Newspaper Page Text
BEST WAY Stock Stand DriviDg Better Shipping The manager of the Pacific Cold Storage Company, of Tacoma, which company this year will seod 3,500 head of cattle over the new road to Dawson, stated that animals taken In this way weighed heavier than when transported by steamer down the Yukon river, says the Victoria Colonist., The distance by the road is about 330 miles and the time occupied will be about twenty davs, but it is calculated that the animals will arrive in better condition, and the less cost In getting them to Iiawson will enable the beef to be retailed at a much lower price than formerly. INLAND WEATHER The condition of the weather in the Interior today, as indicated by the dispatches received at the Skagwa; offices of the W. P. & Y. R., U a* follows: Stewart ? Clear, calm, 32 above. Yukon Crossing ? Cloudy, south wind, 3f above. Selkirk ? Cloudy, calm, 40 above. Big Salmon? Cloudy, calm, 45 above. Hootalinqua? Cloudy, calm, 45 above. Lower La Darge? C'ear, south wind, 40 above Atlin ? Cloudy, south wind, 34 above. Dawson ? Clear, north wind, 40 above Fortymile ? Cloudy, calm, 35 above. Kagle? Cloudy, calm, 26 above. Glacier? Cloudy, calm, 3H above. White Pass ? Snowing, south wind, S3 above. Fraser ? Snowing, south wind, 33 above. Log Cabin ? Cloudy, strong south wind 34 above. Bennett- Cloudy, south wind, 36 above. Pennington? Cloudy, south wind, 35 above. Caribou ? Cloudy, calm, 40 above. Cowley? Cloudy, south wind, 40 above Whitehorse? Clear, south wind, 50 above. Hud Warm Cut|al(a The city election at Nome took place April 5. That it was preceded by a warm can p- ^n is attested by the fact that folhical ineei ings wero being held wh >n the l ist papers left that camp. February 10. Iaf ?? m . tioa Wm' ??<! Information is wanted as t ? the whereabout* of Augustus C. Reed, formerly of Smith Center, Kansas, which place he left for Ala-ka ir He was last heard from in San Fran cisco :n ".hat year. Reed was an ex pert miner and niinerolo?'isf. is about 40 Tears of age, was in perfect health and had no bad habits. He was six feet tall, fair complexion, light brywn hair, blue eyes, slow of speech and deliber ate in conversation. He has a sister living in Smith Center, Kansas. Reed has recently fallen heir to an estate, and it is desired to hear from him if he is living and to get evidence of the fact if he is dead. Address communications to H. H. Reed, Smith Center, Kansas. 1 w ) r..k M.?t The Frye-Bruhn -Co. keep all kinds of fresh meat constantly on hand. If The Totem serves the best free lunch in town. All the delicacies of the season at the Pack Train Restaurant. The best that the market affords at the Pack Train Restaurant. FarllUat For Rent Cheap? Two "elegant fur nished cottages, within two blocks of schoolhouse. Injuireat the Skagway Laundry. 10-11-t ( Do Yoa Wast Ll f? Iaaaraaea? Do you want life insurance in the best company in the wor'd? I repre sent the New York Life Insurance Company, and want your application. Harry Wiles, 4-6-2 w Agent. C'layson Jt Co. carry the largest stock of overcoats in town. Fine free lunch at the Totem all day and night. Stetson hats at Clayson's. Barley's Views at your own price at the Skagway News Company. Oyster cocktails, Olympiaor^Eastern, at the Pack Train restaurant. A naw line of wall paper just re ceived on steamer Faralloo by E. R, Peoples. MAN LOST Martiu Brub.iker Wanted to Claim Ohio Estato Martin Brubaker, who is supposed to be in Alaska or Northwestern Canada, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, has be come the owner of an estate at his old home, and he is wanted to claim it, or if he is not alive, evidence of his death is wanted so that it might be prwperly distributed. Bntbaker is described by Edaon B. Bouder, an attorney, 23ti Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio, as a man of ex ociient character, good courage, bright and intelligent, and well thought of by all who knew him. He left Cleveland about three years ago. AT NOME Latest News From Northern C mp Favorable It Is too early as yet to do any es timating on the winter output of gold at Nome, according to the latest ad vices from that camp, but from the vast amount of work that was being done in February and the size of the dump* which were being taken out then, it should be larger than last winter, when the amount reached >1,000,000 There has not been sufficient snowfall so far this winter to wash up any