Newspaper Page Text
*9.*m.I. UI111 .11 II^MLB— - ■ local anil £>tate Netos. Sausages should be eaten in dogged silence. The boys on the ice wait with baited breath and hook for the pickerel to bite. AA'e undr stand that AVni. A. Brooks, Esq., of this city, lies at the point of death. A gentleman in filling out his income blank, answered a question as follows : “Had your wife any income last year? One boy." It is now said that the Cardiff giant was for merly a plant. It has drawn to it many green plants. While Horace Munsey, a workman in Allen, Small A Co.’s machine shop in the Journal block, was preparing kindling wood yester day, his axe glanced, cutting his instep badly. A gentleman in this city has received an offer of 910,000 for the exclusive right to man lacture and sell an article which he has re cently patented. A teacher in one of the New York public schools doesn’t whip his pupils ; he kicks them in the head. They must be very strong headed to stand that. A preacher “pounded the Bible” with such efficacy on a recent Sabbath as to break the marble slab that formed the pulpit desk. The sermon had no impression on the marble hearts of his congregation. Capt. Josiah Cornish of Bowdoinham, fell on the ice at that place, a few days since and broke his hip. The Bath Times says it is doubtful if he can ever recover from the in jury. Mr. Cornish is 75 years of age. On the afternoon of the 11th inst., the en gine house at the AVoodstock railroad station was burned. The fire bad made such pro gress when discovered that the locomotive “Hose” which was in the building, could not be removed, and was considcraTdy damaged. Loss and damage, about two thousand dollars. Dr. J. O. Webster of this city, liaving re signed his position as Surgeon at the United States Military Asylum in this city, Dr. Isaac II. Stearns, formerly surgeon in the 21!d Massachusetts Volunteers, has been ap pointed in his place. Dr. AA'ebster has filled the position of surgeon at the asylum to the acceptance of officers and men, and will have their kind wishes on relinquishing the charge. I)r. O. Fitzgerald, who has just closed a brief but very successful practice in this city, desires us to state that from his brief experience at the Cony House he would earnestly recom mend the new hotel and its gentlemanly pro prietors to the favor of the travelling public. Everything it new and in complete order at the house, the tablet are supplied with the best the market affords, the waiters attentive and always in readiness, the rooms airy, light and convenient. The Doctor desires to put this expression of hit approbation on record for the benefit of his fellow travellers. The final hearing before the Committee on Education, on the question of State uniformi ty of school books, was held on Tuesday even ing. There was an animated discussion, en tered into by Mr. A. P. Stone of the Port land high school, Mr. Pullen of Portland, Mr. liounds of Calais, Rev. Mr. Quinby of Au gusta, Mr. Dresser of Portland, Mr. Parlin of Anson. Hon. Seth Scantman of Scarboro', and Hon. Warren Johnson, State Superin tendent. Our reporter “Q— m,"has furnished a full report of the debate, but as we have given up a good deal of our space to the letter of Mr. Johnson, on the subject of uniformity, we are compelled to omit it. At the dose ot the hearing the committee decided to report the bill providing for State uniformity, the vote standing seven to one. There was a large social gathering at Meonian Hall last evening, composed of the children and parents of the Universalist par ish. It has been customary for Rev. C. R. Moor to hold such a gathering at his house every winter, but on account of bis lameness it was held upon the present occasion at Meonian Hall. A generous supper was pre pared, of which all partook freely, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and social jollity. Rev. Mr. Moor and lady and Rev. Mr. Cram (Unitarian) and lady were present. The children were out in strong force, and the elder members of the parish were present in good numbers, and some of them ventured to “trip the light fantastic toe." Our beloved brother, llgrns totter, ol Vas salboro', departed this life suddenly on the 3d of January, 1870, aged 70 years. Although we feel that a beautiful diameter might be drawn from his life, yet we propose only to give some brief outlines, as a tribute of love and respect due to his worth, knowing, as we do, that his unobtrusive mind would recoil from bordering in any way on eulogy. He was a man endowed by nature with good in tellectual powers of mind, cultivated and re fined by well chosen studies, blended with many amiable traits of character which very much endeared him to his friends. But above all the Christian graces shone most conspicu ous by eicvating his mind and heart in all the domestic and business relations of life j and truly it may be said of him, “that to do jus tice, love mercy, and walk humbly before God”, was hit high endeavor. He bore phys* ical suffering with great magnanimity and composure. When meditating on the last ag onizing scene of his life, then, and then only, can w« find