Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1870. N0 75 Iltnnckt Jjmmtal. Published on Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BT SPBAUVE, OWEN & NASH. jBailjk lumirlifc Journal. Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Markets, and has car. fully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amount of farming, home and miscellaneous read ing with a full compilation of .State news. Terms, $7 per annum in advance; $* il payment is not made withiu the year. Single copies 4 cents, to bo had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one inch iu length, three in sertions or less. $1.00; 25 eta. for every subsequent insertion. Longer advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be inserted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Special Notices 25 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $2 per square per week. a'alccht]) Jicnncbcr Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, [• the largest folio paper in the State, containing nows, political articles, agricultural and scientific matter, talcs, poetry, anecdote.-, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Ternaa $2 per annum in advance Transient Advertisements, tl M per inch for first week; 25 cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, $2.00 per inch for first week; 50 cents per week for each subsequent week. Business Notices, in read Jig columns. 20 cents pbr line for first insertiou; 10 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. All transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Daily Express Line! BRICK’S Kennebec & Boston Express! OS and alter Feb. 21.t 187ft. Brick’s Kennebeo A Boston Express will run tbiihj between Huston, Portland. Brunswick. Richmond. Gardiner, Hallowed, Augusta, aud all intermediate stations. Goods Forwarded to all parts of the United States at Low Bates. Having had three yeurv experience in the Ex press betweeu the Keuui bee and Boston, the pro prietor hopes bv strict attention to bu.ines. to merit a fair -i are of the public patronage. AGENTS: Boston. K. It smith, 57 Kilby street; Portland, G 1- Lothrop ft Co.. w7 Exchange St : Augusta, -I F Pierce; Brunswick, E. Crawford; Gardiner. Palmer ft Co ; Uichiuuud, E F Hatch; Uadowcll, C. E. Fuller. *28fcb tf C. H. STARBIRD, Photographer and Artist, ft'KtV GRANITE BLOCK, Nearly jp^g^sito Post Offlco, ;Up Stairs,} Makes ail theuest style, of Pictures in the Art. PICTURES COPIED t ENLARGED, — AND — Finished in India Ink or Color*. At prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. 3jj-The public are invited to call and examine Specimens nuuU awl tlninKexl at his room*. AUCU8TA. ME. tfjanTOd* Brewster’s Hotel, SKOWHECAN, ME. pin 1IIS large and commodious Hotel i* situated at 1 the hoad of the Fall* on the Kennebec river, in the enterprising village of Skowhegun. the terminus t»! the Portland A Kennebec R It. This is one of the best arranged Hotels for family bonier* there is in the Mate, and a better place for Summer resort, cannot be found in Maine The best of water, beautiful drives on the banks of the river, fishing ami sailing ponds in the vicinity, tout brook*, where you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook trout any day in the year. Price- ‘or permanent or transient boarding are verv low , *o our cu-touiers can afford to come often ami stay a good w hile. We also have a large airy stable to board lior-es for the guert* that wish to bring their team* w ith thmu. \l*o one of the be«t half-mile trotting park in tin* State, i* connected with the House, free for the guest- to tram their horse* or drive for pleasure. tl?j:tn-tt 3. B BREWSTER, Proprietor. BATH HOTEL, J3y O. 3VI. Plummer, BATH. NIB. Board, - - per Day. flljan-ly _ _ Photographs & Melanotvpes, At the same OLD PLACE, At the Name OI„I> PRICKS, Tlx i 9 1 -9 size Pictures in Cards for HO cents. 