Newspaper Page Text
■iMjr JMrifte journal . BONK DISEASE. , I’MTVENTtoN MCTTF.U THAN COtE. It is a common thing to see cattle chew ing at a bone ns if it were the most deli cious morsel the world afforded. It is by no means uncommon to rind cattle, and especially milch cow s, suffering from what is called Bone, disease. A very proper and significant name it is, for it is a weakness and frailty of the bones themselves, and is caused solely by the want of food contain ing a sufficiency of the indespensHrie bone mukiflg material. Phosphate oj Lime. 1 hoy have been feeding in pastures which have been robbed of w hat cannot be dispensed with in the structure ot bones, to such an extent that the cattle sutler. The instincts of the animal lead it to seize a bone just as hunger prompts us to eat loud. Most farmers understand the diagnosis of the disease, and many attempt a pallia-, tion of the evil bv feeding them with doses of hone meal. If they fully apprehended what a shiftless makeshift such a proceed ing is, compared with another method which would radically prevent the evil, largely increase their crops, and put money in their pockets, all by one operation, they would feed their hungry soils, and lot their hungrv cow s eat of the luxuriant and jully nutritious herbage w hich may be grown by the appluoittm of phosphates. Ket the cattle have all the bone-phosphate they need by all mean-, but make it do double service. it increase the herbage and enrich the fodder in the first place, and after the phosphate has done tin-, and has itself been worked ov er and •* progressed ” and cooked and prepared by the processes ol nature into the tortn in which it ought to be administered. then let the cattle par tafet ot it daily and every time they eat. Is the case of dairy animals this evil is deeper seated and more widely spread than is generally rvslind. jffbo-piiafes aw nypoved in layer quanti ties. iwu ft# soil «l nastur. s devoted to dairv stock. Prof. V eh ker. the celebra ted agricultural ci list, has made an analysts of a quart ot milk, placing it# constituents, oil. casein, tuilk sugar, phos phaty. rte.. in different bottles. The quan tity of phosphate i ■:>taio--d from the experi ment w as sufiieb at to form qu«e a little pi re Sew. if we -s.dcr the number erf ha uls constantly taken from our pas tures in milk every year, it »ill be at once apparent that the quantity most be simc thing immense. Totls - rust also 1» -added the phosphates consume,. in the formation of the !e'm-s ,.f the For all of this vast ajuount taken a. ■ t is return ed to Ute sod. Tatting id working oxen, return a large i manure, but the stock to widen referred. consume it. and return no_,ng. Prof. Yoeleker say.-, that phosphate* are the food most fed upon by the choicest and most nutritious of the grasses. The evil result of taking such food from the soil, and not replacing it. must sooner or later be appa rent in every case. The best way to re place it. is by the application of a liberal dressing of a genuine superphosphate. (\wUnnital Life Iwuranfe Co.’y, OF M W YORK. OFFICES. Continental Building, Nos. 23, 24 and 30, Nassau Street, New York. OFFICERS. Justus Lawrence, President; .1. P. lingers, Sec’y. New England Branch—‘ Boston Post,” Building. Devonshire street, center Water, Boston, Mass. Barnard Bros.. Managers. The most successful Company ever organized. No. of Policie^iosmd in 1809, 8,778 Amount insured in 1809, $21,210,900 Annual Premiums in 1899, 2 ,.*577,000 Assets o 1 the Company, Dec. gist, 1809, 3,.r*JO,iU2 so Profits of the Company annually divided. All Policies nowforfeiting. Thirty day s of grace al lowed in payment of preminms and the Policy held good during the time. No permits required for travel. Purely Mutual I Dividends to Capital Stock being limited to seven per rent, (legal interest). Policies granted upon all of the most approved plans. AGENTH WANTED, with whom liberal arrangements will In; made. g. a. KOBRirrsom, t4mar-tf General Agent, Augusta, Me. Shooting; Tackle. M. W. LOfiU, SUCCESSOR TO /,. V. J. ELAND, O-XJ 1ST SMITH And Dealer in Shooting Tackle of Every Variety. Rifles and Shot Duns made to order and war- ' ranted. Old Shot Dun- rimmed out smooth and made to '-hoot thiuk and strong. Also, Ammunition of the nicest quality. Repairing done A'cailj and Promptly. lllimtlng Powder. The best quality and l:«rg* -t stock ever kept in tin-market, pur-ale at ku< »orv prices. Country Dealers supplied in any qtiftutity or quality at dis count. ljan-ly CUSHNOC HOUSE. Comer WintOrop and State Sts., | ♦ Augusta, Me. T. B. BA LLABD, : : Proprietor. Quests caicen to and from the Cars and Boats Froo. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tljan7t> rtm Maine .Stale Fair-1870. IJItOPOSALS fr< • any city or town deoiroua of necuriug the Uoidiii^ of the Show and Fair of the Maine State Agricultural Society, the enhuinic fall. Mhould he forwarded to the uutler eiyned at au early day. Pfrorarr or the Trustee*, hAMt'Fl. I.. ii<JAKI>MAS. Hce’y Me. State Ayl Society. Auffu»ta, March ! lsTn. rjwIC» A Larf* and MVIl-»ele«ttd Ansortmtnt of Wallets, BUI k Pocket Books, la Boroceo aad Calf, tor tale low by MU TXTCOMB ft DOHB. ——»***^.r i.~—— _ ■ Augusta Birrrtor?. Churches. ORTHODOX CON(.ltKc. AT!ON W.-tir*ni|,.lLh<ii!