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ITlt DAILY Jasrw rtL^voixrvi -< CITV 0FPICIKL P7TPER No. 274 VOL. VIL SKAGWAY, ILiSKlTFRinAY DECEMBER 30, 1904 FRICF 10 CENTS * ? HARRISONS' ? ? > Our First Annual Clearance Sale Starts Jan. 2, 1905 Everything in the Store Greatly Reduced.??-^ Watch This Space For Particulars Spring1 Stocks Will Arrive Soon and We Need Room Phone 55 Store Open Evenings We have a Good Line of j Cigars & lobbaco ? Pipes, 5c and Up j ?Till your pocketbook f j cacao i reach 2 1 Don't Forget the j Number 428 BROADWAY, Phone 52 ? j Tony Dortero j I Vancouver Hotel? Whltehorse. Y. 1 New Management R-.f uraij'ijd Throughout, Flr?t* Clkt#n Every Respect Finest CAfe in tbe Northwest Office Hoi^s: From 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. J. A. ^AUGHMAN, M. D. bffice In Old CitT Hall Three r#o--s East of Britu' f'harmac Boy Your Coal OF Shaw & Johnson Importers of Wellington, 'Ladysmith' Double Screened and Sacked Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg and Chestnut, Highes* Grade Wellington, delivered, per ton, $13 00 Anthracite, " -- 00 Phone 11-123 Moores Wharf i* NETTLES & FORD | ? The OqIv Practical # ? Tinners and Plumbers; IN THE CITY I Hardware- Tin and ? G-raniteware ^ Steam Pipe & Fittings ? When In Haines Stop at the Hotel Northern J. G. Morrison, Prop. Restaurant In Building oles' Hot Blast Jest and Most Economical Heaters 4$ Dtement & Gearhartl; KELLY SCo. i i Prescriptions It Is lip to You ! When a Physician Writes You a Pre scription, ; ou are privileged to Have It Filled Whare i You Please Remember ! ! It is your mon?*v that pays for it Ami we guarantee that our prices are the very lowest OUR DRUGS THE VERY BEST If you are not already trading with this store <;ive it a trial and see whether or not we make our claims good. Let Us Fili Your Prescriptions. | Kelly 4 Co., (JpiTUs ^TUXs cfenAiSb' ^Lrfdes -/rt^, ^eJ &*/?// tuiucL do Ac tid&n/ Sky by &a?u SeAj?tnf^ cf&a/ THE ROSS-HIGKHNS CO. Sole Agents, Skagway and Juneau. DROPS AGAIN Maimers Burning Cotton in the Streets [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] Washington, Dec. 30? The bottom has dropped out of the cotton market. It is believed the unusually large crop has been the principal cause of the fall. The farmers of Georgia are burning the surplus in the streets. STEAMER IN GREAT DAGGER j [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] New York, Dec. 30? IhB Steamer Drumelzier, which went ashore on a bar on Oak island Christmai morning, is in great danger. The seas are break ing over the ship and the crow, consist ing of 29 persons, are battlinj for their lives. A revenue cutter is trying to rsscue the men, but is unable to do anything on account of the storm. MRS. CHADWICK MAY BE INSANE (Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.) Cleveland, O., Dec. 30? Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick may plead insanity as a defense for her strange conduct. Dr. Aldrich, the renowned alienist, is ex amining her mental condition. UAWSON HOCKEY PLAYERS ARE HERE Most of the members of th* Dawson team that will compete for the hockey champianship in Canada and the American cities of the east arrived last night. The remainder of the teams will come out on the next st.ige and will be duo here in a few days. The Dawson hockey plavers will play in Chicago, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia and other eastern Ameri can cities and in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa and other Canadian towns. They consist of the very best hockey pla ere of Dawson and they are in the pink of condition. Those of the Dawson spor'suiea who are in the city are Handy McLennan, Hector G. Smith, Albert Forrest, J. K. Johns n, Norman Watt. Archie Martin and F. R llobertson. We lily C. Young, the captian of the team, and "Capt." Bennett, the baseballist, have not reached here. They are at the Fifth Avenue hotel and h;tve be. u given the freedom of the