Newspaper Page Text
Horal atUr £>tatc Kctos. llain is greatly needed. The democrats all look blank when asked for the name of their candidate for governor. Early Hose potatoes, four inches in length and quite ripe, have been dug recently in this city. When completed, with the patent boxes in their places, the now post office in this city wil! have as handsome a front as any institu tion of the kintl in New England. The ladies of the Free Baptist church will Isold a Strawberry Festival in their Vestry this (Thursday) evening, and invite every body to be‘present. No admission fee. The examination of the grammar school took place on Tuesday, with results highly creditable to the Principal, Mr. Hobertson, and his assistants. I'nity will celebrate the Fourth of July by a horse trot in the afternoon and a grand bull in the evening—so we are informed by a cor respondent in that place. A bouquet of the fairest and most fragrant summer flowers, a gift from the hands of a friend, is expressive of thoughtfulness and a tender appreciation of the beautiful things of life. The donor of a beautiful bouquet, to be placed upon our desk, will please accept our thanks. The Atlautic Engine Company of this city have voted to celebrate the Fourth by an ex cursion to Webber’s pond. Most of the com pany will go. The excursion will be a de lightful one, if the day is pleasant. Webber's pond has become a popular place of resort for pleasure-seekers. In Machias market butter retails at 25 to 30 cents; eggs 2G cents; lamb 10 to 15; mutton 8 to 10 cents : potatoes GO to 75 cents ; dry cod fish, best at 8 cents; smoked alewms 12 to eighteen cents per dozen; veal 8 to 10 cents; flour G.00 to 810. per barrel; corn $1.35; molasses 45 to 95. There is to be a fine display of fire-works at the Arsenal on the evening of the Fourth. The preparations for the display are on a more elaborate scalp than they have been for years; and as the works are all manufactured by Sargent McGregor, who has many years experience in the business, a successful exhi bition is assured. The new bell tower, ordered by the city council, is being built on the Atlantic engine house. An alarm Dell on the east side of the river has long been needed, although the fire men in that vicinity have been in the habit of untiling out the fires. A sharp-toned bell will be placed in the tower, to be used as an alarm bell in ease of fire. We understand that the ceremony of raising the bell will . take place on Saturday evening. A plucky lady landed from the steamer Lewiston at Sedgwick on Monday, when she found her baggage was not landed. She was put off by being assured that it would be landed Monday. This did not suit her, and as the gang way plank was being hauled in the put her little foot on it and demanded her baggage. The usual accommodating officer found that woman’s rights must be heeded, and the baggage was found and landed. At the bead of the editorial columns of the democratic papers will probably appear the name of the nominee of the State convention. “For Governor, - -, of -." The guns of the campaign will probably be loaded with blank cartridge*. The nomination falls like a wet blank-et in Augusta, and the defeat of the party will be sung in blank verse next September; ‘•Oh, wretched sinners that we arc. All doomed to blank despair!” Ve received at this office yesterday a box of strawberries fit to set before a king, which were presented by Mr. J. B. Packard of Ilal lowell. They were raised by his son Samuel Packard, at a place on Chelsea Point, of which this lad, only eighteen years of age, is sole manager. All he knows of gardening has been qbtained from books and three years' practice. These strawberries we think are the largest and nicest looking we ever saw. If our young gardener continues as he has begun there will be larger stories to tell of his success than this. Mr. W. H. Stone of North Berwick, who was in the last graduating class at Kent's Hill, is canvassing the city for an illustrated and very useful work entitled “Our Rulers and our Rights." Judge Anson WjUis, the au thor, is an able jurist and brings to the prepar ation of this work profound seolarship and judgment. Information is given on subjects with which every person should be familiar, but of which the mass are strangely ignorant. It treats of every subject in any way con nected with the legislation, judicial and ex ecutive departments of the Federal Govern ment. As a book of reference to he placed in the library it will_ be found useful. Mr. Stone will deliver the work to subscribers in a short time. The examination of the high school com menced yesterday and will continue through to-day, closing this nflernoon. A critical re view of the various studies pursued during the term, evinces a thoroughness on the part of the accomplished Principal, Mr. Lambert, and the utmost diligence, patience and persever ance on the part of the students. In all the efforts of the Principal to bring forward this school to the very front ranks of our educa tional forces, heHias been ably seconded by his competent assistants. The school will now compare favorably with any high school in the State, both