«i stale -t. between Hrltljre amt Oak. .1. ► . iiastnr; lesideie e M.mheast eurner “i*'”! i Klin street. Mining -enter 'OWIA. M. AlUr noon service -2 i" 1* M. Evening * * • • Flits!' IlYPTIsT—Corner W intliryp nnd I erham i Vm J Ri. ker pastor; residence Chestnut street. J A. At. Afternoon i FKKK*ilA!’TlsT,—Slate -licet, north of Itriilgr. i v. r IV..1 lev. |.a»»..r: rr-l. rner M.niinrr « nn-t. Morning service I0;W A. M. Afternoon J..W I. M. Evening 7 I* 'I . . r METI1< >1 »l> r El* 1st XL.—(»reen street, east **r M’lte ( X King. i»a>t<*r; residence at the par* iumage. next door r-‘ the church. Morning ser vice 10.;W A. i. Afternoon 2..H» P. M. Evening 7 P M , . PROTESTANT EPIM'OP AE.—state st.. between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. M»\ Ipjoliu. rector. Morning ser\ e 1" to A M E\cuing service 7 P. M. 1'MVMi' V LIST. —( or. Winthrop and sUnnner sts. < . R. Moor. |>:i - tor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. M*»ming service 10.:t0 A. M. s .bbfith School service at 12 A. M. Evening tier vi eat 7 PM. I NI PARIAN,—Corner Ook and state fts. R»*v Mr. Cram, pastor; inoming service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School servlee 2.L* P. M. Preaching wrvice in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC.—State st.. u.irth of Bridge. Rev. Mi. O’Brien, priest; re*id« nee near the church. Th< Congregation 1. Fir i Baptist. Free M ill Baptist and Methodi't Cline dies hold social coil* I ferenre in* dings in their ve-tides every Wednesday evening, at half-past seven o’. lock. V. M. C. A. Rooms in Ibirbx Block. Water street. Regular praver meetings everx Monday evening. Religious exercises everx Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. Masonic BETHLEHEM l.olMiF. No. A*. Y and A M Mated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meeting* everv Monday evening. K A Crowell. Master •» W. Clapp. Secretary. ANt.l sTA LOlMiF. No. Ill Y. X A M Mated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W . 11. Wood- I burv. Master. ’ E Y Blackman, sts rvtary TRINITY fOMMANDKllY. No 7. Knights Toni i,Ur. Stated meeting* second Friday of cadi month. David Cargill. Eminent Commander, d. W Clapp. Recorder. JKRl SALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meets jit Hallo well "t -.ted convocation* Thursday on or befv»rr the full moon of each month. B. Y Vfsnh'r. licit Priest A1 I’ll \ (MI NI 11 —Meet' at H.-dlowell Qu.'.r tcrlx C■•nix* ..Lidaunaiy. April, duly. iV- j iaKct- W,-dr.csdav Micetsdmg full moon. D. Cargill. Thrice TOnstri-'U* Master. Temperance* >AB ATTIS LODGE. No. 78 of io* i> TKMFUkK* xj .;» . . r 1 • . evening*! Durbj 11*1 Fi: XNKLIN IdY|slx*N miN>oI TEMPERANCE --Meet* at Barbv Hall everv Monday evening*! 7 o'clock. Post Office. AViil'sTA P< *->T OFKU E x >roer of Oak and Water 'ir--ls <‘>t » Hoi'Ks —From 7.30 A M to 8 P M s«niia> w» U» M James A H i knell. i\«?U»iMter. Leorge H Far riwgtor.. Chief Clerk Jrrinrf and fttp&rtort ef Vrth;—Wtdfia. leaves li t*.’A M J.-'* ' b» \ M ; *rrives $ AiP. M E»'t«m .ui l V rtiicm leave' 3.45 P. M . close* 3 -V P M arr* C \ M Hi lfast an i XV t . -jves. 4 u‘i P. M closes 3.3c P M arrive' I0-2SD A M R vk]&a>i *rd Way. leave* SWA M : close* 8.13 A M f*. If W uithr*p. leave* > «< A. >1 ; close# 7 43 A. M.. arrive* *'• '«• P M Farmington and Wax. leaves 7 Vi A. M close# 7.4o A M ; arrive# - >* P M Free; s ■ rt and Litrlidfl i. hare* 6-08 A M : close* 9.00p >f ; arrive* MB A. M Uavw Monday, Wednesdav and Friday. Arrive* Tuesday. Thurs dav and MiUirdax Every morning a train leave# Augusta at 5J0 A. M.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at S.«X< P M IBalloujrll Dircrtorn. HALLO WELL POST OFFICE. WESTER!! M AIL arrive* daily, Sunday* e\ee]*trd, at 3.27 ami 7 62 I*. M Cl ue* at lu46 A- M. and 6 P. M. EASTERN MAIL arrive* daily, Sunday* excepted, at 11.10 A M. Close* at 3 16 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesday*. Thuraday* and Saturday*, at 10 o'clock A. M. Cloaca Sunday*, Tues day* and Thursday*, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, fr* m 8 o’clock A. M., to 8 P. M. Open Saturdays until S.30 P. M. XT’ Bo* Rents and Postage on papers, periodicals, ke , payable quarter! v in advance. E. ROWELL, P M Ha Howell. May 3, 1869. CHURCHES. South P tr '■ Congregational Church, comer of Second and Chestnut streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chi*. G. McCili.v, Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30 ; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin street*. Rev. A It. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between W ihrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon ice, 215. Methodist Episc -pal Church, Middle Street, bet ween Un ion and Central. Rev. Calk* F i ll eh, Pastor ; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Meriting service. ; 10.30 ; Afternoon service, 2 15. First Univ*-rsallst Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) ; St. Mattlu wh Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. ' Lronakd K. Stork-*, Rector; residence corner of Second anil Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon Her vice, 2.30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. M. C. A. Regular meeting* of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of Hallo will, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 74 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Associ ation, arc held every Sunday evening— In Burns’ Schoolhouse, Furrningdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon Hill Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder Schoolhouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield N*vk at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLES, President. II. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Commu nication* Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. J AMES ATKINSj Jr., W. M. J. K. NYK, Bec’y. Jerusalem R. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs day on or liefore the full of the moon. it. F. WARN KR, 11 P. F. J. DAY, Sec’y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. ’ F. J. DAY. Rec’r. Trinity Cotnmandery. Meetings at Augusta ou the second Friday of each month. D. CARGILL, K. C. J. W. CLAPP, Rec’r. TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance, No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FULLER, W. ( . T BEN TENNEY, W. R. Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evening* of eacjt month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, I. O. of G. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening. P. 8. BOYD. W. C. T. F. A. A. IIEATII, R. S. MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver case, including tlie celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham. Treiuout, Itor (itiin. Bonnett, Pardcaux, Jucot, Ac., in both La dies’ and gentlemen's sizes. Fine Gold Jewelry, Solid Gold Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, VINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE 6LASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS or ALL KINDS, including the erlebrated ITHACA CALENDAR : all ol which will be sold at the Lowest Pxicea, and Warranted. Particular at* ution given to repairing all kinds ot t me \\ ateties. < hmilometer Balances applied and jotj11*ud to temperature and position, tljan70-1f wanted'! 1/ \KMEHHandHunU;i-» having prime Mink Skin* uu bend srill find & cadh '-uetomer at highest market |i e liy sending them to JT. H. WEI.LN * CO., No. 10 State St., : : Boston, Mass. !4tja. AVwU I H. T. HEUBOUt'll Concentrated Fluid Eitract Bicbi, THE GREAT DIURETIC. The Proprietor trust* that hi* Remedies, from the fact of their being advertised, may not be classed a* Patent Medicines. 11ki.mroi.dV> Kxtkact Rrnu is a Pharmaceutical Preparation. The proper name is given, and it is the most active which can be made: it is indorsed as a cure by all medical work*, for curb disease* as recommended by the Proprie tor. It is pleasant in its taste and odor, free from all injurious properties. and is taken I y Adults and Children. It is Tonic, Diuretic. HUkhI Purifying and Invigorating. Knfeebled and delicate constitu tion* of both sexes will llnd it far more strength ening than an) of the preparation* of bark or iron. See Medical Properties contained in 1 >ispensatory of the Cnitcd State*, of which the following is a correct copy. Brcilt'.—It* odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic, it' taste is bitterish, and analogous f.> that of mint, ft is given chiefly in complaints of the I rinarv Organ*, such as (travel. Chronic Ca tarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Blad der ami Crethra, disease* of the Prostate (Jlaud. and Retention or the Incontinence of t rine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in it'evacuation, it has also been recommended iti Dyspepsia. Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous Affection* and Dropsy. TESTIMONY - IT kk of Gravel of Five Years' STANDING STONE PASSED AND TO UK SEEN savannah. Team., May 14. Wifi. I>r. H. T. Hf.lmboi.d, IM \u Sik : We introduced \ onr Fluid 1 \tr:u t Buehu'* in this country about l ight month- ago. and an- bam*\ to state that it is im v ting w ith universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among man)' where your •■Buehu” ha- worked winders. A‘man in our county, named d It K> tell, had l*oon suffering at*nit five years with grav el. About six weeks ago lie bought oi us one bed tie of vour • Bhchu,” and before he was through with one bottle he passed a gravel that w eighs eigh.t grains, which we in>w have on «\hibiton in ->ur drugstore, lie says he never will be w .thout llie • Bu-'hu" in hi- hou-e again Y our preparations are gaining favor ever) day Yerv respectfully, yours Ac., tt\ l.K> A lllNKl.1 Druggists. CURE of Bladder and Kidniy Affection of LONG STANDING—STONE PASSED AND TO Rr. SEEN. , Westport, Conn, Sept. 5. lSfifi. II T IlELMDOLD. Esq. Pur sir.: I ommen o' taking ymr - Extract i of Buehu" alsmt two weeks since for an affection of the bladder and kidm ) s I have -uflVred b) -pells very mnch for a few day- past. But yesterday re lic! came through the tffe<t of\.*ur * Bnciiu A stone pas-ed my bladder a boat the size of a large pm. and 1 now feel |*erfeetly w ell and entirely free fn>m tlie pain that 1 have suffered with - so hard." I attribute nay cure to your medicine entirely, and would recommend all jiersons similarly affected to trv it 1 have great faith in if- ■•nrativ«■ power* Y ours truly. THOMAS J. BENNETT. REFERS TO Rev WILLIAM COGSWELL. Westport. Conn. J. L. O CANNON. Druggist, Westport. Conn. II B. WHEELER, esq.. Westport. Conn. BRADLEY HULL, esq . Westport, Conn. I»r. WAKEMAN. Reading, Conn. K. W. R. