Newspaper Page Text
A Wonderful Discovery! NATURE’S YEAES OP STUDY AND EXPERIMENT. It Contains Ho LAC SULPHUIl—Ho SUSAB of LEAS—Ho LITHARGE—Ho HI7RA7E of SILVER, and is entirely free frcm the Poisonous and Health-destroying Progs need in other Hair Preparations. It is sitre to supersede and drive out of the community atl the POISONOUS I‘RE PAR AT IONS note in use. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric. No oil, no sediment, no dirt — per fectly SAFE, CLEAN, and EFFICIENT— desideratums LOXG SOUGHT FOR, and FOUND AT LASTS It colors and prevents the Hair from be coming Gray, imparls a sop, glossy appear ance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refresh ing to the head, checks the Hair from falling Off, and restores it to a great extent when pre maturely tost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnat ural heat. ONLY 7J CENTS PER BOTTLE. It is secured in the Patent Office of the United States by DIt. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Junction, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To whom all orders should be addressed• Sold by all first-class Druggists and Eancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine is put up in a panel bottle made expressly for it, with the name of the article bloum in the glass. , Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take No Other. The Restorative is for sale at Wholesale in Port lam! by W. F Phillips A Co., ami at retail by ail the DriiKiri.-tH in Maine. Ini»20-3n»tA\v WILLIAM II. WOODBl'RY, (Successor to E. D. Norcroas,) — DEALER IV — Hot Air Furnaces, Stoves & Ranges, For Wood or C'oail* Tin, Pressed, and Japanned WAHBS ! and KITCHEN GOODS gene rally. TIN ROOFING & JOBBING OF AI.L KINDS Promptly attended to. t*r Special attention given to fitting up Hot Air Furnaces ! A few Doors south of the Iiailrood Bridge, Water Street. Augusta. tlSmar&w-ly CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner and Wintrirop State Sts., -Aumista, Ale. T. B. P ALLARD, : : Proprietor. Guests rarfen to find from the Car9 and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tljati VN (.iti pAa. CONY HOUSE, mSS'I UMrj. II STRKKT, AUGUSTA, MAINK. PTMIf*? rtfftr Hotel affords acponimo'dationa that no L other one doe* in the city to the travelling com munity, being locate iu live CENTRE OF BUSINESS, and wry near the Depot. The travelling public may he a*Mired that no pain* will he spared to meet all their want*, and with the a-distance of Mit. TritxEr, late ot the Atigu-via Hou*e, we, hope to merit a thare of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! (i. A. <fc II. CONI', Proprietors. tHJati£w4-tf Pure Medicines and Ctemicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE Tillin' AMI FANCY ARTIffrS! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ (Joods, Pur* Sperm, Lari, Keruseif an 1 Nealifoot Oils. C Irarlcs K. Partridge, DBl'GfilST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE I!AI L.) Has on hand a Laj^go Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AND SKI.I.S AT The IjOwcnI .Harkrt Kate*! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. Ptrtriarr'i Rraj Store tfairr Str«i. tornor Iirlft Sijinrr ♦ ljan70ly To Tliost* wlio Desire Trees, Shrubs i Flowering Plants! O It D Kite sent to or left with me for any FHI'IT Or OKN'.AMKNTAL Tuf.F.K. MUM Htt VlNKH. OK Flowering Flams, grown by Watson iu tlm Old Colony Nurseries! (which embrace everything that can be desired in a ► northern climate,, will b« an-w en d by a supply in uiy i»ob*eb>ioii during the months of April und M i\ proximo They w ill be delivered m Augusta at Lhe price* of the Plymouth Niiri*ery, w ithout coal of transportation hither. Catalogue* furni-hed jrrati* when reque* u-d There are many rare thing* in that excellent Nuraerv. WILLIAM A. DREW. Augusta, Mar. b. lo'TO. ♦HmarA \2m Glass Ware at Low Prices! SETs OF GI-A^s WAKE, (4 piece*) of new and . rich pattern*, for Seventy-five Ceuta per net. Call and examine them at BALLARD A CHASE'S, 0 L'liUtn HUh'k, !Vutrr St., tlDmar-tf Al’GCKTA $25.00 REWARD! TITHE abort* Reward w .11 be paid to any person J aii > will hm v<- w ith tiu* proprietor o! the Au gusta iloiiM- m (•ent,« Uliig, unit t/aruel, U'iih four diautoooi*. lo#t about Ilia Augu-tu liottae on the evening of March 17th. No question* will be a«god of the Dai ly who w»ii reaUn c ***id ring Augusta Director*. C'hufrhe*. ORTHODOX C.OXOHF.OATIONAI. - State «t., honrren Bruicennd Oak J.¥ -.J‘"*“*"} pa,tor: reaiili nrc -outlicaO c"riier Bridge «nd Elm»tiwt M«»ri*inil ,«rvio«.IO..ip A. M. Atui noon errvi.-e i Ml P. II E»«*iiik . I M. | r|/Hp It M-TI-T.