Newspaper Page Text
gailg $nuul)cc journal In Bethel, Vt., on Wednesday, a little boy of five years, while at play on the highway bridge which spans the deep stream passing through the village, fell into the water. Fifty feet below the bridge the water pours over a high dam ainoug the rocks and snags below, tumbles along for another hundred feet, leaps a second dam higher than the first, ami sweeps down under and beyond the railroad bridge for two hundred yards a perfect cataract. A young man of 18 years, named Edward Burn ett, who stood near, saw the child fall, and at once divesting himself of his coat and boots, plunged boldly into the river. He reached the drowning child, clasped him in his arms, raised the little fellow’s head from the water and turned shoreward, when the current took them over the first dam into the foaming vor tex below. For the space of a minute and a half the horrified spectators lost sight of the hero ic young man. At last, when hope had nearly fled, young Burnett was seen drawing himself out of the water by some bushes, fitty rods below the lower dam, bruised, but not danger ously injured. The body of the child had not been recovered at last accounts. Young Burnett’s heroism is the theme of universal praise in Bethel, the opinion being general that not one in a hundred could pass down that jagged torrent bed and come out alive. Burnett says he was conscious all the time, and saved himself by holding his breath. Shooting Tackle. i. wTloio, SUCCESSOR TO M. LEl.ASD, QUINT SMITH And De.lcr In Shooting Tackle of Every Variety. Rifles and Shot Guns made to order ami war ranted. Old Shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to mhoot thick and strong. Also, Ammunition of the nicest quality. Repairing done Xeatly and Promptly. IllaHtlng Powder. The bo* quality and largest stock ever kept in this market. For sale at Factory prices. Country Dealers supplied iu any quantity or quality at dis count. ljan-ly A Free Gift to Ail ! HILL’S RlIKtmf ATIC PILLS. To Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Gout subjects, a sample box of these Pills will be given by F. W. Kins man, Water St., Augusta, and for sale by all Apothecaries at 2A cents per box; 5 boxes fl. 0. A. HILL, Proprietor tttim.r-.1rn PORTLAND, MK. CUSHNOC HOUSE. Comer and Winth rop State Sts., j\ nfrusta, Af e. T. B. B/tLLARD, : : Proprietor. Quests ta icon to and from the Cars and Boats Free. H0R8ES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tljan7'i urn MAMIOOl), 154th Edition. A MRDfCAL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure of uljL Premature Decline, showing how liealth is lost and how regained. It gives a clear Synopsis of the Impediments to MAKitiAtiK, the treatment of Nkk vom and Physical Debility, Stkkiijty. Ac., am! tlic remedies therefor,—the results of twenty years’ inec««eM practice. “There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether such person holds the relation of Parent. Preceptor, or Clergy man.”—Jjondon Medical Timet and Gazette. “’Manhood.’ The experience and reputation of Dr. Curtis in the treatment of the diseases set forth in this little pamphlet is the patient’s guarantee, and well deserves for the work its immense circu lation.**— Daily Times. Sent by mail on receipt of .10 cents. Address the Author, Dll. Ct'KTis, 14 Chapman street. Bos ton, Mass. innr28-teo«13in Daily Express Line! BRICK’S Kennebec & Boston Express! ✓ i RITN* daily from Augusta to Portland, Boston, aud all intermediate stations. Goods forwarded, ami Notes, Drafts and Checks collected in ail parts of the I'uited states with des patch and at Low Kates. Orders for the purchase of Bonds, Bills of Ex change, Fruit, Ac., promptly attended to. Goods forwarded to all parts of the United States at Low Rates. Having had three years’ experience in the Ex press between the Kennebec and Boston, the pro- j prletor hopes by strict attention to business to merit a fair share of the public patronage. Boston Office, 57 Kilby Street, Portland Office, 07 Exchange Street. AGENTS: Boston. K. It. smith; Portland. G. L. ' Loth run A Co.; Augusta. J.F. Pierce; Hallowed, C. E. Fuller; Gardiner, B. Lawrence, Jr.; Rich mond, E. F. Hatch; Brunswick, E. Crawford. f4apr>tf If. A. BKK K, Proprietor. T# Those Mho Desire Trees, Shrubs & Flowering Plants! ORDERS Bent to or left with me for no. FuftT Or OKNAMKNTAI. TKKKB, NIllIl llS, VlNK.H, OK Klowkhimj 1'i.ants, grown by Watson in the 1 Old Colony Nurseries! (which embrace even thing that can be desired in a northern climate.) will be answered by a supply in ay possession during the months of April and ay proximo. They will be delivered in Augusta at the prices of the Plymouth Nursery, without cost of transportation hither. Catalogues furnished gratis when requested. There are many rare things In that excellent Nursery. WILLIAM A. DREW. Augusta. Mur. 8, 1870. ’>marAw2ni Feather Dusters! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Table Cutlery ! Table Cutlery For tale CHEAP at NO. 6 UNION BLOCK, Water Mtrect, i t Au|[UMta. April 4, 1870._ _tSapr-tf WANTED! 1 FARMERS and Hunters haring prime Mink Skins on hand will And a rash customer at highest market price by sending them to 1. H. WELLS & CO.. Wo. 10 State St., : : Boston, Maes. ♦SlJanASw* ~~ CHRISTMAS — AND — New Year’s Presents. Uf (Hndt, make your home beautiful. How f hall w# do It ? _ U'*>. pht one of ttio.r onnralled Bt RbETT t l l.KWK OBtiAl#. Will re ten they be found ? ^J0hS^.TB^Tn2« A CO.’S. IMS Court Htrrt l. Bouton, Maae. Ijtl Hugusta Directors. Churches. ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONAL —Granite Ch. State st., between Bridge and Oak. J. I*. Bingham pastor; residence No. 0 state street. Morning service 10JO A. M. Afternoon service 2 JO I . M. Evening 7 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST,—Corner Winthrop and Pernam pte. J. Ricker, pastor; residence Chestnut street. Morning servine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P. M. . _ .. FREE BAPTIST,—state street, north of Bridge. C\ F. Penney, pastor; residence Summer street. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 P.M METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, east of state. C. A. King, pastor: residence at the par sonage. next door to the church. Morning per vice 10.30 A. M. Afternoou *.30 P. M. Evening 7 I*. M. PROTESTANT EPISC OPAL-State st., between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Evening service 7 P. M. UMVERSA LIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer sts. C. U. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10.30 A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening aer vice at 7 P. M. UNITARIAN,—Corner Oak and State sts. Rev. Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10.30 A. M Sabbath School service 2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC,-State >t., north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational. First Baptist. Free Will Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in thei^vestries every Wednesday evening, at half-past seven o’clock. Y. M. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block. Water Street. Regular prayer meetings every Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. .Masonic BETHLEHEM LOIHiE, No. Xt, r. ami A. M. Stated meetings first Monday of each month. 1 Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master. J. W . Clapp, Secretary. AVoCSTA LOIHiE. No. Ill, V. & A. Al. Stated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W. H. Wood bury. Master. E. F. Blackman, secretary. TRINITY COMMANDERY, No. 7, Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. I>. Knight, Eminent Commander. A. L. Smith, Recorder. | JERUSALEM ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER—Meets at Ilallowell. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meets at Ilallowell. Quar terly Convocations. January, April, July, Oc tober; Wednesday succeeding full moon. I>. Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance# sabattis Lodge, no. th of good templars. Meets every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darby Hall every Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and Water streets. Office Horns:—From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday i* to 10 A. M. James A. Bioknell, Postmaster. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. Arrival and Departure of Matin i—Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.j closes 10.30 A. M.; arrives 3.30P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 1*. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.45 A M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. AL; arrives 10.30 A. M. Rockland and Way, leaves 8.30 A. M.; close® 8.15 A. AL; arrives 5.00 f*. M. Winthrop, leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7.45 A.M.; arrives 6.00 P. M. Farmington and Wav. leaves 7.50 A. M.; close® 7.45 A. M.; arrives 2 OO P. M. Freeport ami Litchfield, leave® 6.00 A. M.; close® 8.00 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Every morning a train leave® Augusta at 5.30 A. Al.; arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. M. liiallotorll Directors. HALLOWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN MAIL arrive® dally, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 and 7 52 P. M. Closes at 10 45 A. M. and 8 P. M. EASTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A. M. Closes at 3.16 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A. Al., to 8 P. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. O' Box Rents and Postage on papers, periodicals, ke , payable quarterly in advance. E. ROWELL, P M Ilallowell, May 3, 1369. CHURCHES. South Parish Congregational Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Err. Chas. G. McCcllt, Pastor, residence on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2.16. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between Wiuthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 10 30; Afternoon service, 2 16. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street, between Un ion and Central. Rev. Caleb Fuller, Pastor *, residence st the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10 30 ; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Uuiversalist Church. Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Leonard K. Stores, Rector; residence corner of Second and Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon service, 2.30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. mTc. A. Regular meetings of the Y<«ung Men’s Christian Associ ation of lialloweli, are held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 7$ o’clock. A Cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Associ *tion, are held every Sunday evening— In Burns’ Schoolhousr, Farmingdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner. Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon Hill Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. In the Wider Schoolhouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield Heck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLK8, President. H. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. Kennebec Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednesday, on or preceding the full moon. JAMES ATKINS, Jr., W. M. J. E. NYE, Sec’y. j Jerusalem R. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs Jay on or l»efore the full of the moon. B. F. WARNER, II. P. F. J. DAY, 8ec’y. j Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed- I lug the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. F J. DAY. Rec’r. ! Trinity Cowmandery. Meetings at Augusta on the Friday on or before the full moon of each month. A. D. KNIGHT, E. C. A. L. SMITH, Rec’r. j TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance. No. 3. Reg- j ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FI LLER, W. C. T BEN TENNEY, W. R. i Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first and third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONK8, C. of C. C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, I. O. of G. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening. IV 8. BOYD, W. C. T. F. A. A. HEATH, R. 8. Fire Medicines ail Ctaicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CUOICS TOILET AND EASCT ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods, Pare Sperm. Lard, Keroseie and Nut*foot Oils. Charles K. Partridge, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, ' (UNDER GRANITE I!AM,,) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, Alt I) KKLI.S* AT The Lowest Market Rates! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. Partridge's Prur Store, Water Street, eerier Isrket Squirt tljan70iy Glass Ware at Low Prices! SETS OK GLASS WARE, (4 piece*) of new snil rich pattern,-, for Meventyllre Cento per *et. tall and examine them at BALLARD A CHASE’S, # Union Block, tfutcr St., tl»m»r4f AUGUSTA. Great Improvement la Artificial Teeth. nit. SNELL IX8KRT8 Teeth on Ruhrfr by a new process, by which the plate is made as thin aa a metallic base; at the name time the plate in flexible, and less liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect lit. Having purchased the txrlunve right to use this mode in Kennebec couuty, 1 shall be happy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs nrtl flcialteeth. 