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Thill? Ittnncluf Journal w e-'1 Sw* A lady at Montezuma. Iowa, has the small est child on record. It is two weeks old. and we-.fhs only two pounds. Still it is perfectly healthy. THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL. Established in 1S25.) Enlarged and Improifd. A POLITICAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER. # Uet Ixee’.ied by any in the State. Jt'NT RvT.ARr.rn ANI> PRINTl D ON New, Plain, and Handsome Type! Having Full Report* of Legislative proceeding*; cart tuih prep* reel Political Articles, Facts and Mu tisti' L<>IKmiesticand Foreign New.-; < orres Sindence; Tale.*, Poetry, Agricultural ami oilier iatCeflafteous Matter. IVo Inrrrasf of Subscription Price—A IJood Time to Subscribe. The W eckly Kennebec Journal. The Kenntlx?c Journal h in the Forty-fourth year of its age. It has just been enlarged, and is now a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN PAPER, Its size not being exceeded by that of any other paper in the State, and surpassed by but few in oilier States. It will contain Carefully Prepared Political Articles. Facts. Statis tics, Speeches and Kxlrncts; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the Maine Legislature; Reliable Information in relation to mat ters pertaining to the State (loveni inent; Reports of the Doings of Congress ; Local and State News; Summaries of Do mestic and Foreign News; Reports of the Markets at Home and Abroad; well se lected Tales, Poetry, Agricultural and other inter esting anti Useful Reading for the Family; also Correspondence from Abroad and original t^>on subjects of Gen’l Interest. It has been enlarged from Twcuty-Kiglit to Thirty-Six Columns, in width, and proportionately increased in length, | and is printed on an Entire New Suit of Type, j Making it one of the Handsomest and Most Readable, as well as one of the CHEAPEST PAPERS IN PRICE, }«ubliihed. The price of subscription has not been increased v>n account of enlargement. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Trtrf- . Kx* pe- aciam in sdTnnfe, #2 25 si the end of t<l el-.-si:'.'. ; |2iw at Use end vf the year. Published every Wednesday. Daily kennebec journal. T2 :**• jMBx*: <■ *t-*t kjjv-' ,.2 - ri <r|4«4^ t® jafcsia* *r*i •£ JUmiaary. W.ii give JPaiE. jcsi JkcsaBmSr1 ,? 2* Pro***-!!®** of «u 4ay s-o ilaj . off Iis» vrK-ttifi a-srarjisg*' Wf sri CcouL,aiwr-*; IkirtcU << jjUNnufiir:i fib* TV'-br i- >' K.locate- ••« AJ3&ok12*f»> vii w* the >e-o * jr;«3® tit* -vun** a* .«arr laSae*. w*4 »al aS**> Lt** £. . _n • .* C 'r>-yj*.q& c. Laca** as i tt*e "tanAtaricw «&.**- I2rt bill *9pMKteM uf tk* •**»*'*>*-. Ti* ?* «**- ■>* P.Tti'*t>** wi3 g.r* 3t**w t«us Atifc.itooaufil Hopwiaaw l« the DallT ionPAL a* is vrgj «K«iUea: ropsxta >j«f I2>tat. 7tra**, f :-«■ per ]*ear . *2 Se.v the Ss*t*lG*, *r M-st -r* of the vnli d- View ool •;ii4i*aru t* : a to -tire*** tarau SMe!rc-“ b» g+^sitig iuiwccllier* t> the aWv* p-\ Mi ca tion*. The Daily keep* up tel orr- j—i je-ure i>ctw*-‘'r. the People ;.iid Lh< :r Rei'^M'-ntatiTfe* thr< . gh tt»* r Legislative tt&poit*. wide* ut neoc? cary on ! agrefcaid?- to both. No Tri-Weekly will be published Those pei **on? who de-ire a full report nf the Legislative Proceed ing?. Burnt sub-eribc tor the Daily Joll> al. i&T Poatmaatera and Members of the Legiciuluro authorized to Lake tul>wription». 4irTh<‘ Weekly and Daily Kennebec Journal art* published at Augusta, Maine, by __SjjftAGUE, OVEN & NASH. DB. GREENE'S HAIR I RESTORER RESTORES bRAf HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Promote* a new growth on bald head*, remove* Dandruff, and all disease* of the scalp, and pre nerve* the hair in a healthy condition. It is free from all injurious substance*, renders the hair soil and glossy, and i* the Jiest dressing ever discovered. Be sure you get Du. Guekne’x Haik Kkxtohf.u, a* the country i* flooded w ith injurious and worth less article*.’ For *ale by dealers generally. If y«*ur Druggist should not have it, order it from I>r. Greene, at the Medical Institute.H Temple Place, Boetoa, w here it is prepared. Price $1; U bottle* for $5. For -ale in Augusta by TJTCO.MB & DOJUL 8w20 USERENNE’S PAIN KILLING 3VCA.C3-IC OIL. or "IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM."J3 Kkaukh— Reune'e Pain-Killing Magic Oil cures Headache! Ream-'- Pam-Killing Magic Oil cure* Toothache RenneV Paito-K;lliug Magic- od cures Neuralgia ' Ken lie's Pain-Killing Magic Oil cure* Cholera Mor bus ! Reuue's Pain-Killing Magic Oil cure* Rheumatism ! lteuneV Pain-Killing Magic Oil eures Kkin diseases Some folk* seem to be-proud of telling how “lame their shoulder* are”—of “my crick in the back”—or 1 have got the Sciatica,”—and delight in bragging that “nothing can cure me !”—but when we gel such “awful folks” to use UKXSK'S PAIN-KILLING MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we not only cure their lameness aud charm away their pain*-, bin we ac tually take all that kind ol “brag out of them !” aud they frankly own up, and say, **lt works like a charm P* bold by all Druggist*, MerehauU and Grocer*. It is put tip in three sizes, and called Trial Size,” “Medium size,” and “Large Family Size” bottle*. WM KENNE, Sole Proprietor ami Manufac turer,, Mas*. Wholesale amt retail in Augusta by Marshall Whittled, Grocer. lytfbOW BRUlSHE] B OF EVERY* DESCRIPTION AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. Crockery and Glass Ware, FOR BADE RV IIAI.I.AltO A CHAM-:, .luiiuta. April 4,1870, fSapr-tl If. T. HGLBBOLD’S Concentrated Fluid Extract Bnchn, THE GREAT DIURETIC. Tin* Proprietor trust* that hi* Remedies. (Vom tiie fart of their being advertised, may not be classed as Patvnt Medicines. ll elm hold’s Fixid Extract Buchc, i< a Pharmaceutical Preparation The proper name given, and it is the most active which can be made: it is indorsed as a cure by all medical works, f,,r Midi diseases as recommended by the Proprie tor. It is pleasant in its taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and is taken by Adults and Children. It is Tonic. Diuretic, Blood Purifying and Invigorating. Enfeebled and delicate constitu t »n^ of both sexes will find it far more strength ening than any of the preparations of bavk or iron. See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of [lie I'nited States, of which the following is a correct copy. lil t III’.