Newspaper Page Text
ILocal anU £tate Nctos. Capt. A. Clark, Register of Deeds, is re covering slowly from bis protracted sickness. Mission Sabbath Schools arc being estab lished in the outskirts of the city, by the Angusta V. M. C. A. Rutter has been reported ns active. Some hu'ter offered for sale ought to he active if strength has anything to do with activity. C. \V. Jackson, who has been at the Na tional Asylum for more than a year, is a most efficient and capable police officer. It is stated, and upon good authority, that a new daily paper is shortly to be started in Rangor. It will be Republican in its pol itics. The proprietor of Hriek’s Roston Express has facilities for transporting packages which must ensure an enlargement of his business. Fruit dealers, by patronizing this line, may be sure of having their orders attended to promptly. We learn that Col. Horace L. l’ike has de clined the appointment of Consul General to Tampico, Mexico, which was tendered him some weeks ago. Col. Pike should have a position on the editorial staff of some live newspaper. He wields a ready pen. We understand that a petition is in circula tion praying the city fathers to tax dogs. A petition to either tax or kill them sfiould re ceive numerous signatures. A large hull-dog chasing a full grown terrier over a carefully made vegetable bed in the garden answers the purpose of a sub-soil plow. The “Ilallowell Gazette” has ceased to ex ist. In its place, Mr. Henry Chase, the pub lisher, has presented to his patrons a hand some quarto sheet, bearing the name of the “Saturday Gazette.” It is larger than the old paper, contains more reading matter and is in a better form for preservation than before. It has its usual local department and a greater circulation. The subscription price has not been increased. The commissioners to investigate the charges against towns for men not put into the service during the war, will meet at the enp itol to-dav. to enter upon the duties of their office. It is understood that their proceed* f ing will notbe publicly reported until the inves tigation shall have been completed. The commission is composed of the following named gentlemen: Hon. George F. Talbot, Portland; Gen. Selden Connor, Augusta; Hun. Abram Sanborn, llangor. The number of sheep destroyed in five counties in this State last year by dogs, was fourteen hundred ! The number destroyed by : dogs in 417 counties in the I'nited States was 99.547, and as many more were wounded. This involves an actual loss of $2,000,000, | and a constructive and none the less real loss to production of many millions more. New Jersey, which as a State is behind some of its sisters in many respects, last winter protected its sheep-misers by laying a tax of $2 on the owner of every male dog. and $3 on the owner every female dog. A young man representing himself to be a lather, made application for board at a board ing house on Elm street, in this city. Just before the dinner hour he was shown to the room assigned him, as he wished to prepare himself for dinner. On starting out for labor he made inquiry as to the usual hour fur sup per. This was the last that was seen of him. During his stay at the boarding house he found time to open the drawers of a bureau standing In the entry and purloin the con tents of a portinoniae belonging to the lady of the house, containing the sum of 01‘J. Look out for these fellows. The treasurer of the Portland & Kennebec Railroad company, received a few days since an anonymous letter enclosing 81.50, the writer stating that the sum was to pay his fare from Bath to Portland, of which he had defrauded the company some time since. We don't believe another such instance is on record. It is deemed a virtue i to “dead-head it" on railroads. How that man's conscience must have stung him I In his dreams the iron horse with fiery nostrils rushed towards him ; a terrible smash-up oc curred, and the company not responsible; Frank Bodge dodging round after tickets, and the poor delinquent compelled to inform him that he had lost his. May the conscience stricken individual find relief. I -- A gentleman who has not been charmed by i the music of bobalinks, tried the experiment of i grape shot upon them, lie avers that the lives I of a cat (nine) are not to be compared to the i number possessed by these musical jubilters. ! He tried to shoot them, hut they wouldn’t die. [ Apparently they would “flop" for the last , time, but rise again immediately, like the Phamix. The following are the "remarks” supposed to have been made by the bird after * tue escape trom uracil: Ua, ha, ha—Uon t -you wish yon could?