Newspaper Page Text
p;iiIF'|lrnnrIu'c fcunuil REPTILES IN IRELAND. The story of Saint Patick's expulsion of venomous reptiles from Ireland is known to every one. Some writers have suppos ed that the tradition should he interpreted in a metaphorical sense, and that the wor ship of demons or of serpents was abol ished by tiie Saint. in am case, the fact that the Sland w as free from these crea tures is men tWn«d by several early histo rians. and a native Bishop says, in a Lat in poem of the ninth century, that in Ire land “no serpent creeps through the grass, and no frog chatters in the lakes.' 1 bis latter phenomenon remained true till the early part of the eighteenth century.when a l-Vlluw of T: inky College, Dublin, im port^tf edme frog spawn from hngland, and placed it in the ditches. Since then, frogs have sprt ad over tin* country. Sev eral attempt have also be.-tt made to in troduce vijmrs and other isnakes. hut ap parently they have not survived long. A speeies’of lizard, however, is said to he found in Ireland. The island of Malta claitD a similar immunity from reptiles. We are told that old shoes are out in small pieei s, which arc afterwards kept for a couple of day# in chloride of sulphur. The cll'crt of this is to render the leather hard and brittle. When this is found to have been effected, the material is with drawn front the action of the chloride of sulphur, washed with water, dried, ground to powder, and mixed with some substance which causes it to adhere tog,'lit er (tor instance, shellac, or any other resinous substance, or good glue, or a thick solution of gum) and is then pressed into moulds, and shaped into buttons, combs, knife-handles, etc. AxTiyt iTV i» mi Would.—I am speak ing a very long way within the limit when 1 say it is impossible to suppose that the coal-measures accumulated faster than at the rate of one-tenth of an Inch in a year. Two thousand feet are eipial to 2-LOW inches, and that multiplied by ten gives, 240,000 years! i am speaking with ex cessive moderation when 1 lix that time as the minimum for the formation of the coal-measures. Then that was but a Irag mentof geological time.— Prof. Huxley. The Sermon on the Mount is the best recipe for personal beauty, and the woman who practices the golden rule for forty years is certain to look handsomer than she who practices at the mirror for the same period. But it does take time. A good resolution will make nobody hand some.—Anonymous. A Wonderful Discovery); NATURE’S YE AES 01 STUDY AUD EXPEEIMEHT. It Contains No LAC SULPHITE-No SUOAE of LEAD-No LITHAE8E—No NI7EATE of SILVEE, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs coed in other Hair Preparations. It is sure to* supersede and drive out of the community all the VOISOXOUS VRE VAJIATIOXS note in use. Transparent and dear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric. Xo oil, no sediment, no dirt — per fectly SAFE, CLEAN, and EFFICIENT desideratums LONG SOUGHT FOIt, and FOUND AT LAST l It colors and prevents the Hair from be coming Gmty, imparts a soft, glossy appear ance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refresh ing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when pre maturely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnat ural heat. ONLY 73 CENTS VEIL DOTTLE. It is secured in the Vat cut Office of the United States by DR. G. SMITH, Vatentee, Groton Junction, Mass. I*repared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To whom all orders should be atldressed. Sold by all first-class Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine is put up in a panel bottle made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature*s Hair Restorative, and take Xo Other. The Ri* -torative ih for wale at Wholesale in Port land by VV. t. PuiiXUfH & Co., and at retail by all ! the Druggists in Maine. ian23-3mt&w WM. CAGE, Machinist and Manufacturer of CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, SHIN6LE MACHINES, CLAPBOARD AND LATH MACHINES, CYLINDER BOARD PLANERS, AND CLAPBOARD PLANERS. — A I .WO, — GRANT'S PATENT EXCELSIOR MACHINES Made to the satiafaetiou of Cu tomera. Job Work done to order. WM. GAGE, West End Kennebec Dam, 47tf AUfiim. MB* HENRY 0. & A. A NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner, by tin- day or Job. Particular attention paid to repair* of alute roof*, cementing ci.-terna, cellar*. A (>rd«r* left at A. P. <•ould’n Stove Store. llt>t door above Hailroud Bridge, promptly attended to. HENRY O NICHOLS, ALBERT A. MCIIOLS. Atigpota, Jan. I Itsfiti. PIANO TUNING! tPHfe, subctrfljor would inform the 1 eititetii* of Augusta and vi initv that he will give personal attention to tuning Piano*-. Order* leit at hi« res idence, 07 Wlnthrop Street, will receive promp attention. M. C. M1LL1KEN, fctXMi - TfcAOIKH OF PlAKO AND OiDiAN M. G. B HOOKS, HASPWAREJ STOVES, Kalis, Glass, Pumps, POt KCT >.V1) TABI.K CVTUSBT, *t., tfo. B Union Block, Water Street. AIWU'TA, MAI.NE Custom work dsme l<> order and with dispatch. Augusta, May 20,18W. SrX/TIIITfc ox- I.ISXE. for preserving Cider O,,. MU‘lSrJ HiwSSb* &KU 3u3tt ita Directors. • Churches. ORTHODOX COKGREUATipXAl.