4 1-4 “ “ 50 “ 4 1-4 «• in Card envelopes, 50 ds. 1 5x7 “ til .Vat. 50 “ 10 T/XT VPES for 25 cents. A good aesortiflent ol FR4MKN, ALBniN. Ac.. now on hand. Particular attention given to copying. § Doors south of the Post Office, Al’Gl’STA, ME tljanTO-Hm* H. BAILEY. Cough Candy ! WKxnRXBi’Rt.'x ninm ca\i»v i-ure. COt'iJIls, COLDS. WHOOl’lN'U COCOII anil all Throat trouble* 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, rancy Goods, ctoe., soul by Innl-lyt_ W. WKNDEXBUKG. Wire Worls.8 -at Saccarappa, Maine. Messrs. WARREN & PENNELL, inform the public that they maniilac- I ml keep constantly on haml every de j IRON WIRE, - made from the best material. Special attention given to Spring and Machinery W ire ! Also, Wire tinned, straightened and cut to order, j tu»* THE SILENT SEWING MACHINE! AS A FAMILY ASSISTANT, The Willcox & (iibbs Sewing Machine! Y\ ill be found to excel nil others. The ease with which it runs, its ready adaptation to uL? kinds ot work without delay or hesitation, its quiet fidelity, its Superior Strength and Durability of Work, are points that astonish and delight all who make its acquaintance. Ladies who are unfa miliar with this Machine, do not yet know the full blessing and comfort of a Sewing Ma chine in the family, though they may possess many others and think they are satisfied. In proof of this assertion is the significant fact, That its strongest advocates and most enthusiastic admirers arc always found among those who have used and art most familiar with other leading machines. From the thousands of testimonials from all parts of the country, wc select the following from the city of Augusta . AUGUSTA, March, 1870. Having used the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine in our respective families upon all the various kinds of work required, some of us from one to six years, others for a shorter time, some of us also familiar with the use of other leading machines. we. cheerfully recommend it as a in jst excellent family machine. It runs easily and quietly, is simple and easy in its management, does not get out of order, is always ready, its work is strong and durable, and in all respects givos most entire satisfaction. Mrs. S. 8. Brooks, Mrs. C. F. Penney, John McArthur, “ Enoch Sampson, “ 11. M. Potter, “ 8. G. C. Pullen, “ A. M. Lyford, “ G. B. Hoyt, G. W. Cross, “ A. J. Beynolds, “ C. E. Page, “ H. G. Smiley, T. C. Hoyt, Miss Minnie Woart, • “ C. II. Starbird, Mr. Thomas YY'adsworth, Also A. B. HOWE, Improved ! A standard, and one of the most reliable Machines in use. Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Agency, At Store of F. I.YFORD, tsm.r AUGUSTA. CLOTHING. BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE! WHERE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND The Largest Assortment And the liLSl MADL GOODS. He also keep the Largest Assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. COJfSTAXTLY KECEIYIYG YEW STYLES! H e desire to call attention to our Large Assortment of WHITH SS 3E3E X 3E1. “X11 S • A GOOD FIT GI AKAYTIED! SlIlItTK .11 IDE TO ORDER IF DESIREDj WE MARK OUR GOODS AT THE Lowest Marliet Price, AND SEEL ALIKE TO ALL. Please Call and Examine our Goods! S. AV. Huntington & Co., 1IM) Water Street, Augusta, Maine. M AN SION HOUSE, STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. * ' I MI 13 House is provided vug Bath Rooms, l i where li t and Cold Baths can be had at all garnet. It his also a First-Class Billiard Hall, for L*uuestfl only. Connected with the House is a large Find commodious Simple Roan, on Water Street, r entrally 1-ic.ated, where Sample Agents can show i heir goods, free of charge. J The I'r »pri -t *r, thankful for the liberal patronage which the above II .use has enjoyed since its open | i ig, t ikes pleasure in informing his patrons that he will run Free Carriages to and from t ie Cars and Boats until further notice Connected with the a**ove II >u*e is a LI very Sta ble, where g'wd te.uns can tie had at reasonable rates. W. M TIlAYtR, Proprietor. G. P. Cochrank, Clerk. I Trunks! Trunks! THE PLACE TO HUY Frenoli, Euscno, Solo I-ioatlior, A iid nil kind* of common T li A V E L L, I N Cr T R UNK8 ! Also, Ladies’and Gents' TRAVELLING A SHOPPING B AGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 135 Water Street. Tlie Ri^ht Place to buy your HARNESSES, and got ttie celebrated DUNN HARNESS, is at HAMILTON A TlKMlIt’S, 135 WATER