Newspaper Page Text
Horal anU 5>tatc Nctog. The Australian Circus performs at Ken dall's Mills to-day. ---—--. The Somerset Conference of Congregation- i al Churches will meet with the Church in | Kkowhegan on the 14th and 16th of June, com- I mencing Tuesday, June 14th at 10 o’clock. I Hendee’s Photograph Rooms, opposite the Post Office, present many attractions in the j art line. Those desirous of obtaining chro mos, brackets, albums, or picture-frames of any size or style should remember that Ilen dee always gives satisfaction. The soldiers’ graves at Mt. Vernon were I decorated last Monday with appropriate ser- ! vices. The ceremonies connected with the i decoration were very interesting. Appropri- J ate remarks were made by 1). II. Thing, Esq., E. Kempton, and W. II. Clark. On Wednesday night an Englishman who lias resided at Vassalboro' twenty-nine years but lias friends in England, went to Portland on his way to London to visit his brother. l{e had 8^00 in nionuy on his person and a through ticket to London and return. He got , badly drunk and was in a fair way to have his ! money stolen when the police found him, con voyed him to the station and the following day saw him safely on board the train tor Quebec. Some years ago he started with a similar pur pose, but In New York got drunk and lost all ' his money and had to take to sawing wood to raise funds to get back to Vassalboro’. ' The State (osnitlon. Kennebec C ounty is entitled to Delegates in the State Convention to be held in Augusta ’ on the 15th of this month, as follows: . Albion, 3 Pittston, 5 * Augusta, 14 Readfleld, 4 i Belgrade, 4 Rome, 2 Renton, 3 Sidney, 4 Chelsea, 2 Vassalboro’, 8 ! Clinton, 4 Vienna, 3 China. ft WaterviHe, to ' Parmingrlale, 3 Wayne, 3 Fayette, 3 West Gardiner, 4 Gardiner, 10 Windsor. 3 '• Hallow. II, rt Winslow, 4 j Litchfield, ft Winthrop, 0 1 Manchester, 3 Clinton Gore, 1 Monmouth, ft I'nity Plantation, 1 Mt. Vernon, 4 Total, 132 Why do not the Iicpublican City Committee give notice of the time of the caucus? Only ' twelve days te convention. Post the notice; ’ let the people know. V. I Gulf or Value. A struiglit line, run from Cape Cod, Massa •* chusetts, to Cape Sable, N. S.—a distance of ’ only two hundred and fifty miles—will ex ; pose a vast expanse oi water at the west 1 which lines the shores of Nova Scotia, New * Brunswick, Maine. New Hampshire nnd Mas sachusetts. This is, properly, a Gulf, and , by Koiii., the German writer for our Histori 1 cal Society, i* named the Gulf of Maine. In j the earliest records it was called the “Gulf of * New England." Maine, however, has more . sea coast upon it than any other part ol New England. Prosper! for Fruit. ' The late damp and chilly weather, during * the inflorescence of fruit trees, is highly fa 1 vorable. If when the trees arc in full bloom 'and the pollen is being communicated from tile male to the female blossoms, there hap pens to be two or three days ef bright, hot sun, (the effect of this heat is to scorch or wither i the young and tender stems which arc being fbrmed to sustain the infant apple or other ; fruit, and consequently they shrivel, die and fall in vast numbers. A sharp frost will kill jthe blossom; equally hurtftil is a hot sun. During the present inflorescence, it has neither been frosty, hot. nor dry ; the nascent fruit therefore ha! time and opportunity to ' harden and mature, before there can be much ’danger of harm. We have never seen apple, pear, plum and cherry trees more gorgeous in bloom than they have been this spring. The small fruit, also, such as currants, strawber iries, blackberries, huckleberries, blueberries, Ac., promise large crops. P»lit Preserve Toar Roofs. We, the undersigned, having applied Wii liams’ Petrolel'at Metal Paint to our roofs last season, and noted carefully its effects since that time, take pleasure in recommend ing it to our friends, and the public generally, I ms being in our opinion worth much more than (the cost of it as a preventive against decay to i :which a wood roof is subject, requiring as it j does re-shingling every few years; whereas Iby the application of this Paint, which