in regard to the grade of its studies and its scholarship. The instructors and pupils have permitted nothing to turn them aside from their work, but have engaged in it with earnestness and enthusiasm. The fruits of these efforts have appeared at the examin ation, and will show themselves still more at the exercises of the graduating class which will take place to-morrow afternoon in Mconiau Hall. We know tliat we reflect the sentiments of the entire school when we say that with a teacher like Mr. Lambert and with the incentives to study that he places before them, the hardest studies become easy and every task a pleasure. Partridge, Druggist, under Granite Hall, has just received a new lot of Lubin’s and other 1 genuine imported perfumes. Heal elixir of calisaya bark sold at Par tridge’s Drug Store is an excellent tonic to counteract the debilitating effects of warm weather. Exterminate flies. Buy fly paper at Par tridge’s Drug Store. Maine Editors’ and Publishers’ Association. i The Editors’and Publishers’ Association <>fMaino will hold their seventh annual meeting, In conjunc tion with the New Hampshire Association, at Bye Beach, N. IE, on Wednesday and Thur lay, July 20th and 2M, 1870. It is expected Ihut ibe a biros op the occasion will he delivered by Hon. James Cl. Blaine ot Augusta, and the poem bv B. i .'Shillaber of Boston. All the members of the M ue press, with tlmir ladies, are invited to attend tl. meeting of the Association. JOS. A. HOMAN /‘re*. Me. Ed*', and l*ubA mho. lU-publicun Count} Convention. The Heuublican voter* »f Kenurber t .unity are reiiue.U'd .etui ilclvKaU - to u Cucvuutiun to be held at (iranlte nail. Augusta, Wednesday, August 101b, at 11 o’clock A M , for the purpose of n minating three .ndidates for hen a tors, one Count Commis bioucr, County Attorney, County Treasu • . Sheriff, and to trnn-aef all other business that n. ;• proper ly come before the Convention. ’ The basis of representation will be a- follows: Each city, town and plantation will be entitled to one delegate and an additional delegate tor every seventy-five votes east tor Joshua E. Chamberlain at tlie Gubernatorial election of 18**8. A action of forty votes will be entitled to an additional dele gate. The cities, towns and plantations are entitled to toe followiug number of delegates: Albion, 3 Pittston, 5 Augusta, 14 Keadficld, 4 Belgrade, 4 Home, l Benton, 3 Sidney, 4 Chelsea, 2 Vassal boro’, 8 Clinton, 4 Vienna, 3 China, ft Watervilie,- 10 Farmingdale, 3 Wayne, 3 Fayette, 3 West Gardiner, 4 Gurdiner, 10 Windsor, 3 Hallowell. 0 Winslow, 4 Litchfield, ft Winthrop, 0 Manche-ter, 3 Clinton Gore. 1 Monmouth, ft Unity Plantation, 1 Mt. Vernon, 4 Total 132. Wm. 11. Limiv, Augusta, 1 L T. Boothuy. Watervilie. j Hr vblican J. L. STOI>l>AKI>. Gardiner, / County •Joseph T Woonw aui», sidnev \ Committee. Charles Jewett, Clinton J May 27, 1870. fecial Notirrs. S vti'iie’8 IIaih Kkstokativkexcels* cnthing. No sediment no poison! IVrb tly relia ble. It does the work most effectually. Sold by all lire druggist*. In Tic Douloureux, rub R<nnc’» I’ .n-Killing Magi' Oil all around the ear. aud especi .lj on the prominent face bone above the ear. You thus reach the 4 tilth pair of nerve*, which go to th* uce." and if von u»e it faithfully it soon cure* Sold by Fuller. ’ t&wlvv PEARLS AND RI R1ES. When rosy lips part, pearl- should ulit* r behind them To preserve and beautify the dei r d enamel there is uo preparation like '-ozodont, a inpound of the most wholesome, vegetable tiseptics, among vvhieh the Hark of the South Ann - an Soap Tree, known f> the native- 1- (»utlh»> . :u i u-ed by the Spanish Americans for ch*an*iiig \ 'bout im pairing. the mo.-t delicate fabric*, i- nio-t mportant. ♦eodl w ‘•Sl'Al'MUNG’* <»M'E" will ju-t suit y«* Dirt;. _ In West Cumberland. Mar- h 18th. M; Barbara Whitney, wile of Alexander Whitriev l 7* yr ainl 7 trios. A. W. SCOTT, Would ino-t re*peetfully inh*rm the rili.- a* of this place and vhdniiy that he has 1 n duly licensed an A IT C rr I O TV E 13 K , And is prepared to attend t« ALL KINDS OF AUCTION ALES And by giving strict attention to b iness he hopes to* receive a liberal share of pu > patron age. KKFEKEM y » Hm Tituomb, Mayor; U. 11. < u-hum President Oranite Bank: <V>1. IV Alden 1* A K ! K : 1C. 8. Osgood, Ea*. Ex. Office: Howard < >v. i, Kenne bec Journal; David Cargill, In*. Agent. OFFICE—Meonlan Building. Water St.. Augusta. ttt June30. Maine Historical Society. tpHE annual meeting of this >ociety ' 11 be held L in its Library in Bnvvdoin College. Brunswick, on Thursday, duly 14. 187u, at 8 o’clock \ M. EDWARD BALLARD. R . Sec’v. Brunswick, June 27. 1870. t*2\\ . une2b WANTED. \<»OOD (»IRL for a chilli- nurse. O:.o who lias taken care of children preferred. Apply at once to MO. 10 STATE STREET, tBteod-jctnciW* Near the M : House. St. Mark's Church—Attgu ta. T1TK owners of the pews in this ( him i. with few X exceptions, having relinquished t>> 11 it* Church tin* control of tin* same, the Vestry hereby give notice, that tint rent on all such pew- .