—I ornrr wintlirop an<l 1 orharti Vo I Kirk r pa.tor: rr-i.U-nr, ( .. ' Moroin^ervim- K-iki A M. Artrrn..,,., 2.30 IV ; FKFFKi.Tpn/.ST’-Mato flw,. north of Itri.lK , y ivnncv, pastor; resident >ummei street, i .Morning service 10.30 A. M Wteruoon 2 30 1 V. Evening 7 1’ M. . . , r METHODIST EI’iM OPAI — Om n street, east or State. < A King, pastor; reMtlenee at the par sonage. next door to 11k* ehureh. Morning ser vi"e 10.:H) A M. Afternoon 2.30 I’. M. Evening 7 IV M. I»K ►TF>T.\NT EPISCOPAL.—state ut . between (Hk anti Winthrop. Rev. Mr. I pjohn, rector Morning service 10.3U A. M. Evening aervice • P. M. UNIVEKs \LIST.—C« r. Winthrop and Summer *t*. C R. Moor, pa-tor; resident** Winthrop street, below Orchard Morning at i vice in.30 A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P M I NIT A RIAN-torner Oak and State sts- Rev Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 1030 V .M Sabbath School service 2 1ft P M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC —state »t . north of Bridge Lev. .Mr. O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational. First Baptist Free W ill Baptist anti Methodist Chnrehe- hold social con ference meetings in tnoir vestries every Wednesday evening, at halt-past seven o'clock. Y. M. C’. A. Rooms in P.nbv Block. Water Street Regular1 praver meetings ,-Ner> Momlay evening Beliglou* j exerci-es every >urday afternoon at 4 o clock. | j Room* open to all. .Masonic BETHLEHEM LODGE, No 3ft F and A M Stated meetings flr.-t Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. . Crowell. Master. J. W . Clapp, Secretary. ANGCSTA LODGE. No. 141. F. A A M. Stated meetings first Tuesday of each month Special meetings rverv Tuesday evening. W H. Wood- j bury. Muster. ’ F. F Blackman. Secretary. TRINITY COMM VAPERY, No. 7. Knight* Tem plar. Stated meetings second Friday of each month. David Cargill, Eminent Commander. J. JERrSA'liF.M KiVvAI. ARCH CHAPTER—Moot, at Hallowell. stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of eat h month. B. h Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COCNCIL -Meet* at Hallowell Quar terly Con vocations. January, April. July. Pc- j toher; WVdnc-da> succeetlmg full moon. I>. ; Cargill, Thrice lllu-trioua Master. Temperance. SABATTTS LODtiK No. 78 of (I’uon*. t Meets every Tue- I ay evening at Darby Hall FK \NKLIN "DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meet* at Darby Hall every Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. ACGCST A POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and W ater streets. Oi Kit 1. llol km -.— From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. James A. BicknelL Postmaster. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. 4 rrival ami Departure »f Mail* .—Western. leaves II ini A M.: eloses D»:«» A M ; arrives 3.30 P. M. Eastern and N«»t'them, leaves 3.4ft P. M .; closes 3.30 IV M ; arrives 10.4ft A M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M : closes 3.30 P. M ; arrives 10JP» A M. Rockland and Wav, leaves 8.30 A M.; closes 8.1ft A M.; arrives ft 00 I*. M. Winthrop. leave* 8 00 A M ; closes 7.4ft A. M ; arrives 6.00 P. M. 1 Farmington and W’ay. leaves 7.30 A. .M ; closet 7.4ft A. M.; arrives 2 00 IV M. / Freeport and Lit* hfleM. leaves 6.0(i A. M ; eloses *.00 P. M : arrive- lo.IO A. M. Leave- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day ami Saturday. Every morning a train leaves Augusta at ft 30 A." M.; awrive* at Augusta, daily, al 8 00 j P. M. f $)alloU)rll Dirrrtorp. HALLOWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN .M AIL arrive* daily. Sundays excepted, at 3 27 ' and 7 52 P.M. tl'ises at 10.45 A. M. and 8 P. 51. EASTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A. M. t'I'He* at 3 15 P. M. LITCHFIE! "> MAIL arrives Tuesday*. Thursday* and Saturdays. at 10 o'clock A. M. ( lours Sundays, Tues lays mid Thursday*, at S P. >1 OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. M., to 3 I*. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 1*. 51. X f B->x Rents and Postage on paper*, periodicals, Ac , payable quarterly in advance. E. ROWELL, P. 51. Hallowell, May 3, 1*G9. CHURCHES. South Parish C’ongreg»ti< n il Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, pposite Temple. Rev. Chas. O. M< Cri i.r. Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service. 2 15. f irst Baptist l hurch, comer of Union and Franklin . utrea*. Ref. A. K. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle , St., between Winthrop and Lincoln. Moroiug service, 10 SO ; Afternoon service. 2 15. Methodist Epi-copal ('hurch. Middi-- Street,between Un i- iJind Central. Rev. Caleb Ft ller, Pastor; residence a* the Parson ,ye. opposite the Church. Mernlng service, 10 *0 *, Afternoon service, 2.15. First Universalist Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal ( hurch. Central Street. Rev. , Leonard lv. Stork.!, Rector; residence comer of Second and Line>in gtreetu. 