r?l>?r tiver-WaihiBgtoi, 6c?r|etown,
AleuMhrlt, and Harper's Ferry
Railreads, Ac.
To the Editor qf the Republic :
With * view to fhmiliarize the public eye, mid
keep the public mind on the subject of the improvement
meet viul to the District of Columbia,
ho as to have some public sentiment definitely
and generally, and in on unmistakable manner,
expressed previous to the session of Congress
commencing next December, this communication
seeks a place in the columns of the newspapers of
the District of Columbia, ami of Maryland and
The present condition of Washington, Georgetown,
and Alexandria, should be considered first
with regard to the Potomac's cupacity for shipments
direct from the wharves; and secondly, to
the intimate communication which they ought to
liavo between each other and the surrounding
country; and thirdly, also with regard to the
fitness of their locality as the centre from which
railroads should radiate north, south, and west,
as well as terminate for shipping purposes, it is
obvious to men of enlarged views, intelligence,
and disinterested motives, that the welfare of Alexandria,
Washington, and Georgetown, are too
closely united to admit of separation without
doing damage to their ability to take each its
proper part m the great field of action, which
their proximity to the head of tide-water on the
Potomac, and the actuality of one of them
being the national metropolis, necessarily indicate.
These three cities should therefore join
together for the purpose of being what the law
of the land, the hope of General Washington,
and the handiwork of nature have so plainly
marked them out to be. Georgetown and Wash- j
ington are the most absolutely united, and Alexnnilrin
in nnfif Ind tn imld l?or aLI In I
family circle. The writer of this communication,
with a view to the great public good, some time
since caused to be published and circulated, in the
shape of a petition to Congress, a plan for the
final improvement of the Potomac river, and also
i embodying the idea for the proper location of the
links of railroad which should connect Washington,
Georgetown, Alexandria, and Harper s
i Ferry.
The pormancnt improvement of the Potomac
river at the head of tide-water, as suggested, contemplates
opening a new channel along the ravine
on the west and the marsh on the east of the
neck of land leading to Observatory Hill. This
involves "an outlay for?
j 1st. The purchase of the land removed.
2d. The purchase of the property isolated from
the city.
3d. Transfer of Observatory to Meridian Hill,
or some other suitable location.
4th. Transfer (if desired) of the city canal from
i Observatory Hill to the city margin of the new
' channel.
The returns of this outlay may be estimated
1st. Sale of earth removed and applicable for
filling the neighboring marsh and lowlands.
2d. Wharf property, the result of the new
i, channel.
3d. Reduced cost of maintaining a bridge from
the city to Virginia.
4th. Revenue from increase in value of property
from the aqueduct in Georgetown to the
bridge beyond the Navy Yard, Washington.
|5tn. Health for the West End of Washington.
B 5
' w
K '
I ' j
In the annexed plan, W is Washington, G is
Georgetown, A is Alexandria, 1 is the island
which would be formed by Clinton's proposed
"cut" for the channel of the river to pass along
the wharves of the city. The dotted lines show
' the points from which the shoals would start, viz:
from 7 Analostan Island, and from 1 the island to
be formed by "Clinton's cut," and upon which it
is proposed to build a house of refuge for juvenile
offenders, the Observatory and Depot of Charts
being removed, as hereby proposod, to Meridian
, Hill at 8. The shoal points at 9 would be determined
by the current. The extremity and lines
of the shoal at 10 will be determined by the currents
which will gently flow down along Analostan
Island. The openings between Virginia, Analostan
Island, and the proposod island 1 will
serve as wastegates during a freshet, as it is obvious
the main current will hug the District margin
of the river, and open and keep open such a channel
as will be due to its enormous force acting in a right
direction. It Sh^so obvious that if the main force
of the currcntmB made to sweep past the city
wharves from the eastern line of the shoal due to
island 1 to the Virginia line, any bridge would be
protected thereby; and the eastern portion of
such a bridge would alone require to be of such
dimensions and strength as would render it equal
(harmless to itself) to permit freshets to pass
along. The lines 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively show
the position the northern railroad to Baltimore,
the western railroad to Harper's Ferry, the link
between Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria,
and from Alexandria the Southern railroad
will finnlly take.
1st. This plan assists nature in rectifying the
present condition of the river.
2d. It resists nothing.
3d. It places the channel of the Potomac in the
best possible position for the mutual benefit of
Georgetown, Washington, and Alexandria.
4in. ii allows ttic steamer* to run as ierry noats
from Georgetown to Alexandria, touching a dozen
times along the Washington wharves if need be.
f?th. It enhances the value of Georgetown and
Washington river property from four to six millions
of dollars.
(ith. It puts Washington and Georgetown at
the head of a channel Tit for the largest ships in
the world.
7th. It allows a tubular bridge (if any bridge
1 ) is needed this side the aqueduct) to be thrown
across the proposed channel at an elevation high
enough to pass the Pennsylvania United States
ship of war underneath at afl seasons.
8th. It allows a bridge on any site, because it
protects the foundation of such a bridge.
