Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FOUR CENTS. VOL. 1. AUGUSTA, ME., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1870. NO. 155. jjitiuuljff Journal. Published on Water, loot of Court Street, AUGUSTA. MAINE. BT SPBA6IIE, OWK.V A MASH. gailj Jttnntkc Journal Is issued every morning, except Sundays. Contains the latest news by telegraph and mail, gives reports of the Markets, and lias carefully pre pared political and local articles, and a generous amouut of farming, home and miscellaneous read ng with a full compilation of Stale news. Terms, $7 per annum in advaacei $8 it payment s not made within the year. Single copies 4 cents, to be had at the bookstores and at this office. Advertisements one inch in length, three In sertions or less, $1.00; 43 cts. for every subsequent insertion. I,onger advertisements, or those inserted for any considerable length of time, will be insetted at favorable terms to the advertiser. Speotal Notions 43 per cent, additional. Amusement Notices, $4 per square per week. ‘ttftlccklg Jknncbct Journal, Published every Wednesday morning, the largest folio paper In ttie State, conmining news, political articles, agricultural and scientific matter, tales, poetry, aaecdotes, household recipes, markets, Ac., Ac. Terms $4 per an com in advance Transient Advertisements, $1.80 per inoh fbi first week; 4i cents per week for each subsequent insertion. Speolal Notices, $4.00 per inch for tost week; 30 cents per week for each sub sequent week. Business Notices, In reading columns, 40 cents par line for tost Inacrtioni 40 emit* per line tor each subsequent Insertion. AU transient advertisements to be paid for in advance. Dissolution. rnilE Co-partnership heretofore existing between I E. A. Nason, C. H- Hamlen, A. W. Phtlbrook, ft T B. Perkins, under the style of NASON, HAM LEN ft CO., is this dav dissolved by mutual eon sent. The business will bo settled by HAMLEN A PH1LBROOK, At the OLD STAND. E. A. NASON. C. H. HAMLEN, A. W. PHII.BROOK, April IS, 1*70. T. B. PERKINS. The undersigned will continue the of the flrnrof Nason, Hamlen ft Co., AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner Bridge and Water Streets. Those indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle. HAMLEN ft PHILBROOK. C H. H AMI ES', A. W. PRILBBOOK. April 13,1870. ___tUnpr-2in^ Si K. LADD A CO., Millwrights and Machinists, AND MANUFACTURER* OF Ladd’s EifcMop Turbine Wheel. CIRCULAR AND UPRIGHT BOARD SAWS Manufactured at the lowest «aah prices. Planing and Sawing, In all Us branches done in a workmanlike manner ORRAMUTAL RBACSRTg, Of erery description, furnished on short notice, shop on Water St., Gardiner, Me. J K LADD, fapr3Mm W. 8. BRANN. BILLIARD TABLES llAjrt FACTURF.U DT J. E. CAME & CO., With PHELAN ft COLLRNDER’S STANDARD AMERICAN CUSHIONS. These cushions have proved superior to all others, and are used in all the principal hotels and club rooms in the country, and are the only cushion* recognised by champion billiard players. Superior Second-hand Billiard Tables, suitable for summer houses, for sale cheap. Also New England Agents for the Hvatt Comp. Billiard Balls. J. E. CAME ft CO., tim-june* lit Sndbury street, Boston. Picture Frames! *1 . v • . i f iT I GHR0M08, BRACKET8, ALBUMS! Ac., Ac., Ac., In Large Variety. Picture Frame* of any size made to order at short notice at Hendee's Photograph Booms, Opposite Post Office, Augusta. tjunei-tf I BALLARD & CHASE, WHOLES-VLB ANP IIBTAIL DEALERS IN TIN, BRITANNIA, PREIIKD and JAPi VNED WARES, 1R0X WARE, GLASS Jf ARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Sadirons, Brushes, Brooms, and a General Assort ment of Kitchen Furnishing Goods. QROOBRS’ OAXSt ■tove and Furnace Pipe, GUTTERS, CONDUCTORS. Ac., made to