00 Winthrop Street. Augusta, Jan. J8th, 1870. t'21iJnn-3wA3w« ! Bitters ! Bitters ! OR. BEWIVET T'S CELEBR A TED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE TIIE SUREST CURE EOR 0 Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which-all persons are more or less subject in Spring and Summer. THEY ARE PURELY YEGETARLE! And composed of some of the best ROOTS and HERBS in the world. Trv Them. Thev are Warranted to do as Recommended ! • * Price, SO Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY RY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. CLOTHING. BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE! [WHERE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND The Largest Assortment And the BEST MADE GOODS. We also keep the Largest Assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW STYLES! We desire to call attention to our Large Assortment of WHITE SHIRTS. A CiOOD FIT GI ARAITIED ! SHIRTS HADE TO ORDER IF DESIRED ! WE MARK OUR GOODS AT THE Lowest MarJAet Price, AND SELL ALIKE TO ALL. W- Please Gall and Examine our Goods! S. A\r. Huntington & Co., 190 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. Opinions or Ihe Press. The Kennebec Journal has been enlarged and is now one of the handsomest papers in the t'nited States.—PortUind Press. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week enlarged, and with new type, giving it a very nice j appearance, and an extra* amount of good reading . matter.—Simon, in Lewiston Journal. The Kennebec Journal comes to us much en larged and improved. New type, clear paper, and i a determination to keep up w ith the times will en sure to the patrons of tne Journal a first-clafe ! newspaper. »Ve are pleased to notice these evi- ; ilences of prosperity on the part of our neighbors L*f the Journal and wish them abundant success.— , Bangor Whig and Courier. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week dressed in new type throughout and greatly en larged (nine columns to a page), and is now, we be lieve, the largest paper in the ''late, with one excep- j Lion. The Journal is most ably conducted by Messrs. Sprague, Owen Sl Nash, and deserves the liberal support of the party whose principles it advocates. To its genial publishers we wish the richest success.—Kennebec Reporter. The Kennebec Journal was enlarged this week to nine columns, and is now the largest folio sheQt in Maine. It is said that the proprietors will issue a permanent Daily henceforth, beginning with the legislative session*.—boston Advertiser. Tne Kennebec Journal of Augusta, will be enlarged, this week, and made the largest paper in Ihe state.—Springfield Republican. The Kennebec Journal has spread itself to the size of the Boston Advertiser, unu is otherwise un proved, so that it ih now the largest and perhaps the uandsomest paper in the state.— Waterville Mail. The Kennebec Journal of last week appeared in un enlarged form, printed on new type and upon a new press.—Bangor Jeffersonian. The Kennebec Journal, always neatly printed and ably conducted, comes to us enlarged and if possible neater looking than ever beiore. It is now the largest weekly printed in Maine.—Machine Union. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week in a new dress, and considerably enlarged, indicat ing a prosperous condition financially, and which is well deserved.—Aroostook Pioneer. The Kennebec Journal comes to us much en larged, and dressed in a spick and span new suit. Augusta is bound to grow, and the Journal pro ?rietors evidently mean to be up to the times.— *ortland Transcript. The Kennebec Journal has been greatly en larged, and is now w e believe, the largest paper in the state. The publishers have recently added one of Campbell** best newspaper presses to their al ready very complete establishment, ami are pre pared to answer all calls that may be made upon their typographic resources. It takes no backw ard steps though in its issue it casts “A (tlancc Back ward” to its first number, comparing that with the present.—Gardiner Journal. The Kennebec Journal, one of the best weekly pa|Mu s in New England, comes to us enlarged this week. We are glad to see such proof of its pros per!! v .— Boston Transcript. The Kennebec Journal comes to us this week In an enlarged form and new dress. It makes a splendid appearance, and is worthy of an extensive circulation.— Biddeford Journal. The RKNNKHKC JOURNAL has neen enlarged, and ia now the largest paper in the State. The publish er* have had a ni uni moth Campbell press built specially for it, and with a new dress of type it is a very handsome sheet. The publishers should re ceive a liberal support to compensate for the heavy outlay which they make.—Rockland Free Press. The Kennebec Journal comes to us in anew dress, and much enlarged, which are evidences of prosperity. The proprietors of the £tnte paper are energetic'busiuoss men, and deserve much credit for this last Improvement in their valuable Journal, and we wish them large success, financially, and otherwise.—Fanninffton Chronicle. The Kennebec Journal has been enlarged and very much improved. Fewf type, new press, new determination to make a tlrst-rlnss State paper. The Journal never looked so prosperous and well to-do, and we are more than pleased at these evi dences of prosperity .