<>w taxed will cease on the llrst day of .July next, and that all pews thus relinquished win be asci*. :<d tape of rent or other charges t«> families or in*I duals de siring regurlarly to attend on the services of said Church. Jlv order of the Yestrv. IJuuc2S tjlyl I> WILl.IAMN. Clerk. Millinery Goods SELLING AT CCST ! The subscriber being about to remove troni the State will sell her stock of MILLINERY GOODS -AND THE DES1K ABIE STAND ! WHICH SIIE NOW OCCITII", At a Very Low Price! For the next thirty days I will sell my goods AT Cost, in order to close out my entire ■ k Any one desiring to purchase my present stand, can do so at a low price, it application is made at once. LIZZIE A. CAGE. Align, ta, .lone 11* ,87»'. tint KXNBEBBC SAYlXhS BAKE! Trustees: W. r. JIALLKTT, lU'sSKLI. K \ ION, O. < . WUITKIKU SK, DKANE PliAl, OliUIN WILLIAMSON. Deposits received nt the counter of the Freemans National Bank. 2 Ac net earnings of the Hank arc divided every six months. Loans made to Depositors on Depositing their Bank-book as security. J. L. ADAMS, Treasurer April 8th, 1870. 15tf Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. ERASTUS LYMAN, * - - FRE8IDEXT riHUt* is one of the oldest, most reliable, and best X dividend pa) ing companies in the country. AS8ET8 OVER $7,200,000! Liberal arrangement, w ill bt* made w ith Agents, and they are wanted in all parts of the Mate. Apply at ATJGISTA, M E., l:»U Water Wtreet, (UJJ-st alr«s) to CHARLES WHITE, Manager lor Maine and New Hampshire. March 22,1870. hi imar-tf Buy the Best! EUREKA RANGE For Wood or Coal! For Eoonomy, Durability, Beauty of Design and Finish, THIS RA.SGE HAS .SO,! Peifect In Every llenjivet, It commends itself to every one in want of a Fii’»t C’liiHf* Cook Mtovc ! Sold in Augusta by WILLIAM II. WOODBURY. AIho some of the BE^T WOOD AND COAL STOVES in the Market, and a variety of Tfounc*-FurnInIiinn* (joods ! A few Doors south of Bridge. tl2marJfcw-ly IMPORTANT FACTS! For the Public. NEW EASTERN DEPOT joii TIIE WORLD RENOWN ED »1 CJr JLlJ Jfc-t SEWING MACHINES. Opposite the Post Office, AUGUSTA, - - MAINE. These Machine*, by their eimplcity, durability, and the great range of work they’execute, have gained a reputation'truly enviable. The f'amou* - wees* of the Singer Manufactur ing Company ha.- simulated many other com panies t<* put forth all their cnergm- and talents to produce a sewing machine that would cciip-e or equal the Singer, but in every case they have sig nally tailed, as i.- plainly show n by the fact, that of all the traveiUmg agents—“rumier.- or drummer*” —of other cduipauies. none hav** the a--urance to claim more than an equality with the singer, even upon any special class nf work. The*, me many sewinir machine*. now offered to the public, that ha\ c their good ’point-. and are of much assistance t<> tlitrhousewil«- and the industri ous seamstres-. I’a.rtics purchasing a sewing nia chinr of any sort, tind the improvi ment on the old fashioned way «>t -owing b\ hand so great and ph asing, that tin y are natural!}, hut erroneously, led to belle}" that they ha volt lie i*eet, until the spell is broken by the introduction of the Singer >/ 1*70 into ft neighbor’- family, w hl« h i- sure. by the in creased rapidity and ease with which it docs every kind of plain or fam v sew ins’. t<* aw aki n them to a positive, although ii maybe silent acknowledge ment. of the painful truth that there an- wry many varieties of work that arc easily executed upon the Winger, hut that they mu.-t either he content to do without, or exchange, at a heavy pecuniary sacri fice, their curved-m-edlcd. frail-powered. unrelia ble-tensioncl. !• ov -» '<<l or r;.veK-titched ma chine for a Singer Xete Family Machine. Various expedient* are rc-orted to, that the pub lic eye may be turned tr«»in the ‘-inger lor the pur pose of introducing inferior machine—viz, “The Button-Hole Dodge.” “The Over-seaming.” “The Double-Lock-Knot-^titch.” “Elastic Stir - h,”*‘Twist ed I. op.’’Adjuring Tension-.,”** High Finish and Beautifully Ornnueuted,” strugbt Needle.” stitch-Aliko-on-hoth-sidc- .” “Medal from Fairs.” “Vertical Feed Bars’” “Noiseless Banning.” “Si lent Feed.” uml last and wor-t of all the low-priced —“Family >h little Machines.” Many of the-.* point- are desirable, (and the Singerexoell* all in each individual -1i:«1 ity hut tin* greatest Use made of three special points, i* by the retail agent who parade* them before the inex perienced purchaser with such fluent and earnest style, as to entirely divert attention from the really important hearings of the ease. While other inno cent local agent- icnorantlv represent that the ma chine sold by them is capable of doing every varie tv of work, ei/ual to the Singer, and often do they tiius uncoilsiou-1} -w mdh- customers w ho cannot aflo-d to -quamb* tli.-ir -ub-tiiice ii[ i gilded follie- an 1 woifldi - r all.'-imp-. ■ ■ Sewing M Id h k about them and h-a-.-a what machine - m* -t exten sively used in families, tailor simp-, shoe factories, and carriage factories. It /- an uckno- ••<'/./» <1 fart. ir>./e ■ 7- 1 try alt .setriny m<‘ 'a • '•(tiers, th 't mure t ’.mn t,r,'-thirds of all the clothing ir,-rn in this country! by b< th fierce. eft. ther rust .... ;•<•'//<• ready made, is actually mannfu u. >n Tit:: MNGKIt >Kw ini. Maciiim:. Tb -e M .chine* arc mamif.t ur-c 1 ' y ne of the id le i -ir-mgc-t and most cut••rj.ri-iug < <>mpan b— that ha.