—Click, hang! Wasn’tl ! oil' in season? lliti-ka-dink. l’ut in more— | powder. Chieadec, ke de. You had better r shoot with a shovel. Ha, ha, ha, You can’t (come it. Didn’t you think you had me? hut you didn’t though. Call again to-morrow— always find me at home—Chicadee—tip, wheat. Never felt so well in all my life. [ Don’t you feel cheap? 11a, ha. ha. Hipsi dady. Catch a bobalink asleep.—Zitikawcheet. You are the greatest fool I ever saw. Lick sa-tesplit! rattle-bang. Ha, ha, ha. Go to the deuce. Skect!’’ On Wednesday lust, Gen. Henry Boynton i of this city submitted to a painful and difficult surgical operation. For six years he has car ried in his body one of those “leaden mes sengers” which have proved fatal to so many, iIn the battle of Drury’s Bluff, Va., on the 16th of May, 1864,* Gen. Boynton, who was ■ then Lietit. Colonel commanding the 8lh Maine, bore a conspicuous part on the right of the line, holding it against tearful odds, capturing a large number of prisoners. For ,his gallantry on this hard fought field, he re ceived the special mention of Gen. Weitaei, j ■.which is not a very common thing for a man iin his position fo do. Our loss in that fight | was between 1400 and 1300 In killed and !1wounded. During the engagement, by the ^bursting of a shell, Gen. Boynton received a {bullet in his left side. For six years ltd* bul- | let lias been working its way towards the right side, until nt the time of the operation on Wednesday it was in a position on the right side at the top of the hip, between the hip bone and the spine. The operation was per-! formed in a skillful manner by Dr. John Ben son of Newport, who was Surgeon of the 20th Maine Regiment. He was unassisted in the operation. The bullet is somewhat battered. It weighs 11-lfith of an ounce avoidupoi*, or 392 grains, and lias been a constant trouble to the General. We are glad to know that he is getting along well and will be out in a few days. The Decoration of the Graves of Soldiers who fell ill the lute war, and memorial servic es, will take place at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, on Sunday next, (May 29th,) at 4:30 P. M. The Committee, after consulting the several Clergy and others, decided to have the servic es oil Sunday instead of the Monday lollow ing, (the day appointed liy Gen. Hogan for general observance,) so as to give every one an opportunity to participate in the services. The G. A. R. Post at the Military Asylum will attend, bringing with them their fine Band, which will discourse music appropriate ' to the occasion. A large quantity of (lowers, will be required, and the Committee solicit | donatious from the citizens generally, which may be left at tile Armory of the Capital Guards, (Eureka Hall, on the east side of the river,) and at the Council Rooms, (Granite Hall Block.) oil the morning of the 29th inst. It is hoped that the citizens generally will unite in paying this just tribute to the Dead who fell in the service of their country. —Use Nature’s IIaih Restorative. —It is the oust. —Contains nothing injurious. —( lear as cry.-tal — No sediment of Illth —Does not -t in the -kin. —Elegantly perfumed. — K -tores gray hair. —Prevents tiie hair from falling off. —See Advertisement. maTrAwlw /Harriet). In Smithfleld. 15th in-t Mr. Albion P Soule of Wuterville. to Miss Christiania Ellis of Belgrade. Iii Exeter, 17tli iDot., Mr Thomas W. 0<>uld of OUltown, to .Miss Sarah Miller of Garland. Dirt). In Freeman, 8th inst., Auna Brackley, aged 81 years. In Salem. 2d inst . Ibmj.unin Heath, aged 82 yre.; . inst . Wm Fl!->worth, aged 72 years In Ganliuer. loth inst . Mary > I.ennnn, aged -Vi years; 17th inst . Mr. Cyru« Libby, aged 20 years and 8 months. FOR RENT. I HAVE for rent a good tenement f<»r a small family. SAMI EL L. B'»\KI)M \N, Crescent Street. Augu t.», 23d May. re * 141 A Live Agent Wanted ! AN EXPERIENCED AGENT Either Lady or Gentleman, Wanted Immediately 1 -TO CANVASS TIIE Towns of Augusta. Itallowell k Gardiner. Pleasant work and liberal cash remuneration. A good permanent situation for the right kind of person. Address, with references, until MayC’th, BOX 599, Augusta P. O. A WOXDERFIL DISCOVERY ! Cure Without Medicine. EQUALIZER or V4CI IU CERE. City. Town and County Right* for sale. Send for Circular. L. II PACKER, M. D.t tmay21 lw P. O Box .