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THE DAILY ALASKAN CITV OFPICIAL PAPER No. 21-' VOL IX. SKAGWAY, IlA.SK A, TUESDAY OCTOBER 9 1906 PR?CK 10 CENTS f HARRISONS' 1! We carry the "Miltzen" hand tailored ready made skirts, from $5 to $17.50- aud the "Gem" tail ored silks and wool shirtwaists. IPO 7 styles just ored received Remember this is the last week in which to buy 15 and 1 7 A cents uinghams for 10 cents. .lust a few shirt waists left at 50c ou the dollar. I This month's Butterick Patterns are 10c and 15c ? none higher . Phone's 4 and 55 Store's open evenings f you smoke the^gg^ El Arabe Cigar Once you will smoke it always^ TONY DORTERO Agent tor Alaska *? VVVW\ . . .vt v. vvv\\>N\\\v?> VA\V\\VV\V\WkV%VVVAVV?.> | * FANCY GROCERIES * j f: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables J | ;l I ^NORTHEND GROCERY I t A.L.GRANT. PHONE 136 t ? ...5 I Co whom it may interest We are now show ing our new fash ions in falland UJinter Suits eraveitett Coats and Overcoats " While not exactly in the nature of an exhibition the showing is one that will interest all men who wish to DRESS WKLL Copvright I Jj o 6 by Htrt Schaffner & Marx F. H. CLAYSON & CO. CLOTHIER fourth and B rod way I THE ONE PRICK CLOTHlEi LAKtiEST > I.OTHlN'i AND lTKNIHIXCi GOODS HOUSE IN AM. OK ALASKA S 1 CENTRALLY UK ATKD 1UST ACCOMMODATIONS New Home Restaurant Mrs. c. HiUy, Manager Best 25 Cent Meals in the C'ty FIFTH AVF.NUE, NEAR BKOADWAY Good Clean Beds From 25 Cents Up BATHS IN CONNECTION fairbauks Criminals Escape Hendrickson and Thornton saw their way through roof of Lavelle Young and take to woods-Hendrick son was "lone highwayman" of "blue parka" fame Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan:! Eagle, Oct. 9? Hendrickson and rhornton, two of the most notorious i stimioals in Alaska, while being taking j from Fairbanks to McNeil's Island, sawdd through the roof of their slate room on the Lavclla Younjj and. while the vessel was takinp on wood at Na tion, rscatwd into the woods. Hendrlckaon wei the notorious "lone biph cayman' who wore the "blue par ka" and who terrorized tti? Tan ana creeks last winter. He and Thornton held up and nearly kill?J their iailer with knlTM last ?in!f?r and escaped They were sentenc*! to l."? year* in the penitentiary for this crim<> IJoth meo ire again at larcc in the vlritof Alas ka. tins REARS I Hughes Accn?e$ Opponent ; With Tax Podgiug (Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan.) Mt. Vernon, N. Y . Oct. 9? Charles K. Hughes, republican nominee for governor of New York, addressed a mass meetinp here last nitrht in the j course which he said that while ttenrst j is abusing the corporations bis news paper corporations have been evading just taxation ever since their organizat ion. Hufhes was cheered for a quarter jf an hour before bis speech began. Htuit DeniM Charcot New York. Oct. 9? William R. I [learst made a statement this morniaf j ienying the published charee that he rill spend a million dollars in the cov more will be spent in this campaign than was spent in the Cleveland and ! Bryan campaigns. I He denies the statement that he ever I employed Chinese labcr He also say > ! he has no promises to make if he is 'elected further than those which will be made from the stump froic time to ' lime. MRWRITERS STAND LOSS ! I) I ' Nearly all the freight oa the White) I Pass steamer Columbiao, which explod I ed on the Yukon two weeks ago, was insured ami the loss will fall upon the j underwriters. Adjusters representing the later have already come north and | 1 are making an investigation. i Circle DUtrlot Divldad Judge Wickersham has divided the [ CircleCity recording district and apoint ed bam L.Marsh commissioner-recosdei I of the new district, which will be | known as I hantelar. I ? ITO CU8E a COLDW ONE DAY j Take LAXATIYE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if ill fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa~| ture on each box. 25c. |? c W. W. Boughton has received a con- j ^ signmentof Marguerite Havana Cigars. If you want a good sweet amoke call ? for them. CHARGE TOM Cleveland's Mayor Accused of Doable Dealing: [Special Dispatch to D^ily Alaskan Cleveland. O., i>ct. !