Newspaper Page Text
Horal an& 3?tate Netoa. There is sufficient business before the court to continue the session into next week. The petrified giant is supposed to be one of the solid men of the United States. > The Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Maine will meet at Lisbon Hall, in Lewiston, on Wednesday, April 13th, at 4 o'clock, 1’. M. , A post office lias been established at Lime stone, and Edward E. Jones appointed i’ost mastcr. The recent legislative act empowering super intending school committees to employ teach ers, seems to give satisfaction to educators generally. l)r. F. It. Lees, of England, styled the ablest champion of temperance in the world, is announced to lecture in Johnson Hall, Gardi ner, this (Thursday) evening. The Bath Times learns that the ^secretary of the Treasury has sold the lot and”ruins of the old Custom House at Wiscussct, for 8107, that being the highest sum offered. A telegraph office will be opened this week in Clinton by the Western Union Co., tints placing the people of that thriving village in direct communication with the rest ut the world. , There was an exhibition in Clinton, on Tuesday evening, of the Union Sabbath School, and 850 were raised towards procur ing a library. The exhibition was repeated last evening. Brick'.- Daily Boston Express has become a popular line of transportation between the Kennebec ami Boston. An office has been established at Gardiner, and B. Eawrencc ap pointed agent. On Tuesday night, about tile midnight hour, when spirits are supposed to stalk abroad, a ghost was seen at a boarding house on State street. The midnight visitor was supposed to be lo iking for the hills that had been laid over under the rules. The Independent of New York says :—“Of all our insurance companies there is not one that makes better progress than the- Knicker bocker Life; nor is there one that more emi nently deserves its prosperity and success. This is the testimony of all who know the N company. Died in Turner. March 13th, ( apt. Jona than Judkins, aged 34 years and d months. His remains were brought to Monmouth, where they were buried by the Masonic Fra ternity. the ceremonies being performed by Lit. \V. David Cargill, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maine, assi-ted by oili er lire tlire-n. Capt. Judkins had long lai n a Mason, was the last remaining charter tin in ner of Tempfr Lodge No. located at \\ in throp. and chartered by the- Grand Lodge ot Massachusetts. The City Marshal is doing a good job in weeding out the dogs. One bully suffered niartrydom on the street Tuesday afternoon at the mouth of a six-shooter. If it can be demonstrated that these filthy and dangerous creatures that infest every street and by-way of the city, are of any use or ornament to society, thcnil would be well to encourage the raising of “dorgs;” but while there is no testimony to rebut the settled opinion of the community that these animals can be* dispensed with, the City Marshal's summary manner ol' dealing with them will be endorsed by all good citizens. Supreme Judicial Court, March Term. Charles uaaforth, J. Presiding. Tuesday. March 22d. State vs. Alonzo Wakefield and Charles Kenniston ; burglary and larceny in the dwell ing house of Catherine Moore in Gardiner, on the 9th of November, in the night time. The prisoners were arraigned and plead guilty. State vs. John Dolen, Ap't; complaint for having intoxicating liquors in his shop on Water street, Augusta, in November last, in tended for unlawful sale. Lancaster for de fendant. Verdict guilty. Motion in arre-t of judgment filed—motion overruled—excep tions allowed. Thomas Doyle anil Margaret Doyle of Gardiner. w*re brought up for sen tence on complaints under the liquor law, nr>d each sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and costs, but pleading poverty, were per mitted to go on probation. Fat Maher of Gardiner, was fined ten dollars on a com plaint made in 1867 for a single sale of liquor. He paid up, but is held on several other aims ilar complaints. Wednesday, Mar. 28. State vs. Edwin Goldtbwaite and Charles Frost, for a felonious assault upon Hubert