order, and nt the lowest rates. «-Job Work promptly attended to. C UNION BLOCK, Water St., AUGUSTA. Mny 80,1868. _ _ Crockery and Glass Ware, . KOK SALE BY UALLABD A CHASE. Augusta, April 4,1870._ tSapr t PIANO TUNING. -W. min: Subscriber would inform the SEjjjjaB L tttiiens o( Augusta and vicinity HTnl that be will give utrtonal aUeiUion to *« w » "* tuning Pianos. Orders left at his res : ldence, CT Wlmtbrop Street, will receive promp attention. M. C. MILL1KEN, febU-lf Teacher or Piano and oiioan I : » W | •/ 6 g a 5^ 2 j«B. So K w £ c H s? O IsS«a !8 2 -s IS 2 S?i§3fe«« 4 £ J i| 8 i .3 3* s 2 g-S' £ 2 i§ |§o ^ ‘3 i ^ | S S, g^^lw^sBsigBsJ I 2 1 3| § Ife I? 8w^ I ^ (/) < S f (j o S © £5 £ d £ 2 P - § ^ i _s: <p 5 a IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. .1 FACT WORTH KSOWING. TO THE PEOPLE OF AUGUSTA, And ail having business in Augusta please bear in mind that the place to buy PI KE AND RELIABLE D rugs, Medicines, TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES, And APOTHECARIES' GOODS generally is at FRANK KINSMAN’S DRUG STORE, He ha* spared no pains in selecting Good# of the purest to be found in the best market* of the United States, and the same are offered to the public at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at “Prices that Defy Competition.” He also Continues to make all odd change IN GOLD AND SILVER. Hi* motto Quick Sales, Small Profits, Pure and Reliable Goods! In hot vfnthcr FRANK'S STORE i- the coolest place in the city, and the Ice Cold Soda drawn from the Famous Non-corrosive Arctic Fountain refreshes uniny weary souls. ■ Temperance Devotees can drink and not violate their pledge. THE COLDEST ADD THE BEST! THE COLDEST AND THE BEST with rich and delicious FRUIT SYRUPS. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded from the purest Medicines at all hours of the day- and night. REMEMBER THE NUMBER OF FRANK KINSMAN'S DRUG STORE, No. 142 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. HARNESSES S> HARNESS GOODS Or every T>es»cription. WE ARE STILL MANUFACTURING AI.L CLASSES OF IIAltVESSKS, Varying In Price from 017.00 to 0100.00 ! \ETE do not keep any man’s celebrated Harness, but having had nineteen year’s experience In manu Vy factoring every Variety of Harness < *ooda ami the greater portion ol' that time for the people o! Angusta and vicinity we will let the quality and worth of our goods rest upon their own merit. A* we keep a larger number of workmen and consequently a larger block and greater variety of manufactured work than anv llrm in our 1 no in this city, we invite all in want of.buch goods to call before purchasing, bearing fn mind that we keep no Harnesses manufactured l>y other firms for whole sale trade but m innfactor* all our goods and warrant them to give satisfaction. COLLER & GARDINER, (Opposite Cony Roust) 143 Wafer Street, Autfiisfa. •TRT7XVRS. IKra't pay two profits on your Trunks, but buy at the only place in Augusta w here they are manufactured AT COLLER A GARDINER’S Augusta Trunlt Factory! Sign ot tlio “BIO TRUNK." We manufacture all out Trunks, and as our retail trade in Augusta and neighboring tow ns is very lame we make them snerlallv for that trade and warrant them. They arc no slop work, not cracked, amf have’good locks. * We letter with Initials and deliver in the city, without extra charge. We also manufacture VALISE* and CAKI’ETIIA( .S of every style and keen constantly on hand the largest and bast stock of Ladies' and Gent’* TRAVELLING BAGS, KHAKI. M’ltATc, Ac., in tha city, and sail them at SPECIE PRICES, *r Hemember the place, Sign of the “Big Trunk,” 143 Water Street figgsitfr Cm, Jieme. **mpr-lf f OtlkH tt MMfif.VU. Edward Rowse, \124 WATER STREET DEALKU IN Watches, Jewelry, AND SILVER WAKE ! Agent for the Waltham Watch Comp'y, And LAZARUS & MORRIS’ Perfected Spectacles*. Kf Special attention paid to the repairing of all kind* or FINE WATCHES. Chronometer Balance* i applied and accurately adjusted to temperature position and isochron ism. TIME TAKEN BY TRANSIT. ♦ljanTO-tf___j_ Great Reduction -IN THE PB1CE8 OF - BOOTS * SHOES! The subscriber, having a splendid stock of . Boots* and Shoes ; on hand, will sell the same at the VERT LOWEST CASH PRICES ! j The stock consists of the usual variety kept in a store of the kind. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN**, HISSES' and CHILDREN'S IbOOTS and SHOES! ! Constantly receiving from the manufacturers, and i will be sold cheap, cheaper than the cheapest. J . H . L O W , lOO WATER Ht.» AugUNta, 3Ie. n(. B —Gentlemen’s Calf Boots one dollar less i than at any other store. ;uiay27-3m ! A New Era in l’iano Fortes! HAS now become an established fact, acknow ledged by the l»est judges of music in all parts of the country, that the Mathushek Piano, Is bound to take the lead for • Bleb, Pure, and Powerful Tone! Which speaks for itself in notes of triumph over all others. The Reason of this Great Superiority is apparent to all who carefully examine the pecu liar mechanism of these instruments in The Equalizing Scale. which distributes the tension of the strings upon all part* of the frame, relieving the instrument from concentrated strain in anr one part, thus securing much greater strength, durability, and power of keeping in tune, The Greater Length of String's, through aH the treble and middle notes, the distri bution of strings upon the 371 nonr Rrldge, which runs the whole length of the sounding board, giving greatly Increased Power of Vibration throughout its entire length, producing a purer tone and better accompaniment to the voice than any other instrument. AU interested are invited to call on 1. C. HOVEY, At 109 Water Street, and examine for them selves, where the above named instruments can be seen and heard, and will be kept for sale. Also a lot of very fine ttmed i VESTRY ORGANS k MELODEON8 ! | M-BEST IN THE COUNTRY. 109 Water St.. ■ I. C. HOVEY. I tl9apr-tf 6. C. WHITEHOUSE & C0.7 - DEALERS IN - Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS! I Ariel Carpetings, JVO. 173 WATER STREET, AUGUSTA. Me. O. (7 WHITEHOUSE, DANIEL WHITEHOUSE. tmay24-tf__ James H. Leigh, DEALER IN' Forelffn and Domestic DRYGOODS At.HO, AGENT FOlt Wheeler A Wilson’s Sowing Mwohlnoa ! AKIiDLllH mill all Tools adapted to the Ma chines, constantly on hand. . Water St., llallowell, He. - tl>pr tf A Free Gift to Alt ! RUEl'MATIC XX PIX.L9. To Rheumatic. Neuralgia and Gout aubject.*4 a sample box of these Rills will be given by F. W. Kr>’8* MAN. Water St.,* Augusta, and for sale by all Apothecaries at 25 cents per box; ft boxes $1. 0. A. HILL, Proprietor tWmar-Sm POltTLANP, ME. BATH HOTEL, I3y O. M. Flummor, BATH, HE. Hoard, - - $1 per Day. tlljan-ly CUSHNOC HOUSE. Comer and Winthrop State Ste., A utrusta, NXe. T. B. BALLARD, : : Proprietor. Quests taken to and from the Cars and Boats Free. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO LET. bin % MOSES M. SWAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, H ► a 2 a: !; h S x x « J M > r ¥ * « M - a 6 B a * Ilia Mock embrace!) a fine line of American and Swiss Watches, in gold and silver ca*e, including the celebrated National or Elgin Watc h, Waltham, Tremont, Bor ouin, Bonnett. Pardeanx, Jacot, Ac* In both La* •lies’ and gentlemen’s sizes. Fine Gold «T ©welry, Solid Gold Leon iton Vest and Neck Chains, STERLING & COIN SILVER GOODS, FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, of the most approved kinds. CLOCKS OF ALL KISD8, including the celebrated ITHACA CALENDAR