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Daily Alaskan JOH!* W. TROT, KDITOlt TOWN * JENSKN, - ? PCBUSHMS ?UW4JCRIPTION RAT* ON WMk. 4*U*?r?* fcr Om month. by mmll - Am month* by "?!! Rx month*. by Oh 7 ??*. ** TelevkoM Ma. t% ' ..MM .... t? .... Mi ... in ... M FAVOR RECIPROCITY There is a growing sentiment in favor of reciprocity with the United States in Canada and one that is likely to take an active form. The Victoria Colonist, discussing the situation, says: "Kncouraged by the refusal of the government at Ottawa to adjust the lumber tariff so as to give our lumber men at least an equal opportunity with their Puget sound competitors, there is now a movement on foot in Manitoba and the Nerthwest to have the duty on fruit removed. All ?toey have to do is to agitate strongly enough so that Mr. Sifton may put the screws on the min ister of finance. Our British Columbia representatives will look on as usual in imperturable silence. In line with this the Winnipeg Free Press refers to the 'home market' theory as a myth and strongly backs up Mr. Haslam, the con servative candidate in Selkirk, who be lieves that nothing would so promote the settlement of the Northwest as free trade with the United States. No doubt the very large number of United States settlers going into Manitoba and the Northwest will footer that idea, and it behooves the rest of Canada to keep an eye on the development of po litical sentiment there The impor tance of the matter to the people ol this province is vast.*' K. S. Busby, the Canadian collector of customs of the Dawson district, is said to have fined the steamer Tyrrell 'or flying the American Hag from the mainmast during a Fourth of July excursion from Dawson. Busby was always a peanut patriot, anyhow. Be it was who used to tear the word -'Alas ka" from the address on mail sftck which came for Skagway. Without attempting 10 justify the cutting down of the British flag over the Canadian customs agency in this city, it is safe to say that had nearly any one else under the sun than Peanut Busby been the Canadian customs agent at Skagwuy the act would never have occurred. There were doings at St Louis on the Fourth of July. William Jennings Bryan and James Hamilton Lewis de livered orations. Both were said to be excellent. A COMMON ERROR Th? Sam* MUtak* I. Mad* By Man> Aluki P??pl? It's a common error To plaster the aching back, To rub with liniment rheumatic joints. When the trouble comes from the kidneys. Doac's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ill*. C. A. Gilson. switchman in the R R. yards, of 1215 Jackson street, Red Bluff. Cal., says: "For six months I knew my kidneys were in some way upset, probably weakened from the contrac tion of a cold which settled across the loins or perhaps excited from overex ertion. lie that as it may, when my back was aching I asked Mrs. Gilson to go to the drug store one day for Doan's Kidney Pills and I took a course of the treatment. It stopped the backache. Up to date there has not been a symptom of a recurrence, thus proving to me conclusively that Doan's Kidney Pills act as repre sented." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. Just opened. The Railroad restau rant will now serve you with the best meal in town. Your patronage is sol icited -Williams & Peterson. Ice cream, water ices and sherbets of anv kind and quantity, delivered to any part of the city, by the Boss Bakery. Plows' candies cannot be beat. A fine assortment of new and up-to-date boxes, in all sizes, and at all prices. Kelly & Co. luou Oyster Cocktslli The Pack Train saloon Is now serv ing Elmer Chamberlain's famous oyster cocktails. Get prices at Royal Laundry for family work, special rates in rough dry, next to new electric plant. Japanese Matting? A11 180 strands and good patterns, direct from the Orient. Regular price, 30c, 35c, 40c and 45c goods. Now 25c per yai d, at V O PannlM1 EXCISEMAN BURNS. Tk? *'?r Old Wow< OatwItlH the Scotch f o*l. A story Is tolU about Burns In hU capacity of exciseman. Old Jean Da vidson kept a small whisky shop and was suspected of putting more fresh wnter Into her liquor than was need ful or lawful. Rums accordingly came with his apparatus and at once detect ed the Irregularity. "Now, Jean, ma woman," he said, "I canna tak this to Dumfries thla night; 'tis ower late. But I'll seal It wl* the king's aeal and return to lift it in the mornin'." When he bad gone to his lodging Jean fetched the village cooper, who removed a hoop from the barrel and bored a hole, through which the adulterated liquor was drawn off and