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist New York C ity. An^piany others if necessary. Ctrl of Kidney and Liver Affection of a Patiext Seventy-Eight years of Age. THANKS TO MR. IIELMBOLI) Girard, Pa., March 31,1.809. EDITOR Cosmoplite: I desire, as an unsolicited tribute to the merits of Helmbold’s Buehu, and for the benefit of those similarly afflicted as myself, to bhv that alter consulting many eminent physician*, and trying nearly all the best advertised remedies, in the vain hope of finding relief from aggrivated kidney and bladder diseases, from which 1 have suffered excessively for many years, good fortune finally suggested t<» me Helm bold’s Buehu. which I commenced using with little faith, and no apparent beneficial results for almut a month. At the expir ation of that time, however, I thought 1 commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged me to persevere in its use, and now, at the expiration of four months, although 1 ani an infirm old man. nearly 78 years of age, and consequently medicines cannot be expected to favorably affect me as they otherwise would, I have found' such unspeakable relief and permanent benefit from Mr. Hehnbold's valuable discovery, that 1 feel I ought to publicly record the fact, as an acknowledgement to him and a valuable suggestion to the public. Yours respectfully, 1). M. LA REN. Mr. Laren refers to the following gentlemen. Col. DAN. RICE, Girard. Pa. CHAU. STOW, esq., Girard, Pa., Editor Cosmo polite. tfKORGE II. CUTLER, Girard, Pa., Attorney. C. I. HINDS, Girard, Pa., Attorney. Cant. 1>. W. HUTCHINSON, Girard. I*a., Attorney. DAVID OLIN, Girard, Pa., Merchant. DAVII) K. DAY', Girard, l’a.. Merchant. 1 F. ROCKWELL, Girard, Pa., Merchant. B. C. ELY', Girard, Pa., Druggist. A PERMANENT Cl HE OF (j» WEL OF TWELVE YEARS STANDING—STONE PASSED AND TO RE SEEN. Burnside, Conn . Dec. 15,1SG8. Dr. IIelmhold— Dear Sir; It is with much pleasure that I write you upon fuetijf respecting my self. 1 do not know hardly how to express myself. 1 have been for the last ten or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could be and live; but more : sometimes than others. The complaint was the “Kidneys” and “Bladder.” 1 have been nometimes 1 from twelve to fourteen hours, and wanted to make water every minute, but could not. Have consult- : ed doctors, both in Massachusetts and this State, and taken pills, 1 may say. by the quart, also li.j- ! uored medicines, but found no relict from any, and i got worse the last six months. 1 was so that 1*could scarcely gel about. 1 could not rest night or day. It would soon have been “all tip” with me if I had 1 not seen your advertisement in “The Berkshire j Courier” headed “Kulnevs.” 1 read it through and thought I would try it. 1 purchased a bottle, but, mindyou, hud not much faith in it. Why* should 1, when 1 had been trying so many things and cost me so much ? Well, I began taking it. and before 1 had taken the first bottle 1 felt bad; but 1 finished it and got another. By the time 1 took half of the second I still got worse (apparently). When I walked it seemed as if my right kidney was falling from its place, and 1 felt really bad. I felt so, before I hail tlnished tiie second, that 1 hud made lip my mind it was of no use trying any more—and all this time the “Buehu” was doing its work, but 1 did not know it; so 1 gave it up and went to Hartford on Saturday to see one of tile best doctors in the citv. lie -aid it w as the neck of the hlad'h r, and 1 should have to undergo an operation. He gave me med icine, and I went home quite downhearted. On Sunday 1 wras unable to go to church. I had not taken any of his medicine, but on my return contin ued using the “Buehu,” and in the afternoon I had a desire to make water, but could not. About one hour utter this 1 tried again, with the same result; but the next time I took the vessel it was the same as turning a faucet and stopping it off again. It was so for three times, and the third time there w as something eatue through the passage and struck . against the side of the vessel. 1 examined it, and it is the ugliest stone or gravel you ever «mv. cov ered over with little peiee* which collided together. It looks the color of a mud turtle, and is as hard as a flint. So you see the “Buehu” w as doing it> work although 1 was feeling so badly. 1 procured an other bottle thinking tlieir might lie some more be hind, blit since that has passed, which is eight weeks ago last Sunday, 1 have been as well as ever 1 w as in my life. 1 have the stone securely w rapped and those who have seen it iu this place, are sur prised. I cannot tell you all. hut this is a true story of my case, and you are welcome to make such use of my name as you think proper. I am pretty w ell known in Berkshire; also in Connecticut. The ad-, vertisement saved me. Why not publish more? The Springfield Republican is a wide-spread paper If any one wishes to see this wonder, they can do so. I could write all day, but think 1 have said : enough this lime, so 1 remain vour ever w ell w isher, KDWAUD L HOWARD. Paper Maker, Burnside. Hartford Co., Conn. I REFERS TO Dr. MACK, Burnside, Conn. Dr. WRIGHT, North Lee, Mass. Dr. HOI.KCM, North Lee, Mass, Dr. ADAMS, Stock bridge, Mass. Dr. SCOTT, North Manchester, Conn. Dr. JAQUKS, Bm-kland