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Paiht Jinuukc |onvn;il. THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. (Established in 1825.) Enlarged and Improved. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Not Excelled hy any in the State. Jrst Enlarged and Printed on New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Ho Increase of feiubscrlpl Ion Price—A (iooil Time to Subscribe. The Weekly Kennebec Journal. The Kennebec Journal is in the Forty-fourth year oi it' ago. It hAS just been enlarged, ami in now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, Its size not being exceeded by that of any other p.iper in the State, and surpassed by but-few in oilier j States. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Articles, Pacts, Statis tics, speeches and Extracts; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mat ter* pertaining to the state Govern ment ; la-port* of the Doings of Coiigre.-s ; Local and state News; Smumnric* of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports of the Markets at Homo and Abroad ; well se lected Tn les . Poetry , ! Agricultural and other inter esting and Useful Reading for the # Family; also Correspondence from Abroad and original Articles upon subjects of < ieu’l Interest. It has hew enlarged from Twenty-Eight to Thtrty-Slx Columns, in width, and proportionately increased in length, and is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, Making it one of the Il.-uidsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of the CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, published. The price of subscription has not been increased on account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Terms: $2.00 per annum In advance# $2.25 nt the end of six months, and $2.50 at the end of the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily Kennebec Journal, Will be issued every morning, (Sundays excepted,) on and alter the lirst of January. Will give I Full and Accurate Reports of the Proceedings of the Legislature from day to day; Reports of Im portant Hearings before Committees; Abstracts, ot Discussions in the Hoard* of Education and Ajgrioultiire; will have the Latest News bv Tele graph the same as other dailies, and will also h.ive Editorials, Correspondence, Local* and the usual Summaries of News, ulso the most Import ant Speeches of the Session. The Discussions in the Board of Education will give j New and Additional Importance to the Daily Joi rnal, a* it will contain reports of them. Terms, $7.00 per year; $2.00 for the Session. Kg’ Member- of tfio Legislature* will do f heir con stituent* uii<i rhitnieelvc* u ftivor t<> interest them aelvua in gtftttog aubecriber* t«» the above publica tion-i. The Daily keeps up that c.»rro* pan deuce , between the People and thefr licpiventatives, through their Legislative tteport*, which is neces sary and agreeable to both. So Tri-Weeklv will he published. Those poison* who cb'sire a fuil report of the Legislative Proceed ings, lb u.-t subscribe for the Daily Journal. Kg- Postmasters and Members of the Legislature authorized to take subscriptions. Sir*Tin1 Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal are published at Augusta, Maine, by _SPRAGUE, OWEN & NAS|L_ I lUCH’.S Vegetable Cough Cordial! (kNK of the best remedies for Coughs, Colds " Croup, bronchitis, uud all affections of the Turuat and Lungs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. Posit Office, Augusta. Me, CLAPP & NORTH, Bucoeasora to Edward Eenno, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, J 15-5 Wiilrr tilrccl, A. ugusta. M o ., UAVK Ju.l received large addition, to their as sortment of Miscellaneous, Blank and School Books, B I B L E S. Testaments and 1‘rayer Books ! I.filer. IVote, and kill Paper, ENVELOPES, of ail Sizes ami Styles, INITIAL STATIONERY, BLANK FORMS of all Kinds, States and Sponges, PENCILS, PENS, AND PENHOLDERS ! INK AND Mi l II.AliK, ’WAX, lor Wax F*loxv«‘rs, ! Also a One assortment of r A c XT G O O D S , ItKVKNI K s'f AMI'S of aU aiies. tltt»|ir-«odA17tf 1> involution. II'IIE fo-1>artn.rshlp heretofore exisllnpr la-tween 1 I \ Nason, < II. Han,hoi, A. \\\ i'hilbrook, A ■| I! IVrkius, miller the style of NASON, || \M l.KN A CO., is this dar dissolved l,v miituui con sent The business will be settled by IIAHkEN A PI11 kit KOOK, At the Oil) Stand. K. A. NASON, C. II. 11 VMJ.LN, A \\ I'll I I.HltCH>K, April 13, 1S70. T. IJ. PKKKINs. The undersigned will continue the Dry Goods Du«inc«a, of the linn of Nason, llamlen A Co., AT TJICIB OLD STAND, Corner Bridge and Water Streets. Those indebted to the late linn an- requested to call and settle. JLU1I.K.N A 1'llIl.imOOK. C. H. JIawik!?, A. W. 1*1111.1*00*. X pril 13,1S7#. tl ta|is-2in II. T. HKLJIBOLD S Concentrated Fluid Extract Baclw, j the great diuretic. The Proprietor trusts that his Remedies, from Hie \:u t of then being advertieed, may not be classed a* , Patent Medicine*. liixwnoi.iiV Fluid Kxtract Hrcur. is a Pharmaceutical Preparation. The proper name 1 is given, and it i- the mo t active which can be made: il i- indorsed as a cure by all medical works, tor such diseases as reconimeudeit by the Proprie tor It is pleasant in it- ta-to and odor, free Horn all injurious properties, .and is taken by Adults and < hildivn. It is Tonic, Dltneti**. Blood Purifying and Invigorating. Knfeeblcd and delicate constitu tions of both sexes will And it far more strength ening than am of the preparations of bark or iron. Mfilieal Properties contained in 1 li-pensntoiy of the I'nited Status, of which the following is n correct copy. m CIH .