consolation, in endeavoring to bow in submission to the will of heaven, and reflecting that hit purified spirit, freed front the turmoils of time, is now reposing in the bosom of Jesus. In early youth his heart was deeply touched with commiseration for the poor, African slave; the wrongs, and woes, unjustly inflicted on them, he bewailed in sol itude, and was one of the first in this town to subscribe and take the Liberator, then in its infancy; and not long since in conversation with him, he remarked that he hardly expect ed to have seen the day of their emancipation, but thought there remained much to be done for them. He was a member of the society of Friends, and supported the doctrine pro fessed by them, yet without sectarian preju dices ; he could commune with the Christian church by whatever name, when he could be hald vital religion shedding its benign influ ence around the footsteps of life's thorny paths. Com. The Bath Times snys the ship carpenter’! axe has not yet ceased to swing in that city, ns will appear from the following notes, con cerning shipping either now in course of con struction or to be built during the coming season. Mr. Alexander Robinson is building a schooner for the coasting trade of a!>out 100 tons. Messrs. Chapman and Flint are getting out a white oak frame and yellow pine for a three decked ship of about 1800 tons capacity. Peering and Donnell arc building a schooner of 105 tons for fishing purposes, which is to be off early in the spring. Messrs. Jewell Brothers are collecting ma terial for the building of two schooners of about 125 tons each, to be launched the com ing spring. Messrs. Hawthorne and Hodgkins hare two schooners of 125 tons each which are to come off in April. They are designed for the fish ing and coasting trade. The same parties are also at work on a three masted schooner of 540 tons. She is to be built of the best ma terial. Hon. J. I’. Morse has all the material for a ship of about 1400 tons, which be contem plates building during the coming season. Messrs. Hogan and Thurlow are building one schooner of 75 tons, one of 25 tons and one of 12 tons all of which are to come ofl early in the spring. Ward One claims the building of the above shipping. An interesting insurance ease lias just been decided by the Law Court of Maine in Biddc ford. The plaintiff’s were II. W. Lancey & Co., of Portland, whose store was insured by the Pha-nix Insurance Company of New York for $3000. The store was burned in the great fire of 1806, but the Company refused pay ment on the ground that the store was situated upon leased land and the Agent hnd omitted to state that fact in the policy. The Court de cided in favor of the plaintiffs, awarding the full amount of insurance with interest fron. i860 and costs. The Bath Times learns that an effort is now making to build a dam across the Damaris cotta river between the villages of Newcastle and Damariscotta for manufacturing purposes. The river is narrow there, and it is estimated that a dam can be built lor $5000. There is an extensive bay above the contemplated dam for a reservoir and Damariscotta pond, twelve miles long, empties into this, thus making one of the best reservoirs in the State. It is said canals can easily be constructed along the shore perfectly safe for the erection of mills. The Bangor Whig says Mr. J. II. Brown. Master Car Builder on the European & North American Hailwav, has invented a rubber buffer and draw-bar, which is considered a valuable invention, as it nearly does away with all the clatter and noise so common on rail roads. These buffers have been placed upon the cars of the E. & N. A. Railway Company, and railroad men will do well to examine them. The Times says that Capt. C. G. Chad bourne of Bath, has been bound over for trial on a charge of cruelly treating Chas. E. Twitchell a man whom the American Consul sent home on his ship from Cadiz. The evi dence disclosed the fact that Twitchell was suffering from sores on the legs, and that the defendant treated him with rudeness that should not be experienced by a sick man. --- ---• The Argus says Portland is now receiving a bounteous supply of Sebago water from the Portland Water Company free of expense. In the City Building alone there arc 43.000 gal lons used each day, besides what is used at the hose house, engine houses, city stables, drink ing fountains and hydrants, which at a rate paid by other cities would amount to between *40,000 and *50.000. A, W. Coombs, Esq., formerly an At torney and Counsellor at Law at Brunswick, has removed to Portland. Thc*8atli Times says he is a young, active attorney, and pre dicts for him abundant success. Mr. Coombs formerly resided in Bath. A correspondent of the Oxford Democrat says that at the burning of the W'hittemoro schoolliousc, Paris, the conduct of four boys was worthy of much praise. By their dnring and energy, they saved all of the books, seats, doors, stove, and most of the windows. A naval Court Martial has been ordered to meet at Portland, for the trial of a seaman be longing to the Plymouth, who asssulted another seaman with intent to kill. Captain Fairfax is to be