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic, its taste is bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints ol the t’rinary Organs, Midi.s (.ravel, Chronic Ca tarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Blad der and I'rethra. diseases of the Prostate Gland, and Retention or the Incontinence of t rine, from a in** of tone In the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Uliemnatisni^C'utaiioous Affections and Dropsy. * TESTIMONY - I Citric of Gravel ok Five Years’ Standing— Stone passed and to he seen. , Savannah, Ter.n., May 14, l$fl9. Dr. II. T. Helm hold, Dear sir : We introduced your •‘Fluid Extract Buchu” in this country about eight months ago, and are liapn\ lo state that it i* meeting with universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your •Buchu” has worked wonder*. A man in our county, named J. B. hs* tell, had been suffering about five years with grav el. About six weeks ago he bought of us one bot tle of vour “Buchu,” and before he was through with one bottle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition in our drug store. He savs he never will be without the • Buchu” in his house again. Your preparations are gaining favor everv nav. Very respectfully, yours Ac., ECCLES A HINKLE, Druggists. Cure of Bladder and Kidney affection of long standing—Stone passed and to be seen. Westport, Conn, Sept, ft, 18(19. II. T. IlKLMROLD, Esq. Dear Sir: I commenced taking your “Extract of Budm” about two weeks since for an affection of the Madder and kidney*. I have suffered by spell* wry much for a few days pant. But yesterday re lief came through the effect of your ‘“Buchu.” A *tone passed my bladder about the size of a larpr pm, and I now feel perfectly well and entirely free ! from the pain that 1 have suffered with "so hard.” I attribute my cure to your medicine entirely, and would recommend all persons similarly affected to try it I have great faith in its curative powers. ' Yours truly, THOMAS J. BENNETT. 'refers to Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport. Conn. J. L. G. CANNON, Druggist, Westport, Conn. II B. WHEELER, esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY Ill'Ll., esq.. Westport, Conn. Dr. WAKEMAN, Reading, Conn. R. W. K. ROBIN-ON, Wholesale Druggist New York City. And many others if necessary. Ci re of Kidney and Liver Affection of a Patient Seventy-Eight years of Age. TH ANKS TO MR HELXBOIAL Girard, Pa., March 81, 1*®. j Editor Cosmofute: I desire, a* an unsolicited tribute to the merit? of Helmbold'.* Buchu, and for list- i*enetU of those similarly afflicted as myself, to y that after< n?nlungmany eminent physician*, i an': trying nearly all the l*e?t advertised remedies, in Uie vjin hop* of Hading relief from tmiraled i. 11Mpy and bK*t«i*r ♦ifse-a-e*. from which I have - e\ ffVuy f >r many years, good fortune f> - -'- t -i- i to iue HelnilxikT© Buchu, which 1 iniu-e-:. »•** g with little faith, and no apparent trial re*u!'.-~f *r about a in nth. At tlie expir xt»>n sA lUl u»e. However. 1 thought 1 ^iumt« < I tspmorce relief, winch encouraged me b* pvT-ev-t r o a* is-e. an-:l now. at the expiration of four mmuhs aith • gh I am an infirm old man, 'Jtrtr > rears of and roo-eouently medicine* *•, expected to fav rablr affect roe a* they -Jcti.h- won>L ! hare found each unspeakable • - f h.mI psnsowif : t inwR from Mr il«ii&b i l’» vr. e dans-, very. ;a*» f #e*-| i “turht to imblicly r *r . ? ■ tr ia-'t, a* an hc4l.>«kskmtal to *:ia and o va.uav> -1.rr» • vx>n t* t*.• j ubBc l’tcn respectfully D. M. LABEN. Mr. Lr« ftsfcre to* Lj« feLteffricg gentlemen. O • DAN RKT- Gerard Pa. • HA- STOW. t*q., Girard, Pa.. Editor Cosmo polite. < ;EGRGE li. f'CTLER. Girard, Pa , Attorney. < 1 HINDS. Girard, Pa^ Attorney. < all. I> W HCTCIIIN.SON Girard, Pa,. Attorney. DAVID OLIN, Girard. Pa., Merchant. DA VID K. DAY, Girard, Pa., Merchant. C 1 U'XKWELL, Girard, Pa., Merchant, li C. ELY, Girard, Pa., Druggist. A Permanent Ci re <*k Gravel or twelve YEARS STANDING—STONE I’ASS ED AND TO BE SEEN. Bi UKSll>K, Conn., Dec. IS, laco. 1 Dk. Helmbim.i*— Dear .Sir: It is with much pleasure that I write you upon taels resju'Cting my r*elf. J do not know hardly how to express my sell. 1 have Liet'ii for the last ten or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could be and live; but more sometimes than others. The complaint was the Kidney,-'” and “Bladder.” I have been sometimes from tw elve to fourteen hours, and wanted to make water every minute, but could uot. Have consult ed doctors, both in .Massachusetts and this State, and taken pills, 1 ina\ say, by the quart, also liq uored medicine'., hut'found no reliet from any, and got w«u se the last six months. I was so that! could -• archly get about. 1 could uot rest night or day. It would soon have been “all up” with me if 1 had not seen your advertisement in “The Berkshire Courier” headed Kidneys.” 