Newspaper Page Text
Hocal anil £>tate Nctos. Augusta boys in California are "munching'1 strawberries. Why is Hallowell like Webster’s new Dic tionary? Because it is un(ajbridged. The advertised rcceipc for making two pounds of butter from one is nothing butter shrewd advertising dodge. The valuation commissioners have about closed up their arduous labors. They have reported in full to the legislature. At a meeting of the members of the Are de partment last evening, the present board of engineers was recommended to the city coun cil for re-election. Another snow storm yesterday with about two feet of snow, blocking railroads, side- ^ walks and streets, demonstrated how winter lores to linger in the lap of spring. Yesterday was St. Patrick’s day. There ■ was no particular demonstration among our Irish citizens, although undoubtedly the pat ron saint was held in kindly remembrance. j The afternoon train yesterday was about three hours late on account of the immense body of snow between Richmond and Bow doinham. Two horses were sold in Iloulion recently, to gentlemen from New Ytrk—one by D. W. Atherton for $1,000, and the other by A. C. Eaton for $9iH). The grocery store of Byron Mathews in Southport, was destroyed by fire the night of the 1st inat., with its entire contents. Loss $1,200; mostly covered by insurance. There is talk of building a new town house in Oldtown. The town is out of debt, hare money in tlieir pockets, and can well afford to erect a fine building. By the plan for rebuilding the railroad bridge, the bridge will be made straight, thus avoiding the angle that existed in the old bridge. The approach to the bridge on this side the river will be a little farther north than at present. The expenditures of the town of China for the past year were $33,125 01; amount of re sources exclusive of State Bonds, $39,293 31. In the hands of the Treasurer. $0,173 30. Liabilities of the town, including $12,703 33 of State Bonds, $34,955 50. We arc informed by Mr. P. O. Vickery, Chief Engineer of the Eire Department, that the total loss by fire in this city, the past year was $2,690.50; insurance on same, $090.50; losses over and above insuranee, $2,000.00. We believe this is the smallest loss by fire since Augusta was incorporated as a city. Cannot some effort be made to obtain the services of Dr. Lees, the great English tem perance lecturer, in Augusta, for one evening? We understand that he is to remain in Port land for a short time and will hold himself in readiness to respond to the invitation of par ties. The Gardiner Journal says that the plans for the new high school building are in tbe bands of the architect to be put into working shape, and as soon at completed, arrangements will be made to have the work proceeded with. Stone for tbe foundation lias been delivered on the ground, and other materials will be imme diately contracted tor, anil the building com menced as soon as the frost is out of the ground in the spring. The fiftieth anniversary of the admission of Maine into the Union was appropriately cele brated in Gardiner on Tuesday evening by a grand dress ball at Johnson's llall. It was pronounced decidedly the most brilliant and successful affair that has come off in Gardi diner for years. The ladies were dressed with excellent taste, bringing out a magnificent dis play of taatily arranged toilets. Several were privileged to be present from this city, and the enjoyment they received can only be meas ured by their enthusiastic description of the affair. Music was furnished by Chandler's Portland Band, and it is not necessary to say that it was excellent. Bosworth'a new clothing and turniahing store on Water, near Bridge street, has really metropolitan appearance. In all its appoint ments and arrangements it is a first class clothing store, having been arranged with the jtniost taste anel skill. Everything is "as neat a pin;” the store is roomy, airy and light; there is plenty of room for the display ol goods and the