51ornlng service, 10.30; aft*-rnoo® service, 2 30. Fret* Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second j and Middle. Y. M. C. A. Regular try-tings of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of Hallow il, art; held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7* o’clock, j A cordial invitation i* extended t > all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend th«*«e meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by m«-mbers of the Associ ation. are held '-very Sunday evening— In Bums'ScluMiihouse, Parmiuirdale, «t 7 o’clock In SiNioolhoust' at French’s Uomer. Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In I. >u ion Hill Schoolhous**. at 7 • ’clock, lu the Wilder Schoolhouse, Munch* ster, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield N*ck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN KoWLKS, President. H. S. OWEN, Secretary MASONIC. K'-ntir^-r Lodge, No 5. K. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednesday, on "r preceding the full moon. JAM Kg ATKINS, Jk., W. M. J. E NYE, S*c'y. Jerusalem K. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations,Thurs day on or liefore the full of the moon. it F WARNER, II. I*. F J. DAY, Sec’y Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. F. J. D AY, RecV Trinity Cnnnnaudery. Meetings at Augusta on the Second Friday of each mouth. D. CARGILL. E. C. J W. CLAPP, Rec’r. TEMPERANCE. T'ni- n Temple of Honor and Temperance. No. 3. Reg ular meetings, everv Tuesday evening. J. W. FI LLER, W. C. T BEN TENNEY, W R. I Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evenings of each month, j J. J. JONES. C. of C. C. C. Ill’NT, It. of C. I Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, 1. 0. of 0. T. Regular meet ings everv Saturday evening. I*. 8. BOYD, W. C. T F. A. A. HEATH, R. 8. MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, H U Lb •m b z mm mm - b < * o sr > a ft * x -i > IS ► m 3 W Hi* Stock embraces a fine line of American and Swiss Watches, In gold find silver cn«p. including the celebrated National <n- Elgin Watch, Waltham. Tmiiont, Bor imin, li.mnett, Pardmux, Jacot, 4c., in both La die,,1 and gentlemen’* size*. 35*1*1© Gold «T owolry, Solid Gold I.ooniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING At LOIN SILVER GOODS, fine plated ware, SPECTACLES AND EYE BLASSES, of the must approved kind*. j r locks or ALL KIXDS, ! including the celebrated ITIIACA CALENDAR all of which will be mid at the lowest Price*, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds of F irn Watche*. Chronometer Balance* applied and adjusted to temperature and position. tljan70-if j WANTED! 1V\RMFRSand Hunters having prime Mink Skin* i on hand will fln l a c«*h cm,turner at highest market price by sending them to j. ii. a t:©.. No. 10 State St., : : Boston, Mass. HU.n49.-e The Dally Kennehee Journal, Established Jan. 1, 1870. Notice* by tlie Press. The first number of the Daily Kennfiiec Joi n , Nvi.was issued from the Journal office on Satur day it is about the size and style of arrangement as the usual Daily Lcgislative'dournal. and in ty ; pographical appearance will compare favorably, wc think, with the other Maine dailies. It i- de 1 signed Ly the publishers to issue it daily through the year,*but wc fear they will find theirent« rpri-e which ought to be a paving one. considering the field :t will occupy, to prove a losing one l! costs a <leal of money to publish a paper these times, and a Surge, prompt pav ing subscription list and a good ly amount of advertising patronage at rc-pedablc rates, are necessary to make a paper sell-sustain ing, and prevent its being a source of « mbara : incut to its proprietors. »Vc tender this n* vv can date for public patronage our wishes lor it* finan cial success.— Maine Standard. Tiik Dailv Kennehe* JnlRNAi. made its first appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat publi cation. and enterprising — Hangar Whig. Dailv Ki.nnli i < Jot knal —'Vi(h the com mencement of the New Year. wo received the first number of this new paper, published at Amru-tu. by spragm Owen & Na-h. It is a large, seven ''ol tinin paper, handsomely printed, and tin* reputa tion of it- publisher* i-a sufficient guaranty that it will be live and spiev — Yark 1'aunty Independent Tin Dailv Ki:nneiie< Jot i:nai. was issued Jan uary l-f. and is to be a permanent institution. It is a Well arranged, and handsomely printed sheet, and we have no doubt it will receive, as it deserves, a liberal (support from the people of Augu-ta. llal lovvell and < .ardiner.