?>th. It deepens Rock Creek, the Washington
City CanaJ, and the Anacostla?thereby giving a
great natural basin to Georgetown for her canal
boats, a ready approach to the heart of Washington
city for wood, coal .and lime, <tc., and a deep
channel to the United States Navy Yard.
jOth. It allows the sand and mud coming down
the Potomac to lie deposited along the Virginia
aide of the river without detriment to navigation,
without danger of being torn up by every freshet,
and with benefit to the health of Washington;
find whereby many acres of meadow land would
i 4
be formed and adapted t-> grazing and other purpotos*
ilth. It fixes forever tiie natural feature* of the
river, bo that nothing but an earthquake violent
enough to overturn the whole face of nature in 1
thia region, could ever change it.
12th. It reduce* the cost for future repairti to
the lowest minimum.
13th. It makes Georgetown and Washington
competent to be termini instead of mere waystation
* for railroad*.
The current due to the Potomac iu time of
fVeshet* will determine the width and depth of
Clinton's proposed cut. After the rotten rock
which jut* into the river at the Georgetown elbow
is removed, and with the excavated earth thrown
round south of the House of Refuge Island, as it
may be called, and in tire marsh buck of Van
Ness's, then this excavation being merely low
enough to give the current headway (like as it
was with the Raccourci cut-off on the Mississippi,)
the freshet will daBh through the new and direct
opening and sweep away every thing in its new
course. Then steamer* could back out ftoin the
wharves at Washington without plowing up two,
three, four, and more feet of inud with their
keels, or actually paddling up the mud with their
rwi L _ _ ... i-.'t ? -. i?
i ne commercial aim manuiuciuring prosperity
of Washington will be irrevocably fixed, and the
foundation for u city of millions of souls will be
substantially laid down, the day that the River of
Swans dashes its current along the wharves of
the great handiwork of the great Washington.
For his sake let us do what is best for Washington,
Georgetown, and Alexandria. The writer
of this has such a feeling.
Respectfully, THOS. G. CLINTON.
Traveller* Guide.
Departure of Cars and Steamboats from Washington.
The cars leave the station, at the intersection
of New Jersey avenue and C and D streets, for
Baltimore and intermediate places, at six and
eight o'clock a. m. and half-past three and five
p. m. On Sundays at six a. m. and five p. m.
only. The second and fourth are express trains,
stopping only at the Relay House and Annapolis
The cars leaving Washington at six a. m. and
five p. m. meet the cars frpni "Baltimore at the
Washington junction (or Relay House,) for
The train leaving Washington on Saturday afternoon
goes no farther than Philadelphia-, the
one of Sunday morning only to Baltimore.
The cars leave the Alexandria (Va.) station,
corner of Duke and Henry streets, for Warrenton
and the intermediate points, at eight o'clock a. m.
except Sunday, and at a quarter before two o'clock
p. m. A daily stage runs between Gordonsville
and Culpeper in connexion with the cars on this
and the Virginia central roads.
The steamboats leave the wharf for the South
at fifteen minutes past six a. m. and nine o'clock
p. m., or immediately after the arrival of the first
and the last train of care from Baltimore.
The steamer George Washington or the Thomas
Collyer makes three trips a week to Mount Vernon
and Fort Washington, leaving the wharf at halfpast
nine o'clock.
The steamboats George Washington, Thomas
Collyer, and Union leave for Alexandria every
i a : ai. ? j J
nour uurtug uiu uuy.
Arrangement of the. Mails at the Washington Post
Office, July 1, 1853.
The Great Eastern Mail, from Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, &c., and Buffalo,
&c., arrives at 6 a. m., and 9 p. m., daily; and
the mail sent from the office, to and by those,
places, closes at 4 and 9 p. m., daily.
The Southern Mail closes daily at 7 and 9
o'clock p. in., and is received daily by 6 o'clock
a. m., and 4 p. m.
The second Eastern and Great Western Mails are
received by 6 p. m.; the latter closes at 2 p. m.,
the former at 9 p. m., daily. The mail trains
north of Philadelphia arrive there in time to connect
with the train for Baltimore, which brings
the Great Mail to arrive here by 6 a. m. No
eastern mail is received at the office on Sunday
night, and no eastern mail, to be sent beyond Baltimore,
is made up on Saturday night.
The mail for Annapolis, Md., an a Norfolk* and
adjacent places in Virginia, is closed every night,
except Saturday, at 9 p. m., knd is received six
times a week, with a mail from Baltimore, Md.,
by 12 m.
The mail from Georgetown, I). C., is received
twice daily, by 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., and it is
closed for that place at the same hours.
The mail from Rockvillc, Sfc., Md,, is received
by 6 p. m., and it is closed for those places at 9
p. m., daily.
The mail from Brookville, 8fc., Md., is received
by 5 p. m. of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
each week, and closes same days at 9 p. m.
Papers and pamphlets can be sent, without being
prepaid, to any part of the United States; but
double postage is charged on delivery. The postage
on foreign printed matter must be prepaid.
The office is open at 6 a. m. for delivery of letters
and papers received by previous mails, and at
8 a. m. for general delivery, and at 8 o'clock p.
m. daily, except Sunday, and on that day it is open
from 8 to 10 a. in., and from 7 to 8 o'clock p. m.