Corners, Conn. Dr. BKAR8FOBD. Hartford, Conn. All of whom treated me for the discuse. DR. KKYSKB is a physician of over 30 years experience, and a graduate of the Jeffersonian Medical College, and of the Cniversify of Medicine and Surgery of Phil adelphia. Mr. II. T. IIki.mbold—Okvr Sin: lu regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Hu ehu, I would sny I have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years I do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not u-ed, or know n to be used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. \ on are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder aud kidneys, aud the reputation it ha-ac quired. in my judgment, i- w arranted by the facts I have seen and used, as lieforc stated. every form of Bucliu—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid ex tracts —and I am not congnizaiit of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years’ experience ought. 1 think, to give me the right to judge of it.-, merits; and. without prejudice or par tiality . I give yours precedence over all others. 1 value your Huehu for its effects on patients. I have cured w ith it, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the Madder and kidneys than 1 have ever seen cured w ith any other Buenu or any other proprietary compound of whatever name. Respect fully yours, Ac., CKO. II KKYSKi:. M. l>., August 11,186ft. 140 Wood-st . Pittsburg. Penn. \ CASE OF TWENTY YEAIIS STANDING. Fun \i*KLriUA, Penn., June 25, ls>7. II. T. IIf.i.miioi.i>. Druggist— Dfak Sin: I have j hceifln sufferer for upwards of twenty years w ith gra\ el. bladder aud kidney affections, during w hieli time 1 have used various’medicinal preparations, ami been under the treatment of the most eimncnt ph\ sician*. experiencing but little relief. Having -ecu your preparations extensively ad \rrtised. I consulted my family physicaii in regard to u.-ing your EqtrnctiBuchu 1 did this because 1 had used a’l kinds of adver tised remedies ami had found them worthies-, and some quite injurious; in fact. 1 despaired of ever getting well, and determined to u>e no remedies hen'after unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It w as this that prompted me to use your remedv. As y on advertised that it was composed of buehli. cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys ician as an c\e» Rent combination ; and with hi- ad vice. alter an examination of the article and con j suiting again with the druggist. 1 concluded to try J it 1 commenced to use it about eight mouths ago. . at which tune I va- routined t*> my rtwnn Eriun the first bottle 1 was astonished at the bon eii-lal effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out I felt much like writing to you a full statement of nty ca-c at the time, but thought ' my improvement might only l*e temporary, and , therefore « oneluded to defer, and see it it would effect a perfect curt*, know ing that it wonld l*e of j greater value to y ou and more satisfactory to me. 1 am now able to report that a cure ss effected. , after using the remedy for five months I haven t u.-ed any now lor three months, and feel as w ell in all respect* as 1 ever did. A ur Buchu b>. iug devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and in vigorntor of the system. 1 do not mean to be without i! whenever occasion : max require its use on such affections M JUTORMK. Should any doubt Mr. McCoriuic*s statement, he refers to the follow mg gentlemen : lion Wm. BIGLER. ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Hon. THOM AS B. FLORENCE. Philadelphia, lion. J. I KNOX. Philadelphia. Hon J > BLACK. Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. PORTER. ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Hon. ELI.IS LEVI*, Philadelphia. IIou. R. C. GRIER. Philadelphia. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD. Philadelphia. Hon W \ PORTER. Philadelphia . i IIou. JOHN BIGLER. ex-Governor of California. Hon. E. BANKS, Washington, I>. C. Aud many others if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BE GIVEN FOR A BOTTLE IF NEC ESSARY. R.uiway, N. J., Dec. 2, IStfy. II. T. IlKL-MnoLD, Esq..—Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in ^ending you a certificate, in addition to the many you have received lYom suffering human ity. I cun scarcely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratiffcatiou at the wonder ful cure your’* Buchu” has effected. For four y ears I have suffered beyond description. A11 my friends (with myself) came to the conclusion that’my case was incurable. Accident placed your advertise ment in rny hands. I commenced taking your * Bu- . chu.” 1 followed the directions, aud t«*‘ my utter astonishment before I had taken seven bottles of your valuable medicine (I would give £100 a bottle, if I could not get it at any other price) 1 am entirely cured. 