I,. Taylor, at Winthrop, on the 2.1th ot January, with intent to kill.. The prisoners pleaded not guiliy, and the trial was postponed oil ae- i count of the sudden illness of their counsel. No other case being ready, adjourned till afternoon. Afternoon. The trial proceeded. Lihbey appearing for Frost, and S. F. Webb for Goldtbwaite. At the adjournment the 'gov ernment testimony was nearly all out. State lax. . The follow ing is the* State tax assigned to the" several cities and towns comprising Ken nebec county. Albion, 92.2(13 98 Augusta, 29.303 87 Belgrade, 2,772 53 Benton, 1,491 84 Chelsea, 1.11163 China, 3,909 10 Clinton, 2,576 90 | Farmingdalo, 2.326 51 Fayette, 1.698 7u Gardiner, 13.08.1 16 Hallowell, 7,339 29 Litchfield, 2,985 28 Manchester, 1,922 91 Monmouth, 3,556 44 Mt. Vernon, 2.385 48 l’ittston, 3.895 43 Headficld, 3,538 17 Koine, 900 06 Sidney, 3,901 04 Vassalborough, 6,789 05 Vienna, 1.202 09 Waterville, 11,433 11 Wayne, 2,070 72 West Gardiner, 2.156 73 Windsor, 1.576 11 Winslow, 2,823 27 Winthrop, 6,742 78 Clinton Gore, 299 88 Unity plantation, 86 33 9126,144 43 Appointments by the Governor. The following nominations by the Governor were confirmed yesterday by the Executive Council: Lewis L. Wadsworth, Jr., Calais, J. P. Q. for the State. Alexander M. Ames, Westbrook, to solem nize marriages. Elijah Toothaker, Lyndon, to sdlemnizc marriages. Walter S. Goueher, Wells, to solemnize marriages. A NDBOM IOM.IN ( 'Of N’T V. Charles B. Plummer, Lisbon, T. Justice. Aroostook County. Batchelor H. Huston. Dayton pi., J. P. Q Ira D. Fish, Patten, Coroner. Cumr.i ni-ani> County. J. W. Forsaith. Brunswick, J. P. John L. Curtis, Gorham, Frunejs H. Withani, Haymond, ('tills F. Moulton. Searboro’, 4‘ Lewis Pierce, Portland, Kdwiu C. Townsend, Freeport, Not. Pul*. Pereival Bonney, Portland, Lewis Pierce, Franklin County. Edwin IE French, Chesterville, J P. Ivr.N n krku Count \. (ieorge IE Minot, Belgrade, J. P. Q James IE Marston, Mt Vernon, J. I*. Q. James C. Howland, Mt. Vernon, J. P. Q. James F. Blunt. Mt. Vernon, Ded. Jus. John A. Pettengill. Augusta, J. P. Q. Lxnioln County. Frederick Kent. Bremen, J. P. Q. Oxford County. Silvanus IVor, Andover, Trial Justice. Pi.Nons<?oT County. Charles Buti’um. Orom*. Ded. Justice. Ira D. FMi. Patten, Coroner. An>el W. Ring. Charleston. Trial .Justice. Charles S. Wi ld, Gr* enbu.-h, Lewis Simpson, Milford. J. P. l^. Piscataquis County. Josiuh S. Folsom, Snngerville, J. P. Q. Sauadaiioc County. Win. II. Stuart. Richmond. J. P. Q. Somerset County. Samuel II. Whitten. Pittsfield, Trial Jus. (icorge A. Smith, N -w Portland. Wrn. II. lillis. Stnithfield, J. P. CJ. Wm. S. Marshall, An-on. “ Ilarri.-on Jones. Ripley, “ Waldo County. Wm. Perry, Purnham, J. P. Q. John <* Bowen, Stockton. J. P. Q. James Murch. Winterport, ** S. H. Huntington Sc Co. hive just received a ni w assortment of clothing, in< lu rig some very choice styles of spring overcoat**. • 3t 100 W. er St. -*--—■— ► ‘"hoot Folly as .t File-.” and slop Ueii n' prepara tion- on yum In-ad which are loinpo-ed • t poison-, l-e Nature’s Hair Restorative, which I .t-clean lira*- -, fragrance and purity commands c-lf. See advertisement. J-Rarvirti. In H.dlowu-11. 2Id fn-t . by Rev A It Crum . Ciiurk* - I.. >puiildiiig to Fll « 1.. Titeomi THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, COYV Assets, * - 66, IT'.* 2 Mirplu- omputing R»--Insurance by N \ Leg ll Mitndird,) *571 >73.2'. Income for lfii'.i. '*.•.*78,751.23 Total l*e tli Claim- paid to dale, 1 563,U87.UO T-.t il Nir, lii> I*r. lmum# returned to tie Assured, to date, o.785,*380.00 iTniricnU Payable in 1870, $2,300,000! Total Amount Insured, over $177,000,000. t— 3 Thi- Company i- purely Mutual, there being n ■ M " kind'lets t • ub-<nb any poi lion of .t- funds. it Mirplu- belonging wholly t«» it - member- and being j equitably appoitauied among them in An tual Divi dends, or returns id surplus premiums. lu comparison with other American I.f>* Compa nies. the CusM.ri'H'rr Mni ai. has conducted its | bu ine-s t a I.