Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. AUGUSTA. ML., THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 12, 1870.. NO. 112. JUniubcc lountiil. Published ou Water, Foot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BV‘SI’IUU E, OWEN A NASH. pailn ficnncbft found. Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contain* the latc-t new.* by telegraph and mail give* reports of the Market-, and lias carefully pre pared political and local article- and a geuerou amount of farming, home and mi-cellaiieou- read lug with a full compilation of State new Term.*, $7 per annum iawf-nni $;* it paymen* is not m ele within the year. Single coj.i,-' i eent. lo be had at the bookstore* and at thi- otlivc. Advertisements one inch in length, three in aertions or less. $1.00; 23 ets. fu-every Mibsequei. insertion. Longer advertisements, or tlio-e inserte 1 for any considerable length of time, will be in-ertc*. at t.ivorable term* to the advvrti-er. Special Notices 25 per cent, a Idilional. Ainmsraent Njticos, jJ i>er -in.-in.- per wc.k. Mli'i'ltli] iti'niU'bcc Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, Is the largest lolio paper in the Mate, containing news, polltiual article-, agricultural and .-eientitb matter, tales, poetry, ane • l >t , ho i a hoi t recipe*, markets, Ac . Ac. Terms $2 per annum in wlcnnce Transient Advertisements, $1 50 per inch for first week; 23 cents per w-->-k for each subsequent insertion. Special Notices, $2 oo pvr inch for tlr-t week; 50 ceuU per week for each sub-equent week. Business Notices, in column-. 20 vents per line for first insertion ; 10 cents per line tor each mb sequent iu-ertion All transient adverti-vinents to bo paid for in advance. B VTII TI BS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, nn.VHH * PLATED WAKE, C'asi Iroai E*ij»c. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, An«l every article pert titling to Plumbing kept eou* " stantly on hand and for sale at H. R. STRATTON’S, Corner lliiitm' * Muter Streets, Under Hunt's Hat Store. N. I! Plumbum in all it, branches dvue in a neat and ihorongh manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tl2apr-tf Couifli Candy I AtrK\lit'ABI R,;'S ( rA»I>T cnre« >> COUGHS, COLDS WHOOPING COUGH amt all Throat trouble,. 2 Doors south of Granite Block, Market Sq. >11 SICA I. ENTS, Pancy Goods, cSso., ful by i.inl-lyt \V, WEN 1IKXBURG. lireavi*tt er’s II otel9 SKOWHECAN, ME. FiiHIS large and commodious Hotel in situated at X the bwad ol' the Falls on the Kennebec l iver, in the enterprising village of >kowhegan, the termini! - ot the Portland A Kennebec It It This is one of the be.-t arranged Hotel* for family border* there i.*> in the Mate, and a better place for Summer report, cannot be toiiud in Maine. t lhe be«t ot water, beautiful drives on the bank-of the river, hailing and hailing ponds in the vicinity, trout, brook-, wln re you can catch an abundance of the spotted brook, trout any day in the year. Price- ‘or perm inent or transient boarding are ver low . so our cu-tomers can afford to come often amt stay a good while. We ai>o have a large airy *table to board horse* lor the guests that wi.-h to bring their team* with them. Also one of the best half-mile trolling park in the Mate, is connected with the House, iree lor the guest* to train their horse- .»r drive for plen-nre. tl7jan-tt S. B. BREWSTER, Proprietor. It I C 11 ’ H Vegetable Gough Cordial! OXK of the best remedies for Cough?, ( old?, Croup, Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. Cost Ollier. Augusta, .Hr, FARMING TOOLS ! AT *»•/#., ta.t.uso.v a a Kfif’-vuvioi##. PIANO TUNING. rBHE Subscriber would inform the 1 citizens of Augusta and vicinity that he will give personal attention to tuning Pianos. Orders left at hi* re* idence, 07 Winthrop Street, will rceeivc promp attention. M. C M1LI.IKLN. febu*tf Teacher of Piano and organ Stevens’ Condition Powders ! For Horses and Cattle*. MM HE Best Powders ever discovered. All we ask X is one trial anti people will he convinced.