-~repub Biaat the rumbiiag iadaced by svoaoi ea- hca with whom iha Uaitad States arc at deavoring to scape ihroagb a muffled peace--m direct violation of the sixtb aratus, anddt another aa though ve- si*tionof tbe act of Coagrea*, approved eg heavily laden, with snuffied wheels 2tnb April, 181?, And. under the eighth ware oetng drawn with express speed section of said act, it is aia4e .awfatf-» Ovar a oobbie- -stone road. The AUer Ui« Prem deal, otsach p«r» soand wag beard in tbis citv. At Merra- {tmpower, to employ uia *ac it was pitch dark at the time, and forces of the Unitcti State* and the mi tbe people were very much alarmed and litia there-»#, *for tbe purpose of pre aan out of tbe booses. There waa like- resting tba o^rrrmg on of anv «ueb ex wise a strong amt-ii of sulphur, and it is I peditiou or enterprise from the Territo aaid upon ^ood authority, that asulpbu-1 nea or jurisdiction of the United States." ric meteoric bail rolled about thestreets I am, thr-r-fure, directed ly tbe Praii in this city, leaving wherever it went a dent to cal! yoor atteation to the sub moat unpleasant smell, la oonaequence jeot, and to o*g* yea to use all duo diii of tbf early boar ir. tbe, vary geno«, ndi uj ai-aii yoaraeif of all iegtt littie was known of what ibe outside ef- imate inoaos aud ail Sut—From inforaaatioo raoairod at tbis Department, there is rea«on to ba iisre tfcit law!aw pcrsou* are no engag ed witiiin tbe iim.'U of tb»UnitM States ones they are visible in many parte.— who mar be fcrnnd to' be engaged in set Plaater bad fallen from the ceilings, uag ac fotrf or preparing miiitarv »rpe- vwuaga, Tk.l4«.?nBo„™«I.?i.l u u„ tel and manv buildings tbe vicinity, and so mjanouj to the national .aterast. described to uj by some ,f the boar- Aad yon are ai*o haref-v instructed to tb«f at\Te ny parsons went into tbe street, four uLifea uorib from here, ju«t before the shock,it was very dark. A?:«r the: irst shv-:k and about eizbt minutes after I that came tbe second shock, wbicb was felt ail over tbe city, but was not so1 strung as the first, although fury peroep i brigrnt ,. i the first is stated bv old citnena ul bU I GxBtaoaovKB R. R. Rxrcxx i». Loulg to hfcTe be«n"more t0 mth «P«li««u. tible, aad tbe moon shone out aa bright and Brighton Market Ranks. Tbasal^or. as ever. This is a verritrangs pheaom- bills are all from the genuine jplates, but eeon to be accounted for, how it is that the eignatures of the Presidents Afc-cesatoa* to ta«tr aegro popuiatios ffo* Tli» Canadians hate tJKjwn ooiim 01 a' position it ihau pariiamawt aad that the tf States i day traasacUoo* to discourage the to the ex-°®ff° p«puw*»«3 comiag to or r«mate ob* bawfeed^mil- l**lu ',uc ~&U»dttsA fiat*- a*rs #0,000,000 State »uok. Cities and tcflj&% Couniios, Railroad bead*, Railroad stock*. Bauiu, Insurance compaaies Canal bonds, Canal stocks, Miscellaneous stock*) Miscellaneous bonds, JM},402,.ii2 VmmkX) '.8,871 J00 •j ,000,00® b, babble 376,172 1,967,547 i.54,900 *!laPv printed note* of haad d*- dominations of i!s to 6'*. Tkey are aignei v J. M. D. Barrows, and aocent 0d by Burrow* A Prettrmaa. Tbe bills are hand*umeiy printed and resemble a bank bill. YV e can assure our wheat ad ling readers of tLeir value in es err par ticular. We beiievo the various baak* intowTs rtoerve them, and they are at any mom at redeemable in earrency at Burrows 4 PreUyaian5*." Milhovs or M'ixa:y.