1 most earnestly*recommend it to all those suffering from disease. I have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with'great success. Any information my fellow citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber at his residence. No. 78 Milton-ave..’New Jersey. II. M. FREEMAN, Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway, i ■ Rahway, N. J., Dec. 2, 18GU. We, the undersigned, are w«JI acquainted with II. M. Freeman of Rahway , and know that be ha been a long time suffering, in the w orst possible form, for the past four years, and that he ha- been entirely cured by the use of *• Helmbold’s Buchu.” ■T. W. SAVAGE. ex-Mayor. FRANK LA BAU, President of Council. WM. RICHARDS, Clerk of Council. PETER A. BANTA, Councilman. W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. S. 8. MELICK, Councilman. LEWIS HOFF, Councilman. J. 15. STRYKER, Merchant. City Hall, Mayor’s Office, > Rahway, N. J., Dec. 5,1800. $ This will certify that I am personally acquainted with 11. M. Freeman, and am cognizant <•!' the facts as set forth in the above statement, and the several persons whoso signatures are thereunto attached are well known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway, N.J. \ Y. S. Vol. Institute, i Corner of Fifth-ave. aud Seventy-sixth st., / Central Park. > (A HOME AM) SCHOOL FOR THE SONS OF DECEASED SOLDIERS.) Dr. H. T. IIllmhoi.d: Two bottles onlv of the package of your valuable Buchu presented to the institute have been used by the children, and with perfect huccomh. In the ea-e of our little lieutenant A. .1his i ride is no longer mortified, and he i- free from the daily morning anathemas of the chamber maid who has chu; gc of his bedding. 1 feel that a know ledge of the result of our use of your Buchu with the children under our charge may save many a superintendent and matron of boarding-schools and asylums a great amount of annoyance; and j many a poor child, -uttering more from weakness than*from habit, may be spared punishment that is (not knowing it as*n weakness instead of a bad habit) most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thank iug you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benefited, 1 am respectfully yours, COL. YOUNG, General Sup’tund Director. June lf». 1800. Great Salt Lake City,! Utah, Jan. 28, 1808. | Mr. II. T. IIelmrold— Dear Sir : Your commu nication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, but from jt prejudice I hail fbrmed against advertising ‘ cures for secret diseases,” it was left unanswered. During an accidental con versation in a drug store the other evening, my mind was changed on the character of your Buchu. It was then highly recommended for other diseases by two physicians present. Kudosed please ilud our rates or advertising. Yours, ,*<•.. T. B. II. STENHOUSE, Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-Weekly Telegraph. — HKI.MIIOI.IVS EXTRACT BUCHU, e*tabUslu<l upward of eighteen years, prepared by If. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, No. ,5M Broadway, New York, and No. 1(U South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn. Price £1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for £0 50, delivered to any address. Sold by Druggists everywhere. None ure genuine unless done up in steel en graved wrapper, with fae simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed ly!2 H. T. HELMBOLD. 1 GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! ADAMSON’S BOTANIC COUGH BALSAM! IS MOKE VALUABLE THAN GOLD. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! IT CUBES THE WORST COUGH or COIjD IN A SHORT TIME. IN LARGE BOTTLES, at - - - 35 Cents. No Cure ! No Pay ! FRANK KINSMAN, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS. Cough no more when you can bo Cured for :i r» Cents! try IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! Opinion* ol ill*1 I’rfii. Tlie Ki NNKi'i r .loriivu. Inis been eulnrffi >1 anil new i'lle ul Ibe biiiHl.'Oluefl i iipeiA in tlie l niteit M:itt - — J'orthnni /*»>>.< Tlu* Ki:nm hvt .1«»i kn ae roinr" to u- this wi i k enlarged. aud with new type, giving ita\ny nmo appearance, and an extra amount of good reading matter -6twcH. in L&rieton Ji^urjutl. The Kkxnkbi c Jot t<x\i. « <>nic* to m* much en larged and improved. New type, cleat paper, ami a determination to keep up with the t me- will en sure t>> the patrons of the Jot kxai a tir>t-v las* new-paper >Ve :.rc ph ased to uct;> e the-C evi dence - «>f prosperity on the part of our neighbors of the Journal and wish them abundant success. Bantjor HTkiy ami l-nri*r The Kl xnkbec JniKNAi comes to «- thi- week dressed m m w type throughout and greatly en larged ^mne column- l<* a page . and is now. tie be lieve, Mu largi -t papt r In the Stt tt w ith om excep tion. The Jot un ai. i- most ably condui ted by M.--r- -pr.-gue. Owen A Ncsh and deserves the hlieral support v>t the party who.-e principle- it advocates. To its genial publishers we wish the richest -ueeess.— Kennebec la porter. iKexnkhki Joiunai w - 1 this week to nine columns, ami is m>w the large-t folio sheet .n Maine. It is said that the proprietors will issue a permanent Daily henceforth. Im ginning with the Itgislative session — l o*t • titer rlne Ken xebec Jot knai of Augusta, will be enlarged, this week. and made the largest paper in tlu* state — Sjiringficid Republican-. The hi.'MH V .Ii'I'knai. has spread it-clf to tlie *ize of the bo-ton Advertiser, and i- otherwise im proved. ->* that .t i- now the large-t and perhaps the handsomest paper in the state — Watt mile Mail The lONXil 1C .JoiKN vt. of Im -1 week appeared in au euYargptl form, printed on new type and upon a new press.—Bangor Jeffersonian. The Kennebec .'Joi unai.. always neatly printed and ablv conducted, comes t-> u- t nlarged and if po--ible neater looking than ever betore. It i- now the large-1 weekly printed in Maine.