Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. * # VOL. I. AUGUSTA, ME., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1870. NO. 15. JUiuubct fmtral. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. BY 8PKAGIR, OWEN ii NASH. Sail]) $Umtrlicc Journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, aud gives the proceedings of the Legislature iu full, also reports of proceedings of important commit tees and the Agricultural aud Educational depart ments. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $8 if payment is not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one inch iu leugth, three in genious or less. $1 00; 25 cts. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. ‘(lOlcehli) licnncbct Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest folio paper in the State, containing news, political articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $2 per annum in advance, Transient Advertisements, #1 50 per inch for first week; ‘25 cents per week for eacji subsequent J insertion. Special Notices, $2.00 jwr inch for first week: 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in reading columns, 20 cents per line for first insertion; 10 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. I. C. I. C. I. c. r, s, o. SOMES’ Oyster, Fruit ami Confectionery SALOOF! Opposite Masonic Block, Gardiner, Me. TIIE BEST OYSTER COOK in the State. Solid Oysters, 50 eents per quart. 7, 8, ©. To the people at large, Who this notice may read. And yourselves in Gardiner should find : *If you want a good stew. You should knsw where to go— It's to Somes’, 7, 8. 9. C. T. SOMES, Gardiner, Jan. 1st, 1870. tlj»u70-tf CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Winthrop State Sts., .Augusta, Me. T. B. BALLARD, ; : Proprietor. | Quests taken to and from the Cars ; and Boats Free. H0R8E8 AND CARRIAGES TO LET. flJan7(W>m C. H. STARBIRD, Photographer and Artist, XKW GRANITE BLOCH, Nearly opposite Post Office, (Up Stairs,^ Makes ail the herd styles of Pictures in the Art. pictures corncT& enlarged, — AN.— Finished in India Ink or Colors. At prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. •^“The public are invited to call and examine Specimens made and finished at his rooms. AUGUSTA. ME. tljan70,U Shooting Tackle. 51. W. LOXO, SUCCESSOR TO L. M. L EC A ED, Otrisr SMITH And Dealer in Shooting Tackle of Every Variety. RIFLE AND SHOT GUNS made to ORDER and WARRANTED. Particular attention paid to Choking Shut Guns to make them shoot thick and strong. Alsu on hand, the best lot of Skates in the market, for sale cheap. Odd keys of every pattern. Key tags and rings for Hotels Powder of the best quality for [Halting or Sporting. Re pairing done neatly and promptly. All work warranted Ijao-ly DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE. : : AUGUSTA. MAINui DIt. CHAMBERLAIN is fully up with the timoa in all the best and moot practical improve* | ments, always availing himself of such as will be of practical use to his patrons, and being thorough ly conversant with Dentistry in all its bl anches, can promise his patrons that their work shall be done in a manner Which Cannot be Kxrelled I THE MOST DIFFICULT CASES ARE SOLICITED ! ! I'ui-e IViti-ous Oxide Or Laughing Gas, the beet unci eufcst Amexthetic now extant, constantly on hand and given for the extraction of Tooth without tain. ukfkkexces or permissiox J. B. Bell, M. R. J. w. Toward. M. P. Geo. F Brickctt. M. P J. O. Webeter, M. D. W. L Thompson, M. V. W. S. Hill, M. P Office Hours from 8 A. M. to 8 F. 11. tU»u70 GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! -AJD-A.3MBSlOKT^S BOTANIC COUGH BALSAM! IS MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! IT CURES THE WORST COUGH or COLD IN A SHOUT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - - - 35 Cents. | No Cure! No Pay! FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can be Cured for 3 Cents! | TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! i 18707 January; i87o; EXTRA INDUCEMENTS TO BOYERS. We have this Day marked doiyx OUR PRICES ’ SO AS TO R EO U CE STOCK. LOOK | LOOK ! LOOK ! THINK