Newspaper Page Text
Horal anti &tate Netos. Will the doctors make any movement for a dissecting bill this winter? The forests of Maine arc t’50,00 miles or more in extent. I he length of the shore line of Maine is not * less than UOOO miles. Every town in Maine will help itself by help ing on the iron horse and the water wheel. Petitions are flowing in to the Legislature against taxing foreign insurance companies. New marhinery is arriving daily for the Sprague cotton mills. Fowler, ilamlcn & Smith have it large stock of Dry Goods of the best quality. This en terprising firm has a large and constantly in creasing business. The petition for the incorporation of a new savings bank in this city is now before the ap propriate committee of the Legislature. The soap makers ure going to establish a side-show in conjunction with the fat conven tion to-morrow at Lewiston. The new engine, Shcpluy, went through on the road yesterday. It is a fine looking ma chine. The county jail in this city is a massive and imposing structure, but most people prefer to look at it rather than from it. Miss Jennie Worcester of Detroit, has a quilt containing 1120 pieces of calico, all of different patterns. The Y. M. C. Association of Winlhrop are about completing a nice hall for the purposes of the association. The rent is given free for one year by C. M. Bailey, Esq. Absolute safuty, security beyond the reach of doubt or calamity, is what is demanded of our savings institutions,—the idea of profit couiing in us a matter of secondary impor tance. That must have been a sad and weary life led by Arabella Young, for after her demise the following lines were placed upon her tomb stone: Beneath this stone, a lump of clay. Lies Arabella Young, Who on the 21th May Began to hold her tongue. We judge that Dirigo Commercial College in this city is enjoying a high degree of pros perity. There are at present between GO and 70 students in attendance,—engaged in mas tering the important branches there taught. We are informed that the proprietors. Messrs. 1). M. Waittandll. S. Webster, will begin an Evening School, next Thursday evening, to accommodate the class of students unable to attend in the day-time. The subject of the creation of man was un der consideration in a Sabbath school class. The teacher was rather inclined to the opinion that man did not arrive immediately at his fnll stature, but was created by a gradual process. This put an old lady in the back seat, an honest seeker after truth, at once in the realms of mystery, ami called forth the question which set the whole class in an uproar—" ll'Aaf, you don't 'spose that (lod had two or three spells of making on him. do you f" At the annual convocation of Alpha Coun cil of Royal and S. M. held at Hallowed yes terday the following officers were unanimously elected : David Cargill, T. I. M. J. W. Toward, R. I. M. U. F. Warner, I. M. A. D. Knight, Treasurer. F. J. Day, Recorder. D. Russell, C. of G. O. G. Turner, * Conductor. L. Lord, Steward. Ira Cass, Sentinel. On the night of the 17th the store of Manley & Tozier in Waterville, was entered by break ing out a window and passing tlirough a trap door. The thieves, however, were not abun dantly rewarded, being able to purloin only a bottle of bitters and about $0 in money. The next night a beehive was taken from Daniel Shorey’s premises, probably by the same par ty. These midnight prowlers seem to be sat isfied with taking the bitter with the sweet. They may yet be made to feel the sting of con science. A young lady belonging in this city had oc casion a few days since to take stage convey ance from Winthrop to Augusta. It was a cold afternoon and the young lady had pro vided herself with a warm footstone. She wrapped herself in her shawl and snugly . ensconscd herself in one corner of the coach, placing the soapstone at her feet. At Fast Winthrop a man (or brute) entered the coach, and in a very gentlemanly manner compelled the young lady to abandon her warm place in the corner, and appropriated both seat and soapstone to his own use. Thus the journey was made to Augusta. A photograph of that animal should be hung up to be abhorred by all who believe in common decency. A correspondent writing from the Lumber men's camp of the Kennebec Land & Lum ber company, at Moose River, under date of Jan. 10th, says : "We are doing a good busi ness lumbering this winter; have four camp crews, consisting of lot) men, lti horses and 11 oxen. We are putting on the stream from 00 to 70 M. of pine und spruce a day. If the winter continues favorable shall get more lumber than ever was drove out of this stream (Churchill stream,) into Moose River in any one season before. We have plenty of snow to do good business. Perhaps I should not neglect to tell you of a generous act of our Kennebec Land & Lumber Company’s men at these four camps. A man living about eight miles from our camps has