Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN A NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 1, 1870. NO. 51. Jitinukt Jemal. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. BY SPKAGIE, OWEN £ NASH. Sailg Jumtrte JfournaL Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest iiews by telegraph and mail, and given the proceedings of the Legislature iu full, also reports of proceedings of important commit tees and the Agricultural and Educational depart ment*. Terms, $7 per annum in adranre, $8 il payment is not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one inch iu length, three in sertions or lens, $1.00; 23 cts. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 23 per ceut. additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. Meehlg Menncbrc Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, It the largest folio paper in the State, containing nows, article*, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, anecdote*, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms per annum in odranc*. Transient Advertisements, $1.30 per inch for first week; 33 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, $2 00 per inch for first week; 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in reading columns, 30 cents per line for first insertion; 10 ceuts per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. I. C. L C. L C. 7, 8, f>. SOMES’ Oyster, Frail and Confectionery sALOOX! Opposite Masonic Block, Gardiner, Me. THE BEST OTSTEB COOK in the State. Solid Oysters, 50 cents per quart. 7, 9, $. To the people at large, Who this notice mar read. And yourselves in Gardiner should find: *If you want a good stew. Ton should know where to go lfs to Somes’, 7, 9, $. C. T SOME*, Gardiner, Jan. 1st, 1870. tijun70-tf C. H. STARBIRD, Photographer and Artist, •Y E «• CRA.YITE BLOCK, Nearly opposite Poet Office, (Up Stairs,; Makes all the beat styles of Pictures in the Art. riCTi'Kis corilT* enlarged, — Jl.SU — Finished In India Ink or Colors. At prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. tST The public are invited to call and examine Specimens mad* aiut finished at his room*. AUGUSTA. ME. tt)* Brewster’s Hotel, SKOWHECAN, ME. THIS Urffe and commodious Hotel is situated at the head of the Falls on the Kennebec river, in the enterprising village of Skowhogan, the terminus of the Portland A Kennebec K. K. This is one of the best arranged Hotels for family borders there Is in the State, and a better place for Summer resort, cannot be found in Maine. The best of water, beautiful drive* on the bank." of the river, fishing and sailing ponds in the vloinity, trout brooks, where you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day iu the year. Prices for permanent or transient boarding are verv low, so our customers cun afford to come often aim stav a good while. W* also have a large airy stable to board horses for the guests that wish to bring their teams with them. Also one of the best half-mile trotting parks in the State, is connected with the House, free for the guests to tram their horses or drive for pleasure. flTjan-tt S. B. BREWSTEK, Proprietor. BATH HOTEL, By O. M. Flummor, BATH, ME. Board, - - $1 per Day. tlljan-ly Photographs & Melanotvpes, At the same OLD PLACE, At the Mine OLD PHICES, tIi i 9 1-9 size J'icturti in Cards for 50 cents. 4 1-4 “ •* “ 60 “ 4 1-4 “ in Card envelopes, 50 cts. 1 5x7 “ in Mat, 50 “ 16 TINTYPES for 25 cents. A good assortment ot FRAMES, ALBUMS, de., now on hand. **• Particular attention given to copying. g Doors south of the Post OIRce, *1818X1, ME tljan70-3m H. BAILEY. Cough Candy ! WF.YDE8(BVR<i'8 COf«H CANDY cures COUCHS, COLDS, WIIOOPIXO COUGH and all Throat troubles. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSIC AT, INSTRUMENTS, Tiuioy Good*, dbo., sold by ianl-lytW. WENDKNBUKO. Wire Worlds Sacctrappa, Maine. WARREN a PENNELL, NYTOULD inform the public that they manuftic fV tureand keep oon,tiiutly on hand every de scription of IRON WIRE, made from the best material. Special uitenUon given to Spring and Machinery Wire 2 Also, Wire tinned, straightened and cut to order, tds* MANSION HOUSE, i* STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. £ r|MIIS House it provided witn Bath Rooms, X where Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all times. It has also a First-Class Billiard Hall, lor jumts only Connected with the House is a large .tnd c«*nm'»dious Sample Room, on Water Street, centrally located, where Sample Agents can show their goods, free of charge. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage which the above II>u*e has enjoyed sinoe Its open ing, takes pleasure in informing his patrons that he will run Free Carriages to and from the Cars and K Boats until further notice ■ Connected with the above House is a Livery 8ta & hie, where good Prams can be had at reasonable rates. W. M. THAYER, Proprietor. Q. P. Cochran k, Clerk. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! ADA.IHSO]V’S BOTANIC COUGH BALSAM! IS MOKE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! |IT CUKES THE WORST corr&n or cold IN A SHORT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - - - 35 Cents. No Cure S No Pay ! FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT FOR TIIE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can bo Cured for 3 5 O e n t h ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! Trunks! Trunks! THE PLACE TO BUY Frouob., Ziusone, Solo IjoAtlior, And all kitida of common TRAVELLING TRUNKS ! Also, Ladies1 and (/cuts' TRAVELLING A SHOPPING BAGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. The Kih'ht Place to buy Tour HARNE"ES, and yet the celebrated DUNN HARNESS, is at II4WI LTO.V A TURNER'S, 135 WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, HAL TERS, AC., la at HAMILTON A TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. r”' BESSES! rnmwmii it» ' •*-*» ■>- ‘"™i&S!*“ *3* WATER ST&EEi^. *** TnUra°r. 1876.-F^^S^SPSTA’ *“** «TM INrucEMNTS S7° TO BjrjEHs. tWTS ^akkEI) now*'*;: *>«y “®*7 ,s 'V^T „ On AVD REpLECT L°OK ! ®verco»f(, fw * ‘^lowing prj «* erco«!* }**; x ! ices s «vi*rooa|* ior Overpoaf, foj STOCK of P1AITC "atoheoSu,ts!b' GElr TS> X, rr ^~~AXD~— '1 nr—•*«... 100'V-^A^(^ W7J 6.00 7.00 «.o o 0.00 10.00 THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established in 1825.) Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Not Excelled by any in the State. Just Enlarged and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Having Full Reports of Legislative proceedings; carefnllv prepared Political Articles, Facts and sta tistics; Local. Domestic and Foreign News; Corres pondence; Tales, Poetry, Agricultural und other Miscellaneous Matter. IVo Increase of Subscription Price—A Good Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kennebec Journal is In the Forty-fourth year of its age. It has just been enlarged, and ia now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, It® size not being exceeded by that of any other paper in the state, and surpassed by but few in other states. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Articles. Facts, Statis tics, Speeches and Extracts; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mat ters pertaining to the State Govern meat; Reports of the Doings of Congress ; Local and State News; Summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Report? of the Market? at Horne ami Abroad; well se lected Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other Inter esting and Useful Reading for the Family; also Correspondence from Abroad and original Articles upon subjects of Gen’l Interest. It has been enlarged from Twenty-Eight to Thirty-Six Columns, in width, and proportionately increased in length, and is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of the handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of tliw CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of subscription has not been increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Terms : $2.00 per annum in advance, $2.25 at the end of six months, and $2.50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on