TtonoiK., etc., mruu nines uy j>a.iuiuorc; iour
times by Richmond.
O^At a Meeting; of the Board of Direct.
ore of tbe Metropolitan Mechanic*' Institute, held
at their rooms on Seventh street, the following' res
olution was passed:
Resolved, That the rooms of tbe Institute be
opened daily through the week (Sundays excepted)
from 4 to 10 o'clock p. m., and that the public
generally be invited to visit the same.
June 17?tf Recording Secretary.
9^- A perfect Daguerreotype of deceased
[ or .absent friends ia a more precious relic than gold
> cr silver; but where to obtain one possessing all
the attributes of perfection is the momentous question.
Those who know the artist say, without
hesitation, go to Whitehusst's, whose admirable
genius and extensive experience, combined with
improved facilities in the way of instruments,
lights, fcc., precludes tbe possibility of an inferior
portrait at bis elegantly-furnished establishment,
where the portraits of hundreds of dead and
living celebrities can be examined. Daguerreotypes
taken In every style. Stereoscopic, crayon,
and imitation pastel. Also specimens of the beautiful
art of Cystalotyping. May 30
99- Young Men's Christian Association.?/iooms
Fowlers' Building, Seventh street,
below E, near the General Post Office.?The
Library and Reading Rooms arc open every day,
(Sunday excepted,) netween tbe hours of three
and ten p.m. The best religious newspapers and
the standard reviews and magaxincs of this country
and Great Britain are regularly received.
Citiaens and strangers will be cordially wcl,
By Order of tbe Association.
Mar 4?eotf
sion) of Restoration of Monarchy in France
Vol. & of Coleridge's Works, uniform edition,
No. 15, Bleak House.
Just received at Harpers' Agency,
June 1 Bookstore, near 9th street.
FIEM8, by Thomas B. Read. A new and enlarged
John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Slretchee
of Character, including William Wirt, by F. W
Memorials of English Martyrs, by (he Rev. C'
B. Taylor, M. A.
La yard'a Second Expedition to Nineveh and
Babylon; Harpers' edition, 8vo.; many engravings.
LafiUe, the Pirate of the Gulf, by J. II. Ingrabam.
A Man in Search of a Wife, or Adventures of a
Bachelor in New York, by Walter Seaton.
Biography of Father Oavatm, with corrections
by himself. FRANCE TAYLOR.
Jon# 11
VBBW for July, jast received by
Nets Dork 2tfwerttftmtnti.
IN NSW you.
Importer and Jobber of
Silks, Millinery, and Fancy Goods,
162 Broadway, N*w York,
HAS now in store and is daily receiving and
offering at the lowest prices, a complete assortment
of goods in bis line, embracing all the
various styles and designs, consiatingof Black and
Fanoy Silks, MarceTines, Florences, Shawls,
Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Taffeta and Satin
Ribbons, Dress Trimmings of ail kinds, French
and English Crapes, Crape Liases, Silk Cravats,
Embroideries, Gloves of all kinds. Silk Lace Mite,
Bareges, Laces, White Goods, Hosiery, L. C. Handkerchiefs,
Ac. The undersigned invites the attention
of the trade and his friends generally. Great
inducements offered to emtk and okort-timr buyers.
THOS. G. STEARNS, 162 Broadway,
Between Liberty st. and Maiden Lane, N. Y.
Dec 26?ly
DHODGMAN, No. 27 Maiden Lane and 6
Nassau street, (first corner from Broadway,)
respectfully invites the attention of his old customers,
and merchants throughout the country gener* |
ally, to hisstock of India Rubber Goods of his own
manufacture, vis:
Coats, Capes, Ponchoe, Panta, Overalls, Leg
rings, Capa, Gloves and Mlttena, Life Preservers,
Overshoes, Carriage Clotbs,Piano Covers, Machine
Beltiiv, Steam Packing, Door Bprings, &c.; and
every description of Rubber Goods manufactured
will also be round as above.
My goods defy competition or comparison?are
warranted proof against decomposition in any climate,
and are offered for sale in large or small
quantities, upon the best terms. _ Orders solicited
and promptly attended to by
27 Maiden Lane and 69 Nassau St., N. Y.
Sept 13
Fifty miles west of District of Columbia.
THIS ESTABLISHMENT is now open for the
reception of visitors. The healing qualities
of the water are well established, and by many
are regarded as inferior lo none In the State. The
buildings are upon a large scale?tastefully ar
ranged with spacious porticos, ball-rooms, and
parlors, extensive paved walkB and covered ways,
shaded by beautiful trees. A first-rate band ot
music has been secured, and the most ample supply
of the very best wines, liquors, and stores
which the country can afford, without regard to
price. Efficient, polite, and accommodating
agents will endeavor to make the time of the
goeatsns agreeable as possible.