-Gr»nJt« Ch. State st , between Bridge and Oak J J pastor; residence southeast corner Bndge and Elm street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. After ' noon service 2.30 P. M. Evening > 1 • * , FIRST B \PTI<T,—Corner M inthrop nnd I ernam -t-. «). Ricker, pa .-tor; residence Chestnut street. Morning nervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2-3t I . FUEE^B'TpnsT,—-NUite street, north of Bridge. ( F Penncv. i»n-tor. residence "Minimei -tieet. M*>niing Mervh'e 10 30 A M. Afternoon 2-30 P. METIIOIMM*"Kl’IM-OPAI..-Or.«ii Hivi t. Ptlst •>!' M re C \ King. pastor; residence at the par I s«.‘n;ure. liext door t • tin- church Milling Her vice 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening PROTESTANT K!"IS< Ul' AI.,—State ;t., between Oak and M’inthrop Rev. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Evening service i 1*. UN I V EK- A LIST.—('or M'inthrop and Summer .-t-. ( . R. Moor, pastor; re-idenee M iuthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 A M S;dd>at0 school service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M. UNITARIAN.—Comer Oak and state *u. Rev Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10.30 \ M. Sabbath School service 2 15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock , CATHOLIC,—Mat* .-t . north of Bridge Rev. Mr. I O’Brien, priest: residence near the church. The Congregational. First Baph.-t. Free Mill Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vesti u * ever) M ednesdnv i evening, at half-past .-even o’clock. v. n. c. a. Room* in Darby Bb»ck, Water Mrcct Regular praver meetings every Monday evening. Rchgnms exercises ever) Sunday afternoon at 4 o clock. : Rooms open to all. .M iconic * BETHI.EHKM LODGE, No 35. F. and A M. Stated meeting- flr-t Monday of each month. Special meetings every M"iid. > evening. 1 A Crowell, da-tcr J 'V . Clapp. >.-eretarv. ANGU^TA LODGE. No. Ill K. A A. 'I Mated inertings lir-1 rue-d.’.v of each month, special meetings everv Tuesday evening. W.H Wood bin v Master E. F Blackman. Secretary. TRIM I t CU.MM.VNDERY, No. 7. Knights Tem pi »r. Stated meetings second Friday of each month. David Cargill. Eminent Commander. J. W. Clapp, Recorder. ! JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meet* at Ha Howell. Mated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each month, li. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meet* at Hallowed. Quar terly Convocation-. January, April, duly. Oc 1 tober; Wedne-day succeeding full moon. D. Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance. SABATTIS LODGE. No. 78 of Goon Tkmfi.auh. Meets every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN I)D IMON b<>» OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darby Hall every Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Ollice. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and | Water streets. OFFK E II0UK8:—From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. i rnines A. Bicknell, Postmaster. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. Arrival ami departure of Mails >—Western. leaves 11 00 A. M.; closes 10.30 A. M.; arrives 3.30 P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 P. M.; closes ’ 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.45 A. M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M ; closes 3.30 P. ! M.; arrives A. M. Rockland and Wav, leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8 15 A. M.; arrives 5.00 f’ M. M'inthrop, leaves 8.00 A. M ; closes 7.45 A M ; arrives 6.00 P. M. Farmington and M at. leaves 7.50 A. M .; closes 7.45 A. M.; arrives ‘2.(»0 P. M. Freeport uud Litchfield, leaves 6.00 A. M.; close* 8.00 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and but unlay. Every morning a tmin leaves Augusta at 5.30 A.* M.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8 00 P. M. fjaUotocIl Directory. HALLOWEL1 POST OFFICE. WKSTEltR MAIL arrives dally, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 and 7 52 P. M. Close* at 10.45 A. M. and 8 F. M. EA8TFKN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted,at 11.10 A. M. Closes at 3.16 F. M. LITCHFIEIJ» MAIL arrives Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues days and Thursday*, at 8P. M. OFFICE open, bunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. M., to 8 F. M. Opeu Saturdays until 9 30 V'. M. LT box Keuts and Postage ou papers, periodicals, 1c , payable quarterly in advance. E. ROWELL, P. M. Hallowed, May 3, 1*69. CHURCHES. j South Parish Congi egutioiml Church, corner of Second nr.d Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Kev. Cmas. G. ■ 3lrCfi.LT, Pastor | residence on Chestnut St. Morning! service, 10.30; Afternoon service. 215. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. It-v. A. R. Crane, Pastor; residence ou Middle rft., between Wiuthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10 30; Afternoon service. 2.15. Methodist Kpiscopal Church, Middle Street, between Un- j ion nud Central. Rev. Calkb Fi i.LKR, Pastor? residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10.30 ? Afternoon e- rvice, 2 15 First Uni versa list Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Lkonahd K. Storks, Rector? residence corner of Second t and Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon service, 2.30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second aud Middle. y. m. c. A. Regular meetings of the Young Men’s Christian Assocl ation of Hulk-well, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist ; Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7$ o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Assocl 1 ation, are held every Sunday evening— In Burns* Schoolhouse, Farmingdaie, at 7 o’cl<*ck. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon Hill Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse. Manchester, at 7 o’clock. j At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FUWLES, President. II. 8. OWEN, Secretary, j MASONIC. Kenuelarc Lodge, No 5, F. anil A. M. Stated Commu nications W**dm**lny, on - -r preceding the full moon. .1AM KS A l'KIN8, Jr., W. M. J. E. N Y E, Sec’y. Jerusalem It. A. Chapter. Suited Convocations, Thurs day on or befor- the full of the moon. B F WARNER, 11. P. F J. DAY, Sec’y. 1 Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. F. J. DAY, Ilec’r. Trinity Comraandery. Meetings at Augusta on the second Friday of each month. I). CAUOILI., E C. J. W. CLAPP, Rec’r. TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor .n«i T'-iupcrauce. No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tu- aday evening J. vs. FULLER, vv. T BEN TENNEY, VS. R. Kennebec Council, Nn. 4. Regular meetings ou the first and third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HI NT, R. or c. Sheridan Lodge, Ntr. J93, I. O. of O. T. Regular uieet ings every Saturduy evening. P. 8. BOYD, W. C. T F. A. A. IIEATII, R. 8. CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Winthrop State Sts., .A u^ustii, Mo. T. P». HALLARD, : : Proprietor.! Guests tuRou to nnd tom tho Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIA6E8 TO LET. tUaiilO ffta _ Pore Meflicines ail Ctaicais! Brushes, Combs, Soaps ami Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET 1SD PAJiCI ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods, Pure Sperm, Lard, Kerosene and .^eatsfoot Oili. Charles K. Partridge, DRltiUIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE HALL,) Has on hand a Large Seleoted Stock I kept fresh by constant additions, j AMD &BLLB AT The I,o,vest Market Kates ! i FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. V.rtridg.’a Brag Store. Water Street, toner Wtik.l t^nire. tljanTOly__ WANTED! 11AUM Klift and Hunters* having prime Mink Skins 4 on hand will And a < utdi customer at highest market price by eeuditig them to J. II. ULLKH A tO„ No. 10 State St., : : Boston, Mass. tglJttii&flwU GOLD! GOLD!. GOLD! ADAMSON’S BOTANIC COUGH BALSAM! IS MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT) JIT CURES THE WORST COUGH or COLD IN A SHORT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - - - 35 Cents. No Cuire ! INTO Fay ! FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT for THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can bo Cured for 3 5 Cents! TRY IT! TRY IT!_TRY IT! Opinions of Hie Press. The Klnnkhec Jih knai. has been enlarged and i* now one of the handsomest 1'll pel's in the l mted Matts.— Portland Press. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week enlarged, ami with new type, giving it a very nice appearance, and an extra amount of good reading matter—Simon, in Leiciston Journal. Ihe Kennebec Journal comes to us muon en larged aud improved. New type, clear paper, and a determination to keep up with the times w ill en sure to the patrons of the Journal a first-class newspaper. We are pleased to notice these evi dences of prosperity on the part of our neighbor# ol the Journal and wish them abundant success.