Newspaper Page Text
li AUGUSTA, ME., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1870. VOL. 1 NO. 47. |Uniukt Jmrrnal. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BY SPKUilE, OWEN l NASH. $ail]i Jumuirc Journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Coutain* the latest news by telegraph and mail, ami given the proceedings of the Legislature in ftill, also reports of proceedings of important commit* tees aud the Agricultural and Educational depart* me nts. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $8 U payment H not made w ithin the year. Single copies 4 cent*, to be had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one inch in length, three in sertions or less. $1.00; 25 ets. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will bu inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. ‘fiolcfhla iiciinfbfr Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest lolio paper in the Stale, containing new*, polltMil articles, agricultural and scieutilk matter, t iles, poetry, anecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms 92 ptr annum in wltmncm Transient Advertisements, $1-90 per inch for flr*tweek; 45 cents per « wk for each subsequent insertion. Speoial Notions, 92 00 per incli for flr«t week; 50 cents per wuek lor each Mibr-cqueul week. Business Notices, in column*, 40 cents per liue for first Insertion; 10 cent* per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient a Ireitiseraonts to be paid for in advance. I. c. L c. I. c. 7, 8, ». SOMES’ Oyster, Fruit and ('onfertionpry S ALOOX! Opposite Masonic Block, Gardiner, Me. THE RK-ST OYSTER COOK in tlio State. Solid Oyater*, 50 rent* per quart. 7, S, •. To the people at large. Wiio thi* notice may read. And yournelre* m Gardiner should And : If you want a g<w>d *tew. You should know where to go— It’» to Some**, 7, S, O. C. T. SO MBS, Gardiner, Jau. 1st, 1*70. tlj-»n7o-U’ C. H. STARBIRD, Photographer and Artist, SRtY liHYXITK BLOCK. Ne&rly opposite Post Offloe, (Up Stairs,; Maker all tlic bent stylos of Pii'turrs In the Art. riCTIKES copimTa enlarged, — AND — Finished in India Ink or Colors. At priced that cannot fail to Iks satisfactory. ay The public are invited to call and examine Specimen* m ult anti finish*l at hi* rooms. AUGUSTA. ME. (UanTOda Brewster’s Hotel, SKOWHECAN, ME. THIS large anti commodiona Hotel i« situated at the head of the Falla oa the Kennebec river, ui the Huterpritdug village of Skowhcgun, the terminus of the Portland & Kennebec U. R. This i* one «>f the beat arranged Hotels for family border* there is in the State, and a bettor place for Summer rcoort, cannot be found in Maine. The l»e»t of water, beautiful drives on the hanks of the river, tUhing and sailing ponds in the vicinity, trout brooks, where you can catch an abundance of the tpotted brook trout any day in the year. Prices for permanent or transient lwarding are ▼erv low, ho our rii'tomera can afford to come often and stair a good while. We also have a large airy stable to board horses for the guests that wish to bring their teams with them. Also one of the best h ilf-tnilc trotting parks in the State, is connected with the House, free for the guest- to tram their horses or drive for pleasare. ♦ ITjan-tt 8. B. BUKWSTEK, Proprietor. BATH HOTEL, By o. M. Plummor, BATH, ME. Board, - - $ 1 per Bay. fllj»n-ly _ Photographs & Melanotvpes, At the >ame OLD l'LACE, At the net OLD PUICKM, viz ■ 9 1-9 fizz Picture! in Cnrdt for 50 cents. 4 1-4 “ -r - 50 “ 4 1-4 •* im Card envelopes, 50 cts. 1 5x7 “ in .Wat, 50 “ 16 TINT VPKS for 25 cents. A good assortment til FRAM EM, A ERF MM. A t-., now on himrt. enr Particular attention given to copying. « Boon tooth of the Poet Offltc, AIGIHTA, MK tljan"0-ilm_ II. HAILEY. Coupli Candy I 1IVKYUKYDI RU't COI'OH CANDY euros COUtillS, COLDS, WUOOP1XU COLOII nod ill Throat trouble*. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. IKl'NICAI, INSTRUMENTS, ■Panoy Goods, cbc., xnm by iani-lyt W. WimWOCIQ. — AT — Saecarappa, Maine. Messrs. WARREN tc FENNELL, W. OULD inform the public that they manufac ture and keep constantly on hand every de scription of IROTY WIRE, mado fhnn the best material. Special attention given to Spring and Nnrhinery Wire ! Also, Wire tinned, straightened and rut to order, fda* MANSION HOUSE, I STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. * I '1IIS House is provided wits Bath Room*, X. where Il«>t and Cold Uuth? can be had at all > time*. It ha* aHo a Kirst-Cluss Hilliard llall, for (iu-ats only Connected with the House is a large and codiiii Mlious Sample Room, on Water Street, centrally located, where Sample Agents cau show their goods, free of charge. The Proprietor, thankful f<»r the liberal patronage which the above House has enjoyed since its open ing, t ikes pleasure in informing his patrous that he will run Free Carriages to and from the Cars and boats until further notice ' Connected with the above House is a Livery Sta r ble, where good teams can !*e had at reasonable rates. W. M. THAYER, Prop rut or. t>. I*. Cochrans, Clerk. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! BOTANIC COUGII BALSAM! IS MOKE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! IT CURES THE WORST IN A SHORT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - - - 35 Gents. No Cure 2 No Fay 2 FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT TOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can be Cured for 3*» Cents ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! Trunins 2 Trunk. TIIK I’r.ACi: TO Ilt'Y French, Eusono, Solo Xjeather, Ami ill kimlti of common t m TRAVELLING TRUCKS! Also, Laities’ anil Gent.’ TRAVELLING A SHOPPING BAGS, it at HAMILTON ft TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The (light Place to hnr your HARNESSES, get she celebrated DUNN HARNESS, is at HAMILTON ft TURNER'S, : 135 WATER STREET. The rhespeft place to buy WHIPS. CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES. HAL TERS, Ac., D at HAMILTON A TURNER'S, 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES ! For Buslnt-ss, Pleasure, Training, Trucking, Carlins’ ft Expressing, Manufactured from (»OOI) OAK STOCK, and by the boat of workmen. We would remind the public that our llarne^e took all the premiums offered at tho last Stale Fair —tour in number. Al.-o the iii>t premium at the late New Kngland Fair. As oar customer* are daily informed that our liurneM»e> are Machine Stitched—wo would invite them :uid the public generally to call and e\ammo the largest stock of ready-made llarnc.-net ever of fered in tlii> city, and we will conviu v them that we make the bc-t HAM) sTlTCilED work to be had for tho same amount oi money, and if wo don’t have on hand what U wanted, can make it at bhorl notice. Samples of liold • *i!t’. Oroide >>Ive) , Covered, and Japanned Trimmed llarnes*, mar be seeu at our aalebroom, NO. 171 Ml DOLL STUCK 1. HENRY DUNN & SON. For Halo by Hamilton cto Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - • AUGUSTA, MAINE, tllfeb tf Opposite Dooring ft Holway’s. 1870. 1UI1UAU1. 1870. EXTRA 8NDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS. Wo have this Day . MARKED DOWN OUR PRICES! SO AS TO REDUCE STOCK. LOOK! LOOK! #4 73 0.00 7.00 8.0© 0.00 10.00 LOOK! THINK AN1> REFLECT On the Following; l’l'iceis s Ovorroat* for Overcoat* for Overcoat* lor Overcoat* for Overcoat* (warranted all wool) Overcoats (heavy Mack Beaver) OUR STOCK OF PARTS AND VESTS, MATCHED SUITS, -AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! Ot every description we otter tor the NEXT THIRTY DAYS, AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. JOT-CALL AND SEE l'S, and we guarantee that you will get your money s worth at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. H. W. Huntington & Co., lOO Water Htreet, Anjyustn, Maine. THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established in 1H25.) Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEW8PAPER. Not Excelled by any in the State. Just Ev la ikied and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! 1 Having Full Report-of Legirlative nroceedingi; carelnliy prepared Political Articles, Facte ami Mta tintics; Local. Domestic and Foreign News; Lorres incidence; Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other Miscellaneous Matter. •\'o lucrcaie of Hubicrlptlou Price—A Good Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journals The Kennebec Journal is in the Forty-fourth year j of its age. It has just been enlarged, and is now a I THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, . Its size not being exceeded l»y that of any other . paper in the State, and surpassed by but few fn other '. States. ’ I < It will comain Can fully Prepared Political Articles, Facts, Slat is- i ( ti* s, Speeches aud Extra ts; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information iu relation to mat- 1 ] ters pertaining to the State Govern ] meut; Sports of the Doings of Congress ; Local and State | . News; Summaries of Do- j mestic and Foreign News; Re| orto of llie Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other inter esting and I'selul Reading for the Family : a bo Correspondence from Abroad and original Articles upon subjects of Gen’l Interest. It has been enlarged from Twenty-Klght to Thirty-Six Columns, in w dth, and proportionately increased iu length, and is printed uu an Entire New Suit of Type, j Making: it out* of the Handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of tho i CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. 'Hie price of subscription ha* not been ! increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe!, Tkrms : $2.00 per annum in advance. |2 25 at the end of *tx mouths, aud $2.50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on and alter the Unit of January. Will give Full and Accurate Reports of tbc Proceedings of i the Legislature from day to day; Report* of Im* !, portant Hearings before Committees; Abstract* of Discussion* m the Hoards of Education and Agriculture; will have the Latest News by Tele- I f;raph the same as other dailies, and will also j lave Editorials, Correspondence. Locals and the usual Summaries of News, also the most Import- , aut Speeches of the Session. The Discussions in the Board of Education will giro New and Additional Importance to the Daily Joi'Hnal, as it will contain r©i>orts of them. Terms, $7.00 per year; $2.00 for the Session. i 99* Mem ben* of the Legislature will do their con stituents and themselves a favor to interest them- ! selves in getting subscribers to the above puhlica* , tions. The Daily keeps up that correspondence between the People and their Representatives, through their Legislative Report*, which is neces sary and agreeable to both. < No Tri-Weeklv will be published. Those peisons who desire a lull report of the Legislative Proceed ings, must subscribe for the Daily Journal. 99* Postmasters and Members of the Legislature 1 authorized to take subscription^. *g*The Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal are published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE. OWEN & NASH. BOSWORTH WILL SELL FOB THE NEXT THREE WEEKS, FROM ms Fall and Winter Goods,; AT COST, to reduce Stock preparatory to moving into the new store which has been prepared for him, J, OVERCOATS, L HEAVY SACKS, PANTS & VESTS, Belter and Cheaper than ever offered iu thl. city before COB CASH USLY. \ • REMEMBER THE PLACE: No. 158 Water Street, A n gf n s t a , M