<«\v i Average Rate of l.vpen-e its Claim- by Death have averaged le r n proper- ; lion than tln»-e ot auy other Com nan v having a-uf Mc.cut extent of business to tesHlio lau <d ity , and 'll- \--et- have been uniformly inve-ted at a net rate of interest cxcecdin&thnt realized by any simi lar in-litution. The nece-sary re-ult of this economy n manage ment, careful scle-tion oi live-, and hi’gl iy produc tive nive tments. ha- be. n than the Co* iK«'riri'i Mlti aL has afforded Insurance to its nn mbersata Leas Average Co-t. than any other Com any. ll- investments are M*rurely and Pro lit * bl\ made and contain NO (.'oiniuuted Commissions, Fancy •-to. k Personal Securities, uor any Imaginary oi Unrealized Asset Itevoud doubt, the Cowr.mcuT Mr; pal i» the strong -t Life In-nrair e Company in t:n* World: it-raf.o id \-set-to L;:»i•:I t:»— a - mea-n ed bv the New \ork I .eg: 1 Mir..lard. i- 9155.30 .1 SlUOi and it grant- ill de.-i ruble 1'oi ihs oi In-" nee upon | strictly Kquitable Terms, and at the Cl. ipest At tainable Rates ol Cost. M. W. FARR, Agent, OFFICE. Ml. 1 DABBY BLOCK, AK.ISTA. fi huar-lw k Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. LU ASTI'S LYMAN, ... 1 Eiim.NT ry Mis i> mu* ( f the oldest, most rehab find best 1 dividend paying companies in the - * nitty. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000 ! Liberal arrangements will be made w tli Agents, and they are Wanted in all parts of the Mate Apply at AUGUSTA, ME., 130 Water Htroet, (up-stntrn) to CHARLES WHITE, Manager for Maine and New Ji mpshire. March 22, 1870. t22niai>tf HBMOVBD i Miss V. Turner, Milliner, lift, removed to Room* under Meonian Hall, Ami DIUliCTI.Y OVEU Mrs. IIo lge«>. ♦21 mat A1 a 15 __ Notice of Appeal*. U. s. iNTKftVAI. KKVKM’E, ) Assessor’s Office, 3d District of Maine, > Augusta, March 22. 1870. 7 IN conformity to Section !), of the Act of Con gre-s, approved July I3tli, 18(«h, notice is hereby given that appeals, relative to any erroneous nr ex cessivo valuations, assessments, or enumerations. ’ returned in the annual list for 1870, by the as-c*-oi orasbi-lunt assessors of the third assc -ment dis trict of Maine, will be received and determined by the assessor, at his office iu Augusta, From the 1st to the 20th ol April, 1870, The law provides that ‘‘all appeals to the asses sor as aforesaid, shall be iu writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter, or tiling re specting which a decision is requested, ami -hall moreover state the ground of principle of error complained of.” SELDEX CONNOR, t22mar&13ld Assessor 3d District of Maiue. Buggy and Express Wagon Kor Sale by BALLARD & LILYaE. tlUuRir&wUtf Somerset & Kennebec Kailroad Co. rpHE Stockholders of the Somerset A Kennebec X Kailroad Company are hereby notified to meet at the Treasurer- Office, On Tuesday, tlic 20th day of March inst., at 11 o’clock A. M , to make Midi arrangements in regard to building an Iron Bridge at Augu-ta. and forming a permanent connection with the Portland A Kennebec Railroad Company by h-a-e. con-oli* \ dation or oth» i w i-c, n - -ball be found expedient j Al-o io act on any other biiMtiebt* that may come 1 be I ore them. A T THOMPSON. Secretary. Augu-ta. Mar. l'», lSTn. MTmar linM w K5 The Home Shnltle S e i n <r M a e li i 11 e ! This t'NEQCAl.LF.D MACHINE makes the Lock Stitch, alike on both Sides, Hut* a Se!f-adjustiny TvtmUm. ami is adapted to every variety of >LWINt;. rniCE, ... $37 ! MISS HELEJf IIINKLKl, NO. 0 WKNTON stkkkt. tilimar-iw A 111. wioed x-a>i11. v i vvoitm: SEWING MACHINE. WARRANTED THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Straight Needle Shuttle, Mitdi alike on both ddes, ; u.-et* hail a- mu. h lint .id as a single thread in a* \ chine. More of them bold than all other machines in this market; never fail to give perfect sitti-fac tion; every one wuirrnDd lor live years. Call on Jones, who will cheerfully show the working of the. Machine; al-o will -low more award- oi Mate, ( ounty and Mechanic-’ 1- air-. and more Certificates from Individuals and Corporations than would till the weekly Journal. ♦10mar-tf JONF> hap them for sale. FOWLER, HAMLEN & SMITH' DKAIXItb IS FOREICiX & DOMESTIC DR Y GGODS, AND MANPKACTCKF.KB OF Ladies’ & Misses’ Cloaks, OPE II I PAPES, I-., A; c», JLCi 147 Water Street, L B. FOWLER, FRED IIAMLEN M-jan-tf II E. SMITH. Maine Mate Fair—IS70. 