Newspaper Page Text
Holiday Announcement SPECIAL PRICES Fancy Naval Oranges, from 35c to 50c a doz Japanese Oranges " 15c to 25c " Choice Lemons, per doz. ? ? 25c Mai \ga G rapes- per lb - - ? 30c Fancy Apples- per box. from $1.50 to $2.50 New Crop Walnuts, per lb. - - 20c Fresh Pumpkin- per lb. ? 4c Sweet Potatoes, psr lb - ? -5c Fresh Hubbard Squash, per lb. - 4c John Kalem, the Grocer So'e Affent for lteliance Canned Goods RAMON* COMES AMD Of PARIS 'The Pacific I ?-a-t Steamship Com- ! p*nv's iner itamona. which has succeeded the City of Seattle on the j Southeastern Alaskan route, arrived, in iH>rt at " o'clock Saturday evening with -7 passengers. ?"*) tons of freight and fonr da., s' mail, c apt. O'Brien was in command. 1 lit1 Kamona had a lfo>xi trip north. She -ailed for the south, via Sitka, at II -o'clock wiih i"> passengers. Farullou Du? Tomorrow The Svutt'e I V-.'-Iotell'genoet of Dec. 13>a.d the Kara Ion had come 01T the wav> l?>v. 1J and tb?t she would sai for Ssagway 1 > >? 14. That should briug her tuto port tomorrow. The Kara iion should have one days' mail. Cuttaga City Soils A Mlegraia received by L. M. West, agent or the i'.u tic Co?*i Steamship Com | a ; , th.- twrmog says the Cottage City - tiled from Seattle for Ska^'wav Sat .riiay evening at 7 o'clock. The r ? I be due at Skagway next Thursday with three days' mail. Ru*tler Cr?'? The ? It r .tr' ved early this uiorn injr instead ? : the Georgia. She had five passei it Skacway. The Hustler s.i led tor Juneau this morning at S o'clivk. . ROYALTY VISITS *0*111 COUNTRY The 1Y <C" ai.a 1 "rim-ess of Collo redo 3Ua?i - > ' > ?* CLt' of ,'he oldest IMOM * of Austriau royalty, are gu. i' 'he Fifth Avenue hot" The * arrived on the IU uooa. will lea.. .. w? tor the interior ami ? j, . /,.N :? r wo months v arcliiiv/- ar.d {sheep in the count rv b' iw ? i? \\ toiteJio: ui vi A t . . q Th< ^ iicc* * ? Kr J<?hn I J?h? the Vftiiccuver laxiilrnuist HURT . Sertl Ski ?: Ai ''<* "'i' SiCck Baillv Cr;pi>5 We thojght we had enough of those seal skin moccasins, !?> uuie-s Mr. Case can gel some to us we (>?? soid out in a very few a-v*. But while they last the I" c will he the same as during the jmst weerf. W e a - > ha.? i tine assortment of buckskin and moose hide moccasit-.s pric-s that will as lonish vou. And those In an doll ba bies are jus' h. cutest and odd* -? little witches vou e*. t* .'ust the tliio? to send by t ? for Christmas presents. Wall pockets ana bead work. In fact, the largest assortment of native curios ever in one -'ore in Alaska atnl we wanttoseil them AH are invited to can and examine stock and get prices. Case & Draper. Phone -*3. Broaaway. Skagway. AtiJn M '? Lose-; an Eye Willi >m T. ica<. of Atlin. had an eye removed *h is ? on rig at Red Cross hos pital The operation was performed by Dr J P itrawand and Dr H B Bunnalls and it was in every v ay successful Mr Luccas is comfortable and will recover The opera: ii n was made necessary by an accident which happened to Mr i.u cas last summer wht-n some slivers were run into the eye INLAND WtATItfR At 3 o'clock '.his morn in?, the weather conditions on the Yukou river and aloe;: -he line of the W. P. & Y. K. ww as fo'lows: Skagw<i\ Snow in.', calin. 34 above. Glacier Cloudy, calm. 20 above. Whittl'ass ? Cloudy, brisk north wind, 22 above. Fraser ? Cloud*, calm, in above. Log Cabin ? Cloudy, calm. 14 above. Bennett? Cloudy, calm, It; above. Pennine!"1!! Cloudy, calm, 10 above. Caribou Cloudy, calm, 20 above. Cowley? Cloudy, cilro. ^ above. Whitehors,- l loudy. calm. ?"? al>ove. Lower Labar>r?? Cloudy, calm, ."> be low. Hootalin?|ua? Clot.i y.calin. 10 below. Big Salmon C oudy. cairn, 8 below. Yukon Crossing ? Cloudy, calm, 5 above. Selkirk -Clotalv, ca!m, "> above. Selwvn Snowiujj. calm. "? below. Stewart? Fosrgr, calm, 0. Ojjilvie Fo^jfv, calm. ."