accommodation of the large number of customers who are instinctively drawn to wards Boswortli wherever he • ‘pitches his tent.” While he is now supplied with improved facil ties it is fair to presume that his list of customers will increase. As regards the in ti1 mal arangements of this establishment, we do not see how any improvement can well be made. Charlie Ayer is still “knight of the scissors," a position which he has held for many years, and has gained hosts of friends by his perfect fits. He is well assisted by Mr. McGinty. Every department of this large es tablishment is now in perfect running order^ and the proprietor is ready to meet all calls. Transfers sfReal Estate. Frank L. Hamlen of Augusta, to Kufus Y. Crockett of Augusta, lot of land on the East aide of Perhant street, in Augusta, March 5. Joseph Dudley of Augusta, to Eben F. Dudley of Augusta, land and building In Au gusta, on Belgrade road, March 12. Joseph Dudley of Augusta, to Lorinda S. Dudley of Augusta, land and house in Au gusta, on Belgrade road, March 12. Patrick Henry Cummings of Gardiner, to James Andrews of Gardiner, lot and buildings nntho west side of Autumn street, Gardiner, March 11. William H. Humphrey of Augusta, to Lar kin M. Leland, of Auguata, lot of land east side of the river, in Augusta, the first range of lota, containing 25 acres, March 16. Larkin M. Leland to Wm. Humphrey, lot in first raugc, cast side of the river, Augusta, March 15. William H. Humphrey to Belinda Wall of Augusta, lot in first range east side of the riv er, Augusta, March 15. Jotiah Brown of Augusta, to William 11. Humphrey, lot, cast side of the river in first range, March 15. James C. Kunnels of Gardiner, to John Baker of Farmingdalc, lot and buildings on south side of North street, March 12, 1870* 1 Mpreme Jarilclal Coart, March Ttna. (harle | Daiforth, J. PreaHIn*. Thursday, March 17. j State is William G. Kingsbury. Tin tcsti monj on both sides was closed at half-past 9 i and Mr. I’illsbury commenced hit argument for the defence. Ha finished at twenty min utes before three. Mr. Pillsbufy argued flit defence with his usual ability and adroitness confining himself principally to the labor oi j refuting, as he claimed, the testimony o: James Kitchen in the ease, and to make it ap : ]H-ar that his testimony was unreliable and | therefore should have no weight, and arguing that a conviction of the prisoner at the bat should not he had if there existed in the mindi | of the jury a doubt as to his guilt. Mr. Pills bury occupied three hours and a half in hit argument, lie was followed in the afternoon by Mr. Whitehousc, County Attorney, in the ! closing argument for government. Mr. White | house reviewed in a clear and able umnnei I the testimony, and argued with a good deal ol j force that the evidence of tho prisoner's guilt ! was both clear and convincing. The County Attorney held the close attention of the crowd ed eourt-rooin during the hour and a half oc , cupied in his argument. After the arguments j the Judge then excused the jury, with the assent of counsel, till morning, remarking that they must he too much fatigued aftci their long sitting in a crowded room to have the case committed to them this afternoon. Tho charge will be given them on the opening of the court in the morning. State i s Joseph Kilts, indicted for the lar ceny of two swarms of bee# and one hundred pounds of honey, at West Watcrvillo. Kemp ton for dft. Trial commenced. ' Appointments by the Governor. j The following nominations have been made by the Governor, in addition to those given | yesterday : Knox Cointv. | liuggle* S. Torrey, St. George, J. 1’. 