>? The Cleveland Klectrlc *ail*ay filed a petition in court yesterday asking for an injunction pre venting 'he force working on the lines of the City Electric Company from cor tinuioR. The petition alleges that Tom L. Johnson is financially interested in :he City Klectric Company and that he is aiding it in getting its franchise. CARIBOU MAUI BADLY Oil IP Mr. Po >len, employed io a sawmill at ."aribon. *a- dangerously hurt yester iav and ?roncht to the ft hit0 l'ass lospitnl on the evening train. He ?ame in cont-act with a bur.r. saw [which :ut a great cash in his shoulder, Bever ng the snoulder blade and almost re noving his arm Both of Hie bones in lis lower right 'arm w ere broken and here is a large cut in the forearm. Or Norman and Dr. Brawand worked rith the man until way into the night ast night. Dr. Norman said this after loon that while tbe man is dangerously iurt there is a well founded hope that le rfill recover Voter* for Territorial Government When it is said that a majority of he people are opposed to a territorial overnruent, the truth of the statement epends upon who constitute a majority if the people. If the cannery inwresu rith headquarters and offices in San 'raccisco and Seattle, and the repre enlalives of foreign and eastern capi at are called the majority of the people if Alaska, it is true, but If the voters if the district are the majority It is not rue. -Yaldez News. A. B Attention ! ! ! All members of Camp Skaeway. No 1 re requested to be at the Camp at 8 'clocit, "sharp,"' tonight aa important lusiness must be transacted before the ocial session. M. B. Clemenper, Arctic Chief. ?maw | , We now have . . Long's Preserves . This season's pack . made from select fruit and pure SATISFACTION GUARANTEED lAfl 10 RESTORE PEACE EHEN FORGIVE American Acting Ruler Sends Agent to Ad just Difficulties at Cienfuegos That Done He Will Issue General Armesty Order (Special Dispatch to Daily Alaskan | j Havana. Oct. 9- Secn'tarr Taft has sent Consul Steinhart to Cienfuegos with power to settle the political diffi culties thsre and to re>tore peace among the factions which .have teen warrinp ever since the last election. He says this action is newssary as be is about to issue a general amr.esty order and he d<??ires all portion of the ialand to be at peac when that is done. Taft will leave Cuba > >ctober I V The battleship Indiana sailed for the rniUsJ Stat** this morning ALL WELL Mikkelaon's Party Making Headway for Northland [Special Dispatch to Da ly Alaskan) . Victoria, Oct. 9? Seaman Edward*, j j who had signed with t apt. Mikkelson in his northern expedition and who, was discharged at (.'af*1 <"larenc< on ac count of illness, has arrived h?re. He! I said thai Mikkelson had reached l he j ! Arctic ocean a-.d that everything was! , favorable for a successful voyage All was well. CI I VI L AM) f OR C. S. SfMATf I New York, Oct 4 The World ?ng- j ; ^eets that the New lerspy democrats j name former President Grover Cleve land for the United States senate. Woman'* Guild Tomorrow I There will he a meeting: of/ the Woman's Guild of St, Saviour's church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Howard Ashley on Eighth avenue. All the delicacies of the season at the Pack Train Restaurant. SkACWnT Laundry For first-class work try Skapway Laundry. Twenty-five rears' experl eoce. Telephone 83. tf BAD FIRE Los Angeles Chamber nf C??m mo roc Knrns (Special Diapntch to Daily 'Alariran) Loa Anireles, Cal . . Oct. 9? A fire at milnicht in the thamt'er i>f t oinmerc* building did damage to ;he extent o( f 100, 000. The fire ??< s'-arteu on the top floor io ome mv?terio:i? manner th?t f? still unknown SfAIIlt SAILS mill Bill IIS! The Cuy of Seat'le ?ail*d for the south yesterday "eninp with ? very large list of paaseotfers She hail III passengers out of Sltacwey. The Princes* Beatrice will sail thi? evening for the *outh with all of her passenger ?connimo<i?tions occupied. The Humboldt, due today, has Dot beeD reported. She will probably ar rive during the night or early tomor row. H*?t*r la ? H?t?r A mau nstned Heeler ha? succeeded in raisinp cucumber* at Fairbanks. He must foe a hot one. Dougla? News. Chickens for Sal* Rhode Island Red Cockerels $3 each. Barred Plymouth Rock hens, one aod two rears "old, (rood breeders, f- each. 2-w Mrs. W. C. McKeozte. (jage Dres9 and Street Hats at Har risons'. ^Sick-Room gomforts* many times do as much good as a doctor? They aid the doctor always We have everything in sick room requisites that can be desired? hot ?ater bottles bed pans, fountain syringes, atomizers, etc We are always on the lookout for new de vices to help ill to get well, Wm. BEITT I THE DRUGGIST M