fills the pores of the wood, hardens and virtually ■becomes a part of the same, rendering it ab solutely impervious to water, we see no rea son why the shingles shall not last a life-time. ;We also consider it proof against fire from floating sparks or cinders. It does not in jure the water for cistern use; it improves the Appearance of the building and will prove, we jbei confident, a pleasing and paying invest ment to all who may apply it to their roofs. E. F. Packard, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, Auburn. J. H. Koak, President First National Bank, Auburn. A. C. Dennison & Co., Paper Manufacturers, Mechanic Falls. Col. J. Frte, Agent Lewiston Woollen Mill. Dr. 11. K. L. WiooiNS, Auburn. Horace Little, Hardware Dealer, Lewiston. John Scrcton, Clothing Dealer, Lewiston. Price, ®1.50 per one hundred square feet. The Agent, Mr. A. L. Gower, may be found it the Mansion House. Good Dance Music! " Just Published. PARTY DANCES for VIOLIN and PIANO. | By Winner. * ALSO VINNER’S DANCE MUSIC for FLUTE and PIANO. Price of each 75 cents. Sent post-paid onrcccipt f>f price. «OW READY, WINNER’S NEW SCHOOL Tor Ibe PIANO-FORTE, CABINET ORGAN, MELODEON , VIOLIN, FLUTE, CLARIONET, FIFE, FLAGEOLET, GUITAR, anti | ACCORDEON. I In Separate Books. ^ Price of each 75 cents. Sent post-paid on receipt OLIVER DITSON A CO., 277 Washington Street, Boston I C. H. DIT80N A CO., ' 711 Broadway, New York. House For Sale. AN i cue wishing to purchase .1 new First-Class DWELLING HOUSE, located on one ol' the prin - cipal streets in the eitv, cau near - or one by calling at this office. Tiuiiyi**u New Firm ! New Goods ! Store, No. S Bridge’s Block. Firm, Sawin & Doe. Business, Custom Tailoring. Motto. Fair Dealing. Inducements LOW PRICES! And satisfaction guarantied in all casts. CUTTING tlom* at short notice! READY Made Clothing for men and boys ! f FURNISHING Goods in great variety! GARMENTS made to order in the Latesti Style and Finish. Give us a call and be convinced that the new firm mean business. DON’T FORD FT THE PL ACE, No. M HHIHGirH HTA >CK, Water Street, Augusta. tjuncl-2w SAWIN A DOE. New Firm ! WILLIAMSOY & 0UEEMV00D, (Successor* to M. (1. Brooks.) DEALERS IS STOVES! Furnaces and Hardware.1 AGENTS FOB “ Riotimoncl’M Celebrated Portable Range!” RICHMOND'S HANGING DOME OOAXi FTjmSTAOE ! AUo, nU the most approved Stoves in the market. JO Iili ISO PROMPT I. Y ATT EXD ED TO. Utr Kerosene I,amps and Lanterns repaired. r>. WILLIAMSON, CHAS. GHEENWOOl), Late Wyman ft Williamson. Late o! Farmington tlapr-Sni JWarrirb. In Warren. 24th ult., W. O. Vina!, E*q., to Mien Frances >*eider*. both «*t \V. In Camden. -M l ult . Mr. .John W. Oxt«»n to Sarah It Ilrvaut, both oft . In Unintvrh k. 2M.h ult., Mr. Galen Merriman to Miss Catharine IV Coomb*. Birb. In Rockland, '25th nit., Mr.- Elvira, wife of Geo. I. Ilnteli. aged In war- and a months. In Mercer, iith lilt., Mrs. Mart'Chapman, aged 88 j years and 3 months. Vh<1 Hie tongues of the stammerers shall he made to speak plainly —1 -aiah xxxii-’ chap. 4th. v. Dr. C. P. Burns, - WHO IS NOW - Slopping at the Mansion House, Augusta, — CUBES — STAMMERING AND STUTTERING ! j — ON AN — Entirely Mew Principle. SATISFACTION GIVEN C)i‘ no Charge Ala,do ! All wish fo *ee him will call goon, as his time expire! Wednesday night, Jane 8th. Consnllation Free ! w-ju'na*___ Picture Frames ! i CHROMOS, BRACKETS, ALBUMS! Ac., Ac., Are.. In Large Variety. Picture Frame- of any sue made to order at short ( notice at llendee's Photograph Uooms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. Tjun«!-tf , Pure Medicines and Chemicals! Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumery; ClIuifE TOILET m PA\ft ARTICLES! Physicians' & Apothecaries’ Goods, Pure Sperm, l.ird, Kercseir and Seatitat Oils. Charles k. Partridge, DRl'tiGIST AND APOTHECARY, Water Street, corner Market Square, (UNDER GRANITE HAI L.) Has on hand a Large Selected Stock kept fresh by constant additions, AST) SELLS AT The Lowest Market Staten! FOR GENUINE AND RELIABLE GOODS. ‘Pirtridip's Etrug Mure. Water Nlrecl. coru'T SarUt Square t Ijan7uly S. W. HUNTINGTON & CO., Wholesale Dealers In GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOES! 190 Water Street, AUGUSTA, JVC E . 