Newspaper Page Text
flail? jtaitfbft lounrat. ~~~skvTrunucATioxs. Til* March number of the Lady's Lriend has a beautiful steel engraving of Windsor Castle, the residence of Queen Victoria. It has colored fashion plates, engravings, and literary matter of an attractive character. Hours at Home has the following contents : I>ay with a Homan G< ntleman; A Glimpse of Thackeray; Men and Unites; Hero; Helio trope ; Strange Wanderers: The House of Lords and its Leaders; The Mysteries of Dreaming; Romance; The Literature of our Sunday Schools; Where Shall Baby s Dimple Be; Miss Adelaide; Old Ironsides. J. F. Pierce h&3 it. , % The American Naturalist for February lias the following contents; Skates, Eggs and Young; Notes on Some of the Rarer Birds of Massachusetts; Our Common Fresh Water Shells: What is Bathihyius; Reviews; Nat ural History Miscellany. It may be found at Bierce’s bookstore. Grout lmprovonionl in Artiikial Teeth. 1)R. SHELL INSERTS Teeth on Kithhkh by a new process, by which the plate i> in.i.le n# thin as u metallic base; at the same time the plate is flexible, and less liable to break. This inode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect lit. Having purchased the txcluMre riyht to use this mode in Kennebec county, I shall be nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs urti licial teeth. 69 Winthrop Street. Augusta, Jan. 28th, 1870. tjK»jan-3wA3w<5 Shooting Tackle. n. W . L O -\ G, 1 SUCCESSOR TO /.. M. EEL AX/), . OUN SMITH' And Dealer in Shooting Tackle of Every \ aricty. RIFLE AND SHOT GUNS made to ORDER and 1 WARRANTED. Particular attention paid to Choking Shot Guos to make them shoot thick and strong. Also on hand, the best lot of Skates in the market, for sale cheap. Old keys of every pattern. Key tugs aud rings for Hotels. Powder of the be*t quality for blasting or Sporting. Re pairin': dime ueatly and promptly. All work warranted Ijan-ly_ Almanacs for 1870. JUST RECEIVED, A I.AKUE LOT OK THE Maine Farmer’s Almanacs, i Ilv Daniel Robinson, for 1370. for sale low by cross | iloieu, or single at the sign of the Dig Ledger. 155 Water Street. .CLAPP A NORTH. Augusta, Nov. 10, ISiiO. 4stf GREAT WESTERN Mutual Life Insurance lo., OF NEW YORK OKFK VM< : ROB’T BAGE, Pres FKEDK \V. MACY, Vice-I Pres. WESLEY E. SHADER, Sec’y. ISSUES Policies upon all approved plans, at low rate.-, and with miu-uul liberality to policy hold ers. All policies strictly non-forfeitablo after first pay ment, under Massachusetts Non-Forfeiture Act, adopted by this Company. All surplus divided among the insured. No restrictions upon residence or travel, and no special permits required for mariners, or for any occupation except those of a peculiarly hazardous character. Exaininution will convince that every good, equit able and liberal feature of the best Life Companies has been adopted hy the Great Western. Ac tire Ayentu wonted throughout AY w England. Apply to ft. 1'. GANNETT. Gen. Agt. for New England., 1U tState Street, Boston, O: to T. o. WINsLOW State Agt. Portland, Maine. 8mia Stoves ! Stoves !! 1‘KKB u:ss. TROPIC'. CITY OF WOIM F.STI R, CHII’.MOIV, IYpi:l*K.YDF.!»CK, white MOl.Vr.lI.Y, (illlXKT IIA.YCJK; alio WOOD & COAL FURNACES ! SECOND HAND STOVES Bought and Sold. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING lMtOillTJLY ATTENDED TO, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! A. P. GOULD, 1 Door North of Railroad Bridge, Witter Street, Augusta. JaalS-tAw iti WM. GAGE, Murhiutst and Manufacturer of CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES, CLAPBOARD AND LATH MACHINES, CYLINDER BOARD PLANERS, AND CLAPBOARD PLANERS, — ALSO, — GRANT'S PATENT EXCELSIOR MACHINES Made to the satisfaction of Customers. Job Work done to order. WM. GAGE, West End Kennebec Dam, AUGUSTA. ME. 47tf Dockendorn & Go., Llniu A Callao, Peru, Importers ami Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 8ENERAL MERCHANDISE, ami Naval Contractors. Exchange Bought and Sold. Advances made on Consignments and for Ship’s Disbursements. R.frrrue.ii Messrs. Walsh A Carver, New York. “ K. H. Ixjvkli. A Co., “ Bask or Lon vox, Mkyjco A S. A., Lima. Sre». JUiavc'HI Heumasos v Ca, “ New York Office, s : 118 JOHN STREET. deciw-tim _ THE I0HT0H COOK STOVE I For Durability, Ease of Management, Economy, and Ventilation of the Oven, THIS STOVK IS USiSCItl’ASSEO 1 All (•iws-rOtL OR WOOD ! every stov e WAint For ftile by E. NORCltOSB, 37tf bui.K A'jEnt, Augusta, Me. COAL OK WOOD, Th<* I3ewt hn the Market, ALsX. BXZX2S, * For Large or Moan uweuingsi AT E. D. NORCROSS’, No. I Smith's Block, Water Street, Augusta. S~ ri.PIIITK OF 1,1 Mr., for iir.'MTvmjf Cider Alio, NV'hit« Mustartt for bale* low by 0,1 i i m OMB A DOBS A and M’rll-ielrclrd AMortuirnt of Wallets, Bill & Pocket Books, In Morocco and Calf, lor *alc loir t>y TlTCO-dB at DOBH. JOURNAL JOB PRINTING Establishment! OUH FRIENDS are reminded that harm* the Largest Steal Jell Priatiai Established, On the Rivr r, end employing COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED WORKMEN! We are at all times prepared u> execute In the beat manner anti at low price*, all kind* of PLAIN AND FANCY Book & Job Printing Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Mammoth Posters, Handbills, Show Cards, Circulars, , Business and Wedding Cards, Letter Headings, Bill Heads, Zfcf// Tickets, Programmes, Auction Kills, In voices, Bills of Lading, Receipts, Law