Terms ot board as follows : $80 for the season,
ending 1st October; for three months, $76; for
two months, $60; for otie month, $!i5; lor two
weeks, $18; one week, $10; per day, $1 76;
meals and lodging, each, 60 cents; children un
der twelve years and servants half-price; no
charge for children under two yean. Horses, 50
cents per day, or $10 a month. The very beat
of wines and liquors having been obtained, corkage
of $1 a bottle, and in proportion for larger
quantities, will be charged on all that shall be
brought to the place by others. Bills payable
Tbe Alexandria and Orange railroad is now
completed to Warrenton. The cars leave Alexandria
at eight o'clock every morning, except
Sunday, and get to Warrenton in about two and
a half hours, where a first-rate line of stages will
take passengers immediately to the Springs, six
and a half miles, over a macadamized road Returning,
the cars leave Warrenton half past one
o'clock, and get to Alexandria and Washington
in time for the evening train to Baltimore. Another
train of cart leave Alexandria at 1J p.m.,
and get to Bcaleton in about two and a half hours,
where a first rate line of stage coached will take
tbe passengers, about nine miles, to the Springs,
over a good summer road. Fare by cither route
from Alexandria to the Springs $2 ?0. Travellers
who come by Gordonsville will have equally
good coaches to Culpeper Court-house, which place
they leave at seven a. m. in the cars, and get to
Bealeton in thirty minutes, where the coaches will
take them immediately to the Springs-; thus mak
mj? iwu uuuy mice iiuiu jDcaiciuu uuu unu iruiu
Warrenton to Ihe Springs. Persona may break
fast at the Springs, dine and spend about four
hours in Alexandrio, and return to the Springs by
sunset of the same day. Passengers by evening
train from Richmond get to the Springs by noon
next day. By the Gordonsville route, they sleep
at Culpeper Court house, and get to the Springs
about nine o'clock next morning. A good line 01
coaches will go from the Springs to New Market
three times a week, connecting at Gains X Road
with the Winchester line.
June 18?TuTh&satJm Superintendent.
THIS healthy and beautiful Watering Place
will be under the personal superintendence of
the undcrsignod during the present summer, who
will use every effort in bis power to render it one
of the most attractive and agreeable watering
places in Virginia. It is situated on an elevktion
or spur of the majestic Blue Ridge Mountain, in
the county of Jefferson, five miles south of Charles
town, the county seat.
Passengers leaving Baltimore or Washington by ;
the morning train of cars will 'arrive at Harper's 1
Ferry at half-past eleven a. m., from thence in the 1
Winchester and Potomac railroad cars, ten miles '
to Charlestown, where a twelve-passenger coach 1
will receive and convey them into Charlestown,
and, if desired, to the Springs to dinner, over a '
good road and through a iovcly country.
The analysis made by the late Dr. De Butts from
one hundred grains of the water from the main '
fountain, afforded 63 grains of sulphate of lime, '
lOj grains carbonate ol lime, 23J grains of sulphate 1
of magnesia, (epsom salts,} 1 grain pf fhe rpuriate 1
of magnesia, I grain muriate of eoija, 3-10 grains 1
suipnaie ui iron, uuu ci? grunts ui caruonate 01
From the above analysis the waters of Shannondale
may very properly be classed among the Saline
Chalybcatee? a combination of the most valuable
description in the. whole range of mineral
waters. It may therefore be positively asserted,
without exaggeration or fear of contradiction, that
no mineral water within the limits of the United
States possesses the same constituent parts, or is a
more salutary and efficient purgative, than the
water of Shannondale Springs This water acts 1
as gently as the mildest aperient, without giving 1
rise to those unpleasant sensations of pain and de- 1
bility so often occasioned by ordinary cathartics,
prepared by the most skilful pbysicans.
The free use of this water acts almost immediately
upon the skin and kidneys, removes worms,
relieves the convalescent from bilious or other
fevers, dyspepsia, dropsical swellings, calculous
affections, hemorrhoids,scrofula, indigestion, rheumatism,
loss of appetite, exhaustion, general debility,
gravelly concretions, strictures, and a
variety of other diseases to which man is subject;
and it is freely acknowledged by all who have
been afflicted with any of the above diseases that
the free use of the Shannondale waters have effected
permanent cures.
Sulphur, mineral, hot and cold baths furnished
upon application at the bar.
The Hotel is large and commodious, the cottages
numerous and comfortable.
The table will be supplied with the best beef,
mountain and valloy mutton, together with all
the luxuries afforded in the fertile valley of Virginia.
The best wines, brandies, and other liquors can
always be had at the table or at the bar.
Proprietor of Sappington's Hotel, Charleatown,
Jnn- OA O&wlm t.<r,r.nn V.
I Pa. Avenue, between Oth anil 7th street*,
Washington, D. C.
> Jane 13?tf
COLERIDGE'S WORKS, vol. 6; Harper's edition.
Tbe English Humorists of the 18th century; a
series of lectures by W. M. Thackeray.
"The Old House by the River;" by the author
of "The Owl Creek Letters.''
American Polytechnic Journal for June.