been visited by the hand of affliction this winter. Lost his wife about ten days ago, has a family of nine chil dren, five of them laying sick at one time, be sides one a cripple for life. I was called in by the father one day to see them und found them to be very destitute, not even a crumb of meal to make gruel for the sick. ! came to the camp and sent them some. I then drew up a paper and circulated it among our men and got the generous sum of fi.r>9.55 in cash lor their benefit. If any Lumber Co’s, men can do any better for a stranger is distress, then the K. L. & L. Co's men will try again." Maine Educational Board. Tiiihd D*t—Wkdkesiu.t. business Session—Hoard met at o’clock. | The question for discussion was I'nifonnity of Text Hooke This occupied the time until the adjournment. Afternoon Session — Mr. 1). tv (Hidden, Supervisor of Lincoln county, spoke upon the subject of “County Supervision.’’ He claimed that the State was the parent and guardian of her children, and was in duty bound to educate them. In ease of war she exacts from her sons service. Before mak ing such demand, let these sons he educated, so that they may know the nature of the in stitutions which they are oiled upon to de fend. It lias been discovered that our schools are not up to the mark of other tilings. He referred to the great improvement that had been made in agricultural implements and the means of transportation, nnrl contrasted with it the slow progress made in the common schools. Accordingly the intermediate agency of county supervision was established to bridge the wide gulf between the State Super intendent and tlie town committees. A vast amount of apathy had been removed by this instrumentality. The supervisors were obliged to strike out upon untried ground, much as did Columbus when he started out to discover the new world. He meets with obstacles in terrified teachers, jealousies of superintend ing school committees, and the prejudice of the community. These tilings are being rapidly overcome. He has hard and earnest work in the school room. He had in his own county- met with a cordial reception from sciiool committees and cooperated with them. Much good had already accrued to the schools by means of the county supervision. The hoard of supervisors, with one exception, are laboring men, and they are stirring up the peo ple to become more and more interested. Mr. Stetson said that one of the good offices of the Supervisor was to pick up all the good things and distribute them all over the coun ty. He had learned that the people were anxious to have their children educated in the best manner. Mr. J. B. Webb, County Supervisor of Cumberland, spoke of the advantages of the teachers' institutes. An essay was then read by Mr. Webb on “Examination and Certifi cating of Teachers.” He esteemed tile office of the teacher the most important, and would place his qualifications above all others.— Teacher* are generally deficient in two points —knowledge and the ability to communicate knowledge. Heading, which lies at the very foundation of knowledge, was taught in the uiu iiiuiiuiuuwus wav. mi timii is tum-u upon to pronounce words without understand ing the ideas. In the examination of teach ers, reading should he made prominent. Arith metic is poorly taught. Pupils are drilled on numbers without the idea of objects. In ex amining teachers in arithmetic he would place them at the blackboard und have them explain their system of teaching. Geography is wretchedly taught. Pupils are confined to the questions and answers in the books, with out teaching by objects. lie would have the examination of the teacher in this respect more thorough and practical. Grammar, which should be the last branch to be learned, is now one of the first brought before the young mind. lie would not have grammar studied before the pupil arrives at fifteen or sixteen years of age. But he would have the child trained, at the earliest age, in the cor rect use of language. Before granting cer tificates to teachers, he would understand their proficiency in all these branches. The teacher should be able to draw lessuns of in struction from the thousand objects of nature. He argued in favor of order and neatness in the school room. A paper on “Home Cooperation" was read by G. E. Hicks, SuperviBur of Knox county. He said that the success of the teacher w ould depend in a great measure upon home influ ence. No argument was needed to prove tliis. We need an educational revival in ev ery town, in order to reach the ear and hearts of parents. Fifty per cent, of the children arc in the streets. If the people understood the great influence of home and parental training, the present evils would soon disap pear. The teacher should enlighten the peo ple on these points, and gain their confidence and cooperation. Drawing the parents into the county and town institutes would have a good effect. Let