4 y. Lincoln County. Peter Iiunton, Jefferson, Trial Jtt>. Edward Weeks, Aina, J. P. 4 y. Oxrouir C'ocnty. Thomas Moulton, Porter, J. P. 4 y. Plnobscot County, George 11. Haynes, Winn, J. P. 4 y. j X. M. Hartwell, Oldtown, “ i Gustavus B. Ero'st, Corinna, Trial Jus. Yobk County. Luther P. Call, Kitterv, Cumr. of Wrecks. Asa Gowen. Elliot. Trial Jus. Luther T. Mason. Biddeford, J. P. 4 y. The following lines were written by a tioarder at the Insane Hospital. They were suggested by the death of bis mother: In memory of Mrs. Sarah II. Wadsworth, who I died in Hiratu. Jan 13th, 1870, aged 70 y ears MOTHER. | Far hack in gathering shades of long ago, i Mihi. loving eyes were gazing into mine: A graceful form was constantly before me, With busy footsteps flitting to and fro; A mild, sweet face was oitetl trending over me, With love almost dit ine. My mother watched my waking hours and slumbers. And loved and cherished me ; And mother, now I pen in broken numbers, This tribute unto thee. ; Akin to that sweet influence from the skies, The heavenly dove, Is that blest boon that never, never dit A Mother’s love. Oh, mother, hast thou gone l1 It cannot, cannot be ; And yet I know Tliy mild blue eye is dim, Thy heart no more with sorrow’s pang shall swell, Thy form is resting 'ncath the drifted «nnw, Thy weary spirit's wafted hack to Him Who doeth all things w ell. Thy gentle soul has flown, Flown to the beauteous shore. With downy wing. And round the glorious throne, Forevermore The entrancing song with seraph voice shall sing. Return, oh days of joy. E’er sin had left its stain. l>ays witen my mother heard my prayer, And loved her hoy. Return, oh days of yore ! The wild winds heeding not my bitti r woe, Come pealing with a dirge like strain. Then, sad, wild music mournfully am! slow. Like voices in the air, You call, hut call in vain; A day once past returneth nevermore. I give thee up—still sing thy glorious si ng. Farewell, a sad farewell, my mother dear. Thy soul is with the joyous white robed throng. And I. alas, am here. Rev. W. W. Marsit ot Bangor, recently re ceived the handsome of $KiO at a donation party given him. Genuine cold cream, camphor, ice and glycerine lotions for chapped hands and lips, can be had at Partridge's Drug Store. St'KtNOv. This expression covers a multi tude of ill feelings of this season, which can | he ca-ily remedied by the use of some one of the many good spring hitters and tonics sold at Partridge’s Drug Store. Rich's Vegetable Cough Cordial i- com pounded according to the best principles of medical science. It contains no mineral poisons, and is a never failing cure. Specie Payment Rescued.—After April 1st, change will be made in specie at Frank Kinsman’s Drug Store. Don’t miss the opportunity to see those fine goods displayed at Frank Kinsman's Drug Store. Prices reasonable to suit the times. The great causes of so many young people being gray hauled is on account of their hav ing used the vile compounds which have flooded the market so long. Nature's Hair Restorative is a sure remedy for this. Char at crystal; perfectly sweet, clean and relia ble. All druggists sell it. 75 cents per bottle. | See advertisement. Dirt). i Jn Gardiner, 15th in*t., Cora Ella Spear, need 16 years; 10th inst . Willie 8<ott, son of Jnme? M. and Mary E. Howland, aired 7 year?. In Maohia?, 4th inst , Mr# Betsey Conners, aged 69 years 10 month*. fn Chelsea, Mas*.. 7th in*t. ettddgnly, Hannah | M-, wife of the Hcv. Wra. 8 Bartlett. Somerset & Kennebec Railroad Co. rpilE Stockholders of the Somerset & Kennebec J. Kailroad Company are hereby notified to meet at the Treasurer's Ottb-e, IN AUGUSTA, Ou Tuesday, the '19th day of March inst., at 11 o’clock A. M., to make such arrangements In : regard to building an Iron Bridge at Augusta, and forming a permanent eomieclion with the Portland A Kennebec Railroad Company by lease, consoli dation or otherwise, as shall be found expedient. Also to art on any otlter business that may come before them. A. T THOMPSON’, Senretary. Augusta, Mar. U, 1870. tl7iutir-4iuAJ wifi Wednesday, Thursday, Friday t Saturday, March 19th, 17th, 1 nth and 19th. L O C rTe N I A, The Royal Conjuror, IN his wonderful Illusions and astonishing trans formations, together with hie mammoth troupe of * Trained Canaries, .Tata Sparrows d* Paro quets, White Mice d* Russian Cat. 200 Klcsant and Useful Presents! (iiven away to the audience, upon his original and impartial plan, euch as W a tehee, Furniture, Tur keys, Chickens, limns, itarrela of Flour, Tous of Coal, Lamps, Crockery, Ac. Admission 35 cis. ; Reserved Scats. 