and after the first of January. Will give Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of the LegLlatnre from day to day; Reports of Im portant Hearings before Committees; Abstracts ol Discussions in the Boards of Education and Agriculture; will have the Latest News by Tele graph the same as other dailies, and wul also have Editorials. Correspondence. Locals and the usual Summaries of News, also the most Import ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussion1* in the Board of Education will give New and Additional Importance to the Daily Journal, as it will contain reports of them. Terms, $7.00 per year; $2.00 for the Session. 99* Members of the Legislature will do their con stituents and themselves a favor t# interest them selves in getting subscribers to the above publica tions. The Daily keeps up that correspondence between the People and their Representatives, through their Legislative Reports, which is neces sary and agreeable to both. No Tri-Weeklv will he published Those pei sons who desire a full report <>f the Legislative Proceed ings, must subscribe for the Daily Journal. 99* Postmasters and Members of the Legislature authorised to take subscriptions. R^Tho Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal are published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE. OWEN & NASH. BOSWORTH WILL SLLL FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS, FROM II1S Fall and Winter Goods, AT COST, to reduce stock preparatory to moving: into the new store which has been prepared for him, OVERCOATS, HEAVY SACKS, PANTS & VESTS, Ritter anrl Cheaper than ever offered In this city before COR CASH 0X1. Y. REMEMBER THE PLACE: No. I5S Water Street, A u y u h t a, NI aine. R. T. Bosworth. t.MebA'vTtf Dissolution of Co-Partnership. riiHE co-partnership heretofore existing between 1 Lucius Hill and Chas. A. Farnuin, 1b hub day dissolved by mutual consent. LUCIUK I11LL. Augusta, Feb. 1,1870. C. A. FARNUM. The undersigned will eontiuue the Grocery and Provision Business, At the OI.P 8TAXD. COST ST.. READ 0E ARSENAL ST. Weh tf LUCIUS HILL. GOVERNMENT OF MAINE, 1870 GOVERNOR, Joshi'a L. Chamberlain, Brunswick. COUNCIL. 1st District, Uranus O. Brackett, Berwick* 2>i District, William Doering, Portland, a*l District, William Rogers, Bath. 4th District, Ambrose II. Abbot, China. 6tb District, Edward K. Spear, Rockland. 6th District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K. Hobart, DeouysriUe. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of State. George G. Stacy, Kesar Falls, Deputy Secretary. James R. Millikeu, Portland, Chief Clerk. B. B. Murray, Jr., Pembroke, Adjutant General. August i# L Smith, Augusta, Clerk to Adjutaut General George X. Page, Norridgewock, State Pension Clerk fi Adjulant General’s office. William Caldwell, Augusta, Stab1 Treasurer. Sylvan us Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Lumens, Land Agent. GOVERNORT STAFF. John M. Brown, Purtland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. Eugem* F. Sanger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aids-de-camp, v;ith rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Seldeu Conuor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathan Cutter. Albert 0. Morgan, Lewiston, Military Boo’y to Governor. Prentiss M. Fogler, Augusta, Metten’r to Gov. and Council. Benjamin F. Harris, Mathias, Supt. of Public Buildings George L. Go-xUie, Brunswick, State Assayer. Cyrus F. Brackett. Brunswick, State Assayer. Daniel Winsiow, Westbrook, Inspector Gen. of Beef* Pork David Fernald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. Geo. F. Dillingham, U'.dtown, Agt. Penobscot Tribe Indians Geo. F. Wadsworth, Last port, Agt. Paasamaqu’y Tribe In Albert W. Paine, Bangor, Bank ami Insurance Examiner. Asa W. Wildes, Sknwhegan, i Samuel II. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Commissioners. Solomon T. Corser, Portland, J SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas Cuttiug, Bangor. Jonathan G Dickerson, Belfast Charles W. Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Danfortli, Gardiner. Rufus P. Taplejr, Saco. ATI OR.S'KT OENRRAL Thomas B. Reed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. Henry M. Ilarlow, M. D., Superintendent and Physician. Bigelow T. Sanborn, M. I)., Assistant Physician. TRUSTEES. William B. Ltpharc, M. D., Woostock. President. John T. Gilman, M. D., Portland. I‘r. M. R Lu lwig, Thomastou. Hon. Geo. A. Frost. Springvale. Hou. A. G. Wakefield, Bangor. STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden, fclbridge Burton, Deputy Warden. William Wilson, lion. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. Hon. E. W. Woodbury, Superintendent ntmvi. non. Noah Woods, Bangor, Prctideot W. fc. Gould, Portland, Secretary. Hon. Nathan Dane, Alfred, Treasurer. Hon. Jeremy W. Porter, Str mg. Tobias Lori, Blandish. STATE COLLEGE Of AGRICULTURE AXD Tn8 MKCHAX1C ART* Trueteee Hon. Abner Coburn, Skowhegau, President. Hon. Tii'mas S. Lang, Augusta. Hon. William P Wingate, Bangor. Hon. Lyndon Oak, Garland. Rev. Samuel F. Dyke, Bath J. C. MadTg&n, liuulton. lion. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Orono, Secretary. Executive Committee. Hon. Win. P. Wingate, lion. Lyndon Oak, Hon. Thomaa Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL D.; Rev. Amory Battle*; Hon. Thomas S. Lang. F acuity. Merritt C. Fernald A. M., Acting President and Professor of Mathem itics and Physics. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. Stephen F Peckham, A M., Professor of Chemistry, i Calvin Cutter, M. D., Lecturer or. Anatomy, Physiology [ and Hygsne Corydon B. Likin, Instructor in Book-keeping, i Captain Henry E. Sellers, Baugor, Instructor In Military | Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. | Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President, j !>• 11. Thing, Mt Vernon, Vice President | S. L. Gondah*, Saco, Secretary. M. C. Fernald, Orono. ) S. P. Peckharo, Orono. Charles E llamlen, WatervlUe. ) Members at Large. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick. I George L. Goodale, Brunswick. J MfcJiBKRS FROM COrXTIIH. Seth Bcamman, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. Wildes P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. William Swett, Oxford County, South Paris. Levi L Lucas, Somerset County, St. Albans. Ira Doe, York County, Saco. Elijah B. Stack pole, Penobscot County, Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Vamum Putnam, Aroostook County, IIouLon. Jeremiah R. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. Lutht r Chamberlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. Moses L. WilJcr, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac Hobbs, Knox County, South Hope. Daniel 11. Thing Kenmdiec County, Ml. Vernon. George K. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast. Z. A. Gilbert, Androscoggin County, East Turner. Caiviu Chamberlain, (State Society,) Foxcraft. John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jefferson. COMMON SCHOOLS. Joseph K. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. ClM'STT SmtaVltiOJlS. Androscoggin, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. Aroostook, W. T. Sltvj^r, Sherman. Cumberland, J. B. Webb, Gorham. Franklin, A. II. Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, Charle* J. Abbott, Caatine. Kenm-bec, W* II. Bigelow, Cliuton. Knox. G. M. Hicks. Rockland. Lincoln, 1). S. GUddcn, Newcastle. Oxford, N T True, Bethel. Penobscot, S. A Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W. S. Know I ton, Munson Sagud ihoc, I). F Potter, Topaham. S«*merset, G. W. Hath-whv, Skowhegan Waldo, N. A- Luce, Frmlmi. Washington, W. J Cortbell, Calais. York, M. R Mabry. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. President, .1. H. Hanson, Watervllle. Vic«-prewdeut, C. C. Rounds, Farmington.# Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. 8tetson, Lewiston. SXKCITIVK CoMWITTSK. J. II. Hanson, Chairman, Watervillc C. B. Stetsou, Lewiston. A. P. Stone, Portland. J. S. Barrell, Lewiston. W. Johnson, T- psham. C. C. Rounds, Farmington. J. P. Gross, Brunswick. G. T. Fletcher, Cas tine. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. COMMITTEE ON STATE VALUATION. John P. Hubbard, Hiram. Seth Seamman, Scnrlturoh Alvir Currier, Farmington. Nchetniah Smart, Seununout. Abel Prescott, Canaan. Reuben 8. Prescott, Bangor. Partman Houghton, Eastpnrt. Enoch Knight, Portland, Clerk of Commissions STATE LIBRARY. Joseph T. Woodward, Librarian. Shooting Tackle. 19. W. 1,0)0, SUCCESSOR TO L. il. LEI.AND, OXJJST SMITH And Dealer In Shoolins Tackle of Every Variety. IUFI.E A\D SHOT to ORDER »0d WARRANTED. particular attention paid to Choking Shut Dun. to make them shoot thick and strum: A Iso on hsud, the best lot of Skates in the market, for rale cheap. Odd keys of every pattern Key tags and rings for llotels Powder of the be«t quality for IJIasting or Sporting. Re pairing done neatly and promptly. All work warranted. Ijau-ly Committees of the Legislature. Joint Standing Committees*. On the Judiciary-—Messrs. Lindsey of Somerset, Lain* ol Cumberland. and Heed of Cumberland, <>j the Senate; Measrs. \Vhidden of Calais, Barker of Stetson, Smith of Saco, Bonney of Portland, Bli>- t of Washington, Powers* of Hotiiton. and Vose of* Win ter port, of the House. On htderal Relation*—Messrs*. Cleaves of Oxford, Lindsey of Somerset, and Keed of Cumberland, of the Senate; Messrs. Barker of Stetson. stone of Kenuebunk. McGilvery of Sears iiort. W hidden of Calais. Burgess ol Portland, Smith of Warren, and Jordan of Bntusw ink, of tlie House. On M ditar y Avoirs—Messrs. Gibbs of Cumber laud, Nealley of York, and Hanson of York, of the 1 Senate; Messrs. White of Bangor. Duncan <*i Ka te ry, Spaulding of Richmond. Phillips of Weld, Sturgis of Standish, Dennett id' So! Berwick, and , Alexander of Belmont, of the House. Oh Coast uiuJ Frontier bt/'enus—Messrs. Morse of Sagadahoc, Cushing of Waldo, and Talbot of Washington. of the senate; Messrs. Blake of An- ; burn. Brawn of Oldtown, Moulton of Porter. Ames of .Jefferson, Mayo of Windham, Paige of Viunl haven, and Gates of Uobbinston, of the House. On Railroads, Ways and Hr it lyes—Messrs. Cush- ' ing of Waldo, Morse of Sagadahoc, and Holland of! Androscoggin, of the Senate; Messrs. Minks of! Bueksi»oiA,.rwitchelI of Portland, Foster of Argyle, ! Farwell ol Augusta. Lane of Hollis. Patten of I Both, and Dickey of Fort Kent, of the House. On Mercantile Affairs and insurance—Messrs. Buck of Hancock, Carvill of Cumberland, and Met call of Lincoln, of the Senate; Messrs. Hol brook of Freeport, Chamberlain of Fllsworth. Blake of Auburn, Warren of Yeazie. Gannett of Bath. Watts of Thomaston, and Harding ol Gorham, of the House. On Legal Reform—Messrs. Lane of Cumberland. Nealley of York. Cleaves of Oxford, of the senate; Messrs. Baker of Align-ta, Humphrey of Bangor, Harriman of Belfast, Hume of Cherry held, Spauld ing of Richmond, Barton of Benton, and Mildram ol Wells, of the House. On Fduration—Messrs. Hu flu in of Penobscot. French of Franklin, and Minot of Kennebec, of the Senate; Messrs. Farwell of Augusta, Humphrey of Bangor, Bouncy of Portland. Gott of Leeds, Hat hoi n of Pittaflcid. Smith of Litchfield, and Daggett of Strong, of the House. On Ban!:* and Banking—Messrs. Metcalf of Lin coln, Keed of Cumberland, and Grav of Kennebec, of the Senate; Messrs. Dunning of Bangor. Keed of Waldoboro\ Twitchell of Portland, VV aterhouse of Portland, Bird of Rockland, Palmer of Gardiner, and Adams of Biddeford. of the House. On Agriculture— Messrs. Lang of Kennebec, Gar- J colon of Waldo, and Bartlett of Hancock, of the Senate; Messrs. Greene of Wilton, Wasson! of Surry, Thurloush of Newburgh, Wentworth of North Berwick, Moulton of porter, 1 tooth bay of Lmbden, and Darling of Lincoln, of the House. On Manufactures—5les»rs. Ilansonof York, Gibbs of Cumberland, and Mayo ol Piscataquis of the Senate; Messrs. Ham of Lewi-ton. PuiTinton of Bowdoinhain. Cole ol Cape Elizabeth. Foss of Ab bot, Lewis of Pitts tou. Burnham of Biddeford, and Cousins, of Kennebunknort, of the House. On Interior Waters—Messrs. Talbot of Washing ton. Bulfum of Penobscot, and Gibbs of Cumlnjr land, of the