all of which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, and Warranted. Particular attention given to repairing all kinds of Fine Watches. Chronometer Balances applied and Adjusted to temperature and position. tljanTO-tf J. M. Kimball <& Co., 303 & 304 Cojigms St., Portland, Me. OLD REPOSITORY. -AUK SELLING i TOP BUGGIES for $17.') to $-200 TARRY ALLS from U<) to 200 PHAETONS from 175 to 2h0 Concord Style Wagon, 100 to 150 JUMP SEATS, 175 to 200 tmaySB-lvr BATH TIBS, COPPER BOILERS, Water Closets, Wash Basins, BRASS «St PLATED WARE, ( list Iron l’ipc. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, And e\ ery article pertaining to Plumbing kept con stantly on hand and for sale at H. B. STRATTON’S, Corner Bridge A Water Street., Under Hunt’s Hat Store. N. It. Plumbing in nil its branches done in a neat ; and thorough manner. Particular Attention Paid to Jobbing. tlfcipr-tf p OILS. PURE SPERM, CASTOR, OLIVE, NEATS-FOOT, . and ESSENTIAL OILS oi all kind., at Johnson Brothers. Shooting Tackle. M. W. LOK», SUCCESSOR TO L. M. LELAS'D, OXTIsT SMITH And Dealer In Shooting Tarkle of Every Variety. Rifles and Shot Guns made to order and war ranted. Old Shot Guns rimmed out smooth and made to “boot thick and strong. Also. Ammunition of the nicest quality. Repairing done Aeatly and Promptly. Blasting Powder. The best quality and largest stock ever kept In tin* market. For sale at Factory pricea. Country Dealer.- supplied in any quantity or quality at dis count. ' ljan-ly A. P. COULD, -DEAUife fN — STOVES, WOOD A COAL FURNACES, REGISTERS, Ao. Particular attention paid to setting HOT AIR FURNACES. Also Agent for the new PEERLESS COOKIXO STOVE, TIIE SAMPLE COOK, and CMOS PORTA RLE RAXUE. STOVE REPAIRS, Pumps and Lead Pipe, Tin, linttannia, and Toilet Ware. AJ-TIN ROOFING, and all kinds of JOBBING promptly attended to. 1 Doer North of Hallroatl Bridge, Water Street, Augusta. JanlS-tA w4t_____ Culler) and Plated Ware! A foil assortment of Table and Pmeket Cnllerg, Seiteare, TB.t *r. Also Plated Tea Sets, lee Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, Spoons, Forks and Castors of the best quality, at PIERCE'S CROCKERY STORE, Jlo. 1ft© Water Street - - August*. nmyi-ttf ______ RICHMOND PORTABLE RANGE -AND Hanging Dome Furnace! At WILLIAMSON A GREENWOOD'S. WANTED! I1ARMEBS and Hunter* having prime Mm* Skins 1 on baud will find a cash customer at highest market price by sending them to J, H. WELLS A CO.,_ Dissolution. THE Co partnership heretofore existing between L. H. Titcomb and Geo. W. Dorr, under the style ol TITCOMB A DORR, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All tmrtnership debts and de m'ands will be settled by L. H. ^‘k^,nyITC0MJJ GEO W. DORK.' The undersigned will continue the Paint and Drug Business at the old stand, west end Kennebec Bridge. L. II. TITCOMB. Augusta, June nth. tf HARDWARE! At WILLIAMSON A GREENWOOD’S 80YEBNUSUT OF MAINE, 1170. ; GOVERN OS, Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick COUNCIL. 1st District, Uranus 0 Brackett, Berwick. 2d District, William Deering, Portland, 3d District, William Rogers, Bath. 4th District, Ambrose If. Abbot, China. 6th District, Edward U. Spear, Rockland. 6ih District, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. 7th District, D. K. Hobart, Dennysville. • executive or net as. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick, Secretary of State. George O. Stacy, Kezar Falls, Deputy Secretary. II. M. Pishou, Vassalboro’, Clerk. B. It. Murray, Jr., Pembroke. Adjutant General. Augustus L. Smith, Augusta Clerk to Adjutant General. George N. Page, Norridgewock, State Pension Clerk in Adjutant General’s office. William Caldwell, Augusta, State Treasurer. Sylvanus Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer’s Clerk. Parker P. Burleigh, Uyieus, Land Agent. governor's trrsvr. John M. Brown, Portiand, Colonel, Assistant Inspector General. Eugene K. Sanger, M. D., Bangor, Colonel, Assistant Sur geon General. Aide-de-camp y tritk rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Selden Connor, Thomas W. Hyde, George Varney, Nathau Cutler. Prentiss M. Fogler, Augusta. Messen’r to Gov. and Council, j Benjamin F. Harris, Machias, Supt. of Public Buildings George L. Qoodale, Brunswick, State Assayer. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick, State Assayer. Daniel Winslow, Westbrook, Inspector Gen. of Beef A Pork. David Femald, Camden, Inspector General of Fish. ; Geo. V. Dillingham,Gldtowu, Agt. PennbscotTribe Indians. Geo. F. Wadsworth, Eastport, Agt. Passam«|u’y Tribe In. 1 Albert W. Paine, Bangor, Insurance Examiner. Asa W. Wildes, Skowhegan, } i Samuel II. Blake, Bangor, > Railroad Commissioners Solomon T. Corser, Portland. ) SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. ! John Appleton, Bangor, Chief Justice. associate justices. , Edward Kent, Bangor. Jonas Cutting, Bangor. : Jonathan G. Dickerson, Belfast] Charles W. Walton, Portland, i William G. Barrows, Brunswick. Charles Dan forth, Gardiner. Rufus P. Tapley, Saco. ATTORNEY GENERAL , Thomas B. Reed, Portland. INSANE ASYLUM. I Henry M. Harlow, M. D., Superintendent and Physician Bigelow T. Sanborn, M. D., Assistant Physician. TRUSTERS^ . William B. Lapham, M. D., Wooetock, President. i JohnT. Gilman, M. D., Portland. Dr. M. R. Ludwig. Thomaston. I lion. Geo. A. Frost, Spring vale. Hon. A. G. Wakefield, Bangor. STATE PRISON Warren W. Rice, Warden. Elbridge Burton, Deputy Warden. insvectors. i William Wilson. , Horn Rufus Prince. 8TATE REFORM SCHOOL I Hon. E. W. Woodbury, Superintendent; * TRUSTEES. wHon. Noah Woods, Bangor, President. W. E. Gould, Portiand, Secretary. Hon. Nathan Dane, Alfred, Treasurer. Hon. Jeremy W. Porter, Strong. , Tobias Lord, Standish. I STATIC COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND THE MECHANIC AETS TnufeM’ llou. Abner Coburn, Skowhegau, President. Hon. Thomas 8. Lang, Augusta. Hon. William P Wingate, Bangor Hon. Lyndon Oak, Garland. Rev. Samuel F. Dyke, Bath J. C. Madigan, Iloulton. Hon. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Treasurer. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Orono, Secretary. Executive Committee. lion. Wm. P. Wingate, Hon. Lyndon Oak, lion. Thomas 8. Lang. Examining Committee. Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL. D.; Iter. Amory Battles; Hoo. Thomas S. Lang. Faculty. Merritt C. Fernald A. M., Acting President and Professor of Mathematics and PBysics. Samuel Johnson, A. M., Farm Superintendent and In structor in Agriculture. Stephen F Peckharo, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. Calvin Cutter, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygene Corydon B. Lakin, Instructor in Book-keeping. Captain Henry E. Sellers, Baugor, Instructor in Military Tactics. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Samuel Wasson, Ellsworth, President. D. II. Thing, Mt. Vernon, Vice President S. L. Goodale, Saco, Secretary. M. C. Fernald, Orono. ) S. P. Pcckham. Orono. Charles E. liamlen, Waterville. ) Members at Large. Cyrus F. Brackett, Brunswick. I George L. Goodale, Brunswick. | MEMBERS FROM COUNTIES. Beth Scamman, for Cumberland County, Scarborough. Wildes P. Walker, Sagadahoc County, Topsham. William Swett, Oxford County, South Paris. Levi L. Lucas, Somerset County, 8t. Albans. Ira Poe. York Couuty, Saco. Elijah B. Stack pole, Penobscot Oounty, Kenduskeag. Samuel Wasson, Hancock County, Ellsworth. J. Varnum Putnam, Aroostook County, Houlton. Jeremiah R. Norton, Franklin