Newspaper Page Text
a—■—— i Hocal anti Sbtate Nctos. The new train to lie put upon the road will he a great accommodation to business nu n. Four persons were baptised on Sunday at the usual place in the river, by Rev. Mr. King. A special communication of Bethlehem Lodge will be held this evening at half-past seven. Work in the first degree. A ride into the country just at this time will co:.vince any one ot two facts : that there are horrible roads and a good promise of an abundant hay crop. This is the staple crop in Maine, and when it yields a liberal har vest the continued prosperity of our farmers is assured. Rev. Mr. King closed his labors with the Methodist society in this city on the last Sab bath. In the evening closing services of great interest were held in the audience room of the church, which was well filled. No farewell •ermon was preached, ltcv. Mr. Martin. Mr. King's successor, will probably enter upon his pastoral labors next Sunday. The body of a young mail named Colby Smith, was found in a small brook near Wing’s Mills, Mt. Vernon, on Sunday morn ing. lie hud been missing some four weeks. Geo. II. Foster of Belgrade, coroner, held an inquest upon the liodv Sunday, the result of which we have not yet learned. The young man was about 18 years of age. lion. John L. Steven*, with his family, left the eitv yesterday in the noon train, for New York, there to take the steamer for South America, to enter upon the duties of the mis sion to which he has been appointed. A large number of Mr. Stevens’ friends gathered at the depot to bid him good bye, to assure him of their kind regards and to wish him a safe voyage, a pleasant sojourn, and a safe ri turn. Hr. Stevens’ address will he "John L. Stevens, U. S. Minister, Montevideo, Uru guay." The experience of our travelling agent is not unlike that of many others. He says that when he calls at a house to introduce his bu-i ness, if the man of the ltousc meets him with a downcast, gloomy and hang-dog look, and will not answer a civil question, and says he has all the papers he wants, he concludes that in nine cases out of ten the individual does not lake any paper at all, and if lie ever reads one, which is extremely doubtful, it is his neighbor’s property. Hut, on the other hand, if a man meets him with a smile and extend* the welcome hand, is cheerful and sociable, and well informed on the current topic* of the duv, he always finds that man's table well supplied with new-papers and magazines, and is ready and willing to subscribe for more. On and after Monday next, May 23d, the Portland & Kennebec R. R. Co. will put on an additional passenger train: leaving Portland every morning, (except Sundays) at 7.10 and running as far a* Augusta, arriving at ten o'clock, and returning in the afternoon, leav ing Augusta at 3.15; connecting witli the C P. M. Express for Boston, arming in Boston at 10 P. M., making but 04 hours running time. This train will be the train for mer chants and business men generally, a* it gives nearly the whole day for business, and arriv ing in Boston at a seasonable hour. And the morning train from Portland will be a great accommodation to the travelling public hav ing business along the Kennebec, and is one that has been needed for 6onie time. The other passenger trains will be run as they have through the winter, with the exception of the steaui car train between Augusta and Gardiner, f or time tables, etc., for this new arrangement, see advertisements in the sev eral local papers along the line of the road, and Boston Post aud Journal aud Railway Guides. On Thursday evening of last week, Gen. James A. ilall of Damariseottn, gave his lecture on the battle of Gettysburg, before the Veteran Soldiers' Debating Society at the National Military Asylum at Togus. It was the same lecture tluu has been delivered witlt so much acceptance at several places in the State. It was probably never before repeated Under such peculiar circumstances. The gal lant soldier who had participated in the svvncs which he so clearly descrilied, stood face to face with the disabled veterans who had been marshalled upon the same deadly field. Gen. Ilall claimed their attention from the begin ning of the lecture and held it to the close. It was their united testimony that the facts de tailed were true to life, ami the stirring scenes of the conflict were not over-wrought. The lecture was illustrated by a map on which were traced all the points of attack, the dif ferent avenues leading to the battle field