President of the Court. We learn from the liangor n log that by a fire at Oldtown on Sunday morning, a build ing occupied hy Charles A. Flanders ns a lle freshment and Billiard Saloon, was totally de stroyed. Insured for $1500. The Whig says the dwelling house of Her. Hugh McGuirk, Catholic Priest at Madawaska Plantation, was entirely destroyed hy fire a lew days since. It was one of the finest houses in Aroostook county. Work on the bridge of the Belfast Railroad, over the Sabasticook, at Burnham Village commenced about a week ago, and is progress ing finely. Parties seeking a desirable investment'are referred to a rare chance offered in our ad vertising columns, in the sale of the Groton Soapstone Quarry. The new discovery, “Nature's Hair Re storative,” contains no lac sulphur, sugar of lead or nitrate of silver. It is clean and clear, and is said to be more effectual than any for coloring and preserving the hair. It is sold in Augusta, hy the agent, Chas K. Partridge, Druggist, under Granite Hall. N. B. The report is incorrect that two ap plications of the above produced a fine growth of hair on the head of navigation. Partridge's Drug Store, under Granite Hall is the place to buy pure medicines, im ported perfumes, oils, pomades, and toilet preparations of all kinds. A subscriber to the Daily Kennebec Journal writes to the publishers that he has no further use for the Boston Journal and has discontin ued it. He gets all the news at 7 o’clock in the morning instead of 4 in the afternoon, ns here tofore, and hat a report of the proceedings of the Maine legislature instead of the doings of the Massachusetts lawgivers. What this man writes a good many no doubt think. The uew daily is well managed and meets a demand which insures its success.—Portland Itatly Advertuer of yesterday. HEARINO BEFORE THE TEMPER ANCE COMMITTEE. The third hearing before the Committee on that part of the Governor's Message relating to Temperance, was held Tuesday evening in the Ilall of Representatives. Mr. Nealley of York, was the first speaker. Is a practical and theoretical temperance man. Our poor house, jails, prisons and reform schools are all built and maintained on ac count of rum. Our prohibitory law is sustain ed by a majority of the people. When the constabulary law was passed, regarded it a step in the right direction, but the great trouble was in the selection of unfit men for deputy constables. A man whose heart was not in the work would do it in such a manner as to bring the law into contempt. Favored a law providing penalties for the non-enforcement of the law by the municipal officers. Many admit that certain things ought to be done, but the trouble is we have no one whose duty it is to look after the matter. Temperance men are apt to shirk their duty in the matter. We want some one to see that the law is enforced. Does not understand that the legislature of 18C8 in repealing the State Police bill intend ed to imply a disapproval of the law, but of the manner in which it had been executed. Mr. Stickney of Presque Isle, said he was anxious for the legislature to devise some measure to enforce the prohibitory law. Noth ing short of a State Police will really answer the purpose. Penalties for neglect on the part of municipal officers may answer in some places but not in others. If sheriffs, city mar shals, Ac., neglect their duty, who will com mence action against them for that negleet? They are respectable citizens, no one wants to meddle with them, and so the rum-selling will go on. Our town officers are generally among our best men, but they do not like to be mixed up in a “rum affair.” If we get the right sort of men to enforce the prohibitory law they will not be fit for other duties. If these ob jections could be answered he would favor penalties for neglect by municipal officers, but does not think there is any remedy except a State Police, especially charged with the en forcement of criminal laws. Allusion having been made in the remarks to Hon. Joshua Nye, Mr. Rang said he had known him for many years and there is not a more consistent temperance man living. He has labored hard and long for the children and the youth, always and everywhere advo cating and practicing temperance, and the people have not given him half his due. Mr. Longley of Greene, would like a State Police, but did not think we could get it. Would fine municipal officers for neglect to enforce the law. l)r. Sturgis of Standish, said he did not favor the "poisonous liquor bill" now before the legislature. Was opposed to any one sell ing liquors except the authorized agents, whether pure or impure. We have law enough now. Obnoxious legislation would do more harm than good. Don't believe in send ing seized liquors to an assayer to test their purity, but “put the seller through” and in flict the penalty. Mr. Lang said the committee do not want to report anything until they have heard all the views of those interested and then would digest the same into the most acceptable form. It had been suggested that a bill would meet with approval which provides that sheriffs, constables, &c., shall without a warrant