Blanks, PLACARDS, SCHEDULES, INVITATIONS, RAILROAD and Steamboat Printing, Ac., Ac., Ac. To all those who desire ork in our line, we would say that it Is our intention to SUIT OUR CUSTOMERS Joth in regard to Trices suid Execution of Work. ider* by mail or expreta will receive the same PROMPT ATTENTION as though delivered personally. SPBAGUE, OWEN & NASH, JOURNAL OFFICE AUGUSTA Acgcsta, Oct. 16, 1860 MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Ilia Stock embraces a line line of American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver case, Including the celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Tremont, Bor uuin, Bonnett, Pardeaux, Jacot, Ac., in both La dies’ and gentlemen's ai/es. Pino Gk>ld Jewelry, Solid Gold Leon it on i, Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, VISE I'LATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE fiLASSES, of the moat approval kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS, including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR all of which will be sold at the Lowest Price*, and Warranted. Particular attention (riven to repairing all kinds ol Fine Watcher. Chronometer Balanees applied anti adjusted to temperature ami position. tljan70-tf WANTED I—Agents, Laille* or Gentlemen, to aell the LIFE OF GEORGE PEABODY.’ CanvaHkers will ?In<l IhiH the most saleable book ever published iu this country. The price is united to the times. Now in vonr opportunity to make money JOHN llANKLRbON, i Elm street, Port land, Re. t54)*n-Jw*3w4 PRICES REDUCED! DRUGS, MEDICINES, cnKM:iaAiL.s, AND Fancy A-rticles, AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opp. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, Me., Where can be found one of the largest and best selected stocks on tbe Kennebec river, and Prioea that defy ooiupe titiea. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds and in large quantities, sold to suit purchasers, at Johnson Brothers. CATARRH REMEDIES. brushes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Feather Dusters, Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., Chamois Skins, OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, ESSENTIAL OILS OF ALL KINDS, AT Johnson Brothers. FINE SOAPS, ! FRENCH AND ENOLI8H ■ and Genuine Imported Castile, GLYCERINE AND HONEY SOAPS, S Cakei for 25 oentr, 25 Cake. for one dollar. Shaving Apparatus, Comprising RAZORS from the best manufacturers in the World ; STROPS of all kinds ; the COMBINATION MUG—a novel and convenient article. BRUSHES of every description, and SOAPS of the best quality. Johnson Brothers. ffATR PBEPARATIONS OF ALL KINDS, for 75 CENTS, Johnson Brothers. SACHET POWDERS. A Large Stock of LUBIN’S, OA.XJIDR.^A'Y’S, AND ALL OTHER IMPORTED PERFUMES. Alio a LARUE LOT of TOILET POWDERS. DEft'TIFMCEN, AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT Johnson Brothers. PI RE CALIFORNIA AND IMPORTED WINES, For Medicinal Purposes. at JOHNSON BROTHERS. SARDINBS, OLIVES, PICKLES, &c., CIGARS & TOBACCOS OF ALL KINDS. CANARY, RAPE & HEMP SEED, AT Johnson Brothers. Proprietor! of DC. RENNETS Celebrated Jaundice Bitters. Person! frdm the eountry, Phyeieians and all other!, will do well to call and examine our itock Wore purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place! OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, JOHNSON BROTHERS. Augusta Directors. Churches. ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONAL-Granite Ch. State st., between Bridge and Oak. J. F. Bingham pastor; residence southeast corner Bridge and Kim street. Morning service 10.80 A. M. After noon service 2.80 I*. M. Evening 7 1*. M. FIRST BAPTIST,—Corner Winthron and Perham sts. J. Ricker, pastor; residencechestnut street. Morning nervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7P.M. FREE BAPTIST,—State street, north of Bridge. C. F. Penney, pastor; residence Summer street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 1*. M. Evening 7P.M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, east of state. C. A. King, pastor; residence at the par sonage. next door to the church. Morning ser vice 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL,—State st., between Oak and Winthron. Rev. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Evening service 7 P. M. UN I VERSA LIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer st*. C. It. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.:w A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M. UNITARIAN,—Comer Oak and State sts. Rev. Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School service 2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC,—State st.. north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O’Brien, priest: residence near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist. Free Will Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con- i ferenee meetings in their vestries every Wednesday evening, at half-past seveu o’clock. Y. M. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block. Water Street. Regular ; prayer meetings even' Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. .Masonic BETHLEHEM LODGE. No. 35, F. and A. M. Stated meetings first Monda> of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F\ A. Crowell. Master. J.W. Clapp. Secretary. AN GUST A LODGE. No. 111. F. A A. M. Stated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Soecial meetings every Tuesday evening. W. 1L Wood bury. Master.