Newspaper Page Text
#&&**&& UJ BABBITT k ed. B' FC$ im mM mm I MWS ati (HI %mwTi- &nt> AmrmavsM ,, P*etM'T ttuc af Brmtiwst$, ££*&'. fteti Mb•*• »w. -*l*f1 *JY«9£^•• wBc, mtwa u ••»,. sffc Da* ti» «M1*I IH'-, i»*»S «t«t rf *)i -•—tm„„,m,„..,H ii *etl BL-ptrt, rre»Doad«au X. P. K aiiHrfK.. 0* T*r. ,mM nmut* Cvjssu '.« lii'•» *h«i,... iht«x .si uarte, *l«rfcwaa«ii» :n::nS S —«•*»•*».: rr-- II TII IW jTnti ,. w* »r» sb^smw %e MtrptrtMk 5 w*W®CS. *#y Jw -isatt am, am iteb^jsnu w MSil 4ffWCi« ce«r*iT a».}«(«jMsWt a«fea 'ttsntk r.. ijjusas :...„, .. J«(48 JT, UU)Wit, BiiaWPi IOWA. JfLL£CTlftM$ made *aa jwoj«DU 3.«#d si Cwreat R.: t» of Excaaof#. fJteh*! ®*, G•H andSllr?r Car at uiieai Moi«y bau^jlu w) uli "imijti bokjrfit indtoU, tnd tn- ««M^! ,», tune. A™"*:""! .v.aericar, O «»m j)»W f* 8pmai tfpo*ij».. |01.' -opt-oiite S. T. Hontj IiOMod« f*aiMUtt alhi ptnot-} n.ccs y, 1«4 »CIL BiAllt, U»WA. *U)-'u, U Ba sioa^Ma Couxity B*&k, Syracaae, N T. WarrM B*&k. South Dutvnrt, Mum. A. i. A Go, ftankarv, Dm Mota« low* B»ory FraiJiac., Freaideai C. E. A R., 'Gkicago, ill E a9*9* MkJk M. R.B., D«^ HRtt, iowm. Marti 04^ha Citt, Fir* fnwrKfi# Co., la Eoy Tuttie. aaAba City. rermt, N Jt. C, Ifit-bf IV JsiM. E*s., Oika^o ci&baau &•* -. ii^s CoKp*ajr Chcag »»*«, 9mow4m*, Cart*, Atatandri*, Virj.nia. J. fttMMat, A|tst loauraaca Co., :'laei£0Ala. il&io •If* flArUa, t" 8, 3., Mt. Pltanat. Ia affc 8. E. Catvia, M. i\, Ka«kitk, la, (4 i» ii. J«ka, Eankeraj Boritaf ton, [jolyU-67tf 6KO UTRE It GO., ESTATE B80K£fia IUU1L Lll GU**M*d Imm *MI HatUimvjJk W I, jir-jsupti iiuad t.. L*aj a, roliscUui#, i^vestiag 'jiouef, ii-.d S'lhii^ lar.d warracta. payi* lixii. ouvir^ aod saliuig city trop«ty aad all other Duaiaes* pertain* u th«r pro toaiii Wa^sra iuwa And NriwaakA. gyLettara of inquiry promptly aaswar- W1saoa Befereaces: W'*r A a-BtoA, OfMS S Dt'iahn A Co Uf«n w A Am Orcaa-r A Waat% ToolA A ^«»a, W T^otn 1 a A Co,. acm 'r A Sett, A s««aaaa, -. Wa !«t... Mttwo A am. Dec 26 1801. if* tr a. Mo««y teaoed on res! and weu rity. CaUaetiaas aada ia western loirs a»l eaatam Ksbraska. ar.d promptly r^rtttted to nay part of tlhe United State*, at the 'ir rsat rates &! "xrhaiig? Tj» i Wur, an btj iidt: and ioi l, and k» cataa o:, also »o.a and l«»eat»d am tisas for distant dea)«s. (SndTo1 Farming Isads s nd Town payWty bought an s.i'4 on cou-.niisalaii. Tt. i«* pa«i to: n«n-resi J«r!s. la.e rMt paid os all dsToeUs saie ftr Hot. loan i Buuim C5«utx iUiil Mltliia tc« BaA$««ii S IMckinwm. Btntaatator. iAaswcnar A Bits, Assists*. Oabvtaa,...taia. c«aa*sut0i A arasa«, •••Itssit*,., & A fenft, lowaCHf,..- W. *~w&»s*y, asq, Ohiaas M saar"24-67 MAI ESTATE ot Tflwiwf" H# iW^ IT fyrfftfU |T» £$£* rtss" #». »A#SK* V*» is *i/fc afc fWtrT iH-irf i.'*rta-,^ ii jN dSI* AltWB, "l#ltOM *XI il^iiftOM- v..•.•••jk.:—••••-...-.a*3S «i2®. ». wu^k*m towwvM m-ammmmWf tatoiteiz em- -•»•».* tcrtp*. Ift '*. rvjvsw* ieeth hitort. attracted ii mrtl to It »«.*«*»', *e •.?&, #U»e. *Sata, iffl»rrrtM»«« »eiee. fioi4 jwat. a&htw* Quia* 44«'U«Nt Ui br m*4# Ht»kl.v ADTERtinne Stl'.iJMM, S'. HAM W w JM«N«tt .enfiwii. ft*r, tli«* i AG Oy.uais, y-wr..... »t»nmWn PUtiQA bs» 09 Ml ...le etn€ Howe. -jaftSWWrl *. C. WktM. *«. •». iTroHKE\3 AT A JIS LAND AflWrf*, iw»* «**. »•», Wi., {tncuu its low* Mi ?l»oe««&.4 fft Wjsp atUt&d to tii Ic^y «*rf»5a« st u ««£«. i Qr-w. 11 WhaM. AC mum*. bajskkhh |X»£ALJ»II W SXCVAWttC. I' W. Pric« sad '4. ife. i#w*. JHJ.T1IA IMMimitil' E 0*i»A*l» «A« 0«t. Qkm*$s*md Tu Blufh ioa- i: 8ft ift 'M »27af IWBI T, ». £RIM & B10. •UWC#M MS^friST^, (tlr»JuAC«* wf A.aericati Dfi.Uii (\,ilefc'4«) e Br^«-'wfcT P& r..«r «uy rely upM ^roMf*)my|k aafertigucd t*i*by ewti^y.tiutt ik. B«k, fidehtj *adp*:K»niiattMtiooUtiwir IT Vesls 4. Hus«ka, m|»r«*CT teth* tr«n»*eti«H| ofaay MmI—w i c«n«?y aiUacte-u Ttetii for -jUm «ccordlac wfli^e #mt b# «Dtru«?e^ io at- t© ®el^Kt *iyiei Ae "Paialesa proce**^ UEFkHHItiiSMt —Having bad »o»e experi^oce uad#r :Jb* 4®aric*s» ExcWui^t BaoIc, N, T. City,:' mede of Thompson. »f ttit tht operation, aa perfrm«d by •an* of filter, Hi ton tlka nan«: gwatinern, is atttnaed B- :ik :.f Co_ ,. i ai^ Wi. IT. I toe i., Ba*k»r», St. HOUiB, K i:HI ..N"' ^VttOVlii E? 0 'i- Br»*4w*$ aisA, laws. ..14h In M»!•»», ....0«ter Kaptta, .....Tuiuotmna, jr. J. .. JkUadataaia, fa. 1/ Mooaa ca. caaw. •MBK li CLUPr, A N K E 8 A*B REAL ESTATE BROKERS, aiit-x err* *..... -.-IOWA. )11JLjB Hxchanet oa all our Eastern aad Southern it tea bought and sold. aeisw profaas- tt a aw can. wa *. etrssv, Aaeraer el Law orrtCEi nwT, LAND WARRANTS & EXCHAti&f* BEFERENOE8: Rack of Pitisbmrb.. Rxchaage Bant, MiaM iuwasie.-fc Bahm,M*«»rs Holsaas fcdkii*. Willis Boovhe. Esq.. Wa. B. Pa- sey, Pittsb«rcii litmos.js*ti«iA Sana of Brownsville, Freak lia #ank Washing to*. PA. Jimereiai 4 Bank at Baltaaerc, ziii. mm* teviiiifi Beak.M«»ar« JohnetaBi a Messrs Robert liarist it Soaa. S a- u lymtu. Es*,.- Nathast Pu*«y, i -.- White Esq BaiUnore maiwNMj. K»q,f New Jtisara. Cs«S Oope 4K" i-^iladftiptela. .Iqp- 3. Anderson & Co JUaara. Pag^* Lobet, R*«ick 4,CoE B. Tioiatt "b Messrs Bryan A Bro., St Loai* 'i.k.Sargfiit A- owuey, HaWi '^Tl ::i Cf, Her t&ennaa ft Ce Bos. «*. Beau js., Iowa. If & ?n#Ui aace Co., Clark's -fix Bank, :,l Ba«ifc Eac Ho*. 8 T. Lopwa, CoL William*. Bpr«^e«d, 111*. itoti wat. Urmnlll.m Richard Talaa, E filiiott, Em MS*m-S. P. Ajr*r# ^-o»- Jae|aoBnl% Uto-1 «ay ae, »5?