but a very small part of the dumps. There was not on February 1 1 ten in ches of snow on the level, and the foot hills in and about Anv<l and Dexter were bare of snow in many places. The mine operators were hoping for a heavy snowfall during that month and in March, but an early spring was predicted. Maujr At SoeUl The social given by the the Y oung Peoplo'a Society of Christian Kndea vor at the residence of Mrs. F. J. de Gruyter last night was attended by about 50 of the young people and their friends. The feature of the evening was the steropticon exhibition given by C. L. Andrews. The audience was also entertained with selections from ft graphaphone and by ganies in which all participated. A delicious luncheon was served. Tki "Way of th ? Croa" At St. Saviour's church this evening, at 8 o'clock, there will be given a ser ies of stereopticon pictures illustrating the "Way of the Cross," with brief ad dresses and special music There will be no charge for admission. All are cordially invited. The topic of the ad dress tomorrow night will be "Chris tian Citizenship." For Sale Choice flower plants for bedding out, at the Westside Greenhouse. 4 13 tf Wm. H. Joy, Prop. Home work, either sex, mailing cir culars, $12 per week; send dime and 2c for business formula. Prof E. Melvin, San Jose, Cal. Writ? Se well Drug and Curio Store, Haines, Alaska, for Alaska native made moccasins, baskets and all kinds of Yu kon and Arctic curios, nugget jewelry and souvenir goods. Strictly wholesale prices, any quantity. Hake a Note of it ! That the Great Northern Railway Runs two trains from Seattle every day connecting at St. Paul and Minneapolis with all Fast Trains for Chicago, St. Louis and all points east and south. Short Route Fast Trains New Equipment S. G. Yerkes, G. W. P. A. C. W. Meldrum, City Pass. Agt. 612 First Avenue, Seattle "TOO MANY COOKS" [Original.] , "Jenkins," said Mr. Steele of Steele & Co., bankers, of Philadelphia, "a cus tomer of the name of Hall ? John V. Hall? arrives In New York from the west tomorrow and wishes to make a tender of cash In a deal In which he prefer* not to offer a check. Here Is $8,000 In hundred dollar notes. Count them. Now place the notes, without folding, In this envelope. That's right. The safest place Is In the Inner side pocket of your coat There's no other place about you where you can keep them so well under touch. It looks a little bulky over your left chest, but most men carry a handkerchief there. Here Is a photograph he has sent me, taken in the suit he will wear." I took the photograph, which was that of a tall, spare man, with mutton chop whiskers, dressed In a pepper and salt suit. "It's all right," continued Mr. Steele. "1 know him, and It's I who advised him to make the tender In legal cur rency. We have been In correspond ence about It for some time. He Is a real estate operator, having one of the largest real estate offices in Chicago." "Where am I to meet him?" "At the Grand Central depot. In New York, on the arrival of the Chicago limited tomorrow morning." When I reached the station 1 had eaten a hearty meal, and. being an in veterate smoker, I took a scat in tho smoking car. Three men sitting In the seat in front of me needed a fourth man to make up a game of whist. I conxented to help them out provided there was no stake. They agreed, and I sat dowu and played with them. During the game I caught one of the men looking at the protuberance on my chest. When we tired of playing and I went into another car he followed me, endeavoring to draw me into conversa tion. He asked me where I was going, what hotel I Intended stopping at and a number of other questious. I admit ted that I was going to New York; but, not relishing his Interest In me. I threw blm off as to the hotel. I supposed 1 had thrown him off in this respect, but I did not. for when I went to the office of a hotel near the Grand Central de pot and put my name on the register the next man to sign was my Inter ested friend. "Hello! You here?" he exclaimed, with appareut surprise. "I supposed you were going to the R." "Chauged my mind," 1 said. The fellow invited me to have a drink before going to bed. but I de clined on the ground that I never drank and was too tired to sit up a minute longer than was necessary. With this I went upstairs, but instead of undressing I sat in my room for an hour, then took my package down to the office and had It placed in the safe. Then, procuring uu envelope, I took It to my room and tilled it with a part of a newspa|>er. I was interested to know if my dummy package would be In my room the next morning. I felt a strong suspicion that It would not. In this I was mistaken. 