- »v r be. n * iigam <1 in the business in the w.mM. Throughout their immense mamifac b r whi'-h arc kept in eon-taut opera’ion “day and niahtmme hut hddily -killed mechanics are emj*loved. Newly improved machinery is em phe . d turning out cacti part finished to that me i hanici ! exa< tne**, that every one i - a perfect du plicate of the other in size, weight and finish. Ml new iu\e: t on- are 1 iretuily e\;.i : a. a i t- sted, and it' ai>pr »\e i, arc mtopte i. re^;.nllc.-s of ex pense. whil the many l humbugs that ar** patented, are left to gr..*« - nn ne w * under Mini l, am the purchaser when too late that lie ha* “paid too dear for his whistle.” It should he re membered that the linger Mania., during (.'• m pany has never made n poor Machine—from the very first twenty-odd years am.. They never buy editorial pot ice s', or expend funds in “log-rolling” at Fairs to gain medal - or premium* They simply make their Machines as valuable at* monev and science can perfect them—place them in their Sale- Booms, and leave the public to tind out their virtues in their uw n way l;y this straight forward eour.-e they are now manuftictiirhig about four hundred per dav, and at that rate, even, are unable to supply tile demand. WHAT IS Till! NEW FAMILY SINGER OF 1*70? It is the concentrated result of twenty years ex perience in building S wing Machine*. It uses very short straight needle*. It makes the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch alike upen both aide* of the work. It is very light running ami has a silent feed. It is very easily kept clean, and i- always in order. It i> less difficult to understand and learn to operate than any other. It ha* the nin.-t simple and easily adjusted ten siou ever.invent, d. It is less liable to rust than any other. It is ho constructed tliat du*t cannot enter it or oil drop from It. It work* equally well upon the fluent Lace or heaviest Beaver< loth*. It will he in ru filing* of dress good* over seams w ithout auy preparation. It is very hign-speeded. and requires very little power to keep in motion. It will out-wear any other Family Machine ever mud.*. It w ill Hem, Braid. Fell, Ford, Tack, Ruffle, Em broider. Bind, Trim, Ac. tt cost* $oo delivered at your house, set to run ning and uarranted. ( over*. Folding Tops, Cabinets, according to fin ish. $u> t“ $230. The prices named above, are the cash price* at the Manufactory, but knowing that the various cir cumstances of all will not admit of the rigid C. O. I). principle, it has been decided to divide the amount into monthly, or in some cases weekly pay ments. in such a manner as will best suit the con venience of the purchaser. , This is done purely lor the accommodation of the patron, as no extra charge is made from the regu lar cash prices. No charge for instructions in operating the Sing er’s upon any clap* of w ork. Remember the Place—Opposite the Post Office, at the Fancy tl<x*d* and Picture Frame SJore ol' S. P PLl’MMEB. W it* r street Augusta. N. B.—Supei i »r qu lity of Twist. Threads, Nee dle-, oil, ami all soil* of Sewing Machine Findings for sale ut Manufacturer’* price*. Qa Please call and examine. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, Augusta. Maine. L>&WAnieod—iune 13 Sfiwtelle & AVa,rd, Dealers in Flour, Grain, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Stone and Karthern Tottery. Alho Ageuto for the Novelty Clothes Wringer. old Wringers of ail description" repaired with df "pati'h and uc#ttm-*6 A I rnov/o 8 \W’l ELLL. ANDREW D. WARD. Augusta, May 17, 1870. SttriH Crockery, China & Glass. PRICES REDUCED ! The prices of Crockery, China and (.lass Ware at No. ISO Water Street, Arc marked down to meet the fall in Gold mayi-ftl J. D. PIERCE A SON. BIXBY’S BLACKING A BLI KING, The best in the market, for sale at wholesale or re tail by TITt OMB A DOB», Wholesale and Retail Druggists UK Weal Mi. Kennebee ilrl.itf. Plated Spoons and Forks ! FOR SALE BY tIUipr-tf BALLARD A C HASE. BY TELEGRAPH — TO THE — Daily Kennebec Journal. j I5y Ho-\\ c-fci :i Union Llno—rOfiicos m Hnde#9 Jhiilding opposite the Post Oflirc.aml at the .State | lfduee t FROM GARDINER. _ Sad Accident. Despatch to the Daily Kennebec Journal.} Gariujceh, .Tunc 29. On the 27th inst. Mr. Warren Dudley, a j teamster in the employ of Joshua Gray of ' this city, while driving a team loaded with I clapboards, on Summer St., on going down a piece of descending ground the top of the load ; slid forward with Mr. 1). on to the horse, Mr, 1 D. falling to the ground, and the horse bo I coining frightened made a quick turn, carry ing the wheels of the cart over the hack part 1 of Mr. Dudly’s head, cleaving the scalp for about six inches from the back part of the cranium, and severely injuring the right, shoulder. Dr. II. Small was immediately ! called to dress the wound, and though the injury at first appeared to be very serious, ! lie is now apparently doing well. FROM WATERVILLE. i Grand Reception by Dr. ( linmplin to the Colby University. Waterville, Me., June. 29. Dr. Champlin, President of the Colby Uni versity, gives a reception at his house this evening, to the graduating class of tie Uni versity. also the graduating class of the Class ical Institute, which will hold its Commence ment in July. The Portland Band has been engaged to be present and give a grand Con cert. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Washington, June 29. House. The report of the Conference Committee on the bill for relief of certain officers of the Navy, which strikes out the provision relative to retired officers was agreed to. and a resolution adopted directing the door keeper to retain in service during the recess, the crippled soldiers now em ployed under hint. The House then resumed consideration of the Currency bill, which was opposed by Messrs. Coburn, Morgan, Judd, Burchaid and Armstrong, because it was a measure of contraction, and by Mr. Cox. because it was a measure sntislactory to nobody neither contraction ist nor expansionist. After a long discussion the report was re jected. and another Conference Committee i ordered, i Adjourned. FROM WASHINGTON. I Washington, June 29. Nominations. The President sent the following nomina : tions to the Senate to-day : i Sherman Conant to he U. S. Judge for the Southern District of Florida: J. 11. Pierce to be U. S. Marshal fur the Northern Dis trict of Missouri: John M. Oliver to be As sociate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and Win. P. Snell of Maine to be Judge ot the Police Court of the District of Columbia. The appointment of Gen. John M. Oliver, who has resided in Washington for a year past, and during the war served in all the campaigns of the army of Tennessee, as Asso ciate Justice ol the Supreme Court, was urged by Messrs. Sherman. Logan and Clark. Ar kansas and Michigan Senators, and others. Joseph Newman of San Francisco, has ar rived in this city with a magnificent American Flag of California Silk, which lie intends to present in the name of that State to Congress. It is the first American flag ever made from native silk and the largest silk flag on the globe, being 36x20 feet, and containing 82 square yards of silk, all of which were pro duced and manufactured in California. Mr. Newburn states that there are now over 825, 000,000 mulbcry trees growing in California, and he is confident that in a short time the State will be able to supply this country with silk. FROM PORTLAND. Portland, Me., June 29. Republican Convention. The Hepublican Senatorial Convention for the first district met at Saco to-day. Two hundred and ninety-six delegates w ere pre sent. A resolution declaring that the nomi nation belonged to York county, was defeated after a sharp debate. A recess was taken, after which a rceoi sideration of the objection able vote was asked for by the York county delegation, which was refused, and a part of that delegation withdrew- upon proceeding to ballot for representation. The result was. John Lynch 174, all others 15. Masonic. The Portland and St. Alban Commanderics of Knight Templars arrived home from Ban gor by special train at 10 o’clock, P. M. They were received at the depot by the Portland Mechanic Blues, under command of Lieut. Pennel, and escorted through several of the streets to Masonic Hall. A large concourse of People assembled at the depot and accom panied the procession along the route. Stephen Jordan and his son Walter were arrested to-day, by Deputy Sheriff Adams, on suspicion ot being concerned in the rob bery of the body of Mr. liogers, who was drow ned bv the capsizing of the Gipsy. FROM CONCORD. Cowccmn, N. H., June 20. A law term of the Supreme Judicial Court was opened in Newport yesterday. Chief Justice Bellows presided. Some 15 opinions were delivered, ami ten divorces granted, and tour denied. The docket of the district w as nearly cleared, and the Court adjourned. FROM NEW YORK. New Yoke, June 2'J. ! The people say that a new liue of Panama steamers under American auspices, will w itli i in twelve months bo placed in competition with the British Pacific Steam Navigation I Company, w hich for the past 30 years, has i monopolized the important and lucrative traffic between that port and Valparazo. Republican Convention. Saco, Me., June 2!). ! The Republican Congressional Convention ! for the first district, met ill this city to-day, and rc-nominatcd Hon. John Lynch on the first ballot, 174 to 15. PROM BANGOR. Baxgok, Me., June 29. Masonic Celebration. •The day is past and gone," and our streets which for the past two days hare been alive with an eager, interesting and brilliant crowd of the Masonic fraternity, and those whom their presence drew to this city, have again resumed their usual appearance Yesterday having been devoted to the whole Masonic fraternity, to-day was ap pointed for the particular parade, review and entertainment of the Knights Templars. At nine o’clock the various Commandtriea took up the line of inarch to Warren’s field, on Lime St., where two hours were spent in batallion drill, in which their evolutions were gone through with in good military stylo, the Commanderics winning much applause from the thousands who were present, for the handsome