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WHY NOT WEAR THE BEST LOPYRJQflT ?<*** !W DAVID ADLER. I jqns cLormsuco The Best Is None Too Good THERFORE BUY THE DAVID ADLER & SONS and H. S. & M. HandTailoredSuits They cost no more than other suits but they have that fit, style and snap that gives character, value and distinction both to the suit and to the wearer ot it Wear the Best HinSdnffnct V Mirx Hind Tailored 1 1 C*rjn,..i |K i hi II., 1 S<Kkffsar * I.n Cravenette Rain Coats Appeal to Every Wearer of Good Clothes They are made of the same material as other good dressy coats and the rain rolls off them like quicksilver. When a show er is over you hardly know it had been raining as the surface ol the goods is left perfectly dry. For Comfort, Style and Ser vice They Are Certainly IT. We Have Just Received a Large Shipment cf These Goods and Invite Your Examination There Are None Better . K CLAYSON & CO tmi^Zrimss^seanxsm ? ? a tm ? ***' ????????? ? m? ONE MORE City Will Have Auotli^r Hiwe It'ump^ny The matter of equipping a hose com pany (or the north end of the town re ceived the attention of the city council last ngbt at the regular weekly meet ing of i hat body, an : it was dec Jed that the matter he taken up at bnce. It was reported that assurances had been given that a company would be organized if the ci'.y would provide the equip ment. li is thought the city can spar < sufficient supplies for one to be located at Twent?-tir?t or Twenty-srcood ave nue, probably the latter avenue where a hydrant is located. The matter was referred to Councilman VanCleve to re port upoa at the next meeting. Only favorable comment was made upon the proposition. It was reported that the turning of water into the mains from the reser voir was being delayed because of the discovery of a few leaks These are being repaired at the expense Of the cou tractor The announcement was made that the rates for water to begin with would be the same a* that charged by the old company, t- per month for families and other rates in propor ion. If it shall prove that this rate will yield more rev t enue than required to maintain the tys * tem, there will be a reduction of tbe water rates. The chief of police has made a partial canvass of the town for customers and they are being received as rapidly as the crew employed can make the connections. The clerk reported that the tax rolls for 1904, containing 16,315 ia taxes charged upon them, have been turned over to the city treasurer and that the payment of taxes has begun. The city assessor has collected #180 in poll taxes and lii had been received as rent for the hose house. The oouooil appropriate #750 to be turned over to the treasurer of the school boatd. The committee on public works and public property reported that a street light had been installed at the corner of atate street and Third avenue. All the members of the council were present except Messrs. Kalem and bhaw. Mayor Ke ler presided. MuMt his The Mascot saloon has just received a large consignment of new music for its popular Victor talking machine. It locludea all the latest popular airs. Oy???r Cook* alls Klmer Chamberlain's and Popcorn Jim's famous Olympia oyster edektails are now served at the Totem saloon. Club bags, bureau and wardrobe trunks, telescopes and suit cases at Clayton's. Full dress suits at CI ay son's. You make no mistake by leaving your orders at the American Tailor*. YOUR CtlANCt Here Isau Opportunity of a Life Time A new horseshoe lunch counter and four new boxes have be? n added to the Hoard of Trade restaurant. A plate glass front anJ faimily entrance have been put in and all is now in first-clas> shape. Heating stoves and a cash reg