ami tlie movement of the troops on each day. We have heard the subject set forth in more glow ing language, but never before hail so clear an idea of the actual operations of the bo-tile hosts and the topography of the land. Gen. Ilall spent several months in preparing the lecluie, drawing from his own experience and the undoubted statements of ids brother offi cers in the army. We trust that the General m.iy be induced to repeat the lecture in this city. The remains of the* late Stephen Barton were interred in Windsor with Masonic honors on Sunday last. The ceremonies were per formed by Bethlehem Lodge, of which the deceased was a member, assisted by members of the Augusta Lodge. There were ut least one hundred brethren present. Preliminary services were held at the house of his aged father, alter which the remains were removed to the church which w as filled with the friends of the deceased and the Masonic brethren. Many were turned away, unable to gain ad mission. Funeral services were conducted at the church by llev. Dr. llickcr of this city, after which the body was token in charge by the Masons whoboie it to the aeljoining church yard where the buriul rites of the order were observed. Mr. Barton’s age was 55 years and 7 months. Ho will be* remembered by our citizens from bis connection w ith Mr. Merrill of WiniHor ill the dry goods business in this city, under the firm name o£ Barton A Merrill, lie was in trade here in the brick store at the corner of Oak and Water streets, fur four year* from 16(11 to 16(15. The great fire destroyed both bis store and goods, and broke up bis business. The next year he purchased it farm in i’arkuian, where he has stuco lived, lie i hul been a rufferer from consumption fi.r I many years; was compelled to rclir.ijuUh all labor for two years previous to his death, and since last August had been confined to his room. For several months previous to his I last sickness he was canvassing agent for a newspaper, meeting w;th good success.— lie was a true Christian, unassuming and suuie i times even diffident; respected by all who had dealings with him; and best loved by those who knew him best. Miss Turner v. ill exhibit on Wednesday and Thursday her fine display of ready uiade Bon nets and llats. consisting of all the novelties of the season. House-keepers can get gelatines, Irish moss, sea moss, farine, pure spices, and llavoring extracts that are reliable, at Partridgi Urug store. Partridge, druggist, under Granite Hall, has salves and plasters that will cure anything but wounded honor and unbelief. Save your money by buying low at Part ridge's Drug store a good wallet or portmon aie that will hold it. —t'si: \.vtntK’s II nil UESTolurtvi — It in fhe ue.-t —Contains nothing injurious. —Clear as crystal. — No sediment of tilth. —I>oes not *t in the .-kiu. — Klegantly perfumed. — It stores’gray hair — l’i events the hair from falling off. —See Advertisement. nuiTCtwlw KRarrirfc. In this city, lath in t , bv Kev ( A Ivinr D tni. 1 • I stew aid’and Mr?. .Mary F. Fisher, both oi [ Augusta. In tin-eitv. lath in-t . by Rev Dr U: ke: -cwall R Cross to Miss Abbie F. Mitchell, both ut All gut ta. In Hallowed. 11th inst , by Itev. A R. Crane. Mr. tieorge A. Collins oi Keadiield, to Kiss li.codora C. Flmes ul 11. Arctic Refrigerators! ! SANFORD’S PATENT. Call and See Mi cm. a. w. Jn vf.x. Msv Ifi. 1S70. ‘ '!«• m kii; or n mi:. r|'HK undersigned having been appoint* 1 by the J A Governor and Council under autlioi .fy of ltc- , solve- ol the Legislature, a Commission l > hives* j tigate charges again-t town- for men not t into j the service during the w r agaiu-t tin-i >ellion, I hereby give public notice tint t'iey v. .)' !> ■ in sioii .it the St te House at AllgU.-taj from after tiie i id day of M;>v. in-t lilt Officer* oi siich towns a- have claims upon the -f i"!' bonds aw ir*U*d i »r the Kqu . ' t on of War I>»*bt-. which claims h. v. id been allowed bv the Commission or adjusted y the1 Adjutant (Ven. ral on the authority ot said B • he*, are notified to present Midi claim* With liu proof, by w hich the same are -uppoited. And all person* win* have informal!' n in r-lation to the payment l y town- ol mom \ to bi oKci - and "tlier- for nu n claimed to Ik* enh-ted into tin* Mili tary or N IV; | MTVi •• . t the Luite'l -t it - llowed on the war quota - of tow n- b\ the -t te and Gener al Government for which no reiinbur.-en i.t ha been allowed by the -late are requested to appear i before the -aid Commission. and give t •! mony t uching .