— ffallvtreu Gazette. IIAII.I Kknnkiikc JnlitAi.. "• have received the first numbers of the new daily Journal now permanently e-tablished at the state < atutal by the enterprising publishers of the weekly Journal. Messrs. Sprague. Ow eu .V Nash. It.-appearance is neat and business liket and its editors vv ill doubt less make it a progressive, live paper —/le/rud Age We congratulate our friends oi the hi.NM i.ic Jot'Itn A1. upon the favorable au-pice- under w Inch their new daily has been issue*i. It appeared on the 1-t of Januarv, in handsome shape, it*- columns w ell filled and showing evidence of sufficient ed itorial abilifv and indu-try to ensure its entire suc cess. We trust the public will appreciate the ef forts of the publishers to -erve them, and liberally Sustain the enterprise — Maine Farmer The Daily Kenvelec .Torus vi made its first appearance New Year’s day. If i- a well propor tioned sheet of twenty -eight columns, and is in » v erv way well calculated to supple a vv ant w liieli Augusta has felt for a longtime. With the patron age w hich it should receive from Hallow ell. <«ard incr. and the other neighboring tow n-, in addition to its local support, we set* no reason vvli\ this en terprise should not be crowned with abundant .-in - cess.— I*e.cter Gazette. Tin Daily Kenneiixc Joirnal made its ap pearance on Saturday. It has a smart and newsy look, and will succeed — Ellsworth American. The first number of the D vn.v I\i \m:iih'Jot it : Nal, has been received. Those who w».-h to re-j ct ive the earliest and fullest information in regard to tlie doings of the Legislature, should ubscribe j lor it — F.a*tport Sentinel. Daii.y Kknneup' •!« *uinai . >x e have received the first mini her of this paper, issued Jan. 1st. It is to he permanent, ami being the Mate paper. :t will be a compend of the doings of the Leg-latun , valuable not only for the present, but for preserva tion for future reference. It will furnish curly and full reports of the State Conventions of all kind-; full rt polls of the Legislature. L -g -lative «"intuit tee. Board of Education. Board of Agriculture, and all other matters of interest r< i t i.g to the Mate i Covcriimcnt. thus making it-cll ii-cful to a v« iy wide circle of readers extending over all part-oj the State. It will be a reliable and .-traight-forward Republican paper, and the tlr-t number indiente that it will lw conducted yy ith ability, and itji fidel ity to the principles of the party in who*e iliterc-t it’is e-tabli-hed. It is <d the -i/V • i the Daily Lew , iston Journal.— The Sunrise, /’rescue Isle Daii.y Kfvnfiikc Joi k.nai. The advertisement , of this new daily appears in our column- to-day. It gives the legislative proceeding- of each day \ ci y fillip, contain- telegraphic dispatcher. the financial and commercial truiisaetions in New Y<uk and Bos ton, ami is in every respect a tirst-ela.-s daily pa per Terms $7 per year, or lor the legislative -essjou —Andro»coggiu Herald. Daii y Kesnkhkc Jol'KSAl. The enterprising proprietors of the Kennebec Journal, issued the fir*t number of their new daily Jan. 1-t It i- hand somely executed, ably conducted, and dg-erves at least fifteen hundred subscribers along tin* nvt r During the legislature it is especially valuable — Som erset Reporter. Tilt* publishers ol the KENNEBEC Journalcom menceil their daily paper with tlie* New Year It is a good looking sheet, much superior to the form er session issues. No thrice weekly will be pub* lished.—Brackett in Belfast Ape. Nkwm ai i rs. With the New Year w e are greet ed by tin* Daily Kennebec .Journal, published by Sprague. Owen A Nash It is of good size, its matter i» well arranged, and its editorial conduct will show the same ability which has governed the weekly Journal —Free /'res*. Rocklanu. The Daily Kknvrec Journal ha* reached us. and is fully up to tile standard of *ur expectations it- typographical appearance is neat, and it* gener al arrangement all that could be desired. We hone it will be liberally patronized, and it will be il the people of the State do their duty.—Farmington Chronicle. The first number of the Daily Kennerfc Jour nal promptly made its appearance on Satuidav. . Jan. l.-t. It is a handsome sheet, got up in a style that does credit to its enterprising publishers — B i> I deft ‘rtf I 'em oc rat. With tin* new year, came the Daily Kennebec Journal. It is a very neat paper, and we should think it would be a favorite with the people of the Kennebec —Oardiner Home Journal. Daily Kknnereo Journal. We have received the first number of the daily issued by the publish er» of the Kennebec Journal. This is not to be foi the Legislature only, blit is to be a permanent daily publication. There is no reason why the large' it les and towns which cluster id out the capital I Kiiotild not afford -upport to at least one daily, even though the railroad trains do bring boston papers in a few hours from the pre*- The Journal i- a I handsome sheet, well rilled w ith news and miscel lany. aud we trust will be a succeas.