Newspaper Page Text
tt »V,« 4 ^mwm N/ »«»sssai3»W t» 4 Cast, «MW«M#, U*T» «S*hlM 5 Hi J^OrJdi f„t iM SV«M *J «**». «ilt wiwiii 4»i«arrtHie Oa sqaanr, 12 tsw* aT haw, Mt in—rtt— A 3S "HMWitil«M1«IW|".-f4*a.riUSittSl •«S'. 4»* yt«T ,.,...19 MS mmeh* -. :i?s2tj»g wmmMm. *«n .... ••••. »«wa. i E a k i w i u a y u €ia. «s 1«MM« «df l^dUM|t. Ittll# Ex^iiAi,G«kl #i,-i Silver, C#-, «. lildVti^Ur«r My»«y »l.i gi.44, |-ia4 *£Ki ibM, Aaa«&* tet-'i «j ttm* laiwm p*ui nit gpMifti &*p<-'slt». ^lLa#y Lommi4 wt r*«l«Ut« «ad p«r»on V|f ^curitjr. -.respoifdtnti mafttiy apos prcmpt- REFERENCES Jaaerican Exchaag* Bukj N. Y, City, J' P. TtKJMp«OB, u t*KM of ilhoa, iIUm, I^aK of Cin-j: .'*towii, Oatywta'i, )7 |i a k«« It BuUoct. Biaktrs. St. Louist G'ouaty S«ak, Syr»c«#«t N ff ^, Soutb Djuaver*, Nut. A i iHtim* & Co, luuak*n, l)«c I«#t H«ory FrubAffi, Pr—id»t C. k LB L, Ckte«fo, 111. J. E Hi'ury, Sap»t M. ML B. B., 1Mb «8Mrt, l&va. We#Ut'L Minat Vlr« bunnua* Co.. Ctir. s. 1* Eoy Tuttb. Ons^ City J»*. C. Miteheii,. Im., ffcr E. Judd. Fig Oiiir |ji« __ l^erdl&llU, S*riap, l«ia Tna* G)cwr, a*o*i~t,-. 0e£»e, Alnuadria, Viifi&u J. S. Ieateat, Afttft At Bwontaea! Ct., iiKiottti, (Hut. Ja« H*rUfi, U 8, 5., 1ft, Heaaa&t, a S a Cartia, m, v., Ktokuk, ta ft Br -Ei. SaukerK. Burling tiw, i«wa. [jaiy2i-57tf «I»~'8-~E£*«® fc RIAL ESTATE BB0KE8S, CilNLRIL Lilll ibUTl toMrf.. /«««. anwf PfMltMaU Ia-L promptly att#ot to Iaiw &* l«v«atiaf lEtJBey, local taf «aa *»iuug iaaa whuczta*. p*jim taxsw buying a&d ttUiag city propety. aiM all cfl-£(«-r bui:a«*» priiauu to tottr prtrfaat* knli Weateru Iowa &odn«braaka. tst'i***!* «f it^wf prdtapti tunrtr• ti Rcftrtaeat Tttnh Beatae Caoaeii* Ntt. JtaFa. O. Oe^fctr tea &nw Vtntrv It KM, JPi Mr* AftM. One* M. Wtmn, ««Mar b|Ma, Tootit i.r«a*. rii^ffijwfcOo...... S-'kaan^f It Sua, i':ta«. k »wettaa ...... W*. -,-vc* .........iawoto**, |t.i. •*to'— ~«»«Wii «»laia, ra. D*tc 26 1 gfift. lj SI. aioejut. «.s.ctarr. MOOBC *. CLAfP, A N K E S a«B HEAL ESTATE BROKERS, I* tIT* BILibeutMSrn La ,t W irran-.s bought and soUl, and |n» eate« on time aisc sold aad lactted o* tisse (or distant dealers, Ftimioc Uhda and Tows property btq^ht aad so i 4 on cow us tea: o sj Tase* oaui for aoo-resklSBtB. u S i 5 & S ceat per ajiaam REFERENCES. Pbel^i, Dots* a eo. iu IS a SI CUfMrw^.. ja. T. Boe. Jeto A., tp^neer. UUca.. Tb a ."HN.rn Pns. taafc al Btssb*i„t«a, has tswtoa ... ...... S f&tii-i. Pre»'t tuaqwhaaiu V«!i»r task, ,* Straus. Pen *oem* CtomW tsct tmttisi Roe t«bt4 S oWtm^oe tlos&aet: x. ru.7 a &fu*t BaaJk«», Ptae» M,•., l»wa Coottaus!. a acuoki, Mriinstaa... CaOart*Mi a tsaa, lewa Citjr, W. L. tfewbeny, a^. au.rf4-57 ?i3u«A4 OrPICKft wa. .-wt. aa«frtar at i** •rncEB 4k nici, REAL mm BfiOKEBS, ,&MB MUSSS It uac wARMnrs a ixcharse. d. i'l'.'s I0W4 i~ tb* t#teet?e»-. Aad teca* uor ^,iJs W^ttei.. t.iwa jtid .N'sbraska uj« p+ffmtM j# taast sa sar.dt of atn-rstldentt. ta*- ib a ai.i rp mlttaaiee ef ciaiias, W' E E E E N O E 8 Bask of r-HUhtmlk, ^tchamn Btak, Mstarg. £ram« A BiSaluMaasrs.'.RolMs It Stes. Will Wa, B, Pu »*f, Pitt she gh. ih«' 't.rV mrrJIf? Frix.V-1 us Baai A uhia. W Co^u.'-n:!,. 4 at Batiteers, sore Je^ta^ Hatb %Uairs Johustoa A Br- M«trs. Ro• :-4i»r«t fc Sons, If. Marsfe Sftiitfe Esq, Pasef, Etq., NUitf. White, E«k| .f*.Hiia»tre. Jao- Thoai^-. r. fefcj Me* York. Mttara. G»le Ceipfcf. PJuiiiislpbm. Jtc J. Atutefww 4 €••. MSestrs. Page A Btco^i. I.-?k» i g.». Violet* A Cc 0-... & 5# v g|. L©uh Caok. Sargeti & H»wiJ*y Hent, Wu iia» *.», Hteft SherHwis A Co., Hon. That S Ornate*, js h*,~, BL «. t. imvtum*- iH ,. Sara Es.Bta]t, iaati ®ta Haa S T. Lo«aa, Cel. WtaaatisTiiiriAH, |& Wife, ifeljla fflch^it Yuw E H- iW««, te., mmm, A|tr% ffVnii i I'm ii fW y JVWOy^ k tCTW, Y1 i ^i717" ir«. v tc*iprora*.~.i ,,t lAWUMamm*, fj. rmw»" \j«u fl9»q*»jfc.i If'tf $**tra, IJW aod ireocgral I^aiK -mi lieaU nte2 IT Su«t er. SetflliwBl Lani Is We» t«' ai«fa itiiit. Tt- A# pttdbaat. -'d« ar..' U(*B pref* ae*a boagis «sl mM, aaiwaAtaf Imd KRKN^ E «sMi a«asw "T s&». ik, %&&&&'* r::r: n|y i i A I i J» i' tki«* ........ .»wgi .c.1.9 oo •HCatam o«« jcjir. (MMiki JM »i»rs* »«ai»» .,. as 0 ikfMi»» v -utn,*. li S »fl»t -«Mt»{-g, •M im m* mm mm*: d*fiv .... -MOk .*r» -^a^- v, i»»ca* »st mmt e»jrtr.«. «.a3 MWW»} ik»«K* IM. tsn i!t Ifew -. i1 fraSMj SKRUGB. 'BUSIWiffi CARDS. Hfi§«». ». ».«»* 4'. „. £=r »*WBWiX S UB MHM.B, BA^KEBS, ttl*i e i i 4 -*®f: s 3 OS S €0 ac* fcf til- «F".xwft wfc -r-. ^.ro^utM 15 4hs «»ku4 uo^iMif tmsmas «Hur MiMi to i abw sti ieswwtfesft s rMCrfi^H. Cooscii BiUfe. iowa, Se| 16 5* a^TUf »R T- i- VKHOI UBO 1 IIR(E01 OfcWIsvr*, (Grmduate* of Amerum Dtntal Colleg««) CHice ob BrtMbdway opp««ite Palmer1 Biocks iOl.CIL BLim, IOWA. TT Adelity u4 puWMl «tt*otl»ffto tkeir iatopewi ua tbe i,.»,i-.Jlaa of anj fcailnami wtarb au)' cr.-tr'iited to a«. He, uiid-r«t|5..e-.S u«rt«by certify, Uiu Br. is. Vsipi & fcsaoi HI*, ANNOUNCES reaM^ H. T. D':fktj*ts. re cently extracted Teeth thena according to lh«?methtHi #{»ied ti»«'*Paial#»»! "iS —Having b*«i kae exprriMic« umler Ui« I Pri ordinary mode of *xtractinf Tfe»h. th My fbat the operatioc, as pc -formed t?y tb« tboTi iiiaM gentlejaeo. U atUedii vritii but eoBkpa auv«iy |ya. S. L. Docqlai, Hi) KM AH CiKritU, L. B. Brow* JA Council Bluft U S CAM, H, T. SrmiHmiiit O. Lakctat, M. DL B, A nn Ft. Cottitcil .f Dec. to the pafciic, uut b« bat purchased iM refittw! and replenished tha "Illiooia Hou»«." in Gl«»woori, when be will bt happy to attend to t&e waata atd cc«u..,its oi i. gii«kta, in die L, ai passible manner. New and coovaaiaai "Hhit i yariii Had for atock. No paina or txp«n#» wUI U apared io I th« Glenwood, lowtyAtf. 