nine. R. T. Bosworth. tSfebftw 74f Dissolution of Co-Partnership. I riMIK co-partnership heretofore existing between | A Lucius Hill and Chan. \. Fa mum, is this day i ills solved by mutual consent. LUCIUS HILL. • Augusta, Feb. 1, 1870. C. A. FARNUM. The undersigned will continue the Grocery and Provision Business, At the OLD STAND. fOHT ST., HEAD OK ARSENAL ST. I fOfob-tf Ll’cirs HILL. I G0YCRHUC.1T OF MAINE, 1870 QOVKBSOl, Joshia L. Chawbkrlaix, Brunswick. Cut’S* II.. ii District, l runusO. Brackett, Be rwick* 1 District, William Peering, Portland, 1 District, William K >gers, Bath, th District, Ambrose H Abbot, China, th District, hi ward U. Spear, Rockland, th District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington, th Dial riot, D. K. Hobart, Deuuysville. KXKCCTIVS OFFICER*. rankiin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of Stntr. corge G. Stacy, Ker/ir Falls, Deputy Secretary, aiuea K. Miiliken, Portland, Chief Clerk. . B. Murray, Jr , Pembroke, Adjutant General. ugu*t<s L Smith, Augusta, Clerk to Adjutant Oeneral. eorgn N. Page, Nonddgewock, State Pension Clerk in Adjutant General's office. i Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer, ylvaims (.‘aidwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk, arker P. Burleigh. Linneui*, Land Agent. C.O▼ERROR T STAFF. ohn M Brown, Portland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. lugene F. Sanger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aids~de-Camp, 114th rank of Lieutenant Colonel. elden Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathan Cutler. — dbert O. Morgan, It wiston, Military Soc’y to Governor, 'remiss M. Foghr, Augusta, Messen’r to Gov. and Council, lenjamiu F. Harris. Machias, Supt. of Public Buildings korge L. Good ale, Brunswick, State Assayer. yrus F. Brackett, Brunswick, State Assayer. lantel Winslow, Westbrook, ln*|«ector Gun. of Beef k Pork, lav id Fcrnald, Camden, lu*|*:cti-r G< -neral of Fish, leo. F- Dillinghani, Old town, Agt. Peuobscot Tribe Indians, leo F. Waifs worth, Eastport, Apt. Fassamaqu'y Tribe In. llbert W Paine, Bsngor, Bank and Insurance Examiner • Isa NV. Wildes, Skowhegan, larnuel II. Biaki, Biugor, lolotnon T Curser, 1* *rtland, SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT, oh a Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE*. Sdward Kent, Bangor, ona-* Cutting, Bangor, onathan G Dickerson, Belfast 'harlcs W. Walton, Portland. Villiam ij. Barrows, Brunswick. 'harlcs Panforth, Gardiner. Lufus P. Tapley, Saco. ATror.SKT OLSBRAL. 'homas B. Iteo J. Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. lenry M. Harlow, >1. D., Superintendent and Physician, ligelow T Sauboru, M. D., Assistant Physician. ' Railroa d Commissi oners. TKl. STKEH.. William B. Laphain, M. D , Woottock, President, ohu T. Gilman, M D., P rtland. »r. M. K. Ludwig, Thonia-ton. ion. Gen. A Kf'«t, Sprint vale, lou. A. G. WuKtfflelJ, Bangor. STATE PRISON iVarrrn \V. Rice, \V irdeu. Abridge Hurt'll, Ivputy Wardeo. ix^raiToRs. iVilliam Wilson. Ion. Rufus Pi iikt. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. lou.'K. W. Woodbury, Sujierititcnderit TRrsTaan Hon. Noah Woods, Bui gor, I'mii'ii'UU A'. K. (j-»uUJt Purtland, Secretary, lion. Nathan Dan**, Alfred, Treasurer. Hon. Jeremy W. P-rtcr, Strong. Libia* Lord, Sunduh. ITATK COl t.Kifc. or ▲GEICn.TCaa A*D THR MK( IIA NIC ARTS IT m. Abner Coburn, Skowhegan, President, lion. Thomas S. Lang, Augusta, ion. William P Wingate, Bangor, lion. Lyndon Oak, Garland. Hev. F.imuel F. Dyke, Lath I C. Madigan, Houltnn. Hon. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Tr**;t«urer. Samuel Johnson, A. .\1., Orono, Secretary. Executive Committee. lion. Wm. P. Wingate, Jion. Lyndon Oak, lion. Thomas S- Lang. Examining Committee. 'nshua L Chamberlain, LL I).