-ij *.1 »•. «0k #»*, "S" StlB'V*. ci i Tie«t A an ri Ei.»giii«MiMP!i, the Fmctfie Htust E O E A tv s. Pao rair.To* HO is happy ta announce to tb^r ti of CVur.ta Bluffs, and the a.ijo.a* in* country, that the* ca» at all tim^a tu*d athia yard, a fui .tutent of at. kitxla i of Pice Lumber of a superior quaht? a&M Doors, Sash, B!u«da, rihuigka. LaiL. aad i avavything penaiiiiM to iha ituabar irada. Tbase wishiag to build, will pieaa* caii ij examine his slock aad price, ar«l abh^e Cor"1 ff6r,W ttBWiM s Awm mnaam ual bhh A*p 6 8 N 8 A A 6 8 5 Lawer Broadway opposite Paciik Hoyaa, eou.eciL stvrr» low a BUI1 S. sells. .*»nts aad exchanges alf fciads of Real Satate, for diataat deal* era or psrioas in the city. Losj» moneys tnakea 4«iii«ciums payx taans. a 1 three .dchi:i s or e ver, at the rate eftsnt per p6X n_n.m'ii •a i ii-. REFEliENCps. j*. Betas *a a» it a a* Cus ttnm,*. Ji.-r. apt-!»ser Uue«, W o o i O i o i U a i o i o a i a s hitiion 8 rt'-in. rr*t* 9B»i«ea**aa Wsner'Vsak, a^slamtoo. 3'J :,i. Fr.-t't tut u I in WJ *•'m **ied *»d tttH" jm* pniti t# w«it tB- «M v b* iu «n*t of D*st*i: draws abstracts »f tills t»iv«a i tUabiti izLfGnoa* t'.oa i ike J4'j£e* of *w sautuvajad eaecutes ail business coaoectso with a Beat i 1j Eata.e A^tbcy. _. A Urge variety of very deairabie Real Estate far tale at all tineai Sonable terms. For Salt 100 good city Lata in tiie Railroad addi ti«a tothis ritv. fine Lots 111 Muues's sebdhriaton of Rr their eerrtaea ta the others .• oiake .•.£ the »fo« procuring tfceu LAND 3%es DStt a»a.y^a^ex« WA&RANT8 Haviog a spectai Ager.t in i rtAti. iu ia Washiuvt^i, they «r*jprtparvd to -it- nnntrmci tend t« Paainaaa entrusted to thea with dia BROkER&'p^11*^ CASADY TEST, Oenarat J^aad Agents Coancll BtnCs, apr 12, '96. [v4n2tf s. 9. caajD*. OOUBCSL BLCJFS, IOWA TlTiLL attend to lbs scieetioe aod ioca-: .... ——h-' W tioa rf laada in Western Iowa and CASABT it T£4T, Nsbraaka the payment of Uiea on i*ii, ATTORKBT^ 4 COi N&SLLOifl o| pQc-reaideots. ane the cctUetieaandrf ai ifff aJMancs of ciaiiAs- uMcmerml i^iisd Igwta, cooiKtL itcria, iowa. i WllXpr^saptlyInvesting n40ti Map! tdnei wr*i H, JP, HNi 'W, Aaetian «ii4 C-^aana&MMi ligBaent# solicited I..ikarai vaateiBwiil# aiadt- coaai^iiBients. lilll Jrttended to ifi town or &od Gtoirti Laatd mmi HtfNi chanty boytng', fliiRi «nd ?ea«n« "«a I estate, p«y lag taxaa. reSfacting retto, reaiit^iif cae!,*y iocaUs^ iASd snutbi da S'tf- pubue «i't- invited to gm ac. a» w« i»ts«Ht ta Am th# fair wing T*__^ isias. Oik mm\v» ttife th" 5 0^': «xtrartiuf Teeth, itirv wlttl —mpafaiivtly allgttt f**n JL. L. UocsLAa, K»u« Ciarmi, Loui*. Zk B. Bkowk JAMS.* CJUDK, H. Stkinkham, 0. Lanctat, M. D. B. A Hiiftt Ceumei Ft. DM MoiB#a 15«. Coaaeil B'uft, December 23) pureiiaaeii and r-rlittei and repieiiiaiied "Hhnoia Houae.-"' ia Glen wood wtian AJnwt! he wiii b» happt to attend to tb» wama '-ait comfona uf hia g'i*«ta. ia u« aasMtr Mtw aiui jtakU Aad «a«aa b«« poMiil# caarmtuBat itablea,! to woe k. No pAiitf or expeftte wiii b« #ptr*ti ic makiag- both aux, aad beaat comfortabk at tfa* Iliuioii Hcuaf. Gltftwcnwi, Iowa, A^f- », '5f. u2*i VrEKJVH.4C.t1f M, RORXMTEL, WbQMi&ki fieaieia P«oicy *J-rocen«« Fruit% 1 S r» Jr,0 -5£—-a iueet, Mo. 8t. Louis, 0 :li'5« WEW LODK!! TAJKA, Oa I a ^IW ^"tfesaifct AWWM*' 4 SJSSSffi^^ rmAMK iris£f li,e Asw uttm* j* B41JHWI9I yap wiiwit i'ec^sa^ ?aa?« arriiifirdMM «iMRraet«, thai tt w fe«t tfe# w«fir of «. arora«nt' ttcir l«lr JSrf*. dfe«t5. w a a«t iaed »iy. Mit'ifUi litfk I# wajft* !0« !r 'irtcbafti it 6aj«»f»: at first daw. msmbtm at gtmt t«aaMiai in w-4*jc 1X«% |Wi8p*fRi Vaaii «iiiNrct«rf ,Mm* k**M* Hi* afoxBka! j, band* of person* who have no a- qaiUbl* tida-titrate. Waiiave aUo aj^uc no airanranant witfk the li«co.-d.-r «f Dfida, to furrasujaa oa cach mcrmai with a list of the leedsfil«J for rs*ord t&a previauaday We LifK Itomtin*. r»- prucurati bus Uu LAnd-o&ce a list ^f all t£e Lauds cuicred la thecovu,ty WMit of :anpr -10. allowing by wbua enter- td. aiivibe: with i price catah, war rants or scrip. the r.sisabers of acres lu each UuCt, •t Bar^alAs! Barf^UwS EMPf A£ BLOCK EEAL ESTATE AGENCY! W e offer for aale, oa reasonable teraiS,— 100 Lots In Ra:iroad Addition} .JO u GEO PARKS Alao, aareral St«* incu 1 1%bt pdfltad and f«x aalu at tine quantity of blank Township Plata. AM'iEA faaluoeable ftatin Hata^ at the cAabato. D0U0BTY4C0. AVery large lot of th* foiiowine h\ v? iit been receired and -.yili ie sy.i', nry 1 i cheap :—Brown Sugar in hbls apd lif bbis clarifWd. cruriied sr.4 pi.!rrr«*ij iao!«MS«| and syrups, rice, dried apples erd peaLtica, cheese, soap, caudles, lard, tk'ux. whiskey vinegar, brandys, win arJ hqaors of «l' ktew »acV»re!. salwon, white fish, her- 5i choice Z^ta ia the 'Sowaid Addtti n riag. haddock, and every thing iiae in she to thia c»ty••-. Grocery and ProviuoS Ufte, i*or sale at 8t lerdl good residence leto ia BalPa adf wholesale snd retail, at the Eiepiisat!«' tins to this ca?. Several flaely situated rsaudence lota ia ciftr^l portion* of this city. Several finely watered and timbered lots of tend within "an boar's ride .-if thia city. Also. lota sr:d shares in tacrine citv, Iowa, and Mim^ Tskaatth DecaCa, Nebraska mar2-t-6f ft tpr9S thia market, tor sale -ji?ap, at ths £3. store, No. I, Er.pire Block- 11 TOOTLE ft. JACKSON CpMBK ITT8 Patent Separater, for threahllg •ad cleaning grain manufhetured ly naon 4. Co., Xttcn Illinois. Ha 0', attend to Land Ag»»cisa,, coffectioas Money, Local ing ar«d Scliiitg Lands Warrants, and kll otaer business pertaining to their ia W*atern Iowa aad Ttebraeka t*b 43. IV and the -vjfiptr atfe. WvfcbAHk%«p a list of all Lands ami Lo*a aoid tor tax, and of JuU(aMMUk Moit^af D^eia of Trust, aad of all other i-.