Senate; Messrs. Hammond «*f West brook, Folsom of Skowhegau, McGilvery of Sears* | nort, Bearee of Lewiston. Cox of Last Machias. ; Hamilton of Orono, and Skinner of St. Albans, ol ' On S/a/e Land* and Slate Road*—Messrs. Lang 1 of Kennebec, Kingsbury of Penobscot, and Webb of Somerset of the Senate; Messrs. Smith of Hodgdon, Crockett of Rockland, Davis of Lubec. ! Irish of sheruian, Martin of Humford, Chase of | Winn, and Sherman of Camden, of the House. On birision of Town#—Messrs. Wel>h of Somer set, Gray o.' Kennebec, and Bartlett of Hancock, of the Senate; Messrs. Wasson of Surry, White of Bangor, Weston of Poland, Kimbnll of Bethel, Thompson of Hallowed Smith of Pursonsfield. and ' i’eavev of Whiting, ot the House. On division of Countie*—Messrs. C'arvill of ( inn l'Oiland. Toney of Knox, and Kingsbury of Penob scot, of the Senate; Messrs. Tobey of Athens, Berry of Buxton, Milliken of Treniont, Mason of i Hiram, Wilder of Fort FaiMkld. Douglass of Na ples, and Adams of Mayfield, of the House On Incorporation of ’Toicns—Messrs. Holland of Androscoggin. Collins of Aroostook, and C'arvill of Cumberland, of the Senate: Messrs F’o*s of Ab bott, Cushing of Sidney. Tobey of Athens, Clark of Holden, Lilibev of Limerick, Cotton of Troy, and Bean of Corinth, of the House. On rUhcries—Messrs. Bartlett of Hancock, Met calf of Lincoln, and Carlcton of Knox, of the Senate: Messrs. Wears of Bristol, Stover of Harps, well. Chase of Woodstock. Means of Sedgwick. Bartlett of Harrison, Newcomb of Brewer, and Higgs ot Georgetown, in the House On Indian Affairs— Messrs. Kingsbury of Penob scot. Knife of Washington, and Fuller of Penobscot, in the Senate; Messrs. Bradford of Ea-tport. Brawn of Oldtown, Brown of Anson, Could 01 Albany,. McLain of New Vineyard, Campbell of Deer Isle, I and Sargent of llermon. or the House On Claims—Messrs. Uolfe of Washington, Carle ton of Knox, anti Collins of Aroostook, of the Senate; Messrs. Bliss of Washington, Clark of Headfield, B«\vd of New Castle. Guptill of Gould boro*. Plummer of Lisbon. Holman of Dixlield, and Wliitehouse of St. George, of the House. On Pension*—Messrs. Fuller of Penobscot. Gibbs of Cumberland, and Roberts of York, of the senate; Messrs Gannett of Bath, Stirkney of Presque Isle, Greenlcal of Edgeomb, Wilson of Brudford, Mills of Brook.-ville. Brackett «»1 Cum- i herland, and McDougal of Meddybexnps, of the ! House. On Insane Ilosjrital—Me-srs. Gray of Kennebec, | Webb of Somerset, and Gibbs of Cumberland, of the Senate: Messrs. Main of Unity, Sturgis ot Standi.-h. Burgess of Portland. Burbank of Acton, Jones of Norway, Pierce of Machias, and Jordan of Minot, of tho House. On Reform School—Messrs. Nenlley ot York, Buck of Hancock, and Talbot of Washington, of the Senate: Messrs. Stirkney of Presque Die, May ot Winthrop, Leighton ot* Yarmouth, Whitney of Exeter, Wheeler of Chesterville Duncan of Kit tery. and Berry of DamariHcotta. of the House. On Shite 1‘rison—Messrs. .Minot of Kenuebec, Garcelon of Waldo, and Roberts of S'ork, of the Senate : Messrs. Hammond of Paris, Cole of Cape Elizabeth. Com forth of Fairfield, Beane of Turner, Hussey of Saugerville, Ames of Jefferson, and Rav of Harrington, of tin- House. On Puldu- Huildimjs— Messrs. French of Franklin, 1 Holland of AndroM-oggin, and Torrev of Knuy of the Senate; Messrs. Crockett of Rockland. Allan of Corinna, Lord of Lebanon, Lewi- of Liberty, Dearborn of Falmouth, MoKown of Booth bay, aiid Sherman of lies boro. of the House. On Library— Messrs. Reed of Cumberland, Cleaves of Oxford, and Cushing of Waldo, of the Senate; Messrs. Skinner of St Albans, Cousins of Kennebunknoit. Mason of Ifiram, Nickerson of Swanvillc, Wentworth of North Berwick. Young of Hancock and Sawyer of Gray of the House. Standing Committees of Hocse. on Engrossed /sills—< iislung of Mdney, B rge.