> below. Dawson Cloudy, hiirh wind, 8 below. Atlin? Snowing. strong south wind, 24 above. Go to the Boas l.akery f. >~ jour Xmas tree ornarier.ts. Th" bicire-"t vanity at yoi-r o* a ?. t ; a>| art of lUn> keodnifs celebrated .c? cream :or your .X in as dinnor. Is your washing sat i factory ? Are | your clothes torn? If no or yes, try the Skagwav Hand Laundry, and you will , PERSONAL MENTION .;h\.;..;-x?:"VSSvX^>->WWW^ Miss Kate Ryan, of Whitehorse, special inspector for the purpose of searching women passengers coming out from Dawson for gold dust upon which the export tax has not been paid, arrived on the train Saturday and left on the Kamona for a visit to her old home in New Brunswick. Frank L. Cochran left on the Ramona for the state of Henry Gassoway, the young tuao who recently "also ran' for vice-president. Mr. Cochran will join F. J. de Gruyter at Charleston, W. Ya. \V. H. Case, of the firm of Case A Draper, returned on the Kamona from an extended trip among the Indian vil lage* of Alaska in the interest of bis pin. Mr. Case purchased a large stock of Indian curios during his absence from Skagway. Mrs. II. Gilchen, of Whitehorse, went south on the Kamona Mr. Gil chen, accompanied her as far as this place. Maj r and Mrs. A. K. Snyder and their little son, who arrived Saturday from Whitehorse, left for the south on the Kamona today. Mr*. IT. B. M. Brown, whose husband is employed in the government service at Dawson, arrived un the Kamona and will leave tor Dawson tomorrow. liob rt Smart, of the assay ottice at V, hits-horse, arrived Saturday evening and went below on th? Kamona. William Hinds, W. P. & Y. R. en gineer, returned on the Kamona from a vis t to the states, Ed Chadwick returned on the Ka mona from a trip to Juneau. J. G. Morrison arrived last night f xm Haines on the Kamona. .1. J. Daly returned from a business trip 10 Seattle ou the Rarnoua. .lames K. Kenton, of Nome, attorney r James Beasley charged with era !?? ?.;> nient. was a passenger to Juneau un the Kamona. L?nev Hibbard, the Dawson mer chant, arrived on the Kamona, on his way to the Klondike metropolis. Mrs, Thomas ninchclitTe, of Atlin, went south on the Kamona, Mis* May Butler, sister of Mrs. P. F. Scharschmidt, of Atlin, left for Vic toria on the Kamona. JP' ? E. Bryant, of the Pacifio Cold Storage Company, who arrived from Dawson want, south on the Ramana. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sceirce were passengers for the South on the Ramona. Mr. and Mrs, James Wishart, of Daw son, were southbound passengers on the Kamona. Dr. Forsythe, of Dawson, went south on the Kamona. Albert Reinert, who had been ill for several days, has recovered and is on the street again. Last of Holiday Good* Hera We have received the last consign ment of goods for the holiday trade and are urepared to make suits, pants s.nd overcoats that are strictly up-to-dat* in all respects. Those who order urst will of course have the largest stock of ;oods from which to make a selection F. WOLLAND, Merchant Tailor. Freak Meat The Frye-Bruhn Co. keep all kinds of fresh meat constantly on hand, tf MiiitB* Quick Pain* in the stomach and attacks of the colic come on sosuddenl) and are so rxtremely painful that immediate relief must be obtained. There is no necessity ol sending for a doctor in snch cases if a bott e of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. No ?loctor can prescribe a better medicine. For sale by Kelly Drug Co. , Best of wines liquors and cigars at the Totem. NEW CHIEF FOR FIRE DEPARTMFNF H. L. Johnson, deputy United States marshal, who has been chief of the tire department for nearly two years re signed at the meeting of tho depart ment Saturday night, aud M. A. Mo Lean, assistant chief, and one of the oldest members of the department in point of service, was elected to succced him. Henry Friedenthal was chosen assistant chief. Mr. Johuson's resigna tion was made necessary because of lack of time to perform the duties. A vote of thanks was extended Is the retiring chief. It was decided to request tho city council to name a number of the de partment for the position of (ire warden. H. Talbot and R. Sheldon wera elect ed to membership. AfnanrvE Most Beautiful Assortment Id Towu Our stock Is the most attractive and embraces the latest novelties, the best of goods of the reliable kind. The assortment is one calculated to meet the taste, means, and preferences of every individual likely to enter our store. If standard merit and exteuslve variety go for anything, they will score us a record for the present season that will see all cur old customers better satisfied than ever before, and new ones put on the list as friends of an establishment that believes in dealing honorably and liberally with its patrons. Heart-warming goods at home-cheer ing prices. Every lady visitor will receive a handsome souvenir. P. E. Kein Gold & Silversmith Halnaa Olrl at