— Belfast J> ur• Hill. The new Daily. We have received the first number of the Daily Klnnereu Journal. It is one of the best looking daily paper* which comet to our office. There is no reason w by such a spright ly journal should not start at once on the road to success. The price of subscription is $7 per year. — Calais Advertiser The Daily Kennebec Journal made it* bow to the public last Saturday, ami is understood to be a permanent institution’ It deserves a liberal sup port in the Kennebec valley, not only through the *e-.-n n of the Legislature, of whose doings it will 1 give full report daily . but permauentlv.— U'atcrville Matl. Newm'aeorial. The Daily Kennebec Journal made it - appearance on Saturday morning last. It is printed in Urst-rate style, and manifests a great ileal of enterprise in its management We are glad to notice that it ha* a good list of subscriber* in this cjtv, who receive their papers from a carrier at eight o'clock. This is a great convene nee, and one that should be appreciated by our people.— Oardiner Reporter. Arui sta Daily Joihnai . This paper made its appearance la>t Saturday, very neatly printed and i tidl of matter. Our onlj apprehension i» that Au gusta hrethreu are giving too much reading for the patronage ot .1 plaet no larger than Augusta. Suecesg to the enterprise.--Brunswick Telegraph. We have received the first two or three numbers of the Daily Kennebec dot bn al. published by Mes.-rs. Sprague. Owen A Nash, Augusta, which is hereafter t<> be a permanent daily paper, instead of being published only during the .-cason of the j Legislature, as heretofore It is a handsome sev- 1 en-' olunm paper, well made up. giving nun h agri ! cultural and miscellaneous reading. a> wellaslo i cal and general news. M e have no doubt :t will be [ ably conducted and w ish it substantial puc«-ess — ! Itockland Gazette. The first number of the Daily Kennebec* Jock n a l made its appearrncc on Saturday. It is very ' neatly got up.—Oxford Democrat. The m>t number of the Daily Kennebec Jock nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, i theDLinst . It is a handsome sluct, got up in*a j style that does credit to its enterprising publishers. — Oxford HegUter. A S i w Daily Newspaper. We receive the Daily Kennebec Jocrnal, a g«»udi> sized. weii riiied and smart appearing paper, published by Messrs. Sprague, Owen A Nash, at Augii.-ta, the proprie tors of the Old (Weekly) Kenuebec Journal: terms. #7 a year in advance. We hope it will be patron ized by our Republican friends, and we think it will be, being the first and only daily issued at the Cap! tub—Mcuhitut Cnion. Portland & Kennebec Railroad! i Winter Arrangement, Dee. 3, 1809. Passenger trains leave Augusta for Portland ami Boston daily at 5.45 and 11 A. M. Boston for Augusta at 7.30 A. M., and 1*’ M.: Alt ; gusta for Watervdle at 3.10 I*. M Augusta for Gardiner (accommodation train'), at 7.30. and 11.30 A M.. i 15, and 5 30 I* M. Trains are due at Augusta from Bangor at 10.55 i A. M.; from Boston at 3.30 and 8 00 P. M ; from ! Gardiner at 7 aud 8.43 A. M , 1 30 ami 5.00 P M. Passenger* for Bangor from Boston holding Maine 1 Central through tickets, and wishing to mine via Augusta, can do so; and from Btngor to Boston, purchase a Maine Central local ticket to Kendall’* Mills, and alter taking the cars on this line the con ductor will fUrnlsh a ticket to Boston, making the fare through the same a** via the Maine Central road. L. L. LINCOLN, Superintendent. Augusta, April 2ti, 1800. dell Ninovas’ Fashionable Hair Dressing Dooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, : Augusta, Me. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing. Cutting, Col oring, Ac., in the most approved style of the art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La dies’and Children's nail* All kinds of Hair Work mute to order in the latest -tyie. |$an70-ly A Large ami Wtll-aolected Assortment of Wallets, Bill & Pocket Books, In Morocco ami Culf, lor sale low Ijy )"«' TITCOJJB * DORR, j JOURNAL JOB PRINTING Establishment! OUR FRIENDS are reminded that having the Largebt Sleain Jot Mil MtMieil, On the Hirer, and employing COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED WORKMEN: We are at all times prepared to execute in the best manner and at low prices, all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY Book <fc Job Printing -SUCH AS - Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Mammoth Posters, Handbills, Show Cards, C ircidars, Business and Wedding Cards, Letter Headings. BUI