—Not lea* thaa three miltimM at rto&irroare bftm with drawn f,»n the Banka aad Bankers of St. Loufe In tb* aft thirty days. This WM were not obtained, but,making the most j] for absent atcounta, I moss:Sj good moocv too. it has aot C1 {V_ |i gtowed awav in se- cre $ pieces aad will return to act'ivc om it may be fairiy inferred that tbe entire pioyaent, aad to the hank rauita^ with amount of utocks held in Europe does retumiai confidence. not exceed $30(3,^X1,000, Such, ai least,' was the impressioa whea a previous re turn waa ordered. Tn D«moc*attc Ptntaaircr.—ThaCon ftitutioual carreney-—the Detno^ratie eurreeer -gold aad silver is exceednagiy raquirer,just jpulai' bow, sav* the Cincuiaati judging by the way it u soaght after by those who wish to get ii io ax ohange f-.r their paper, ft is, after all, the only currency that can be relied oa. Its asacuuess wtii do to bet oo *U tb* north of the mty, and fascinated into a time. Tbe institution thatuwuca it don't "friendly game of bluff." H« left jmst suspend or break. Whoever haa it go«* three thousand duliar* out pooket, a to bed at sight, satisfied thai it will be note for which amouat was presented to neither worth laas nor ai a discount whan hie father ye«terday, who, to save the he rie..s oext morning. Aad when a hopeful boy from inestigaia of the sharp- pressure com en. it doaa not add to the ar's style of paid *i dowa.4 miachief the more there is of it, the ateok raiaer lost *$gf*t or?}t* oce 'atiagnish himself from a^aaon, four of them thorougb-bf^da aad o names folks 1 four ,)f them rah stodt Be Maria," said a lady to har colored chambermaid, "that's the third silk u lighter ihafaii is, and the mors ready the rsjcot.-ry. Let us all, then, encourage hoth i'J iaereaae aad a&everwl cSrouia tlOE- of The Dtaioerau of the third district, tated th, iag of aL of them, a^d i nominated P. .White, ed t thoroughly, to learn, by examiiiatioa, what difference, in rwpect to bone, ih*-re waa letwew. purr: blooded aob comaaea ones. On taking the 'boitea of the thor ough- br«ds, and uoldtng tb»m u the ught tic noticed that they were almost trans iarent, u much so as white corn. He ff the flesh, cleaoing the boae* rmr A iLsa F»cx« CovtatiaM Wmnmm Oona. -An extraordiBwy story reaehed ua, which we give as we received i The report u, that two men, named Ward ar-i ilaii. were at work down the lake shore, some mtie* from this 9aty getti. hoop stuff, when they disoov.«r»d k«g buried in the aaad. Thit they deg' out, aad upon npetniag foaad it *oateia ed idOO stiver pjevat. Tbe co i a.i were fa® airiest Froach ea#«. aad of the a w faadiy !.»