ht'er will go with the leise in additiot. to the furniture and property hereto fore advertised Remember, this property goes at Si'i per month on a two or three-year lease. This rental includes both tloors of the building, the chicken house .v.d yard, store room, ire boxes, largo and small, French range and some kitchen furni ture. dining room furniture, including rablei. chairs, <TUO worth of dishes and linen, and many other accessories. The dining room floor is covered with linoleum and the upper lloor. wl.ich would make excellent living apart ments, is carpeted. If the range is too large, another to suit the tenant will bo pui in. Writ? or call on Lee Guthrie, lmo Skagway, Alaska. Cowld Not b* Butter The uniform success of Cr.anberl lin's Colic, Ctiolrra end D arrt.oe.t Remedy has won for it r wide reputation and manv people throughout the country will agree with Mr. Chaa. W. Mattison, of Milford, Vn., who say*. It works like magic, and is the best preparation I know of. It couldn't be any better." Hehad a serious attack of dysentery and was ad vised to trv a bott'e ot ibis remedy, which he did, with the ie?ult i hat im mediate icllrf was obtsinrd. For sale by Kelly Drug Co. Notice During the summer months I will sell bread at 5 cents a loaf and all other pastries in proportion. We use the best material and a competent baUer is in charge. Give us a call and be con vinced. The Vienna Bakery. Pennsylvania anthracite (83 per cent, carbon), finest coal in the world, 12.25 per sack of 200 pounds, delivered. Sbaw A Johnson, Moore wharf, lmo The leading barbershop and bath rooms. The Principal, op|>osite Board of Trade. la your washing sat, l factory t \re your clothes torn? If no or yes, try the Skagway Hand Laundry, and you will be satisfied. x 3 20 We have a small line of reversible hunting coats we would like to show -portsiueu. F. H C'lajson & Co. Itm (near! Oallj A free concert is given^at the Mascot saloon every afternoon and evening. All the latest songs and airs. It is worth hearing. MINERAL APPLICATION FOR U. S. PATENT NO 48. Mineral Survey No 639. United States' Land office. j Juneau, Alaska. Octobcr 5, 19.4. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of the net of congress . approved May 10th, 1 872, K. I! llonley. whose post office address is For-; euplne, Aiaaka tad as the attorney-in-fact of Mrs Manley Danforth und Jas, M. yuilter. haw I made application for a patent for 1 1436 acres, of ? placer miuiug ground, situate in the Porcupine j M intuit District. District of Alaska, and de- , scribed by the official plat herewith posted, and 1 by the field notes on tile in the othce ol the . Register of the Juucau Land District, Alaska, ?is lollows. vii: OFFICIAL NOTES OK U. S. MINERAL SURVEY NO. 6i9. ^ LAST CHANCE PLAC BK Keginning ut corner No. 1, on line 3-4 Mix ulaiiu. survey. No. <96 A spruce post i feet I .??nir ? ir.chts pquarc, set 1^ inches in the I wround, with wound of stone, scribed U .S S. ' tSRM. from which corner an older tree 1? inches J a diameter bears s 51 deg. 10* W. 12.6 feet Dla/ed and scribed L' . S. S. 639-1-H T. U, S. L. \i \?< earfl N. M ox* E. s&s.l feet. Corner no. I. Mix claim, survey no. 031V, bears n BdfflL IV B MQJ IWt; ihenceS. 32 deg. 15 W. vor. .11 deg. ou* E. Along line 4-3 Mix claim, U. 8. i> ?i3e 606.70 feet to corner No. J. ldenti cal with corner No. 3, Mix claim, U. S. 8. O3U, a cotton* <Hid post 4 inches square, showiug ?0 inches above irround. which I scribed U. S. S. 39-2 on side facing claim. No other bearing available, l hence 8. 53 deg. 4' F., var. 3I deg. uu i: Along line 3-2 Mi* claim, survey 6??. 