^oa bj which ib* Title to Real Estate can ba ef fected recaaa er ta|TKti rlatti Charges for aa asaminaUoa of a u i»e reasonable attirif aad Drafting ia food styia. STREKT fc RiDEE. CMuaca Biaf&i oct. 7-7 wly ». casaot, «. w. aioaa, i.». T*«X, S (/, B. WMJT*. OoM^i! mvtTt CABAJD1, Tilf. BiUt 4 CO. l.V*D A«KW«, AND DBALXB8 IK EXCHANGE, suuiiA CITT, munusKA. JJAV1NG made arraa^MBeeia by which we will raeaire accurate copiea of all the Townships embraced in its* Eastern portioi of Nebraska, we ara to offtr uur services to the -Squatt the Territory in tliag Declaratory State awats of InteaUoa to Pra-osapt, asearioc Prs ewpcuxm, LocaUng Land Waxraataaaa EnUriag Land. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT &SOLD Lands entered oe Time Ac. Particular attcjiUoa paid to baying and selling property ot. corajsissioc •, also, to •Baking collections aod forwarding reaait taot to any par: ot the Union 5-SK^B AIT0Wtf^ l£W -Ef* 4f.T*«, COUfMYAHiiM^ if LAMV f&BtW AP«TSA4,T «MT WTlLSi •.rf. t-j, to fcs C«ndw»uaMr an4 'Lets i*t C'ouaetl W'aift. te fr?:*s -h- S^ortl 9tm»vn^iam &«mm§, b»V- ja*:. 4»# 9*«4« i«U* 0Ut) i i a» uiita (t ot ttmt *U it i»ad* ia weti at t*ki Lota is Council Bi&b. in tl»« iww»i- 01- *el# t— -m -,ij um in tiiuir* w-ra 'w- I" V U 4 tS«.« pre^Bt,If#, *, fttti «TL^^5|f W 1 (ib,MfcKAL pMstt jk, Tt }ili .*«!• ttt*ae i'A'.lilaUy *m %•„£. tf-*A. jtH Vi|jtin«** tt »nMrt4oti» *W tk«m, tes «t» Territorial er Itwt co«rt*«tti (HH -it k£ui*« M*r«« *»4 )••*'-^90t40»* f-ftUwiwivi, kc tt» 2i »tarv rf Hwiri jfcj#L% ,"w b»jK5»«, uaiif wfCKNMit ifiNK "*ak-FwsUUiiijtrett. «r i & af* B*a' law#, i. •aiwit t*r.a« 40, ga U ffrif life :hs tiw U4 Oi£--4—•' if 'hr i^| 4%t^ i WILL |if4)£Ep^)' tfeftMr »4«4.t&-e #««k I «»#*. 4#ll*C4^a«, mjr'fy aid Mil wiuue r.e«tt'ii«d. i WaUng *aa »«Uicf *JU«i fW1 P^y'^K UT- ar.i ail Othtr bwnomm ... Uit.i praf*«iOR ta Wcst«ni iv»* brt»«6.. 23T Letim oX sWfTtd. May«« i*Shlf a. a. »x«Hkajt.' t-sui ha v* »par- Ju«.4 bi* wit. a aoarca to Pop«'t) hotf- er» w'itefciF-eifrf Ins} wtswfy, T»*r\ awd r* j~ a* brsm d-fetuiiy ajKAHii-ed, m*m luv Uirt«rc* tii ^uwV v t«! I ina U:(uia«raW» arrora ic the H. 1 of i md» *r-d iota Ira mtny H44C««4 j»c«i4 aiiowa 1 w» or mora 1 owu*r«to tbe awoe tract, whiiat. is macy i.others, ttoara u qo aHiawiiofi b«t w»ec tha titiw of Ui« pr«aaat audi tite origioai o«i I •w' i Aii eariy atte^iioc to tbcaa aiaUerau ti t&« uttnoac importaoea to ti» parties tBttr •atoC. AS tfeo mpaaat u i*o«r w ««kv .»«• mm*?*****. tor boilduifK, atocki «f sawcilandii#. It£., in thfs :it y and throvi^huut the country, a j»0'.n-r»»» ra'« lime will 400a piaee it hay uiid Ute raaga of puaatltuae* for all parties 10 s»ei and corrfct error* by mu tual agrwmw Hfoc- vexation* and ex {X&aira a kit* it: cba.'tcary Kill it rrwi: arnl l» maaj iLtxnce», ^ropartv "".11 fa« B- R. FEttBAJK A CO., ia- A N K E a ad Surgeon. 0«ee Read of Broadway, Council Bfaftu row a. jan 15, '86. ly *'1V WYAVf1 ATIOWIBV6 aod Nabewk*, aad the Buprtu^ Court of Iowa. riMHf A1Council TiiKN'EY aad C«uiaaUof at Law, Bluffi. Iowa. £9" Orricc, second story. Babton's Baak,iitoja*ij. [jtnl'M. GKBKNK, WBAHE A BH5T0N7 A N CtV, ttvsctt ax.v rv-s. Iowa. j'aaku". we are" mw prepared U7 ILL prfiacrfiy atta» u» the locaUon ai4 Plaotla* now rvices to U»e -Squatter's of ,™ »*!s of Land WhrraaU fb: for k A BLANK3 u-f all kinds always op hand. tf ATTORNFT Everett's Additi«»| B6 Baylua' Auuiiiaaj 10 EowarJ's Aikiitlan. 10 Item's Addition Alas, lofts fitaW parts of »he cajr. AJsu, at a bargaii., 21X) acres in see tioa 11. town 74, range 44, lying 1-2 a mils froaa the city iuaita. of unimproved laad in the immediate vie tnity of the city. BLOOMER i KY*KTT, Office in Eiapire Bieck. 9ar^-5? TOOTLE & A COON' & flofltiBg! Clothing! WE LaH: te of Ui® larg"«t J. FOX. Agent. drtwrict! Groc«rki! THE largest stock ever bf.i-giic to Coia cit BlotRri fc as brown sugar ciari 4add«t, i oaf and jjiilvena-eddci syrup, a»o laaaeft harrela Ualf barrels tM JOgallon kegsf ak«. goldea. syrup, rice, coffee, dried apjiffs and peaches, zn&ckerel, codfish via* wtt. brandy, wu.- gin, ale and liquors o# aft kntds. and a generai variety of fancy ^ro ceria^ far aaie cheap by «r Wxm haiaand caps, ail prkM Jd ise, to suK all A •ad w *ay bi tin«x A yf««i»utsaE tad fcixi'iw&jp&t {fee .-f 1 i uaruta VartaAjf af g»|Mb to *e!T cbaap. whoieaAle s? .cetaiL .WWiVHR1 spwBBP DOUGHTY CO. ti^ti FAA8I rOm SAftJE 1 h* fa» Si ft: vi i4 ai l» 1 OBt aity—ieti acrw« s tfiws 16 acres ayAiwa—iflOofwh fi s nifr iaprovemeat gnd good fence—a 6c e mof sever faii •Btoaitod gw ran# imasadiately vhtangti it i "£s?«**b .sell cheap and make the tarmav»ry^ So sAlb sd' uaauxisuAC—foi further partkulaf*, ac- PJTtT THOS H1N8HALL, m: is«rnit«ur%. "tilt- yuiiF-rsigned haviaa nkIimm '^rgi? lot ane Parlor and wasm FWiuU in dae^ofcati :h*v suit aay %a wt*b« IT if caOaettof and af.i C-ounaeTkir at Law Ss. ATTORNEYMills Wcc vawmHii* FLii i' w. WUMHMMfiife COUNCIL BIT1FS. IOWA, WIDSP8AY W)H™, W ifrfwp'.jrto c. cvntk, «a WBIFFI^ Jfc CUTTXB 4GEMTS. and solicitor in chancery, will pve twi attentioii to all busi&ess intrus ect prompt to Lis rill istn. -i.c.i.1 Dis- eare, in either the 6Ui ar 7th triet. 