*« lis# few a* eaeurft \g$' ««»sdfc bis ucemi sim- ac*- ''imvehfftfciietfewk A1«tf, abaci "eM le«Wtt im| the niV »a» Wast. walked the ssll* s® «,«- wsftxteg hy wwt*m ,& rrnomrim j1 l-Iaseeartb^aaaid thetMmeewb'u.- warC. -.•«aeet a v e U I- kr„ I it u to w'Mr* i.hcv ifrtwid (Kitu at the mint. is probable that the meaty was ae !.-re*cd ia the place waere n waa diaeot «ed, »me Freaefc '#.« during the old Fsacb war, and afterwards the oft. set way have bests silied. ieevi^g ao traca arh^rs the tr«e*ure wm Thas ha* faUea at ia«t ia«- th* of a couple ef Ta&keet. Here «e two oaegMt ef MtA --tuwn, D. C.., ott wkiAUbclM»'m of the toiucyd pnee, k W jws IS#i HHI !M AWASHI i*e VOL. 7. HO. t? wiiiiiii iiwuM ')tr iw mw i 2SS4 'v-§ Bf«w® Cc.j ®m rm*m 1 Stark Co, st«» AUiubala 1 or A»fb, fH Loraufta *mo*f J^*J' Uediu Co.. iOu rep aMtj ilasiijltoa 0o i.-icteass te*K. m&j CMffem utwrfy, •.%•»« ktorm tosra'p i'ataa *0 -'i»cia»«|* *1 ard, Cbaae 10T auy. Ad *a- i- Xs mai, 4th ward, Faya® S6^ a^»|. w® •arI, ^baa» IS mdi. p'ib w-1- tul saai. 7tb •••**.«!, feiMk S6 aaaj. fH ard, i'W IOv.- jaaj Hfc ai^a 55-j maj. lutl. sjij.-' litb ward, "T»as« JU5 «sa, tfen wmrtl, IVvtw la iaaj iltfc wfcra, Para* 40i 14 la wmni, Ckm«Bi.«t.s Ohi« A tarns 00., nm}, moss as tie shall i l-)a® acd and uavai a 411 other orovtatoas oi -(m April,Ulb/agaiaattb^ LEWIS CASS. signatarae bieri ai-e I whi'if tbe shock is ia progress a dark- Cashier-are forged. How these bills ",an id prevail, and that accidental loss. Be is "an insurer it* n soonor has the §hoc£ been felt, than est persons who' have made tikis tun of severe tba^anr The steamer Telegraph brings backfreea other which has occurred sidce 1811,Canada ^n' everv trip fauit^-s -f^roe* i 2 ±L"_.^i5r m- i m. „Xm troyed Carraccaj and other cities in ten from the ^uat**» Ttie^ Imorthi tiw life 3jec il A IT* Pay a* US' ay»j- W ayn« 00., 4 tarn. aa^. rtlf. i,a ireea eo slupos ce A«i4i£UmX Locaa &».. 2U d«ib fl«»ory V »«iaac* fo^ &<• irm Wood «a|| Browa ee., lit, CI •aj, liighiiwd ao. Madison tewn-y. €1 Athene tewashisp. CJbMl Warrea eo^ l*r|hi €«w«,_Uhaae SM mtj. At far ac heard Item 0 vote* ia this county. CiaoiiaMiti Oct, ii. Perry eo., 44t »#j. #tr- Payaa. gam co. 00 for Pa$*e* m* ij&iXi for PaviMs Uardiii i3o_auM. taa-eiatm & gaia of T/Km -MAawnw so. 55" for Payne. FairfeW coasty W3& for P»f»e. Warren ?2b bit 'ha««. fastasma TSit for Chaee. tiurnsay wtife to*a to bear from, 600 far Payae Ottawa. 00 for PavnA Drake #30 for ftiyae. Hi» eoox Wt) tot Para#. Cimtoa "W for Chase. Wasiua^toa 401s for i»aya^- Hamilton not all ta. Denoeratt citip 8,500 maj. Slarietta, iae aut worklag Licking, 4,iK10, summit oo.. Chase )U$? ssa|» ieansat co-, Payne 500 a*^ Brown oo., liird towaabip, (JtMt 500 OUj. Prehie oo., (Thsee 5W ma SuOajt o«^ ftrae 1 ,*0 au| Tfct ^5t ths Supreme (Jotrrt 4M to 511 tbe vaoaaciea -oaaaed hj the tmAg natioa of .Iadg« iroodifi «ed ,Stewart, aad Couk&j Clerk aad County Cosuiii* ahiiier of vouaty, «*r« tha um^f caadidate# vc.