11.0 feet to corner no. 3. Identical w ith corner NO. 5 henley claim, U.S. S. 030. A Cottonwood post 4 inches square. showing 3J inches above ground which I scribed U. S. S. 639-3. on side fa ing claim. A cotton wood tree 0 Inches il:ui!iet?r b< ars s -7 .leg ou' \V. 20.* feel, bLized and scribed L'.b. i>. 039-3 B T,; thence S 10 deg* 09' W. var. U deg. 00* E. Along line 5-4 Kenley claim, survey 6-6. 350. oO feet to cross creek, 6 feet wide. Hows N. E 735.40 feet to cor ner N ?? 4 Identical with corner No. 4. Keuley claim, U.S. S. 63<>. A hemlocx peat 4 Inches square, show lug 30 inches above grouud, which I acritkd U. s >. 6SH in side facing claim. Corner no. A Feuiev claim, survey no. tan, bears s. .'4 deg. y W.. ^54.0 feet. A hemlock s inches diameter bears S 36 do; 00* W. 16.4 feet. A hemlock 24 inches diameter bears n. 39 deg 0u' \V. l> feet, each blazed and scribed U. S. S. 639-4 H. T.; thence n. 70 def. 00' W. var. 31 deg. 00' E, along tne noriheustedy boundary of the Lucky Joe placer claim, unsurveyed. 270.0 to point from which center of southwesterly end of placer workiugs i.\x50x20 feet, bears N. 44 deg. 10 E. IsOfeel; thence extending N, E. 30v0 feet to center of tlunie 16 inches wide, course N, 00 deg 00 E. 336.0 feet to edge of creek, flows n. 70 deg. E feet to corner no. 5. A cotton wood post 4 feet long, 4 Inches square, set IS Inches in the ground, with mound of stone, scribed U. S. 8. 039- 5 from which corner a cot t4.nwo?ul tree * inches in diameter bears n 12 de*. :*>' E 1 5 feet. A cotionwood tree 10 inches in diameter bears s so deg. W. 17 feet, each bla/cd and scribed U S. 8. 039-5 B T. ; Tnenctf N. 1H deg. 44' E var. 31 deg. 00' E. 1223.10 feet to corner no, 0. Not set for the reason that the corner would be in danger of being destroyed by slides. 1 set witness corner s. 70 deg. 00* E. 1 7.4 feet. A spruce post 4 feet Ion*. 4 inches square,, set ?s inches in the ground, with mound of stone, scribe 1 U s. s. 639 0 W. C. From * hi? h corner a hemlock post 8 inches id diame 1 ter, bears s. Is deg. 10* W 5 leet, A willow tiee 4 inches in diameter bears n. 3 deg. E., 4 3 f et. each bU-ted and scribed, U. s.s.039-0 W. C It. T.; Micuce begiuuiug at true corner s. 70 deg 00' K 31 d?*g. 10 K. 2s7 4U lo ?? . C. no. 6. previous ly desci ibed. 4S5.OU f?et *0 flume 10 iuchea * iQe, c air sa n. 19 deg . E. feet to eoroer no. l.the place of beginning. Containing an area of I 14 486 acres. Allcomers are idcutlcal with the 1 location corners. The above clal in Is joined on the east by the Fenlcy and Mix placer claims, survey no. 0o6, and on the south bv the Lucky Joe placer I claim oud on the n >rtb and west by unkuown , placer claims. 1 The location notice of the last Chance Min ing claim is recorded iu book 7, of placers, page , 33o, records of the Juneau Recording District, I District of Alaska. 1 Any and all persons claiming adversely any porti? n of the above described premises, are required to Ule their adverse claim, with the' Register of the U. s. Land office, at Juneau A?a- ? s^n. during the sixty days period of public itlon | hereof. or they will be barred by virtue of the provisiora of the statute. JOHN W DUDLEY, Kegister ; It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice be published lor the statutory period in the Daily Ala.?kau, a daily newspaper published at SKagway. Alaska | I JOHN W. DUDLEY. Register. Just opened. The Railroad restau- ' rant will now serve you wiib the best, meal in town. Your patronage is sol cited - Williams & i'eterson. MIN t HAL APPLICATION, NO. 44. Snmjr, No. 627. United State* Land Uffice, 1 Juneau, Alaska. Au<t<st 19, 1 9?