arrest any person found selling or offering for sale liquors contrary to law, and shall seize said liquors and retain them until a warrant can be obtained. Any such officer on being notified by two witnesses that liquors are kept for sale by any person not authorized, and on being furnished with witnesses to prove the same, shall neglect to prosecute, shall be fined $10 for the first and $25 for the second offence. He presented this outline of a bill for criticism and to draw out suggestions. ur. Murgis tavoreu mo proposcu oin. u would give temperance men a chance to work in earnest. The most radical conservative cannot find fault with it. Mr. Chase of Winn, said that hardly a day passes but more or less liquor is smuggled into hi« town. Believed in such a bill as sug gested by Mr. Lang. Was opposed to State Police. Mr. Hume of Cherrvfield, thought the less tinkering the liquor laws hove the better. The vile nnnsellers should be put through, they are unworthy the respect of a dog. The question is as far from settlement to-day as it was 20 years ago. Mr. II. continued to some extent. Mr. Bisbee of Buekfield, said the law would be more effective if w e could have imprison ment for the first offence. A man can make money by paying his lines. There is a power in imprisonment which the rumseller is afraid of. Mr. Hubbard of Berwick, said if the law cannot be enforced without a State Police then let us have a State Police, but lie be lieves otherwise. The trouble is our citizens are not educated up to enforcing the prohibi tory law. There is danger in too much legis lation. Mr. Warren of Veazie, thought there was no trouble in enforcing the law. No man dares to sell liquor where he lives; if the mu nicipal officers do not enforce the luw, indi viduals will. His first choice is a State Police; if he could not get that, would favor penalties for neglect of municipal officers. Mr. Farwell of Augusta, would have the Governor allowed a force of State Police, but thinks a special police a useless expenditure. The Governor needs a force to give him the power to enforce criminal laws. Q—m. A Steulinu Akticle.—A'ufare't Hair Rotor alirt. So clear, so fragrant, so effleient in restoring gray hair anil keeping the head healthy. 74 cents a bottle. Ask rour druggist for it. See advertise ment. JHartirt. In this city, lfith inst., hr Rev. C F. Penney, Thomas J. Sanford of Bowdoinham, to Miss Mag gie J. McManus of Brunswick. In Cape Elizabeth, Oth iust., Frederick Boucher of Cape Elizabeth, to Miss Jennie llaggctt of West brook ■ In Lewiston, 3d iust., Dr. B. F. Sturgis of Au burn, to Mies P. Jennie Brooks of Lewiston. In Auburn, 7th in*»t., K. C. Dunlap of Wtslford, to Miss Lois M. Hunton of Lewiston. Dirt. - In Turner, lOtfi iust, Mrs. Anna, wife of Abner Chase, aged 74 years 8 mouths II days. In Wayne, 40th ult., Lydia Ella, wife ot Wm. O. Taplin, and daughter of 'Uev. U. and Olivia 11am man, aged nearly il years. lu Harmony, llitli in«t.. Mrs. susan, wife of Zao clivus Judkiiis, furinorly of Larkinas, aged 73 yr«. Rare Chance for Investment! AUCTION SALE, : MAUCII ICtii, 1870, at 2 O'clock, l’,.W THE ENTIRE GROTON SOAPSTONE QUARRY. j Lauda, ffllla, Machinery, 4e., in complete running order. J For bill of particulars address J. F. WOOD, 32 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. fl7feb-ld_ Fine Sleighs at Auction! J. N. KIMBALL & CO., ■flTILL offer their entire stock of NLEHtRS. con i'T sisting of a Hue assortment of both Double ami Single, ut Auction, on . Huturday next, lOtli In at., at 11 o’clock A. 31., at their Repository on Congress St., Portland. tl~feb-3t Dissolution of Co-Partnership. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between X Lucius Hill and Chas. A. Farnuin, is inis day dissolved by mutual consent. LUCIUS IlILL, Augusta, Feb. 1, 1870. C. A. FABNVM. The undersigned will continue the Grocery and Provision Business, At the OLD STAND. COM ST., HEAD OK ARSENAL ST. ttteb-tr LUCIUS HILL. FOE SALE! . 1MIE subscriber being about to change his locality . lor business, offers for sale his stock, consisting in part of FURNACES, STOVE3, Tinware, — AND — Kitchen Furnishing Goods ! E. D. NOHCROSS, KOIanAMf AUUU8TA, MEL LAST SENSATION! Great Closing Sale -OF Ladles’ Furs and Robes, Whcolcr’B, ■■ Grardlner. 1NOW offer my entire stock of LADIES’ FURS and ROHES at less than cost to manufacture. Parties who wish to buy within the next two years, and who wish to save money should uot fuil to improve this GREAT CLOSING SA LE for I am going to SELL regardless of cost. Remember the Place: Opposite the Post Office, GARDINER, ME. M. L. WHEELER, ljan702n»d&w Successor to Huthawav A Wheeler FOWLER, HAMLEN & SITS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DR Y GOODS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Ladies’ & Misses’ Cloaks, OPERA CAPES, Ac.