50 c/s. «;RAXD MATL\EK, 8ATCKDAY. IfrTH, at 2l, o'clock, when children will be admitted for 15 cents every child receiving a present. SAM NlIARPLKY, Manager PHILO A CLARKK, Agent. ♦ 12mar-I w i____ SOMETHING NEW ! Peculiarly Adapted to the Climate ot fiew England. moil’s Vrgrtablc Cough Balsam ! i srnr i I Pronounced by leading- Physicians to be the Host General Remedy — FOR — Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, And all affection* of the Tliroat and Uiings, yet offered to the public. Try it. and be convinced. For bale l»y all Druggists. Price 5o eta. per bottle. T. A (.'HICK. General Aqtnt. Augusta, Me . Mar 13, 1870. {lTmar-tf Portland & Kennebec Railroad Co. \ MEETING of the Stockholder* 01 the Portland and Keunebec Railroad Company will be held at the Trettburei’* Office, IN AUGUSTA, On Tuesday afternoon, March 20th, at 3** o’clock, to act upon the question of consoli dating the capital stock of tuid road with the cap ital stock of the Somerset A K-nnebec Railroad Company, and to act upon any other business that may come before said meeting*. J S. cr.*?HI2CG, Secretary. Augtifttif Mar. 14.1870. ♦ li>mar-td' Paper Hangings! A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Stamped and Machine Quid, Satin, White Blank*, Buff and Brou n PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, Paper St Linen Curtains, Of the very latest style* and in great variety, just received, which we oiler at Low Prices for Cush Beale & Farnham, £03 Water Street. Augusta. Mar. 10, 1870. llmar-3w WILLIAM H. MOODBIRY, (Successor to E. D. Norcross,; — DEALER IN — Hot Air Furnaces, Stoves & Ranges, For Wood or Coal, Tin, Pressed, and Japanned WARES ! and KITCHEN GOODS generally. TIN ROOFING & JOBBING OK ALL KINDS Promptly utfendrd to. Sf special attention given to fitting up Hot Air Furnaces ! 1 A few Doors south of the Railroad. Bridge, Water Street, Augnuta. fl2iuar&w-ly Remnants! Remnants, JUST DECEIVED BY Barton & Russell, A X O III i: II LOT OK THOSE REMNANTS. OF BKOVViN COTTONS! Iii the following widths: 3-4, 4-4, 9-8, 9-4, 10-4. The above Good* are the production ol the well-known A ndi osco'j'jin Mills*, And will be t-old From ,'t to 12\ Ctx. per yd. CNDER PRICE. Barton & Russell. Augusta, Mar. 11, 1*70. tljmar if FOWLER, HAMLEN 4 SMITH, DEADER* IN KIRtlH & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AND MANVFACTURKRB OF Ladies’ & Misses’ Cloaks, OPERA CAPES, % ■_ " . -T» - Ao*i Ao*i Ao» 147 Water Street, AUGUSTA, :ME. I,. 11. FOWLER, FRED HAMLEN I tlSjan-lf U. E. SMITH. Hotel Notice. ffMIE Gardiner Hotel having been thor* L oughlv repaired, and entirely new fur* m»hed, will be opened Wednesday, Dec. 15th. (SUYER C. ROf.tlNS. Gardiner, I)ee. 13, lotiO. jBY TELEGRAPH — TO TUfc — * Daily Kennebec Journal. [By the Western Union Line—Offices Granite Bank Building and the Mate House 1 THE STORM. Rockland, Me., March 17. j A severe north-east snow storm commenced at an early hour last evening, and continued through the night and afternoon of to-day. The wind has blown a gale and much snow j fallen which is very badly drifted. Omaha, March J7. . The greatest snow storm has prevailed here J for the last three days, since the Union Pacific was built. 7 he line is open the whole length aipl trains are running regularly. Buffalo. March 17. 