STREET. The cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLES, HAL TERS, Ac., is at HAMILTON A TURNER’S, 135 WATER STREET. — HARNESSES! For Business, Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking, Furling A Expressing. Manufactured from HOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best of workmen. »Ve would remind the public that our Harness took all the premiums offered at the last State Fair— four in number. Also the Hist premium at the late New England Fair. As our customers are daily informed that our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—we would invito them ami the public generally to call and examine the large t stock of readv-madi* Harnesses ever of fered in this city, and we will convince them that we make the best HAND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on baud what is wanted, can muke it at short notice. Samples of Cold t.ilt! Oroide silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harness, may be seen at our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HENRY DUNN & SON. For Wulc by Hamilton tfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE, tlliub-tf OPPOSITE DEERING & HOLWAY'S. THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established m 1825.) Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEW8PAPER. Not Excelled by any in the State. Just Enlarged and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Having Full Reports of Legislative proceedings; carefully prepared Political Article*. Facta and sta tistics; Local, Domestic and Foreign News ; Corres pondence; Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other Miscellaneous Matter. • 2¥o Increase of Subscription Price—A Good Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kennebec Journal is in the Forty-fourth year of it* age. It has ju*t been enlarged, and in now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, Its size not being exceeded by that of any other paper in the State, and surpassed by but few in other States. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Article*. Facts. Statis tic*, .Speeches and Extract*; Full Reports of tho Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mat ter* pertaining to the State Govern ment; Reports of the Doing* of Congress . Local and State New*; summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports of the Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other Inter eating and Useful Reading for the Family; al-o Correspondence from Abroad And original Articles upon subjects of Geu’l Interest. It hat* been enlarged from Tvrenty-EIglit to Thirty-Six Columns, in width, ami proportionately increased in length, and is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of the Handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of the CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of (subscription has not been increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Terms $2.00 per annum in advance. $2.2r> at the end of *ix months, and #2.50 at the end of the year. Published ©very Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on and alter the Hi st of January. Will give Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of the Legislature from day to day; Report* or Im portant Hearing* before Committees; Abstract* of Discussion* in the Boards of Education and Agriculture; will have the Latest News l»y Tele graph the same as oilier dailies, and will also nave Editorials. Correspondence. Locals and the usual >ummaries of News, also the most Import ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussions in the Board of Education will give New and Additional Importance to the Daily Journal, a* it will contain reports of them. Term*, $7.00 per year; $2 00 for the Session. JW Member* of the Legislature will do their con stituent* and themselves a favor to interest them selves in getting subscribers to the above publica tions. The Daily keeps up that correspondence between the People and their Representatives, through their Legislative Reports, which is neccs *ary and agreeable to both. Vo Tri-Weekly will be published. Tho^e poisons who desire