| Ac., Ao* 147 Water Street, AUO.USTA, ME. I tlAjan-tf L. B. FOWLER, FRED HAMLEN II. E. SMITH. CONY HOUSE, VVVfTl.ll STRUCT, AUGUSTA, MAUVE. f|MIIS new Hotel afford* accommodations that no JL other one does in the city to the travelling com munity. being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near the Depot. The travelling public may be assured that no pains will be spared to meet all their wants, and with the assistance of Mu. Ti knkk, late o! the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! G. A. 4 II. COXY, Proprietort. tnjan&wi-tr__ A CARD! 18 STATE STREET Flrct House South of the August* House, Augusta, Me. Late Resident Physician and Surgeon of Hartford, C l., and for neveu years a general practitioner in the cities of New York and Brooklyn, has opened for practice in Augusta, at his office rooms, la state street, lot house south of the Augusta louse, where he may be consulted for a month prio* to his visit to Bangor and his return to llartloru, Conn. DR. FARRAR has tor many years given exclu sive attention to CHRONIC or long-standi'g dis eases. No physician has had greater success in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women and chil dren. A CARD TO THE LADIES Hartford, Ct., leb. l 1870. Having for nearly two years been an assistant to I)r. Farrar of Hartford, in the treatment «»• “dis eases peculiar to women,” 1 have had opportunities of judging, and can testify to the Doctor’s eclicate manner of conducting his examinations aim opera tions. The poor, as w'ell as those of rank and for tune, were always treated with evident sincerity and honesty of purpose. A more kind, careiul and judicious medical adviser, I never knew. Mrs. E. CHANDLER WHEELER. 49" By permission the Doctor refers to many ol the leading phvsicians in the country, and to scores of the most prominent citizens of Hartfont, New York, New Haven and vicinity. N. ». Mrs. Du. Farrar, the Medical LEC TURER to Women, is always in attendance during office hours for Ladies. Ifr- Office hours from 9 to 12 M., 2 to 5 P. Lf.. and from 7 to 9 P. M. I Hr lie makes no charge for consultation. tSfebAw7-lm Hotel Notice. ptIK Gardiner Hotel having been thor T* 4. o uglily repaired, and entirely new tar nished, will be opeued Wednesday, Dei 15ih. OLIVER C. ROLLINS. Gardiner, Dec. 13, UW. tljan7U-tl Wire Saccarappa, Maine. niannfac every de Messrs. WARREN & PENNELL, ! lirOULD inform the public that they It lure and keep couotautly ou hand j acrlption of IRON WIRE, made from the beat material. Special attention given to Spring ana Machinery Wife! Also, Wire tinned, straightened and cot to order, till* B{ iELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. [By the Western Union Line—Offices Granite Bank Building and the State House. 1 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sexate. Mr. Stewart addressed the Sen ate in opposition to the exercise of unconsti tutional power by the imposition of unwar ranted conditions upon Mississippi. Refer ring to the Chinese question, he said the greatness and glory of our government would he further illustrated by extending to the Chinese and their religion the toleration .'ml freedom enjoyed by all races and religions under the protection of the government. Mr. Stewart made an argument denying the constitutional power of Congress to impose unwarranted conditions upon Mississippi. He said he believed the condition prohibiting any change of the constitution of Mississippi in the present provision for school rights and privileges of the citizens of the United States unconstitutional. Mr. Edmunds enquired upon what grounds the Senator voted for the same conditions in the case of Virginia if he believed it to be un constitutional. Mr. Stewart said he was anxious to put Mississippi in the Union, he would vote to admit her with the conditions though he did not believe Congress had any constitutional power to impose such conditions. Mr. Edmunds denied that Congress had ever entered into a bargain to reconstruct any State upon certain conditions, rcterring to what were called admonitions and threaten ings of popular storms of which New England has been warned to take heed. He said that the principle upon which the institutions of that section was established could never be overthrown and that the wisdom of her belief in the power of the government to preserve in peace what it had maintained in war would be vindicated in the future. Motions for an executive session and to ad joun were defeated, the former one the latter by two majority. Mr. Fowler addressed the Senate against the power of Congress to impose conditions. Adjourned. House. Mr. Banks ot Mas6. introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Adairs : Resolved hy the Senate and House of Rep resentatives in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States he and hereby is authorized and instructed to declare and maintain strictly an impartial neutrality in the contest of arms between the people of Cuba and the government of the Kingdom of Spain j and be it further resolved that all acts or parts of acts, and all provisions of the stat utes approved April 20th. 1M18, entitled “an act in addition to the act for punishment of certain crimes against the United States, are repealed”; the acts therein mentioned which are or may be construed to be in conflict with the faithful execution of the object and pur pose of the foregoing resolution, shall be and hereby