1 breakfasted the next morning with the dummy package In my coat pocket My interested friend came In, sat down at a neighboring table and saluted me with a flourish of his hand. I had by this time made ud my mind that he Knew I nad ii sum or money In ehflrge, but how be could have gut tbe informa tion was a mystery. I determined to meet Mr. Hall In tbe depot, whlcb was arrows tbe street, bring blm fb tbe liotel and deliver the money from tbe safe. After that, though I should warn him. It would be at bis risk. Ten minutes before the time for the arrival of the Chicago limited I step ped across to tbe station and waited for an official to call tbe incoming train. When be did so, and tbe pas sengers poured forth, a man answer ing to Mr. Hall's photograph came along, and I accosted him. "From Steele & Co. 7" he asked. "Yes." "Well, this is no place to transfer money. Follow me." I followed blm to the street, where he entered a carriage and bade me fol low blm. As we drove away I saw my Interested friend standing on the side walk looking at us. I looked up at Mr. Hall and saw that be was looking at my interested friend. Then Mr. Hall called to the driver to stop, and our "mutual friend' got Into the carriage. "What's wrong?" snapped the latter. "They're on to me. What luck?" "None. He dropped It Into the hotel safe." "Has he got It now?" "Don't know. I think he has." Mr. Hall turned to me, and, whipping out a revolver at the same time, be sjild, "Shell out.1" Feigning fright. I unbuttoned my coat. to.>k out the dummy envelope and handed it to blm. "C!it!" bo said, opening tbe carriage door. I obeyed with alacrity, the door dosed with a bang, and the driver lashed his horses down tbe street as though the devil or the cops were aft ir him. Meanwhile the rogues were doubtless bugging an envelope contain ing a piece of newspaper. Mr. Hall was the real Mr. Hall's con fidential clerk, who, knowing of hi? chiefs Intention, had sent a letter slat ing that he would come on an earlier train than was Intended. My interested friend was a confed crate whom It was Intended shcpld, If possible, secure the money before tlio other's arrival. Both were novices and had not learned tjie adage. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." When the real Mr. Hall arrived after considerable telegraphing to Chicago he reevlved his package from the safe of tho hotal. I -got a big advance In salary and have been going up cvet Since. CUTHBERT F. ROE. Just Opened THE Railroad Restaurant 1 Will Now Serve You With The Best Meal In Town Y'our Patronage is Solicited WILLIAMS & PETERSON Next to P. C. S. S. Co. Office VWWVtkWWWV ll I NEW FURS f Men's Fur Coats From $7.00 to $100,00 | Fur Robes, 7x8, 161b. coyote - 20.00 20 doz. Ordinary Fur Caps, cheap G-enuine Seal Caps, $7.00 Ladies Fur Coats from $20- 00 to $90.00 Fur Collarettes and Boas at Cost jS Highest Price Paid For Raw Fur | C. R. Winter, Broadway, Between 3d and 4th Skagway, Alaska WAVAVAVAVW.VA'/.'.VSJi Billiard Parlor Reading and Writing Roon SPACIOOS CLUB ROOM The Board of Trade LEE GUTHRIE Proprietor Largest and Beit Appointed P.escrt for Gentlemen In the North i The Idaho Liquor House CXJRNER THIRD AND BROADWAY, The Pioneer Famlljf Liquor Store of Skagway ESTABLISHED 1897 Direct Importers of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOARS AGENTS FOR LEMFS and SKAGWAY BREWERY'S BOTTLED BEER Privaw Rooms For Families Special Attention to Oiders fcr Family Ote. Telephone 59 ?@XsXsXsXsXsXsXisX: XSWaXsXsXsXsXSsXsau^^ ?Y.*Wix.WW*WWSX?WSJ^ 1 Canadian Paeifie Hy. Co. Direot Service, No Intermediate j Call, to Vancouver Victoria Transferring to Seattiej No Extra Charge IDri APRIL, 14, 23 Sailing at 6 p.m. 5 For Speed, Comfort, Service and : Appointment These Twin Screw ; Steamers Cannot be Equaled. For a. Information Write or Apply to i H B.DUNN , Aft., SKAGWAY @ ? as&sx, sxsexsw^^ JUNEAU S. S. CO'S.I STEAM EH GEORGIA Carrying U. 8. Mall Leaves Skagwav at 8 a. m. Thursday, April 21 For Haines, Juneau, Hoonah Springs and Sitka J. F. FAIRBANKS, Agent ' 216 Broadway, Phone 90 THE DOMINION HOTEL | Miners Headquarters Next t'ostoffice, Whitehorse, Y. T. | Table Set Family Style Meals and Beds 50c each, Single Rooms, (1 