the teacher constantly labor to obtain favorable home influence; let him explain to parents all his plans, and when they see that he is really in earnest and interested in the subject, they will become interested in him and his school. His paper was confined prin cipally to the consideration of the claims of education upon the home circle and parental influence. Mr. Stetson looked upon this subjeet as one of the utmost importance. He thought that home cooperation could be secured by diligent and persevering labor with the people. Mr. Millett of Hebron, an experienced teacher, said that he had come to this meet ing with a prejudice against the system of country supervision, hut concluded from what he had heard of its practical working, that the influence of the board had been salutary;. Adjourned to evening. Keening Session.—The subjeet of the even ing's discussion was on “School Government,” opened by A. 11. Abbott, County Supervisor uf Franklin. He commenced by instituting a comparison between two Ideal schools. The teacher of one school had all the requisite knowledge, but nature had denied to him the gift of authority. The other teacher had in ferior qualifications, his knowledge of books was limited, but his countenance, voice and gestures gave the scholars to understand that he meant obedience on the part ol scholars. The latter school was the most successful. He enumerated many of the difficulties in the way of government. Cltildren who make the most trouble at school are the ones who are uot controlled at home; children aru sent to school at too early an age ; some teachers have so little human sympathy that one would think they did not belong to this world. Mr. Abbott gave at length and in a very interest ing manner his ideas on the best methods of governing a school. He would have good order; be would not compel the pupils to bend continually over their desks, thus acquiring stooping habits; would discountenance the practice of studying audibly : would train the eye that it might be fixed singly upon the book. This course would obviate the necessity of loo much governing. Borne school houses ■Uii.__ ' — are iu such a wretched condition that it is dif ficult for the teacher to govern the school. He would have few rules. His golden rule for governing was, “Nothing but study in study hours; ami nothing but play in play hours.” Impartiality should be avoided; the pupils should l>c kept busy ami not a moment should pass without having something for them to do. In relation to corporal punishment, he thought itwas employed in many cases when it ought not to be, but could not be given up entirely. Mr. Abbott's remarks were exceed ingly interesting, and were illlustrated in an effective manner. The subject was farther discussed by Messrs. Hathaway, Mayberry, Stetson, and other members of the board, after which the meet ing adjourned. This afternoon, Mr. Stetson will.speak upon drawing and writing; the school district sys tem will be discussed by I). F. Potter of Sag adahoc, and tiie course of study for common schools by M. K. Muyberry of York. In the evening, S. A. Plummer of Penobscot will speak upon the subject of compulsory at tendance. The Governor yesterday made the follow ing appointments : Lewis Barker, Stetson, Justice of Peace and Quorum for the State. Androscoggin county—James 8. Gerry, Portland, Justice of Peace and Quorum; Wm. I), lioak, Durham, J. P. Q. ; Ransom C. Pingree, Lewiston, J. P. Q. Aroostook county—Robert C. Outhouse of Uodgdon, J. P. Q. Cumberland county—Wm. H. Motley, Portland, J. P. Q. Hancock county—Henry J. Milliken, Sur ry, J. P. Q. Kennebec county—Josepti W. Patterson, Augusta, J. P. Q. Knox county—Michael F. Hanley, Apple ton, Dcdimus Justice ; Andrew Burkett, Ap pleton, J. P. Q.; Atwood Levensaler, Thoin aston, J. I’. Q. Lincoln county—George Bliss. Waldoboro', Notary Public; Geo. B. Sawyer, Wiscasset, Dcdimus Justice. Oxford county—P. Andrews, Paris, J. P. Q.; Augustus J. Knight, Ruinford, Trial Jus tice; Henry W. Roak, Mexico, Trial Justice; Asa Charles, Frvhurg, Trial Justice; Sylvanus B. Bean, Brownfield, Trial Justice; Setli W. Fife, Fryeburg, J. P. Q. Penobscot county—Win. 11. Cary, Charles ton, Trial Justice; John F. Wilson, Bradford. J. P. Q.; Joseph W. Humphrey, Bangor, J. I‘. Q. : Charles Stetson, Bangor, J. P. Q.; T. K. Johnston, Bangor, J. P. Q.; B. B. Thach er, Bangor, J. P. Q. Sagadahoc county—James W. Wakefield. Bath, J. P. Q.; Edward C. Hyde, Bath, J. 0 Somerset county—Lorenzo C. Moulton, New Portland, Coroner. • Waldo county—Frederick S. Walls, Sears mont, J. P. Q.; Davis Woodman, Liberty, J. P. Q.; Benj. P. I'phaiu, Liberty, J. P. Q.; Jonathan L. Frye, Belfast, Coroner. Washington county—Enoch J. Noyes, East port. Notary Public; Geo. B. Burns, Calais, J. P. Q.; Joseph B. Foss, Danforth, Trial Justice; Geo. A. Curran, Calais, J. P. Q. York county—Newell Goodwin, Lebanon, J. P.Q .; James G- Jenkins, Elliot, J. P. Q. Five stores in Wiscasset occupied respec tively by K. M. Brookings. Andrew Lary, Charier Emerson. Gibbs & Kundlctt, and James F. Tylor & Son, of Wiscasset, were broken into early yesterday turning. The goods were well overhauled, but money ap peared to be the principal object of the bur glars. The amount obtained was small. Not more than 8!