are, declared to be in regard to the existing contest between the people of Cuba and the people of Spain, and so long as the contest shall continue inoperative and void. The Green and Van Wyck contested elec tion ease, was decided in favor of the latter contestant, 119 to 51. Pending the swearing of Van Wyck a motion from the Democratic side was made to adjourn, which being with out a quorum the House did. FROM WASHINGTON. WiBHIKGTOX, Fob. 16. Tbo esse of the ship 1$. S. Hnrriman, of San Francisco, involving the question whether the risk anil danger of losing the cargo is a sufficient reason for not attempting the stipu lated voyage, and whether freight charges can be collected in such eases, was argued in the Supreme Court to-day, by \V. M. Evarts for the owners of the ship, and 11. K. Curtis for the shippers. The case occurred during the Chilian war with Spain, and was decided by the California Circuit Court against the own ers of the ship. The compliment of men allowed by the Navy (8,500 men) having been reached, the department has directed enlitsments to cease. The effect will lie to detain the Colorado which is destined to relieve the Doleware on the Asiatic Station, and to keep the men attached to the latter; an overterm of enlistment for which they will receive one-fourth additional pay. The department urges upon Congress the necessity of allowing an additional num ber of men, as in. cases of emergency the de partment is powerless to supply a single vessel to meet it. The President to-day transmitted to the Senate a letter of Secretary Cox. giving in formation of the action of the Interior de partment on the claim of the Central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad to continue and extend its road, and receive United States bonds and land in aid. The Company claim the right to withdraw all of the lands along the Republican Fork, having changed their line to the Smoky Mill route. Sec y brown ing refused this until the Company had com lOvted 100 miles of the road, and the Com pany consented, but now hold tlrnt Brown ing's decision was not conclusive on the mer its of the case. Mr. Cox says that until the Company make out a very clear case he shall not interfere with Mr. Browning's decision, though, in his opinion and that of the Attor ney General, that, had not the legislation of 1866 been adopted, the Central Branch would, on reaching the contemplated point of junc tion in the Republican Valley, have been en titled to proceed up the valley, and had the Kansas or Pacific road failed to meet them there, the Central branch have filed in the department evidence that prior to the location of the Kansas Pacific road up to Smoky Hill Fork, they (the Central) had contracted for the building of a road on the original Repub lican Fork route. The plaintiff alleges a fraudulent transfer of United States bonds and land grants to li. M. Shoemaker & Co., by which the directors realized 200 per cent. The House Judicary Committee to-day dis posed of the case of .ludge Busteed, of Ala bama, which was pending two years on 42 of 45 charges and specifications. All voted No, and on the others only Messrs. Eldridge and Kcrwin in favor. The Committee will ask a discharge from duty. Judge Busteed is now in Washington. New York Items. New Yokk. Feb. 16. Tbc Raymond St. Jail in Brooklyn, where the murderer Chambers is confined, is still guarded by a military detachment. The 23d regiment is on duty to-night. Great preparations are being made for the Voorhees funeral. Perry, the murderer, has not found bail and is still in'jail. • Washington specials say that Senator Chandler will soon make a speech in which he will state that Fitz John Porter’s court martial was unanimously in faror of a death sentence, but it was not found, bccanse Pres ident Lincoln refused in advance to appore it. Mr. Chandler was on the Committee on the Conduct of the War. Judge Pratt, of the Brooklyn Supreme Court, to-day gave judgement on the fore closure of a mortgage, dated in 1857, that the principle and interest must be paid in gold or its equivalent, according to the recent U. S. Supreme Court decision. An injunction was granted by the Supreme Court to-day against Kansas Pacific Railroad Co., on the complaint of Sanders W. John stone, of agent of Kansas City restraining them irom expending any of the proceeds of the $600,000 of the gold loan now negotiating. At a meeting of the Cuban League of America tbie evening, Gen. McMahon pre sided. Gen. Fi *nk Biair was present. The league has prepared a petition to be presented to Congress demanding recognization ot tiic belligerent rights of Cuba, i Francis P. Mills for assault and battery on | hi* wiie witll intent to kill, was tried this i afternoon, found guilty ami sentenced t* 6 ! years in the penitentiary. Mr. Burt the English Solicitor employed by the Erie bond holders arrived to-day. Meeting of the W stern Freed man's Aid Commission. Cincinnati, Feb. IB. The Western Frcedmen’s Aid Commission annual meeting met to-day. Last year’s work is encouraging. Three hundred colored teachers have been furnished common schools. The Commission holds over $200,000 in real estate. They complain that while the de mands on them have increased the receipts are falling olf. FROM HARTFORD. Hartford. Feb. IB. The case of the State Treasurer against the Connecticut Life Insurahce Co., of this city, which is to he heard before the Supreme Court of Errors, next week, is the most im portant. pecuniarily, of any ever tried in Connecticut. It relates to the taxability of government bonds in the hands of Mutual In surance Companies, and involves directly $103,000, and indirectly very much more. The main question raised, under the section of the tax law on which the suit is brought, is whether the tax is a tax upon the purchase or upon the property, and there is an inciden tal uoint whether the ascertained losses and divWtends declared but not paid should consti tute a part of the proceeds of the insurance. Meetinr of the Mends of Prohibi tion in Boston. Bostox, Feb. 1C. In accordance with a previous call, the friends of prohibition met in Trcmont Tem ple to adopt measures looking to an organiza tion of public opinion in favor of prohibition to preserve the prohibitory law against de moralizing modifications, and to give ex pression by political action to temperance principles and harmony with the highest in terests of commonwealth, and an agreement witli the undoubted opinions of n majority of the citizens. Hon. Whiting Griswold was elected President. Speeches were made by several prominent men in the temperance cause, among whom was Hev. Dr. Barrows, of New Hampshire, ltcsoluliona in favor of present prohibitory law, and looking to the formation of a third political party, based upon princi ples of prohibition were adopted. The con vention was not large in point of numbers. Havana News. Havana, Feb. 1C. Mr. Seward and party have sailed for Bal timore. Hugh Johnston, who was attacked in com pany with Grconwaldth. is out of danger and is so far recovered from his wounds as to be able to walk. Ilia friend Foster who was so badly injured that his life was given up, is improving, and the doctors think he will he saved. i Miscellaneous Items. Trenton, N. .T., Feb. 1C. The Newark Police Commission bill passed the Senate to-day, by a vote of 1 2 to 9. The Democrat members sustained it, claiming that the action of the Republicans in interfer ing with State matters by the 15th amend ment, justified their retaliating on in kind by establishing a Commission over Newark. The air line railroad bill organized opposi tion to the Camden and Amboy line was de feated in the House to-day, 27 to 25. A mo tion for reconsideration was discussed during an evening session and will come up to-mor row. Aj.bany, Feb. 1C. Judge Porter and District Attorney French of Saratoga, were arraigned before the assem bly to-day, for a breach of privileges of the House, in the arrest of 11. Roy. the member lately taken up ut Saratoga, and, after a long discussion, were acquitted. The case involved the rights and perogatives of the legislative and judicial branch of the government. Judge Porter made an eloquent speech in his own defence. Provjdknce, Feb. 10. A man named John Reynolds of this city, was arrested while drunk in the streets at Pawtucket on Monday night, and put in the damp basement room of the bridewell. When the officer went to find him the next day he was dead. The coroners jury censure the town of Pawtucket for maintaining such a lock-up. Baltimore, Feb. 1C. The City Council voted to visit the Mon ! arch at Annapolis and extend the hospitalities ol the city to the officers. The Legislature resolved to offer tiie freedom of the floors to to the officers. At a Baptist meeting in the First Baptist Church, this evening, 825.000 were collected in less than an hour, in aid of the New Ku taw Place Baptist Church now being erected. Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 1C. The Senate Committee on Federal Rela tions, reported against the resolution for the ratification of the 15th amendment. Key West, Feb. 1C. The Darien Canal expedition arrived at Aspinwall on the 9th inst.; all well. The steamer Tillia, while repairing at sea after a gale, between Fernandina and Havana, last week, drifted into a lot of floating cotton. She picked up 103 bales, and left a large quantity afiuat. The cotton on board the steamer will be libelled in the United States Court. Mr. Seward arrived here to-day, from Ha vana. New Orleans, Feb. 1C. The Senate to-day passed the three millions ■ levee bond. The bill now goes to the Gov I ernor. The House passed the mixed school educa tional bill. Foreign News by Cable. London, Feb. 1C. The Nova Scotia ship, Riva, was lost off the coast of Lincolnshire; bound to Boston with a cargo of coal. Eight lives were lost. The bark, Undine, from New York, caught fire and was destroyed at Rotterdam. Paris, Feb. 16. Father Hyacinthc has remained silent sicne his return to France. It is asserted on relia ble authority that he will be relieved by the Pope from the obligation of his vows as a Carmelite monk, and be permitted in holy orders as an ordinary priest. Madrid, Feb. 16. The Carlist deputies created a wild excite ment in the Cortes yesterday