atuff of regulation strength put In. Then the hoop waa re tiled, and Jean, with a brave heart, awaited the ganger. In the morning up came Burns to claim the keg. "On* minute, Mr. Burns," said Jean sweetly. "Ye might jest test that whisky to convtnc* me. since I canna see how I could have been makln' sic a mistake." "It means breaking the king's seal," suld Bums, "but I'll Just tlx on an other." So the sample was taken and tented and of course found to be all right Burns waa bewildered. "Was there aught wrang wl' me, Jean, last nicht?" he asked. "Weel, Mr. Burns, 'tis na for me to say. Weel, I Just thocht ye were fully smert wf your wee tester." TORTOISE SHELL. !? Working It Gentle Hmt anil Pres sure Are Mainly l'?ed. A tortoise shell Is harder and more brittle than ordinary horn. Heat and pressure are practically the only means which can be employed In working It and It Is Impossible to work tortoise shell at a great heat, since the coloring pigment easily liquefies and obscures the shell, thereby greatly lessening Its value. Heavy pressure Is also Impos sible owing to Its brittle character. The plates of the carapace, or back shell, are first separated from the skel eton by the application of gentle heat and then flattened by a similar proc ess. The superficial Irregularities are nest rasped off, and the material Is polished, ready for molding Into any i desired shape. Larger or thicker plates are produced by a process which requires great rare and attention. Two surfaces are first rasped and cleaned and are then gen tly heated and pressed together. The heat liquefies them, and the pressure effects a perfect union, making an In visible Joint. Tortoise shell combs are cot by the highly ingenious twinning machine, so called because two comb* are cot from the same plate, so that the teeth of one dovetail Into the spaces of the other, avoiding all waste. Belli and Thnnderatormi. An lnstatice of the absurdity of some of the notions held by our ancestors was the notion thajt' the ringing of the church bells had a counteracting effect In a thunderstorm, rt was supposed that the vibration of the atr caused by the movement of the bells rwsulteO In the dissipation of the electric fluid in the air. The belief was so common at one time that the bells were rung as Boon as signs of an approaching thun derstorm were seen. Science now holds a contrary opinion. Not only does the sound have no possible effect on the air, bet the vibration caused by the sound cf a bell upon a cloud charged with electricity may cause It to dis charge Its contents upon the ringer of the bell in the church tower. The Illppo putamao. When first the Sudau was opened np It was thought desirable to Impose a tax on any one killing a "hippo," but experience has shown that the "hippo" Is unworthy of the care taken of hlin. He is most destructive. A bull hippo potamus will upset a small boat. The natives have a curious manner of kill ing a hippopotamus. They attack him with spears when he Is iu a sleepy con dition In the river, and attached to the spear Is n rope with a huge float at the end of It. This float hampers the movements of tb? unwieldy animal, and after several spears have been driven Into him he Is easily drawn to the bank and dispatched. ? London Globe. A Clergyman** Purer. An old clergyman In Maine in a dry season exchanged with a brother from the seaconst The congregation was made up of men. half farmers and half fishermen, and the soil was sandy and poor, while his in the Interior was fer tile and rich. He opened his prayer as follows: "O Lord, I have been asked to pray for rain, and I do so, but thou knowest, O Lord, what this soil need* Is dressing," Sleeplns In Japan. The Japanese never sleep with the head to the north. This is because the dead in Japan are always burled with the head in that position. In the sleep ing rooms of many of the private bouses and of hotels a diagram of the points of the compass is posted upon the celling for the convenience of guests. Enjoyed Evening:. "Did you enjoy the evening of grand opera?" "Did I!" answered Mr. Cumrox en thusiastically. "It was great. I sent mother and the girls there, dismissed all the sen-ants and then went down and smoked a cigar right In the par lor."