26,'5*. WtimiCFV A nOS-VBOTCl, Fancy groceries, FmiU, Liquors, Nats, Sardine*, Cigars and Tobacco, 122 North Secood *treet. St. Me, ~mt HEW L1«B£K YAJW On Br—dmmj. btkm skt Pmttfe H»m»* GEORGE PARKS, Psomuktoe. HO is happy to announ the citl w lap Co i ia««CKjiUr¥. that they cars at ess yard. all tiffiea is yard, a fuii aaaortmeat of all of Pine Lumber of a superior qnalitv al Datrs. Sash, Bkcdjs, iSas^iti, Latis *M ererythiiig pertaiumg to th* iamb«r uadt. i Tboa* wiahing to buil.i, will O E N E A i9WA i Exchange on all our Casieiu tnd cities bootbt mMt sold. Moaey foiaed on real aad personal mcu rity. CtHeetions made is western iovra tad eaatfra Nebraska and promptly remitted totay paf. of the United Kates, at Uij :ur* rent rat«* of etc bane*. a! "AGENT Lower Broadway, opposite Pacific Hodm. eacxcit ticrrs. tow\T~w BUYS, A large variety ot very deahrsbk Real Ests^e f-rtale Al ^11 timesoe the mott tea* eoaaMe terms. Far Sale IOC good city Lots in tbs Railroad tddi-' Hon to tbis city. 90 fine Lott in Mull so'a subdivision ©f i tb» city I 8«.era! good reaidence lots in Hali'a tft Goc to tfci# city. 8svrai fieely situated niMista lott fai centn 1 portions of tbis city. Several finely watered ar.J umbered Toi a£ land within an ht.ur-» ride ot ikt* city Also.: iot* and shares ia Juaction citt Iowa, aad Bellevue. XikAaaii aad Uaaail_ 1 aaar24-57 tf ttaialjf LaBi! THE tabtefiber* imi then tsrvicta to tbe eld maUiii# umi oth«re. to main o«t the aetata* j-ap*f» f«,r procuring their LAND WAJlR ANTs, Having aspeci^i agent ia WaAingtoi: City, they ar# prepared to tt tt«4_W isitissta sntrutted to tbeai with dit' p^biaad rtUablltty. CASADY TEST, General Land Agents. Opuncil Rift, spr IX, *». [v4&2tf *. r. casioT. JU*TSST CAiA.i»« 4s TflSTj, ATIORNEY- 4 COUN8ILLOB8 At L1V, A i*» »1 IJM» lecsl^&Ra, ^«t*4 to waste* nil aji b«T., w%»S. at o ift'm» T«m* fife «s «xtmct«l t» a|j 4 °f Sfc- 4lSti it»i ntjfjf*. *uu twi' -W wiiji or *ltho«t 6«a^ hutt* r-i'ffid, P!«ti»ia bate. sttufa*$mx- :&m IfeaHSt, v hS^k cXLu m'S. ^frMsl n*,"! «4 i f«*J 8^Wteiw s*te»'w urwfe anra •JSS^iChSi. S,*'£'^.. Tt: uJ'TL""''" », v. #(««.« IfH. IttTMKIiV ..*6 9* «e iktf*f)HNEY8 AT LAW, QBHMM. LAND Aflftm. o Writ pfkttic* ia td*% and N*b«t»tr«. •W pnmfttf MMMt t« M) itfai Mmw t»U' »#Wsi to t««i 4»i-«: Atio. l6«« L* *& W*rm«t«,feay R*'~ r#{at«, TMM, &aa 3ti»ct9t6y «M8 cl^ .u ««f Aif ejjMftm w»i» lAb i£*»Ci«fc£ *ft« tint* W Fa?« «s# A. i 0ti*eS* -o*m *pr?i -9TV **STA fis«'*imc*"ciiMrA«*^ *A»rro*ts cow* 0*ertwwf.ia!»-«*'rik .Ss^w ..Sri Mm **m itilut. vs ti$g km* 1 BAJLJDWlIf T* *f«t for a« «». %i,ji who now Jt remiy to Uikf- tki -i. •"». ^oMcfet f®f ,i»u i"»j 4fct., ifi tbis city aa4 Uu ougbout tht coaauy^ At moderate r»ie# «sffi*»MKtft *mm« rnmumdnmfrnw $$#*&tMmsit LANE mmm,. ea«"*«s, txnrTr, towa. .uwrrsAs Is«» ||i Wm$.mmmMmm&m Wt M* I* CMaell ja$t tmtflmmi fra-rti Ilct::.@f^l( «f £NM«I|! I» {tup*. «s*te«as.: 4#-tiU«i! ait im bmii to mM •si*.- if }&it£ Utt vi®. tf— atea# tiw «M-*-4.-1cf [_ tau Jfe* .'tm (Of *mri, aad'tbm b»»k bfsf ji«i ab*UMt*. Uwt ft tat t&« wmk ot s fcwts' t.» a«^ i»st, *6«4h«i eirtnte te ft! tfa«} *jhs Or w, f» U'ft Uttk it Im* «:ri at firti -,,«w. I Smif ^®»6 #t sfpf At ri{:(Mwc spu. Mi *. m. i, taaiu»g lus »oi* a *u«jrM o "|e haM-1 wl '"OH! 1- s*r\ ««t| tn ima '.4r*fetlv -mmm. W»hate also a»d* ac arraanacst with tb« Etcfif jer cf [efda, to fui nitn a# on ttck moraicg wiiii .i lut of liie Deed* &l»<i for r««ord a previous day. We faat«preeai»i from tbt LaD-4-ofitta U»t of an t£t W« ablkg bt«}V litt of all Land* tsd LoU ttkt tmr tut and jf Juti^emtQia. kfort^a^aa D«H'4e at "fra»t, aad of all ottar Liati inr wfc 5'itk o Rta: can b# «ff faet«l. £3?" ObArfw for a& axtainttiot ai a tUlis sni be raatottble. i«u« aad Draftiss dott la food atyltk 8TRKKT RIDER. DM ri »i HO(iM£, F. R. PRENT184S C«otcil EkJb, o«t. 7-57 trly (iuav,) JLA*» DEALKBS W 1X0HAN0E, I(UUiXi CITV, KKBa^SiTA. JJAVING made anang-eragnts by which wi!1 libc both man and beast comfortable at Tow»gfcip# embraced in the Eastern Illinois House. portion of Neoraaka, \vt nm mw psei'ir^a to tfffet servtcta to th* '^SqnaU^r-'g of tbt Territory H: Shtif Declaratory Suit* meats of iiitei.,-»G to Prt^empt, stcurioc mmi biock REAL jfcSTATK AGENCY! We o(S»r tw •»«. ob icasuBabi« ttrat,— 100 Lots it Ratkoad A iU 'ioo} 30 Jiverett'a Addition 15 Bayliss' AJdr.ttt 10 Howard's Avid:dot. 10 ^*4 sxanias kit Steele aad price, tad obi ire E O A K S Council Bluffs, ma6'5& 6«^if. mrnwi* j, £»TA vm sumam u Suta-'s AddUioaj Also, lota ia all pari* ,,f the city.! Also, at a is reat nargajtn,20Ua*a'et la sec tion 51, tawe 74, range 44, lying 1-2 a mile from tbe city limits. Aisc, asrersl fine trict of ummprnved Iniiatbs immediate wnnLtv of the city. BLOOMER A KffNKTT, 0' CieBeral Lab** A^eato, eamut. tLVJ-xs,*-- tows. WILL promptly attend t# Lawi A^etscies, eolieetioiui, lavesiiM Money, Locat u« and Selling Lr a Warraats, and other basinett pertainiiw to tbtir profatatoa in Western Iowa and Nebraska, a i s O JSOOIfli CMMWfif MBt am MU MMMc «UL\1. TTR «lil a**«ad to a&y bttiastt Mtrtij^d JJ. tohias with proas pt«««e aad dtaptteb Ctns(6'..j A^i^rs.. .