>0 in all. The stores were entered by breaking the large glass in the frunt win dows. The affair was a very bold one, as it was a bright moonlight night. Bailroad Notice. BY order of Committed on Railroads. Ways and Bridges, TUESDAY. THE 25th inkt., at o’clock 1*. M., is assigned for the consideration of act to authorize the formation and regu~ lation of Railroad Corporations and notice is hereby given of said assignment. This •Act" is that known as the - general railroad law.’’ T. II. CUSHING, Chairman. Committee Room, .Jan. 18, 1870. tl0jan*4t Dirt. !u Norridgewock, 14th inst.. Mr. Charles F. Board mau, formerly of New Market, N. H., aged £4 years. FOB SALE! rpHE subscriber being about to change his locality X for business, offers for sale his stock, consisting in part of FURNACES, STOVES, Tluworo, — AND — Kitchen Furnishing Goods ! E. D. NOBCROSS, fJ0jnnA5tf ^yGCSTA, MK. Meonian Hall, Augusta. ^ENTERTAINMENT UV THB Capital tiuards of Augusta, Friday Evening, Jan. 2!st, The Entertainment to consist of Vocal and Instrumental Musk! by the Augusta Musical Association aud Orchestral Band. To conclude with a BOCZAXj hop. The Tables will be supplied with Oysters, Ice Cream, and other Refreshments. No pains will be spared by the members of the Company to make this*a pleasant and agreeable entertainment. Music for the Dance furnished by Berry’s Quad rille Band. * For programme of Concert, see small bills. Admission to the Hall, 25 Cents, to be had at l’atterson’s, Clapp & North’s, Eastern Express Oflice, and at the door. tl7jan IVotice. rivilE co-partnership heretofore existing under 1 the Ann of O. C. WHITE HOUSE A CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. (>. C. WHITEHOUSE, HAMEL WHITEHOUSE, II. It. WHITEHOUSE. rpHE undersigned have this ilav formed a eo-part 4- nership under the Arm of O. fc. WHITEHOUSE A CO. All bills will be adjusted by us. O. C. WHITEHOUSE, Hamel whitehouse Augusta, Jan. 17, U70. t|sjanAHw4 AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS MADE IN THIS DANK On or be fare the Firet day of February, * WILL BK PUT ON INTEREST FROM THAT DAY. Dividends are made hrmi*annually. Depositors have received the past year seven and a naif per cent. tjau5-lwA3w3 W. R. SMITH, Treasurer. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. I By the Western Union bine—Offices Granite Bank Building and the State House.] FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sknatk. A number of memorials for the abolition of the franking privilege, were pre sented. Several petitions were presented and referred. By resolution of Friday, after expiration of the morning hour, was set apart for business front the Committee on the District of Colum bia, pensions, patent and private land claims. Mr. Trumbull, from Committee on Judi ciary, reported adversely the bill allowing States to determine the qualifications of wit nesses in the United States Courts, the Com mittee believing it would be dangerous to give the States this power. The Virginia bill was taken up. and Mr. Morton continued his spoech of yesterday in favor of it. Mr. Morton corrected a statement made by Mr. Norton, that a military commission was now in session in Georgia to pass upon the qualification of members elected to the Legis lature, by the terms of the act of Congress. The military commission was commissioned to pass upon the qualification of those who were to take seats in the Legislature. Gen. Ferry had appointed certain persons to take the evidence and communicate to him the result of tbeir investigations. They were not appointed to try any one, but simply to obtain information in order to prevent persons not qualified to tako oatli required by Con gress, from committing perjury. Mr. Wilson said various memorials had been introduced during the present discussion which the Judiciary Committee had no oppor tunity of considering, and that the House bill had never been before that Committee, and therefore moved to refer the bill to that Com mittee. Mr. Trumbull opposed a reference and ap pealed to the Senate to dispose of this matter, so as to take up other important business. If the Senate had determined that a state which had complied with all the conditions should not lie admitted, let them say so di rectly. Mr. Sumner reiterated his arguments against the admission of a state without the imposition of further conditions. After further debate Mr. Drake declared his opposition to the admission of Virginia, while the fifteenth amendment was still pending. He therefore moved to postpone