by charging that in the recent elections their candidates in many districts were defeated through govern ment interference. The accusation was de nounced to be false and a stormy scone en sued. i ~ - — FIWA.VUlA.Li AHU UUKLW.JUHL.LALi. By Telegraph to Daily Journal : New York .Hooey Market. New York. Feb. 16. Evening. Money easy and unchanged from yesterday’s rates. Foreign Exchange quiet. Gold dull and heavy and business light, ranging irnm llitfc to lltt^, and closing at the latter. Governments dull and lower, the decline partially owing to the unfounded rumor that the Secretary of the Treasury would suspend the purchase of bonds in order to provide for toe payment of 300,000,000 iu pensions next month. Governments closed at the following quotations: United States Sixes (coupons) ISbl 11',’,alls “ 5-jo* Its 13, (coupons), lit), gill <• •• “ *■ ism my giitv “ « “ •• nusaiitv •< •* “ " Jan. A July US'* •• “ « “ 1300 113X9113* “ “ KMM “ 1MX ..regtstcted MWCUXUs reglsteted New York Stock Market. ' New Torn, Feb. 1*. At 1 r. M. the market cl used at the lollowing quotations: N. Y. Central and Hudson, N. Y. Central scrip l.*ke Shore & Jlfehigan Southern, Harlem, Harlem preferred, Heading, Michigan Central, Illinois Central, Cleveland A Pittsburg, Chicago A North Western, Chicago A North Western preferred. Chicago A Hock Island. Milwaukee A St. Paul, Milwaukee A St. Paul preferred, ?oledo A Wabash, oledo A Wabash preferred, Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, Ohio & Mississippi, Erie, Erie preferred. New York Produce market. New York, Feb. 16. COTTON—heavy and lower; sales 1600 bales; middling uplands 24. FLOl/K—dull; state and western without changs; superfine to fancy state 475, % 580; round hoop Ouio 5803355; western 5500636; southern 5550075. WHEAT—102c. lower; sales 47,000 bnsh.; No. 2 Bpring 1100123: winter red and amber western, 130 8133; white Michigan 1100147. CORN—dull and 102 lower: sales 32,000 bnsh., new mixed western 00085. and 73378 for unsound; old do.. 106. OATH—heavy; state Clg02; western 53**55. PORK—new mess 26 25; prime do., 210002250. LARI>—steady; steam 14X015**; kettle 16016*. SUtiAR—less active; Muscavado logic* ; fair to good refining 0*glO* . Chicago Produce Market Chicago, Feb. 16. FLOtTR—unchanged. WHEAT—dull; No. I 87; No. 2 81*081*. CORN—dull; old No. 2.60*. OATH—No 2 38 * 338*. RYE—No. 2 67. PORK—mess pork in good demand at 26 50g26 73. LAKI>—14*814*. To be Let. HOUSE with 11 good rooms, corner of Winthrop and Winter streets. Apply to Jan. 1870. fjanl-tf WM. T. JOHNSON. Colter k Gardiner, 143 Water Street, SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. E. C0LLER, WHOLESALE l>EALRUfl IN Saddlery Hardware! Harness Leather, SADDLES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRYCOMBS HORSE BLANKETS, «x*«x *BX *!« V *f>‘, l»7>i#147X 150 MX 130*111 74*. S0X«M S5S85 30,xJo^ 43*43 Made or i/miai>e, Halters, Surcingles, Bells, Travelling and Shopping Bags ! Dog Collars, Grass ft Wool Mats, , ftc*, ftc. They are now putting in and keep constantly on ha ini the largest and best selected stock ot all goods ii| the above line in the city, and are resolved to make it lor tlie interest of the people to buy of Coder 6l Gardiner, 143 WATER STREET, Manufacturers 8f XX ax* nesses - BUGGY, COACH AND TEAM, Of all classes and prices, Gold and Silver Plate, English Covered, Japan and common white mount ings, which they propose to sell as low aa the low est and warrant their work to give perfect satis faction. They also manufacture for their wholesale and retail trade, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SHAWL STRAPS, All -stvles ami sizes, neat and freeli from the! factory at 143 Water Street, and made to stand travel—lettered with initial* and delivered in any part of the city without extra charge. Harnesses and Trunks repaired neatly, promptly and at small charges. 143 WATER STREET, Opposite Cony Homu, AUGUSTA, AIAXNXI. Wtijau-tf Lieu Et Mon Droit. MRS. DINSMORES GREAT ENGLISH COUCH*CROUP BALSAM. or Hoarhound d Anise seed, For Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, &o. This excellent Medicine has the extraordinary property of immediately relieving Coi'UHS, Court, HOARSENESS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, WHOOF ING Cough, and Hi skinesh of the Throat. It operates by dissolving the congealed phlegm, and causing free expectoration. Persons who are troubled with that unpleasant tickling in the Throat, which deprives them J>1 rest, night after night, by the incessant cough n hicn it provokes, will by taking one dose, hnd immediate relief; and one bottle m most cases wul effect a cure. In cast! of Croup it girt$ immediate Relief. Price 50 Cents. ___ receipt of a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society or Gr Prepared from a real Britain. For Sale at Drug Stores senerally. a. n. DinsnoRE * co., rrop's, PORTLAND, ME. For tale in Aansta by Johnson lioitni; la Gardiner by B. V. Johnson ; in HaUowell by W. It. Ballahd. iBjmW-l®' J. W. TOWABD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ArerSTA, ME. Beaidence ou Green Street, opposite U«s Mffo*" diet Church.