&gk, sd vaaesmtiais itadt v»r. Sties attewkd to in to* or 'ouaty, say psrf-^ jfe* ftts" 4c wUI attsM t buyiat s^iiw ««". •'»«•.% "«®i ««ate paj. i.«g -ai-s «. -00M »li«etlagaa rettifusg ting *r^ wtmwl at.. Tt# p«*ba art- fevttet fin wm a«a^. at wtistetjd-todt tbt fabrfiuag, Tbnat eaay ai oui ?»r Wway, U to up -J bttdntanera Vwnsyaf gatdi to net! cbes^ wfit)e&ais '«t*D ... I J. .'nfliatMs. ai-jscf-. SNA, Ml 4 U- *«S»4 A W»its 4» «*»-«-, Itan. litwii *. A^tms. BmtmMid, TH jsr 2T "%4. 'tf of FHter atNbi httr fwt^f War ratted, «v a#k% TofrrtB amvon, tU&m* Oftee in Empire Btoek atari-.i~ sells. renU tad exchaagea aQ kii«i* of Real Estate, for distant deal srs or person* iu the city. Loaea money makes rollectious. pays Uxes and draws abstracts ot ti:le. Gives reliable Informs tioo respecting tbs priest tfre-1 sate ts, and 1 ADIES tethiestblt Stilt Htta,'-at th execa.ea aii bnsiaeai couaected with a Real JJ eaaiStwre. DOUGHTY !€0. £4t4ltd A%mcf. TOWIIHIP PI.A la. last printed and frtr salt at this o&ce, q^tttlty of blank To»-- ship Plat*. OvoccFica* A Very lifge tct ef the foUoTvlaf: ti ive *t «t A Oesn received and will be'saM very i daap :—Brown Kugar ia hhls and U bblss clarified. cruahed k^d pu!«eriaed| melaeaee and syrups, rice, dried apples a-i.4 ptacO s, cheese, soap,candles, lard, tiouf. whiskey.! nnsKaj-, braadys. wsaes ar»l liquors ot all kind« mackerel, salmoa, white ftah. hc-r n«g,h aidfrcfc, ajid every thing elte ia the Grocery and Pronsioa lins, for sale at whok#as« i!«i at (b» Elephant Store. tpr28 TOOTLE A JACfSON. CftoUdU»«! i loibmr WE havp one o. the la. gest acd in v est stocks of Clothiryr ever broua i sa tliie aarkei. »-j- aale cheaprat the El »U»e, No. 1, Empire Block. TOOTLE It JACKSON, •nlTTi fwtai 8epar,it?r, for treating A aad cteaatec grain roariufssrtured by •wwaa Cb Alton Llimus. TB£ C.J. FOX, Agsat. tiyecer un! Kr»cerM»l 'truest stoca ev.-r brought tt Coua i:.U Ht^lk suvh as brown su|»r. elarl* &ed do, Itaf alsd pulverued do srnp, Itstes barrels, tulf barrels and if? falJaa alto, golden syrup, rice, c&ffrr*, dried apples and peaches, auckeTtl, codatb. via ««b, bntaty. wltf, giB. ale aad liquors tf au kiiids, *»d a gt .'.era! variety of fancy grt t£JCUSi8_iiU,Mit !rt»p by TOOTLB fc JACKSON. No. 1, Emp«r« Blutk. Saddle 1 evtry descripti galstjba.'' laGi No, i, Empire block. nrgt milt' Saiiaal atpt, tH priest aad at III stt, t« suit all. DOUGHTY a CO. a mre rim* FOB sauh I j«tv iu*e, ifrimU UauainW tbt cH» id* 4"es luv*. ..tuoei »4t# A.-ree prai. uA. wiuen .* J. a,r» *«-j.«»t an goo-j l«i»- s- a iirei i. of J* I a mu^v i''** c. ?t»«i. W I V inwiiy- i- Bmi Bmt* Agmttt, sd-%d. cm, h. k ii.t. *s«ai faul»f«Jly |o 4nMaM U a a a o w e o -!i Sot# antf i*at2»,«atn«a »arf -oHactlf at, lie. th- f». mry of j«w fw«fiy apfwifft* Krt t«-6 E«toaff» 8*». Partita }*«t vr i Mi- CBirril A CDTtiB GKNBKAI, LAN© AGENTS. VKiKASKA TECRi'i Oli V. WILL p. t« *Laai Ag«« ei-» Aairtn momy. (Kaunfc #ei Lao i W*i rant*. tai» .ctai. tfc*- fcii r«« rwrt*win*to tfc"t ?ili»miii **w *aat MM« of mm- a MOIUX. ««, 4,,-fu JtWcvi i«i»ied a* ab®ve 4l U,z terabit trwrl •. ii«» 4#» Imnj*tK.. ,whi» «.•' !n luny t». il» ««v *a i&UWB JWu 01 »W io«ntv*v tfc» »i4.i«e '.rici, wriiiat, u» m*Mj ottwi, dura 1» DO e«io«ctio8 WtwMs Um of A* preawt a&d the or%i»ai avn «#. *. y atteotloc tc iht*e. xait«r« ii of th a impiit'ttne« to ih* parti** int« tfc* lap*« af time Will ^aen pl»c« it &•> raiige of p^sibdiui-s lot all parti to tacet an} ceiitci srrora by tau iuMi i^re€«r»pnt Hence, vcsatio*^ *oi ex p«Miv» wit* Is ehaae*ry wffl h# tfc reajjsU •od soaay untaacea, propwrty will BkU into th-t bauds of jictaoaa who bava ao a qttitabte Ht!« m. rmmAm A K K I S Aim m^iMmiM ^uMAaum COVXcll MLVr**, jtni-im tf J, SULLIVAN, D, F.H¥SICM.Aff Lmds e&tereci tha county w««t x*ii|Ce 4u sliovn by vb»£ caab, warra»ta *r scrip, i- a«.. ret ia aach ^itct, atd Ui (i-UM tcr!. s au w. aioiuv, J. Ii. WHiTt, Krtca*a« City. K RIDE* CO. /.». rsu, 0«neU Wsff^ Um*. CA1ABT, TEST, r*cciv* comet of all Pre-empUdat. »uof Land Wuraatas&a Estertaf Ltod LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT A.SOLD Latds totered oe Time. it-c. Partirula: attention paid to buying aad —mag property on commiwoi also, to mking coilectfoiw t»d forwarding rasaii tajR e» to any part of the Umo« BLA £8 of ail kiads always on hand. apri& ji tf \l Barfaia«! a*d iur^wii. Ofllc# Hea4 «f Irotdwty, Oc«uk:!1 BhtA.fcvm. it« i.%m if *. «,"#¥***, JOSEPH L. SHARP, 1 ruRNfcV «a»d Counsellor at Ltw, GleBwtjed. Ms tie county, i^wa. wiiist* :eaa to all basioesa ia the oth ii»dirta! Dis trict entrusted to hiss carej be iviil aiao «t* tetd to busir.eeo in th#- Supreme Court of this ittte aad of the t'cited »ates A a*a "fts'&i.'a wr ATTORXEYS mU\ jnnwmtiw r*' ATTOB^KY AND OOUNSIXJUOB AT LAW, tteal E»tele A«eat, Marrioh^. Harnsoo tu.. io*i July &, l^&a tf SOI.OMO.V, tad CkKiRa«llor B. ATTORNEYMillaeouatv, ami cHifts«iior at i*m, Gla»»rood. lows. Practices i& all thec "ir #o/ Wesum lovrt and X»bra*ka. a&dths Supteaie Court tf lows. *Vn40tf A. 0, F0BD( ATTORNEY «ad c^uukiiqt at i^w, Cotjjcil Bloftr fewa. tjr 0* FICK, Stcotd tlMy, Beotoa'a Baak, Br.adw8|. [jan I OREBNE, WE ARE 4 BENTOHT BAHKEIII. A N A O N S cttrtcu. stt?rra, •••iowa. Green# A Wetre, Cedar Rapids, lows. Greene, Weart & Rice, Fort Deimoluei Iowa fy Collettioaa made taxes