? Washington Star. Their Views. Mrs. Brown? Of course a husband owes hU wife protection. Mrs. Jones? Oh, yes, and she Is also entitled to the fundi necessary for free trade at the bargain counters.? New York Times. Rrmliitog Good Enough for Room volt President Roosevelt had with him od his western trip three Remington typo writers. tf The ladies find the latest and best at Harrisons' . All the delicacies of the season at the Pack Train Kesturant. WHY DONE Increased Business Direct Rcsnlt of Stock The necessary increase In the size of our store building is not remarkable when the quality of the lines we handle is borne in mind We know we are selling the best clothing, at popular prices, retailed in America, and it is this alone which has made It Decessary to increase our facil ities for doing business. We figure on moving into our new quarters next Saturday. We thank the public for Its liberal patronage in the past, aud also assure it that we will try and deserve its pa tronage in the future. F. H. Clayson & Co., Fourth Avenue aud Broadway. No Boat Race The boat race that was to have taken place yesterday was not sailed on ac count of the failure of the wind, it will probably take place next Sunday if there shall be sufficient movement of the air. Oj t On? Now Better pet a typewriter. It is the up-to-date business way of writing let ters. See Niles at Fifth Ave. hotel, tf Fine porcelain tubs at Principal bar bershop, opposite Board of Trade. Frao ConoertiDally A free'concert is given'at the Mascot galoon every afternoon and evening. All the lutest songs and airs. It is worth hearing. Mascot h hi JVewlMnalo The Mascot saloon has just received a large consignment of new music for its popular Victor talking machine. It tncfuaes all the latest popular airs. ORDINANCE NO. 56 An Ordinance Kstablishing a School District and Fixing the Date for the Election of a School Director, a ?School Treasurer and a School Clerk. Be It Ordained by the Common Council of the Town of Skagway: Section 1. That there Te and is hereby created and established in ihe Town of Skag way a School District as provided by la*, and that the boundaries of said School Dis rict shall be the same as the present boundaries of said Town of Skagway, Said School District shall be known as "The School District of the Town of Ska^ way, Alaska." Section 2. The third Tuesday in June of each and every year is hereby designated as the day on which the annua! election for School Director, School Treasurer and School Clerk shall be held. Passed the Council Jtine 20th, 1904. Approved June 20th. liHM. L. S. Keller, President and Ex-Ofllcio Mayor. Attest: W. S. MeKean, Municipal Clerk Notioato I'.llnqaent Co-Owuar To James R. Rollins and Henrietta Rollins: \ou are hereby notified that during the year 1903 the undersigned have expeuded more than SlUOiu labor and improvements upon each ir*e 'Crown Diamond" Lode Mining Claim, the ?Hvpatia' Lode Mining Claim, the ''St. Peter"' Loue Mining Claim, the "Water? ilia" LodeMin ing Claim, the Falphix" Lode Mining Claim, and the "Brewster Lode Mining Claim, all of which said claims are situate iu the Skagway Mining District, near Skagway. Alaska. In which mining claims you o*n an undivided one-sixth interest each a* shown bj the no tice! of location of record in the mining records of sal i district. The said labor was performed Ms and for the anuual represent atioa of slid c'aims for the said year of 1908, as required bv tne provisions of Section 2321 of the Revined Statutes of the United States, and the amend ments thereto, approved January 21, 18f*0 con cerning annual labor upon mlnin* claims, and the same was the amount required to hold said claims for said year. You are further notified that unless within HO days after the publication of tbia notice, you. contribute your portion of such expenditure as co-owi<crs, to wit. the sum of $A)0, or f 100 each, your interest in the claim will he forfeited to the undersigned co-owners who have made such expenditure, and will be come their property in tne manner provided by law. Dated at Skagway. Alaska. May 24, 1904. George Mow!, May 26, 90 d. James Lewis. Baths 25 cents. Fine porcelain tubs at the Portland Lod ;io? House. Kooms 25c, 50c, "5c and $1. Fifth avenue, op posite postofflce. Canadian Paeifie Hy. Co. | Direct Service, No Intermediate^ Call, to Vancouver Victoria Transf erring to Seattie! No Extra Charee JULY 8, 18, 28 Balling at 6 p.m. For Speed, Comfort, Service and 7 Appointment These Twin Screw j Steamers Cannot be Equaled. For j Information Write or Apply to BB.DCNM , Art. Dlo! Ho! for the World's fair! Free Ride. First'Glass = This is a facsimila pf coupon given away with every dollar purchase. DRAWING- TO TAKE PLACE SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th. M ADDRESS NO TO THE WORLD'S FAIR FREE this coupon entitles holder to one chance for a first class ticket to the St. Tvouis World's Fair and