* E. F. Blackman. Secretary. TRINITY COMMANDERY. No. 7. Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings second Friday of each month. David Cargill, Eminent Commander. J. W. Clapp. Recorder. JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meets at Hallowell. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. 11. F. Warner. High Priest. .. ^ ALPHA COUNCIL—Meets at Hallowell. Quar terly Convocations, January, April, July, Oc tober: Wednesday succeeding lull moon. I). Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance, SABATHS LODGE. No. 78 of GOOD TtMPLAKS. Meets everv Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN DIVISION* SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meet- at Darby Hall every Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Coruer of Oak ami Water streets. OFFICE Hours:—From 7 30 A. M. to 8 1*. M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. James A. Iticknell. Postmaster. George H. Far* rington. Chief Clerk. Arrival ami Departure of Mails —Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.; closes 10.30 A. M.; arrives 3.30 P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 1*. M.; closes 3.30 P M.; arrives 10.45 A M Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Kockland and Way, leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8.15 A. M.; arrives 5.00 P. M. Winthrop. leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7.45 A. M.; arrives H.00 P. M. Farmington aud Way, leaves 7.50 A. M.; closes 7.45 A. M ; arrives*2 00 P. M. Freeport and Litchfield, leaves 6.00 A. M.; closes 8.00 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday. Wednesday aud Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thuia day aud Saturday. "Everv morning a train leaves Augusta at 5.30 A.’M.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. M. iQallotofU 23irrrtorij. HALLOW ELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sunday* excepted, at 3.27 and 7.52 P. M. L’l-*e* at 10.45 A. M. and 8 P. M. F.ASTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A. M. Closes at 3.15 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, fr*>in 8 o’clock A. M., to 8 P. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. X.7* Box Rents and Postage on papers, periudicals, Ac , payable quarterly in advance. K. ROWELL, P. M. Hallo well. May 3, 1869. CHURCHES. South Parish Congregational Church, comer of Second ind Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chas. U. Mc, Pastor , residence on Chestnut St. Morning lervice, 10 30; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crams, Pastor; residence on Middle 3t., between Winthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10 30; Afternoon service, 2 15. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street, between Un ion and Central. Rev. Caleb Fuller, Pastor; residence it the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Msruing service, 10 30 ; Afternoon Service, 2.15. First Univerealist Church. Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Leonard K. Storks, Rector; residence corner of Secoud tnd Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10 30, afternoou lervice, 2 30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. y. m. c. A. Regular meetings of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of llallowell, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7$ o’clock. A cordial invitation Is extended to all, both ladies and jentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Associ ition, are held every Sunday eveniug— In Bums’ Schoolhouse, Kartnlngdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Comer, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon Hill Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse, Slanchester, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2 BENJAM1N FOWLES, President. 11. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge. No 5. F. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Jb., W. M. J E. NYE, Sec’y. Jerusalem K. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs day on or before the full of the moon. B F. WARNER, n. P. F. J. DAY, Sec'y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. P. J DAY. Rec’r. Trinity Commandery. Meetings at Augusta on the second Friday of each month. D. CARGILL. K. C. J. W. CLAPP, Rec’r. Reg TEM PER AN CE. Union Temple of Ilonor and Teruperatioe, No. 3. ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FULLER, W C. T BEN TENNEY, W R. Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan ledge, No. 2*3, I. O. of O. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening. P. 8. BOYD, W. C. T. F. A. A. IIF.ATII, R. S. DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, df.ntal surgeon, OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE^: : AUGUSTA, MAINE. DU. CIIAMBKKLAIN is fully up with the times in all the best and most practical improve* meats. always availing himself of such as will be of practical use to his patrons, am! being thorough ly conversant with Dentistry iu all iU branches, can promise his patrons that tnelr work shall be done in u mannei m Which Cannot be Excelled! THE MOST DIFFICUl I CASES ARE SOLICITED! l3ure Aitrous Oxide Or I.Ai'QHiso (iA», the best ami safest Amesthetlc now ixtaut. constantly on hand and given for Die extraction of Teeth w irmiiiT pant. RKFEUKtiCES BY J’BB.VISSIOX• J. B. Bell. M. D. J. W. Toward M. D. Oco. K. ltrickett, M. I). I. O. Wubster, M. I). W. L. Thompson, M. If. W. S. HM, M. If. Office Houra from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. tljaniO__ CUSHNOC HOUSE. Comer Winthrop and State Sts., _A ucrusta. Me. T. B. HaLLARI), • : Proprietor. Quests taken to and from the Cars and Boats Free. H0R8E8 AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tlJau7iMim Opinions of Hie Press The Kennebec Journal has been enlarged and is now one of the handsomest papers in the United States.