1 read it through and thought I would try it 1 purchased a bottle, but, mind you. had not much faith in it. Why should 1, w hen I had been trying so many things and cost me so much ' Well. I began taking it. and before I had taken the llrst bottle I fell bad; but I finished it and j got another. By the time 1 took half of the second | 11 still got worse (apparently). When I walked it se. ined aa it my right kidney w as falling from its i ; place, und 1 felt really bud. I felt so, before 1 had j ; finished the second, that I had made up iny mind it was of no use trying any more—ami all this time the “Buchu” was doing its work, but 1 did not know it; so I gave it up and went to Hartford on Saturday to bee one of the best doctors in the city. , Me said it was the neck of the bladder, ami 1 should have to undergo an operation. He gave me med icine, and I went home quite downhearted. On Sunday 1 was unable to go to church. 1 had not taken any of his medicine, but on my return contin ued using the “Buchu,” ami in the afternoon 1 had a desire to make water, but could not. About one hour alter this 1 tried again, w ith the same result; but the next time 1 took the vessel it was the same as turning a faucet and stopping it off again. It was so for three times, and the third time there was I something came through the passage and struck against the side of thy vessel. 1 examined it, and it ! is the ugliest stone or gravel you eveWsaw, cov ered over with little peices which collided together. ■ It looks the color of a mud turtle, and is as hard an : a flint. .so you see the “Buchu” was doing its work , although 1 was feeling so badly. 1 procured an- J other bottle thinking their might be igmie more be hind, but sinee that lias passed, which is eight j weeks ago last Sunday, I have been as well as ever I w as in mr life. I have the stone securely wrapped and those who have set'll it In this place are sur prised. 1 cannot tell you all, but this is n true story of uiy case, and you are welcome to make such use ..f my name as you think proper. I am pretty Well know u in Berkshire; also iu Connecticut. Thead* v. rtiscmeut saved me. Why not publish more? The >pringtield Republican ir a wide-spread paper. If any one wishes to see this wonder, they call do so. I could write all day, but think 1 have said [enough this time, so I remain your ever well wisher EDWARD L HOWARD, Paper Maker, Burnside, Hartford Co., Conn. KKFKKH TO Dr. MACK, Burnside, Conn. Dr. WRIGHT, North Lee, Mass. Dr. HOLKCM, Xbrth Lee, Mass. Dr. ADAMs, Stock bridge, Mass. I >i i1TT, North Manchester, Conn, Dr. .JAQUE8, Buckiand Corners, Conn. Dr. BEAKsEOUd. Hartford, Conn. ‘ A JJof whom treated me for the disease. DR. KKYSI'K 1 is a physician of over SO years experience, and a graduate of (he Jeffersonian Medical ( "Urge, and of the University of Medicine and Surgery ol 1 nil adelphia. Mr. if. T. Hfi.mbofd— Dear sir: In regard t<> the question asked me as to my opinion about Bu elm, 1 would say i have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. I do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not used, or known to be used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has ac quired, in my judgment, is warranted by the facts. 1 have seen and used, as be tore stated, everydorm of Buchn—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid ex tract**—and I am not congnizaut of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. ri welve y ears i experience ought. I think, to give me the right to ; judge of its merits; and, without prejudice or par tiality. I give yours precedence over all others. I value your Birchu for its effects on patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys than 1 have ever seen rum! with any other Biiehu or any other proprietary compound of whatever name. Respect fully yours, Ac. GEO. II. KEY8ER, M. I)., August 11, 18(55. 140 Wood-st., Pittsburg, Penn. A CASE OF TWENTY YEARS’ STANDING. PuiLADKU'lllA, Penn., June 2"), 1S<»7. II. T. Helmhold, Druggist—Dear Sir: 1 have been a sufferer for upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time 1 have used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. leaving seen your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted my family physical! in regard to using your EqtractjBuchu. 1 did tliis because I had used a*l kinds of adver tised remedies and had found them worthless, and Mime quite injurious; in fact. 1 despaired of ever Ki tting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of bucliu, cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phys ician as an excellent combination; and with his ad vice, after an examination of the article and con sulting again with the druggist, 1 concluded to try it. I commenced to use it about eight months ago, at which time I vas confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished at the ben eficial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. 1 felt much like writing to you a lull statement of my case at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer, and see it it would effect a perfect cure, knowing that it would be ot greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. 1 am now able to report that a cure is effected, after using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three months, and leel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Bucliu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigoratorof the system. I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its u~e on such affections. \ M. McCORMIC. Should any doubt Mr. McCormic’s statement, he refers to the following gentlemen ; Hon. Wm, BIGLER, ex-Govcrnor of Pennsylvania. Hon. THOMAS B. FLORENC E, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. KNOX, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. llon.D.K. PORTER, ex-Govcrnor of Pennsylvania. Hon. ELLIS LEVIS, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. GRIER, Philadelphia. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia, lion. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN BIGLER, ex-Govcrnor of California. Hon. E. BANKS, Washington, I>. C. And many others if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BE GIVEN FOR A BOTTLE IF NECESSARY. Rahway, N. •!., Dec. 2,1*69. II. T. Hklmbold, Esq.,—Dear Sir : I take great pleasure in tending you a certiorate, iu addition to the many you have received from suffering human ity. 1 can scarcely lind language sufficiently strong to expn»« my heartfelt gratification ut the wonder ful cure your “Buehu” lias effected. For lour years I have suffered beyond description. All my friends (with myself i came to the conclusion that my case w*u» incurable. Accident placed your advertise ment in mv hands. 1 commenced taking your “Bu chu I followed the directions, and to my utter astonishment before 1 had taken seven bottle- oi your valuable medicine vi would give <100 a bottle, if 1 could not get it at any other pricey 1 am entirely cured. 1 most earnestly recommend it to all those suffering from disease. 1 have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with’great success. Any information my fellow citizens may require will be freely given by the subscriber at his residence. No 78 Milton-ave., New Jersey. H. M FREEMAN. Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway. Rahway, N. -J., I>ec. 2,1869. We. the undersigned, are well acquainted with II >! Freeman of Kahwav. and know that he It a* been a long time suffering, in the worst ponsible , form, for the past four years, and that he has been entirely cured by the u.-e of *• Utlmbold’s Bur ho.w J. W. SAVAGE, ex Mayor. FRANK LA BAU, President of Council WM. KK HARDS, Clerk of C ouncil. PETER A. BANT A, Council man. W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. S. ». MELiCK, Councilman. LEWIS HOFF, Councilman. J. B. STRYKER, Merchant. City Hall, Mayor’s Omn:,) Rahway. N. J., Dec. .r>, I8»>9. \ This will certify that 1 am personally acquainted with II. M. Freeman, and am cognizant <*f the faci as set forth m the above statement, and the several l»erroni» who«e signal urea are thereunto attached are well known t" me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway, N.J. N. Y. S. Vol. Institute, t Corner of Fifth-ave. and Seventy-sixth st.. / Central Park. > (A HOME AND SCHOOL FOtt THE SONS OF DECEASED SOLDIERS.) Dr. H. T. Helmbold: Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Buchu presented to the institute have been used by the children, and with perfect success. In the case of our little lieutenant A. J., his pride is no longer mortilled. and he is free from the daily morning anathemas of the chamber maid who has charge of lus bedding. I feel that a knowledge of the result of our use of your Buchu with the children under our charge in.iwsave many a superintendent and matron ot boarcfing-si hools and asylums a great amount of annoyance; and many a’ poor child, suffering more from weakness than from habit, may be spaied punishment that is (not krfowing it as a weakness instead of a bad habit) most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thank ing you on behalf ot' the children, and hoping others may be alike benefited, 1 am respeetliilly yours, COL. YOUNG, General .Sup’t and Director. June IB, 18B*>. Great Salt Lake City, \ Utah, Jan 1H, lniiH. \ Mr. II. T. Helmbold—Dear Sir : Your commu nication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, but from a prejudice 1 had formed against advertising ‘ cures for secret diseases,” it was letl unanswered. During an accidental con versation in a tlrug store the other evening, my mind was changed on the character of your Buchu. Jt was then highly recommended for other diseases by two physicians present. K a closed please find 1 our rates of advertising. Yours. Ac., T. It. II STENHOCSE, Editor ami Proprietor of Daily and Semi-Weekly Telegraph. HELMBOI.D’S EXTRACT Bl'CTH', established upward of eighteen years, prepared by H. T. UElAlBOLD, Druggist, No. 5M Broadway, New York, ami No. lot South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn. Price *1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for tr> 50, delivered to any address. Sold by Druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel en graved wrapper, with fae. simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed ly!2 II. T. HELMBOLD. Augusta JEJircrumj. Churches. ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONAL.—Granite Ch. .State st., between Bridge ami Oak. .1. F. Bingham pastor; residence No. « State street. Morning service 10.80 A. M. Afternoon service 430 I*. M. Evening 7 1*. M. FIRST D A PTIST,—Corner Winthrop and Pei ham st•*. .1. Kicker, pastor; residence Chestnut street. Morning iervine 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7 1\M. FREE BAPTIST,—State street, north of Bridge. C. F. Penney, pastor; residence Summerstreet. Morning service 10JO A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening 7P.M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL,—Green street, east of stale. C. A. King, pastor; residence at the par sonage, next door to the church. Morning ser | vice 10.30 A. M. Afternoon 2.30 P. M. Evening j 7 P. M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL,—State st., between Oak and Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Upjohn, rector. Morning service 10;lo A. M. Evening service 7 P. i M. UN l VERBALIST,—Cor. Winthrop and Summer sts. C. It. Moor, pastor; residence Winthrop street, below Orchard. Morning service 10J0 A. M. Sabbath School service at 12 A. M. Evening ser vice at 7 P. M. UNITARIAN,—Comer Oak and State sts. Rev. Mr. Cram, pastor; morning service 10 30 AM. Sabbath School service 2.15 1*. M. Preaching service in evening at 7 o’clock CATHOLIC’,—State st., north of Bridge. Rev. Mr. O’Brien, priest; residence near the church. The Congregational, First Baptist, Free Will Baptist and Methodist Churches hold social con ference meetings in their vestries every Wednesday ! evening, at halt-past seven o’clock. y. nr. c. a. Rooms in Darby Block, Water Street. Regular praver meetings even. Monday evening. Religious exercises every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rooms open to'all. Masonic BETHLEHEM LODGE, No. 35, F. and A. M. stated meetings first Monday of each month. Special meetings every Monday evening. F. A. Crowell. Master. J. \N . Clapp. Secretary. | ANGUsTA LODGE, No. Ml. F. A A. M. Slated meetings first Tuesday ol* each month. Special meetings every Tuesday evening. W. II. Wood bury, Master. E. F. Blackman, Secretary. TRINITY COM MAN DERY. No. 7. Knights Tem plar. Stated meetings Frid ay on or before the full moon of each month. A. D. Knight, Eminent Commander. A. L. Smith. Recorder. JERUSM.EM ROYAL ARCH ('ll A PTE R—Meets at Hallowell. stated convocations Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. 11. F. Warner, High Priest. ALPHA COUNCIL—Meets at Hallowed. Quar terly Convocations, January. April, July, Oc tober; Wednesday succeeding full moon. 1>. Cargill, Thrice Illustrious Master. Temperance. SAB ATT IS LODGE. No. 78 of Gnoi> TEMPI.AKS. Meets every Tuesday evening at Darby Hall. FRANKLIN‘DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE —Meets at Darby Hall every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Post Office. * AUGUSTA POST OFFICE. Corner of Oak and Water streets. Office Horns:—From 7.30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday U to lo A. M. James A. Bicknell. Postmaster. George II. Far rington, Chief Clerk. Arrival and Departure of A fails .—Western, leaves 11.00 A. M.; closes lu.30 A. M.; arrives 3.30P. M. Eastern and Northern, leaves 3.45 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.45 A. M. Belfast and Way, leaves 4.00 P. M.; closes 3.30 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Rockland and Way, leaves 8.30 A. M.; closes 8.15 A. M.; arrives 5.00 P. M. Winthrop, leaves 8.00 A. M.; closes 7 45 A. M.; arrives o.OO 1*. M. Farmington and Way, leaves 7.50 A. M.; closes 7.45 A. M. : arrives 2.00 P. M. Freeport and Litchfield, leaves 6.00 A. M.; closes 8.00 P. M.; arrives 10.30 A. M. Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Everv morning a train leaves Augusta at 5.30 A.' M.; arrives ut Augusta, daily, at 8.00 P. M. IDalloturll Dirrrtorp. HALLOWELL POST OFFICE. WESTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 3.27 and 7 52 P. M. Closes at 10.45 A. M. and 8 P. M. EASTERN MAIL arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.10 A. M. Closes at 3.15 P. M. LITCHFIELD MAIL arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock A. M. Closes Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays, at 8 P. M. OFFICE open, Sunday excepted, fr>’ra 8 o’clock A. M., to 8 P. M. Open Saturdays until 8.30 P. M. XT B‘<x Rents and Postage on papers, periodicals, Ac , payable quarterly in advance. E. ROWELL, P M HailoweU, May 3,1869. CHURCHES. South Parish Congregational Church, corner of Second and Chestnut Streets, opposite Temple. Rev. Chas. G. McCully, Pastor, residence on Ch*«tnut St. Morning service, 10.30; Afternoon service, 215. First Baptist Church, corner of Union and Franklin streets. Rev. A. R. Crank, Pastor; residence on Middle St., between Winthmp and Lincoln. Morning service, 10.30 ; Afternoon service, 215. Methodist Episcopal Church, Middle Street, between Un ion and Centr&L Rev. Caleb Fi ller, Pastor ; residence at the Parsonage, opposite the Church. Morning service, 10.30 ; Afternoon service, 2.15. First Universal tot Church, Second Street, (cor. of Union) St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Central Street. Rev. Lrosard K. Stores, Rectsr; residence comer of Second and Lincoln Streets. Morning service, 10.30; afternoon service, 2.30. Free Baptist Church, Academy Street, between Second and Middle. .Y. M. C. A. Regular meetings of the Young Men’s Christian Assocl I ation of llallowell. are held in the Vestry of the Baptist j Church every Monday evening, commencing at 74 o’clock. I A cordial invitation is extended to all, both ladies and I gentlemen, to attend these meetings of the Association. | Prayer meetings, conducted by members*of the Associ I ation. are held every Sunday evening— in Bunts' Schoolhcuse, Fartaiogdale, at 7 o’clock, j In Schoolhouse at French’s Corner, Chelsea, at 7 o’clock. I In Loudon BUI Schoolhouse, at 7 o’clock. | In the Wilder 8ch<«oll»ouse, Manchester, at 7 o’clock, j At Litchfield Neck at, 2 1-2. ; BENJAMIN FOWLES. President. II. 8. OWEN, Secretary. MASONIC. K' x.nebec Lodm, No 5, F. and A. M. Stated Commu nications Wednt sdav, on or preceding the full moon. J A MKS ATKIN8, J a., W. M. J. E. N Y E, Sec’y. Jerusalem R. A. Chapter. Stated Convocations, Thurs day on or In-fore the full of the in-on. it. ¥ WARNER, II. P. F. J. DAY, Sec’y. Alpha Council. Regular meetings, Wednesday succeed ing the full of the moon, quarterly. DAVID