return. Tick et good for three months after date of issuance. Drawing to take place August 20, l!K)i. MARTIN CONWAY, DRY QOOD8 AND CLOTHING. NO- 8KASWAY. ALASKA. TICKET WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE Ticket will be good via Pacific Coast Steamship Company and either the Great Northern, Northern Pacific or Union Pacific by way of Portland Irom Seattle to St. Louis and return to Skagway, including stop-over privileges- Tickets good for three months from date of issue. MflBTIN CONWAY The Independent Steamer ; "CASCA" Leaves Whitehorse For Dawson on Opening Of Navigation The Casea is the Most Comfortable, Best Equipped ai;d Fastest Boat on the Whitehurse-Dawson Hun. Parties purchasing tickets from us will be protected on the through rate. W. A. KANNIE, Manager. J. O. Johnston, Whitehorse Agent, ODice Windsor Hotel. | MOORES WHRRF CO. Terminus W. P. & V. Route ? All South Bound Steamers Arrive and Depart From This Drck REGULATIONS 1902 v Warehooses open for delivery of merchandise from 8 a. m. to 5p.m. Perishables ONLY delivered on Sunday or a: night. All freight shipments destined southbound roust be accompanied by a Shu'PKVs Manifest (papers can be obtained at the U. S. customs olfiue) and must be delivered before 6 p. m. No freight will be re ceived on wharf aftrr this hour. BAGGAGE? Tolls will be oollected on Checked Baggage OKr.r. No charge for bags and gripe when unchecked. The wharf gate will be closed to the public when steamer Is nearing dock and will be opeoedonly when passengers have disembarked. Wharfage Tariff can be had on application at office on dock. P. O. Box 175. C. E. W YNN-JOHNSON, Gen'l Mgr. Make your mark in the world ! Don't be satisfied to work along- in the same old way for low wages. We have helped thousands carve out successful careers. We can help you do the same. If you want to change your work, we can train you in spare time for a salaried position in your new profession. We cm train you, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following positions: Mechanical Engineer t ivil Engineer Mininz Engineer Architect Ornamental Designer Window Dresser Commercial T>aw MechBnical Draftsman Electrician Sanitary 1- ngineer Architectural Draftsman Show Card Writer Bookkeeper Electrical Engineer Surveyor Sign Painter Chemist Ad Writer Stenographer French, German or Spanish, with phonograph. In introducing onr work in Alaska we are offering special discounts on all courses. What Position Do You Want ? Fill out and mail to our representative this coupon for free prospectus of the subject you wish U; study. A. K. SHAY, Jr., General Agent for Alaska, Dawson, Y. T. Dear Sir:? Please send free prospectus and price list pertaining to INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, OF SCRANTON, PA. There is msre strength? and vigor in a single, bettle'sf ?!NS?R BEER V than in a barrel of ordinary beer. ? Once Vied' Always tsed.~ SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. SEATTLE .WASH. w PH9ME RAINIER 30 0 Pacific Coast S.S. Co. PIONEER ALASKA LINE. SPEED. SAFETY. COMFORT Seattle, Puget Sound, San Francisco and Southern Port* CARRYING U. 8. MAIL Humboldt ? ? 13 22 COTTAGE CITY, - - ? July 16 CITY OF SEATTLE 19 Direct to Seattle Ml Above Schedule Subject to change Without Nonce. L M. WEST, Agent PHON2 60. C. D. DUNAMN, Gen- Pass. Agt 10 Market Street, San Fraccieco. Oil The Alaska Steamship Co/1 Carrying' U. S. Mail ana Alaska Pacific Express Next Sailing of the Fast Passenger Steamer DOLPHIN, Julv 17 JEFFERSON, Julv 21 The Dolphin maintains a schedule of 75 hours between Skagw ay and Seattle FARALLON. About Julv 14 DIRIGO About Julv 22 Transfers to Victoria and Vancouver Without AddiiioEftl Charge It A. CARROLL, A ;reot. Phone 66 Alaska Pacific Navigation Co, Carrying Alaska Pacific Express anil United Slates Mail S. S. SANTA ANA. - - Monthly, 21st S. S. EXCELSIOR, - - " 5th FROM JUNEAU For Sitka, Yakutat, Kayak, Valdez, Seward and Seldovia S. S. DORA Connects with 8 S. Santa Ana and shils from Valdez the 26th of each month for Seward Seldovla. Kodiak, Cyak, Ka'raal, Cold Bay, Chignik, Unga, Rellofsk.v and Dutch Harbor. J. F. Trowbridge, Gen. Man , Seattle. L M. WEST, Agent. JUNEAU S. S. CO'S. STEAMEK GEORGIA Carrying U. 8. Mail SAILS Tuesdays and Satur days For Haines. Juneau, Hoonah Springs and Sitka J. F. FAIRBANKS, Agent 216 Broadway, Phone 90 ? Raw Furs.... ? WE PAY High Prices lor Fine Furs ?W rite For Price Ltat Percey's Fur House Oahkoeh. Wisconsin <*?iWw5!XsXsXiW M F. Wolland, | MERCHANT TAILOR Comer Stat? Street and Fifth Avenue 1 Telephone No. 76