-aid matters. G V TALBOT A BB \ M - W P.« »BN. tlt&wlw -LLDLN CONNOR. RARE < 1IAACE F* »It INVKSTMKiAT. Block of Stores for Sale In Portland, Maine, May 2511k IS70, on the Premises, • it l-i pa it 3 o'rtmrk. 47. 49, 51 and 53 on Middle S'reet. be sold the new and beautiful Block of Stores known as tbe Thompson Block, built by the late Bethuel 1 Thump-on. of Lowell. Mas- , lor a permanent investment, and - dered fcy the bu-illo-s men ot the city one ot tii n -t in vestment- in the country, w here they tlw k in all probability the rise on Suite property'in that direc tion w ill more than realize 10 per cent on the men y invested, beside the rent from Year t » year 1 hese stores are built in the nicest lnamu r possi ble, and suitable for a tlr-t daps Whole 1 I>rv Goods. Jewelry. Clothing Apothecary or. > bu.-I neso where a nice store and good location neces sary. One of these store* alleady lea.-cd foi |£f00. while the upper stories uie let vv itii the ev eption of one chamber for Wholesale Boot aud .-hoe Store, and manufaeturing purposes. This Block has a troiitage of 84 f-et on Middle Street, I .-tones in height. b**-ides the h.t-eineiits, and the lot over 100 feet in depth, on tin* .-ides on Church and Garden street-. Both of the.-e large store- being corner stores, and on the ma u tlmr- ; o ugh fa re of wholesale stoic- leading IVoni tbe new marbl. Lost Otth e to the Grand Trunk l) pot. and «»n a .-tied where not a piece of improved property i- known for sale. H cannot-but he regarde*! by . very business man as good an investment as could pos sibly be made. Terms liberal. AEgjf-'one thousand dollars required at -do Inquire for particulars at J. (. PB* >C I LB, U3 Exchange St F O BA ILLY A CC> . Auctioneers ♦ m i;. 17, 8t T(,n.,iiii,nl l<> L.1!. ON the first of June I shall have for rent a good, convenient tenement for a -mall faiioly in the i lion-e 1 formerly occupied on (.age -ti- .t For further information at my pres lit residence, No. II State street. M US. WM. 1\ W li -TON. j Augusta, May 14, 1870. Uf What Shall We Eat.’ 4 LL regular phy-i'-iim- will t, 11 you tint Beef] aud Pork i n i -•> hi dtliy to eat in -| ring at d -uniiner a.- good f lesh Fish. Ihe same « ;.u be ob tained at (TSHING A HOLMES’ MARKET, \t»ar 1C. li. Ilridge, H uRd SI., j Where al. orders will be promptly attended to J for of all kinds in their season. Cl SUING X HOLMES, fmiy i • • Watt r street, An :u-tn l'ortlaiul A Kennebec Itailruad Colbpanp. | The stockholders of the Portland X K •nnebcc Railroad Company are notitied to meet at the Direr j tors’ Room, in the Depot at Portland, on Weducsdny i the 2.'»th day of May, instant, at two of tin* clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following^proposi* tions, to wit: Aiitk’i.f. 1. To determine whether the> will ac i cept tin* provisions of an act of the Leg! 1 dure of Maine approved Apr 1 1 RCtff, entitled “an art to i authorize the consolidation ol certain Rail toad I Corporations.” I Aim *2 To determine whether they will ratify ! the doings ot the Director* of the Com pari) wherein they entered into contract* ol lca*e ol the Poitland X Kennebec Radio id to the Maine Central Railroad , Cninpauy, dated May 12 IsTo. j Awl'. S. To act upon any other business that may I regularly conn* before said meeting. IVr order of the Director;-. .1 s. CUSHING, secretary. Augusta. May 13, 1870_»t\v*_ | STOVES AND FURNACES At Wil l 1AMSON X GREENWOOD’S. ARNO, HODGKINS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! Water st., Gardiner, Me. MR. J. T. PATTERSON OF FOUTt~l.1V, Travelling Agent. may,-If MORRIS BROS. MINSTRELS! — AT — GRANITE HALL, FOR ONE NIUKT ONLY, Wednesday Evening, May lSth. r,on, Itilly A Cliui'lcy Morris ! mi: COMBINATION ok THE THREE COMPANIES! Twenty- 7 It rcc ST.I IIS. (011E1U*N*:«©! I.ON MORI!!'. null Ills Opera House Company. B1LI.Y MORRIS, and his Travelling Tmupr CHARLEY MORRIS, and Id Great AVe.-tern Minstrel Company CART. AND, EMERSON A POWERS, the Alaba ma Triplets. THE GREAT BERNARDO PHIMA DONNA AS S.1VC1’ N >11. !• SAVEATNAM, SCOTT A CAMPBELL, The Hoys of the PERIOD! The Mon-ter Company in an entire m u pro* gramm.'