—ID odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic, it- taste is bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It i> given chiefly in complaints of the l rinarx Organs, nuchas Gravel, Chronic * •J* tanh of tin- JUmIder. morbid irritation ot tin- Wad dor and l rethra, diseases of the Prostate ( .laud, and Retention or the Incontinence of l l ine, f'-nn a loss of tone iu the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has al-o been recommended in Dyspepsia. . Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous Affections and j Dropsy. TESTIMON1^ . Cure of Grwkl of Five Years* Standing— Stone passed and to re seen. S w \n\aii, Tcnn., May 14.1*50. Dr. H. T. Hf.LMROLD, Dear sir: We introduced your’‘Fluid Kxtract** in this country about eight months ago. and are. happv to state that it is meeting with uhivei -al favor. \Ve wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your “Ruelm” has worked wonders. Anian ir our enuiitv, named. I P. Ks t**] 1, had been suffering about five years w ith gra\ el. About six weeks ago he bought of us one bot tle of vour “liuchu,” and before be w a- through with one bottle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition iu our drug store. He savs In* ue\er will be Without the •rinrhit” in liin linnsc i»^r:iin. Your lurpar.ition-* j nre jriinini; favor even" ilav. Very ve.peellully, yours Sir.,* * IIIXKI.I-:, Iwnggtotd. | Ci’he of Bladder and Kidney Affection of long standing—stone passed and TO RE SEEN*. WE8TPOKT, Conn, Sept. 5, 18<i9. II. T. 11 ELMP.OLD, Esq. DkahSik: I commenced taking your “Extract of Buclin” about two weeks since for an affection of the bladder and kidneys. I have stiffen1* 1 bv spell* i very much for a fetv day* past. But yc-terday re lief came tbrougb the effect of your •‘Bucbu.” A | -tone passed mv bladder about the size* of a large !//*», and I now ieel perfectly well and entirely free I from the pain that I have suffered with “so bard.” I attribute my cure t" your medicine entirely, and would ..oin’mend all persons similarly afTeeted t«> , trv it I have great faith in its curative powers. I Yours truly, THOMAS J. BENNETT. REFERS TO Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, Conn. J. L. G. C ANNON, Druggist* Westport, Conn. II. B. WHEELER, esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, esq., Westport, Conn. Dr. WAKEMAN, Reading, Conn. R. W. li. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist New York City. And many others if necessary. ! (Tin: of Kidney and Liver Affection of a Patient Seventy-Limit years of Ace. THANKS TO MR. 1IELMBOLD. Gir ard, Pa., March 31,1809. Editor Goumopi.ite: 1 desire, an an unsolicited tribute to I he merits of Helm bold’s Jiuchu, and for the benetii of those similarly afflicted as myself, to say that alter consulting many eminent physicians, and trying nearly all the best advertised remedies, in the‘vain hope of finding relief fYotn aggrivated kidney and bladder diseases, from which 1 have 1 suffered excessively for many years, good fortune finally suggested to me Helmbold’s Thu Ini, which I commenced using with little faith, and no apparent heiieilrial results for about a month. At the expir ation of that lime, however, I thought 1 commenced ! to experience slight relief, w hich encouraged me to persevere iu its use, ami now, at the expiration ol four months, although I am an infirm old man, nearly 7s years of age, and consequently medicine." ! cannot be expected to favorably affect me as they , otherwise would, I have.found such unspeakable ! relief and permanent benefit from -Mr. Hclmbold’s valuable discovery, that I feel I ought to publicly record tin* fact. u»’ an acknowledgement to him and i a valuable suggestion to the public. Yours respectfully, J>. M. LAKEN. ( Mr. Laren refers to the following gentlemen. Col. DAN*. KICK. Giranl, Pa. CHAS. 8T0VV, esq., Girard, Pn., Editor Cosmo polite. GKOKGK II. Ci'TLKK, Girard, I’a.. Attorney. C. I HINDS, Girard, Pa., Attorney. Cant. D. W. HUTCHINSON. Giranl, Pa., Attorney. DAVII) OLIN, Giranl, I’a., Merchant. DAVID E. DAY, Giranl, I’a., Merchant, l F. KOOKWKLL, Girard, Pa., Merchant. B. C. ELY, Girard, Pa., Druggist. A PERMANENT Cl HE OF GRAVEL OK TWELVE YEARS STANDING—Stone passed AND TO HE SEEN. BritNSILiK, Conn., Dec. 15, 1*00. Du. llhLMirou*—Dear .Sir; It Is with much pleasure that 1 write you upon facts respecting my self. 1 do not know liardlv how to express my sell. I have lu-en for the last ten or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could he and live; but more sometimes than others. The complaint was the • Kidneys" and • Bladder.” I have been sometimes j from tw elve to fourteen hours, and wanted t<> make water every minute, but could not. Have consult ed doctors, both in Massachusetts and this Mate, ami taken pills, 1 may say. by the quart, ulsO liq uored medicines, but found uo relief from any, and got w orse the last six month*. 1 was so that 1 could scarcely get about. 1 could not rest night or day. It would sbon have been “all ill)” w ilh IU6 if i had not seen your advertisement in “The Berkshire Courier” headed “ Kidnevs.” 