84 Devonshire St., BOSTON, MASS. N. W. nnntlngton, R. I niintlnglon. Hrn|. Huntington, tfcns. II. Sasun. fiSrcb-ly_._ Millinery Goods SELLING CHEAP! The subscrilter being about to remove trom the State will hell her *tock of HZLLINERY GOODS -and THE DEMKABI.E STAND! WHICH SIIE NOW OCCUPIES, At a Very Low Price! Those desiring Millinery Goods will do well (o give me a call, ns it Is my purpose to dispose of my entire stock. For terms apply at the Store, North’s Block, op l posits Swan’s Jewelry Store. LIZZIE A. CAGE. Augusta, May 3,1870. ~'-m ' WINDOW SHADES. A FULL LINE OF .vkif u R£K«.f.rr prfFrKB.r«, Also Curtain Fixtures, Cords and Tassels, Curtain Loops, Hooks, Plus, £e., Just received at PIEKCEM' I.KOCKF.KV STOKE, MS WATER STREET, AUGUSTA. j maj-S-ttl ARNO, HODGKINS & CD., M AN I|fjt i 'TC RISK § OF Organs & Melodeons, One door north ( <»ok*8 Drug Stork, (upstairs,) Water St., Gardiner, Me. rpilElU e»--« arc made of solid Merit Walnut 1 throughout; their keys are made of the tluest grades of lyury, with ivory fronts; they use the lltmrfte Patent itccul, whieh for evenness and purity of tone, dull not lie Hurpasaefi. Their Instruments • ontain all other improvomnifs essential to First Fla** liiMriimcnl*. For fall particulars t all or a«Mr«* - AlOO, HOIK.Ill VS CO., ij, \KDINKK, MK. 5 Oct. Portable Melodeons, new; $00.00 5 Oct. SinRle llcod Or (can 8, 75.00 5 Oct. Double “ “ 4 stops, 125.00 t21apr-3mof F OJt H(» 8T < >> ! Sprint/ A rrant/cmcnt ! THE ftTKAMKll IlfJLL commence tier regular trips from the T? Kennebec, Momlav. \i ril 1J, H-70, ami will, until further notice, run as follow .- : Leaving Gardiner every Monday and Thursday at 3 o'clock, l!iclimond at 4, and Hath at *» 1*. M. tin; >ti:amku clario.\, Will leave Augusta at 12 M.. Hallowed at 143 P. M . connecting w ith the above boat at Gardiner. For further particular inquire of Longfellow A Sanborn. Augusta: II. Fuller A Son. Hallowell; T. H. Grant, Gaidiner; J.T. Kobinson, Kii liuiond; D. K Hrow n. Hath. Gardiner, April 11, 1870. flPapr MOSES M. SWAN, Watch maker and Jeweller, u K h T. X W < £ l* • 0 ic ► a a Mi C3 x H > M y n Ilia stock embrace* a uni* iddc 01 American and Swiss Watches, in gold aful silver «a*e, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watch, Waltham. Trenmnt. Dor* quin, lionnett. l'ardeaux, Jacot, Ac., in both La* dice’ and gentlemen** sizes. Fine Gold «T cwolry, Solid Gold Leoniton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING At COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PLATED WAKE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KIXJOS, including the celebrated 1T1I \< \ <‘AI.KM>AK all of which will be Bold at the Lowest Price*, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all ktud. ot Kme Welc h.-. ChrononpMr Balance,applied and adjuried t" temperature and position. fljanTe-lf J. ii. I.4DD & co7. Millwrights anil Machinists, AND MAM FACT!'It I It's <»F Ladd’s Excelsior Turbine Wheel. cmcn.AR and rniwHT BOARD SAWS Manufactured at the h*we*t«%-di prices. Planing and Sawing, In all its branches done in a workmanlike manner UK.MMK.NTAi BRACKETS, Of every description, furnished on &hort notice. Shop on Water St . Gardiner, Me. .! K I \m>. taprS0-3m " > • Hit A N N. ^ Remnants! Remnants. Jl'ST RECEIVED BY Barton 6c Russell, ANOTHER LOT OE THOSE REMNANTS, OE BBOWN COTTONS! In the following widths: 3-4, 4-4, 9-8, 9-4, 10-4 The above Goods an* the production ot the well-know n Androscoggin IMillw, And will be sold From 3 to 12\ Cts. per yd. UNDER PRICE. Barton A. Bussell. AujruBtn, Mar. 11, IsTO. tlXinar-lf BATH HOTEL, X3y C. XVT. FXummor, BATH. NIK. Board, - - tf>1 per Day. 'HJan-ly __ CUSHNOC HOUSE. Corner Winter op and State Sts., A uorista, Ale. T. B. BALLARD, : : Proprietor. Quests taken to nnd from tho Cars nnd Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. tljan7lMun_ Somerset A Kennebec Kali road ( tun pan) . The Stockholders of the Somerset »S: Kennebec Railroad Company are notified that their Annual Meeting will be helden at the Treasurer's office in Augusta, on Wednesday, the first day of Juno next at eleven o’clock A. M. 1st, To choose Directors for the ensuing year. 2d. To determine whether they will assent to the Assignment of the lease of their road to the Port land A Kennebec Railroad Company, as contem plated in the proposed arrangement’ between that road and the Maine Central Railroad. 