1 The Lake Shore A Great Western trains are on time. 1 lie Grand 'Trunk was G hours ! behind time. The Central ia blockaded by snow beyond Rochester, and there has been no trains on the line since ye«terdav. Celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day in New Haven, Conn, N'lw Haven. Conn.. March 17. The Irish residents ol the city celebrated I the anniversary of Irelands patron saint, by ! » procession this afternoon. It was very : long, all the Irish military and civil societies ; participating, The temperance societies ; turned out very strong, both in youths and adults, showing that u good work is being done here by them. In the evening. Rev. Mr. Murphy of Norwalk lectured at St Johns Church, and the sons of Brin partook of their annual dinner at the Revere House. Stabbing AffVay. Xr.w York, March 17. During an altercation in 2d Avenue this evening. Michael Martin stabbed Patrick W elch, inflicting, probably, a fatal wound. Important to tho Subscribers of the Avondale Relief Fund. Scranton, Pa., March 17. The managers of the Avondale Association have directed the Secretary to commence suites, after giving 10 days notice, against all delinquent subscribers ot the Avondale Relief Fund. Nevada Legislature. JiFFRsoN City, Xev., March 17. The House yesterday passed a bill pro viding for the state, guaranteeing ten years interest on the county and municipal bonds issued for the purpose of improvements, no county to incur a debt ot ten per cent, of its valuation. The Albany Si Susquehanna Rail road. Ai.iianv, March 17. Judge Johnson of Rochester, has given a decision restoring the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad to the possession of The Receiver, and leaving the Ramsay party in undisputed control of the property. Obituary. New York, March 17. \V. W. Connell, a well known iron mer chant, died this evening at Washington Heights. Foreign News by Cable. London, March 17. The false report of the arrival of the City of Uoston originated in the [Stock Hoard in this city. Universal indignation is expressed on account ot the cruel hoax. Paris, March 17. American newspapers were distributed to day tor the lirst time in twelve days. There is great dissatisfaction with the trans-oceanic mail facilities. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Xeiv York Money Market. New York, Mar. 17. Money mure active at 5flU per cent. 1 ureigu hx. linage Jirrn ut less, UnlJ Has mure active ami excited during the atteriiuun 111 cuuseuuem c ut' telegrams fiuiu Wash ington that the were improving fur 11 speedy passage ul the landing bill Alter the lurui al clusing ul the ruum the price weakened, declin ing to Ilf governments steady and closed at the following quotations: t luted States Sixes coupons' lsgl, 114\4117. “ " a-fiTs IS-.-f UO1, “ " in .4 lnsaiuu.b . lNA lotiq 31JIO, " •* “ 1n;5 Jan. A .1 ulv, log , .. In >7 ' lnuqgiute, “ “ “ lsoe loie, ,i |mi , “ “ 10-408, (coupons; los;, i loo New York Produce Market. New York, March 17. ( OTTON—sales 2000 bales; m d uplands 4:1. FLOl'H—sales 7,4uu bbls 1 -tate and w estern dull. state 4."a>4-'Au; ruimd huup Ohio 4gag be, western 450n|H3ii; southern 5g.'.jj,.<>5 HHEAT—No i spring 1104114; white state 150; winter red and amber we tern 1 f-'n 1'[7 lur hew . CORN—new mixed western sgntii DATs—state we-luu ilj 4g l'OUK—mess Jo uo; prime JiiueaSo. l.AKI)—Steam l;i»«<iltS; kettle 111,415',. Ill IILIC—Ohio 144*0; state fUjjtO. Chicago Produce Market Chicago. March 17. FLOUR—spring extra* 42'»aU*o. WHEAT—No 2 85*664; Ne 2 76*$76*. CORN—No 2 71*; uugi ailet-o. oAT>-dull at 3-5>f/jili;* for No. 2 KYE—firmer ami higher at 05* a'*> for No. 2. First Letter Foundry in New England. Commenced in 1817. Boston Type Foundry Always noted for its Hard and Tough Metal, And Its large varieties of BOOK AND JOB TYPE, And lately lor its unrivalled IV e w m pn |> o i* Fnoeii. Electrotyping Done In all its Brandies. Address orders to J. A. ST. JOHN, Agent, 65 Water ..Boston. SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experience and the ulrao.-t care are neces sary to ensure good metal, even w ith a knowledge of thereat combinations—therefore, the safest way is to buy of the oldest established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, ami dis plav) are of our owu cutting, and the best made, as a glance at the papers we HI out will prove. BOOK PACES. Our speeinl Specimen of Bool. Pna'Os shows great variety, adapted to all kinds of work, deluding our llevived Old Styles, the most perfect embodiments of Hie lettei s of the last century yet presented. 