1 read it through and thought I would try it. 1 purchased a bottle, but, mind you, had not much faith in it. Why should I. when 1 had been trvmg so many things and cost me so much ? Well, I began taking it, and before 1 hail taken the flr-t bottle 1 felt bad : but I illii’-htsil it and , got another. By the time 1 took half of the second ' 1 still got worse (apparently). When I walked it seemed as it' my right kidney was falling from its place, and 1 felt really bad. I felt so, before I had ilnished the second, that 1 had made up my mind it was of no use trying any more—and all this time I the “Burhu” was doing its work, but I did not I know it; sol gave it up and went to Hartford on (Saturday to see one of the best «bn-tors in the eity. He said it w as the neck of the, bladder, und 1 p!i< mid ; h ive to undergo an operation, lie gave me med icine, and 1 went home quite downhearted. On Miildny I was unable to go to church. I had not , I taken nnv ofhis medicine, but on my return eontin tied using the “liu« hn,” and in the afternoon I had I a desire to make water, but could not. About one. J hour after this 1 tried again, with the same result; • but the next time 1 took the vessel it was the .-ann as turning a lancet and stopping it off again. It was so for three times,and the third time there was , something came through the passage and struck; against the side of the vessel. J examined it, and it I is the ugliest stone or gravel you ever saw, cov ! ered over with little peice- which collided together. It looks the color of a mud turt le, and is us hard a s a flint. So you see the “Buchu" was doing its work although I was feeling so badly. 1 procured an- j other bottle thinking their might be some more be hind. but since that has passed, which is eight > weeks ago last Sunday. I have been ns well as ever 1 was in my life. 1 have the stone securely wrapped end those who have seen it in this place are sur prised. 1 cannot tell you all. but this is a true story «d iny case, and you are w elcome to make such use "l my name as you think proper. 1 am pretty well known in Berkshire; also in Connecticut. The ad vertisement saved me. Why not publish more? I he -qo mgfleld Republican is a wide-spread paper. It any one w'idies to see this wonder, they ran do so I could write all day, but think I have said enough this time, so I remain your ever w ell wisher KDWAitD i Howard, Paper Maker, Burnside. Hartford (Jo., Conn. , It k.KLKH TO l>r. MAOK, Burnside, Conn. Dr. WKKJHT, North Lee, Mass. Dr. ll« iLK CM, North Leo, Mass. t Dr. ADAMS, Htockbrldge, Mass. Dr. SCOTT, North Manchester, Conn. Dr. JAQI’Ks, Bucklund Corners, Conn. Dr. BEAUSFOBD. Hartford, Conn. I All of whom treated me for the disense. I>H. KEY8Kit is n physician of over .**><> years experience, and a graduate of the Jeffersonian Medical College, and of the fniversity ol' Medicine and Mtrgery of Phil ndelphia. Mll.H.T. f I ELMIK)I.I>—llKAK Si It: In regard to tlie question asked mu ns to my opinion about I'll* chu, I would sav I have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty year- I do not think therein any form or preparation of it I have not used, or known to be used, in the various diseases i where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well a- myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidney8* and the reputation it. has ac quired, in my judgment. is warranted hy the fuels. I have seen and used, ns before stated, every form of liuchu—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid ex tract:—aud 1 am not eongniaant of anv preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years’ experience ought. 1 think, to give me the right to judge of its merits ; mid, without prejudice or par tiality, I give yours precedence over all others. I value your Bucliit for its effects on patients. I have cured with It, and seen cured with it. more diseases of the bladder and kidm v« than I have ever seen cured with any other liuchu or any other proprietary compound of whatever nuuie. Ke-pect fully yours, &r. GKO. IT. KKY-SKK, M. !>., August 11, 1805. 1 kl Wood-st., Pittsburg, l’enn. A CASE OF TWENTY YEARS’ STANDING. 9 Phii. viu i.phia, Penn...Tunc 2.1,1SA7. If. T. Ill I.Mlioi.n. Druggist— Dkau Sin: I have been a sufferer lor upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder ami ktdneynffeeHonf, during whmh time I have used various medicinal preparations, mid been under the treatment of tin* most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your*preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted my family phy&ican in regard to using your Kqtitiet.liuehu. 1 did this because I had u.*ed a'l kinds of adver tised remedies and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious: in fact. I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of bmdju. cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys ician a*' an excellent combination ; and vv ;Jh 1»t- ad vice, alter an examination of the article and con sulting again with the druggist. I concluded to try if. I commenced to use it about eight months ago, at which time I vas confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished at the ben eficial effect, and alter Using it three weeks was able to walk out. 1 felt much like writing to you a full statement of my ease at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer, and see it it would effect a perfect cure, knowing Hint it would be ot greater value to von and more satisfactory t-> me. I am now able‘to report that a cure is effected, after using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three mouths, and leel ns well in all respects as I ever did. Your Biiehn being devoid of any unpleasant taste ami odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the sy stem. 1 4lo not mean to be Without it w henever occasion may require its use on siicfi affections. M. McCOKMIC. Should any doubt Mr. Me Connie’s statement, he refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. W.M, BIGLER, ex-Govemorof Pennsylvania. Hon. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia. Hon. .J. C. KNOX, Philadelphia. Jlon.J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. iron. I). It. PORTER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Hon. ELLIS LENTS, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. GRIER, Philadelphia. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia, lion. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN BIGLER, ex-Governor of California. Hon. E. RANKS, Washington. D. C. And many others if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD RE LIVEN FOR A BOTTLE IF NECESSARY. Rahway, N. J., Dec. 2, 1#9. II. T. Hii.mhoi i». Esq.,— Dfar Sir: I take great pleasure iu sending you a certificate, iu addition to llie many you have received fro in suffering human ity. I can sc arcely find language sufYciently strong to express my heartfelt gratification at the wonder ful cure your “Buchu” has effected. For four years J have suffered beyond description. .Ml my friends (with myself) came to the conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed vour advertise ment in my bands. 1 commenced taking your “Bn elm.” i followed the direef ions, and to my utter astonishment before I bad taken seven bottle* of your valuable medicine I would give $100 a bottle, if 1 could not get it at any other price) 1 am entirely cured. 1 most earnestly recommend it to all those suffering from disease. I have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with great success. Any information my fellow - citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber at bis residence. No. 7* Milton-ave., New Jersey. IL M. FREEMAN, Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway. Rahwav, N. J., Dec. *2, 1**9. We, the undersigned, are well acquainted with II. M. Freeman of Rahway, and know that he has been a long time suffering, in the worst possible form, for the past four years, and that lie ha* been entirely cured by the Use of “ llelmbold’s Buchu.” J. W. SAY ALE, ex-Mayor. FRANK LA B A U, President of Council WM. RICHARDS, Clerk of Council. PETER A. BANTA, Councilman. W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. S. S. MKLK'K, Councilman. LEWIS HOFF, Councilman. J. B. STRYKER, Merchant. City Ham., Mayor’s Office, ) Rahway, N. J., Dee. 5, latiW. i This w ill certify that I urn personally acquainted w ith II. M. Freeman, and am eognizant of the facts as set forth in the above statement, and the several persons whose signatures arc thereunto attached are well known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway, N.J. N. Y. H. VOI INSTITITK, ) Corner of FitUi-ave. and Seventy -ixtli st., / Central Park. > (A HOME AM* SCHOOL FOR THE SO N 8 OF HECK ABED BOL1MKKS.) Dlt. II. T. llr.LMbold: Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Buehu presented to the Institute have been used by the children, and with perfect success. In the case of our little lieutenant A.J.. his pride is in* longeriuortitied,and lie i> tree (rout the daily morning anathemas the < humber maid who has cha.'ge of his bedding. I feel that a knowledge of'the result of our use of your litteliu with tin- children under our charge may save many a superintendent and matron ol boarding-schools and asylums a great amount of annoyance; and manv a* poor child, suffering more from weakness than from habit, may be spuied punishment that is (not knowing it as‘a weakness instead of a bad habit) most unjusth inflicted upon them. Thank ing you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benclited, I am respectfully yours, < oi.. Yoi’Nii, General Sup’t and Director. June l*», 1BW*. Cheat Salt Lake < m , I l tali, Jan *28, li*W. \ Mr. II. T. 11 ELM tin Li >—Deau sin: Your commu nication requesting our terms for advei*tising was duly received, but from a prejudice I had formed against advertising ‘ cures ho secret diseases,” it was lelt unanswered. During an accidental con versation in a drug store the other evening, my mind was changed on the character of your Buehu. ll was then highly recommended for other diseases by two physicians present. Kudosed please llnd our rates oi advertising. Yours, Ac., T. B. II. sTHXHOrsE, Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-Weekly Telegraph. HELMBOI.DS EXTRACT BIT TIP, established upward of eighteen years, prepared by H. T. IIKLMBOLD, Druggist, No. old Broadway, New York, and No. 104 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn. Price $1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for #0 .Mi, delivered to any address. Sold by Druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel en graved wrapper, with fat* simile of my Chemical Whrehouse, and signed ly 12 li. T. HELMROLD. ' augtusta Directory. Churches. ORTHODOX CONC.HKOATION A E —Oranitc < h. State st., he twee 11 Bridge and Oak. J. F. Bingham paMor; residence No. SI Mate street. Morning service 10.;K> A. M. Afternoon service 2.3ft 1* M. Evening 71*. M. M , FIRST BAPTIST,—Comer Winthrop and I erham sts. .1. Bicker, pastor: residence Chestnut st n et. Mashing nervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2*30 I • M. Evening 7 P. M. FREE BAPTIST,—Mate street, north of Bridge. C. F. Penney, pastor; residence summer street. Morning service !0.;;o A. M. Afternoon 2.30 I M. Evening 7 I*. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Orem street, cn-t "t State, C. A. King, pastor; residence at the P;*r ; sonage. next door to the dhcirch. Morning ><*r vice A. M. Afternoon 2 .30 1*. M. Evening ! 