CARGILL, T M. P J. DAY. Rec’r. Trinity Comuandery. Meetings at Augusta on the Friday on or befoa? the full moon of each month. A. D. KNIGHT, E. C. A L. SMITH, Rec’r. TEMPERANCE. Unix u Temple of Honor axel Temj>eraiice, No. 3. Reg ular meetings, every Tuesday evening. J. W. FULLER, W. C. T BEN TENNEY, W It. Kennebec Council, No. 4. Regular meetings on the first ami third Friday evenings of each mouth. J. J. JONES, C. of C. C. C. HUNT, R. of C. Sheridan Lodge, No. 293, I. 0. of G. T. Regular meet ings every Sat unlay evening. P. 8. BOYD, W. C. T. F. A. A. IIEAT1I, R. 8. (■rent Improvement in Artificial Teeth. nit. skull * INSERTS Teeth on RrmiKit by a new process, by which the plate iH made as thin as a metallic > base; at the same time the plate is flexible, and less liable to break. This mode insures likewise the certainty of a perfect tit. Having purchased the exclusive riaht to use this mode in Kennebec county, I shall be nappy to show its peculiar advantages to any one who needs artl tidal teeth. 69 Winthrop Street. August#, Juu. 28th, 1870. t20jau-3tvA3w6 Great Bargains at WELLS’ % FURNITURE ROOMS, Water Btreet, Augusta, Me. A I.ARUE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEC OND HAND Fur niture, Which will be bold ut very low rates for CASH. We also keep the best stock of Walnut Caskets and Collins, And COMMON COFFINS of all kinds, and the best trimmings, with Plates engraved to order, mnl have lately added an assortment ol ROBES OF ALL KINDS, All of which will be sold as low as at any establish ment in the State. C. It. A II. U. WEM-8. SStf CtEO. E. BRH'KETT, M. I)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, AUGUSTA, ME. Ofilce over liunt’s Cap Store, West End of the Kennebec Bridge. JOSr Residence on Spring Street. my^OMS Bitters ! Bitters ! X> 30. . 3S3ES3SrX'«QrE!«X»“X‘,S 4 CELEHR ATED JAUNDICE BITTERS! ARE TIIE SUREST l I RE EUR Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dizziness, indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Headache, &c., To which all persons are more or less subject in String and Si mmer. THEY ARE PURELY Ami composed of some of the best HOOTS ami HER US in the world. Trv Them. Tim arc Warranted to do as Recommended ! • • Price, SO Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AV> SOU) ONLY UY Johnson Brothers, OPP. POST OFFICE, _i_.AUGUSTA, ME. HARNESSES # HARNESS GOODS or every Description. WE AUE ST1LI. MANl.'FACTE KING AI.L CL.V9.-KS UK IIAIt.XENSES Vni'yins iii Pi-lco from $17.00 to $100.00 ! li^Ftilonot keep any inanG celebrated Harness, hut li:i\inn hint ■ 1! ■ , \ j, nrim- in iiiiinu \\ facturinir every Variety of Harnea* Goods and the (treater portion ol that time for the people of AuiruMa ami vieiniiv we will let the i|tiality and worth el om aued- rv~t n|""i tin n • w .1 meul. we keep a larVer nnmher ol workmen and eon-eqiu'i tty a . r etoi k and (treater rartety if mamifnetured work than any firm in ,air line in thia ray. we invite all 111 want 01 eueh (foyd* to rail before purrha.-ing. bearing in mind that we ke« p no Harm> mamit.:> Hired 1«\ otbex brim* lor whole sale trade but m uni tart ure all our goods and warrant them t<* give t-aU.-uetioii. COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite r,..•!/ I'-'H) 1-13 Water Street., tunuata. T R tJ Iff It S . Don't pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta where they arc manufactured AT COLLER & GARDINER’S Augusta Trunli Factory ! Sign Of tiJLO “nia TiiTTJxrxE.” We manufacture all our Trunks, and n. onr retail trade in Augusta and "«$«»>■£"* large we make them -noi-iallv fi r that trade and warrant them. 1 b. y are no slop win k. not era. ked, and havegood ill’ 'i letter with initials and d, ■liter in Ik, ,i> «ilhotit ektra eharge. »rj«« neinufacture V \ 1 PFs i UiPKTIIAks ,,! even -t' 1 . and k- p eon-tantly on handthe large st SndSst Z'kofl afile-’- aml licnfs TltA\ KI.I.lV, ItXk.v >11A\V 1. M'UAI's. *r„ in sell them at sPKt'IF. Plllt f>. »-Remember the place, Sign of the “ Big Trunk,” - 143 Water Street. ifpponilt t om/ n»><<<. t*2apr-tc f«W*B -v Brjwm. HARDWARE! X* rices li e <1 u c e tl . From tlii» Date*, ALL (iGOl)S I\ Till: LIXE OF HARDWAR J - I' 1 NOILS lit OX u ad STEEL, Sic., &c., will be told at Prices Defying Competition ! Goods Marked Clear Down ! ma Water Street, A3IOS WILDER. Augusta. April 1,1870. Wtf LADIES ! CALL AND SEE MISS TURNER’S NKW STOCK OF MILLIXEHY ! Miss Tl'llNKH lias seeured the nssistaneo of Miff Kallm b. (formerly at M. P. Soule’s,) and feels eonlldenl that She Can Suit All, Both in Regard to Taste and Price. 44- Remember the Place, Under Meonian Hall, (Up-Stairs,) And directly opposite the Cony House. t*20apr*4t&3ml7 MISS V. TURNER. Feather Dusters l Fine Sponges, Carriage and Bathing do., AT JOHNSON BROTHERS. A Laundry in Augusta. rpiIK subscriber ha* opened a LAUNDRY at her J_ residence ou Capitol street, in Augusta, where she would be happy to serve ull in Washing 6l Ironing! The work w ill be iloue in the best style, and At Reduced Prices ! MRS. S. A. FOWLKR. Capitol Street Augusta, April 7,1870, t8apr-3m SOAPS ! Genuine Imported Soaps, OF A 1.1. KINDS, at JOHNSON BROTHERS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND TP n n c y Cr o o cl s, YFItV LOW FOll CASH! AT JOHNSON’S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Opposite POST OFFICE. MAMIOOI), 154th Edition. \MEDK AI. K>SAY <>i» the Cause and Cure ot Premature Decline. showing how health is lost and how regained. It gives a clear Synopnis of the Impediment- to M\uuiauk, the trealuient of Nkh vork and Piiyhk \l i>ki«ility, Sterility, Ac., and the remedies therefor,—the results of twenty year*’ nucet --fill practice. “There is no member of society by whom this hook will not he found useful, whether hitch person hold* the relation of Parent, Preceptor, or Clergy mau.”