*>15, Boston, Maes. < Portland & Kennebec Railroad, i Summer Arrangement, May 23. 1870 ' ON and after Monday. May 23d, next, the Port land and Kennebec Railroad Company will put ou an additional passenger train to leave’Portlaml tor Augusta and intermediate stations at 7 lu, and will be due at Augusta at lu A. M Returning in tin* afternoon. Leaves Augusta at 3.1) and connecting with the evtni .g express for Boston, which leaves Portland at 0 1* M and al ii vt*s in Boston at 10 P AI L. L. LINCOLN, Superintendent. Tenemrnt it* Erl. (vN the first of June I shall have for rent a good, / convenient tenement tor a email family in the lnm-H 1 formerly occupied on Gage street. For further informal Ton call at my pres* nt residence, No ii state street. MRS. WM. K WE-TON. Augusta, May U, 1870. ttl 1 Mssolution. rpifE Co-partnership heretofore existing between 1 K A Nason, CD. Ilamleii, A. W l'hilbrook. A l B Perkin.-, under the style of NASON. DAM PEN A CO , is tl^tn d >\ dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be settled by 114*1 EE* a PillEBROOli, At the Old Stand. E. A. NASON. C II HA.Ul.bN, A W. rilll,Blt<tOK. April 13, IS70. T. 1!. PEUK1N-. The undersigned will continue the Dry Goods Duslnosa, of the firm of Nason, llamleu & Co., AT TlTtllt OI.n stand. Corner Ilrldgr mid TVuter Street,. Those indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle. HAMDEN A PHIDBROOK. C. II. Hash ex, A. W. I’HM.HIIUOK. April IS. 1870. _tUapr-Jm Granite Hall, FOR THREE NI6UT8 ONLY, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Erouiug*. May 20th, 27th, and 28th. IT IS COMING ! DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE Great Panoruina —OF THE— STREETS OF BOSTON The Life of A Policeman, Illustrated l>v an officer who was 14 years in the Boston Police Department, showing every step in crime. And to be seen on the name evenings, without extra charge, SIGN Oil A COLE TTA’S ITALIAN FANTOCCINI, Or, AUTOMATON FIGURES. whoso movements are so life-like that it causes the greater wonderment how they can be made to re semble everything my much to life. Popular Prices—35 couth for adults; 35 cents lie served coats; children 15 cents. Matinee Saturday afternoon. Children admitted form cents. fma>'Jt>-7t W ANTED. ri'WO GOOD MILLINERS. No trimming re X qnired. Adtlrev*. GEORGE H. PAGE. Al'IICKN, Maine. May 13th, 1870. teod-liv I CHINA TEA COMPANY -HAVE OPENED A Branch. Store, No. 98 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA, -WHERE YOU CAN BUY Teatt, CofTrca, Sugara. Spires, Tobacco, aVc*. A^r., As cheap us any where in New England. Mr. Alt SEE, a native Chinese Tea Merchant, dressed in hi- native costume, is now in thir- place and will remain for a few days, and will be happy to wait on those who may favor him with a call. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! See for Yourselves. tinny 19-1 w CHINA TEA CO. Somerset A Kennebec Railroad ( ompany. The Stockholders of the Somerset A Kennebec Railroad Company arc notified that their Annual Meeting will be hddeu at the Treasurer’s office in Augusta, on Wednesday, the tirst day of June next at eleven o’clock A. M. 1st, To choose Directors for the ensuing year, id. To determine whether tin y will absent to the assignment of the lease of their road to the Port land A Kennebec Railroad Company, as contem- ! plated in the proposed arrangement between that road and the Maine Central Railroad 3d, To act upon any other business that may come before said meeting A. S. THOMPSON. Secretary. Augusta, May 19, 1870 tmayio-lod* Portland A Kennebec Hallroad Company. The Stockholders of the Portland A Kennebec j Railroad Company are notified to meet at the Direr- ) tors’ Room, in the Depot at Portland, on Wednesday the 25th day of May, instant, at two of the (doc k in the afternoon, to act upon the following proposi tion?