—Ellsworth American. The Kennebec Journal has been considerably enlarged, dressed in a fine new suit, from head to foot, and makes a fine appearance.-Calais Adt'tr User. The Kennebec Journal <onei to us enlarged and in a new suit of type. The Journal is well conducted, readable, industrious in news, and pretty much all that n newspaper should be, except »ll its politics.— Republican Journal. Lieu Et Mon Lroit, MRS. DINSMORE S GREAT ENGLISH COUCH fcCROUP BALSAM. or Hoarhound & Anise Seed, For Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, &c. This excellent Medicine has the extrnordinar property of immediately relieving Coughs, Colls 1 HOARSENESS, DlFHCUI.1V OF BREATHING, WlIOUI* ! ing Cough, and ID shiners of the Throat. I oiterates by dissolving the congealed phlegm, and causing free expectoration. Persons who are troubled with that unpleasant tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of rest, night alter night, by the incessant cough which it provokes, will bv taking one dose, lind immediate relief; and one bottle in most eases will effect a cure. Incases of Croup it gives immediate Relief. J Price 50 Cents. Prepared from a receipt of a Member of the j Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Goods,1 VERY LOW FOR CASH ! AT JOHNSON S • FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opposite POST OFFICE. soaps : Genuine Imported Soaps, OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. UNFAILING EYE PRESERVES. Our Celebrated Perfected Spectacle* and Eye | Classes, are gaining steadily and certainly a rcpu- , tation unsurpassed. IT IH A FACT, j That they render impaired night clear and distinct, * strengthen and preserve the Eve*, and are very easy j and pleasant to wear, and LAST MANY YEARS ; WITHOUT CHANGE, *o that in the end thev are i the CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE REST. NOTICE. Mr. E. KOWSK, Jeweller, Augusta. \ Me., is our sole Agent in this place. We EMPLOY NO PKDLERS. LAZARUS A MORRIS, Hartford,Conn I • lyii ‘ HARNESSES Sf HARNESS GOODS Of every Description. WE ARE STILL MANUFACTURING ALL CLASSES OF HARSKMKJSN, Vai-yins In Prioo from $17.00 to $100.00 ! 11 r K <lo not keep any man’s celebrated Harness, but having bad nineteen year’s experience in manu ▼ ▼ facturlng every variety of Harness Hoods ami the greater portion of {hat time for the people of Augusta and vicinity, we will let the quality ami worth of our goods rest upon their own merit. As we keep a larger number of workmen and consequently a larger stock and greater variety of manufactured work than anv tlnu in our line in this citym we invite all in want of such goods to call before purchasing, bearing fn mind that we keep no Harnesses manufactured by other linns lor whole sale trade but m inufacture all our goods and warrant them to give satisfaction. COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony House.) 143 Water Street, Augusta. Don’t pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta where they are manufactured AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunk Factory ! Sign oT tlio “ BIG TIUJISJU.'’ We manufacture nil our Trunk**, and as our retail trade in Augusta and neighboring towns is very large we make them specially for that trade and warrant them. They are no tdop work, not cracked, ana have good locks. We letter with initials and deliver in the city without extra charge. We also manufacture VARISES and < A RPETPAGS of every .-tyle. and k« - p con.-tantlv on hand the largest and 1'0't >toi*k of Radie*-’ and tient’> TR.WKRRIMi PACS, SIIAWR STRAPS, &C., iu the city, and sell them at SPECIE PRICES. Remember the place, Sign of the “ Big Trunk,” - 143 Water Street. Opp»$itc Coutj MMonte. t8iapr-tf X €■•!MtDi.VMiMt. RARE CHANCE! Valuable Hotel Property For Sale! Mansion House, Augusta, Me., IX THE MARKET. THE proprietor wishing to engage in other business, offers for sale this well known property. The house enjoys a paying patronage and a good reputation abroad, is sold for no other reason than a desire to retire from the business. 1" any one that means bu-iness I can satisfy them by reference to books that this is a chance seldom offered, there are plenty of Hotel.