—JjOm/on Meilieal T imes ami (iazette. “ M vmiooil’lte experience and reputatiou ot Dr. Curtis in the treatment of the disease* set forth in this little pamphlet i- the patient's guarantee, and well deserve- for the work its Immense circu lation.”— Dally Times. Sent by mail on receipt of r»0 cents. Address the Author, Du. Cruris, ll Chapman street, Bos ton, Mass. mar*28-tefl®'lm ARNO, HGSGKINS & CO., MAM'FACTCBEUU OF ORGANS AND 1EL0DE0NS! Water st., Gardiner, Me. MR. J. T. PATTERSON OF I’Olt Ti.I.I'IJ, Travelling Agent. nij Hf FARMING TOOLS! AT WME.MjM't.nSOi'r # GMBMZJYWOOn'S. Daily Express Line! BRICK’S Kennebec & Boston Express! RUNS daily from Augusta to Portland, Boston, and all intermediate stations. (foods forwarded, and Notes, Drafts and Checks collected in all parts of the United Mates with des patch and at Low Rates. orders for the purchase of Bonds, Bills of Ex change, Emit, Ac., promptly attended to. Goods Forwarded to alPparts of the United States at Low Kates. Having had three years’ experience in the Ex press between the Kennebec and Bop ion, the pro prietor hopes by strict attention to business to merit a fair share of the public patronage. Boston Office, 57 Kilby Street, Portland Office, 07 Excnango Street. ADENTfS: Boston. It. R. .smith; Portland, (i. L. Lothi’op At Co.: Augusta, J. F. Pierce; Hidlowell, C. E. Fuller: Uanliner, B. Lawrence, Jr.; Rich mond, K. F. Hatch; Brunswick, E. Crawford, tiapr-tf H. A. BUB K, Proprietor. The Dally Kennebec Journal, Established Jan. 1, 1870. Notices l»y tlio Press. The first number of the Daily Kksnf.lku Jour nal was issued from the Journal office on Satur day. It is about the size and style of arrangement the usual Daily legislative Journal, and iu ty pographical appearance will compare favorably, we think, with the other Maine dailies. Jt is de signed by the publishers to issue it duilv through the year, but we fearthey will find their enterprise which ought to be a paying one, considering the field it w ill oeenpy, to prove a b>sing one. It costs a deal of money to publish a paper these times, and a large, prompt paying subscription liotaud* good ly amount of advertising patronage at respectable rates, are necessary to make a pa|>er self-sustain ing. and prevent its being a source of embarnsb incut to its proprietors. We tender this new can date for public patronage our wishes for its final) eial success.— Maine Standard. Tin. Daily Kun.nki.ku Journal made its first appearance last Saturday. It is a very neat publi cation. ami enterprising —Bangor Way. Daily Kknnfhkc Journal.—With the com mencement oi the New Year, w«- received the first number of this new paper, published at Augusta, by Sprague, Owen k Nash. It is a large, seven col umn paper, handsomely printed, and the reputa tion of us publisher* is a sufficient guaranty that it will l*c live and spicy.— York County Independent. Tin. Daua Kknnkuku Journal was issued Jan uary 1st. and i* to be a permanent institution. It is a well arranged, and handsomely printed sheet, and we have no doubt it will receive* as it deserves, a liberal support ln»m the people ,,f Augusta, Hal low ell ami < .ardiner.— Halioirtfl Cazette. Daua Kfnnkrku Jot kal. We have received the first number- of the new daily Journal now* permanently established at the State Capital, by the enterpri-ing publishers of the weekly Journal, Messrs. Sprague, Owen A Nash. Its appearance is neat and business like, and its editors willumibt less make if a progressive, live paper.—Iletfaet Aye. We Congo.lulah our friend* of the Ki NM.l KC .Tourn w upon ti c favorable auspices under which their new du'ly Iih- b»«en islned. It appeared on the 1st "f .J.uuaiv, in i.undsomeshape, il? columns well filled and showing evidence of sufficient ed itorial ability and industry to ensure its entire suc re--. We tin-t the public will appreciate the ef forts of the publisher* to serve them, and liberally sustain the eiitcrpri-e.—Maine Farmer. Tin Daily Kknnkbeo Journal made its first appearance N* v. gear’s day. Ills a well propor tioned -hc« f ..f tw • •»iry -eight columns, and i* in ev cry \va\ w« 11 calculated to supply a yy ant which Augusta ha- felt for a longtime. With the patron age which it should receive from Hallowed. L.ard iner, and the other neighboring town*, in addition to it- local summit. we see no reason why this to terpri°e should not he crowned with abundant sue oust*.— Ih.i t* r Ca vette. Tin: Daiia Kinnkruu Journal made it* ap pearance on Saturday. It ha* a smart ami newsy l*»ok, and \y ill Mitscecd.—FUstrorth American. The first number of the Daua Ku.nnebei Jour nal. has been received. Those who w ifeh to re ceive the earliest and fuile-i information in regard to the doing* of the Legislature, should subscribe for it.—F.aMport Sentinel. Duly Kennebec Journal. We hare received the first number of thh- pH per, issued Jan. 1st. It i to be permanent, and being the state paper, it yvill a compend of the doing*of the LejnslatureJ valuable not only lor the present, but for preserva ti« n for future reference, li will furnish early and full reports of the State Convention* of nil kinds; lull report* of the Legislature, Legislative Commit tee. Board of Education, Board of Agriculture, and allolhyr matter* ol interest relating to the Mate government, thus making il-ejf u.