manner in which they acquitted themselves. The encampment was then in spected and reviewed by It. E. G. Commander McClellan and staff. They then marched to the pavillion on City Common, where they partook of a collation, after which the line of march was resumed, anil the batallion paraded through the principal streets to the Bangor House, where it was dismissed, and the Commanderics retired to their several quarters for dinner. The procession con sisted of the St. Johns Commandery of Ban gor, Portland and St. Alban of Portland, Trinity of Augusta, Claremont of Kockland, and l)e Molay of Skowhegan, each accom panied by a fine hand, made a splendid ap pearance, their full raukH and elegant and costly costumes producing a pleasing effect. After dinner the St. Johns Commandery es corted the Clan luonts to the steamer Cam bridge. which delayed her departure until 2 o'clock, and the other Commanderics to the cars. Alter an exchange of congratulatory remarks, hand shaking, and singing * * O u 1 d lang Syne,” they left amid cheers upon cheers lor each other, visitors and visited. Our visitors go away more than pleased with the attention which has been shown them, while they have won for themselves golden opinions, for their manly bearing and gentlemanly behavior, reflecting credit alike upon tin mselves, their order, and the cities which they represent. .Tiecuug oi me .'MorKnoiaers oi me me* Telegraph Company. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Maine Telegraph Co. holden in this city to day. the following named gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors for the ensu ing year: lliram <). Ahlen, Wiu. H. Simp son. of Belfast; Albert W. Paine, Jacob A. Smith, Albert Holton. Bangor; Biori Brad bury. Wm. P. Merrill. Portland; Edwin F. Littlefield, AY interport; Partman Houghton, Eastport. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Hiram (>. Alden was elected Presi dent and Wm. P. Merrill Sec’y and Trcas. of the Board for the ensuing year. Suicide. A man named Spooner of Eddington, com mitted suicide at that place to-day by shoot ing himself; cause unknown. FROM LEWISTON. Lewiston, Me., June 27. Commencement Exercises. The Commencement exercises of Bates College occurred to-day. The degree of D.I). was conferred on the licv. Mr. Buckley, Mis sionary in India, and that of A.M. on Kev. Oren Bartlett of Harrison, Me. At the Com mencement dinner it was announced that the conditions on which Benjamin E. Bates, Esq., of Boston, had subscribed an additional S7.*% 000 bad been fulfilled, and that the amount would be added to the fund. FROM PROVIDENCE. Providence, K. I., June 29. The 102d annual commencement of Brown University occurred to-day. The exercises of the graduating class was held in the Kirst Baptist Church. The class w as the largest that ever graduated. Forty-eight took the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and five Bach elor of Philosphy. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. New York Money Market. New’ York, June 29. Gold closed 111% . United States Sixes (coupons), 1*81, 118 “ “ 5-20’s 1862, U!% ‘ “ “ 18tH * 111% “ ‘ 1*65, 111% “ *• “ 1*05, Jan. A July, 113% “ “ •« 1*07. H3% “ “ “ 1868, 113% “ “ 10-40’8,(coUponS), 108% New Y'ork Stock Market. New York, June 29. Mariposa. " do. pfd. 15 Canton Co. 08% Cumberland Co. 35 Western Union Tel. Co. -5-1 % Quicksilver Mining Co. Pacific Mail, 40% Bostou Water Power, J P.o-tou. lluriibrd & Erie, 4% Adams Ex. Co. ,:*% Wells, Fargo A Co. 16% American Merchants Un.’ 44% 1 . >. Ex. Co. 4 * % N. Y. Central and Hudson River 9*% do. scrip, IB % Harlem, 139% Reading, . lu*»% Mich. Central, 118 Lake shore and Michigan Southern 99% Illinois Ceutral 139% Cleveland A Pittsburg, 109% Chicago A North Western, 83 do. preferred, **% Chicago A Rock Island. 110% Mil. A M. Paul, 65% do. preferred, 81 Toledo, Wabash A Western. 50* Toledo. Walmah A Western preferred. 74 Pittsburg A Fort Wayne. 95 Terre Haute, 32 do. pfd. 00 Alton, 116* do. prefd. 118 Ohio and Miss. 35* Erie, ** do. pfd. 4 New York Produce Market. New York, June* 29. COTTON—sales 1000 bales ; mid. upland! 20%. FI.OCR -state 5103*125; round hoop Ohio 570&G70; western 5003*5*;*% southern 6003975. WHEAT—sales 105,000 bn ; No. 1 spring 1264134 ; No. 2 do. 1203128% : winter red and amber western, i 140 3112. CORN—new mixed western, 88396; old do. 107 in store. OATS—state 67% 3*59% ; western 593*51. PORK—mess, 29 *52; prime. 23.50. LARD—steam, 15%; kettle, 1*5%. BUTTER—Ohio, 15328; state, 20g32. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, June 29. FLOUR—spring extras 490 $025. WHEAT—No 2, 100. CORN—No. 2. 