THE DAILY OITV QFPIC1HL P^PBR , ? ? ? ^ No. 2 VOL. VIIL SKAGWAY, ALASKA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, t905 PRICE 10 CENTS SfILL ANOTHER INDICTMENT AGAINST MITCHELL > Grand Jury Charges Oregon Senator With Bribery? Another Prominent Politic- ? ian Caught In the Toils (Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.) Portland, Feb. 3 ? The federal grand jury returned still another indictment against Senator John H. Mitchell last night. This time he is charged with bribery in the land fraud case. State Senator George Brownell, a prom ineni lawyer aud politician, was also indicted. The charges against Brownell is subordination of perjury in the famous land frand cases. At WfcalanU PrieM The Mascot saloon sella liquors, ?ither bulk or case gixxU at wholesale Ccea. All the old brands always on ad. 10-1 tf. Uool Tim* mt Dane ? 1 About 40 persons were present at the ; White Pass Athletic Club informal dance last nlaht. The evenin? was | pleasantly spent. 'HARRISONS'* ..Valentines Phunny and Artistic At any old price, from 2 for 5c to $1-75 each. A Swell Line to Select From Phone 55. Store Open Evenings The Best Line Ulsters & Overcoats Ever Brought to Alaska. *T. fi. Clayson $ Co.* The One Price Clothier 2 SEASONABLE GOODS Snow Shoes* Sleds and Dog Harness Let Us Figure With Yon When Yon G-o Inside -I Dement & Gearhartr mm speaks fOR stir GOVERNMENT, Skagway Business Man Tells Portland Ore gonian the District of Alaska QShould Be Organized As a Territory While visiting in the states C. B. Baraden, of this city, is making full use of his opportunity to five voice to A!as*a's cry for self government. The following is from the Portland Ore jo.iian: "C. B. Baraden, who represents Ross Biggins & Co., one of the largest mer cantile concerns in Southeastern Alas ka, having extensive business interests ut Juneau and Skagway and dealing all through the Yukon Territory, is in j Portland on a business trip. In an In terview, Mr. Harrsden said he oonsld le.s Alasnt. one of the most wonderful countries in the world, and expressed himself as well pleased with present conditions and the future outlook, and that what is must needed is home rule under a territorial form of government. Be said: " 'We have, without doubt, 50,000 to tO.OOO white people in Alaska at the present; bright, progi essive men scat tered all over Alaska, who are perfect [ ly able to make laws and see that they are properly executed. The population li rapidly increasing and a home rule form of government would develop the country in a manner that would sur prise the world, and 1 think the powers at Washington should give this matter immediate attention. There it certain ly no other place in the United States, and probably not in the world, that has as much minerals of all kinds as are in Alaska, and the fish industry would be simply ecormous if properly perpetuat ed. We want home rule aDd believe we are fully entitled to it, and with a very few exceptions the entire people demand it. I " 'Fairbanks, about 1!50 miles up the Tanana river, without doubt will be the camp this season, and everything points to a big rush there in the early spring. The diggings around Fairbanks are rich without any question, and there is no doubt but that it is destined to I e a large camp for several years.' " Atlln Miner Killed James Kennedy, an individual miner, was killed by falling timber on Spruce , creek, January 22. Interment, was at the Atlin cemetery January 24. Ken- 1 nedy was a young man and a native of | Ireland. HeHs believed to be survived | by a brother in Vancouver. He was one of the lefeding men of the Atlin cirnp. Wood For Sa'o Best dry hemlock wood by the cord or car load, B. H. Young, Phone 141, ' Skin ! Skin! Skin! Why suffer with chapped hands and face, when a bottle of our famous * Almond Flower Cream will protect them from the cold and the \wind Editor Lcmbu Money W. F. Thompson, editor of the Daw son Sun, lost a purse last night on the street at some place between Kelly & Co. 's drug store and the Fifth Ave nue hotel containing $30 in American bills. Be is advertising for its return today, offering a reward to whosoever may be sufficiently lucky to find it. May Join British Columbia There is said to be a strong move ment on foot not only in the Klondike but among the Canadian government officials to annex Yukon territory to British Columbia. It is claimed that a larger measure of self-government could be secured this "**y and that it would save much of the expense of ad ministration. CLOSING Oil SALE Commencing February 1st all my stock of books, stationery, bibles, blankbooks. offics supplies, juvenile books, and in fact everything in the book department noes at cost. All smoking tobacco and pipes will goat greatly reduce prices. All two for a quarter cigars for 10 cents straight, all 10 cento cigars three fbr a quarter, all five cents cigars six for a quarter, and all chewing tobacco at 10 cents per cut. Also all slot machines, counters, show cases, scales, etc., for sule cheap. J. F Fairbanks, 214 and 21ti Broadway. Oyster Cocktails served at the Vienna Bakery, and wholesale at reasonable prices Free delivery. Phone 36 \w (LW VT. m iWl Almond Flower Cream 25c and 50c a bottle Will cure your chapped hands and lips. It is superior to glycerine