1)ROP<)-AT> from any •■Ay .n- town desirous of curing the holding oi the show and F air of the Maine State Agricultural Society, the fill, should be forwarded to the under* -igned at ail early day. Per order •-! the Ti u-teop. sA Ml I f. E. BOARDMAN. ■**«• ’v Me. M..te Ag’l ><" i< ty. Augu-ta. March 1 1 _3wP>* Remnants! Remnants. JUST ltlXKIYUP BY Barton 6c Russell, A XOTHER LOT 01 THOSE REMNANTS, OE ItliOMV COTTONS! In the following widths: 3-4, 4-4, 9-8, 9-4, 10-4. The above Goods are the production ol the well-ku-iwn A.ndrosscogtrin Mills, And will be fold From H to 12\ Cts. per yd. UNDER PRICE. Barton & Russell. Augusta, Mar 11,187< tlSTuar-lf Almanacs for 1870. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT OE THE Muinc Farmer’s Almanacs, By Daniel Robinson, for 187u for sale low by gross dozen, or single at the rign of the big Ledger. 155 Water Street. CI.APP A NORTH. Augusta. Nov. !♦», 1W50. 4*1t' Girl Wanted ! VSMTATION inn private family to do house work The Wet wages paid. Inquire at the 'i us ai Office Augusta. Mar 15, 1870. flflmar-tf IL'NRY 0. & A. A NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. \LL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner, by the day or j >b. Particular attention p iid t* repairs of slate roofs, cementing ci-tern*. cellar.**. Ac:. Order.- left at \ P.tiould’s Stove Store, first door above Uailroud Bridge. pi<»ni| tlv .^tended t<». HKNKY O NICHOLS, Al.BKKT A. NICHOLS. Augusta, Jan. L lft*. FREEMANS NATIONAL BANK! u. SS. iK)Nl)S, Coin, Coin Drafts & Coupons Bought and Sold on favorable terms. J. I.. ADAMS, Cashier. \iurustH. Julv 11. I*'**. _ For Sale! Billiard Tables at Reduced Prices, N EW and second hand; carom or four pockets; all sizes, with the latest combination string cushions, better than all the Patent humbug stan dard Keces or whalebone cushions. Catgut cush ions excluded. Please call before purchasing else where. II. llEIMs. ion Sudbury street. Boston, Mass. ’ octtO-Otn Dockendorff & Go., lAnm A Ctillno, l-orii, Importers and Wholesale and Dealer, in 6ENERAL MERCHANDISE, anil Nnval Contractors. Exchange Bought and Sold. Advance* made on Consignments and for Ship's Disbursements. lt.fer.ncea t Wai.sii Jt Carver, New Tork. “ F. 11. Lovbi.i. * Co., Hank of LmWN, Mexico & R. A., Limn Sros. Bianchi IlF.RSUxns Y Ca, “ New fork Office, : : 118 JOUN STREET. deciiwiin BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. [By the Western Union Line—Offices Oranite Bank Building ami the State House.1 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Washington, March L'3. Sen vte. The hill to provide for the civil ization of the Indian* and prepare them for citizenship, being the substitute tor the hill reported yesterday, was passed and the senate resumed consideration ot the case of Gen. Aim's, the senator elect from Mississippi. Mr. \\ illi.iins made an argument in ta\orof his admission. Morton, Howe. Scott, Craign and Corbett spoke in favor of the admission of Mr. Ames, and Mr. Davis opposed it. and at the close of hi- speech Senate adjourned. Hoi-i. The Diplomatic and Consular Ap propriation hill was reported from Committee on appropriation*, and made the special order tor Tuesday next. It appropriates £8.830.47 again-t 81 In.734.00 in a similar hill last year. A ir.e--;’.e f.olil the President on the sub ject of American commerce was presented and read. 'Pile President declares it to he the national humiliation of this country to he compelled to pay from twenty to thirty millions a year ocean freights, which should he shared by American citizens with the people of other na tions. He favored direct money subsidy as h ss liable to abuse than indirect, and recom mend* 1 the passage of the* two bills reported tr<»m the Special Committee. Mr. Jirooks of N. Y. remarked that the re moval of duty on iron would do more than subsidy to revive American Commerce, and j the message was tlu n withdrawn. The House then resumed its regular husi-! nc-s. Mr. Butler of Massachusetts introduced a ; bill authorizing the President to accept the j