paid ar.d aay J3M I purchased aari sold la at ^art of Iowa. A. COCHRAN, GENERAL LAND AGENT, COCHCIt Hi'Ti'S, IQVfi. TTTIM prois-^ly attend to tie icwrs^OT o. w rtics. W. c. uau. PRICE 4 JAMES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, council 8ia«, lewa. [T&Ofttf iL"«'" 1 fvlnJtMf a A«'t Deeds, inoftagettnd othei instrumerits if 1 writii.e drawn with dispatch ackuowl .'dgeu^riU uk*A. 4ke„ Ive. i ST Oifict wett tide of Mtdteen ttreet. lust *bov»- Broadway. juii20-*ji0 tf •EMI ALLEIT, SURVEYOR 4 LAND SELECTOR, yrGood selsctiotji always on ba m. maSOcxi tf A. Y. LARIMER, A O N E Y A A W wcu at ffri towa. :i or. Bras way. "Orn MEW C-VOOt. tSt Cash paid for Hidst. Blsfs Sept «W A tidies, Mama Ac for sale by JACESON. A large stock of bacon, lard, 8our, dried A iratts, crtciers, Ac., for sals by TOOTLE A JACKSON. t-« fail ia* water ?ttius ®«»»du.*'" "Jhrongh I vnll sat. ^i»tp sod ai»ks th* uiruuva- «c fsrtber iarHraitirt ._ SO- i B1«S Wm. mmmmm taa ataaatteteiwts »f C. .. ffmmht fatefe* I^Ktb^rs A ilrMI OasitMte fed Mmrn. M^biissai bt^iw cJ'.asi®, I! :f| ,1^Slt?j]igi^rawy 5F:«jl6,i 1 •. nwjtavM MI tiic Ami ',* f{ lK *-I W lrw r- _„_ ioH* tHttnaK. OUNSmORS it. I.w AHII Wf- ABiia FiBUC, cocKcu.tiorrs.- »«wa, WILL practice tii«ir professiun sa ail um courts ot Iowa aad Nel ratka. Ali collections entrusted ta their care, at teodsd to ptoaptly. Eapeciei tttent»*a given to buying sa, I selliiCg real est aw, a»d making ptt-emniiofia i ia Nebraska. D(fr?heIl mrrjicii i«#a Hth. The eaus-ia from, tlte Fourteenth PBIIPS Jc C« WL Ars ^004 assortmetst of •OOTf, SHOES, LSATH^I. i Which they will sell by wfcoiesala 1 tall cheap f»f cash I iKMfelttT s.s#cfc •.- .-tf C.J. ikNIwtur* Store Returta uhmik all stylet ami all Urtu tf weather, retttathk fates CLARK PORTER, Artiste. July 7-57 3»w. «iBw»rsi*rr ajstt crac VAIK i INb»-*• 4f*vtaf tki* mtMeim us tibe pubUt, w' a* 4««! to paff it into atdtt/bal stet» reliaile fer yoa as dapsad upoa aa U tbs m«tlict£.e aad tbf jaa, tfcti wtii aAsR.u»i.»i.--r. 1 Ttus ®edt. sw will fiw iamedto rtBtf sad &»«.! rr,i- 3I Suras Se*M», 1 Wowadi, feftMtt,, SaBtaatUte, fatty- aad, AgM:. Clwlsrs OietTbai,aail8aBf -omplwot* es«tlly, sl» Jm&tzs ap ply It THOS- H1NSEAM., 5 at- ,»,i t*. ..fenteMK: ten*» *«fai «tdl«s««. i*4wd ft- l«§e «f J"* mw u»*sl Mtlaly .?^ufsi»i«*« *.ss& .ca^k»« »-H irti* t, w-« Hi FsrmuiiN- aaste-at .1fetf cm »«t aay o«* wtujeti sr. fOOTLI &. iACEBON WO®i A O-Q-.j, BTttd ^^ONy^at IrsMwtf-, h* AaacaMasr, BOtD 8T0»£- &. I «K i* %j 1^1, Tilfl1 a. aid pa@«», 4 suisM.' V_ __ __ f-^. rOI'WI BLUFFS TUWA, VJSfigEtfii*y MOENIM, NOVBIBKR WimLl BOGLi fli« M*i«is ''4Es#«uied sj Tfie li?'« tm o.i» tir«Usd fcjf .if «i tboOftMai !}3A&i .i f»t{ abort &f &i*w iw% fail- 1JM.-S i» 1wdMMftiag t« lAe Dwrntto' racy. Ts..,a^b 4ei«&i«idi tbif bave «be *jii bt .» tfcjrt* a i a i u w e oft,'** w&iwiit-iim J|ftjlM4Midbia4M^ tbtt bulw^ aobi| teugbs. totfinmi {4««, tot »aUuua. prtii«i^ie«i pnsctp4«ji vbttib wm& m& ariii prwUiu:a*te am tbia ft« iUiJ utpp) wwiuy, aw) ti tb&ugb luw* may a« regt*2*i at a tburk m. w» M'MxiAaf. #r -imiimf- ttdl mmm rf Ow* iuM .ati r^Tbni^i, e cM«T«d$ i»it«wegh U iuumato Wiirmiil w it »V«ll tfc»t U»y Bliusk &e- yuMtMM kum.m*n**l um Stunt by* i the New OtImuu amrkefe spot it tb« politieai £rtMUt«Dt,tiui Black takes la £ttt ftivtr, off Knr !'«*, lt«t KtpubUcMtism ®aj fat «Bort tia»e: WM edtp« tba bltsi»g*« tl Deaaootcyj tiae, aad Um iigbi wiU bt more iausm aj|i brilliaat vhaa Ibis dark cloud sbail btse roiltd away. Lst tvery Liemocrat rsatain £j|a a«U stetdittt in tbe sup. port of tba priocipias of bis party—1st hi» pat tsi4t til pers»atl fctiiags aad work for use cause, aad tt tie wxi eiuc tum low* will b« tiid ra dttmed. P«oasylrt«i» bttttfot aoMttx amf 1c shs fast jast dactsd Dwaocrat is Go?erH»r t&d Ls^isiatttBe by over lllMlassfig majaruy Two yuars ago the Black £tptbii«tts carried ti# State.— Th* 'sober seooad thought' of tbe people ts Kost sure to be right, asd lowt woutd Uaro bean ngki tbis tiwe, h»d it not btte for tbe bttrj «wigrtttaa hum tbs eastern Staiae iritbia tbe itti two y«ajr*. Obio also cooamaada oar admiration. Sbs has slatted a D«m»cratio L«gi«ia tore aad cone w.thia a few bttadred ot clctUag a Ueasocraiic Go*ernur, if ia dttd, abe bat aot elected bias. One yttr ago Obio was Ropublioto State by a majority of oror twuity thoaaautl. Ia vitw of tbis fact tbs Uwuoarac. hate er ery rtMuoa la beiiere tb*t at tbe uext slttuoa lout will wbeei iato tbe i)eao I sale of L^ad Warrants fur non-res. daiitaj the payment of taxes, icsi the pur- craUc iiae,aci tddtQOtbtr to the amy chase aad sale of real state g«»«ra!ir WUI also satsr lufa (tr settlers and give imefor paymeat. [t6n2Si of Democratic States, cpon wUtcb tAam depends tt« perpetuity *4 this gionout Uatu& Notwithstanding Iowa is dark eatd by tbe oioud of BUck Hspubuotn taaa yet ibe exhibits some bright spote. Tb# Missouri Slope hat given over a C. S. STONE. thousand majority to the Democratic A 1T0RMEY tad C«utseUor tt Law tad uoatiuees cot Gcftraor and LieoiaatBi 1U. 