. Prices »« usual. tmsylt-4t S. P. PLUMMER -IS SELLING Pure Java Coffee for 30 cents. “ Rio Coffi-o for 25 “ ** Roasted Java, 3-s u “ “ Rio. 30 “ ALL KINDS OF GROUND COFFEE — AT - U O W PRICES! Nice Japan Tea at $1.00 1.10 “ Oolong Tea, 75-fc5cta. All kinds of TOBACCO AND CIGARS ! -AND — r \ \ c v g o o D ^ . Good Paper Collars at 15 cts. a Box. I can sell iny goodt a~ low. or lower, than any one el-" in Augusta. Give me a call and see for yourself. Opposite the Post Office. Angn*l:i. M ' 12 IsTu. *Antl A 11 I i Mutual Benefit LIFE COMPANY Of Hartford, Conn. r|’,III> company \\..s iih <»rpur«itr ! .it the last ses X aion ot lh C mm-' tn in Legislature. with a guarantee <-apital « t $ ami •■tier- the only mutual fcy-temoi Lite Insurance. Single Membership Pee, S 9.00 Membership for Man and Wife, 18.00 This in a full division insures y*ur life for Five, ThocsaMj Dul;>. This i«- tin* cheapest and most reliable plan of Lite Insurance that can he adopt* d SIDNEY A 1 N'l'.N. WM H GIUJEKT, President. Secretary. IIILLM \N NM1TII, Agent for Kenncbtc A Somerset Counties, fHapiAlnd'i* Acct sfA. V * I'nion Block. OIL CLOTH CARPETING ! AT Williamson A (irepmtooiln. r\IKIl V>US, BKuH N A ( «. NEW ENGLAND SCALE WAEEUOUSE, 11M HTIIGKT, BOSTON, MASS. t may 11-2 w James W. Bradbury, Jr., 1. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury & Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - AlCil STA. 2''If _ A FINE OPPORTUNITY To rl'BCHASK -VS ESTAHLI'III 1> AND T^noi'sitivt> Ilusinoss, Is offered liy the Undersigned. who will dispose of DRUG STORE In tills city, including one of the Finest Assort ment of Apothrem y untl I^nnoy C* oodH To be found in the State. The situation of the Store is such that it commands a steady custom. Sicktiese i> the only reason lor wishing to dispose ot it. Tkisms Ea**y. Apply to W. C. SIMMONS, p o Bov !■"> . t may 11-tf I tissolution. '|MIE Co-partnership heretofore c\. ting between X L A.Na-on.C li llamlen. A. " Philbrook,& I It l'ci kins, und* r the -f> b* "1 n \*-«>V HAM* LE\ A CO., i> litis «!:.\ (li-solved l) mutual eon sent. The btlsinc-a w ill be settled by IIAMLC^ A 1*111 I IHtOOK, At the Old Stand. E A. NASON. C. II II AMI 1 N. \ \V I’ll 11.liltOOK, April 13, 1670. T. li. PERKIN*. The under-signed will continue the Dry Goods Business, of the firm of Nason, lluml- n A Co., AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner Ilrldgc mnl M uter Streeta. Those indebted to the late firm ure requested to cull an»l settle. HAMLEN A 1*1111.11 ROOIv. L'. H II \mi i n. A W. PHlI.hluxiK. April 13, 1870. tliapr 2m HARDWARE! Al WILLIAMSON A (iUEKXWOOD’S Music in Classes. riMir. .-uhscnbcr would infeiiu hi- In- '■ ami th X. public of Augusta amt <• ty that he p*'» poses to ten 'll Piano; nl**<* singing >'• '* Classes on Plano to consist ot -i\ pupd- e:n h This system lias many advantage.-, an*t th, t\ pens’ i- less than private le-sous. Private lesson- gi'e» if preferred. Would also invite the attention of tli» public to the H. F. MILLER PIANOS ! For sale at his Music Room, Xorth's Rlock, OPPOSITE CONY HOU*E. The use of these Pianos in many pubi c institn tlons ami schools has gained for tKem tin enviabh reputation, and throughout the eountry they an becoming the most popular Pianos manufactured Classes arranged on application at Music Root or Residence. 1)7 Wiuthrop street M. C. MlkLIKEN, Teacher of Music. tpr2!if2m OILS PUKE SPERM, CASTOR. OLIVE. NEATS-FOOT m,d ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kind*, ul Johnson Brothers. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. i | By the We*torn I n ion Line—Otlicet* in licudee’* | BuiMing opposite the Post Office, and at the State House.1 _ FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Washington. May 1G. Senate. Mr. Stewart submitted an amend ment providing that when any person ineligi ble under the 3d article of the 14th amend ment, shall hold office except a member of Congress or of the State Legislature, the l . S. District Attorney for tin* district in which -aid person bolds office, shall proceed against such person by quo warranto, and such writs of quo warranto shall take precedence over ! all others on the dockets of the 1. S. Courts j to which they are made returnable. Mr. Stewart also moved several additional sections, imposing line and imprisonment for the holding of office in violation of the 14th amendment, and forever disqualifying the offender from holding office under the 1. S., and giving to all persons within the jurisdic tion of the l\ S., Indians not taxed excepted, the same rights in every Mate and territory, t<» make and enforce contracts, to sue, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all law--and proceedings for security of per j son and property, as enjoyed by white citi ! zens. Also to he subject to like pains and | penalties, taxes*. licences, and ex-actions of every kind, and none other; and no taxor | charge to be imposed by any State upon any 1 person i mmigrating thereto. The civil right** act of ISM) is also re-cnactid. Adjourned. IIolse. Mr. Cox of N. V. ode red a reso lution instructing the Reconstruction Com. to report forthwith a general amnesty bill, and moved the previous question. The House refused to second the previous question 51 to 7G. and also refu.