a full report of the Legislative Proceed ing*, niu-t tubocnbe for the Daily Journal. If* Postmasters and Members of the Legislature authorized to tnke subscription*. AjrThe Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal are published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. Oysters! Oysters! Oysters! Try Them ! Try Then. ! \IT’E receive our Oyster* fresh from th* ehip al \\ J’ortland ami open them ourselves. had you gel tnem fresh trom the shell. You will also flud al our market a good supply o! Fresh Fish. Bellas! Clams, Smoked llolibnf. Prime Ao. 1 mackerel, anil a general aseortinBut of Sail and Corned Flail ! Cushing St Holmes, Near Railroad Bridge, WATER ST., tl0feb*3m »ii'4* i'&T.t, *?§§£• S, W,.HUNTINGTON & CO,, Wholesale Dealers In GITS' FURNISHING GOODS! 190 Water Street, AUGUSTA, MB. SI Devonshire St., boston, mass. S. W. Huntington, S. L. Bnnllngton, Ben). Huntington, thaa. H. Nason. fWfeb-ly HENRY BAILEY, Photographer, 8 Doors south of Post Office, Augusta, Me. Mclniuotype Pictures of all sizes made at oppo sition prices. Particular tcutiou paid to copying. fljauTO-din GOVERNMENT OF MAINE, 1170. GOVERNOR, Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick COUNCIL. 1st District, I ranian O. Brackett, Berwick. Ml District, William Deering, Portland, 3d District, William Rogers, Bath. 4th District. Ambrose II. Abbot, China. 6th District, Edward R. Spear, Rockland. 6th Di.-trict, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K. Hobart, Dennysville. EXECUTIVE OPPl' ER.H. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of State. George G. Stacy, Kezar Falls, Deputy Secretary. James R. Miliiken, Portland, Chief Clerk. B B. Murray, Jr., Pembroke, Adjutant General. August, s L. Mmth, Augusta, Clerk to Adjutant General. George N. Page, NorrvUewock, State Pe.nsioa Clerk In Adjutant Geueral’s ot!k*. William Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer Sylvanus Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer's Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Li uncus, Land Agent. GOVHKNOHT STAFF. John M. Brown, Portland, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. Eugene F. Sanger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geuu General. Aids-tle-Carnp, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Seldeu Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathan Cutler. Albert 0. Morgan, Lewiston, Military Sec’y to Oovernor. Prentiss M. Fogler, Augusta. Messen’r to Gov. and Council. BcMijamin F. Harris, Machias, Supt. of Public Buildings George L Goodale, Brunswick, State Assayer. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick, State Assayer. Daniel W inslow, Westbrook, Inspector Gen. of Beef k Pork. David Fernald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. Geo. F Dillingham, Oldtowu, Agt. Penobscot Tribe Indians. Geo. F. Wadsworth, East port, Agt. Passamaqu’y Tribe In. Albert W Paiae, Bangor, Bank and Insurance Examiner. Ash W. Wildes, Skowhegan, A Samuel II. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Commissioner* Solomon T. Corser, Portland, ) SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas Cutting, Bangor. J mathau G Dickerson, Belfast] Charles W Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Danforth, Gardiner. Rufus P. Tapley, Saco. ATTORJfET GENERAL] Thomas B Reed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. Henry M. Harlow, M. D , Superintendent and Physician. Bigelow T. Sanborn, M D , Assistant Physician. TRUSTEE* William B. Lapham, M. D., Woostock, President. John T. Gilman, M D., Portland. Dr. M R. Ludwig, Thomaston. Hon. Geo. A Frost, Springvale. Hon. A. G. Wakefield, Bangor. STATE PRISON] Warren W. Rice, Warden, tlbridg** Burton, Deputy Warden. INSPECTORS. William Wilson. Hon. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. Hon. E. W Woodbury, Superintendent TRUSTEES. Hon. Noah Woods, Bangor, President. W. E. Gould, Portland, Secretary, lion Nathan Dane, Alfred, Treasurer, lion. Jeremy W porter, Strong. Tobias Lord, Standish. STATE COLLEGE 0» AGRICULTURE AND THE MKCEAKIC ARTE Truateea lion. Abner Coburn, Skowhegan, President, lion. Thomas S Ling, Augu«ta. Hon William P Wingate, Bangor lion. Lyndon Uak, Garland. Rev. Samuel F Dyke, Bath J. C. Madigan, Iloultou. Hon. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Grono, Secretary. Executne Committee. lion. Wm. P. Wingate, Hon. Lyndou Oak, lion. Thomas S. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamtierlaiu, LL D.; Rev. Auiory Battles; Hon. Thomas S. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fernald A. M., Acting President and Professor of Mathematics and Physics. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. Stephen F Peck ham, A M., Professor of Chemistry. , Calviu Cutter, M. D., Leuturer on Anatomy, Physiology and flygene Corydon B Lukin, Instructor In Book-keeping, j Captain Henry E. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor in Military I Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson. Ellsworth, President. D 11. Thing, Mt. Vernon, Vice President S. L Goodale, Saco, Secretary. M. C. Fernald, Grono. "] S. P Peck ham. Grono. Charles E. Ilamlen, Waterville. } Members at Large. Cyrus F Brackett, Brunswick. | George L. Goodale, Brunswick. J MkMBERS FROM COUNTIES. Seth Sramman, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. Wildes l’ Walker, Sagadahoc County, Tops ham. Willi un Swett, Oxford County, South Paris. Levi L. Luca*, Somerset Couuty, St. Albaus. Ira Doe. York County, Saco. Elijah B. Stack pole, Penobscot County, Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Va’tiiun Putnam, Aroostook County, Iloulton. Jeremiah it. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. Luther ChamU rlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. Moses L. Wilder, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac II »bbs, Ku>\ County, South Hope. Daniel II Thing Kennel>ec County, Mt. Vernon. George E. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast Z A. Gilliert, Androscoggin County, East Turner. Calvin Chamberlain, (Suite Society,) Foxcroft. John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jefferson. COMMON SCHOOLS. Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Su|**rintendent. Joseph F. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Po rtland COUNTY SUPERVISORS. Androscoggin, C B. Stetson, Lewiston. Arurwtook, W T Sleeper, Sherman. Cumberland, J. B Webb, Gorham. Franklin, A. H. Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, Charles J. Abbott, Cast me Kennebec, W II. Bigelow, Clinton. Kn«>x. 0 M. llicus, Rockland. Lincoln, D S. Olldden, Newcastls. Oxford, N. T. True, Bethel. i'en< bsc t, S A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W S Knowlton, Monion Sagadahoc, D. F. Potter, Topsham. 8 merset, G. W. Hatheway, Skowhegaa Waldo, N. A. Luce, Freedom, Washington, W. J. Corthell, Calais. York, M. R. Mabry. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION President, J. H. Hannon, Waterrille. Vice-president, C. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. RXF.CUTITR COMMITTER. J II. nanson, Chairman, Waterrllle* C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. A P Stone, Portland. J. 8. Burrell, Lewistou. 9 W. Johnson, Topsham. C. C. Rounds, Farmington. J P. Grose, Brunswick. G. T. Fletcher, Castine. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. COMMITTEE ON STATE VALUATION. John P. Hubbard, lliram. Seth Scaiuman, Scnrboro’. Alvin Currier, Farmington. Nchetmah Smart, Seanuuout. Abel Prescott, Canaan. Reuben 8. Prescott, Bangor. Purtman Houghton, Eaatport. Enoch Knight, Portland, Clerk of Commissions] STATE LIBRARY. Joseph T. Woodward, Librarian. Shooting Tackle. SI. W. LO.\«, SUCCESSOR TO L. X. EEL AXE, CXXJKT SMITH And Dealer in Shooting Tackle of Every Variety. KIFI.K AND SHOT GUNS made to ORDER and WARRANTED. Particular attentiun paid to •'linking Shot Guna to make them ehoot thick and strong Alan on hand, the beet lot of Skates in the market, for rale cheap. Odd keya of erery pattern. Key tugs and ring* for Hotels Powder of the bed quality for Bleating ur Spurting. Re pairing done neatly and promptly. All work warranted. ljan-ly CONY HOUSE, W\1TMCK BTMtKKY, AUGUSTA, MAINE. rpms new Hotel afford# accommodations that no X Other one doe# in the city to the travelling com munity. being located in the CENTRE OF BUSINESS. and very near the Depot. The travelling public may be assured that no pain# will be spared to meet all their wants, And with the assistance of Mil. Tl'KSEK, late of the Augusta House, we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Connected with this House is a First Class Livery Stable! 