Heads, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Auction Hills. Invoices, Hills of l ading. Receipts, Law HlanUs, PLACARDS, SCHEDULES, INVITATIONS, RAILROAD and Steamboat Print inu, Ac., Ac., Ac. To all those w desire ork io our line, we w* uld say that it is our Intention to SUIT OUR CUSTOMERS Both in regard to Prices and Execution of Work. tders by mail or express will receive the same JPTt03Iirr ATTENTION as though delivered personally. SPBAGTJE, OWEN & NASH, JOURNAL OFFICE AUGUSTA, Acgerra» Oct. 16, I860 LAST SENSATION! Great Closing Sale -ok Ladies' Furs and Robes, -at Whoolcr’s , ■■ GrAi’cliiior. I NOW offer my entire Stork of LADIE.s’ Fl'lW ami ROUES at lens than eot»t to niaiiufaeture. Parties who wish to buy within the next two years, ami who wish to save money ahouUl uot fail to improve thin GREAT CEOSIAG SALE for I am going to SELL regardless of coat. Remember the Place: Opposite the Post Office, GARDINER, ME. M. L. WHEELER, J an702 mdftvr Siirco^c.r to Hathaway & Wheeler Stoves ! Stoves !! PEERLESS. TROPIC. CITY OF lYORI ESTEn, <1111.SOY. IYI» KP K .Y D K X C K, YVIIITK MOl'XTAIN, (, \ 1I.Y1T U.i.X,K| aUo WOOD & COAL FURNACES! SECOND HAND STOVES Bought and Sold. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! A. P. GOULD, 1 Do«r Yorth of Railroad Rrldgr, Water Street, Augusta. lauitt-tAwW a OLD! oOLD! GOLD! A.x>A.3vrsoixr'(S p, 0 T A NIC COUGII B A US A M ! IS MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! IT CURES THE WORST COUGH ox- COLD IN A SHORT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - * * 35 Cents. No Cure ! No Pay ! FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can bo Cured for .‘t 5 Cents ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! PRICES REDUCED! DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Articles, AT JOHNSONS FAMILY DRUGSTORE, Opp. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, Me., Where e*n be found one of the Urged and best selected stocks on the Keonebee river, and Prices that defy compe tition. PATENT MEDICINES Of alU kinds and in large quantities, sold to suit purchasers, at Johnson Brothers. CATARRH REMEDIES. BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Feather Dusters, Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., Chamois Skins, OIlLIS, PI KE PPERM. CAPTOR. OLIVE. NFATP-FOOT, ESSENTIAL OILS 01 ALL kl.NDS, AT Johnson Brothers. FINE SOAPS, FRENCH A.XC33 ENGLISH anti Cientilnr Imported Castile, aLYCERINE and honey soaps, 6 Cakef for 25 cents, 26 Cake* for one d liar. Shaving Apparatus, Comprising R AZOPS fr* m the best imtnuficturcrs in the W.rld; >THOP> «f all kinds ; the COM HI NATION Ml'G— a t *\d and c« n\er iei.t article. PKl>HES of every docripti* n. ard SOAPS of the beet quality. Johnson Brothers. HAIR PREPARATIONS OF ALL KINDS, f.,r 75 CENTS, Johnson Brothers. SACHET POWDERS. A Large Stock of LUBIN’S, CAUDBAY’S, AND ALL OTHER IMPORTED PER FEMES. Alto a LABCiE LOT of TOILET POWDERS, UBTIMIHIK. AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT Johnson Brothers. PIKE CALIFCKKIA AND I M r 0 11T E 1) W IKES. For Medicinal Purposes. at JOHNSON EEOTHEKS. sardines, OLIVES, PICKLES, Ac., CIGARS & TOBACCOS Of ALL K 1X1)8. CANARY, RAPE & HEMP SEED, AT Johnson Brothers. Peoprietor* of DR. RENNETS Celebrated Jaundice Ritter?. Person* from the country, Physician* and all others, will do well to call and examine our *tock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place’ OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, JOHNSON BROTHERS. Opinions of lilt* Prc*ss« The kK.NNKXM JotiiNAi. has been enlarged ami is now one of the handsomest papers in the l nitcd states.— Portlaml J'ress. 'lhe Jot rsai. none- to us this week enlarged ami with new type, giving it a \en nice appearance, ami an extra amount *»1 good leading ; mailer.— >inton, in Lewiston Jouruttl. 1 be ki >xh» m ,)ui uvAl. comes lo Us much en larged and improved. New tv pc. « lear paper, ami a determination to keep up with the tine- w dl eii- • sine to the patrons ol the J"t i;>ai. a lir st-class new - paper. AN c arc plea-cd to notice these evi dences ot prosperity on the pait *•! our neighbors ol the Journal and w ish them ..bnndant success — Hmit/i t IFhiy und Courier. l he ki 'Ui t.i Jot kn.u. come- tous thi-week dre-sed in new type through-oil and greatly en larged vuine columns to a page,, ami i- mw w i be lieve. the large-1 paper iu the Mate, w till one excep tion. The Jnt it>.\L is most ably coiulm led bv \ Messrs. >prague. Owen A. Nash, ami de-ervesthe liber.d support of the party who e principles it advocates To it- gem d publishers we wish the ru’lie-l success — heuuihc Jlrjn rte, . l he Kkn'nkci Jorio ai. w a - enlarg* d this w eek to nine columns, and is m*vv the large t folio-heel iu Maine. It is said that the proprictois w ill i--ue a permanent I>aily henceforth, beginning with the legislative session‘.