-ed 8 4 to NJ to I lay the resolution on the table, and referred it to the Reconstruction Com. I Mr. Sehenck of Ohio, chairman of the f om | milt> • on Ways and Means, n ported a bill to ! reduce the internal revenue taxes, and made j explanations to the House. lie said theie was now on the general cnl I endar in Committee of the Whole, a bill re ported in March last to codifv and reduce into I one. all the bills. From present appearances I and from the condition of the business it was I not probable the bill could lie disposed of in ! its entire fulness this session. The Committee on Ways and Means had ! therefore conic to * lie* com fusion to divide the 1 matter of that large 1 ill on internal taxation. | into three bills to ask successively the action I of the House upon them. The •committee proposed in the first place to modify, and to | a great extent repeal all the internal taxation laws of the country. with the exception of the ' taxation on fomented liquors, tobacco and .-ugar; then the committee would report a bill relating to those articles, and then would n pnit a general bill relating to the organiza tion of tin* Internal Revenue Department. The bill w hich he now offered was the first of these. It repealed all taxes on legacies and successions, which l ist year produced $2. 434,5£>3. All taxes on the gross receipts of railroads and insurance companies, and other corporations and kinds of I usiness, with the 1 exception of lotteries, theatres, and places of | public amusement, ic. The whole of such ; taxes produced last year $*.444.210: the re I dilution now proposed was estimated at $ «, 103,G17; and all the tax on sales was taken j off. except that assi s-ed on dealers in liquor, which would made a further reduction ot $*, 137,784. It repealed all special taxes on re tail and wholesale dealers in liquors, distill er.-, manufactures ot tobacco and cigars, dealers in tobacco and leaf tobacco, banks and bankers, foreign commercial brokers, foreign insurance agents, patent right dealers, pawn-brokers, proprietors ot public amuse ments, gift enterprises, jugglars, proprietors of bowling allies and billiard rooftis. lottery managers, and dealers in lottery tickets. It i reduced the special tax on keepers of hotels and tavern- to 810, if not exceeding the rental I value of $500, and adding three dollars for I each 8100 lor rental beyond $500. 4 he re ! duetion thus made would amount to 88.744. ! 752. It modified the income tax so as to in ] crease the exemption to $1,200. leaving the i per tentage the same as now . 5 per cent. thus effecting a reduction of $5,571,105. It I changed the law in its effect on incomes, so I that persons having less than $1,500 income i .-hall not be required to make returns, and 1 there shall be no publication of incomes. It ■ repeals section "A" taxing carriages watches, ! xe. It repeals the tax on gas, on grinding of j coffee and spites, and on the sale of tnanu tactures. 1 he total amount of the reduction j proposed, is $33,3(10,71 G. Mr. Daw es o! Mass., Chairman of Commit I tee on Appropriations, moved to go into com j mittee on the naval appropriation bill, and i moved that all prior orders be postponed un J til alter the completion of all the appropria i tion bills now with the committee. Agreed to. The bill from the Judiciary Committee to | enforce the provisions of the Amend | nient. was passed under a suspension of the | rules. 101 to 44. and the House adjourned. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, May 10. The House Committee on military affairs i this morning agreed to report a bill for the equalization of the bounties, which gives eight and a third dollars per month to each soldier for every month of service, and deducting the amount ot bounties previously received under former acts of Congress. Nominations. The President sent the following nomina tions to the Senate to-day; For Post Mas ters—James F. Fisk, at Collision, Mass.; Si las Poole, at Jamaica Plain. Mass.; Mrs. J. H. T. Wilde, at Framingham, Mass.; Ucorge A. Parker, at Lewiston, Maine. Red Cloud and party arrived at Fort Fet terman on the 15th instant, cn route for this city. FROM NEW YORK. New York, May 1(5. Tho steamer Idaho from Liverpool, brought among tu r passengers I)r. J. (5. Holland and family, of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Krastus Hopkins and two daughters, of North ampton, j Richard Lloyd, a near relative of Gen. | Phil. Sheridan and an old citizen, died in this city Saturday. Riv.,John Cotton Smith has written a let ter in favor of opening the Mercantile Library j on Sunday. i Gov. llotliunn has vetoed the act to protect I citizens from Ampircism. nmf to elevate the standing of the medical profession, on the ground that the provisions of the bill art | needlessly restrictive, and would oftentimes operate disadvantageously and harshly. 1 Tom Allen publishes a challenge to fight any man in the country, excepting only Mace anil lleenan. for any amount from one to ter thousand dollars. Losses by Fire. Milwai'kie, May 16. I Tho losses by the La Crosse fire are now estimated at Sk'io.OOO, of which 8200,000 fall on the Milwaukie and St. Paul Railroad Com i pany. FROM BOSTON. • Boston, May 10. Held for Trial. George f\ Brown, arrested in New York, on requisition of Gov. Clatlin, charged with several larcenies in Auburndale, has been held for trial. Michael Hurd, arrested in New Jersey, was also held lor trial, on charge ot defrauding John Mason ol seven hundred dollars in gold. ‘ Sad Accident. Johnson Ilolfe, a prominent and wealthy resident of Wilmot, New Hampshire, was throw n from a carriage in that town yester day and killed. FROM PORTLAND. Portland, Me., May 10. Melancholy Accident. A little daughter of Mr. Edward Libby, in Gorham, about two years old. a few days since got hold of some strong lye which was sitting on the floor, and drank a dipper lull, from the effects of which she died in about -1 hours in terrible agony. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco, May It). The English squadron, Admiral Hornby, arrived at Victoria from Yokohoina yester day. The Indians committed nine murders in Arizona during last week. New Mexico is yet undisturbed, but mining in the vicinity of Prescott is suspended for want of water. Methodist Conference. Rockland. Me.. May 10. The East Maine Conference closed its ses sion here this afternoon. This morning the j action on the report of the Committee on Temperance was reconsidered, and a new set of resolutions substituted for those pre viously adopted. The only very material point ot difference between them is that the resolutions adopted to-day. declare that the , necessity of a Slat*.* police for the execution of the laws against the liquor traffic in this State has been demonstrated by experience, and that the members of the conference will use their influence for the establishment of such a force. Temperance Convention. Rath, Me.. May 16. The Main*. Temp* ranee Advocate of this week, publishes a call fora State Temperance Mass Convention, tp he* hidden at Auburn Hail. Auburn, .June* 17th, at ten o’clock A. M .. for the purpose* of nominating a candi dal** for Governor. and to attend to any other business that may properly come before said con vciition. Suicide. Detroit, May 16. George Chamber* aged 60 years, shot him self through the head yesterday afternoon. He is believed to have been temporarily in sane*. Francis Wagner shot himself dead at Bay City on Saturday at halt pa«t one o'clock. He was to have been married at two o'clock the same day. No cause is assigned lor the act. FOREIGN NEWS BY-CABLE. London, May 16. The supposed Fenians arrested here yester day were examined to-day. The evidence was unsatisfactory and the prisoners were re manded. Rev. Thos. Dale. Cannon of St. Paul's, died yesterday in his 73d year. The English pilots speak in high terms of the sailing qualities of the Sappho. They say that she shipped no water, and made 90 miles on one reach. Paris, May 16. Madame Ollivier, the wife of the Prime Minister, has received the decoration of the noble ladies of Spain. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Market. New York, May 16. Gold elo-ed 1115*. • United States Sixes (coupons), lt*81, 1I7’4 ** ** (kJu’js 1ou2, 11- La ‘ “ “ 1SU4, HIT “ 4 4* H 1 1.1, Jail. A July, 111 ;i .. 4. .. 114*. •* •• “ loos. 111N •* “ 10-40’s.(coupons), * New York Stock Market. New York, May 16. Mariposa. J • <!