Just received at the agency,
i June 28 Bookstore, near Ninth street.
liMimri r , a
Baltimore^cmd^iio RaHro^f^w^Mtil^e
to IVhtcHng, and connecting there with the .
large, new, and splendid Steamers of the 1
Union Line on the Ohio, and the Stages to |
Zanctville, fyc. \
THIS EXPEDITIOUS LINE being now tbo- i
roughly completed, by the late finishing of
the Great Board Tree Tunnel, and the road being |
in excellent order, the earnest attention of travel- |
lera is confidently directed to its superior advan- i
tagcs and low fares. The scenery upon this road ;
is of the most stupendous and attractive character.
The Express Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily ,
at 7 p. in., and runs directly through to Wheeling
(380 miles) in 18 or 19 hours, including all stop- i
pages, arriving there at 2 or 3 p. m. next day; or,
passengers leaving Baltimore at 8 a. m may lay
over for lodging in Cumberland, (179 miles,) and
proceed thence to Wheeling in the morning.
'IV. ...II. ih?j. I,. I ?? Ik. |?
Washington at 6 a. m. and 5 p. ui. daily, meeting
the cars froui Baltimore at the Washington
Junction, (better known as the Relay House,) 9
miles from Baltimore.
At Wheeling the seven unrivalled steamers of
the Union Line, which have just beeu completed
for this route, form a daily connexion with the cars,
and convey passengers down the Ohio to Cincinnati
and Louisville, where the stages for Nashville,
&c., or the St. Louis and New Orleans packets
may be taken by those going further on.
Passengers for Columbus (or who prefer the land
routo to Cincinnati) and other parts of Ohio and
the West may also proceed direct from Wheeling
in the Ohio Stage Company's excellent coaches
over the best part of the National Road to Zanesville,
&c., and thence by railroad.
Passengers for Weilsville and Cleveland by
steamboat and railroad will also find this a most
agreeable route, there being a regular and speedy
connexion at Wheeling to and from those places.
(rt-Baggage checked through from Washington
to Wheeling, and no chaige for transfer of passengers
or baggage.
Fare by through ticket (with the right to lie
over anywhere on the route) from Washington
to Wbeeiing #9.50; to Cincinnati #11; to Louisville
Tickets to be had of Mr. Parsons, Agent, at the
Railroad Station, Washington, and of the other
agents of the Company.
May 11 General Superintendent,
afifaM flataa iiMMaw i?f^rrn
Change of Hours.
On and after Monday, 14th of March, the passenger
trains will be run as follows:
L^ave Washington at 6 and 8 a. m., 3J and 5
p. m. On Sundays at 6 a. m. and 5 p. m.
Leave Baltimore at 4* and 9 a. m., 3} and 6.40
p. in. On Sundays at 4{ a. m. and 6| p. rn.
The first and fourth trains from Baltimore, and
iuo bcwuu auu luuua uuiu niuuiugiuu, will DC
Express Trains, stopping only at Annapolis and
Washington Junction stations.
The train leaving on Saturday evening goes no
farther than Philadelphia; the one of Sunday
morning only to Baltimore.
Through Tickets and Baggage Checks to Philadelphia
and New York, will be given by Trains
leavingatb a. m. and 5 p. m., except on 8unday
By order: T. H. PARSONS,
Mar 14 Agent.
The ships comprising this line are the following:
The ATLANTIC Capt. West.
The PACIFIC Capt. Nye.
The ARCTIC .....Capt. Luce.
The BALTIC ..Capt. Comstock.
The ADRIATIC Capt. Grafton.
pe THESE ships having been
1 I L" built by contractexpressly for
/f\ A Jjjg, Government service, every
care has been taken in their
^p|PR|gr construction, and in their engines,
to ensure strength and
ys/ISMAM\ speed; and their accommoda?eHH|
tions for passengers are unHKpl
equalled For elegance and
Price of passage from New
York to Liverpool in first cabin,
$120; in second cabin, $70. Exclusive use ot
extra size state-rooms, $300 From Liverpool to
New York, ?30 and ?20.
An experienced surgeon is attached to each ship.
No berths can be secured until paid for.
1853. 1853.
From New York. From Livervool.
Saturday, January 8. Wednesday, Jan'ry 12.
Saturday, January 22. Wednesday, Jan'ry 16.
Saturday, February 6. Wednesday, Feb'y 9.
Saturday, February 19. Wednesday, Feb'y 23.
Saturday, March 5. Wednesday, March 9.
Saturday, March 19. Wednesday, March 23.
Saturday, April 2. Wednesday, April 6.
Saturday, April 16. Wednesday, April 20.
Saturday, April 30. Wednesday, May 4.
Saturday, May 14. Wednesday, May 18.
Saturday, May 28. Wednesday, June 1.
Saturday, June 11. Wednesday, Junel5.
Saturday, June 26. Wednesday, June29.
Saturday, July 9. Wednesday, July 13.
Saturday, July 23. Wednesday, July 27.
Saturday, August 6. Wednesday, August 10.
Saturday, August 20. Wednesday, August 24.
Saturday,September3. Wednesday, 8ept'r 7.
Saturday, September 17. Wednesday, Sept'r 21.
Saturday, October 1. Wednesday, October6.
Saturday, October 15. Wednesday, October 19.