-. Co wit: Article 1 To determine whether they will ac cept the provisions of an ad of the Legislature of Maine approved April L 1S56, entitled "an act to authorize the consolidation of certain Railroad Corporations.” Art. 2. To determine whether they will ratify the doings of the Directors of the Company wherein thev entered into contracts offense of the Port! nd A Rennebec Railroad to the Maine Central Railroad Company, dated May 12. 1870. Aut It. To act upon any other business that may regularly come before said meeting Per order of the Directors. J. >. CL SUING, Secretary. Augusta. May 13,187o. Mw‘ Music in Classes. rPHE subscriber would inform his friends and the X public of Augusta and vicinity, that he pro poses to Leach Piano; also singing in (lasses. Classes ou Piano to consist ol six pupils each. This system ha- many advantages, and the expense ir less than private lessons. Private le--on« given if preferred. Would also invite the attention of the public to the 11. F. MILLER PIAAOS ! For sale at his Music Hoorn. Xorth's IS lock, 01*1*'>>ITK c.usr HOUSE. The use or the-c Pimos in many public in-titli tmus and school* gained for them an envial^tt reputation, and throughout the country they are becoming the moat popular Pianos manufactured. Classes arranged on application at Music Room or Residence, Winthrop >treet. M. C. MlLLIJvLV Teacher of Music. aprtWm What Shall We Eat ? VLL regular physicians will tell you that Beef and Pork is not so tfealthv to eat in spring and summer as good Fresh Fish. The same can be ob tained at CISHl.XG A HOLMES' MARKET, Soar K. K. Bridge, (Valor SI., Where al. orders will be promptly attended to for I of all kiuds in their season. CUSHING A HOLMES. ttnaj*16-tf Water street. Augu-ta. Cutler) and Plated Ware! A full assortment of Table and Focket Cutlery, Seiitor$, TC.M TH.I I*«, be. Also Plated Tea Sit-, Ire Pitchers. GoMeta, Knives, Spoons. Forks and Castors of the be.-t quality, at PIERCE’S CROCKERY STORE, Xa. 150 Water Street - - Augusta. mayi-ttf HWitli the st cky. filthy dangerous Hah Prepera tions. hut u*e !\'ature*«, Hair Restorative, which is perfectly clean and transparent, and en tirely free from all dan gerous thugs. It will f*o®itively restore Gray lair, prevents the Hair from falling off. w ill cuuee nr’ it to g nw when prema UL turely lo«?t. removes dand* ruff and keens the head in a perfectly healthy con dition. Try a bottle and be antis fled that it is the greatest discoverr of the age. PlloCTKli BKOs., Gloucester, Mass., Sole Agents for the Patentee, the Maine Druggists POISOFIFD ^,e,fnll5U James W. Bradbury, Jr., U. S. COMMISSIONER, Office with Bradbury & Bradbury, WATER STREET, - - AI GI NTA. 20tf HOUSE FOR SALE ! PiMIE undersigned will sell bin A house on Lincoln Street, in Hallow ell. ^_CHAS. E. NASH._ MRS. H. G. BARKER, Will give particular attention to D H S IS S CLOAK MAKING! 1'erfeot Fits Warranted. Will teach Dress Cutting. Mr*. R has toe Km nre^b Model Chart for sale. The best of French Fluting done at short notice. Call on, or address MltS. II. G. BARKER, At B. Kimball's Store, Augusta, Ms. fmuy7*2\v HENRT H£I^S A’o. 106 Sudbury Street, - - Boston M AN CFACTL’HER OF BILLIARD TABLES WITU HIE COMBINATION STRING CUSHION. . New aud Second-Hand Tables always on ham and fbr sale at the lowest prices. Give'me a call. apr28-Um U. E. WlLMAHTll, Agent. HENRT 0. & A. A NICHOLS, MASONS AND SLATERS. VLL work in their line dune promptly nnd in • good, workmanlike manner by the day or jo) Particular attention paid to repairs ef slate roof cementing cisterns, cellars, Ac. Orders left at A P. Gould's stove Store, first do* . above Railroad Bridge, promptly attended to. HKNin O. MCIIU1.S, ALBERT A. NICHOLS, Augusta, Jau. 1 1808. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. |By the Wustern Union Line—Offices in Hundce’a Building opposite the Post Ofllc<,and at the (state House.! FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, May 21. Tiie proceedings and decision of the Naval Court Marshal in the case of Commander Cpsher, has been referred to Gen. Balles, Department Solicitor, who will give it bis im mediate attention. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has received a number of letters from persons doing business as brewers, inquiring whether (he law requires them to cancel bear stamps by using Wheeler’s patentor, any other than those prescribed by the department. The Commissioner responds that so far ns beer stamps are concerned, their need be no j other method of cancellation used Ilian hith erto practiced. The reason why General Hancock was not appointed Commander of the Pacific depart ment, will appear front the correspondence! soon to lie published, which shows that poli tics had nothing to do with the matter. FROM NEW YORK. New York, May 21. The Corporation Council have begun pro codings against the west side of the elevated, railway, on the ground of violation of the ( barter, and trespass on the property of the city. The extension of the Northern Railway, N. J., from Piedmont to Xyack, was formally opened on Saturday. Speeches were made at Xyack by Jas. Fisk, Jr., (ien. Alex. S. IFinn, and Rev. I.. 1). Mansfield. ])r. Jas. Carry of Jersey City, was com mitted last night in default ut 910.000 bail, for : trial for malpractice. Fix Consul Phillips, who was driven from Santiago de Cuba, arrived Saturday and w ill go at once to Washington, to present to the State dep’t a report of affairs in Cuba, and to demand remuneration for considerable pe cuniary losses incurred by hasty (light. FROM BOSTON. Boston', May 21. Found Dead. Terrance McConnell, aged 45, was found dead in bis room in Stillman St. yesterday, under suspicious circumstances which led to the arrest of his wife and Niel Murphy on suspicion of murder. Patui k Cronan and : others, lodging in the house, state that the , deceased found his wife and Murphy in bed together, and was terribly beaten by them. .In inquest will be held to-morrow. Several thousand person's were interested to-day, in examining the Pullman ears which start to-morrow morning for San Francisco with a large delegation of the Boston Board of Trade, and ladies. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco, May 21. The Insurance Commissioners here have revoked the certificate of the Oriental F'ire and Marine Insurance Company. In consequence of the dry weather and In dian depredations, Placer mining in Arizona, is suspended. The silver mines in New Mexico are the richest in the world. The excitement about them continues. Honolulu advices to April 30 have been re ceived : The King opened the Legislative Assembly on the 30th. Count Von Belief, an officer of the Austrian F'rigate Honan, and son ul the Austrian Pre mier, died April 29. The l’. S. ship Jamestown sailed on the 30th oY April fur the South Pacific Islands. FROM CHICAGO. Chicago, May 21. Indian Trouble*. A despatch was received at the .Military ' hoad-qearters to-day from James Archer, an officer of the Kansas Pacific Railroad. La borers now at Kit ('arson refuse to work on the road another day, unless furnished with arms for defence against the Indians, gild are threatening to sieze the trains and come east. Gen. Sherman is therefore asked to send 500 stand of arms to these men immediately, the Railway Company becoming responsible then for. In the nbsense of Gen. Sfcorman the matter will be referred to Gen. Pope. The body of Dora Me-Lellan of Boston, who was burned to death in the deal ruction of the Concert ball block, St. Paul, was found yesterday and buried. FROM RICHMOND. Richmond, Ya., May 21. Political. The republicans nominated on their city ticket this morning. Geo. Cahoon for Mayor, and I,. 11. Chandler for Commonwealth At torney. The rest of the ticket is com] osed of gentlemen well known in the city. The election on Thursday is likely to be an excit ing one. Methodist Conference. Memphis, Tenn., May 21. In the General Conference of the Methodist' Episcopal Church to-day, (the 15th day,) Mr. j Marvin presiding, resolutions were introduced j by l>r. Hamilton of Mobile, proposing ti^plect two additional Bishops, w hich caused an ex- I tended debate. I)rs. Monroe of Missouri, Lee i ot Virginia, Marshall of Miss, and Buckley of j Texas favored the resolutions, the latter inti- * mating that unless this was done Texas and the west would cecede. Drs. Evans of Ga., Winfield of Ark., and Andrews of Ala., op posed the resolutions, and the latter said that! this was but a move in the direction of dio- , cesan territorial Bishops. Bishop Paine, on behalf of the Bishops, ex- j plained their views on the subject, setting j lorth that they had done their work, but in 1 view of the fact that five new Conferences hail been added, they would agree to an addition, j but would acquiesce in the action of the Con- I ference if two were asked for, under the op- j eration of the