45tf Maine State Fair—1870. PROPOSALS from any city or town ties iron* ol Becuring the holding of the Show and Fair of the Maine State Agricultural Society, the ensuing fall, should be forw arded to the under* aigucd at an early day. Per order of the Tnirte^#. SAMVEL 1 BOA ROMAN. Sec’y Me. State Agl Society. Augusta, March 1,1*70._ 3wj0 BIIBY’SISLICKING & BLUEING, The best in the market, tor sale at wholesale or re tad by T1TCOM11 <JL ItOlUl, Whole-ale ami Retail Druggists, lfitf Best Knd Kennebrr Bridge. Notice of Foreclosure. WHEREAS Ira F. Seekins of ( linton, county of ? f Kennebec, and State of Maine, on the twentv second day of June. I taw, conveyed to John it. Hondalc of r-ui«i Clinton, by deed of mortgage re* I corded in the Kennebec Registry, Book 27.1. Page 342. a certain lot of land, with the building* there on. situated in said Clinton, on the road leading from Hunter'* Mill* to school house near Rufus C Dixon’*; it being an eight rod -trip lying north of the north line of land of Heorge H Hobbs, and east of said road, containing about live acres, reference being had to said mortgage deed for a more par* description ; and whereas the said John H. Goodale. on tne tenth day of April. A. I> l*ot*. as signed the said mortgage to me. Now tilt* condi tions of said mortgage having been broken, 1 claim to foreclose the same. CHARLES JAOriTII. Clinton, Mar. 15,1870. tlt>iaarat2w 18 StovesI Stoves !! PKERLENft. TROPIC, CITY OF BOIU KNTLR, CHILSOA, IKBKFEAOENCK. WHITE MOI.\TAI.\, GARNET UA.NGEi also WOOD & COAL FURNACES! SECOND HAND STOVES Bought and Sold. All KINDS~0F JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! A. P. GOULD, 1 Hoar Yoiih of Railroad Ilrlttgr, Water Street, Augusta. JanlS-fSwitf NEW AND POPILHB Juvenile Music Book, The Golden Robin. By W. O. Perkins, Author of the ‘Nightingale,’ Ac. Superior to all similar hooks of the kind. Con taining very attractive Exercises, and several hun <lred popular Songs. Sparkling music ! Alive with the spirit of the times, adapted to all occasions. Price 50 cents. Sent postage paid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON A CO., 277 Washington Street. B«»~ton C. H. DITSON A CO.v 711 Broadway, New York. SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, LINEN GOODS AND CORSETS, KID GLOVES, HOSIEEY, SILKS, VELVET RIBBONS, Fringes, AND ALL SORTS OK SMALL WARES. Clicap for C'iihUi A t \V a r n e r ’ s , Opposite the Post Office. my-W. 20 F. II. JACKSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, llallowell. Me. OFFICE OVER AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. IF-Nprclal Attention paid to Collecting. ffmtti __ "s I MON JOHN SON, Livery Stable Keeper, OPPOSITE THE HULOWELL HOUSE, Hallowell, - - MainS. For Haiti. rpiIE Farm lately belonging to Dr John Hubbard A of llallowell. The property offered consists of about thirtv acre?? of cultivated land, west of Higii street, in llallowell, and tin* barn «»u the *ame Apply to THOMAS H IIUBBARD. jy27-e». 31 tf For Sale ! THE BRICK BLOCK ON WATER STREET, I EMBRACING a finely finished and furnished j Tenement (recently occupied by L. L. Stiaw, K»u ,) and a More underneath The Iloute has an excellent cellar, kitchen, and dining room*. parlor*, chambers, and all the con venience* of a Thoroughly Built Modern House. The above will be told reasonably, with or with out the furniture, upon application to K I GOULD At the Drug etore of I)r. Hawes. Hallowell. Oct. li lfioU 44tf Woolens! Woolens! Woolens! Cloths for Pants, Cloths for Coats, Cloths for Suits, Cloths for Boys’ Wear, t Warner'h. Silks! Silks! Silks! 6KKAT BARGAINS IN BZjAOK SILKS : AT WARNER’S. AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. R. H.~EDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, Late Agent of the U. S. Patent office, Washington, under the Act ot 1837. .Vo. 78 State Street, {opposite Killy Street) BOSTOX. VFTEli au extensive practice of up\yard* of 20 years, contiuue* to >ecure Patent* in the Uni ted Mate.