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The daily Alaskan. [volume] (Skagway, Alaska) 1904-1924, September 27, 1904, Image 2

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014189/1904-09-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Daily Alaskan
"T>)e?koa? Mo. if.
?rracmrpnoN iutm
om ?Mk. a?ur?r?i by cam?r .?.?
>ma month, by mfctl 4 I
rknt month*, by rat II
?tx months, hy m*n - **
m by ?*U *"*
That was a bitter pill the democrats
of New York gave Hill to swallow
when the; put him on the platform a'
the Saratoga convention for the pur
pose of placing Supreme Court Justice
D. t'ady Herrick in nomination for gov*
ernor of the Empire state. Judge Mer
rick has probably been the most bitter
of the implacable enemies of Hill in
the state, and it is very likely that
when the latter agreed to keep his
hands out of the governorship tight and
to assist in the campaign for whomever
might be decided upon that he did not
have the Albany jurist in mind. Judge
Herrick was for many years the demo
cratic leader in Albiny county. He
was a member of the old guard whicli
received its training under Daniel Man
ning and which always was ready to die
in the last ditch for C'eveland. Fran
cis Burton Harrison, son of the author
ess and Tammany congressman fron
New York city, was the democra'ic
nominee for lieutenant governor Whik
Uie ticket is probab'y not so strong j
as would l>e one with Shepard, or Ca\
nor. or r.nmont for governor, yet it is
so far be'ter than could have been
honed from a Hill ridden state, that it
will make New York |H>lit it - mighty
interesting from now until November s.
It is now up to the business men.
property owners ami water consumers
of the city to make the city wati-r plant
a self-sustaining investment. The city
has about completed the work of pro
viding a first-class system that will af
ford ample tire protection to thccit\
from one end to the other and all the
water that can be consumed forilorm s
tic anil manufacturing purpt ^es. It i
now the duty of the |>eople toilo their
part and to give their patronage to the
plant. The enterprise was conceived
in a spirit that was hiirh v jutrU "ic
and one that was entirely in the inter
est of the people. Let it meet wi-h
that encouragement which the under
taking merits.
Ia a few days the people will begin j
to reaD the benefit of the wi^lom of th?- 1
city council in establishing a municipal
water system. The water will b
turned on from the spring at Twentieth
avenue this week? probably Thursday
After a day or two. the water will bo
ready for use.
Mayor Ballinger, of Seattle. 's trying
his hand at runniug the police force of
the city. Chief Delaney is out of town,
and the mayor, apparently, refuses to
trust any of his subordinates and spend
most of his time giving orders in th<
po ice department.
The efforts of Canadian trades union
to keep skilled laborers from coming to
that country from Kugland is too much
like the trust methods to become pop
ular. Canada needs immigration more
than anvthing else and there is no cla?
of people whose acquisition would be
better for Canada than the trad - union
members of Ureal Britain.
City hikI Water Company
Come to Terms
The Northwest Light & Power Corn
Cam and the city council settled the
differences between them over the old
hills last night. Settlement was made
no the i>asis of the citv's contentions at
all (oiuts. The differences between
the water company and the city lugan
last winter when the water people no
tified the city that ,it would have to
have #75 |>er year per hydrant in the
future for water rent. The city refused
to pay it and the water company refus
ed to consider any other basis of settle
ment, and l>eginning with March l.Jit
began tiling monthly bills for hydrant
rental on that charge. The bills were ,
not paid. The water company agreed
with the tire and water comiltee of
the council for a settlement for the
months of March, April, May, June,
Jnly aDd August at the rate of #25 per
jear per hydrant, after deducting for
the time the company was unable to
supply water and for the time the hy
drants were frozen. On that basis the
bills were paid last night and a dis
agreeable matter gotten out of the
The city clerk reported last night
that the city funds only contained mon
et as follow s: gen?ral fjnd, f320.82;
fire, &>?i2 ;>7; street, 9581.41. About
to ison dei>osit with the court for li
censes that have not been approved
yet, and which, it is believed will be
come available about October 15. It
was decided that the remainder of the
bills for the water system must lie
paid for by the money subscribed by
the citizens.