AND REFLECT On the Following I*r*ices : Overcoats Tor Overcoats for « no j Overcoats for «’An ; Overcoats for S*t>« Overcoats (warranted all wool) o’on ■Overcoats (heavy Black Beaver) loioo OUR STOCK OF PANTS AND VESTS, MATCHED SUITS, -AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! I Ot every description we offer for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. | CALL AND SEE US, and we guarantee that you will get your money’s worth at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. S. W. Huntington & Co., __1QO Water Street, Augusta, >Iaine. MANSION HOUSE, STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. 'l'llIS House is prori.le.1 with Hath Rooms, 1 where Hot and Cold Baths can he had at all inies. It lias also a First-Class Billiard ll.ill. for ■Hosts only. Connected with the House is a Urge oid commodious Sample Room, on Water Street, ■entrtily locate!, where Sample Agents can show neir goods, free of charge. TIi- Pr .prieior, thankful for the liberal patronage hich the above Home ha* enjoyed since its open ig. takes pleasure in informing hi* patrons that he rill run Free Carriages to and from the Cars and toils until further notice Connected with the above House is a Livery Sta ole, where good teams can be had at reasonable IV. M. TIIAYKR, Proprietor. O. P. Cochrank. Clerk. DKLL SIUOMIS’ Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott & Bradbury’s, Water Street, : : : Auguatn, Me. • Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing, Cutting, Col oring, Ac., in the most approved style of the art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La dies’and Children’s hair. All kinds of Hair Work made to order in the latest style. ljanTtMy For the Toilet. TI FT'S PEACH PLASMA, BURNETT’S K A LISTON, GLYCERINE, and GLYCERINE SOAP, CAMPHOR ICE, COLD CREAM, BAY WATER, AND ALL OTHER Toilet Articles. Perfumeries! Hair, Nail, Tooth, and all other kinds of BRUSHES! COMBS of All Kinds, *Cr. For sale rery low by TITCOMB & DORR, APOTHECARIES, WBST END KENNEBEC BRIDGE, Mtf iAugriintn. BOWDOIN_COLLEGE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T1IE Fiftieth Annual Course of Lectures, in the X Medical School of Maine, will commence Feb ruary 17, 1870, and continue sixteen weeks. Circulars containing full information may be had on applying to the Secretary, i C. F. BRACKETT, M. D , Sec’v, 6w3 Brunswick, Maine. Ivon! Iron! Iron! TOSS old Iron wanted In exi-hango for gooda | eJU by BALLARD ft CHASE, No. 6 blocs, water street. j I Aufcuats, May 20. liwO, MOSES M. SWAN, Watch maker and Jeweller, > e A f* V H > a ► as M His Stock embraces a flue line of American and Swiss Watches, ELGIN WATCHES, In gold and silver case, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Tremont. Bor* ciniu. Bonnet!, Pardeaux, Jaoot. Ac., in both La dies’ and gentlemen’s sizes. Fiiio Gold J owelry, Solid Gold Leontton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, TINE rLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the mod approved kinds. CLOCKS or ALL KIXDS, including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds of j?e . ;,;'hc8- Chronometer Balances applied and adjusted to temperature and position. fljan70-tf Keen's Celebrated English Mustard, And STTCKXEY A POOR’S IN BCLK. THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established in 1825.) Enlarged and Improved. 1 A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEW8PAPER. _ Not Excelled by any in the State, Just Enlaiuied and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Having Full Reports of Legislative proceedings; carefully prepared Political Articles, Facts and Sta tistics; Local. Domestic and Foreign News; Corres pondence; Tales. Poetry. Agricultural and other Miscellaneous Matter. 2¥o Increase of Subscription Price—A Good Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kennebec Journal is in the Forty-fourth year l of iia uge. It has just been enlarged, and in now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, Its size not being exceeded by that of any other paper in the Slate, and surpassed by but few in other Staten. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Articles, Facts. Statis tics, Speeches and Extracts; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mut ters pertaining to the State Govern ment; Reports of the Doings of Congress ; Local and State News; Summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports ol' the Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected Tales, Poetry. Agricultural and other Inter esting and Useful Reading for the Family, also Correspondence from Abroad and original Articles upon subjects of Gen’l Interest. It has been enlarged front Twenty-Eight t# Thirty-Nix Column*, in width, and proportionately increased in length, and is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of the Handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of the CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of subscription has not been increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Term* : $*2.00 per annum in advance, $2.25 at the end of six months, and $2 50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on and after the first of January. Will give Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of! the Legislature from day to day; Reports of I in- ! portaut Hearings before* Committees; Abstracts I of Discussions in the Boards of Education and j Agriculture; will have the Latest News bv Tele- . graph the same as other dailies, anti will also nave Editorials, Correspondence. Locals and the ; usual Summaries of News, also the most Import- i ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussions in the Board of Education will give i New and Additional Imoortauce to the Daily Journal, as it will contain reports of them. Terms, $7.00 per year; $*-'.00 for the Session. Members of the Legislature will do their con stituents and themselves a favor to interest them- j selves in getting subscribers to the above pubiica- | tions. The Daily keeps up that correspondence j betweeu the People and their Representatives, 1 through their Legislative Reports, which is neces- I sary and agreeable to both. No Tri-Weeklv will be published. Those persons ' who desire a full report of the Legislative Proceed- j ings, must subscribe for the Daily Journal. I Postmasters and Members of the Legislature authorized to take subscriptions. Ad-The Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal j are published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, j (ireat Bargains at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC OND HAND Which will be sold at very low rate* for GASS. i We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Coffins, And COMMON COFfINS of ail kind*, and the best j trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment of ROBES OF ALL KINDS, All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the State. C. R. A H. U. WELLS. 2*2 tf All Should Know the new method of plating with GOLD AND SILVER ! Plate anything. Anybody can do it. Trifling ex ponse. So apparatus Plate any thickness, in structions scut to any address on receipt ot So cents and stamp. J. D. B. GODDARD. 4w2* Augusta. Maine. i Titcomb’a Aromatic Tonic Elixir! i XD aU tfcj other POPULAR MEDICINES for A nalo low at TITCOMB A DORR’S ltkt_DRUG STORE KEROSENE lamps. Lanterun and Chimneys Son Burners untl CWumeys. for sale bv Muy &, 1&». UAUUAKD A CAAS'E. OOYERNMENT OP MAINE, 1870. GOVERNOR, Joshua U Chamberlain, Brunswick. • COUNCIL. 1st District, Uranus 0. Brackett, Berwick. 2-i District, William Deering, Portland, 3d District, William Rogers, Bath. 4th District, Ambrose 11. Abbot, China. 6th District, Edward It. Spear, Rockland. 6th District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K. llnbart, Deuuysville. EXECUTIVE officer*. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of State. George G. Stacy, Kezar Falls, Deputy Secretary. James It. Miiliken, Portland, Chief Clerk. It. B. Murray, Jr., Pembroke, Adjutant General. L. Smith, Augusta, Clerk to Adjutant General. George N. Page, Norrulgewock, State Pension Clerk in j Adjutant General’s office. William Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer. Sylvan us Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Li tineas, Laud Agent. GOVERNOR T STAFF. John M Brown, Portland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. Eugene F. Sauger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aida-de-Camp, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Selden Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathau Cutler. Albert 0. Morgan, Lewiston, Mil tary Sec’y to Governor. Prentiss M. Fogier, Augusta, Messen’r U» Gov. and Council. Benjamin F. Harris, Machias, Supl. of Public Buildings George L. Uondale, Brunswick, State Assaver. Cyrus V. Brackett, Brunswick, State Asaayer. Daniel Winslow, Westbrook, Inspector Gen. of Beef k Pork. David Feruald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. Geo. F. Dillingham, Did town, Agt. Penobscot Tribe Indians. Geo. F. Wadsworth, Eastport, Agt. Pusaamatiu’y Tribe In. Albert W Paine, B»ng<»r, Bank and Insurance Examiner. Asa W. Wildes, Skowhegan, A Samuel H. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Conunissioners. Solomon T. Corser, Portland, J SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas Cutting, Bangor. Jonathan G Dickerson, Belfast Charles W. Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Dan forth. Gardiner. Rufus P. Tapley, Saco. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Thomas B. eed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. Henry M. Harlow, M. D , Superintendent and Physiciau. Bigelow T. Sanborn, M. D., Assistant Physician. TRUSTEES. William B. Lapham, M. P., Woostock, President. E. L. Pattangall, Pembroke. John T. Gilman. M. I>., Purtland. M. K. Ludwig, Thomaston. STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden. Elbridge Burton, Deputy Warden. INSPECTORS. William Wilson, lion. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. Hon. E. V . Woodbury, Superintendent. TRUSTEES. Hon. Noah Woods, Bangor, President. W. E. Gould, Portland, Secretary. Hon. Nathan Dat.e, Alfred, Treasurer. Hon. Jeremy VV Porter, Strong. Tobias Lord, Staudish. STATE COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC ARTS. Trustees. Hon. Abner Cobum, Skowhegan, President. Hon. Thomas 8 Lang, Augusta Hon. William P Wingate, Busgor. Hon. Lyndon Oak. Garland. Rev. Samuel F. Dyke, Bath. J. C. Madigan, lloulton. Hon. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Orono, Secretary. Executive Committee. Hon. Won. P- Wingate, lion. Lyndon Oak, lion. Thomas S. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL. D.} Rev. Amory Battles; non. Thomas S. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fcrnald, A. M., Acting President and Professor of Mathematics and Physios. Samuel Johnson, A. M , Farm Suj;K*rinterdent and In structor in Agriculture. Stephen F Peckham, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. Calvin Cutter, M. Lb, Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygene Corydon B. L ikin, Instructor in B;>ok-keeping. Captain Henry E. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor in Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President. Seth Scamman, Scarboro’, Vice President. S. L. Goodule, Saco, Secretary. M. C. Femald, Orono. 'I S. P. Peckham. Orono. Charles E. Ilamien, Watcrville. J- Members at Large. Cyma F. Brackett, Brunswick. I George L. Goodale, Brunswick. / MEMBERS FROM COUNTIES. Seth Scammau, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. VN ildes P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsnam. Samuel Holmes, Oxford County, Peru. Levi L. Lucas, Somerset County, St. Albans. Ira Doe, York County. Elijah B Stack pole, Penobscot County. Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Va num Putnam, Aroostook County, lloulton. Jeremiah K. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. Luther Chamberlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. Moses L. Wilder, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac H >bhs. Knox C auity, S »uth H-qm. Daniel II Thing Kennebec County, Mt Vernon. George E. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast. Z. A. Gilbert, Androscoggin County, East Turner. Calvin Chamberlain, (State-Society,) Foxcroft. John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jeffersou. COMMON SCHOOLS. Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Superintendent. Joseph F. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. county supervisors. Androscoggin, C. B. Stetson, I<ewiston. Aroostook, W T Sleeper, Sherman. ('umlh’rland, J. II. Webb, Gorham. Franklin, A II Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, Charles J. Abbott, Castiae. Kennebec, W II Bigelow, Cliuton. Knox. G M Hicks, Rockland. Lincoln, Ib S. Glidden, Newcastle. Oxf.rd, N T True, Bethel. Penoliscot, S A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, " S. Kuowiton, Munson. Sagadahoc, lb F. Potter, Tupshaiu. Somerset, G W. ILitheway, Skowhegan. Wald-*, N. A. Luce, Freedom, Washington, W. J. Corthtdl, Calais. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. President, J II. Hanson, Watcrville. Vice-president, C C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C- B. Stetson, Lewiston. BXKCl'TIVE COMMITTEE. J II Hanson, Chairman, Waterville. C. It. Stetson, Lewiston. A. IV Stone, Portland. J. S. liarieli, Lewimun. W. Johnson, Topsham. C. C. Rounds, Farmington. J. P. dross, Brunswick. U. T. Fletcher, Css tine. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. COMMITTEE ON STATE VALUATION. John P Hubbard, Hiram. Seth Scamman, Scurboro'. Alvin Currier, Chesterville. Nehcmiah Smart, Searsiuont. Abel Prescott, Canaan. Reuben S. Prescott, Bangor. Partman Houghton, Eastport. Enoch Knight, Portland, Clerk of Commissions STATE LIBRARY'. Joseph T. Woodward, Librarian. Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Phthisic, Piles aud Asthma, Cured by DU THOMPSON, at the CIJSHNOC IlOU.sE, for a week or two. He ha* traveled In 120 cities w ithin a few year* and cured from three to five thousand of those dis eases. Many of them were Physicians in Boston New Y'ork. Springfield, III . Saratoga, Ac. Come see the Old Man ; he will tell you just how you are and the cause. EXAMINATION FREE! He cured himself of most of these diseases wheu thirty-two of the best physicians could nut do it. Ho has three Physicians in Boston, New York, and Newark, N J., doctoring at the halves on Catarrh, he finding the medicine. Come Right Along 1 Poor Treated Free!' njaa-lw* ST L.PHITJE or LDIE. fur ’preserving Cider Al^y. White Mu.tanl Beta for til? low !w W TITCOSCB & llbut, Committees or the Legislature. Joint Standing Commutkks. 0:i the JudU'iary—Messrs. Lindsey of Somerset, Lane of Cumberland, ami Reed of Cumberland, of the Senate; Messrs. Whidden of Calais, Barker of Stetson. Smith of Saco, Bouney of Portland, Bliss of Washington, Powers of Houlton, and Vomc of Winterport, of the House. On Federal Relations—Messrs, (.leaves of Oxford, ! Lindsey of Somerset, and Reed of Cumberland, of the Senate; Messrs. Barker of Stetson, stone of Kennebunk, Mr Gil very of Sears port, Whidden of Calais. Burgess of Portland, Smith of Warren, ami Jordan of Brunswick, of the House. On Military Affairs—Me*srs. Gibbs of Cumber land, Neal lev of York, and Hanson of York, of the Senate; Messrs. White ot Bangor. Duncan of Kit - tery, Spaulding of Richmond, Phillips of Weld. Sturgis of Stundish, Dennett of So. Berwick, and j Alexander of Belmont, of the House. On Coast and Frontier Defences—Messrs. Morse of Sagadahoc. Cushing of Waldo, and Talbot ofj Washington, of the Senate; Messrs. Blake of All-j burn. Brawn of Oldtown. Moulton of Porter, Ames . of Jefferson. Mayo of Windham. Paige of Yiual haven, and Gates of Robbiiistou, of the House. On Railroads, Ways and Hr hi yes—Messrs. Cush- \ ing of Waldo. Morse of >agadaho«\ and Holland of] Androscoggin, of the Senate; Messrs. Hinks ofj Bm ksport^Twitehell of Portland. Poster of Argyle, Parwell of Augusta. Lane of Hollis, Patten of Bath, and Dickey of Port Kent, of the House. On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance—Messrs. Bm k of Hancock, Carvill of Cumberland, and Met<-aIt of Lincoln, of the Senate; Messrs. Hol brook of free port, Chamberlain of Kllsworth, Blake of Auburn, Warren of Veazie, Gannett of Bath. Watts of Thomas ton, and Harding of Gorham, of