«d for yeetcrday. CilccLano* by ji^OO Bills with roao xo Tt'Kts,—We understand thai there are now in circulation in tbis city a aomber ,»f (StW bilis son tbe Black- etiiutioa A ia4ii»Aa tha r*e»jN|#e «f|A stone, duifoik, hnoe asd leather daaisn be filled by appointment of the flofw- Tbe r)'"OiO'..-rau ai»A ac aotaiaadoa of caadidatee tot Jnig-t of «»e Sapr Mae si tk*s mdm iim .mm uturt, thev ciaua Th« Aepubiiaaa eaadidate* reewva#* fall rota. CamPici.« m««uraa tor iknmtf Clerk aad CuflaA,.sai»n«M af Majruw *3©.. elect J. C. New, E*p«biicafi cierk b\f fi maj., aad T. lotawWi, comadaaioM 96m*}. «t .J.. ir'ittMMMiirtu* *jh«- ?A r*ttt2us £v«i ^v—P*o««fa |W noSlk and oame into the p-Mwoaaion of the d:shon tikis ase a -Bottom Pa Democrat Nothing, 1 10,1)00 losing W!i*a«, %^p«bn$Ai^ coaa^ ftves i ,nMMS wq* ttev Orlaaao, del l£* The Jteud' rranari*, from BtTiAt oa tbe IVtk ^aa arrived. The S'rt'iiioi Si Lisebt hnapi a mti^Mm aaa a oaAHw Tba Uraeacia -apen^aeed a gale on 1 the 3d aad 4th. &n<i after'^mrds saw a iodk —«oata* undisooverahlea Weilera at»|ariiy ovmr liolkhi* tatag aiiuu i* i 1 The Legislature largely Democratic. Bates} ax-trsaaurer. a»d Ru«re, hit edertt, neve both boen eommittad to fan! ia dedault of bail. Chiet Jusuce Marray i* deed. oi. Case*.'. of Teusi., ha* be«kiflMl iawduei wftiMr. Blair. The ovariaad ami! fr*m Sea As Tuxaa, rtAofceti Sa.\ itHtgfr Anf. SI, Iw:i.rfU wi Ua* aaiesseasiiett of ret, tn Callaaa, ^fexioo, ha* reached Pranciaco. & Sew York, Oct, ii Th* ateaoahip Arabia sailed to #tth 109 p***ealgers aad $1 460 spedeT The screw ateamMr Araco for #o«A» hsuapton aad Reaaama took 190 pa* it gers. Washington, Oct. 14. $1-45,000 worth of S stocks wore reieeaaed te-4ay, of which half eaat te Vumnia aad aeariy all Htthalwaoii wwk to New Yock. ILun4sli«rg, OeL "A The Goveraor atgaed relief kiU aad the L*fiaiaiure awe dt*». lkw«o.i, O^. lit The IfaiaaakWCOl haseh* •ndinai.-lt, pay speoia. The lank ars met at 1 o'eioek eemsaiv upon tkm «xpeduttoy o( te*N** iag imaii. uotm ia speotA Ifec ioea by th» barwaf of Kretgcv A Co.'s button factvi. ia Cieciaaati hi •©0001 iasured fSyOO- 0TKo*, of the ladiaaola Ptaim|| •••methiag cf a m%g} h* has b.^ itumi e&ing for some time pail to auspe&d tha put ..cation of L.! papw ani«*a hu pat ro&s pay ap better,. Lsut weak he y*A» iiahed a little strip of three eol leans on a pis* arid mm it «tt with th* fol k'Wing explaaauoa We doa :t SI juffli, witl Phiiadel *xoh*tt§a charge oar aateon* awthlef for thia "slip," and w&«i tsair.« fur ixpea Ttwwe'it au -m .j| sr a gr*a» 1 jog arte die thk *mk, haa xt-ii state that «ur jail i» fali- -'A ai»d ihere is ao rooaforn 'tmtt hocea Nditot" -f' we raa oeree«»a» «»m wis»ee b«» tiiaae w its. Th» ta,«aAf emnH kw toe T?eaeur«» s. &* tn&u4ia f) aoe*'. ha..* i viS^nu- -iUP* agaiaurt ua. 11*j tare th« 00mm9 men TSe 4m**y mm is mmi ate eaa :''be*gr tm Urn ••-&$) udbie is 4 manrtcd auui latd iMrl* yttv a*!* The. sheriff ta a sjpm ty" *ad me*t ra» Ths aoroawr- woat is pay -aed i«e -Thia i* a ii ai ate oa* heat A«. we tuNf gfeat earn*?* 4md' i '"Hi if ~Uy^m»n fodfffW *a«« aijrM. e«« :te»r tti® si** beaks 90 ?WM rm a e i