Chairman Shaw of the city jt'diciary
com.uittee reported that suit had begun
in the commissioner's court against
people for delinquent taxes. It was
decided that an attorney would not be
required in the matter as the citv at
torney "hud had complaints printed and
they were simply filled in with the
names of the delinquents and tiled.
A request of S. H. Yeomans to use 7
or * inch? > o. the sidewalk in repairing
the warehouse formerly occupied by
Frank BUhoprick was referred to the
committee of public works and public
prop rty.
The same committee was authorized
to ha\ some filling done on State
street, made necessary to insure pro
tection to the city water works.
The city ;<?es-or said the assessment
rol s of the city will be ready for the
boaru ol ?qiialization which will meet
next Monday.
All the councilmen were present at
the meetiug except Mayor Keller and
Mr. Kalera.
Many Alaska Re d?r? Havt H?*id I*
and Pr< fit*d Thereby
"Good news travels fast" and the
tho i-.inds 6f bad bacK suffers in Alaska
an; triad to 'earn that prompt relief is
? ir.bin their r? aeh. Many a larae. weak
and aching back is bid no m >re. tlia iks
to I H> n's Kidney t'ills. The cured jre
telliag the ifood news o' their ex |>erience
w ih the Old junker Ketnedy. H- re i?
an example worth reading:
George T. Kane, painter and paper
hat _'cr. who lives at Ulo Adams street,
Olvinpia. Wash., >ays: "l am a i ainter
b ? tra.tv and every summer when at
work I exper enced asevere attack of
k d: y trouble, the oils, p.int and tur
pentine no doubt having something lo
do ? ith it. This has been recurring for
the past several years. 1 had heavy
be;- ri- down pains through my loins
and ? hen I stoop, d 1 could hardly
s'raijfh en up again. 1 could not rest
comfortably at night and aros-j tired
and unrefreshed in the morning. 1 he
kidney * cretions became unnatural ?ud
Irn gular, *cd were accom pained with
a sensation of burning and .-calding
Seeing J'oan's Kidney Pills advertised
1 sent 'or a box and felt relief after the
first few doses. In a short time I was
throughly freed from my old trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Prices!) cents.
Fost. r? Mllburn Co., Bulfjlo, New
Voik, -o!e sgents for United States.
Remember the name ? Doan's ? and
take no ther.
Canadian Pacific Ry. Co/
Dlreot 8ervIoe, No Intermediate
Call. to
Transferring to
No Extra Charge
OCT. 1
SEPT. 26
j RmilinR ?t G p.m.
1 1 For Speed, Comfort, Service and J
J Appointment These Twin Screw J
? Steamers Cannot, be Equaled. For j
J Information Write or Apply to (
| H. B.bUNN . A*t? SKAOWAT ]
jxs?ix#?iixix?4n?xs'i ? ' ?
C hamb?rluin'? CohrIi R< m*dy
This is a medicine of great worth and
merit. Try it when yo i have a cough
or cold and you are certain to b
pleased wi h the qirc< relief it affords
It is pleasant to take and can al v ?xs be
depended upon. For sale by the Kelly
Drug Co.
Survey.'Xo. 627.
United States Land Office,
Juneau, Alaska. August ll?, i9o4.
Notice is hereby given, that, in persimnce of
tne act of Congress, approved May u;h. Is72,
J. K, baloney, wbow postoffice address is
Juneau, Alaska, and as the attorney, in fact, of
"Sam iilum. has made application for a patent
f. r nineteen and two hundred and thirty
eight one-thousHndtfi ucres, on the Chief Placer
Claim, situated in the Porcupine Miniug r?is
trict. District of Alaska, and described by the
official plat herewith posted mid by the field
notes on file iu the office of the Kegister of
Juneau Land Dis'rict.of Alaska, as follows, viz;
NO. 627,
Chief PlAcer Claim.