the House. On Legal Heform--Messrs. Lane of Cumberland, Nealley of York. Cleaves of Oxford, of the senate; Messrs. Baker of Augusta, Humphrey of B augor, Harrinian of Belfast. Hume of Cherryiield. Spauld-: ing of Richmond. Barton of Benton, and Mildram of Wells, of the House. On Education—Me. srs. Buffum of Penobscot, French ol Franklin, and Minot of Kennebec, of the Senate; Messrs. Farwell of Augusta. Humphrey of Bangor, Bouncy of Portland. Gott of Leeds. Hat horn of Pittsfield, Smith of Litchfield ana Daggett of strong, of the House. On /'(inks and Hanking—Messrs. Metcalf of Lin coln, Uced of C umbel land, and Gray of Kennebec, of the 'i nate; Me-srs. Dunning of llungor, Peed of Waldoboro*. Twitched of Portland Waterhouse of Portland, Bird of Rockland. PaJuier of Gardiner, and Adams ol Biddeford, of the House. On Agriculture— Messrs. Lang of Kennebec, bar celon of Waldo, and Bartlett «>t Hancock, of the Senate. Messr-. Wheeler of ( he.-terville, W a-son of suitv Thurlough of Newburgh, Wentworth of North Berwick, Moulton of Porter. Boothbay ol Emhden, and Darling of Lincoln, of the House. On Manufactures—Messrs. Hanson of Y orfc, Gibbs of Cumberland, and Mayo of Piscataquis, of the senate; Messrs. Hum ol Lewiston, Purrintou of Bowdoinhain, ( ole ot Cape Elizabeth, Foss of Ab bot, Lewis of Pittston, Burnham of Biddeford, and Cousins, of Keunebunkport, of the House. On interior ITaters—Messrs. Talbot of Washing ton, Buffum of Penobscot, and Gibbs of Cumber land. of the Senate; Messrs. Hammond of West brook. Folfom of Skowhegan. MeGilvery of Sears port. Ilearee of Lewiston, Cox of East Machlas. Hamilton of Orono, and Skinner of si. Albans, of the House. On State Lauds and State /loads—Messrs. Lang of Kennebec, Kingsbury of Penobscot, and Webb of Somerset, of the senate; Messrs. .nith of llodgdou, Crockett ot Rockland. Davis of Lubee. Irish of Sherman. Martin of Rumford, Chase of Winn, and sherman of Camden, of the llou-* On Pirieion of Twcns—Messrs. Webb ot Somer set. Gray of Kennebec, and Bartlett of Hancock. «»l the Senate; Messrs. Wasson of Surry, White • >! Bangor, Weston of Poland. Kimball of Bethel, Thompson "t Hallowell, smith of Parsonslleld, unit PeaveV ot Whiting, ol the House. On JHvutionvf C'omm/ww—Messrs. ( arvill of Cum ! berland. Torrey of Knox, and Kingsbury of Penob scot, of the senate ; Messrs. Tobey of Athens, ' Berry of Buxton. Milliken of Tremont, Mason of Hiram. W ilder of Fort Fairfield, Douglass of Na ; pies, and Adams of May field, of the Ilou-e. On Incorporation of Towns—Messrs. Holland of Androscoggin, Collins of Aroostook, and ( arvill of Cumberland, ol the Senate; Messrs. Foss of Ab bott. Cushing of Sidney. Tobey of Athens, ( lark of Holden. Liboev of Limerick. Cotton of Troy, and Bean of Corinth, of the House. on J 'inherit s—Messrs. Bartlett of Hancock. Met calf of Lincoln, and Cmleton of Knox, of the Senate; Messrs. Mear.s of Bristol. Mover of Harps well, Ch i e <d* Woodstock, Means of sedgv i k, Bartlett of Harrison, Newcomb of Brewer, and Riggs of Georgetown, in the House. On Indian A/air*—Mes^r-. Kingsbury of Penob scot. Kolfeof Washington, and Fuller of Penobscot, in the >enate; Me-.-rs. Bradford of Eastport. Brawn of Old town. Brown of An.-on, Gould ot Albany, McLaiu of New \ meyard. Campbell of Deer Isle, and Sargent ot flenuou, ol the House.. On Claims—Messrs. Rolfe of Washington, Carle tou of Knox, and Collins of Aroostook, of the Senate; Me--r- Bli-s of Washington. Clark of Read Held. Boyd of New Castle, Guptiil ot Gould-— boro’, Plummer of Lisbon, Holman of Dixlield, and Whitcliouse of si George, of the House. On Tensions— Messrs. Fuller of Penobscot. Gibbs of Cumberland, and Roberts of York, of the Senate; Messrs Gannett of Bath. Stickney of Presque Isle. Greenleal of Kdgeombv Wilson of Bradford. Mills of Brook.