—Portland Prm§. The Kennebec Journal oomes to us this week enlarged, and with new type, giving it a very nice appearance, and an extra amount of good reading matter.—Simon. in I.ewiston Journal. The Kennebec Journal comes to us much en larged and improved. New type, clear paper, and a determination to keep up with the times will en sure to the patrons of the Journal a first-class newspaper. VVe are pleased to notice these evi dences of prosperity on the part of our neighbors of the Journal and wish them abundant success.— llangor Whig and Courier. The Kennebec Journal comes tons this week dressed in new type throughout ami greatly en larged (nine columns to a page), and is now, we be lieve, the largest paper in the State, with one excep tion. The Journal is most ably conducted by Messrs. Sprague, Owen A Nash, and deserves the liberal support of the party whose principles it advocates. To its genial publishers we wish the richest success.—Kejinebec Re/torfcr. The Kennebec Journal was enlarged this week to nine columns, and is now the largest folio sheet in Maine. It is said that the proprietors will issue a permanent Daily henceforth, beginning with the legislative session’.—Boston Advertiser. Tne Kennebec Journal of Augusta, will be enlarged, this week, and made the largest paper in the state—Springfield Republican. The Kennebec Journal has spread itself to the size of tlie Boston Advertiser, and Is otherwise im proved. so that it is now the largest and perhaps the nandsoinest paper in the state*.— Watcrvule Mail. The Kennebec Journal of last week appeared in an enlarged form, printed on now type and upon a uew press.—llanuor Jeffersonian. The Kennebec Journal, always neatly printed and ably conducted, comes to ns enlarged and if possible neater looking than ever before. It is now the largest weekly printed in Maine.—Machias Cnion. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week in a new dress, and considerably enlarged, indicat ing a prosperous condition llmmeially, and which is well deserved.—Aroostook Pioneer. The Kennebec Journal comes to us much en larged. and dressed in a spick and span new suit. Augusta is bound to grow, and the Journal pro prietors evidently mean to be up to the times.— Portland Transcript. The Kennebec Journal has been greatly en larged. and is now we believe, the largest paper in the state. The publishers have recently added one of Campbell’s best newspaper presses to their al ready very complete establishment, and are pre pared to a’uswer all calls that may be made upon their typographic resources. It takes no backward steps though in its issue it easts **A dance Back ward” to its ilrst number, comparing that w ith the present—Cardiner Journal. The Kennebec Journal, one of the best weekly papers in New England, comes to us enlarged this week. We are glad to see such proof of its pros perity.—Boston Transcript. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week in an enlarged form and new dress. It makes a splendid appearance, and is worthy of an extensive circulation.— Rid deford Journal. The Kknnf.bec Journal has been enlarged, and is now the largest paper in the State. The publish ers have had a -mammoth Campbell press built p|M?clully lor li, ami wiui a new uress oi i; t»e u i* a very handsome sheet. The publishers eliould re ceive a liberal -upport to compensate for the heavy outlay which they make.—JRoclland Free Fret*. The Kennebec Journal comet* to ns in a new dress, and much enlarged, which are evidences of prosperity. The proprietors of the state paper are energetic business men. and deserve much credit for this last improvement in their valuable journal, and we wish them large success, financially, and otherwise.— Farmlngton Chronicle. The Kknnkbec Journal has been enlarged and very much improved. New type, new press, new determination to make a first-class state paper. The Journal never looked so prosperous anu well to-do. and we are more than pleased at these evi dences of prosperity —F1I worth American. The Kennebec Journal has been considerably enlarged, dressed in a fine new suit, from head to foot, and makes a fine appearance.—Calais A<irer tierr. The Kennebec Journal eomes to us enlarged and in a new suit of type. The Joi unal ie well conducted, readable, ’industrious iu news, and pretty much all that a newspaper should be, except in its*politics.—Republican Journal. The Kennf.rfu Journal has been enlarged, and is printed with new type and a new press. It is one of the largest and best weekly papers in the State. — Fnet port Sen ti n el. The Kennebkc* Journal. This valuable state paper has recently beon enlarged, with an entirely new dress. It is printed on one of t’ampliell^ presses—and is one of the largest if not the largest papers in the State. The Journal i-* now a thirty six column paper—and the publisher* must have been at great expense in making such improve ments without any extra charge for the paper.