— Machia* Inion. . The Kknniiuec JoCKN W. come- to u- tin- we« k in a new dress, and eon-iderably enlarged, indicat ing a nro-perou- condition financially, and w hich is well deserved.—troostoolPioneer The Kennebec Jot knai. comes to us mm h en larged. and dressed in a spick and span new suit. Augusta i-bound to grow . and the .JoriiN vi. pro prietors evidently mean to be up to the times.— Partlav<t Transcript. Tlu* Kennebec Jocknae has been greatly en larged. and i- now we believe, the largest paper in the Mate. '1 he publishers ha\ e recently added one of Campbell’* best newspaper presses to their al ready verv complete establishment, and are pre pared to answer all call* that may be made upon their typographic resources. It take- in* backward step* though in its issue it easts "A * dance back ward” to its rir-t number, comparing that with the present —Gardiner Journal. The Kennebec Jot knai.. one of the best weekly paper* in New England, come- to u- enlarged this week. We are glad to see such proof of it.- pros perity.— Boston Transcript. Thi* Kennebec J«u knai. comes to u> thi- week in an enlarged form and new dress. It make* a splendid appearance, aud is worthy of an extensive circulation.— Biddtford Journal. The Kennebec♦/<»l’RNAE has been enlarged, and Is now the largest paper in tlu Mate. The publish ers have hail a mammoth Campbell pte-s built specially tor it, and with a new dress of type it i- a very handsome sheet. The publishers should re ceive a liberal -uppoit to compensate for the heavy outlav which thev make.— Rockland Free Press. The Kennei.e< .Jot knal come* to us in anew dre--. and much enlarged, which are evidences <»t prosperity. The proprietors of the Mate paper are energetic,’ business men. and deserve much credit 1 i- thi- last iinprovi ment in their valuable journal, and we wish them large success, tinaneially, and olherw i-e—Farmington Chronicle. The Kennebec Jot knai. ha- been enlarged and very much improved. New type, new press, new determination to make a llr.-t-ela** Mate paper. The Jort'.x At. never looked so prosperous and w ell to-do, and we are more than pleased at these evi dence- of prosperity’.— FlIstiHath American. The KenXKI.I < .Jot uvu. ha* been considerably enlarged, dressed in a line new -nit from head to foot, and makes a line appearance.—Calais Adver tist r. The Kennebec Jnn:vAi. some* to u* enlarged and in a new suit of ty pe. Tlu* Jocknae is well conducted, readable, industrious in news, and pretty much all that a newspaper should be, except in its politics.— Republican Journal. The KenneBE* Joe kn ai. ha* been enlarged, ami i- printed w ith new typo anti a new pres*. It is one of the largi -t and best weekly papers in the Mate. — Fast port Sentinel. The Kennebec Joritx.AE. Thi* valuable State paper ha* recently been enlarged, with an entirely new dre.-s. It is* printed on om* of ( amplu-lr* presses—and »* one of the largest if not the largest paper* in the Mute. The JnctcNAf. i- now a Ihirty *ix column paj er—and the publish! rs n ust have been at great expense in making such improve ment* without any extra charge for the paper.— Piscataquis Observer. NlWM ABOKIAE. The KENNEBEC Jot KXAE, Which was large enough before, lia* been enlarged and i- now the largest in the State. It i- printed on new type and i* a handsome a* well as a well edited paper.—Progressive Age. JJieu Lt Mon Uroit. MRS. D IN SM ORE’S GREAT ENGLISH COUCH *CROUP BALSAM. Of llonrhound d Anise Seed, For Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, Sic. This excellent Medicine has the extraordinnr riopertv of immediately relieving Col oils, ('<>i.i>s loAKMAI vs, Inn K I LTV OF I’.LI.A I III N< i, WIIOOI' iv<, Cm tiii, ami 1 ft skinfss of tiif: Throat. I operates by dissolving the congealed phlegm, and causing free expectoration. Persons who are troubled with that unpleasant tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of retd, night alter night, bv the inct —ant cough which d provokes, will bv taking one dose, And immediate relief; and one bottle in most canes will effect a cure. In cases of Croup it lives immediate Relief. Price* 50 Out*. Prepared from a receipt of a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society ol' tlreat Britain. For Bale at Drug Stores gonerally. A. I»I. DINSNOUE A CO., Prop’s, PORTLAND, MR. For sale in Augusta by Johnson Brothers; in (iardiner by B. F. Johnson ; in Hallowed by \V. K. IUi.lakd. * hilijaiutO-lm* MOSES W. FARR, General Insurance Ag’t, LIFE AND FIRE. Capital Represeotefl GTEr 50 Millions. OFFICE, .\0. 1 DARBY BLOCK, | .tl'G IST.l, .n.U.TB. tljaoT0-ti Standard Periodicals for 1870. Republished by the Leonard Scott Publish ing Co., New York. Indispensable b nil desirt us of being wi ll informed on Ihi great subjects of the day. 1. The Edinburgh Review. This is the oldest of the series. In its main fea ture? it still follows iu the path marked out by Brougham. .Jeffrey. Sydney smitli. and Lord Hol land. it* original founders uud lirst contributors. 2. The London Quarterly Review, \\ lii« b commence? it? 128th volume w ith the January number, was ?et on foot a? a rival to the Kiun ni in,it. It resolutely maintain- its opposition in politics, and sliows equal vigor in it? literary de partment. 