Saturday, October 29. Wednesday, Nov'r 2.
Saturday, November 12. Wednesday, Nov'r I?,
Saturday, November28. Wednesday, Jfov'r 30.
Saturday, Qecepnbpr 10. Wednesday, Dec'r 14.
Saturday, December 24. Wednesday, Pec'r28
For freight or passage apply to
No. 66 Wall street, New York:
13 King's Arms Yard, London.
26 Rue Notre Dame des Yictoirea, Paris.
GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre.
The owners of these ships will not be accountable
for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious
stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are
tigned therefor, and the value thereof expressed
therein. Jan 11
kr fy*j^a wnTICir nrn THU D,I nr I
Either of the steamer*?BALTImmmmmmrn
more, powhatan, or mt.
vernon?can Do chartered for excursions or
towing' during the summer season, by application
to Captain A. McCausiahd, on board tne Baltimore,
or Gxobgk Mattingly, south F street, between
41 and bth streets south.
June 22?2aw4wif Agent.
American Steel Pen Manufacturer,
Respectfully calls the attention of his
friends and patrons to his new Pen, called tbe
imitation QUILIj pen, whieh is unsurpassed
in flexibility and design, being the most perfect
imitation of the quill ever made. This, together
with his new Double Elastic Patent Spring, New
York Commercial, Original, Bank Pens, Jenny
Linds, Suavetor, and Extra Fine Point; also, bis
superior, accommodating, and plain Holders of all
patterns, ivory and cocoa Letter Stamps, can be
procured at his establishment, No. Uo William
street, New York.
As also by all the principal Stationers in this
city. Aug2S?ThJtSattf
ESPY L. ANDERSON, proprietor, respectfully
informs tbe public that this celebrated and
fashionable watering place will be opened on the
10th day of June for the reception ahd accommodation
of visitors.
Mr. Andbbson has the gratification of announcing
to the numerous patrons of the Serine's, and
the public, that the establishment will be placed
under the auperintendence of Mr. A. G. Allen,
late proprietor of the United Btatea Hotel, Pbila.
delphia, whose well known ability and widespread
reputation aflorda the fullest assurance of comfort
and enjoyment to all who may seek tbia retreat,
either tor health or pleasure.
Experienced servants and a fino band of music
have been engaged for the season,
June 9?3tawlm
phovomu pan mnonait.
Dupastmuwt or tub Imtssiob.
WAWia?Toi, June 21,1863.
IN CONIMtlllNOltf Un Informalities in the
proposals nmHM at Oils Department, pursuant
to tbe notk? of tbs lMi ultimo, and in ordsr
<o effect the object designed by the 17th section of
he act of Congress approved the 36th of August, {
1842, it becomes necessary to extend the time for
receiving proposals,.
Notice is therefore hereby given that sealed proposals
for furniahing the elationery which may be
required for the use of this Pepartmant ana its
everal bureaus, duriag tbe fiscal year ending tbe
JOtb June, 1864. will be receiyed at this Depart-'
ment until 3 o'clock p. in., op Saturday, the Itth
day of August next, when the bide will t>e opened
In presence of such of the bidders as may be present.
Those unaccompanied by satisfactory testimonials
of ability to fulfil a contract will not be
'J he bidder to whom tbe award may be made
will be required to enter into oontract within
thirty days after being notified of tbe acceptance
of hia offer.
All the or licitt mtut be of the very betl Quality,
sample* of which must accompany (he bio*, and
the Department reserve* the right (o retain aucb
ample* and pay for the same at the price* stated
in the offer, or to return tbem at it* option.
Each proposal must be signed by the individual
or firm making it, and must specify a' price, and
but one price, for each and every article named in
the schedule. Should articles be required not
eoumi rated, they are to be furnished at the lowest
market prices, according to quality. Blank forms
for proposals will be furnished at the Department
to persons applying for them; and as, without uniformity
therein, the Department would find it difficult
to make a decision, none will be taken into
consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith
All the articles to be.furnished and delivered
without delay when ordered, and to the satisfaction
of the bead of the office for which they are re
The Department reserves the right of ordering
a greater or less quantity of each and every article
contracted for, k? the public service may require.
Bonds, with approved security, to be given by
the person or persons contracting; and in case of
a failure to supply the articles, the contractor and
his sureties shall he liable for the forfeiture specified
in suoh bond as liquidated damages.
The subjoined list specifies, as nearly as now can
be done, the quantity and description of the arti
cles that will be wanted:
Writing paper, made of linen, laid or wove,
white or blue?