0. 1. I H. CONY, Proprietor!. tl4j*n*w4-tf Great Improvement in Artificial Teeth. I)li. SNELL INSERTS Teeth on RrBBER by a new process, by which the plate is made as" thin ah a metallic base; at the same time the plate is flexible, and less liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect fit. Having purchased the exclusive right to use this mode in Kennebec county, I shall be nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs arti flcinl teeth. 09 Winthrop Street. Auriistd, .Inn, J8th, 1870. «‘jjan-awASw« REMOVED ! Miss V. Turner, Milliner, lias removed to Rooms under Meonian Hall, And DIRECTLY OVER Mrs. Hodges’. t21mar&lwl3 HENRY 0. & A. A. NICHOLS. MASONS AND SLATERS. A LL work in their line done promptly and in a good, workmanlike manner by the day or job. Particular attention paid to repairs of elate roofs, cementing cisterns, cellars, Ac. Orders left at A. P. Gould’s Stove Store, first door above Railroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HENRY O. NICHOLS, ALBERT A. NICHOLS. Augusta, .Tan. 1 ISM. FREEMANS NATIONAL BANE! U. S. BONDS, Coin, Coin Drafts & Coupons Bought and Sold on favorable term4. J. L. ADAMS, Cashier. Augusta. Julv 11. iritis*. ^ For Sale! Billiard Tables at Reduced Prices, VEW and second hand; carom or four pockets; il all sizes, with the latest combination string cushions, better than all the patent humbug stan dard Reces or whalebone cushions. Catgut cush ions excluded Please call before purchasing else where. H. HEIMS, 100 Sudbury street. Boston, .Mass. octtlMim BALLARD & CHASE, WHOLESALE AND RET VIL DEALERS IN TlX, BRITANNIA, PRKSNKR and JAPANNED WARES, JROX Ir.lft/;. GLASS WARE, Table anil Pocket Cutlery, Smliron*, J! rushes. ft rooms, and a General Assort ment of Kitchen Furnishing Gootls. GROCERS’ CANS, Stove and Furnace Pipe, lilTTKRS. CONDUCTORS, Ac., made to order, and at the lowest rates. 44- Job Work promptly attended to. O I NION It LOCK, Hater St„ Altil STA. May 20. 1800. Titcomb's Aromatic Tonic Elixir! \NI> all the other POPULAR MEDIC INES lor H.-de low at TITCOMR A DO RIPS HID' DRUG STORE. CHRISTMAS — AND — New Year’s Presents. My friends, make your home beautiful. How shall we do it ? Why, buy one of those unrivalled BERDETT CELESTE OllttANS. Where can they be found ? Found in every variety of style at JOHN C. HAYNES & CO.'S. 33 Court Hlroet, I to. toll, Mnaa. iyu _ HURT'S BLACKING & DLIEIXG, The best in the market. for «ale rt wholesale or re tail by TITCOUB A. DOHK, Wholesale and Retail Druggist*, K.tf_West End Kennebec Bridge. XEW AXD POPlinB Juvenile Music Book, The Golden Robin. By W. O. Perkin*. Author of the “Nightingale,1 Ac. Superior to all similar hooka of the kind. Con taining very attractive Exercises, and several bun dred popular Songs. Sparkling music! Alive with the spirit of the limes, adapted to all occasions Price 50 cents. Sent postage paid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., 277 Washington Street, Boston C. H. DITSON A CO., 711 Broadway, New York. To Those who Desire % Trees, Shrubs & Flowering; Plants! (xKDKRS sent to or left with me for any Fruit /or ornamental Trees. Shrubs, Vines, ok Flowering Plants, grown by Watson in the Old Colony Nurseries! (which embrace everything that can he desired in a northern climate,) w ill be answered by a supply in my (tosseshion during tin* months of April and Mhv proximo. Tbev will be delivered in Augusta at tin* prices of the Plymouth Nursery, w ithout cost of transportation hither. Catalogues furnished gratis when requested There are many rar« things in that excellent Nursery. WILLIAM A DREW. Augusta, Mar. *. 