-vijb* Brackett ol Cum berland, and McDougal of Meddybemps, of the House On Insane Hospital—Messrs. Gra\ of Kennebec, Webb of Somer-et, and Gibbs of Cumberland, of the Senate; Messrs. Main of Cnity. Sturgis of standish. Burgess of Portland. Burbank of A-ton, .Jones of Norway. Pierre of Macliias, and Jordan ol Minot, of the liouse. On To farm Shool—Messrs. Nealley of York. Buck of Hancock, and Talbot of Washington of the Senate; Messrs. Stickney of Presque 1-le, Mav of W mthrop, Leightou ot Y armouth. W hituey of Exeter, Greeu of Wilton, Duncan of Kittery. and Bern of Dnmarircotta, of the House. Cn State Triton—Messrs. Minot of Kennebec. Garcelon of Waldo, and Roberts of Y ork, ol the Senate: Messrs. Hammond ot Paris, Cole of Cape Elizabeth. Cornforth of Fairtldd. Bearce of Turner, Hussey of Sangervillc. Ames of Jefferson, and Kay of Harrington, of the House. On Tuliiic Iluildinys—.Messrs French of Franklin, Holland of Androscoggin, and Torrey ol Knox, of thcScnat--; Messrs. Crockett of Rockland, Allan of ( orimia. Lord of Lebanon. Lewis of Liberty. Dearborn of Falmouth. McRown of Boothbay. aiid Sherman of llesboro, of the House.' On Library—Messrs. Reed of Cumberland, ( leave, of Oxford, and Cushing of Waldo, of the senate; Messrs, skinner of Sr Albans. Cousins of Kcnnehuukport. Ma.-on of llirum, Nickerson ol >wanville, W entworth of North Berwick, Young of Hancock and Sawyer of Giay of the House. STAMUMJ ( OMMITTEE* OF HOUSE. On JAiyrosstd Hills — Messrs, ( ashing of Sidney, B tge-s of Portland, Nickerson of swanville, N ose of Wiuterport, Bartlett of Harrison, Gould of Al bany, and Guptiil of Gouldsborob On Hills in Ho Third Heading—Hume of Cherry Held, Chase of Woodstock, Smith of Litchfield. Mildram of Wells, Spaulding of Richmond, Main of I’uity, and Hathorn of Pittsfield. On Leave of Absence—Purringtou of Bowdoinham, IlamiUouof Orono, Gates of Kobbin.-ton, Burbank of Acton. Bearce of Turuer, Brown of Anson, and Sherman of Islesboro. ihi rny uou—roisom ot Skowiicgan. Mmth or Hodgdon, t roi kett of Bocklund, Kimball of Bethel. Waterhouse of 1‘ortluml, Brawn of Oldtown, and Adams of Biddeford. On (.'hanye of Xnmes—Chase of Woodstock. Pal ling of Lincoln, Chase of Springtield, .Martin of Kiimlord, Adams ol .Ma>lield. Whitehouse of >t. George, and Melhiugal of* M eddy hemps. On County Estimotc*— lllake of Auburn, Irish of Sherman. May of Winthrop, Meats of Bristol, (. hamberlaiu of Ellsworth, Foster of Argyle, Hol brook of Freeport. Bradford ol Em-tport.Vousin.' ol lit unobunkport, Gannett of Bath, folxw of Athens, Lewis of Liberty, Wheeler of Cheater ville. Chase ol Woodstock, Foss of Abbott, and Sherman of Camden. On Finance—Twitched of Portland. MeGdvory of Sears port, Beam* of Lewiston, Patten of Bath. Barton of Benton, iieod of Waldoboro', anil Adams of Bid leford On Elections—Smith of Sften, Powers «>f Iloulton. Ham of Lewiston, stover ol Harpswell. Hawes of Va.-salboro’, Brawn of Oldtow n, and Smith of War ren Photographs & Melanotvpes, At the same OLD PLACE, At the snme OLD PRICES, rill 9 1-9 size Pictures in Curds for HO cents. 4 1-4 44 •* “ 50 “ 4 1-4 44 in Card envelopes, 50 cts. 1 5x7 44 in Mat, 50 44 10 TIXTYPES for 25 cents. A good assortment of FRAMES, AMU MS, Ac., aow nu band. £3r Particular attention given to copying. 3 Door? sonts of tfce Putt OSes, ACGfST.t, ME. njwitJ-Sui h. tfAiurv. UNIFORMITY OF TEXT BOOKS. Gardiner, Jan. 10, 1870. To the Editor of the Kennebec Journal: The question of uniform text books in our common schools throughout the State is again being agitated, and if wc are not greatly in error that measure should be adopted. We think the importance of the measure cannot fail of appreciation if wc but take into consideration the great variety of books, par ticularly readers, that are now in use in our State. As an illustration of the inconvenience often occasioned by the use of so great a variety of books, please look at our own and adjoining towns ; here we use “Hillard’s Reader;” in Farmingdale, “Wilson’s” are in use, and in Richmond, “The National Series”. If Smith, now a resident of Richmond, with a large family of children, finds it for his pecuniary advantage to remove to Gardiner, he is under the necessity of procuring a new stock of Readers if nothing more, in order that his children may attend school, and if after having been here a short time he thinks he can farther improve his condition by chang ing his residence to Farmingdale, he will be again