>i. | Notice Is hereny given, that, in persuanoe of ttieactof Congress, approved May :0th. IsT'J, ' J. V , baloney. who>e postofKce address if ? Juucau, Alaska, and as the attorney, In foot, of ' Sam Itlurn has made application (or a patent I for nineteen and two hundred and ibirt>- ! *Uht one. thousandth acres, on the c hief Placer Claim, situated in the Porcupine Mining I>:s trict, District of Alaska, and described by the official plat herewith posted mid by the field notes on tile iu the office of the Register of Juneau Laud District, of Alaska, as follows, viz; VISLD NOTES OF MINERAL SURVEY, NO. 627, Chikf 1'lAckk Claim. Beginning at corner No. 1. a hemlock post I inches square, showing 3D inches above ground, in mound of stone, s< rlbed U. 8. S. 027 ou i-u side faciug claim, said corner is Identical with local ion corner aud corner No. I, Discov ery Claim, U, S. S. 674. from which corner. U. 8. L M., No. 8, bears N. 11 deg. 37' E , Cl7y.7 fevt. thenoe S. fodeg. .05' W, var. 30 deg. 54 E. along line 1-2. survey No. 574. -143.00 lee t, center c*i placer workings UUx luxs feet extending N, 25 deg. W 40 feet and S> S 26 dtg. E. .0 feel; HUftjflW f?-? course nortn ; MO.G feet to corner No. Iden tical with location comer and corner No. 2, Dis covery, U S.S.571,a hemlock post 4 inches squat e showing 30 inches above ground in mound of stone.marked U. S. .j. 627-2 on side facing claim, from which a hemlock tree \z inches in diameter ( bears S. 1-' deg. 2o" W.4.2 feet distant; a hem lock stump bears S. Si deg. 40' K , G.t> feet dis tant, each blazed and scribed S. 627-2-13 T. : t hence S 17 deg. 5 2' W, var. .W deg. 54' E. along j line 2-3 survey so, 574. 85.00 ics-t cross trail, course N. 50 deg E. and S. 60 deg. W. trail 3 feet wide. 6ii.7 feel to comer No 3, identical with ! location and corner No, 3, discovery L". S. S.574, a hemlock post 4 inches square, showing if incnes above ground. in mound of st ine. marked I U. S. S. 627-8 on side facing ciaim. from which a I hemlock tree 30 iuches diame er bears N, 75 ? deg, 00' W 3y feet di-laii!, ! 8.627-3- B. T. ; theuce S. 53 deg. JO E., var. J0 I deg. 64' E. ltO.oo leet cross trail 3 lect wid- . course N. 20 deg. E 600,00 feet cornel No. 1; idoutical with location cotter: a hemlock pov 4 feet long, 4 iu. sq. set 18 inches iu the ground with mound of sioue, scribed IT. S, 8. 627 4 from which corner a sptuce tree 4 feci lu di ameter bears N . 24 deg. W., */3.6 feet: a hem . lock tree 1? inches iti diameter, bears 8. 39 { deg. -20' E. tf3.s feet, each blazed mid scribed U. J S, S. 027-4 D. T. ; thence N. 17 deg 02 E., ur. ;fc) deg. 54' E.. 611.7 feet to corner No. ? , identic al with location corner, A spruce post 4 feet long, 4 iuches .square. set is inches in the ground, wlih mouiiti of stone, scribed U. S. s. 627-6, from which comer a hemlock tree lt> in ches iu diameter bears N, 60 deg. K. 11 feet; a hemlock tree 8 inches in diNiuetcr bears N. 72 deg. 10 W. 12.3 feet, em h blazed and scribed U. S. S- 627-6?B. T ; thence N. 50 deg. o5' E var. JO deg. 54' E. 810,06 fett to corner No. 6. identical with location corner. A hemlock post 4 feet lonn, 4 iu. square, s<t is iuches in the ground, with mound of stone, scribed U. S. S 627-e, from which a hem. lock tr? e I4 inches In diameter bears N. 0* deg W, 7 icet,; a hemlock tree Sleet in diameter bears N. fco deg. E., eicb blazed aud scribed U S. S. 627 6-B. 1\, center of southeasterly end of placer \orkings .0x8x150 feet, bears N,67 d g. YV. 128 feet, thence runuing S.M deg. W. i;'x) feet; iheocc N. 53 deg., '20' W , var. 30 deg., 51 ' K. 480.00 feet cross trail 3 feet wide, course S. 2 > deg. W. 000.00 leet to C 'tne. r*o. 1. the place of ! ft beginning; containing ail area of 19,23s ucres. I r The above claim adjoius on the uorthwest the I Discovery Placer Claim, U .s, Survey N. 574. mi r all other sides