7*. OATS—50% for No. 2. MESS PORK—29.50. BARLEY—100 for No.2. LARD—15%. ^ ___ UNFALLING EYE PRESERVES. Our Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, are gaining steadily and certainly a repu tation unsurpassed. IT IS A- FACT, That they render impaired sight clear and distinct, strengthen and preserve the Eyes, and are very easy and pleasant to wear, and LAST MANY YEAKS W1TIIOI 1 CHANGE, so that in the end they arc the CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE BEST. Notice. Mr. E. KOWSE, Jeweller, Augusta, Me., is cur sole Agent in this place. Wit employ no Pedlkks. LAZRAUS A MORRIS, Hartford,Conn 7 PER CENT. BOLD, First Mortgage Bonds, (FREE OF U. S. TAX,) OF THE Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota R. R. Co. A limited quantity for sal© , At OO jinct IXTEBEST. j Interest payable May and November. J EDO Alt THOMSON, jT t C HARLES L. FROST, j 1TU*lttP These bonds have50 years to run. are convertible : at the option of the holder into the stock of the Company ;.t par, ami the payment of the principal is provided for by a sinking fund. The greater part of the road i» already completed i ami shows large earning-, and the balance of the ' i work is rapidly progressing. We unhesitatingly recommend these bonds a« the j safest and best iuve-tmept in the market. L\ S. Five-twenties, at present prices, only return | live per, cent, interest, while- the-o pay eight and onc-qunrter per cent, in gold: and we* regard the; security equally .good. The Company reserve the right w ithout notic e to | advance the price. HENRY CLEWS & CO., BANKERS, 5)2 Wall Street, New York. Or h. it. wool. & SOS. Im2»> Portland, Me. New Firm ! WILLIAMSON & GREENWOOD, ( Successors to .If. (7. Pranks.) nvAu-ms iv STOVES! Furnaces and Hardware. AGENTS FOR “ Iticlunond'H Celebrated Portable Range!” RICHMOND'S HANGING DOME COAL FUHKTACE ! Also, aU the most approved Stove* in the market. J JOBBING PKOMVTL YATTENDED TO. Kerosene Lamps and Lanterns repaired. O. WILLIAMSON. CI1AS. <«REKNWOOI) * Late Wyman A Williamson. Late of Farmington tlapr-3ni Pure Drugs & Chemicals; ion SALE At tho Lowest Ratos I __ i TOILET AHTICLB9, FRENCH, ENGLISH, & DOMESTIC SOAPS, CAMPHOR ICE, Dentifrices. English (old Cream,! Coudray’s Cosmetique and Pomade, Bay Bum, German and Domestic Cologne, i Hair Oils, Dressings. Restorers and Dyes, Perfumery, Sachet Bags, Toilet ! Powders, Mow and Freckle Lotions,! Camelia Balm. Laird's Bloom of Youth,, Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, Barnes* Mag- , nolia Water. Shaving Cream and Soaps, ! Shaving Brushes, Razor Strops, Nail Files and Cleaners, Tweezers, Hand Mirrors, Dressing Cases,\ PtJIT IIO.VI'S, II OHY, TORTOISE SHELL, ,f- 110ILK Dressing and Pocket tombs, FIXE COMBS, Nail, Tooth, Ilair, Hat, and Clothes | rmusiiEs : TIiornioiiioti'i'N. Work lloxc, PORTE MONNAIES, Pocket and Bill Books ! Feather Dusters, PALM & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, SPONGES & CHAMOIS SKINS! Cigar Cases, C'ipars and Tobacco, Humphrey's Homeopathic Specifics, Wellcome's and Fitch's Remedies,; un i al! the popular Patent Medicines, Pure Drugs, Chemicals & Family Medicines, Fresh Px’cssocl TIcrLs NEATS’ FOOT, • Lard, Sperm. Olive, and Kerosene OILS, cfcc., cfcc. all and examine, and you will ilml PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Physician's Prescription* carefully compounded j from pure Medicine* at all hour* of the day and ; night. A. C. DANA, Hill i.GIST AXU Al’OIUUXHl, Successor to J. P. Deluxvg, No. 7 Union Block,1 Water Street, Augusta, Me. _ lv47 WEED FAMILY Favorite Sewing Machines! Warranted to do all kinds ol work that can be 1 done practically <>n any other machine in the world. No B*tra BLOWING Needed to Puff them up ! ^ THEIR REPUTATION IS ESTABLISHED ! They work easier anil faster than any other [ machine. MAKE BI T IITTLE NOISE ! j Don’t fail fail to see them before purchasing. JONES HAS THEM. Everybody Itnuwa .Tones. _tlw-juneit A I.ergr nml Wrll-.rlrcted A»«ortinent o Wallets, Bill A. Pocket Books, In Morocco ami tail', tor sale low by UlU T1TCOMH Tfc POHR. • Katiroail Meeting. The Stockholders ot the K. & P. It. It. Co. are re- j quested to meet at the ( ity Hall, tianliner. on Eli- : day, July 1, 1H70, at 10 o’eloek A. M., for conference a nil cousultatiun ii)sm matters of interest to them. It 11. (lAltDlNEH, President. June 1,1«70. _Jwm J. S. DUDLEY, Dealer in all kinds ol SEWING MACHINES All kinds ot Sewing Machines neatly renal red and warranted to new ha well ha the day thev were made. MACHINES TO LET ! j By I lie Month or Work. J. N. DUDLEY, Water'd., Altll STA. MAINE, ftfjunell l Dear south ol Parrott & Bradbury’s. i Portland & Kennebec Railroad. Summer Arrangement, May 23, 1870. ON and alter Monday, May 93d, next, the Port land and Kennebeeltail road Company will put on an additional passenger train to leave Portland for Augusta and intermediate stations at 7.10, and will be due at Augusta ut 10 A. M. Returning in the afternoon. Leaves Augusta at 3.15 mid connecting with the eveni ig express for Boston, which leaves Portland at U P. M. and ar rives in Boston at 10 P. M L. L. LINCOLN, Superintendent. OIL CLOTHCARPETING T AT , Wllliuniaon & (1 rpi'invuod'i. New Summer Good® JUST RECEIVED AND SELLING CHEAP! At It. Kimball's. Grenadines, Bareges, Organ dies, and other thin Dress Goods. Barege, Crape, Lama and Grenadine Shawl*, Black Silks, and Trim mings for Garment*, Silk I’arasols, S l N Umbrellas, ASD SEASIDE SHADES ! FAXS In many shades and .Styles. Those DOLLAR KIDS in OPERA SHADES, ar telling voTy rapidly. Come and get a pair. The undersigned is aI»o sole agent for those FJnfttif* * print! Forms ! rliich ensure a good fitting dress. B