-for sale that mil not pay ruuning expenses. This is an exception. Any enquiries by letter w ill receive prompt attention, as I am’ bound to sell for a fair price. Horses, carriages, Ac., with the property it desired. A part of the purchase money may remain on moitgage. IV. 71. THAYER. Augusta, April IStlr, 1ST0. rluapr-tf 31 ANSI O X HOUS E, STATE STREET, : : AUGUSTA, ME. r|MHS ll'iuie is provided wita Bath Room*, 1 where Hot and Cold Baths can be bad at all times. It ha* also a First-Class Billiard llall, for Guests only. Connected with the House is h large and commodious Sample Room, on Water Street, centrally located, where Sample Agents can show i their goods, free <>; charge. The Proprietor, thankful for the liberal patronage which the above House has enjoyed since its open i »g, takes pleasure In informing his patrons that he will run Free Carriages to and from the Cars and , Boats until further notice Connected with the atw>ve House is a Livery Sta ble, where good teams can be had at reasonable rates. W. M. THAYER, Proprietor. G. P. Cochrane, Clerk. THE SILENT SEWING MACHINE! AS A FAMILY ASSISTANT, The Willeox & Gibbs Sewing Machine! Will be found to excel all others. The ease with which it runs, its ready adaptation to all kinds of work without delay or hesitation, its quiet fidelity, its Superior Strength and Durability of Work, arc* points that astonish and delight all who make its acquaintance. Ladies who are unfa miliar with this Machine, do not yet know the full blessing and comfort of a Sewing Ma chine in the family, though they may possess many others and think they are satisfied. In proof of this assertion is the significant fact, Thai its strongest advocates and most enthusiastic admirers arc alwags found among those who have used and are most familiar uith other leading machines. From the thousands of testimonials from all parts of the country, we select the following Irom the citv of Augusta: AUGUSTA, March, 1870. Having used the Willeox Sc Gibbs Sewing Machine in our respective families upon all the various kinds of work required, some of us from one to six years, others for a shorter time, some of us also being familiar with the use of other leading machines, wo cheerfully recommend it as a most excellent family machine. It runs easily and quietly, is simple and easy in its management, does not get out of order, is always ready, its work is strong and durable, and in all respects gives most entire satisfaction Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Mrs. C. I. Penney, •* John McArthur, “ Enoch Sampson, “ H. M. Potter, “ S. G. C. Pullen, “ A. M. I.vford, “ G. Ii. Iloyt, “ G. W. Cross, “ A. J. Reynolds, “ C. E. Page, “ II. G. Smiley, “ T. C. Iloyt, Miss Minnie Woart, “ C. 11. Starbird, Mr. Thomas Wadsworth, Willeox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Agency, At Store of F. LTFORD, f;>mar AUGUSTA. Also, for Sale as above, A. B, HOWE, Improved ! A standard, and one of the most reliable Machines in use. Remnants! Remnants. JUST RECEIVED BY Barton & Russell, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE REMNANTS, OF BROWN COTTONS! In the following width*: 3-4, 4-4, 9-8, 9-4, 10-4. The above Goods are the production ol the wcll-kuown Androscoggin Mills, And will be sold From 3 to 12\ Cts. per yd. UNDER PRICE. ■ Barton & Russell. Augusta. Mar. 11, 1870. tllmar-lf Crockery and Glass Ware, FOR SALE BY BALLARD A fHASB. Augusta, April 4,1870. _f5apr4f Female Compositor W anted! Apply at the Jouunai- Office. tBapr-tf PARLOR MATCH FItEE FICOn ODOK. A Desirable article for every Housekeeper, — at — T1TCOMB Jb DORR’S. t*2apr-tf MOSES W. FARR, General Insurance Ag’t, LIFE Axn FIRE. Capital RepimpleJ over 50 Millions. OFFICE, SO. 1 DARBY BLOCK, .n r. rs t.i. .if.if.rK. ujan7o-ti 4 GENTS WHO SELL OUR NEW WORK. “PLAIN HOME TALK AND MEDICAL COMMON SENSE." ********** Have no competition. There never was a book published like it. Everybody wants it. Anybody “many" AGENTS ARE NOW MAKING #100 A The work embrace. 913 pages. 300 Illustrations. Price only #:i.25. If von want to muke money and do good, send for onr24-pago circular, select your torritorv. nml go to work at once. Full table of contents of tills wonderftil work sent free on application. Address, WELLS A COFFIN. 4.12 Broome St.. N. Y. Or B R. STCRGES, 7 Scollays Building, Boston, yiufs. mnr28-teodlm&w Place Wajted. nY a person who is -onipetcnt to do houaework or take care of children. Apply at FAKMEK’S HOTEL. thS*pr-3t* Edward Rowse, 124 WATER S TREE 1 DEALKK IN Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE ! Agent lor the Waltham Watch t'omp’y, And LAZAKl'S & MCl itlS’ Perfected Spectacles. n- Special attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of * FINE WATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied nnd accurately adjusted to temperature position nnd isoclironism. TIME TAKEN BV TRANSIT. *ljnn70-tf The Dally Kennebec Journal, Established Jan. 1, 1870. Notices by tlie Press. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal was issued from the Journal office on .