^ Price onlv 2-'» cents per package. CM AS L >TKYLNS Manufacturer anti Proprietor, 1-7 Bridge St.. East Cambridge, Mas*. ,,, , , For sale by A. C. DANA, 7 l nion Block. Au gusta. Knickerbocker Mutual Lire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERA.STCS LYMAN, • • • PltESIDEST rpms is one of the oldest, most reliable, mid best X dividend pnyiug companies in the country. ASSETS OVER $7,200,000 ! Liberal arrangement? will la* made with Agents, and they arc wanted in all parts of the state. Apply at AUGUSTA, ME., 130 Water Ntreet, (up-sttnlrs) to CHARLES WHITE, Manager for Maine and New Hampshire. March it, 1870. tiiinar-tf PLUMBING! TI1K Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens ot Augusta and vicinity that he is prepared to ■do all kinds of Plumbing work at the shortest nm lice. Tlm-cab. to have water introduced into their buildings will do well to call on him before going elsewhere. H R STRATTON, Corner Bridge and Water Streets. Satisfaction guaranteed. 101‘ THE SILENT SEWING MACHINE! AS A FAMILY ASSISTANT, The Willeox k Q>ibbs Sewinir tiaeiiinc! Will be found to excel all other*. TI.* ease w ith which it runs, its ready .adaptation to all kinds of work without delay or hesitation, its quiet fidelity, it* Superior Strength and Durability of Work, are points that a*toni.*h and delight all who make its acquaintance. Ladies who are unfa- | miliar with this Machine, do not yet know the full hlo.-ing and comfort of a Sewing Ma chine in the family, though they may po«>ess many others and think they are satisfied. In proof of this assertion is the significant fact, 2hat its strongest advocates and most enthusiastic admirers arc always found among those who have used and arc most familiar with other leading machines. From the thousand* of testimonials from all parts of the country, we select the following Iron* the city of Augusta: AUGUSTA, March, 1870. Having used the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine in our respective families upon all the various kinds of work roqu::.ol, some of us from one to six years, others lor a shorter time, some of us also bei.u; familiar with the use of other leading machines, we cheerfully recommend it as a n. t excellent family machine. It runs easily and quietly, is simple and easy in its management, does not got out of order, is always ready, its work is strong and durable, and in all respects gives most entire satisfaction Mrs. S. S. Ilrooks, Mr*. ('. I. Penney, “ John McArthur, * *• Knoeh Sampson, 11. M. Potter. ** S. G. C. Pullen, “ A. M. Lyford, “ G. 15. Hoyt. “ G. W. Cross, “ A. J. Uevnolds, “ C. K. Page, “ II. G. Smiley, T. ('. Hoyt, Miss Minnie Woart, “ C. 1L Starhirl. Mr. Thomas Wadsworth, Willrox Si Gibbs Staving Madiint* Agnicj, At Store of F. DA FtmE), ‘ -A. XT GUSTA. Also, for Sale as above, A. B. HOWE, Improved! A standard, and one of the most reliable Machines in use. _ I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A FACT MOUTH KXOWIXU. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF AUGUSTA, And all having business in Augusta please bear in mind that the place to buy PURL AND RELIABLE Drugs, Medicines, TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES, And APOTHECARIES’ GOODS generally is at FRANK KINSMAN’S DR HI STORE, lie has spared no pvins in selecting Goods of the purest to he found in the best markets of the United Stab s, and the same arc offered to the public at W HOLES OK RETAIL, at “Prices that I>ef’y Competition." He also continues to make all odd change IN' GOLD AND SILVER. 11 is motto Quick Sales, Small Profits, Pure and Reliable Roods ! In hot weather FRANK'S STORK is the coolest place in the city, and the Ice Cold Soda drawn from the Famous Non-corrosive Arctic Fountain refreshes many weary souls. Temperance Devotees can drink and not violate their pledge. THE COLDEST AND THE BEST ! THE COLDEST AND THE BEST with rich and delicious FRUIT SYRUPS. fcjr— Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded from the purest Medicines at all hours of the day and night. REMEMBER THE NUMBER OF FRANK KINSMAN S DRUG STORE, No. 142 Water Street, : : Augusta, Maine. T run li. b 2 T run Is. s 2 THE PLACE TO Bl’Y I’rcncli, Eusciic, Solo Lic-ntlior, .\uil all kind* of common T II A V i: I, Ij I X G T II XT X K S ! Also, Ladles’ and Gents’ TRAVELLING & SHOPPING BAGS, is at HAMILTON & TURNER’S, 13.', Water Street. Tito Rigid Place to hnv vonr HARNESSES, anti get the celebrated DCNN H ARNESS, is at II t .WII.T4»\ A TI BMlICk, !.(.> W ATI: It STKKKT. The Cheapest place to buy WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, SURCINGLE*. HAL TEBS, &c., is ut HAMILTON A TURNER’S, • 135 WATER STREET. HARNESSES ! For Business, Pleasure, Teaming, Trucking. Caning A Expressing. Manufactured from GOOD OAK STOCK, and by the best ot workmen. »Ve would remind the public that our H arness took all the premiums offered at the last State Fair four in number. Also the llr.