«». pf*l. i< :; i Canton Co. '•* i Cumberland Co. Western Union Tel. Co. 33:, Quicksilver Mining Co. i'a' ilb* Mail, ltostou Water Power l<3f ' lioston, Hartford A Erie, 5Si Adems Ex. Co. **»'» Wells. Fargo A Co. ^ I'd* American Merchants Uu. 42 I > Ex. < o. 45 n ^ Central and Hudson River, h*2 do. scrip, M'h Harlem, 144 I heading, I'd** Mich. Central. 12Ci Lake shore and Michigan Southern, w4* Illinois Central, 1411» Cleveland A Pittsburg, l 'TS Chicago A North Western, MU do. preferred, bu** i Chicago A hock Island. 1-1 \ I Mil. A St. Paul, I'*'4, do. preferred, 81?* Toledo, Wabash A Western. Toledo. Wabash A Western prcfei red| Pittsburg A Fort Wayue, ^4 Terre Haute, ' do. ptd. Alton. 11'* I do. prefd. i Ohio and Miss. Erie, ; do. pfd. 4< New York Produce Market, New York, May 16. ( OTTON—sales 1400 bales; mid. uj land'23*.,. 1- EOF h --fate iso a .VS); round hoop Ohio ."do jj015; wc'iern Is0<j*’d5, southern IKK)ab'.io. WHEAT !>aies bu,uuu hu; No 1 spring 127a 127 ■,; No 2 do. 1183123; winter red and umber we'tern, 131 o 152. < DUN—new mixed western, 10Rgll2; old do. 115 in store. OATS—state 70$72; western tiftfpv. POKIv—mess 2b.hog3u.00; prime 22 00 £23 .'*0. LA hi)—steam « I *»1 a; kettle do. 10** o 17. BUTTER—steady . Ohio Ua30; state 20g36. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 16. FT.OUR—spring extras 330 3 475. WIN AT-No 2. 07U . CORN—No. 2. sOoSOU . o \TS —48 . for No. 2. MESS PORK—20 <h» BARLEY —»W*j75 lor No. 2. I.A hl>—1113 |i»u CHRISTMAS — AND — New Year’s Presents. My friends, make vour home beautiful." How shall we do it ? Whv. buv one of those unrivalled Bl'BDETT CELESTE OIUSANS. Where can they be found ? Found iu every variety of style at JOHN C. HAYNK8 & CO.’S. ; 33 Court SU'ovt, Boston. Maw. DockendorfT & Co. X^lni&i C i»lino, Peru* Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and Naval Contractors. Exchange Bought and Sold. Advances made on Consignments and for Ship’s Disbursements. — References i Messrs. W.W.HH Carvkk, New York. “ F. U. Lovell it Co., Bank <»i Lom»<»v, Muxiru & S. A., Lima Sre*. Biantiu Heumano# y ( a “ Now York Offloc, : : IIS JOHN STREET. llei’i'.Min, Allen, Small & Co, nuiimsT.s, And ^Innuructurers of Strum Fnjrii'e*, Cireulnr Saw Mills, I lap lioarri Pinners, Shafting, Pulleys, Mill Work, and all kinds of JOBBING I’niially done in a tlrst-clufes Machine Simp. Abo Improved Excelsior Machines, which cuts two Bolt* at a time as readily an one. HOARD rLAYlUtS constantly on hand. \o. 1 Journal Block. - • Wafer Sfreef, Cm AIXil'STA, AIK. SjanTO New Firm! lVlELlAMSOV & liUEEYWOOD, ( >V mnoi’.. to V C Hr. Li ) UKALEUS IN STOVES! Furnaces and Hardware, AGENTS Foil * * liielimond’s Celebrated Portable Range!”; RICHMOND'S HANGING DOME COAIj FITX1ATACE ! Alvo, all tin.* muirt approved st<»\ . in the market, j job my <: vuo urn. v a n j:m>i:d to. i %tt hcp'-i ii.1 Lumps and Lantern? repaired. <) Wll.I.I AM-oN l il \-. GItKXMVOOD, j Late W . man & William-< n Latcoi Farmington < 44apr*Jm J. W. TOWARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM) SUIRIl ON. AK.INTA, ME. Residence on Green street. opposite the Metho* | diet t’huii'h. -‘rtf | DRY GOODS. Spring, 1870. j WOODMAN, TRUE & Co.,' -OFFER THE | Best Assorted Stock -OF Dry Goods -IN ZVew England, At prices to correspond with the reduction in COTTON nud OOIjD. AGEN TS I-’OIS Singer’s Sewing Maehiues. woodman, True & co,, tor. niddlr A Prnrl Sis., _*mM PORTLAND, MAINE. _ Augusta, April 21st. 11170. A FIM. ASSORTMENT JXTETW I NOW OPENING vr FOWLER. HAMLEH & SMITH’S, -AT Very Low Prices. flffjan-tf _ WILLIAM H. WOODBURY* (.Successor to E. I). Noreroes, j - DEAl.EK in — Hot Air Fiimaces, Stoves & Ranges, For Wood ox’ Coxxl, Tin, Pressed, and Japanned WAX1ES ! j aiul KITCHEN GOODS gem rally. TIN ROOFING & JOBBING OF MX KINDS I*loiii|>11 y ulii’iidcd i» Or Special attention given to tltt Ilot Air Purnncoa ! A ftiv Doors south of the Jiuihoad lindgt, Water Street, Augusta. flimar&wty _ __ MRS. H. G. BARKER, Will give paiticulu r'uttcut iou to DRESS — AM) — CLOAK MAKING! Perfect Flt« Wpvrnntod. . Will teach Drops Cutting. Mrs. TV has top Km i ore"* Model Chart for sale. The he.-t of Krone! 1 Kittling done at short notice. Call on, or address M1IS. II. ti. BARKER, At B. Kimball** Store, Augtotu, Me. tmayMhr WAITED. TWO GOOD MILLINERS. No trimming rt quuod. Address. GEORGE R. PACE, Al'BLRN. Maine. 1 May UUi, 1»70. SinI-Jw DR. A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DFNTAL SURGEON, 1150 WATJCR HTllEtT, j Augiistn, - - Maine. j Make* the ©urcosr-fiil treatment of all dUcate* of the mouth and teeth a specialty, employing all th« j la lest and best improvement.