re-iguaiion of any Judge of any U. 8. Court. K* k-rred. Mr. Kerr of Indiana, from Committee on Election*, made a minority report in one of the Louisiana cases, with a resolution that Mr. Hunt the contestant was entitled to a seat instead of Mr. Sheldon, the sitting member. A recess was then taken. At the evening session the Committee of the Whole on the Tariff bill was addressed for two hours by Mr. Holman in favor of Free Trade, and after further debate the House ad journed. FROM WASHINGTON. The Message of the President in Re lation to the Decline of American Ccminerco. Washington. March I’d. The following is the message ot the Presi dent in relation to the decline of American Commerce : In the Executive Message of December Cfh. 1*00. to Congies*. the importance ot taking .-trps to revive the d* caving merchant n.a it e was urged to a special message and promised at a tuture day during the present session, recommending more -pvcitieialh plans to accomplish this r. suit. Now that the C ommittee of the Il«»u*e of Bepi cseiita tive- that was entrusted ithtliis labor of a*cer - taining the cause ot the decline ot American Commerce has completed it- work and -ui - milted its ri port to the legislative branch ot the g »vernment. I deem this a fitting time I to exe ute that promise. Th\ very able, calm and exhaustive report ot the committee points out the grave wrong* w hich produced the decline in our commerce. It i* a national humiliation that we are now compelled to pay from 20 to iiO million.* ot 1 dollar* annually, e.\elu*ive of passage money w hich w e should share to other nation*, to ' foreigners for doing work which should be; done by American owned and American i manned vessel*. 1 his is a direct draw upon resources of the country of just so much money, and equal to casting it into the sen. : >o far a* the nation i* concerned. A nation of the ever-increasing interior resources ot ' the United Mates, extending as it does from j one to the other of the great oceans of the , world, with the industrious, intelligent and energetic population, must one day possess a full share of the commerce ot these oceans, no matter at what cost: delay will only in crease the cost and enhance the difficulty of attaining that result. I therefore put in an earnest plea for early action in this matter in a way to secure the increase of American Commerce. The advanced period of the year, and the fact that no contract for ship building will probably be entered into until tile question is setthd by Congress; and the further fact that if there should be much de lay. all large vessels contracted for this year will fail of completion before winter set* in, and will therefore be carried over another year, induces me to request your early consid eration of the subject. 1 regard it-of such grave importance, affect ing every interest of the country to so great an extent, that any method which will gain this end will secure the national blessing of building ships and navigating them, and utilizing the vast capital at home. This business employs thousands of work nun in constructing and manning; it creates a home market for produce of the farm and shop: it diminishes the balance of title against up, precisely to the extent ot tmghts and passage mom y paid to American vessels, and gives no superiority upon the seas * t in estimable value in case ot* toreign war. Our navy at the commencement ot the late war consisted ot’ less than 100 vessel**, of about 1.*>0,0<H) tons, and a force of about KOUO men. We drew from the merchant and l marine which had cost the government noth ing but which had been a source of national wi ilth, six hundred veweds, exceeding 1.000, UU0 tons, and about 70,0(H) men to aid in the i suppression of the rebellion. This state ; ment demonstrates the value « f the merchant j marine of a means of national defence in* time of war. The committee on the cause of the rcduc ! tion of A me r Mian tonnage, after investigating 1 the cause of its decline, submit two bills, which if adopted we believe will restore to > the nation its maritime report. Their re port shows with great minuteness the actual and comparative