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The daily Alaskan. [volume] (Skagway, Alaska) 1904-1924, April 21, 1904, Image 4

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014189/1904-04-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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Thus?* Are CoiniO? North in ,
The peopl* of Juneau are complain
ing that thugs ami all round hartl char
acters in great nuiubersare arriving at i
that place on the steamers that are ar->
riving from the south. It is believed
that they arc a part of the gang that is
being driven out of Seattle by Chief
Delanev and the rejuveuated police
force of that city.
The great list of second-class passen
gers that are arriving on each boat
that comes into Skagwav has caused
many to believe that this city is not
being overlooked by the crooks in their
trek from Seattle.
S^Speakingof the situation at'Juneau,
the llecord-Miner savs:
"There was landed here off the Port- 1
land, last eight, about a dozeu hard
looking creatures that will deserve
close watching. It wou'd be well for
every householder to be on his guard.
Now that we have had shooting
scrapes, suicides uud throat cutting, it
follows that burglaries are sure to fol
low. Seattle has determined that
these thugs should not remain there
and they are scattering in all direc- ;
tions. Juneau is getting her share. A
good gun close at haud these night*
will do much toward stopping the dep- j
redations of these thieves and cut
The peace officers of Skagwav have
been watching the situation closely,
and are daily notifying suspicious char
acters to get a jo; or move on quickly, i
For the 24 hours preceding 0 o'clock
a. m., April 21, 1904:
Highest temperature. "H) above.
Lowest temperature, 37 above.
H. D. Clark,
C. S. Voluntary Observer.
Free Concert Dally
A free concert is given at the Mascot
saloon every afternoon anil evening.
All the latest songs and airs. It is
worth hearing.
If Yon Lot e You* Wife
If you love your wife or your sweet-'
heart, buy her candy at the
I'aiace of Sweets,
Fourth Aveuue and 1 1 road way.
Fur coats at Clavson's.
Ice cream, water ices and sherbets of
any kind and quantity, deliver.-*! to any
part of the city, by the lioss Hakery.
Fine porcela tubs at Principal bar
bershop, opposite Hoard of Trade.
Heavyweight utters at Cayson &
J. P. Comisky May Serve
Time in Jail
J. P. Comisky, who caused an inter
national excitement by pretending to po
ssess knowledge of thejdestructlon by
the Canadian police of the Russian
boundary monuments on the Dalton
trail, may be serving time in the Skag
way jail within another week. Deputy
Marshal Snook left Skagway on the
City of Seattle for Uoonab, where it is
said Comisky is now residing with the
Indians, for the purpose of placing him
under arrest.
Coiuisky has been a fugative from
justice for more than two years. He
was arrested here charged with selling
liquor to Indians, and released on his
own recognizance. At the trial, his
attorney appeared for him, and he was
convicted and lined $200. He has never
shown up, anil the tine remains unliqui
?lka? Meeting
There will be a meeting of Skagway
Loilge No. 431, Benevolent and Protec
tive Order of Klks, at their hall, Thurs
day, April 21, at 8 p. m.
There will be initiation
All visiting Klks are invited to at
tend. E. A. Murphy, Sec'y.
Ladiu' Auxiliary Tomorrow
The ladies' world's fair auxiliary will
meet at the council chamber tomorrow
afternoon at 3:i!0 o'clock.
The tirst shipment of exhibits for the
world's fair has been made, and more
shipments will follow in a few days.
GmllaliaB Coming to Night
Private W. A. G*llahan. charged ;
with forgery, is on the train and will
arrive at Skagway this evening. He I
is in charge of Lieut. C. P. Bennett.
Thou Endeth The CkkfUr
The last heard of the bill providing .
for a delegate in congress from Alaska f
was to the effect that it had been
?'finally laid aside" by the house.? Ket
chikan Journal.
Ten Dollars Reward
The Daily Alaskan will pay a reward
of *10 for evidence that will lead to tha
conviction of any one for stealing copies
of the paper from the premises of any
of its subscribers.
FisomIi W tubed
Take your flannels to Mrs Zarelli, to
be washed. Best of work guaranteed.
Fifth avenue, near Daily Alaskan of
ffice. 3-2k-t
Get your ice cream for Sunday dinner 1
at the Boss Bakery. 4 2 tf
LOOKS good;
Skagway Boilion Owners Get fl
Favorable News I \
Anthony Graves has received a letter
from Fred A. Ilarliiran, who says that
good pay has been found on rim rock on
claims 6", 88 and 69 above discovery on
Bullion creek. The actual pay was 7|
cents to the pan.
Mr. Hartigan is still enthusiastic
over the prospect for that creek, and
those of Skagway who are interested In
the claims mentioned are much encour
aged by the news they received
Having purchased all the wood re- ,
cently owned by Malcolm Mcl>aren, I
desire anyone wlio may have any claim
against it for labor or otherwise, to
present the same to me not later than
10 days from date. (
II. rman Karthel.
Skagway, April1.', l'J04.