-; also in Great Britain, France and other foreign countries. (Mveuts, Specification*, Bond*, Assignments, and all papers or drawing* for Pa tent*. executed on reasonable term* with dispatch. Researches made into American aud Foreign works to determine the validity and utility of Patents of Inventions, and legal aud other advice rendered on all matters touching the same. Copies of the claims of any patent furnished by remitting oue dollar. Assignments recorded in \N a.-hiugtou. N«> Agency in the United States possesses superi or facilities for ohtuiniug Patent*', or ascertaining the patentability of invention*. I Hiring eight months the subscriber, in the course o! his large practice, made on twice rejected appli cations. fifteen appeal*: every one of which was de cided in hi* fai'vr by the Commissioner of Patent*. Toitimouiali. “I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the most capable and successful practitioners with whom I have had ofil ial intercourse. CHARLES MASON. Commissioner of Patents. “I have no hesitation m assuring inventors that they eaunot employ a man more competent and trustworthy, and more capable of putting their ap plications in a form to secure for them an early aud favorable consideration at the Pate>nit Ofnee KDMl NI> III KKh., Late Commissioner of Patent*.” “Mr R. II Ei>i»y ha* made for me THIRTEEN applications, in all but ONE oi which patent- have been granted, and that one is now pending. Such unmistakable proof of great talent and ability on bis part lead- me to recommend all inventor.- to apply to pirn to procure their patents, as they may be sure of having the most faithful attention be.-towed on their eases and at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAGiLAJIT.” Boston, Jan. 1,1870. Iy2 IBOSWOIE^TIEa: HAVING REMOVED TO : (2 r,®°r»« where will be found a VERY LARGE STOCK of SPRING WOOLLENS! Or tlie Latest Fashions, WHICH WILL BE CUT AND MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE Very Latest Stylo. ALSO, WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, -AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. R. T. BOS WORTH. Augusta, Mar. 7th, 1370. f7niar-tf Pure Drugs & Chemicals FOlt SALE At the Lowest Rates ! TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH, ENGLISH, & DOMESTIC SOAPS, CAMPHOR ICE, DcutlfriceM, English Cold Cream, Coudray's Cosmetique and Pomade, Bay Kura, German and Domestic Cologne, Hair Oils, Dreasings, Keatorera and Dyea, Perfumery, Sachet Bags, Toilet Powders, Moth and Freckle Lotions, Camel.a Balm, Luird’s Bloom of Youth, Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, Barnes’ Mag nolia Water. Shaving Cream and Soaps, Shaving Brushes, itazor Strops, Nail Fites and Cleaners, Tweezers, Hand Mirrors, Dressing Cases, I»TTFF HOX11H, IVORY, TORTOISE SHEER. ./• HORS Dressing and Pocket tombs, fixe combs, Nail, Tooth, Hair, Hat, and Clothes nnusiiEs : Thermometer*, Work Boxes, PORTE MONNAIES, | Pocket and Bill Books! Feather Dusters, PAINT & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SPONGES & CHAMOIS SKINS! Cigar Cases, Cigars and Tobacco, Humphrey's Homeopathic Sptcijirs, Wellcome s and Fitch's Remedies, and nil the popular l'atcnt Medicines, ‘Dure Drugs, ' Chemicals & Family Medicines, Fresh Pressed Xlerlos, NEATS’ FOOT, Lard, Sperm, Olive, and Kerosene OILS, cfce.. c£jc. WCnll and examine, and yon will llnd PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. , J'hyticUtn’s Pre*crii>tioni carefully compoundedi from pur*.