7 P M. PROTESTANT KPISC'OPAE -State st., between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Cpjohn, i'«,,,bx Morning service 1U.3U A. M. Evening service « * • I'M VERSA LIST.—for. Winthrop and Summer sts. C. K. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service. 10.30 A M Sabbatli School service til 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M • IN IT A RIAN,—Corner Oak and State sts. ifc-' Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10.30 A '1 Sabbath School service •2.15 P. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC.—State st.. north of Bridge. Rev. Mi O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist, r ree "in Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vestries every Wednesday evening, at half-past seven o’clock. Y. 1ft. C. A. Rooms in Darby Block, Water Street. Regular prayer meetings every Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to all. Masonic BETHLEHEM LOlx.E. No. 35, F. and A. M. stated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master. .E >V\ Clapp. Secretary. W.l'sTA EOlx.E. No. ill. F. A A. M. stated meetings first Tuesday of each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W . H. n owl* ! burv. Master. E. F Blackman, Secretary. TRINITY COMMANDKRY. No. 7. Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings Friday on or before the full moon of each mouth. A. D. Knight, Eminent Commander. A E. Smith. Recorder. JEKCvW.EM ROYAL \RCIf CIIAP'I ER—M?ets ; ( Hallowed. Stated convocations Thursday on or before the full inoon of each month. 15. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COCNCIL—Meets at Ilallowell. Quar terly Convocations, .January, April, duly. Oc tober; Wednesday succeeding full moon. D. Cargill, Thrice Illu.-drious Master. Temperance. 6AUATTIS LODGE, N<». 78 of Good Templars. AUot* <\er\ Tm-sibv evening al Darby Hall. FRANK!.IN ‘DIVISION -o\> OF TEMPERANCE - Meet* at Darby Hall every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. AUGUSTA POST OFFICE Comer of Oak anti Water .-treeti*. Omi r. Horns From 7 30 A. M. to 8 IV M. Sunday 9 to 10 A. M. Janies A. Uii knell. Po.-tmacter. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. Arrival anil Departure of Mails;—Western, li nve* 11,iht A. M.; close* 10.30 A. M ; arrive* 3.30 P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 P. M : closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives JO.45 A. M. Ttelfa-t and Way. leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M : arrives 10.3o A. M. Rockland and Wav, leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8.15 A. M.; arrive* 5.00 f‘. M. Winftirop. leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7.45 A.M.; arrive* P M Farmington and Way, leaves 7.» A. M.; ch»ses 7 45 A M : arrive* 2 .<*> p. M. Freeport anil Litchfield, leave* o.oo A. M.; closes s no I’. M : arrive* in.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday , Thurs day anil Saturday. Every morning a train leaves Augusta at 5 30 arrives at Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. M. ftallotorll Dirrrtorp. HALI.OWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN M AIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 3 27 and 7.52 1*. M. Closes at 10 45 A M. and 8 I*. M. EASTERN MAIL arrive.-, daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 . A. M. Closes at 3.15 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays,Tues days and Thursdays, at 8 4*. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, from 8 o’clock A M.. to 8 4*. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. B >x Rents and I*o«tage on papers, periodical?, kc , payable quarterly in advance. E. ROWELL, P M HaHoweil, May 3, 1869. CHURCHES, South Parish Congregational Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chas. (4. McCri.LT, Pastor, resilience on Chestnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Baptist Church, corner of Futon and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between Winthrop and Lincoln. Morning service, 40.20; Afternoon service, 2.45. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street,between Un ion ami Central. Rev. C aleb Fi ller, Pastor ; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10 30; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Uulversalist Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Lbosakd K. Stobrs, Rectar; residence comer of Secoad and Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon service, 2.30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. Y. M. C. A. Regular meetings of the Young Men’s Christian Associ ation of HaHoweil. arc held in the Vestry of the Baptist Church every Monday evening, commencing at 74 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. Prayer meetings, conducted by members of the Aas«>ci atiou, are held every Sunday evening— In Burns* Schoolhouse, Farmingdale, at 7 o’clock. In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. In Loudon Hill Schoolhousc, at 7 o’clock. In the Wilder 8ch<«olhouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock. At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2. BENJAMIN FOWLES, President. II. S. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. K* nnelH*c Lodge, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Comma* nicaiions Wed new I ay, on "r pn ceding the full tnoon. JAMBS ATKINS, Jk., W. M J. E. NY E, Sec’y. Jerusalem K. A. Chapter. Stated Convocati >ns, Thurs day on or before the full of the moon. ii. F. WARNER, II. V. F. J. DAY, Sec'y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, rpiurterly. DAVID CARGILL, T. M. K. J. DAY, Rec’r. Trinity CW.mandery. Meetings at Augusta ou the Friday on or Wore the full moon of each month. A. ». KNIGHT, K. C. A L. SMITH, Kec’r. TEMPERANCE. Union Temple of Honor and Temperance. No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. TV. FI LLER, tV. C. T BLN TENNEY, W. R Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first ami third Friday evenings of each month. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HI NT, K. of C. Sheridan I judge, No. 293, I. 0. of G. T. Regular meet ings every Saturday evening, p. B. BOYD, W. C.T. F. A. A. I1EATII, R S Croat liiiprovoiiiont in Artificial Teeth. Tilt. SNELL INSERTS Teeth on Rrnr.Kit by a new process, by which the plate is made as’thin as a metallic ba.-«*; at the same time the plate is flexible, and less liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect tit. Having purchased the ejrdumc right to use this mode in Kennebec county, I shall bo nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs arti fleial teeth. 69 Winthrop Street. Alifrufitn, Jan. 28th, 1870. hi9jan*;twA3w6 (irf'iit llargainM at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Street, Augusta, Me. A t.ARtiF. ASSORTMENT OF NEW ANI) SEC OND HAND Furniture, Which will he sold at very low rates for CASH. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and (utliiis, i And COMMON COFFINS of nil kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, and have lately added an assortment of HOBES OP ALL KINDS, [ All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the State. C. It. & II. U. WELLS. mi GKO. E. BK1CKETT, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, AFGVRTA, THE. Office over Hunt’s Tap Store, West End of the Kenm-bec Bridge. 9 Residence on Apviug Street. my‘20’88 Bitters ! Bitters I r»B. B K 3V 1ST ET*rJT”S C EEEU RATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! AUK TUB SI KEST CT’KE EOll Liver Complaint, Jaundice, l)i zziness, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all jHT-oiis arc more or less subject in Scimni; and SrMMKll. THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE! And composed of some of tin* bo>t HOOTS and IIKUBS in the world. Tn Them. They are Warranted to do as Recommended ! Price, SO Cents per Bottle. l’RKl’AKED AM) SOU) oM.Y RV Johnson Brothers, OFF. POST OFFICP, : AUGUSTA, ME HARNESSES A- HARNESS ROODS Ol' every Deseriplion. \v K Alii: sTII.R JIANl'FACTl KINli-A1.J, l I. AS.-K> OF IIA It VliSSES, "\7 m*y ing; in A *1*100 ti' o m $17 .OO to $100.00 * H’i:,l,. not keep anv man's celulirati d II:.-: --.lari I.a'.-- 1ml p-ar’- exrpi.-m. in maun >> far luring , van valr • : 11 ,rn, -- ..Is ami Hi-- giv; :.-i- partem ,.| that turn' for the I>eui‘l ■ 01 \ ugu* ta a la I v ieiu if v we \v ill lef the .piai :. . ■' i w,,; ill ,'l our a■ net- rest llp"n Ile-ir o\\ ii merit Aa we k, ep a I u~i, i nuial • r ■ i w. rkmeu iin.l ..- eullj a larger sleek ami greater variety Ol manufactured w<.rk than :m\ linn in our line in tin- • . \\«* invite all in want ol ,-ueh gom|-to rail In-ton* purchasing, bearing in iinnd tliat wc keep n- llaniore** inannfaeturi *1 by ether thins tor wiioli* t-ah* trade but m inut’.u lure ;■!! our goods and warrant them to give eat.-dai tioiu C0LLER & GARDINER, (Opposite C<• n y // n><( 1 1 1‘I AllpHSlJl# TMtJ W 3&L. S . T>on't liny two profit* on your Trunk*, but buy at the only plaice in Angnata « here they are manufactured . AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunlt Factory ! Bigii ot tlio “DIG THUKTK.” We manufacture all our Trunk*. and ... retail trade in Anauda and m ifhborine town* i* ven l»inrt* t\e ilu-ii» fur ttiut trad«* ;»n«l warrant them. 1 ht \ an* n*» .-lop \im k. imt < i.u ki d. «»'■ K ' V V VV’xiM-KTinViw'ofelen'ilue "iunl’Veel* emstantly^,'hand'the largeM !;;;:i'hed IbH kof'l'adh .-'altd ttik'T&Wiu-iN. MIAW1,. 3TKA1-S? *«•.. in the eily, and sell them at M'F.lTE I’KIt E8. *S- Remember the place, Sign of the “Big Trunk,” - 143 Water Street. cmmt no..", W-tr J* * «.,«»#.v*k. HARDWARE! Prices K c <1 n e e <1 - From tli 1m I>ute, ALL LOOIKS IA 'I'llK LL\E OF IIARllWAR J i ] j ! MILS IRON and STEEL, &c.. "ill be* m»M at Prices Defying Competition ! Goods Marked Clear Down ! 123 Water Street, AMOS W1LOKK. Augusta. April 1, 1-41 LADIES I CALL AND SEE MISS TURNER’S NhW STOCK OF MlLLIXEllY ! \|l" 'll i:ni:i£ has secured the assistance of AI Miss Ivalhtell, (formerly at M. 1*- Soule'-- anil fecln conllilent that She Can Suit All, Both in Regard to Taste and Price, ltemeniber the Place, Under Meonian Hall, (Up-Stairs,) And directly opposite tl»o Coin House. f20npr-tt&iinl7 M1>S V. TL’KNEK. Feather Dusters! Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. A Laundry In Augusta. riniK subscriber has opened a LAUNDRY at her | li'sidt iKT on Capitol, iu AutfUfdu, where she would lit* happy to serve all in Washing 6c Ironing! The work will be done in the beat style, and At Reduced Prices ! MltS. S. A. KOW1.KK. Capitol Street Anguota, April 7,1K70, tsapr-ani SOAl’S ! Genuine Imported Soaps, OF ALL KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. DKl'GS, MEDICINES, chemicals; AND F a ii cy Goods, VEKY I.OW FOK CASH ! AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUGSTORE, Opposite POST OFFICE. livuiooih mwi tuition. \MKDH VI. 1\>>AY on the Cause uml (Jure ot Premature I >ecline, show ing how health is lost anil li*»\v regained. It gives a ideal Synopsis of the 1 in pediment - to Mvrriai.i:, the treatment of Nek vim s and PHYSICAL IM.ISILITY, STERILITY, Ac... and the remedies therefor,—the results of twenty vi ars’ successful practice. “There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whither such person hold- the relation of Parent. Preceptor, or Clergy man.” - Low!on Mrtfical Time* ant! Uuzette. “ M wnoon.’ The experience and reputation ol Dr. < itrtin in the treatment of the diseases set forth in this little pamphlet is the patient's guarantee, and well deserve- for the work its immense circu lation.”— Jhiiiu Tim•*. Sent I'V mail on receipt of r»u cents. Address the Author, Dk. Cl itTle*, 14 Chapman street, Bos ton, Ma --. nrnrffrTeodSm ARNO, HODGKINS « 00., MAMTfACTUliEllH OK ORGANS AND MELODEONS! Water st., Gardiner, Me. M It. J. T. PATTERSON or rowrimtjvu, Travelling Agent. iuay4-tf FARMING TOOLS ! AT u'li.n.i.nso.r »■ &ftrrjrtfooMr». Daily Express Line! BRICK’S Kennebec & Boston Express IU’S8 daily fit.hi Augusta to Portland, P.u-u l and all in tv ruled late stations. Goods forwarded, and Notes. Drafts and flier collected in all parts of the United States with d* patch ami at Low Kates. Orders for the purchase of Bonds, Bills of K Change, Fruit, Ac., promptly attended to. Goods Forwarded to all parts of the Unit States at Low Kates. Having had three years’ experience in the 1 press between the Kennebec and Boston, the p prietor hopes by strict attention to business i merit a fair share of the public patronage. Boston Office, 57 Kilby Street, Portland Office, 07 Exchange Street AGENTS: Boston. It. K. smith; Portland, G. Lolhrop A Co.; Augusta, J. F. Pierce; Hallow. C. E. Fuller’ Gardiner, B. Lawrence. Jr.; Kb mond, E. F. Hatch; Brunswick, Kt Crawford, fiapr-tf II. A. BKICK, Proprietor The Pally Kennebec Journal, Established Jan. 1, 1870. Notloc* l»y tlie T*rc‘*«. The first number of the Daily Kr.NNF.HEr .Toi nalyvhh is sued frvun the Journal oflice on Sat* day. It is about the size and style of arrangeim n* the usual Pally legislative Journal, and in pographical a i pea ranee will compare favorab we think, with the other Maine dailies. It is • signed by the publishers to issue it daily throu the year, but we tear they will fin.I theirenterpri which ought to be a paying one, considering t j Held it will occupy, to prove a losing one. It co ! a deal of money to publish a paper these tunes,.a I a large, prompt puv mg subscription list and a goi ly amount of advertising patronage at respectal rates, are necessary to make a paper self-sRsta ing. ami prevent its being a source of enibarn ment to its proprietors. We tender this new c: date for public patronage our wishes for its fini cinl success.— Maine Slttmlaril. The Daily Kennebec Jocrnal made its fl appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat pul cation, and enterprising — TJangor Whig. Daily Kennebec Journal.—With the cc incncenient of the New Year, we received the fl number of this new paper, published at Angus by >prague, Owen A Nash. It is u large, seven c mnn paper, h:md*omely printed, and the rciui lion of its publishers is a *ufll**icut guaranty tint will be live and spicy.— York County lmi>pendent The Daily Kennebec Joirn.Ii. was issuer! J: nary 1st, and i* to be a permanent institution, is a well arranged, and handsomely printed she and we have no doubt it will receive, as It deserv a liberal support front the people of Augusta, II lowell and Lardim*r.— Halhnrtfl C,a:r1t*\ | Daily Kennebec Joi hal. We have receif lli. llrst number' of the new daily Journal n permanently established at the Mate < nidtal, by l euter'prising publishers of the weekly Journ Me*.*r» spragne, Owen A Nash. Its appearanc* neat and etiatnesa like, ami its editors will nou less make it a progressive, live paper.—R*lfa*t A Wc congratulate onr friends «>f the Kenner Joi i:n vi. ui > n the favorable auspices uuder wli their new dally b..- been issued. It appeared the l-r of J:ti:iim v, 2n handsome shape, its eolun well filled ami showing evidence of sufficient! i tori a I ability amt industry to ensure if* entire s cess. We Hurt the public will appreciate the huts of the publishers t>> *erve them, and libera | sustain the entei prise.— Maine farmer. The D^ily Kennebei Joi rnal made it- fl 1 ajytenrrmce New Year’s day. It is a well prop I turned sheet of twenty-t ight columns, and is in ! cry way well calculated to supple awantvvh i Augn ta ha * tell for a longtime. With the patrt age which it should receive from Hallowed, Gai iner. and the other neighboring low ns, in additl to its local support, we see no reason why this < terprisc should not be crowned w ith abundant s oess.—liexier iiaietU. Tin Duly Kennebec Joi rnal made its p« a ranee on Saturday It has a smart and new look, and will succeed.—ElLncorth American. The first number of the Duly Kennebec Joi n.vl. has been receive*!. These who wish to reive flic earliest ami fullest information in regj t*. the doings of the Legislature, should subscri f«»r it.— h'astpvrt Sentinel. Duii Ki.nm.iic Joirnal. We have recefv i the llrst number of this paper, issued Jan. 1st. i- to be permanent, ami being the Mate paper w ill be a compend of the doing* of the l.egislatn valuable not only fur the present, but for preser ti<*n f..r future reference. It w ill furnish early a full report* ot the State Conventions of all kin* full reports of tin* Lcgi*Iature, Legislative Couiu tec.Board of Kdueation. Board of Agriculture, a all other matters <1 interest relating to the Mi Government. thus making itself useful to a vt wide circle of renders extending over all parts j the Male. It will be a reliable and t>tmight-iorwu Kcpiiblican paper, a no the first number lnmeai that it w ill he conducted u it It ability, and with tld It y to the principle- of the party in whose inter* it’i- e-iablishcd. It in of the size of the Daily U iston Journal.