under the same necessity (which is no small tax.) else his children are debarred from the advantages of the common schools, or again it* a resident of either of our adjoining towns wish to send their children to our schools, (as they often do,) they are at a great expense in procuring the necessary readers, if no other books, as the books used in their towns are not in use here. The ex amples above sighted art- not isolated eases, but are of every day occurrence, and are almost daily drawing an enormous amount of money needlessly from those who can ill afford the expense ; nor is it the public alone that suffer, but traders are under the necessity of invest ing a large amount of capital now to meet the public demand that would be unnecessary bad we a uniformity of text books throughout the State. It is no uncommon thing for them to be under the necessity of keeping three or four series of readers in stock (to say nothing of the other books that uniformity would do away with) greatly to their pecuni ary disadvantage. We would earnestly call the attention of our Legislators now in session to this impor tant question, and hope the matter will he formally brought before the present Legisla ture that the measure may be fully discussed, which we believe cannot fail to effect its adoption. Star. glisifcUanmtsi. WISE THOUGHTS OF WISE ME!*. Truth.—AA'e must not always speak all that we know—that were folly; hot what a man says should be what lie thinks, oth erwise it i-> knavery. All a man ran get by lying ami dissembling is that lie shall not be believed when he speaks the truth. — Mr inti;/tie. Injury. A little wrong done to another is a great injury done to ourselves. The severest punishment of an injury is the consciousness of having done it, and no man sutlers more than he that is turned over to the pain of repentance. Pity and Scorn.—He that hath pity on another man's sorrow shall be free from it himself; and he that delighteth in and scorneth the misery of another, shall one time or another fall into it himself.—Sir Waller Raleigh. Facts.—W eigh not so much what men say as what they prove, remembering that truth is simple and naked, and needs not invective to apparel her comeliness. Reading.—it is manifest that all govern ment of action is to he gotten by knowl edge; and the best by gathering knowledge which is reading.—Sir R. Sidney. Promises.—It would be more obliging to say plainly we cannot do what is desired, than to amuse people with false words, which often puts them upon false measures. heky.—There cannot be a greater treachery than first to raise a confidence and then deceive it.—Spectator. Honesty and Justice. He is only worthy of esteem that knows what is just and honest and dares do it—that is master of his own passions, atul scorns to be a slave of another's. Such a one. in the low est poverty, is a far better man, and merits mere respect than tiiose gay things who owe all their greatness and reputation to their rentals and revenues.—Dr. Fuller. ••Jit1 knows not hov- to fear who dares 10 die.”—Tin* best rules to form a voting man are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust one's own opinions, and value others that deserve it.—Sir. W. Temple. Charity.—Nothing eaa atone for the want of modesty and innocence: without which beauty is ungraceful and quality contemptible.—Spectator Dowry.—The best dowry to advance the marriage of a young lady is, when she has in her countenance mildness, in her speech wisdom, in her behavior modesty, and in her life virtue—Teuton's Epistle. Dress.—The plainer the dress with greater lustre does beauty appear. Virtue is the greatest ornament, and good sense the best equipage. Government.—The surest way of gov erning, both in private and iu a husband and a prince, to yield at certain times something of their prerogative. PIANO TUNING? -dBa „ ryiHE Rubeeriber would inform tbs I Cttiieos or Auteui ta and vicinity. TV A V H ®at he wig glva >A.T«eitc.r Mention to • 11 7 tuning Pianos Orders tuft si bit res idence. 07 WiMtlunrji StrorJ. wet rr^r'rtr nvrr.rt ' awiataoii. . JI. C MIUJKEN. AtbO-tf TYAirmg; dr Pupo aju> Os tux