01 in th» state. rotfica on Broadway atrsst, Council Icwa. £r3ii^)tf J0S£iJH L. SHAar. a:,d Counaeliur at Law, Glenwood, couitH-, Iow a, will at :end to all business in the oth Jadieial Di» trict eutrustied to hia care be Wit also at* tead to buauieasi.i the Supreme C- ,rt of this «tat atidof the United States. f»fa30tf OEO fSKIJ*. J0HS M. »Htaj*A*. tffTMR la 8HERM4V, nmmui n %k,Vt ««OOBf. J. E PHILIPS CO Are opening a good aaaoctmqat of BOOTS SHOES LEtTHEB, SHO*niVX»i«f€sft he. Wh. n they wMi set tail cheap f« caah. fcy Casb paid for Hide#. mew 1 TOOTLE 4. iACEBONje. No. I, Eniptre Blocks Stiik ry. every aescrut halters, 2 TOOTLE 4 JACESON iw-idies. Martia* s, A tot aale by 1 large stock of bacon lard, flour, dried A profeaejoa fenlta,crackers, fcc., for sale by TOOTLE 4JACESON, Vo. 1, Empire block. Ahoieefto at ia Blaifc Sept. 4-189*7 itw Lifp ^avefl ai i|!lt aad A- Mft£«.o«t%-amwxaw Hie wrsfrpM aroatui every bottle aoa taim Sir#cn«»s ter ate «.s MMB takMig ifee prafareaee ss»tr Ihk* •via' Pa KJit. a» i *«auia- iri^dl jia *W« TOOTLE A JAC*»0Nf. Ko. 1. Empire fltwis. WAOTEJI A CO #aaafaet«rar* af •, T|rm»t ponabu f»a«lt Baih ilrtBt «1*H. ^iariiwfladaaaine DaR«h A.»ker Bost- BsMlt aNdtuaa* sal »t*t*ALI.t fst, faadeiffc 4 M«4sa*a, t«» "fu agfisfy yw|r#*wa. f« sale bjr merehaato aad ^j^gtala fsoarai aojutts 1* conacu. at.«|(r# », T. mr~v s eo., B. HON h. .-. JJi'waowav few Stsiew lnhi/uo Mvoat. SOTB, fKJNf WKUNa»DA¥, *¥£M t, i«|^ WELISfiOtNtm A Gpqd Tim»fo* 1 tuut StttUn! Am Mm ftmm I Th« bux* ht/th this ao4Oaai* ki City «r« doiag & rood btuiuM ia tk» way of aanrtes pr^*«*ptim, sHbidb •bows tfcat low* .N ebraska are fall tetillag a.- with tone fids settlers. Ufc* de? i«e pr-- umpimi nose but a«is*' a! «ttiert San •rtlf'' si)d at these o&eNrj t-tiea we can kooV exactly how fast (Ntr •latry is sotting asri tra ule F***™* AT Tin. uro DfiUiatiR BKiHiies coirsaL aLOras, jar.i-1857 haffj- to b" akieto iuoucN thai th« psfi, sjsd ym«Bn. in th* motsiy aiirkat b*s not if. &* '-aalTatanieo •altiemeBt dTWr o»«ntry by »«t«at ti«m util« tk« |)w?-«»pUaa iaws. Tbtf apadu Toi«aai« u iavot 0# she WaK Bare sii the Watt Utaro is a home fot my mm tt D. J. 8ULLIVAN, M. PllfSlClAlf who h&s aa bmOred doila. AND COUNrtlLLOIt'f*k*° hit resolutive iutc- effept. We hara be«a AT LAW, a resident of lows ior twssty years, at4 mmj b« presumed to kaow what caa b# done ber*. We irnaw thoujamls thait who came to Iowa without a cast, wh* ara now worth £*tate A|cq^ Magnolia, H.^rriaoc cc., lawn ,-H July 8,1©6. a H. MLOMO\ ,. ATTORNEY and Cuuiiseiii at L«* «l#nwr0d Mills conr.ry, I. Practices In all the intu from Gr^at, Weara Rws""Eua *el TTORNRY8 AT LAW, Cornell Bluffs, wa l0W**. f2u,00k) to $ 100,u(Xi The qu«tioQ may ba aakad, "How har» i ur they been enabled to anas* tach fon» ecarls of W«sta«B Iowa 1 tan?" We will sruwer by sajing that they o«ma b«r« with t» t# ta*ke saaaay, uad i(tfuat" irc~FoE5r* thair first move waa t* cm A good traot of land, apoft- which they went to work and opeoad farm, aad by the the land ofiot opened tor two to twelve buudred dollars per Iowa. Iftadt fti $1,25 p«r acre, &&ti followed t/9~ Coliections inade, taxes paid and 1 Laada purchased asid sold ia aa art of :.. ,v ja^i, ma tbsy ara the richaat maa ia Iowa. Wa do aot aava trees to i^J3 logs to roll} stonps. to grub and stOAes to garther A. COCHRAK, GENERAL LAND AOKJIT, tvonn\. *tc» r», tows.- i£ 3 -CS, of the soil of W us Warn Iowa, we are aathorued by Jadge JAMS to state thAt he raised on one and one-fourth acres of aod Land, EIGHTY-SEVEN AND A HALF BUSHELS OF WHEAT. There is aad Nebraska are aow, aad we kaow that all that a aaaa has to ia ia this country to beooiae wealthy ia a vary few ATTORNEYS AND COUNStiLOftS 7,ir* to settle upon a good tract of AT iW, land aad go to work. Tba chances for ABTD NOTARIES PrULK!, th' actual settler Art better At this time,' deaod to frenxy, for the neaaure woald *:ri" perhaps, than they will be after the land j*0 4"*™™ fecstof s. 4i U.L •i.• 1 feesior s. ,tr -:t» .. bostn.As, and accordingsv, they datw couns v. 10wa and NeirAskia. o3*ccs alush, "SURVEYOR & LAND SSL covaciL »LVf r», ygT(»o i a«2ecuoua always on aia^W A. V. LARIMER, A O N E Y A A W rorscu sitrrn, iowa. tyOrrnn on Br^adw|y. j*' sp- eet stocks Clothlne »r brought to *ra °P€C ion given to i'lfin- and »elll real estale, and making jut-emptn«ia in tfebraslca. «t f,mortag»s and other frisft igi»-i'» nt nlias drawn «'uh 4l#fatch aekoowV hI »:aett» taken, Itc.. Ac. iL wf!»» side ot MtdisiA s'.re?t, i taa«ahove Bsoadway. junSO-M for courts a 10 wa and Neiraskia. All collections entrusted to tbe'rr cafe, at- fbo actuvl settler can have his pi jk and to avert the daager, by opi/^s«&g ch/ice of the country, whereas aft?r ths ecution of Uousuje's auuidato oSce is again opened for private entrv,, ATI collections entrusted to their cafe. fbo actuvl settler can have his niik and ead?d to promptly. Eipeciil attention •Ji these choice place* wUl be picked up rata in No# Yvrk, PeansjlvAniA, or any ,t6tsace, iiiiitOr land warrant ha aa looata it apoa his awn pre-ampuoa, aai the KQOMB i Baiplre mtscfc, evar B^irdlwafe store Pietares ,^.-i »ji styles and*11 kind* ot weather, at reaaooaoie rttee. tl CLAM 4 PORTER, Artists July 7-5? Saw »v«Ji«r »r rAf« 1 rfhave oflriag this a«.»:ii..n-i«tath* ptMe, we no deeit# fe- g*» at we wtirift to administer. ~TO and haaiearti ot Maaaee fia^ 6hl» *jx# BUGLE. ia^d this course f.oia year to yasur. uatil aow ,B Iowi Ss 2s £gyia 22s site: »'«•«. ~t»- ~ck »h«.. zmfammi 1 Acrtu SA»fs *mt fs *s s*f« s»t* mmmm. a r»' ,v' a w y e i 1 n & Amt «ca USA. am He «M« UK ife-: iinaai, Ma *«'S?8 Aad *§r«r4 tme*> fr tarMif-- 'J-* Tfeaa ij.w. YHl Otter J! "Uial TuSsiBJi iStfi. 'I,' gah i«a *.t s AM iiv«m« 1U asfti tt itef. a»t Aon tfc.- iaalc order their temporary reaiovel, in oak« of daager from the inroads of a foreign m emy, or ths fore« of a sadden insurrec tion. Coaceiriag thAt the exceptioaod aoasr geney bad Arrived, aa the Camanohea' freqcartlv ooausiit^d ravages within I sight of tlie oapital staelf, Hoastoa. who aa good chAnces for awaking fortunes by ooming to Western Iowa, or Nebraska t£a resided atWaahiagioa. on ite Bra- fortuae uj aow, aa taere were twenty years ago.