— Bangor Whig and Courier. The Kennebec Journal conies to us this week dressed in new type throughout and greatly en larged (nine columns to a page), and is now. we be lieve, the largest paper in the Mate, with one excep tion. The Journal is most ably conducted by Messrs. Sprague, Owen & Nash, and deserves the liberal suppoit of the party, wlio e principles it advocates. To its genial publishers we wish the richest success — KenhsUc Reporter. The Kennebec Journal was enlarged tins wc« k to nine columns, and is now the large-1 b lm sheet in Maine. It is said that the proprietors "ill issue a permanent Daily henceforth, beginning w ith the legislative session.— Boston Advertiser. Tue Kennebec Journal oi Augusta, will be enlarged, this week, and made the largest paper m the state.—Springlield Republican. The Kennebec Journal has spread itself to tin* size of the Boston Advertiser, and is otherwise Im proved, so that it is now the largest ami perhaps the handsomest paper in the state — Waternlle Mail. The Kennebec Journal of last week appeared in an enlarged form, printed on new type and upon a new tires#.—Bangor Jeffersonian. The Kennebec Journal, always neatly printed and ablv conducted, comes to u& enlarged and il possible neater looking than ever before. It is now the largest weekly printed in Maine.—Mathias L'nion. .. . . The Kf.nnkhkc Joi unai. comes to us tins week in a new dre&s, and considerably enlarged, indicat ing a prosperous condition financially, and which is well deserved.—Aroostook Pioneer. The Kennebec Journal comes to us much en larged. and dressed in a spick and sunn new suit. Augusta is hound to grow, and the Joi rnal pro prietors evidently incau to he up to the times. Portland Transcript. The Kennebec Journal has been greatly en larged. and is now we believe, the largest paper in the State. The publishers have recently added one of Campbell’s best new spaper presses to their al ready very complete establishment, and are pro oared to mo wer all calls that may be made upon their typographic resources. It takes no backwaid steps though m its issue it casts “A (dance Back ward" to its first number, comparing that w ith the present.— Gardiner Journal. Tin* Kennebec Journal, one of the best weekly papers in New England, comes to us enlarged this week. M e are glad to see such proof of its pros perity— Boston Transcript. The Kennebec Journ al comes to us this week in an enlarged form and new dress. It makes a splendid appearance, and is worthy of an extensive circulation.—Biddeford Journal. The Kennebec Journal has been enlarged, and is now the largest paper in the Mate. The publish ers have had a mammoth Campbell press built specially for it, and with a new dress ol type it is a very handsome sheet Tile publishers should re ceive a liberal support to comuensate for the heavy outlay which they make.—Rockland Free Press. The Kennebec Journal comes to us in anew dress, and much enlarged, which are evidence# of prosperity. The proprietors ol the Mate paper are energetic business men, and deserve much credit for this last improvement in their valuable journal, and we wish them large success, financially, and otherwise.—Farmington Chronicle. The Kennebec’Journal has been enlarged and very much improved. New type, new press, new determination to make a first-class Mate paper. The Journal never looked &o prosperous and well to-do, and we are more than pleased at these evi dences of prosperity.—Ellsu>orth American. The Kennebec Journal has been considerably enlarged, dressed in n fine new suit, from head to foot, and makes a line appearance.—Calais Adver tiser. „ , . The Kennebec Journal comes to us enlarged and in a new suit of type. The Journal is well conducted, readable, industrious in news, and prettv much nil that a newspaper should be, except in Its’politics.— Republican Journal. The Kennebec Journal has been enlarged, and is printed with new type and a new press. It is one of the largest and best weekly papers m the Mate. —Eastport Sentinel. The Kennebec Journal. This valuable Mate paper has recently been enlarged, w ith an entirely new dress. It is priuted on one of Campbell s pres-es—and is one of the largest if not the lurget-t papers in the State. The Journal is now a thirty six column paper—and the publisher# must have been at great expense in making such improve ments without any extra charge for the paper.— Piscataquis Observer. newspafokial. The Kennebec Journal, which was large enough before, ha# been enlarged and i.-* now the largest in the State. It is printed on new typo and is a handsome as well as a well edited' paper.