00. Finp two story log barn with stove and j Water. Accommodations for 20 head j of horses. Log barn for dogs. Horses Bought, Sold and Blred, Wood for Sale to Order W.J. GIBBONS, Prop. Postotlice Box No. 26. Avwv\m\?NUMmsvm? ROYAL ?Steam Laundry* All Work Guaranteed. Short Orders Promptly Done. PHONE Messenger Will Call and Delivei Baths In Connection Private Rooms for Ladies. STEAM HEATED. Delmonico Restaurant Bozman & Lin, Props. Open Day and Night All the Delicacies of the Sea ? ' HEALS, 25 CTS. Sixth Ave. Near Broadway Pacific Coast S.S. to PIONEER ALASKA LINE. SPEED, SAFETY. COMFORT Seattle, Puget Sound, Sac Franciiteo and Southern Porti CARRYING D. S. MAIL City of Seattle, - April 20 HUMBOLDT. - April 25 Direct to Seattle COTTAGE CITY ? - - May 2 Sails Via Sitka Aboye Schedule Subjeot to change Without Notice. L M. WEST, Agent PHONE 60. C. D. DUNANN, Gen- Pass. Agt 10 Market Street, San FranclBco, Cal. The Alaska Steamship Co. Carrying U. S. Mail and Alaska Pacific Express Next Sailing of the Fast Passenger Steamer DOLPHIN, April 19 The Dolphin maintains a schedule of 75 hours between Skagway and Seattle FARALLON. About Aoril 25 DIRIGO, About Mav 5 Transfers to Victoria and Vancouver Without Additional Charge A. S. DAUTKICK, Agent. Phone 66 The WhitePassds Yukon Route TIME TABLE No. 13 (Dally Except Sunday.) No. 3. N. B No. 1. N. B. No. 2. S. Bound No. 4. S E 2nd class. 1st class. 1st class 2nd clase 8 30 p. m. 9 30 a m. LV. SKAGUAY AR. 4 30p. m. AR. 4 15 a. a. 10 30 " " WHlTE PASS 3 00 " " 210 " 11 40 a. m. 11 45 ? ? LOG CABIN 2 10 ? " 1 00 " 1220 12 35 f P;'m " BENNETT " { 1? J P m " 12 20 p.m. 2 45 " 2 10 " " CARIBOU " 11 50a.m '? 10 20 " 6 40 " 4 30 " AR White Korse LV 9 30 " LV, " 7 00 " Passengers must be at depots in time to have Faggage Inspected and checked. Inspection is stopped 30 minutes before leaving time of train. 150 pounds of baggage will be checked free with each full fare ticke and 75 pounds with each half fare ticket. Raw Furs.... WE PAY High Prices for fine Furs Write For Price List Percey's Fur House Oshkosb, Wisconsin Proposals tor Public Building*: Constructing Quartermaster's Office, Kort William H. Sew ard, Haloes, Alask.% April IS. lllOI. Sealed pro- ) pom Is lu tripllcUe will be received here until 2 0 clock p. m. Thursday, May S, !904 . and then opened, for the construction, Including plumb ing. heating, gaspiplng.snd gymnastic appar atus. ol a Post Exchange and Gymnasium Building combined, at Fort William H. Seward, Haines Mission, Alaska. Plans and ppeclllca tlons of the work may be examined aud copies of general instructions to bidders with blank forms for submitting proposals obtained at this office, and Quartermaster's offlcc, Seattle, Washington. Any lurther Inlorma 1 tlon will be furnished upon application. Right I l? reserved to reject any or all proposals or pai ts thereof. Envelopes should be eodorsed ??Pro posals for Public Buildings, Fort William H. Seward, Alaska,' and addressed to Captain W. P. Richardson, Constructing Quartermaster Haines, Alaska. = Patronize ^ Home = Industry? If Not You Should Do So By Our Bottled Beer Only $2.00 Per Dozen 25c Rebate on Bottles Drinking Skagway Beer ' Phone Brewery. 49. Residence, 38 While Pass k Yukon Rome THROUGH LINE FROM Skagway to Atlin. Whitehorse, Big Salmon. Dawson and Yukon all River Points The New Mining Camps In the ALSEK and BULLION Creek Dis tricts Are Reached Only Via Whitehorse Navigation on the Yukon River, Whitehorse to Dawson, shiuld open the first week in June. Daily connection with trains will then be made at WHITEHORSE by RIVER STEAMBOATS, for all Yukon River points, including MENDENHALL LANDING,? the nearest steamboat landing to the NEW GOLD FIELDS. These steamboats are operated by the WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE and are equipped with all ti.o lurn conveniences, Including steam heat, electric light and such other features as afford not only safety but comfort to passengers. Finely Appointed Trains Daily, Except Sunday. Between Skagway and Whitehorse Carry Passengers, Baggage, Mail and Express Baggage Bonded Through. Direct Telegraphic Service to all Points in Canada and the United States For Information relative to Passenger Freight and Telegraph rate*, apply to any agent of the com pan v, or to M. J. B. WHITE, G.F. & P. A Vancouver, B. C. A.B. NEWELL. V. P. AG. M. Vancouver, B. 0. and Skaguay, Alaska R. D. PINNEO, Awt. G. F. & P A. Skaguay, Alaska