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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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Hin Sctufacr V Mini Tittered ?fWftl IM kj HMMttMAlM HirtSduJv. V M>n r Hmd TiJorcd j CHRISTT1AS HAS GONE ^AND THE_^ NE W Y E AR IS COMING But Claysons Elegant Belt Back Overcoats, ( ravenettes S Ulsters are neither gone or coming, but are going, and it is the style, fit and character of these clothes that makes them go EVERY FASTIDIOUS DRESSER should have one, they are the garments of the hour. Exclusive Men's and Boy's Clothier and Furnisher F. H. CLAYSON & CO.? HanSchafFncr] V Marx I Hand Tailored I ??? mi i nraa, 0*pyrl?ht >901 kj H?rl ?*k*lTn?f A Mui Hart Schajfner | V Mark Hand Tailored Oopy rljhl 1*4 b j H*r? fehrfn.r k JUn GUMIMM 4 RECESS APPOINTMENT The Congressional Record shows that Royal A. Gunnison (spelled with an "u") was appointed to the judgeship for the Third judicial divisicn of Alaska during the recess of the senate. This would permit him to take the oath of office and assume tha duties of his posi > tion without awaiting confirmation by the senate. It is probable that is what Judge Gunnison has done, as there has not been any account of his appolnt ? meat having been confirmed. About t hm Skookum Club The invitations are out for a dance to be given at the Fifth Avenue hotel, Saturday evening, by the "Skookum Club." This is a club that is composed of the regular boarders at the Fifth Avenue hotel and one of the most pop ular organisations in tie c'ty. Ttie club is composed of a round baker's dozeo. S. T. Joscelyn, of the W. P. Jc * Y. R. auditor's office, is the president of the club, and other members are P. ?, F. Wolland, C. S. Barnes, H. ford. George Simons tad, J. J. , E. P. Dosch. G. G. Miller, E. F. Pitman, N. Bolshan!n, P. Fitch and J. Wesley Young. While the Skookum club has given several dinner parties the dance nest Saturday will be the most elaborate affair it has so tar undertaken. Card of Thaaki Editor Daily Alaskan: I wish to ex press through the columns of the Alas kan mv appreciation and thanks to the many kind frier.ds who so materially * assisted rae during the illness of my darling litile girl, and for their kind sympathy in this my sad hour of be . rea*em?-nt. I wish also to thank Drs. Brawand, RuJoalN, Clayton and Sewell, for sheir untiring efforts to save her. Maud Emerson. Haines. Alaska. Dec. 24. 19i4. For the Holiday* Specialty goods Home made mince, cranberry and pumpkin pies, and all kinds of paa'.ry given the best attention. Orders delivered free. Phone 35. Vienna Bakerv. Fire and Liie INSURANCE Real Estate Financial Agent ? Phil Abrahams 524 FOURTH AVE.,* &AGWAT HURT C13BUI.? tr Seal Sfeiu Moccasin Stock Badly Crippled We thought we hail enough of those seal skin moccasins, but unless Mr. Case can get some to us we shall be sold out in a very few days. But while they last the price will be the same as during the past week. We a!so have a fine assortment of buckskin and moose hide moccasins at prices that will as tonish you. And those Indian doll ba bies are just the cutest mod oddest little witches you ever saw. Just the thing to send by mail for Christmas presents. Wall pockets and bead work In fact, the largest assortment of native curios ever in one store in Alaska and we want to sell them. All are invited to call anil examine stock and get prices. Case i & Draper. Phone 33. 1 5 roan way. Skagway. Kodak A little click its very quick U've cut a pretty caper, The button pressed, we do the rest They call us Case vV Dra|>er. Phone S3. tf Railroad Reataarnnt Best meals in town served from ti a. m. to 10 p.m. Tray orders a socially, 10c. extra. John Williams, l'rop. Salt for SI ? Y ear Buy an Knglish couduroy suit at Clayson's. They cost fifteen dollars and wear fifteen years. t Oyster Cocktails Elmer Chamberlain s and Popcorn Jim's famous Olympia oyster cocktails are now served at the Totem saloon. "I was mueh afflicted with sciatica," writes Ed C. Nud, low a vi lie, Sedgwick Co., Kan., "going about on crutches snd suffericg a .leal of pain " I was in di ced to try Ballard'.- s?ow Liniment, which relieved me. I used three 50c bottles. It is the ^realest hulment I ever used; have recommended it to a I number u per-on>; ah express them selves as being beuefited by it. 1 now walk without crotches, able to perform a great deal of lisjht labor on the tarm." 250, 50c, fi.oO. For s-ile by Kelly Drug Co. Phonograph needles at Harrisons'. All the latest winter styles in suit iags at the American Tailors. Club bags, bureau and wardrobe trunks, telescopes and suit cases at Clayson's. the Pack Train Restaurant. NO RAFFLE (loods Given Away at the Totem The Totem dont raflle fjoods off but we simply eive our friends a holiday pres ent. Look at the list for a family Christmas stock. list I. 1 Quart Old Valley Rye. 1 " Old Clinton Iiye. 1 " Finest Sherry. 