*, Her. Atuory Battles*, Hon. Thomas S. Lang. F acuity. derritt C. FemaWl A M., Acting President and Profesaor of Matht rustics and Physics. lainu* 1 Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. Itephen F Peek ham, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. ?alviu Cutter, M. R, le'.turer on Anatomy, Physiology and Ilygene -orydpu B. L ikin, Instructor in Book-keeping. ^apuin Henry E. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor in Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, iamuel Wasson, LIUworth, President. IS. H. Thing, Mt. Vernon, Vice President *. L. Goodale, Saco, SicrcUry. H. C. Fernald, Orono. ) I. P. Peck ham. Orono. Tiarles K. Hamlen, Waterrille. f Members at Large. 'yrua F. Brack* tt, Brunswick. | 5eurgc L. Gootlale, Brunswick. J ME MB KRS FROM COCXTIRJi. leth Scamman, f »r Cumberland County, Scarborough. Vildes P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. Swett, Oxford County, South Paris, jevi L Lucas, Somerset County, St. Albans, ra TW. York County, Saco. Elijah It Stick pole, Penobscot County, Kendutkeag. iamuel Wasson, Hauc<ick County, Ellsworth. . Va nuin Putnam, Aroostook County, liouIUn. leremiah R. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. <uther ChamUrlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson, loses L. Wihh r, Washington County, Pembroke, saac II dibs, Knox County, South Hope. >aoiel II Thing Kennebec County, Mt. Vernou. reorge K. Brackett, W'aldo County, Belfast. I. A. Gilbert, Androscoggin County, East Turner. ’•Ivin Chamberlain, State Society,} Foxcroft. ohu Boiige, Lincoln County, Jefferson. COMMON SCHOOLS. 11 * j»i in ill | ouur .TU]>ri liii utieui. ro«eph K. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. COl’NTT SfPfcltVISOlW. kndr'»coggin, C. H. Stetson, Lewiston, Irootunok, W. T. SN ejwr, Sh« rman. umMan 1, J. 11. Webb, U >rham. franklin, A. II. Abbott, Farmington, fanoock, Charles J. Abbott, Castinr. ieuneboc, \V II. Bigelow, Clinton. Cnox, G. M. Ilieks, R t'kland. jlncoin, l>. S (Hidden, Newcastle. Kford. N T. True, Bethel. Vuobscot, S. A. Plummer, I»exter. 'iscata<iuis, W. S Knowltnn, Mom on Sagadahoc, I>. F. Potter. Tops ham. Somerset, O. W. Ha the why, Skowhegan A'aldo, N. A. Luce, Freedom, A’anhingtou, W. J. Cortliell, Calais, fork, M R. Mabry. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATICN. 'resident, J. II. Hanson, Wiiterrllle. i'ice-president, I'. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. EXKTTITK COMMITTEE, f. II. Hanson, Chairman, Water ville \ It. Stetson, Lewiston, t. P. Slone, Portland. I. 8. Barren, Lewiston. V. Johnson, Topshatu. J. C. Rounds, Farmington. . P. Gross, Brunswick. i. T. Fletcher, Castlne. . B. Webb, Yarmouth. COMMITTER ON STATE VALUATION, ohn P. Hubbard, Hiram, oth Scamman, Scarboro*. ilvln Currie/, Farmington. I’ehemiah Smart, Searsmont. ibel Prescott, Canaan, leuboti g. Prescott, Bangor. 'aitman Houghton, East port, much Knight, Portland, Clerk of Commissions STATE LIBRARY, oseph T. Woodward, Librarian. Shooting Tackle. M. W. LOIO, SUCCESSOR TO L. M. L ELAND, OTJ3ST SMITH And Dealer In ^hooting Tackle of Every Variety. RIFI.K AND SHOT GUNS made to ORDER and WARRANTED. Particular attention paid in .'hoklng Slant Giiiae to make them about thick and trono Al.o on hanj, the hem lot of Skate# in ho market, for rale cheap. Odd keya of every lattern Key t»ga and ring* for Hotel* Powder >f the be«t qualitj for Blurting or Sporting. Re pnlrinsr done neatly and promptly. All work warranted. ljan-ly Legislative Committee Notices. Commlllee Notices The Joint Special Committee of both branches of the Legislature on the subject of Temperance, will hold regular meetings hereafter at the Representa tives Hall, on Tuesday evenings at 7 o’clock. All persons interested are invited to attend. THOa. S. LANG, ( t'Uni, C. li WHtODEN, j Chaiimen. Augusta, Feb. 4. l«70. Committee on I'Mic Building*. The Committee on Public Building? will meet at Koom No. 