3d, To act upon any other business that may coino before said meeting. A. T. THOMPSON, Secretary. Augusta. May 10, 1870 tma>20-10d HOUSE FOE SALE ! ri'HE undersigned will sell Ilia -I house on Lincoln Slreet, in Ha Howell. F CIIAS. K. NASH. Plated Spoons aiid Forks! FOR SALE BY I t5aprtf BALL ARIF A CHASE. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THK — Daily Kennebec Journal. | By tho W>8t«m l*nion Line—Office* in Henrlee's j KuiMinsojipu-itc the Lost Office, and at the State liou*e.l FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Wasiiixotox, June 3. Skxvtk. Mr. Sumner offered n resolution calling upon the President, if in tiis opinion | it was not incompatible with the public in terests for any information in the State De partment. concerning the reported pcrsccu-j tion and massacre of the Israelites, in Kou inania. lie said the reports were so abso lutely horrible, that it was but natural to suppose them grossly exagerated. It was incumbent upon us in the interest of humani ty to possess all the information concerning it that might be attained. Mr. Sprague attributed the cause of the massacre, to tlie fact that the Jews had ob tained possession of ail business lands and trade of'the country ; that while one class of! people were in poverty without means or j business, tftere was another, an eager money-1 getting, monopolizing population. •Mr. Stewart remarked that it it was the in tention of Senator Sprague to establish a rule, that when a man pot rich, lie ought to I be killed, might not inconvenience some sen ators, hut it would hear very hard upon some | others; among them the Senator from Rhode i Island. Mr. Sumner's resolution was then agreed to, and after an ineffectual attempt by Mr. Trumbull to get up the representative ap portionment bill, the Indian appropriation i.ill was proceeded w ith, and the amendments , appropriating $593,000 for carrying out the treaty stipulation, with the Arrapho, Navajo. Wvandottce, and Winneptg Indians, and $50,000 to collect, locate and subsist the roving Indians on the borders of Texas and Mexico, were agreed to, the Senate adj'd. Hoi sk. In House to-day the Exemption bill was taken up. Amendments making the exemption $2,000, limiting the allow ance for house rent to $500, and prohibiting the publication of income re turns. were agreed to. Mr. Dawes’ amendment to treat the num ber of persons to a family in a social or relig ious community, holding property in common at five instead of ten, was agreed to. Mr. Laflin’s to add to exemption losses by floods was agreed to. Mr. Allc’s, exempting the wages of minor children, and Mr. Burehard's, providing that Assessors shall require all returns to be veri fied under oath, and may increase the amount of return of notice to the party that they have reason to believe that the income is under- j stated, were severally agreed to. and Mr. Mc Carthy's to strike out the sections relating to the Income tax. was rejected, 59 to 123. All the other pending amendments having . been rejected, the question recurred on Mr. Reek's amendment to include United States j bonds among those of corporations from which the tax is to he deducted. Mr. Schenek argued at length against the proposition, claiming that it would really sub ject the interest on bonds to a double tax, ns the income from them was required to he in cluded in income returns, and that the scheme was practical repudiation. Mr. Butler supported Mr. Beck’s amend ment, and proposed also that the interest on town, county and State hoi ds be taxed in the same manner. A long discussion ensued, and the amend ment was finally rejected, 73 to 110. Mr. Brooks of X. Y., offered an amend ment to one of the sections of the provision, to reduce the tariff on sugar and salt 33 per cent., and on coffee and tea 20 per cent,, and