— Huston Adri rtisrr. li e krxNf i hi Jot t;xAi. ol Augusta, w 11 be enlarge*!, this week ami made the hugest pnpci iu the state — Springfield Rtpulliruu. The KrvM.i'W Joi uxai. has spread itself to the size ol" the llostou Adveitiser. an»l is otherw ise mi pioved. so that it i.» now the largest and pel hap- the fiand-omest paper iu the state — WuttrrUle Moil. The kl NM.l.n Jui ii>Al. of last Week api eared in an enlarge I form, printed on new type and upon a new press — Ihingur JetferwuLm. The kk.NM.i lc Jot k >Ai.. always neatly print* <1 and ablv conducted. * ernes to u- enlarged amt il po-sible neater looking than ever bel**re. It *s m w the largest weekly printed in Maine — Machiu* inion. . The Kf.NMU’.l C J« •PI’NAI. come- to us tin-w eek iu a new dress, and con.-iderablv enlarged, indicat ing a prosperous condition financially, and w huh is well deserved.—AroostvcL Hor.eer. lhe Kf.NNKHKi' Jot knai. comes !*• u- much en larged, ami dressed in a spick and spun m vv suit I Augusta i.- bound to grow, ami the J«n hnai pro prietors evidently mean to be up to the tones — Portland Transcript. The Kenm i H' Joi knai. has beeu greatly en larged. and is now we believe, the hugest paj er in the Mate. The publisher* have recently added one of Campbell’s be-1 newspaper presses to theiral rendv vevv complete- establishment, and are pre pared to answer nil call- that may be made upon iheir typographic resources. It takes no ba« kuaid step- though m its issue it cast* ' A Clance Bmk ward” to its Hr-t number, coraparing that with the present —Gardiner Journal The Kennebu Joi knai., one of the best weekly paper* m New England, comet* to u- enlmged this week. We are glad t«* see tu h prool of it- pros- ! peiitv —Heston Transcript. The Kenneth Joiknai. comes to u- this week in an enlarged form ami new dress, it makes a splendid appearance, and is worthy of an exte nsive . circulation.—7 id tie ford Journal Tin* Kennei h Joi knai has been enlarged, and i is now the large-t paper ill tin Mate. I ho publish- | era have had a manum*th Campbell pres- built ! specially for it. and w ith a new dies* <>t t* ,.e it ic a very handsome sheet The publi.-hei- should re ceive u liberal -uppol't to compensate toi the heavy outlay which they make — ItocMuvdl Free Press The Kenneth Joi knai. come* to u- in a new dress, and mm h enlarged, whuh arc evidence.- <.i prosperity. The propih tors of the Male paper are energetic business men. and deserve much credit for this la.-t improvement in their valuable journal and we wish them large -uccess, financially, and otherwise —Farmington .< krona <V. The Kknnehei Joi knai hay been enlarged and very much improveil. New type, new press, new determination to make a tlr t-class Mate papei The J<»rkn At. never looked so prospetou- n l w« 11 to-do. and we arc mote tli.-u pleased at these evi dences ol prosperity — Fltsuurth American. The Kennkt-EC Joi knai. has been con-idernbly enlarged, dres.-cil in a tine new suit, from he d t.. foot, and makes a tine appearauce — Calais Adver tiser. The Kennebec Jot iinai. come- to ti* enlarge*’ and in a new -nit of type. The Jocknai. is^well conducted. readable, industrious in news. and prelly much all that a new-paper should be. except in its"politics—Republican Journal The Ki'.nnet.ei Joi knai has lrecn enlarged, and i.- printed with new type and anew pres-. It i- one of the largest and b»-t weekh papers iu the State —Eastport Sentinel. The Kennebec Joi rnae. This valuable state , paper has recently been enlarged, with an entirely new dress. It is printed on one of Campbell’s pres-e.—and is one of the largest if not the largest papers in the State. The Joi knai. is now a lhirt\ six column paper—and the publisher- nnH have! been at great expense in making Mich improve ments without any extra charge for tkie paper.— Piscata'/uis observer. NI.WXPAPORIAL. The KENNEBEC JOIKNAI. which wa- large enough before, lias been enlarged and is now tin largest in the Mate. It is printed on new type and is a handsome as well as a well edited’ paper.