Begi tning at corner Nn. 1. a hemlock |?ost 4
inches square, shotting 3U iuches at*ove ground,
in mound of stone, scribed U. >. S. 0-7 on
on side faciug claim. said coiner is identical
with local ion corner and corner No. 1, Discov
ery Claim, U, S. S. 571. from which
corner. U. S. L M, No. ? beats V 11
deg. 37' K , 6179.7 feet, theuce S. .'O (leg .05* \V,
var. JO dec. M E., along line 12. survey No.
571. 443.U0 feet, center of nlacer workings 110*
l < x> feet extending N. 2f>deg. \V lu feet a d
S 25 deg. E. ;0 feet; K"-<x feet, rro-s tr?,i:.
course north ; S4O.0 feet to corner No. Iden
tical with location corner and corner No. 2, Dis
covery, U S S. 574, a hemlock post , inches squne
showing ft) in-, hes above ground in mound of
stone.marked I", s. 3,6^ 2 on >.'!?? facing claim,
from which a hemlock tree U' inches indimueter
bears S. 1 J deg. 2o W.4 2 f< disiaut; a hem
lock stump bears S.SI d( . . 4(? k, ?i?. feet dis
tant. each blazed and .?* ribed S i.>'7-2-H T. ;
Iheuce S 17 deg. 5 i' \V, var 0 dig. M K. al -ng
Hue 2-3 survey .so. 6.1. s?.00 leoi crov trail
course N.^Odeg E. and S. ?'*' i W. trail : het
wide. 6ii.7 feet to corner No identical with
location and corner No. 3, discovery I S. S.574,
a hemlock post -4 iuches Mjuar*, showing ? o
inches above ground. in mound of st ?ne mvrked
U. S. S. *V27?3 on side fa lug ciaiin, from which a
hemlock tree 36 inches diame er bears N, 7.r?
deg. 00 \V 3s feet dbtant, bla d and sv.rib.xl
i?4-& r,;(MM - n d | U B.( rai )0
deg. 64' E, IsO.oo leet cross trail 3 itet wide,
course N. 20 deg. K <?00.00 feet cornet No. 4;
idontical with location corner: a hemlock post
?I ieet long, 4 in. aq set is Inches in the pound,
with mound of sioue, scribed U. S. S. 627 4.
from which corner a spruce tree 4 feet in di
ameter bears N. 24 deg. W., ;.i'. feet; a hem
lock tree Is inches in diameter, bears s. ;.'J
deg. 20 E. 33.5 feet, each bia/ed and scribed U.
S. S. bK-4 B. T, ; thence N. 17 d?g 52 K, \ar.
0 deg. 54 E.. 611.7 feet to corner No. . identic
al with location corner, A spruce p ?st l leet
long, 4 iuches square, set is incnes In the
ground, with mound of stone, scribed U. s. s.
627-5, from which corner a hemlock tree lu In
chss in diameter bears N, 60 deg. K. 11 feet; a
hemlock tree s inches in (Um meter bear- N. 7.
deg. 10 W. 12.3 feei, each blazed an I scribed U.
S S. 627-6* H. T ; thence N. 50 deg. 06* K \ar.
?>u deg. 54' 11. Slo.06 te t to vomer
No. 0. identical with location corner.
A hemlock post 4 feet ion*, 1 in. square,
set is iuches in the groun 1. with mound of
stone, scribed t'. S. S 627-' , from which a hem*
lock tr?e I4 inchcs iu diameter bears N. 6> deg
W. 7 ieet.; a hemlock tree 3 l? et iu diameter
bears N. >3 deg. E., e*ch blazed and scribed U
S. S, 627 6-B. T., center of southeasterly ( ud of
placer workings .OxsxloO Ieet, bears N,67 d?g.
\V. l.'S feet, thence running N. o deg. W. i5j
feet; thence N. 53 deg.,2u* NV , var. 30 deg., ?i' K.
480.00 feet cross trail 3 feci wide, course S. 2->
deg W. 600.00 feet to o^rne. >o. 1. the place 01
beginning ; containing an area oi 10.23S acres.