16 reams folio pqst, satin or plain finish, faint
lined, and trimmed, to weigh not less than
17 pounds per ream
50 reams foolscap, band made, faint lined, and
trimmed, to weigh not less than 12 pounds
per ream
10 reams foolscap, plainTuachine, faint lined,
and trimmed, to weigh not less than 12
pounds per ream
10 reams foolscap, blue laid, hand made, faint
lined, garden pattern, commonly known
as despatch or consular paper, to weigh
not less than 16 pounds per ream
160 reams quarto post, band made, plain, faint
lined three sides, per ream
126 reams quarto post, machine, plain, faint
lined three sides, per ream
6 reams quarto post, hand made, plain, faint
lined lour sides, per ream
6 reams quarto post French, faint lined three
sides, per ream
15 do note paper, gilt, per ream large sise
6 do do plain do do do
10 do do gilt do do Bmall size
5 do do plain do do do
3 do royal paper, for books
do medium paper, for books
40 do copying do do
120 do envelope paper, yellow oir buff, royal
per ream
60 do envelope paper, flat cap, white or blue
per ream
10 do large brown envelope do
20 do blotting paper, royal do
26 dozen patent blotting paper
20 sheets drawing paper, antiquarian per sheet
25 do do doable elephant do
50 do do elephant do
-60 do tracing paper, largest sise French do
24 do drawing paper, royal do
5,000 binder's boards, 6| by 10J inches per 1,000
460 dozen cards Perry's best metallic pens
per dozen cards
260 do cards of all other manufacture in use
ner dozen rarda
40 gross metallic pens ' per gross
15,000 quills, No. 80 per 1,000
10 dozen ever-pointed pencils, silver per do?en
10 do do silver desk pencils, with
rosewood handles per dosen
40 gross of leads for ever-pointed pencils, assorted
aisea per gross
75 dozen Con tee's best black lead pencils, graduated
100 do Monroe's or other manufactured pencils,
10 do red lead-pencils per dozen
3 do drawing pencils, assorted
20 do folders, ivory, 9 inch do
600 do red linen tape, assorted do
60 do silk taste, assorted colors and Widths,
in hanks per dozen
2 do poonce boxes, of ivory do
10 do do do cocoa do
20 do paper weights, assorted do
1 do quarto portfolios, with locks do
1 do cap portfolios, with locks do
1 do ao do without lock
5 do best gold pens, with silver cases dp
12 do sand boxes of cocoa do
10 do do tin do
15 do wafer stands or boxes, cocoa do
25 do erasers, Rodgere & Son's, ivory handles,
per dozen, gfedoine
30 do penknives, Rodgere It Son's, four
blades, buckhorn bandies,per dozen,
10 do penknives, Abbott's, American, four
blades, buckhorn handles, per dozen,
5 do desk kniveB. Rodsrera & Nnn*ii. one
blade, ivory handle, per dozen, genuine
6 do wafer stamps,ivory handles, per dozen
6 do wafer stamps, lignutnvitte bandies,
per dozen
4 do office shears, 11 inches, per dozen
4 do office scissors, per dozen
12 do inkstands, cut glass, recently invented
fountain, movable tops, per dozen
4 do inkstands, cast iron, large, double
2 do do do do single
4 do French pump China inkstands
15 gallons ink.blaok, Maynard & Noyes's, per
600 bottles ink, black, Maynard & Noyes's, in
bottles, per quart
10 quarts ink, red, per quart
75 bottles of ink, black, Cooper & Phillips's,
or equal, per quart bottle
30 bottles ink, blue, Stephen's per quart bottle
300 do ink, red, Arnold's,or equal,in {-pint
bottles, per bottle
120 do carmine ink, small size, French or
equal v
600 do ink, copying, Terry's, in ] pint
bottles, per bottle
80,000 wafers, large red, for office seals, per 1,000
100 pounds wafers, common size, red, per pound
160 do sealing wax, best extra superfine,
scarlet do
60 do sealing wax, superfine do
16 do do black do
40 do India rubber, prepared . do
6 do do unprepared do
300 quarts black sand per quart
160 ounces pounce ner ounce
1 dozen India ink. best per dozen
2 do camel's hair pencils, assorted
2 do sable pencils, assorted do
1 do Osborn'p best water colors
per dozen cakes
400 pounds twine, linen per pound
100 do twine, cotton do
60,000 pocket envelopes, of white or yellow
paper, of the following
sizes, vis. 8} by 3j inches per 100
30,000 pocket envelopes, letter size
6 dozen rulers, mahogany, round
or flat per dozen
2 do lignumvitse, round do
8 do elastic penholders, Alden's do
1 do tortoise shell do
6 pounds sponge, best per pound
10 do gum arable, beet do
- - ?
1,000 white card wnlopM, pMt per 100
6,000 swiaHetee ?hU; note adbootveauvei
open do
5,000 large alee While aote adheeive envoi opea
5,000 letter sine adhesive envelopes do
June 35~aawtl|tbTng
o?wci ? eeiBuroRDUfli,
brtsta ItfMt, WMr iteHltet OgM tepwt.
ALL PER8ON8 having bueinese in Waeblagton
are informed that the ondemtgbed bee retabUsbed
for the purpose of giving any informestem desired
In relation to every possible and proper subject of
inquiry by persons in any part of the world. Tboee
wishing to know bow to proceed in any business
tbey may have before Congress, in the public
offices, he., will be discreetly advised; and when
professional or other aid may be necessary, the
best wili be procured or recommended.
?> -as 1 **
a n? uuuvm^uwi win vwgcru ail iDKriOfl COttl*
muoicmted to him in connexion with tbii office as
sacredly confidential.