by vacant ground, or unknown | ft placer claims. The location notice of this plaj- f er claim is recorded in Yolnuie "A. el page I/3, ( j M nlng Locations of the records of Skugway Re- ? [ carding District, avSaagwa\. Alaska. Any aud Mil persons claiming adversely any f portiou of the abjve described premises ar-3 re- I quired to file their advene claim witu ihe ? Register of the United Slates Land Office at I juucau. Alaska, during the sixty days' perhal of F publication here* f, or they will be barred by 5 viitue of the provisions of the statute. JOHN W, DUDLEY. Register. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing nonce 1 be published for the statutory period In tin Daily alaskan, a daily newspaper published | at bkagwav. Alaska JOHN W. DUDLEY, : Keg liter. Now Music at Pack Train The Tack Train saloon has just re ceived 50 new records for its excellent phonograph and the largest horn that ever came to Alaska. There will be a grand concert at that place tonight The latest songs and the latest instru mental selections will be given, Dunlap hats at Clayson's. 5 s : Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. I * % ?? Direct Service, No intermedial 3 ; Call, to | ; Vancouver Victoria ** w Tranaf erring to ^ J Seattle W I I J line No Extra Charge .0 OCT. 21 OCT. 26 Sa'linic at . For Speed, Comfort, Service and | 5 Appointment These Twin Screw | ' Steamers Cannot be Equaled. For 2 >') Information Write or Apply to p =! H.S.iJUMX , SRAOWAyJ I I . ,?W .Y?^Y?Y.Yck:?i nrtiii - ? - 1 . _ . ? The Idaho Liquor House CORNER i'HIRD AND BROADWAY, The Pioneer Family Liquor Stcre of Skagwav ESTABLISHED 1891 Direct ImpoAsrs of Foreign and Bomest'o WINES, LIQUORS AND CIG-ARS AGENTS TOE LEMP3 and 8KAGWAY BREWERY'S BOTTLED B^E'i Privat Rooms For Families Special Attention to Oiders ftr Family CJie. Tel phor.e 59 '.>w.y?>t.r.r.t.)c.w.r.w?r?T?W(au*?v.Y* ww.y.y.y. : v>. ? .y.y?y. r.Y?w<r*w?x*x*xasiaiW The WhitePass & Yukon Route TIME TAHI.K >it>. 13. (Daily Except Sunday.) No. 3. N. B5 No. 1. N. B. No. 2. S. l-ound Nc 2 S B 2nd claw. 1st class. 1st class 2nd cla?M 8 30 p. m. 9 30 a m. LV. SKAGUAY AR. 4 30p. m. AR. 4 15.1. m 10 30 " }?m}" " WHITEPASS ?' ij ' "2 10 " ell 40 a.m. 1145 ? " LOG CABIN *2 10 "100 ?? 12 20 ^ | p;,m " BENNETT " } Jj? I p.m " 12 20 p.m, 2 45 " 2 10 " " CARIBOU ?' 11 50a.n. ' 10 20 " 6 40 " 4 30 " AR WHITE HORSE LV 9 30 " LV, " 7 00 " Passengers must be at depots in time to have '"azgaee Inspected and checked. Inspection is stopped 30 minutes before leaving time of train 150 pounds of baggage will be checked free with eaob full fare t'ok? and 75 pouna* with each half fare ticket. During th j Open Season of Nav gatlon on tha Yukon R ve" The While Pass & Yukon Home OPERATES A THROUGH LINE FROM 1 | Skagway to Atlin* Whitehorse, Big Salmon and Dawson AND HLL INTERMEDIATE POINTS Connection Made at Dawsou with Lower River Steamboats for Tanana, Fairbanks, S>. Michael and No ae S Lands Passengers and Freight at the-*e Camps in the Se .son and Quicker than Any Other Route WINTER ROUTE SERVICE Dm-in* the Winter Season, When Navigation is Closed, Finely Appointed Trains will Continue to Run Da'ly Except Sunday, Be ween Skagway and Whitehorse A Through Mail, Passenger and Freight Service will be Maintained by a Thoroughly Equipped 1 STAGE LINE BETWEEN WHITEHORSE AND DAWSON BAGGAGE BONDED THROUGH % Direct Telegraphic Service to all Points in United States and Canada ^ F r information relative to Pass-nger Freight and Telegraphic rate*,, apply to any agent of co<t pany, or to ?3 J B. WHITE, G. F Si P. A. A.B. NEWELL, V. P. & G. M, R. D, PINNEO, A*?t. G. F. & P. A. Vancouver, B. C. Vacoouver. P. 0. and Skaguay, Alaska Hkag-usy. A1! s a