— ***, dwpAtened an order cwmauuidin^ w— Qi ». Sut€ records to the att«r place which i a 1» WAS then—We kaow what Western Iowa ,h. i |^ia»r«nd« efr 9m«^immkf aU tl Aml 1. s*a. mm*- urns at •. WkafcrVf tttJi UH! I M»» (r*«f s *f C^ms u Mika a aw Ji 3bi vttcr. its •i.r'mta C0mf, A e* sttuay SWmr i ia*, a tnp»,l a» t» ike jrotiuW a»«, & .j tits ate Mot hi Wzui iu,Kfcti sju rlOhi altfkC. 4i3r Mew wt mm TkiMVii Ot OiwM-awi sad IA* ««a. fc»«^ rM K*** ~-t U-**ta, i Da a»teu vbai 5 ant and oSeieet em to ocaac itere elfuaa t, sad we say that the man in tit* BaM who has two or tfcrve hundred dol« lan oaa do 00 better than to Iowa or Nobraaka if ha raaiiy wants bovefor bimielf aad fasaihr AH that be WAQta to make h• nsaalf independent, it 4ba raaoiation t« start for Iowa and B«r U*t ver» i.&»rr y wl, Jata. H«r cli--**. ww rtfwosi mS Mr. *B4 ua* iwaea »a«M*a Agaiass her wa^teit hsi?! Her »urp 'Hi I' i apuana *?«:.. ua. That irrii !A :,4 a»£n:'e.' w!t» wiim »u-p SWtSM Tli* p*:ii iuffeuidrs ^J H«r M1&I tb«* saa hiiW i JS. Tbea fcei UliaM Se«aA tt* tn*« tui loagn i«: fit tb«» i:ftV a«i w* a^Stl W( ban m«-i '.!»• s»r. Sure, IhAT* am on aac&. MS TLt* »sx-«kifif tnttly Aad MU:i 1 MAiVAfV (K»U, Aai wi u-Mi iBAki ih»: «sik ss tataalk Aad fc*»t u caa. DEAF piTH. VI 4 Xs^ /ram (Aa .hwsii af (ha Star" Republic. WOOU IK ttUI—TH* aw tax worth. w Wi!i .lio ,B'.cr luia for wUt.r* aod fw. P««, w»d *e mir.of .erop (tie ^pr.^^hrc^thrwiM*^.'»»« i line payTaent. rftti43tf first year, iIiao the faram in New York oas jonaaquaoce*—ereti tha bloodshed o. w. FAicjt. w ti uau. *»n raise off of their well tilled aad «*d horror* of civil war. Brioiy Uui u,, PRICE A lifts hUhiy manured laada. Tbeae are fact. hi^hiy manured laada kiune £trfcMtf C. X. 8T09S, to exist, aa io the Sutc of New York. uD«*t 4 Bf:: ti (if beatpn af ber '7* W« aercr i»afc«a is ?aia„ And «*ern:or» .or j.-HlHf «rf ar««akt iowu aw ta*r Ills sals. But tiii -i.i t#..j iaisii Aud wj vkM n 4r« ASd Utile «rtr -Uj 5 !•*. r'»r Tkt stenti uoua ISM, ses SLaII w*. osu uj n-. m.jn, s *7 pnratc antrj they had mads moaey anougts off of tba tract to be able axd to boy it. They thaa bad a bo ass—a A E N S o o w i a e y w e e a e o e i a a raw A. I u »«h—fo» rtty A a brAr lu-jV Tttj turart -toe 1st »l!' '.ifhlw Se, ii u ito«% For Pad u frr/wiag old, Joh^ El* T* u* (tuiaa aim, tad Vs'TS !«tmdisf rh« dial is«ms.i »iU S, ta I ii'-l 7",~ Hi i 1 -Uii t«d hAla, pro ivmpott, pr^ate tatry—.Now mined at once to take the !eo««a*rv «t#p# m*M 1 a e s o e e u n s s by the speculator, and the seuler will the question aar. alter PSBWaj istf have to content biwsglf with a second spee^-ia against th-. rata tract, and although aeaoad rate wilI ^asiaistration it wa# oaaaiawwij v it raioire-d to tireveet th* reaor&l sf the be far supmior to what is called Ifrst p«blic art^jirAs, ot the Eastern Statoa. TTader thep're-«aqition law the actual sattlar haa one year after be aettks upon the land to prove up bis pre-emption ani make payment for the iund, and if be i.i i TL« commander of this for#* waa one iadustrioo* and fruSal, he can aw« Col. Morton, who bad Mbieved coaaider ... .. able reiiovra n the warfa* snaevrnaenoe, enough daring the year to pay fat 16m B®ar'}' ,h ol »mtorn«M we wouiti say, that t*mt ai feelnv»s aa«? »fiinpatbi«» *r*.- msh tha aiotae to ay oar cap. taai I a«a n^naka 08a great to picoee with the buwiekinfe. .. Indeed, from the notoriety of bis dur* MtUt Mid ii&YB A VMLT U} I22Lm@ Itil 0Ol- «, WUV WiU "4»8 UIM9 »A« W 44 &O tf lectiona in, which in sunny instances ,t mtut would pfert ofvautnnl advantage to ton woaid r-«:-.iu»c,t his parpws« -if touefc boOi debtor and treditw. If be baa a u^ughi that President tioaa- ~*H archives, aa soon aa he could learn who waa loader of th* oppoaitioa. Morton oa bis pan, whose vanity fuiiy ofi fau wb0#€ upoti vaa patoiie toaii. fv wa 1 Sa* Bowos tamem*** u 4 *9jW( Botoi^ dcatda, vnslblatai, Wonnds, asssa. Iai«jswun -^er aaa 1 .Ague. Choiara Morttw fHarrS* '.tadUgh* ae? n»«i|4Aiasa pmarai^. aMr Adtttk ehoUr* .._a OT TM# taedlein* give- iaai***ta velMf,5 BwbgaakA, yoti who have ifad half of ww^tosag w*i «nm| ba*« beas autafcae far* proik diua# ia jom days 1b tlM Bast, and as yet .have mnrff*1 ea« roa The too, was drueeaiia thenoheat oloth, ike othar in #aokeia« tai ieathe* But (lei ant attaiaoi to tli« hoaorabl# statioii imi ef "bawea* ol wo««3 a«« #aw«« wa ter."' Iowa and Hefemk* \)gmm to«: a j. toe^a home umrn Himw mmsq mA Sti^at Ot# ottaaasat^ pita. i bali waa sarpriaei by U» iaiiwf .., pamamiA. m^ahm. T* 1 paarABOc. ^f a stranger, i^te*a»*wa-tbF i*mi «IWW'J4«I» tdtfllwwi -arfiai* i jua teTou before we caa ooaaaeQc* aw flu worth. teraa?^0 "what are yoor All we hare to dais Tha straagar traaed witoo«a»oiiJes»t's noc-rt.i- to torn the sod orer aad piaat oar oorn, Aboat two jaars After the TexAa rar- a^utieai —Tiaw, sanaet thia eveau« w" aa we ha^e lived &Ief oar statement as to the productiveneas however, of a power in the preaideot to mail) it tba »*at „. e ea Itoej jxt t-' vbo wsrt Bare af lateral ta nuums.-?d ur opm and araed r» «vaa, uy opa. re- stoaft gaard aieaad the hoase untti th« peril vaas«ti by. Tb« couiiBA&der of mom aores at $1,26 per aere—$200., Again (ieeperate bravary in two bfoody 4ae«», if the seuiax haa aooey owing to hi in, ia both of which be had cut his anta^or h« can come hare and jjiAkt bis Stvie- ^%J aa ifaeaiatot oaa ^oa-ied his perioaal prowea*, tawar- Marfere with hia. aged and justified the prev«uu»g apinioa «aa touched th To Lhoae MeMnsankaVatwiik by his Voastful threAls He sw-»re that hoeison. covering it tlu I .