— IHscrttnquis Observer. XKWsrAUOKiAL. The Kennebeo Journal, which was large enough l>efore. has been enlarged and is now the Largest in the State. It is printed on new type and is a handsome as well aa a well edited’paj»er — /*rogres$ire Age. Pure Drugs & Chemicals FOR SALE At the Lowest Bates ! TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH, ENGLISH, & DOMESTIC SOAPS, CAMPHOR ICE, Dentifrices, English Cold Cream, Coudray’a Cosmetiquo and Pomade, Bay Rum, German and Domestic Cologne, Hair Oils, Dressings, Restorers and Dyes, Perl\imory, Sachet Bags, Toilet Powders, Moth and Freckle Lotions, Cornelia Balm, Laird's Bloom of Youth, Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, Buses' Mag nolia Water. Shaving Cream and Soaps, Shaving Brushes, Razor Strops, Nail Tiles and Cleaners, Tireeztrs, Hand Mirrors, Dressing Cases, Pt'FP BOXES. irony, lonroiss shell, 4 non\ Dressing and Pocket lombs, FINE COMBS, Nail, Tooth, Hair, Hat, and Clothes BRUSHES ! Tlit*miom«‘«‘ri», 'Work Boiei, PORTE MONNA1ES. Pocket and Bill Books! Feather Ouster*, PAINT & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SPONGES & CHAMOIS SKINS! Cigar Cases, Cigars and Tobacco, Humphrey's Homeopathic Specifics. Wellcome's and fitch's Remedies, and all the popular Patent Medicine*», Pure Iiniffn, Chemicals Ac Family Medicines, Frcsli Pre»«ocl Hol las, NEATS’ FOOT, Lard, Sperm, Olive, and Kerosene OIZjS, ebc., tfcc. trf Call and examine, and you w ill And PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Physician'* t’reAcription* carefully compounded from pure Medicines at all houra of the dny and niyht. A. C. DANA, DHlfttillT ANII APOIllICiUl, Successor to J. P. IlKKiUNO, No. 7 Union Block, Water Street, Augusta, Me. ly 17 taw lira nowsc, 124 WATER STREET DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! Agent for the Waltham Hati* C'oiup'.v, And LAZARUS * MORRIS’ l*erfecte<l Spootacles. W Special attention paid to the repairing of al Linds of FINE HATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and laoahronism. TIME TAKE! BY TRANSIT. ♦Ijan70-tf___ FURS AT COST ! 1ADIES’ Furs and Sleigh Holies arc selling ul j COST at S. Hathaway’* Hat, Cap und Far Store, No. 43 Water St., (jardincr, Me., opposite J. 8 Lambard’s Jewelry Store. tljan70-4w Standard Periodicals for 1870, Eepnbliahed by the Leonard Soott Publish Indispensable to nil desirous of being well informed on the great subjects of the dag, 1. The Edinburgh Review. This is the oldest of the series. In its main fea tures it still follows in the path marked out l»y brougham, .Jeffrey, Sydney smith, and Lord Hol land, its original founders and first contributors. 2. The London Quarterly Review, which commences its 12#th volume with the January number, was set on foot us a rival to the Kl)l\ ni'KOH. It resolutely maintains its opposition in politics, and shows equal vigor in its literary de partment. 3. The Weatminater Review has just closed its 92d volume. In point of literary ability this Review is fast rising to a level with its competitors. It is the advocate of political and re ligious liberalism. 4. The North British Review, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very high posi tion in periodical literature. Passing beyond the narrow formalism of schools and parties, it uppeals to a wider range of sympathies and a higher integ i rity of conviction. 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine was commenced 52 years ago. Equaling the Quar terlies in its literary and scientific departments, it has won n wide reputation for the narratives ami sketches which enliven its pages. ins; Oo., New York TKMt.WS t'Olt 1970. For any one of the Reviews, | For any two of the Reviews, For any three of the Reviews, 1 For all four of the Reviews, For Black wood’s Magazine, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and any two of the $4.00 per annum 7 on “ 7.00 10 00 4.00 7.00 Rev icwh. For Blackwood and three of the 10.00 Reviews, For Blackwood and Die four Re 13.00 views, 15.00 Single Number* of a Review, $1. Single Number* of Blaekw ood, Uo cenU, The ISerietrs are published quarterly t Marker mod'* Magazine i* monthly* I >f HWii rommeure fee January. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons, w hen the periodicals are sent tv one address. POSTAGE. The Postage on current subscription*, to an part of the United Staten, is ttn< cents a number, to be prepaid at the office of delivery. For back num bers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New Subscriber* to any two of the above period icals for 1870 will be entitled to receive one of the Four Reviews for ledb. New Subscribers to oil the live may receive Blackwood or two of the Review# for \&». BACK NUMBEBS. Subscriber* may, by applying early, obtain back sets of the Review s from January, 1803, to Decem ber. ms>, and of Blackwood's Magazine from Janu ary, it**;. to December, lboy, at half the current subscription price. bm Neither premiums to Subscriber*. nor dis count to Clubs nor reduced prices for back num bers. can be allowed, unless the money »*• remitted direct to the 1‘uUishtrs. No premiums can be gi\en to Clubs. The January number* w ill be printed from new type, and arrangements have been made, which, it is hoped, will secure regular and early publication. Tbe Leonard Scott Publishing Co., l»u Fui/rux St., Ktw Yokk. Till- Leonard Scott Publishing Company also pub li.