Every letter of inquiry must be poitpaid and
contain a fee of ONE DOLLAR, wbicb will generally
be the only remuneration required; but ebould
it not compeneate for tbe service to be rendered,
the proper mount will be stated iu a satisfactory
letter in reply.
Address (postage prepaid)
Office of Correspondence, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Thomas C. Connot.LT is known to us as a
worthy citisen, a gentleman of intelligence, and
a clear, accurate, and ready writer; and we regard
him as eminently qualified for the able,
prompt, and faithful performance of the useful duties
connected with his new and original design of
an Offlei of Corrtiptndenee.
[U. S. Marshal for the Dist. of Colombia.]
[Late Mayor of Washington.]
[Of the "National Intelligencer."]
[United States Senate.]
May 13?dtf [Mayor of Washington.]
To be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, in the
month of JiHy, 1863.
Lottery for the benefit of the
Class 163, for 1853.
To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday,
juiyio, loos.
78 Number Lottery?13 Drawn Ballots.
1 prize of......... $40,000
1 do 20,000
1 do 10,000
1 do 10,000
1 do 7.000
1 do 4.300
50 prizes of 1,000
50 do 600
50 do 400
130 do 200
Ac. Ac. &c.
Tickets $10?Halves $6?Quarters $2 60.
Certificatesofpackagesof 26 whole tickets $140 00
Do do of 26 half do 70 00
Do do Of 26 Quarter do 35 00
Lottery for the benefit of the
Glass O, for 1863,
Drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday,
July 23, 1863.
75 Number Lottery?12 Drawn Ballots.
1 splendid capital ol $65,000
1 splendid prize of.. 30,000
1 do .' 20,000
1 do 15,000
1 do 12,000
1 prize of 8,000
1 do 7,000
1 do 6,000
1 do 3,940
60 prizes of. 2,000
50 do 1,000
111 do 600
&c. Ac. Ac.
Whole tickets $20?Halves $10?Quarters $5?
Eighths $2 50.
Certificates of package 26 whole tickets.. $270 00
Do do 25 half... 135 00
Do do 25 quarters 67 50
Do do 25 eighths 33" 75
Lottery for the benefit of the
Class 174, for 1853. j
To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, l
July 30, 1863.
14 drawn numbers out of 78.
1 priae of $37,000
1 do 16,000
I do ... .. 10,000
1 do 7,000
1 do 6,000
1 do 4,000
1 do 3,000
30 prises of. 1,000
30 do 600
40 do 300
267 do 200
tee. &c. &c.
Tickets $10?Halves $6?Quarters $250?
Certificates of packages of 26 wholotick's $130 00
Do do of 26 half do 66 00
Do do ot 26 quarter do 32 60
Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates
of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will
receive the most prompt attention, and an account
of each drawing will be sent immediately
after it is over to all who order from me.
Address P. J. BUCKEY, Agent,
June 22 Wilmington, Delaware,
of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea,
incipient obolera?in short, in all cases of prostration
of the digestive functions it is of inestimable
value. During tbe prevalence of epidemic cholera
and summer complaints of children it is
peculiarly efficacious. No family, individual, or
traveller should be without it, as it enables the system
to resist the influence of incipient disease
which lurk in a changing climate.
Caution.?Be sure to get tbe genuine essence,
which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his
Drug and Chemical Start, N. E. corner of F\flh
and Cheitnut ttrttU, Philadelphia, and for sale by
all the reepectable apothecaries in the United i
And in Washington City, D.C., by Patterson &
Nairn, Z. D. Oilman; and in Alexandria, by J. R.
Pierpont. June 27?W&S3m
Hanover Street, Boston.
Rebuilt, Enlarged, and Elegantly Furnithed.
Possessing all the modern improvements and
conveniences for the accommodation of the travelling
Boston, November 16, 1662. Dec 10?ly
AIDE?Msinoire des Officiers du Genie, par J. j
Laisnd. Ancien Capitaine du Genie. Tro
isi?me edition, 1863.
Cours de Cosmographie on Elements d'Aatronomie,
par Charles Briet, 1863. ;
Lee Mouvements des Corps Cdtestes.
Traits Etementaire du ieu des Echecs. oar In
Cte. de Basterot. I
Hiatoire de la Monarchic en Europe depuia Sour- I
rigne juequ'a not joura, par M. Francis Lacombe. fl
vol. 1, 1863. I
Hiatoire dea Revolutions de l'Empire d'Autriclie I
Annies, 1848 et 1849, par Alphonae Ballejrdier. 2 9
rola., 1853. 1
Lea Ennemia de Voltaire, par M. Charlci Ni
sard; 18E3. I
Hiatoire dea Luttea et Rlvalitla Politiquea entro
lea pniaaancea Maritime* et la France, durant In
second Mottil do XVII Steele, par le Baron Sir
ttma de Orooeatina; 4 vola. I
J. Bod in et Son Tcmpe. Tableau dea Theories H
Politique# et dea Idles fcconomiques au Seistemo
Si dele, par Henri Baudrillart; 1863. I
Imported from Pari* by