—Progressive Age. Bieu Et Mon Droit. MRS. D IN SM ORE’S GREAT ENGLISH COUCH *CROUP BALSAM. Or Hoarhound & Anise Seed, For Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, &c. Tlii, excellent Medicine lias the extraordinal property of immediately relieving Col ons. <1 >11)8 III I Alt* KN t sa 1)1 KKlCL'l.TV OF ltKEATHlM,, " HOOP iso CoriiH, and IU-skinkhh or the Thhoat. I operates by dissolving tile congealed phlegm, and causing free expectoration. Persons w ho are troubled w ith that unpleasant tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of rest, night alter night, by the incessant cough which It provokes, will by taking one dose, And immediate relief; and one bottle tu must cases will effect a cure. In rates of Croup it gives immediate Relief. Price SO Cents. Prepared from a receipt of a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of (.real Britain. For Sal# at Drug Store# generally. A. iW. DINSIHOBE & CO., Prop’s, PORTLAND, ME. For sale In Augusta by JonxsONBbOTllEtts; In B^u-aud!’5’ 11 K",W,,NSON; ‘n l,all™Jm1)&H,i«K Sewing Machines! The Willoox A Gibbs SEWING MACHINES, The Gem of the World and the house pet. .4I*<> A. B. Howe, Improved, A Mtaudard, and one of the inowt reliable Machines in use. Also, the Bickford Knitting Machine. For pale at the store of F. I. v lord. Augubta, Me. su o. W. LADl>, Afcwnt. Standard Periodicals for 1870. Republished by the Leonard Scott Publish ing; Co., New York. Indispensable to all desirous of being well informed j on the great subjects of the day. 1. The Edinburgh Review. This is the oldest of the belief. In itf main fea- I tines it still follows in the path marked out bv Brougham, Jeffrey, Sydney smith, and Lord Hol land. it* original founders and first contributors. I 2. The London Quarterly Review, which commences its l*2Mli volume w itli the January number, was set on foot as a rival to the El>IN- • lit luilf. It resolutely maintains its opposition in i politics, and shows equal vigor in Us literary de partment. 3. The Westminster Review has just closed its ftM volume. In point of literary j ability this Review is fast rising to a level with its competitors. It is the advocate of political and re- 1 ligious liberalism. 4. The North British Review, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very high posi- i tion in periodical literature. Passing ’beyond the j narrow formalism,of schools and parties, it appeals I to a wider range of sy mpatliies and a higher integ rity of conviction. 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ; w as commenced 52 years ago. Equaling the Quar i terlies in its literary* and scientific departments, it has wou a wide reputation for the narratives and -ketches which enliven its pages. TM.tS.US t OMS 1«7U. j For any one of the Reviews, $4.00 per annum. For any two of the Reviews, 7 oQ For any three of the Reviews, 10.00 “ For all four of the Review s, 1*3.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine, 4.ou For Blackwood and one Review , 7.00 “ For Blackwood ami any two of the Reviews, 10.00 “ For Blackwood and three of, the Reviews, 13.00 “ For Blackwood and the four Re views, 15.00 “ Single Numbers of a Review, $1. Single Numbers of Blackwood, 35 cents. ! The ttcricsrs are published quarterly ,* , Mtlacktrood's JMa^aziue is monthly. Vol umes commence in January. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to \ Clubs of four or more persons, when the periodicals ! are sent tv one wldrtss. POSTAGE. The Postage on current subscriptions, to an part i of the United States, is two cents a number, to he prepaid at the office of delivery. For back num- i oers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. 1 New Subscribers to any two of the above period- ' icals for 1870 will he entitled to receive one of the Four Reviews for 1899. New Subscribers to all the i live may receive Blackwood or two of the Review s for 1869. BACK NUMBERS. Subscribers may, by applying early, obtain nark j sets of the Reviews from January, 1865, to Decem ber, 1869, and “I Blaekwood’s Magazine from Janu- ' arv, I8*i0, t<» December, 1869, ut half the current bubscription price. tjr Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor dis count to Clubs nor reduced prices for hack num bers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given j to Clubs. The January numbers w ill be printed from new' j type, and arrangements have been made, which, it i 1b hoped, w ill secure regular and early publication, j The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., Ho Felton St., New York. I TbeT.eonard Soott Publishing Company also pub- ! lish TI1E FARMERS’ GUIDE to SeientiBc and Pruetieal Agriculture. By Henry Stephen*, F.KS., Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, Profetsaor of Seientitle Agrieulturc in Yale College. New Haven 2 vole. Royal octavo. 1000 page* and mi nierotia Engraving*.' Price *7. By mail, postpaid, |8.U0. Iw51 Edward Rowse, 124 WATEIl STREET t DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WAKE ! Agent tor thg Waltham Watch C'omp’j, And LAZARUS X MORRIS’ Perfected Spectueles. *ir Special attention paid to the repairing of all kind* of FINE WATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and isochronism. TPli: TAKF/t BY TRANSIT. +ljnn70-tf A Large and WelBielected Anortmtnt of, Wallets, BUI & Pocket Books, In Morocco and Calf, lor f ale low by itm TITCOMB A DORR. j —„—. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, j AND Fancy Articles, AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUGSTORE, Opp. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, Ale., Where can be found one of the largest and beat selected stocks on the Kennebeo river, and Priees that defy ‘compe tition. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds and in large quantities, void to suit purchasers, at Johnson Brothers. CATARRII REMEDIES. BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Feather Dusters, Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., Chamois Skins, onus, PI KE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE. NEATS-FOOT, ESSENTIAL OILS OF ALL KINDS, AT Johnson Brothers. FINE SOAFS, FRENCXT AND ENGLISH mid Genuine Imported Castile, GLYCERINE AND HONEY SOAPS, 5 Cakes fur 25 cent*, 25 Cake* fur one d liar. Shaving Apparatus, Comprising RAZORS frem the beet manufacturers in the Wd-rld ; STROPS of all kinds ; the COMBINATION MUG-a n#»v«*l and convenient article. BRUSHES cf every description, and SOAPS of the best quality. Johnson Brothers. HAIR PREPARATIONS OF ALL KINDS, for 75 CENTS, Johnson Brothers. SACHET POWDERS. A Large Stock of LUBIK’S, CAUDRAY’S, and all other IMPORTED PERFUMES. A Iso a LA RG B LOT of TOILET POWDERS, UKSTIt'KMKH, AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT Johnson Brothers. PI RE CALIFORNIA AND I M PORT E D W INKS. For Medicinal Purposes, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. SARDINES, OLIVES, PICKLES, Ac., CIGARS & TOBACCOS OF ALL KINDS. CANARY, RAPE & HEMP SEER, AT Johnson Brothers. Peoprietors of HE. RENMT'S felehrated Jaundice Bitters. Person* from the country, Physicians and all others, will do well to call and examine our itook before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place! OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, JOHNSON BROTHERS. MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, I Ills Stock embraces a fine line of American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver case, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham, Trent on t, Bor quin, Bon nett, Pnrdcaux, Jacot, Ac., in both La dies’ and gentlemen’s sizes. Fliio Gold «T owelry, Solid Gobi Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PLATED WAKE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KIXDS, including the celebrated ITIIAC'A CALENDAR all of which will be sold at the Lowest Price*, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds ol Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances applied and Adjusted to temperature and position. tljanTO-tf JOURNAL JOB PRINTING Establishment! OUR FRIENDS are reminded that having the Largest Steam Job Friatiai Establisbmeal, On the Hit* r, and employing COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED WORKMEN! We are at all times prepared to execute in the best manner and at low prices, all kinds of * PLAIN AND FANCY Book <fc Job Printing -area am Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Mammoth Posters, Handbills, Show Cards, Circulars, Business and Wedding Cards, Letter 1leadings, Bill Heads, Ball Tickets, Programme*, A net ion Bill*. Invoice*, , Bill* of Lading, Receipt*, Law Blank*, PLACARDS, SCHEDULES, INVITATIONS, RAILROAD and Steamboat Printino, Ac., Ac., Ac. To all those <r desire ork 1b our line, we wrukl say that it is our Intention to SUIT OUR CUSTOMERS Both in regard to Price* and Execution of Work. idera by mail or express will receive the same PROMPT ATTENTION as though delivered i**rsonally SPEAGUE, OWEN & NASH, JOURNAL omci AUGUSTA Avgusta, Oct. 16, I860 ■WTTANTED !—Agents. Ladles or Oentlemen, to \\ sell the “LIKE OF OEOKGE PEABODY* Canvassers will flint this the .mod saleable book ever published in this country. The price is Bulled to the times Now is your opportunity to make monev. JOHN HANRER80N,» Elm Street. Port land, "Me. t24Jan-2w43w4 MOSES W. FAKR, General Insurance Ag't, LIFE AND FIRE. Capital Represented ever 50 Millions. OFFICE, NO. 1 DARBY BLOCK, .frcrsr.i, njan:o-ti DELE SI R ON DS’ Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, s Augusta, Me. Shaving, Shampooing, IIair*Dressing, Cutting, Col oring, Ac., in the most approved style of the nrt. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La die#’and Children’# hair. All kind# of Ilair Work made to order in the late#t style. ijaii70*ly IIEXRY BAILEY, Photographer, 8 Doors south of Post Office, Augusta, Me. Melainotype Pictures ol h]) sizes made at oppo sition prices. Particular tention paid to copying. tljaji70-3m f 6 The Daily Kennebec Journal, Established Jan. 1, 1870. Notices by tlio Press. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal was issued from the Journal office on Satur day. il is about the size and style of arrangement a# the usual Daily Legislative Journal, and in ty pographical appearance will compare favorably, we think, with the other Maine dailies. It is de signed by the publishers to issue it daily through the year, but we fear they will find their enterprise whiih ought to be a paying one, considering the field it will occupy, to prove a losing one. It costs a deal of money to publish a paper these times, and a large, prompt paying subscription list and a good ly amount of advertising patronage at respectable rates, are necessary to make a paper self-sustain ing, and prevent it# being a source of cm harass ment to its proprietors. We tender this new can date for public patronage our wishes lor it# finan cial success —Maine Standard. The Daily Kennebec Journal made it# first appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat publi cation. and enterprising -Hangar Whig Daily Kennebec Journal.—Kith the com mencement of the New Year, we received the first number of this new paper, published at Augusta, by Nprague. Owen A Na<-h. It is a large, seven col umn paper, handsomely printed, and the reputa tion of its publishers is*a sufficient guaranty Unit it w ill be lire and spicy — York County Independent. The Daily Kknneuei Journal was issued Jan uary 1st. and is to be a permanent institution. It isa’w ell arranged, and handsomely printed sheet, and we have no doubt It will receive, as it deserves, a liberal support from the people of Augusta, llal# low ell and Gardiner — Hnllowetl Gazette. Daily Kennebec Joukal. We have received the first numbers of the new daily Journal now permanently established at the Mate’Capital, by the enterprising publisher# ol the weekly Journal. Messrs. Sprague, Owen & Nash. It# appearance is neat and Business like, and it# editors will doubt less makt it a progressive, live paper.—IWlfast Age. We congratulate our friends ol the KENNEBEC Journal upon the favorable auspices under which their new daily has been issueo. It appeared on the 1st of January, in handsome shape, it# columns w, 11 filled and showing evidence of sufficient ed itorial ability ami industry to ensure its entire suc cess. We trust the public will appreciate the ef forts of the publisher# to serve them, and liberally sustain the enterprise.—J/a»wf Farmer. Tm Daily Kennebec Journal made it# first appearance. New Year’s day It i* a well propor tioned sheet of twenty-eight ’columns, and is in ev ery way well calculated to supply a want which Augmta has felt for a longtime. W ith the patron age which it should receive from Hallowell. Gard iner, and the other neighboring towns, in addition to it-local *upjport. we see no reason why this en terprise should not be crowned with abundant suc ce-s —Dexter Gazette. The Daily Kenne bec Journal made it# ap pearance on Saturday. It ha# a smart alid new#y look, and will succeed —Ellsworth American. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal, him been received. Those w ho wish to re ceive the earliest and foiled information in regard to the doing# of the Legislature, should subscribe lor it —Fostjtort Sentinel. Dailt Kennebec Journal. We have received the first number of this paper, issued Jan. 1st. It is to be permanent, and being the will be a com pend of the doing# of the Legislature,1 valuable not only for the present but for preserva tion for future reli-rence. J: w ill furnish early and foil isport# of the State Conventions of all kinds; foil report# of the Legislature, Legislative Commit tee. Board of Education. Board of Agriculture, and all other matters of interest relating to the Mute Government, thus making itself Uscfol to a very w ide « ii, h i f reader# « xtending over all part# of the Mate. It w ill be a reliable and straight forw ard He public an paper, and the first number indicates that it w ill be conduct* <1 with ability, and with fidel ity to t^ie principles ol the party in whose inti rest it’i* e-tablislu d. It is of the size of the Daily Lew iston Journal.— The Sunrise. Rresgue Isle. Daily Kenne bec Journal. The advertisement of this now daily appear# in our columns to-day. It gives the legislative proceedings of each day very fully, contains telegraphic dispatches, the financial ana commercial transactions in New York and Bos ton, and is in every respect a first-class daily pa per Terms $7 per Year, or $2 for the legislative session.—Androscoggin Herald. Daiiy Kennebec Journal. The enterprising proprietor# or the Kennebec Journal, Issued the first number of their new daily Jan. 1st. It is hand somely execute d. ably conducted, and deserves at least fifteen hundred* subscriber* along the river. During the legislature it is especially valuable.