'Ju, on 3fonday of each week, at 2.S* o’ clock P. M., until further notice. K K FRENCH. (Chairinen. Kulir. ( ROCKETT,) Committee on Finance. The Committee Treasurer’s office, o’clock A. M. THUS. K. TWITCT1KLL, Chairman. on Finance will meet at the on Wednesday of each week, at Committee on Interior Waters. The Committee on Interior Waters will meet at Koom So. li, state House, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week at 1 o’clock P. M.. until further notice. F CORING TALBOT, t GKO. W. HAMMOND, f Chairmen. Committee on Railroads, Mays and Bridge*. The Committee on Railroads, Ways and Bridges will meet iu the Senate Chamber, Tuesday ami Thursday of each week, until further notice. T. H. CUSHING, tr. .m„.n S. T. IUNliS, j Chairmen. Committee on Education, The Committee on Education will meet m the of fice of ^ttate Superintendent of Schools, ou Wed nesday of each week, until further notic»*. CHAKLKS UVFFUM, t A. B. FARWKLL, ) Chairmen. Com m i ttee o n Cl a i m s. The Committee on Claims will meet at Room No. • ID, State I!on*e, on Tuesdays and Thursday* oi each week, at 2 o’clock P. M.. until further notice. PUTNAM ROLFK. HIRAM BU^;, Ju„ j Chainu0" Committee on State Land* and State Roads, j i The Committee on State Land1* and State Roads 1 will meet iu the Land Office, Thursdays of each j i week, at 2lt o’clock, until further notice.’ .1 o'SNirrii, Ith;urinen- , Committee on Agriculture. The Committee on Agriculture will meet in the < ‘ •Senate Chamber, Weiluet*day of each week, at half i paK 2 o'clock 1‘. M.. until further notice. ; 1 ( buintteu. LAN* t V GHF.KNE, s Com mi tier on incision of Towns. The Joint Standing Committee on Division of ( Towns will meet in Room No. 17, «t the Capitol, on Tuesday of each week during the session, at 2l* i o’clock V. M. L If WEBB. /, SAM’L WASSON, i Chairmen* j Co oi in ittee on India n A fairs. The Committee ou Indian Affairs will meet in room No. It), State House, on Wednesday of each week, at tw o o’clock P. M.. until further notice. THOMAS R. KINOSBl’RY, ) n • AI.UKX BRADFORD, i Chairmen. Committee on Manufactures. The Joint Standing Committee on Manufactures will meet in room No. !«:, state House, on Wednes- ' day of each week, at :> o’clock P. M., until further notice. SAM’L If A N'SOX, ( J $ P. If A M, Chairmen. Committee on Dinsion of Counties. The Joint Standing Connnittee on Division of Counties will meet in room No. 17, at the on Wednesday of each week, at 2>t o’clock I until further notice. HK>KYXAR^M..ictainBen. Capitol, i ckP.M., ‘ 8. L. TOBKY, Committee on the Judiciary. The Committee on the Judiciary will meet at then I room m State House, on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, at 2ut o’clock P M , until further notice. S D. LINDSEY, UIA.v K. WHIDDEX, i Chairmen. Commit tee on Reform School. The Joint Standing Committee on the Reform ' School will meet iu the Senate Chamber, on Wed- , nesday of each week, at 3 o’clock P. M.. until fur i ' Uter notice. JOHN 1*». NEALLKY, { Chairmen 1 DANIEL sTK KNEY, \ cna,nnen- , Committee on Fisheries. The Committee on Fisheries will meet m Room No. lfi. Shite House, Tuesdaya and Thursdays Of each week, at 2 o'clock P. M .‘until further notice. II S. BARTLETT, f r*hailTI1<in L. ir. STOVER. ) Chairmen. Com m ittee on * Pensions. The Joint Standing Committee on Petit-Ions will meet in Room No. 17. at the state Hou-e, on Thurs- ! day of each week, at 2 P. M., until further notice. TIMOTHY H I LEU. ) , M F. tf xNNET'l Chairmen. Committee on Hunks and Banking. The Committee on Batik- and Banking will meet in Room No. 1U, State House, on Tuesday* of each week, at 2 o’clock !'