1 " lielrista Claret. 1 " Old Jamaca Rum. 1 Bottle Damiana. 6 Bottles. Price f.">.00 LIST so. 2. 1 Quart Cvrus Noble Bourbon 1 " Old Valley Rye. 1 " Plymontn Gin. 1 " Apricot Brandy. 1 " Finest Sherry. 1 " Tokay Wine. 6 Bottles. Price $5.00. list no. 3. 1 Quart White Wheat Rye. 1 " Old Valley Rye. L " Sherry. 1 ,. Belrista Claret. 1 Bottle Damiana. PIBox (25) choice cigars. Price #5.00. = Patronize ^ Home = Industry? If Not You Should Do So By Our Bottled Beer Only $2.0# Per Dozen 25c Rebate on Bottles Drinking Skagway Beer Phone Brewery 40. Resilience, 38 Finely Furnished Rooms Electric Lighted Throughout THE IMPERIAL HOTEL GEO. W CURTIS, PROP. AMERICAN PLAN Front St. South P.O., Whitehorse.Y.T 1 A Merry Christmas i F. Wolland, MERCHANT TAILOR f Corner State Street and Fifth Avenuf Telephone No. 76 iXsiiXaXsXsXH j MOORES WHHRF CO. * Terminus W. P. & Y. Route All South Bound Steamers Arrive and Depart From This Deck REGULATIONS 1902 Warehouses open for delivery of merchandise from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Perishable* ONLY delivered on Sunday or at night. All freight shipments destined southbound must be accompanied by a Shipper's Manifest (papers can be obtained at the U. 8. customs office) and must be delivered before 6 p.m. No freight will be re ceived on wharf after this hour. BAGGAGE? Tolls will be oollected on Checked Baggage Only. No charge for bags and grips when unchecked. The wharf gate will be closed to the public when steamer is nearing dock and will be opeoed only when passengers have disembarked. Wharfage Tariff can be had on application at office on dock. f - T.O. Boi 175. " ' ** C. E. WYNN- JOHNSON, Gen'l Mgr. ( Canadian Paeifie fy. Co.! Direct Service, No intermediate Call, to Vancouver Victoria Transferring to Seattle No Extra Charge I DEC. 25& JAN- 10 Sailing at :61p.m. s For Speed, Comfort, Service and ? Appointment These Twin Screw Steamers Cannot be Equaled. For Information Write or Apply to | H. B.UDNN , A*t? 8KAQVAT (WSSfflSXsXsm i ? The Idaho Liquor House CORNER THIRD AND BROADWAY, The Pioneer Family Liquor Store of Skagwav ESTABLISHED 1897 Direct Importers of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS AGENTS FOR LEMPS and SKAGWAY BREWERY'S BOTTLED BEER Private Rooms For Families Special Attention to Oiders for Family Ote. Telephone 59 The WhitePass& Yukon Route T'l ]M ?C TABLE Nc* 13 (Daily Except Sunday.) No. 1. N. B. No. 2. S. Bound B lstjolass. 1st class 2nd class' 9 30 a: m. LV. SKAGUAY AR. 4 30p. m. AR. 4 15a. m 2 10 J1 oo}" " WHITE PASS ? 3 05 11 45 " " LOG CABIN 2 10- ' 1 00 12 15 J p.m " RrHiiBTT '! ? ?? 12 35 j BENNETT ? { } p.m " 12 20 p.m 2 10 " ? CARIBOU ?' 11 50a.m " 10 20 " 6 40 " 4 30 " AR WHITE HORSE LV 9 30 " LV. " 7 00 " Passengers must be at depots In time to have Bapcajre Inspected and checked. Inspection is stopped 30 minutes before leaving- time of 150 pounds of baggage will be checked free with each full fare tick* and 75 pounds with each half fare ticket. OA *??.*??. *T* ??"??? ?>???????? .;?? -?i? lir lif lir ifr W WIV* V V ????? ????? Durinr th? Opert Season of Navigation on the Yukon River The While Pass & Yukon Route OPE RATES'IA'.TH ROUGH LINEIFROM Skagway to Atlin. Whitehorse, Big Salmon and Dawson AND HLL 1NTERMED1HTE POINTS Connection Made at Dawson with Lower River Steamboats for Tanana, Fairbanks, Si. Michael and Xonie Lands Passengers and Freight at these Camps Earlier in the Season and Quicker than Any Other Bouto WINTER ROUTE SERVICE During the Winter Season, When Navigation is Closed, Finely Appointed Train3Swill|Continue to Run Daily Except Sunday, Between Skagway and Whitehorse A Through Mail, Passenger and Freight Service will be Maintained by a Thoroughly Equipped STAGE LINE BETWEEN WHITEHORSE AND DAWSON BAGGAGE BONDED THROUGH Direct Telegraphic Service to all Points in United States and Canada For information relative to Passenger Freight and Telegraphic rate*, apply to any agent of coin pan y, or 10 M. J. B. WHITE, G. F & P. A. A. B. NEWELL, V. P. & G. M. R. D. PINNEO,. Asst. G. F. & P. A. Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. and Bkaguay, Alaska Skaguay, A Ins a