— The Sunrise* Presque Isle. Daily Kennebec Joi rnal. Theadvertlaemt of this new daily appears in onr columns t«*-di It give- the legislative proceedings of each day vc ftilbL contains telegraphic dispatches, the inane amffomimTcial transactions in New York and It tun. and is in every respect a first-class daily i Terms £7 per lenr, or tor the legislaU ses.-iou.—A mdroscoaptu Herald. Daily KenvuirV Jofkval. The cnterprisi proprietor* of the Keuncbcc Journal, issued t flr-t number of their new daily Jan. 1st. It is taai soinely exe< uted, ably conducted, and deserve* lea-t fifteen bnndred subscribers along the riv During the legislature it is especially valuable Somerset Reporter. The publishers of the Kennebec ineneed their daily paper w ith the New Year, is a good looking sheet, much superior to the for er session issues. No thrice weekly w ill be pi li.-bed.— lirackett in Uelfaxt Age. Nt w srAi F.HN. With the New Year w e are gre e«l by the Daily Ki.nnehlc Joi rn al, publish by Sprague, Owen Naan. It is of good size, matter is w ell arranged, and its editorial condi w ill -how the same ability which has governed t weekly Journal —Free /'ress* Jtucilana. T he Daim Kennjiec Jot it.nal has reached i ami i- fully up to the standard of «ur expectatioi Its typographical appearance is neat, am) its gen al arrangement all that could be desired. We ho it w ill be liberally patronized, and it w ill be if t people of the Mate do their duty,—Jt'arminyt Chronicle. The first number of the Daily Kennebec Jot nal promptly made its appearance on .Naturdi Jan. l.-t. it is a handsome sheet, got up iu a st) that doe** credit t«> its enterprising publishers Mdileford Democrat. With the new year, came the Daily Kknnctu Joi wnaL. ll i-i> veiy neat paper, and we shot! think it would be a favorite with the people of t Kennebec—(Jurdiner Home Journal. Dun Ki nm ri * Jm i;val. We have receiv the first number of the daily issued by the public ers ot the Kennebec Journal. This is uot to be 1 the Legislature only, but is t*» l»e a permanent dai publication. There is no reason w hy the larger ies and towns which cluster about the capil snonhl not a fiord support to at least one daily, cv though the railroad trains do bring Boston ptipc in a tew hours from the press. The Journal it handsome sheet, well tilled with news and mine lan) , and we trust will be a success.—if Jot mil. THE new’ DAILi. Wo hive received the fli number of the Daily Ki nnepkc Joi i.nal. It one of the best looking daily papers which com to our office. There is no reason why Mich a .-prigl 1\ journal should not 'tart at once on the road success. The price of subscription is $7 per yet — Calais Advertiser. The Daily Kennepf.c Joernai. made it** how the public last Saturday, and is understood to la permanent institution. It deserves a liberal sr port in the Kennebec valley, not only through! sc -si* »n of the Legislature,’ of w hose doings it w give full rep°rt daily, but permanently.— Wutervi Mail. NlWKPAPORIAL Till* DA 11. V h! ’.NNENEC JOI.'RK made its appearance on Saturday morning last, is printed m first-rate sty lo, and manifest* a grc deal of enterprise in its management. IVe nrogl to notice that it ha* a good list of subscriber* thi— citv, w ho receive their paper* from a carrier eight o'clock. This is a great convenience, and o that should be appreciated by our people.—Goar din Reporter. \i til H1A Paiia «J(U HNAL. This paper made appearance last Saturday , very neatly printed ai lull oi matter. Our only apprehension is that A gu-ta brethren are giving bio natch reading fort patronage of a place no larger than Angusl Sue« ess to the enterprise.—Rmnuvriek Telegraph. W .• have received the ilr-t two or three mini be I of the lain Kknm iii i! Jwhkal, published 1 j Mes.-rs. Sprague, Owen A Nash. Augusta, whi 1 ir. hereafter to be a permanent daily paper, instc, | of being published only during the season oft Legislature, as heretofore. It is a handsome sc 1 en-eoliimn jwiper, w ell made up. giving much ag cultural ami miscellaneous reading,as well ml ea 1 and general new s. IVe have no doubt it will ably conducted and wish it substantial success Rockland Gazette. The first number of the Daily Kknnkrkc Jor nai. made its appear nice on Saturday, ltisvt* neatly got up,— Oxford Democrat. The first number of the Daily Kennkukc Jor nai. promptly made its appearance on Saturda the 1st insf. It is a handsome sheet, got up it style that does credit to it* enterprising publishe — Oxford Register. A New Dai i a Newspaper. We receive the Dai Kenner if Joihnal, a goodly sized, well hilt and smart appearing paper, published by Mess Sprague, Owen A Nash, at Augusta, the propr tors of the Old (Weekly) Kennebec Journal: tern $7 a year in advance. We hope it will be patn ized by our lb-publican friends, and we think it w be, being the first and only daily issued at the C’a tal.—Jfachiu* t nion. DELL Ml.nOADH* Fashionable Hair Dressing Room Oppoaite Parrott A Bradbury’*, Hater Street, : Augusta, Me. •Shaving, Shampooing, l!air-Pre«*ing, Cutting, C nving. Ac., in the most approved style of the a Particular attention paid to cutting ami cnrling I die*and Children’s liair. All kind*of liair Wo made to order in the latest style. Ijnn70-ly