-s of Portland. Nickerson of Swaiivilie, Vom* of Winterport, Bartlett of Harrison, Gould of Al* ! buny,and «• u)>till of Gonldsboro*. On Hills in (he Third Heading—Hume of Cherry Meld, Chase of Woodstock, Smith of Litchflclcl, Mildram of Wells, Spaulding of Uichwond, Main of Unity, and llathorn of Pittsfield. (hi l eave of Absence—Purriugton of Bowdointmm. Hamilton of Orouo, Gates of Robhinston, Burbank of Al ton, Bearee of Turner, Brown of Anson, and Sherman of Nlesboro. On Tag Roll— FoIhovd of Skow began. Smith of llodgdon. Croekett of Boekland, Kimball of Bethel, Waterhouse of Portland, Brawn of Old town, and Adams of Biddeford On Change of Somes—Chase of Woodstock. Barling of Lincoln, ( base of Springfield, Martin of Itumturd, Adams of May Held. of St. George, ami McDougalof Meddy hemps. On County Estimates— Blake of Auburn. Irish of Sherman. May of Wiuthrop, Moars of Bristol, Chamberlain of Kllsworth. Foster of Argyle, Hol brook of Freeport, Bradford of Kastpoit/Cuusin' of Kennebunkport. tiannett of Bath, To hey of; Athens, Lewis of Liberty, Wheeler of Chester-i ville, Chase of Woodstocfc, Foss of Abbott, and Sherman of Camden. On Finance—'Twitched of Portland. McGilvety , of Searsport. Bearcc of Lewiston, Patten of Bath. Barton of lk utou, Beed ol Waldoboro’, and Adaiu» i of Biddeford. On Elections—Smith of Saco, Powers of Houlton, i Ham of Lewiston, stover of Harps well. Hawes of j Yassalboro', Brawn ofOldtowu, and smith of War- i ren. ttreat Improvnnnil in Artificial Teeth. JDJt. s SELL INSERTS Teeth on Buui;i:u by a new process, by which the plate is made a* thin as a metallic i base; at the same time the plate is flexible,and less ! liable to break This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect tit. Having purchased the exclusive rioht to use this mode In Kennebec county, 1 shall be nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one w ho needs arti tlcittl teeth. 69 Wiuthrop Street. Auffusta, i6Ui, 16;0. tS'juiisiw.UwU To the Honorable, the Joint Committee of the Legislature of Maine on Railroads: Gknti.kmkn :—As Stock-holder, Bond holder, I>ireetor and Counsel of the l’ort land and Oxford < Vntral Kail road Corpor ation, by reason of my inability to address you in person, I ask the privilege offbeing heard, briefly, by yon, in writing, pj-se ly to the petitioners tor the incorporation of u Railroad Company to construct a rail road from Lewiston to Kumford Falls. For one quarter of a century past—that is from a period anterior to the date of the original charter of the Buekfield Branch Railroad in 1847, the people living along the route, from Mechanic Falls to the An droscoggin River have been struggling to secure the construction of a Railroad to accomodate the industry of that region, and against manifold, and almost innum erable opposing difficulties. But they have never despaired, nor ever ceased their efforts in the enterprise. The Legislature of the State lias hither to encouraged this stniggle, not-only lu its incipieney, but during all these years of protracted hope and effort, by conform ing its legislation to the necessities of these people. But, not until the com mencement of the current year, have they succeeded in waking up the solitudes of hills and valleys to be traversed, by the sound of the locomotive whistle, and the rumbling responses of the traffic train of ears, f util it became an established fact, the pecuniary weakness of the population interested, and the limited productiveness of the region to be tints accommodated, rendered the enterprise a dubious one; and even yet the problem remains to be solved whether it will be in any degree compen satory to the capital invested in it, pro vided it shall escape the threatened inva sion of its promised business in which the Legislature is now invoked to join. Certain it must he to every intelligent and thinking mind, that the valley of the An droscoggin, north and west of the existing line ot the Androscoggin Railroad, cannot support two distinct Ilailroads, although extending to two distinct markets. And if there can be any Railroad State policy Invested with suicidal attributes, it will be found in legislation which so encourages a multiplicity of roads, that each is made to dragon an impoverished existence, and rendered too enfeebled to meet the public wants or to compensate the enterprise