further con sideration of the subject until Monday, Feb ruary 28th. A motion to go into executive session was voted down. At the suggestion of Mr. Edmunds the mo tions of Messrs Wilson and Drake were with drawn in order to permit a vote on the amend ment submitted by him. The Senate then voted on the amendment of Mr. Edmunds to require the imposition of an oatli upon state officers, that they are eligible under the 14tli amendment, which was agreed to, yeas 45, nays 10. Mr. Nye voted nay. but afterwards changed his vote, remarking that the Judiciary Com mittee had changed their grounds, and lie fol lowed their example. On motion of Mr. Howard the Senate at 4 40 o’clock adjourned. IIorsE. The bill transferring the Navy Yard from Philadelphia to League Island came up. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, in order to obviate the objections made yesterday by Mr. j Dawes, of Massachusetts, offered an amend ment providing that the proceeds of all sales shall be conveyed into the Treasury. Mr. Waahburne, of Wisconsin, accepted the amendment as a substitute for his own. Messrs. Kelley and - Dickey, of Pennsyl vania, replied to Mr. Dawes’ speech of yes terday. Mr. Dickey of Pennsylvania, replied to Mr. Dawes charges of extravagance against the administration. The estimates submitted were merely to execute the laws of Congress. The increase of 849,000,000 which the gentle man spoke of yesterday, included 811.000,000 for pensions. Was the other end of the ave nue responsmle for that? Was the Treasury Department responsible for 80,000,000 in crease in its estimates, caused by the expense ot the public buildings ordered by Congress, post offices in New York and Boston, and other buildings all over the country ? It was not for the administrative officers to nullify the laws of Congress by refusing to execute them. Congress had authorized extravagan ces, and should take the responsibility of them, there was a general deficiency of $4. 000,000. The gentleman from Massachusetts, should not have drawn the comparison he did be tween the estimates and the last estimates of Andrew Johnson’s administration because the latter were applied to his successor, and be cause the estimates of the last year'of Andrew Johnson's administration was 8372,000,000, and its actual expenditures were $ their appropriations were usually and gen erally created under laws passed by Con gress, and not at the solicitation of the other end of the avenue. They should strike at the laws and not charge their own sins upon their servants. The morning hour expired at 2 o'clock, and the bill went over until the next morning hour. Mr. Conkling of New York, presented a petition of the ship-owners in New York City, against the free trade in ships and in favor of the removal of all taxation from the ship building and sailing interests. Mr. Cox of New Y'ork, offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Agriculture, to report as to the establishment of a national school of Agriculture, and Mechanical Arts appertaining to agriculture, which was adopted. Adjourned. Foreign News by Cable. Paris, Jan. 19. Copies of certain Belgian Journals intended for circulation in France, have been inter cepted and seized by the French authorities. This act coming after the declaration that foreign journals were to lie freed from censor ship, excites much surprise, and the Radical journals charge the government with incon sistency and bad faith. The preliminary examination in the ease of Prince Pierre Bonapart. charged with the mur der of Victor Noir, has commenced before the Police Court, and will probably be completed this week. M. Rochefort has been summoned to appear before the court on Saturday as a witness in the case. The High Court of Justice will be convened in a few days to try the accused. All, symptoms of agitation have disappeared and tlie city is perfectly tranquil to-night. Madrid, Jan. 19. Serious disturbances are reported at Balto nas. The municipal authorities were attacked by a mob, when the troops interfered and quelled the mob. Prince Emique de Bourbon publicly accused Gen. Prim of having conspired with Queen Isabella, but his statements are not credited. Fatal Accident. Portland, Jan. 19. A boy named Kdward Armstrong, ten years old, son of Fbep Armstrong, fell under a horse car to-day while jumping from the front platform, and was killed, the car running over his head. Cleavelanii, Jan. 19. The House of Representatives has been discussing the loth amendment all day. The vote w ill probably be taken to-morrow. FROM WASHINGTON. Examination of the Committee on Banking - Visit to tho President by the Delegates of the ketter Carriers Convention-Arrival of Prince Arthur in N. Y.