on pig and scrap iron 22 1-2 per rent. Mr. Eldridge of Wis., made a point of order, that the tariff provisions was not in ■ order to the internal revenue bill. It was j undirstood that this movement was an at tempt to shut out the tariff hill which Mr. ! Schenek proposed to attach to the pending j measure. I After the discussion the Speaker decided that the amendment was in order, saying that the practice conformed to that of the British Parliament, and of early legislation of Congress, hut not wishing to force his own judgment on the House, submitted the ques tion to a vote. The House decided 117 to 35, that the amendment was germane to the bill, hut the Speaker ruled that it could not he offered to the pending section. When the i last section of the hill was reached, Mr. .Schenek moved the previous question, hut without disposing of the motion the House adjourned. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, June 3. Tied Cloud and Spotted Tail, with tlicir as sociates, had an interview this morning with Commissioner l’arker and Secretary Cox. Secretary Cox made a brief address to Red Cloud, promising him and his companies a cordial reception, and assuring them of the wish of the government to deal justly with them and their tribe, and to faithfully ob serve the treaty stipulations. At the conclu sion of Mr. Cox's remarks, Red Cloud was clapped to the fnjnt. and through his inter preter requested the announcement of his safe arrival to be telegraphed to his family, and that a load of ammunition be given them to kill game with. Mr. Cox promised the telegram should be sent, and said he would see about the ammu nition at a future time. To-morrow the Indians will be shown about the city, anti on Monday will meet the Presi dent. They were invited to have their pho tographs taken, but Red Cloud declined. Mr, Williams introduced a resolution in the Senate to-day. to increase the compensa tion of Census Enumerators 55 per cent, over the amount now allowed by law, and will ask for its consideration to-morrow. FROM PROVIDENCE. Providence, II. E, June 3. Bursting of a Grindstone. In Pawtucket yesterday a grindstone of over 0 feet in diameter, upon which a man was grinding files, burst into pieces, destroying one end of the building, breaking a two inch shafting, and piling a heap of debris about the unharmed workman. Melancholy Accident. Mary Jane Callwell, employed in a carding room in a Lonsdale mill, caught her hair around the shafting and had a large portion of her scalp torn completely off. FROM LEWISTON. Lewiston, Me., June 3. Obituary. Hon. Cornelius Holland. M. 1>., of Canton, died yesterday, aged 80 years and 12 months. He was a member of the Maine Constitutional Convention, and has also represented his dis trict in Congress. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Phii.adei.miia, Pa., June 3. Shootiug Affray. The wife of I)r. Getchell shot and seriously wounded a burglar last night, whom she heard ransacking her parlor. The fellow escaped with his life, but no plunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. San Fkancisco, June 3. The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce last night received the delegation of the Bos ton Board of Trade. President Swain of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, deliv ered the address of welcome, and President Rice of the Boston Board of Trade responded. Speeches were also made by Curtis Guild and Rev. Pr. Waterson of Boston, and by Messrs. Stowe, Rankin and Stone of San Francisco. Severe Storm. A severe storm has occurred on the north ern coast, and it is reported that several coast ing vessels have been wrecked and several lives lost. Political. The political campaign in Oregon opened bitterly. The disaffected Republicans oppose the re-election of V. S. Senator Williams, and the Democrats are concentrating their strengtli upon Nesmith, to elect him to suc ceed Williams. Chinamen Shoemakers. Seventy-five Chinamen left here yesterday, for Massachusetts, to work in a boot and shoe manufactory. FROM BOSTON. Boston, June 3. Arrived. Steamers Aries, Philadelphia; Gluucus, X. Y.; brig Halcyon, Ponce; schooner