and capital improvidently expended in them. The Portland and Oxford Railroad, which became the legal assignee of the former Bucklield Branch Road is now con structed to Canton village, from its junc tion at Mechanic Falls, with the Grand Trunk Railway. j ne t'JM in tiif enure siruciure, 01 noout; twenty-nine miles, has exceeded the sum of $.j(K),000 : and rests upon a first mort gage bonded debt, of principal and inter est at this time, of about jldOO.OOO, and a class of preferred stock, held by towns and private citizens, and for purposes of additional equipment of the road of 81U0, 000; and nou-preferred stock ol $100,000. The estimated cost of the proposed road from Lewiston to Rumford Falls, whatever it mat/ be before your committee, if added to the above cost already incurred, will make an aggregate of expenditure, which no man of practical common sense will difte predict capable of returning to the owners two per c< nt. per annum, from all the business traffic which the regions of the two roads can possibly furnish, during the next half century. With a fact, and a result so patent to the understanding of every member of the Legi.-lature, as well as as to every thought ful citizen, can it btf wise, or even fust for the Legislature to concede a grant so full of destruction to private interests, and especially to xj.WXl of capital already invested, and already accomplishing all the name ends u /u li a duplicate of roads can seel.- to accomplish for the valley of the Androscoyyin Hirer, namely, a direct rail road connection with the metropolitan market of the State? Nine-tenths of the expense of grading for an extension of the Portland and Ox ford Central from Canton village to the Androscoggin River, on the direct route to Rumford Falls, has already been incur red ; and an ultimate extension of the road to those Falls has been notorious ly contemplated for years, waiting the hard earned completion now effected, of tlie road to Canton \ illage. And it is to this same point the new charter asks for a new and competing road to be granted. Could a greater blunder be incurred for weakening, instead of adding to the wealth ot that region, provided an im providence equal to the required expendi ture, could be excited among capitalists aim 'ju riuiiuu? nu un* pui jmrc. One of the cardinal attributes of legis lative power, surrendered by the people to their Representative* and to the Execu tive conjoined, i' to guard both the gener al welfare and the interests and property of private citizens against improvident and visionary scemes, inaugurated by over-sanguine theorists, under the varied disguises of public improvements and speculative enterprises. The hard-fought conflict of mental forces, which has hut recently been witnessed in the councils of your legislative body, over a pro posed enfranchisement of any given number of citizens to locate and construct a line of railroad wherever they might elect so to do, upon certain conditions precedent, brought into instructive display this great and neces sary sanitary attribute of the legislature, in the exercise of a wise guardianship over pub lic and private interests. And the irresistible reasonableness of one limitation upon such a wdd enfranchisement of speculative capital, which, as L am inform ed. the discussion alluded to developed, viz: That no such railroad should be located with in the limit of ten miles of any pre-existing road, furnishes the strongest legislative ex pression that could be enunciated, against the entire scheme that is involved in the peti tions for the new road to liumlord. Shall the Portland and Oxford Central Hail road be made an exception to that legislative protection, which is tiius admitted to be both wise and just towards all other corporations in the State? It so, front what motive and for what reason ? is this existing road to be a victim to any personal prejudices, or to any political re sentment? No legislator will own up an obei sance to so unworthy impulses, nor assent to an act which would prove the denial ol them to be a mere subterfuge.