—Distil lery Riot in South Carolina. \VASHINOTOX, Jan. I'd. The < 'ommittee on Banking to-day exam ined Messrs, (ions and Chapin. WhII street brokers, as to their operations in buying and selling gold for the cliques. Either Fisk or Could would appear before the Committee next Saturday. The delegates to the Letter Carriers Con vention called on the President to-day, they were received in the library of the Kxecutive Mansion and the Chairman Thus. II. Lebourne, of Philadelphia, addressed the 1 “resident, stating that they could not leave Washington without paying their respects to him and in the visit they had a two-fold object in view, that of paying their respects to the Chief Magis trate, and the Commander, whom many of them had followed through hard fought fields. They also desired in Imlialf of thirteen hun dred carriers in the United States, to accept the President's policy of retrenchment and reform, as the same was not aimed at, nor did it injure the laboring classes. He also explained the objects of their con vention. which was to urge an increased com pensation to this class of government em ployees. The President replied wishing them suc cess. remarking that their present salary was insufficient, and that he was in favor of seeing labor amply rewarded. The various delegates then shook hands with the President, and afterwards left for their hall. They will adjourn sine die to-day. The Committee on Ways and Means, have directed its Chairman to report to-day a resolution declaring it to be the true intent and meaning of the acts relating to the In come tax that all persons are liable to the payment of their proper income tax accruing and to accrue for, and during and up to the end of the year 187U, and that the assessment and collection of such tax for 1870, and that remaining unpaid on the 1st of January 1871, may be made in 1871. Mr. Thornton, the British Minister, will leave for New York to-morrow night, to meet Prince Arthur, who is to arrive there from Montreal on Friday morning, and leave for Washington on Saturday morning. He will remain for a week, during which time a series of dinners and receptions have been arranged for his entertainment. The Internal Revenue Commissioner lias received official letters conveying the recent outrages in Spartansburv county, South Car olina. The officers and soldiers who destroyed some stills, were surrounded at night in a cit izen’s house, by about one hundred men who made hostile demonstrations but no attack, and demanded the surrender of a man who had liecn arrested, as also of Deputy Collector Turner, to avoid bloodshed. The prisoner was given up. which gratified the crowd, most of whom soon left. Some remained, however, and shot a sentinel and a mail going for water, and wounded three horses. The next morn ing tile party returned to town. A force of fifty men is desired to bring the county to complete subjection. Farmers’ Convention. Lewiston, Me., Jan. 19. The Farmers' Convention, under the aus pices of the Maine Hoard of Afrriculturc, met to-day in this city. The forenoon was occu ! pied in the discussion of the organization of Agricultural Societies. In the afternoon the Maine Suite Agricultural Society held its an nual meeting, and elected Hon. Seth Scam man, of Westbrook, as l’res., S. L. Uoardman I of Augusta. See’y, and Win. E. Norris, of Portland, Trias. In the evening Hon. Simon Brown, of Massachusetts, delivered a lecture ! on Farmers’ clubs. Sioux Movement upon tho Insur gents. Chicago, Jan. 19. A letter from Pembina dated Jan. 5, con firm* the previous report of the commence ment of the Siotix movement upon the insur j gents. The Indians had got within a short distance of Fort Gany, but were turned hack hv Beilis posse. The letter states that the English half breeds arc holding meetings to discuss the propriety of making comniun cause with the French half breeds. i Both branches of the Iowa Legislature in ,I joint convention this afternoon, ratified the election of lion. G. Wright as U. S. Senator for the long term, and J. B. Howell, editor of the Keokuk Gate City for the short term. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. By Telegraph to Daily Journal: New York Money Market. Nmv York, .Tan. 19. Money remains easy at 5§6 per cent, on govern ments, and (»to 7 on mixed collaterals. The discount market was quiet at 8^10 per cent, for prime business paper. Foreign Exchange firm in the improved demand at 108% to 109 for long, and 109% a 109% for tdiort sight. Gold dull and steady throughout the afternoon, closing at 121 %. Carrying 7 currency and 7 and 0% gold. Gross clearances $13,805,000. Governments steady at the close, the decline of the morning brought in new buyers, ami consider able buincss was transacted. At 4.20 1*. M. the fol lowing were the closing quotations: United States Sixes (coupons) 1881 117% *' “ 5-20s (coupons) 1862 115% ** “ “ “ 1861-65 115% *• “ “ “ .Tan. and .July 114% “ " ** 1 1867-68 114.