previous question. The resolu- j tion was adopted, 110 to 112. On motion of Dr. Anderson the order ot business was sus pended, and the Convention proceeded to vote for a Bishop with the following resultr First ballot, J. E. Keene of La. 65, J. A. Duncan ' of Virginia 50, J. B. McFarrin of Tenn. 77, Scattering 83 ; no choice. Drowned. Lowell, Mass., May 21. A boy named Gallagher was drowned in Concord river this afternoon, llis body has not yet been found. Bass Ball. Worcester, Mass., May 22. The Amherst College Nine heat the Uni versity Nine 32 to 28, at Base Ball here yes terday. Cineinnatti Items. Cincinkatti, May 21. The general synod of the reformed Presby terian Church adjourned at noon until Mon day. Itut little business of importance was transacted. The Trustees of the Theological Seminary at Brunswick, submitted a report which was highly commended by the signs of the times. They reported a long list of indications that cal! for a warning of the people, among them touching the question of the Council at Home, the Bible, the sabbath doctrine of the church, the marriage relation, and the corruption and extravagance in the government. The re port was accepted, and foe a better union among the people, the Committee appointed the first Thursday in January to be observed as a day of fasting. On the other hand, the committee recognize the tendency of things to break up the crust of mere human authority by Christian men generally, andn better union in Christ. The subject of a union w ith the united Presbyterian Church is a special order for Monday afternoon. Tho lied River Trouble. Chicago, May 21. News from Red River reports that an Indian outbreak there is imminent, and great anxiety prevails at Tory (Jerry from this cause, ami the arrest of Kiel’s agents in Canada. Sad Accident. Worcester. Mass., May 22. Daniel O'Connell, 55 years old, fell down stairs last night, and was dead when picked up. Destructive Fire. AlBl’RN, N. Y., May 22. Tlx; barns attached to the National Hotel, with their contents, including live valuable horses, were destroyed by fire this morning. Loss. *11,(XX). Insured lor one half. Railroad Accidents. Lowei.l, Mass., May 21. This afternoon John Hopkins, of Graut ville, on leaving the northern train at North Chelmsford, fell under the ears and had both legs run over, so that it was necessary to am putate one of them. 11c was brought to the St. Johns Hospital. Lowell. He is the son of Deputy Sheriff Hopkins, of Lowell. Worcsteer, Mass.. May 22. Patrick Leahy was killed yesterday while attempting to gi t on a morning train. FOREIGN NEWS BY CABLE. London, May 21. The Times to-day comments favorably on McHenry’s plan for the re-organization of the Atlantic i Great Western Railroad.binder the presidency of Gen. McLellan. The prospects for the Derby day begin to , lighten. The bitting indicates that there w ill he a larger field than was expected. Lisbon, May 21. Now the Cortes is prorogued, it is generally thought that it will be dissolved, and a new election ordered. Rome, May 21. The new list of the members of the Ecu menical Council, places the number at ‘J75. Many however, .have gone home, leaving proxies in favor of the inl’alihility dogma. MISCELLANEOUS. Cheyenne. Wy., May 21. Chief Justice Low yesterday denied the ap plication for a Receiver in the case ol Davis and his associates against the Union Pacific Railroad, holding that the showing before him did not justify or show any absolute necessity for such a remedy; that the road w as not be ing managed by able and honest men. and is in a prosperous condition, nmWf this were not so the land tendered by the Railroad Company is ample security for the complaint, in any event. Concobd. N. H., May 21. Ihe Corner atone ot tue new Congrega tional Church, in West Concord, was laid with appropriate services this P. M. On the 30th inst. the afternoon 3-40 Accom odation train for Boston, will be rnn as an Express from Concord, and an additional ac comodation train will be put on to leave at 4 15, and at the same time an additional express train lor the north will leave Boston. May L’Oth the Sunday express from White River Junction to Boston will commence running, leaving Concord at G-15 P. M. Additional trains will at the same time be run over the Northern road. Tee annual meeting of the Concord road on Tuesday next promises to be more fully at tended than any former meeting of the cor poration. 