'th odtcial Di*» care. In either the 6th triet or in th* state. e ou Brotdway street, CewacU lowt. [vS&JOtf |.a dwkufeaa wtii b»f£ short 4«rt- prsvent tb* 4estrQctioa of lies otk ia The Clerk of the Supreme Court baa aatrket. arranged tbe aaattt to tbe December &T Coi. B»Wn U rapidly improviag, „Tmi n ,^r ,mi.r. i„ term, 185 Many of our readers are in- ttrested in knowing the days for which the casta in tbt different judicial dis tricts are docketed. Below we publish tbe arranges&ztt of tbt aaattt as saade by tht Clark of tbt Coast, which wui convey all tbt ioforaatiaa reqtired up un this suhjaet: STATE OF IOWA. Owe s CLXKK ^LVEtMt Coiora» I losra City, bspt. 30tb, IS57. Pursuant to law, asd in accordance with an order from Court, I have ar ranged tbe cauae* to the December term ls5T, of the Stipreaie Court of Iowa, for hearinz follow* 3d. The ca«*e* from tbe Second Judi rial Distriot tre docketed for ftvr dap. coaiseBcing on Monday, tbt 7th day of commm^g Moaday, tbe 5m day of iwwi irn 15 §sr Com i$ ofsred tot baalieL sa CiMrtrti illrceia. •JrsT Vsia Gaii«fe a»4 a«« it itt *«r WW japMteiaola, U3 tui&tmu. .-.j. k .. a ~ao* Of taki sribs .ti#ft«ti«n s tiiai tbty ar*ft a®s«« aswmifdl^g t^ ^oiiwa* «'f uw «W g^' Tb« awtrt »»aoai of ie in ww MtHat of «sw aktot mmA ikM Ste«^, another IMflW mmtxtw. tMu. Ti i». i A.f i a w o i i a i i i i i n i i i o a A e s n i V i i i s a a n S w i U e o & i u u a n will be uja.p*ruie of 11« tmpivj wmUh-mxkw$, SWSQt mmm otiArt, u i muai, te a jWfmitSsoB of' 403^09, JJP Xjmi tuAtbJe property of Ttatat- 1 pip^, u mmmm, A «b««« it tgt*t«4 in Ciacia- at*1 ftt up a*B« «r»tb (g^Lirarpool, «^y tttriy huefe ta New i'ork, ia witioat daily ptfer. A abaric waigbiog tkA poaiida «u Florida. gV* The quettioa of tbe tboiitios of slavery ia the Datefe W^t indies it again being agitattdu i §^"British tgstrtt art Tottaitaag for their army ia Frsiace. Tbty tea aot to enrc: French cubjsoia. §ST The pamd whart Um btttl* of Utr lata town wtt faagbl It Mag «Ua poted of far towa lalt. hop«« deae* Diturjet are dodketea fat two day* be tble to hfg Hfl ia ftAto neta tea skeleton. f^TThe CottMotitat Cotamitnoaert tbreatea to pat aa iaitac»i«o aa tvtry bank in the State which suspezids specie payment. far The London Times declares May, Jaae, July and August to &«t« b«en the hoteet rneotha «t»r espeneoaed $£T The New York tbe death of Saatsel' fat aunty years the publisher of tb#K&icbarboebar Magasine. Seve the ttrgest batmen housr* at Orajftd Rapitib, Mich., wer. Irarat 1 ast Ft sdmwe«K. L«h# $ 1 (XX t« *i Iasurttocc $5 MU Sa,: A taaa U ta ia fall operation ai Cktkea. wbich atan .faetares 3S® ^Mfcrri!l viuMtt sugar caae syrup Jodlcisl District ars docketed for three(P*r^4J' dtys, commencing oa Fridtv, the lltbi §3F'tt»»taW dial th# loss of specie bv tbe Central Amenoa It tbt ltrK«*t dtT of Ueoem m. The otuses fro* tht Kitblb Jadi- ba# y^tt« P*** io cial District are dpcbtted for •Ut« day* hiagU disaster. The Stat, lias tzptrioactd a ytar of coaemeliding oa Tuesday, tht IStfedtv of: ggT The amount of fioor seut forward extraordinary prospeSrity. Rich harrests Daatsabtr. i from Buffalo thus far this season, com- have rewarded the Will uf the buabaud* K'th The oaaatt fruaalfce Tewtb Jadi- pared ssitii last season., fails short hv i §93,140 barrels, -S^guim, the Perayita Miais- citl Distnot art dockeutf tor two days, ooaneBcing ob Friday, Ikt 18th day of Dtoember, 4lfe. The caases frost Utt F«uTtb Judi cial District are doaktwdfor two days, 1 Dittncs an docktted for itt days, 11f u-r to Wathiagton, it amongst tht lost by thb Ctntraf America, also bis sccre tary2 Nicholas Tsrado. fST George Watbingtoo Park Curtia, thslast menher of W&shktgton's fami- di#d on. \he 41 fcii 1Q Mb Th* j«u^* frata tbs Fifth Judi «**-._ ». #«l are !®efc«ted far oat day, 1**!^ Wt arlcnnMM^'^ 1% Tfet aamm dbt a.uit .*ua,» ht we* 'ty, Tiamai 'ruif if- tn -m im tl Mm lay turn ^taSev^ib Ju- t««a» An,t:^00' daytx oaauaaating aa Friity the IStfe day «f d*»aswy. li-tt: The causes from tbt I cirttentb ,rlUk v.'*i i^.smet art donated for on? peatd \m, seBiMBeiag ob dalaifday, Ibe Iflib awtftt «f tbe preesare for moaey 1 a y o a n u a y V &' Jaat arr. I Tbt- li«raid's Waahio^von cortospond S&. Tb- oanstc from tht Third Judi-1 «t.t say» Lews* Ota*, J»,? wtuiMUst to eiat.©i#t*i«i art docketed for three dtya! Roai«j bat aot rtaiguad, as some of the JiovaaW ntst, at a" da? of pabht I duot tb wiai«a«vtaf oa Satewby,lfca 9Ui day)P«P«« illes® of feAw Tb« Si. Laais board ®i tidwistB rt tfb. Tb* aauttcfrooi tbt Nistb Jadi- i otetly paaatd aa ordiaaaot aaprofri* ,:ml Oitmal art docketed far tw© dart, tiag aaoaey far Ifca parahatt of I steam atatf«« oa Weduttday, the IStb day fire «ngtnes. a# Jsksa try. i lUii Th» :mam ittm1 uw flwsath Tfc« ^at?-n?»' Wsm Bxftlbition, a Spnagfiuid. Mass has been highly tuc ceaafm peowataniy,—be totaFraeetpu IHSI^ about $M»,O00. 1%e Best or. hignt iaftalry bavt pott •td «i«j»r*ita la N«w York oa ao The araansde it jfood ««. Wm* os Moaday, Ibt ISlb day w U**4'M MHg iM UWtei# MMdN far OJM» 4«1 ofiaasw'. UWIB CtKSET. .ifnet iiata—Oour im. As* laxte |^dd sit Ila4b|yto#4^iiaat|a^ki^ i .-as, taitaai- a apt &aa U&m i» imI«) Mr fw^MH'fat to f^vst mlt i-«.-katt sBidia o« ia»4o4it». A f«AH. t» f» tl«MWwi4k*. t|#£: sfctl a Sa*# #$!*« wUm k»» itati.'a ,«t Mjpmfailm*. its J-. wiii5 at lit Iwi#., i» ibis I® |o»| t/ .,»§ 4' ipi's ^t^-aao«il»1,if5f ,h r^. i k i y o a n i 3 s 4 v t|oc aia ap." |3r There .fa** b««» «. ^a» (ttsw Psf 16m aoma &«»ae*s-48!ft-t4s«» *iti» Mea«r». jHaATSA, The M&OiiAt* wii« '%ksY dltWrMd to type-fosnd" »wperf»Mli bwrh-iWisMieM. !f«h» «ai *ittfaa*8 *a4 trtMtt. Sttptnor ktadi^U Ibaii aua Scpmvr tlw 1th yli. jpmias 'is a pabuc .