1*70. t«marAw2m Girl Wanted ! A SITUATION In a prtrate family to do hotue /V work. The host wage. pud. Inquire At the JorHXAL Office. Augusta, Mur. IS, 1870. Utimar-tf gltercllany. SECRETS or MASOXRT. Old Zach \V heeler was quite a character in his time, being a clever, easv going, con fiding man, who managed to let everybody cheat him out of his inherited estates. Just us his last farm was about to slip out of his hands, he succeeded in raising the money to lift the mortgage. Aaron Remer, a prominent Mason, accompanied him to the town. As they were riding along on horseback, Zach says to Aaron, in a con fiding tone: “Now, Aaron, wc are here all alone, and I want you to tell me the secrets of Masonry.” “I ca.i't Zach, they would kill me.” “Why, they won't know, they'll never find it out.” “Yes, they will; you'll speak of it.” “No, I swear I won't.” "Well, if you'll ride close alongside of ine, and put your hand on my thigh, and take the oath I'll administer, I’ll tell you the secrets of Masonry.” Zach was not slow to comply; and a most Jfcjwerful “iron-clad oath” was ad ministered and taken. “Now for the secrets,” exclaimed the impatient and unsuspecting victim. “Well,” said Aaron, with mock solemni ty and secrecy, “in the first place, we Ma sons combine together to cheat everybody as much as we can. This is the first grand secret. "The second is like unto it. When we can’t find anybody else to cheat, we cheat, each other, but as little as we can.” “Well,” exclaimed Zach, with evident surprise, "I swear I'll join. I wish I had done it twenty years ago—I might have been a rich man afore now.”—From the Columbus Sun. AUTHORITIES ON ADVERTISING. “Without advertising, I should be a poor man to-day.''—H. T. Helmbold. “My success is owing to my liberality in advertising.”—Robert Bonner. “Advertising has furnished me with a competence.”—Amos Lawrence. “I advertised my productions and made money.”—Nicholas Longworth. “Constant and persistent advertising is a sure prelude to wealth.”—Stephen Gi rard. “He who invests one dollar in harness should invest one dollar in advertising.”— A. T. Stewart. P. T. llarnum, the noted exhibitor, as cribes his success in accumulating a mil lion dollars in ten years to the unlimited use of printer’s ink. “A man who is liberal in advertising is liberal in trade, and such a man succeeds while his neighbor with just as good goods fails and drops out of market.”—Horace Greeley. A Wonderful Discovery 1 NATURE’S i YEARS Of STUDY AND EXPERIMENT. It Contains Ho LAO SULPHITE—Ho SUOAS of LEAD-No UTHAEOE—No NITRATE of SILVES, and Is entirely free from tha Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparation!. It is sure to supersede and drive out of the community all the POISONOUS PRE PARATIONS now in use. Transparent and eiear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric. No oil, no sediment, no dirt—per fectly SAFE, CLEAN, and EFFICIENT— desidcratums LONG SOUGHT FOR, and FOUND AT LAST! It colors and prevents the Hair from be coming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy appear ance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refresh ing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores U to a great extent when pre maturely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnat ural heat. OXT Y 73 CENTS PER BOTTLE. It is secured in the Patent Office of tha United States by DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Junction, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To whom all orders should be addressed. Solti by all first-class Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. The. Genuine is put up in a panel bottle made expressly for it, with tha name of the article blown in the glase. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and taks No Other. The Restorative is for sale at Wholesale in Port land by W F. Phillips A Co., and at retail by ail the Druggists in Maine. iawtt-SmtAw Hardware Store! Having purchased the stock of Hardware, Iron & Steel, &c., Ac., recently owned by Hutchins, Allen A Co., I am now prepared to sell all the various klnda • goods usually iound in Hardware Mum AT THE L0WE8T PRICES. Those m wo.nt ot Goode in my lisa, will do wen to C7a.ll and Examine ootore purohkktng si..where, IBB Wester Street, Foot OBm. AMOS WIUMER. • ▲uawu. Dm. m. teat, mu