— Somerset Reporter. 1 III' 111111111*111i r* ui 1111 wm mcnccn their daily paper with the New Year. It ie a good looking sheet, much superior to the form er session issues. No thrice w eekly w ill be pub lishcd —Prat-left in Pelf a ft Age N lwsiapers. With the New Year we are greet ed by the Daily Kennerec Journal, published by >’prngu*\ Owen & Nash. It is of* matter is well arranged, and its editorial condui t will how the same ability which has governed the weekly Journal.—Free press. Pock Ian a. The Daily Kennrec Jocknai. has reached us, ami is fully up to the standard of eur expectations. It- typographical appearance is neat, anil its gener al arrangement all that could be desired. We hoi>* it w ill be liberally patronized, and it w ill be if the people ot the State do their duty — Turmington Chronicle. The first number of the Daily Kennerec Jour nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, Jan. l't. It is a handsome sheet, got tin in a st}le that does credit to its enterprising publishers — p id ti fjord Democrat. With the new year, came the Daily Kennfrf.C Jot nna 1.. It is a very m at paper, and we should think it would he a favorite w ith the people of the K» nnebec — Gardiner lit me J< vrnal. Daily Kennerec Journal. We have received the first on in tier of the daily issued by the publish ers of tbcK* nnebec Journal. This is not tube foi the Legislature only, hut is to be a \ i rn anent daily publication. There is no reason w hy the large cit ies a*<l towns which cluster about the capital sm nld not afford support to at least one daily, even though the railroad trains do bring Boston papers in a lew hours from the press. The Journal is a handsome sheet, well till*<1 with news and miscel lany, and we trust w ill he a success.—Belfast ,7<«<r nal". The new Daily. We have received the first number of the Daily Kennkrh Journal. It is one of the best looking daii} papers whit h comes to our ofli'-e There is no reason w hy such a spright ly journal should not start at om e on the road to success. The price of subscription it* $7 per year. —i ala if Advei riser. Tin Daii y Kennerec Journai made Its bow to the public last Saturday, and is understood to be a permanent institution. It deserves a liberal sup port in the Kennebec valley, not only through the rrssii'ii of the Legislature, of whose'doings it w ill give full report daily, but permanently.— naterrille Mail. Newheaiyjrial. The Daily Kennerec Journal made its appearance on Naturduy morning last. It is printed in first-rate style, and manifests a great deal of enterprise in its management. \N e a re glad to notice that it has a good list of subscribers in this city, who receive their papers !Yom a carrier at eight o’clock. This Is a great convenience, and one that should be appreciated by our people.— Gardiner llep or ter. Auousta Daily Journal. This paper made its appearance lust Saturday, very neatly printed and lull of matter. Our only apprehension is that Au gusta brethren are giving too much rending lor the patronage of a place no large r than Augusta. Success to the enterprise.—Itrunsvick Telegraph. We have received the first two or three numbers of the Daily Kennerec Journal, published by Messrs. Sprague, Owen &. Nash. Augusta, which is hereafter to be a permanent daily paper, instead of being published only during the season ot the Legislature, as heretofore. It is a handsome sev en-column paper, well made up, giving much agri cultural and miscellaneous reading, as well as lo cal ami general new s. We have no doubt it will be ably conducted and wish it substantial success.— Rockland Gazette. The first number of the Daily Kennerec Jour nal made its »ipt>earrnee on Saturday. It is very neatly got up,— Oxford Democrat The first number of the Daily Kennerec Jour nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, tlielstinst. It is a handsome sheet, got up in a style that does credit to its enterprising publishers. — Ox for el Register. A ft ew Daily Newspaper. We receive the Daily Kennerec Journal, a goodly sized, well filled and smart appearing paper, published hy Messrs. Sprague, Owen &. Nash, at Augusta, the proprie tors of the 01*1 (Weekly) Kennebec Journal: terms, $7 a year in advance.* We hope it will be patron ized by our Republican friends, and we think it will l>c, being the first and only daily issued at the Cap! tal.—Mtichws I nion. The Daily Kennerec Jonrnal is a smart, and enterprising sheet, very neat in appearance. It well deserves a generous support.—jirewstovk IStnes. All those who wish full repous of the proceed ings of the Maine Legislature, should subscribe for the Daily Kennerec Jonrnal. It will he sent during the session, for $2. and contains the news, Ac., lies hies the matter connected with the Lcgnda lure.—Dexter Gazette.