Skaffwny Loundry
For first-cliLss work try Skagway
Laundry. Twenty-two yeras' expert- 1 ,
ence. Telephone 89. tf. I
Good music at the Totem every day. |
Carpat Clroutng
Experienced man, dusts and lays car
pets. Process to scrub carpet with ut
removing from lloor. House cleuuing
in general. Residence, Fourteenth and
Broadway. 4 16 tf
HI* Standard of Mrnaurr nirut. |
"I thought you claimed this was a ]
good restauraut," he grumbled as they
passed from the room of the big dry |
goods store.
"Well, Isn't ltr
"Bah! I know of a place over on ?
Madison street where you can get three j
times as much as we're hail for n quar- j '
ter."? Chicago Itecord-Herald. ]
Not a Bit AccuuiuiodntlnK.
??Meanest folks ! ever saw In the
clt.v," growled the man from the way
back district. "Why, when you find a
feller golu' right your way with one o'
them big cars he won't give you a lift
Without chargin' you a nickel for it."? j
Theory and Practice.
Professor of Rhetoric ? Here is an
Item of news I would like In the pa j
Per. -I
City Editor (to office boy)? Here, Ben
ale. rewrite {his. Klx It up to print.?
Cleveland Leader. s
Where She Failed. t
Maybell? Cnn you keep a secret?
Klliabeth? Yes, easily. But 1 can't
h?lp any one else kwp ono.? Judge.
? t
Ice Gream Parlors open at Boss Bak
ery. 42 tf a
Best of wines liquors anil cigars at '
the Totem.
H. L. Johnson, the popular customs
ifflcial and chief of the Skagway fire
lepartment, returned on the City of
Seattle from a two weeks' visit to Port
and, Oregon.
J. E Barragar will arrive on the
rain tonight. It is understood that he
somes on business in connection with
.he Elks.
Dr. C. A. McDiarmid, the govern
ment physician at Atlln, left for the
touth on the city of Seattle.
J. E. Sheridan, the wholesale liquor
representative, went south on the City
if Seattle.
Chai !es Cartwright has gone to Res
urrection bay. He will cast his lot
with the new city of Seward.
R. C. Smith, of the Pack Train saloon,
left on the City of Seattle last night for
Dr L S. Keller went to Haines on
the Georgia this morning.
R. W. Jennings w.nt to Juneau on
the Georgia this morning.
Th ? Same Ml. take Is Mad* By Many
Alack* Poop la
It's a common error
To plaster the aching back,
To rub with liniment rheumatic
When the trouble comes from the
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney
C. A. Gilson, switchman in the R. R.
yards, of 1215 Jacksbn street, Red Bluff,
2al., says: "For six months I knew
my kidneys were in some way upset,
probably weakened from the contrac
tion of a cold which settled across the
oins or perhaps excited from overexer
tion. Be that as it may, when my back
ffas aching I asked Mrs. Gilson to go to
:he drug store one day for Doan's Kid
ley Pills and I took a course of the
.reatment. It stopped the backache.
Up to date there has not been a sym
om of a recurrence, thus proving to
lie conclusively that Doan's Kidney
fills act as represented."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
sen ts -per box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V.,
lole agents for the U. S. Kemember
he name. Doan's, and take no substi
Oat Spring Snlta
A large assortment of the latest patt
erns in men's suitings have been rp
leived at the store of F. Wolland, Fifth
ivenue and State street.
Spring chicken and Eastern oysters
,t the Pack Train restaurant.
.With Some of Our New.
A Splendid Assortment ot These G-oods Just Recived,
Lace Curtains, all styles, 75c to $10
Portiers from $2.50 to $12.00 a pair
Couch Covers from $2.50 to $10 each
Also Some New Rugs and Art Squares
Fire and Li*e
Real Estate
Financial Agent
Notary Public
Phil Abrahamsl
Office Hours: From 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to |
4 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Office in Old City Hall
Three Doors East of BritU' Pharmacy J
Sash, Doors, Moulding & Shingles
The Reputation of the Manut acturer Is a Guaranty of V alue- The Different Lines Presented Below Represent a Selection ol the V ery Bes t
: ? ;
fi. $. and m.
fldkr $
Son's Suits
They have the Style
Snap and Fitting Qual
ity. Everything a tail
or can put in a suit
They Cost About One
Half of That
$12.50 to $30
Wilson Brothers*
Shirts and ntckwear
You Will Find Them Here In a
Large Variety of Patterns
There Are None Better
Shirts, $].50; Ties, 35c. to 75c.
?lohn b. Stetson*
and Borden fiats
We Have Them In Soft and Stiff
Styles. Including
All Latest Shapes
From $4.00 to $5.00
In Price
Geo. B. Bains & Son's
fine Dress Suit
Cases and Club
They Are It For Style
and Quality
Nothing Like Them
Shown Here Before
From $3.50 to $22.50
Agents For?
Carhartt Overalls
& Corduroy Pants
Agents For?
A. A. Cutter Shoes
$5.00 to $7.00

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