% “ “ 10-408 “ 112% Pacific Sixes 109% New Vork Stock Market. New Yoke, .Jan. in. The following were the 5 1*. SI. quotation*.: Mariposa preferred, 10# Western l nion Telegraph Company, 33 Quicksilver, ' 13# Pacific Mail. 41% Boston Water Power Company, 15% 916% Adams’Express Company, tij Wells, Fargo A Cu, 19# American Merc hauls Union Express Co. 36% United States Express Company, 52% Boston, Hartford A Erie, ’ 8%<js% N. Y. Central, 92% N. Y. Central scrip, 87# Harlem, 137% Heading, 94# Michigan Central. Us Michigan Southern, 85 Illinois Central, 199# Cleveland A Pittsburg, Chicago A North Western, 72# ( hicago & North Western preferred, 86# Chicago A Hock Island, km;% St. Paul, 74 8t. Paul preferred, s7 Toledo A Wabash, ,V>% Toledo A Wabash preferred, 72 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, s7% Chicago A Alton ' 145 Ohio, Pittsburg and Fort Wayne. 87% Ohio A Mississippi, ' 25% Erie 23# Erie preferred, 99 Sub-Treasury balance $4,191,000 currency; gen eral, $80,505,000. New York Produce Market. New York, .Jan. 19. COTTON—heavy and droopidg, sales 2900 bales mid. 25%. FLOCK—sales 5800 bbls; state and wenteru lieavv j and favors buyers; sii|*»rrtne to fancy state 460«j6U0*; southern dull and drooping, sale*.380 bbls; common to choice 540 9975. WHEAT—spring a shade easier and rather more 1 doing, and closes lc. better with fair and middling | demand: sales >4,0uo bu. Fo. 1 spring 120; No. 2 spring 112% a 115# ; winter red western 125<jl27. COHN—dull and drooping, sales 20,000 bu. new mixed western 80497c., the latter for very choice old do 1004104. J OATS—heavy, sales 27,000 bu state 61*62} wiM ern 57g58; choice 60. * BEEF—steady, sale* Huobbls. new plain mess at lOdMl *ww extra 14<jl7.50; mens 27.50u27.75; prime 23«23.50. * LAKH— firm, sales 500 tierces steam ltialti#; ki t tie 17317#. SUGAR—quiet, sale* 200 hlnU lair |o good refill ing 10# §10%, ) CliicHKO Produce Hdrkct. ru>Uli—M'a.Jy at :t7T.-(IT* tot extra. tVHKAT—atcldy at 77U*7* W-r >», after noon (inlet at 77,V‘. cash and sellers January <se. seller February. v CORN— quiet at 70fj70‘ < lot No 2. in n»‘* after noon dull at 71c* t<*r No 2. OATS—firmer at 4<»o 40C» «*. for No. 2 RYE doll, nominal and inactive No 2 .0* BARLEY—quiet 70f7Jf lor No. 2, regular 80aBS, strictly fresh. To be Let. a 4 HOUSE with 11 good rooms, corner of iV Winthrop and Winter streets. Apply to JftD. Ia7<*. fjiuH-li WM. T. JOHNSON. D. S. NELSON, M A ?n HPA f.'T I 'RES TO iWEASl'RE, LADIES’ AND GENTS FASTirOXAltT.E It DOTS & SHOES. Impairing also neatly and promptly done. Shop in Boot and shoe store with F. Lyford, above Bridge street, Augusta. tjunt£tf BATH HOTEL, By O. M. Flununor, bath; me. Hoard, - - $1 per Day. fUJim-iy Solid Oysters, 40 ceut* per yuart. I.i<juid Oysters, HO cent* per Quart. At Chadbourne & Son’s. tlJjan-lw CONY HOUSE, II\ITtilt STMtKKT, AUGUSTA, 3IAINE. rPHIS new Hotel affords accommodations that no I other one does in tin- city to the travelling com munity. being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS, and very near the Depot. The travelling public may be assured that uo pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Ti hnku, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! Li. A. A II. COM, P roprietors. fHjanAwt-tf Brewster’s Hotel, SKOWHECAN, ME. large and commodious Hotel i.- situated at X the head of the Falls on the Kennebec river, m tilt* enterprising village of skowhegan, the terminus of the Portland »t Kennebec It. It. This is one of the best arranged Hotels for family borders there is in the state, and a better place for summer resort, cannot be found in Maine. The best of water, beautiful drives on the banks of the river, fishing and sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout brooks, where you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day iu the year. Prices for permanent or transient boarding are very low, so our customers can afford to come often and stay a good bile. We afso have a large airy stable to hoard horses for the guests that wish to bring their teams with them. Also one of the best ball-mile trotting parks in the State, is connected with the House, tree for the guests to train their horses or drive for pleasure, tlijan-ti 8. B BREWSTER, Proprietor. Prime Solid Oysters! Fresh from the shell, 50 Ct«. per quart. Liquid Oysters! 40 Cents per quart. BELFAST CLAMS received Ball), 25 Cents per quart. — AT — Cxisliiiig cfc Holmes', lw.itf Successors to 11. I,. ( ( SUING. fjOjan Wanted. Good Coat Maker-. Ladies that have Machines preferred. Apply at tlfr. IiVMiltubMi ff'ii Store, Wufer Street, Augusta, Maine. Cash Paid as Soon as Work is Re turned. tjanO-lw* A. BLOOM. Fire BiciDes and Chemicals!! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET A\l» FANCY ARTICLES: Physicians' & Apothecaries’ Goods, Pure Sperm, Lard, Kerosene and Yeatsfoot Oils. diaries k. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNI)ER GRANITE HALL,) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SELLS AT The Lowest Market It ale* ! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. Partridge's Drug Store, Mater Street, turner Market Square. LljanJulj Brushes! Brushes! nAIU, CLOTH, DUST, SHOE and Move Brush es, a full assortment for salt* low bv BALLARD A CHASE, May 20, IStjS). 6 Union Block. FOWLER, HAMLEN & SMITH, DKALKUS IN FOKKKiV A DOMESTIC DRY G OODS, AND MAN L PACT l' UK US OF Ladies’ & Misses’ Cloaks,; OPERA CAPES, 147 Water Street, AUGUSTA, IMiE. I,. 15. KOW5.EU, EKED HAMLEN, tltfjan-tf 55. E. SMITH. State of Maine Bonds, 1889. AXT E arc prepared to negotiate with parties for 1 f selling these bonds at a Small Comxulfiislouy or will pay the Highest Market Bates tbr siuue at their B ANKING OFFICE in Freeman's Bunk liiiiltling. B. K. IMTTEK & BKOTBEB. Augusta, Jau. 17,187o. flajan-lw BOS W ORTH H AS .irsT RECEIVED THE Largest and Best Stock Fall and Winter Goods, EVER on EKED in this city. He will sell these goods by the yard, or make them into Garments. With C. F. and J. It. Mi:gistv as cutters, he thinks that he can please the most fastidious. Also, constantly on hand, a Large Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, And H IINISIIING GOODS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP* FOR CASH. No. 158 Water Street. Augusta, Sept. 21, 1(60. LAST SENSATION! Great Closing Sale -OF Ladies' Furs and Robes, -at Wheeler’s, ~ Oardluer. I NOW offer my entire stock of LADIES’ FURS and ROBES at less than cost to manufacture. Parties who wish to buy within the next two years, and who wish to save money should not fail to improve this GREAT CLOSING SALE! for I am going to SELL regardless of cost. Remember the Place: Opposite the Post Office, GARDENER, ME. M. L. WHEELER, ljan702nidAw Successor to Hathaway A Wheeler. Books for Sale! North's History of Augusta, in press, PARSONS9 vVear War* mm Laws of Business! daMIsgragkg mf John 11. Gough, And our 3>Jow w eat! By Samuel Bowles. All orders left at David Cargill's office, or at No. 18 Sewall Street, will receive prompt attention, tlijan tf H. B. LOVEJOY, Agent. Co-Partnership. WIIK undersigned have this day formed a co X partnership under the name of CUSHING A HOLMES, at the old stand of H. L. Cushing, who thanks his customers for their generous patronage, and will be pleased to furnish them as well as new ones with all kinds of fresh Fish in their season; also a good assortment of Salt and Shell Fish. H. L. CUSHING, 1\ H. HOLMES. I*. S. All orders promptly delivered to any part of the city.tTjan-lw» Cough Candy ! \\ ' I VIUMII IU. S COUGH C ANDY cures IT COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH ami all Throat troubles. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS, Fancy Goods, Co., sold by Janl-lyt W. WENDENBURG. Boarders Wanted. A FEW gentlemen can be accommodated with good hoard at Mrs. Sager’s, Wlnthrop Street, iiallowell. It is but fifteen minutes walk from the j State House and near the depot. f7janiw* MISS M. A. LIBBY & CO., I EE PS constantly on hand a large stock of MILLINERY. The best lot of GERMAN WORSTEDS in the city. Also, Worsted Goods, Hoods, Nubias, Breakfast Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. M. 'A. LIBBY A CO., 94 Water Street, Gardiner, Maine. tljau70-tf HENRY BAILEY, Photographer, 8 Doora south of Post Office, Augusta* Me. Melainotype Pictures of all sizes made at oppo sition prices. Particular attention paid to copying. t!)an<0>3m Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET | ^ DEALER IN i© Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! Agent for the Walt ham Watch Conip’y. And LAZARUS A MORRIS’ Perfected Spectacles. Special attention paid to the repairing ot all kinds of FINE WATCHES. Chconometer Balances applied ami accurately adjusted to temperature position ami isochronisiu. TIME TAKEN BY TRANSIT. tljauTO-tf Hotel Notice. RM1E Gardiner Hotel having been thor X oughly repaired, and entirely new fur ni.-hed, will be opened Wednesday, Dec. 15th. OLIVER C. ROLLINS. Gardiner, Dec. 13, lsc^j. tljan70-tf FURS AT COST ! I A DIES* Furs and Sleigh Robe, are selling at j CGST at S. Hathaway’s Ilat, Cap aud Pur Store, No. US Water St., Gardiner, Me., opposite J. S. Lombard’* Jewelry Store. (ljau70-4w BIXBY’S BUCKING 4 BUKINS, The beat in the market, for sale at wholesale or re tail by TITCOMB * DORK. Wholesale and Retail Druifpi-tH, l'itf West End kennrber Bridge. MOSES W. FARE, General Insurance Ag’t, LIFE PHD FIRE. Capital Represented over 50 Mm. OFFICE, NO. 1 DABBY BLOCK, _ .Htfltirj, .tf.If.Vh', tljan70-n GARDNER A WATSON, Custom Tailors, ASD DKALERS IN Cloths, bents’ Fnrnishius boods, Fapcr Collar*, Gloves, Neck Ties, Ac. opposite Post Office, MAIN STKKfcT, WATERVILLE, ME. Agents for SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. U. F. Gauunku. flSjan-tf H. B. Watho.v. Iron ! Iron ! Iron ! 77 i | TONS iron wauled in e»el.»nge lor trim-1* i OU bv BALLARD A 4 MASK. | No. « Union 11 lock, Watkk STKMff. Augusta, May 30,1800.