-efril to a very wide circle of readers extending over nil part* o| the Slate. It w ill be a reliable and *ti aighUurw ard Republican paper, and the first number indicates lbat it will be conducted with ability, and with fidel ity to the principle* of the party in whose interest rt’i* established. It is of the size of the Daily Lew - i-li.ii journal.— I Ht sunrise, iresuiu jeie. IVvii.T Kknnehec Journal. The advertisement of this new daily appear# in oar « olumns to-day. It give- the legislative proceedings of ea< b day very fully, contain- telegraphic dispatches, the financial and commercial transactions in New York und Bo* ton. and is in every respect a first-class daily pa per. Terms $7 per year, or $2 for the legislative session .—Androscoggin lltruld. Daii.y Kkvneiw Journal. The enterprising proprietors of tin* Kennelrt-c Journal, issued the first number of their new daily Jan. 1st: It is hand somely executed, ably conducted, and deserves at least filled! hundred subscriber# along the river. During the legislature it is especially valuable.— Somerset Ji*i*ort»x. The publishers of the Kennebec Journal com menced their daily paper with the New Year. It ir a good looking sheet, much superior to the form er session issues. N'o thrice weekly will be pub Ushe< 1.—Brae L ett in Be/fast Age. New -i*aI’Kiis. Willi the New Year we are greet ed by the DaILT KKNNEBRC JOURNAL, published by Sprague, Owen & Nash, it is of good sue, it» matter is w ell arranged, and its editorial conduct will show the -jtiue ability which lias governed tho weekly .Journal —Fret 1 reus. Roc Li an a. The Daily Kknxhkc Journal has reached*us and is fully up t«* the standard of our expectations. lt,~ typographical appearance is neat, and it- gener al arrangement all that could be desired. We hone it will be liberally patronized, and it will be if the people of the Mate do their duty.— Farmington ( kronicle. The first number of the Daily Ken.m.i eu Jol k nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, Jan. 1st. it is a handsome -heel, got op in a style that doe- credit to its enterprising publishers. Biddeford Denux'rut. With the new year, came the Daily KENNEBEC Jouknai. It is a very neat paper, and we should think it would Ik* a favorite with tho people of the Ki uuehec.— Ourdiner Home Journal, Daily Kknnkuf.u Journal. We butt received the first number of iho.dui!y if sued by the publish i ers of the Kennebec Journal. This is not to be fot the Legislature only, but is to be a permanent daily publication. There is no reap ou w by the large lil ies and towns which cluster about the capital -uotild not a fiord support to at least one daily, even though the railroad train# do bring Boston paper# in a lew'hour# from the pres#. The Journal 1# a handsome sheet, well filled with news and miscel lany, and we trust will be a success.—Belfast Jour• ' The new Daily. We have received the first number of the Daily Kfnnerec Journal. It is one of the best looking daily papers which comes to our office. There is no reason w hj such a spright ly journal should not start at once on the road to success. The price of subscription i# $7 per year. — t 'alais Advertiser. The Daily Kennebec Journal made its bow to the putdiclust Saturday, and is understood to be a permanent institution. It deserves a liberal sup port in the Kennebec valley, not only through the session of the Legislature, of w hose doings it w ill give full report dull) , hut permanently.— Watertille Mail. Nkwspauokial. The I> ui.y Kennerfc Journal made its upiHMirunee ou Saturday morning last. It is printed in first-rate style, and manifest# a great deni of enterprise in it# mnungement. W c are glad to notice that it ha# a good list of subscribers in tliis citv. who receive their paper# from n earner at eight o’clock. Thi* i# a great convenience, and ono that should be appreciated by our people.— barutnei ^' aV ousta Daily Journal. This paper made its appearance last Saturday, very neatly printed aim lull of matter. Our only apprehension i# thid Au gusta brethren are giving too much reading toi tnt f.atn>uHKB of n place no larger. ‘/‘"“ Aoipn-la. Knirw t" the enterprise.—Ihniinuicl J •"V™] We have received the limt two or tliree nmnhcra of the UAll.r Ki NM lihC doi nvAU publ ahed lit Messrs Sprague, Owen & Nash. Augusta, win n ih hereafter to be a perms sent daily 1«P«; of wine published only duriiif the -taaonot loo i i-KiVlatmv, as heretofore. lift a handsome fev eli-eolnnin paper, well made up, Kivtug nmeh agri cultural and miscellaneous reading. as w ell as lo and general news. M o have no doubt it will be ablv conducted and wish it substantial success.— ^The first number of the Daily Kennbuec Jouk ! nal made its appearrnce on .Saturday. It is very noatlv got upOxford Democrat. The first number ot the Daily Kennebec Jour nal promptly made its appearance on Saturday, ihelstinst. It is a handsome sheet, got up iu a style that does credit to its enterprising publisher#. — Oxford Register. A New’ Daily Newspaper. We receive the Daily Kennebec Journal, a goodly sized, well filled and smart appearing paper, published by Messrs. Sprague, Owen & Nash, lit Augusta, the proprie tors of the Old (Weekly) Kennebec Journal: terms, $7 a year in advance. We hope it will bo patron ized ov our Itepublican friends, and we think it will be, being the first and only daily issued nt the Cap! ; tal—Macltias Union. mi mow us* Fashionable Hair Dressing Rooms, Opposite Parrott A Bradbury’s, Water Street, : Augusta, ®e. I Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Pressing, Cutting, Co I oring, Ac., in the most approved style of the art. I Particular attention paid to cutting and curling La j dies’and Children’s nair. All kinds of Hair Work made to order in the latest style. Ijau70-ly