A. I., Corkwood, Mobile. Appointment. Col. S. AV. Richardson 1ms been apppointed United States Deputy Marshal, in place* of Joseph B. Keyes, deceased. Tliree detachments of regulars, two for l'ort AA’arren and one for Fort Adams, passed through the city to-day, returning from St. Albans. FROM NEW YORK. New A'ork, June 3. The merchants of this city are signing pe titions to Congress in favor of Mr. Chandler's bill, for the revival of American Commerce. The merchants of this city arc signing peti tions to Congress in favor of Chandler’s hill, for the revival of American commerce. Republican Nominations. Wilmington, N. C., June 3. The Republicans of this county have nom inated colored candidates for the Sheriff and Senate, and three for the House of Repre sentatives. The nominations will he bolted. Rase Ball. Baltimore, June 3. The rain terminated the Forest City’s game with the Marylands this afternoon. At the end of the third inning, the score stood, Forest City one, Marylands none. Chicago, June 3. The AA’hite Stockings of this city defeated the Forest City club of Cleveland. 13 to 9.^, FOREIGN NEWS BY CABLE. London, May 3. The alleged Fenians. Davitt and Wilson, were again brought up for examination to-day. The evidence shows that the prisoners have been actively engaged for some time past, in distributing arms in Ireland and in the north of England. The government continues its precautions against Fenian violence. The Examiner recommends that the several prisoners of Spain and Portugal form a fed eral union, based on the principles of the con stitution of the United Staies. A material reduction has been made in the tolls in the cable messages between England and India, via. Gibralter and Malta. Mrs. John AVood, the American actress, acknowledges the receipt of an anonymous gift of diamonds and emeralds, amounting in value to £7,003. The government promises to take stTong measures against betting at races. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Mnrket. Nr.w York, June :i. Gold closed at lit1, United states Sixes (coupons), 1W1, 1 Is'■ MU’S IM, 112*. .ISM, 111*. “ • •' 1865, Hi’s “ •• “ 1865, Jan. £ July, Ill's' •• “ " is«;. 114*. • ■ “ “ 1st is, hi’.' “ “ 10-40’s, (coupons), l'c*. New York Slock Market. Neve YOBKa June 3. Manposa. do. pfd. ^ • Canton Co. 'y 4 Cumberland Co. 4U Western Union TeL Co. Quicksilver Mining Co. * Pacific Mall, « * Boston Water Power, « Boston, Hartford & Erie, or, Adams Ex. Co. Wells, Fargo A Co. by * American Merchant* Un. 44 U. S. Ex. Co. bv» N. Y. Central and Hudson River l'11 4 do. scrip, Harlem, }*'**» Beading, •* Mich. Central, i-*‘ Lake Shore and Michigan Southern \*\ Illinois Central, bin Cleveland A Pittsburg, 1(J&V Chicago A North Western, S4 do. preferred, hl'4 Chicago A Bock Island, UlT* Mil. A St. Paul, do. preferred, £* •» Toledo, Wabash A Western. «J1« Toledo, Wabash A Western prefci red 73 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne, JJ*4 Terre Haute, do. pfd. Alton, 7. do. prefd. 1 !?;* Ohio and Miss. Erie, do. pftl. L, New York Produce Market. 0 New York, June 3. COTTON—sales 1100 hales; mid. uplands MS FLOUR—state 483£375; round hoop Ohio 5118610; western 4609610; sonthern 600810 00 WHEAT—sales lisi.imo hu; No. 1 spring 14*8140: N11 > do. 117a 140; winter red and amber western, 13418133. . CORN—new mixed western, 107Slot!; old do. 114 in store. t)ATS—state 07 jot); western 63984,1. FORK—mess, 30.00; prime, 43.41. LAUD—steam, 16; kettle, l»V HL’TTER—Ohio, 10a45; state, 40£30. Chicago Produce Market. • Chicago, June 3. FLOUR—spring extras 437>,£550. WHEAT—as. 4, U0]t. CORN— No. 4. 64 V OATS_l'|it for No. 4. MESS PORK—49.00. llAIILEV—40 for No.4. LAUD—ny. J. D. NUTTING. M. D. iPliysicinn & Surgeon, HALLOWELL, MAINE. Office in Tltcomb’s Block, (up stairs.) R«**i deuce, corner Academy aud Middle Streets. James W. Bradbury, Jr„ u. 8. COMMISSIONER, Offloe with Bradbury A Bradbury, WATER STREET, - • AlGfiTA. 