^fariaao. for w« *®r it wil! ihiaw t, largf rmifeber #1 is aah ILtUi 060 a^. tht VniU4 .."f SW6S8jT^t Thlt ganmmmt tt-pi to The amoaat expeaded by Aassri- oaa travelers, i& £arepe, is esfatatted at flOi-xa^LiOO aaaualiy. §ST Then it a geeerai opinion that a •tw reaideaM mast he baiit for our Pree idetits at VA*itittftoB. iron settees art bwag made to ra plact- the p«w« E«iry Ward Bstfihst'a cbarflh, at Brookijm. fST Jadgeitoaatly of Hew York, has s«Bteuo^d a btrgiar a&atl Iltatfta, to 40 years ia State Priaoii. I'tMHTe w«r« Iw25v tf^liettioat ta I tbe Pension Barata, i&st month,forltad warranu, and l/i'M issued, er A diipateb from Watbingtaa ttys that tr.e ,:Xpurt duttfe, on tebaooo at Vsrt w_. UUIMIH ten. by tbe election of siagi# Black Repub- ,rato Spaaiab port* tnUl July next. ittaa to tbe Legislature. L«t oar east- fr ,m Havana state era friends bear this fact ia ttind, and that «ugars have still farther dtclined, tt tbe next State Convention remember holders will lote heavily. the IMtaaouri KiUDe. C* The Providence, (R. I.,) Journal aayt thai another week has passed wuh iapreaae Ctart towa* out u «agie «at« -il cloths .0 that eora frte Tbosnas Hagbse, lews City. B. W. i. Tfttaurt-r. JobQ Pope, Maqueketa, R. W a. Bm. Wrniej Moauta^ Uikaioosa^ R. W» G. R«p. George SwtMj, Bnclw^toa, W. G. Chtplain. S. 8. Smith, OAaloosjt, W. Q. Mar thai. R. S- FiakbuM, lowt City, W. 0. Cob ductor. B. F. Keables, Pella, W. Q. Guardian. D. Cram, Keokuk, W. Q, Meestnger. nus» ncixmn. Mtrtia Heisey, Bnrlington, M. V. (1. B. S. Merriam, Keokuk, R- W- H. Wa. Loag. Fairieid. B. W. 0. 8. W William Gerrett, Burlinrton, R. W 1. Scribt i «aki*| It Ffata Two Dtrtebmaa had ocettion to go to a blacksmith's )r bust ti ass, asd iladuag tberauth ahseat from Uc sbep ney eoa* ciaded go to tbe house. Ua. .«g reach ed the door, said one to tb* otbtft **Coiae, .Haas, yog az ^bomi duSfiKt." **lwut, aaia," taid tbt otb«9| "b«t you am, tell better aa I S knocks. mere Ti of Um bosateaiaa to tbt door Hertvaa tdflttinaa. At length Haiti aafil ufe«ifia! mmat" "J » tbe vottan, mil miiiiJ*' "I doist ut%tf«rttaiKi "Let lae come op what Ma sty torn* bbnf. It4t hi askanut shop ia itaaatf' ftttltaMtiMi. Tbe rtvtiviDg seasons uavmg brought ut near the dote of tnotber year, and a^tin have tie people of Iowa'raason to rejoice nd give tfetaka for the biettiags 7«*« the? ha»e en/oyad. man. Ptttilence has tut iurtded oar bordert. Wt btvt been prc»«v«d froaa aivil strifii and foreign wart. We have been protected in the enjoyment -J *11 .•ur civil and jellgioai r.xhts. Fa thaw and for numerous other- %lctsi ngs it be otaast Um people of Iowa pahiicir to re cognise the govemateat 01 a,Hit una thaaJt^fving aad pr&ite to ALtioarr Q»». I recommaad iba paoplt tt ibit State to thstaia that day from tnear ordi nary avacatioiitj tsd iaiwmain* their uta&i placet of public worship, there to give tl inks for tbt bltaatagt of tbt D»al year aod dtfootly nstpplisate wtir ooati(,a*j.6a. tealua/aj lAaya bartuAtw a*. ®y haod, sad ®kused to oe '"{fa 8.3 a#sa3' tbe Great Saal of tbe 3i«t* of Iowa-. D«ek! this "£M. da? Octohar, A. D. 1S57, of tki. a4lap«*i5!ta« of tbe Coi ~°IV' 'u "T,^ ^*tet the ttgbsy• stci«4f aad tAe **. ^!i¥' 1 SftWt rflowa tb« twsftfc 8i!Wic^4r^-1 Ilm Bf4* ~?***sai lre« tfet Twtlfttt pwaaw, ha m^mn. .. tre &wk$i< for ont i Mm ttcw wMait b^sgad fct aattaf 1 a «ad aHiar »a!wrf«d Atitiaak*e4i® iaf, Taaaiay. lb® i»0i) Lag. 1st. thipt wbicfe ware mm* irtteaLi^ .4im, s |gr»«^ W tAa trtfHrt- i«te» MJ W»S^ wi»b vboa b#. aoim Sbitf -af ,nWTar¥ *te w^aop^ ally. s« b«e4MM atfta- aad smMitMr 1 afU* X** i'fItoa Qa» i fits wwbis 'i— 'Jt'tWaW" :a«!«* "Mfc* i* .'*1 *V LH'JI, a-aK foiiowed ibsr ia^ Uv( l»«' -i of poix are to stttft ax ta rtttdsr their raaottty doubtful ^PNtii, »%c,. wa all At ttw?-.- -mm mnM MmmM $», &*> Tht aftHjr Mn pm% fsttlag ftotaomr or ol tibt U^Mi itesat w act to si^ar diftdaai .a At 1 1-4*71*•&*2*6<iT -ft*I- BMLM...|m ,,J. i i mil tmi Am*' y WW Maari»«r *. mttm. H%* lAie rerrMrtf h«L^prik .i Si KOVIUIII i, I ...... upewww. It uoiitet IM mvn.«nt, &m"io! a» d«ubiv otaMMtr i*i fcniii fT* T-- ti'111Hjt Til ltd. Tin. •^0Tti 2T tb« !»uo\rr V. Ma%- *«5 3oum vr-41 .r itr«ea aa^ 'Mt *fc «8*t*Hife« £sn i v far#! w»r mt %%.«la ?»$?„ U« *«,: e flu- ha* 4tsiu. a*id«r«Ue t»b«r*iU* ^¥u ttct, and ctfoftdtrtlle HJffe At m* «i«* »3r W#tb«r a««.. liiriag sstte »l Ab«tu» ii*« e & u i u i i i 6 a i $ i v i 8 s of s .*t« so be »fw #1. M3& J# l* ^Mt- tkm mtrnrnd o. y tf i«w*ri mmii i B, ^oaidhWad^Btlif 0% M. W &Mm«, tlobii W. Jomk, 'MiAmm, ft. W. D. i». Mutir. H. C. FisrctjDubaqae, BLW. G. W*r jk&<. w». litmU, Bttrlloftsa, R. W. i, !3Si»t*frJise Tat ILumoth StXAJuair Gttat Ettr IU.—Tbis saotitti itvitibwa is repro seated at rapidly spproachisg iioapie tioa Aha U w be Laaaebed is October, tad will make her first trip ia febraary. Tbe Lvtdoa Newt of »ept 6, says 11 i defalcatioat. atabaut rurgMntt fraud)), pnjttritt, airf *Ji tb* tribtr oalltids 3# a wid^-tpreai #MK»tUBa»ioa' *aon^ aw® »«d #oms% t»i«M «n nars- -froaj -jf«{ttae!eai Boaioa to Safc. bttb brtiJaagN#* Usltaaa. 