2 ... "■ ■ ■' ■ FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Market. New Yokk, May 21. Gold closed at 114.7, I’nited States Sixes (coupons), 1881, 117 “ *• 5-20’a 18*52, 112 • “ “ 18*54, 112 S' 18U>, 111 “ *• “ 18*V\ Jan. *JJnlr, fl.’t?, “ “ “ i 18*17. * lit*. “ “ “ 1808, 111*, “ “ 10-40’s,(coupons), lot*1, New York Stock Market. New York, May 21. Mariposa. 7 do. pfd. 17 Canton Co. 6b Cumberland Co. Western Union Tel. Co. 32% Quicksilver Mining Co. 9 Pacific Mail. *»% lt«*-ton Water Power, 16% Boston, Hartford A Erie, 3% Adams Ex. Co. 63* Wells. Fargo A Co. 14% American Merchants I n. 43 % l\ 8. Ex . Co. 44% N. Central and Hudson River 103% Jo. scrip, 90% Harlem, 144% Heading, 104% Mich. Central, 183 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, 97 Illinois Central, 140 Cleveland A Pittsburg, 107 Chicago A North Western, 81 do. preferred. 89% Chicago A Hock Island, 119% Mil. A St. Paul, |35% do. preferred, 80 Toledo, Wabash A Western. 55% Toledo, Wabash A Western preferred 72* Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, Terre Haute, do. pfd. A Uon. 113% do. prefd. Ohio aud Miss. 38% Erie, 23% do. pfd. 47 New York Prodnce Market. New York, May 21. COTTON—sales 3260 bales; mid. uplands 23%. FLOUR—state 4*>og5.V>; round hoop Ohu<450*515 western 46036*1, southern 585 £ 990. WHEAT—sales 43,000 bit; No. 1 spring 122412* No. 2 do. 114£120; winter red and amber western 128 g 12b. _ ,, . CORN—uew mixed western, 1064113; ok! do 114 In store. OATS—state H68«9; western 65447. PORK—mess 29.374*1 50: prime 22 00f23.50. LARD—steam 13gl6: kettle do. 1«* f!«% BUTTER—steady; Ohio 10430: state 20*10. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago. May 21. FLOUR—spring extras 4128*25. V\ HEAT—No.2, 95Si CORN—No 2, 94*494%'. OATS—M for No. 2. MES4 PORK—80 00. BAH LEV —79 for No. 2. LARD-15%416. House For Sale. A NY one wishing to purchare a new Firfet'Claes DWELLING HOUSE, located on one of the prin* eipal street* in the city, ran near of one by calling at this office. fmayl l-tf Til clotT carpeting i AT Wtlllamuon & Grpennood’n. Arctic Refrigerators! SANFORD’S PATENT. Call and See Them. «. »**. JOJS'KH. May ltt, 19W. *1 w A Free Gift to All I T1 IM.’S nilF.IMATIC I 1 I*IJLIjW. To Rheumatic. Neuralgia and Gout subjects* a sample box of these Pills will be given by F. W. Kins man, Water St , Augusta, and for sale by all Apothecaries at 25 cent s per box ; 5 boxes $1. 0. A. HILL, Proprietor bitiiiiftV-ara PORTLAND, ME. HARDWARE! At W11.1,1 AM80K & GREEK MTOOtPS WINDOW SHADES. A FI 1.1. I.IXE OF .VFIF X MjKfJ.I.XT M’.ITTKH.VM, Also ( urtaln Fixtures, fords and Tassels, Curtain Loops, Hooks, Pins, Ac., Juet received at lil’IU tV CROCKFRY MOKE, 159 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA. niay2-ftf GEMTXE CASTILE SOAP, Pure Neatsfoot Oil, (HA M Ol S SKIXS, SPOXUE of nil kinds, FEATIIRR DI ETERS, Hoi •no .Brnshcn, Horse Liniments, ' Ointments and Powders or all kind*, PATENT AXLE GREASE. Fre*b Carriage & Wagon JIats Of all kinds, and for sale low by TITCOMH «Xr DORR. fl8raayeodtf West End Kennebec Bridge. WANTED! f\i \ oOOD COA P MAKEUP to work in shop on t/U ,j work. AJ.-o WORK GIVEX OCT ! Steady Employment Given - AN i> THE 1* 11MT PRICES PAIDI Apply in person or by letter to *#. BI.OO.Tf, Concert Wiatt, ♦tmyMw STATE >n:r.Fi Augmla,Me. Edward Rowse, 124 WATER ST RE El □DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WARE! Agent tor the tVnllliain Watch Conip’y. And I.AZAltVS A MGl'KIS’ I*ei*fectetl Spectacles. &&■ Spec ial attention paid to the repairing of all kind* of FINE HATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperatur# position and isochrouisin. TRIE l Akf i BV TRANSIT. ♦Ijnn70-tf First Lctier Foundry~in New England Commenced in 1817.| Boston Tvpe Foundry Always noted for Us lined and Tough Metal, A ml its large varieties of BOOK AND JOiB TYPE, And lately for its unrival!oil ]Vo vf » p 111>ei* Iraces. Eloctrotyping Done in ull its Branches. Address orders to J. A. ST. JOHN, Agent, 55 Wttter Street, ..... Boston. SUPERIOR TYPE METAL. Long experience and the utmost care are ueces sary to ensure good metal, even with n knowledge of the best combinations—therefore, the safest way is to buy of the oldest established Foundry. NEWSPAPER STYLES. Our Newspaper Faces (body, two-line, and dis play) are of our own cutting, and the best made, as a glance at tlic papers we tit out will prove. BOOK FACES. Our special Specimen of Hook Pages shows great variety, adapted to all kinds of work, including our Revived Old Styles, the most perfect embodiments of the letters of the last century yet presented. 