White l'ass Athletio Club and the Klks club. They are enjoying their stay in Skagway, which will continue until the depart ure of the Dolphin. Notioi of Meeting To the Members of White Pass Ein ployees Club. There will be a meeting at the Club, Saturday evening, Dec. 31 at 8 p. in. far the purpose of electing otlicers for the ensuing year. By Order of the President. CT Electric Massage Treatment The Principal Barber Shop has se cured the great Carpenter Vibrator, and is prepared to give the best elec tric massage treatment that ever has been devised. They are an absolute cure for headache, rheumatism and other disorders, improve the circula tion and give nervous strength. We have private rooms for ladies. Princi pal Barber Shop. At the Idaho Snloou Hertnatage whiskey, bottled spring 1901, made 189? 11 yearsold? 12} cents a drink at the Idaho. Freneh and American Candies made daily at the Alasna t'andy Co, Sixth Avenue between State and Broad way. 12-7-tf MAY GO f REE Nail May Not Go To Trial Again [Special Dispatches to Daily Alaskan.] New York, Dec. 30? Nan Patterson is liable to go free without another trial for raurdsr. John Millin, partner of Caesar Young, cannot attend another trial and must leave for ?uro|>e. It is said the prosecution could not go to trial without him. NEW ONE E. A. Murphy becomes Pacfic Co:ist Agent | |E. A. Murphy has accepted the ap pointment as assent for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company at Skagway, and he will assume the duties of that posi tion January 1. The negotiations be tween the manager of the company and Mr. Murphy have been in progress for some time. The position was otTered to Mr. .Murphy when J. E. Pharo was in this city. Mr. Murphy is an old citizen of Skag way. He has been the chief clerk of J. P. Rogers, superintendent of the W. P. & Y. R , ever since the latter's con nection with the railroad company and he had been connected with transpora tion companies long before that time, lie is one of the most popular young men in the torth, and the Pacific Coast Steamship Company is fortunate in se curing his services. mi FOR MRS. CD4DWICK ALSO [Special Dispatoh to Daily Alaskan.] Cleveland, Dec. 30? * syndicate headed by Andrew Quiff. ey offers to sign a b:iil liond for Mrs Chadwick in the sum of $10, (XK). The steamship Pretoria with Cr. Chadwich aboard, is due to arrive at New York today. A warrant for his ai i-est has been issued. V uftouio Meeting There will be a special communica tion of White Pass Lodge No. 113, F. & A. M., Tnursday evening, Dec. 29, at their hall, No. 525 Fourth avenue. Work in M. M. degree. Sojourning and visiting brethren are cordially invited to meet with us. By order of the W. M. Roht. W. Taylor, Secretary. Now is the time to order your winter suits and overcoats at the American Tailors. Kim. Britt, The Druggist for new years I Have a Few Pieces of Fancy Christinas Goods Left Over Which I Will Now Sell At Cost Headquarters For HAY, OATS, ROLL ED BARLEY, BRAN, SHORTS & all kinds of CHICKEN FEED. lit BIBS 11 Sole Agent? Rose of Ellensburg Butter The Best That Money Can Buy JAPS GREET GREAT NAVAL HERO OF WAR Admiral Togo Visits National Capitol and Is Given Tremenduous Ovation? He Will Remain a Week With General Staff [Special Di^iatches to Daily Alaskan.] Tokyo, Dee. 30? Admiral Togo and Vice Admiral Kamitnura arrived here this morning. They were greeted by tremendous crowds and were ghven an overwhelming ovaiion. The admirals were driven direct to the pa'ace where they will remain for a week in consulta tion with the general staff. F'shtlng Wna Torrlflc Tokyo. Dec. 30? The Japanese cap tured the Rihlung forts after terrific lighting. Their loss was enormous. The Russians beat a safe retreat. They claim the main line of defenses to Port Arthur is still unbroken. The Japanese razed the walls of the Kihlung forts with mines. Haitian Admiral Retn- na Hnm - Paris, Dec. 30? Admiral KaznakofT, the Russian member of the internation al North sea board, has been recalled by his government. There is no reason assigned for the action. The matter is exciting much comment. 