-Satur day. It is about tiie size and style of arrangement as the usual Daily Legislative Journal, and in ty pographical appearance will compare favorably, we think, with the other Maine dailies. It is de signed by the publishers to issue it daily through the year, but we fear they will find their enterprise which ought to he a paying one, considering the field it w ill occupy, to prove a losing one. It costs a deal of money to publish a paper these times, and a large, prompt paying subscription list and a good ly amount of advertising patronage at respectable rates, are necessary to make a paper self-su.-tain 1 ing, and prevent its being a source of embarass meat to it- proprietors. We tender this new can date for public patronage our wishes for its fiuan j cial success.—Maine Standard. The Daily Kennebec Journal made its first appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat publi cation, and enterprising —Hangar Whig. Daily Kennebec Journal—With the com mencement of the New Year, we received the first number of this new paper, published at Augusta, l»y sprague, Owen A Nash. It is a large, seven col uuiu paper, handsomely printed, and the reputa ton ot it- publishers is a sufficient guaranty that it w ill be live and" spicy.— York County Independent. The Daily Kennebec Journal was issued Jan nary 1st, and is to be a permanent institution. It is a well arranged, and handsomely printed sheet, ’ and we have nodoubtit will receive, as it deserve*, a liberal support from the people of Augusta, llal lowcll and t (Urdiner.— IlalUnrtU Cazelte. Daiia Kennebec Joural. We have received the first number- of the new daily Journal now permanently established at the state Capital by the enterprising publisher* of the weekly Journal, Messrs, sprague, Owen A Nash. Its appearance i* neat and business like, and its editors will ooubt le.-- make it a progressive, live paper.—IWlfatt Age. We congratulate our friends of the Kennebec Journal upon the favorable auspices under which their new daily lias been issue*!. It appeared ou the 1-t of January, in handsome shape, it* columns well filled and showing evidence of sufficiented itorial ability and industry to ensure its entire suc cess. We trust the public w ill appreciate the ef forts of the publishers to serve them, and liberally sustain the enterprise.---Maine Farmer. Tin: Daiia Kennebec Journal made its first appearance New Year's day. It is a well propor tioned sheet <»f twenty-eight column*, and is in ev ery way well calculated to suppiv a want which Augusta ha-felt for a longtime. With the patron age which it should receive from Hallowed. Gard iuer, and the other neighboring towns, in addition to it- local support, we see no reason w hy this en terprise should not 1m* crowned with abundant sue ccs-. — Iifjtter Cazette. The Daiia Kennebec Journal made it* ap pearance on Saturday. It has a -mart and newsy look, and will succeed.—ElUtrvrth American. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal, has been received. Those who wish to re < civ* the earliest and fullest information in regard to the doing* of the Legislature, should subscribe for it.— East port Sentinel. *" '■ i • .mu knai.. we nave received tbe first number of this paper, issued Jan. 1st. U is to be permanent, and being the State paper, it will be a compend of the doing*of the Legislature] valuable not only for the prerent, but for preserva tion for future reference. It will furnish early and full report* of the state Conventions of all kinds; full reports of the Legislature, Legislative C ommit tee. Board of Kducation. Board of Agriculture, and all other matters of interest relating to the State (iovernuieut. thus making itself useful to a very wide circle of readers extending over all parts of the Mate. It w ill be a reliable and straight-forward Republican paper, and the first number indicates that it will lie conducted w ith ability, and w ith fidel ity to the principle* of the party in whose interest it is established. It is of the size of the Daily Lew - iston Journal.— The Sunrise, Rresque Jtsle. Daily Kennebec Journal. The advertisement of this new ilailv appears in our columns to-day. It gives the legislative proceedings of each day very fully, contains telegraphic dispatches, the financial and commercial transactions in New York and Bos ton, and i* in even- respect a flr-t-class daily pa per. Terms $7 per year, or lor the legislative session — Androscoggin Herald. Daily Kennebec Journal. The enterprising proprietors of the Kennebec Journal, issued the first number of their new daily Jan. 1st It is hand somely executed, ably conducted, anil deserves at least fifteen hundred’subscribers along the river. During the legislature it is especially valuable.