County, Avon. Luther Chamberlaiu, Piscataquis County, Atklnsoa. Moses L. Wilder, Washington County, Pembroke. Isaac Hobbs, Knox County, South Hope. Daniel II. Thing Kennebec County, Mt. Vernon. George K. Brackett, Waldo County, Belfast. Z. A. Gilbert, Androscoggin County, East Turner. Calvin Chamberlain, (State Society,) Foxeroft John Bodge, Lincoln County, Jefferson. ’ COMMON SCHOOLS Warren Johnson, Topsham, State Superintendent. Joeeph F. Dunning, Clerk of Superintendent, Portland. COUNTY SUPERVISORS. Androscoggin, C H. Stetson, Lewiston. Aroostook, W. T. Sleeper, Shennan. Cumberland, J. B. Webb, Gorham. | Franklin, A. H., Farmington. Hancock, W. H. Savary, Ellsworth. > Kennebec, WT. II. Bigelow, Clinton. | Knox, G. M. IlickSj Rockland. LiuCuiu, D. S. Giiuucn, Newcastle. Oxford, N. T. True, Bethel. Penobscot, S. A. Plummer, Dexter. Piscataquis, W. S. Knowlton, Moason Sagadahoc, D. F. Potter, Topsham. Somerset, A. II. Eaton, Norridgewock Waldo, N. A. Luce, Freedom, Washington, W. J. Corthell, Calais York, M. K. Mabry, Limerick. MAINE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. President, J. H. Hansou, Waterville. Vice-president, C. C. Rounds, Farmington. Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Stetson, Lewiston. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J. II. Hanson, Chairman,'Waterville* C. B. Stetsou, Lewiston. A. P. Stoue, Portland. J. 8. Harrell, Lewiston. W. Johnson, Topsham. C O. Rounds, Farmington J. P. Gross, Brunswick. G. T. Fletcher, Cafttiue. J. B. Webb, Yarmouth. STATE LIBRARY. Joseph T. Woodward. Librarian. A. F. MORSE. PHOTOGRAPHER Water Street. Hallowell, Maine. Mr .Ymbrotj pcs and Card Photographs taken in the best style. Pictures copied to any size. Al bums and Frames constantly on hand and fbr sale. lytts S. W. HUNTINGTON k CO., Wtoletnle Dealers la GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! 190 Water Street, AtraiT«TA, MS. 84 Devonshire St., BOSTON, MASS. I. W. Hantlagtea, It. 1. HstliftH. Beal. Huntington, Chas. H. tun. CWfeb-ly $tiscritotu0U0. A TERRIBLE ADVENTURE. About two months ago, while assisting to rig out a vessel in the river, a man named Peter Demery, living on Peterboro’ street, in the northern outskirts of the city, stuck a rusty spike through the sole of his left foot, and has ever since been laid up by the accident, once narrowly es caping an attack of lockjaw. His family consists of wife and boy, the latter about ten years old. Sunday afternoon the moth er and boy went on a visit to some friends on Gariot road, leaving the invalid lying on a bed that stood in a “recess” of the front room. As Demery goes on a crutch, he hail a heavy one lying on the bed when thov went away. V'ov three years the family had owned a large cur dog, of no particular value, but kept around for the same reason that niue tenths of the families in poor circumstances still feel, that they must keep a worthless cur about to eat up the provisions that might otherwise be eaten by a child. The dog wanted to go with the boy, but was driven back, and laid down on the step. Demery states that he had read for about an hour, when his attention was attracted to the dog. The anima! had walked in at the open door, and stood in the centre of the room uttering a growling, wheezing sort of noise, his eyes shining, and the hair on his back bristling up straight. He spoke sharply to the animal, who slunk under the bed, keeping up a howling as if in pain. A window is situated near the re cess and almost opposite the door, and this was a little way up at the bottom, the sash being held up by a hook. A sudden breeze coming up, created a draft that slammed the door shut, and Demery and his dog were thus shut up, as it were, together. He states that the dog kept up his