— Progressive Age. Eieu Et Mon Droit. MRS. DINSMORE’S GREAT ENGLISH COUCH*CROUP BALSAM. Or Hoarhound & Anise Seed, For Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, &c. This excellent Medicine has the extraordinar property of immediately relieving Cornh* <'oi.i»* lIoAllSKNFKB. niFFin i.TV OK BKFATHIM; Wlinoi* INO Corcill, and llt’MK!vESS of THE TIIICOAT. I operates by dissolving the congealed phlegm, and , causing free’expectoration. Persons who are troubled with thnt unpleasant tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of rest, night alter night, bv the incessant cough which it provokes, will bv taking one dose, find immediate relief; and one bottle in most cases will effect a . cure. In cases of Croup it fjives immediate Relief. Price 50 Cents. Prepared from a receipt of a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. For Sale at Drug Stores generally. A. ML DIXKHOItE A CO., Prop's, roRTi.AM), mi:. For sale in Augusta by Johnson Bkothf.iis; in { Gardiner by B. F. Johnson; in Hallowed by \V It. ■ Bamako t2i«JanAC-lm* MOSES W.' FARR. | General Insurance Ag’t, LIFE ANI» F1I1F. Capital Represeoted ever 50 Millions.: OFFICE, NO. 1 DARBY BLOCK, .urursT.i, .v.ii.rc. tijun:o-ii Standard Periodicals for 1S7U. Republished by the Leonard Scott Publish ing Co., New York. /udispensalU to oil dextrous of being irell informal on Ik? y resit subjects of the day. 1. The Edinburgh Review. This is the oldest of the series In its main fea tures it still follows in the path marked out bv Rrotighitm. Jciliey, >ydncv Muilh. and l,oid Hoi land. it* original iu uniter* and lirst coiiti ibuturs 2. The London Quarterly Review, which commences its 12Mh volume with the January number, "ur set on fool as a rival to the hl»l.' i.i i It le-idutely maintains its opposition in politics, ami shows c«|uul vigor in its iilerur) de partment. 3. The Westminster Review hn« just closed its tttd volume. In point of literary ability this Review is last rising to a level with its competitors. It is the advocate of political and re ligious liberal.tin. 4. The North British Review, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very high posi turn in periodical literature. Passing beyond the nunou formulism ot schools and panics, it appeals to a w ider range of sympathies ax.d a higher integ rity of conviction. 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine \va» commenced 52 years ago. Equaling the Quar terlies in lU literal/ and s« ientitic departments, it has won a wide reputation lor the narrative* aud sketches which enliven it- pages. TKMt.lta t on 1«70. For any one of the Review#, #4.00 per annum. For any two of the Review#, T OO For any three o! the Review#, lo.oo “ For r.lf tour of the Review*. 12 00 “ For Black wood’s Magazine, 4.00 *' For Blackwood and one Review , 7.00 “ For P.lac kwood aud any two of the Review s, ’ 10 00 “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 1.1.00 t" For Blackwood and the four Re views, 15 00 Single Number# of a Review . $1. Single Numbers of Blackwood, 15 cents. Vhe Rrrtrtrt are pnhliaheJ quarterly ; Rtarkerooet'a • Uapti zine i i mouth I y. !*•/ Nwn com tin nee in January. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, w ill be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons, when the periodical* | are sent to one addrt**. POSTAGE. i I The Postage on current subscription*, to an part ol the United Mates, i* two cent* a numbe r, t»> be prepaid at the olHce ot delivery. For back num bers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New Subscribers to any two of the above period leal* for 1*70 will be entftled to receive one of the Four Review# for 1SCR. New Subscriber* to all the live may receive Blackwood or two of the Reviews for 1800* BACK NUMBERS. Subscriber* may, by applying early, obtain oac k -et.- of the Reviews from January, 1805, to Decem ber. lcu;«». and ot Iliac kwoocl’s Mi gazinc firm Janu arv, to December. 18R», at half the current subscription price. 44“ Neither premium* to Subscriber*, nor dis count to Club* nor reduced price* for back num bers can he allowed unlcs* the money is remitted direct to the Pubiuher*. No premiums can be given to < lul.s. The January number* will be printed from new type, and arrangements have been made, which, it t# hoped, will secure regular and early publication. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 140 Fulton St., New York. The Leonard Scott Publishing Company also pub lish THE FARMERS’ t.UIPE to Scientific and Practical Agric ulture. By Ilenry Stephen*. F.R S . Edinburgh, and the late J P. Norton. Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College. New Haven 2 voN. Royal octavo. h OO pages and nu merous Engraving*.’ Price IT. By mail, postpaid, #s.00. Iw51 Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET t DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, [AND SILVER WARE ! Agvnl lor the Waltham Watch « omp'y. And LAZAKCS A MO.'.tlS' Perfected Spectacles. Special attention paid to Hie repairing of all kind. of FINE W ATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and isochronism. THIF, TAKI-Vti BV TRANSIT. ♦Ijall70-tf _ Hotel Notice. riMlE Gardiner Hotel having been tbor . I onghlv repaired, and entirely new fur ‘nisbod, will be opened Wednesday, Dec. 11Mb. DMVKR O ROIJ.IN8. I Gardiner, Dec. 13, tljau70-u