1%ts« are tbe potest cttaMN -if tbe preaaB* revel- i site, a«d a agaiaK tit would have taa, aa don 1: boat in the t^ids of Niagara airt rauroia jobbers *w»'k vbben. Sand: obbtrt- Bts is. su^o .t^n. peculatorsa«ws fttftat, faww nmns men, latt olu man, fast «s»«, 4m fortes. Idkitbevo- Emm ikmtx biewai aa "V ot d« dtfi-'tl I. say i The other DuteAmatt. tbe woman oouid aot au4tmaiid han st«|ptd up, aad, poabutg him ttidt, 1 tjt. sitia/!, peroeivtag that ^...y^pgg ygyi llvr,^k 'ti i. -.if I b^ gs*^ apea *ai ftllwi sui4 8i»®aKleFfS§ rwttis nr^ sti »«id nftma UMift' «*ak. Bunt® -.u »«-y gr».' •.: tj'J /t-MUj! Wipw bui :-i H*nm aa# fliesi, «ii a»t b Jeets 4t tflietioaa, toe bfti^eatd aad, A©sk?i»f ft&pmmu ui mmrm-nj Tto&u musdf faster jsf eisittdttbts p»««, Fr«® W.{ £i^ aiili. tilg&i-s «L:i .. -i.t Wort. lf »car. sg fv 'juxuiii io i. »aa la pro r*s«f. a teasi.' «ro«d aaxioot ,C®«liB Nf# srhwu tfc* |m *m «t»tfep w*»« fi4e»d*. «la ««, !isr *u-. .:4 t1 801 Th« hull is e&iire, its doable asaobiu« Sentinel. the arrmgeintyit ihi^u^uaut- The pad* die aud »cr»* eogia^, when worked to» g«her at tb«ir bight.-1 fwwerwili exert Citccta*toI^»(toT»oat^-,ttaioI o lowing circular ktt been issued bjr tbe «s ^eotive foree of cot im* thm elwea Commissioners of tbe General Land Of thou** i*« ^andr-si ht?m See By the joiat resolution of Confrets, tpprovisd Mtruh i, IS57. ¥aiid pre-eaap- Uoa Cnu has beta repeal Capt. 3ohnNtwbaU bought a imim ia fcptaoer, Matt., ia 1 Hi, tad srer sine.- has remained in tbe family. gSB" A wi'?M|^iMle&t of th« Wasbiag toa Star thu i5th of Neveib btr as a day ef national thanksgiving. far Mr. Isidore, barber of tbe Queen of Eugiiiid, receives #10,000 a year for dreaaiUfi her majesty* hair. er Th« apaoatb Gorwameali have daims on the iiu. aad lath tions, heretofore rtttrred for scboolg ia the territornia of Minnesota, K&iitmt and Nebraska, wsii be reoogniaed wtiere the tttticaent has b««b as be iaad« pri or U uj'.- ssif'sey 1. lis caa«» where tbe approfed plat of tonrey has sot yet beta rttaruwd, n* 4t* ere the plat is aow in the regis- t«3s o9«V the Miration m"ast le^ I paws GtoMstf tM« Htri Timet. *0ld Potosi,-' of tb« N. Y. Herald, elaratorv ®u*t be dcesaH baiievt tba£ tbt prtMat finaaeitl witb.ta Um laontbs mi use tbe receipt af distress ©rigiaates in high Or low tanfs. driven oat of Orwoa. toob approY«d piat at %ha district „, I c-uu,ot t™°* witbi u three moaths from the im pah* bat wc tetat Ibaa to tbt laafet iiottios of tbis oiraUw ia yoarfautddit- *i'udt-'obUf*» trial. «ocai»tten, tim fttrnjirf, luaiiM«j, ,-w,, A failure to oOmpty with tbis require- ^pp^, .«,a:r:,ompcKf..r. -s, ^xtrs .-sgta aMtottrlBnoic farftitert of tbaab^t i .Til8.«us8 Mi,. ,r Uraady, billitidt aad ft»«, Fraaefc g«w^ ftwa, faahiootbit rivalritt ia aatbag moaej, aad tUl fttbbisb, stxif aiics afetanaafcios*, mv* 4om tbe boj •tta. The tariff aT *M wt be Ma«a %u-. iMiaper^ v %b« fwroittta }§7 we bare been aaunlag bi*b tanaaai, and are aow oalfttf upoa to^ot die bills. Taat's all. R«* th A riivrud o, dealers, J. W, {. arter A Co., Groters, aud W. P» B^Ook», fuifcUuii. 4«-aler e bavt no chang worthy of to report ia money matters to-dayt Tbe New York £0^ tbe n*mro« of thtco^try, applioabU Rcl- u a^d to aaarifest their gratitude for tbt bootits received at Hi- Sands. Therefore, i, James Grimtty flow era or the state ef Ittra, do desi^uatit aad do appoint Thursday tbe 36tb d.v. «rp«t»st shilling makes difference c.f atgbte^ ism-.tma ai doiiarta wedt, and oftrgf of dollars a month. Sf th* aaiivi btcept on a reasonable abort ad-, wane a from now til! tbe Irst of Jtnuarv. wbas we coald sate alone would make us n^b. "I mttal to hart told yta of tkal bol» said ta IrtAraati f~e«d who wa* wnitiog with biiB sa bit gardta, 14 jam® mitm. w# wriapr th* -waltiaoa, «atj Mirror I Mf Oik a«sracii»tf iba «««k. Sdatity of bt» mlt Wa ftwrn tat A HtriUMU •ajONiT Atravaltr tttHtd »t afam bomsi. tae aw aot betM fra* «sat. aai e W i e a O i s 4 tbej .fus'4 at ifaa I*h ta i* ty a ae*e aiana a I- ftttMBfear aaa §tt ladhmuue **0I» tf you art a waaefcer,^ said'fli* old !&%. ~*t yaa b.k«.s-' A--.vrdia(t ii*» -iuttu Tte )HfaaMi| b»« t«aal«bi||s tA* b^iaa, lod i»it «aatewa»prw^..]bom «hyk i&t iim pe"»l le w kisd «Af a l» MMtl atai tartag woaid ^Vbf *mM, bei^^w •"ssi ti* U wi, ii. •4B MM tkwmixi WHtotg ir** %#t# ci«s.fs(| #r«« tA» fun talk I LsfiwtK'®! USjtfc ^*y*' 4a*w®^i*4 *mrn«. :-B to*B si S«fe|Ne Atabaes4 -sa Sbe $7lA sft 'Wfek troyed p.rcp«ty fo th« I^Mrs.^i»ite -».c aiAM ltdg« „f b« mmtmbm*. TL. TOrk .if rf£eo?mg ih? rtiias watt fSTTh* uwiw Bi,Mt t« Bh^wwH, Wtrtattadtd-by tkt a^lfcrtbtt tfHy'vt,, wtt «MWl4JI®iid|^t4twftW^l" s^Fr'".d «tru taitttfed, tibj^in -.fev*. 4 sba'.owaateia*. flte -tls. «l»^0 I Htasl a«tir» titii «f as. th |Hlft"ritf thfflju. i a o e o a v- & w k i & i I w*s b«f»e4. ffc*» tww »4H»*jwz ««!»'. wit, ted to «. ^mi lm p»««i be was about} wbu,:ss %htt *dsu* f*lW«* ur aKv»«T'a«tt, 1 Ud w ,.. ..L^ #**»*,* xi'S baaiait bodies wm vttterday rt- tk# ooe«r«4 foots tbt raiat «C«r. Banw'l i of ifee Itib kiliisf rm- tattaoti? xUre, aaafciag aiaete^. ut til, whiek i bare been foaad aiae« she ire. They faBorad ic tbe ar.jeer's r&oaa it: the eoan toase, wfeere, as at tbe cltee of th* ire, «. latfe ««4 ii^erea ail day long, seek tag Ut idstuif? tee obari »r4 aid itiiUlisMd raouuat.—OM. Tmm. WTTht nop of frtfN iB Ineaet ii better? t.btA it tow btee ftr yatrt. fW Itto ?