-til i Hf the Pr««ident ii sacoeed •& thai. f?o#t piaa woald be to aoaa to *4e wweruig foroo,he wouid than, a aaau iapa 'Jhoair aad by obuuaiaf a jWat of baat hia down like a srolf ana ab wt n two or th*## towaahips th^ will be able *l!b ^ttle ceremony, or #tafc __ -4. in his bed. or war lay htm is s walk* mate good aeiecti.a, withoat abj rerwUlOB. He wrote to the hero danger of .atorfermg *!tb th« F«-1 of Sas Jl»ctato to that afect. The laMar eapt&ro, Our land ^fieam at# genua- rapliau a chwaetortatic aotaaf Imm BIT. ia e*#rj ta# WOPJ aad will! t«^revit): gir, alt tke aid ia power actual »eM#r 5 aad we will tM ^attheir im»v- tfei rMrGU tb# of go« ,} I i .\TMtic Clji On the recaption of this answer, tfet %h* other, sa&4 ssa&» etrtAitts 4r tte# tea# to the awn of aataii taasma abo IliK'irawi aenm»elawaea'iattoa»ei| ""a* !nla andsatlioy, bat iht aatic it St late notice,' hat' ata aawMli af a fceaM, aai we paiiio* i along the roai it*Aiiag to too j*pi wa9 fc«r# aad a etro^ atarooroaa eieaAiag .eiSahie act# (bat yoa d^aei i aWlv aall ttes attaitioa af #»eb to the a .nt*rT paraied the steeew froa H')r. the wntrai^. «he oointe»Aace sf »a, as U :»the- taediei&e and a«. Ui« aioroiog till night, aad a aeleat eanoal i Saito «aaatom aa»d oaaetowiesB aa nun UH"* *"w he&i peruuuwbi ceaioa the oHf hall., i eea- A *id« viaw af hi* taamirea «**(jht a» iaae# aa«a—-asaa liaiiniiawaa mo* RVf**, mt:la #.l* •^g^r-^VIMPI- '3C gyy ?SWWS!» w -f |,in inim' wmmug *mm aaifclf, asaajia^ to «m aowts tl^'atMn jj^wSn-ish w?" Ia« nmweed h«a atare w $mm KMUMt »a*».i *4, «ad iMii his uvW'j Bajsr ua ti• li| aaa »5a—out •,»!, j,h,_ 45fo^tato?» aottid so ...jiagiric. ar? you4 ip^ar err {'Is .jutha i *c/i*r fc«*r«P5 Mar toft, A.musi dtatraet^d ith raat, by W» '&ld, »tttsi.itup ^lue of the tUitis, #'u aow r«tBo*-40 his ftager fraai Ms Bp «a! bid it the hM of I tka atraare: »&«& *a .-at^pht aa€ Mid hi se. ba^ :«uuiHa8frac^Bg». l*Lm S^r $r Tmtit*-: i of**/?'5 «sa .. ulfeiattHaunHMSM^ii^t ASd Ii!t isi* mi o4i4jr a««M 1 't l^a, fw. taf»^ it i.*f i.j 'M rao»» kn---1 vu* uU:« St-ttiA W» era tu& »A», Hut! eariof fo? tlr tti» .t as, •as UintMl hs itsafi Hi giwt I.-t. ..1 'n re 6D«lDt«r WtU, Wk«a sUw! hrr«alA, AMi «rk«m A»r &ai *u haM SAS UAS A Iteswac 9i**r of trtla. (S* Mi irrob oS tin nvaer irtA. a«a ati #7 awr »tta« nfc*. SjM KIM W 70U Ut4 BU. .1 ,. irnt..- aaetsag where aoaa bat not aa ahsoiuteMduAC I fear it will tarniah thr iuatre rfyota laarels." uToa battles, and at least half as no Baia 'r t" jSOr Yca 'sa 1 the Moral islgatiaa of exciteaieat which tha proau this Sat raiead io Austia. The k«i«p«ra of hotel*, boarding hattsee, grocers aod faro oanks, wert to under struct *i Jkxifr totjwre «i# jjfih km •na.feaati aler* nr^sati^ ei Wfr fT* t'.: ftra. Hb 'J. Ws i -mt' *r: i. at^MNk *i pteumre and Judge Webb took the paper aad wrote atnmk uf graat ettiaa, la' all the great tha question— tbosnaBg-hfaroi of men wherever Sie?* »ir, will yoa he so ohligittf aa waa ar fawa.og, lw«« to iafona us what it not baatoaaa with Jsrarat. iaai, thara waa i'*a? the present taeetiag? alien ud axil a. Ifle other raspoaded by delirerinj a Strange soul' be hath departed oa the latter, iaacrihed on tba back, "To the ioa^ji.imat away easo&g fJ^oati hij^tj Auatm.** Ihssy broke tba '-fifths atsu's wtiit^i war-, kis 0 %bfc" 1 dituetss of aaai aad read aloud. It wa«ft*a Houa- «ad h« hath ttiaer *att«d 1 toa, aod showed his usual torae crarit* ^oada: th« deep »vsM*taa A tha ofj^le: wortf "life Fkllow Crrixi!*t:—T%oogb ia error. He ia tfaa^d—therefore lat hie aad deaeired by tha as^a of ttsitsn, 1 reat ia b!ieioa, aad his rirteas ha ra jwill iire ibree ®ore days to decide I whether you will tarreadar th* public Arebitea As the eod of thai time yoa mii plsAsv let me kaow youi dacuiua Are mirtAken," replied Morton,! gy A litfi« jfiti, oa haaria* her *odk» with a esatie, "'thAt aiuto is a aaru whose d* SAT thAt she ta&adad to w r- «U, faata stAods the reoorda of 4 aosaa aad ka»e bar inw w.BtiaswfaiUs nuj duels. Besides, be is the favorite e*is- klU vju 5mpt TU is we also know. We know whAt Iowa bi« ajoordinAt^unsUonartM toswid the ,,0* against reatonng abj «or# 00 tha Pt Btltt Thr W 1 faa Sutc records to the ,att«r place which i yj 7 T_77^ ba declared to he, tfe a&Q hlma t0 th«r prosperity in I fathomed the artifioe twelve aonths siaae." II tva vy rAaiij of what ifrlheir m6#t rtp Tgward» srsniag T4«t arsifi ssfeo? bled at the place appointed, to ntevas the hostile meeting and to great ara# the pcfular reeklaasxieas as to afWirs »f *a*irs'-ton thia dMuriptian.'.hat naan-rous bdU were a'H^isrwi ob tbe r**uit. fuU oett wero 1 At ianrth thi I#a, giorj mtiw nm*k rtf hi# woMtrotisf knafw 1^ai«ry Ooioaei is^ is vk tmu^y tkmit-m k* Aad tas is tie aat 0/ adaraacia^ u&an *h«»" and m&m'frmuM ISkT- w.*^ **«&«*( hem di»«ovsir "-o- ag «w*f bi %h» fai- of rr^~ Hmt* tioiafiS'pafawi a ife .itfeat »*.*, MM! ki d«cl*«» k« aw«4 •JAftofe ifei S««a' .» A diaB a. ».? grtsai. -s iiitsiiiCf- i s» 4 ba Haiiafuiar» theo^erot a km »knmir Mer«ma, A ilMMhtaa **b*k Oo y«i H«|f«HNiiv)i Ia »«»«.. jjw»K«fsis» ia okhk i mmim- gvo« fltad.? & mistake is Aw boss# 4 At tha aoMRHk W«M^h awtt 'Iwrthn: fi« «f 'laisfafe^Bse.. a€ AwNI miitkm aaaf uasw- Ii* *4*««e ai««aa»i g—at ally aaaa. «iv**0i,4S aaal adds eaae4 taiMa- tke »f«ra)*ti0A iaa vm. 8ia Tkit htkhiU iU* •waguMf frtaiaii^ a apf«i« ^»a hA»# (dst Ha 000id aarar oa parao-d *i »i«ap oatfar thw rool «if AAovaa u a mum- to aaa k umt *r« adaittod." mi »l .-Mtura. jgrnws «|i dsaa -4 Mw Tfct »uajag9f did aot Aftpaiur .