American tonnage at the time of its greatest prosperity, and the actual and comparative decline since, together with the causes and exhibits of the statistics of material interest in reference to tin* subject. As the report is before Congress, I will not i i reeapitualate any statistics, but refer only to , ' the methods recommended by the committee j | to give hack to us our lost commerce. As aj ! general rule it can he adopted. I believe j I that a direct money subsidy is less liable to j ' abuse than indirect aid given to the same en terprise. In this case, however, my opinion is that subsidies while they may be given to j | specific lines of steamers or other vessels. | 1 should not be exclusively adopted, hut in ad- j dition to subsidizing very desirable lines of ocean traffic, general assistance should be i given in an effective way; and I therefore j commend to your favorable consideration the two bills proposed by the committee and re ferred to in this message. T. S. GRANT. Trouble Between Railroad Corpor ations. Pot’GHKEEPSlE, N. V., 23. Supt. Graves, of the Boston, Hartford and F.ric Railroad, has received instructions from Boston to hold the property on the western division of that road, at all hazard, against the Dutchess 4 Columbia Co. Mr. Graves start ed up the line this morning and trouble is ex peeled. FOREIGN NEWS BY CABLE. London, March 23. i Testimony of Oflirers of the Bombay. The testimony given by the officers of the Bombay before the court of investigation at Yokohoma, have been received here. It goes to show that no one on the Bombay was aware of the condition of the Onedia. while there was much alarm for that of the Bombay, and it was deemed necessary to make for shoal water at full speed. Confirmation of Bishops. Home, March 23.. The Pope yesterday confirmed the appoint ments of the Bishops of Toronto, Savannah and St. Augustine. I’npul Infulibity. Paris, March 23. Petitions against the proclamation of Papal infulibility are circulating in Switzerland. FROM NEW YORK. New York, March 23. Arrivnl of C'apt. I’orsyth of the Steamer .Hun button. Capt. Forsyth of the steamer Manhattan ar rived to-day. lie denies the report that he refused assistance to the Samaria, which he passed March 12tli, hound east under full sail, lie saw nothing to indicate that the stranger was in distri ss. though she could have easily attracted attention by changing her course, taking in sail or firing a gun, none of which she did. The Steamer City of Boston Some of the engineers of the city of Boston before sailing on tier last voyage, said the condition of the propeller necessitated running of the machinery one third faster, whereby the danger of lire was increased, and for that reason special precautions had been taken in the organization of the fire brigade, in which all the officers and men were enrolled and obliged to do duty. Fire in Trentod. A fire at Trenton last night damaged the Mansion House to amount of 86.000. Fire nt Castle, Garden. A fire this evening at Castle Garden re sulted iu damage to the extent of $30,1X10, fully insured. The Elevated Railway Co. The Elevated Railway Co. announce that the road will be open for business next week. Railroad Accident. Cosconn. N Ik, March 23. Two ears of the Express tip tram were thrown off the track this forenoon by a broken rail, just above Grafton ; one of them was the Directors' car on the Ogdenshurg Railroad. The passengers in this car escaped with bruises. A. \V. Blodgett of Lowell, had a wrist broken, the others escaped with bruises and contusions : the rear cars were completely turned over, and both were thrown from the bank almost into the water; the rail ,was broken after the engine passed over it. The train was going at lull speed. Landing of Passengers Affected with Small Pox. Touonto, Ca., March 23. A Halifax despatch to the daily telegraph said the steamer City of Brussels passid a elever trick on the people of that city yester day. She steamed into the harbor ostensibly for a supply of coal, but really to avoid quar antine nt New York by landing passengers af fected w ith small pox. FIN A NCI AIj^ AND COMMERCIAL. New York Produce Market. New York, March 23. COTTON—sales 12u0 bale-; mid. uplands 2*2lf. FLOUR— state 54u. r<*uml hoop Ohio 47*aoO0; we.