. M ., until further notice. B 1> METCALF. JAMES IH NMNfi Chairmen. Connnittee on Mercantile Affairs Jc Insurance. The Committee on Mercantile Affairs and Insur ance will meet in Room \>*. *2o, on Wednesday of each week, at 2>* o’clock P. M., until further notice. s’ A HOLBROOK. v Chairmen. Committee on State Prison. The Committee on the State Prison will meet in Room No. ID, State House, on Tuesday of each week, at 2*$ o’clock, until further notice. HENRYH HAMMOND, j Chairmen. Conmittee on Change of Xumes. I The Committee on Change of Names will meet in Room No. 20, State House, on Tuesday of each week, at 2 o’clock I*. M , until further notice. AI.DEN CHASE, Chairman. Committer on Federal Relations, The Committee on Federal Relation* will meet in ' the Senate Chamber, on Friday of each week, nt2‘, o’clock I*. M.. until further notice. THOMAS P CLEAVES, 1 rtl • Wltl I.EWIs i: \liKKK, y Chairmen. Committee on Legal Reform. The Committee on Legal Reform will meet in the Judiciary Com. Room, at the state House. on Wed nesday and Friday of each week, at 21, o’clock 1*. M., until further notice. M I> L LANK, jrhjkllmen ' .JOSEPH 11 AKER, | Onahman. Committee on Military Affairs. The Committee on Military Affairs will meet in Room No. is, State flou-e. on Thursday of each week, at 2 o’clock P. M-, until Anther notice. IIANlEl. WHITE, (Chairmen. CONY HOUSE, IIMTAII SYttEKT, AUGUSTA, m AIIV E. rP*HS new Hotel affords accommodations that no I other one does In the city to the travelling com munity. being located in the’ CENTRE OF BUSINESS, and very near the Depot. The travelling public may be assured thut no pains wdl be spared to meet all their want*, ami with the Hssi-time of Mi: Tr i:\ku, late of the Augusta House, we hope to loeril a »haru of the public patronage. Cuuucctcd with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! (i. A. it H. COM, Proprietors. 1 $U$ceUainj. STRENGTH OF MF.MOKT. Tlif strength ot Mr. Choate’s memory one ot th' most remarkable tiling-, limit that remarkable man. Her not onlv ead ei en tiling, but lie remembered very thing lie read. lie knew where the ook was in which the desired informa i*>n eould be found, the vety page, and he precise location of the book in the ibrary where it happened to be. While l y ing the celebrated sewing-machine case efore Judge \\ oodhurv, 1 heard him re uest a friend to go to the Athemeniu and et him a volume of a set published by harnbers. The article he wanted wu< n the manufacture of silk. He described le set, the room in which it was kept, nd the very spot in the library where it ould be found. He wrote down nearly verything in a case that he could. The et of writ’ng fastened the thing in his lemory. and it was ready for instant use. n the trial of a cause lie kept two sets of otes—one the testimony, the other a di e«t and the argument. ’ He was ready to rgue a ease the moment the testimony losed. His memory enabled hint to talk n any subject introduced. He was at onie on the black-letter law, knew famil nrly the intricate Knglish law of entail, .nd could discuss the laws of any nation is intelligibly as he eould a common net of issatilt anil battery. I walked with him rotn the court-fconse on Saturday pre ions to the delivery of his celebrated ‘tilogy on Webster, before DartmouthCnl ege. He had been before the United dates Court. conducting an intricate trial, he heat like that of a tropical climate. Vo Vent into the Varber-sbop undei the irotufiuld House, for he said, “1 must be humpooed daily, or i should died’ Tin ulogy on \\ ebsler, I think, was to be dr iven d on 1 Intraday. This was Saturday, aid the intervening Monday was to be eon uim-d in the journey to Hanover. I said o him: ••Of course your eulogy on Wei - >ter is completed.’’ He drew himself up o his full height, and laying his hand on civ shoulder, he said: “.Sir.--, as Hive, lot a word of that eulogy is w ritten." Yt; t was di livered as announced—delivered rviihout notes, fully written out and coni nitted in the writing. 