-t premium at the late New England Fair. As our customer* are d ally informed that our Harnesses are Machine Stitched—we would invito them and the public generally*to call and ox inline the largest stock of re’idv-mado Harnesses ever of fered in this city, and we will convince them that we make the best H AND STITCHED work to be had for the same amount of money, and if we don’t have on hand what i* wanted, can make it at short notice. Samples of Gold Gilt' Oroide Silver, Covered, and Japanned Trimmed Harness, may be seen at our salesroom, NO. 172 MIDDLE STREET. HENRY DUNN & SON. For Sale by Hamilton tfc Turner, 135 WATER STREET, - - AUGUSTA, MAINE tllfeb-tf OPPOSITE PEEKING & HOLWAY'S. GOVERNMENT OF MAINE, 1 870. GOVERNOR, J • ui'a L. Chamberlain, Brunswick COCNVIL. Is! District, Uranus O. Brackett, Berwick. 21 District, William Deering, Portland, lid District, William Rogers, Hath. 4th Pi-tra t, Ambrose 11 Abbot, China, ilh D'.'triel, Edward R. bjs ar. Rockland. 6th District, Joseph \N. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K. llohart, Pennysville. EXECUTIVE emrF.RS. Franklin M Drew, Brunswick. Secretary of State. George G. Stacy. K*-zar Falls, Deputy Secretary. II. M. P shoti, Vassalboro\ Clerk. B. B. Murray. Jr.. Pembroke. Adjutant General. August - L. Smith. Augusta Clerk to Adjutant General. George N. Page, Norridgewock, Stab; Peusion Clerk in Adjutant General's office. William Cal Iwell, Augusta, State Treasurer. Sylvanus Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Linueus, l Agent. GOVERNOR’S ST AH’. John M. Brown, Portland, C done), Assistant Inspector General. Eugene F. Sanger, M. D., Hangar, < donel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aids-de-C'i/np, nith rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Selden Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, M a than Cutler. Prenti s M. F-c-ler, Augusta, Me-sen'r b» Gov. and Council P* njamin 1 Harris, Machius. bupt. of Public Buildings G.-orge L G ><»dai Brunswick, State Assayer. • • i Brackett, 1 • • . - ate Ass iyer. Dane I \N w. \\ •■•tbr" , Inspector Gw of Beef .V Pork David F* riiald, Cumd- n, Inspector General of Fish. G F. 1 lingharn, Ul ltown, Act. P»-iiol>-.c« t Tribe Indians, (i F. Wn l-worth. Ei-tp >rt, \gt. Passamaqu’y Tribe In. Alle.Tt W. Paine, Bung r. Examiner. A W. W il l--.-. b.. . ;.--gai . i Samuel 11. B’.ake, Bang-r. £ Railroad Commissioners b d rnun T. Corser, Portland, > SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. John Appleton, Bang' r. Chief Justice. AawtUlt JUSTICE’S. Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas I'uti Bangor. Jonathan G Dickerson, Belfast Charles W. Walton, Portland. William G. Barrows. Brunswick. Charles Panforth, Gardiner. Rufus P. Tapley, bac . ATTORNEY GENERAL INSANE ASYLUM. H-nry M. II ixlow, M. 1).. Su|*erintentl‘ ni and Physician Bigelow T. S.mborn, M. I)., Assistant Physician. trustees* William B Lipharn, M. D.. W -"Stock, President. J dm T. Gilman. M. D., Portland. Dr. M. It. Ludwig, Thomas ton. H i. Ge .. A. Fro-t. Springvale. II m. A. G. Wakefield, Bang t STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden. EP-ridge Burton, Deputy Warden. INSPECTORS. William Wilson. li n. Rufus Prince. STATE REFORM SCHOOL Hot* E. W. Woodbury, SuperinteudentJ TRUSTEES. Hon. N*vih Woods, Banc -r. Pr-sident. W . E Gould, Portland, Secn-tary. H »n. Nathan Dane. Alfred, Treasurer. II in. Jeremy W. Porter, Strong. T-ibi.ia Lord, Staudish. STATE COLLEGE. OF AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC ARTS Trustees II in. Abner Cobum, Skoivh-gau, President. Hon. Th -mas S Ling, Augusta. 11 si William P Wingate, Bangor Iluti. Lyndon Oak, Garland. Itev. Samu'd F. Dyke, Bath J. C. Madigan, lloulton. Hon. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M , Orouo, Secretary. Executive Committee. II n. Wm. P. Wingate, II -n. Lyndon Oak, Hon. Thomas a. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberluiu, LL. D.-, Rev. Amory Battles-, Hon. Thoma9 S. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fernald A. M., Acting President and Professor >t Mathematics and Physics. Samu 1 Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agricultur . Stephen F Peckhntn, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. Calvin Cutter, M. D.. l^turer on Anatomy, Physiology and Ilygene Cory b>n B L -.kin, Instructor in Book-keeping. Captain Henry E. Sellers, Bangor, Instructor in Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President. D. II. Thing, Mt. Vernon, Vice President S. L G-Kxbile, S;vco, Secretary. M. C. Fernald, Orpm*. S. P. Peck hum • Or >n". Charles E. Hamlen, Watervilie. J- Members at Large. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick. I George L. G-oodalc, Brunswick. I S''tli Scamman, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. Wildes IV Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. William, Oxford County, S >uth Paris. Levi L. Lucas. Sotners t County, St. Albans. Ira Doc. Vork County, Saco. Kigali II. Suckp *!••, Penobscot County. Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, H ine -ok County, Kllsworth. J. Vamum Putnam, Aroostook County, Houlton. Jeremiah R N i t >n, Franklin C >unty, Avon. Luther Chamberlain, Piscataquis County, Atkinson. >b«s*‘S L Wil lor, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac II *bbs, K ; \ C -uuty, S uith Hope. Daniel II Thing Kennebec County, .Mt. Vernon. George K. Brackett, Wal l • County, Belfast. /.. K Hilbert, Androscoggin County. Fast Turner. Calvin Chamberlain, (State S *cietyj Koxcroft. John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jefferson. COMMON SCHOOLS. Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Superintendent. Joseph K. Dunuiug, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. corxTY srptavtsoRs. Androscoggin, C R. Stetson, Lewistou. Arunsi«K>k, W, T. Sleeper. Sherman. Cumberland..!. 11. Webb, G >rham. Franklin, A. II. Abbott, Farmington. Hancock, W. H Savory, Kllsworth. Kennebec, W H. Bigelow, Clinton. Knox. G M. flicks, ibckland Lincoln, D. S. (Hidden, N wcastle. Oxford, N T. True. Bethel. Penobscot, S. A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W S. Kuowlton, Monion Sagadahoc. D. F. Pott- r, Topsham. S •merset. A. 11. Kabul, Norridgvwock. Waldo, N. A. Luce, Freedom, Washington, W. J. Corthell, Calais. York, M 1\. Mabry, Limerick. MAIN K EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. President, J. H Hanson, Waterville. Vice-president, C. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. KXKCTT1Y* COMMITTKK. J. H Hanson, Chairman, Waterville! C. 11. Stetson, Lewiston. A. P. Stone. Portland. J. S. llarrell, Lewistou. W Johnson. Topsham. C. C. Rounds, Farmington. J. P. Gross, Brunswick. G. T Fletcher, Castine. J. H. Webb, Yarmouth. STATE LI BRA IVY. Joseph T. Woodward, Librarian. S, W, HUNTINGTON & CO., WholCMilr Dr.ilrr» In 190 Water Street. AUGUSTA, 3VT E . 84 Devonshire St., XIOBTOU, S. W. Huntington, S. L. Huntington, lirnl. Huntington, <h»s. H. Snion. _Kjltob-ly._ B R. U SH EJ S OP EVERY DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. JOB PRINTER WANTED. VC. OOP JOB PRINTER will And ft permanent situation tit the. KENNEBEC JOURNAL OFFICE. James H. Leigh, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRYGOODS Also, agent for Whoeler Sl Wilson’s Sowing Machincai S 1VECOLES and all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, cou.-tantly on hand. Water St., filullowcll, Me. tlaprtf _ JOURNAL JOB PRINTING Establishment! OUR FRIENDS are reminded that having the Largest Steam Jeh Frintini Establishment, On the RtV( r, and employing COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED WORKMEN! We are at all times prepared to execute in the beat manner and at low price*, all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY Book <fc Job Printing -SUCH AS - Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Mammoth Posters, Handbills, Show Cards, Circulars, Business and Wedding Cards, Letter Headings, Bill Heads, I Ball Tickets, ! Programme*, Auction Hill*. Invoice*, Bill* of leading, Receipt*, Law Blank*, PLACARDS, SCHEDULES, INVITATIONS, _ RAILROAD and Steamboat Printing, Ac., Ac., Ac. To all those who desire w irk in our line, wc would say that it is our intention to SUIT OUR CUSTOMERS Both in regard to Prices and Execution of Work. " TTOiders by mall or express will receive the same PROMPT ATTENTION &s though delivered personally SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, JOURNAL OFFICE AUGUSTA, AceotiA, Oat. 14, 1409 THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established in 1825.) Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Not Excelled by any in the State. Jlsr Enlarged and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Having Full Reports of Legislative proceedings; carefully prepared Political Article-. Facts and >ta ti.-tics; Local. Hoinestu* and Foreign New?; Corres pondence ; Talc-, Poetry, Agricultural and other Miscellaneous Matter. A'o Increase of Subscription Price—A hood Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kennebec Journal is in tin* Forty-fourth year of its age. It ha just been enlarged, and is now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER. Its size not being exceeded by that of any oilier paper in the State, and surpassed by but few in other -States. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Articles. Facts, statis tics, Speeches and Extract?; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable InIbrrnation in relation to mat ter.? pertaining to tin* state Covern meat: Reports of the Doing? of Congress : Local and -date News ; summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports of the Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected T ales, l'oetry , Agricultural and other Inter esting and Csetul Reading for the Family: al.-o Correspondence from Abroad and original Articles upon subjects of tien’l Interest. It has been enlarged from Twenty-Eight to Thirty-Six Columns, in width, and proportionately increased in length, ami is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of the Handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of the CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of subscription has not been increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Terms : $2.00 per annum in advance, $2.25 at the end of six month.?, and $2.50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning. (Sunday* excepted,) on and alter the iir?t of .January. \\ ill give Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of the LegMature from day to day; Reports of Im portant Hearings before Coinmilt.'c*; Abstracts ol Discussions in the Hoard* of Education and Agriculture; will Lave the I.ate?t News by Tele graph the same as other dailies, and will also have Editorials. Correspondence. Locals and the usual Summaries of News, also the most Import ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussions in the Board of Education will give New and Additional Importance to the Daily Jot K.VAL, as it will contain reports of them. Terras, $7.00 per year; $2.00 for the Session. 95* Members of the Legislature will do their con stituents and themselves a l'avor to interest them selves in getting subscribers t<> the above publica tions. Th«- Daily keeps up that correspondence between the People and their Representatives, through tlieir Legislative Reports, which is noccs sary and agreeable to both. No Tri-Weeklv will be published. Those prisons who desire a full report of the Legislative Proceed ings, must subscribe for the Daily Jol'knal. 95* Postmasters and Members of the Legislature authorized to take subscriptions. 95* The Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal are published at Augusta, Maine, by SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. Carpenters Wanted ! rpHREE OR FOUR carpenters wanted. Apply 1 at NATIONAL MILITARY ASYLUM. W. S. TILTON, t25apr-lw Commandant. House to Let. I OFFER to let my large two-story house on Winthrop street, near Orchard street. Apply to me on the premises, 14t* MRS I HAM. DULL 8IVOIM1 Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, 2 Augusta, Me, Shaving. Shampooing, llair-Dressing. Cutting, Col oring. Ac., in the most approved style of the art. Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La dies’and Children’s hair. All kinds of Hair Work made to order in the latest style. Ijan70-ly RICHMOND PORTABLE RANGE” -AND Hanging Dome Furnace! At WILLIAMSON A GREENWOOD’S. GEO. E. BRICKETT, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, AUGUSTA, ME. Office over Hunt’s Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. 