and Vaselene preparations It is Neither Sticky or Greasy. Gloves can be worn immediately after using. Let us fill your prescripilons. Kelly & Co. Fire and Liie INSURANCE Real Estate Financial Agent Phil Abrahams 624 FOURTH AVE., SKAGWAY j tffsnL ' dnt JLn:eclal Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] | Chicago. Feb. 2.? The coldest wea ther that has been experienced in many years prevails at this place and through out the middle west and north. The The poorer people are suffering greatly, | in all parts of the country. The result ; ing business depression with the retail | dealers is marked. New Girl Appear* Mrs P. W . Snyder received word in the last mail that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce, formerly of this city, became the parents of a baby girl at Aspen, Colorado, Jan. 14. Elks' Meeting There will be a regular meeting of Skagway Lodge No. 431, Benevolent and Protective Ordor of Elks, at their hall, Thursday, Febrary 2, at 8 p. m. There will be initiation. All visiting Elks are invited to at tend. E. A. Murphy, Seo'y. Notice to Pnbllo The municipal taxes for the year 1904, due to the town of Skagway, Alaska, v. ill become delinquent March 1, 1905. If not paid on or before that date a pen alty 20 per cent, will be added to the amount due and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum will be charged on the whole amount due for taxes and penalty from that date. Dated at Skagway, A ask a, Feb. 2, 190o. x H. H. Draper, Municipal Treasurer, Town of Skag way, Alaska Cook Wanted Wanted a cook. Aptly to Capt..H. A. Smith, Fort William H. Seward, Haines, Alaska. tfs At tl&? Iuaho Saloon Herroatasre whiskey, bottled spring 1901. made 1893?11 years old? 12J cents a drink at the Idaho. Don't Fail to See Our Window Display of HEINZ GOODS A Few of the 57 Varieties ? ? Sweet Pickles Chili Sauce Tomatoe Preserves Horseradish Apple Butter Tomatoe'Soup Dili Pickles Mustard Dressing India Relish Catsup Peach Butter Tomatoe Chutney Pearl Onions Mince Meat Sauerkraut ?IBIS iff Sole Agent? Rose ot Ellensburg Butter The Best That Money Ca,n Buy FIGHTING AT MtlUtiV \0I VtRV SERIOUS Firing Bv Opposing Armies Almost Exclu sively Confined to Artillery and It Is of Desultory Character [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan. ] Mukdeu, Feb. 2. ? The fighting which wag resumed yesterday at Mukden has developed nothing important. The fighting hatf been desultory on both sides and it has been almost exclueively confined to the artillery. RUSSIANS MAINTAIN ORDER St Petersburg, Feb. 2 ? All is quiet throughout the em pire, but it requires the activity of the troops to maintain order in Poland. Warsaw is under martial law. . OFFICERS SAW JAP 80AFS Paris, Feb. 2 ? The North sea case is on trial. The of ficers of the Baltic fleet testify to having seen torpedo boats among the trawlers. It is clear that the Japanese will at tempt to prove that Japanese torpedo boats accompanied the fleet of British fishermen. BAD ONE New York Train Strikes j Sleighing Pttrty [Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.] ; Hornellville, N. Y? Feb. 2-A pas- I sender train struck a sleighing party of 13 persons that was returning from u visit to a farm house last night and 10 ot the party were instantly killed. Two were seriously and one slightly in jured. Stag* Oou to Davion Whitehorse, Feb. 2.? A White Paso stage left for Dawson yesterday with four passengers, 700 pounds of mail and 81 pounds of express. Piano for Sale Lucavlsh has another fine piano for sale cheap for cash or on installments of tl5 per month. Skaitway Laundry For first-class work try Skagway Laundry. Twenty-live years' experi- , ence. Telephone 89. tf , Farallon to Carry Explosives The Farallon, leaving Seattle on or about Feb. 15, will carry explosives. People placing their orders before that time will have them cared for. , Alaska Steamship Company. Skagway, Jan. 28, 1905. lw I For Bala at ? Bargain I will sell at a bargain the Joy Truck ! Farm on the west side of bkagway river. More than five acres of A1 soil all under cultivation. For terms apply 1 to undersigned. Mrs. Ida Joy. At Wholaaal* Prices The Mascot saloon sells liquors, either b lk or case goods at wholesale prices. Ail the old brands always on hand. 10-1-tf. All the delicacies of the season at the Pack Train Resturant. Valentines ! Now Is the Time to Send Comic Valentines to Your "Friends" and Fancy Valentines to Your Friends We have a Dice line to select from at popular prices Chealanders, mm Avenue, POSTOfflCE BEIRG CHANGED A change is being made in the ar rangement of the Skagway postoffice that will facilitate the handling of the mails. The money order and registry window being remov ed from therear end of the building to the front where it w 11 be near the general delivery win dow, thus permitting one of those er | gp.ged in that department to asust iu the distribution and delivery of the mail. The enclosure, formerly oscupied by the news stand, at the right of the en trance to the postoffice will be removed. Some Say It Is Almost Like Puiling Teeth to do business nowadays IT IS N0T ! We try to keep in stock such things a drugstore is supposed to have. Well, we do, and we carry a jood many things not found elsewhere. Prices ? Just look at them. WM.BRITT, THE DRUGGIST