^a» wa©4» «fd go-mot, whieh ha *orshipj#G pitrfiend th« w.irds, but ba could aot fail with sort af Pams adoratioiS' to Btsd^rsausd the mild and depraaaiory Exei ideo hi» iBfermttiea Ira® -crdaa S m—mar. Bis rigid faatora raksai, a«il' fattowsh»t» wish hi* ki«4 ba atada Uw i aonag to iahb :a tha an»t«ar of taa iaatttaMfc' thi®|r»#? th« wbaxe vhara waroataiertAts *Ad oa *ad b* iu* owa aaart-'s pleiaenta for wrttiag, be saia«d a pes into broiharbood with th« I'amiaartas -if I aad traced .me Hbo—1u! abj 3eaf. Hi hmitz Wltewsr tbsr* »&* laad s- thaa field Ii ap before the *p«*etAt*?r* ta watar 'mrrai' or aaa^tad hr««ka wi a sort of OAUfAi A(M)i«|| lot hia ow« wsid, w vf i caaf ihera waa D«*f akaaitii.i want of politeness. b.ia% asu 6. trits aaspfj &»>t ib mtmmmi Saa Eouarya After readiag the deaf aiAit waited a few aeoooda, AS if for A r.^ij ajid thea tara«d aod was about to Sears the hall, when Col. Morton mtarposed acd rtaraly bsoko him oaek to the t«bie. The strAbf ex obtsyed, aa4 Mo no a wrota: were braTe enough to insult me !J Tb straager p«a&ad hit rap^y—"I am at roar service." The stranger rejoined—"I aai too gea eroaa to seek aa Advantage, aad too bra re io f«ar Any on tha pari of others, anal" therefore i oeed uo seco: a? i ^.nk. im ^MtxUitiou aad the ',T®° neat capital, where tba a rehires la proof of were to be kept, with (he reservation, with hop*. flrA fellow oAlliag hiiaealf Imm J. Otaxk. oaa b»*» wwRnf air-Mi tara arnt ih» ®aaatry, sifasd Hotahkiss 4 Seyaivtu. Auoroaj*. Ilaae^uuv., aad tafuraautf par tisa »if thi -inaUii ot jemaut icdiriduala learia* to tham abeqa^t of lands. 4c.. aad aoriag a vtitare fee of for tkmx bjryour threAtaniog looks ten minute# b"Aiaiag asuoejr uauer ?a arct.-risa*, -f th«» ago are *011 brave enough aaw to It# *•. -. aa SA4l»ia. Wo&r k tam steps aaraas goo Aufktlapublic 1 ii»app^rad oJWh tha wia- dow l.« aAd^wred "What!" exclaimed W ebb:. -is it pos eibie thAt you inteztd to that n&n? Be is a ictrn freai tha TiainiaJ IhnWap UmBemh-Sfg, BASXS it. Paasa.• Th*. :aaJu preee of OaaadA. by reprMeaiaitOA, oafk oolladed. Mr. J«aiac HaiBiltoB, c&aMi«f A the B«tak of Uppar UaaadA, took aar h.age at aa *.fU. ii' the hmma Pr« tatype? aad ooi.£iudei io git« Mi' raibot, the editor, A iaasoa in jouraalusas. Ae serdtngly be asked Mr Ta.'bot -sow he dared,H dW.. Mt. Tatim bloody mnocetuiy o.-i^treo ,i caa btsgita -«a(tiut biott •ury Aad fnead of Houatoe. If I Lave the asotiier, -yotir father tboo. Wl® ia! of gos duaieot. Wa*t ia hu wm*#» a*ai "—vwy §«».»•« miuutm Aai It a la^pveeihle todwtiibe the Wl»ia] voiaaa u^ei^az "Deaf SaaitK coolH "Wbj u»t cannot oa. Deaf Siaitn waaaiais a* the battle of Sam Ja ciato *aid Judge Webi "Tfe'-re agaiu yoar .boa,. is •irtsirttt/' i said iforton. "Tha stofy 0# laitri 4«a«h was a asere Icttoa, got up by Hons ton to the fe of kis favorite froaa i tb^ sworts veugsaftoe of oertiub exiuu os WIKMW conduct he had acted aa a spy. whoi sb»- dAaoed, h. m&& hi*, I think it wbea bs diaa»v«i« 1 bt.« h, Oie PrMidaat to nmtt bis ,5 1 l« row aga-.ast rentunng any aore on the i €oL Mortoa with regard to sha iabit of sagka. liMa| to ^av sida'.- ii»iUa. "Too »aa p^pia aeoeaeity. c^maaa in su«h tuaaas a« thata is rtgtvi 0 p»7fa^ taall M!fi te ijstrahaete *~t/& ^raa«(»«i. f'Otttia the SAT true, you AT? *auui aai iduriM'.r." sxalaiaied Webb. ,.d Jo that md th^y argau.aod a at a datanc company oi f^iy huaurw iaa of .u aye rtJeTed It the other at, StT rog^tr periods of dat, sbunld keep eon- -sm»M l)«ki Sail tn WAS never known to aiss his mark. Me has often broaght down tli! huaarwi M( ,4rd^u ao a-,rc." answa«d il. tQCM dee0 d#tfcriainat oa n s%i^4 a all with crimson A£d theii rti do .to« s«ird a«ae instant, aad «&•«„ a* is' Mztum oaa Mii ..rt^i At. vnderoua ee. toc-k thair statioa baalt to bank aad at a preoosKwrted signal—the wa* iag of a whiu »-«-idteerchiel slowly aad steaaiiv of -l. 1st pr.oatt4 directioiMf,. conn ting their stop# ajuil e*oh k*d airtAsuredfity. They both had ««MBpmed vbe g-rca bomber 'ahoat 'he th«j *u»4 «ye« ti oao j#e to oatoi th«. mate besween the®. Th^fitoeoi Cat Martoa is Texas whim agt^hsr gf ftg' itesa eeterisg wa* essrsw.srdawsry w isi* look* -toks pariloir froa hi# .r^ad^rs aad dree#, fl* 4hS ia©-. la»MHt .. slaw*! do«-Hfc«4id »e4 MfaMUHteK fo» MHwpfi^aa WH4 last tmi ^imbUiA, aaaa», witb fer«» B*#«- Hater s«a!: baah^ topi art. p«lNl» fef af Ha* ®m -be#ii*the wail,' !«h#fc, HMie at i ii*c oak wttiahjgnw rantiritftff IID l1h nil MHAdl wiwiaw, at M# oract., A3di«wallAt«i-t rsioai feb riie, tad Oiea Urittf ooaslctod Mt of teas.. *&to§» away 1 ft«» T%ree daw »?terwer«t» H^eetoa #. y«af Satifc asd tea ather *.% *, d®' iL jJpSSSKSSPSS Th# r& s ^p*j .« srhich ja,p*«ty bo sarri&®6Haaatos'a akxh Bt w»» ,g«nii—m **r& hia iri«a»4a i>. miti TJ-.i f«to A -:,jtAjuui. bj tb» b«ad. biui is asaak. 'atl'Mw a# «*W ka 5 W tfcara ». ihj»i •Aek''' «mas aod fc«#§l «aMd fs? a saoflHfttri«r aa a«s«* fhUn«% dMdtato w»Khe MimT i ia &M »l«w mad 4«lat she payaMHa- 'This t# a gr-:K\u«M #*«ag aa4 tea4* to proiac? an inoalcaisbla ^ouut .A io*fWBiea«6 sal rr«u dlrtresa. l?erv iailar paid u- a t?»a«ajui -a aot atir aatiah« his -.muta-tn blea «s in du«-. ooarac to pay aaothax who is 'ura pari hit creditor, tad that *B*W- S many &Maia rilitst from tins of tkt: trtt can da -«r part, toward auig»tu^['Aa preaaorc oa aomebodj." UCBisa Wiu. OCT.— About A -*ar *ia«- rton, in a roim^ iaa nsuawd ^ag«. Jiaap^ear^o the thing »uade, i from hia facer's bouee, near I have ai ready agraei t« middl.fiwa, And WA* ut a«»s #.