* iii the method of till ing with gold ami nil proper material, Mcernted teeth peiimmeutly cured, and their decayed and broken down crown* filled and built op to their original chape and beauty. Tool liar he Cured Without Extracting! fireat improvement in the method of constructing j and fitting ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR CHAMItKIiLAIN i* inserting n large num ber ot >- i- «>i Hu -<• teeth, which for beauty, dura- j bllity and adaptation, cannot be surpawed any S where. T he plate will not stair <>r drop down, and | i* warranted to lit perfectly. MI are invited to call and examine ©perimen© ot teeth made on red, pink f and white rubber. j I KKSII G.IS KVt«Y DAY. tninyg tt CLAPP & NORTH, Successors! to Edward Fenno, BOOKSELLERS a STVTIOAERS, 1 ■>.» Wulcr Street, J\. ugusta. IVt o . , HAVK in,: received targe a»l»litinn8 fo Iheirns KOltlUCUt of Miscellaneous, Blank and School Books, It IBLES, Testaments and Prayer Bnoks f l.ettei-, Sole, tttttl bill Paper. ENVELOPES, of r.ll Sizes anil Styles, INITIAL STATIONERY, BLANK FORMS of all Kinds, ,Slate# and Sponges, PENCILS, PENS, AND PENHOLDERS ! INK AMI MICILAfiE, » MAX. for Mux Flowers! Mho a fine ass«rtmeiu of Fixisrc ’sr* GrOODs, KEVKM K STAMPS of all iUe». tlikipr-eodAITtf LOOK AT THIS ! No More Cracked stove Tops! S T T ’ A' EAH’ PORTABLE RANGE YV11 II MECT/OXAI. TC >P. It has the I, VIUiEST OVEN Of any Movp in the mafltef, anti ia a complete Cooking Range ! IN EVERY RESPECT. For sale !•;> Williamson & Greenwood, N'i. * lni<*n Block, Water Street, .V U(« I -i rV A. MAINE. Mnmtfaetnrod by (\ E. STFVFNS, Portland, Me. apriidlmeod Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Winter Arrangement, Dec. 3, 1809. Passenger train* leave Augusta for Portland ami Bo-ton daily at 5 45 and II A. M. Bo-ton f«"r August* at 7 ;*> A M., and 12 M.: Au gusta for \\ aterville atS.m P. M. Augusta for i.udiiur (arroinmodatiou traiu.i, at 7.50. ami 1! 5o A. M., 2 15. auti e-io 1*. M. Twin- ire du t Augu.-m l'rora P.angor at 10.55 \ M ; f.-oin lot-ton at :t :tu and 8 00 F.M.; from iiaidim r at 7 km.I 8 15 A M., 1 >0 ami 5.00 P. M. INif-engci'n tor Bangor I rout Boston holding Maine Central throtigh ticket-, and wi-diiug to rotne via Augusta, cun »to so: and from Bangor to Uoston, pim h.u-v n Maine Central local ticket to Kendall’s Mills, aii' 1 ati.-i taking the t ars on thi.> line the con ductor will furnish a ticket t>» Boston, making the fare through the same a via the Maine Central road. L. L. LINcuLN, Superintendent. Align.- ta. April 2g, 18t;o. ARNO, HODGKINS & CO,, MAMJFACTt UEl;* OF Organs & Melodeons, One <1 • ><>r north Cook’s Ditt o Stoke, (upstuir*,) Water St., Gardiner, Me. f|MIKIlI rases are made of solid Black Walnut I. throughout; their keys are made of the finest grades of Ivory, with Ivory flouts; they use the Muiiroo Patent Keed, which for evenness and purity of tone, C* uuiiot be Nurpattsed. Tln ir iustruim nU contain all other improvement* casern iai t«> First llatiN I it win* in ruts. 1 For full pat titulars call or address* A ICAO. llOUGHlAS «fc CO., CiAKPINER, ME. 5 Oet. Portable Melodecns, new; $60.00 5 Oct. Single Reed Organs, 75.00 5 Oct. Doublo '* “ 4 stops, 135.00 ♦21apr-‘’mos __ HPfu’T With llie sticky, filthy, ULli I dangerous Hair Prepcra tion*. hut use Naturr’i Hull* Hnttorutive , which i» perfectly .clean and transparent, and en tirely free from all dan gerous drugs. It will positively restore 4.ray llair. prevents the Hair from foiling ofl'. will cause nr it to gmw when prema IjF tun ly lost, removes dand ruU .»od keeps the head iu a perfectly ne#lthy con dltien. Try a bocll* and be sfiti-lied that it is the greatest discovery ef the ago PROCTHK BROS., Oiom*i >ter, Ms**.. Sole A gents for the Patentee. All the .Maine iiiuggists POISONED “aYUan‘“^P^» Pnre Medicines and Ckisalf! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and ^orfumery; CHOICE TOILET \\D FANCY ARTICLES! Physicians’ & Apothecaries* Goods, Pure SjKTm. lird. Kfrtsnt anJ \«atsfo«t Oils. ('Italics K. Partridge, DRl’GGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, comer Market Square, (VNDKR URAMTK 1!AI L,) lias on hand a’Lar^e Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AMD SKLLS AT The Lowest Market Rates! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. PirtrUit'i true Stow. Water Mr*a. ;»ri« Birkd k<*n ♦ Ijaoruly i We Don't 1st* Dock Water. Lobsters boiled every tusmlns *« Pwr* Stbsgu Wulci , salted with Bock Salt. jy Orders solicited and promptly Giled A HAI R 39Coqxipcrcial street. Portland. Me. ! mayEkteodSw