8entlle Srndn Aid to Russia Seattle, Dec. 30? The steamship Ta? coma is loading 1700 tons of salt beef xk this place bille'J to Shanghai. The ves 3el intends to deliver the cargo at Vla divostock and Port Arthur, The Ja panese are advised of her intentions. BLOODY A f TEMPI AL JAIL BREAK Af fOLSOM [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] Folsom, Cal., Dec. 30? A desperate and bloody at'.empt was made to break jail at this place this morning, The guards, obeying a standing order to shoot to kill at the first attempt to break jail regardless of who may be in the way, opened with Winchesters at the first alarm. Seven of the nine men who were in the plot were riddled with J I Wullets . Three are dead and others may die. C'apt. Murphy was cut in the leg by a knife in the hands of a convict The attempt was similar to the general plan of last July. A gang of men were working at the rock crusher. One man threw a hammer into the machine. This attracted attention and the break for liberty was made. The shooting followed and the attempt frustrated in a sanguinary manner. LOSE GOLD Another Sack Lost From Expres sOflice (Sp cial Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.) San Francisco, Dec. 30? A sack, con taining $500 in gold has mysteriously disappeared from the Wells Fargo treasure box in the office of that com pany in this city. Detectives can find no trace of the gold. A sack contain ing $15,000 was lost last month the same way. MITCHELL TALKS TO GRAND JURY [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] Portland, Dec. 30? Senator John H. Mitchell testified before the grand jury yesterday. He refuses to discuss the matter of his tcstsmony at all, but it is believed he made an answer to all the charges that were made against him by other witnesses. A Good Appointment The reappointment of Gen. William L. Distin to the office of surveyor gen eral for the district of Alaska is one that will be generally approved by Alaskans. The people, however, would have been much better pleased had the J president named him for the office of ' governor, even though doing so had in volved a necessity for sending tha pres ent incumbent to some high position abroad.? Ketchikan Journal. Sbiigway Laundry For first-class work try Skagway Laundry. Twenty-five years' experi ence. Telephone 89. tf j Conklln's "self filler" fountain pen at Harrisons' . TO REVISE Congress Will Prob'bly Consider Tariff N [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] Washington, Dec. .'50 ? Congress will probably consider the question of a revision of the tariff as a means of controlling the trusts. It may be taken up at a special session next fall. MRS. HART QUITS FAIR COMMISSION Mrs. Mary E. Hart, lady manager of the Alaska exhibit at St. Louis, will not be connected with the Alaska ex hibit at Portland, Oregon, next year. She has been compelled to sever her connection with the commission on ac count of her inability to get along with Gov. Brady, against whom, she, Mrs. J. J. Boyce, of Juneau, and others who were connected with the commission are very bitter. The story of the disagreement be tween Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Boyce with Gov. Brady comes from St. Louis and there is nothing in it to the discredit of the ladies. At Wholesale Prices The Mascot saloon sells liquors, either bulk or case goods at wholesale prices. All the old brands always on hand. 10-I-tf. Wood and Coal For Sale We have for sale and will deliver to any part of the city good dry wood. Sawed in any length. Alaska Transfer Co., Phone 10. 8 20 tf A fine variety of fancy and French bon bons; also a nice line of novelty box gpods at the Vienna Cafe. Fresh Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Etc. ALL THE LATEST NEWS MATTER "Everybody's" Magazine will be in on next boat > Chealanders, nm Avenue,