-.fag to Jaaat hiau T-hare can besu disgrace ta the bam, aaar whlah iivad a iabonag falling before sucb a shut, and if I sue- aan w&oa th# tad had fr«^aeauv *mm ceod m^ triampb atli aonf«r thu fgeater ea si ««*.i »g fin fasiwr^ gr»j„ Os b^nor i the disappearaae# of the tad. ihesaaaAi- Saah waa the gwieral habit of tnought' iuded ,, WAS arrested JO ioapisioa of aadJeetuag prgralest thzoag^U.XaJU4 havmg fee ft dispoaad -vf rnia bwt waa at that pacuxL ajft a***'", Aoqiuttfta for wasuoipr©oi Mdtesaae 14 wa* abuWA that this la,o had aot sees auT«aine# bis thaba» and a hole in the io*. 10 the Cotmeottaat rit er, at poiat n«Ar«*»i she b«.?s. gav* oei o« to ihe aaa^notoQ inat the km b*m Uus boia, Ainuat udy af «i lad aoatai mm red ar»- of tha «»«th '0# Ika river aad f,' We ik w iearn ^at withiii a day ex two a sailor Baa returned to MkfeHttowa, aai voiswiayafiiy, befora a aafkonita. ta#ii ed thai ue 4ooid«et*iiy mw ttu auirder, i a«d ibr. Irst arrested is tA« £usilj one. He #a/» that h« barn and bward m»mm oaiar with ^saealisi^ grata m4 bay_ 1 *eh WAS to auk md fiif« whan h« ,-»oa« .is the distant wtu greAt buth fti for two «eeua4* -song ^ovagb f- i tha balls&id«r# %4 «fc sIk which sfa* -unasi awi r«it4f«tai --aarf i-ui#*o« tt^|eu iiito. 4ms man feiiei we ia4 to th« Soor w?tb a ia1}. rlllia^ hia si «ay# Siti «|#,# t« atoe w-'mem, mt& ^hat oa mv be* *a* aa ht«,( aaai tho»a a was a iAiM noi to reveal w#at he ba« -#e*s 3W tit* life was »jatr«d l?e aooti and tha ma« «f ih* ai o^iaoteaee 'rf *ays b^a aai# hiai mm4* *o diihr- iy fm to« jMiaa hesoa# Ute atrrw^ Ow •*ed tit haa Was* waia eacaaimfeM is garage ten aii -.^aesWad 0**?* -tha io-4aj.-~$F*mhm*n Bifie- Ms rf«as »f iadPeriot# -^rigaeai Kmc bat,541" wwesNte atesasb*! Bsaasa-t twaviia»«zpi***e withatw .s,¥ 0# ultaneeas roar*. Col. Ha«toai ante hi JSw BoA«» whae Bui.-' {jaMMMMI hgBwA Imm| SLinrodigtoaa anward- aaa W: -ai^^ a «on»#i Deel' «m«tfeateoiitf H) .- A&A- -v i*4i sMtei aMkKt«i|.idMi win, s**« b«a» mm tar fratttia & i Aa .lww»«l^i8»aL *M faaliag tha ^ilaa A»|R^ *9^ I sa4i: "WdJ, da Oof, #0 ft# feaNrteertfWl#6'! "Oh, jea, aiaaa, it*» a ptaaa -*mS* "Wf-ii. fa**, «hai id itr* -'H -ij, .*-«»», ii u saaa. ••iac «r».f ^'a adb(wjy«fc.« A* a^rtea, SM^1 «©rteaiag aOi* *bai^ OiA#' ,fWby. 6&iUi i3f«s»-5 sifee, tmma&Jiit d$f| 4owa mto «*4 aaad j#® 3 rt^saudwnn mtc troubia :a saakiag ui p*» ^«n. «..*Ark haa bam arretted, «oa ielaait of baii, a*9( to jail aa oha«xe of mm sbfe fbm %ip|(^4 JVtt*«psA mat -Himft mj btutaanai'* Mr. Saathoa «f. »t«h aad atruuh- -ma, a0' aat |uiw, mi tm»A to strike- Mr. T, whea the iauar the sti«k in his left uand. aad wiUama right, ScaftbagAA to Mr. vface th» nouitty --A ih»*tym ihm* mm® to the resea# -SOBe favotrwj the Batika aad sour s the Pr«e» aad toe revait waa a gssiarsl rc winah thi- 6a»k partr waa badiy tAraaaea, Aad th» i're** i**tj yom slapped its *:t^fa ««4 crowad. ila ftu* :«rMBt«ry SMt 1 i.owiag »w#* r«ls«Ki a htU. ^m«ian»tw -wi r! Mishen, wytu »tKiis. i w aa g»t af a eaa% aa lietasf-tH ^pa*wrfis4«j«fJ's |N0t sfeais no* salW «i'Besa.s mrmaf -mspmim,'* 0t haaeaarwin a |adg*, &«4 bar«a a whhla #o«ri. feii ir-i oaw at haa ssawe laM dawa iajw «i*a| as. »haaa«Riftamhaai ao«a piaijMia iu- 4d so4. glva th«Mt •oofub, toid thaw to read Bisl*. which Would doobChM be aWr* ie Ptwrm- twtich Stu&m mm f^a Antoficas ttormt- f%$ rwmimg-' gf L* Prytt* wfat rh« raae fsi tha $*HTWie* s«ali« *a Ma«« MMiwt. ^^giands, asaiU-.i iwapfr *f Mr Taa fkirtjp- a*d «i S* »tt«ap-- »har-.. i|«4 baat batwv a, iSI Hdtias aHi ^.«saeSkm. TH haai tlMase aiwarW if Bm&fgm.,i*|i*m^aa^ a bail. 1 Ims ssbseaas a| IjMritA. borae was gr«et*s w^R_jSr»g* as4 Prwai Wwll»e*ite :«eiia4 »«s Oai»hMdf««h*r# uaam w oa *1, 4* UprlftH net f*A ikm i-'sf -f t*. Bq&fo fc. h«id apaail' 'PrstHtH. wdaai tb« ttert.rsag. Tin i«i UMBasa a&?«« u 4i«l a# "f iMaeism horm »tm^km mi o? alt ??it ih* pmMAi s.^^5 ftsm* Mx nVtB gs& km mm® *fM* w v. Ifee&as.* .4-. & mFypum fcwak*..'^ wim uaaaot fiaad %H&* wfctoi- -he aie^sSfei- ha* set Qae to rmi what:, mp pwftr-is^ *.-.. %monm- Im ihs. tpaagv ,4m* aau »ti.Si wts>&t st a«i« riiiiUMNn^ A itWa yad fir'. i4 *bm& us *t "otn. of #o:'thj 4«ttaaH% tisa .ibar daf. waar| aft rfaj, same raattiag im Ssoaaa, *»k &rm* "Hwia am, juat lik a to pmr i tftit, lew u# ot: her !»«!»«#,. M*.t ifaa^.a^ Im4- 'f th« %attta P«asa# V ly iaq« r«tt is« asatous pamat. moTraswits repiiad th# Httl* «hsr^ 4«fctor. If joa owe o»« doi- -our 1m afeu ave hu asaos to oar it. *o« "9®j VWJ 344 W* Jtnr*rl **A»d bow dote foai. my c^iid' "Jaat ua# aa aant#« ba #ta»i th*!." At a danaa da aihar avaauf. .uw-Beik#»4 draaaa **mm u..«etha|w« vatlijig faahtoE. Miae SatrtfbindLtagc a#fcdi Wr ««acia Jia if ha w ®aw #g^:. it oaf#*-*, i« wb -fe h») mam i was, nmmmH A aa«tor i«Ksst5«f mm** .fteate« wmm MMot -tk jSm ii.,. prwer- s?, swia -an toe nmt waim and na of the weawsra y** ^«n* i^hara an? all trraiH1 of ye una ^ag« ware ootiAti #m th.tu it area then eoa, that they mhumu a«i buried it as roeh uae iiteailf si -isa asw-d uaee. frfaai a. Wilaot. "is waa: 4#Oo?«rs« «®Q«-*oef imm MM •rifhs AMkna hf fait am :jb,«ng«. a csent,'' «u4 ^aak Aat x«r!.*a.-—Dail th« very baat fat Httls trad* is »bli«t )th.«rs. '•haiir way a&d Amm yo« will hanii: saei Tte Wat^d (Pa.) Argnahaa t^afol. lowing, wstieh ut aot ^kt hatafcx* /^%tospatt^je^we4afaliari was going by tha UttS te**oa "4hiiF ««m* ^arfta^r aa- *tm eli«*K.«ai Wums*.-„ wpsm Bok An IrMsaaae,r" X*® Wi f« rtefrt "MMIne Itgc.f of Hi **5o (*•.)?erwr b# sa»«f at«i I tbou^hi it md sHueh b« ha^t tot t# Ms, h®! mmmtm mm m*m., we leaara Is#* ii»i & aaaa it. ^a-t pe w®r« mawiitoa- y *U££}SS «|.-k, inifj I aea.aua ao*. ^4 a ao(|i«- what taake#tb« KHNtd, ftat •®s« i»« Maty «M»IL»eh% m& wae mtIfef-