-tern 440g<>2u; southern .>o«t!*7.V W1IKAI N' 2 ( hieago I05~alu7. No .2 Milwau kee llUfjlli, No. 3 louglul; No 2 am!3( hieago 105; white 145g 100; whiter led and amber western 12 4 g 120. C ORN—new mixed w estern U5gbS; do. old and in ferior 100. PORK— mess 2b.10 ,; prime lbg*20 25 LARD—steam ; kettle laglS-,. 11L TTLR— steady ; Ohio 14 g2; alute 25g45. — New York Mouey Market. New York, March 23. Gold incres«ed in firmness during the afternoon, closing -trong and steady at 112*. gl!2S Governments dull ancl irregular at the second board. United States Sixes (coupons). 1881, lllglU1* 5-20’e 18o2, llOfilluL " “ *• 1S'»4. 108-aglOS1. “ “ ‘* 1805, lU8.T,fi 10b *• *• “ l»i5, Julr, 107glU7 “ “ *‘ I8*j7 * luysfiio^?* “ “ “ lb*, 11*8*4 fli0*.a4 “ “ 10-40’s.(coupons), lU5'4gl05>a Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, March 23. FLOUR—spring extras 330 g50u. Wilt AT—quiet at 8>'a gS5 lor No 1 CORN— quiet at 72 * g72 , for No. 2, ' ifiG5 for no grade. i.iATS—quiet at 37for No. 2. liS K—quiet at t*5 la g*i7 ' j for No. 2. 'I KsS 1 O RK—25.25 g 25.50. LARD—14gl4*». CHRISTMAS — ANl> — New Year’s Presents. My fWenda, make your home beautiful. How Khali we do it t Why. buy one ol those unrivalled llVItDI'TT ClII.IlSTt: OiK.AAS, Where can they be found? Found in every variety of stylo at JOHN C. HAYNES 6c CO.'S, :*:» Court Htrcrt, lloston, Mas*. 1}U __ XKW AM) I’OPlLnB' Juvenile Music Book, * The Golden Robin. p,y W O Perkins, Author of the ‘Nightingale,’ Ac. Miperlor to nil similar books of the kind. Con taining very attractive Exereiseh, and several hun dredpoi ular Songs. Sparkling music ! Alive with | the spirit of the times, adapted to all occasions. I Price ,*)0 rents. sent i o tage paid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., 277 Washington street, Boston C. H. DITSON A CO., 711 Broadway, New York. M. G. BROOKS, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, Nalls, Class, Pumps, POCKET A.\U TABLE Cl’TLEBT, 4o„ No. 8 Union Block, Water Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE. Custom work done to order and with dispatch. Augusta, May 40, IStiU._ BIXBY’S BLACKING * BLl'EIXG, The bust m the market, for sale at wholesale or re tail by TITCOMB * DORB, Wholesale mid Retail Druggist*, Irttf Wrst End Krniiebec Bridge. SULPHITE OK LIME, for preserving Cider Also, White Mustard sle»d for sale low bv tiu TITCOMii A DORK OLOTHING. BUY YOUR CLOTHING at ThS ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE I WHERE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND The Largest Assortment And the BEST MADE GOODS. We alno keep the Largest Assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! TO BE FOUND IN TIIE CITY. l OXNTAXTI.Y RECEHTXU YEW STYLES! We desire to call attention to our Large Assortment of WHITE SHIRTS. A GOOD FIT GI AIMYTIED ! SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER IF DESIRED! WE MARK OUR GOODS AT THE Lowest Market Price, AND SELL ALIKE TO ALL. IW“ Please Gall and Examine our Goods! S. W. Huntington & Co., IDO Water Htreet, Augusta, Maine. J. P. T*sason, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Constantly receiving from the be-t manufactories, work suited to the want-- of the people. Wulpr hired, Hallowell, Maine. 8i> Custom work done with neatness and des patch. A G. STINCHFIELD, lOlNSElLOK AND ATTOKNET AT LAW. Ua/tr ..... Street, Hallowell, Maine. Prepared to attend to matters in bankruptcy. J. T. CHASE. SIKGEOX DEMIST, HALLOWELU MAINE. 62“ Dental work of » very description performed in the best manner. Tcetli inserted on Gold or silver plates at >hort notice < barges reasonable. j. d. nutting. m. d. Physician <& Surgeon, HALLOWELL. MAINE. 92“ Office in Titoomb’.- Block, (up stairs.) Resi dence, corner Academy anti Middle Streets. Continental Life Insurance Co.’y, OF SEW YORK. OFFICES, Continental Building, Nos. 22, 21 ami 20, Nassau Street, New York. OFFICERS. Justus Lawrence. President; J. P Rogers, Sec’v. 1 New Knglaml Branch— Bo-ton Po.-t” Buildiug. j Devon.-hire stiect. corner Watt r. Bo.