-li THE FAHMEKS’ i.TH'E to Scientific ami Practical Agriculture, By Henry Stephens, F it s . Ldinburgh, ami the late J. 1*. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, New llaren. t vole, ltoyal octaro. PiUO page, ami mi meroua Eugrariug.. I’rke *7. By mail, postpaid, gS.UU lwM (onuimptlon Du. Sthknck's Pvlmoxic Srirr for the core of Coughs, Colds and Consumption. I>* SeHKSUt’s Ska weed Tosic for the cure of Dyspep sia and all the Debilitated Conditions of the Stomach. Pa. ScmtxrK’s Manpfakk Pili s for Diseases of the Liver, or to act as a gentle Purgative. All of these three medicines are often requirtxl in coring i Consumption, though the Pulmonic Syrup alone has cured many desperate cases. The Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills assist in «rgulatiug the Stomach and Liver, and help the Pulmonic Syrup to digest and search through the blood vessels, by which means a cure is soon effected. These medicines are conscientiously offered to the public as the only safe, certain and reliable remedies for Pul monary Consumption, and for all those morbid conditions of the body which lead t« that fatal disease. Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia are often forerunners of Consump i tion, and when they manifest themselves they require the most prompt attention. The Pulmonic Syrup is a medicine which has had a I long probation before the puhtic Its value has lieen proved by the thousands of cures it has made through a period of more titan thirty-five years, in all of which time its reputation has constantly iucreaaed, and the m<«t ob. ; stilish- skepticism can no longer doubt that it is a remedy which may be used with confidence in all casts which admit of a cure. If the patient will perseveringly follow the directions : which accompany each bottle, he will certainly l>c cured, If his lungs are not too much wasted to make a cure pussi ble. Kven in cases *upj>oeed to he incurable, when friends and physicians have despaired, the use of this medicine has saved the life of the patient, and restored him to per i feet ht alth. Dr. Schenck himself was cured in precis* ly such cir cumstances, and many others have been equally fortunate by judiciously making a timely use of Dr. Schenck’s remedies. Dr. Schenck d'>es not say that all cases of Pulmonary Consumption are within the reach of medicine, but he emphatically asserts, that often when patieuts have the most alarming symptoms, such as a violent cough, creeping chills, night sweats, and general debility, even to such a degree that they are obliged to li« in bed, and when they are given up by their physician, they may still be cured. No medical treatment can create new lungs, but when the lungs are very badly diseased ^ and to some extent de stroyed, a cure! may be effected by Dr. Hchenck’s mod Also, in Scmfufi us diseases these medicine* are equally efficient. Dr Bcbeuek has photographs of a number of persons who have been nearly covered with running sores, and now all healed up. This shows its purifying properties, which must be done to heal cavities in the lungs. In the treatment of Consumption, It is of the utmost importance to give vigor and a health tone to the system, li* nee it is necessary to strengthenthe appetite of the patient and improve the digestion. Proper nourishment is required, together with such mean us will make the food easily digestible. Tbe articles most suitable for the diet of consumptive patients are designated in Dr. Schenck’s Almanacs, which are distributed gratuitously. In general, the most highly nutritious articles an* to be preferred ; but the digestive organs must be strengthened iu order to make either f*>od or medicine serviceable. This requirement Is met by the Sea Weed Tonic, and for this i rmmose it was designed. I nnenilie digestive powrrs urr yui. III I food has its proper effect, the system of the patient is In vigorated, snd the lungs begin to exercise their functions ! in a normal and healthy maimer. Then the healing powers of the Pulmonic Syrup will complete the cure. lhilmonary Consumption is almost always complicated with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Sehenck s Man drake Pills are Intended to remove obstructions from tna liver and restore its healthy action. They have all the efficacy which Is ascribed to calomel or ‘ blue mass, and 1 are warranted not to contain a particle of any mineral ! poison. These pills wire the most cbstlnate^cosUveness, sick headache, piles, bilious affections, and all cAherdlseases | which arise from a torpid or obstructed condition of the ! liver. One box of these pills will prove the efficacy of the “in'roMumptlon, the Sea Weed Tonic and Mufti** Pills art* invaluable auxiliary medicines. They relieve the Site P*'l»‘ *™> M.W 0.* Pulmonic Syrup In effecting * core. They here been found useful In ad vanced stages of Consumption, where the lung, were al moet entirely destroyed, end >11 .ymptotne, accordinr'" the judgment of physician, indicated speedy doth. The Urea of patient* who were actually in a dying condition hare been preserved for month* by the uae of Scbenck a three great remedies Dr. Schenck'a Almanac, containing a full treatise on the variou. forma of disease, Ills mode of treatment, and general directions how to use his medicine, can he had gratis nr sent by mall by addressing hi* Principal Office, No. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. _ Prioe of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each, *1.50 per bottle, or *7.50 the half down; Mandrake PIUs 25 cts a box. fur sale by all druggists and dealers. Iy3g Dr. Schenck’a Prcioratlons are sold In Augusta hy CIIAS. K. PARTRIDGE. The Dally Kennebec Journal, Established ian. 1, 1870. Notloen by the Press. The first number of the Daily Kennebec .Tori? sal whs issued from the Journal office on Satur nay. It is about the size and style of arrangement as the usual Daily Legislative Journal, and in ty INtgraphical appearance will compare favorably, we think, with the other Maine dailies. It is de signed by the publishers to issue it daily through the year, but we fear they will find their enterprise, winch ought t<» be n paying one, eonsidering the llehl it wul occupy, to prove a losing one. It costs a deal of money to publish a paper these times, and a large, prompt paying subscription list and a good ly amount ol advertising patronage at respectable rates, are necessary to make a paper self siistain ing. and prevent its being a source of embarass ment to its proprietors. We tender this new can date for public patronage our wishes for its finan cial success.—Maine Standard. This Daily Kennebec Jot knal made its first appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat publi cation, und enterprising.— Hangar Whig. Daily Kennehec Jocknal.—With the com meneeineat of the New Year, we received the first number of this new paper, published at Augusta, by Sprague. Owen & Nash. It is a large, seven col umn paper, handsomely printed, and the reputa tion of its publishers isa sufficient guaranty that it will Ik* live and spicy.— York County Indeptiidetit. Tin Daily Kennebec Jocknai was Issued Jan uary 1st. and is to be a permanent institution. It is a well arranged, and handsomely printed sheet, and w e have no doubt it will receive, as it deserves! a liberal support from the people of Augusta, Hal low ell and t.ardiner — Ilallvvell Gazette. Daily Kennebec Joi/kal. We have received the first numbers of the new daily Journal now permanently established at the State Capital by the enterprising publishers of the weekly Journal, Messrs. Sprague, Ow en & Nash. Its appearance is neat, and business like, audits editors will doubt less make it a progressive. live paper.—Ilelfast Aye. We congratulate our friends of the Kennebec Jot knal upon the favorable auspices under which their new daily has been issued. It appeared on the 1st of January, in handsome shape, its columns well filled and snowing evidence of sufficient ed itorial ability and industry to ensure its entire suc cess. We trust the public w ill appreciate the ef forts of the publishers to serve them, and liberally sustain the enterprise.—Maine Farmer. ihe i’ai1.1 jvennehec juik.'ai, mime nrsi appearance New Y'eur's day. It is a well propor tioned i-lieet of tw enly-eight ‘columns, and Ik in ev ery w ay w ell calculated to supply a w ant w hich Augusta ha # felt for a longtime. With the patron age which it should receive from Hallowell, t.ard iner. and the other neighboring towns, In addition to its local support, we see no reason why this on to prise should not be crowned with ubundant suc cess — I>exter Gazette. The Daily Ke^miiiec Joiknal made its aj - nearame on Saturday. H hus a smart and newsy look, and will succeed.—/V/svcrfJk American. The Hi st number of the Daily Kf.vm.uilC Jm it* been received. Those who wish to re ceive the earliest and fullest information in regard to the doings of the Legislature, should subscribe for it.— blast port Sentinel. Daiit Kknnkukc JoritNAL. We have received the tirst number of this paper, issued Jau. 1st. It is to be permanent, and being the Mate paper, it will be a eoxnpend of the doings of the Legislature; valuable not only for the present, but for preserva tion for future reference. It will furnish early and lb 11 report® of the Mate Conventions of all kinds; full reports of the Legislature, Legislative Commit tee.Board of Kducnlioii. Board of Agriculture, and all other mutters of interest relating to the Mate Government, thus making itselt useful to u very wide circle of renders extending over ull parts o'I the Mate. It w ill be u reliable and straight-forward Republican paper, and the first number indicates that it w ill be conducted with ability, and with fidel ity to the principles of the party in whose interest it is established. It is of the sire of the Dally Lew - iston Journal — The Svnrise, Presque Isle. Daily Kennebec Joiknal. The advertisement of tiiis new dailv appears in our columns to-day. It g ves the legislative proceedings of each day very fully, contains telegraphic dispatches, the financial and commercial transactions in New Y ork and Bos ton. i nd is in every respect a first-class daily pa per. Terms $7 per year, or $2 tor the legislative session.—Androscoffght Herald. Daily Kennebec Juikmal. The enterprising proprietor! of the Kennebec Journal, issued the first number of their new daily Jan. 1-t. It is hand s' Hit ly cXn uted, hbl) eonuuctcd. and <W -erM ► |t least fifteen hundred subscribers along the river. During the legislature it is especially valuable.