* Medicmct. ut «tll huurb of Uie day und i niyht. A. C. DANA, OlllCUiar HD il’OlllldAHT, Successor lo J 1* I)EfcKING, No. 7 t’ni*>n Block, Water Streot, Augusta, Me. 1)47 C*real Bargains at 'sg WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. a LARGE assortment ok new and sec- | OM> HAND I^nr niture, Which will he sold at very low rates lor cash. We al-o kcvp the beet slock ol Walnut l as kits anti Coffins, And COMMON COFFIN? ol 11 kind?, and the bust trimming* w ith I'l.ile** engraved to order, and have lately added an UMiottmciil ol HOBBS or ALL KINDS, All of whi h will be sold a* low as at any establish* incut in the, Shite. C. K. & H. U. WELLS. I ritf_t For Sale! Billiard Tables at Bcdueed Prices, NEW and second hai. .; carom or lour pockt ts, all sizer*, with the I te.-t combination string eiuhions, better th.ui nil the p it. id humbug-tan* dan! llct e» or whalebone eu.-liious. Catgut cu.-h* ion? ex lu ted. l*h a-» .-nil before purchasing else where. li. HEI'l*'. loo Sudbury *treet. Boston, Mas-. ocfiiMim ’ For Sale. i A I.urge T wo Story 1louse, EH and Oulliulldlnge, With 11 acre* of Euiid, llu.'h located ou i Bangor Street, Augusta. MrTlils is a nice residence to be sold ou Very Easy Teams. I j Apply to Mrs. B. F Rum;*, on the premises. | t21ieb-tf Kennebec Savings Bank. V MEETING of the Corporators of die Kennebec Savings Bank, will be held at the room# ot tho i Freeman's National Bant of Augusta, On SATIRDAT. the l»lb 8»y of Marrk lBst" at 2 O'clock P. M., for the purpose of accepting the chat ter and organizing said Rank by the choice ol : the necessary utBaer*. E ^TOX Onr or the Corporator*, and also authorized hv the Act to call Hrd inerting. Augusta, Mac. 10 ISid._ llluialld Almanacs for 1870. j JI/aT RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OK THE Maine Farmer’ll Almanacs, Hv Daniel Robinson, for 1870, for sale low by gros* dozen, or single at the sign of the My Latycr. 13T» Water Street. CLAPP A NORTH. Augusta, Nov. 18,1889. 48tf J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM) Sl'RGKON. Al lil NTA. ME. Residence ou Giocn auect, op|o.-iM the Metho dist Church. 20lf * (oiler k Giirdiuer, 143 Water Street, SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. E. COLLER, WHOLESALE DKAl.EC* IS Saddlery Hardware ! Harness Leather, S A D D L , WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRYCOMBS! HORSE BLANKETS, Ual>e ou c.nmaue, Halters, Surcingles, Bells, * Travelling and Nliopping Dagw ! LAP ROBES, Dog Collars, Grass & Wool Mats, &c., &c., &c. Tlu*y are now putting iu and keep constantly on hand the largest and best selected stock ot all good?- in the above line iu the e tv, and are resolved to make it for the interest of the people to buy of them. Coder & Gardiner, 143 WATER STREET, Manufacturers of Har nesses : HUG GY, COACH ASD TEAM, Of all clashes and prices. Gold and Silver Plate, English Covered, Japan and common white mount* mgs, which they j-n poM* to >eli a> low as the low* e.-t and wnmuit their work to give perfect satis faction. They also manufacture for their wholesale and retail trade, TRUNKS, VALISES, CAE PET BAGS, SIIA AVI. ST KAI5S, All style! aud sizes, neat and fictlt from Ihei lac to O' at 143 Water Street, and made to stand travel—lettered with initials and del venal iu any past ot the city without extra ch~igo. Harncetes and Trunks repaired neatly, promptly aud at email charges. 143 HATER STREET, Opposite Cony House, JkTJGUSTA, TWIA1NE. tiWJan-tf LAST SENSATION!^ Great Closing Sale Ladies’ Furs aud Robes, Wlieelcr’s, — Gardiner. I NOW offer mv entire etock of LA DIES’ Fl’IS and KOBE - at ica> than curl to manufacture, parties who wish to buy within the next two yem and who wish to save money should uot tad to improve tli.a GREAT (h(»SI\G SALE for I am going to SELL regardless of cost. Remember the Place: Oppouito the Post Office, GARDINER. ME. M. L. WHEELER, jan702iud«!tw Successor to Hathaway &'Wheeler BALLARD & CHASE, WtlULkbALfc AM> KtTAIL UtiLtUS Uf Tl.\, BB1TA3.1M, l'KLKM.n ft nil im3t.VGP lVABBB, u:0.\ WARE, GLASS HARE, Table and Pocket lutlery, SmHront, Rrushet, Promt, and a ilenrral A,tort mud af Kit'hen Eurriddny Uaodt. OHOOEniB’ OA.MS, Stove and Furnace Pipe, CI'TTKKS. CONI>VCTORS, he., made «o ocdftr, an ! at llio lov\ u't rale.. doil Work promptly attended to O l \ 1<>\ BLOCK, Hate, *<•, irtl'IIL Jluy iu, liW.