%mshaft Iw sf mt«eat« serri^ btfrry frost* »t the KHb hart -Joist «i 4tot^t .is I'^gu^ alto is Hortt Oarofiat, dtotxit, tad MIttittippi. yrA sbadt «t Mt aartkiuabe was f«^l tt Evaatvili% ladiaias^ aboat the tame day mm hmm tfe*j the sboakt te oamd is Iliiatit «»d liittotiri. Mr,«n»a» HMwm, Hills borough eaoaty, N.ditd is that u»wn ery a aad Stunl, the buiwarki part- tf tw 4ayt stode, al tbe agf »i ose faua ap, «Uka tiic i&tenul Hiiings ia tach forward state &* ta show the !aua«b 1^ orward tt&U near at ha&4, and that, if necasearv ths i Greai Masters could be ready u. laaks ber first royage by Christmas next Nearly !.5fW men are employed on tier Thomas Ilagbesj Iowa City, R. Tf.G. daily,' and though wben spread about T«t«W. btr upj»er and l»wtr the? sttai S. S. Smith, O^alooet, R. W. G.f few, tiiQ are ia rtst.ty (juite mvugL lot tbe work, ttd under tbeir iaeessant ef- W liiit® Garreti, Rnrlity^tos, W. forts eneb hoar records grt&i progress' Tbe «toppagt of work so tbe Btsgta G. Representative to G, U. a. made. Already sons# of tbe cabins ara taaael in Stw Jtnte h*m John T. Kvarett, Dubuque, W, Graati: finisned aad tilted tv sb«w tt* style yf drtd aad oaw yttra. Gov.Siads tea e«aagb»atktt tttna tjMMM letaties te abt traat^or Itantiws this fail. i Tb* Atttfiaa Gofsrtmtotbaa decide (t« katve tavtcal v«ari» of«ar Mtt 1« Aaaarieaa porta. eight haadred wta oet sf ea$i0jiia It its csti»att4 that ifty tb»usaa4 |p» pit v,sited ite^e* V-urA ^i«vt latz groujKls on tb# mb ia«u Tbti Utaisti Faiit Cmrn— istinas ra of lUU «ufia«at to raise 30(^100 gaiou* of wa ttr to tbe top of a mountain in ,c»» than Ktw I'ork feat* i one minute, or to dt^v- the machinery of i ail the eottot milk .u »faaches(«r Tbt 1°* "**tm ooatuaptiofi of eoti to pcodsce ttes Mr« Ke*sM,of C«rtit*g*» Miss amoaat of loctmoUTefort* is atttmated i dbsda U* (tof* *&ai% tg«6 oee imndrei at auoct SO tons per dav. aad w#ra® $wm. Adviett from llMAai Mat* ikl ta 'gait ms deatimttg, '4 1 tbt Monaoa Mifttflaatifi, hat* bttpi rt ... Ltad Ore bkt bteo £oanl tbe bills ot tbt Colorado abate Large quaal s= -A |aro4uc» malatisg at fc ta l^r 'Masion Urif Of Toim :rn^m 'it ite tut*imsmwk to fl8,Q00i Latt«ta ttam. ua, |iat i&s» awraoi m$ uia jta* it &nai. law *r baadr^fl ptr tasi. tariff w «i* »i»4a. «?nfrie eviis ai ussts ». -w»s ^owtritat as •..» tatm^ Rbaaibefi aoaa e o e i i w 1 e o i e e e 4 e W i e a 4 Tbt Traateript of this a&tmooea^ta- naiortttsiaAiii Vie^im* imt tjrt*. atnmc«s tifs fotfowla* reewtt failtres Mtsirs. W. Grttaougb A Co., hard ware dealers J. M. Hal dec, furniture deaie Geo. Owatanh, oaair otaaufactu- aa article upon JLA •Ml Tbira# tiuiAre* mm* faasti «t*w plt«ad bis #«th ytar «t*e uM.' Hhs i n4im$ sf 'Va84iAi.ij Hart resell widar-f a&«a«r«>«inf aji Im foreigner* tbatftu! iaio tteir Itaade Tbnt tn papiit ia ^t.yabi^ schools ia tbe dty at New Totit. BcMurstt Taatatr Aas.4xi4a.-~~-Wa kara froaa a araditakls »o«.roe $Sal Mi iatt M«nMb«r M&t* tkm ktim !»««», ««4 ew ladj, lu. fti Li, tad map® wags*,, were s^rdemI sear Beriua, Artt#uttat,. ty tart, atcvo After ptiyttra**, tbe hua*. by tbt bit wretebts, wbith was wi, y» |je bunwd to tht grooad, ft ts s®K#fil th.a* tbe uegro w®aan, from toe mmm mi atf ijiood mmd hrmmt mat tbe wtli ,. aras^the im vmm, aad tbo ttm of «b% beHtab dttd was perpetrated stibtr t« conaaal Use crtajt or for parposw yf piaadtt. 8ev«?al awfrots wtre arratleci. a short timt- afu.- tbe murtio** ««rt o»a ia'U9^ ..... .. .. rt 8,j4 :tbt .. »o n«yw«» amoni tbt nui»"bir to tbe settiame&t of tbt balaaet tgaintl! who were am-«ted tbat tfa?y ut, tnd to the restomuoo of business and i had couatitted tbe met. atrocious mi. aonidence, aays: We tvete near oterlooking another an usual source of wealth, of wbi^i the couwtrv wUI rwap tbe tM*'fall. bs.o* u who w«rr# guu|y parties, anfe last A boaire was tMda, aai tbe asttar&bie wrttebet wtte thrown its it Thaae the m.«t bruwtl and ftaadith warders w« bare beta ttaiied spas t@ f«oard. tiougt, it ia toms to ksaw tfeiw tie saurdsrers m^v uteir juat ttmmu.-'-Ma* lrt^ Jdtw^s, 'iw. 1 we refer to tbe gtosrai r«iu«t!»n of ex- i penditt-re, th abatea extravagautt, tht abated tm&amy *u*m for a auatb. or i more will b- fatbionabis. When alii the whtiu ptvp^s uf th-.- t'nited States re- I dav, it* Air Ota tbfErr os.- ran Maaco.—P«r tha N* ¥. Baprtts ot tbt ItA iaalt, the aaa* ham OaMseal Ajatmoa bv tht Sta,-' of this im at mMiatH&uiY uaport.-••-• Tbe ^hoiscfc -4g«i4g :a -ruattaaala at..4 S*Ivs4o? wits retrtaS fatality, »rf arnoag tae »»«,.-• n hi» o tte vu* tims is the Anenta« Mtuutar, Haa W E. esab.» X* mii. A .» »t Gaalemaia aat, 4r. $mt Ideat »f "la. *altadt»r ^eavral a?, aaal phjscuaaM» aatw trnmm* tmm -ear ritd off. mn4 tumbiKii into a pit fall of water So mattery"' aayt Pal, fetewumtht •utd ami sralar ant at )M Acittfct "Fv« found it 1" "Ml. 19, Farty-mght «o«aifw iSeiit., -with rt potlad aiM(ib« frwiB tit ml, give Obaa. «l 1 -jcfctot-iity. Ak jaii im|« iiakai, eS. i.»»r?' f« Board Of PgUtt Wwks. tlflotai. Tb* aaoitra, it vtil bt obatrrtd oar #r*s® wist Haas sari aaa SMmtaa, but Jtbe p?a®a» or«W» Tho«k t-I *i»0* JtiatMI, this 'sT: .1:. ease U '-xAt*! mmymi m&mtmA •Aem I .fwanai Aaiihaa^lB^a SA% 40 aaa.«*t| wat Im# .#•# ^»lan a* Tanuj, Itf A««4t»g t4 kit a®pbw. .u young auat -**ed Irvt^. T^e ^f»|* pw oat af alaaaily dtAaadry, Is mill miafi atenf^rad .*M taliei Ytoklte ap»a (fee fcdgfc T'-«ku iAeJu^jt*- bfeialaM baMia«r.t mi. aaifi L' yW eaa stey b«f« i? 'fte XrffJ tmrn&kimmi., to hams® gat v- hf«f kki |Ai*iC« aa® l«l. Hit am «raiffcM' w s bjwteaadw aabo fe**tm InfetfWv ftailedbiai«i*A wm$si,®*Ai