K IMIfALL, East side of Water st., fJw-junel:’. Nearly opposite the Cony Houh?. FOR BOSTON ! Spring Arrangement! THE STEAMER STAR of tie EAST, COMMENCED her regular trips from the Ken* neber. THURSDAY, Mav 15th, 1*70, and Will, until further notice, run a.s follows ; Leaving Gardiner every Monday and Thursday it 3 o’clock, Richmond at 4, and Bath at 8 P. M. THE STEAMER CLABIO®, Will leave Augusta at 12 M., Hallowcll at 1.45 P. M., connecting w itii the above boat at Gardiner. For further particulars inquire of W. J. Tuck. Augusta; H. Fuller & Son, Hnllowell; T. B. (.rant. Gmdiner; J. T. Robiubon. Richmond; J. E. Brown. Bath. Gardiner, April 11,1870. flOapr WINDOW SHADES. A I'ULI. I,INK OF tt BElifc.f.VT P.ITTEH.’rm, Also Curtain Fixtures, Cords and Tassels, Curtain loops, Hooks, Fins, £c., dust received at PIEKCE.V CKOCKEKV KTOHE, 109 WATER STREET, ALGlsXA. nmy2-ttf STEAM Hit ELLA! CAPT. WILLIAM MITCHELL. ON and after Wednesday. June Hid, the Steamer Ella will leave Augusta at 8 o’coWk A. M.. >very MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, for Hallowed, Gardiner. Richmond, Bath, and Portland. Returning, will leave Portland for Augusta, and intermediate landings on the Kennebec, every riESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at r a m. Fares: Auirusia to Portland, $1.50 Hullowcll to “ 1.40 liardlnpr to “ 1.25 Richmond to “ 1.00 Bath to “ .75 From AUGSTATo NEW YORK. Passengers by this route will be ticketed through to New \ ork by the Meamcrs FRANCONIA and DIKIGO, which leave Port Lind ior New Yorkevery Monday and Thursday. Baggage trucked in Port land 1'rec of expense. Fare from Augusta to New York: Cabin. $*>.50; meals extftt; Deck passage, *•>•50. The Kiln connect* also nt Bath, each trip, with the steuiner Spray lor Booth bay. This boat w ill t-top at any of the ice-houses on the river on display of a white Hag as a signal. For further particulars apply to ttf-jmn J t B. F. MOK>F. Augusta. Agent. Tenement to Lcli ('AN the first of June I shad have for rent a good, J convenient tenement for a small family in the house ! formerly occupied on Gage street. For Anther information call at my present residence, No. 11 State f fleet. MILS. WM. K. WESTON. August;.i .May 14, 1870. _ftt New Millinery Goods ! We are now’ receiving, and shall continue to receive through i he season, FRESH MILLINERY GOODS! DRESS BONNETS, CAPS, Round Hats, die. Your Attention l« especially called to our fine assortment of FKEXCH FLOWERS ! Misses SAGER & WHITE, Cor. ol Bridge and Water streets, AUGUSTA, Me. niayUfOw Over Hamlen A Phil brook’s. nnW’T With the sticky, filthy UUiV I dangerous llair'Prepara tions, but use Auturt’a Hair Restorative, which is perfectly clean uud transparent, ami en tirely free from all dan gerous drug*. It will po&itifsly restore Gray llair, prevents the Hair from falling off, will cause Qir it to grow when prerna DL turely loot,removes dand ruff and keens the head in a perfectly healthy con dition. Try a bottle »nd be satisfied that it is the greatest discovery of the age. PROCTER BROS., Gloucester, Mass., JSole Agents for the Patentee. Ad the Maine Druggists POISONED * apnhSt w3m - " THE BURDETT CELESTE AND Combination Organs AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS ! Being the most perfect instrument that musical ear listened toproducing musical tone* from the *o/T •st and most delicate whisper to the deeii bwelling ;one of the pine organ. Prices lor Cash, Irom $05 to $100. — ALSO:— Hazel ton Rkh. PiNno-Vortcs. .Uar.diall A IVrmit ll l'Uuo-Fortes< Superior instruments, at very low prices lor cash. \nd other Musical Merchandise of every descrip don,at « John C. Haynes & Co., S’.v 33 COntT STREET, - - BOSTON, MAS*. Price Liot- and Circulars pent on application! _IQIy AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. ORGANIZED IN 1848. TJft&agEE* : nioMAS i.amilvrd. autemas libbey, IAMI,> W . NORTH, WAL >. H ADDER, SAMUEL T1TCOMR Deposits received daily ftomftA. M. to 1.1*. M., uni noin 2 'i to 4?i P. M Inturur-t on deposits will conmmure on the first lay of the month, next succeeding the day of de posit. The not cnrninjrs of the hank arc divided among Lhe depositor* somi-annually (August 1 ami Febru ary i)—and if not called for are put on interest like an original deposit, thus making compound interest semi-unuualiy. Depositors can at any time borrow money from the Rank ou a pledge ol their Hank-book.' Office In NAVI YON HA YK 174 WATER STREET. juueH WM IL Til. Treasurer. PLUMBING! ri'llE Subset iber beg« leave to inform the citizen. X ol Aitgiuta :uid i ictndy that he la prepared to do all kind, of Humbtng work at the shortent no tice. Thiwe about to have water introduced into tlieir building, w ill do well to call on him bettor* going elaewbere. * * H K. ST HATTON Corner Bridge and Water Street*., SaUt/acliitH gvarmiSetd. litf Stevens' Condition Powders ! For llortoPb uud Cattle. rpHEXlest Powder, ever discovered. A U we ask I is mie trial anti people will lie eton rawed Price only 2,1 cent, per package. CIIA8. E STEVENS Manufaaturer anti Proprietor, 127 Bridge St , East Cambridge, Mu*., For -ale by A. C. DANA, 7 Vnlon Block, Au guaia. twlA*