— ,S\mtrset l:*j>vrier. The publishers of the KmantBET Joi lWAL com me need their daily paper with the New Y ear. It is a good looking sheet, much superior to the form er session issues. N«> thrice weekly will be pub lished — Jlracketi in Jleltitst Age. New M aI’EKR. W ith the New Year we are greet ed by the Daily Kf.nnehec Jocbnal. published by hpraguc. Owen & Nash. It is of good site, its uiutter is w ell arranged, and its editorial conduct w ill -how the same ability which ha- governed the weekly Journal.—Fret Jress. llocliavd. The*Daily Kennbec Jot knai. has reached us, and is fiilly up to the standard of our expectation# Its typographical appearance ts neat, and its gener al arrangement nil that could be desired We hone it will be liberally patronized, and it will 1*« if the people of the Mate do tbeir duty.—Farviivyton Chronicle The first number oi Lite daily «joi « NAL promptly made it* appearance on Saturday, •Inn. let. It is a hand-ome sheet, got up in a style that does credit to it» enterprising publishers — Jluldeford Jjemocrat, With the new year, came the Daily Kennebec Joiknal. It is’a very neat paper, and we should think it wouki be a favorite w ith the people of tho KenucWc — Oar diner lit m* t Journal, Daily Kennebec-Journal. We have receive*! the first nnntber of the daily issued by the publish era of the Kennebec Journal. Thia is not to be loi the Legislature only, but is to be a permanent daily publication. There is no reason why the large cit ies and towns which cluster about the capital snonld ned afford support to at least one daily, even though the railroad ti unis do bring Boston paper# in a few hours from the press. The Journal is a handsome sheet, well filled with news and miscel lany, and we trust w ill be a success.—Lelj'aU Jour nal . . The new Daily. We have received the first number of the DAILY KENNEBEC Journal. It i» one of the best looking daily papers which comes to our office. There is no reason why such a spright ly journal should not start at once on the road to success. The price of subscription Is $7 per year. — Calais Advertiser. The Daily Kennebec Jot unai. made its bow to the public last Miturday, and is understood to be a permanent insLtuljnn It deserves a liberal sup port in the Kenneoec valley, not only through the session of the Legislature, of whose doings It w ill give full report daily, but permanently.— WattrxiU* Mail. Newmaiokial. The Daily Ken see ec Journal made its appearance on Saturday morning last. It is printed in first-rate style, and manifest* a great dec 1 of enterprise in its management. We are glad to notice that it has a good list of subscriber* in this city, who receive their papers from a carrier at eight oYlo< k. This is a great convenience, and one that should be appreciated by our people.— Gas'dintr Reporter. . Ai r.rsTA Daily Journal. This paper made its appearance last >atuiday, very neatly printed and full of matter. Our only apprehension is that Au gusta brethren arc giving too much reading tor tho patronage of a place no larger than Augusta. Success to the enterprise — limnnrick Telegraph. We have received the first two or three iiu»d*ei» of the Daily Kennebec Journal, published by Messrs. Sprague, Owen A Nash. Augusta, which is hereafter to be a permanent daily paper, instead of being published only during the season of the Legislature, as hereto fort*. It is a handsome sev en-column paper, well made up, giv ing much agri cultural and miscellaneous reading, as well as lo cal and general news. We have no doubt it will bo ably con<1 noted and wish it substantial success. Rockland Gazette. __ The first number of the Daily Kennebec Joi r NAi.niadu.its appearmee on Saturday. Ills very m utlv got up,— Oxford Uemocrat. The first number of the Daily Kennerm Joi k nal promptly made its appearance on naluruay, the l-i iust. It is a handsome sheet, got up m a Style that does credit to*its enterprising publisher*. —''Oxford Register. A New Daily Newspaper. We receive the Daily Klnnkkec Joi knal, a goodly sized, well filled, and smart appearing paper, published by Messrs. Sprague. Owen A Nash, at Augusta, the proprie tors of the Old (Weekly) Kennebec Journal: terms, $7 a year in advance. We hope it will be patron ized nv our Republican friends, and we think it will be. being the first and only daily issued at the lapi tal — Machias Vnion. . . The Daily Kennebec Jonrnal is a smart, and enterprising sheet, very neat in appearance. It well deserve* a generous support.—Ar<x>stooA: i tmrs. All those who wish lull reports of the i^jceed ing. of the Mnine I.rglMnturc, .henld snl «t rihe lor theDaii y KknneuRc Jonrnal. Jt will be sent during tiie session, for *2. and contains the new s, Ac , besides the matter connected w ith the Legisla ture— lieu-ter Gazette. MOSES W. FARR, General Insurance Ag’t, | 1.1FK AND FI BE. Capital Represent! over 50 Millions. OFFICE, NO. 1 DARBY BLOCK, | .tit. 1ST.I. JH.II.TMi. tljan~0-H DELE MI BOX DM’ Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, j . Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, : Augusta, Me. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing, Cutting, Col ; oring, Ac., in the most approved style of tne art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La dies’ and Children’s nalr. All kinds of Hair Work made to order in the latest style. __ ljan70-ly HENRY BAILEY, Photographer, 8 Doors south of Post Office, Augusts, Me. Meliiinotype Picture, id “11 rises made at oppo , biiiun prices, Particular tcutiuu paid to copping. | tljau70-3ni