40tf AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. R. H.KDDY, HOLICITOIt OF I'A'X’JT.N'X'H, T.ate ARiMitof tlio r. s. Pallet Offir1*, W,T"1t1ngton, under the Act of 1837. .Vo. 78 State Street, {opposite Kilby Street) BOSTON. VFTLR an extensive practice of upwards of 20 years, continues to secure Patents in the Uni ted Mates; also in Great Britain. France and other foreign countries. Caveats, Speeilicutiona, Bonds, Assignments, and all papers or drawings for Pa tent', executed on reasonable terms with dispatch. He• earclies made int<> American and Foreign works to determine the validity and utility of Patents ol ln\ rations, and legal and other advice rendered on sill matters touching the same. Copies of the claims of any patent furnished by remitting one dollar. Assignment*recorded in Washington. No Agency in the United States po-i^esses stipeVi or facilities’for obtaining Patents, or ascertaining the patentability ol inventions. During eight months the subscriber, in the course of his large practice, made on Uric* rejected appli 1 cations. uLrteen appealsi every one of which was de cided in his favor by ttie Commissioner of Patent*. Testimonials. “I regard Mr. Kddy as one of the most capable anil successful practitioners with whom I have had official intercourse. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patents.” “1 have no hesitation in assuring inventors that they cannot employ a man more competent and trustworthy, and more capable of putting their ap plications fn a form to secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the Patent Office. EDMUND BURKE. Late Commissioner of Patents.” “Mr. R. It.Ermv has made for me THIRTEEN applications, in all but ONE of which patents have been granted, and that one is now pending. Such umni'takablc proof'of great talent and ability on Ins part leads me to recommend all inventors to apply to him to procure their patents, as they may be sure of having the ino.-t faithful attention bestowed on their cases and at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAGI1 ART.” Boston, Jan. 1. 1870. 1v2 Great Reduction -IN THE PRICES OK - BOOTS * SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of Boots and Shoes on hand, will sell the same at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES ! The stock consists of the usual variety kept in a st re of the kind. LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN'S, MIH»E»» and ClIII.mtEN’M BOOTS and SHOES! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and will be sold cheap, cheaper than the cheapest. .T . H. L O W , lOO WATER Ht., AutfUStn, Me. N. B.—Gentlemen’s Calf Boots one dollar lose than at any other store. jiuay27-3ni OILS, PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, XEATS-FOOT, and ESSENTIAL OILS ot all kinds, at Johnson llrothcrs. SAVE MOKTE Y — in — Purcliaslug your Organs & Pianos — OF — John G. Haynes & Co., Jilt Court Street, BOSTON, MASS. Prices lower tliun any other establishment in New England. Organs and Pianos of every variety of style. All instruments first class, and warranted five years. instruments rented, and sold on installments. CAT l A XT) SEE THEM. Circulars sent free- We. also keep on hand a large stork of SHEET MC<P , and even variety of Ml "K'Al. MERCHANDISE and MI’SICaI. IN STKl MENTS. lylO Bawtelle "Ward, Dealers in Flour, Grain, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Stone and Earthern Pottery. Also Agents for the Novelty Clothes Wringer. Old Wringers of nil descriptions repnlretl with despatch and neatness. At.PHONZO SAWTF.I.LE. ANDREW D. WAltri. All|fU"ta. May IT, IsTO. fal Tem'inrnt to Lot. t iN the first »T .Tunc I shall have for rent a pood, Y / c.mvi nii'M tenement lor a small family m the house I formerly oeeuuieil on Rage street. For further infonnatfon my present residence, No. tl Mate street. MRS. WM. K. WESTON. Augusta, May U. IsTO. ttf Dockendorff & Go. Llnut Callao, I*er«# Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and Naval Contractors. Exchange Bought and Sold. Advances made on Consignments and for Ship’s Disbursements. ltefereuce* x Mcspw.Wai.mi ft Carvku, New York. “ F. II. Lovki.l ft Co.. “ Bank of London, Mexico ft S. A., Lima Sres. Bianpiii Hekmasos y Ca “ New York Office, : : IIS JOHN STREET. der&Mlin BALLAKD & CHASE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS TIN, BRITANNIA, i>Ki:ssi:it hua JAPAAiVED H AULS, IROy WARE, GLASS HARE, Table aiul Pocket Cutlery, Sadiron*, It rushes. flrooms, and a General Assist incut of Kitchen Furnishing Goods. ghoobus’ cans, Stove and Furnace Pipe, GUTTERS, CONDUCTORS, Ac., made to order, and at the low eat rates. Jyf Job Work, promptly attended to. O l'If ION MLO( K, Water Nt., AUGUSTA. May 20,I860. DRY GOODS. Spring, 10*70. WOODMAN, TRUE & Co., -OFFBB THE Best Assorted Stock -OF Dry Goods New England, At prices to correspond with the reduction in COTTON And GOLD. AGENTS FOB Singer's Sewing Machines. woodman, True a co., ('or. Middle A Pearl Sis., 2ml® PORTLAND, MAINE. A Eree Gift to All ! t r 1 1.1. •« R HEITHATIC ft PII.t.M. To Klirnmatir, Neuralgia and boat snbjects* a sample box of these Pills will l e given by F. W. Kins >iAn, Water St.f Augusta, and for sale br nil Apothecaries at 56ft cent# j»i?r box ; ft boxe# $1. 0. A. HILL, Proprietor t5Wmar-3m POUT LA NT), ME. WILLIAM H. WOODBCRY, iSuccessor to E. D. Norcross,) - DKALEJl IX — Hot Air Furnaees, Stoves & Ranges, For Wood or Coal, Tin, Pressed, and Japanned WAJR.ES X and KITCHEN GOODS generally. TIN ROOFING & JOBBING OF A Lf, KINDS Promptly attended to Special attention given to fltt Ilot Air Fumacea X A few Doors south of the Railroad Bridge, Water Street, Angnsta. tI2mar&n-ly Edward Rowse. 124 WATER STREET DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, ANI> SILVER WAKE ! Agent lor the Waltham Watch Comp’y* And LAZARUS 4 MCKKlS' Perfected Spectacles. tst Special attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of FINE H ATCHES. Chronometer Balances applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and isochronisni. TIME TAKE I BV TRANSIT. tljan70-tf __ OIL CLOTH”CARPETING! AT Williamson 6l Careen wood's. tit\U\E CASTILE SOAP, Pure Neatsfoot Oil, CHAMOIS SKINS, SPONGE of all kinds FEATHER Dl'STEBS, IIoi-su Brushes, Horse Liniments, Ointments and Powders Of nil kind., PATENT AXLE lr LEASE. Freeh Carriage & Wagon Mats Of hlfkftxts, and for sale low by TITCOMB A." DOUll. lBranyeodtf West Find Kennebec Bridge. A WOMIERHL DISCOVERY ! Cure Without Mediciup. EQIAL1ZER or VAClIin CERE, City, Town and County Bights for sale. Send fur Circular. K. H. PACKER, M. D., tmayfMw P. O. Box 515, Boston, Maps. Dissolution. ri’ITK Co-partncrrlilp heretofore existing between X E. V. Naeon, C. XI Hanilen, A. IV. Phdbrook, ft T 1! Perkins, under the style of N ASON, HAM I.EN ft LO., is Ibis liav disrolyed by mutual con sent. The borlnet,. will be -cUled by 1IAHLE1 & PHILBROOK, At the Old Stand. K. A. NASOV, U. II. HAMLEN, A. W. PIllLBBOOK, April 13, 1870. T. B. PERKINS. The under.igned will continue tbe Dry Good. Biwlneag, of the linn of Napon, Ilamlen ft Co.. AT THEIR OLI) STAND, Corner Bridge ami Water Street*. Those indebted lo the late Ann are requested to call ami settle. ____ HAMLEN A PHILBROOK. C. II 11 AMl.KN. A. IV. l’liiMiitouK. April 13.1SJ0. 1Itapr-2m DR, A. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DF.NTAL SURGEON, ISO WATER STREET, Augusta, - ■ Maine. Make* the successful treatment of all diseases of the mouth ami teeth a specialty, employing all the latest and host improvements ill the method of till ing w till gold an t all proper material. Ulcerated teeth potmanentfy cored, and their decayed and broken down crowns tilled and built lip to their original shape and beauty. Toothache Cured Without Extracting! Great improvement in the method of constructing and filling ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DU. CHAMBERLAIN is inserting a large num ber of'sets of these teeth, which for beauty, dura bility and adaptation, cannot be surpassed any w here. The plate w ill not start or drop down, and is w arranted to 111 perfectly. All are invited to call and examine specimens ot teeth made on red, pink and white rubber. FltESH GAS EVERT DAT. tmayB-tf __ Augusta. April 21st, 1870. A. F r L L A SSORT5I EXT -OF KTES-W SPRING GOODS! NOW OPENING -AT FOWLER, HAMLEN & SMITH'S, -AT Very Low Prices. tiajan-tf _ A Large and Well-.elec»cd Assortment ot Wallets, Bill & Pocket Books, in Morocco and Call, lor Bale low by UiU 'TX'fCOMB A DORR.