43tf BUSY’S BLACKING 4 BECKING, The best iu the market lor sale at wholesale or re tail by TITi OMII A l»OKR, Wholesale and Retail Oruggists HR!' West End krniicbec Bridge. _ Dockendorff & Co. XaIiiiu & Callao, Peru, Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 6ENERAL MERCHANDISE, ami Naval Contractors. Exchange Bought and Sold. Advances made on Consignments and tor Ship’s Disbursements. References : Messrs. Walsh & Carver, New York. “ ¥. H. Lovixl A Co., “ Bank ok London, Mexico & S. A., Lima fires. Bianciii y Ca “ Vew York Offlce, : : 118 JOHN STREET. deciiMim Saw telle & "\Vard, Dialers In Flour, Grain, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Stone anti Eartheru Pottery. Also Agents for the Novelty Clothes Wringer. i old Wringers of oil descriptions repaired with ' despatch and neatness. Al.PHOVZO SA'VTKLLK. ANDREW D. WARD l Augusta, May 17, 1870. Suiil S. P. PLUMMER -18 SELLING Pure Java Coffee for 30 cent*. “ Rio Coffee for 23 “ “ Roasted Java, 38 “ “ “ Rio. 30 “ ALL KINDS OF (.ROUND C01T1I — AT LOW FHZOaRI Nice Japan Tea at SI.00-1.IS " Oolong Tea, 70-8* ote. All kinds of TOBACCO AND CIGABS 1 — AND — FANCY GOODS. Hood Paper Collars at 15 eta. a Box. I can §ell mv gfKHlw rm low. or lower, than mj one el*e in Augusta. Give me a call ami see for yourself. Opposite the Pont Office. Angu-tii. May W, 1870. tiwtf Patent Alan Drawn! & to o a B Si g S > W W W K r s, ■ AKRBANKM, BROWN * CO. NEW ENGLAND SCALE WAREHOC8K, 118 MILK STREET, BOSTON, MASS. For Mile by all fiurdware Dealers. ♦ rnavll-iw STATE PENNIONH. . ri'HK COMMITTEE ON STATE PENSIONS lor 1 Augusta will be in session at the AltU Room. at 8 o’clock P M. on Wednesday. IbCMi, and at the same hour ou ever} succeeding W«k» day during the month. PER ORDER. imay3-tluiui»y OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOt, nuT ESSENTIAL OILS ol nil kind*, at Johnson Brothers. We Don't Isc Dock Water. Lobsters boiled every morning la Part Sebngo Water, united wltli Roek Balt. 4^-0* tiers solicited and promptly Ailed. AB3TEB JOBBIOB, :’A) Commercial street, Portland, lie niayDfrfMWw Fine Meta anfl CleiaSr Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; CHOICE TOILET ISP FANCT AKTICLEB! * Physicians’ & Apothecaries’ Goods, Pare Sprm Lari, (nent »d4 S.atsbol IHi. Charles k. Partridge, DRltiGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER URAMTK I1AIL,) Has op hand a'Large Selected Stock kept fifesh by oonstant addition*, AMD gKLLg AT The Lowest Market Rates! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE 6000$. {Partridges Drag Si ore, Wafer Street, eorter larktt Ifitft tijnn70ly WU.UA! U WOODBllfT vSuccessor to E. D. Norcront,) - DEALER IN — Dot Air Furnaccs, Stoves & Ranges, For Wood or Coal* Tin, Pressed, and Japanned WATtES : and KHCflEN GOODS generally. TIN ROOFING & JOBBING or ALL KIN'DS Promptly attended in • jr Special attention given to litt Hot Air Furnacse* S A few Doors south of the Railroad Water Street, Augusta. fl*2mar&w-ly Augusta, April list, 1870. A FILL ASSORTMENT — SPRING GOODS! NOW OPENING — at — FOWLER, HAMLEN & SITTER, -AT Very Low Prices. flSjau-tf DR. A. H.CHAMBRRLAfli, df.ntal surgeon, 160 WATER «9TR££T, Augustin, ■ Maim, Make* the successful treatment of til disease* sf the mouth ami teeth a specialty, employing all the latest and best improvements lu the method of til iug with gold and all proper material. Ulcerated tei th pe tuauuntly cured, and their decayed had broken down crowns tilled and built up lu lhair original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Ixtructlag! Grout ln»provemout in the method of ooiitraoHai hdu titling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a large Beat* her of seta ol these teeth, which for Oeauly, dura bility and adaptation, cannot be aurpauad aat wtiere The piste « dl not .1 rt or drep down, aid Is warranted to lit perfectly All are invited to emU and evaluate specimen* oi teeth made ou red, ptak ami white rubber. , FEEStt GAS EYEBI DAT. tmayS-tf