-ton, Mat»is. Baknaud Bros., Managers. The most furreegj'ul Company ever organized. No. of Policies i-sued in 1&J9, 8,778 Amount iuMired in it*' f 21,84H,0©0 Annual Premiums in I^OO. 2.377.000 A--ft- of the Company, Dec. 31st. 1£00, 3,.'m 0.1U280 Profits of the Company annually divided All Polit ic- noiiforfeiting Thirty davs of eracc nl lowetl in payment of premium’- and the Policy held gootl during the time. No puimiU required for travel. Purely Mutuol ! Dividend- to Capital Stock being limited to seven per cent. (legal interest) Policies granted upou all uf the most approved plans. Ci. A. KOBFiKTSOA, I Mm.irtf General Agent, Augusta, Me. For Sale. A. Largo Two Ntory House, Ell nnd Outbuildings, With 2 acres of Land, finely located on ' Jimiffor Street, Augusta. «5~ This is a nice re-Hence to bo -old on Very l'.asy Terms. ; Apply to 'flip B F. Riggs, <m the premises. ' t21tcb-tf Bonds for Sale. SSIO.OOO 1H»M)S ' OF UNDOUBTED SECURITY, paying over 10 per cent, interest. For Sale or Exchange, l or l'. S. or Stale (if Maine Bonds, — AT i unit — Highest .Market Quotations. K. I ! POTTER A PRO Frecnu.nt- Bank Building. | Augu-r.i. Mar. 17, lb7o. flTimtr-lu Paper Hangings! A FINE ASSORTMENT OF I Slumped and Mwhinr Uhl. Satin, II hilt Blank*. Biff anil Brou n PAPER HAAGIAGS, BORDERS, Puiirr A l.iin'ii Curtains, Of tho very latest rtyle* sn<l in meet variety, Just received, which wo offer at Low J’riots for Cash ! Beale & Farnham, 900 Water Street. Augusta, Mar. 10 Mt& Unw4t GEO. E. BBHKETT, H. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, AlCilSTA, ME. Office over IIuntN Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. | aar Residence on Spring Street. myjO*»ft i J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. At CCSTA, Uii, Residence on Green Street, 01 i<raitc the Metho dist Church. SWf toller & Gardiner, 143 Water Street, SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. E. COLLER, WHOLESALE DEALER* IN Saddlery Hardware ! Harness Lealhcr, S A ID ID Xj ess ,b WHIPi. BRUSHES, CURRYCOMBS* HORSE BLANKETS, Made or unmade. Halters. Surcingles, Bells, Travelling and Shopping liagM I LAP bobes, Dog Collars, Grass & Wool Mats, &c., &c., &c. They art* now putting in and keep constantly on hand the largest and best selected stork °t all goods in the. above line in the city, and are resolved to make it for the interest of the people to buy of them. Coder & Gardiner, 143 WATER STREET, Manufacturers of TIarnesses ? Ill’G GY, GOA ( II A.SD TEAM, Of all elapses and prh es. Gold and Silver Plate, English Covered, Japan and common white mount ino. which they propose to sell as low as the low est and warrant their work to give perfect satis faction. They also manufacture for their wholesale and retail trade, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SHAWL STRAPS, All styles and size*, neat and fresh from thei factory at 143 Water Street, and made to stand travel—lettered with initials and delivered in any part of the city without extra charge. Flat nespcfi ami Trunks repaired neatly, promptly and at small charges. 1-13 W ATER NTREET, Opposite Cony House, AXTG-XJCTA, MAINE. j -J'tjan-tl' BALLARD & CEASE, WHOLESALE A' I) RETAIL DEALERS IK TIA, nillTA.WM. 1‘HESSI I) nnct j wa\m:d rr.tnEs, j/!OX ware, clash ware, Table mid Pocket Cutlery, Sadiron* Ftrv*kr.« ft mow*, amt a Central Assort ;./t nt of Kit-hen Fur risking Goods. aHOOEIlS’ CANS, Stovo and Furnace Pipe, GlTTKItv COMUTTOHS, made to order, ami nt tie rates. Work promptly attended to. U IMO.\ BIAM li, Water hi., Al tilSTA. May *20, l«ta». _ Titcomb's Arcunatic Tonic Elixir! i M» all the other TORI I.Alt MKHIC1NF.8 (or A f-ale low- at l lTCOMB ,t I'OKIES IliU DRUG STORK. Hardware store! Having purchased the stock of Hardware, Iren & Steel, &c., &r., recently owned by Hutchins, Allen A Co., I nni now prepared to sell all the various kind* 0 goodi* usually found in Hardware Store* AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Those in want ol Good, in mv hoe, » ill do well to CJ a 11 and Examine oeiore onrehating uUewhttro. XSa Water Street, uupoblte Post Oflieo. AMOS WILDER. Augusts, Dec. 10. lets. m(