1 knew one instance u which he completed his lecture at the dime a short time before the train started ■hat was to carry him to his appointment, lie left the manuscript on his desk, and gat e the lecture, he said, as near verbatim ts he desired to, and that a ithout a scrap tieforu him. He was very careful of the wordings of hi- motions before the higher ■ourts. His phraseology was always pe :uliar. Having written his motion on a clip of paper, he usually crumpled it in lis hand and threw it on the floor as he ose to address the bench. I have fre |Uclilly picked up these jottings, and onie of them 1 have to this day.—Ex •huHtje. {EDI CTION OF THE DEBT B\ AlCIDEST. Our national del it is undergoing reduc ion in other ways besides those indicated n the nionthlv debt statements of the Sec •etary of the. Treasury. The various forms >f paper money issued by the government n the process of circulation are worn out, o>t, burned or destroyed in other ways, ■o that a very considerable percentage of hem will nev er lie redeemed. Of the old loslal currency, the first issue of paper noney, in denominations less than one lollar, more than four millions and a half lave never been presented for payment, md it is estimated that at least one half of his amount never will be. Of the second ssue, three and a half millions are out standing, and not less than a third of this s supposed to have been destroyed. Ot he third scrit s, nearly seventei n millions ire yet unredeemed, and about a fourth of his. probably with it. Altogether, more ban seven and a hail millions of fractional .iirreney have disappeared, and to the gov ernment are tlie same as paid. More than eleven millions of the demand votes issued under the acts of July, lMil. ind February, ISO:.', are standing upon the books of tile treasury, and not less than aalf of this amount,’it is estimated, had 'cell lost bv tire or shipwreck, or other iisaster. In the same way the legal tender lotes of the early issues which have been u (in itiation lor seven years or more, have tillered so that live millions or more of hem will never be presented for rcdcmp ion. In addition to all tluse there are nore than one hundred thousand dollars it the funded debt of the vv ars of the revo utiou and of 1812, which are still comput ed as a part of the national debt, although not a dollar of it lias beeu presented for payment for many years. The process of Jestruetion >lill goes on. and the treasury s relieved by it some millions annually.— Worcester Spy. 4I.L FLESH IS (iti.tSS. A man named Andrew Hupp came into own with a load of hay. Hu desired to ■<■11. and succeeded in tinding a purchaser nthe First Ward. Hupp, with all the mtward simplicity of au innocent being, Irove on to licnienway. Wood & Co’s calcs, and had the hay weighed. The lay was weighed, Hupp drove off the ■calcs, turned around, and started to de iverthc hay to the purchaser; but, alas! >vhat an unlucky transaction for llupp! How unfortunate it was that just at that lime there were several persons standing •lose by, naturally looking toward the hav, md, still more unfortunate, that, while limy were thus looking, the load of bay should insist on upsetting, llut it did, md, lo and behold! from the midst there if tumbled a female form of the partuer if the joys attu sorrows of said Andrew llupp. Yes, there was the veritable Mrs. llupp, iu all her pristine majesty and love liness ; but, in less time than it takes to say "Jo Mowers,” she dodged behind a lumber pile, thinHag perhaps, that her little episode had not been seen by any body. The hay v. as reloaded, taken to its destination, and llupp returned to get his ■(•ale certificate. It was handed over to iiim with 17 j pounds added to the tale, at which he never muttered a single Wold of objection.—Lansing (Inca) Mirror,