— Somerset Reporter. Tbe publishers of the KENNF.FKC Journal Com menced their daily paper with the New Year. It is a good looking sheet, much superior to the form er session issue*. No thrice weekly will be pub lislo-d — Brackett in Ret fast Age. Nkwsuabkhs. With the New Year we are greet ed by the Daily Kennebec Journal, published by Sprague, Owen A Nash. It is of good size, its matter i.* well arranged, and its editorial conduct will show the same ability which has governed the weekly Journal.—Fret J'rtss, Rockland. The Daily Kennbec Journal has reached us, and is fully up to the standard of sar expectations, it- typographical appearance is neat, and its gener al arrangement all that could be desired. We hone it will be liberally patronized, and it will lie if the people o| the State do their duty.—Farminylon Chronicle. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, Jan. l*t It i* a handsome sheet, got up in a style that does credit to its enterprising publishers.— Uiddeford Democrat. With tho new year, came the DAILY KENNEBEC Journal. It is a very neat paper, and we should think it would be n favorite with the people of the Kennebec — Gardiner Home Journal, Dana Kennebec’Journal. We have received the llrr-f number of the daily issued by the publish ers of the Kennebec Journal. This is not to be foi the Legislature only, but is to be a permanent daily publication. There is no reason w by the large cit ies and towns which cluster about the capital «nonld not afford support to at least one daily, even though the railroad trains do bring Boston papers in a few hours from the press. The Journal is a handsome sheet, well filled with news and miscel lany, and we trust will be a success.—lielj'ast Jour nal. The new Daily. We have received the first number of the Daily Kennebec Journal. It its one of the best looking daily papers which comes to our ollice. There is no reason w hj such a spright ly journal should not Mart at once on the road to success. The price of subscription is $7 per year. — Calais Advertiser. The Daily Kennebec Journal made its bow to the publie last Saturday, and is understood to be a permanent institution. It deserve- a liberal sup port in the Kennebec valley, not only through tho session of the Legislature, of w hose doings it will give full report duilv, but permanently.— WatervilU i Mail. .ihw^rAnutiAL. j m* i’aii.i ivr.^ made it* appearance «>u Saturday' morning last. It is printed in ti»>t-rate style, and manifest* a great deal of enterprise in its management. We are glad to notice that it ha* a good list of subscriber* in this citv. who receive their papers from a carrier at eight o'clock. This i* a great convenience, and one that should be appreciated by our people.— Gardiner Reporter. A for st a Daily .Journal. This paper made its appearance last Saturday, very neatly printed and full of matter. Our only apprehension is that Au gusta brethren are giving too much reading tor the patronage of A place no larger than Augusta. .Success to the enterprise .—Rrumuick Telegraph. We have received the first two or three numbers of the Daily Kknnekec Journal, published by Messrs. Sprague. Owen & Nash. Augusta, which is hereafter to be a permanent daily paper, instead of being published only during the season ot the Legislature, a* heretofore. It is a handsome sev en-column paper, well made up, giving much agri cultural and miscellaneous reading, as well a* lo cal ami general news. We have no doubt it will be ably conducted and wish it biibbtuiitial 6ucce*a.— Rockland Gazette. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jour nal made its appearrnee on Saturday. It is very neatly got up,—thford Democrat. The first number of the Daily Kennerku Jour* nal promptly made it* appearance on Saturday, the 1st inti. It is a handsome sheet, get up in a style that does credit to its enterprising publishers. — Oxford Register. anew Daily Newspaper. We receive the Daily Kknnkrec Journal, a goodly sized, well filled and smart appearing paper, published by Messrs. , Sprague, Owen & Nash, at Augusta, the proprie tors of the Old (Weekly) Kennebec Journal: terms, *7 a year in advance. We hope it will be patron ized bvonr Republican friends, and we think it will be, being the first and only daily issued at the Capi tal.—MtichiaM Union. For Sale! i Billiard Tables at Reduced Prices,; VKW and second hand; earom or four pockets; ■ i.1 all sizes, with the latest combination string • cushions, better than all the patent humbng stau darrt Kecea or whalebone cushions, tatgut cush ions excluded. Please call before purchasing else where. II. IIEIMS, 100 Sudburv street. Boston Mass. oct20-6ai