The above claim adjoins on the northwest the
Discovery Placer Claim, U S. Survey N'. 571, ou
all other" sides by vacant ground, or unknown
placer claims. 1 he location n< tiCQ <>f this plac
er claim recorded In Volume "A. ci p?ge 173,
M ning Locations of the record.- oi Skagway Re
Cording District. atSkagwuy. Alaska.
Any and a|l persons claiming a tversely any
portion of the above described premises are re
quired to file their adverse claim witu the
Register of the United States Laud Office at
luneau. Alaska, during the sixty days' period of
publication hereof, or they will be barred by
virtue of the provisions of the statute
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice
be published for the statutory period in the
Daily Alaskan, a daily newspaper published
at skagway. Alaska
Coats. Capes, Caps. Boas, Muffs'. Gloves. Robes and Rugs of all Kinds
Goods made to order of genuine Alaska furs, natural color. Raw bear skins, etc., made into rugs to order.
CHAS. R. WINTHR, The Furrier. Brnea\wDePot
mmmm iapg.~-gy,r:r? jmh* imw- ? m.T:. 1 .'.r ics: iii? 1 1 mi hi? ?? MmnriTWBirirT~T~
Ladies'Coats and Raglans
and Misses' Jackets
in the Very Latest Styles .and Up?to-Date Effects. Our New Line ol
Are on Display and a Visit to Our New Store Will More Than Repay You
The Independent Steamer
The Casca is the Most Comfortable, I Jest Equipped anil Fastest Boat on
the Whiteh'jrse-IJawson Hun. Parties purchasing tickets from us will
be protected on the through rate. VV. A. i .AN ?> 1 E, Manager.
J. O. Johnston, Whitehorse Agent, Office \VinJsor Hotel.
Termltiug W. P. & Y. Route
* All South Bound Steamers Arrive and Depart From This Drck
j. Warehouses "pen for delivery of merchandise from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m.
i Perishables ONLY delivered on Sunday or at night.
? All freight shipments destined southbound must be accompaoied by a
; Shipper's Manifest (papers can be obtained at the U. S. customs
? office) and must be delivered before 5 p m. No freight will be re
ceived on wharf after this hour.
BAGGAGE? Tolls will be collected on Checked Baggage Only. No
charge for bags and grips when unchecked.
The wharf gate will be closed to the public when steamer is nearing
doclc arid will be opeoedonly when passengers have disembarked.
Wharfage Tariff can be had on application at office on dock.
P. O. Box 175. C. E. W YNN-JOHNSON, Gen'l Mgr.
*-* ?-ii - i
Show |
You I
Our Splendid Line Of jf
\ China Closets- Buffets, Sideboards and \
/ Chiffoniers
\ I his Week We Otter them At Greatly [
Reduced Prices that Wilt Sell lliem
? <
' ?
Headquarters for Yukon Travellers j
a Totem |
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars j
????????< /?
?i New Management
:? the
Cj Sullivan & Flaherty
;? The Best Brands of Liquors & Cigars
Sa^^vv*vvv^wcvxwiwivvin\ ?.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.!
fe> ? /-,?( j
/^Pacific Coast S.S. Co.
Si attle, 1'uRet Found, Sac Francisco and Southern Porta
City of Seattle ? Sept. 27
Direct to Seattle
Via Victoria
Via Vancouver
Above Schedule Subject to change Without Notice.
C. D. DUNA N, Gen Pass. Agt
10 Market Ptrect. San Franclaco, Cal.
The Alaska Steamship Co.
Carrying U. S. Mail and Alaska Pacific Express
Next Sailing: of the Fast Passenger Steamer
The Dolphin maintains a schedule of 75 hour* between
Skagnav and Seattle
DIRIGO About Sept. 30
FARALLON. About Oct 6
Transfers to Victoria aad Vancouver Without Additional Charge
[ K A. CARROLL, Agent. Phone 66
?x^;^^iixsx?x!?xsx?s!x5xe???sxs^^ ^ iwsw ;j.*^* .?w^?ww?xixs(sxsxsi^
F. Wolland, j
Corner State Street and Fifth Avenu* I
Telephone No. 76
f IT'S

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