3. The Westminster Review has just closed its P2d volume. In point of literary ability this Review i- fu?l rising to a level with if> competitors. It i? the advocate of political uud re ligious liberalism. 4. The North British Review, now in its.'d-t volume, occupies a very high posi tion in periodical literature. Passing’beyond tbc narrow formal1 m of school? and parties, it appeals to a w ider range of sympathies and a higher integ rity of conviction. 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine w a« commenced 52 years ago. Kqualing the Quar terlies in its literary and scientific departments, it ha? won a wide reputation for the narratives and sketches which enliven it? pages. TKMIMS KOMI 1870. For any one of the Reviews, $4.00 per uunum. For any two of the Review *, 7.00 For any three of the Reviews, lO.uO For all*four of the Reviews, 12.00 “ f or Blackwood’s Magazine. 4 (xj For Blackwood and one Review. 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews, ’ 10.00 “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews, 13.00 “ For Blackwood and the four Re view s, 15.00 “ single Numbers of a Review. $1. Single Numbers of Blackwood, 35 cents. The Krrirtr• are published quarterly t Mat ksrood'u Magazine in monthly. V*ol nmu * i otMMu hi e im January. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per rent, w ill be allowed to Club? of four or more persons, when the periodicals are tent to one address, POSTAGE. The IV-tageon current subscriptions, to an part of the Tinted States, is tu-o rents a number, to be prepaid at the office of delivery. For back num ber? the postage i? double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New Subscribers to any two of the above period ical? for 187o w ill be entitled to receive one of the Four Review? for 1 >*511. New Subscriber? to all the live may receive Blackwood or two of the Review ? for 1809. BACK NUMBERS. Subscribers may. by applying early, obtain oack set? ol the Review? from January, 18U5, to Decem ber, 18UU. and of Blackwood’? Magazine from Janu ary, is!*;, to December, im>9, at half trie current subscription price. 4* Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor dis couiit to 1,1 ub? nor reduced prices tor back num ber-, can be allowed, unless the money i. remitted direct to the Publishers. No premium? can be given to ( luba. The Jnntiaifr number* w ill be printed from new type, and ai rangenient? have been made, w hu b, it is hoped, will secure regular and early publication. The Leonard Srott PublUhlnn Co., 140 Fulton St., Nkw York. The Leonard Scott Publishing Company also pub lish Till. FA KM Fits’ M ILF to seiu*tillc nod Praetieal Agriculture. K> Henry Stephen*, F it s., Edinburgh, and the late J. I* Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, New Haven. 2 vol*. Koyal octavo. 1000 pages and nu merous Engraving*. 1'riee $7. By mail, postpaid, $*.00. lwfd Edward Rowse, 124 WATER STREET IH'ALEK IN Watches, Jewelry, [AM) SILYKU WAKK : Agent tor the Waltliam Watch (onip'j, And CAZA Ill'S A MCl'tllS’ JL-»ei*feoted. Spectacles. *»' Special attention paid to the repairing of all kiniU of FINE WATCHES. Ch rouometer Jtalantes applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and laochrontsm. TPli; TAKE* BY TRANSIT. ♦Ijan70-tf Hotel Notice. triMiE Gardiner Hotel having been thor* 1 oughly repaired, and entirely new Air nTshed, will ue opened Wednesday, Dec. 15th. OLIVER t’. ROIXINS. Gardiner, Dec. 13,18tfJ. tlJanVO-U' PRICES REDUCED! DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Articles, AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opp. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, Me., Where can be found one of the largest and best selected stocks on the Kennebec river, and Prices that defy compe tition. PATENT MEDICINES Of all^ kinds and in large quantities, sold to suit purehaters, at Johnson Brothers. CATARRH REMEDIES. BRUSHES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Feather Dusters, Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., Chamois Skins, OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR. OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, ESSENTIAL OILS OF ALL KINDS, AT Johnson Brothers. FINE SOAPS, FRENCH AIM ID ENGLISH and (■cniiinc Imported Castile, GLYCERINE AND HONEY SOATS, 5 Cakes for 25 cents, 25 Cakes for one dullar. Shaving Apparatus, Comprising RAZORS from the best manufacturers in the World ; STROPS of all kinds ; the COMBINATION MUG-a r.«vel and convenient article. BRUSHES of every description, and SOAPS of the best quality. Johnson Brothers. HAIR PREPARATIONS OF ALL KINDS, f.,r 75 CENTS, Johnson Brothers. SACHET POWDERS. A Large Stock of LTJZBIlSrS, CLA.TTIDIR.A.-Y’S, AND ALL OTHER IMPORTED PERFUMES. Also a LARUE LOT of TOILET POWDERS. UllIII'IIKIS. AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT Johnson Brothers. n RE CALIFORNIA AND I M P 0 R T E 1) W 1 N E S. For Medicinal Purposes, at JOHNSON EEOTHEES. — SARDINES OLIVES, PICKLES, &c., CIGARS & TOBACCOS OF ALI, KINDS. CANARY; RAPE & HEMP SEED AT | Johnson Brothers. Peoprietors of Dil. BEXMT'S ff If Ins ltd Jaundite Bilttrs. Persons from the country, rhjsicians ond all others, will do well to call and exauiioo our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place! OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, JOHNSON BROTHERS.