annoying tones until he finally sj>oke sharp to him, w’hcn all at once, the brute bounded from under the bed and commenced running around the room. His eyes were full of blood, he kept snap ping his jaws together like a trap, and every hair on the animal seemed to stand erect. There was no foam about the brute’s jaws, but he emitted a sort of sudsy saliva that scented the room like musk. Round he went, turning over chairs, snapping at the blowing window curtain every time he passed,and each time he leaped over the cook stove, which stood out just from the wall. Demery urn not realize that he invoked any danger in speaking to the dog; he re garded the affair as arising from a desire of the dog to get out and follow the boy. So he yelled sharply at the brute, bidding hint lay down. The dog, just then, had halted near the door, and Demery was raised up on his elbow, holding his crutch in one hand, as he had a notion to hobble over and open the dour. Hardly had he spoken, when the dog bounded forward, giving a fearful howl. Instinctively, the man extended his crutch, which enme in contact with the dog’s head, and he went rolling on the floor. When he got np, it was to resume his race around the room, looking more frightful than ever. Demery sprang on the ba£k side of the bed, close to the wall, holding his crutch ready for defense, but hoping that the mad brute would not again attack him. It was now time when Demery might expect his wife and child to return at any moment, and it suddenly occurred to him that their return would only be to meet an attack from the dog. If they ascended the steps and opened the door, as was entirely natural, the dog would bite one or both. There was no longer room to donbt that he was rabid, and that his madness was grow ing worse all the time. He might shout an alar n as they stood at the door, but would they understand and heed it in time. It is but due to a sober, industrious man to state that in that moment of peril to his family and to himself, he resolved on a deed that should go down on record for future generations to read. He resolved to make that mad brute attack him hoping in the ctmnrrrle to deal him a death blow with Demery yolled at the dog. The animal was tearing around the room, snarling and clashing his jaws together, and he stopped, looked up for a moment, and then sprang for the bed. He just got his paws and head upon it when down came the crutch, and he rolieu over and Over. Three times was this repeated, and the fourth time the animal was stunned by the blow, and, while he lay gasping on the floor the crutch was broken to pieces over liis head, and he was afterward finished off with the axe. The man did not faint nor grow pale ; he dragged the body out doors and waited for his family, who came in about half an hour, and the earcass was buried. He yesterday hobbled down to the Central Station to s'ee if he had violated the ordinance by buryinv the body in his yard. It was there that, in a modest, hesi tating way, be gave the above facts to our reporter.—Detroit Press. . W. L. HALL, M. 0., Physician Jk, Surgeon, GARDINER, MAINE. Office, over PARSONS A HALEY’S Dry Good* Store. Hours from » to li A. M-. and 2 to 6 P. M. o l 1>B. li. E. RlttCKBTT, ( Rclerenccs. j J)K „ H „ILL \ Augusta tlm>jnneS3* HENRY HEIMS, Ho. 1041 flnubvry Stmt, - • Ibrtib, MAN PFACTL RISK OF billiard tables WITH THIS COMBINATION STUNS CCSBION. New and Second- Hand Tables always on hand and for sale at the lowest prices Give ms s San mirBMSni_K. E- WlLMAK^l. A grot. RICH’S Vegetable Cough Cordial! ONE of the best remedies for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, and all affections at the Throat and l.uugs, for sale by JOHNSON BROTHERS, Opp. Post Oflec, AhgatMi, ■«,