Bishop Rnwe Hoip'ta! Little Eleanor Emerson, grand daughter of W. B. Stout, United States commissioner at Haines, is ill of pneu monia at the Bishop Itowe hospital Dr. Brawand was called to Ilaines to see her Satuaday and brought her to Skagway yesterday. She is improving. Mrs. Em'erson came up with her uaugnter. For the Next C#uaui A charming baby (firl was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Clark at their home yesterday morning. The bab<' and mother'are doios nicely. Fast r Wi? First WiUoQ Foster, the quartz king of the Klondike, was the first contributor to the museum that has been installed at St. Louis from the world's fair exhib it*. The contribution was from Fos ter's Klondike exhibit. Big Load i iv St uk ?> There will be a full load of passen gers for the W. P. & V. Ii. stage which will leave from Whitehorse, \Ve;iues day morning. The stage which left yes terday had no passengers. Uak? Change InOffloe F. C. Ambridge, for many years general auditor of the Pacific Coast Company, has resigned an4 the p ace was filled by J. W. Smith, who has been named as acting general auditor. Mr. Smith has been chief clerk in the office of Mr. Ambridge for many years. An Emergency Medicine For 'sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is uothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Bilni. It soothes the wound and not only gives in stant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. As it is antiseptic all danger from blood pois oning is avoided. Sold by Kelly Drug Co. Wood and Coal For Sale We have for sale and will deliver to any part of the city good dry wood. Sawed in any length. Alaska Transfer Co., Phone 10. 8 20 tf Oyster cocktails served also sold at wholesale, in pint and quart jars, at the Vienna Cafe. Hand-made ornaments for Christmas at the Vienna Cafe. The leading barbershop and bath rooms. The Principal, opposite Board of Trade. I R0YHL I ?Steam Laundry* All Work Guaranteed. Short Order* Promptly Doae. 'PHONE 7% Messenger Will Call snl Delirci Baths In Connection \ Private Rooms for Ladies. S STEAM HEATED. Billiard Parlor Rmdlnf and Writing Room 8PACI008 CLUB ROOM The Board of Trade LEE GUTHRIE Proprietor Larjjeat and Bert Appointed P.eaort for Gentlemen In the North USEFUL HOLIDAY A Big Assortment of Pic tures Just Received. See Window Display GIFTS Call and Q-et One of Our 1905 Art Calendars Christmas is'nt tomorrow or the next day, but it is not a minute too soon to begin Xmas shop ping1. Make your selections early. A good plan is to go over the situation carefully at your leisure, make a list of things needful, and purchase them before the last hurry and rush. Maybe some of the following items will lighten your troubles. * furs ? A choice selection of Ladies ' Furs including Pelerines, Stoles | Collarettes and Four In Hands From $1.50 to $25.00 Also some childrens sets from $2c0 to $5.00. Ladies' Ready made garments This is one of our leading departments, and we are showing this season a much larger and better assortment than ever before. Ladies' Jackets From - - $ 5.00 to $25.00 Ladies' Capes From ? ? 6.50 to 20.00 % Ladies' Suits From - - 15.00 to 50.00 Ladies' Skirts From ? - 2.50 to 25-00 Ladies' Wrappers From ? ? 1.50 to 5-00 Ladies' Dressing Sacques From - 75c to 5.00 Ladies' Petticoats From - 1.25 to 35.00 Ladies' Silk and Wool Waists ? 1-50 to 20- 00 shoes and Slippers Only the Best and Most Reliable Makes MEN'S SHOES We are agents for Hannan, Strong & Garfield and Florsheim selling ofrom $7 to $9. Other makes from $3 50 to $6 WOMEN'S SHOES A strong line in John Kelly & Hannan Shoes from $3-50 to $6.00 Slippers for men and women $1.50 to $3 STRONG AND GARFIELD , cos ,/ 'COLONIAL - Dress Goods and Silks A most acceptable present. We have some handsome dress patterns Irom $6-50 to $20.00. In black silk try our Moneybak, the very best made FOR Neckwear Belts Shopping bag9 Purses Handkerchiefs Gloves Hosiery Garters Table linen Napkins Lace curtains Rugs WOMEN 25 to $ 2 60 - ? 35 " 1 00 ?1 50 " 10 00 75 " 3 00 5 ,u 2 00 35 " 1 75 25 " 1 50 35 " 75 50 " 2 yd 1 50 " 6doz Per pair 1 00 " 10 00 1 00 " 15 00 FOR MEN Suits, from Overcoats Raglans Hats Neckwear Handkerchiefs Gloves Shirts Sweaters Suspenders Cuff buttons Suit cases ?10 00 to:$25 00 10 00 18 00 1 50 25 10 - 50 1 00 2 00 50 50 5 00 B.m. Bchrcnds mercantile Company I GEO. BLANCHARD, Mgr. J