9fg* Residence on Spring Street. my*20’aa SULPHITE OF um. for preserving Cider Also, White Mustard Seen, for sale low bv tttl T1TCOMB * DORR Cwcspomlcm For the Journal. METHODISM SIXTY YEARS AOO AXD SOW. The meeting of the recent Methodist Conference has called up reminiscences in relation to the history of that order of Christians which may be of interest to relate. Sixty years ago Augusta was not a station, a-it now is. but only a part of a circuit as they term it. We can recolect when they had preaching here only once a month, soon after once in three weeks, and then once in two. and then again once a week, when it became a station. They had however no Church building until 1828. Our first recollection of their preachers were Father Hillman, 'Baker Lovell, and some others whose names we have forgotten. They used to worship in the Old Town House, and then in the Old Court House, until the erection of the church which they still occupy; it has been however recently enlarged, renovated and beautified, so that it compares favorably with the best in town. We were very forcibly reminded, on Sunday morning last, oi the great disparity in numbers now and sixty years ago, when we attended a love feast in the late Flihu Robinson's shop. Then there were from fifty to one hundred persons present, persons out side of the church attending in proportion as they do now. It is esti mated that on Sunday noon there were assembled between two thousand and twenty-five hundred. Mr. Robinson was a worjjiy member of the Methodist order, and therefore a kind of leader in the ab sence of clergymen, and for many years prayer meetings were held at his private house. The writer liafs attended them scores of times. And here we cannot well forbear relating an anecdote. During the war of 1*12, with Great Britain, Augusta was a rendezvous for soldiers, the same as it was in our recent struggle. Some three or four hundred were about to march to the seat of war, (and here we mean no reflection or disrespect for any one—we only relate it as a matter of history,) a noted clergyman was ealied upon to preach to them just before they left, when he took for his text, “Because thou hast rebelled against the Lord, this year thou shalt surely die." The writer was presen} and heard every word. It was an honest, well meat discourse, and the preacher intended it should have a personal applica tion. As they were going into danger [they might die suddenly, therefore they should repent and turn to God if they had not allready done so. But they took it in high dudgeon, and declared they would ; not .go under the circumstances, as the preacher was in politics opposed to the war. There was great excitement about the matter, and Capt. Josiah II. Vose, who was in command, gave consent for another sermon. Old Father Hillman was called upon to preach it, when he took his text from two different verses in the Bible; one was, “Cursed is he that keepeth his sword from Mood," the other was, “Go and the Lord go with you;" they then went off in high glee, for they knew Fath j er Hillman’s politics were in favor of ! prosecuting the war even to the bitter end. We will relate another incident relative to the growth of the Methodist Church. Some j five years ago we spent the winter In ! Brooklyn, N. V. Rev. Samuel Haskins, Rector of St. Mark of that city, says when he first came there some thirty years ago, there was no church tor a long dis tance from St. Marks, now there are seven or eight within a stone s throw, which to him is almost unaccountable. Ax Old Citizax. ARNO, HODGKINS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Orgahs & Melodeons, One door north Cook’s l>itl o STOHK, (up stairs,) Water St., Gardiner, Me. 'piIKIR cases are made of solid Black Walnut 1 throughout; their keys are made of the finest grades'ot Ivory, with ivory fronts; they use the Munroe Patent Reed, which for evenness and purity of tone, Cannot 1> e Nurpnased. Their instruments contain ail other improvements essential to First Class Instruments. For full particulars call or address ARNO, HODGKINS A CO., GARDINER, ME. 5 Oot. Portable Melodoona, inew) $60.00 5 Oct. Single Reed Organs, 75.00 5 Oct- Double “ “ 4 stops, 126.00 f31apr-3moa A Free Gift to All ! nll.I/S RHKINITir PILLS. To Kheumatic, Neuralgia and Gout subject**, a sample box of these Pills will be given by F. W. Kis» >i vs. Water St., Augusta, and for Mile by all Apothecaries at 25 ceuts per box; 5 boxes $1. 0, A. HILL, Proprietor PORTLAND, ME. Glass Ware at Low Prices! SETS OF GLASS WARE, ;4 pieces) of new and rich patterns, for Seventy-five Cents per set. Call and examine them at llALLAUD a CHASE’S, ti Unkin Block. Water St., tlOmartf AUGUSTA.